u". •". OUT COVUIUNG MATAWAN BOROUGH • THURSDAY - AND THE Home rOWNSIIM'S OF MATAVVAN, M.MC1.1UM0, AH Week HOI.MDK!. and MADISON 98th YEAR — 29th WEEK National Naw»iin^ar Asw.-islloo Mv!nil:-tir MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 ... Usur. i!l . Single Copy Ten Cants New Fire House In Matmvan Township jTialuwaii cnv iis •in vcnsu! l:jiti-il:iii', Miihiu ni Borough R-jpublifvi. ciiaii'miin, 0 *i nounccd that a dan", of a prupn il change in ihe bnii>u[;>! votii'K d tricti. naJ been p'-cparcd by tl «. (ocal Ho|jiih!icrin Cninty Commit | tee for pri'-sontutii)!! lo the boroigl t? i council, at tho regular montl IY meeting of th<; lo-ul'GOP club hdd lasl Fridiy night. He said thai th % borough council nui.-;( then tf>ke the o necessaiv action tu chani'ts Ih? dis 1 I r 11 trie! iinundurics uj-on ennsidcrai. f i of ihc pinposal. The changes woild I involve the creation (if tun now d s t trlcls to be carved Irom tlie e.\ sf f 1 ; ln(; first and fifth districts which 1 f • are now oversized in number of r registered voters. This would bring 1 ] the total number of districts to s \ t i en. i The proposed boundaries would \ 1 1 i t follow as closely as possible tl P 1 | 1 nutural geographic houndant \ ! formed by Lake bMferts and tre t several sullies whici! now sepnt I 1 1 the various residential areas. 1 "i 1 i. new fifth district would consist of I Lochs!so Heights and the MidJU 1 Sll - (continued on pane four) 1 1 t.1 1« Alxne I ei architect sku h it tht prnpis d iln hiu t) i) f I II I lid I ( constricted b\ th Uoiril <f I irt C mm l itrs of I ir 1) strut 1 in I r ! r I r II s • Mutawun Township. Thi» tin* house ivill IH.' cnnstnu'U'd ;it t!u* .1- i'i '-•• ' Ss'i. " ii Prov •'••'• '••>•:. S!-1 '-in. !..•: .Tit'i- v.-!ii;li. 1 Adult School I •-'i'l. i-. ;' l' r.-'l .: - ^'.!^I 1,11' 1: in- i i Regional School Board Retains ••11 .-_ ;. 'i. i ' t: For Unity lor ihe Miilawan -.;. ' t'ommunily Adull .School Inc. ! 11 ':"l ."'.'.'lil'sa '•' ' " 1 In- ;i ;! Tho first Week of Prayer for ivill be taken From 7 ID 8 p.m., •<••: •'• 'J! , " Christian Unity wilt be observed In I Jan. 13, 24, and 2:1, nt Ihe Mala- : Matawun by tho pastors and con- wan Regional High .School, At- 11! vlnl'l 'l ..'ill, >^ || .. .mil hlin-.iry, gregations of Catholic and Protest- lantic Ava. All residents IS or l.ll :,) I'l el • • 1 ' f'.l I ,, ...^.'(-i , (j last's ant churches. At 7 p.m. Sunday a over aru eligible. Mataw.m Ri'gu.'hii H.jyrJ nfl il'.i- Hi '•V.i'!,i:^ •.•. .i. rrn'iving an g 1 -f 1 ,1 >sn.l]lli). .IN l-il'tli n .-.I in union meeting will be convened In ClasseCl s wililll Ij Jan. .10 [nun Cilion iii.'i'il \V l/iiiiuM '.