u". •".


98th YEAR — 29th WEEK National Naw»iin^ar Asw.-islloo Mv!nil:-tir MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 ... Usur. i!l . Single Copy Ten Cants New Fire House In Matmvan Township jTialuwaii cnv iis

•in vcnsu! l:jiti-il:iii', Miihiu ni Borough R-jpublifvi. ciiaii'miin, 0 *i nounccd that a dan", of a prupn il change in ihe bnii>u[;>! votii'K d tricti. naJ been p'-cparcd by tl «. (ocal Ho|jiih!icrin Cninty Commit | tee for pri'-sontutii)!! lo the boroigl t? i council, at tho regular montl IY meeting of th<; lo-ul'GOP club hdd lasl Fridiy night. He said thai th % borough council nui.-;( then tf>ke the o necessaiv action tu chani'ts Ih? dis 1 I r 11 trie! iinundurics uj-on ennsidcrai. f i of ihc pinposal. The changes woild I involve the creation (if tun now d s t trlcls to be carved Irom tlie e.\ sf f 1 ; ln(; first and fifth districts which 1 f • are now oversized in number of r registered voters. This would bring 1 ] the total number of districts to s \ t i en. i The proposed boundaries would \ 1 1 i t follow as closely as possible tl P 1 | 1 nutural geographic houndant \ ! formed by Lake bMferts and tre t several sullies whici! now sepnt I 1 1 the various residential areas. 1 "i 1 i. new fifth district would consist of I Lochs!so Heights and the MidJU 1 Sll - (continued on pane four) 1 1 t.1 1« Alxne I ei architect sku h it tht prnpis d iln hiu t) i) f I II I lid I ( constricted b\ th Uoiril

'••>•:. S!-1 '-in. !..•: .Tit'i- v.-!ii;li. 1 Adult School I •-'i'l. i-. ;' l' r.-'l .: - ^'.!^I 1,11' 1: in- i i Regional School Board Retains ••11 .-_ ;. 'i. i ' t: For Unity lor ihe Miilawan -.;. ' t'ommunily Adull .School Inc. ! 11 ':"l ."'.'.'lil'sa '•' ' " 1 In- ;i ;! Tho first Week of Prayer for ivill be taken From 7 ID 8 p.m., •<••: •'• 'J! , "

Christian Unity wilt be observed In I Jan. 13, 24, and 2:1, nt Ihe Mala- : Matawun by tho pastors and con- wan Regional High .School, At- 11! vlnl'l 'l ..'ill, >^ || .. .mil hlin-.iry, gregations of Catholic and Protest- lantic Ava. All residents IS or l.ll :,) I'l el • • 1 ' f'.l I ,, ...^.'(-i , (j last's ant churches. At 7 p.m. Sunday a over aru eligible. Mataw.m Ri'gu.'hii H.jyrJ nfl il'.i- Hi '•V.i'!,i:^ •.•. .i. rrn'iving an g 1 -f 1 ,1 >sn.l]lli). .IN l-il'tli n .-.I in union meeting will be convened In ClasseCl s wililll Ij Jan. .10 [nun Cilion iii.'i'il \V l/iiiiuM '.\.illint;. .nliliil ;• s.jtnn-iir r ' ir.-d- th:in an } 1 i'l. r--.! '. 111 |!l'lli th e re- Second Baptist Church, Orchard 8 to 10 p.m. Mamliiy and Thurs- ICusi l .iii'isv,ick, oi \\w iliv.Mrn n( hi* .!; iilicr hs tin .!i;; Ai'U'i" a 1 :v- 1 •.', IsII.IV.-II .. a !H i- |l t-iit Z St., by the pastor, the Rev. Dr.day at ihe high school. Courses fu'lii studi:^ ami i--s. uch -A iln1 li;i;:ihy a:,d in.1,)' "i di>i'iiss:nn ol • Hows B. Perry, v.lui Is president o( Include nrt, drawing, sculpture, ^radiuto stliiiol vi tvlu; atin.i iti tin- [tmi,;. ins c'>.:r<-i tft! will; tl'.c {

tho Maltmon Miiiisterium, The furniture repair, beginning nml Klllners. us '(v Me'.' ni'Mlll;;il on I |( y.l !,M S •'! •> ' t» •- •••_- (life • Rev. Cornelius ]. Kane, paslor of intermediate bridge, golf, beciu- educatl'itu- !i';iUi'H Mmldav. I!'1 ll! l.l:iinl in il1- ••'Hisl!iu1lii>n •> St. Joseph's Church, Kejport, will nlng plintoRrnphy, beginning anil \\:\% ap[H'o\ctl on j> u;uinnnuus vu;i* sc hi-dut • it v.;is C (i*K*d :o li.nr 1 lhare in the program along with intcrmed'nto dri'sviniakin,,. t:ii!nr- ;,ilh,,,,..t, ||-,.,,;;| I |))'i,i MV| h, !)!. \\v.\ !.; n::ik. .w, inv.->.ll».l!"iM i Causes tha Rtsv. Donald T. Phillips sr., ol, Iny, Interior dccoralion, slip cov- uu?d ••..'--•' n'liK i.in:iv iiiul ,iniv of tl... ,ii-.:i-.ni. !•. ;md ;> J;I"' •; •- First Me'nodist Church, Matawun. ; ers» and draperies, parly cooking, "to g<'t ihiii^s inown.u" Mr. Hc!.ui Ibr hijir,- an-l A -.,' i> i.avi, d t th« Rev. David L. Buccl of Bav- : landscaping mid gurdonlnu, liean- had puh.Miv .i-K :!.•,! Hi.- i-hr- in ik- ;i,- •-! .: :, • uniplrud y.m view Presbyterian Church, Cliff-, ty culture, rudlo nnd TV repair, iin g off IV NN.I.I . nl! N(IIA «"!I-"! S OUO.-UI\ MSII1 wood B.-ach, tha Rev, Paul Jack- boiikkitplnj;, securities mid in- Yolk, tli.- COIIMI .,I UU- Im.wd ll>ili n.l l',ir!. , muii'tit up ih •• II.ms II I Mi.- f. M' Repoli- ton of Flrft Baptist Church, Mat-; vestments, beginning and review at the • im. Ih- I i'ii ! ! w.is n.-alter -.1 i"-1 drM\ •• in UICMIIOU! 1 1 1 1 1 .ni ' ' i ,- , tn.nl • Itivj awan. I sleiHigi.tpliy, beginning typing, built. Mr W.-.ilu. I.,-,- nn a nl av.r'l a it po:- linn: Altiv.l \>, •..iviiig, "Mi. Isfiiuer 1 Pastors of othor churche* In the j and liuermnlUte typing. SIIKIK-S on i. - i.u.--n liv M.siiv ill--. .>- •. IUIIMI U: "! il'i nirld in ui.r than -III iuiuli Community have also been Invited i Alto convernaltonal French, ' volunteer "i\ >' ->itn-i:tt. •<•. Mi. M .mvillc sMtcd ,|],IHI,!I:I: .is- .: H"'-:i ioiiuiuinis-|lv !,.ei j.-,-..irpbyln -.| iii.-ir v.nrk I-. .V .,•!., '11 \.'(V Villk. be In *,tendunc9. All Christians' education devt'lopnient assist- l»iaid he will sl.n tin- MIIM-V m innpii'ii^ b.;!i •.!. KCH-IM; en ., : dc . in'.-n.- 'uu t;..n v. \ ilia:.' Mi. Kennel will who ara concerned for the unity nf nnc<>, spct-d and ifficlcncy read- Mniaivau Mat. 1 nnd h.i.v ii r.- ii.iitur <"!.' tlrr- ar, !;•:.<•:. ll-my'li- r mil i^ n i- tn> n.'.ini Inr IWII 1 1 the Chrliitllli witnoss In the coin- : ins, introduction In modern math pint in n-i Hie hntlclinv nee U of l-i I lv.il> 'li. J' ml •!-,• in.rv! n-, n\-d I'.,.I t:.,- - - u-i.,1 ii.nii.i. '.n . . . ih in assist munity are urged to come and Join fur parents, sul">lilute teacher the ill -trivi June 111), lie will b- p.n.l M'• N- '' ''•>'" il-.an ! Ins .-• ii ;,.> j .u.ii ,,i i'- ;.,-.,.: !,- ! a:..I thi'lr prayers with Others. ' workshop, written I\u|tllsh for : $",ui)n f i: Ins s iv . • , II" 1- .s .i ••, ,1 ni.ite nf ,• i • •-•;>•» d.i1.- ui -.•.:.., !i .-..is u -,tiled Iw the u:- sn I g\»\ i /1 11u h 'inn!itu i^s niatlf by th't Other local expressions of Prayer foreign bom, All about I'umpe, as inh.snr to the llnin-.l.-i i.-i- th' *< ''• • •'• . '"Id lie us. ,1 v. <.-. i In- IH--,- ;•,, i i,.-en i... tiph'.ii but hi * ^'/* "'''•••«' p.i-t* ti..' rl- k'ln •!! hinwil. 10 for ChrisMin llnltv Include the ex-i gymmisticgy s folrr womenmn, . keginniningin ; slii|> lion lot ILaaii In i.-..:.liaiid. - \i.ii il M viiiii'miv't,!....!..in .IM- i..,. \I\ii , |),i!a-ii,a ..i. n... -,:.,•.. Ii i,i..l a:. * r:d i:ift-''ii.i :i•. I mil. : nn .1 n-i. it Mop he made .11 111. spu.'.l I- nn of Hein.inl (continued on p-w four) , giiiiar and interim-di.it>> guitar. Mlllji'i-I l-i tnuii' II ciinfiimat.' 1 i i Ih.' ft.' uulrnn Advisory A I . Hi - v') i!i'- i:d-nt 'scli.ttil vile I.e fimni ni'lv ten nvi i HI,-n I1.m.-1 I ).,•-. ( M-il- I /I.-- "in-! ii n. •'. . .1 lii -A v IT k i II.' i m.'.ijv't ii.--. |',i, i ;,., On Jan. 31 .Illvl .1." -I Ann!. II. ..ll.l l!'.-, .1: :i In i' l term nil the* liir.e li'l II, I •• -I It.l i.f MI. Ii .• .- 1>: l! ! v 1 1 1 : v Si mi •r! He •!! .,11 I: in - s i Ml \\u.\ lie Mini Ire lla,l li •••• \,".i •i- H- : , ,, nr-t Jlt.tj "''' "l' ',.'' ' s- ^''' ' ' Uv. i. ..'I.J.I AdwM.rj C"..nwniiii'« LWV Week Is Proclaimed ll 1ul 4;l 1 -. n-iim :..in :i»t| servii.' ' " I :v-oil , i niip'le.i-ls Knl ,,„) ;).,>,,- ( r.nler ' i a !': iv n'l il..' ell \M nil- i-yw-. i,'-:1-!. i I. -niiriaeii nil |ia,;,l f-i i i iiii.il-,'i

r '."-''I, M •',• inn'., I'S :i:'"'"' '•<'•' , Ai-.pt l.ilirai.i. Illldget 1 1 i'l I'i ,.'l.l! p Ht .i tli" Male- 111" l-iivor VwlliiT ; ( •>nil'"l m ?*•• I I. S'll.fi'W liliil,;. ! ,''i. ,,| •. , J,'.,-v Hell dis Mr 7,,-h,.|- a.,,1 Mi |).,.v,i:', ' P"i|)..v-.| v Hi,- i,-mi I lee Public .sl Shop Cni .i-is ,.i II,,- .-.iti.ii iit.'.i in- iif'.-r !it- .i>--|.!n: v.n.l ili-s f.i'.-n- ' ;' J-1- .vl, , !, is si|.j.,rlMl h>, Ihil i.i.l bv .'uts m I'D,., _ iiuin ,.,| ih,. «j-,p,iminii»n »( Ji-hn liuli.i . l''»ns-"-) ai.d !i.n ,.ii;b. liv limn. 'ili.ii.il I.I :'i,7Til IfliiMii i'l-ifwotnl i.all.ii lli-v urn »ni|i» -r-'re ni l!i-> liii.tce! is SXI.. ,, , iv,, / . In il" K.-v|v.rtML"i«nan ar.-a Ihf U-d th!i! Mr Tia'ui 'mw hj t h.id IS "•'<'*• Ilii'mnn" alvi •-,">< J In • • .1' * i *" *,"-' '" **V S'"1"1" "'" "' > i'^'1 •'"- «»' i'.-»U wt;-i.- -ue,..,:.. .•i'j.n.al.ii,, d.niv call-. In vi'ai.s eMH-in-ie e n, teai esi.i|.- a'.J ntfl m'e i trie yt ,tt 1 1 "•'•••'I'"" ,","'. J'.' ' , •'• •'•'•" , "•>"-' ".' "I I -••>• i.Mlalli, and ,1'Hjii »..,,. m; s..6 w,,| ||u. |,iKl,,.»| appMiv.ll Vnrk 111(1 th.lt Mllu' he i Ih, ' Mi ninoiit'. i t'uiititv I s ! i n-v in li.lint -iii l.-.ii.M.nn. l-i. tl,- i.ri-vu • .,( .i ,v,s »!., , «,,,d ,|/lv's ,,a,:i w(>r, l4J f 7; mi£ (,n • w,,Vkv l...,.l!v "h- n.iil.l «t>'" I """»<'• "' " ""«'"> fur H$ lii'.\,!i," V ,'.\^'l!'"1.^'.!.''.A!\Ti,''!!',r...l-'.'s'":';',!"'!,;";','"'-'"!•","' I:1" 5I- ''""'• K"vp'" ''"'f"""' """•• ""•'• '»>!h- p ",u" *.'"•";• (l!""""'i'" '"';*'t~!'-' ' inuoalol .ma|i|i;i.:i!!..|. Im ,i sl.u,» i in main:. He s.n'.l th,- uv J1"' -'"«-»"'-!' "" H™-V"!-'.e : N»tk« iirt i..,!,., on the I-'si, nl im|,,.|- -tiact (.•, i shopmi.i. ,,-in.r w,i, ,-,, „„., ,,, M,,',,,,,, UW ,,,(,, „,,» n,a,,y ,,,,,;(,„„,, Bh,. »r,- ni,.'e : '«ln- "iii.e .,1 1),. 1. W. linhiim fevt str t'lAmtnp : riu.iitiiii n l.'tl bv It t "' ,H|-|. fmrrt ITIti in l%? tit IH,M0 In :qii4lih'. a|i|»ilnlle. nt k:iyn ; I i|!ii-sl)>in « ilUie Irtkeli !" Il, s |»"ji|iitk ( ,\\y Miss i'.iviia t'«* in!,i, me nvsiiet. dt-iiu, in nidini; v|i-; t .. • .ii l.u.i! I • pti ni" v , it Inii^ t vMiii-i the r.aiijnihlv ei| Mi li.inl..-n tini.iii J -I M-i'i .1 1 fnund Ihs ptHui^r, M^ iihe uttd \\vi > (I'Milniu.'tl nn p ir'.e l.ni 1 (urilimi.-d im pi.:" fi.iili slide IM .v.itv, In S",v V.,ii;" .v . (II ,,|. |. \ n< In.! tt> • tax \-y\\ ii.t-l In ; • . , lipll.nl/. lint liiv ln-in.i, l j l.'"*\ i'ii !!>• .-.mil.. I • (if i.n mivl il n I Annual Presentation Of Trofdiy For MIIS-KIIS (irid •" " '. iiliniirii I it irw vii ^ 11 ' * JtJtr Ih • |i',, i;al vi. M ii1- ' " Mi li i. , I'- i ,. I . l , I i , v t I it i i i if. l. i. ,sin t I i> ii, I ,, n '

n i 'I 4>|ifM«t.i

l|.-t,il(|, '•nililluv it W 'I il i :Ms iI .i| ft ,j , .,, OII.VIJU limn Mnl,,v,.i,i 11,..,..,,,I, .,,.,1 I,-,,,,i,,|, \.< I l I1*) »*| tl. l>«rt | V.HT, 1- .

1 « |i|inlKIIIAlipn dr)|1;nli|inj; II, u H. • V .1. I -.t| ... '•• !.IM 1, i 11 mill Ml. II.IMI'II I. ItullV, rllall. »".) J ','*U »i| I, ll.l* .' oTWaiHi'ii VMrn HVrklnhoih niunlrlp.itilh-« AIMHC, nmrt lu> 1I10 I r«||ui>. Ill' I •i»|iti<' will Iminch II* UK- *'"'* P-vir^tnilil.) «!>•• l« I" (Ifll In fl|jlil> ate Mt«. Jitmi", \\, Ililii. -I .1 . ; .1.1 in.l l-,..l is!,hip .(ili^ t,.,| «,•,!,. M"'III* "'I'* I3-I*II""-«*'I' '• •' Chgplfr, IWV prMliI, i,:- \|..,II,I I -.i!-. ••i',,i "ill!',,' }(,r It it1.'..

•In.— int .Mimi* Mat a wan First Aid Officers Mi I •'' il< '1 11 l>' '• I'ntili. Nnll.r I , (f l*lri. .v I 'iMu I ,. |i - . \ I .' M

, ,( I ||IIMI>><, illUll'l \\ it * 1 -it fit 111 t ' > : i, . it I ' . < I' , I I" » I ( , • • llH 11 1 1 1 - ' < «• -I- ' ' ;. .1. •« •" '; :'•:;• ,V';';„".-''! tv.";: ", Vv ; .::. ...",;.'•;. •I, t - • - I 1 • I' Mili*«f 111. J 1 ill, I *4laal<.*l ^ t I I', , I , I > l.li . . I

1 1 I ll'i'lfl'i -I** " I ' t. + ,,|«^,^| |t,|t«rv«tn. I,,.''I Ivs tt.fxlt.t M| !».» M' |»'ll ^t*'! I*'. *l-» *-< Ulli-I ll-l' -'! Ill'l >»1 A '!» fcru^H r-.**|,l«'^ liimi ..!! ***H*f| •"»'. "l !• 'V.'l II 'Vllil- l'«1>1 I M i.i I. . * I. f.il* M'l llnk.i Nti|.." f» '..II .«*•!> #«•! tl *-K|. •..!,„ »,. .JfcO ,», ,^4$ • "•Iii '«.'ll ",i. .-! .11 |l.'. *|i*l<«i-» *»-i l'« li.t 11". |. it« III 111 I*,' (':! ,fi tlin. h.itj 1! p| !•* 1 i'l

. , r-,,,,.. ,„, ,.v« ,„., ,.,,,,,„ • ..,,.,, , , 1 , -, • 1 •( <•> . 1 - tl > if j », 4 u|i aj j '-' "" I f. -f *.,,i i. .t I 1 I! ,. • » . (, ,-. ,,, ,„ .. I. , . ft , ^., II ,J»

J !>"< I1 1 • < « ' i H - '€' l# *.». f t t , -» •-' « -fli* j I 11 <*., f^^,|t |., 1 ,-^1 ji,. |s ^=+T|! ,^«|tJ ir.»lf< i*. I' * !t AM *tA Hv >i*ii- , tf 5> > •M «*Jtl \M> 1-1 i' 1'iii- ».. - i» j rivt,, ,„, _,,, ,„ Wt Jl*t*il HIS •h«>»H |r-rrJ»l«|| lv..!a>« I ) it :>f Mj -l» tj»r-l r-">* f, I ( < :)»• full

*>•*.». THE MATAV/AM JOURNAL, M J, Tbufscluy, January !9, 1967

ft.../ «... Bus Pup Us tie 516S" Back-lu-back school budget hear-) The silu mil si Wllik it. lllfr i-IT'-'Ct iVudgel Uiy following night, i introiiuv'i « new- salary guide |llie lionul to hii'i nime ontsiili.' f-! 'hi- :u-lion \sil! l*^ to piovide 1 Taxes lo suppm ' tio»h budgets ' «tiir!ln|; ef .WiM for B. S" Degree lOiiiV.5 tO KcCp .ill V uip.-rV.'v UIl d>J J Iii'n'-r-oiiLMif-n lo a:!.I fr-.nn the !•:;',!> 8vo upp materially, $381,384 to *i2,-$2, -[teacher teacherss to $10,$10,000 0 in 1? steps. The sessions, money foi1 rentals e, siliiie.i ,'i:r Miiii'.' students living'in 4CS.588 in the rcg'onnl high school, guide seeks to put the regional MC- $7000 in S27.PO0 Ami uaiisixirta ! the J-'in-.1 ;!..ven JI-.I inpinem. district, urul SH7.652 10 SBl!5,ri55 in 'board in a positsitioi n to rto the e.xten- ; Enaid ['ri-sideni iVilliam Rico i linn con'iacts ft'orn $Vi,r.ul} tn ?W,- 1 She towiuhip schorl district. But in tearner hiring needed both for 1100. s.iid ii'i:.'--; will b'- prc.vided only neither ci'se is the tax increase double sessions anj (he forming of | The financial position of both dis- ; fur ini'::c .sicdcnt.s v.hu cansujl walk occasioning alarm ns there will be new clashes as children from the ltriets is (."noiAlfv mi're favorable tii (hi- lii::h .^I;1HH'1 viu '1 SiMii-'iii.iir" flddeil assessments from 4S*6 homes I.evilt dovelopmeiu enme in. 'loach- i ton L.uie. a route already ruled l jlli:in n.n.ist diMiicts around. '1 lie re- )n .bn JVWnalapan Levitt develop- ii;r salarii-s' ncronntK is accordingly ! gional high school bo.;i (I found tiooc • :KT, !;;;-r;;-uous. I Ii.' aeiiou ninie merit to prcvitiBaddad assessments! up $45J,4(!7 to $2,i:i7,0"7. But IboI to list1 imly $IOO,0i:il of S-l2u.12S.7X j -.liter CIJSI- t;i SO Pir.f Haven rcsi- 1 1 ; Jcnls D-i- 8 du.tr.1'idcti leinstatc- during th3 K'juiol yc;ir and in Marl- !now regional high .school guie'e has'fief. liaiTices available as of in '.' 1 tbfo Township 11 j'tiJ added assess-1 had an mtiortimate repercussion in i.fnne .'10 nml the Mnilbnro Town- j .'lien! -ii tiii t'u mote for their ments from the 'i.W :md more some o[ the componenp t districts, j ship board only Sr;5.00l) n[ $IS1.- | \r.iinj;i,UMc. Tl.e toi.d cat bus ser- i | i vitc ,it ihe ili-vi-inpini'nt when houses to fjo up in the U.S. Honied |notably Freeho'd Horough, \* j42H/i6 hi-.c balances It had on hand i m''a.^llrenl.'uts shiiwed must homes ft Developmenp t Co. tracts and olh-jtljtlm tenchors --.re tii'mamling IItt he UK tin. end of Ui..i I'.iiili fifi .school 1 er spprnvcill develcpmentsdlt . WheWhn i matchedhd. !yi.-ar. Fni' the no.st yt:or or r,d, rat- ) \'.erf ie.ss lhan 1I..S rnik ;; from iho hi;;h ';-.lv;iii thf-sthese developmentdevelopment.s! are completedcompleted,, | 'n,0 nPvV clevfllormi-'nts are a!so'» •,!;;u!d increiiSi. fii.-.ter !h:in 1 ' The stale pro.idi'.s iviml'in'so snd thth ! childrehld n IraI n theth m tiff! i!n,((im(, t0 tran.sppihition cusls, so- >l expenses, ihi. tii'U.' for tin' | fsvrii fur tran^portnl'on "f h'«»h totally attending ichools, it will be ing .Jp ;r,,m Mmjinu to }218,0f0. |i', impac: t ci muss housing to In! being sc'iOoi --uii'i :>ts o:ilv if tne students toiTiL'lliin. but that is Thf rnijifiiiiil high n hnol budget ; live in;!.1 than :'..r> miles frum' sever,!) yVary s awayy. U;:iwn on the "premise ihe new 1 Wit i di In Marlboro Towm.hip, instead nt f-.-hiKU Hi' b.'iaI'M .: Iheres to state Wiiat is more disUirbina in Marl- rooms being ndde:l to the Howell u single pi.lliiiB district al the Cen- : polu-y I'/'.I.-'S:; a ionic is judgei! ha/- fcoro l-i'.vnship al tins time is that school CSuuthi-rn Fi^ilioltl Region- :niii.ii«. The Pine llavon n'fiili'pts the regional high school is going on ) |[ . , jt Uiit school to stay tral Si'lioiii. there will !)• iwo pull- 1 a! wi ie m in*; dislrh;t as fuiloivs IIM Ixn'i . said if iHiscs we!*!. not provided, double sessions, even without count- cm fu|| s.:S,sions. Egressions of pro- the stoJ.'nts ^voiild 'nave to waik mg the pupi a to comu in from the \ , , j * the Freehold Regional tiiuli cst tiiat ( nc sdl00 Ciin striy nn m School Jlf-tiirt eleetinn Feb. 7 and along K-iiiio 516. The resident] Levitt am! U. S. Homes develop-. s»ssions w],i|e another goes on half IMutawan Township Mayor G^hricL-e, third fnmi left, makes lirst | way were (li'l't to rij;lit> Councilman Joseph /aitihor, Mrs. Mary Ann j the Muiihnro Township district , niB:.:tni.n"l HIP rtsn-t was hazardous went. The three upper grades will |sessi,,ns are expected at the hear- i donation lo the annual March nf Dimes fund drive In Miiluwun Town- I Jiiuvin, pn.-iidenl ol Ihe Vh'W Auxillarv; Majur lithrithe, Councilman jflcctiun Teh. 14: I'ollinf.; drtnil uiud roqi'.-3led thu iinnrd investiga- attemi in the morning anil ihe |,ng Mo!lt,ay. At' u,a hearing there ship, which will be in charge of the Auxiliary uf Veterans fli l'oreign j Kdwan! Lt-dford, Mrs. i^ohert t'oillnft, March uf Uimca chairman for No. 1 it fpc Central School, Wicka- i lion. Ireshmcn.in the afternoon session. |wif, a,s0 & an,,m,nctm^"t <-ii" - u..;i nf 'iarcin:i:y iukucis in Mini- j sne!loc.(, secn-tary; Mrs. Riiflnlph H;'Vf-n rtudents havr rrreived bus Home Decorating Contest by the transportation .sine^ Dec. 8 pending Woman's Club of Laurence Har- and Christmas greeting card's 86 lover Iii!-L year's twice - defeated mure ci-mmi>nly known as the , plai.-ecl on l.usiinss i.ntl c.'niiiieiLiai .[inoiith . C...tii-tyj. In 'iJ.litiun - ., - - Barhulmi, tre.isur"i: and Mrs. Jo- reported by Mrs. Milton Fiala, budget. The board set a public •'Chiefs' n'fnir," 'iili he held at the j fire niSft.'-.-tiuns in lunjunction v.ith |(;mb.irkii.^ on a campaign to build jseph Seffli r, sunsnine, presided at ihe dccisi.'.n reached Thursday. bor, to further the Community Ser- In other action Mr. Rice appoint- vice Progiam as reported by the dealing on the propose-ii buduet for I Hook .i'ii! Ladder hinlili'ig In w-1- 'evpanslni nf Mir lire prevention-a Kehabilitntion C'litiT in Mnn- | Ihis ml i :in}>. Mrs. Andrew Caiver, correspond- ; |ed board rnrniber I.indley Wiggins chairman, Miss Mary Reilitr. ing secrci.v.y, sent Christmas cards H p.m. Jan. 26 at the high siiiwl j come W'lNam I oiirk ( ;!Y. Iliuv-\er, in a few hers lo.iiph CapiWlli, Mrs. (!arol sang Christmas Can.Is for the men Iboys took time out to acknowledge ihe bu»iiiv.skl; ut. Mid-and h.u1' a wet ..Ir.wn. ier 1'e ava l.ible. ; iiicmb'-'is of a safety subcommit- Park. Three members attended the :notes. Cartii will tip sent periodical- ied valuaiiun. : I'. :i:(; *'-. it fi. > in . ins. All s. l.au-tee whi'.n -vill wurk niih the Town- ly lo let them know v,e arc think- The !O.MI tax rat: for schunl pur- way Hfise" l'hilip Krr.mef. il.-pu.y W'jshiii;!iiii I'uj.-iiie Cumpany's I j,.„],,!,. (jeih Ahm V S.Y warn sr. and Mrs. Hi.lieit Mauser Christmas, parly fiat was held for I annual tlirstnuis party, hi id Dec. .|j „, , . . , ,„ ship Council to ailivtatc hazardous Ihe men nt the home. Coats and ing of them and to boost their mor- poses thi5 yiar is J.''. 16 per $100 as- chief; Muthew Hiulier. enptain. nnual tlirstnuis p-i: ty. In Id Dec. !wuv.,tMe ,,,lllvlltvu tlHli r H t lm( |aii: IIII ll.e refre»h::ii • . nmittee road conditions in the township. I I17 was ,1 nige suc.ess for the fire l; .., ,„„,„, ,, , ..,i,, . ,, ,i,,. sweaters were d.mited to the menale. jsessid vi-.'uation. down 40 cents John Conlon, presiilent. M.K. Haley ( ril K s usilf sb f j fur m.sf month. In another appointrncnl, Mr. Rice . at the home. Groceries and clothes lover iho IMS rate. Ilie deciease Hose: IIHT ;.Mrs. CoUiin, Mrs. Konowalow. Mrs. Iliary in mlrn'iance. j j poses next year is S3.874 if the 57,-! son, secor.ll assis'.int chief; John jMauM'i. Mrs. Martin Smiil) sr,, Iment of lccrcnti™ sites and pro- State th.s year. Mrs. John DiGin- ! COO.OtXJ budget win-i upprnval from : O'Reilly, captain; I-:. John NeKon, 'month' Store matches in a metal j ment c vanni will assisl Mrs. Cohmt rt in 'rannister nt lea^l twu slit K'.-s high- I Mrs rili-.ibiih lluwne. Mis. Fian- grams. Two mm were remembered on j Ivnters at the l-'eb. 14 eli-cMnn. I preMdvni. I'reneai Voiunleei: Ki !i- Will Present Play •ics l'.iliih.ik, Mrs. Kenneth Miller. their hiritvlays in December with j makiiif; ol a poppy corsage to en-' Mr. Kanisland s..iiil the district ! iu;li Krjfl, tl.Kil .r.-.s.M.iiii .iiiil. er ihan tlie eunkie ji.r and keep the Kilts and binhdav cakes, in the ter in to Uic C'nunly I'oppy Cirsaxe e.vpi-cts to receive j; h'li.l/'M in stale Mis laivaio sr. iml Mrs. Mailiii Appointed To Committee t Snath ir. Adopt a Veteran" program. Contest. and federal aid to offset a puitinii The TiMipIt ii'dt Ahm (.'havrrim I ixiih KH/i.p ill proM-tit a I*airy !OIPU R Aikins, Matawan flor- Adopted veterans were also reincm- j The Juniors to the Auxiliary in- ill the iT.GCO.OOO. nf Newa'k, vWtnl \'r. and Mis. ; tx>red at Cliiistir..'..; time. Tin; FpJ- vite[ d ihe Post and Auxiliaiy I.itiU1 1'i'ipimil skits \uit- j AHC'j of pond drivinc .ire: |oiij;h Attorney, has been appointed fial allotment anil Kf^erul kelfare ; j other »nticip.iteHi7.?;";0 r< turn IMI hivi-st- Morgan ville I An'iripa! • what Hie rther driver assessment were 3 nt into the dc- >party. Games were pluve.l und pits 'i', if«i ri>MiM and president (if Ihe N'-w Jeisey Slate fnrlmcnt. Sick and shut in il.air- ' ments ont! S^U.riOO in niiscellaneous sh ! Kl 1 I I>M ie l! 1 . v ill do; be. aware of road con- I1 eague i.f Mnnicinalities, to the were vxrl'inijed. I ii.' Juniors madi i funds. Anlii-ipatC'l £.'.irp!ur, lunds M" and Mr». r-incr Sumolyk , " \ "" " ;' " y; "" man, Mn. John Colista, reniem-1 Christmas favors for the mer. nt p . "f i v.in mafi. Atnv-Siie t.iui«.-\\. ;diiiiins: ti.nj. ntrate on your diiv- 11'-aeii'-'s I.cgislalivo (.'(..nimittee lor bfred 'our members with get-well .imal JilTi I'On. n!l nf \»hieh is in- illilt it.H..l..t. 1.'., J . i U .1 il ' I, ; ^lij,. ri t.ht{ ;,|n,it ( T\|-! .1 r I tl ail(! ll the Menli) Park Hmnu for Veterans. i i kuled in tue itppriipnai'ons. It the UMU'I J.in. Ann riii.ic 'I l-.'iAi- v. earda. I Donations were made for ilm 1 ! Mr. .Hid rirs. I, Del. ,1,1,,-, pent $7,iii.H,ilii0 lii.ilgi-l ;•; appn.ii'd. th. l 1 Suppoil Bill buildinjt of little n-il seiiool hour's the WivK visiting Mr. aril '.\i<. I Mh • ii Su..;i:.iV. '; --- ••.M..») 'I .t- • (M ri ,. i district must ra'so »•'..:i7H.(»71 in 1 is j h i J i »• t i,»y nt vl Gei'i):e f'.!s.;,jy »»)ft snn uf C! tin; ,. Legislation cliauman, Mrs. Rol-in hte llarrins of the Philippines and lax'S. .1 hniist of $i:ili.fiM ovir la^t \\it! t.c ti VDUIS fur lln Ralh'.un. urrieil m'ni'»ers to :to the UinMinK l'iin.1 for more doi- I veiir. Mi-st of tlv Si.Olli.UIHI is ai- On Suui!..v. lluv cilehiatid the l,:i:'-.!.iv • ' M-K I. • |--h !•;;•• •..-.'•• Mor^nnrillv i'.luh \1 '•*' wrlic to IK'ir Senators and Hep l.ll Jtl'll til 111 .'.!'" I "11. .1 ll.-.1.-11 il m i'at-'i'.'in. Al«ii un Sunil.iv. li"' resentativfi asking their support | Hopc, Al! iway. iwhnii :.lu.\s ,i S1.2'jtt ihl nuicei- Cnnrr.e Cassidv ir's anil Mi. and of Bill S3MR which objectives in- ' A hantjik! will be lir'd in honor : t:\ i r i.ist \ear. \i'ar'x lir.sl Mi'i'ling i|, dude; crenlinn of tt Senate Com- cf the Cit'.uuy CcminamliT ilany • Mr- IV I a frur •.•..-••• d.i-ncr i The $4>'jiU>2K n .uul figi.ie lm ' i'1:."'* ;tl llw lu-in-' i.f Mr, nrul Miv. Mrs. I.'M ph 1 an/am M. was i • mittee on Veterans Aff.iir.-i; in Dyri'nio.iu and C'l.mty Auxiliary iiistriutmi r.-f!e.'i.< the new .s.ilaiy i". i •:.,, c ...:i!v K-n-iH M.'l.r .,i •,:;,;:„„. „„„„ ,,„ ,,.,. j - music center tr.lll'-ets nils \'. . Hi.- | 1; |llM MUSIC LESSONS DIAL 721-5171 i ii..; il li iil.itn-i Ills f,l|, Mr ;:it Ml •- >•;: l.lltl 1 l...ill-.un . *,^r^ |

•• in iV !>• .'.,, i, Hi ,wii.W.iyiMi,inF. i,,,;,,, \.,( ,,,,.v K, ,.,:•., instruments irn;,.,. in- .•u.l. Mi ,..i,l Mi* \Y, >'ii Centilr anil ••.(.. n--.-,. •' . t.-hn WV'.n •i.ii VNI--:II >|^n: !liiii>.:.iy 'Kimi' -j.s Mn'm Smith M , Mi* l>"-n fii'«r ! d'.-.ii C. it,.!-, \.V. ;,,,) .\i,|ic,. Mis M.iitiii .-n.iiili li . S.ilos - Runlud - Repaired Ml I '•!• f r. - 1. •••:..I, .nil Mi.. |! in ..III Ml1- I'll. It .".. i •ill ,..', „ i.l M -v ! ill tin!. V !••• 1 I- - 'ml. » 5H 4l'i I' I |.l lilt ..|- Li *i. '.; 5-', I ,'h fur .i.ir.liniv! fjitif.n. AMP CORD and MASTER CRAFT S' •• ''i '•• •, 1 !.lil' :l:.li:i!i f." • ' 1 J. , M> .,' I , , STEEL STRINGS •'i:ili 'it I- iiV mllWl.if.. I :,y\i\ .."I The .-,v ••• » t ut IMI.w'i pml ilrl.i >. i Both - R?g. $6.05 ...,,- t,, ,i .• i. *..!4.f|r' Mr I!...- ...l,,| t.... li.nljif I ... U.l'|. 1.1 111 t:.: Will» Ih;-. Ad — Bolh for (-'•• I il ' '(• II li ll • 111 ' l.lfl.l H--

1 "iVIIIll IMtY IAS(. t-'-4i fiK'ii' v*iil n'.f '*•; tpnf -*.<1 •i' III Itii. .1,111 "'t- fl'-«f:n|» 0<<»r w»J Ft-r Clothes : 'A'hi it Irtni-.j- a ( lit,'Him l'ii',

jt.»u .*.->» i.i 'M,'"«' 'i.tr -I r ' '

. t'ilflj I . -I'!, I'.V U til *!'i1lVr ,1 ^i ..I ,'...:. J , • IV 'I -P..V .li.ii • • !•• I'-'I! ft M. l' • ' i»ll. mi! I'.n I»'MI I'.t l---.ir. !-. - Closet

iN iinini.tl W MATAWAN COMMUNITY \ lliiu;; in I ;I«IM* 1 ADULT SCHOOL iti'lH- ' ill Mri MATAWAN ULOiONAI. HIGH SCiiQCL 20% off ATtAUIIC AVIIJSjr. .•-. MAtAWAN ilrrjulv Imv. j You read right!

