4—*r' "■» upi • .aiw Clinton Independent 'ftsaavratr ***•< MmiM' Clinton Independent (•mciu r*m tv IATM or ADVKfaTIfaffaC. I li * ia 4 la. iT« H t ll oit Oa« «««k . $1 »$i togs w ft tofli toils Two ««ck« 1 601 « r> S 00| 4 *>aft 7 80(1950 It we* inm * »ssi»«ftu>

OORBIT -Sc. ESTES, KtrOf vw Im . t 80 I TV 4 60 « wit 0»|1$ SSSt The Ointon Independent Tbraa bod Uui . • **■ ft sal 7 no it Oil to «»U> Hii mouth# .... 6 6 « <*> 10 on i« uo » Waft

Nlu# nion f hs.., 7 (61 10 UM 13 Oh *0 (X) 40 00 «A 888

TwaJv* fix**» * (6 It 00 14 UH *4 OH 40 M> S0 S toalwdka* **. |1 at. la i4tmms«, tor upM Lagal Ad\ rrtUea**nts a4 statute M(«riru«wui| ftiid $t auivr ito Marring* a ad D«atit Not tom fra*. * ptMkittoa aut to la Business Card*, ftve Uoaa or uadcv, fll per /«* Morals* to Iwm publican** Ito VOL. X.-NO. 14. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1870. WHOLE NO. 482. Local buiarii Nolle*# 10 ceala a lin* lor ftnv, and 5 cents tor each sutonatteal taaeriiea \ steading sa the Slat of Decamber. 1875, aggru THU W A Muter*. TUK MAHklAUK KNOT. rotninlttfly lo create a navy, lwl nothing who held the position until within thirty New alar* are continually added to it* 4 — liana Christian Auderaeu, author, *cv- LATEST NEWS. gated 94l4.flU*,4t7. Nxw Youfl, Jau- 8. —Fltiur— WLiU- flcHtoa hi hflvp ixvh dutie 4U>ut hifdlflblng yfff*s * luster, and treah acluevem'-nD shed lus­ enty-one, I>* nuiark. The* Wiacooaln Stair Grange, in m^aalon I Mo* a bright afld bsauteoii* May. tRe new made nary with i suitable ensign In coffhecliofi with thflcolora f trtir flag ter upon ita fold*. It is now marching **•«* herIn my mind : 17. —Prof Joel Parker, Jurist, eighty,Cain A HrtiMu l* dispatch <»f the hi aaya dii- flheep—94 01 ft5 75. bh« i* u«>t uf her lovr afraid, ance at this time on the ensign of ihe Gotineil what colors ehotild be used by bridge, Maas. tui baycra had broken t-ot among the atrlkiag flflfitl.OUO. Hauling A Earle, manufacturing Jew And rannot hr unkind (,ominander-ln-(Thief of our navy caused (he fleet The picture of “ Washington J'(—Najxdeon Collins, Rear - Admiral alaari la the Loaviere d»a net and troop* had uk>r* in New York city, also failed on the same CniCAno. —Whfffft—No. 2 Nprlng cloned flhr knit* and tine* w|*h many a sigh, inHch diffi-uueion of its ciaimti. One on the Field of Trenton, ” painted by Death-List of Pruuilneut Persons for United M»ua Navy, Callao, Peru day at to^OWSc cash. Com-Closed at OSt tor And. as brf nerd lea glide, 28 —Martin Glover, lawyer and Judge of tort aeat H»qa« II the disorders. flh»' wishes, and sbr wonder# why writer, thought by some to R(j I^ePjfffflln Pefllff, #ho tmnmafided a company in Ifl7i. The New iUmpahire Republican Stale No. t and Mt for New Rejected, rash. Oate— No. uU the Court of Appeals, Aug*.lira, N Y. Nerioua Uioagret menu between the lie I** not at her id*, Franklin, gave w-eightv reanous for adopt that baMIr. contain* the Btars and Btriprs J7 —W illiam C. Rjlatou, hanker, fcan Fran Convention met at C\«»eord on tbe 5th and *. anftSJSgf cash. February options Sold at »St. lie _pru*aisod ramti he woald meet B>« here, ing the rattlesnake. It is found only in —which is go*id j(fotind Pn beHfjviii'J Khedive of Egypt awl M*, Carra, the British ‘ um I mi -i spot: fllVlIY. elaco, Cal. nominated Person C. Cheney fut Hovetoor, and Hf* -No. KaXHfteflc Harler-No. «,T»4ft7Wc America; was considered by the anrh'Bts they were used there. mfasu-ner to Egypt, are reported Mess Pork fl|S.15ft1».«0 rash. Lard- $19 87^0 0 siev aotuot loio hat Corns,e mr drar. Si- t.hrr 8rock tVard, Ironmaster and capi­ SKKTBMnxa W. A Pierce for Railroad Commissioner. Reso And halt uttr laurriagr knot !” •u an emblem of wisdom; it* eye la ex­ On the first Independence Day—July 4, tal ot, igrfl Vfx(y*fotir. died af Dt troll JL—Edward Kin^, capitalist. Providence, A London diapAtrh of the 4th a*y* a lations were adopted —favoring specie payment#; 19.8D. Cattle—Good lo Choice. *1 rofte flfl; Me ceeding bright and without eyelids, so it H 1 b«, bration in Philadelphia, and from Utat 9.—Caleb Lvon, rx Governor of Idaho, Tossing bvr brad. "It ta ton long .** tack nor surrenders when amailed ; ita time on want seems to have waved in nenr Turner, exAioveraor of Rhode island, sixty- mu'stives for a forced circnlatioo of Hangar! in dential third term; favoring a fair, full sad —G«*»<1 V> « he! or . 97 • Oft7 5U. M #*l»—4.»P"dl to deadly wwa|w»i>* wee 4.oneealed in it* four, W arreti. Lyousdale, N Y. fb ilce. 94 ’OftVft. And L *‘T«h» • Uori • nay he.” ly nil the Imtties by nea and land. In hank uou-s ta Austria. free exercise of the rights of citiaanabtp flhs ha* her 111 tie Wlllffil WBysl in<>titli, ho (hat it apixar) defenito>|es2, atld 4. —Johann Wilhelm Zetterstcdt, Swedish II.—Henry T. Blow, « x-L niU d Mates Min- by freedmea; a forbearing policy toward Mu| 1 |«rr»iat. slid tkrti, February, 1778, #10110 Paul Jonea, in the naturalist, flweden. 1st* i, fifty eight. Ml. Louis Horatio Atone, According to a Berlin telegram of the itfl woundrt, though -mall, are fatal, while Hanger, convoyad some Ainfcrlfnn ves#**l* sculptor, Car**ra, Italy. Prince Adalbert of tbe flouth; approving the present National Ad MUITTM I?f FAHYO. 44 It is S>H maidenly,* 4 she aaya. 7- —Frederick William I., ex-Heitor of «th the German Government had replied favors 44 For maids to sigh for mrn. ” it never attacks without Aral giving warn intoijuilieron Bay and induced the French llrauf Ca*s* I, seventy-three, Germanv. Emile Bavaria, military ofthor, But aria. My to the American noie la relation to 1'abnn af- I miutstratioa. favoring the promised amendment to the National Constitution in relation to tbe 4 B ArinK four, Oconomowoe, W i*. rchotd qiu’stion, and aoodsnxning the action of the L’aUl yuu whisper. 44 Come, my dear, the first to w in honor from a foreign jrow - IU.—The Uev Edwin L. Jatux, Methodist dies. uniietl that they cannot lie separates, divine, sixty eight. Flushing, L. 1 IA.—William Oliver Atone, portrait painter, Ja»rd Litton ha* l»eeti appointeil Viceroy majority ia (be National House uf Raprcusnta And kail oar marriage knot .1 er. Jones showed the Blara ami Blr»|*e» forty iiv«, New|H>rt, R. 1. of India to succeed L"rd Northbrook. fives tu it* dealings with Ual<>a soldier# formerly *• My bark If on the polar wave," said while Uivy also (ncrea-je in numlier. But tr<>iu the Aral ahip-ofth* line hffiUl Cor (be 1Y.—Thomas E. Brain let te, ex-Governor uf the maiden with a cold. Why te aiy little one so hoy ’ the fact that the rattleanake is a serpent, Keiiturky, biulitlllr. Tuuugh hi, Emperor 24.—Isr*«l T. HaUh, banker and legislator, Sir Anthony Kotina-hi Id. the eminent employed by that body. W hy dots she ase utr sot new t nited Btatca— the America, launched of (ffiinn, nineteen, China. sixty-seven, Buffalo. 1>om Pki»Rt> will Im* the first reigning and under the curse of God, probably at Portsmouth, N. if.. on Nov. 0, 17H2. J7. —John A. Bopptr, philanthropist, fifty, hanker, died ta London on the 4th The wnwtlinff-nmlch brlwccn Mitj. J. H. 1 m uot a fond aod foolish boy caused Its rrltffinA, 17- —1Chariea Kemble Fox, actor, ftrrty-twt», McLaughlin, of Detroit, and WalterC. Benjanila. Emperor U» visit this country. To lightly come and go. The find military glory to gather around New York Newark, N. J. John Hughis Bennett, phy­ A Vienna dispatch of the 4th aaya a CiiAKi.KM O ’Cosoh says that one more i A iiian sUlimv, f know ttiy hesrt. Imie In 17 Y.% Benjamin Franklin and then*?* ensign *a* at the British attack 16.—William H. Asplnwall, merchant, New sician, England. of Washington, took place at Detroit on the even­ And will knew her* ete long, two other gentlemen, appointed lo create York •JU —Rev. George C. PorUous, clergyman rourpiracy had lately been discovered at Belgrade ing of tbe 4ih. Over 5.000 person* were present doctor woald have finished him. For. fertes, 1 Will hot depart on Fort Schuyler, on Aug. 2, 1777. Whffn a national flag, met al the camp in Cam­ •>.—Col. Angtjatus F. Allen, member-elect and lecturer. to make karsg*«orgewitch the rrlgnJug Prince of Mcl.sughltu won the match and flf.NO New Y ork AMwrmun liave pentH an I'utll she dog* tay aohg ’ the enemy appffafffd the gairison had no utToaaa. Horvla, and several Important arrests had been flht I'-amed It all, aa y«Mi shall bear. bridge and adopted the King's colors (the color*, but the soldiers at once torfl Up of Congress, Jauieatnwn, N. j. Jom ph Bork, the (lefnulliojf City Trvtu ordinatioc ngalnal Wkld^i tb*g«. No word has she forgot: 2*i. —Charles Fprague, poet, eighty four, 7. —Rev. Thomas Ryder, of Nottinghaiii, made. cm**** of Nt. George and tM. Andfffw), their shirt* for the Strif*** and Star*, w hile England, Baptist clergyman. Col. Thoinaa ut« r of Buffalo, returned to that city on the 5th, 11 all 's Journal cf IfraUh insists that 44 Betto r, my rtearvwt. * ‘t'«t! *ruti< n of lnd»-p« nliii>al economist, Lvov Ames, of Mississippi, call* attention to tbe. ta Hanf!illet, York George Iklmore, actor, forty socu. tbe fundamental law of the fltate so as to bring of hope and courage to the suffering painter, sixty, New York. rjM Philadelphia Onteamal running over a naan. flag, nnd to ** Old Glory” was ttorn on ' company carricu a magnificent banner. soldiers. Bar»»tomi, near FontalnMeau about a better feeling between tbe meet. Th< the 2d of J'anuary, 177ft, just 1UU yesm 17. —ftatouel V Farwell, railroad director. It waa reported in Paris on the 5th that state ffitanre* are reported to be unprecedentedly ; Thk San Francisco Jiul'ftin savs seals one feature ol which was a canton of In January, 178], a daring and brilliant | LO — Rev. Luke A Wisentan, Methodist East Baginaw. Mich. buahhy. areas intelligent an dog* ned Wffjr ^»t«a*ie ago 1 thirteen strij>es, blue and silver. This clergyman, London. Isabella, ex t^ueea of Spain, was faulty ill. * The idea «*1 a “ union tlag," as it w as actionjty Capi. UaUiburne, of the war- 1- —Uharlr* Frederic de flavigny, fverman 21.