\.illint;. .nliliil ;• s.jtnn-iir r ' ir.-d- th:in an } 1 i'l. r--.! '. 111 |!l'lli th e re- Second Baptist Church, Orchard 8 to 10 p.m. Mamliiy and Thurs- ICusi l .iii'isv,ick, oi \\w iliv.Mrn n( hi* .!; iilicr hs tin .!i;; Ai'U'i" a 1 :v- 1 •.', IsII.IV.-II .. a !H i- |l t-iit Z St., by the pastor, the Rev. Dr.day at ihe high school. Courses fu'lii studi:^ ami i--s. uch -A iln1 li;i;:ihy a:,d in.1,)' "i di>i'iiss:nn ol • Hows B. Perry, v.lui Is president o( Include nrt, drawing, sculpture, ^radiuto stliiiol vi tvlu; atin.i iti tin- [tmi,;. ins c'>.:r<-i tft! will; tl'.c { tho Maltmon Miiiisterium, The furniture repair, beginning nml Klllners. us '(v Me'.' ni'Mlll;;il on I |( y.l !,M S •'! •> ' t» •- •••_- (life • Rev. Cornelius ]. Kane, paslor of intermediate bridge, golf, beciu- educatl'itu- !i';iUi'H Mmldav. I!'1 ll!<m!fl> l.l:iinl in il1- ••'Hisl!iu1lii>n •> St. Joseph's Church, Kejport, will nlng plintoRrnphy, beginning anil \\:\% ap[H'o\ctl on j> u;uinnnuus vu;i* sc hi-dut • it v.;is C (i*K*d :o li.nr 1 lhare in the program along with intcrmed'nto dri'sviniakin,,. t:ii!nr- ;,ilh,,,,..t, ||-,.,,;;| I |))'i,i MV| h, !)!. \\v.\ !.; n::ik. .w, inv.->.ll».l!"iM i Causes tha Rtsv. Donald T. Phillips sr., ol, Iny, Interior dccoralion, slip cov- uu?d ••..'--•' n'liK i.in:iv iiiul ,iniv of tl... ,ii-.:i-.ni. !•. ;md ;> J;I"' •; •- First Me'nodist Church, Matawun. ; ers» and draperies, parly cooking, "to g<'t ihiii^s inown.u" Mr. Hc!.ui Ibr hijir,- an-l A -.,' i> i.avi, d t th« Rev. David L. Buccl of Bav- : landscaping mid gurdonlnu, liean- had puh.Miv .i-K :!.•,! Hi.- i-hr- in ik- ;i,- •-! .: :, • uniplrud y.m view Presbyterian Church, Cliff-, ty culture, rudlo nnd TV repair, ini g off IV NN.I.I . nl! N(IIA «"!I-"! S OUO.-UI\ MSII1 wood B.-ach, tha Rev, Paul Jack- boiikkitplnj;, securities mid in- Yolk, tli.- COIIMI .,I UU- Im.wd ll>ili n.l l',ir!. , muii'tit up ih •• II.ms II I Mi.- f. M' Repoli- ton of Flrft Baptist Church, Mat-; vestments, beginning and review at the • im. Ih- I i'ii ! ! w.is n.-alter -.1 i"-1 drM\ •• in UICMIIOU! 1 1 1 1 1 .ni ' ' i ,- , tn.nl • Itivj awan. I sleiHigi.tpliy, beginning typing, built. Mr W.-.ilu. I.,-,- nn a nl av.r'l a it po:- linn: Altiv.l \>, •..iviiig, "Mi. Isfiiuer 1 Pastors of othor churche* In the j and liuermnlUte typing. SIIKIK-S on i. - i.u.--n liv M.siiv ill--. .>- •. IUIIMI U: "! il'i nirld in ui.r than -III iuiuli Community have also been Invited i Alto convernaltonal French, ' volunteer "i\ >' ->itn-i:tt. •<•. Mi. M .mvillc sMtcd ,|],IHI,!I:I: .is- .: H<m is Mi. 1 1 to participate and are rxpected to caavorwlloaal Spanish, general : Or. \Mi:!t,ig lias ml-nnn .! the Hi.it n bad i>"'-:i ioiiuiuinis-|lv !,.ei j.