34 COURSES OFFERED (A-u! 21 f.'('-.:.u.l:.In-, mo .tilu.ilW uii'oil lioluw \?.U20\) SAM«; NOW i;oiNc; ON ft January 30, Wiflsr i,ini)o t>f fB.i!ut"<« —Inrturflfig a full rfiiUf nt »i*nrf)ird Itfliii* un 0: :•') O'tliiiK-Uiiot Wilier f.vuj" ttf mode!*.! 36 foiondflo-lMtpfiei) II} i M on to fifjsjil COST (Meif Co.»'te») 410 Pfe« COURSfi 10 AM, • 9 JVM, 11.00 Rf.©!&TRATlGN FfL 10 A Kl> -6PM. VieiT YOUR OLDS DEALER'S fitf?iff«(!ofl Jifimy 21, 24, 2S — 1M • 8 00 f1 M, IIM5O6 TRANSPORTATION CENTER Thursday, January i9, 1967 THE MATAV/AM N. J. Page "Hires Area TAPS Announce Cli for Towns/up Itujit Support A boys' haskeihaii program Is if> mun Au milt \ ii MtUv-aa Township. March Of Dimes Events It i.vili he L'uiuU-.ctL'd Saturday if[eriH'!)Ti«; uncK*r r.iispzces oi the is made of area I Thomas Schultz, William Cod<_ri_ eferon?' Leg recreation cittntnis'.ioM. Bruce TAPS (Tron ARC Hiogrnm) for the Raymond Codern, Christine Flem- M.'icL'nlclu'on, r.I:itawiin HIRII I I I ' I II I Ull '-INI benefit i;f the Miirdi of Dimes. Th« ing, Josopn Sttiff- !ino, Cindy Aim i It' 'I ih| p s Sthiif I 1 uh iv!»ii is dirr-ciin^ -y YAj-\S Of Yuvvnship ! i i " y p Ic-I. Pnliica Westcn. Dc-bbic Wt i I I > 1 I , 11 I n 11 t in (In program, :ltl'nullM-i!s rh" [>.c- Fid ton, 1-oi.^ Smith a'.icl the membu 1 conduct a \"*% day Friday evening, i t ii i ii I i IL tn t\ % iin IU I te bays who are and all day Saturday at Sayre I of the band. Adult advisors cic tti us ii}> u tili-iit^i and are Woods Shnpnim; Center, and other Mis. rjitinard Fleming and Mrs atU'nilinp oither the litlli or si\lh points throughout the township. I Striffolinu. t I i in i i I si Rrad I S Ii 1 I 11 llf i Tlie Cliaescquake TAP~" S wil'"l con- ).)iince i'.w. 28 hull duct fi '.;ake salo Saturday. The Tlio '.nurnice Harbor TAPS r t I ( I 1 I I 1 I'i I 111 riit iV 111 i ui Hij-h Schuii! will teenagers t-vil! bo at the Food Fair at the home of Aliwn Watson to t he tiseil. Mr. MitciJuifheon stales. 1 \\ 1 u-»( til tin. distances the boys al Savre V/oi)ds Shopping Center make plans for a March of Dime: 111 i Kli 'ii mr 1 IKiii (IK it.', d 1ms will pu>- from il a.m. to 1 p.m. selling cakes "TAP" dancu to b:. hold Satin-:' 1/ i ' < ii iiti d i 11 in\ ul Si v u nut 111" t'liiUtoud and and pies. Chairman is Miss Cht-is- Jan. '1 P'iiiwick, a senior at Madison Hall, Laurence Hi .)hot. S hi ii i i ii i lh, Sti idiuiuu t each Saturday, in* Township Mi(;h Si'Lial, and Homo j Music will be furnished by "In I ill W i Hi fin m t ^ it'..i day when re^- i.snaiiMii. u ill tii-i.' place 12:SO coming Queen of th.e high ucliool finily's End" a jiruup of fn II I II Mill 1 1 i.m. football foam. Adult advisor is Mrs. seniors linn; liKC'il Town.-. ! p I1 I I i \ n i R.W. Fnmvick. Hi(;h Sn'nnol. 1 t lit! JIIO i n The Itus will pick up boys at A "TAP ' danc? will be held by llic LsuTnce Harbor TAP crm i I u II i ii tn ui 1 1 I 1 t ikful a.m. in Clifi- (he teenagers of Cliffwood Beach mitloo consists of Alison Watson u'fiect liv .ich, aijfl al *'i;)Uvf>fid >V at lh» I.'-TOJ Gordon School on Sat- chairman; I.inda Anderson, iu 11 Seine! ;.| I-' (I'cl.nk ntuiis, (hen III I will prii tl I Hie Mrathmore urday fiom'7:30 In 11 p.m. chairman; Michael Burdick, Kath\ hi Donate rVlnsic Carroll, Dorothea Grimes, Debt ic Si. IIIJI it ! L ho;. > will he taken ' Music will be. donated by "The l'idele, Namv-!t« Rop.illo, K 11 u n oii at t'.': 10 p.m '1 iit'iv will lie « Panix," which include Joseph and Walki'r, GcorfiK V;'e::tolf, Nnrc n Kii 1:1 hi s titu 'tit' pio;;ram cuti- clidis 1 1 n e.m., Mr. M c- James Tt.faro, Ronald McDonald Stitnish, Bvifbara HnlkL'y, Uiun 1 of and John Cunovcr. Frcy, otolla Shufu'l, Pntriciii Tud < utl in t t s. There is no 1 M I f nl M 11 ( 111 1 til 1 tor utr.i;; tit." bus; the Members of the "TAP" commit- Lir and jacl* Phillips. Adult ndvis n 11 are Mrs. Edward Anderson and 1 J\ ( Jin til: cil hv boys mu'i pay a I.i-cpnl [or n:i tee in O'flwood Beach aro Debbie 0 1 1 ifii rt-'ll I 1 ri'Kistramm. Codere, chairman: Pobert Fleming, Mrs David E. VvMsioii, Madiron fl tun ib In r i) il, n p , ,131 I Walter Ocdere, .'r.ann Schultz. Townsliin TAP Cooidinaior. ul lhv Miila..3U, diun.-r IIL'1;! in Mr-m.-lii, lnn, Mat.iwan, T— j Township Rcpublijiui C'luh, third fni'ii lp!'(l!'( , i>i , co ning art: Stanloy ri.inkn, .-iTc.nnt at arm- gratulati'd hy .loiin firwv.ivy, p;i-| |>r;>> i-l i-| ami .I,, H>.MI-. Tron,' SL-.M t:iry, '.Mr. Ili-rs'iid. I'ii'tuiuil, l'.'fi In ri;^ Sweet Sixteemn Party j "' yju! Sam Miini'jcuk'o, cJ presicljnt. VFWAnnounces Winners L W V News And Views I New COI' Officers ri'-l SY Croufi Circs Speaker Th" wi'iiieix oi ;:.,• (itli li.s:i..-t William V...HT, Mil Pistrii't Vl-'vY Ho* Lftigue I* Financed I If the league is to continue to Astatine Their r'.'T .'•'.;/• Siiilerliood VI-'W Vui.-' of l).'i.-.m':-,i<'v FSMV : M--n. i". sh;p an-.l Loyally Day byJWrs. James M. I'aker, president! irf in..-reused services lo the prov e During the business portion of the Con' :M li.ivi' i>•.»•*• i .'ui'iiHiniv:! |j-,- i:tl,ii:nnn stri'Ssi'.l tile importing'- The LAiapue of Women Voters is citizens ol our community, our Ah in Ju.si'iih S.r.iiii. p:i-:i piis: liinmir. i.-f nv.iib.-is'iip "iml disi'iissod [lio a non-profit volunteer organization. moflin,j of Hie K:'-iiihlK-aii Club of Al Club uf i-ii i'ost -!7-ri, .Mii;. I ova it v |j.,y pai;n!- srln'ilulrcl f: >r state and nut nation, we must find i , peiTorni The l.ittl:liti|'. When a local league's budget is Maiaua:i Ftiduv ni'w officers Gi'iieva, cio;iini of original y?\- a ul i:vl di-itrici chair-:Siiiiili\v. ''lav 7 !n Long Uiatidi. Ki-d .S:-III..|(I,IIISI'" a»"the'•'is'-il'm'itheisil l "' drawn eaen year, money is provid- support Irom tho3.! who recofjnizi j lies. \vas tin Kii.-:.i sn.--.nli'st ;i't|.'i I :iMi'ii. Coi-'iiiaiKl;-!. Mon- ed lor such services In the com- its contributions to the American iin>> (.( f 1 Its contnoutions to the American James. SIKH muii'iu'd as pr-sident woL'tintf (if Hi.' Woman's Cl.il) ol hi sun-'s; Tlrr- vV. •'.',.•.,• ,.»•» lv ,',•- u".,,if ., ' Mist,Mis s i.Ji.j.hlci'ii ci'ii i ••:••':.J-: '':.,!iii, :in.. Ki'Red I'.aulI'.rinl:; ., nvnitlir.'in'.lii CmmlCi.unlyv C-C-nniii. untill VFVFV.W' an amd : munity 'is candidntcs information politicall system.. f n«lhi-i ti'i'ii, .larm'S Luwson lainvnt.Inn ' Ihnhor. Her products, I ln-rs in ii - pmu,,, ',',,„' ,l ,.' ,', j. " ful'ii'li • lli,:li !-i-. h.'.il. was ;!»• fu •-•• Jajiii's f.-nwli-v, S.-iior Vice Com- sheets, candidates meetings, and or n K ' lir ' Dunn;? the wee; el Jan. ii. dc-j m,,Vl,(! mUl ,hu ,,(,,,, ,,r vice prp.;i -' wh"'l> iv.'n; ilisp!a\fik- Th-y n-portoii distribution of league publications. a s : clared •league of women Votijrs jen(i ir,! William I an/aui inovi-d "' " 'i n imusmd shops, liko the | tin Kaini'i Ih,.u |. ' u'll'l .".',!!. !'V M'ddii-tn'.vp VFV. I'ost J!79. II.•: on 111- pr^M'.-v.'i m. irhcr'ship (iri\,> In addition, a league spends con- 1 ! - Week by both t, a'.awon Boroufth into M,-. IJK™ !• formi'i- po.si|i:;!, Smiilivilh: Inn. olc. I fi»' tin- ••..•r.iin -ipil (-ii-,, -. ;. ,. ' sv;\v is . l-ili!" fn;- the sta'i' i-nr,- Tla-v at-.., e.\|i!ai-i-.: ll"' appliia siderable money en material for ! Ml!i annd MMat r wan Townshipp, ,th ee mem- os t,i..i:ij--r. Mrs l-Jizaiictli Quinn - 'OM'PII D.'.iin, pr.'suk-nt. | ,.M i-rh '). ' (-."'ipa tl.sl ai|li_ |( suu., v,,ui> u.j:| b(. in ,. ,,ls ,,,,. ..,,M ,iV.,..;,..rs ,„ ,,,,,.,,,1 informing its members on govern- pivsid'.'d and M mental issues and pursuing its bers of the League of Women Vo- ~;~J>studies, r.tich as water resources and foieign policy or the national level, hither education on the state level and our own study and eval- uation of the Matawan Free Public Library, ihe money needed to sup- port thesa programr. becomes n fi- lance drive goal. partisan policy and discuss league \ • To raise these funds each league objectives with inte'estcd citizens. I member pi.ys duos and many make We jr;>e you to support your [ I'APS (T.'iM-Ai'.o 1'I,,.;I-:IMI) ol Mad- i :!ikl ' ' MISS Kvnii.ri N STIG.\I:R additional contributions, hut this is |league so thai we may better .serve j Linn Tii'..ii-lijp \|-v N'...rman Lar- , ["' ,, V liil1 < 1 A S-A\, . .-ixteen Mirpiise birthday not en nigh I von I.Si'll Will Iv in lu,-h;1'-.;. I ' • "l v - " rnrv p»s"ion whi. I!"- Mnmran : \c:.w ("nniniiili-v""- i ii).,.,i , ; ..„ „ , ' p.Mlv na ; t;i\ .'ii *i: hoiio: ol Miss POM OflM.,\ wliich she no Icivr 1 ... New Dimnntli'es j ".l.in^-I-H I. .uiu..;; IM.I.-I's...,:^ : Mi'KM'i1 l.y her parents, John Redd, Mrs. William Clcury, ! holds and which I'.-sti mnl her from | '"'" ""vv l"»"l"l';lc'i w-re form-| "' Mrs. Riuieri Trap,). Mrs. .loscpli i fillini; :ii' oft'irc in j political orijan- i ,'; .K '"'r' ' illlfis:i,i «:i5| - I'.l WlIlM M:s Fti.tk'tick A. Steg- Chairmen :im 1 iii'i. r.ll M:.;.Ji'ti llr, Cliffttood Geiirp,-. Mrs. Frrnk Pietropolio, ' untiuii. cmkl IVMIHII' her for'nii'i " ™ e.iairmaM of ih-j scholarship I my • in. '.'.l.li u-,is o-ii- Mrs. Gi'or»c Ciarrily. Mrs. Michael ', position. lc:nnmiu..,. and will IK- assisted by; >ff/c/r lo lie Ilienie Committee F.aili' Purlin. f,u ultv Hi-ach, .it the O;ik Shndrs fin-- JenniniVi» < , •> Mrs.. .t.ounnr <*d• . .. \'||'J I il II II.' l l.l.lkll 111.'.-... rt.,.1 \t.- : il'.iui-d'bx ^-Appointed Mrs. Ja:Hb Smitli, 4 r Ihi' I.wi.'ikv llni'iii'r i Iu.u Ma Mrs. Join. Phillips, chairman of pointed the Mo'Mer* March in Madison Township, has appointed the I jllmv- ing arci chairmen to organize the march tn their respective areas. RecrnttiiiK about 450 volunteers for the d.ior-todonr drive will be Mrs. Victor O'Brien, Mrs. George Giln Drost, Mrs Chailc- Boice, Mrs. jMr.. ; Frederick Tunis. Mrs. Leon Arrow- ranher. Mrs. Raymond Ricimin, i •••-.-.•—j.K club -n earl••.-.'.'•',-y M.'iic' h al the Hook smith. Mrc I.A. Marshnll. Mrs. Mrs. Vin-ent Dolce, Mrs. Joseph :Imd ladder hue Company. John Harvey. Mrs. Cecil Patton, Baumann, Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Daniel Haxf Mrs. Michael and Mrs. James MrCormick. Annicharico. Mrs Ralph Ascolese, AnyoiK' v/ishing in volunteel r may | ' Mrs. HaTOld Schi-uoder, Mrs. Wil-cnnloct th:! chairman in her area i liam Danton. Mrs. lidward Hussey, or Mrs. Philips. Mrs. Janus Griffiti. Mr». William OcologY Innlrnrltir O'llara and Mrs. Jnrnes Redd. New car dealers loaned without : Robert Morris, 31 Wilsnn Also, Mis. Charles Schick, Mrs. chaise 32 pur cent of thh e cars used |I MatnvvanM . IKIh I bbcon nppninK-d on I 'hi'si' plan-, I.indley lugging. Mis. Irving Tab- 1in courses duiina the 1DS-I 65 school i instruci.jr In )!.'oli.^J>IM)IH«>\ »alI tlitino ' Rutt |I man, Nl.s Akin Wringnrtner, Mrs. 'year. J ("crs Culli'ie: of Ails mid .Scii net's | in Ni'wsrt. Dr. V'liliam N. (Jilli- \lisiin C,r llolils 1 land, Divin of tin' S.ruc t'.Hv.'rsity i i'Olk'i;.1. I' is annoii'H .'it. JANUARY Mi. M.ii'i-, ii-n--\'\\ hiv A 11 i> \ j'.rrt' fl.'n. Dnki- I'iiivi'rsilv ntld hi1, WASH « DYSE # DRY it t t i M -\ IV'ii.i- fioi:i I uiiiinin.i I :i'- I I'I 1 : j^i-r^ity w'-iv hi* pi'-'M'iiilv U .1 i i: ii' I"..:; I I-I Pufnarn Dyo Sold Exclusively USED CAR SALE I'll.U.' i-.indid.ile. I HIM li h;s Klir .•J .11 1 'u: III'- ' \ i:t C.ors .ip,i i.'Uiurnt Ii" wis a U'adi i-l i.liiin' nl Ni-;h; :in I I. >||M'.| LOW - LOW PRICES ! I inn as'istn.it nt (? >IUIMIMII l!'.' >'|-|v.!tui,i,v Th • St I'- ! 'nu .*• -.!\ ris:i u> lot i-. Ii . HAPPY HOUR LAUNDROMAT |';i 126 MAIN ST. — MATAWAN , i.ii '66 MUSTANG V-8 a iiien'bi'r of I'M llit.i K.ipp.i, and J,^ Storo Hours: 2-Dc. Hardtop, SUndard Tranj., Radio & I Siiiinj Xl lioii'irjrv M n-nii' vici.-lv F i He h'-'d -i Su,:-,.,,-; !- l!-.v. !::,i fmui 123 Main St. — Mahwan — 566-9777 '?' :"!r Ona O*rt«r Car. New CAT Gu;-,,i.:.! i:,••;•; i:, .-..;,... ,,. :..'i-, Thurs., Fri., Sai. Open Unfil I A.M. *•'' SU'iDAVS 8)0 AM Ii I 13 P.M. ! "I 111 ' I'.lli-llTlt""-!/.' .1' S . ."iV .I'l'l f,U, RET. PAf'K.'JG Hi RrA^ O= BJi!.ri;Mfi S«dm, Full^ t^-JpHod. l'o«»r St.'i-iH. Lo» jMim'ntly li.is n ,p.*p,'i PI pie-.-, in Othor D«jys — 5 A.M. to 11 P.M. fully Gj.»rjinl»i»d, "Stie-room ConJ.liort." > • .MI.I .in- | tli • J.KU'MI nf l .i!i'..iiin;.,):v. '65 CHEVROLET V-8 Impala Chili's S/>riiiff Hull '64 BUICK '6' Skylark Will He llehl \/,r. I HurJljp, Fully Equipped. Fu'ly GjfiMntlnJ. ' Mifl Ml, Mm, , S- • ».i, |l, • w»> i D.. M,ir.Ji,»j>, r,,!i, EqJ:p^.J. .It- w•;: .i:n ( i'i,*.iy, <.•„!, M,5 I'l.'lil.l ; A Mi.ivM.i-' fii'.i-'t.i: '64 CHEVROLET Biscayna '6' hn If'i.liPi, *.!r* Ji'lm I ». IV'I'l'- I Inr III (I Pi ! Mt '»-.' iw l Ssiliiv.m fii'-1 f I... t I l-'i'1 ^ ' . '-I -I ' 4 Ui. SC.I.I. lo- Kt,!..,,., OA. O»"«' Cat, In- I - <•< •An-.1- ..' \\ I' I'i' I'- v n.l I-' 'III.' II, M fr,' l!.,l PAID .f.-.l, • ' , I. "

'63 VOLKSWAGEN *ooc ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS II \HKIS HAiti>\v\iei<: is YOl H '63 CORVAIR Mon>a Sudan $B95 AND '62 ClltVY II Now* Sport Coup* $995 pOW IMPROVEMENT! '6? C\ invPGLtT OnlAir Sodan $695 ^ CENTER *J7' //'//fl CEIMHHAllS OF DEPOSIT TRUCKS (HfHIV l ton M.i I),. til'H fl CnN W6-IOI3 for r

tt 1 t.Pif ,l| ( ,,>r.l '.'...I, r ...,!• j 4 V,i...I ().-,» t.-|VC e I'.1|>nf H 1111 !< . i r U...-.*. f^,.l t',,..-.-' '-..'»• • I-; ••!-- 1)1 M\;\i:n CONSTIM V:YU >\ CO. SSRV/CE fS OUR BIGGEST ASSET/ 1 "--'"• I Houii: i* \MATAWAN/ . IIAItlttS IIVHDWAH CAN WE HELP YOU ? \ N.J. / nil Page Four THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, Thursday, January \9, S967

More than 275.il«) mill's of iele- jQLt pfrmc wiro IVJS, installed in Jink ll I'l 5 cii:"ionii'r» with (O'lir;;! offices, mid lo iiitnrci.1-iH."i'.1t swjiching cuiterj. The company staik'il u nc>v cr.i;- cor' in '(;'i"-r.ton" inrviCL1 f:;r !;;.;-: ness c!is>iime.rs whe.i it opera;..! a businr"s n'rvioe feeler in Tror-*.on. Published every Thursday nt Urt Main 51.. Mstawnn N. j, 'J'tiC r'iil.:r u.ei'.v.'l'.i.ileu iiiU.1 inn- iiv npou'N p»sus::>x &NU IMIINTING COMPANY (i ' M c ? .'ibnui Ui/Jli) buslre.-r-.s i'.c.i'f:uiiio t!ut hcv.! b-'i.-Ti Jian'JI'.'i! by . I Mabftl 3n)*r-, Ed'toi - Gsraiiiine V Brown. Associate Editor .DON'T' BLAME INSURANCE L-!ai,".> employees if they septiia.e oflices in I'ninton anil ; Reorgc T McCarthy, fr!tii)w ?Hizens, and Uioicbj- making Mseli worihy oi their coiifldeucf!. ji:rsry B"',{'B stopj>>!'j-iip ; "hitch" in a driver's hack tl'ai fouiributtd to an auto tuiHipaie.ii totn" con-hacombat o.iiiioyr.r.'.ii j accident \v:is cuicd bv ihe very crash ii helped cause. The 'Second-clasa Poafcage PaJd »t Matawan. Naw Jersey." c^..cn.lIlS ™pno™!,c.Srf™mreC^ ! ^'"•ist ,d*«l«ped a" .harp Wk pain that forced hint to KesjmnslbUlty fur typographical orient la limited to T.hft cnut nf the i and iT^ii'ird in the ipnvictinn of'.'1 | !i'l'l) ''!• '•'"-' s'"1-' °' 'he road, .i ho car cenind him couldn t «ciipicrt oy KIJCEI error person.? on disc: Urly person;; \ stop f;• .sI enough and the impact of the ensuing roar-on-'! Sulwenpl'pH • jtcs Payable In AUvanurt charts during thi' tirsi il months j collision knocked Ihe ''kink' nut of Ihe first drU'in-'s back. Send to 5S> V. Frutlt SI. h'evport. N J On» Year Uvtthln st-itol U 51) C^^.Wl^fdemS: Ae'na paid for bis re?a,vs, and didn't charge him for the Tfirt'e Month* tin;! techniques tn identify the t,,l?- medical scmrcs of th.' second driver, a policy- Sl» Months _. Ono Year (oulaldo utnte) *....._...»- $S-I>' phone lin.'s nf 127 pi-rsuns sipped-1 Jioliler. . . .Asked lo describe: Iiis auto accident briefly in Ono Year 'outside I) S.) I7.O0 e . i • >. .' • , i i J i -.i before. The news vnedia report moro ov> thi;; subject than nrr;, ; but, cue uay it wasn t up lo supporting a truck loaded with almost any other. Government funds pour into a broaden- Thv coiiuiany's operations in the | 2i'.i lens ot cotton seed cake. The riiiroad car col lilted, ing array of health programs. This, in turn, raises the cfiitiiil ii:i'a, wli'i-h covers Ui i dropping ihe truck 23 feet into the rive.". In.-ur.mce pnid for question of the role of voluntary agendum Hko the March of inuiiiciiwiitics, Bi'o (Jirectcil from | a ,1PW bridge, not a railroad car, auti compensated the JDimes, whose traditional fund drive begins this week. Can it^m-ado.'arUTS liuiliUng in rm.- , !Tinchf;1. w,u> ha(J tQ ,,yhj s p!.iv..(£. p|nne ,/^j t(j (own these groups still make important eC'iUributions to medical . , | while the bridge was b^insi built. . . .Whin a guest sat progress? ! .k'U'n in ;m Illinois hotel to sip a bi;er, he got a bigger, A rea.ssuring answer has come from a lop government John G. Hewitt, president of First Mi-rchanii ' lautiiin, 10 \cirs, I IUR , 'ijiif, Mr. i bang than he crpecttxi. A piece of the ceiling tell on iiis Natluuai Dank, presented service award pins nl I llvnilt, Miir'ev Konur, 1"> \( irs, I'piil noune, 30 scientist. Dr. Richard Masland, director of the National (continued irnni I'a^c (VK) I head. annual banquet. I'iciureil left (o right are Joseph < uars, •mil HIIII'LI Ilkn, II \i,irs Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, told a did MIH like the idea of a Inisinrss (I . . ONE POLICYHOLDER was up in tho air cvor his As iie entered tho lavatory ot an airborne plane. Congressional committee that: with purkmu in briny in 700 cars in ! ', , , , , , , ..... , - - ., "I have repeatedly heard. . .now that, the federal gov- Venn Chairman the arc.i. it nab |>;H!i.:'iI.irlv called j '"l- !'W'10 Iiirclicci and tht* mans loot slippuu into the ernment is putting so much money into research, there MTNuisance Spring Fair ii nvomicu to childtin who must | toilet lio'.vl. Insurance paid medical expenses foi treatment isn't any need far the voluntary agencies. I think this is a Again Of Planners iMilk lo rrhool lms slops. ,,f his injured le,u. . . .A West Springfield, Mass.. car owner ; 0m d coll(;clctl ! r l dal il e tragic error. . .we rely very heavily on the co-operation of Malawan Township Planning thei"' ••''; Sio.r Mr ''cnli^'fa'!!' " "" '° " « re?iilting"fron. a fire sunned by Code Upheld a these agencies. . .it is not easy for us to start something. . . Hoard reorganized lust ninlit. Sal-1 Site Named iiCK'ated'the'weic'ht'.jf'his own ins-j Pii^^nKoi' who dropped a liyhted i-ii'.tc-h down Jh? de- tiniony tliat tlie liact was unsuii. j fro.stur vent thinking it was an a.ih tray. . . When a in other words, to create the programs. . .1 tliinlc it will be vatorc VfUi vnK icnanif.d chair-j for the HiiinuU'l Spring a very sad day if the only place a scientist can go for sup- port is to the government." We agree with Dr. Masland and we believe The Nation- al Foundation March of Dimes has always performed the precise functions ho considers so important. The organization demonstrated this in the conquest of polio. It is now proving the point again in its fight against birth defects. By locusiny public aileiition on the incaU'UwlA" iiuniau damage, through defects, ence of stition and bereft of hope. Aikens, West Kian.s)..rj;. mid M,s. j p M, S..ll,,i Mated thrre In AlLrit Gcnityy . Il.il,,idil. as jj-uots. ! '™IU.MI.;;; keypnypu :, piopcsapp i t., |..-|3||355 lin-ilinll att thee A!ai!aso.uan K-'inr P.maid l'i of MrsM . Ai' h f j "<•<>;"<<>;'' l» ' SliitSltc DuuilmenDuuilmntt of M,,(M( . N,N )v. 12 3m ll. aftef r ducstioi n about s has ,V;HTOU.. nl ...ti!(l hir>- us own |>i. i iviil I" ;".!• -«is of 1 ii.^l l''p!".t Women Vot,rs of Ma.awan to League oi Won.*.-,, Voters of | tr^^^l'UStTonl ! T^ ^tv't^ !i-..- l-ia.i.'es M I.i.l. v..i'i, it : si'\ iII aliuv. '.'.I i Chen !i ;ii a f«-Ut.^\^h'f3 s'i[j|>"i puor - •rii.-l s. al',,- ai \|..mm,u!li fol- Matawan; to pr-rsuaM on u pi vale pii)|ii'iiy, |.nui !h"i. IniMian.l.-! will M iv in i .imi ',\ut* 1 im al•J Ihr MllliiliM'X i t n.jlj !»• ili'tie lar, lli.it tin- lu ill.- L- ni.'i'ani}; in 'iummaiy rdu 1 Were deputized by Matawan Township to rcnislor vot- j that they IOUIII only lie mhii'tt inJMeiry Hill, Mount l-mmns l'.i. I -mil fh.v,, qujk. ..paunii'ia:;. I!-..?. .'iiniir.i i,l i^'iie. auth'i'i." an mil- I — I trespass or disorderly r.,niplaints | M, , he . .mil their hiish.ind.s win 'i'n. is aniii'i^ tl'.' mi-'ii'it*: s tit ers duriny the summer and fall; n r! i pili|»l.<..'d UMll tt!i.s,iiu unulil cmi- ! r . . .. i . . . - I » 1 1 v l tt l)rt nhd.i S I;IIHI Tan, hi.not wicn'ty " PPreparcdand'dTstiVbuVen d a'candid-ute fact s licet for the i ''>', j ' ; '"' ' . "^ wl.Vch'was ! MM i f Hv liuvvini e IV. mea mul . Inn, Kaimi .M'Hiiiimith. win ure pioviiMni; Mataatawaw n Borough Council election; i " "hl V IT', n , i would iiivhid Ka< iiie .Manor, Tm; (.M.-M,..,, «», .»-,-,; ,ais,d hrv :iKn '.til. iree Distributed Ln-parti^i material for tho Ma.o olec,i<,n j „„, ^^S^.ruc. iillci.l III' p<-'.ioiil..llii i of '•Sivi.rl 'I'-n! « andd n constitutionall amendmend t fof r rc-appoiliomiient; ' H,,. ,,,,,,,, [|( ^ "in il'haniv' hi New York in li'h. 4. ••.iilnm! liuv l,.m.- pulUishe.l a V1.,,,, ,,, ,.,. 1 1 I/.-.i. il.i' .ilhi. Ii liri-i-.'ii >i i,|'I-'ii-rrn A\-. Particijinted in tho County Council Lunchiim for conn- j !»• ih.ii "a puhi pbiewji,iiy and lui\i- diniuT atn I'.'.ard at thc; '''^''! 1 S tlirt v 1 "' '.'i'lT". "M,"' - !"",'h ' "'•'' ^ '•"'I'-.'HV "II li.vl nu more man ].' fur i.idi J" '>n J. Hioilley Mas rei'H-rletl ty and congressional candidates; i M'oi wliiro m nffensff v x,as : Piccadilly. ' - '" M"rc Wlllll» ', M,.IUIM,I::I i mul Kiypmt. It I rhiinm ill .1 the M.'lawan /iming t'llv ! Caiulv uill he *i*'t! as ii ways i fonrlh th.-ii moved and |XISM tl mat Hoard o' Ailj'.is'nu nl rmsJay Established the Youth In Governivent projix-t for junior ! «»iiimiit»il i,n puvar l would in.- in full view of ti |iulili'c j mid means prnj'i <. as luiiminic'i! i[(.i.«l it! l-.il,i. nniM-mic- lu.Vm KI.,1'1 shmihl p;,v lot no nune ' niRhl ilanv (iati'e was tfn.nneil and senior students of Matawnn Bcirouiili and Towaship; road or luiids cnnlti'lletl by I ho inn I by Ihf * nv- and means chairman, n<.Uli !.- ••! Mum St. Iron, the (nil- P cflu Ih.itl it h tl li'ift.ii .-.kil ai'al nl.IIV Ml- I'nhert l".llll|KT- And adopted a local study item, the Mnliiwan Five „„ ,ht, : nirip.llilv nr Im.ii.l if < diu.ilinii. Ml-. I ."' •> Si hl.ivoi'e. . - j IV V, is)) !n nml l (< IniM'lh h 'M Mi S,ii,l:i.ns Icil, r t" the Mat.i- in-.iin '.v.i< u'lur'cd clvrl, ail(' Public Library. Th'o 'l.^i I'.diint w s ai iiinlini'ly I U'lrvMinu-nts v.'Ti' uervetl bv SI'- !'• I hi IMIT I.R'I tint- beyi'inl ihe wan II.A i-i;ip imi •,••|i,ii in m.ij'.'i Vim .-nl I'. M.'io. ailorni v. """' It nil add.s up to i.utst.Hiding cuiununiiy MTvicc. Be fnuiiil :;u'l!y tun ihe onlv pi'iialty i Mrs. !.I.U':I Schiuvone nn<) Me-. New Yuri: andl."ni! llrnnih Kail-| toulil ixpl.iin the l.iuiil.s p.iti.,n *.'r. n.il.iin sutLi .' :M- IIISI II..,I fifih ili-tnrl.« ,al i .];u n . i d.'|i:iT'-'vit SI"- '-ml '""• Mis I, 1 Cill mul Mi-. I ui 11; -' ^ 11. Ihi i iu.i\'.t In Ku'^eis i'i •suit i.f tin' III-V hnn,i-s nr.il ihe h.-s "I ;.'ihi!-.i: and efinipinrnt hiU.' (II ll it(ual;lv Ih,'le.-.t• A.-s fur The •.MIHi slafl otul Bi'.int of ,. h „,, ,, . . , . . [ Suiiis.li I. .Mal.man. was ' Si'htav.me Mntntt.in; Mrs. .lo I'.t'S II.. 11.Mllnit .1 a> .lu its>ist.iti[ I i.mil.tt I.I fcr having nut fiil( tl ia I in rim :ls i-f i| .uf n •|!"< 111 till' M F IM | h. •*.,, ,,,,v s.l i|.i,| I'l.ll ll GiivormiM at Riv.'tvlew Ilo-pital r , „', , • , p.nit. K -v|yii|- M" Ai!|P' i nl .'.-"ii'.i!! tu IV,.-. !.,i.it hr \\,is pi.' 1 lc< 1 lie ; 1 1 i liei k f-r ; I In in ji. I V.II.IIUMIU .M-l " ' •'• '"' ' !'•.:• 'Ii I i.".» h.ivi; iniiiin) a liii.n-.i ill lii.til.n Mr. I us ! :iiti ml I mieiini;* when loin me In exprossiiiR npprwintion | " ''" « "'" t " '""'t- '' (nanili.i'.oi.i. Mi». J.'iii" mud tn bra.I in.iih m l..p,Tii.,l! (1 H pin fni ini-r !• iipliivi... K.IIK-II ('IIII M..nlv I'll '' ri ,• 'I. i. il \i,t. rs, '!',< t•-1 nniM> 'MII1I'":I loth aikn.iw.|. , ..o ^ali.im aijilinliin-.s v.L-r.- h kl. to The Malawan li.urn.il fnr it< n>-j hljih nb ainhturiiiHi nl oi'inl. Mrs Willl.it.- Seam u Mr. It" v.r i -..111. ,1 u !l. mmh i.f II.. 1 1 N'-w V"il.. iiau.l l'i. tnHiisl,.|i n '."I i.i.' i' i ' I r-:' -'I II ,1 v. ;. i- in nl,:, ,1 Ii.. .':!!,.itli'l'. V..I;: II li.i'l I'h. lie ..I', lisl.l (I III pripaif a oper.ili.11 tUmiii' t%fi. This i\as an with n In t.t IHHUIINS m- it.^ , f<;l- II.-a Si i tn.'. ir Mrs "Inny S.iaiiiiT u..r>. in tl \.-i..|..:ni; Jfl I..tin!1! i. In.'. wa*, alsn fir. I on a i h !l." IM •'I,' us lil i IM Si;.|,nil,ei ami |.-,i • ,| ll , n I! i III,I!(I;1 ^^ ,r '.ii,,|')e nllM.l.ili'e to be suhmill' d 1 1 7 1 1 k v Mi. U.-.I. ll Wi'iirthi i)'; ami S|r I: L';-I t , : ..-i! I : V u In. b' -. -il:l. Ii r."" .!" . i ',^.:". . ' ."'I..!!'."" .. l''." i»*<'ti i'v «'• nii'''nii!iiiu! 'n% fiir ! *'e t'.inil.ilatr^ f»>r '•"• !!":ui! of I il• ••! tticn ! i si'rnri.l in M -..'ii-.j', In 'llll. ! VMHllil III I. l%7 In V-III ami youi fin. iream.'a- ' v.-.itii-n J. .if m ll'• M.ii.»'..nn Hi i Farm \nr Simil l I ii.. I Dilllil" 'lie |lt tii.n. \V\ IM'H fonvaltl In ''i.tlllli'iilH llll' fu- \.iinii,.|, II,b i'n!v I'. I'd A\ tan im l«'ilii»n of l.ll lli'-lllll '.Mil .ip'.lk. I -'.V A' i III'' I'i'i llh, 'tur iKu'llin' retain rt"- with vuin r ll:ll:l Rlllj'.fH I,.;! r I 'Until I 1 li'l(! I. Ill ll" II I.' <-|.| 'I'll |u ll-Hi in ' 'i'rtmji In lltiliiitlrt « IM liapi-r bii'l Ihf nth , nrwi nu'vlin ImV.'tli.-i'l ilnrmi: I'vir. p- • i'..l Yii'l, ( : hv IL.i. .leu t...uii.., Ii'- for ft Cjinst'1'n anil .in- H.hill Hi MII. ••1.1 ll ,-|i JH h.liw in piM'.rtl 111 rytrliin! «IUi|ent ipeilft . I-rs |h. („,,„ I rfnk I-. Ulai lell ' Cilv M •f.-t . II in.!.! 'I hi' tim.n |. I'I, tcfitiin Ihe prnlilenn Hint tt.".) v..i» "(h. Ai., l'f '"-iilenl, Is ih :-'.|.lll. ' 'I' • • ;;.:,!.,[.-! \-iM.,.-, .1 |i>;> !!•;:?:! ntRe 1,'nii ,in i|itiii.,(:!i I"..I. ll •.!•••,I Hi;, II... I 'i'n • in i.iii'i -! :.. I i -.nl.. r A--".-..'.i I',.;* i'l' lehViA »li.| Ihe ilj-.?i^rr '

'63 CIny.iiT Convciliblo j I infs Mr, «* »«»uiint effi' ..' iii.«i!< |n i.t- ll Cinin. fur tin- •^lenlhlll I ,..'I'., A,"*, T-iM, l»$, K. t II. (...r II !m jr* inlitu! iriinit'in i jiirt tt~- t'-.it nl Us j '6? Confiac Cflfrtlinn M, '850 f '66 Plymouth l^y it, )'.,..,»• .;( )*ism> 9-1,1 «.Hii1»*!l ( i 'A J i! j 1 f r.»Mn> W v* *...,. t..,, 4(i» , *, 1 H,. \ i • (fiili>. S!, '2450 i < << fiM) thi < '!!l«lt| ! Ti. i!u '-'i-d f*Pjim<5« iff ff, titn ) f- !? ( •III. jltllitl l! '60 --( • if ) J.tiUi'Mf SVi»«t»l Coi»«if :i t ( 1 Sl»(i« ('Ml ft'.-l Ir.if" th* »./ ri.jj itii ' r I h '295 I, .V | affiiilti I ai, 1 i 1 "Ml i11 !(.')* itti il ( •••:•: ' I f' ! V in i?" in • i l .II' I-, !•- Tiiey'fe T<*!T|'f t*ii>lxi *tf«( 1967 Cktytkn «nd Plymouiht on Di'.pl.iy (it;, 1 |Iir- (ft. l«l!.Hfj *t|f. tfrt t,f siiir- »>i .'rl.rj- j,,,| ,),,, MAIN St, MARLBORO, N. J. — Plisne 44M310 • m ttii Ililfl orl l). t-'tlf W;* t~*» "«.| r, I AM hi » P.M. HOURS Ui.J till I. i ril #1 i,-.*i i Thursday, January ! 9. i%7 THE MATAWAM JOURNAL. N. J. T~ 9 as ting Girl Scout Leaders At Ma. la wain Personal Items 'awing News Of You And Your Family Is Appreciated At Any Ti.nu srhhorhood Meeting Ce!) MJS. Lorraine Smith, Tel. 5G8-1321 out , !i"iii;i. ,ir: i>isir.ii.Tiii in Uie M:ita- il ! wan Stiio'il ilisirici, -.vi!l apain i>e