—tirrl* b Firry, United States benator The iAHiiainoa Stale Demncraltc Con* iff ptrfiffui aa ma«y tricks. may litre •Uigo.Ud to Wublnftoa thr 7 J,k .p id ‘,-So*V nI^7j ’’our «»g'for ihe at.iieam.iii, aixty-two. Frankfort. for Conuecti* ut, llftyr-two, Norwalk, Conn. A Vienna dispatch of the Ml *ay» the I called, harthFMwd«i; or hr m« h.i.r ,|n„. on B f„n\ra l-rtrc. Francis, ex-Duke of M **# llerargovinlaa Insnryeat* had lately suffered a 1 Utketi them from his own coai-of-arms, sloon, with a crew of only fifty men capt- and manufa< turer, oixty-aevrn, Wa»hington. ‘£1- Henry Wilson, Vice President of the dtsosboas defeat ia the vtrtaity o4 Nwlsie and adopted resolutions declaring that the os nr pa mu upctwsions, pa fnrougnout fhc provinces liefore the Hc\o- United Slates, sixty three, Washington. of the Ouvernmeiit of th* fltals of Louisiana Is rade». pomp, puff and powder which Is not likely; or. as soma think, he | iiml rort Nassau In the Island of New H* nolt Fonld, banker, Paris. Dr. Hitrig. Dnga Off) being killed and many wounded lution were chiefly those of England. :tnd may liars tvtpiflu th” East India Com- I biblical and Semitic at hular. 24 -William H .Valor, real-catalc owner, an evil which weighs hdavtl v on th* people off live H ighwat robbers in Oregon give a Providence, snlketi the guns, selred th* ,eighty f»*ur. New York The Pari* Prcoac of the (Ith contains an though ti»er»* were many other devices pany's flag, which it Stiil ha*, probable ' lt» —K< ar-Adrnlral Charles II Ml, United flute and a con*U»it mcoace to the perpetuity of victim back his watch if it ia out of re­ they wort* nearly always coupled with vessels in the nafbof anu ottt to sea again 8 La ten Navy, a«vcnly-*e\cn. New Brunswick. — —Benjamin P. Avery, United (Hates Mm accouat of a terrible land-slide la Isle Reunion representative Institutions: that the Wheeler ad- j Htill others aupp*>seibey wereoopicili. fromi. . —all—. tnlwouayin two days The j.’Hh of Ifovgru later L> ( hina. pair, with money enough to haw It fixed some feature of the British colors. The the Hag of the Netherlands, New Jersey. on Dec. 11. hlxty-two person* were killed and jus:mvat had an reference to the elections of 11 1 1^r- 1788, is a famou^Jate In Ihe sioty tff 21—Jean Baptiste Camflle Corot, painter, •t".—Thomas Heuitt Key, philologist, Lon maav Injured A large number of budding* and 1971 sal was expressly limited to two cwotoeted A BoeTofll merchant says that if every­ old English Hag had been the mi cross of may be, this “Gratia l nion Flag, was nnr fia^. On that day the British evacu­ don. body will let buuii.eff* alone bu^tiit ae w ill St. George on a white field, but in PUsi 1 seventy nine. Franca. 8ir Charles Lyell, plants. ioo * were destroyed. seal* In tbe flute senate and seventeen ta the raised on the camp at < am bridge on the SICIMMK. revive . Now miad vour buaiocMS and King James I. combined with it the w hite ated New York, aud the very flag raided geologist, London. House ; that the memorial of the people of Louie* 2d of January, 1776. The King's opeffch by our army over Uie newly-won city was ‘ifl.—Henry W. Dutton, newspaper pub- L—Pauline Vlrginle Dejaxet, actress, A colossal statue of Grattan was un ­ Ian* pray mg fur relief at tbe hands of ( ougredh cross of Kt. Andrew on a blue field, be* on tlie tfouble will) tlie Colonies had just : lieher, Boston. Paris veiled la frost of the old Parliament House. In preserved in tlie American Museum at 2.—Ira Harris, ex-United blatc* Senator, be again presented to that body ; favoring aapwedy Thk Cincinnati Commercial baa come cauae Eoglaad and boot I and had then Jie- been sent to the camp, so the British in New York until the butiding wa* de Mxacs. Dahlia, oa the atk A large multitude partici­ •J —fJen. Ix>rcnxo Tnoma*. Unlb^d 8tat« # •eventv-thre*, Altrany, 5 Y. return to specie payments A memorial to to the conclmlon that the onl v » tire for mas unito*d in on* Kingiloiu In 1 <07 ji«t*ion thought the net•w flag was raised a- atroyed by fire. 7 —J. Ko«* browne, traveler and antlior, pated lo the eon-mow lee. Congress, protesting against the Knilogg Gev* intern(wrance ia more water and lews the color of this flag waa changed to a token of aubmiaaion. Nothing, how­ Army, aawnty-two, Washington After Uie long _ war had ended,""j auuand , J8 —-JohnJohn Hirnic Phillip. »«uiptor. b»rt\ fifty-eight, Olikiand, Cal. Rev. Hr. batth lit. Hon. Southern Bfiteeovft, Secretary ernmant sad declaring Unit McEnory arff Penn whisky. crimson, and the cro**ea which had be­ ever, was further from the truth. The Payne, Protestant Epi»eopal th rcyman, New are the official heads of t*U Govern moot, ws*a!ao fore filled Uie whole Itanner were now American imicpentleocc was sccuied, the eight. Dmdon. John B Dit kinaon, New of the British Homo Department In lHfiO. died In •* I wtKT yon either to hit me or atop King ’s *p«ek it* present form in 1N0I, wh**n England Sir Arthur Helps, author. Ei, StaG-a Army. A1< at rax Island, Cal. slppi legislature an the tith nominated I. V C. shooting. lifted the folda of the nea banner, which wen* flying in the Thames, in the very 22 —Tin Rev. ]>. Ive*. 1>. II, Baptist paa- Prussian War Office has a marfatae similar to that Lamar for Lrsited State* beaator. the cross of Nt. Patrick wa» added to the a few hours hail made so fhd of meaning glnnd used by Thotnassca. It was offered by a New Ifl Its list df Important event* for the other two. TliF cr«*!*a of NL Ge**rge was fares of the astonished English, even la- I v— Claude Louis Mathieu, astrooouier, t*>r, ae* 1 lily-one. Con wax. Mas*. The banking house of EAslon A Milne, year 1875 the New York Earning Po$t to them. Tha striped Hag also floated for* the treaty of peace had Uen signed, 2-V— Ettrl of Stauhoite, author, %« venty, York man In lAJOIar tbe destruction of tbe French ’he l»anner which h-d the KnglUh advent- over the Virginia Contention which three ninety. France. England. fleet bat declined. Tbe maker was an associate at Fall River. Mass., anspeoded on the Ttb. An- j mentions for July 1st that ft occupied its drera lo Uielr first c< nquest in America, j The honor of thus early displaying our k- K*v. John Wright R«J»erta, Bisliop of weeks before the Declaration, declared national Hag at the gate* of English ror- 2i.—W. li. Whitson, A» mm iatc Justice of of Tbomassen. nouneement was made on th* same day off the j new building. and doubtlessly waved over the Puritans j the Methodbt C'Lur* h, Liberia. the Suprt me Court, Idalio, thirty eight, failure of Philip fltiaer. a New York tea mer* i tlie united Colonies “ free and indt-pend 1 alty is claimed for five different vessels, IA—W illiam J. I law, painter. New York, A Constantinople telegram of the 7 th lr correspondent* do not lie wt»rae than when, on Uiat bleak IVcemlwr day. they < wH suttw." r-* Omnhs. WIIHsm A. Richardson, eg-Uni ted cheat, who bad eighteen tea store* In New York ever Ike early birds already on the look- 4. . . ____- M1 * and it is perha|* linp«maible to Mdtb* the ifl.—Mr William Maynard Uouun, British Slates Senator, (,'aint y, ilk report* that tbe Turk lab Drawl V'taler had re- and Brooklyn. Hla llabtUtu* are nUtod to be knell on the " *tcrn and rock-bound Meanwhile thr.• one. England. icclsd the idea of foreign mediation, and told the out for next fall's Presidential worm are coast" al Plymouth. It reminded them 2b.—The Rev. Henry Bochin, Methodist 91flfl.M1i; assets 9-W «flO carrying tlictrr (l oh<1* nialrnai or Bute> at* flag*.II tgv W4a lhtf« ^ tO.—John Mitchell, Irish patriot and au­ minister, 101 Richmond, fltaten Island Austrian Amtm*e*dor who presented it that the not leas than fifty. of the old country which they still loved John Paul Jones claims that he b4M»ted thor. Ireland Hnhlime Porte was able to give the people of Ike WonJoriy A Co., luntiw-rinen al Grand | A wothkh ii)«u « says the Ttomeer Afndon tees for reform. It wa* reported that Montene ­ 9«V>,0(K) liabilities. city, and in w» remarkable a manner that vW —11. L Mftt isan. theatrieal uating< r, {Cheyenne from the Black Hills. The But the detestation of •* Popery" was so time it wits ever d isplayed hy a regular sixty, London. i>*uni de Jaruae, Frvw li gro had dispatched troops to the frontier, had The Texas IMnernry have nominan-d trip coat him $*JU0: clear lo** |1V7 ^ strong and unmnqnerable among the uian-o'war. Probably ihis "Flag of the story ia well worth remembering It ■ H ekr JisF.nt Fkrobr . parish priest of negotiated a Inna of fl.flMi TOO and bad contracted is re’.ateti in "The Life of Klkanah Wat Ambai-ador, London. Mtt/« nheim, In I/urfr Alsace, h.v* fa en th* following candidate* for flute officers Rich- ' ThR limit*, hibis could give eightg-five Puritans that they abhorred everything America” wa * tlie new striped flag, though I '■&.