PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE Finnish Security and Defence Policy 2004 Government report 6/2004 Prime Minister’s Office: Publications 18/2004 VNS 6/2004 vp Government report 6/2004 Finnish Security and Defence Policy 2004 Prime Minister's Office: Publications | 18/2004 ISBN 952-5354-60-1 ISSN 0783-1609 Publisher: Prime Minister's Office Press: Edita Subscription of the publication:
[email protected] tel. +358 9 1602 2060 Publisher: FACT SHEET PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE 24 September 2004 Authors(name, chairperson and secretary of the organ): Type of publication: Report Appointed by: Prime Minister's Office Date of appointment: Title of publication(also in Finnish and Swedish): Finnish Security and Defence Policy 2004; Government report to Parliament 24 September 2004 Suomen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka 2004; valtioneuvoston selonteko eduskunnalle 24.9.2004 Finlands säkerhets- och försvarspolitik 2004; statsrådets redogörelse till riksdagen 24.9.2004 Contents: Abstract: The security and defence policy report 2004 makes a broad assessment of Finland’s security and defence policy as a whole in accordance with a decision made in the Government Programme. The security and defence policy report 2004 is the Government’s basic position, setting out the principles and objectives for Finland’s security and defence policy and providing a framework for its implemen- tation in the different sectors. The report conducts a thorough examination of the change in Finland’s international environment and its effects on Finland’s capability as well as on comprehensive security into the 2010s. The assess- ment of the environment creates the basis for determining the line of action.