Mrs. l.ibby SchlolzhKuer were Ihe Gladstone, were the Saturday j iiing (linnet and bridge guests of p ii s iii Mi Cii it o I i i I!IC \ i': in eliut;c of d.Taiie.eir.onts for Thursday eveninR bridge guests of guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sig- Mr. and Mrs. Allan .1. Morrison. l IK \1 nib is c ' 11 tie ' Cirl See.ii' Sunday It \\\,s ttiviin •• - • ' rmmd. I Mrs. Raymond !!a';sforil, Jersey | C I! S< it li p 4 p it i nint'. ; ernplicsi^vil that t"Mers for Girl Mrs. Eve.ie.lt Carlson 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burkct, City, i ) visiting her son-in-law and ili II (vie n \ \ lar t,'.t" j Scout Sunday ciui'th piof.r.ims Mrs. Irving Nmbanm, Ravine 11 Dr., is a patient in Monmouth Main Sl. entertained recently in daughter, Mr. mrl Mrs. Wallace | 1 I K, n ( t t D, i ih M ire- | wouki be available !'iuni e-.iliocl!. Medical Center. honor of their daughter, Martha, Spilie, Mart Woods. 1 Iii tm l / i n lM i j Mrs. iVniels, boi <.'il',h troop oi'- Mrs. Marguerite Laird, Mrs. W.who WHS celebratinii her ninth Tliomo:; Nodding*,g,, La Cross..'. K ,. i i i it' t.- ir Mrs. , ;-',:i1.iii'ei, aniiounco1.' ttuop leader 0. Dm;;iii and M'ss Patricia Mc- birthday. Guests at Ihe party were was the weekend guest of 1 Lit C i fin il Plil I c- ' I'.KIII'-'.-'S. Browni" Tronp 71) will nnw Kecn were, the Saturday evening Carolyn S.'iiith, Delia i.aubley, Karl i bis parents, Mr. andd MrsM . WilliaWilli m - !h Mi I m K i|l. Mrs. : o<- led i?v Mrs. I'.W. Ware with dinner quests of M'ss Eleanor Mc- Laubley, Lillian Torpense;], Kathy |C. Noddlnfjs , 1 I i pi ' II I iv.. Mis. "Jv..-ml !M!on assislin;;. Carthy, Tt union. Lee Maun, Doreen Killo and Phil-1 Mrs. Fichard Burket is a patient I i Mi 1 i i | ..'i,\ iin.'.i-.'iu' i ;;-un fi!J l.. wil! ,v»w lie assisted more, wtre thu Sunday guests oi Kathy Pasqualo, Barbara Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thome, ' i n pu i ! p s \ \ re Mrs. : !>y Mrs. ' ;'i,rc;.. C\\ irnberlain. .Tu- Mr. anil Mrs. Stanley Orblii, Short Carol I'tcone, Joseph Stachurn, Plainfleld, weie tin: Sunday quests • mi n 1 u 1 II") mi, • nlor (ii-l Sei'iu 'I !••'->[> '.I'M will now Hills. Kathy and Steven Mullinon n n d of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark Mis 'I \\ u it ' Mr-, I Win- , be led l,v Mrs. I. Windas, ass sled is ; by Mrs.' M.P. G.'iir;;e IH. New thi \ilnii i ilitii, I i umitti ( ! liri.wnie 'I mop H, l"-.l by Mr.s. i..L. Giidev \p n I I ti th u m i tint, L Mil-| l.upi, unit us^led L\ Mrs, M-.'.nzo, i1 i M In..;-| is hpunw'.-vii DV tha .Matiiwan Umi- 1 tained nt bridge on Thursday ^.^ ,, .. , .-, , , IK d cl I tilts i > I \pnl uiuneil .ness .ind l- rofes5,i..oai Women atirl nitig aiK the prize winners were I braiing_her eighth biritiday. Mrs. Marguerite LfcirU entertained in t in . i V ..,, it \le- | Senior 'i i. i-o 3ili is now beio\; spon- Mrs. Lee ColounuV and Mrs. Eu- ' at bridge on Thursday. Other i\ n \' R J'I it Sim )o Mrs. ! sored uy Siiius C.ipier 123, F.ast- guests were Mrs. Leroy Sii'kels, 'dc'i d 'lull \! K cl ud I nli i i rn Star. Mrs. Doi'.'is further an- gene Jae/ynskiJSKYVIISKI.. Otheuincr guests were -rFrm V' 1 Mrs. Nicholas Francisco, Mrs. Jo- 11/snng>t*Q /?J Mrs. Gerard Devlin, Mrs. Hdward (knee Wilson, right, 126 Shore Concourse. Cliff- (S4 West Front St.. Kivvpuri. and Iho linst was Iv ami >•'.",. Tivi.-Jui '.' F.lilei. This j noiineod tlui! oiyln biuwnies re- seph R.inUI jr., Mrs. Russell Web- " &IIKIX5S a see- W. Curriii, Mrs. Paul Egan and I uoo(|, H Junior Girl Scout, who was awniiled first -..;!i|lis, stum nnnagur. The prizes were iiw:ir .. «••••>>« > • 1 Ill II • — was presented with a gift by the Duplicate group on Ihe arrival of her infant son. Winners of the Ked Bunk Dupli- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hack, Brook- cate Budgv! Club lot Jan. II were: lyn, wars the Sti'.urday guests of North - South, David Miller, Holm- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barst, Strath- del, witii Louis Weitzner, .Midcllc- more. town Township, first, Jonas Ber- Mrs. Thutnas O'Donnell was the , Sr.inli'V on and Mrs. - ed, i.s 'ed '.i.1 Mis. } red Lurbei with ! lames H, clz. Mrs, N'.i; ii.ni I-'ru-i assi?ti:iy. Mr. arid Mrs. Abraham Davis, ber, with Hurt Leniie, buth jf MutMut- - ,priz e- winner whi:n Mrs. Charle- --s j 1 Stratlimnrc. were the Saturday eve- awan, secondd; MrsM B. Burt l-rnlic!:, |Geran tmtertnined at bridge on To Sponsor htuwiicon, Mrs. .hi:ivsI5u'ty ii'js nani'.-d . Mi <. .Jin'in t-i'initul"d leaders that ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. wit-'"•h Mrs""-. Joh'••n- Tischendor!"" • -•••, bull• i • Monday owning. Olher guests were ' cluiiiiiuin o!' tli*1 ^.'.lUiWiin N.'ii^li • Jamiiirv is reu,isli:Uion month for Mrs. Edna C. Chase IHIIIUJOCI C;irl Scuiii Ait Show. N'o the M.ti,\',an Neii;!ib(ulu-od. C'on- Ben FoxmAn, Brooklyn. of Colts Neck, Holmdel, third; Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Dzwll nnd Mrs. George r'u.-sliion Show Fch. if Mr. and Mrs. Jut A. Ctiihiaan Melvin Ford, Shrewsbury, with Ray Deitz, UK tlieine 'i is bt'iii sc 'cvt, il tor th" . .suhaiit.s- Mill nice, v ith leaders in were the Saturday evening dinner Corby, Ne".' Monmouth. fourth. The Miiunvaii TVi.ns.liiu Ausiiiarv j'"[ sllor Il:1' Sl-;ISI>11 !H" !u'"d1"'lk!' i'1'1''"-"^ .!»>l1. «« "ll« '«'«!.\bor- East - West winners were Wil- SusruteUamm University,: Sc'.i.sSi«'w ! ~Speaks^ —•••" —On -•• - Federation~ „[ n, i, v „ (..n.ralniiv Ite-- *- i'..i-.'"-i. Ki o;u!i -r;,- level ;l'e to on.xl in- :'.n;; is seh.'duled tor lues- guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cal- East • West winners were Wil- . f ? rew, Greenwich, Conn. liaham Hoilachcr, LtitlLiitle Silver, with I!grove grove, Pa.,, wass the weekend uiw'jt(4«esit , ., j .„. ,; : sn ,.,.,,,,,,„ ,,s .i,jn| Vinuil ,i: ijuides. Mrs. Vernon Fl- ' day, M i:-. II Mr. ami Mrs. J. Franklin Dom- George Macomber, New Shrews- |oiof[ herr paints, Mr.. andd Mrs. Rich- Mrs. fc.di.ti C. (.nase. South Am- o.ue is liuv,dav i\i:ir. 7.1 mil i" < ;,.,.., '.(J, , ,;. s|; , ,' lalck, Mrs. Douglas Ward and Mis. hury. first. Mi. and .Mrs. hevmour aril t.mley. l.oy 'itrli U.strlet v.ce president of j hem" will he. "MIKIU Iron, I h • • •>' < •"^ .' • ^" »• ° Edwin H. Dominick were dinner Kulick, Matawan, second- " Miss Mrs. [Jon aid W. Robinson, Mrs. [the New jersey Stale I-cderatnm ot', -.lnvies. ,'\™ '\.t.:, ,;"••,.',.!:.": . ., 7V> Hi'nr i'tiiulhinlcs guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gec.ire Marcaret Mirhe) Ail.'.nt:.- K^h-'Frcri-:'k i>Oeri.% Mrs. Gerard ;*""""'! <'!'•!«, v.'.-.s '.!:•.• zwssl, ;»:,,. J.,wiu anii.i'inwd iliat Mrs. .;,•••,;;:,.••.'.';" Earns Promotion Allen and Mr. and Mis. Frederick lands, with Mrs. Ruth Salmcri fit- Devlin. Mrs. John Tansny, Mrs, I speaker at the nveiniR of the Sdpl.io \V, .nsieiu i.--. a p.m.-iit in . ~" ' . ' Canditfa'es for the Matuwan ! Ki'gioual Hiiuril oi Kilueatiiin L. Cohorts of Southport on Saturday. tie Silver, third; Sol Schneider, Lit- David Biuce, Mrs. Thomas Wei-1 Women's Club of M.ilawan, held m !Riv ,.,A ::.IV HMspit.il. and Mrs. Cu>- , "" ia«ii.|»i.. MD" •!ii>\n V.H, ,- tie Silver, with Sheldon Stern. New i stead and Mrs. Charles Logo, Mon- ; the clubhouse on .lackson St. : ^,. i|,.]|. -.vlio liiis ••."•iniily returned If;"" ••••"•l:'i" .-"I'l-'ii. Mi'MiiU'-.illi eleetiini will npp.'.ir in a panel Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Mrs. dii il Charles Mandeville, Mrs. Charlea C. School:, Mrs. Jac Cushman, Mrs. Robeil Bentley, Mrs. G.J. Sterling Thompson jr. and Mrs. iRumson, Ralph iledle were the Wednesday I bury evening triage gucsls ol Mrs. Theo Mrs. l)i,n.'!iL! Cieilii-h, Mis. ; er Or^ani/ation has li.'i-n dore Maoic. Melvin Fard, Shrewsbury, fourth; dinj;s spent Monday v.siting points ; its present 15.500 I'Cderated c\um. 'e.ir.ls. ,'' "' '"• •*"*• '"" " ' s.,,,,,., ,..s. , -- .,.„.,...... ,« ,„.>., u,,,,,' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pruden, In- Ray Corbv. New Wonmoutb, fifth; of interest in Chimunwn. N.Y. She cutlined the accompllsliments I Ml< p,(1.,,rl „,.„,., w;ls |H,si)ll:,ii o ii^.:;m'iek. Mr., .himrs Miliei. : .•. so h ,1 a I inei.ihers may at- terlaken; Mt, ani Mrs. Jackson Nick Dispenziero, Middlete.wn, 1 ; K: ml Mrv l lh l orl (1 r Mi',. Mary Paichell, Sunset Ave., of the clubs throui\.ii.ut tlio United ,,y d,,,,,,^,, ttisu s.v. uus ussists'il M'-/ " '"» "'" ••'• " ' '! . J :'!l i\ T '"" l" !. a"<- Dominick, Plainlield; Mrs. Oonald lvlri 1 1 sixth; Margaret Michel, Atlantic has Tcturnfd home niter spending jStates and sumni.uiicd with her j |,y ^t< c ilvin I'eni.e, Mrs. Vero- ' I' '-" '- ' Kelley, Washington, Mich.; Mr. Highlands, seventh. ,0 we-vVs as the (juesl of Mis. . elj;Iit-ix);n: purpos' of thu orj!ai'.i^a- ; Aclv'nlier", mul Mi.s. llmry Mis. AI I)i'K(is.-i nod Mis I'll- . and Mis. J. 1-ranklln Dominick, (m i\:ii;l Hi.intiii. t,i-c'r.iiriiie::i. ; MKS. MAI. OKI.I. spending IU days vacationing at St. Tlie atlltudu toward the Nesro children Ho.se nnd liill, ilelhnore, | ri'r|), b;sltll.| ,m,,j,r ,|, iirin;iii. was ! ..il,,,',..!,., ,-i.t 1 ...' "ii'. Aitiiii.-s, wltu-'t I.;,1.*'-; -m.-;r n: u 1 ir [IH k :.p oi r-iMiin:iL'e pl.-.i'.e ' mst bo ihnnRed. This is n ques- I-L. nnd .'.Ir. and Mrs. Frank Zan- ,| . , ,. |,,i [. sit.» «as niv.-.ii,p:'- .'ii Apt T. liii'nrn"-.t:,,n is (ivail.it.1.- Th e '• .111. ['is- nn.t NWeltsots Na- Croix, Virgin Island.;. must 1F l w [ su S In a.'i i "in.ii i \'K M .r ..i Si '• '..i.!i .*t ' . Mrs. tames Fe'iuno and Miss tioMn everyone has heard over a i t'.la, Betiip.ipe, L.I . were the Sun- ;nil,(. ))v ^|,v Kimuin TLrifi-ul. I'l T Ma- k ;I,-.:II Mi-.. C;., -,,iv Hi.-...i.in. II in: .,1,1 1 ll• r.. W of Mi i.i.vau has an- Betty llntnnivay were the guests lousand limi"!. "Hut what kind nf day lues's of Mr. and Mrs. G.-orco i.-.ailllt,,.vn. («> lie.' iliieu son;'.; .-I li.r- :o.ili. Mis. J •• I. tin!' -.•!, fu:\! i.-.isin-i " mn .•ul ' !,.• pro:-.v mon of Mis. Mae last week ol Mr. and Mrs. Camillo ;nuntn/ ',s this IJ.K) of the free !'v.'yiii:iii. Stiailimore. I'uiiil Aid •i! ll '10 .1 Mr. aivl Mi Kdward I.oud, T,i|,ii ( - \:,'" 'I'".,, |. nt. ...I'-.'I'H'IV, ti ,i' ri- '' ii itishier of the D. Cientil •. where .1 Hegio woman must have 1', •'..Hit l ii e pr.'siili lit. lier child ili'liVL-r-'il by a midwife Sir.ithmore were the Siittnil.iy eve- : M" Wni tin fi' 'vi, li'.IH'.I.K'M.'. i 'i.i'i.-:i; .ii" •. iloeto,- won't eo into "in.'-' '''i' •'•i nu'stsi.l Mr. ana Mrs. also iiiini'i..ii'U .M X (•il ill • ,! .i'i,-i li.-rii !,iii' .- j . IK- I,, M M;-b I) \ it! ,i-j'i- (.fall l'.-llcr ,. t S.iii.-i! ,-. it ''• |, .i ,u ii,. 'i.T.ni .| n: • ,i .' !>:.• <... til.. Mrs D.-ll neiilay w.nle on i business trip to the seciliirt wher" ;liey live?" '.is',,- lh:nM -.-..t ;e:wii. N.'W Y.iik City. 1'IMI". I-.- \i'-ii't, S' n-: Ir. e,» L, 1 1 '•iV MT: AS j,:,t ni 11. • • • • • .1 : • •••••••" . .. ! umi,,:,,!, |.IIK.|K.! ,s a |i..|ient in • r.-'Li"' "" • h-nunm ..lis 1''- -., Si- ,,i "I'II. i> Hi-- fi :,;.-!,i;,-. i. ill ,| t'.. i'.iniH'rs anj Princeton iur the Djw Chemical ;''(' Man; I uMiir.i winner of ill ( M,:..,- :.'.-: i..(- ii, I'.iii I ...-s s •.'>-'•,'>-•'. M-.i's (.1(.l,, i ip., P'.'i'' y i.f |ii.--i,'oi . ii I'.i' -, iii .liiiii: ii\. i .H i In I'.i'iJ Coi, :;emi iiiinii i! Futhei Uapp Sii*.,ili Riv.'rview llo-.pital. ^ I •• -I.'- 'ii'liy -iho'il t!i" »'-oi ^'•"' I.I.IM Hi • ilin.i.-r .Mi; ,-i ,. •-! of n N Mr.s. J:.tne.: Mori.!!. Mis. Aileli I'OISLI .i.i.slup I -.in I S'..-ih ••* i..' I h-ill.i sl, ,|K I ,,'ni'' ! W'.li' Itif. '•' .- I >• i i '!" '.il ! : •"• .mil :n .luly, Mr. .iiiil Mrs. WMiard Farley anj | Contest of Saint Jusi-ph's Co!!ee,e, S'.-'t'. I- : ' !|', 'i|!-'.--r .'l'iO:Ud \,li i jl-.iit.ii.i . il Ms 1!*'-' ,!i4^ I l.lilkdl .IOI'IIMHI, Mi--'. I'.vi-lyn l!ei'l. Mr- ,'.! 'i..-r ;> rsi,..-il i-.in'.i.'.i -.\itli it" T.ll^s 111'! II III VIVII'I.-I '.Mil 1,,- H '..I U i . in,ulr J n nffii-er of tiic ilJte'i liiaine and Jeffrey, Wash- Ronsseliu-r, In 1. J Mark, a Ireshman from Mr.ruan-' Re*1* Maali.ui. Mis'. FianMin S. :i (ivi-."n -*inrl--• n-- •'' l>"'.:l-' •- ( ! 1'tisl". S M.-U'IJIH Mai iii'- v.'.-.seH. ' |,crt aivt ,'Iia V;I. ,'II::I Siitl'f* In-. i.Ji-i I .i tl'.- s,iu.,i,- d.ii,,':i..:, I in I. nk InRtun, w( re Ihu Sunday dinner 1 1 . ^ Mr. I 'i,.. in11.''-n in guests nf Mr and Mrs. W. Rulon ville, win the eontest with his Thom,)vi,i. Mi*. "Aillum K. Sm.t'i 1. ,;e i.a.l Iip;).'.i.eil Ii'i .1'i'"| n"-' x 11 fl-n-i!' • i "f the Muiii S'.u.ir.' r,.iiH-n ,i :-! M- S;II. i, ,ii,- in lilll'M 'I ,11 .ill- 10 Mis. leny i-n-'shni ,.[ the Smith. | speech on ' Civil l?iimts " Aft hi i, M,S, ivt,., H:il;u-l.i. ill'.I Ml-. |i. " • ' ,-I' Of li l.lt'.-s .'I 111'.' M.V IV..1-1 li.'ll.hi 1 ( ',Vi":.,:n (i itl't''-' wen1 ih" W ,\!ll'-s i' - !. lllltl'il .it •j ii'.'i :n'.s !1,,-.,..ir.int tn an Mrs \>'niiam Sluvin. Miv Allwrt o|"'iiin:; -v" ', "nt on tn j • i - - •-. n! I!I. !!>•• \l- • II,v SfMir,-.'lip <"'.i!> illiit Ml-.i-il 11-i.ml I'l' -'i-tli.iil l-i'H Ahell, Mi•>. t.viti.i V.'.*!!',ii};, N',rs. ;i.;ire f'.iv !!'.• ArAetii.tn N*,1:.) LI '1-, il'iv . vv:'.".', ,.ev .'.., ill Mis. li.lll'.'l' Mi II, v : • I.':;- !-.!.-! i'i-i.'l- • i.-i ; in • Ilip-.ll*' i . i>.'i,iii.Mi, an ; :' .- l-.-i-i , ; "lull ut '-.-w V.'ii;. iuiil Ih • I'I. itlsslti.l ('l.tiiil.'il .u>- (if J,i!,n i..i. •.,'. ..V..S i.a.i hiiier. Mrs. ,' 'vil iii,.mi iniiv.'.ii-m. "My f.nl-.e %!, I-., ,'li ..hell 'iv , .'I' i i..iii'-,l In- ,,f t!,,' i.i,i' p.i;t\- s, i..li:i t| f.M i 11 II. .• ji ., Civil Jir'.-ns.' J,i,.toi- iit.ii inir " I.!''*',' .un" i!ie .!I!I !'is Hoiirt Of Gold Bail , W. !\i!-,i!'.o; nii .SiniilSmithi ami Mis, (Tuule.-, : l"!d me someiliuu: oiu e ' he s.ud: 11" II ei,ff 'I'I:: Il-ir- n-tI HII :|>:;- ip'ist! t( liorhiir.-ll. Ii . ' \|,,n,l,iy. .I.in '. ii I" '< P '. ' ' in i ."•',',l'l - .' lo I'r- I'IIU* .' M ,',•-• ,'i i'-, I •"• •!; • II nil nf \' -.; I ,' i \il.iu:" li I'" • i., -e kec «u" Ih.) Tue.'.Juy di-.wrt i"W!ii'iiyo.i ..uta \'"i;ii>, li,''!: !i!,ul, Mr :"• I '- • , '"••:;•• ' '•••'"!• i'i • I.,',: •,.,„• I • i..'i. ,., .i • o. , 1- !.. t.liii.if lltl% tla.-k i.i,-.t---^ , .' th*- ;.i': i.oiiis, ihiitvli nieii'lt-.'s .ji .if 1 'i-.iv,' !V If-. Alii" m c;,..,ii.-i ot I * ,!r,-- 1 IS 1 I'-il I. iS 1), ii a nii'inb*'! i4 nnd CHiuisin (jueM.s of Mis. Allan I just like von. When you tickle him, . -iiu! iicnine .nii'tn H . dm J .it niii- iMtdue dip.ut''-.'". M.ilV.i.il.i,-' Ml. r.lldeb'-.-ts MI. -I III i,':.'mi 'im lli.-!,ll,: lo li- le l'l .n ill ••[-• IIS'H " I h" ' 11" 11! 'I I >-•:•! . in ll!,.'I i i ' li.iiit, Am.'ii.-.iii In J. Morrison Ine"!! laiii'.h. And wlien he dies, he'll • letls, Ireiiiui. on .S.uu'il.iv even n,,',,.rt, ir. wif.u i * kilnn.io, is I'.i.iilu.i'., "f M.il.i, in l|if,!i .'. !i.i..l. Wi-din stl.iv i.i'.llil'. Jan. V.*i at H Hit li.HI "u ll- i;n,-i en S.niud.i\, ( 1' Mil.iii,: f i oi'.iiv varr Mrs. Ri'lJf'il Fiye, llailt'l, and I rnce Gixl, Jint like you." j mi! nenerul vbainii,*.i Ki-.i'ri.iti.iii-. ,s nii'.v lli'-ndli'*; HU'H'''"4 I'l'^el- fill lit the M.l'.'M.to T ,IA I: - l i[, i li M, .,1 ,i ,\; ;,,.,, ii'mi. ; .,! I It!,. :• i •.! i 'iiity ol Mrs. ll.iio'nick Cnrinna and chll-i Murk It Iho sun of Mr. ami Mis, | Mrs Alfred Ik^esui. Man: lmly n.i luide w th b-r m h--rsi!y. II.' livi-i will. hi. ••'•'I.- iloJ lil-.l ,\:l S.|ii:|,| H'.i:l,liii,: li,..•!,...! \l ..-.'. '.uli !,.• p..r.:,!,.! •• t !i, r,nl l'.,.l.'. 'liil. in. '"""" drcn, IlimlPI. were Ihe Ttiesilny Robert InMura, Drown Kil., Mot- , Woods M.H the II oisilay M'Jesl ol: |,,,„„.. :| 1'.t->t I .in -.i..mi In , i ,\hr--.» it"!'li--n in M'tiiw.in ' — - l.v Ai: i i • ,-. .m.iri I'l-.i,. '.JI !, • I't-ileiser tif Mrs. Martin Tou'ltu. ! ganvilte. 'Mm W." i •- — ! A I,-i-i"ill sllivi-y illM'!.,-.*',l ,1 of > i.kt.li'% il 1 p.m. noil llliill"! ,l! Mts Philip l< Whu- I is |» i.. 1f< li 1 • ii"'l'.|,r-'. i-i-ipeil ''II pi pi! |i.iH''* "'I i:' •-'! !;i v .L (, 1,1 f... i,.. , s .*... '^... i.«i .II 'i p in I IM fhfi ml' in in-,*. •" ,v i»- .IM 1- |l"ipi Hud (II IhnnlK l)r . MII.IH.III. nil' I'd -.! Ii 'i I" V.'.. .I.u..;!" i in ,!,.• 1 louny "f i'..'t m, M ,- iljv. , uli •. u "tl tin* f.itm nliniii*1'! I',- t'liiwi- , M'^ Mis (i.-iiiUI .li.i III.' < it: .•r: Hi iii-i"li ,if their hileello^ mul '.VJS i'i 'i'.l .is ii I- •' yit-v^ C'I-- ,-s !•--.' 'i m *i .V) urn iu JJ.UI utn • '•ii.li'.ivnis Ki!,,-. n; n, v,i", v.'>i il.'li Anniversary Tins Familv nf Ihe l.itu Ni'Wtnn uvniti'M Hoffman of RoU-il-.ville wl.hes to : I'I.IIT. Trip M.ir. II Iliiink nil Ih-ir ItinuU. m-ieli!-., : ,, . ,.,.,,,„„. .„,,.,

ami ii'l.itivri lor thi'ii nuniy ktml- : ^.^ ,,.,„..,, ,, , ,,, ., r-,,,.,,,.

Celebrated i.,.ss.'s i!iini!K ih-ir iei .-in !..'ie.ne • ,( j(',.,,.,,,.,, Ii-M., '.,,„.,, ,„ ,,., A itl»v aiiniM'i-'iry p.irlv w.ii mi-l't. , '.p.ii.ll'y 111,- R-v | li-il.-h ••,•,.„. v.ni. ( -.IH.-IIM lii.'-.liv Mn ! (tlven in 1 • Hint ol Mi Did III i.l^'-, Fn,'.lnlllo'.i.ii Ills! A'i! j| *,t;,. ,;...-. b.- i.i'il.'.leil I .i i' Fred, ink Delln I". 'i,\ j vuli.'iis ,i !i,'i II-IUI Ii I ; , II, I I'isi.li' aih I1) t»,| •,) ,|.r t,,,,,, K.l , Miii.i.'.in. I v ih"ir tliiu.'liii'iii. - - - — — ' Mis 1 in-:1, iiu-l - ., .: M:s«.", II'Hv mill AiituiiieU" Delin AN*ul ??;!l.li<"U>0') I* Kisen ,i«.iy i'," dit.' *,[ ilie I if >< D,sii USUAL BANK

1'ieir.i l!u p.iily » i' li> lit .'I Ihi' 1 i.miill , by I.ViKW I'S |i!,.;,ni I ,-s|i'. .il l'i he n.'l'l iii ilf (),\k S!i.n:. ; /o..'i..,!.,-. W'.-ii.iii 1! AUTO AUTO (ill--.! . .111. I'.Illil' IM'II! Ml illl-l LOAN LOAN Ml\ I .11. ."It'-.i I .II'/.IM llli.l VIII CVM<:II;KIA I ill l\, s.i,i! !1 •-!! . I'i 'I i "^1t .llnl RATES RATES Mis. I'!, l i, ll.-l'i i - if. Mi .ir-.l Hi»li '.ti M ! •.).. .LI ii: I il.n-,-1;,, |,l..[ill II,I-,;;, r, ( .ili'li I.. ] You be (MM \\<.', II.,,,. I \|..IMI,I, Ml illlil Mil tti-.A iiii.," -i.i.iihirl.'.iu.Ky 2i, l»'i I Mill. Il III I'i. II,'. Mn I..., |.lilll,i MIIMIVV :-,.••.". ,v»it '^\ .\ Ant.vii'ii 'i.u • Iliil I i.u, limi, .•.it*-, M. . li.ituv t.tiiv iin.l Mr. MISS •III;M-I' ARI.I NI MVUIS llniiiifoiil lie.-! .iii,l \t,-. I'.mly V. n.i.1 Mill I- in It,in..tnI Itli-o i i' t \|i . U C ,',..ii. .iii.l ,l.n,:i,l.i». Kill mul Itiilh-r Jul, M.s < . l'., li.-.n. ,II..| I unlir.' Mr niiil MM MHV M\!-[«. tul K- A I a I'm in Sp. rUU i . ,,,.|r, llr.-ii- I'.nl.. '. V . \!i JUDGE W.,v i ll.ii Ml/1.11 i, Murd link.) S.il.iil I'lmirr lltlMll .Till Hull 'I .uiii Mi-. ( .in,.. 0 I). l!.-i l',.!-.i -mil t.-i. |.i. '. S.i'ih.ilh llnlnyni Siirillwlfh 1 IN -Mini . l,.|.li..i i'hillp .ii.il Mn., i t ii iii. Vi,, , 1.. 1 ••• i.i-i.l ,n h"i li'iim• lo III:, I'li-llll, t, (iri'cn Siilll I'i'ii Sniip M|I|I I Mi l>in ni.uiov ,1 -'i VI |j rii Hfllilii M' 111 ll-l sll\V uv.l Mi-- i-i'-i-.i • t -.i--;i\ ii t See how you save 1 . ».,i. . . '.,1 H llutli, ..-in- lint | ...i. ii. ..II I i ,-i,. H. vj. .i i Mi .T--I in I 1 Ir^.l.-t .. i I). ,i, 1. Jl (iil- "1 1 ". l,..,i/ :., .1 • I,'!..,, ' I -i Illll '(„•..| I fn.ll Hill.I S,H|,|l» ullli CilatV i ••1 I'll' fl*i ti. n <- .,,.,--t. li- M.ii. .M,-.i<-« l.iin ,.i..| I I, - in,,ni) vuii|.|..,i r.ii.iii,• lltlllili-.l ,-»|il:. Ol I 111 1I ;., mil 1 »,i~l|' n 1 (,,,' .\ > A'lH.'i.iy MiUlin J.IHI 'I-i' f'' 'n't" Willi mi I\KM Low Cost ,:tlillr,. , m* 3,'« •f |l'« I'M' ft '•I -;-.• i M'lt.1 .Vl.l Vi , :. l M "... ' .illfiiliilil 1,11 S.,lii,l I'lil! Hi0 II, Hi i Svl'4i'M 1 ' Vmilll l?|)i i, ' -I.-, I'-.I BAMv AITO \A)\^ ! S-.ldl I'V l. ',!,. |.(, i.-|..-'.l Ml Jill Mn. '. ttl KM \II\V V, ,- , ,1 1 iuli .,f • 1 31 .im.iwj« »'- I , ;i, I'.-M... .i.,,l i ... I •.- "•! .i | II..I I iinrlimm • f 11,1? t '• .vil" ' r. il |i.,-,-!•.. vii.tl..!.. "i Mi , . .1 ' \'p»l I'nriiiimm llll.flil .alp Ns h -' 'f, , Mi» I'.'iv '.-I--' ffi. l'."i' i 'I. .1...I r)t»n lli.miii.l nmii , hil, ||,.IIIK Ih.!,' (i.l.l till ,1.1 Al!«l>i.liif Ih" I-nI MHlvalt »i, , ".in '..nu i,ol:!| n.,| • II ',..! ii llll , Miy. MM.-.H Ml>t (i'.l'«!i 1 Ml A I II Olio s,,<.|-|o|l Kf-.I '•( ' ||rH'jVtll1!, M»lr(l ofMi» i HI! ..,.,! R..I| id 'is lift '1 I IJ.! I'l.ill t Only total 0« W* fii'ti-iii 1* i , m-4 1..-r 'titti'li.'! HiVA'l i I'l,,.,l,k... ;, = ,,'. U V l|,-!|r.| •taii.tatih »o-. ARMERS& If MERCHANTS Hit HMMV ilut I UIM lifuii 1Ml v hi'is<;or.-\ 1, in 1 HCM tl.-ll i M1.-91I MATAWAN A M Itmi•• «i|i»H|i -I?, A.M. *nh*Ch»ch%> M MT,; i Sl. t fl A.M. el ft.ivifti> Drive tl School f (nt n,., -r • .... ,,4 ,-, ,.i i -i f ''\ rn 1 r (.| » ! 11 f\Jvi, »! Ilia l,h(l'«.ii " /•* vtai.i ; l«»rf|1 • Under (illf i C