—John Ilk kmsn. lawyer s»«1 pnliUiian, with an Americas Arm to deliver KVOOO rifle* and ard Coke troveraor: B Hubbard. Ueatenr.nt* dfjl.ipfl to# every man. women and child which n-mlndtol them of It, and many (Viojiffr thinks it waa a pi file-tree flag, w ith son," a distinguished American, that, be sixty five. West Chenier, Pa. coiiderniiorl t<> a month's dtteution in a sixty cannon In March. Governor: O. N Hoherte, t*blef-Ju*tlce; I». 1. ViMctte, the Ida business »wi th«» ground that the d ”mi iix it-ased till, iff H#»>4. Mr. Endicott tore ( ;h||g;i man. It l* probable, however, Amu* tw Join their respective corps at forty-right boar* out |art of the ChM from the tlaif then ;fiat the honor belongs lo Jones. The) I cpi tike background, which wa* to be aide-de-camp of Mnrvlrtl Bigaine who Frank iSooU, a colored man. waa hangt-d are clay, ami so long As the spirit ifl in should la* de •A — Jxme» J. Rooeevelt, ex-Judge, eighty, notice. at Memphis. T»nn.. on the 7th for the mnrdrr. In flying at Salem. Thi* wa* thought by | Admiral ’* Hag at this lime wa* »f thirteen i filial•din- in-as jumid a* ...... ■ N»*w Y**rk. aided In htu csr^w, lias finished the pe­ heaven it matter* not what become*of the riod of imprisontncTit to which he waa Char Ice Bathers, nu Oldham (England! De« ♦•ruber. 1874, of aa old negro who owed him mortal shell. eftef), Bnan tren »n, but at ihe irisl >1 1 *tri!»e». w ith a rattlesnake undulating over twariffg Auiers .» fl. —William von Kaulharb, painter, sixty- bluely cent*. At th* gallows hr made a atari appeared Li vl Kndx tt wa- moved only I t|M.,n Kud the usu d intdio; “ Don" tread »yful owwUie nalBg mio jamring nine, Munich. Mftte&ced, and has laxonit) a wine mer­ rollon spinner, failed rra *He 7th for |!,uu.il) i> A Philadelthiak atlvertise* fi»r a girl speech, at the o •(>« Iasi on «f which be said tbe by a belief that it wa* idolatfOMs to let on me!** Omnia fd«»r* Barney, of the light upon the Stan* and fMripes (lying 11 —G* n. Andrew J. Hamilton, legislator, chant. in order to e-irn a living, a* he haa rord« ware ratting his arms and he woaid who ia a sincere Christian and won't burn the cm**, remain. Two niontha lalcr Ibe from iter gall. Every thing at last waa fin eighty, Anstin, Tex. lircn deprived of t?i» riirht to a pension. THK NKlfl MOULD. th* meat all up. This ia centennial year, Hornet, boivted the fir*t Continental flag Id.- Samuel R. Wells, ptm-nologUt, lifty- rather be hanging. Bill William* (colored! j minuter* of Ipswich met in Ifcvtowi to m*« ever ae'-xi in Maryland He wa* in need ished hut the flag, which the artist was Karl Kroiwiu.iAM has taught strihtth was also hanged at Bartlett, T» ui».. on tbe , and now, if ever, we must look for such a { if It wra* right t*> keep tbe crows in the unwilling to paiul, as the royal family j • ve. New Y'ork. a rather severe taason. The c nine nxmtlia ago al his Ni.w Y dit |*>1 a’s proudly ta the fart | „ubjcU *** refernd u> Uie General C«»urt December, 17fl4.lhe King made hi»sjH*eeh eleht. New Yoik. William Henry Piekcrn- Rntlierbaiu pits, which were then rh*aed. outstanding »1 .flKh.Qfln.too; non-Interest bearing tbe Iwt Al Jackson. Tcun , * ’*> 'on the eaine Ifiiiladelptiia. The C«>mm'slt»re. at sun* lll, painter, Englan*!. John Harper, pub- debt, $ 57. 'MAMS; cash in Treasury. I'ffkllt.TW; day. Milton Mr Lean was kanged for live murder Uiat her Pbllce rv»urt cases for the post M'*nw Idle the mHlTanr officers orders! rise the next morning, hoisted It to tlie rerogflibiflg (he Ini ted fitatea a- a na- | «bhi-r, aeventv-nine, New York. They now w;int to nsnine work on the debt Ires cash in tbs Treasury, fi.l 11,434,1 M; hi of u sian named Pope. year bait up H4.&W, t»r .»ne lo every twelve ,m4u-ai,.’i*a m be laid akule In Decern mu.-lr of «lratns and fifes In front of his Hon; Copley immet!lately, ami befofffdin- ■14 —Rev. VViMiam Sclwjn, author, Fn owner ’* original tenns, bot Ihe E^arl has cream during Osenator. |I.I16.M; 4rcrease A boy who proved to !tc Jnmea HI amh of her population. This is doing *eryj tier. 19 x it wnaiudfffti thHtailthet»»l-recruiting tdlice, and tw fort night his Ing, went to his studio, and with rapid gland * J*»hn Ptiillipa, geologist, seventy deilurtsl ilt.ti the collieries shall not fat since Jane »•. tMM, 9fl.aaa.5S1. ard. off Milford. N. *4., created c<*w»tderahte ex l<-r the «1<*«< "f^^ntu^B ,»r* dtevwul have the K mg'- arm* inatt ad crew were shlppid. toifthra spread the glorious colon* uj**n Vhr'-e, England. reopened during hit life-time. His dtrmrnt at M A!Hum>, Vt.. a few days ago. by , A Bax DOHT man drowned himself the of th« erxmoe*, audUii* new tlag waa raised the canvas. A^wu.n a* the King s word* | 07 —Winwood KcSde, African traieler, En­ Iairdship Is sixty years of age The Ohio legislature met at Colomboi The flrd naval victory under th* strip**# gland. claiming to be the o»t Charley R'*e* It waa -nb- j other da^y because Ms Hik would not lend over ihe fort in Boston !iar!*»r. Hui tin* was won by Capt. Barney, In tbe Lexing ­ wete ajx.kin the American ensign was Thk latest dodge in Iauidou Is the fol ­ oa the YL C. H. Giornmr (Hep.) aas • Irctrd thus receiving homage undef the very eaves HO—Jean Frederic dr WiMiri, traveler, flprrtsr of the Howe; Wm Leonard. Chief »cv|ut uily deiitou*-(rated that he was an moraines ' him Thirty centr. He did right. Wh-na tins ntosl stale of affairs had nutole much ton, who, on the 17 tit ol April, 177 A. artist and centenarian, ll/J, Pan*. lowing: A scamp enters a dwelling house Iter, and he was amt. on tbe 7tn. to M* mother, et wife’s i oefidearff gets ai akr 1 to that de ­ trouble In the fort. While the colony wa* • tptund a British voasel, after a severe of his palace low uni noon, and sran*s Ibe leuiale> by 4Vrk; Wm Brown Sergeant-at Arm*, and th> When liie Mars and Mripes fti>l sailod MAT. •ubordinatea designated by tbe Republics* Milford gree tho husband might afl well peginit. Without color* the castle looked like » de fight, off the Virginia shore*. In the 1. —Heinrich AH*rerht Facharbe, German announcing that Uie main has burst, and — T^frrrft f*rrr Prr»» ~ ** serieil fortress, and. after the new en*ign autumn of ’7ti Uie armed brig Reprisal ’ into the,or diinese port <»f Cantoo the in Jurist, Germany that he is sent hy Uie wafer company Bv rancus la ths hen ate J. C IKmaldsot) .Hep l Tjiey »aid was alerted Chief Clerk, and K. L. Jones • Rrp | (ff^tHBSSIOKAL. A Chicago man g»»t a pair of t ar-inuff*| w»h» adopt'd, Engli-li sailors complained carrying Franklin to the French court. , ^/M*®** 9r?* 4^ Yv,'ilMl: 2.—Jesse R. Burden, political lender and •m*c that all water ia immediately drawu tor a < Tn«4tmus pnwent. and thn.vftWa* af- that the people were traiUvrs aud reUda — a ship Inn) c«mie from the farthest part of physician. seventy-seven, Philadelphia. fnnn the eistems Every available tub, Hergraat at-Arm*. The UenttoFt message Skn atk .—Tlie Benate reaflsembhd on fir^t displayed the Continental colors to George von Kwuld. Orient ’.l*t, aeveaty- show# Up- faudtvd debt to have been, lorded one of the strongest exam plea of ! not flying Xue Ki0^*v eoforw. So, U ing the curious ryes of ihe Luroj-'Vin world; the world with a flag as beautiful a* n pall and utensil is iunmuiintely rttttuisi tie* MS .. Huadry pitltloat and atvaiortala were fi'twer—a compliment to our Hag in thr*e, Germany. Tin tot a a Biddle, Minister on the 16th of November. $7.44^,«Kl it the snmf presented .. Among the hble latrodnred were wifely devotion on record. There wasn't fearful of* displeasing" tiru the“ ‘ *English ,11‘ (#ov*^ while in July of th* same year the brig ti'med, for Uie fallow tells iliein they w ill which all Americans can join. The Ce- , to iBSidiir, Unity-eight. Guayaquil. «»f 9Ufl.Jflb.lH having been redeemed during tbe tbe following: To further provide tor lb* redtaip j a scran left of his wife’s seal skin clonk, i fiftffM. H»e ootauista allowed tlie regu- Andrea lbnia hod fa-cn the first to draw a 5.—Michael Lavy, |»u»4ish4r. Paris. not have a drop of water for thr next year Th- local indebtedness of tha HlaUe for lion of United State* eiao tend* r o<»te« In ar - I —*Sf. //vii flejnjbhcan. [ffiiftwfftl over tlie castle, but salute from a foreign power for Uie new leatiala calleil the vessel Kaw-ker cheunin 9 —Timothy Trim, author. Piria forty-eight hours. While the un-rants are the past year waa |YV.U7.'Ntt1, being aa iacreaer c«ndance with cxistiac laws, to divide the fliaie Tint printers of the Philadelphia In- nowhere- else in the province Dutch vis- fla£. Tbe Dutch Governor in the harbor —Uie flower flag ship. This name at once lo —Ocorfr W. Woodward, of P«nnsvl- busy fulfilling his orders hr pockets even- wver tbe former yewc of 9Mff1.tfli.fll. Tb«- Irre­ of Iowa into two lodtcial dfetiieta; to amend fat nine popular, and America is now unu, lawyer and politician, aixty-fva, the act off Jane 1* iM. r* ivting to a**to*aa| *) noUceil Hist *<»f f^t. Eustatia returned the Doria * -alute, valuable within his reach, aod finally ducible debt of the fltate Is f t.ITT.tofl 91, making nia* ” twenty-seven yean* ag«*. and the the dags contained no crn»era, while the railed Kaw-Vee koh—the flower flag coun Rome, Italy. vanishes, after ordering all tires iu U*e rency and to provide tor the ctoralation sad re and wos reimwet! ffemi office for his in- try. We are told that, in Cluuese, Yanktw i 19 —Gen William Larimer, political lead tbe aggrvgan debt 9afl.ailA,a7t 44. demptton thetooff- to provide for an Itrwitl- poem has lieen kept *4ani»ng WFafnr,. • P‘m» taoe waa a favorite th vice. 1 he fed i dincretl'in. It is said that, after the liouae to tie put out. gattoti off the Rocky Mnontatn locaela. #«r I ( Yonffkce) menus flag of the ocean ;| ami ; er. *ixty-»ix. faaveuwortli, Kan. Ex Gov. CarptMir, of Iswt, haa been i ... Mr. Morton ’s fltate-ftght* roentwUons and and wa* printed in Uiat pais-r from the cfeww of Hi. Hwis kaeffisr. graflualH rapture of New York by the British, an 1 re.