-,-..irpbyln -.| iii.-ir v.nrk I-. .V .,•!., '11 \.'(V Villk. be In *,tendunc9. All Christians' education devt'lopnient assist- l»iaid he will sl.n tin- MIIM-V m innpii'ii^ b.;!i •.!. KCH-IM; en ., : dc . in'.-n.- 'uu t;..n v. \ ilia:.' Mi. Kennel will who ara concerned for the unity nf nnc<>, spct-d and ifficlcncy read- Mniaivau Mat. 1 nnd h.i.v ii r.- ii.iitur <"!.' tlrr- ar, !;•:.<•:. ll-my'li- r mil i^ n i- tn> n.'.ini Inr IWII 1 1 the Chrliitllli witnoss In the coin- : ins, introduction In modern math pint in n-i Hie hntlclinv nee U of l-i I lv.il> 'li. J' ml •!-,• in.rv! n-, n\-d I'.,.I t:.,- - - u-i.,1 ii.nii.i. '.n . ih in assist munity are urged to come and Join fur parents, sul">lilute teacher the ill -trivi June 111), lie will b- p.n.l M'• N- '' ''•>'" il-.an ! Ins .-• ii ;,.> j .u.ii ,,i i'- ;.,-.,.: !,- ! a:..I thi'lr prayers with Others. ' workshop, written I\u|tllsh for : $",ui)n f i: Ins s iv . • , II" 1- .s .i ••, ,1 ni.ite nf ,• i • •-•;>•» d.i1.- ui -.•.:.., !i .-..is u -,tiled Iw the u:- sn I g\»\ i /1 11u h 'inn!itu i^s niatlf by th't Other local expressions of Prayer foreign bom, All about I'umpe, as inh.snr to the llnin-.l.-i i.-i- th' *< ''• • •'• . '"Id lie us. ,1 v. <.-. i In- IH--,- ;•,, i i,.-en i... tiph'.ii but hi * ^'/* "'''•••«' p.i-t* ti..' rl- k'ln •!! hinwil. 10 for ChrisMin llnltv Include the ex-i gymmisticgy s folrr womenmn, . keginniningin ; slii|> lion lot ILaaii In i.-..:.liaiid. - \i.ii il M viiiii'miv't,!....!..in .IM- i..,. \I\ii , |),i!a-ii,a ..i. n... -,:.,•.. Ii i,i..l a:. * r:d i:ift-''ii.i :i•. I mil. : nn .1 n-i. it Mop he made .11 111. spu.'.l I- nn of Hein.inl (continued on p-w four) , giiiiar and interim-di.it>> guitar. Mlllji'i-I l-i tnuii' II ciinfiimat.' 1 i i Ih.' ft.' uulrnn Advisory A I . Hi - v') i!i'- i:d-nt 'scli.ttil vile I.e fimni ni'lv ten nvi i HI,-n I1.m.-1 I ).,•-. ( M-il- I /I.-- "in-! ii n. •'. .1 lii -A v IT k i II.' i m.'.ijv't ii.--. |',i, i ;,., On Jan. 31 .Illvl .1." -I Ann!. II. ..ll.l l!'.-, .1: :i In i' l term nil the* liir.e li'l II, I •• -I It.l i.f MI. Ii .• .- 1>: l! ! v 1 1 1 : v Si mi •r! He •!! .,11 I: in - s i Ml \\u.\ lie Mini Ire lla,l li •••• \,".i •i- H- : , ,, nr-t Jlt.tj "''' "l' ',.'' ' s- ^''' ' ' Uv. i. ..'I.J.I AdwM.rj C"..nwniiii'« LWV Week Is Proclaimed ll 1ul 4;l 1 -. n-iim :..in :i»t| servii.' ' " I :v-oil , i niip'le.i-ls Knl ,,„) ;).,>,,- ( r.nler ' i a !': iv n'l il..' ell \M nil- i-yw-.
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