Parents Welcome New Arrivals

Miss Carolyn Eleanor Stol! Saturday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i-redcriek Carlton Mli < .iidlov . l.i ("rr-s-<.v 30 . . — •»-• William Stoll. 2TI A Thompson A cl s l)Cr t0 Mr ,V.r. and Mrs. George Moshiy, 53 Ave., East KeansbniR, became t!i<' Hi uch Si Sea 15r pi t, daiiphter of | ,, ";'''?,"' ' *'' , " - ami Ini' lite Mi und Mrs. Fra"kA M1'"- Y'Uian. tarltnn Morfionvillefialk,, P'ordham Dr.. Matav/an, are the bride of David Robert Kactdon m Witspital on Jan. 1parent, s of M daii[\hl?r born Friday, son of Mi-, and Mrs. Stephen Kace- iti'v Nuim Hit bmlc of Philip u!fS James Ihtdih j' , InituiYiay after-1 Jan, Ki W1 in Monmunth Medical dor., 10 Brenner SI , Newark. Sun Center. day, Jan. 15, 1M7. The Kev. Now noo I Fan u 1">7 ut .'iHO'p.m. in i Multarey S, AMU s Clinch kiaiishurj-. The ton W. Greiner, pastor, officiated at Mrs. the double ring ceremony nt 3 p.m of Mr. and Mi PI,., l,,m, , 1, j v r •"? I Matnwaii, are parents of a son Mr. and Mrs. E-.li'/ard Golpmbes- in the first Melhodisr Church, 1 lMli ; ] cnh Keansbuif-. MnJiS i'™Mm,r T " ' Awib-..v General llos- k> of OKI liridqe avc parents of a KCN lu.1,,1 M Rfhnck perform-1pitali son born ir, St. Peter's General Thi* bride was fiiven in marriage el th> ,',,..| V rinp lertmonv. N.-I,,.I,,U,,.L.! Hospital. by her fattier. Shu wore an ivri'ry Nicdzwivk! velvet floor-length gown with chap- Cicsy, Lcoininster, A dauulitT was born at Perth Mnlor c.i el train. Satin rose:; accented the coil il his mere to the Amboy Cienpr.il Hospital to Mr, I A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Empire bodice which featured ,.,, ii ikr_ ti .id I,,-.in\ ,n of siipper an,l Mrs. Alfri'il N-edzwiclii, Old j Philip NK-iorca o.' Old Bridge In wrist-lenfeih bull sleeves. A crown i-.i'in an., UMIHIII lair- was do. . Uridye. St. Pete.'; General Hospitnl.' ol pear! petals h;-ld her bouffant MIMIC-I i h ii fill- I b>lice. bati-au ' veil anil she cariicd a cascading 1 i! ikhiu ai(i luiic t))prod sk-i-ves. ! O'iiri™ I'asl iltl bomjui't 'jf {-lamr-II:; :; a ) iliqut I .Ih I (. I lie enntrnll-; Mr. n-id Mi*. John fl'Iirien, Key-i Mi. rail Mrs Rnl-crt P.iskitti uf Miss Ariona Stoli, f.isst Keans- !" "•l'»ti I_WTII'I ,i puiier panel (i( jport. srj parents of a daughter | Old Kriili;.- Lie puivals of a daugh- " >l i " u.t'i iiptl train, 1 burg, was the imiitl of honor for Iwru ut l'.-.-rth Ainbny General Hos-| if! |«,M,'in St. I-'cter :-General Hbs- i S u \\ y i ''mflii i uil of English pital. ,,:tl| her sister. Sin: wore a f!onr-leni-th 111 slo: id Ijold (!'»"" with p.ift slewed bro- .' Ill pla(, by n ,,.„,„ , if |)i. i Id'it » Ih pearls and i ' liir!l Youuj! cade bodice and trope skirt. A r 1 short veil was attached to u match- II i li t,ui d a '-a-.ciide ' *^' - -i'' ' Mr": i'liomas Cl.it k. Old . ;•;,:! vv.is buru in Mr. and Mrs. ing flov.er hcadpicc" and she car- oi uluti loses iinri'Vr'iriia- ! ""»'.-''- are pa'eritr, of ;i d-;U!'.l'.l-."- Mil Yiu.iij; oi Ciid Bridge in St. ried a hind bouqu.-t of white cluys- • I, us (i iii^id I II'I i \ hitf orvliid. |'""'u at Smith Ain'ioy Memoriol antheniurnr; with v.-lhnv )r,iun bot- "'i1- 1' > i ' inn-.,ii. |--jti-li- \ ""sl'ilaI- der and mnnge bow, M is-- uiusiii nt Ih-.- biiilc. i llu-.i-uk lb 1 tl A son '.-.as bom i;i Mr. and Mrs. Tho bridesmaids were. Miss Jan- |M* hi r" in' M"i " ' """or. Miss!| Mr'*!•.• amlMrA.I.I Illls" G,.-.i,;*.J »- > ' ^e' . PMiMiakIt II|JLH'\., Ol\Fl*dl i!i>ks of Ol\, Ha* th urn-, cousin of Bru»u Slasin.sld 1 bn 'i.^ i n I h • r Miss Norinc Piitricia Cleary, Room of Duck Smith's House of Alter li reception in the Cardinal A luin-.-vnioon at the Nrvele I 'Ihi gowns Wi'te I .Mr. and Mrs. S'pcy Hro.vn, John A sun v as born In Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. «mtl Mrs. Charles J. Clrary, 12 Hazel PI., Hazlet, be- enme tho bride of Harry J. Rob- erts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roberts, 52 Cliurcli St., Kcyport, Saturday, Jasi. 14, !D!i7. The Rev. David Proport officiated at the double tint> ccrcnumy in Calviiry Methodist Church, Kcyport, at 1 yp g , iV s JS p.m. Pan Am-.}iicitii Ait Sciuol, Nun I G;i! , Atlantic l!i,;iiian.i.;, ami >'- | empire wuidm,.' ,'.'"wn oi p-.'iu: do | A recepl on w.i hi M .It , thi i "lui "u "(i uII (( u i'i ut thi- Vrecland o iivnry The bride was given in miirrijipr. York'. He served three years In the | vice president of tin Student CotUtl- ! u"" lhi nl'IIIi li (i f thth;-e' briil,liriih- jIilK'ij Itlr-ni l.:I it ] Mil i"'-'i' -r' • •,- i, r'.' ,"f I '"• •'''""•'' ' ' ' - s'lu'.-s, i|ual;c, lnce gowi with highlights of oe- Lctterman Geui:i«.l Hospital, Sun of Nur3i:nj and Tr^-a-surer of lu-r pillbo.i with lace to uhiili V-MS i l.,ikc\\uod. i»-"> « Miu 1 Iluddy, W' st i a d.it|..|i','-,: hi-'r-i V/--I,,,- -,'i'iv • ,, - "rt' |lRrv"1;i "f " s""' Mi'-I'ael Hen- quins. The fitted bodice had long Francisco. Ho is now employed as Class In the School of Nuriiine,. She at!aclii.d ti full \ei! of tulle. She The n-|;u- was u id i mil fi )i 1'Kl "i-oi it- I rolli, i of the briile-'l! 1%,' ai I', ,ih \iiilov'r ,'r i I'v' "rn '" ly '''" 13' *'' '" tapered sleeves and the tiered ruf- a civilian X-Ray technician nt the is on thi! stuff of the Newark Beth carried n pruyerbook with orchids. I akew-.ir 1 IliKh Sihool unl is a!).ro"n,v i< tin- juinoi usher. ill'spitai. ' " ll'sith \e-.b. y G.neral Hospitalp . • •• **..___*•,«••-* t.1* rl._" .411 •« • «*i t ' j I I Air,' \ ti,i'L. i./l is' tfnt Tiit"fit*T*"r* fle skirt cascaded into a chapel same hospital, and Is attending the Israel Hospital. j Miss Frances- S. Spiryo!, si'ti'r of | senior ut Alh.-rt 1 insu n M.du.l' Alur ,i i,ti|'tui in the Center-I Mrs. V'.i-iand is the fornic-r train. Hor double French Illusion University of Culitoinia. Berkeley, Tin) brideRroom attended Irvinj!-j the bride, was the maid of lionor. i Center, Sel-ool of N.IIMIII:, l'l.il.i !\ila lire II.HIM, M.dillc Rd., Ha?-' Miiiihuv |l{k-:nror I '.Mend of CUflVomi. veil was elbow length and was held Cal ton Vocation and Technicul Ihijh [ She wore a short pink lace diess j dolphin. Pa. j let, the couple mot.ircd to the I'.ic-; A f"n was '''"" "' '^'r. n.i«l Mrs. | by a double crown of seed pearls. They will reside in California. School. He served three years in j andI carried a no.see.ny of pink car- | _ Tin.- brViOKronm was pradualeil j linos. ] Ivy will rcjidc in their new ' Raymond Martiniv, Chlfwood She carried a cascade bouquet of the U.S. Navy and has been ac- ' " phaleanopsls orchids mid miniature, cepted for the spring semester of carnation*. Volunteer Honored At the NewnrK ColleKC. of EiiRineerinj;. Mln Ellen Cleary. Hazlet, was Ho is employed nt Coats und Clark tho maid of honor for her sister. Guild Of Creative Art Kesearch Laboratory, Union. Mrs. Herbert L. Willett III of New Shrcwsburv. for ir.a.iy yerr^ Services nc.v (ic.u u mi'.- j-.it-.-ii ii'i-.r „ viilunU'ir wo'iker lit the Guild ic vi-iyet | cms: f!',, i-.iu! nuit Iiini!: Newark. Corhv'tt I'.. A circular veil f=!l over !.cr' ; Crcuivo Alt, was nunu.-d voi- 'Dior I-!.-.- h. ,i:l|n ..s. Tluy nilo greeti Dior bow headpiece and ,„„. 0, ,,iC . .ar ;i di^linctiim A |,j,,!, ,,,'s, ?,' ',:!" ,,., - . , " .i'ir .... .1 ..cii.K.y-,. uuy irurnc, , - ,.,""",'" , Mi. .uM M^ K v, moml Corbett, K r rkl r Kv, inonil Corbett, tho carried a cascadu bo-.itjuet of ])UeM „,„,, ,hil, i>n.si)n contiiimi- ., "' !'" ' ^, "\ !.' . ' '''j "',,,"[ ., In,-Mile l.-,i.skci.-> uf idv.,1 bliii' and ... , , I " " I'" K';' r lai'i'-ff. ?-\) ., ii,,,.i. \ -,. it,,:.-! -.r.. tlip imr- h ••in..' li.ii in,mis I AI rid L. ((mover Mul-ll, - -.- Si \| ,i -, ,, ., . ,i, loiin \.. .. n.i', .. .in. uu pur- yellow und white pompons. /, . ' . ['" » ^- *™ •--•<• . ^V ; ! / Vj»V "'•"'- ''•" •»•*•«<*-- I ,.ii,u.ii, ... ,s ,\i ,t.,,w,n. ,ii,- the,,.,,!,; nf j, , *,,.,,. ,n., i,.., ,\ hmday, infngi ththo prcatereatt st nuumlicm r ot vu]un n j . Alf r: Bridal Attendants teer hours for the IX month period. Victor Cari«.,i, Wes- Kean.sbun., :... ".'! '•• <•<'»".)• \ /'' ^ :' "'«' " '" >",'<•< « ",-'":-:; •' '•'•'•> "< h'^r- ' J.,:, 1,5, 'v;f ,„' |_'. 1M.,-,. : \ :••/.• II.I-.JVI.,' ,„, ] .j.by, j . u. . Tho bridal attendants wore Miss l;ert!i.i t'upp.t. of 12 Comumdori' tt t iin This p-'icy. inausiirated by the Ave-> K'r-ansburj'. who diul Mmv Kathleen Cleary, Hiizlet, sister of Mi-.-s 0 ','na M.iii-.* I>...••-.!. d 1 .l.ini.-s SMII'.- K. vp.ur 'Uo-ahl I'" •'•""" I" "•"•"•'I <-•. (.HiiuiiHi- I'''.-'. lilippi. GGuild'u s oxecullxww board In HKm. | ,,.,v,_ Jan 9 ]!XJ:_ .,, ,„.,. hn,,,u iri {••in it M. l.i tho bride; Mrs. DOUKIOS Clenry, tor i.t .,lr. ;u-l Mis. I i ;-MS I;S:i. . IH W -si I-', -in . , !,.- a-,,i ij.i.'- " '. K-'i.sit M. t.i.iiiil..iiln !i. | A M.i[,o;l i w.i.s l.rr.'i • • Mi. i.ml Mrs. enrrics with It an awara d of Sino j iViin.Vinlii-ll . . mdeluvledrr tini- iliu-ctiodiiectioli u 0o'!. hthe 1 K C' -|'".-|-. liMii I l< : Matawiin, sislcr-iti-law of the bride; n.iv.d. :<: i'.ii!.\icv ill., ih.: i. b.. u.-: I-.. I).,i. ..-.. h, -,-',:; i,-.-th.r nf '• 'I''" - *''•"-•''•..|:M:I ' . K.i- --il, ; »V' " ' ,l..,i,.-.s ii:i,]».. .-,,:,;,-n lie. Mala- to b o us»d in thho purchash e fof a|Spn |--III,CI,,1 Ih.im. w.is in St. Oiiail, ..!--.i-li. ' A '' ••••-•!••-•*• w.i- :-,ni ti nnd Misi Cynthia Dorl, Keyixirt, (.uii.- lii- hi;•!.• oi .1 i-ii K.iiiat.l ll-e l.,i,i- !>>"» '" •'"*•" >• (.'.ui-i....!-..-li. ./ i','-•'•'•' «•'•' •'"••'}" "'' aa• J d ,...•;„-•••i.,-,, iI:: , -.;..,.„,„!, V...1,^,1 Cv-nu-r work or works of an at tho gallery. I j,,s,,pi,-s r, ,,,c[l.,v Kevnort. K.,l--il M (,uuki---i-ii-.i|, .li.iii; I. ;•••"•' 1 'w 'at l;y;..i III • in, |,,, cousin of the bridegroom. Thi-lr l;,-vJ, :•.' l -I .Mrs. J. h,i I lU.yJ. ((7 1 !y In .N.ISS.III ll !::1 i Jan. !•!. M r s. ViilioH's selectKiMS were su. ,s>, .,,,, W1;i1(,v-'„[ j,,^..,;, i: ,..-..v, r. Kuil, C. Ki,..-,-!l. ( i,,vl A. ' " ' • '•' l-'ri'li'-. -I;-.. 13, I KS7 , gowns wero slyle.l with etnerakl l.'ili Si., Vi', si Ke.uisl-uij', a.id thr lrl 'Whalu" uv Dorothy Warden ot Vappi ind liad Ihvl in At', A'ii-IV i;.- !• .;. i- -,1 Ah.-,,;, , (-.:,ii:,';|. j kn.-i-.i,-., Ii, ••-.,!. MilUr ftrecn velvet bodties and white Fair Haven und 'Truit Stand" by late M.. ll'i.vd .S.minliv .1. a. 1-1, •tj \var«. i-- V:i, at Club, t: : Ki Mr. nnd crepe floor-Icnjith nk^rts. Tlicy wore Diane K'KIP.II. I!M. i.i- '(• v. Ciii-nclius J. Kin •• ;,-,v. '':i' ''- 'li'.e rein i ihl'-r cf ins (-hi.ite !.o ' K(-'',i ' • •" '''""'" 1 Shu wu" n mcinbct* of St. Ann's 1 '.••;. .,, N.i-s ii:. V.'ii. n t 1 •. M-i'-iV..l'i, ill p.istur. oificrited ut tin il'.ubl'- IMI.; ln.,1, .1 this -.viiv: ll-il' ;„ I, r. i M,, ,,M Mi,. "{.,,„. ,,„,., ,, ' ^• l'^. matching bow headpieces with cir- Tho Guild of Creative Art, a non- I, ,i ii..i-.])Ha! mi Jan. Church and past (ifimd tcg:;it of c I- i:-.'ui>' .il 11 n.m in St. Ji'Mph'.' ill V will lis.it.. :,t cular veils and carried cascade profit organization, uses volunteer Cntholic Uauijliturs Court of St. Iv.illtli Si., tt1, j , •»"*•>• U <;ii..cli'-nhuvli. i,ii-l n (|ui,r- iciark Si.. Ki ••[>; ;t, me l!.c panni' ', ]•«,> ' Chuicb, KtsiKKt. it' r ..irli t.> S:ai v T. lom-ver nnd nr a sun Nirn'm K,v mi-.v lins-.t-il "- bouquets at yellow pompons. help to assist In thc> administrative Ann's. Sh» wns a member of the 'I he l.iidi anil tin- I, Arthur Dorl, Kcyport. cousin of id- i;rouin . n.itiild v, I). Coi",'.i-r. in a will on l-ruluv l.ui l'i l%7 ' ' I actlvltirs ol tho gallery director as Ladle3 Auxiliary, Ancient Order ol Th" R. v. Nnrnnii R. R ley, pav lu ill's 'if Kuilaii 1 nr Tn-ii'-.hip. lifted :;..-pt. ti. llrtl. 1 ' If ho brlde'jroom, ws» the best mttn. well ns In tho display and hanging Hibernians. Keaiihhurt;, and tin tor of .'it. Juan's Methodst < i..iivh, iih-li Sc Mrs. lJ-iyd is ,'iiip!,iy. Marina were Ronald Cleary, Hnis- 1 Murphy of the uorks of art. Paintings ana World Wtir I Voter ms Auxiliary 0/ ll.i/let, nnd the K'-v. Melvin .1. Jed'by |-!r.i Nalii.iii.l It.iiil: et, brother of tho bride; Holmes sculpture by leading local artists and Mi.-.. ll».o.js ;.h:i|>liy. !, i Keansbur;!. Mrs. I'appa was pres- St.inc7.-ii.iaivi W5kl«?»i,, pastor ofr SMt LawI.IIW- ;. ofi Mmim-ninMonm-.iithi i u-iniy, Ki.vp.irt | 1V1K-.-HI KKI.SS" ssIi ofr Maribor.M.ir:txiro *»»'»•'5lown- 0 i Utoi-liioi-l.fiiltI fide- Avi-.-\vi-, re-irislniriKi-iirislmri:- . -iaii. . i' ' Roberts. Porryvllle, cousin of tho ara on view at the Guild at 820 ident of 'ho Ladles Auxiliary, VFW sh| vVl1 cl (1 1V ; l:i llWlJ renc- churrji. I iiurenc- Harbor, i Tl,-- !.|i,l.-Mr,.i,m n'toi-d'.-d South-I P- " "' ' ' - - '''''. the p-iu n't i of n -JA-, t,,',.n ,„ |i'n',-r irldesroom; «nd Stunley PolhiR, Broad St., Shrewsbury, open to the Poet 1I>M, Keiinsburn. She also assl.-ted in tho wr-ild'm; service. ; .. , i;',;,,,;., l 'ni\-*-i --it v. He is „; his dnui-h'vr, .Mice o-.ti(,wski, JM. view Hi - pitnl (,,i I ridav, Jan 13. Ceyport. n | eyport. juuti'tu «^,-r>da>ilay exivpe.M-s-pi. MoMondai y I served on the cii-ution boaid in tin! Joseph .Nimey. l',iti-r;,in, uncle of N.u V, ik I ,tv Cmnnv.ial- , •"''' "(V b-.i.'.UCC ullus (.Mil ,: to his' 1 K S ll 1 Aftor a reception In tho Cardinal from 12 orbelt noon to 5 p.m. first dlitrlct and wai one nf lht-!(|,,. i,r:,|,' nni " \u. \|..|., " :. ul.-r,' I,,- is stodyir,-, I''"' '- \'','" " ' '' '' "'" '" ' founders rl the Th.mias Jcflcrson .... , ', ' ' -••••• >lii-.!.,:'V. II,.- is ,-• A il.ii:,..ii'.i:r mis Nun to Mi. iu,d r IMU r u n n-i'.vc- ii' II a z I e t Tho Porfoct Surviving nro n -J.mj-.liti r. Mrs. I, \ ' ^' """' )l i Sar.ib M. Smith Mis .!.,..• ph M.-'ntMii.-, :>,; ,S,e!i-v Ji-annlno Cavunuuio cf Madis,,,, j ' ]];'" 11 .'.I p(-au ,Ii- ineirc Sir.ill M. S?:ui!i nf M..law.in, \vh • Ave , lu-.ii...V'iir,., ,.,, S.-ituiday, J.,n. ilup-.-l l--iii'th train. I Township; one firnudthili): and n '.,",, di.il !>.. . !', I'W, I- fl fliKt c.-Kh tn 11, !!'•;: HI Ki-,,:.-.-, u.ispiMi. \l'p!:'i'.;.-.i ,i, Atencnii 1,1,-f, re-,-i;,- All.in !l. STK ;.nr. la.vi.tui- I). Sin- ' brother, I'atrkk WalMi t.-t Keans i Inut-I-i' ' ' . .1 v.iih stvd pe.irls .mil c'.ur. ilruc" D, SIIILI.III, j.,|in I). « ins i TIGt liATl'HAL. LOOSE 1967 jCiv^!iil'.. ttinuiicil tlii- ni-Lkhne, Y.itis, ar.d J. .inn-,.- II. ll-ill, flntl Mr -iful Mi.. l'.t-i,i,t |;ViT..,i! i,-ni;,:i,- ,.,n«fline ,in,i li.ni- tain-rt-d i>». t.OCURL Mrs. Dnvld 1. Tnwli-r MM. J,i--l|>lii I, ^;,l^^;| S""l to S..ia M. Ir. ,1., nr-.il « I'll Myrl'.' Avc) I-'Ulli'l.il 51 ivii'r-: V-i-H' In-Ill "il '••;..-. ; , • i:.-r .'i.ip , 1. ni-tl, v. ,1 di.iii,. :i.l (.iik .III.I n:isi v..,t, li, 111- ]-li.-.!' , f i, • ;i t- ir n ^:.tu I i i .'i r ....'. n v.., , h. id liy a 1,-it- M--- .!.-,|.!.ii'i-M, .,i i.f M--.diH.il FALL and WINTER S'.iiiday ut I-Jii pir. at tin- :;-• • 'id • Ih-- 1.1..i i.i- i I I.. . - "..ii. •'„• ,li- l.in It. i'".; IH If'-.- in.1* i|.- lp'. • s'i.|. i-.ii,, ,!i -I o.i. .-;i |'k,,:, 1 ii.ipti-it (iiuui- in r'i',iii'iii, -\itii '. ui ll.Mi.ls \i.lul :,. i.i,-, o li.-r ,:.,ui'i-.i.-! • I -• -i- ! i / I'TV iHOl ,1'., r • :• i , I l.i-i Ii- •-•'<"A Vm•,„.•., I;.I- Ui-.-. i_ M. -I.-... • t-i-.;-.: -ft,'.- i' ... i ,,i i :i ••-. .1 i.,i. -, " . . .'kit •iiite'l-uii ii i.-IApr. V, I'--'-, .->.! a'l.f Mil. llarty I :lil ...n FABRICS I,•• I ivy ! , i.-:.v (,! h '.- c-iiite ii, A v.ili (lain, I'm. In I .! IK K- V|'I.-!I. .:-• i.-vii I:')'. M..,,-.--'ivi':'.'! ..K-"d'-!i r- 1Apr. .'I. t«|. UiirruviiC* W\ Auniiicl* . p.,i,-al-- if .i -. i, i- -,, K- !i -,,-f .,n Wi-.-ln.--il iv, 'in-. II. l'»!7. i,t h.-r . •-. II.in,.ii.i A. I),I-AI|, Jln/li-t,. r V Illirn.-A • V,, Ainii.-Mk (•! I ninil : l!"-.j'it.H mi .'.(tlitil .', t.,,i II, I I. . a.-, bl'i-.-l ictlt. i.ii.l i r .- d-t..- '•» th • r.ia..! if In--..., i." Ii. r • i«- '• Nuthan Oiiiincr STAR BEAUTY II i >-|li|-111- II"",-!, iljitll I'.irtll ijii'i. V,I,.I dn i i.e.;;. I*-!, i it 10% to 20% off l:.-i, nf ti:. I .i, ti...-i l-iin- i.ii II..me, •' it r.'.iry IV>nn,-r, Cil no «,!-, in M.!'- 1---I I .-l!i ! •'•-. W il 'i/ti, il I't t'.tiip;- Vi-lvi't with ,...!, i.it. t'-"V iind l.-ank turn'iinlF In A 't.n'i'h.ir «,<. i.,.i:, i-, \<: ,,,•. .si ,,i». ,\ ,-i..ul.ir veil Ml , •>t ,Vtlnii pf-iii.Cj \,f MjiSH'ii) ,|liK tl.uni,:,!, MrM K, !(li, l-u. rtr-.i- I I, |i.!.| I .uu !, ,, M.i AIK niir.. 11 Ii-..-i ||-' SHOP THRU JANUARY ONLY SI ..!• It..- v. .!. •-• ,-f H. v. Pi-.ul ?"' ti h'(i Vila ;li. il Oi-t. 7, \v.C, ,|-me u ?il llayvi « Avc, t., J.-an I^h^. Mit.itvfin, i." *sii, ; v .i.lP / ! ; I • f s!l - Ctill'd H la*H,id*' l-ulfjuvl I'---i-iii.nl f-»icuii.v .imj nJt iH_ |)m;,, ,,,,,1 0u> !MI.|II«»I ol l.l< IS, I'*/ 111 Riv, rn,-,v It..,, i.-.'t. Mr- I • ;• t «i !- i: in ',; .- ti '•'• niajH1 I Ujt ritiim*i jn»l "vlKhi'il' •f i.i./ <-•! hi* iti.iti (,••!,!; , tin- uis!, ii I,: lijiij'Sin r N'-iu Ki't'ti. l-.-llo. (i.l . 'I.II., I ;• ' (-1 t':e I..!•-• Ml- IVV. . i« >,| 'i will il«l..l July :j, )tfv>. .'ina kvill tliUil t),t. .'I, |:*t.!i. H«rMi-y GREAT SAVINGS 41.(1 '.,-« -• ii J -ii1 • :.'i, w.i1. pm ! tt't-ar MOVHI IIIIM" j Wr«, Nance* W. (e^lrr A son «.' l*"n m ML is--' : l«|i-t r .f I'.I- |.•-.-!,-i It.-.idlnK 1!'-»< 'irl,!, tmnuls (yt-r,< Miss I l''inC(» W, Cii«,*r of M Pla/ Producfion Mkltiirt I'd VM-V >>f c:.l ln.iii >> r. I... ON lli.il-..- M :.-..IUl!li-. ' I'.ltllii.l |J."tt(l, IV'.'-tVill, 4'ltt»lll p( - KJIK.IV H.- Sin- v -I. i Hi- nil,. ( nf list" S. - -M'l lit" liful ; Mi»i SIIMII Ciilll'i, \\M' f i(»(? mniiil her lni'.Jiinil, | .nt ' Tlin l-i-uitli Aninnl 'l>iii|.!,i t'nl Ilipliit ' iHit.li .i-v.l SI. ,M,'iy'<, '(i. nhit M'-* Junri (i.in!u"r. Key-;, .t».' r. ... (> Wools Ch-ipt.i .- Unl.-i 'I th>- i;.i«-!i -ni ' I""' 'III-v wiitr m.'il lihit- Vi'lvrl i .Kli,,.v „( ),.. •IUI'.V In awill it.itul M,I!K i. i .;..»--r , .ni..!-, • i',,. Mi j.il. 111 |Mi1 ,»«l" SI ;.!:.! lalf..1.11 ln»i-»llip Hi) ii Su: ,i ii c me n M-. t ••.• n, Hind L-,i.!;.. • « %',i. t f.,,it. tl.'-\ i.i.ii'd t.ui.idi-^ nf fnynl \ I!»y (i.ilih . 'iiicmlict. »i( tiir i.,-t ,IK ti',,l.-i. I.III'I-* ll-'ii.'r'»i'.n nl ,'.'i A.itk; .nil , blm I UJI uuiui. m'd r>nli--l'-iil Uy, i It.lV fi. Il (f '.! I I ,n 'linvnl.l,l|t. ii'r.Klaillr. (,l Kl.i.hi't'1 »lii''' i-" •'! a Kt.-IHlalMhti.r, Mi». filna Hunter l-'va .mil faiMM Inwd. »istcr« nf • io ili-.l ii. t in, t'»ti»t, fi,ifc i'!-.'n**il I ii-fe-'l'* SHO¥i PUSHER! (ilh.'i-amk. I'lu- I-M '• ll.iM. -.- ri- I'.- fln-.n-t M Bonded Knits » •MII, li ...- "Trili i.( I;s,».ii•• 1 i- i - nf hi* < Hii.ch 11. ill THE 'NEW Home-Spurts f,ll FORMAL wi; A in: HACK! I «tlnr I'l nil..1' fi.ivMirn t,f WEAR Specials on Brocades ANITA X CflL |., >.!,.. ,l,..l II., I !ut II-' i IV TO HIRE il^ Oil'! tl .1- W. S. WAl.l ACE 25% off AND WR ARE II, I III 11 (, <..•Iltl ||. it., it t, ».,..;, ,( *-• HOPING TO I. !'• Mm nn.l |t.'»> I iiii-.'.t.:i-s SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST j '.(I h: -.I.... * \ SLG YOU AI i V , i 1' 16 Inch • S- . '\ W I i ..-I '.I KPI,-, -I I- OUR NCW LOCATION il.ll! (I-. CALICO «£ Ynrdt IN OUf! ALL-NkW \ \ I-: A PRINTS LOUNGE . . . sPi:<;iAi, OCCASION . .. Pull Uno of UW Aeo«iior!ri« enj Ttcnt Tlit? Family fi-.ittsrl-i =••- Vv DO DROP INI WE'VI SOME |i,f llhS» j n In Son,* lii PLEASANT SURPRISES *t t c i; II AND thb\ UPIVE |t 11 •i i-l-v

cm:/, civil, »-.'! r.'-.i.,.. , .t , , ..r..,(.i ,,.,.^,» \yif Calico Fabric Shop f till ilL*t«**tl '•' fM )i» G* ' ... ri-.. ,.. ..,•.!.'. <-. .:, 5,,.,- f;.f. ailtrl r I*'.--.'•-*• . ^^"» CUPPWOOD AVENUE 33lun MADISOJ--4 VILLAGE |i| W- IHiiit li MAIM 5T, MATAWAM KtYt'ORI RARITAN GARAGE , * i* •«t*Mkt % to f • MMt Seufh Mclfi Sf. --» Ksypert NEXT TO POST OWCI Thi. January 196/ .THE MA

1 two (laii;;!iltrs, Anna und Nancy, ' ( hi.) S-juad. She I Dunn waj the wife of Thomas S. j \y-•» covw ?J out t d Fimeral .<.ii at liop.ie; tiis p.ii'e.'Hs, Ki\ ami i: Ma ...^ -,.••.-, <.,„.„,.;,-, of tn.,. (,.n i.!U,,n. '=' ottrth'B 'Mtluoe und pi'odut Mrs. Ralph S'ca, MnUuvan; i\ '; J Uoth&r, Khleri Sion, Mut,iwrni: i' i!'.i!i';v,'i.^ and M. Anns i:irent-| ;i,0 funeral services will take! Local "We Musi Care" activities billion pound* of food a year. Mrs. tlunry Dirncr ._aiiior....ssoi:iatii>ii. | place 9 urn. today in tho Johnson I will iii'.lu.lsi the; rcKiilar rr.eefini; of ' dvo slsit (n, Miss Mary Sica. Mnt- ! SiuvmiH' are h.;r husband. Wii- j r-ni,.->-nl H-.m.\ Church ",d. Mi!-1 tho Piiul Kendn Mcniorinl Clmiit" ' Fiaiciiii ofivlcun ware held fur avviin; and M r ». Josephine i Main; three dniii'hU'rs, Karen Bur-! r- Mr.i. SIUJII Dirner. fii. of !i-l Park- wv;s of rcc|uiem | Mie;t Caii' today tiia !DeNursico, Union Bench. ' " "' ' : Sharon Butler nnd Elmilwth I j.'t o/ji) ^m " ,„ St ~Eciw. ,rd's i Cheeseciuake Volunteer Fire Com-j v.-ay Dr., who died ! i S Edd' I lll d Jan. iO, 1S07 at home. | filler, an 1 •HI m.Mtt son, i.eoiy« | ciunci: '.;i>re. interment will bo l;i | P' y. R>>u:e 34, IV'adisijn Township. Mr?. John l-'rclwulil Juik-i, all at huii'.'.'. Kin- !a r,l.-x> ;lt m services we.d held at 1:30 Funeral service were held Mnn- urvivod by her pj'tents, ,Iolui nnd St. Philip nnd St. James' Ccrao- 8:30 i'- - lie ion (Ih-en/ian) Wickh:;m, West wry, Phillipsburg. Kalo Pr.-.iw.ild,' SO, ul Lni,' Ai'iv.'eiux I \ve., Seaside Park, w.ih iriterme.'il I Ket.iJ/..:,;, und a sister, Mrs. ••/" 1 i! former i'c-xideni or Union lieaui I Ili-lon Uroc!:, Son'.h Cnrnlinn. fun! in Rojcdalu C'-'Dieicrj , Linden. for 40 wrs, who died Fridny. .Ian |lh''<:c- hr.>thi;rs, Michael, John anil Sranga Seminars Mrs. Dirner was b. vn in Koyport. 13, 10S7, at Her home. i Charles Wickhnm. all of Wesl Sh'j had attended suhnols In K(;y- Mrs. Kroiwald. the widow of Gr:ini:i> members In five Central porf and then ri'snlod in Ashury John FriMvald, mnviit to I.os i Tin' iii:i-,ral was held Tik'Mhiy .li'i'soy counties will assemble in 'ark b^foru movlny to Urirkloivii Angeles ei;:ht years at;o whore she j from Ihe Laurel hunerai iiojne, Hifihlslown Graufti! Hall, Hights- l MEED OSL oijiht v^ars ajjo. niade IUT hum? with her daughter, West K.'nnsburg, at S a.m. with a town. on Saturday, Jan. 31. accord- WELL. MY, OH MV/ She. was the widow of Homy Mrs. lldiv.-ird Zahn. requiem .r.a.ss at SI. Ann's Chureh ing to William A. Schlcchtwcp sr. Dinn-r wi'o served in thu SpriniEh- I Also ifuryiviii;ui\'iviii).K; are another a"tv 9" a.m" "•.• burii^v""d was in St. Joseph's of 1'Veohokl, master of tho Now WE GET IT THESE Ainnrican War. daughter, ^•rs. Fr.-d Cliiiniherlnln, I tToi-netfiy. Keycior'. Jorsey Stale Grange. The session Surviv'nj;. are a tiun^htor, i\trs. Union Dcich: a brother, Philip1 is seheJuVn as jne of 1. series of Paul Ma^ornian of Hrick'ovvn: two Bom l Union lieacli; also a John Mc.tci seminars l.i disei.i.s policies and ,1 John Mocci. 78. of 7I> Lower Main action nio^rams lor the. new year. Si.. Malawan Township....,,, dici.... i Sat-- ; s""u' <>< 'lK'se vvere '"laoled at the- urday, Jar. 14 Ii)ii7 in Kiverviow I ll!c™l !l-llli annual convention of the Hospital afler 11 short illness. 1 Kmic ii-Miiiio in Ailnntlc Citv. Bom in Italy, he was a resident j Mrs. Wllmu HUM! of ihi.s area ;"i!) years. ' MISS DI ISOKAII ANN C.OI 0) N M'bS B/>UPARA MttLN Benjamin M. Wiiitaker lie w.is ,i retired farmer and a < l-'uiKira! services were held memher 0! St. in.seph'B Church, i Ihursdav nl 2 p.m. with burial iMomla.y' services were held at 10 Mr Jin! Mis W i ura A Goklu Ml ul Mi-- I'onms JosLpli uador the directioi/ of iJosten's .1.111. (r»in the Oossdin Funeral KcypoK. lie was 'he husband ol 42 Fleetwuod Dr., Haslet, announce Clause, •!!)! Atlaniie. Ave.. Mata- Funei'ul l'niiie, AManlic HiHhUur.ls, i jMont«, Colnnia, for Benjamin Whit- , •••Ih>e Intr All.-. Cann-'.a (Mari;,'liano) tcr, Si of 132 Kimheriy Kd., !] M'K'.'^ i who died two years ajjn. thc.Gnfjiijjomont of their daughter, wun, ...llr i.ncc the cn|;us<.nienl of in Fanview Cenieliiry, Middle- Phono 264-0200 for prompt Deborah Ann, lo jVeph P. Caul- town, for Mrs. Wihn:i Kurd, W, ot Colonia, wlio dial P'ridny, Jan. 13, lie is suivived by iwo sons. Tobio their dati|!litcr, Barbara Karen, to lilfi; in i!al,way Hnspil.-il! Moeci ui Morgan i:nd Jolin Mocci delivery of chockfull of hoet fioltl, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Diimiki Ruelljjur jr., son 1U0 Theresa Ave., Kevpori. who fuol oil. Boftsr y^f - arrantjo died Salunlay. .far.. 7, IW?, in Gray- lie was Ihe father nf Douglas ir. of ^'r.ta'.vatv, four d:iiit!hU-ri.;, P. Cnulfield, 40:1 Johns™ ,\vc, of Mrs. William Donald B(H'IIJ;IT Wliilafcer nl did Hridpc-. Horn in Mrs:. \V.,lter While Mrs. Charles for us to k-pr, your tant filled. alone rail; Slal:' llnspiial, Pa'si'p- 1 Union B:'uch. SI1., G23 ]*i bik of La.irence Problem ol Automotive Fivapora- N. Y,, lived most of his life in Uri'li'i", nnd Mrs. Patricia A. Rn- illarbui, 17 eiai.ileliildicii; fi.ui live l-"ra::,;;ii,n," which was pre- i Nancy Greer 9 Judy Wayne ^: . M it ^ran-Jeluld:t"i mid one sister, i ^enir.l :K the 10 yeari n;;u. Ho had been 11 chef I.. Schi"k, Hiicl.ensa'.k; 14 Kinnd- Mrs. Jojcphine KchU'ur of Newark. live l-:ni;iiu-i-rs in PelVoit Friday. Pacemaker 0 Toona Paige at Stanley's Diner, Wocdlnidr.', for children a ! tine.' fircal-nraiidchil- !l The ci> authors uru P.J. Clarke, 10 years bi foru his illra'ss. dren A reijuii.".! ii ;ii mass was cele- brated Monday m St. Ana's Church, of US Lin.-'olii Are., Floinmr Park: G Rontini An Army veteran of Ihe Korean, Dr. .IH. Gerrard. -II Overl-n 1.11,1.. War. Mr. Simzer wns a member of I Mrs. Paul W. Moricli Sr. Keansburj;. liurial, under the di- I Sunday evening services were rect ior. r! Ryan Funeral Home, Malana.': Or. C.K. Skarstrom, 3'i Keyport Cui!|>ref;aii:>n of Jrhuvah'j 1 Wesiin. inland Ave.. Montvali-; Dr. COMPLETE LINE IN JR. MISS, ; held at S p.m. from the Nas! I-'n- K' ansiji.r. , \v:is in Keverlv N;ilion- Wilnesse-7. J. Vai.li of N,-w York, r,;1d D,T He leaver his wife, Mrs. Duroihy neial lloine, LOIIH Island City, NY. al Cenvlery, Hev-.'rls. Wad', 711 Green St.. Vrl.niKii. REGULAR & HALF SIZE MISS SANDRA GAIL JANELLI (Willianis^ Simzer; n son. Fred- with the Kvv. Henry A. Male, rec- tor of St. Maiy's Episcopal Church, l-irmtn S, Stratton Dr. Ge'rard rec.:ived liis Liach- erick I.. Sim/XT, nt home: two I-ICH'.S •Ji-i.'ren in Chi'mieal l.n- Mr. 11 iid Mrs. Junes Janelli, of daughters), Deborah A. and Karen KL'ypurt, c.lficiatiiui, for Mrs. Mar. Fi'rir.e.i S Slrai'in of 172 Con- j plut MATERNITY FASHIONS by Route 3(i, Hazlet, have announced MISS UltiRYl BORDI-AUX [•nret K. ivlorich, 55. of 4 Wanmi Avr *;.nt.erin: from Viil.iauva Univer- ( L. Sim/'.'r, both at hnnn.-; his ! silv, his Master's fion; Notre Dair.e , CO VOLIN S SEAHCTTE 'lie eiifjanoniL-nt 'f their daughter, father. IU,rry Slimcr, Ilouvcltun; Rd., H.v.lei, who dud I-'riday, Jan. Sunday. J;..i. l i. liiii?, in Perth >andra Gail, lo Gordon DoiiRlns Mr. und Mrs. Eupcne D. Bor- Amboy General Hospital. I'niv.'is'.ly and his Doclorate from STORK BOUND • CASUALS his mother, Mrs. Ami RoseiuMnz, 13, JDG7 in 1'Zmery Manor Nursing Ihe L:iiiv.'r:ily cil Cincinnati He Clark, sun of Mrs. W. DouRlas deaux, 67 West Prospect Ave., Clifton Splines, N. Y.; nnd a Home. Inl-rmenl \\as in the Lutn- Horn in Rc.uth Amt'.oy. l.u was the : holds 1 Miinlier of U.S. patents in i 167 Open Dtiiy Clark of llcllevillc and the late! Clilfwood, announce the engage- brother, Ronald Simzer of Clifton erun Cenvtery, Queens, M.Y. Local son of Mr.i. Mary Stratum nnd the ihe ari'a of residu.it fueled fvinuic- 1 Springs. I funeral iir.-ani^emenls were under ; late rVrrvii S!rau-..n. H..1 was the HIGHWAY 36 Mr. Clark. j mc.nt (,( n,Pj,. daughter, Cheryl ranlrol and has authore.l seven ! KEANSBURG *2Vi£ Miss jcm-lli, a K'ailuate nf Key- I .lean, to I'vl. E-2 Guy F. Blanhtcy, tho direction of Dedle FuiK-ril br,i;ii,'i.r.nh.'r of MrMrss D.-i.'t'iy W'arAick li'chnic:d papers, tuirenliy. Dr. | 767-2?i I l S Mrs. John R. I'mheruer j Home., Kvvporl. of l.'iiion I!e.-,ch. Gerrard is 1:1 i.'iiar|'.j ol cxplouiory | x K;he. ^,^™\lDC|ii.ilinrnA^!?'l^t 01 Christia n Edu- (son of Mr. and Mr.." Elijah Blank- Funerftl bervic:es wero held Sat- j Sun was the W'dow of Paul W. ; Mi. S(i:tllc.n wa.- e'r.|.!..yed is a ' and pro lad qi.uii'y researcli in 1 ulion of thr No" Jersey liaplist ji ley. Cliffwood Ave.. Ciiffwood. urduy for Mrs. Mary (Schenk) Morieh sr. 'Maticimv fiifiiiie.'r '.(itii the Shell; ija.soho" and in ci'ituirt uir pollu- ! ^onvenlion, I-'ast Orange. Mr. | Umbarp.er. 87, of Main St., Holm- Mrs. Nii-rich was born in New ; Oil Co., Sewar-jn, for 1C years. He' lion projeits. \\f Jtvn.-.l the mm- ! Mis.s Bordeaux la a senior flt d«l, who died Tuesday, Jan. 10, j Claik, a graduate el llelleville High jj Malawan Regional Hiyh School. York City, ilau;;! Ifr of Mr. and was a World War II veteran of ihe i p.my fiv- \ears nj'.>. i School nnd l'aterso.; Stale Cullenc, I 1307, ut Riverview Hospital. ! Mrs. Henry Kcejian Long Island it'. S. Nfivy. lit was 11 ch,.rkij - i teaches physics mid earth science ' Pvi. lilankley is u IMS (jraduRte Funeral rervioes were held al 2 JCity. L.I. She was formerly a tele I member ct' t!i>.- S'r.ilh Amb.y linat lit South ftivL-r Ilin'i School. I of Matawan Regional Ili^h School. i.m. at '.he Rolilai.d Parlors in phone. op",ator. Sh-j was a mer.iln-r .Club ami mi- il in orjjaiii.'.ers. Hi A July weddiiiK is planned. lie Is on duty In Korea. f.ebanon, Pa., witii burial in Ml. of Wisdom Chapter. Otdei I>1 Ih. w.is a f.'liner member and one of Lebanon Cemetery. I'laM-'in Slur. New Y.'ik. und Al 1 tu1 .r»ri;;in,tl n.'.'m'o.i'' of the Cl'.ver- Mrs. Uni'.eruer v.as the daughter llar.im I-inp!i of the ! leaf S.ii.u: liav.d o: Sunlit Amhoy. of the late Jacob and !--lit..i'.'. :h Nile. TrenliMi. •and a iivmber ..I John A. Connor'- 1 Srlienk rlrjbaker, and ottended I li.-iidc-i li p.uei'l'*. sh. j DVA Ciijnl'T '>: and tin- C II Nl^'iit Studios Linden Hall and Parkimann and | sur '{h'.li Clui. 1 vivetl iw n s . I'litil W. w:lh iih'i!. ' Westdu-ste' Semiivuies. She waa j .-.lie iivril. - i:ran.'h I11M11 11 I-.:.-.- ( lunera, ser. a 1 -. '.'.•!-' li iii a: 11 PHOTOGRAPHY I Ihe wid-i.v o( Julin Ruh.rl Uml>ei|! ! sisiers. Mr- 1<':.'H 1 'ay, Mi ^ Mar- :l 111 We.hu MI.IV fro 111 tie> ; er, un i-lec-trical contractor in Iul>- j take WEDDING ALBUMS iN NATURAL COLOR inn R.'i:'. I. 1 ol I oiif" !•.; in.I I nv, itiumltum S.-ivu'', IIUIHL- for ('IIARI.ir DIA.MOVf) anon, Pa. Site was -i nreiv.'wi of Si a 11 d Mr . l.ih:.iii Gra^o. I-.iVt ! I'lineral-.. with the Rev. l.lilri'.h C. Portraiture (John's I'nled Chuich of ChiNl. N'.irthjicri I , ami a brmhrr, Wai- I Cainplic!' pallor "f the Mellinli'-I ] Li'banun, and atl.nded ill.- Holm- l.'I K.--':'l. i.rt 1M. It'huivh of Smith \n.h'iy, nfiKi.tt ( ; staitinii: tllhlks to the \aluo of a 10 VMN ST., KF.VPOHT 2« I 85C0 I del Church, Holm.lei j iiiK- Int-'ini. i.f '•'.*•< in ii..st j Surviving are a son. Dr. .laenb Chuii h C-'in.- teiy. ll:e Jillar, It'l re.ls^ur in;; t Q rniheiKcrg,, ll.ilmdcl, with in .11 that Mime of our |. ,-al ten- .luhn Patrick Ryan —* v\linm she lived; a daught ilrr nr. fend for :!.. If I'liUt, th long Juliet K. Light, Sta'e CoH.c.e, l'a.; John IMtriik Rvan. 71. of M low';,- n.ekel. f.»,- p.xanip'.' We nnd sevi a f;r.indcl)ildr>.'n Sh" w.i:. Ma\ KniMier I Moninii.rn Aw , Port Monnioiilh. 1 tin- mother of Ihe late John Robert j Mis KH'.II Kr.iMier. f.1-. of I I /a died SUI.IIJV. Jan i5. I'.HiV at Mivn- nail when' Ihn Mint complain* I bell. Ave , K '.niA, u.' d I !,u. >'i. Mew lii.^ptal nf!' 1 a brief IHIICNV that live .-.•in pie.', s ir •n!c-il d.r- I Jan. i:. I'l " in V. ..i Hudv.'i ll Mr lt\an was tvi'n in ScoMaiyl IM11. .lim'ph PiiittTvnn inn the World Wnr II ... there took ! ' pil.il. ••oti of .'.i' late \'<>\t'T and A^:n»'^ Kuneiid services uiio held Sat- I ll.iin in .S '•Aiirk. she had lued in (Martii) l!van. He w.is ,1 viteian «e:« vr ol the W.-st H'I.IMUI tl.i.luss.ih. He IUII lii'i'n a iiuii I-.,mil and cuuw slurpiej nre nidllnit thtin Mndiiion lownslnp, v.ho died "Ihurs the I ml:i . Auxili.ir> ol Ih. S.n Im.l be-!', d.siiiili'cl Mint- piil. lie dny. Jan. VI. \%1. ui home, lord I., l-'aliii Post ..[ i.v, '. V,,,r v..-ii (urniiily emp.ivecj by the do.in for the tevrn tmh' no'tn r.u.'ii-rul 'rrvne* were at II) a til \'t'l'-i.ini 1- -I; .me, .if the -.h- 'iuliuH-i',' S'rvt.e 1 <"-p t i f Ncvi'' of silver they (."nt.nn. in the Home for Tunera!1; 1h< ' V.irk. II: \\.it tin- l-'iil.rr if l.vph Ciuiidruin Sir\'ie»', I'.'l Hnrtlrnlo'.wi NiimunK die i Kyan. Key|x.rl. All of yuur currency AilJ have Arc, S.niili Amlnv Int.rmini tn i\i.i in-r. 1 -\,i s. .ii:,. liv.if. Kra A hi'--! n:..' . (»f I. .jil.'Ml '.» .i' 1 f h.i-n- v.ili it «h '.i v.ij ni'ilu- j .n llollyw'iii.l (I'm. 1.'iv. t'ni..;, '•f ll.i'l t ..in (.•red \V.-i!.,i'..l'\v 'it St ( ..rh-TM.- '» yi ii; piirth.iu' of it :uw or use,l t'uii.h. 1- n «f Kei ruin; I hi- !',"• Shu ,i»cl f!nn,'rlv hi ,-n cinp'-.vd (.ir Kt fj| -,1 rii.D.SViOIll! !:, P.ik • HI- Vli t.ffai ,t.'.| IV Illl M...MSI...'. M.-a-A-i.-. CAN I I" - iwi.y lehn I. (.• r l'i-' -••• ••:'• '•••<) . vt.--t ni.'l- YOU SHOW US AIIV 8ETUR -hip ir.l Li ".-,..!. ',i'-li.'i. IHSUFAHCl MAL IH.«IJ IHIV h :... llaluhl I hllMlirni I- ; •to A Yo!ir Buyi 11.11.,id 1 i.ii-. •,;:'. ,.f i'i f»aiun:s...co>npai« t 1 ..u A. . , K"."ul>uii' il.- .1 .-s.i ALL THIS DATSUN PATROL, 1 wheel drive I-I . w ll»< II.,1 i •.- ( iiv. hi ..J H.-a.-h f.r »', lii.K.n-.- I . \l it.,' W.i.'.'.m n IH : ,1 H.I,.11 M.illh. w U S,.a IKr. l"t' l W. ...I.. '••• tl...