-*- l 17 —John C. Breckinridge, ex Vice Presi­ A Paris Torresjwmdent writes: A new tils rwolitka aathorlalng the apfwdatmeot at a original tvi*ea tint u**«l u. 1H48. worked it* way back into favor until, in American privitcer wa* taken whose flag . W ashington {Wv »Kintung\ slunifit s r«s and magnificent ornament in tbe window apTHvtBted to end accepted tbe position of MN>a<] cue aR«r glory at last. Till* Is VefV sin dent off the United Mat s, Ufty-four. l>rxlng t 'MBiptrolfer off tbs Vnlted Htatss Treasury. r«»mmltt»*e m inmiHato tbe ctorviadawt* at- . . . , . . 1707, the union flag created by Jatnea I.. had only twelve stripes, because We had ton, Ky. •1 Samper, on Uie Uu< de Lt Paix, late tending the rereat *|ortk»a In Mtmi«*ii»pi were hkh k has U-cn a sad lo — of lift* aod was orvlered hy Parliament for gulor and pleasing The ship Franklin, jeweler to the Queen of Sjiatn. attrac ts a laid «rver. tlie (alter aatll the iWh ... Adjotwaud. lost a province. ■A*. —.lease T>. Bright. ex-Unlled State* flen On the 3d IHflt Atty Britton, of Brook I propkfftv la tbe .ng husmea* ■ genera!„.Dt.rmi UBtu»* . in all the fobmlea. When the Declaration of Independenre of Hnlein, whose l»>g fa**»k is preaeryrd In •tor, rivty-three, BalMtoor®. Rev. Frwln crowd at all hours of the day. ll is a lya. ratsred a pros, ia the cases of Iyjader II**rwR. — Mr. Hewtu was rehered from UlnoetakT, Mass , the past vear—Ifl rr%. Thene high handed dealings witlt the the Essex Institute of tliitt city, *aa the, )|<*u»c. Journalist and Methodist ciergy taau diadem, the final fonacd of a peans k’a set* ami 1YJ luen, agtiiusl lft vessel* was proclaimed from the Mate-House al awd Frlra. indicted f«» j perjury ta connection with 1 service «>n thr Committee oa Public Building*. »t soil flag tell ns how early the American colo ­ Philadelphia the king'* arms were taken first to show liiis national flag in J*i»o fift v one, Cincinnati...... , I liciid, ntM-k and a mgs in diamond*, while tbe Beecher-Til ton scaadal. tbe ground of the ! hie own rrqaeet. and placed oa the C'oa»a»ltler on flfl live* in 1^74. anti 31 vt-ssels ami 174 waters. July, 17W. In 17W» DU the 21.—ff'harle* II l*m nists began to show that spirit of inde ­ dow n and burned bo the last semblance Utica motion bsfng that the aSdavlts of thane parsons Foreign Kelnttene, Mr toy exchanging ...Hill* men in 1KI3, which latter rvoml whs un- pendence wUi» h finally made them a sep­ nj»e* fa-lnnd. The eye* of the tail feath­ were not mad* to bn used ta court, but simply to of aileaiaut e trrrr tntnxfeird —to return to tbe prnrtun pri*< aficxttH. 1 ; '0 •- arate nation. Aa the exciting time* drew anti of courac ers art* composed of immense diam<*nds, affect public optatou hst the names of those stricken therefrom fpr Thk right of the Legislature t<» enud dlstoraJty ; to Insure tbe rucre^s of the Interna near the grow ing spirit was again man - long remain tlie stalk and fl laments bring in small M. JM (“Brick* ’) I'rnncmy haa re- ttona? Kxhlbftlon ; lo pay soldier* and salk»r* who laws for the olmcrvanrc off the SaMwtlh■ ...-nut uestouit' -'itnJ in Iheme samem way. The leu year* sign* of vark>i stoneH. From the !*eak there hangs an morsd bis Asmsrrof from New York to Chtaagu are entitled to bounty land* a dollar per acre for ha* fawn affirmevl bv the Court of Co pet off ing the outbreakon ol ihe lievolulion in use during immense j»e*r-shaped jHarl. Tfa- head *acb lands .. A rrnolutfoa was oflfered Instruct- | nion Ph’M at New \ rk In the easelof *4 variety »if dt vktoa and ami neck are to come just over the bn»w Tbe Aral number from tbe latter city was Issued lag tbe Committee oa Naval Adair* to Inguirr period, while Hit "Grand l nion Flag ««,- - —- - ■ _ . 1.— Bellamy oa tbs 1st. wheiher Gorcrnmeut fond* Wpproortated for Neuendorff, whose rtunJay night conce>nccna m«dioes on tne fl«ag*. all tpmktng of Urn Uh* official banner. .hanged our flag* ntUrtn stars and fifteen of the wearer, while the glittering w ings al the Terrace Garden had fa*en stopped Cincinnati. IlAfTipoo Ludington, the Hepublicaa naval parpnee* bad been misapplied for ftwlings w hich were moving tne popular On U»e 14 heart They formetl tuml* called S»ti* of Totnl that tbr Ainrrk »n fl»R .h.»uW be 1 hi. «.! w». »fter l. n* <*U u«ion but MHuewhat barfmric, ornament ia in ­ (•wveraor elect of Wtsroasiu. was formally in re#* off the Republican party dr any political 1 wi Mv <» 6.—Coast Uharle# de Remuaat, French suguratsd at Madison oa tbe *d pa ly. and adopted ...RevotaHon# were adopted | V y And, ” said d dymr gmear to his Liberty, and liberty poles were raised “thirteen stri|ws, alternate re«l and white, j ®,n 7 memfalffi thinking the flag should statesman, aercntf-etgbt, France. tended for a wealthy Huseian Prince**. declaring that. otb*r thing* being equal soldier* pfedotble successor to the business, “ never lhrx>ug)u>ut the Colonies. Many of the that the union l»e thirteen star*, white in a *1**}'* remain ta , l* *,*** r<^ V* 1' 9._Julios jvhutorth. music publisher, Ax almoat incredulous case of reckless Tbe I/Ottisiana I>cgis|ii«ure met on tlie -houid bav« orefrreaee la the bevurwgi ■ off put*- j put sand in your sugar. Cherish a repn- { flags showed Ihe old loyalty while de- blue field, representing a new constella- * as }*** ’ borne liy tk^flbic •eventy-oae, I-eii»*lc. ness wm investigated at Barnley, in En lie office, and favoring tttoral provlvtoas for dls- ! II _4n*«-pti Winlock, aatronomer. Cain- fld. everything panning off quietly. Tbe message Ution fur fair and impartial dealings w ith ’ m and ing their rights, and bore tick mot ­ lion." Here, F ut la»t, * ac have our Star*- ‘ “ 7)ld Ironsittai M and by all our veaaels gland, the other day. In one of tbe IK*I of tbs Dovsraor shows tbs bonded and floating eased aod crippl'd soldiers aud fbrtr depveid during ilic wmnd war withiih England. bridge, Ma«» eats; that ia the 4i# tel ha tow al yahlte rffirtn yonr lfll!ow*mcn, and use terra aU>a In­ toes aa "To Ills Most Gracious Majesty and Striper . but this, aa we shall see, was 14 —Bsmurl 0 Drake, author, seventv worth A Nkilalone Company's mines a debt of tbe fltate o« tbe 1st to have been fllfl. age tbe Jefferoonias lost only ebon Id be rgpsld stead | it *• quite as heavy, and don ’t grit George III., Mr. Pitt and Liberty/' During tbr sitting of the French Con- •red ; laatmruag the i ommiltr. on Public ffctltd onlv the official adoption a flag that frrrn, Bo*t<*n. Frederick Walker, painter, »certain por** 4* 1 °f tae workings w as •ai.M5.fh- a reduction off since tbe on tlifltaeftG’C I V! tittorga Bax and the LiDcrtiea of A mer veution at Paria ou the IlLltof August. .officially pronounced ’* dangerous,” and commsaenmeat of Kellogg* admiaistxation ine* to Inquire into the chargee off mismanage I 'alu.a. h ft_1,1... had already been in Use for nearly a year thirtv, London. meat end weed In (be construction off the Chi- > Thk anmltoff 0#tlcgrem conferred in tha J* ta*." OtbeNv,. h«Rff«f4ff, Mere bolder, The origin of Uie star* in eur banner is as 171M, the Min offer Plenipotentiary from 4yi.'—The Rev. Dallas Love, D. D., Method- f the will ten were warned not to go into it. Tbe dent off Now Orleans lo cago Cw#torn-Monte .. Adjourned. United Stafas last Tear ptttclaims ua the Iwing onlv " iJU^rty." or " Liberty obacure as that of the atripee. Some the Uniluxi Stale* was led into the hall 1st divine. Nevertheless, two of tbe men who hnd 24 -John DeCamp. Rear Admiral United Gov. Own ta hi* ms as age to the Ken. Hrpat *—O n the (kh the Committee moat frarfaffr and woffiderfhlly educated m TOepentt," of " Liberty and Ueioo/* think they were taken, aa was said of the and received the fraternal him aud em heard the warning went into the plat e tvefcy Lvgtalatars oa the M places the amount people fn the work! There were a,-fl*N> I»* Jhdfitoiy, 1775, the aleda which brought ftripea, from Washington** ruat-of arm*, brace, amid great enthusiasm, aod on the State* Naw, Burlington, N. J. carrying open lights, and one of them ©a Prlvtiofrct sad Elections reported oa the rw. 1 Joih of heptember the new American ban i ‘2ft —Mortimer Thomson, author, forty five, off tbe flute debt at fia,4St inff latlea to regard to tbe election at Preside at pro degree* lit coarse; 441 honorary . 