Lake Range Realty Ltd. Brokerage 519 440-3022 THE MarleneBroker Gibson THE INDEPENDENTINDEPENDENT extraextraVOL 4, ISSUE 14 | KINCARDINE, ONTARIO | THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2019 The Elmer Iseler Singers, under the direction of Lydia Adams, performed a concert at Knox Presbyterian Church in Kincardine on March 28. The Canadian choral ensemble is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and included Kincardine on an Ontario tour. The ensemble was accompanied by the Kincardine Community Singers and friends for two pieces. (Barb McKay photo) FOR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE KINCARDINE INDEPENDENT, 519-396-3111 OR EMAIL
[email protected] WHAT YOU'RE MISSING THIS WEEKCALL Only $48 IN per year anywhere in Canada. On-line subs also available. 2012 CCNA The Kincardine C A NA D I A N COM MUNITY WINNER OF THREE N E W S PA P E R 2013 BNCA AWARDS ‘YOUR HOMETOWNAWARD 2011 CONNECTION’ Lake Range Realty • KDSS students perform well at Regional Technological Skills Challenge Ltd. Brokerage 519 PM40005269 R08067 VOL 44, ISSUENDEPENDENT 1 I KINCARDINE, ONTARIO | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2019 $1.50 INCLUDING HST 440-3022 MarleneBroker Gibson • Dozens of Bruce County public servants named on Sunshine List THE INDEPENDENT 19 • Nuvia opens classrooms in Tiverton to train radiation protection technicians , JANUARY 10, 20 E CENTRE extra | KINCARDINE, ONTARIO | THURSDAY KINCARDINE PERFORMANC VOL 4, ISSUE 2 •Small•Powersports Engine Repair • Lawn and& Garden LOTS MORE!Equipment 2057 Conc. 12, Huron Kinloss 519-396-8161 Teacher Robyn Beardsall, ECE Marcia Spencer and students from Kincardine Township Tiverton Public School FDK1 display food collected during their drive for the Kincardine food bank.