(nr 1 Ml y. ..it ( . f ,' t ..t tUhni trt ii! fill' -,! Ii. I -.' I;,'.,',S|.II| , iviih , .1' 1. 111 W.i|,.-il.-..\-.|ii nil i Survive^ art- ln» wile ,1 Mil!,,, .i S-. ,1. 4I"-, u ! iH-ait (Hulh Chrhiniati; t- ,W . M--Li:. '•>••• 11. t ' Warn i> t li'infinan nl Mint.. 1 1..y 1,-in II I""*. 1" (>'..• an.l hi.Minan ••• it • ' 'it' .1. iill.'t n I'.I.K 'Ml.r*». i'..ii iii:.!n -, Main Cloak Company CHKZ CEIL IS PltASCD .,.,-. In «il ' " i*h • I'.-n.' TO AN(JOUNC(: A V|i'll 37 STCKtS V. 1-HtCHOI.D. N. ). *.. it !'-.- '.'!• 11 -. iv 11111 k PMOMt 462 • 117.1 <;KANI.> OIM-AIM; |*uvnfch 11. ilinl I (MUV. Ion it, IW," Kl |l h•% lifr in | |-l..f I in Nf FINE COATS and SUITS Vnlk Mil NOW THRU Flit. -1th |;ta,, Li,-,, At Sonsib'e Pricti!»! CALL .! I'-r I • INTRODUCING; M|«lS ANIIA \ t*., S83 • 1300 W.\ WINTER


cur-Fwoon AVR, AH r MADI1ON VlilAGt! w No Clmige Pof A G. Siebeiibcrg A 0t»l'(»e f'eifnunan! DOOR mit 1 Of MfllllfirJ

>! fM»!l tMil^l i i, * »»IRAT > «- * Pane THE MATAWAN JOURNAL,. N, J. Thursdav, January 19, (967

Trinity Service in University Offers j tiiiuU.^huL,' ;h<' C0...111y in ?M:; l\n- |porl:itir r.''!ii1,li:'.sis Spc-cinl meet- 'jjicers 1 1 *eligious Services In The Bays ho reA Area Hariuc Drive School Summer /it f.tnirl fir-' . :!:\- rv?:,;-- h-- :! la t.iain wiu-k- I'I ii, tlv.' tiHircVs. ui'h.'.lf I Thf :».'v. C.-incll Ii. Ili-,11, recior ! T»,,,.,.., ,.„;.., , .,.,, ; l''': '' ol 'irin.ty V:p,,rot,.'l Chu.ci,. LM \ ,' '•"''; ,,L'" ;l-"":' !" : ''" "• ' J':- "' Ol1 FIisJ Church Of Christ, Scientist St. .TohiTu Mcihutiht Church First I'risbyK'rluii Church t ir5t i\!f!liouif.i Church • a-.v.-iu, r....-iiiK! ilni tiw fllst s,,,.. ; " '^''i Ih'-' ^ivivr:'.:: i.f !vi::;"i ;.,,,,i ••.^•t.-T ot ih,• o:ji!;-t.Oi. is in 84 Broad St. Kcj'port riorcjice Ave., UniUt fUmt« "M -<\\yt\ H'unklin St. iii Ravim: 117 Main St.. MHVUH.HI i.-.ili.-.i.'ii C'i'c.vh ' :'• s pro.;:Min. Kcv. Norman R. Riley, Paslor Maf;iv.'i:n ! SI.I'IMI v.i Sunday service and Sunday 1 Associate Ministers, Dr. 0. C. F. Ucv. Chi-i.n A. Oiilluv.-.iy, Pastor iitc-.in;: ••.:• .tiiii. S ill .Str;itlll:lillT I arc to ;'l'i!'.i:lll" ' i siifiMir : i:^.]'.''!: • ip hi'url :n .hi'v odiool, 11 ii in. Wfltluesclay, testi- 1 Jnnlce, Donnld E. Caroli Rev. Dennis G. .Jacobs kiiH'Ki.iiy SHiool. loiimviiiH the : timl A.ii;i;:l. 11'tiT, ::,.i:,'i"(i'i','.\ ii! I): mony mating H p.m. Reading mom I F..sra :ili(-K'.-.!;i'V::i,v iv.';::1 of li'.v !iiler,-!(it Ri'renut' f'et .•V.si.;Uuit. 3\:sior Rev. Donakl \V, Shaner j On Snii-isss nc V:-ifi ;i.n:. lh.'it> At rl-.o 9,-38 and U a.m. services lnu'ih '•Yvvici-. ' !!i In !•«• -.i •|i,irim:'iir .it l;-ni>ii. ojsen Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. Mornin;.; worship servio s at 3:15 Assistant Minister ; ' wil! in- i*.l;iitiiis ninl llolv iV.in- 1 the Pnslnr will spook on "Divine i ivu di'iinins ol" 'IT church wi.n: "Ascribe ye greatness unto oiu j Divine: '.Wsiup i:, at 9:30 a.m. i imi'iiun ;u i;':v t-li•.;,• fii. 7i .M;un .St.; lit ::i;lt Ills Ol' the t'.'litcd SI.U'V; '•'or \nniml Tax Rush Uneasino..!.-." This is the second nnd 11 :i pi. Clmrcl: School meets at lecliMi. itioy are lii'iny iJiorJ.s. God. He is liio RULK, his work is 3:15 and II si.ni. Nmsery care is .rind Jl a.m fjumlny when th>' K< v. :S:lfi -tin. fanvlv sfrvi-;-.- ais: and I'sii-i Is ji\:v :i;.i;iv (or cmoll- 1 : Hv: !\rir, Ai:',":--;'.-,- --Ili-.-'o o? :ho perfect: for all his ways am judg- message in E series of five based provided for chiWr™ under three j navi'.l I. Uu^ci. 'j/.i-jHt pas'.or, will it'.huich ScIiOo!, prr-schnitl !)i!'ni;;h liiOitt in '•-•:!>' .siiir.!.!'. ' ri ui;'iv.\ i'.,i'! \ liom IIiiv>'.''.'n, 3 |)wu 1",.. Miit r !r.it"tnril KL^'Miue Servio ai 313 ment: K God of truth and without on the Hwvral ihenin. Pragmatic years of f:j;e during both si.-rvkes | preach on 'Time For An I've ; hi.!;h si-nivil at ih'.. Rnvine Onvr a|)piic-:u:o!-.s in'.i'^t '<<• .•K:t.urnp:i .'"'\' j a'.van; M'*s. iU'rl.K'ii i.uiHhuc. JJ :':::';.1 S:. U ;-i^.d\' to iv.'X'^. ia.';i>ay- iniquity, just nnd right is he." This every Suu:lay nio;nmi,'. The annual jliNaminntion." Rev KLICI-I is r.a's- Icemeadmv I a., M^l.v.vtin: 'I'n'.'inas I Klt'mviTtsry Sciii'Ol. Mil the i: l.y l»n |i!»i'ii;;ra|)li-: atul a Si::i; Christianity. Thee, will be special 1 verse trom Deuteronomy is the Congregational Meeting of the tnr of tiif Kayvii?" Fresbyii'iir.n j Mnsc.-, 1) injunuiin AVi1.. Muta^'nn; i a.m. SL-! vice at tl ; (.luirch. re,':istr.^lii."i d< p'^fi Ai.iil' Mill ::f is ID psepjre tl-.tir iMil Federal music nt the miming services. r Goldnu Text for a Christian Science church will be hold on Moiulny, Churcii, r.itffwcnd Beach. There | ami William Tiiics, 21 t*:ouril»nd cri'ditc'.' 1M ihe full f\T lit" S'.",. i. ru'nu'" r:.i.; vtMli'ns. Church School and nursery are held T!\t: Ri'\. Hali I'-portul thai tiiit: Lesson-Sprnwn titled, "Truth," to Jan. 23, at 8 p.m. •» the Fellowship Kill be 'ipi't'al music- at both ser- ' La., M'lttuvuii. to 11^ !om uu-t-s ^f prop'-Miv on I Inc tf !J cost per FtudetK indinies ft'iMiain Fox.\. Perth Am boy rep> be presented this Sunday. at U:IW and 11 a.m. Hall, rolllul 1 1 1 1 1 1 v a l vices. A nursery is piovided nl both Elect'd to the ndmiiKiting com- Ryei-5 lAr,c. '.vher- tliene'v churcii i 'J'-" I"'."' '" . ?- " "" i !' '"' M'siiiiaiive of Dh.frirt i^ir-rtor Jo- Youth meetings air hold at 6:30 services for infants and toddlers. mittee wine M:x. V.'iilinni ll:nuon, , will be built, was im-ivvd bv the ! |w.?"n :i™ ^"•'}i '•'•>' !l.nd }""":<• si'ph M. .Shot.'. anDoiin.-f'J today Church Of God Monmouth Rcl'orni Temple ful lj ; d i! dll llon for :c tiiut pce-identified tax forms i\t\d p.m.; croups for fifth and sixth Churai School m'J<.-t.s at 9:.'10 a.m. Mrs. Thomas M:\jjeo, and MrsI .parish on Oec. 28. He a!.«) reported , ' ">""• " " " 1" , V Central AVB, off Union Ave. 352 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury Fred Reid, nil of M.iUiv.'an. | thai the firm KolMvaMii. Bosi.&rn. j ,ac;ul|'m"' P'"!ir;»" '•' Israel, and a iiisiiii'.tion biKikle's have b*'en mail- grades, seventh ai>d eighth grades, Kabbi Edward Ellenbogen, D.D. with cl'is.r:es for all a^'es. There is Unlnn Beach a speci.il program for children Kaplan & Hraiiinihiis, Red Hank. I'voday ^ .-jr.vei m I-.urorv- on tue I'd to nil ji'ea tas'!>:i>'ers. Mr Fiixx Subbfith Eve Services will be held Significant amon? the reports va L k W1 lca and tiigh school younp people. froni five to nine years of aj;t: at have the .irclvlcc.ril rle.siRn for ) V ;'; I* ''l!.'"^ " ;!; ;uks that each laxpayt'i- save the Rev. Bion E. Cecil jr., Pastor tomorrow evcninR at S:.'10 p.m. in wits thjt ol thi' hu'ldinr, commit- fr0 1 Nc v or Cl!v m 36 II a.m. Jr-Hi Confirmation Class the new cliurUi pl.ti.t well .idvanced ,' " ' ^ ^ , "» •"' \t boo'Ut't ;md to\ form until he is Sunday School is held at .10 a.m.; Grace Methodist Church tho Sanctuary. Rabbi Edward El- tee, headed by Kuri Carlson, which u tv:rl Ml J uwl U o!f r meet;; at 6 p.m.. nr.il Jr-Ili anil Sr- ] and he ..MI.', honrfui that u.nsinic- ! »" " "» " - -, [ really to prepare his return. St. .(sines PI., Unlnu Beach leiibofjc;i will officiate. His sermon slateil thai ttii" cnncroj^ition's new ia:t six l m ! llour morning worship, U a.m.; evan- ili M.V.F. nieetin)!s are at 7 o.in. worship fitci'ity, Incited o,i Cam-tion would u-.denvav in the ! " ••' ' f»' . Most taNpayi'rs wili be aliie to gelistic service, 7; 30 p.m. Rev. Franklin H. Bird, Pastor will be, "How good is ninnna?" near future. 1 1 Regular worship services will be bridge Dr. in MnUwan, would bo courses in I^rae!, each lasting four complete ttie;r ['Hums with Ih .. in- First Baplisi Church completed nrul tetidy for dedica- I woks. sti'Liciinns oa t!io tax form antl in Y.P.E. services arc held Wednos- held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. and a nur- Cliffwaod Community Methodist Main nnd W. Third Sts. 1 day at 7:30 p.m. sery i3 provided ai tho 11 n.rn. ser- Church tion on Fab. 19, 19C7." '.'-L lorii'i.'t. liinsc with iv.cire coin- Keyport I piic.K'-tl proljlenis wil1 fuirl their vice. Church School is held at 9:30 Ctlffwood Ave. at Garden State Rev. Eiyi.ne F. Grepory, Pantor Christmas Pageant At Attendance Progrem Cress Of Glory a.m. witli classes for till ages. Faraway answers i:i tht- "blue took." "Your Lutheran Church Sunday School be;;ins at 9:30 r. d.ra! I.u.iM.t; i'.iA,"1 w!iit:h may Cliffwood Lutheran Women Malawan-Marlboro n m. wi'r clnss--!; for all aj;es Cross Of Glory Church j -,•.,, Ail,r,.lt!,sl u,uli:11 i;> ,,„„,„,-_,.; ho purchased in the local ufiica. First Baptist Church Donald W. Eluner, Tli.M., Pablur in Strsithmoru School, ftlaUwun 332 Main St. Matawttn thrctifth aduUs. Murning worship The Cit,ss of filory i.m!,LM11n i K a sp'.'cuil iHtend:ince emphasis j Rev. Richard A. Weedea, Pastor Sunday, 9 a.m., Divine Worship is at 10:^li a.m. A nursery is avail- Held Installation Mr Fo\x explained that addi- Rev. Paul L. Jackson, Pastor with tho sermon by the pastor. At Church nf .^ull;^\atl-^ia!l!)es. man: Mrs. Kiirt C.ii'lsot>, f'hristian An One? Shubbat will follow the A Hibli; tall. '"Pippnrir.n Yorr Action Committco <:hairman; imd Rin^uaM arvanr.etiu'nt prtpnrt'di will he held at 9 a.m. nnd the Midweek service will be Thurs- 1 1 services. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Childrcii tii M fi t'io I'mH-'iin (,f M's. Ho'.-.-iir. Fiaiinuin will ho hosts for tin v I.iii- T'lll^viucv ^.' ,j i ll'.ail WiTo ,». juuiitte.s, :ui: v.t^^ presenunl i'l Jl 1 "Save With Safeco Guest speaker will be Dr. John H. St. Mucy'K Episcopal Church i !i..:,i a.m. !::a.iv. At lO.llfl n.ni. L i tJuaici-Mi if-ii.iinil ta.shion. j Tterjos, executive secretary of pub- Ti:r V.'.U iilou-'i' pihlc v(:i.iv '.•.-ill stalled v.ii'i ii special in. "t.t!';!t.i»'! !fr -jsiations, UtLheran Council East Front St., Kcypurt All nicrrbers ar.n friencL-' HIV seivii.'.' !ul by Airs. Arthur Mai tins, j Ttv p;p.iaiH was iliiccli.d and > Aufo and Homeownei PoUciss" Rev. Henry A. Male, Rector he liel'.l, Tim sulijcc: liton;^ iincK't* I piodtrctl by Waller Horn, iiiusicul j l'.S.A. most coi-'lmlly invied to intend. discussion '"'ill be "Ihiv You Said: Nomiii.iii'i^ ri.'ininittco rhainmm. On Sunday ut 7:-15 n.tn . there j Mr. Mail: iv.it; s [>iosiUt-nt of the 1 1 A prur'inni ontillcd, "Wtmicii m I dirccUir of Cross of Glory Lutheran I 'Here I am! fr-ru! M " " b:^od on i Church. ! ri'ivinrit.'ii: C"t:.*e".:itr. :• Baptist will be mrirniiiK wayer am! Holy 'u'uUVd !i.!new (\,n;;r.'K»ti(>n. A Isaiah fi:S. IJfiu l\in(; l;jni," was pios^ntorl by Iteol Estate—Insurance O:mn>unk»r HIS a.m., tiinimiij; | dr,<.u.-:=i M (if .1' A .:-ti a, -!iviln.s will Mrs. Howard Weiscl. The newly- Holmdel-Keypwi. Krf. -.n-1 n -|!!i !>••-tvfi- -in,' Molv fomniunic.ii; 1! j '"k(' l)il|r" '" ''"' On1?!i Shubbat installed officers took part In the One OIK of everv sc\ea ; I.u'hcrnn Church nl the program. KoficiiinnMiK ^vc!"'.1 MATAWAN 138 Wain St. 566-0003 Ls. a.m.. ii My Ccniniiiriiiin nnd .' •! :r,i;n ; table. :: t '!;:s coiuiti'v i.iii'.n, ^IMIli M,,-l,|llTll auvved. Made* Maiiiwn Township High School (.'sidencu each ye-u. 'I!ur>? Mil* i^1 r,»">iMiti i"'.;." 'i .mil lemplf II'Hi Ahm Rev. towrence Reed, pastor , | Conseri niiye Rev Hflrlev F. Meyer, Pir lor Sunday School wil! be held at Holy Cr.ii:iiiuii,V,:< V.V.: •'! Family llihle hot;r is huid at U: IS 8:45 a.m. and Frido/. f.::; .. ' | ri.-.i Aid UuildiiiR 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages, • Cinii'i'h ;>i., IHiitawan n.m. on Sunday nnd litmily wor- including iulults; morning worship, i'.jtbo. >\iuur, I.. Rubinstein ship, la-30 ,i.m.' 11 a.m., when the Pastor's mes- Calv.it y Methodist Cliuu-h sage will be, "The Bread and Third SI., Keyport K.ihbfi'h sjrviccs will be held to- KlnR of Kings Uilheriin Church Water of Life." A nursery is avail- Ruv. David Propert. Pastor iniiriow iiif.'.ht ai the home of Mr. Cheiry Tree Farm »tl., IS able during the worship service. Junior choir will sinjj .it tlu- 5.^1am! Mrs. Ma.s Myers, 101 Ivy Way. Jv'abbi .Morris 1,. Kuiiinstcin will of- Middletown Evening gospel service will be held a.m. worship service and the senior Rev. C. ROJ;CI litirkins, P.istor at 7 p.M. when the Pastor's mes- choir will sinj! at the Hi: 15 n.m. ficiatc, assisted by Miss Rente Sunday Schiml: 9: IS n.m. to 10:30 bas Mit;.voh. An Onrg sa$>o will be, "The Wind of Reviv- survice. The Pjstm's mi'ssiiRo will Myers, _ . . __._ a.m. Church Services S n.m.; 10:45 Gone! Tomorrow Never i al." During Hie Jl a.m. service be, "Lifj'.i Record. •' There is a I Shahbat will follow the services.! a.m. thore will be dedication of all offi- nursery in operation durins this I Saturday mnrninR services will be I cers for the coming year. service. Churcii School is in SeS. | Mrt at 1 a.m. in the Firs! Aid' ! First Spiritual Church of sion nt !);30 a.m. Tl ere are classes | " dm^, Church St Matnwan. Divine Rose •antes On Wednesday nt 7:30 p.m. there for everyone in the nursery Ihrouijh Wili be a prayer and praise service. irineii Church ol Keyport 270 Main St., Delfonl senior hti>h school. Rev. Plinehe Dnilw, Paitor Wuiren St.. Keyport Macedonia Church of Gad In Christ The Spanish sp.vkn ••< ji-rvko h' Sflnites are held SjncUy nnd at 11 am. ir. tho i-Nipe'l. uiuin the Kiv. Sharon T. SciuiltL-n, Pastor Tucidny eveiinps ,,t 8 p.m. Ticetown Kd., Old Bridge MnntitiU wouhip ;:(rvic-'K will bv» Rev. Hampton Colclnugh, Pastor direction of tliu rttv. l-n-nascu , Sunflel. h.'ld i"! fi-mil.iy ii! 9:TO nnd IO:« St. Cltmenl's Churd; Missionary flessio Thomas will n m. ill-1 Senior Ovir will sin;; at conduct n revival beginning Jan. Tl>o Confiiinniion C las-: ;vilj tr"<"t MMawau CirmuiMftr School 59. Services wll! begin »t "8 p.m.at 3 p.m. Junior "Youth Ft'llov.^Mp tho l').-1"» 'Un. pervire, tind the Urond St., Matan'nn sightly. will moet nt 6:30 p.m. "I-. God.iimior riiiMr nt ti'c! 0:30 a.m. ser- Rrv. Joseph A. Rufcinsl:!, Pastor Dead?" will be the discussion at i vice. The Sunday School will meet Sunday School will be held nt 10 1 Masses arc fit 8, ;•:.10. r;ntl II •ho Senior Kip, ! Youth meeting i:t,at I.jil a.m. The Cnmi'i*ni:t!ion n.m. a.m. «nd church service at 12 7 p.m. Class will 1'iUtt nt I p.m. o'clock. On Monday ov.'ninu. Jan. 23, ut Fourth M!. Piteuirn Prayer «nd Bible Band will be Trinity Church (Episcopal) 7:30 n.m a service in cunnection Spiritual Church held TucsJay ut S p.m. Main St., Matawan willi tho Week o[ l'myer for Chris- 2(IS Shorr Ilil., Union Ueacli Rev. Carroll B. Hall. Rector Rev. Kntherinr Miller. Paslor T!ion:as Lyttlo, Pres. The Faith Reformed Church „ , ,. . tiun Unity will \m held In the Re- & Sunday, 7. b a.m.. Matlins ond I f,,rmeil diurch. Tiic service to be. Services .ire held on 5!und!iy and Middle nd. and Poole Avo. liiursih; I'vrninus .'it 8 o'clock Hnilct Holy Cmiimumon- 9:15 n.m.. Fnmi.| followed '» -U- one SDOIIU.IMI by I V EuchMlst and Clmrch Srh.iol nt i||)e Naii-...iJ Council nl Chtirchei ami i'n Friday afti-rno'ir, nt 2 p.m. Kev. Theodore C. Mullcr, Pastor the Ravine Dr. School: 11 a.m., I ,i> tf-^,«,ii ami h;::,lun Orthmln») ! Sunday .School will be hold nt ro moriunR ptayer ancd- Rev. 1-rincis Csnli'l. I'.iMor will p.vath on "The God of . .„••. "'• interesttil| I| n thh r uniti y nf tthu It e iI Power." nesdny, tnt> Conversion of St. Paul cwucli vc ttv,'.!i;l to this hnit-hmir!J Sunday Sihool :• hi-M (nun !M'i at 12 o'ciock noon; nivl on I'riduv, tn I"1-I" a in. .md ll:e 'hurch ser- Tho Senior Youth Fellowship will the FMM of St. Ji hi Chrywstfiin Vk'" !.<: ililill 11 Jl 111 Uiri1 1.' li'tlrCk. ! AT A meet ,»t 6:30 p.m. nt 0:30 a.m. | Rnyview I ^hittrlan riiurcb Kvi'i_,(pni' ; ri.\l 'illy ir.\irt'(! to nt C^> , (Mill. R.-JV. Pn..o I. UtM-i, pKstnr llii' thurrh O( O'.ir Smiour Tho K'.v Donalii I'lnllijis "f the (i:(>Ucoiii>t> 1 ir.,1 i\HII"nh'.: Cliu'i Ii ol M.ilnw.ni ! toitrili Htl, Madlsvu Tu»n',hip \MII tpv.il: u.i tin- lupit. "I* fiiid j luv. r'nuiii.i*. A. KITT ir , V>r,ir St. Jolin's Metriodist CkrrJi 1 Siiiula, tin i" will he moininn; SERVING THE OArSHORE AREA wnrkhip siivlce T!ic Riv |i,ivul 1.. liui'rl, p'iKt(ir. uil! t< at hi-: tiiunli i pmyiT iiiid llulv Cumninninn, /.30 j 2000 Floronco Ave. — HfliJof 0» M sv n of Chlr.li.i" ,j ily r.r.d ai u.m. and fjinily M.'ivicr. 9:30 n.m. 1 Church Sri: ••<' ::.V. 1* !•.. 'il M !>:-« BETWEtU HIGHWAYS J» »nd 3t. a n-iu.tul'r tluit t! -' tv.o iWw "•- nation* nr In i• •ri-.nltniL- •• for n m. LIKE TO 7 IHCIK' < ili:<.tij;h (.'>( r. I'lu- IVnlivnMiil Churih Sunday Morning Worship Services t iiuic l| S . 'I in ,•(••» nl '!• ,1ii n 'u . tJnli.ii unil Snlnry AM-., IhP f"'!i iinviiiii tut'-i t'^s\ n: H p in , | KEEP MONEY i 9:30 A.M. and 11.-00 A.M. and th" Youth I 'llowshlp* nt 71 Vnlun Hrnch MM. l-.iNilf »id, r*:t-ri.r IDENflCAl SERVtCtS p.m. Suidsyv. [i,c PI.IJVI .mil, l l|i,l!llV' !'• '.!!•• it ii'-;d IUI V. I.IM:^- f)n Suji'l.-v I'tri '*.il he t!n!av EVENING . /:3'J f M. ili'A M •' j. iv, i Sri,m I ,il :' "i II in iiini iiiiiinlni; unt Jup, It .i m. I'tvt'r '.tii' '.V'.U Ix) li''iil at 7.15 tun An I'vui1"'!'1 tit: ini** Ii •*• vv . ' ...I ;| Mtuuil \\. V M\ 11 ;i III Y •h I '•'••'••• "I' mi'i'li II... -.' i..',1 •,! f. .it'll !V.I :i il.lM J( ;.joii i.t.

SI lin» i'l. fi (nllllh HiIhan Kit llnliniiel JANUARY 30th Iti'V 1 ill. aidi* II' .i>>.1. I'nti REAL BIG Mn- •• r« |tr Ii,-i.| null.* i.i r «. • I 10 .• t It . 1n 1 M i; i.-.t ALLOWANCES :,l. I,.,, j.h'i I Ipirrt, ; Miflr II., h'X-'ll I Union Beach Office it* .', t't.pfu'.i.i* ) Kfli**'. r.-.r j Ma.,rl .. i;i h. !„ :,j ', r.liy f nwfning lit <' "'"' " '» * >•', ') V; i AT 1500 UNION AVENUE I) t ift .it.il i; I*. | m |!|H \l\'\ \ tWt f'P: U PREFER A ? /\|M.M"H<* I ailh lll«;hflilit AlP, Mala'Ml I |;,jl,,;,li,| |l.,'l, ).,..., Id ),,| USED CAi i PENDING COMPLETION fl,!..1ai S ! .«•! I-ill \m I.. ',) o| 10 I 1 m . ii',..rni>u .onire, 11 • ni , »(• j OP PERMANENT FACILITIES ir »,„«... i»ui,.'. 1 ia |>m <••.(( n... j ! ' ' t i i

•hr f r 1 •:•

' .\,*,;luf,f*t'f • ( •! t!..'.i n-'".- '.fi.-.:-, I.?..,.,. •( (.• ,, ,. .'.,!,.. ti,., .,J U-» (.HI. PFJOP.LES NATIONAL BAN K I.-MVVJ! Hii'iil'; V TH- rt,;i < lV» IU|'«! It • in ku,.U **\\ hrrv iit<> Promina h Pvrformoil" It, ,n i* '.,<..[ lha tl, |r| .-f »fv,l»

t>,r ltn^l.;i will •• ht!,J nt tlfe 200 HIGHWAY 35 PARKWAY PXIT 117 MAIN CWC! 113 IlitM w. nr%m vt. »9 OPPOSITE TEL, 264-1600 MEMOBH HOKAl DIPOSIT INSUIUNCI CORPORATION. HOWARD JOHNSON'S KEYPORT 19, 1567 THE hMTAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Nine

of ! K-r i Eiv frit orr Resigns As Director a to.-- " trailing exercises in the Carihbeun I i!!.u ;uid then, a)-"'.' Uv.vo ;•.'. 1 t to n wiil report lo his first I D;-. G>iy V. Ferruli, dirsQior This u 1\)L' HHS'.WI'S first cr,ii:;: j Of Umiro Committeei/fit' of the Luzfrnc HI 1 ! community and Cytnmunl'.y Collepa 'n ',Vi!kss Par- j ! since completing extensive it/no :i- i The inlo.isifiixJ Ha••».<••• l.er: i C John? pivt-ldeiU of ; p'cri'it i eiiuct.tio.'i for the New Jsrcey Sluts ! *C, Pa. Dr. FrM'roii'? ri'sii.^n^non i>: • A tions at the Boston Naval Shipyard. I o.-»p!-,\.-jii»s rijiid physic;,! JNr.v jersey ;Maiiu.v..:iiirt-rs aboui j j Boston, tha world's first ;>uided Dismtnici'.t ut Education tho laat I survival t..vii tiO! th-i! tiie Assucu-1 -—— ' missile cruiser, is unti'.T Diques, both at S'U am! ashore, ttoo i , , , .'" B^aawrasffi^a; Area ftisn and Women tho cuhi'tol of the Trmnim l01 up nr Cjiiaman-iino 13ay, Cuba, dcwlor, !it:if-cor.l'iJ(-nco jnd e:,.1ur- < '» comMiitU'e. on mr anil water :f^ll|i§3gS MkIM;":k-;r>.'un.-!:iri i nitihh thhe MM-141 ! ixilluiii llim controll hhn s elpol«ld l OOr. ' iffK< In She where v.rev.'ineiribcwi will be ;^iven nlli; and-IS-ci-libro. pistol are f^;iial-ijo.m-ph I. K'clmio!i'! ninnaver of refresher traiiiing. l.y ?tresd:-ii, nml close order drill jlh, ,, insiilU the traditions cf Marine | bers Wcr!;s of du The Boston Hill depart for the : AGES 15 TO 24 island of Culebru where she winCorps twi'tnvuiii. , Ci>-.t:p.-i rirL p',v;;!er. as enyage i/i shore boinburdni'/nt A Uuirc-tigh study of baric nii'i- Ifl^im aa Eleeti.c] HS vico ciialr- $10,000 fiiorcises iolkv.ving her departure tary sitbji.-jfs; hygiene; first aid .U^sep!^ J. Cordia'io. vico from CiiunMiuur.o Eay. an'.l smtilMiion; nml (ho ui'si'ims, cud ji'aill 1IIJ LIFE INSURANCE teuru'sifK- history urn) niis^ion of i!a Scsplunc Tender l_cr,V8«; On Cruise i United iii's Metal.; Refining Co , POO POSSIBLE ESTATE Aviation Boatswain's Mate T!\ird (he Mavn>' Corpp s s.rvservo to polispolsh the neyi Marine's recruit Education subsidiary of Aim'ricaii Class Trevor V. McCarthy, UKN, ' Metal nux, Inc. 3on tjl Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Mc- and prepare him to join Marine combat fcrces. Dr. Richmond is manager of ihc Carthy oi Hotel Delaware, Carr the du Avd,, Kean.-iburg, is a crewman Company at I'eepwater, a part of I aboard tin: lOOO-ton seaplane ten- the comr-iny's Orpauie ChcmicRls I CASE! der, (JSS ("uniturk (rtV-7), current- Planned Voting Ago Pcparlniiint. Dr. .Richmond joined | ly deployed in the- Western Pacific. the eompuiiy In 1M5 ns H chemist AGENCY The Ciwiituck. airing with a Sev- Aineiulinvnt Bill at the J.idisen Lao'iriupry, aiso at enth Flf.-t. Patrol Sauadron, main- j Deepwater. Since then, he has held 15, Hazlet tains ami-submarir.e surveillance A plea that both Democratic and and pcrfoims seiii'.'h and rescue Rcpubltein parties include a varied supervisory positions at missions. proposal to lower the voting aye to Chambers Works. Hi Has appoint-1 The ("iivriluck is homcportMl in IIS ill their respective State of the g San Diopo, Calif,, and has been , Union miibsagos was made today January, 1W5 and ivaii elevated lo deployed to the Western Pacific I by Representative James J. How- since August of 19GB ard. MAKES Mr. Howard, a sliuiig proponent UNIVERSAL HOME BUILDERS '((.•turns To Baso of an 18-ysitr-Dld minimum voting OLD axf. has announced that on Tues- « REMODELING SERVICE day wlisn the 90th Congress con- ENTED vened, lio introduced a joint resolu- "S7 Years Serving The Public" PFC. BURROHES AUMACK JR. fJEPAiRED HOFF tion to amend the Constitution in ALL WORK GUARANTEED yjt,i Pfc. Burrowes K. Auraack Jr., con oidor to ailow persons 18 years old Ordnance man 3/C Clarenee W, and elder to vote. InKre Job In One Contract LARGE SELECTION ' of Mr. tnd Mr«. Borrowes H. Ao- Hoff, U. £. Navy, son of Mr. and 9 Attic Roo • Sjiirmii'li f> 6/ir Stata of th« Union mes- }73id ABN. DDE. 335th AVN, Co. days at home while his slilp was at APO. S.F. 96250. home-port in Norfolk, Vn., prepnr- !n» for a r/iodilerrjnean cruise. Ho Completes Teletjpo Course ing loft Jan to on lh'? cruise which r5 expecte.l :c last fivm tight to sine * | months. JAMES NUNZIATO Trains For Corpsnmn Airman Third Class James Nunziato. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nunzihto, Wickatunk. has returned to Cannon Air Farce Baso. N. Mex., after spending s holiday Icavo with hli parftnta. T!ie Airman Is attached to the 481st TAC Squnarcn as n jet tnechan.c. He Is a 1E64 Kiaduatc of j Mntawan Regional ;ji;;h School nnd i was employed by the New Jersey | , Ed! Telephone t-o. |iiiut to enter-; 1 ing tho Air Force. With lirst Marine Division Mniine Private Michael McGuire, son nf Mr, and Mrs. Michael Mc- Guire of 28 Compton Avc, West Keunsburp, Is serving ivitii the Ninth F.u.uinefT Battalion, First Marine Division, at Chu Lui, South Vietnam. . j Tlie Ninth Enamour Battalion J'livjio Jns^pli R. Chapman, 30 bUfiixirCi tho division thmuRti the con of Mr. and Mrs. Jo3cph E. cynstnu'Mon of huildinji brid'^'s and Chapman, I foist Concourse, Cliff roads. Current pioicrts include the tonsil uiiinn of iwrtioni; of Vie>- S/A KARL J. I HOST wood ti'-«h, computed a rtdio mini's Highway One S//A K-.rt J. Fii •,!, I.no R.I., Itlclypp opfrallon course at the At She snn-.e time, throuRh a con- , no|mdc his ci>:n»!i'tt.".t r.iue weeks Army Suullieaslurn Signal Schonl, iimioNS CIVIC nctirit program, the | ,,f t)ilsi(. h.iiiiinf ;d Ore?! Lakes ft. fiiiidif.. Gs., .Ian. J3. Manner p rmde mHical on! for jNawl l v •-• .in,I aft"r 14 c.'.vs U-.:\n | CO'JNrfil STYLE CLNUR car tlw IH'.I.HI.M.S, ai'd liach th- \n"-! jRIP.,! , • !u:. ii'iir^Lu l-j Citiit j E.,i ;.II; lilr 11 we-;ks of training. ilt ltl Spororibs Ib. Ib. 48c c -o help th-mfelves through | Lairs. 1! In the Chuck S\>u Vvt. ChiiJ.inm itct'ived instruction belter sanitation tincl heallh im- nm . n LEAN MEATY PORK CCiNtttSI in the u:.i"ation of rndio transmit- 3diitauon incl health im|I1MM "A "" School for tniinini! ns n pro'/emrut progran.s, huihlint: pro- hospital cup^rnnn. Sporanbs Ib. 48c oak tini: and icetiviiig te!s by voice jerts .ind other nativities flrsii;n«J Shoulder S Ib. 98c S/A i'r'V-l w.is ci-idiiali-il last »od ymr-: rod?. to rni>.e me living slar.darda of the snopr cur 5ONtL5SS (PC ) people. Juno fu.j.i ]pmii>ii"ii Company in Camshore liisi UiMuood Beach: und son of Mi and Mis. JvplC i !•'. Mn- Italian Sc^uiajo Ib. 78c Cliuck Roo \ Ib. 68o !>nn,ull\ St., I'nion Iluy, Vietnam.'Dec. 16, 1!X*. | Htcrlnciin'E Mite F i r r in a n 1113 of - (HUDSON c: HARVfST) IEAM r [Ir.icli. Hjr. ('M'lu.it (I fi urn i'it'ht I .MUCK) Pfc. ;as i.ntcred the Array m !Charles [«. McDermntt, USN, 3on S'iced Bacon B — nml was lost bta- of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mc- weeks of ]i'!]uit t'ainiii;: at the J Ib. 68c Ib. sec tluiiid .it HI. M'lvo.r, Vn. The 21- IVriDotl o! W. Susan St.. lla/let. Marine Ccrp". RiTnut IVpnt. P.!' viM-olii Mildicr wus i;roduate