899 ag- wood u> t arried small union flags; which, curiously enough, contain both Rochester, N5 Y. ! actually applied hia candle to a " bore riculture; flflB. female and «B0 divinity — i cv«jrywhere a vague desire for liberty nci waa presented to the Aasemblv l»y hole’ and ignited Ihe g.ta which was issu­ Discovery waa made an the 1st that ton. that tbe flenate had ibe right to elect a j stars and stripes. But if Uiia were •<> 2*. — Antoine Ixiuls Baryt, sculptor, 840* degrees in all. flileri men's hearts and apokr from the Washington would probably have re­ Capt. Barney ia behalf nt Ihe United f ing front It. No aencnis harm was done, Mac off tbe prisoner* la tbe Ohio FvntSrtrtiary new pro (era President tf Hehstor* so desired,.. J Fraacr. A large number off Mile were introduced aod re ' foKIs of their banners. ferred to it in some wav, which he seems Slates. This standard waa hung in the •2U —Ex Emperor Ferdinand, of Austria, | but the ai t waa properly aUgmati/td by laid lately be«*a encagad la tbe maaqfactare * m .nt .»» « - .1 tu., - - JjN tala* ’ fraud in fte^rgia ft a man i ferred .. Mr ^ ^ ^ never k> have done. Uthera think that it legislative hall, and afletward borne In ' eighty, Ft ague. tha owners of th»*. colli- ry aa cue of thr rooftterfrit Iwesat ptorsa Tb# ao-tal need was provifi# for thr refictii pf ton »*f l^gal tatKler ar>tse . , 'ftaert- I 4 During the first month* of Uie w*ar each Ktatr had ils own flag. Tbe banner of waa intended to represent the eonstella- the procession at the great funeral «»l irtr. groa*eat possible rex»ic**ne**. Tlie Mag ­ that sever a rsd far plaHag bamees ta the baraeea stiff* sfftrr^ sa adffr*** ntK- aotas -feagtfi - aovrt tv ' ing hla w»^-and child rrtfi aftiorrg torang fi. —George Brow*, oarsman, thlrty-eix, 1 rrVrtftts is tM Cusim IUh n Ftoaare. wlkk Connecticut contained the arms of lha tioo '’Lyra," which contains just thir­ Boiiaacaa. when high honors were rliown j istrate thought that a penalty of forty shops of tha twetttattow ♦*ra The latter usually give them money Halifax, .V»- afi*r severs! speeefies. waa fiaaflv r«ta*e«ieff to and aeedsd article*, after receiving which ! State aod ihe motto in golden letters: teen aura, and la thesymbol of harmony tw the American* Tn Paris. Tha fifteen I —Pro#. U-wkrwoa. political erooomist, Lon ­ shilling* and oostn would be sufficient, The mmored difference of oplnkm be- .... Tto report off tto fMrrrtnr off ito Mint, rrr *tars and the fifteen stripes woo our victo- otnm-nfflnx Indianapolis anff flt Loefe *s stola the family join* the htislrand. and they (Jui tran*tHi( evttinrl fffoj, who trana- and unity This, however, cannot be. sis don. aod iuipanl it accordingly. l war a tbe Prvwkieat and tbe flerretary off flute tw Ma sites for SraarS mints at llto Wr#t. was are repeat the game in s*mc other place l«»rtrtl ua hither, will support ua." The Congress expressly aajs, ** representing a lire 00 tlie lakes, al New Or lean*, at 9.— Francis F Blair Jr;, Union army offi A m arrird w oman name«l Hoy on has •vMfltoe to fakaa affair* was* aatbofilativety •eateff.... Aff jowraoff . ifffftnof Mffiffffrhaeette Was "An A|>fteal new constellation " Ih»ubllcas the stars Tri|»oll and floated from ihe uftk during cer anffe* United States Senator A rouxn laiftro# Kaiiart, Yl„ w* lik­ fa*« n condemned to death at Uielff>t As dented by a Wsebtagtoa dflpatrb off tbe 14th. to lleavftn." Her flag waa white, bear­ were cboafln becatiae they were of all de ­ her famous fight in the harbor ol \aipa 11 - t-horW* kuuliU MaaoO, •« tor. almut site*, Fraiict . for murdering her seven Tbe eatlrc ( aMast was a enlt ae to tbe 14ox sb.- Among the rffiolfifiafif intro ing the idea of her father a a|>endtng all seventy fire, Brmfflhfi Rriftism Whltlra k, j Vrtlmari'VlalisSxraPw'ra^Kiolr ing the motto and a green pine tree, vices the moat appropriate to express*!** raiao In 171G our ensign aaa displayed r. tired mrrrtota, eighty five, New York. I •wtiti"* 1 A"* 1 grand-daughter by poshing to to parsaed relative to Ito Cahaa q 4wrt la tha Hows was ou« ffsciortag afalooi * hi* own and her money for drink, ttal amid the burning city off rttnyrna m t tori tor coatraattoa afftto carrwwy.wtocS was re South Carolina had an ensign of blue, truth and character off the new Republic. Guillatime Ifanri Dufour, army olfa-cr. fiHfijw »nt« thmr bodire. Bha h^l tea i.n hands and frat ingriftrt villi a fa*d with a white crescent, made by order of Thr stare on our banner are five-pointed, Orient; aod Hi 1MR) the Amencan frigaate The New York Legislature organised ferreff u» tto CVrauattvow aw Way# suff Mesas,... cord. and. having flfatsidenifde mtisrle, righty right, Bwttxertand. clnidfe n, seven of whom died under CM. MnuUrte. It waa the flag which, while those on our <«ria* have eii ptdnia. Geor gs Washington waked (onatantin no 15 Malnucl Priestly Taylor, organist, twelve month* old, but it was not uo til the ow tbe 4rh to electing fteaaior Rotoeuoa Free* A malaUoa was tSssto to* um snffatatatoM at transported him info an upper chamber, salute, to view tie deat aff tbe ala and Asrerabtymaa Ifwaied • totoit coranltias 10 U^yUsa lato'tbs Mask sa Uiree years later, called hulh the heroism This is because the denignefa xpsfftoar * oi use alas ito Black 11 ita aoffw to Turks were told that Uie frigate t ame Johe Franklin, aeveaiy-dvo, Englaad. ^ ...... •nils». ilsnrant mans t»y (BrctoMe fmfti » me,It at Fort flu Hi van by the Britiah fleet. coins the English. ru»totn. ) !<»r this last crime was that the child The MlnneaoU Legislature wm organ A A iff aa RAT worked a h«de through the 1 under Hir PHer Parker, the crearent flag from the coontnr discovered by (ValamUua 2d.—Mr Fraiuia Bond Head author, eighfr swfaRB'NfM ItoTpCfUirt Atoato-vTin was• of dam of A. II Farrar’s Merrimack flab It haa never been discovered who da- two, England. Sir Chartre Loroeke, |4iyai- might die before its father, who was In a lead oa rto 4th by tbe * lor Won off MorwHilcan fowlf- raff hy Mr Mflato. rxrs^ta*Twmss iDavis j waa shot away and fell outside the fort, signed our union of stars. They seem to they tart aboard a bunch of mtwerii and a from IuIts prtrvlrioaaprt>vlslr>na andsad prvsrrilpresent taelas ito forfoi poods al Naahua. N. 14., recently, and elaw, Loadow. desperate nwidition, and that ahe might eftears ff'bartow W Johnson totog rr-Hoe«ed form off • hergt Jasper sprang over tbe parapet. have arisen aa mysteriously out of the lamp—the one meaning welcome and the thus secure part of his property, to the fleerrtary af tbe Aaaau and W. R. R*ey«a tbr • atk to to take* by too*# dramas the ta the flab in mar poods, covering sixteen I walked the whole length of tbe fort in the other friendship 29 — George H. Mumfford, telegraph man al «f ttott poflllral enilylftt tie had twilight as do tha star* of evening. It is ffgar, thlrtv^flve, England Athanaac J«»*iie prrjodice «»f her daughter »o4aw, whom bps star a# tha Nwm M •rm* wtrr F^Y gaoerwlly lost lie hod midst of a terrible fitonu of shot and shell, claimed that Mrs. Boas was the partial In 1814 Conrreaa voted to make a col ­ Loquerer, evaiigelkt-al minister, ftfty-flva. she df*t»wfferi . When asked how she came (hat ta 0«ir *P enf n»eye«r» in breeding aod preparing recovered the flag, and, in sight of tha lection of the Oaaa whkh had been rafrt FraMRl A wooden box containing shot he* been grass rm—. tor market, and the pecuniary lima is c<%- designer and tbe tint maker of the Star* to think of sticking Readies iu her t hil- rtly distarh tto tratermaJ fee lias SMl g**eff will whole fleet, planted it again on the ram- sad Stripes This lady was an upholsterer tired by our artatea and fleete. ami they 28 —Isaac Merritt Bingcr. Inventor,Invi sixty ; dren ’a fa sties ahe aaid that al the public flawed In • Pew Tarn wsrahseai aWlembie parts At tbe battle of Lexington the four,mr, England. Vlcointe de Menu t-Vasay, brrnght rm la the auamer Calttr hy sow rxtsftog to aft pso* off fn** riioMta, aor waa In i*biladelphia, and la June. 1776, a are now preserved ta the Flag Room al house ahe kept Uie re wa- ooe day a con uraly re«1v* the Bum SMmelar vff tto Mart MrRporM M a sow divides her set Americans probably carried no flag, and it committee off Congress, with Gen. Wash Washington and ta the Gunnery Hoot* fa VIuth<»r, |-^| • > f fifty nine. Fran- c. tbe dynamite flood, tost O tober. and wbkb to Aajssrsrt to tto MRh 27. —The Kl Rev. C. Thlrlwall. historian, veraalion on tafaoiieide, anti It wa* aaid Into three classes tto giddy butterfitaa. rt dowlgful if they had any at Hanker Hill. ingtna, called upon her and engaged her al Aonapolls; but the collection la very that babies did aoi suffer alien murdered had aedoaeorad to laiaw to Liverpool os the the fa lay been aod the wottiao ’s riglihrs seventy eight, England ('Hta fturteteli, Uok rrpr—vatotloa that ft routstnod 9m hi fe gold Bib a tb —Oh the 7th a memorial waa m mmne poetry of that time speaks of the ta make a new flag from a rough drawing Incomplete, aa for many year* no care tart a a pastor, forty-eight. Byracwae. 3ff 1. id that way. ^ ^ >to M Th# first are pretty sad silly, thr son **1 wring streamers.' ami it is also said which they had brought with them. Mrs had been taken to gather aod preserve 111.—lies Georg* E. n«k* U,ea-Cvnffederata aaprayflattwa plain aad Otonil fhd third mannish anffi«rr. fifty, Norfolk. Va. The hosiery mill at Ashland, N II, Tbe two remaining libel auitn of Henry tto Few wad Wracaastc odious. 3TheThe first wearwRar long, trailing the words_____ ‘ CV>me____ _ If yaw______dus_ ___Bat sign, especially that the atari should be many ef them ft oat ovefl nam.