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Retrieving Early Christian Faith in Bodily Resurrection J Duquesne University Duquesne Scholarship Collection Electronic Theses and Dissertations Fall 2007 "This Flesh Will Rise Again": Retrieving Early Christian Faith in Bodily Resurrection J. Douglass Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Douglass, J. (2007). "This Flesh Will Rise Again": Retrieving Early Christian Faith in Bodily Resurrection (Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University). Retrieved from This Immediate Access is brought to you for free and open access by Duquesne Scholarship Collection. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Duquesne Scholarship Collection. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “THIS FLESH WILL RISE AGAIN”: RETRIEVING EARLY CHRISTIAN FAITH IN BODILY RESURRECTION A Dissertation Submitted to the McAnulty Graduate School of Liberal Arts Duquesne University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy By J. Robert Douglass December 2007 Copyright by J. Robert Douglass 2007 “THIS FLESH WILL RISE AGAIN”: RETRIEVING EARLY CHRISTIAN FAITH IN BODILY RESURRECTION By J. Robert Douglass Approved: November 14, 2007 Approved by: ______________________________________________________________ Fr. Michael Slusser, D. Phil., Dissertation Director Approved by: ______________________________________________________________ Fr. Radu Bordeianu, Ph.D. Approved by: ______________________________________________________________ Bogdan Bucur, Ph.D. Approved by: ______________________________________________________________ George S. Worgul, Jr., Ph.D., S.T.D., Chair, Department of Theology Approved by: ______________________________________________________________ Albert C. Labriola, Ph.D., Acting Dean, McAnulty Graduate School of Liberal Arts iii ABSTRACT “THIS FLESH WILL RISE AGAIN”: RETRIEVING EARLY CHRISTIAN FAITH IN BODILY RESURRECTION By J. Robert Douglass December 2007 Dissertation Supervised by Professor Michael Slusser The doctrine of bodily resurrection is fundamental to the Christian faith. Its significance is grounded in the fact that the Christian faith arises from and is dependent upon the belief that Jesus returned to life after having been dead and buried. As a result of this belief and the teaching of Christ’s first followers, the early Church articulated a hope for a similar resurrection. In spite of the centrality of the doctrine of bodily resurrection for the early Church, the doctrine’s present relevance is questionable. This dissertation provides an answer to the question, What does it mean to affirm faith in bodily resurrection? Through its response, this study also demonstrates that the doctrine of bodily resurrection can be articulated in a way that is meaningful to contemporary Christian faith. iv This study explores the various expressions of faith in resurrection from Ante- Nicene Alexandria. After the examination of these ancient testimonies, three more recent interpretations of the doctrine are considered. They are found in the explanations of the Apostles’ Creed provided by Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), Wolfhart Pannenberg, and Hans Urs von Balthasar. The dissertation concludes with an articulation of the doctrine of bodily resurrection intended for an audience who does not view the epistemological foundations of previous generations as valid. v Therefore we are not discouraged; rather, although our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to what is seen but to what is unseen; for what is seen is transitory, but what is unseen is eternal. For we know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent, should be destroyed, we have a building from God, a dwelling not made with hands, eternal in heaven. 2 Corinthians 4.16 - 5.1, NAB vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT There are several people to whom I owe much gratitude. First, I need to thank my wife, Chris, and children, Rebekah, Andrew, and Julianne, for the inspiration and time to complete this work. I could not have completed this without them, their endurance, and their support. I also want to thank my mother, Cheryl Douglass for the ways in which she is faithfully awaiting the resurrection, and my father in-law and mother in-law, Rev. Don and Doris Gaff, who have always encouraged and supported me in all of my pursuits. I am also indebted to Dr. Michael Slusser, my Doktorvater, whose patience and guidance throughout this process has been invaluable. He has been a mentor and has tried to ensure that this document is some of my best work. I would also like to note my sincere appreciation to Ashland Theological Seminary for the opportunity to join them in theological education. To my colleagues there, it is a privilege to be in ministry with you. In particular, I am indebted to the library staff at Ashland, especially Sylvia Locher and Sarah Thomas for their gracious assistance. Also, I wish to thank the Theology Department of Duquesne University for giving me my first teaching experience by granting me a graduate teaching assistantship. Lastly, I wish to thank the Whitaker United Methodist Church and the Ashland Brethren in Christ Church, which are the congregations where I served as pastor while pursuing my doctorate. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT . iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT . vii PREFACE . .. x INTRODUCTION . 1 CHAPTER 1. THE CONTEXT OF ALEXANDRIAN FAITH IN BODILY RESURRECTION . 11 A. The Context of the Church in Alexandria 1. Geopolitical Elements 2. Religious and Philosophical Elements B. Views of the Afterlife in Pre-Christian Alexandria C. Resurrection in the New Testament D. The Origins of Alexandrian Christianity 2. RESURRECTION FAITH IN ANONYMOUS ALEXANDRIAN TEXTS. 82 1. Epistle of Barnabas 2. Apocalypse of Peter 3. Gospel of Thomas 4. Epistle to Rheginos 5. Gospel of Philip 3. RESURRECTION FAITH OF BISHOPS AND TEACHERS . .117 viii A. Irenaeus B. Clement of Alexandria C. Origen D. Dionysius of Alexandria E. Phileas of Thmuis F. Peter of Alexandria G. Alexander of Alexandria 4. CONTEMPORARY AFFIRMATIONS OF RESURRECTION FAITH . 169 A. Contemporary Affirmations 1. Joseph Ratzinger’s Introduction to Christianity 2. Wolfhart Pannenberg’s The Apostles’ Creed 3. Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Credo B. A New Proposal C. Conclusion BIBLIOGRAPHY. 197 ix PREFACE The Scripture found in the epigraph is the text for the sermon I preached at my father’s funeral four months after I started at Duquesne University. My father contributed to my development as a theologian by playing a significant role in my faith development throughout my life, but the way in which his illness and death intertwined with my doctoral studies intimately connected my studies to the Christian hope of bodily resurrection. As significant as my father’s death has been for me, it is only one of the ways the doctrine of bodily resurrection intersected with my personal life and my doctoral studies. In my first doctoral class, I met a bright young man with whom I had many things in common. We were both young Protestant ministers, married, and fathers of young children. We were also just beginning the doctoral program at Duquesne. This second fact resulted in us having several classes together. I appreciated his friendship and think of him often. Unfortunately for his family and for all who knew him, Sam Brunsvold was murdered. In light of these life-changing experiences and their connectedness to my studies, it seems only proper to be concluding my doctoral studies with an exploration of the hope expressed by the doctrine of bodily resurrection. x INTRODUCTION The doctrine of bodily resurrection is fundamental to the Christian faith. Its significance is grounded in the fact that the Christian faith arises from and is dependent upon the belief that Jesus returned to life after having been dead and buried. As a result of this belief and the teaching of Christ’s first followers, the early Church articulated a hope for a similar resurrection. In the words of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, “Since its earliest beginnings the acknowledgment of a resurrection of the flesh for the dead belonged to the fundamental beliefs of Christianity.”1 This hope was included in the creeds of the Church and has been transmitted as part of the Christian faith throughout its history. While the centrality of the doctrine of bodily resurrection for the early Church is beyond dispute, the doctrine’s present relevance is questionable. I am not suggesting that the doctrine has been abandoned altogether, since it is frequently affirmed in the Creed, but the inclusion of a doctrine in a creed is no guarantee that the doctrine is understood or genuinely regarded as an integral part of the Christian faith. In his book The Creed, Luke Timothy Johnson identifies two negative attitudes 1Christoph Schönborn, “‘Resurrection of the Flesh’ in the Faith of the Church,” Communio 17 (Spring 1990): 8. 1 2 that some people have about the Creed. He first notes an apathy toward the Creed when he writes, “Some sleepwalk through the words they memorized as children, bothered not at all by the outrageous ideas to which they are declaring their commitment.”2 Even more troubling than this apathy is the antipathy that Johnson describes in people who are aware of the radical claims of the Creed but “deal with the scandal by freelance editing, passing over in silence or altering the statements” with which they disagree.3
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