. rf

)>'.l|'4 ><•,.{

1 3 .;r 87c P.nlry Piida Fioien t:< /.i. |lf< '..I l''»j| c (Hit MA! 'ii" SOFT MARGARINE ib. 44c ORANGt JUICE HCM h'JKUU'i ALL MEAT FRANKS «>. 65c TASTY LOMG LIVERWURST ib. 59c nf>)\AV)Win)'i>))\yVy>))Y?-: ''•'• H'cn h 59c

i>j OUk VI HY : i i i ;.M i i . Li i ' *" * i I i^*/i ' h *' f'f^^^'^rKSfr^VWi tf,* ft*', l| POTATO SALAD Vi'rur-.H'-i^^i1' .- [• • f\ or (OLE SLAW fy!| 5i;o liilif f.i,:' 111R..1' P'.-a'r !V •>! V.'S.! '!j'l! " I-. i "-.* »> «,H»~.t- -"-/.< . • IA ,«• _r • r* "±,~2£

HAZLIT, N. J « Oi'iii f •• / K' T • "me %i« nourr. 3.r» & Complete Discount Dcpt. Store and Pood Center 200 Slots Highway 35, Koyport, N. J, PLAIA We tha liifil Hut mm JAH. Page Ten THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. X Thursday, January !V,

'S Boys Cage Play Buck All-Weather Skiing Final Call Fimsl registration J«r Mutuwan ; \ Township i.illie le;>;;ui-- fiir all ! ; I is1"'.. "~ last year, will bo held Saturday = fi, i. from 1.1 a in. In 2 p.m. at both ! ; .„„,,, .Jtl llin ,(lll ,,„,,* MatauT.n made a flood bid. Friday | two pop snots o!\yH another dflcr V/iih Hw instaliauon of iipjjrn.si. ; many 1 luruei' away due to the tlifiwnod and tlie Snaihrnore ! "" " ...•••...... ,..• at the iioin? court fi;r a.i upset I courier by Miliur to bring Matawan ; im-.ti.-ly :!i)l'(J square itct of poivv^n'l j-.-.->i" r.ppli.' tti'.in. Qilrslit-.n;; ; liii-mi-niarj- Sch'.'o!s. j VJ.N'CF. 1 OMLiAUIJI. now the top- ,against ion-spot Mamisqiiii'i in the close, a hst time at 52-50. Ford th n clJnnde ski mats, the YMC.V* i ."'.."' i According to Herbert Amner- ; most /nun Ihe [inii.'.nicnl of |;iot- 1 raised ch.i'fly, "Why 'Shore Ci'ifcrcnce "B" iace. but got io H:ml,cr crip trum the pi =t • ''•'"" 'V-' o imincdiuiclv i-veu ir.ciuyli tlvor,; is pr: .bii.-ln -.. 'iy ; 1. A:;,- raii{;a 9 io i:( (lor eligi- ! necled u'Uh lootlv.ll ia Monin'utlK'N half, thtn tied the game twice in pops. Then it was Fotd inside, M 1 j no snow en the ' tins ar.'-i, nU'_Ti.->;t biiity pur-poses a nine ys-ur iiici is I County. Duck in tlie days v.'i-i'.'ii ••' the st'eond half bell-re yielding to ier from the outside, Ford again | All w nild-bo or 1 y the Warners moro potent shooting Sqiian was away aid winmnn j umhu^iusu- no kni^e win navi coached bv -Toe ;r. iht !.-ite percentage. their pan •n:-. the 'V" decided to 19.57 iii-.il Only 31, 1058 and a The M'ttawan jayve.es overcame ! £0 great r quality i twelve ye;ir old is a buy born be- :1 ;M l-'orte, invt'stij^att- furfiit'r tin Ok'nciitsiun ti ld i b b b . The Maroon and Steel at least an eaily lend of the Squan second | sons ;i ;!uiri run "Pll'e viciniiv tween Aug. 1, lt!34 and July 31, i Vince jr . a sun of the urns' No. 1 i the Ma iuru Stat'.- of thi'sc simlics, the cominitU: had tho satisfaction of exposing to squeak out a 53-52 win, J ff Hospital v.'il 1 I3.li) >. j man in all football, was a rne!;!e Manasciuan vulnerability to a driv- Morcy's shots on drives and pa Vl'.iny area risid-.'.'ils ulah-d a coinpieu pro- 2. Valid evidence of birth must j for tlie i/ascys. f~>on C.'zo!;, mnv alh- •lmi as^C't if on. up llintui'h ing offansk!. Tlie Big Blue lacks ins in the final minutes of tho iulriMify wf'.h : jiram, bo presented at die time of reg-jletic dir'c'i.r at Ktii-'ton Township npeed afi>'jf and has to shoot at too game docHtfd things in favor of ! day uib1 overnight camps ; tiie re YM('A h! ' ;Ilii;h Sciiuol. was an .u-i-iiLial coach long ranee. The shooting o! DocAssistant Coach Din StankicwUi ia,. s Ihe seasonal family member- •• program was IIIMIHT aur.lyi.cd, dis- .1. A jiare.nl ov U'sitil «uardinn ! in tooibill and he'i-1 CIMC'I m l.us- Nine's flayers against Matawan player?. Frosh Couch Ueiter John- , I|shi|) ptiul r.'.an at (.amp Ai roulnatl. , cus.srd, ,i-ul eventually passed un must aocunipanj! each candidate. Iketball at. Red Bank Catholic in Friday was nothing short of laud- son's charges racked up an impre jit was olso appiMont from tin.-; Jan. 10. 'Ihe ski mnis were in 4. A charge for uniform cap 'trri.v.' -.toy-; tie lt'eatls very well able, out by all tht percentages sive win, cracking down the Mnn- [heavy ait'.'iidance Dec. 2,'i and 27 t piaco Fiiday and «\re used im in- and for insurance nmi puienlal the fathi'ily inlyiest the famed they cant d th ll td : thai'nriiiv skiers knmv nbout Ar- j i-lmclioiial piirpnses un Saturday. membership are pavable at regis- coach to'ik in ihe Ciicen and Gold they cannot do thi" well repeated- asquan frosh 57-47 The Squan frosl 1 had 8 9-' record going into the ! ruv.'lu-iid's DdC-kiut ski low. Then I ''•«'• IVriliir eff-vt lo make ti'e trillion. ti'Hni in tl-ase days, as ouo having The Huskies short-coming I is a smaller one just to take care i l>''OKra u v. compiev success, quali- 1 uskies short-coming was a game. Skip Searle was again tht Floyd Bissett, League I'resl- ! to bucK up aKains a schedule of I of the children. fled, paid niM!iic".irs ".'ill be used, dent, iiiiriiiunced that tryouts for jsch.iols bavins -i much gve-ajcr lapse in checkin' •' g Glen- n Ford as a b'B i»«i 'tor the Malawii Nu ; U1! "post" inside their ZOM; as the Big yearlings. late MI ISiif' AmnvhPad itHHiKU- i 'V ''-''H thi'ir skill as a skier new registrants will be held in [depth in manpouvi ami evorvihinj;.-i"^ rated >i ski lesson pioj;ram for i tl<1 conoid' red b;u even mure im- Blue played a pumping game off MiinasiiUiiii (70) Mataivan (51 March ;mil that opening day cere- j elS'.v Tiie youn^ri' l.ombardi played tbiMven with rni^td finders, so pi'ttiini il.iy wii' be jiidt'.eci on the boaijs. The Matawun defense U I' V monies ore planned [or tlie first I at Ueil li,:r.k Catlvjlic tli'V? years, EVud 7 4 inO.ollm.i 4 t«i much ilei.H-nded un s.ainv anil pu'.'iie ! tlieir c'riliiy '." tea'.-li skiing. man, whose duty >t '.van to check nn week in ftlav. i then mov..d on to Lit. Me'a el's Col- Miller 7 .'! 17Dovis '•I 15 rciipon.-ie. The fin i.l.ived his col- Huskies lake Lend Kfnrn 1 1 T tin' yrnunil, i to Snei ;' I-'.aeb d'-'.ss will be eo\ - ) ie>;e H',-.-I:J-1I at I-'o.tih:'.in wiu-n tlie The Huskies showed no awe of - iti'.triKtion iiiider "actual icri'd by f:\'._- OII.--1H»I'.I li-.-i..;oiis with | Rams v. r - a rr.'.t"-;i.\! i,o.,'-.-r. cmn\2 tite l'bi'iututlou of their rivals by Score li.v i condit ii.i^ e.'oiiM be nvaihiblt'. ' s>v I-'ut" • io a <•!''..-.;. The fiist el:i' .s M;i?t.-i:i(iu | up to p.-j foiiil:;i'i l;'ii:'ii beinu, :;n jumping out into a first quarter » i.i 15 LI—70 liidiiclcJ ia thij ::I:: ;! 1 t>l: Mulnwnn 13 13 J.I 11—34 These • I'.-.^ni: \ei a- to ; It's now-or never for Coaeh Frank | •""" ' '- "'-""' '"'- ."-' "-^ as- lead. Jim Riordan (jot the Maroon 1 sl tant i rMh u( : r Gumls vh s JV (5J) tu "10 children o:i i> first-comu first- J Jan. TJ l!'roii,\ii Sai.day, Feb. I. 'Ryan'; s Holy Family, Union lV.-ach. J ? -- ,' ' ' !; „ and Steel away to a good start on G F !• P I ' serv >\ basis 'i'he aaivjoiie.enieni ! llie see.)! 'I class. I' -'b. I'! through ! basketball team tonight when they : Y'nce '' w;is,. ;i'V'".". '"' '™ -,, two baskct!> circling out of the 1 2 4 franklin 11 U I wav sent IO pii>p': on '.hi- YMCA ' Stindiiv. Niai'. 5. I'livn'.e and seiru | face St. Mnry's, New Monmoulh, I <-asi--ys. ^'\^ "is interest and ad- pivot. When Charley Hirst brought 5 1 IIKutz 1 c i mailing list. ; private io sons v. ill nLo be avail- ! pereniiMl l.'iiaue champs, at Union ylc0 w'ls \^hi\ t0a ci»ichin staff Squan close at 6-4, Larry Shaw Z.imbo 2 £ Fov.-lcr 0 » K j KventuiiMy IfiO wvi^ accepted and ' able. lAee. Senool in a Monmouth County bt'scl .>*'"'< such ni.'.npmvcr short- pushed In a crip on a rebound, and A. Belll a my 0 0 0 0 P Morny 3 2 fl Haeilanit (1 2 s Jm lu n! v bj fiV Randy Davis got a foul and a ICYO Uauiie, noithern division, °^ "';•' """ " - ^ KtMrna 6 1 UCombes 0 game. T'i» ttvan forces lost to St. or s.lv IcUi-rtncn ean i«i over and bucket shot in to w'den the Mat-Suhautcle 1 0 2 Hull 2 6 Ada H J. Jackson 4 1 B1'i-tcri 1 6 DorothuaY Ealon.own, third olacc ? viriu!-|.y new team had to he awan lend to 11-1. Ktypor! Vauth Athletic League basketball, the original program Tho Recreation Commlssii-n of team in the league, last week DO- ormed uic.i year m (he late I!i5l.s. John Collins, a player who has 22 9 53 20 12 i>2 of baskethall for hoys in this area, came hack into bt-ii-g last Monday c U thu Township of RnrUaii an- Kcyport Youth 42. They cannot alford to lose to £™*m ^^' , ri 'S'\'!™ beer, off in his shooting this month, Scorn by quarters: i at Central School court after a four-year lapse due to lack of uym Matnu'Hn JV nounces It will a^ain spousut nn lancithcr Irunt-running team. I , ludt'euW c'inie into his own on pop 13 9 u n~w facilities (it Kcypvrt. Wiih the opening ol the new Kcyport Ili^n School iBanvl , ami Hill'. Kennedy, Key- Maimsquan .n/ Adult Basketball Program on shots; his three keeping the cuurt to use, the demands (in the Centriil School court ware cut down The Holy r-anidyftve will invade | ll0rt „,.v,-'.-re, „„„amiiuj'„ . ,,,th^e bav^liur„,.,,„„.„e I Monday nights beginning this Huskios' lead intact into the second Froalt .Manisii il.» r-.-slc.ri.ii St. Josephs K<.-y|X.rt !playcrs p.-iformi-iu for the Cas• ys so that the boys program, dropped In l%2, is now restored. >A'ayntf week and running thioui-h Man- Athletic League quarter, Shaw added Rcothsr crip !ocuri io oppose the learn represent- • ,„ Uu, duy.. w,,c,n •,„. voung..,,- l.oni- G F P p. p ! Newman (ilglit) anO Unbert Hurlew (left) were accordingly partners day, Mar. 27. !»C7, at the Hiiri- on a rebound to get the widest Inij! that parish I ursday. uiere are , b.,rilj wls with ,he tas.-ys. IS 4 .10 2 8 In something of an hiitoric moment when they jumped up tor their tan Tdunship Jiigli School gyni. spread for Matawan »t 1H-10. Davis' llurnup 1 0 2 3 ;3 . (cams on Iho tnpoff of the first game to bo played. jotnnr .jrik'.al cualesls din in;; thiM layup and a long shot by John CCas£rantl« 3 17 This program is for the ladies, i The le.it'iie's rost-.c-d program In 1 comina wiek. St. Mary's will be I THE GKIiliN BiY COACH will Mohler Lan« i 'BI _— (7 to S p.m.), i:nd tin* men ol the iabk- io sltcV nff after tin.- Holy i make s return to New Jersey Hunter kept tiie margin Ruing to 1 0 2 itelfjlil | l.inys' hii'ketbai! gol under way 23-14 when Miller finally found the Wilkcs 0 0 0 ] township from R lo I0:3D p.m., I Monday with four teams emhodv- I Family ^iime, as Ihey play Si.! nr>M spring when he nets as ouo, ranye. He and Ken Kiggins pop Marshf!) 0 0 0 I and is under the supervision of ; tn.u a total meiabership of 4''; lienedicft,, Hnlmdel, n new teani' of the consultant.: at the Naiion-' shot from outside and drew fouls WI1I1.-..IHS S tl 8 Union Beach Grammar 9-2, I Henry OkusKa, 1 Gihsnn Di., • boys in aotiuti. The league beeiiud jthis yea:', not quite seasoned in! al Fooui"i! Clinic at Atlantic City M. Johnson 1 0 ! Haz'.ot. 1 . enough to f !nsi> th" gap on Mat- 1 n I will balanced wil.i t!lls (11 1 was sounding. Miller let one heave Beachers sport a 9-2 record and f'ciise men tried to st'op'him." th'cy I <' l ' " iittendnnce, ea|iccial- I The. program will eontinur i Holy l-amily let the game p-t; In Mini - t,i I'd eulk'^e liiie Giaiil- | a way In.mill ••:•• at the Mart ii'.,;-.in.t ;b!in,; ilui'. l.as a stNinf; re^otj of !rom back court. It went in and they IOOK to belteiini; It still more wcre drawn into fiii.lins. and some | 'X «nio«K (he feninle set, has| tonight in.l Miinii-,y and Wednes- ! 'led the game a first time. In Florida when they plnv KeansliurR at of them went out »n personals. Tiie j grown sloadily. 1 b'i:i.' (a'j. The Uvan force:; [iroJiKeci piayeis who !d:iv 31 th . Ciiitial Sehoiil K.vm. Ad- ! Manasquan Moves Dob Lctwcnske, Union Beach Kl Jan. -5 rind Keyport game wns u 29 S ••emp for Hudson I j mission tr* panic Im. to be iertriet- : started u-al by !l'>ie teaming l>'lk. made >;. :'d in ;H' I fnulball. ll i: A drlvj-in by Davis aad foul by speedboat driver, finished sixth in Cramour at the Morningsidc Avu, by hnlftini.". On the Keyport court \ I i-ti to pan ins lx-tvai.se of the limit- Ilituwa, on defense It w.irkeO well i un unfi'--i.i!nate fad iu ail Iho Hunter restored the Maroon and final standings of the California gym Jan. 2i. earlier in the season, the Juni-u ed scutin.4 capacity. Jtnonj;h thai Browi goi :mly yeuis of l»(! li'i'.|"iu' fiii>ib.ill 1'iere Steel lend early in the third quar- Ski Bolt division at the annual Thing-; have not been tiio good Raiders hud had a better RO of It Raiitati • Holmdei i Sklppy Roberts. Pi'lr.as. vaulteti PoinU, nt-t his usae.il 3U. Hut St has never buna pi^'tei 'ner from ter. But then Squin steamed awuy Orange Bowl regalia. Lctwenske., with cither Keyport Giammar or j ngain.-.t Ihu Henry Hudson five. : way out i:i front m tlie first ftaiiu s 's aluays II.KI a man loo this am. Ai-d in proportion la to a ten-point spread with Hirst and returning with his craft last week. Keansburg this season. Coach Dick j ! played us scoring Ii ader in tlie to wink on nass ins under the, other st..ies in p-.iiulatiuii!i . not Unl I1 cl 41 Hlgpins jumping in pop shots at said lie pclually finished ihirJ, but Woolfs Kcyport players got thoir ™ *» > < > Marlburoi rmtral 8-15 League league v.-iib 17 point '. boards v.ith tli's wtup. Holy Far.ii- very niauv from .".'cw Jerwy. Tha both he. In his No Smoke VIII, and solace fur other svlbarks byy trim- I (; p p |!y Mad lu n-.e an a.ieouit pres* to: Shore Ci iil.'ivii'.- i.-, in a ro-.«.-rt rondom that it became 44 M C'31 N'dl» til) against Coach Bruce M a c- Joo Maybrown. Long lleuch, L. !., Kcansbiirg twice, the last i keep their guard on D.uwa j:oai^.' art-a. wiere thi•;.' arc i.iar.v di- •His 0 tn ;'.l alciiK on a j sutifii. the il'.ilmdel-Orange, u tenn; i! I't.'l 1 0 £ I They r.'Hilil not pun-irate a shatl!- race committee, in trying to gettheih r nesi sinnd v.us i tlil e M Ki- i z 3 0 iniiiiii'.al basis, lie-re !:; niaii: of a spirited comeback. Collins get it that has been iiraggine, alvtip near .1 l-i'rr p ft 0 0 3 0 under way oml Davis' driving kept the lump on Ron I.ursen, Chicago, all - cmioutiiiii; Henry Hudson l 1 t) 0 7'ine thin tiie l-'alii'lswn IIMI-.I • ihe ;-riai iricnjuv aril lew; ap- 1 l the bottom of Ibo standings, sud- B I 17 it going titilll ilia score was tied the national champion. Larseti Grammar School team from High-1 Quiu'i 10! (sel up against them, ll was applied ' plicnti'io thut ;'/>•> into the Kami) came in two laps ahead on a reg- lands. This one wis not nt nil gMd, j ' dpnly found tl'i"r>elves niui foreed •1 1 2S M. i.-i-l! that tin.- I'linn Iknc'i tcit-.i; in tin- iiiili ovns r,id lai.-iin.' ii'- anew. ForddV' cri...,.ip maddn It 4C-44C44 fof r \ Ihe proud and unh'-aten »t>.lst to! committee shortened thf course I a ™rd - tou,!lit tuaqnes.- ol Marl 1 2 1 1 rvpe t..i(l-.. n-e Slii'.li. .i i-i.au ii'j nnJ 1 C'.ii.ii it-am ti gvt icvi-ngc f., what sink thu ttbnund for u crp. Collins' I t'orn I*19 nccmtomed I 2/3 mill boro fen 1 1 ll'.lv I'alill.y tli) SI. :l"h ['I tt-.u SIS.V) 1'ir plivini! one ••.uiiil f ti'e iliiimk 'Or.in! . d.l. (i r numte'i c Mtl.il U i; i i' ••••••.I • ...I e I'U' l'i •• ,.l.y "•''> '-i, to Jiut a mllo. nils proved n II i- s '- li-.l-. •! r. l,.sl ;•, -li'ii- nut :-f t.i'iei'.e. handicau to fx?tiveuske whose boat got 20 .lino; •.. Cliarl'a Nii.l-ii.hii. dir i r, KEYPORT is power?:! for a qaiek pickup on a t-rii In Mr,. oun.-i-* f{(iil \'.nrkrr far it>e 'lhoinp i lo both *.h ' Pe We nnil ' H-. tt < '. T'll.V 1)1 I LAll'.l) i;I'AVL'S straightaway as arainst a bettor 11 r. 11-41 Hi B .1 4 II 5 il HAM. S-.iiie 'Jl 'O miles aaay, nn turn radiji? on the cralt ol Lnraen. , «,i\ forei.:. . LMineriii.K. It" rehouails. n Hi.- iui.in's ut Rantan Ihn'i rvin l 1 l |)....Illl!. ! l 1k : • •' ' iliv vast WIMIIV ur.i'i .ry-''ile nf Tho 2/3 milt of th • course cut out ! while M'k" »" "-< "»' ' eu:ht nfl lac 1111mi •it II. Uu lit-...: ;s lai; '."J at S p in. I'l - ev*n-niiii ,bei- 1 t 1 ; Isnitn Uiki 'a. Hi. bi>:..'tball MinJ was en the straightway so that the I biunlv. M'i-,c»'s .-n-iimir 1:1 the sei (J< i'ii li'anis In the .v.ii..! ng',g w !! pio J Hi',,',, oml 1 1 i! l)l llu> fl F (i r r of thii aie.i in 1WI It- I" liil^ ..nir- course would not extend beyond R '<•>•' I ''"" " '"' "' "'' r \i.le ol.'vrf, lii i ppf'se u tiitr. i t; r). MOW THRU TU£S. i 1 •I W 2 it t made up from the in'.-l-trirno.-red M:i'.l. J 'what rriviwil Tw-i of the | rl« pmtccliii^ ?pit • if land. ers. 1 1 3 M ..' 2 0 \ 1 it teams. M."vor Jo.>..-|ih A. Morales nil (i-jiiii . Kmi O'Miil, e\ nf Kai- Despite being p-nallzcU bad: tn Keyinrt Grammar )u:ii|ied away 1 J .1 •lr li' ^ » :i HIKIIIIKIIIII h'olfs High I'l * 12 1 1 2 AWARD WINNERS lrl l 1 ll !l1 i!lt 1 0 (I 1 ttill 4 n .vill toy, up tho t't>l t^iil. ; ~it M I itai. mi I h'>i-"i ll'.^li i*' ' . '--u" i>!xtli, anil cut of th- first three • •'- ' -. '- »P' Ke.-i'i'-buii . u 1 1 rr \ ?. O 1 I ; K..I ill-- Kui\', il. • I. -: 'if il.i- I'I-.M l'l<" • Orange Bowl tinphy spois ! *'*' y l'"-"i"« i"vt i li'j t>v • mier a There \.i!l !« e ch.erli -idi ts CIIIIW lit I'm 'SUNDAYS AN!) M. : t . .til "P Letwctuko finished ahrmf of moM IfailmR lh,i way. D.slmw k.'|i. the 1 in m i-MMi.it nf'i"' Hi' I'.rne In nhMi lu,. I -sib-ml ii, trii . .-I.I-- |i:| of the WMI Coatt big n.imn in rnc- prossur- on il,i~ Ki'.iasl.uij-.cs uiv >!..!• K;. na...na ei ^Ui'.l/ l'inl Oil W ! ;hye Mil b- l\ inmtallt.e of • in '...i- 'ven.nn l. tine "f l!i- Til.*' CYBIU" lllf! In the Class. There were ?'I"' Keyn'irt If.l oy the one-.sldcd ••et a T'I'\^- I'lifi.-ijual hti'l! roue •-t A. Tlvrt' wiil b.' ripresiMia j .Sl.Hi. i:i.iiMein.i... Ii uas i< nf 2'J-I'.' ill httlfl'ine Iro nvirk In .he Airjviil 1'hu i Com >!'» 2nd Award Winner enlrlti In the division. lives i'iii the re.-.;it!on rniivus 1 fi>ice« I sliix.'i.iK I"! I'uiiil 1'le.i -.ml .i'K The Union Bench rac'ng driver theif Ih' Wimlf ' ~.l.lll, l" 1'AI. ;he ( jiltnn I.eayw. lutTiial Ho^lin)' i.-i;ii{- us :!,.- oil "FORBIDDEN in-ii intu as.'d then fiisi place li.ut llh.-i,. in I'I'.'I llvt "liniinal-d H;'rl< fun been invited lo piirtlclnnte In ' ..: d I h"s fi"ia the P-1A nnil lh- . Ian 1.1-A.I ;II|I'S UMin ('" which the SI. rvtersbura upccdUiat clus- But In* lludvm lo fn e it'll ,;a'i" •• Aildirijj his r - ___ GAMES" u] I nyilem. M.-i. M.ii.ne- hns O'Keil «j-s piiiyin;, from H.f t't-i- sic on th« West uutit In mid Feb .ml neltii..: ^"1 ^Jline tu |;iinies (it In I-1 Invilni to bo one ofthe ;lrul 'er*.e\'. lit HI;» II, stale 'niiiiiJ. %A7. t SUN. MAT'NtB ruary, bin hud in turn It down r* 1 2uJ and l'.'!i, Ilurhmjiin iiKu ch.uk. d «• p.tlt ('. .1 (I I'.'t'Ir I II llc!v Fnril- r ili .--, anil 1:1' '" eepte I . men:. I i I liiinsj.iv il. • uil-' » ''K«blni«n Cruiot On Man" he is -"nottiln of ilr- rialnfii>ld -Ski up the .i.J'.'.Oi .i! Ingl. s;'i:c> n'.:uk II,,.i i- ..., ly, L'ne.'i llfiih. ' ill ba\i- nit :-K*.'IIIH uivisio.N' ! were tuned ll wn» t) Nell'-, sli inl- Plui Color Cartoom Club uni he anil his cousin, Mifs 1.1 the n'uli' «;ili a inlul "f I'.M. The St. Ml-l.l-il.'.'!'• . tiarue tn i'u'1 llie tlj. -t of tlii yea', iU t». II in v Jc fl ! 11;; il'B! n.i'd'i) I' r. iv is in .t: tun- Jimn Chuvev, Uiilou IUaih, \\,\\ l-e NORTH JERSEY fill t'.'nl I:: t!'i- iti.r.l be-t In th> jit.ivini; ;.-ai'ii" I ii.i-m si AH il : n r, :ii-.l i'i i-'liy b:eu"li| ,|N i ;' M\ comi)?tinn /or tin- ciub hi Ihe f->5- tl.uiiv'* 11 e two !>t.Mnry'l It-itin: > ili. II II.an, t.S'.l V.,'.t.-'i' K tern Ski ("h-m-pimnlilp. at skilllnK mil fi.'.n ii out svl' ii'i plm'i . HI I. I il"* Al-n lo|..i,' !• tli- 'on >i ri.-A n'.ul* MHS i Vs. CBA ;'i, II <•• n ton, VI., on Iho »amp ilmes I M- SHORE PAROCHIAL 1 i'i..'. ; ••-" •» •.•I SI AM,I'II. Ke.lii-I.i , w'il tuV, 1.'. .1 llt-1 s I wor- ,Mi i M.iii-..y i.l It i.'i..-. I •:•'•• i; wemkc will Ihi-n Ill-mi (nr ll»' n* Simp. Vt'.! 2.11-li.S- I'J.'i, mil I nu !• I . llei I. Ill :. -. -.'. Ol 'M. Ilii'lilanJ-. .1 il A III llonal tlnlom nt A-.pe,i. Cuto , later •« II I'liil- ' IVinii'n.n. o' ( .IIIIV.iv C:I|.-I';I,. M Ha" •I fl'>.l,'-' II ['• GRAMMAR LEAGUE inr ll'S'l-i!'.. (in- I'.l-Vl • I' 1V.I -II' StTViti . 21^ Il.l lit f'iti. II I t! ll up lo t'le nt '.I I. t 1.1 (-Illiii HI-II- .III I l.-M-il liV Norm ihliil toTPlin .A ivatll tliev :!. 1 >v fl t;:M i Aituhain of Ti'in'' I i ni Vll'i: | the (TuiM ,u lltt'i .' r« (I turroft) •'"" "» - .>">!< "','" """ ,''• ; "Boat Your Averago" • "iK-ti if M'l r. M.i , ,-vm '-I I. 1-i.r, ll-e ( II \ ',..,.-:,i,|; M-H'', f"'.' ""')' > •"''•• "' '' "' ' "• „. ' f',,. I mi. ti, >|,,t- ,- V,,-,, |. (i t,i nn ''!•"•""-»',••: « «• ' •' \^' hl>u'" ,, ,,,.;v ."-ni '..• I'.'.-i.' in the (l-"'-' kl 'i ';"(| 0"",": ''••'"ll* I.HIV -ll "ll.-ilt Vl..lt fur li-.i) Id inidr.l Chilil" Ixiullnp runirsi mil bo rn.iii'u I il In 17 Mu,i:'Hv l.iii.in' thiiit.e I*. - \\ecW .fun 1.1 ir*oi,j'ii I,in j!>, ,tnuiiur., ei Inn, lily In!;)' Tw <'-;p. '4 IT l.nv 'In |. ill ni I'MtR m. H'llfno W,.,- ., nt .1 II .1' JOH-pIl Iv'll'ni, I l.,l-II -IlliMI, . n.llt- jv:.'f>» lil.'it ; I, i k'rp y 1111 I, in. »••»:" \i JIM JQ'AN MII.LD man All jiiii' ttiS >.;'I ',e ii-i.1 I' U, te.ft»rt II on liii.in, tl"- myliclit I' v-l,fn\ I.Hit 1 Ijiil ttllil li(ll> litdiiil |i| ( tl In,I it |i»>< M |lnl| !.„-, ,! ai,.| «|,M fl Stilt*' (,'uniitihi!otn>r ll XIX11XIIJLXIXU

l-»ti hi. (n't'-iItteS

)• •'» | I'HE PLAZA

|> th* llllrdi-t ADAM toftfrilH. fff BtO OVfil ANO ZERO WCSTEL EVE" f t A PHil SiLViRS

i't Aml*r¥, Ifl Irl' "THE SHAME S I'.ttn .»* smmt WOMEN" W*lltS r»«(l| ||IMIrls nsprr "-<-,-:;•••:;-•.•,• •-,- Thursday, January !

Offers Boating Course _ ria;is lul vvpen House in St. Matawan's cagers passed out of they liiij-wy to LalKW iuesday Benedict's School, Ilillerest Rd., A course In Iwsic seamanship care of !ines: fifth session, aids t .-~-ib? pic'.uic Tuesday insofar as both to play the rampant Pinets. Should Haziet, liuve been announced by will -Shore Conference "B" and C-J, tho Huskies win botii these games, vill be Riven by the United Slates I navigation, lighthouses, lightship the Pavent-Teachet Association of CoasI'oast Guard Auxiliary,. Flotilla 24, 'ntcl'al astern of buoys and lio v Gioup HI, is concerned when they tho next move would be to chal- the school. dropped an overtime tilt to Ocean Koypuit, ut the Kcyport Grammar to increase boating pleasure and The program will start at 8 p.m. Township at trio Scarlet Spartans' ruauuvan ( Ocean Twp. mi Scliool, Maple PI. and Broad Sts., safety in knowing liov/ to recogni: G >) Monday, Jan. 23, in the school hall. such aid';; sixth session, compas court Hi-5'i. The Huskies leil most Keyport, starling Monday, Jan. 30. of tho way, though, against their Collins 1 0 14 Proikstns 7 n 2« Sister Mmy Dolor»j. M.S.C., prin- how to inslall and lead a campus Invorcd rivals and were the more Davis 3 B 8 i) cipal, will "address ihu parents be- This course is free nnd is open Compass error unci correction, di Shaw 2 2 a Adair » 0 4 fore tht classroom visitations. to the public. Emollmeiit will be convincinf! team In floor play. "But HIUKPIU 0 0 0 P,reen 2 0 4 vlation, variation, pilotinn, deter Ocean Township was awarded 27 Htoicion 8 1 7 razKt-lald 2 0 4 Tliij ciu.ssroimi visits will be held owning night from 7 to fi mining portion; ^^.•vcnth pes^inn tree thrown to on!y eight for tho 15 Bertciijen 'I 0 A arranged in two half-hour sessions. p.m., cht.ss to stort immediately charts, t^oii.struclion of a char* Huskies, !i distuibing factor to Hunter 0 I) 0 Cullcn 1 0 2 At cuc'iv sussion, tho homeroom after registration, Classes will be chart leponu, small scale and : O'olinson 1 0 3 Bosllcl 6 l 11 teacher will explain thu program- held each Monday evening for spile clmris, piloting; eighth Matawau funs, 1 23 c 52 2-1 58 ming of different subjects.''This period of ten weeks smarting sion, Ru'es of the fvoad, how to use The H:\'Jties moved out into tho Sco.ti liy quarierK: will be followed by a brief question promptly at 8 p.m. your seamanship and the variou lead in the first quarter. John Col- Jlataivtn 16 14 11 8 S-• 53 and atiswvr ueriod. The ecuist! includes tha follow- rules of the road in passing or over lins and S'ern Rosvm got the Husk- Ocean Tv/p 0 17 IS 9 9— f« Occun Tw». JV The visits are timed so all ing: First session, bout construc- Uikinf; mother bint underway ies away to a good start while the Mate'.vim JV '(*« tion. Typos of boats, classes of mo- niruh st'J..on, legal responsibilities Malawun pn?ssim> defense against homeroom teachers niuy be acces- G P P F V sible to the parents. Mrs. William tor boats ;snd their equipment; sec- life savin!..; equip'ntnt. , fire oxtiiy as Prelkctas, tho giant for- Hnspel 1 3 Simon 2 0 Sonitrset, Mifidlfs-.-x, Ki-form Temple, Shrewsbury. ing tho correct number of "Veil" In « Jug In th« Azzolina promised to push IcHisla- Witkiil'.ink, weio i-lro remembered Merchants National Dank, Malnwiin, hands a J25 bank. Mrs. Hudson pueFSod 4320. Actually, she was got only '.wo field (,'cals „in. u,theu cl"h,,6tm Hunlonlon, Mercer and Momnout'i Mrs. Max Knrlln, SWto District and n Iha.ikyou letter from them Counties gathered ai the Scotch tinn dealing with cnild moltistcrs, paid up Christinas Club b^Dk tn Mrs. O-iirge Hudson only elj»lit "Yen" aivay from perfect. The Jug COR. Miinule3. The Huskies wenj not do- Chiiirrrifin of Snrvlc?. to thi) Blind, and to lii'j'tcn any weaktipsse.--' iu w:i.i ruaj. jr., Muln St., Mntnwan, who ooiie closes! to guess- ing a Rrcat deal betlir against Plains - Funwnod Hlf;h School for tallied -1.123. will be thi? guest speaker ut th our present laws dealing with these Plan Card Party their tall foes, but they did manage the aamii,!! auclitlnn.-litl i (ol r thhu HepioiRi j mectins, to l'» hold at the Prcshy sex problems. to get up tn a two-point spread. II New Jersey All State Band and Uerlan Church, 352 Sycamore Avt' 1., couri i Mrs, Frank I.eiwenske, Grand j Foster, tecretary; Mrs. Ilujjh' Then Collins loftctl }n H pop shot Coin ill it loo Meeting Of Brownie Activities Orchestrann . . Hi, ! l28-p!c<:• • ... e ,ban " d nnd | siircwshiirL.IIH.I.J.IIIIJy , froilL'ImM 12:3\t,. O'J0 ttOo 1\ 30 Boyle, treasurer; Mrs. Joseph with six seconds to go to throw the 80-piecc oaliestra *m rehearse cm jp.m, M,S-, Karlia will Ucmonstrate game iatc overtime, Holler ilhttairan Group Several Mofawan Brownie Troop-j 'Kronowsklv : .r f-inr.clal secretary! conseculivc I-nclay (ifternoens at |1Ow to trinsi:rihe Braille "}M will h?.\e i\.'njrt'.' (' on tuiurt activiiilc ;"•''•'•Mi: • '• ' ":' •Jon-.'S. a-i-ret pal chair-- Mar. 30. in the school auditorium. i a,,() Mrs_ Joseph Kronmvsld The Scarlet Spartans came into various hi(;li schejis in tho afore- explain ike history of tliiiille, and dictine monk fium St. Meinrad's The Conimllt.e Im a Ilctler M.it-1 theihey .vif.vi-l1 V'id !,.-!d. Ti.ji»i- US, led bv nn>aii'ai:;,:wfl,M"- :iJl^ Kronowsl: their mm in the overtime when te!l whore Hie transcribed Mrs. Stanley Wakvak oi:i' M.S. n ntI Mr3 mentioned counties. munt!- ! Abbi'y in Indiana, wus the fiiuntlor Gamut Walsh will be cu-ciuii'iiien. ( awan vil! nicei on iYi'.inn'.y !?.Trs. R r-'«.-;;vil', will !'.wi tlu) Maf-, . . - C'Uht-i-t h'ickman, social .hey finally did fhalte Pi'eikstas The biint!, under the direction 'scripts are stnt. ' of BlucCUiud Ablv.y, South Duk-.ita. ia«:in P'.si Uflite this week. \ : l li""11'?n' ! T!:i> S':>N> Onirl RchtMl will be Iove.iini:. Jan .10, :;t a p.m. in t!ii' y $i.and Malty D&sllci loose [or the lie- of Ellas Mrs. Samuel YanUn, ch.iirman of He has ferved live years as a inis- iibby i'i tin' fanners ;-nd Mcr- coir.bi"; 'I roller Ki.,"i[inf p.\ity wil! i I'Iic* u.'ic Cross will hold [heir vlsivc poiiils in tho fray. sion:.rv in Oualeni^ln a.rl will re-1 hrkl M:ir. :!1 to Ar.r. 2 i,i CcorRi.-.n : l.ar.U !:.-iii!; l,u;!.|:,i-. !;.• 1..-M on VV.i: !::..j.it-ji -, bi/ihduy |:.cxt nuviiii.nal !!i^ Ciiffwixnl Fu»l turn to t'on, to crr.linuc his one- I Lima i.pllefe, LaiLcw:.n(l. Ke.-ervn- by Tn.iir:; MS, ti j/ml -J95, led by i AiJ budding Umifiht. vcj.r's Ki-i-vice .n l-ibninry. Fnlhcr i tior.s jro I'l'inc ;"s- pted Tlio c-i-.nn.i! C'"H>ipO.':,d of liairnl'd slides of his j 'I'h.v n, :it cancer pnssi.ir uit'el- unt' cr in :i-rr-.' Pe'vi" I-'^biii.-cin. Tli:!^1 titiims ntej v 1(1 il; av other •:;'o-.'!:i:ii>n t,f mission p:ii'sh in PITH. . ! in;; '.vill b; I !d T'lf.'.diiy. .Tiln. '.!). tp.'i'fouu Ij (he J-irrt Mnhodi.'O I Bake-Off Results •L? nn t"lir!!.tinas .it S J.HI. a: l!:i lupine ef Mrs. C'hwrcli, t!,i' MiUivau liusincsr, :ind 1 Riven. Mrs. Oor E^aa. Jamos Hay. M.ipl: I'I.. K. I?'"f^'j-i'',"''' tt'"i"--"'s C:ul> and| ! 1 3 Junior Girl Scoiu Troop 305 re- ill ' area AliM O ^,'. !i'1 ?,'""' u" Iho Sir;;:iininre Lle.TiCTtnry bclwoi : port thn'r Haku-Of( was won by 1 U) fnatiMi; and i:!:uini, iilj; lotijuv. Ti'fy 1, . .V iji :.i i:i i'Ui" ,i,v.: - - Canui Klein. Judges were Mrs. W. loritim. 12:31) to 1 p.m. Tin- public is Invited 1 Mention ol CDA is a reminder Chairiiuiu Of Yoitik also olii -ived nniurul:i i/i or.t; of tlu . I'll nur> ti I'iic,-, M>j. II. Janies. Mrs. GnUKli, Musk'iaira who were succussfu! in to attend the meeNng. e I'.ist ye r is heinj! mail J tlint Ibo Maiuvv.m varsity will pluy k.uuu; viajis, sum3 i'f whom -.ver': id out In i full urf'i n /alion. and Mrs. ! . Jarkion, Mr;-. Garrett egainst the tnf-inenclous Coijs at liio j socurmt! jMsitioii? in these highly Com nt ttli'e Resigns boiirdinc, sniii" In for operations MfKi'iM is !'':i()ei. a:,sisled by Mrs, sclt-'t-t ur^.m,zillions '.vill be eligible 'If yin r avsiiiia. Ion is Inteastci Officers IAcvted Far Christian Brothers gym Suluriiay and .ibservniior. One ilo w-is i >„ worki^R wifl,. and iVtlit co-ordi- J. Ki.-in anu Mr-. II. Ksposito. In Eight An1, as if Si:'-, is not enough, to com;;i'te with tli;-ir counterparts "Summer And Smoko" Temple Uelh Alun Youlh Cora- B li.-e with work for a cooking badRP, from tho northern and -outliein miitcj Cii.i'inian Shermnn Sitzmnn, r-rner^in.j h»m ih.i eltccts of on | ,,,-JU,,,, (lf ;>,.iivittfs --.f olht-r Rrnups. j /VV-f/ Aid Auxiliary the Tri'iu will cook a conipleto cuuntlc-j (it ;msilir,ns in the N'ew due Io II promotion nnd relocation, [iim'5tlw:.in. lie had been operated! we ur,;o /(if. to rt'i. 1 one or niori' ; I V/afi'in V/het-l Piiiyhousc will of- 7 on to «c., broken le . O.« cat vyus , n-j.^-uli lv,s to hV Vnr •ing rmal on 1-eb, 9. Sponsors are tho Jersey All Statf Kami has ro.sipr.i'ti as of l eb. 1 as chair- K irj of! The Indies Auxiliary o( the Mi!- Kiist Ut'.ntlM Church. tra. i fi'r "Suni'ne" un;l Smoke" this of Ilia Youth Committee. Over recupciMimf! f r o u, u gunshot Jltn ,' oU,„.. .,' ; co_,,'lllt '•,,,„;( > . llu!,, lJ.7 I awiin To.viisliip Fli':l Aid and Res- MATtRWITy CARMEWK .,..,,„ , iv/cr-k. Ihi: Tcnnusaoe Williams das-1 j^n ..(,«..,„,,„ M qii7min nrn wound, >.'-invs wr-ro shown of fue i ' ' "" '»' " - ' - j cue Squsil i;::s tlcrted its ne,v of- a s r and the fraj;.T.ciit of the bullet. I K.mb',11 Beeman, n student from | sic wi!1 Pp,,n todny nnd comi!iu(, j L* V? .\ Jjf • '"^ I'Jf ™'"L"I , I fict-is for tin year 1907. i •flso first airplano fiiftht of tlio g Hg ol tomorrow and Safirdav and on Jan. a 1 1 L)r. Hi.rmunn lltrp, Veterinarian, | UNICEr !s the enemy of thi selecteM;itawadn n Regionas a membel Higr no fSchoo «;o bandl wa.s tomorro2fi, 27, anw dan :?d .Safirfla at thf; vPlayhous and one Jan on. "!?--teens-, .?."iivo 'l.^.™'active group?:....'"s o„ n •"£..differ.- l:li''.-i>.(1 were Mis. Stii'iley Dere-'Wilnht iirotliers «t Kitty Huwk, ent level' have evolved. Under the let the,n observe part of the work I (-neinies of children — hurtRfr. | j,;,i!i>. prcsi'Icnt; Mis. GCOI-RC Soy- IN.C. ldftwl o.ily ChestnuChtt t SSt.t , MiddMidd.'etown' . involved in ri'.nioviiiff tho dewclaw | ' , c 12 seconds nnd ^uidanco ot Mr. "ilznian, a youth r .'..Mor.inco. • ok. vieo |,iesidi:ni; Mrt Hr.bcrt ! ihe pla.'O tra 120 feet. committee comprised of nearly 20 and docUiru? (if tails on four nude I __!_!:_„_i Benefit Fashion Show, adults wus oryanizf d to formulatn and t w o female four day old Adult Basketball Card Parly On Mar. 1) 1 to di't.-ct fungus lnfecii'iri. A Men of Hnlmd Invited to I win , Hii'viice, UKO W;I: u w'litc and hrnwn family pc! V'.M-.i, for a card puly and pn'tklpale in r.\i:h Tue-i- j visor to the U.S.Y. groi,| fitfhiiin si' :w to be held Wcdiiesikiy duy evi-iiia,; ui tl'C I-M.'1'HIL;. I !,,r. S, n< M,ij;iu»li.i Inn Thr nc-..- Yuiith Comrrittco Chair- j fikiuls iviih th !«ivi';Kiii' il'icni, Mnti«'i:n, for the fri.ie 7 nun is I.f l r.' Cr*:?;!. f!i,lii Mr. mill ' benefit of me ci'il>'s s.-hol: and Ihe wonv.n'-.