> Bl’-Benfnmfn Banaan, alxty-ekght. Jour waa sold by auction, recently, for 10 per C. Mnvrea ag* 1*** the Mraahlya JTaffe have bve* press*tod flow the Arkansas staeiatavaask ng 4 *■<1 stnile as you while wait/ing. ] Use accounts of tha battle, published at the flvffpotated instead of six-potato! . aod It D not necessary fbr ua ra enumerate cant of its coat . withdraw»- the defeadmat acreotag to pay. with «ett at W'bifC Ive y< ta ra^.ra SI f /yfF f tgra M4 wear aptw and give you ap Uiwe. do not mauCoa any Amaru on flag. Gm Waahingma himself drew the new all the victories the flag has won. and the -nmtosat manl> i»reroge(ivea. your drv^-coet, your show any waa appointeil flag maker to the Govern tang period of ow hiatonr, for they are lover like a deadly weapon ? Bet »uh ' nhe IBOfley* ami your rota. 1 (\\ Alexander Hamilton. Uwyer, Tb# cotaoct of the lr»hffd Btatae osn- aatti tto iffth Ifl the fell of 1775 Congress appointed a went and was fnenaaded by aremiva, kaowa to every reader. It ft never Idle. Vy, Maw Turk. is a cutlass. MT916I •*•*•* - L t •TATM ITMB. • •fair TraNMOlM*. BUS1NE8M CARDS )HUH1TI. O M BI N M.*u «f U tebitf-u Urf IT ude Ik* lb# rM*4*n* irnotmt fftnbst* Ac 1 i’lld *«»r.,•• *ll 11 M The following are the transaction* in ■ COMMERCIAL. i|trv *4 dfirtt R'l1 IS.A |. U lild »b Pr*>4»(r Oeen ter thu eeu"«jr »l CUetue. b.^d* e M• t> M U1 lo To •or. It. d^* r* A Co , t* I •! mi 1 hr 0tTir, , ip ihv vlilkfr of *1 ■ Job**, fke Jlxdeprxdtnt c-tate a* *p|H ‘Mr u |hui the record* IT. J OH Isa MA1KU OR. CEO. I. BLISS, BE SURE In tit* • lire of iU Ibpkur nt !>»«• ■ |or Cileio* Since the new Mix law weul Into ef­ imt'il'i I'lllO I III .ILIAN. i>A., .. on TtM)*4a> . Ik* d«f IV'teb r, l« tl»* ..rtii.ij MkJkif-n. •« »a* »»ip« 4*1 ot Km . ,V |t. U» the Jiegt-ter's oflh-c, for One w *-« k 11 jr«r ,ut itUenti 4fl t lmft}r'|4 end m.«.« fect the liquor dealers aod hr«w r* ol priae* foe ran tor • fr*timn M»-t, ¥ * *«r. fti.. K. All pi..fr*et'»u*l ANI» ic*. ta libef as ol Vatpyk w yam 4< I l-a a o.»(M pr»••»»(.Up »u« i«»I le, i,ivb> mi U) «ft| D V? ______, ... , .,. o wa u*oi uoes ia<-re i« 4 le W «!•* * * * THURSDAY, JANUARY IS, 1074. < ■ rand Kaphla have paid $34»T(W. coding January 1 ltl» t MafD dag **.* I'itie • ; t*4* «•< in > «b» •fteediee • • #■♦ • J. D. Norik ami 0. H. lewis, ofl Deo, PaMnioiw to Jamas Strong, w i Leah • per I t*» Mh*B) 441*4 u<»bl)k*. *.,«»* t"»«till »- ... *, !of«e h, aw ff. Bengal, with certain! MnrtVlt per lb...Ac!< I Bake no Mistake. pdSItit), 6aif *t r.S.4,«t Km t... in utsOHlp* «aUI t® ** >buuid_* *j |» Jackson, hue. I been- appointed__!__, .... »urge«»iiA . reaarvatlous, |tV). Duller |Mr f Ik...... *» A. T CROSS, >etmtrli of end «^de«e, T*e»yl».* for1 ttamia J art Mb that abe m«) W lirenat I| ti# e< It teal rerdlftg* kr leboe »u »o*4t eol-tefiie»*S , - -s fkrlthe Michigan (antral Hailnaid at Amee S. Pel Huger to Michael Spits ttoriey par igg tha...... TTOKRKV AT UW *ed M^kq 1‘eMlr. i,*i #aii of | r•/«•«•« dit •1*1* North .|>lv Ax'iu, i«« door* flwto J . II.—Mr. Smith Ptrki of this Cur* psr V* e •« fb'Mi' f <»l if ilk n I, liaplde. ftii«i<. 447 day . ( r«&ruor>,tin ISIS, el Purl.# A it. lb. I re #../-■ a rared by e*td - LLm-i Ou the night of the tab Inst., the saw ll. I Stewart to Albert Wats**B, ■ e be aaelgaed for the bearing ♦»! aaid |»e tile- h. aud al »ut I. WaJITthd bfv.Mi d towhshlp hi* the “bo*«” hen of the w *4 of a w see 17. Hath, Ctd«ip*tft*i ...... 1* a IS aud shingle mill of Tony Parker, atrout cor. of Carrot*pe* be ...... tm %*t MU that tbe beira at Uw of 4»<*tae«a, and all otbef , h ,t ,o# fMift Mot county, it least until her superior Is $0 IlnsMrJ huge.*...... L A. LA WRASON, M. •I per none iatereeted la aaid eatate, are required lo HiRkr l» l.rft l>| |i « ‘ ' ,)(M , S iS <4* 1 WU >1 V*l( IAN A M» Mt’ttUKUN llflit on aoi>ear at a aeeei<>e «>l aaid ( oti.tb.al, br ...... •« J«BBW«ry , 4?r« heard from. She has laid 96 ***** In as nine miles northwest of Laprsr, was F.ptoti Rice to Alticrt and ( ha*. MII- UrrMitlehit II* * 4 s appea la tbe af'rra.xHi, al lb W u-*t —<* r or n» Dr»*eod turkey* psr lb , » A is ftl*i# Scrorf, ftotrier, MUh. ua if d««t al lft* Probait- tl»« \1liU4t of Mi^lobn* totally destroyed by Are, with the con ­ ler, c »,t Ofof s* e ‘»4 , sec 13, Dallas, mi ti­ IN* tlait take, If aa» llierr U. %*|, j lb* |>U) « r of Ibart tor L'llktot iwiatf, HUfcigkk, ta It • many days, each c** wc!*h!u* 3'* Kgg* poyes i...... ■ I* <4 vs tillage >4 dt.dobea, re aul'l «••«•). ifcm alii 9 tent*. 1/0**, $15,000; no Insurance. Je«*t to mortgage. $1,2>ni . l(*IU* 136 IS* ■ART P. HATERS, ■ I (he pe< It loan aboeld not be greeted' A ad ilia Per* I ounces, and measuring 7 Inc he* by 5)^. ibar Ordered, that notice be iitrklo tbe pereont 1 eo .l at public teudae, lo ll#e bigOeet btdlrt, lb* EdwardI II. Hewiu lu Jan. C’ortlight, cM»ottill VMC IAN, at. JotiHa, Ilit'b. Ait tkilt I LUeliri deectlbed ia Nil eoMtgaae *• folk, a * If any one has a hen that ran heat this On Wednesday morning of last week II e 14, MS- 28, DeWItt, $W. |D»r«rl»a...... - . • <* Rid* prompt If attended te, a t«h t and dap. 41t> I L. HALL &Ci’s mteiaetad iereid eeinia, of tbe pri»4rn«-j *>i mi( elf. The fkrmth aeeeaty-dee ft*» lee arrea, or 'b« 11 e of >H.ln ... Frmt.kllu Wrftor. . *! ^V-.T.' IL*.UU ' /.'! .PS u prUtluk and lbe bearing thereof, b> rauatbg a rb.ulb Leif of Mouil. i ae* Ir pearler of Meetioi, N <> a Are broke oat la the house of Charles James Out id hi At to btv cop> of ibta order le be pablabed le the CIlMtr.n one let her tackle. llooey perl A. H a 11. a uinrt.ee., In uoteablp S«e. North ol Rawgr P.u« Barton, on Booth Bridge street. Grand of see 22, Bengal, $3,100. I !«•)»• per 11*...... IU S. HILL, B. A., ■. B Iedooetidetti, a newrpaper printed and ein alalrd Wheat Is lookiu* well In this vicinity. 136 (Graduate uf Torueie Ueleerei«>, Ceeada.l la said roealy of t'llutoa, for ftmi ewrreeetee W «al. le I'detaa aoeniy, Mlcblgae -»!/•««d >« ' Franklin Weller to Martin Weller, s lliekoryueuper We.. i mu 3 w# 1 raitet fl, A P |*7J. Ledge, which was entirely consumed. I/ard prr I H...... lft |kTMCUIIIBNri4l«t|. < Utter. CliaUtbAvo* weeba, (.reeioua to aatd ofheant>e- The folio* in* Is a reminiscence of the \ of s e U, see 22. Bengal, $I,M». is JOKL It CR tXStiJf, Jadge of rro*atr TAYI/OM. kOMlKMM A CO.. Mortgage.# Loss about Aftecn huudrod dollars. |Jt« hogt prr luttlhe I eft 4 <41 1. «ur,o»«r H .4 W’uodrefl a, Ml. Jobs*. Um-M. WkiBkineea a Veekva, Any # !•* Mati|»r««* past when a bounty was paid for kill* Marvin P. Losey to Horace B. Knee- Oat# p*r bu...... , <7 Atreeeopy). 447 So Insured in the Lansing State for one Onion*per We...... Ml Boots & In* wolves. The scrap of paper upon land, e (4 tif s w sec 1, Bengal, R. STRICKLAND, PIBTITiaV •«!.». Pella...... »0 A I uU ■ JUONITI. IIHDI.H. Mnite «*Y Mu*.- /^HjiBrauiT thousand dollars. W. W. Babcock was $3,800 | A W and Chki»«i> kudiOH. I'killruiai al* I (it #"UDt)u( C'lintoe.ea. Al a inilknol I i hi ate of Nk higae . Conaty of CMntoe m I h* which this a didst it appears was hand* Pot itlon ...... t* tk MU lonliita glvea to Ibe riamUailwt,aad aellio* Lights .ludKtal Circuit—In Chaoctry. X4wauW#t severely injured while trying to save Philander Miller to t lirDtlan W il- Tallow p*r lb.... • (d » L ike Probate dViurifor the county of (Mietoe.bol* 1 ed to me by Mr. Smith Parks, and read delich, e of n w *4, see 24, Olive, I Ten.ip#par *••••• au or eft meeiot dlt|>ulr4L|lltilu lUal Ktlklt. Coevej* dee el the Probet* Ofllre. te Ine Tillage of Ml f rtety, Complelnaat. t». L*vt Kni#d, Kill.. the barn adjolulng from being con ­ aiulee doer «llb dM|>alrh. Agrel for eltkkd Shoes. Jobee.ee Prbtev, tb* 31*1 dev of !>#«-• ratwr, le WMrr,OR Z My, slti'k A Mery and llurtri as follows: “Personally came Davis w ifh certain reservations, $2.£J0. I F* ,hu i fte d I W p ere bar r of laud. oArr a l leaidreer I. K. Corea r N Mery, pefendants. N#-t.ce #• tierehy gi«ri „ ...... , ^ j Wood.19 to Jamah#* per enid ...... I (>♦' (a i m tbe yeai rtr Iboeaend eight enedredend •#*• | sumed. Horace D. W riling to J. II. I edew a j * y,r;r h* Oouil ItvkBi M<|eat*,*l Johiia. Mieh. S7S eetvSee that b) virtue of a den»etal old# I u»ad# in ihl* Parks, before me. Smith Parks, Jr., a e» 6* A I 'pu k Htsr is t 11 a « itt. r 1 I *»t WILLIAM Rwarr, tie BIB On reedtng aud oounty of Clinton, State of Michi*au, John Liittiug to J. II. Pedewa and I limg tbe petti loe, duly tetiAed, of Maiy Hwret, i the higlo-et bidder, *1 the W est front doer ##f tb. X ABB OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE Cilnt# a county court hooae, in (be tIUMf '*4 M ami presented the head of a fuli-*rown and is very highly *|»okrn of. Mlchae) Spitzlcv. w U of w of n o l4, Knell Prlree Ma) be proeerod of l>ic it K. i OMiJlN fur aa ! ()«erdlen of aeid MitM*r», prating lor rraen.r thru*. ! le set h»rtb that »he tna) *•# llema-d !«• e* tl r pvt kill ...... I tft (A 4 OU liltlrmukq ai «I ak) «IUn id Uirhlgaii. Huid'a February* 1 Nlti* at owe uV.o# k in the aft* r Ploerp* » bbl...... S (41 ;«* »4R» Uuildlnif ,ai ,l«i|«i>a 334 tj A NP < tele be tanging to hereaid Wards died at her residence in the town*hlp J. II. Fedewa and Ml« hael Splt/ley Thereupon It la OrJered, The! Moih I/) the 7tb lam, ihe premises ee#rrll-‘d t# mM deeree in the Commissioners of lli*hways, and , . C*ra mt*el per isslb*.... . t 9 1 oo day of February, 1*76, el 9 o ’clork in the fiirrimoii «ldrau*e. r)4 A piece of land I oo tided na h*( of Portland, Ionia county, on Huuday, to John Lotting, e «f H W lj, SCC 9, ; fitter liter per ba ...... 