Multinational Study of Attitudes Toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities*

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Multinational Study of Attitudes Toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities* Multinational Study of Attitudes toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities* General Finding and Calls to Action June 2003 General Findings and Calls to Action June 2003 June 2003 *Various terminology is used throughout the world for intellectual disabilities, including learning disability, developmental disability, intellectual handicaps, mental handicaps and mental retardation. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT For many years, the athletes, family members and This study marks the second chapter of Special volunteers of Special Olympics have known that Olympics’ commitment to taking action based on Special Olympics changes attitudes for the better. We sound, verifiable data. In 2001, Special Olympics also have known that too many people hold negative commissioned the first study on the health status attitudes toward individuals with intellectual disabili- and needs of people with intellectual disabilities and ties, and that these attitudes have a detrimental effect presented the findings to a world that had ignored on the lives and opportunities of our athletes and the barriers to care for these individuals. Following others with intellectual disabilities. Most importantly, the report’s release, Special Olympics staff and we have experienced the effect of poor attitudes – in volunteers have dramatically expanded the work of the low levels of interest, support and commitment Special Olympics’ Healthy Athletes™ initiative, and in we too frequently encounter. For our movement to so doing, have advocated effectively for major be successful in promoting all the joys of sport, we changes in the way countries think about the health must challenge the subtle but pervasive fear and of people with intellectual disabilities. misunderstanding that is all too common around the world today. A great deal of progress has been made in the 35 years since Special Olympics was founded in 1968. Because there was no “hard” evidence examining But much remains to be done to educate and attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities enlighten so that the 170 million individuals with around the world, we were compelled to examine intellectual disabilities around the world can realize the scope of attitudes and practices that prevent opportunities for the joy of sport and for inclusion individuals with intellectual disabilities from and acceptance in their communities. Special participating fully in society. Olympics has always been about real programs and real change. Through our sports efforts, the public Now, with the release of the unprecedented will gain extraordinary experiences and interactions Multinational Study of Attitudes toward Individuals with individuals with intellectual disabilities. In many with Intellectual Disabilities, Special Olympics is cases, we believe that these experiences can change poised to continue to grow our life-changing sports stigmatizing attitudes and promote more acceptance training and competition movement while at the and understanding. same time attacking negative attitudes and the unjust treatment they foster. This unique study To all who helped make this study a reality, I extend documents the range of attitudes and perceptions my thanks. To all who will help change the conditions toward individuals with intellectual disabilities both it documents, I extend the hand of everyone in the within and across countries, and demonstrates the Special Olympics movement. People with intellectual relationship between public attitudes toward people disabilities want acceptance, not pity; understanding with intellectual disabilities and the practices within not condescension; respect not sadness; opportunity, each country that impact the quality of life for not charity. I hope many who read this report will join these individuals. this noble work and help make a difference, one attitude at a time. With this study – the largest and most comprehensive of its kind ever conducted – Special Olympics has clearly emerged as a worldwide leader, not only in action, but also in research and understanding. Never before has an organization with the global reach of Special Olympics committed itself on such a large Timothy Shriver, President and CEO scale to the advancement of both understanding and Special Olympics action for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Our hope is that in documenting the need for urgent attention to the concerns and potential of people with intellectual disabilities worldwide, we can help catalyze change. STUDY OVERVIEW Purpose The promise of including individuals with intellectual United States. The approximate sample size was disabilities in the joy of sport and in all aspects of life 800 of the general public of each country, and 200 is continually challenged by the negative attitudes people from Special Olympics convenience samples and stereotypes of society. Attitudes and expectations in Japan and the United States. (The sample size for of the public in part determine the degree to which the Republic of Ireland and UK (Northern Ireland) children, adolescents and adults with intellectual was 400 of the general public of each country. disabilities are able to learn, work and live alongside The analysis of those responses has been combined their peers without intellectual disabilities. Although and is presented in the findings under “Ireland.”) inclusion, at least as a philosophy, has become Sampling of the public was random, and selected broadly accepted, the full acceptance of individuals from either a nationwide pool or from selected with intellectual disabilities has not yet been achieved. cities. The survey was administered either over the telephone or in face-to-face interviews. The Multinational Study of Attitudes toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities sets out to The project began in September 2001. The survey understand the attitudinal barriers to inclusion of was translated and back-translated to ensure that it individuals with intellectual disabilities worldwide. captured appropriate cultural meanings. The question- The study focused on the public’s perceptions of the naire was then pilot-tested in each country. The final capabilities of individuals with intellectual disabilities, version was implemented in the fall of 2002. Data their beliefs about where they should live, work and analysis took place in the spring of 2003 and a final go to school, and their beliefs and expectations about report will be completed in the summer of 2003. the obstacles to and consequences of inclusion. This study provides a definitive view of the range The study was commissioned by Special of attitudes and perceptions toward individuals with Olympics and conducted by the Center for Social intellectual disabilities, both within and across coun- Development and Education at the University of tries, and demonstrates the relationship between Massachusetts Boston, with support from the public attitudes toward intellectual disabilities and Center for Survey Research and Gallup the practices within each country that impact the Organization International. quality of life of these individuals. In order to fully interpret the results, cultural context must be taken The study was conducted in 10 countries: Brazil, into account. Apparent similarities or differences China, Egypt, Germany, Japan, Nigeria, Republic of across countries, in survey numbers, can have very Ireland, Russia, UK (Northern Ireland) and the different meaning in the context of cultural values and practices. 1 GENERAL FINDINGS The Multinational Study of Attitudes toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities yielded a wealth of information about worldwide perceptions of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Following are some of the study’s most significant findings. What are the public’s perceptions of the capabilities of individuals with intellectual disabilities? • Worldwide, people in different cultures perceive individuals with intellectual disabilities very differently. In some countries, the public envisions a mildly challenged person, while in other countries the public sees a severely impaired person. These views of individuals with intellectual disabilities are reflected in the public’s differing perceptions from country to country of those individuals’ capabilities to perform selected activities (as shown in the table below). • Worldwide, the public perceives individuals with intellectual disabilities as more capable of engaging in simple activities such as sustaining friendships and washing and dressing, but less capable of complex activities such as understanding a national news event or handling emergencies. Public’s Perceptions of the Abilities of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Selected Capabilities) Brazil China Egypt Germany Ireland Japan Nigeria Russia USA Sustain Friendships 88% 53% 33% 93% 88% 88% 41% 86% 93% Wash and Dress 59% 71% 13% 84% 75% 81% 47% 92% 85% Tell Time 65% 73% 19% 87% 81% 80% 47% 83% 83% Understand News Event 41% 22% 5% 44% 53% 41% 27% 46% 46% Handle Emergencies 18% 18% 8% 32% 20% 17% 16% 14% 28% • Worldwide, the public perceives individuals with intellectual disabilities to be only somewhat capable of self-determination (making their own decisions on living, working and schooling). The more capable people perceive individuals with intellectual disabilities to be, the more capable they see them at making their own decisions. • Worldwide, most of the public believes individuals with intellectual disabilities are very capable of partici- pating in sports with other players

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