Muiifuy nu'Vii iif liio liusiaesi imvi i1nifcs..io;i:u Wnrju'n's Cluu ot Mat- n«nn li.-kl in tlio liirli'V.'sf; of Mid- Tii.'r • !: B pr(.s.«nif net (1 fin" a I Offiront 1SURGICAL way I'll' Co. ni'iv liJV AiUKor. Ti:o nic"t'.n,'3 Til" Ci itvint Wniricn rf !h Mi.i. Altered Day, prcsiiknt, Bov/ling Standings jure held every other lhur-»t.:y ' I..mr. a l> n r Ii 1 APPLIANCE nnd introilucid the t;urst (ruin «'. tu'l'j'.lO p.m, plus Church ' L'tti'd ami (! t'i' i ! land DRUG CO. sptnker, Mrs. Gt'ilrucli! I.oc, past board im; tin;: pel inoni'i. lii'irs for I!i37 at el.-; IIIM j Mali! prc.iiJcnt. and r. moniiHT of COMMtnCIAL ed pursem are ii.'ued in cull Mr. nt tho yr.ir. 27 W. front St., Ke,i«jrt I.KAOUB Siuiunu, iibti-fsil!') lor tin jnlcrvasv. (N'KI (O Ithe I-roi'l-lid cliil.. iMrs. l.«o Mrs. Ui iland Ko] un w iil s< i \'e a • on "Membership." Mew Jonojr nt; fvis. K\.ic Slniti'lt first Alter t! \V.>n vice prciUliiit; Mr.-. |)..vnl II. Wat frcshmenls were served hv 1J Kuel Oil s«n. sii'.ral viie im .'iilt'titj Mrs. Inn Hrotrnii'n Mui ii.iuy Jijl'ii.ton, M'tri-I'iry; Mrs. Miriam lluhart anil Mrs. I.ily Turn, Cup Corp. s II SiKvr, Covi-n.inl Tn Animal Ilon/iitu! l..ry: Mii W.ill'-r Hut' 'nsnii. Ur-iwnl'? Tio<»p Mrs. j iri'iiMip'r; MIK. WIIII.II.> Wc.'ks. Kui'inron, 'nth Mrs. iJ.ini ; i>f'u:rii i> r'lairniTV Mr HOME OWNERS . . . Millniiin. i 'U":id-'r. VKiti-il l.imi II HKnli • -hlti I'h.iiiniun; Animal ll-isi'ital. Aicoiiipanyiii,: Dir Miss l-.li/;ilxtli (Juai'i1. f!nvinlr,lii;> COST INSURANCE iTMilers ;IIU! trn,p uvri" Mr.;. J.IHH S 1' nrniiin. nnd Mrs. Ch.irli.i Sa\i- M..s. Cliatl'-i I ul^i \\ and puhl-c v cli.iitn.:in Mrs. ill. !:.inl ,.P

liy yju (AAcK (cf QUfSTIONS QUICK-

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l«r><>S'l (-,' i Vf"»«»4 A«) *

Ti Smorgasbord Fob, 4 PUBLIC NOTICK eavy The Woi.-.e .-:\AY for I'Vvir. ;i." riy.-i-'-iess ON' DKCEMBEH si, No Work On Line Road His: MurRimvil'iO MM. :'".'ti,',ISKt"--"> I\ HK-it'ONSIB Meiiir;i"iis' <"l iv.!d iis te^iiU'.i" T'. CAM. Mat)!-: PV tTCIl'TIKil,- Of .Museum monthly nifetiiii; '(' y hi Hie Li-::: t>" TUK rt Ri-'KNCV. uN'Mit Magistrate Lloyd D. Elgurt, Mat- scene of an »,;d™,,t und S15 and Iliom:' of Mi- lV"! ...... I. PUuis ^F.Tio:: a:;-.'. i;.s. REVISED av.an, bore down heavily on serious '1 w. ?5 msls for careless driving on a!- Branch tlrdin C| |7 «cA.C '..lid lun ! thill till truffle enming in to tin tiUtiU.'i.'* were recently I were mad. for a smorgasbord sup-! ASSKTS O.ffendari in recent court sessions. lesattoiH entered by Clirlsline Con- W Line K:l. in tho poiliuu :m iis , ..u-w "park ;uul d" elected t;i the Moniviouth ;)i-r lo In held So"'i\i;iy, Feb. 1. C.\..-h n.ii.im-e.T '.v-t:'. (Hh- Cue to feel the sting of the courts home of Mr° auin Sth Ab y h ne Con SmmL^hcM n S Nlil7l% Easl northernmost exttvinily to uiwre it ! li.rmiiiiis liu l using Board, it w;is anmnu:c<.-.l In' f 1 ::! p.n' at the church, j <*r brinks. anc' c.i-h feproach was Kobert Aklonis, ' ' "" "' '' licnii in ijtoce.ss ol i*ui- ovehimr ofSout cuttinh Amboyg acros, swh thoe accusepath odf j| nnBrunswickd Mrs. . wiili.,l:, inlers.'.c's Lloyd P..!. near the Gar- grade cr-wsing. i\i.U;.-.va:i TTownship, inuseuni president, Charles B. Clark. He was stopped by Patrol- 1 r lcct;.-n 5 i.r.ii 435.18 her car on Lloyd fid. at Cambridge den St.re Wukwav bridge may In h: whose u.'ii iun v the conni'i Uir Il:.i iiin:!. l».::s auii ri 2 !.°i:!.ir:;.75 LawrciK,'.; Sacconc and Mrs. M. [o have ero.ssiiu , gull"; at the a new nuii'-tim bui'd'iig which wili 1 r{> ileges wete suspended ten years. Spcciui Officer Rosnrio Pal'az- vision of lhe Stale Highway IX- ; Rd.. llai-i-.i, will s-j.nisor j spauiift- i S'i"" •'•' .r.7.1)57.39' Pierce, oM.hciirmen of the program NY&LB RR cmssinis by application paitinent s report oa the situation, as 57,V:i3.03 Also a driving on the revoked list zatti, township iX'lice, brought in commiilt'y. r ti d.inni.T Sunday, J-.-n. '10, from 4 i '"' "''' fto the Suite Publi,' Utilities Coin- an add-.vt . H0-spaee parking area on ip.'ir\ l of ihi- Garden State Arts: Cen count remains for his answer. Paul Benzc-la jr., Line Rd., Mata- 1 c>l p.MI. to 7 |j.m. i:i the school hall. I Tunl Assr wan, for hiving m driver's license Mrs. Donald Lammers, flower '; mission ii'ay be n first necessity, t!ie cofit Eijc of LI.--7U R:i. is ^onu - r Mrs. Antli.-n\- iyar:.'.i;;i.syo will .verve j In a prior court session, the mag- Dec. S. Patrolman Francis show chiiii'man, announced that the I I'-'st by him - sii> facing and irii- day lo be crhlaini (j in addition to j Mrs. Ni.lXinaell was graduated a: general liiiiirnxin. Tickets may: istrate hit Charles Motley, Cliff- Spring Foivcr Show will he held ' proving I hi" road, much more Uaf- the afiO-cm In! lo ", in :n the "park fnun ihe Brcarley S.choo! in New be obtained frmii Mis. John Sclia»f- ' Fletcher, township police, arraign- : wood Ave.. Cltffwood, with $300 ed Edward D. Foshcr, Rnritan St., on .May regular monthly j fie makes list, of it, with consoiitn'i]- und ride" termini f. Esircss from York Ciiy ind Mis-i l orlcr's Scluioi er. 19 L.iLirtlaiid Dr.. Hazlct. | L>c,','iu','aK lnj fine and it yearc revocation and Cliffwuuu, for careless driving in- meoUiif;, and the Fall flower Shuw lial tiddii.g to tho ihntryrs of bad this will lie on line R.I and a in I-'arniti.slon. f.-inti. Shi- was for- then shipped the defendant off to volving speed. will be held on Sept. IB. Details accidents at the railroad crossing, grade cr'issing ovir the railroad i merly a nn-mber of the Moninoulh PUBLIC the county jail for falling to pay will be announced. Robert G Weigand. r<;.id supcrin- ; will be fipi "I'd up ii it should bejMedic-al (.'enter rtnatil of Trusve.-i : nnrour up. Patiolman Thomas Wallace, TIIOITIHS R. Wat!". IM Icndcnl, pointed r;iit. ctil off in lhe intc-'im. vice jjiesident of tile Hoard for MOWWU'TH COUNTY pjrntlnm. l-l.tM7.7IUI.0t ICeansbtii'R. paid ?5 and $5 costs Also p.titicipati*ii4 v/ero i\irs. Ico 1 Hl .SLltL'i townshin police, brought in this de- Mr. Wi-'incnd indicated that he | With I'M RintatUit; so UecloiKlt'd | the Schmil of Nur.!np then , t ur- si'i'.ttor.ATi-v:; roiuvr for running into, Dec. 23, the con- .Lanimet'5. Mrs, Kuo.'fl I''!iry, Mr. 1 1.12.735.47 fendant. Bad prior driving records and Mrs. Arthur Talliol. Mr.i. T.-r.- and H. ilrjinas (,'nrr, Pertl". Am- [nnd all othor ucem-iiis so aluof, the i renlly. sir is also s-rving on tho NOfiCF. TO CHED11OHS TO were the basis for both heavy Im- crete forms, warning lights and Pl'ESEXT CLAIMS AOAtNST i-ii'ins .... l.CXl.ani.37 protective puard nil fencing erect- ,- Eyc.* k Ror-Kon, ,„ ,, , ,Mtf,, Joseph Foca- u(iy, the township engineer, have ; first reaction pf i!u- Rttritan com- j Board of th? Public Health Nursing K'STATK ! pv positions by tha court. Mr. Aklonis p and Wlllard oboul ,;in:.i up hofu of havim; the initleemen has be.MI no! to spend j As.'-oriitioo of Rumson, S-.'a Bright M"*AT1" Oi- SARA M S.M1T1L I Ct-rlifieci ami I i-ers' ed by the contract working on "] I Aumaik. Rcfresii- L was made to appear as a nls were served by the hostess- dangerous eroEsin^ ij'ocked off and money >>n il'c strei-'h of road nine:' and Fai" Haven, -ind (he Coi'..H rva- DKCKASr-:!! 1 184,318.20 "scofflaw" by submission of a rec- the new jughandle ai Route 35 and • a connector road built arnw Milt- jthnn to ini| rove u ;ts any dirt-sur- lion Conimittep oF Ihe Ruiiistin Pur u:i:ii :i :\>? (.r,!i- n! DONALD I ord of over 25 ofie.ins i» the tran- Cliffwoo'l five. Mr. Wade told Pa- CUNNINGHAM. Siinif.-i!" (it thr i *ai.O77.247.Jl awan l'o\M;ship lands about a quar-; face rom.1 is inijjMtvi'd to remo.'o Gitnieii f.'l-.ih. Her strong inteusl in i::!ir, if M":ii:-..Hith ilii.-; d.iy tr.-nlc. ' script fi:i>\tlar Club of MonT.outh Cimnty KI F'attolman Parrish He got off Uiciiarrf Drake, Union Ave.. Un- under ni '"easy," on $20 fine and 55 cost; Thc ' "gular nw.'liny of the Marl- Ilolmdel Recreation Mi. P.iU'hlin, it graduate of Hie !hls .1.ill*. •»i's ..SK.U77, ion BiiUcn, Wiin f'ned $25 ami IS5 i g y I i'tiiviTV -• uf Chi-.'JRO nnd Hay- v oi.l. 1567 with six months revocation of li- 10ro '1hi 4U V .;\s li.ilillitic.i 177,241.13 costs ami hud his license revoked, i '1'iv.nship 4-U Vanutvos ivar.i'-: '.!.".ui'.-Hr. s ; i of public Kjtt-.ia .Sinclair tense. Rut Willkini Farron, Long :l ld Ja:1 13 n t: r th« 1 OKD VVi Klinere Drive 30 days foi loaning it. He was I ! ' - 1 '- '»-- !' »:in of At the iiiuntiily meeting of the neetion, an cssny contest wiil b1 Adinimstiauon i's an independent I.i.ilJilitles (21..i54.4tlS 58 Branch, was not so lucky. It was picked up by Patrolman Fred Hall, k'siler, Mr. ". Nup.cy Townsenrt. 1 $200 fine and ?5 costs for him for A detailed quiz was given on the Koimdii! Township Rt'crcalion spons'.ii"il by the i.'.:["n"iiss:o:i, IIL-- i fimincm cousultan . His inteiesting township police, Jan. 1 on Cliff- 1 Jan.! va.icrl career l.;i.s iiu'iuded in- driving on the Garden Stale Park- anatomy i,i t!v lun'te at'.d a fo'low- Commi^^'Oti oificoH were elected tails to IK nn.ioimrcd when (hoy CAPITAL ACCOUNTS wood Avo. as allowing an un- ! are coi.ipietod. .carc'i work at the H.- l t.\ Smith. way white on the i -voked list. He licensed driver to operate his car. up i\\\u. v;ill he fJiv.T, at the next ns follows: Jack Eisin^er. chait'- 1 liL! :s,Kith Or.i in:*.- 'i'^tos and was so c:uelcs!i ns to be driving 1 i nepinniii!! next month Recrea- j Wall S!i»i-l firm or Dreyfus & Co.: i'.v.irk. KM Jvi,i The defendant's plea it was the meetiat, . i'lans were made for x 1 In a car lacking current inspection man: Pecci Shull, viee chiiirnn'.n; lion Commission nif-'tings will be ! nsHSlun: publish , of the t,cws- Allui'll!-. safer thih^ to do availed him roller skating trip for the members. 1 L' ?'-'.\ 2') approval. This U'ns another $5 and naught fer he was assessed another Kefreslini.'nts wer-» served follow- nnd Shirley Laguutluta, col iopond- he'd tlv fust of tho- paper, PM: and itinniju . a fshiim $5 costs for him. 5.10 and t"> costs and an ntMed re- in" the ineHtro;. iug sec.vtaiy. montii, rallier tnau the second tnisiiH-^.i in Biiiish Honduras He is j Accident Case vocation of 61) days was imposed. Thos2 attendinj: were Giimy In otlK;- busings the Cninmls- Monday. lU'siclcnl.; having qu.-s- euncnlly involved ii' real estate, | si;i:iii;;,Ari-;'s couirt Edgar Wallace, Hayonne, paid Umii )r iiuesitiieiilL'. ami advisini' .ompa- • Beck, Ruby Curly, Donna Fichlal, sion's Adult Basketball f>rof!nim ! ' coninifnts conctt iu>.K pro NOTK'K TO CKKJITOHS TO $50 anl $5 costs for leaving the was discusfeu. Tin Village School jfirams .'liiih are now. or could be, 'lies on aitrgers iir.d ilCQliisilior^. i l-!i!'SI:NT CI.MM-' AGAINST Potor Kiiiisshot, GCOIBC Miller, Bob- 1 :-"r-T.\TI-: by .Miller, Hans Wiklen, Eva Wil- j Uvrnna3'uro is av:;li=)ble from 7 U) sponsored by tlu Commission, are lie brings to the Mun-tim Hoard an' Junior Luther Lcagtiv avid intri .si in iiichit -etiue and EST-1TE OK C!L'.lll.t-"S S. den, Alire Cotton Psm Lamar, 1" P-m- on Tutsda;, evenings and urged to attend these meetings. In HKIIIIMANN. l>l-\'i-:\Sf.t). u citv pl"i'ini;.K, nvi.lior. (he i»i!..!s-! T..t.il C;.{>.t:,t A-.-c.un Sharon McCormick, Mary McCor- .\o women of the township can reintion to its cont'iiuing efturt to j .uy his own plain-), a*.! rm.si-i \ iition. I';.l^...'.' t: Ilii- (.1 if: ,.[ UONAI Planned Taffy Pull play oriskdbull i-acli Thursday recomin.'nd to the Township Com- 1 mici;, CienrEC To\, nsend, Korman : Mi. ft'iL'hliii is :i loiii'-liim iesidenl Townsend nnd Joanne Tuwnscnd. evening ni the lnd an Hi!! Sehoo! i mittee land suitable for recreation , The .lunior Luther Lin^ue ol use by rcsiili-'nts of the township. I o' Mimr.in Ii Cuuntv. Cross of Glory Lutheran Church of gymnasium from 7:311 to !0 p.m. 1lhe C'Diniiiis-iion would also wel- j Matawau - Marlboro held a meet- At iis first get-together of the! " or. nivMHs fio:.i i\ !i:{,'iU:;. j MI.MOK VSHA new year, the Senior Citi/ms of 1 .',. ing on Sunday, Jan. R at the home Cpfrhrnlvtl Fourth itii^r .ii -i. tiH'-iii.i: oi in wrirn;: i ol Mr. and Mrs. Walter McUill, I!) Holmdel hnri as it.! guest speaker. :, Ttriii Mothers (Huh lo June PL, Miitawni.. Tbe younis Fred I.ightfont. of Leisure World; to P. o. n people elected Miss .lucly Olingy ns Birthday At Party Foundation, who give u verv in-1 /folil draft Ii orJinhofi their new treasurer. entile, son of Mr. ! torestin,} laik to those prtsent. The A discussion entitled "Clothes Zoners Elect 'I li ic;',ii!.ir !]"*.',ng of ti;e 'J\\i:' Fads of 'leen-aRors" was led by Wickalunk, celehraie'd his fourth M-,!!.[•;••' ( liilj of th; U>iii'.,ni lt.iy Moninoulh. to bo shown at its next The Ilolmdel Township Board of :lrv;i lsii ''•' '"'w 'I'-'iMlay. .lur.. LM. Miss Pa'fi .lolmson ami all tbe Lu- birthday with a parly on Friday, K 1 ther Leagers participated. Jan. 13. meeting on Jan. 2*1. Mi;olings are Adjustment ie-e!ecied Edwiinl j »t -1 "' V »>. in t!i-' ! hi 1.4 rp:su,;.'.| Mf,t, ill An- i O'Morn held nt th(, Fellnw.-hi;) Hull in Smith, cliairiniui, nnd Peter (i.-no I C'lunvh Parish Hall. Main St.. So-.ill n:, ii!.. The Junior Luther League de- Decoration!, were In blue with a Hi-.: ii-. NO HAPPY Walt Diswy cako as the center- Ilolmdel Village twice monthly. vese, co-chaiiman. Warren p.. : Amboy. Ha:.OM';id.j items will L. • ; cided .it Ihe meeting to have a Special events being pinmied by RauniKtrtner was rc-eletted sec- I m.>de oy the club 11-.-1ul1-.-r3 which At'.-. taffy pull un Saturday, Jan. 28. The piece. l>1> 1 HELLO... Attending were Pattl Lou Peter- Director Joy Deninrest Include a retnry; Samuel Ouotenulo, attoi- ! "''I P '«'rt.'d •.> ihiuiciiiii or-' 1 c\;..-i-.ir.rt 0 'l).-,t o!"*+« taffy pull parly will be held at the cartoon show at the Indian Hill ney; and Marguerite Pcseux. sec- 'giini/aiioi.s. i ... l« ever quits equal tc th» home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ver son, Kimherly and Kclli Lanzaro, IM- N'I (ill-. "•»' !>:.•..>!< true ana "-'"' warm wslcome extended to School auditorium Jan. 25, mul the rotary to Mr. Dnump.artner. James , The ch:b meets every fmrth N.ili.)ii..l B:n.k Itoiii.i milyea, 33 Inglewnod Lane, Mata- Matnwan; nnd Lo.-ic nnd Eugene 1 newcomers by the Welcome Lonxavo u! Morganvllie. Also at- Village School auditorium Feb. 18. J. Ilitt'im wns se.ited as n now iTuesdr, ol i;ich •l'ooth. l'rospec-' ity.rouT OK r. >NDV) tt)\ oi TH:-: J. n... Wagon Hostess. wan, starting at 7:3D p.m. member. The board will continue . live incu.l-er.s wish'.i - to :me.-.il ate' fAIIMKI'S :i.v; J'-:H.-.;-:V. AT I'MK cio^h Registration Pee zaro sr. and Mrs. Joseph Lanzaro torn* more aworko! art than jr., Morgrrville. a mtre greeting , , , com- Registration for the l.aurcnco pleto with a gelnxy of gifts Hurbor Babo Ruth League will be hold Sail.; day from 3 to 4 p.m. in and helpful Information on Bowling Brunch ' schools, churches, rhops Byrnes Hall, Laurence Harbor. and community labilities. Each boy must bring at least one So when a new neighbor of his patents, his birth cert'licate, The Temple Beth Ahm Men's GET RIGHT ON moves In, follow up your and thi! icastration fee. Club invics all male Temple mem- happy hello with a Welcome bars to a free bowling-brunch to be held at Airport PU\>>» I^nes, Houle Wagon greeting. A Hostess f an "OK" USED CAR awaits your callat 36, Mn;le un Sunrtoy, Jan. 20 at ELECTROLYSIS 10 a.m. A bmnch of hapvls. lux and cfifi'ee »vil! be served in addition to UNWANTED HAIR three games of bowling. Those who PERMANENTLY REMOVED plan to ntU'iid nre asked to notify George V.exler, !Wt; li'JGt or Howie WHY BUY SOMEONE ELSE'S TROUBLES? SYLVIA MYERS, R. N. Schneuler, K'j-wiJ l'-. ijtJ» - tMM (jn. 6 c,i. «..!.' l'»"l P P/S. f/3 Ai..i!jt)ic lo y.iu x'lihoui a doc!ir"« ; P/S P/8. R»H. \VWtli.i, t.d w I--f 1966 Stamp Album SupplomenU {or pr JUrlptl .II. uur pr-iiut taiU-.t Oj- w/.tiiu Intiiosr. V\'i. JT.5 ]nr»n Y'.'i tniur l-.<« u^r fit -T y,.!ir r- 1 J. .-I. - .CS • All Minkut Albums • All Whits Aca Albumi m^ilp)' bick. CaliiKin U A Ut»M an1 ti OlOSMOBILE Cwwll.ii 7 J-. . P*H WW Inn 1WS. ojtlly M'.vallo-ifd. Uet r)1 «f etioM Cu-.jp«, S ryl l. • All Harris Albums t»l anil !!'.« ] »:i^.-r. ti.ljvu Ci>st4 RtH, WW tif.l q'r ri »/hlvl i 4., . PJH .r,t.-hr. IIB'S. A3 HI -MOUIH S3 0-i and tit »ciU1 nil tliis «i..«n.Ml<>«: V 7.J CMCVUOlEt Hi:.. I- VI V,.'. I r CIM. b • All Scott Albums for U. S. not laltiftct f tr any rvjK-.n. ju^t it- 'M CHEVROltr B.! A". * dr. J..5 turn tl<« pi".'K4f« to your druftf!.'. »«'J«n 6 tj' A 1 Comprohamivo Stock of U.S. Coim & Stampi ! «»t yt.-,ir fjt! ni.nty hue*. N.» WW tii.l gr..n ./fi llAMBLt ? < d-. • »llrll a«.V«t. Oalliv Hi tt fr M *'t*. .-4 • , ,i. PAH R«»?nlnd Ettatt 1 bnt Appra'inli • W> D^, Coll»tlloti J d- I if.l-MDMr* by: t*Ht.BOLfT B. 'V !'*' 'i -/'. MONMOUTH STAMP & COIN ShOP '65 $IMCA 7 Ji. fi irs«i 11 ' vi INSTANT CREDIT (111 tlllMIIKK I'llAIIMlCY • Inn R&X, btf «/'« If MONMOUTH START BtO BANK 74I-O6U M»I AW \N . MAIL OXIIItll* I 111 Ktl I.Mar. S-i, ii , w« NO MONEY DOWN Li CORVAH Mo n »/., I RSl.

IM-II DIM WW •> it CHt. POUT i t,4 GUARANTEED "tl ia Mi RiM. AUTOMOBILES! tUIV >•"•)!• V

i» t.i.t.i(y,.U ;»,„,!» '^1 ,; '.) U'.A'-.-l f ". -a C . t .,' I l,< 4 ,l. t ,,, I1/', |l| 1964 MODELS .»'. 1..-1. *)% »v-i. .;,,( PLUS... I •,!,.. I. „/..,., , ,,.... j. »"..-•.. |,(' • .1-,. ••»-! » • «l |.a«l. »t'< WW I,.I NO PAYMENTS i ..'!« »/i,,^- ,»I..'-P. till Brand New .'M3 /• i,, v..,,. 1 ,..., j i<(V-'Utl!l lr.,..i. 5r I C; - ll»H I.',-. „>..) I.!.,',. 111. MM>^|j * .* !• * -1 MM V-.', t| COSVAIf M--i* * •<• !• 1. I,- 1. '.. ./• . i.-,ii 1 llj.4' .1.-.,., |.1C 1957 MOl.'fcIS

»l" I .,1. il. .,,• ...... „.,». • .,> ,,i, .•-•.V i',,i. |.' .1.,:,.. |,,lr »».l CHEVROLET , ... i-,-f o|n. ,»f(,», ./i,»» C,.ii»«t * h. (.-) I9&2 MODELS INSrAtiT CREDIT *•,' • • LEFTOVERS! HO MONEY DOWN Nut l|-l C?» n Ct'(il!.lt« ti«» r t., -i ,1 1,,., flu. WW jit,. • .,' , (,' ll.t--.., ' M viimw/»n»N HI i *> «. »llft <•«»!. f/S,

pplebrook Agency Thursday, January i1?, i

|ir.K the General Educational De- in 1-'. SI- , i tv. n ': l iit/-i'i avs'.v.:!ai!Op. holds its an.T.i?.I l-.cnx^ : i.-e tc':i.;:ijj by Elite !I;:~c ::u:!;!-ro | ;hc cat!; ~,i ;;"k:i arc KcvGrl; S. ,'liitrr ittulta-ts nut |i"-il I'.i iii.-i- «:>il 1-: ,;.i MI. ihu fair-! Assudati'iii I'l-i.'-iiJi'nl Rnlieit S. ! ilcvt:.i:,cti, Volts Neclf, Jlrst vies Vetcrans who have passed this- :ial Officer- l!i)l(l ti)iiui(iira! Dinner ! munt doiX'I. J.nk,-.vpi;d, tonigli*. I R'.'ch'.'lie, Mornstc.-.vn, un':it; John ).-. t-iURuraiu, test in tiz Armed forces may be WilliiTiii Runfu1 us .f ipi-itk with j ; Dinner is, liatci for 7:.l!i BIJ. j.^'^Kii'okv, folonia, Vice iV-j.-vJent ] Rapy/oi SKWKI vicv pri-sidfiu; Al- eligible lor the etwivaleiiey cer- him zr.-i ili.n ~iid-!-^ sp.'ci a'.vuy. : l-ii.-.v )eisoy Shmv i!i:i! slaled to be administcri'd ipleasaiu, .secretary. During the month of January. school pupils leave school before fee. [car on a u\iilut:-iaikk', and Patrol- .lificers ar-ii six IXMIII of dii'.-.'I'M' "M83 Naiv Jersey adults are sched- graduaiinn, the Department of Edu- The t,:;-.s /or the Eqoirataicy I man R->-'.'-'"! Rratn.l 1'i'xun p-.ir'.i.vi:)e uled to tufa, examinations to quail- cation established the equivalency Certificate arc giver, pt-ricd:!:ally I the Per..i'!aM ve!ii"lt at 'Seventh iy tor the New Jersey High School program fo provide f'jr these and throvi^hout the entire year, par- I Aw. and F ";t. II"' .'•aid it was Equivalent y Certificate, the State other out -of-school people. The ticularly in Januaiy March. .lime jUaveiii".!! at spc.'rl.-: higher than 60 j pducation 'Department announces. L'qiiiva'eni.'y certificate is recog- and AMKUIH. Details ronrcrning ! miles an hear. , Ackerscn, Van Buskirk Zxams will be held at nil centers this program may be obtained at nized in industrial promotion prac- any hi<»h uchooi office. | Pi!. Brand tn'lowid the carl & Elliott, ific. on Jan. 21. tices and is accepted, generally, t ; Ihroi'.^h '\voi\ air.l im^iiy iost it ir. i Peter C Vendzuk1!;, Supervisor of [Bradley Ucach, when Pc-rpinan; CIinSTCK CAUS1S Centers for the examinations arc for college ad.,mission. 3 E. Front St. - 26'H116 located at the state colleges at Can Qualify the Hi«h School Equivalency Pro- j turned wi'-st op. l.ovnui-e Ave. Nep i gram in the State Department of tune Township poluc were alerted Glasfiboro, Jersey City, Montclair, A New Jersey resident who has IAiK"i\ Afi-iits lor Newark, I aterson and Trenton; at Education, is in ch.irge of Ihis pro- land h;il''::| tin; c-.ir ai Route 35 and | iiAK't'l-'OUD KIRK not completed a high school pro- gram. Spi'iiip^Vi'oU A'.'e. ; Monmoudi College; and at the gram van qualify for the equivalen- INSURANCE GROUP campuses of Rutgers, the State cy certificate by satisfactorily com- University, in New Brunswick and pleting sufficient State examina- Traffic accidents are the leading ' LIFE - AUTO WHEN YOU TRAVEL VIA THE ASBURY PARK- Camden. tions in subject areas to total IS Ifazh'l Man Faces cause of death among persons; Established 1925 units and by successfully complet- NEVV YORK TRANSIT CO. YOU ARRIVE Because many New Jersey high Charges In Beltnar from ai;i:s f. !o III !hc Pifrsitiunt's ; BUSINESS INSURANCE iCommitfv; for Traffic; Safety! RELAXED AND READY FOR BUSINESS OR A Hazlet man WJS ai rested early j r,,,,,,,^ HOME OWNERS and PLEASURE ... NO PARKING PROBLEMS Monday Mter lcadin(! police on a j ._! "_1 high-speed chase tlnoifgh four shore " AND EXPENSE... FAST TURNPIKE ROUTE. People on the go in the coininunitiec. Richy.'d Perpinan. 23, o! 32 A'inapolls I5r. lUuiet, Riiri- BAYSHORE AREA tan Township, was chaised by Bel-1 — RESTAURANT - ROUND TRIPS DAILY Go BURGER CHEF mar polic.' with ipckless driving j and attempting to elude police. He | Rt. 35 & Broadway — Keyport DIRECT to PHI Aulhoriiy Terminal at Rt. 36 (near Poo!o Ave.) j was freed in $200 Lwil, pending a | BUSINESSMEN'S i hearing Jan. 26. HAZLET, N. J. COWPLEIE BANQUET ! Two other man in tha car, both LUNCHEON 284-2222 passensei!!, were released without ROOM charges. They an; Jan R. Mnlub, J SERVED II to 3 FOR INFORMATION 18, ot ttu Annapolis Dr. address, oo $ 2S For 10 to and Ivan Zajccw, IS, of 649 South From$1 t0 1 Asbury Park - Now York Transit Co. | 17th St., Newark. Police said Per- MON. THRU FRI. !20 Persons COMPLETE THINK BIG SHEF-twfeel FLORSHEIM SHOES DINNER CHOICE OF •for Men at 35 COMPLEri: From to *2 DINNER TERMINAL La Conte Shoe Store ALSO ALA CARTE AT From $2.20 (o {2.50 ROUTE 35 at 6 CORNERS — KEYPORT 66 W. FRONT ST., KEYPORT REASONABLE RATES 264.4063 — EASY CHARGE FOR RESERVATIONS TEL. 264-9821 SPECIAL REGULAR «c LIMITED TIME ONLY... Sofa Savings Festival on truly Ona Cojpon Per Cuitomar Offer Eipirss Jan. 31, 1967 00 WITH THIS COUPON Fine Values that if custom-built would cost $239 or more! t tWG double- stacked BIG SHEF SANOWICHES for only 69C! (regular <5c each) BIG SHEF — two juicy. 100% pufe boot patties, opon-flamo broiled for a big taste dillorence . . . toppod with molted gold- en Kralt cheeso plus a generous amount of Bur- ger Chefs secret sauce and crisp, garden-fresh lattuco. It's served on a hot toasted bun . . . It's BIG SHEF — the sand- wich with the big taste dilforencel

:l«p louncinR com- fort. FI.iinM sido-winj; Ireatmtflt with licav- lly ciislsioneil, rollwl ttrtn rest!!, lxwso revere!- Lie teat cu«hion'i for lonper life. Ilox pleat ufcirt. A choire of decorator right color.i. AHM CAI'8 lnij'udwl nt no extra cost. $ 00 OVERSIZE 96-inch JUST 175 A Special Carload Purchase of these lovely sofas makes (his kind of elegant STRATFORD SOFAS qualily possible at popular pricesi

If you've nl«»yu wanted th(> liwllns elegance fine furniture enn hrtni? to First Merchants Savers snificent your homo ... thin is tiw chance you'vv lietn wnitiiiR (or. Handsomely • mma '••signwl nnd tnilored pofas tlmt reilect the !at'! IMI-1 IMII !ii- ,; >!• ,,;:!>- lr.it in tin <-tn>tc«* l of nini'iiitlfi nt * i:' i' <• ftK:!t, M-.iir;.- 'i. ,', •''<• "! •. ••> -,i .1" \n .1 \rc I NE QUILTS! 1 WtfU f.ll^'i' li i'. ltat. -...'.:.. .-.•• :in ;•-" -'t.;;. • .'. . . . :.,.,,:,- j,,, -i'li!.- unly j OUTL 1 Out of Life! ;!.*•!;;,;:i .i J•••<•'..1 '. ..•'••.. pi. '.. i'. !l .' i. ;:.;.-.., m.i'. uur lin.i'i ,| Mi|,j-1/ .' H.il'.i—J'mi'il I.I it-r dtlpli":iti ill iMir i'r.i!l«'


ON SPECIAL ,'nr Inner life. CIUHW* (fom liril. TIME-SAVING CERTIFICATES tin *•]••'•. 1 i fit. , .nr.!r


IniirtW Ur io 114,000 B, I pic. flul Mtt.tmnii W.IMI li Uf At.MN! >l -. ,-iH IUST Kwa.t 4.("u»!.t..f, tt«!i>« «itti ~-it,| (d(«r),«t •»»•"• fl>f Iritltof llf». C»AL iflA't W:tl! trt,1|f if Mt\ ..,!>- •'• U. in s.'! 1 'r-n'. fUit !•< (n^irf |«')p- r -1! fit-.-.>. I {, ,-. IiM|t) H tifr-I'l n Iri^'li 11 t.f !»'•• t r ' !?. ,M;M CAI'tt !iui!,.!r! ii.VI: . JA-ViN', ,,,,.y

, •••«>* »« i;"-.•-.