4ft A STOUT I be assigned for the bearing nf aaid prlitron aud low • ' mm turn ring al a *t#*ke In* ire t«^l« i. »l #*f aAer being duly sworn, deposeth and Dallas, $3,700. I W’*t#vlln»« perSWt ...... i no the cjoaffer p«er loe. 11 <»• *t*ll Iti lljith nio**b , auiiih d«Mir, td S«»or. | other persons Interested le raid «etalr, ere lwentytw#s l» T«wa»klf e«gb', writ of u*»ig* Corunnamul pvrtou., 4 *0 0 (M V Wt Will Not it Uidemld. i,o wot, ig the Rials of Mi- hig**. an*! running of that township upwards of thirty 30 acres of e of n w I4, see 28, Olive, required to appear at a aeaaf on of said Court ,1 hen the county of Clinton, town of Dallas Htnekeil Hum* lft mi BAYUS A COOK, • to he holdrn at the Probate Oltti e, 1 n the village t|*enee Kaet twenty rod*, tbetiee M«#eth taet.-) years. with certain reservations, $700. “ MhouMma H6 of Ht. Johaa.end aboweaeee Ifany there he.why , ro#t«, t bewee Weet larmt rode, llreure Nunn and State of Michigan, on the second Pried tierf...... <« A 1« I 'Mi.N Kl t* and Cttnnrrllura al l.«« aed Iwrnty tods to It*# piac-r or heginolng, rontainii w James F. Andrus toCalil Silvers, 11 tV*duilnlor* In Cbatterrp,•». Joliea, M irhlgaii, | tb«* prayer ef the petitioner ehoiild not •» gt anted two a ml ..ne half an#* «l land tufcether • ith Ibe day of April, 1846. —Dallas April 9, A. The Inmate* of the State Prison on w of n e sec 24 Graenhuah, sub­ | And It la FartherOrdere II#, Cireutl Cuutl l'i>amnea|oiirr. U3# |o the personalntareelrd In eaid eatat*, of the mill thereon and apt-urtenai^ee thereto appetun t>. 1646. Davis Parks . New Year** day presented Mrs. D’Ar- ject to mortgage, $^ksi. peadeney of eaid pMltlae, and the bearing thereof 1 tug. Hold Mle la to he i»*«le entyret to the right L. A FASOUELLE, M D , CALL AND C OS •ml Inlerral #*f aaid Ireft-odant , »»*l B. 8#vy, In on# Sworn and subscribe*! before me and cambal, of Kalamazoo, a hand*ome Levi Ramlnll to Warren l>ra|MT. * | hy r a net ng a ropr of this i*vdev lo he puMlelted ta undivided half of aaid f.remtaea andappartenanev* of n e l4, acc 2, Du plain. M..ri00. jatriLlA* A*I* ataosoB. OflktalUk naidauc* t Tb# Cliuton I Independent, a new .paper printed Vincent Parks, Commissioner of French bronze clock costing $100. ou Walfci r alreot, rot n| 1‘iiiiloii Attnut, Hi. - Pat#.! I »#«r« hi her .1, iVTft We VCeeBk MMalBaeee. andi ireulaled « u* m hlpMi. Ceilepr—piiy ess—6s4 to 12*4 sonceeelvr wrek * pierlour to eaid day nt hearing. !!l*hways. S. Parks , Jr. Two thousand salmon have hern de ­ lot 5. block 6. Ovid, $44*>. JoJCL n .CRANMON, tudgeofProhale 1'ire uii C*.uit C..iniiii**l.»m t It f **tn»Mi e«-ur i» WALBRIDGES A FEOEWA, (Atraeeopy.t ______414 3w in Mi# higau Mrs. Dobie of Mason is visiting posited in the Grand River at Eaton Allen II. Recti to James M. Miller,] I. HAI.L 4 CO., Ptaaie* a iulmiv . Cempta’* Wi’r, w of w of e of * e acc 12,! BLANKETS, T 1 < >K N a Y e and Cour>rr||or» at {.aw aud do Mft MIt■*••* l(LC.-H) virtue of a writ ainon* friends in this vicinity. Rapid* by Hou. II. A. Shaw, and about B llcilor* in Chenrer) . All haalnraaretreatod le of Seri far lee leaned owl r.fand under aeai of i IIMTb A4«9. SAl.e* lh fault having Essex, $9<*rt. A St. Johns.S been made lit the luiolllion of a certain rttui t Mr. and Mrs. Cole have taken their as many more lu small lakes In that lltrlreora will b« pri*«*pll> andfalthfuiljr attended 447 tf • i.H « leeeM Coert lor ibeeouetj of CMat*k, M Davi«i L. Downey to Casper M, to. tlfllrr will) l*ro*erutliiir AMorttey. In Ibe of Miebigan, to me direeied an l deliver# I, ag»ina« ga, e, date.1 f m#>her thirty-dr»l, A. P. IMTg, ant home and milliuery shop in their n**u vicinity. Rmiimell. n *. of w 1 of e *a of II w Court llouee. Ml Joline llirbijfati .'4<| the goods and chattels, lands and leneattMa id j NiHutol ty Wit laid K. i'botaaa and L.ttei-eii. fiord#n P. llirke, on a trensrript of Judgment re* i Thomas, ht* wtf#*, l#v (‘larlawv t’ptixn and r»cviy virlneof tb-l- Arbor if the citizens of the latter place Ine (roolthrite, w of a w 4 * ►eo 8, I U titger A Pune • olore All profeeeinn*l i la and for-aid eonnty of Clinton. I did. the Ureal riau*# tn »*i i mortgage rontamed giving h# > .Vftlcrissa Ditspprarsiirr. I a * ha non, $3,500. nig lit or day, prompt!) kllrmml to. |*ar*le Id. 4tb an#l 5e*.h days of DeeemUr, A J» 1*74. re l he option. h*»e electrd b* declare, aud d°* * - will guarantee $100,000 upon the com ­ t(t. ntloti glvee lo I'nnintr eiol Hurgb'#! ram j a|*eetlvely levy upon aa t eeiar ail the right, till* dare i he whole ainunut of pnneipai and Inter# t Walter Rav to Truman Sfimlnvant, and Interest or Borden lliefca In arxl to #lt* A Spring I.ake special to the Detroit Tlart t.ar|i-kt ■ ad Heal I «t«rl tue ii I 1 P of, due. although fh# |>#rto#1 for the payment of tb# pletion of the road. « e I4 of n e ii, see 11, Eagle, $1000. I lag# IcKa No. four, N#». eight. No ran# and No ptirM-ipal ha* lo»t )#t eiulred, and there toil g Free Pres*, dated January 9th, says: •f SPAULDING k CRANSON, ^Harness Shop rle\#n, in D >r#len P IIt-*k -’ a#lditi<>e lo tb1 ti'lag# S. H. Vaughn, of Jackson, has a horse Nathan Kirby to Alfred Ornver, e TT< *UN K Y M and t'uunaeUoraet I .aw, and Moli young men, John Moat aud Charles ('has. Lo*ev to M. J. Ba**ctt, lami t»u IN ST. JOHNS. c dollar • provided for iu *ai#1 ililer, mysteriously di*appcarcd from said to be as nimble a* a colt. Some block 19, $25i). ijuit claim. • hnnid any proceeding t-« this place. Constant search for trace* |,| .... A.„ I, J I taken U» to reel >ee me MUM; and no suit c#r pr#- Vermont |*arties arc trying to purchase Anthony Cook to John Maukev, ii iTHK CKNTKIl wW * * ,!*i Hr ruLL ' ,h!1. * reeding* at law having town instituted to recover of them have proved fruitless. Idler's O f* acre* of c ** of s c *(. «ec 10, Iftalla*, 1 No «>ne In bftoeg No. seven 17 L «f Cobh, KamUll , ‘"^'"a "* K him to put on exhibition at the Cen ­ and Wool . addition to the V.llng#- of Kiel*, accord l>MP % 1,‘*' H'o ill mSTsm! C* . people redding here arc much dis ­ Tlae Flare «• Bey Flref*rlwaa nar> tennial. $190. Quit claim. mg to lb* pjeUkwenf.ag .erwXl le Ike tUn ofl ^V/TTrlSt of tb# ^ower of m.c in* #.td tressed. Conjectures an* afloat that Walter Crane ami Drael Foot to John raaied K*rk wf | the K#gt*ter of Pee#la, fur Clinton county, Mtehl* Notice u hereby gt Interesting disclosures will be made.'* A stamp mill, with two hammer* 11. I'arr, undivided 25-52d part of w gan. Ail of which I ahal I eipoae for sale at pul.Jir m-rtgnre cental-#«1. Notice i« hereby given. th». Blankets a i A Wl ET i auction or vendue, to the hrgh#*t bidder, a* the aaSalurdeytlhr |Mtla0w> wl Jlwrcti The parrot* of young Bloat reside in weighing 200 pounds each has just of n e ’i. mc 27, Ktzrx, $ 118 1 Quit ' la etillon the npward traek.aad people eaatbota A. P. IlTd, at uoe o'clock k*. M of a-ild day. »t ftnd the beet of ! law direct#, at the west front door of tk# Court tk* West froat door ol the Coert Hone# for CHo* this village, and lie wa* once an em­ been put iu use in the metallurgical de ­ claim. J House, for Clinton county, Miebigan, In !h- vil­ to John Beck- j lage of Ht Johns, la Mid ro'iutjr. <»n bw turds tone*#aui>, MU higaa. iu tba village of 01. Johe*. partment of the Michigan University. Cliuton (’. Warner Low Prices! ‘i: iu Said countjr, there will he sold at pubhc vender, ploye In tbis ofli<-e, and ha* lately see 4, I/chation, lit I la ta ysrl at tbrfraueiry i««t 'Frrsb. Dried mid Sill Mrals llae flitb day wf I'ekreary, AM to the highest bidder, tb# premia#* In Mid nor: With, e * i of A W t4, uyeurd wt * 1870a at oee o'clock in the aflenaooi). — I»»t.d, been employed in a printing office at Three tons of gold and silver ore are $400. Quit claim. gage d« ecrtbc'i a* followa, vlf. That part or pur A a here infer* . *o«t II abail he my farther atm te St. Jobaa. January ftl. 1*74 l.oa of tire naih rut quarter ul th« Wouih*w«k‘. Spring Dike. Although somewhat mis- now on the way from California for Ann Richard to Geo. W. Wllrnx, e devise means of heal serving my customers, all of UAI.rRIlA PKNNCI-L Rherltf quarter uf acctlou i amWr twenty three |3\ llti whom will plea** aeeept my warmest thanks for WtLiaieoitft Km* » At v* chevious and always up to snuff w ith u*c in the department. Q of s e l4, sec 32, Dupiaiu, $rum. Quit ilea on the south side of the “Orand IfiVer fun claim. their kind and liberal patronage la the peat, and I B. BENNETT, YfABTii anrTOfrTv&M b.vi^ pike," lal#»wuebln rmfni##r kftL N#*rlh of Mar*#* his jokes, he was considered a very Tiie cannon with which Adraiuwa* PAD LEY’S. trust by keeping good meat* and dealing alikeaaU# JI been made la tbe eomltliona of a certain I number four 14) W rat, Cllatou r-oonty, MKhtg^o, Earl R. Miller to Newell A. I»rv« r. tllmentn merit* r#ietlna*aeeoftheaatne mortgarr* , egecutrd tbe fOd day **t June, 1B7X >,T | sustaining tea a# re* of land, more «w lea#. lUUJ good young man. Wi await the “ in ­ Mavtag teased th« Marta Kr#ev aud Henry Freer, h-r bnabai..!, u> ushering in the Centennial year on lot 1. block lo, village of Bath, $HUH. W M HKM.n at. Johi.e, 1 >ev« uit*er (Jili, A P )§7ft Thos. hpikeiuan to (Valter Ray, -* e Wm F. Moore, and recorded In the nfllr* of the Cl AKIdHA ri ll A M M< -ft fug* teresting disclosure*. ” the morning of the lit., burst, serious ­ Ht. Johns. March »d. I*;ft nan Register • f Hernia for Clinton county, Michigan, n.vi • a <-v Any « f -r Muttgefe* 1. of ii e V#,4 mew sec 11,I Eagle,_ _ $03U. 23d day of June, 1I7J, tn lJber 33 of aaort- ! ly injuring Win. Mandsley, who was Stfjrheu Etltly t«» L tat* Poiinlnptrtii {•age 47, #.n which mortgage there l« \ f ORT(. ICiF. » 41.17. - Default kavl., Narrow Ektat S.