Cart 0* ArMiujed For Your


of the Asburv Park Press, and j Ful,J Qtf Betilors not oven bs considered in buying j '8 .Tamos iVlcMahon, niihljshpi' of the i a i:iju:;Oi u '.viil beennv i!r.j r.N.'-ii Hudson Dispatch, wil! spt'ak nt a! Stressing EvOtlOfliY important faaur lu the faluro. Af- 2 p.m. si'ssion. At 2:30 p.m. there I ° -t-er fhe (i-vixi mi)t''j'u[;11 i>:l.vnieiH v.'ili 1>IJ fvv-j rountU;»b!^ discussions, "EciMM.mv and Mwdeiniz;\lion ui« ! 1, ,„,.„„ |.M. .,„,,, , , ; thc> prnoiems of weekly the theme* "that will be stressed in j '" " \ ''•' ar' lllv- •ca"l,'i 'ilr*'rt! OVso fr'jm 40 Ww Jersey daily I ncw.ipapois and ono on the prob-11S(J7,b " sa'd v/!!liut:n G. Dixun u! 1 "V-P'''^" "' "inimainim; a hou«". and weekly mnvsprtpers sre e.^oect- lcnij of clnily newspapers. Booiiton, President o«f . Oi«..: Hea»..«.t ,I "V.'. -e vil....>„,..! eap'iaiii, ^j on iinsi: facts cd to a ctrod a New Jersey Pub- daily Rouodtnble Council of New Jersey. He beiievos \nm\ ,.i,|i ih.-. nttenti» of the bLiyin:; lishers Association Seminar tomor- 1 he -Frm, Wide itiid Handsom?" | „, ,•" ', ., f ,. , Addressing the D.iily Bonndtable pUjpujm1 !1o0 Rle m!lnt thnt fu :l is oiStstsszint^ row at Vrorhees Hall on the Rut- , ways r>..{ rpondinc;po,KlinL;: are n thmthing of | " ;'' ,'" ' ' "" will he niinlerator James Kornty llK r b s b gers Colhgv campus. Dr. Mason publisher of the Trenton Tiiros I Hie"past, as consumer biidr.ots'are | " '' - "y be^r.ise of its earn- ADORE MATS W. Gross, State University presi- William A. Stretch, publisher of the I being in-iessiiijily piuclied 'i.y thfc |"my am! fur nituiv other reasons tf® dent, will address the group at its Camdoii Courier - Prut, Philip dial rising cjst Of living. jsuoh as safKy. dt'Tilinoss and de- © luncheon session. nnella, ^rrtcral nuuiiip.er of the "V/here before, fuol costs would ; poiuk'tii'llv," \lr, D'yon ruiii. ..Tlia fn\;»ram will apon with re- Dover AMvnnce, am! Harold Kelly, marks by Richard Klein of Kiein tseik-iai niHiiag-ir of the Red Uai'iK Publications, Association, president. Register. Dr. Milton Schwartz, Rulgere psy- Moderator 0/ the Weekly Round chology p-ofVssor. will. discuss table '«ill be H. Alan Painter, pub- '•'Persoimel Testing " Other spenc- lisher of Hit Hack'tr.tof(iwii Gazette. ers in tho morniuc session will be Discussion lenders will be Edward | \"*&i!&/r3*r'i*l. George Oastyck, persunnc! direc- Burke, general ausaper of Hit.1 tor of the Gannett Co., Inc., ami Princeton Packet, Willaid Jta'tz- William J Self, a certified public tier, general manager of the Mill- accountant with M.S- Kuhns, Ling- burn - Short Hills Hem and C. Pal- ley and Sinclair. mer BdtiHi'un, business manager of HAVE THE TOYS Thotrnu Tighe, general manager the Somerset Messenger - Gazette. vrow ® STOPPED RUNNING? 1 E—Z clean rayon BeEVEREADY with 1 tweed! Non-skid we 5fQr fan is t' EXTRAS" eel! vinyl hacks, battsri'is for 10 mony ncedil

NEW JERSEY BELL KEEP HANDS DRY! American Sufpfiln Avo. E664500 Hardware Be Ready For Spring Rains! KISSTALi

BE MODERN with... • Helpful self- TEFLON COOKWARE! ' wringing sponge , No Stick! No -. mops. Won I Scour! Ko Oil! 1J,// pinch fingers! Lovely, durable m

'^5 I .'J&Z-

RUBBERMAID BOOT TRAYS A foxy granilp-i frnm C,T>IC M-iy ™^ ORGANIZER Walked for miles on. his fingers tni:h d.iy. Till lie lusl his Yellow P.igtis And flew into such ragus That his wit'ii and his dog r.in away.

Yellow Pages

RUBBERMAID WARM IN WINTER DI5HPANS Eliminate nicisy 2 for 'Great >pac»- Floece lined, 100% Colorful & I floor.I You'll t saving turn- cotton mittens • ffk^tf durable! It's , need one for .table! it1, elastic web wrist 0% M (£ oblong to fit ^every entrance ,,10^ Inches! 1,97^ lioeps snug fif, *» * your jink, too!

•" »-,



WHITE FLAT LATEX for PRESTONE SPRAY 'N RESIDENTS Inttunt light- WALLS & CEILINGS 1 Poli'hcd 0!utni- SCRAPE COMBO! ing in any pc- 1 1 •COVER-ABILITY! ^ num; measuring 14 01. spruy lilion! Fuel Quick DRY S. go«» mark*; welded 2-99 dc-iccf hoi 0 can't m pi 111 on with brush or out & morel SCRAPER TOP, roller! jal< tool BUYNOWI

6-PC.SCREW- SWEEP THIS UP| ANNOUNCES DRIVER SETS y. SCHEDULE DELIVERIES Q • NO MINIMUM ORDER 13-f-c. CAHBUN WfcLCOME MATS GUAKAMTECOI TWIST DRILL SETS AtlractlvT vinyl * All-Corn , UnbicaLehU, Vtnotile 5, • NO MINIMUM CHARGE grtitrti rjuntti, »^ m . * Llghlwfiolit.ytl TfT haniy. Tor oil lerpt uul dill. gjj g y * EXTRAitionj.5 £ I f *tuft!y •fell r»»ri loolll • FREE DELIVERY • " I If."- 1 i\ 8-PC.HANDY HI AY IT SAFE *itli SOCKET SETS DOOSTERCAOLCS Now for the eonvontonco of MafswAn, Strallimoro and Keyporf A r o a roudonti ttorllng WfitlnoifJay, Janliftry II, wo wiH havo 5 mgulflr averting tlftlivftfiftt -1:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 7;J0 p.m., 9;00 p.m., find 10:30 p.rr». The»o tfslivotiei /tra in addillon to our regular (f.iytimn dwlivptiot an<) r#qi/!.ir pick up orjciti, Wo boli«v« fltSSO regular dolivo'int will ben^Ol you in |)!,v\nir'i your (l.iyj n'ul il'innt-.i in «Jvrtnc«i ond nicj

ui f-.-'iiin| 11'1. 1 ony • 10 MAIN ST., MATAWAN Wo Deliver-Cull 566 ~~ 101 3 J, 671-1677 »»* M %«^%V»«W****»«»^****«»M»*»M»t»1l»** 4Uf Thursday, January ?9, I?47 ..: tvi.ATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Paqe Fifteen

r^V^VM^WV»%*«V»WV^,%%*VV&feVVfc%Vfc*Vfc*M.%V^^ i '/f?r io Lneck Claims ?r Medicare, Older pLt-pJ'j v.-ho have paid iluc- ; <.l<.:..i; i\x iti.t:,pls iv.ih Hn'ir tMimn. lor bills but li&w ii'.H yt.'t ;"':;iii)i'!il \ If list" r--qnt=st lor |>;i>'rncnt form FOR QUICK RESULTS CALL 264-3030 or 566-1 SIS !hcir V^«.re duclo!-'bill insur- iis ir,O)mp,V.rov in.K'V-rly filled

' Aniboy ?uci;il Mjcuniy ofliie hi'fntL' i delaying the payment. AUTOS FOR SAL?. \ SITUATION WANTED 4 FOR RENT 5! HOUSES FOR SALE 6 [HOUSES FOR SALE fc!SERVICES , laiiliMK :.!ien: to iln- Medicare car- j "Tlie :(ci;il M'c.u.ty office does

; BABY CASK IN MY HOME. Cliff- I 1UTA W A N APARTMKNT, 1 •rbl,l-:riH!M..: ANKWCKIWO | IKiu^hu,!!. tlistiict i-.innafeff. |(j,iim,- M,\ Hoaiihlun said. '••"The BILL LANZARO'S woorl Bench. Call 5UC--O1H. wj26 rooms, ht-ai ami hot water sup- null/ evr wier KKRVICE ! "In th- first six months rl the i law toqiih.s that'.'hi payments be GUARANTEED CARS plisd. Mndnn tile bath, dill .Vili- l.i.-t ii.v be vi.'iir sfi'ivtary. no need j l\ii"it or full tin ? .ser- pHymi.'Hs were delayed UTaus:- ! care CiwriiTS Bui we can answer MOTORCYCLE KKANSBURG • -I newly ck>c" 56G-2224 OPEN EVES. TIL D w]tf CORVAIR MONZA, white, standard transmission, tiesv tires. Call 264-0997 alter 7 p.m.. or 264- I"OK AM. li&fti weekendskd . wjlljl ) ii^tnnu- to iraoii-'s, ,:lur.-ii.,-s, coin' I WANTED APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath; inulw n'l'.ii'c and slinp|>:nj:lp|nj: . t.as.asyy j j _ f_ 1362 private entrance, heat am! hot I information call Vi 7V59 i term"t . !,Ui-liii.'Ul , ;itt S.1t,6!H>S1t6!H> . CalCll l 5('.l5('li i ;; Jl-'NK (.'AUK RIAii.lVl-.n. i«, imv. •, ,,)e ,.,,„ uf.. s,,lilc. Mh-,,x, ,|,,. fi,>: 'Hit' i\ith A:nrC'V S,vu.l SeiMuMy like new condition, standard shift, j water, near transportation. Inquire I nil? ASKING ONLY IS!'! nfw. j in;: ihaifie. i-;dl 7S7-2H7I _ wilf . tinir ih-.v ;'p(.ly. .vo'ie Kiiid to nf- G5 •jifiec is linvtt'.-:! ;". SI Smitii Si!. A-L^HS ? P- QiUJMl"!???: wj!9 i 313 Beers St.. Keyport. weekends. oFFirK, GkOPNli FIOOFT," frm't ! HVI: VIA;< 1 lASh 5 f'r asi ;i!i:i-r!rmr Liu' •'"• UAHKl & WEBER jl9 PIANO. RENT A NEW BALDWIN villt-. Call 59I-B1OU. wil'l lg hn,,rS ^ISfc'I CORVAIR No. 700, 4-dmir se- piano only $3 weekly. Nii-scn APARTMENT, FtlK'NISIIKU, mcci I PETS 12 '•vif^-- dan, white, good condition, can sic Center. Ca'.: 542 3133 or 174-4010 tin 3 rooms anil biilh 1st floor; : REALTY CO. be seen at any time. Call 566-4191). »J2S I N'e.v York bus at the door. McC'.'inn • *pis usM^riniur.t of the in- CR MAIN .SI. & IIWY 11 iROKIHOW KI-NNPILS. hop-.v :u ; M.,an,:;. f)rf' ihth;,"d7i.'-inv"'i-tirpV-se ddvun j-.ii.-,lii'rs ff'.Vd r i Aln-ays IK- alert for school bust's .iE6-Meee. _ MATAWAN KEY PORT APARTMENT, » rcums-- - -C6ME66 iin MA i AW AN j nli.-ii-s for ou«. lnii".id-ia! pen; .|u. A], ,lialr(. pavm',.nt >,',.'(jus the i «hf n i!icv stop to pick up or dis- 1 1957 PLYMOUTH V-8, 4-donr, auio- available now. Heat, hot water filRK ISH Kin?O0M.'~I"nqiiiri-" "iSti I-:V'-.;N DAYS | iMi:r.)L'.!-:R Mi.;LTiri.l": LIMING t"" ' runs lur ilo;;s. Ii-ml'M l.jvin.f ,,,,;iLVJ M\-., (,,r a»v piivi ulli-i- S.50 ;'*«•.?.»•• c'.-ildrcn. Wlun you stop, niatic, radio anc' hester. Blue and cooking tfas, range snO rc[ri);crnt<>r Mtvir. St., Kcyjxvrt. '.vjlU ..u | Ol'i;,N 7 DAYS j caiv. lv^ own ,,»... Mr«. Wtr.vmnn ,,,,],,t.,ib:,, -,ha, Btift rrnunns to he i mahc U gr«du;il if possible io R've rt)i;< white, new tires and battery, etc. supplied, $S0 per month. Adults j A>ARTMtNT\ II "rnoms'ind' bath. j [.I62-2K9S. : xjU pjnU aivl fur ?n p-r ci-nl 'if tin- billi'i'lctjuata warnin)! to fullnwmg $150. Call 588-0S.")5. w)19 only. No pets. Call 264-0191 or 264 heal a;id water supplied, no pets, TWO-STORY COLONIAL. Matim-in tralric 0152. wjtf lk)ro's finest (OST 13 •»""*-™««'«>''Me. i - FONTIAC, 1059 STAR CHIEF, adults only. Tall SSG-SliJK. Wj;fl Horn's finest Mclion. 3 lifflroum.s ! .*,,h ,Trn T/>. tji iv '-WJI IJi I'ndcr llic i'lKer luithod of ""• door sedan, white, excellent con- MODERN 1 & 2 BEDROOM apait- ___J!ari!t! livii.8 room v.ith iireplaee, i WAN I tU ICJ bUY dition; new tiros and battery. Mu.it ment, heat, hut water and air i 11/-M iccc rr\n c*ic 1 vpnrate dining riHini, laij-'fi kilch- I *" sell. Call 264-1141. wjll) conditioning en with pamrv. Screened in p BUILDING LOTS mdividuual 01 ' cruiuleiiiiriren njims a-.u birth- Il!t. ,'.;ri..,,t .sends the ermpletr-d re auditioning; near schools and I MUU5t5 hUK bALt 6 small tracts. Will pay top dollai days in vicinitv of liachstadts Tav-| . - ,,,t [ Utr l%0 KNCILISH FORD","' Zephyr, buses. Many extras. Call 787-4887. paneled cellar" Call WS-4MS. wjZ/9* (|Ut st I(n pavrm orm Ul black, 4-door sedan, 54.000 miles, wjU STRATI-IMO RE no real estate hrpkevc. I'all S!>r. ci-.i, KeuusburK nr Buck Smiths • M,.(!icar>.- carrier. A statement from $200, plus sales tax. Call 586-0518. KEANSBURG MODERN " apart 4 BEDROOM ment 5 rooms; V^ cellar. Call 787- J!K>2 PONTIAC TEMPEST DcLuse 283K_ ^yj2G > station wagon, excellent condi- FOUR ROOMS AND BATli stcini CAPE COD nl «i;uc r-ii ecu -FIAO :ia n. $5i»5. Call 566-7448. wjlD heat and hot water to couple. In- (only 2 years old) quire Bili Gunihs, 4th Street, Cliff- 'ion Beach. (".-.I! Zii-I-.TOD aficr 4! bill ins»,:;.)C(- is hmidli-d liy Pi,; wood or call 566-1314 evenings or i 2 complete b;iih'i with shower olid tuh ' H^1L_~ -• ^-yil!! dential Insurance Company of Ari' Help Wanted - Femals 2 weekends only. wj26»| 21 foot living room CAHILL FOR SALE 6 , """* ' ' ^~™-*«-«> erica. Mt hear*' H Division P •> REGISTERED NURSE OH I.icum- UNION DEACH APARTMENr. 3) Mr.derr. kitchen .-.r.d .-lining ,-,,c-a — WANTED lG KENT 20 : Box 6SU0, Millvillc, N.J. 0S332. cd practical nurse by examina- rooms furnished, heat and flee- Central air conditioning (OOF SHINGLES J1.75 lumcllc trie supplied; suitable for retired j MATAWAN MaEU-il To t;.rtier tion, part or full time, days & even- Automatic $MS heat Ashi'stns r.nd brick sni'rjt • $10 i BUNGALOW. •! OR f<(iil.\!S in The .'uiipic s'lit- pn^c lenut'^t lor ings. Call Holmdel Nursing Home, couple or woman, piivate entrance. | Attached t;araj!C si). Cedar \l.;.kes jiO.r.1) ^ matter wlii.tner the pay Beach. wjl!T 1 WOMAN TO CARE FOR 2 children b nue, Enplishtmvn .J*6 6"?: ivjtl ' l.nx I. :i\ L.Tirof tlih ni-U'iKir" '- ment is .e >:ii to the patiuit or to o[ working teacher from 8:15 KEANSFU!^~T rooms"TsT f!o-j7. Terms: $5000 dn'.vn and assume 1/2 acre lot. 4 bt-droi-ms, total of the dcclni. IXittors' o'fici's, accus- a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Monday through own thermostat, tile floors, heat, mortgage 7 rooms. This home is n "llnndy- DELUXE ti,rn>d 'd filiinj; tjiil in.suianc" Friday beginning January 25th. and hut water included. $110. I Tel. 56(13155 7 to 9 p.m. nifcnS Special." Well wmth luikinj; f.irniv, s'l.u'ld ha\'e no difficii'Iv. '67 Pontiac Gran Prix Call 566-6514. wjlO block to buses itnd beach, lease will al. ALUMINUM pnv. n'.i'r4 till ';'\\ i-i nu o[ i!,f['f'r;l- 'Or. H T. w;ih Air. and security required. Immediate 'ART ITME WAITRESS, over 21 ii.-.i ie(|:.cted, Mr. 1!.'U;;>I!(M; notid. '65 Buick Electra occupancy. Call 568-5090. __wjl!) PERFECT RETIREMENT HOME VKTS NO % DOWN Uul >nin'.'; ij.' rl ti>-n-L" rccnvtcl di- ••years old. Call evenings 264-11G4. COMIIINAI'ION WINDOWS 7J5" Con.pii.blo w|19 CL1FFWO0D, APARTNIENT, "3 NO.M-VEiTS J35II IMirt'N DO< US ne' v lfi"ii M-tlivlire lu-ntfii Uii i'". roonis, heat and hot water sup- Brand new custom huilt Rur.di. IS MillHl,:..rs tir!;i\.cil bl'i itllhc .v"I^i- '65 Pontioc Bonnevilla WOMAN FOR CLEANING 5-day plied. Call 566-0260. Maintcnancc-lrce nil aluminum sid- See this bpoilcss Cape Cod, lo- e-M'iili.i' item i'f .iiluiiii.T.ien h;»^ 1-Di. M.I.. Alt Conditlonod. wei'k, year around position. Ap- N't.v ivliite tiip'c traik v.'/. tilt KEANSBURG 51 Scabreczeway. ing. 3 bedrooms. Ha batlis, larjje cated un a picturt-.siiiit' corner lul. '65 Bn'iclt Elects ply in person Brookdalo Nursing living room, kitchen and (limit); j The latest of evorylhin;;. Too much 1 >lome. llwy 35, Hazlet. wj!9 furnished or unfurnished 4, 5 or B STANDARD SI2LS IN STOCK !! :!..- 1). ni-i:: <:•> v U..' ^s ..it his i rooms $80 to $'J5. Call Market 3- area. Full basement, 1-car yataye. to describe. WIIO1 I'SAI r -- KIV1 V'. Mm,,•:,,.- .,! iitifuai,..,, imiiii'i-r :..i '65 Bjick Wildcat REI.IAULE WOMAN IX) CLEAN wjlj 9 Shore distance to boating, fishinj; !e\ii" pi--. ;l > iinjn^Mlue to willy; in Strathmore. 1 full or 2 short —: j and swiiiimiiij. Cail d71 ^:ill. IHHV. FULL PRICE $13,500 FKi:E illlill he )< j li'JU d lip l''f it1'- do' IT | C.iliir. 4-Di. H.T. days per \vi\--k. O-.vr. tii.r.bportaticin. Pncea at%afM KARL A IRANI/. KEYI'ORT ,b'il ms'irnut, «ir lvi\v n'.ticii iff hi^ i a c w t niamitat'.Hiini;^u-inc'. lea" - 1 Coll 560-8144. wjlD) 8 , lll(llirt,;>!,' illlU'U'll Mil!. IM . II p.l.ll ' '65 Pontiac Bonneville son'nble. On llwy. 34. Call W6-4733. Piti i'btiL TA'HLl-:S,"shtPti>p i"iil iSimie i-l-.'eilv i'll"'li|(" 'A:l1' l.'-i'inj; ; WALKER & WALKER I all act iv-iui a s ,'ju.ii iJf'i1 1 'ni Help Wanted • Male 3 REALTORS THE CAHILL CO., INC, li-v^i.ulj fine iiiiiiKe to r^uiVe U^i I 65 Buick Wildcat APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS, hent REAL r.'M - \ li ': vcia'is, >,r [i.lpt-t t" fli- '6B Buick Wildcat ingly accept help wanted nds 2C4-S23I. will Send for Caialoj! - 6713311 566 000i ! tlu-t i'.il.l-t-. ,,;::\ '-!• .,: S.i:..i',:,i < Cr. Hatolcp from employers covered by tho , ,-,„,,,,,,^rr,7-,-i;7r-,r,,\,,,.1,r-.. \vjj'.l i I'tiiii tnai v. M.it,;v\ .1:1. 'M ti' Fair 1 abor Standard* Act, which | KEYF'ORI. UNFUHNJSHrU apart- '64 Buick Riviera applies to cmploymtnt In inter- mtnt, 3 rooms aiut bath, heal. APl'ROX. 201) filTll.K HOMES : HAMMOND HHUA.N . (\,'l'i!,i state commerce. If they offer less hot water, electric supplied. Cali Prices finni $5,(W0 to $5(1.000 I cent! t'lin. I. l!0 mi.d"l. <:ill L'li I Spcrt CcJrn •""! A'r. than the legal minimum wage o( 264 0011. wj 19^ BETSY ROSS OPEN 7 DAYS I l??ji ,,!t.T 1 |, m __ M ilf WE DO NOT GIVE - '65 Buic!; LoSn tiii-: 1 nr 3 hi-it ment, quiet Inmthrn, nil Kisr», urea. HI-AIUII ' 1. VAM , tn|,'i lim- CllffwoOil. llwy 35. Cintrnl Park ] rcyim lioiiu- *m .tpprrivimatilv I , ,„, h , S|,u.u. ,„,, — FLORIDA VACATIONS BOYS! i acre. Ke.i! c,'Uatry alniu^pl,'u\ 65 Chevrolet Impala Opportunity for a FIIPCI, limited Apartments next to Cliffwcuid Turin 3 bedroom - 3-rnr u.irn(.-e • I Market, rail M6-.TO5. wj!9 ; lull trees, i,lem> cf pnv.uv j>;nl lu-i S.'ll. Mil:,I li'ilit"; 11 number of serious, ambitlouii boys lot nice iif**u, j Kilter li. '•'. I'rin-il :it oiJv SII.'X'ii — COUPONS FOR FREE GAS to repre«'lV r ThTHihe e Mat;;wuMatuwaM n J>.JuiirtiAJi li im nil linproveni'-it! ; .'i btdMi.i.i • IK' S;/* lii'^VC'. — TRADING STAMPS •,-.- -t-i.il. C, ..r». il.-...I. will: ( Hiv>• .t'l '.l.ni'-,.,i T'-umiilp. :'.M. •i P.. 5. iwwmple and regular i-«ii(ccs (thi e twiy ! 1'lort:it*- A\e. :H 1 I> |;1 '65 Clibvrolot Impala mnny of today's businrus leaders WO 3U1I)R()OM AIM MA1AWAH TWP. j " . . . " '64 hi'li.m) Apply at Kt-ypprl Weekly $135 per mimtli mi'Uiiles cvciy- j (I II I WOOD I'.Ol'M., 4 Ki'i'V . H.T. ; C MOS'lliS Ol.n. in .i \i,\< or call 2'il .1030. wjtf thing. One 2 bedroom honu'. lust I liincii. <'at 11 W> l!l«l u il'i We Have No GiMMiCKS 2 Lidronnt • exp.in»ii«i atl'C • Inl '64 Buick Special Deluxe nclKhborhood |I4(I per nmnlh. Call ( Rankl & Weber Really ('"• lUokrr Ms i!i"rlr.i|i I'.tlnn-. dm- '.in. V ••*...« I'.iv J — JUST — ' Ilivcn iiy ..- \- . ; s'l , .,. ji. JOB PRESSMAN 6£L111 KEANSHURC J MlDDIirOV/N THE BLST USED CARS M-VriKRPRFSS « OFKSP.T - roorrc: immediate CKANI) Nl W I-I-AMII.Y, '65 Pord Mustang Si , Kc\(M'! I. r:r.if M !:N ! i;|i(i in III WAI I.-I'd w.M I ii Sleuth' «i>rl;, ;;on:l puv, usual bene- Call TS7-IS4B evenliU" nil'.' 1 Kdl< 1 I AT THE J p. H t ice. room ^l'i;,il I ( df.-i.n! ;n SlrJt'iliHIl r fits. (!iii>tl unrkin^ tor.dilroiK, !u"'N(!"Xr6w, 2 fumi'!i(d IIKHII, I'v '! mil., I -i:! .'''J •) T.'-'l " 'I'' '62 Cuicl Irvirta Milne (i\ fihim* Full time or part i;.iil li.i:h. nil LOWEST POSSIHib PRICES ••'.I 1.1,'VI. ..; ' ..p I "I ;.-... , . , ttmr Call i;>-y|Kut Wi-rkly rifilce, plied No |H-tk. udiill enly. i .• 117 HWY. V.y • ,, I '-.-.. I I . ..I I .'L '".'•. ''I', 1 '64 Buick Spr-cVI Dolimo I'dl :iO.lil. Hill lirtis. «-ji( AND ICO ;'. GUARANTEED! Kll! II". SAI I S\!AN. "Sii.uk fund IllKNISlll I) H IHI'.I , . ! vi of." i n. J. .' i '• < i • Ih-inv I-\i> ilt-nt i.pjm tunny. li,p -.I'llllll I! WT-IIMIK. i" bright, tiled h.ith mill '63 Forci G,iiflxin "EDO" I <'in fiK. Inline iinhtnitrd, suhirv Iff,'.". (. ul tret ' ; • •;. • HMC Oinpi-in- ,i-.'-.1) .•!•• r K. InncH. Ciil'l :r.l-70W rr .'I I I:;I\Y<' n \\l I KI NPS ' .'• uflit (I p m. u 11 'I it.) V.u'i't, All O,\K ^ • MIIS <.\|..'ii..TiM. nut nivfvary.j I' ] t ,1 up if «!< H.i II il. l.. Will (lain vmi lor IXTMIIM! inti'r- i "&00" ! fl \ lew (,i ! ". -?.U0. 7 tn ^ pin. vvilT. i •Al'.iil I' I*'!' i'l(l'"^

I'av T,i:ie urn! . r. 'Mil -,'.|,; .-,n •!S i'/l I."If. (^iii|'iiiiy l'"ri' f:l« Aljiiv 'I BUSINESS SERVICES t) Amcricen .1 ill In !i |i m . N«|ifi| I lurkii't" I t t'T Ci,||' . If mill' .11. M.itn'ian M-jU MW4MMI*MUHM»tMMlH«HM III. I "Alt W,\SIII.Rr, full Un-.r lit I<;nt llnii" Krypuri Car Wa»h. Hi) W Maintonanca | Top Soil iConlradori f •il AU i'i II l ,-rnt St., Ki-vpiirt. ?64-V<87 »|?6' I i.MAl.l. .lull M'l ( IAI ISIS VIN< I \T I i',«.l •.•.'Mdi Do-! "270" flllll' 'il .Av |ii|t nilintf. He, ln«,ilr |.Tii,iti'K. i inijri", MMI «ln. «. «)i, > ->.i> n'»> . |' surill III I I!', SI , ||u| Mfil I ..I r. J Applv A t* t I., f.l Kl'I'AI M'MVII I S (II '•-I fill dm, r m|i n, iti'iili''ii! mni' Ci'ii.t'!' I" I i.-ii i-r : '.<, t aii-^-in. il I1....1, 4u i.fu K INSTRUCIIL V t'.M iiiii kfjr.ui it, llrmli. !• rccdf I !•'•• • 11 1 i II II v., Ml (TIAI.'lfi "ii|*rfriirnl '"" i"'il • ", .-• ii... • f'Alili '.HI; m! • -,;.! •. . i tut, I, ''> M.f. i'» i, I i. .: '!.' •.< *J * IMM, , Ml W. II'lin' l SI., Kri! I ( t'l-I AH1;. A I III \ I,. vi« t ;.. * ! •• ft Hjll • «!'- mi! AH -'.i'1! i rfill .' Il I <>> »lill ,l|>?; SERVICES •0 • -.-- i,|..-'| i. ,,;!,, -,.,. 1111 6! LA'IIII- IIA'.'lv; I '"' '-•«" "' '"• •'•''• I'AHhl , I'.MMI M '7", ~ ^~ LltiH IPDi.Kitlt? i iv i YOU I ml n.i. l, !,« • l,i I.l'-. r '.rsv(e!ri . Uocd HUD V/f.l IRLG ' «nll Ml'fll '•I « ' t' MA JAWAN AVI., C! II I W»K)U rlA.'f (V Si'KViU* llM-. ii"il 166 ?^H ti>, : ( ( . 11 CORP. i iy. rvi I A! I'l.'-'tT. IIAHIItilt II U «V«'K H<•*•'••> I •if. Offir.B fl/i*. '.'I Aim?; Ai'li P. I ITiliMViAt, SIMVM I -t I', ft'. Hf. 59S CAU t'1 M( I«.M :i!s, .,,"";:"•• 60 OH ftv.« ?U5, jif:nraTiin . its • • tJm-hl «1!.llsl »ficr « j' f«,.v * C,< MAN suit H«'ii>u WA^i AUTO SPAT COVS , i'!lif* I'-iMiuie fc ©,», MlTIIAtlL i IIAI ttiNAM 81'IITAI . |n,'. it* HVi'i«il'' NOlAM fell A ItT :» STRAUB VII.VL r<:|( t uVI (Mil MntttiA'tVII! fi KIM II! i; < |IA|III| Ml M595 »-... 395 M t! }% | |,,M \*Ahl> MOTORS we. (.A-. ' ' '. , ti '. »««<

j.lr h)nifi«^«i ?jl i t»f (ml it Gem Oldsmobile Inc II '-tin" If. in MI .lift «r< i ' M I'i AIISHI'I Air un" •» Mi, im /«n«i ' KIYPORT Paos THE MAT A WAN JOURNAL. N. J. Thursday. Jarnitry ! 9, !W I \roc.€i tloH a I Sch oo i National A ward i Nursing Adopts P Ihulget Program II) \ i ut! »u if \ ( i i|i, i in il i) h. in l J lb l it M M»f i i d in I 1 i I !J i * i I I i I i t ll! ! l s i ll SI 1U Of !•>! (Ill, li L M I >, I I *) 11 I II! I | II I Illl ill. \ Ul'lr. ' [II 111 1 n 11\ r KM fni Jt ; j ^ hi n IM \ i i i1 K M lion i sin pi 11 ili! t \ t iniiouii il !)y VII Ml! Ill lllkl I ll)| II I I lilt tl! I Hi (on us i r i1 s ni K | i ,1 i n i u liu (un nl in I KIII it I sum d th I tl ii cur , III' I IS I II I IK 11 III |l||l| 10! I !,,!, | c lit' l\ i n' t 11 triiiini, torn *ir ^ ills i Dd i II i i i In uI u /I up in i i in i 11 IM II i ii t|i u t| v ) i t mm nt r\ i \ Int.n il1 101 tin si I ' int t ll) it ' il il I !!!„ HIM I ,n i un lii (il i sum ii i nlv ') ( it mil 1 I in c ,imd((l US r in ii nts ii tin ' i 1 I ii i ' ipn i p i MI it ' uiu i I l> il i will shi| i I M in1, ii ' i \ i 1 ip ( is l 'ii'll Hi id mill li lints of tin ' ' pitnl I si luols iii 'In si i Itil (I s pi m I li ' id I'S i ippi i d s il i i I b r up iii ill ih I i! I 11 I u i ill i i p i uui u _ nl 111 )lti IM clirai' of nili im mi sinp i Im il K II i I I i ti n ii i | mill i un ' li tli i ii noiii' it! tli ii iippio ni it Ij i) |wr I nrtu II i f Ui im ii i iis nn I u s i il is h ,ti nl (i II IU ist ud Nuiscs ara I III I ll I! ) I 1 111 |ll I II l' III! I 11 !( Illl s III ll i iln I inn btliml i,ru nil i ml the B nd i hull sun II In tm |) | | )|! mi Il' III) I ll dlplonll 0! I t V tut- i illlU

II ll i il I i I I I I ll IS m,M , ,„, , i t|(( i|i| , ||, nllll ] Ki \ 0\ i il ii .a 1 I' Jt t'w

n U r t j ! i' ' s< 1 i! i, i i ti i \iti nt 11 (nil n nl Sui^tuis at 1 un il n i i| ill 1 I i III ! i 1 i, I i li Illu s il i Tllcli IL! A Sloval \U ptt sJtLn{ and ^tntnl m in \ t r o' ih Sttln ,ils I'nd C mil li itinsiib : uiloptui I il 1 \ IS 'I" I i ii il I ,,,, I i i i . u i i ill i il I> till Con IMI i n i IMII,, Hit N itlon il R tall Minliints A socciion ami n st i i i m III(,II^ siinpoit nf Inn I IN ' I I ' '" 'I i 1 II III II 1 II III) j I R id' r l)i|*( st 1BC7 \\ ard IOI It NU rilnrlotis Pn •rum ni ( onimtniit' jpit il hi J s ' > i nf mirs IIR .i . i -' ..')..< II f " mi .. , pi II,)|I . ,i i• 11in111vi... ul »uill,l> .iii.l , OTUMIUM) Hot ait Citizenship" fnr its Safe Diking .Sitnuiior proiirum. I Hi D ,ird of Tin ttes o' tli* : V.A'UtiOiKl! jil.U'.l.llr'.-. imin,ul ll K' ,' UUI \; H, J .".I Ml ^Ill.'ICt ]' 11 (hllSf V.ltil i This was tltu seountl cfHist'VuUv*> yr,ir thai th« av/ard was won by tm* I Stehihiich Company. Shown »hove, (!oii u> rij»ho uio Coor^e U'aitace. ' rcti'nily iititiptcd :.i resolution urg- Til" M'V." bin!)-,11! :mli'i|'.r.-s s'sUt,- • $!,i;i}n •,,[,! ;, H; ; \imuni ol' i-tll(f!l;i u ; ii'.K !hi' litisnim! diploma stluiois of IUMUKT'S I)ij»i! .[; Murlin i^. Kohn, prcstfa'ut of Maternal Rcmll Mcti'h.int^ nii!'.-:ii^ M ciiuin1: • t'icir programs (KM ill '••ll'.ia! aid HKV.IHI i in i'-.lt , ;,,;• [|:,i.. . ,v,'h .luster's il.'sirr, • Associntion; Michael A. Sluvnk; a.u! A. V. Ma.iiry ii., pn^idcnr, Gr/i'inp • expend1 ;!'."llls. it $'.'j.llOO jiiiiip i.vi ; | ni 'linuiiii II,' *.,"^l||] (iml nuxi- ,.iii| ::;.ilii' r.iiv I'fNwi to intit'asd. :im ;1 i Corjxiratiijn, lioldinf, t'ry:;uil howl aA.mii-'il In Mr. Sluv :\\ as thi* *.tt>;"e tlli: $IS.I)(«! in Hi.- p'i-M':ii hiiiljyl. ; , ,,f ji I/MIJ (,„ i,.;,,.| r.s ,,( n, . 1UII1I u t• oftiflul pilmarHy ri-s^ons'dilc tor I ho st:tr ii/' I ml MINHI: s-iitfi • s-i i-." tiirs, iiiiniimiMi ::i :.uri; a-: ra'.rulU us A:''-;i ill (ton hv :'.< i!»i >--..-. jM X*''\ f" n-sput uinl ru IUIUMI'DII til tin- iilaiiniM". :i S'.'rii-s Mf [lio'.'tiiias with j t,l I ( HI i if (!« II ii i in t , "SUIII. !'ai: tiiii'.' r'i'ik.s .vlit lie pud n, ol !';tt"!.s'sn sa'ii* cliiiir- 1 cilnrt'l' I'l'ls-jito in five fiiuntii's. liiiul.tii'" tuuiisi'Stir:. thfuiijihoiit tha III t\ i n I li s till i p li M Xil i''V l.nih . CMMiuliill s:il;iri-~s s t aus\ tit ' tiiiil i Vi I nil wili sl.nl :t; $ llili'i ;u d M-:II h .» \w- \- lll'UI of thi' 't"A .If: Sly l)!\l:.uin nl |j,,[.|i:-i.t, • ] \] -f c Miil.ill'St'v sl:tte In '.llf.riii lliui:. tif the Inipot- r ; 1 Ui r him I In (mil si'uy imuiii ut SWiim. Anui'i'.an -iT Socirly. |li^ M'H.nuni'.li ami Utiiii ni liu si-nnrsii;^ enmses.

The «DW Now Jersey Legislative Dullding Is I Center and Education Hulldlnii, to (he we»t, uml (r.it dominant In the grouping of stulu bulldl«g> In Trenton. ! seen) the John I-'itch Way Devvlopiueut lu tlic e;:st. Visible from iho h'tvewny Kn>l from S(nte St., It will j Thu raised love! of thu Legislative Kuililln^ and enu- GRAPEFRUS? unite the complex of state buildings Incluillnc tl>e ! nwllng Slnle House Pla/n will provide coveri'd p.irk- Stste Capita! and An.;ox. io ;lse nerih, tli*- i.'utiiir,d luj; (m TOO i-ir-:. SESDLESS ih coupon at right

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