—The Portland Fnrmei'M mid I lorac thrown about 30 feet. A 47 pound lix at*rcs ufl n w uf II C 1 1", HOIHiK BI ILDI\U iffto fo-due at the of tht* not te-, the been m*4* in the c«.aditt#>i.a of a reit-t Ofearm of la*t week says : ** We learn owners cotiMiilf v «> u r • urn of ea* ih#MiMi*d L>«ir hundred and aevrateon ' u^tgAg. . ,x,cut*d Jakuarv llti* |Sc7, * y I piece of the cannon went crashing Eafflt', $800. tft«*Mt intorcNlMnnd tlo not First N ational Bank Head of Cftmon Avenue. f#k 4id*, •lallar* and till) Sv# ee»t* ($Ml7.SS.) aith Inter* 1 (hiwth Trtpp and Hannah Tripp t* Kdward F eel at ten po* cunt , ►eui leu an atloroey fee of j K#*«iogg. and leooeded io the #'Sfte* of thu K*g>e4> that a* the wife of Mr. Cha*. Allen, John f'ti|#il to J tin W . a ok h through the roof a house, but fortu ­ ptircliRMt.* your lllimUt'i m r jniiNs. Sfty dot lore 1 a Mid mortgage *ttpeUt#d lu he paid of lt*«-da for Clinton roealy .MU-higaa, on January formerly of tiiis village, now of Bt. l*iwv? of laud ou *«*t* ’i .'13 ut)#l 32, B ator- nately hurt no one. until you liltvo <*xunilmMl la new prwparad. with the beet guality of I** ’hot la can# aay proceeding* should be tak# a t«. fore- Htb,' 1171,----- In... l^i#er * If ’ #*f Mortgng#-*, oa page III town. $.{<*». t Iftlet >f itniBBftol Ii H(o< (k« CAPITA! $50,000 aad I*ieat etyle of Trimming* to thu Mine, aad ao aalt or proevediag* at Uw • •n which autd Mortgage there te elate***! to Wdi Johns, was riding with her brother to or la eqeltj having tieuu InaUtuted lo recover any The meeting held at Battle Creek on Ht* rpltae. '* 0.000 evaaufhrtatv- at the date of this #•<•((•'# tk* eoov of rtevenllui visit a friend in the country a few part of tbe debt a#-< ared bjr Mid mortgage Now, Jre«l and TJ.irty *tt Dollars and Ughty flv* L’eau KT ROlf Jk MILWAl!. th-r-ferr hy virtue of the power of *ale la *.«»ld at petite vendue to tl*e l.tgt e*t place represented, to procure signa ­ (iUlNU WK.ST- the itatat* In each euar* made a»#1 prwv ided. Ni. horse kicked him and then ran away. Joe* Micg .. Jobisi I'evua . ladder. : premi*-* i* **t 1 w»ortg*ge 4* • nb#d Tbrough Freight at7kia.tr Ht.Jehna Kept og*h. |*T5 TO OMD97K. be ice ta I.-r-‘) |iveali**tee th# I’I reft 0W f ml Mrs. Allen, in attempting to reach the ture* to a petition to Congress to make * * at a t tf. Wmu. viai* : Fttv acres of land from the north end of the | April, %.«!., Iu7fl. at no* o ’clock fn tl Mi ted at a.m. Inr Praod Kapt#ieo»4y . bairofthearmth-WMt quarter, surtiou twenty *»i.at the Wt*i front dm-r of th* C-un an appropriation for the purpose of Night tapreaa. with aieeptng car. at 4 iw a u. lines, w as throw n over the tlash-ltoanl Re#'elve-le|.#>eit*.buy and aelt rtihange on nil 1 ahali always kiua a good tins ol them I ><>U oe •even, in town*htp eight north of reuse thru# IImum * f«#r Clinton eouuty, Michigan, In the vrili«g. surveying and deciding upon the most fortirand Rapids aud Praad Haven. hand, buaidea • good as*#*1 we'it of •et, Clinton -ovintt, Michlgsu—I>*'*d January, -»f Ht. Johns, ia aetd rouuty, there will he aold »< and her clothes catching on the cross ­ Mail at 3 > p ta. for Jirand Haven. oors palnLe, deal Iu U«14. Hiiver. Cabada Mon#yi 4ended under the (JOINI* KANT- I'alied Htslee IL-nde. Ac.. At. Uecofve depoelts in ,al I Mortgage d-ec,lb*d, tn : C4>mmeucing on D n I NINTH A Til ISALE.-Xotgf the West etdr of *«’ lot -A” a* Aoarrlbed an a wap was also appointed, consisting of Hon. Ht Johns and tlagiaaw Ktprrn •dSi a. nt | la hereby given h»: hy virtue and in por«u- buggy, with the horse going at a fear­ Mail 1.HOU p m. for Petr..if. oors A uf the vlttag- of St. John*, ta the ogle* of the Re* V. P. Collier, Henry WI11D, W. W. WHIPS. •ore of I teen** aud authority granted to me. f|,etrier uf luwde uf Ihe count) *»f ('llatao abvm>«.‘ ful speed. In this fdtuatiou die must Mixed at S Je p m, for Owuae#.. , a nOr rate bed, on tk* >1 d*y of J > al a point six rods north ot the south we*t con.# 1 Woolnougli, of Hattie Creek; Henry Night iiiyra*< at H.» a- to (#,r Pctmit with Safinas Department A ay thing la my line, aud not kept la etoek. will the Judge »f Probate of Clinton County. Michigan, have been da*hed to pieces, had she not sleeping ear attached• of e*»d cut b*» *• A.” and run* east ncrom »>u* Shaw, of Eaton Rapid*; and Mark Of aem* aa email a. on# dollar, <»n whirl n.!rr»n he furnished at th# Mweut price, on very ahort I to aril roa! Mint* belonging te Henry Wheeler, late ** A to < mown at reel, them-r north sit rod*, these# had the presence of mi ml to make the Through Freight 1040 a a, notice. Particular attention given lo Repair* I of said county , de rewaed. I will aell at public aee- w**l ueru** out lot “A" to th# it rat lot Stale K#«J Wilbur, of Allegan. at the rale of (lve per real per aanam la paid oa IS|# Ckargea alwaya rewa#>u*hlufaud uluhr- ll«a to ihe highest bidder, aaaa like fftih Mat Ibeace south all rod* le th* place of beginning attempt and we an* informed actually oil kxprixs ; ti-.r.*,.",: OORS llun guaranteed. •f Jaaaarv, 187 0, at #»ae o ’clock p. m . m the (r*l days of Ju- » and I>ee«m*>#r, an all tema *t I containing all nf iota three, |#*t»r, forty*. Braid A man w a* killed by the falling of a JHF^T brought ticket* lo all point* Las! and H BENNkTT. the Probate O flee, iu ihe viliag# of St.John*. In two ,JX 4, 41,44.] ta Walker's eohditlei.n u did accomplish the feat of draw ing her­ W eat caa bo purchased at the Depot. D on lepcellona month prevloea tn the** dntea, tha aaid cwunty, ell the right. title and lateeeet <#f mid rock in a coal mine at Graud Ledge on Bt. J>tbna, Noe loth. 147ft 473 outlot ; A"ik the village of Kt. J#Ana. Cllnu-t self up and gaining the upper side of Bfecaiaf Cera ora mil Slyht TVeIni . •am* as In the Having* Hanks nf tha Katlera Henry W heeler, deceased . la and la a pteec of land county. Michigan, cn aeeiIon 9. town 7, north «■* Tuesday of last week. Kefreanmoate at Iiafroit. Oucmeo and Ptand ash . dearribed and hounded a* follow #, via: Com* range two uoet, l#etng In ('Hntoaeoeuiy, Mtebtv*- rttat** *ad eitu*. the reach of the buggy, in which pre­ Haver., ao i epvo Couipanv'a Ferry Steamer cn menctag at the meLh*wo*t e.rvrot the aa*i half SF^hnel Dtatrlet* lo tM* *n«| s3)wUi? great I>ated l*re*mb*v SS> H, )47ft carious situation she rode a mile and Res*. (1. 11. llickox, former )»astor of Potroit River. Cotufnrtabie fudet above depot I of the aoeth-eaat uaartrr of auction eleven (11 y. le KDWARD I* KKLLOGU. at Dread Haven. tl,-adeetrtng to proeur. meai.aln telld Louse* by Township seven (71 north of range fuur (4) are in J O. Bili m, M *rp: CoaaaocfSowe —At i»*U'».|t, eilh fireat Weet* 1 ash a half until some mm stopped the run ­ the First Baptist Church of Ijknsing, thetaaaenf hoed*, are desired to eontmualealo I Clinton coeety. Mlchigaa. runr.iog 1 he nee aortb Alt* for Mortgage#-. •rn and Grand Trank Railways for ail pniata ! along ,aad #vool by William Handereoo, nine ip) away animal. Mrs. Allen was hadly and now Chaplain of the State Prison, with u*. East and Mich. C'eotral and Mich, Southern R'jr-1 rods. Iheac* east *eve*it**e and on«-half , |7l»> AKTttAhK S A LE* — Default Havii* was presented with a check for $212.50 PaM*ngei*for Great Wee tern Railway, eo on Selleerown ItrtA. >ia all places In Rag ’aed rod#, theoc# south nine <9> rod* aad two (2) frr<, hurt about the head and shoulders.and the Gotepaay** Ferry Staamer at D. A ■ K. K thoae# vot along tbe center nf the high wey be­ M brew rand# in Ihe conditions of a retUt* by the inmate* of the prison on New pock at f.90 and IUF> am. ands.90 pa. Franc* and G-retany, *ad lr.a«acl a Ovaera tween *m-t lone eiev ea (||) and fourtceu 114 >, eov en- mortgage, rs#cat-d #u thn 4lh day of NoccmWr, her clothes were some of them torn to ASH 1471, *»J l*# vi|lol». Brown lo J h Chandler, a# -t 4. K. CALLAWAt, H.nklng flaaiae** Stl ft weeu aad one-haif (IT W) n»d# to th* plate l.cwir> shreds, but at last accounts she was Year's day. General Superintendent. m olag.-Date.| iMvioLfrgk. l»7i. rmnfd#-d IU the ofle# of the Kegieter of Itoti# lot D AM Office l*?ft. S t L y V| | v k y an a* Clinton rouuty, tiiclitguB, on the 4tb day of N<> rapidly recovering." 'Die Lansing Journal says: Among TURNER * SONS, Admlniatratrlk of the Bvlai* at IIaery Whewlev, v»fnb»r, lft71,lo I.lh#t fl of mortgugv *. vt pap I4f. linds l>e«e*er«1 1477 w7J whteh said raortgne# was dnly a*«agne<1 hy J. c the compliments of the wesson we sre l handler to Russell Chandler, oe the tb# ftib .day S 10.000 DaasfM* pleased to acknowledge the receipt of a Si. JtliisfAMaaDri 1U. 24, k. T. 08T8A0K NALL. I►e|*»^.l uf February, 1973, and vrlttcii ea<»igfer *f 1 *-*•!# f.»r Cliuton t’ueety, Michigan, lftth «Uy uf F#-Hr oars, )ft« 'i. and vrHtch aeaigt>m#<.t bouquet of pansies from a friend's gar ­ Pe# S •• •• 31, »* uao r# * <>rdrd io *•»#{ Uegtetrr'c otter oh tbrp.th prietor of the "City Drug Slor#*” in •• - 17, •• •• Feb. 4, •• th Uaer P. of moitgag#*. on page 4J4 : Wbteb den. These are rare gifts for the raorg-ge vu duly a**ignrd on October 11,b, 1171 day <»f February. 1*771, in Uhee *n, on peg* Zk, w> H t Oaeinor ran L C. n htch mortgag) there le claimed lo he du* on th- tliat village, for the recovery of dam ­ R. H KMMONM. Recorder LINDS by said Mr*. J R. Frewth to Calvin I*. Rarrue. •eason. aad such -aafg ument reeurdml Oowber 17th, 1*71. 30th day of ftceemHrr, 197A the sum »f four hun­ ages to the amount of $10,0U0, in con ­ B ia said oflee in lJber ‘JD uf mortgag#- ot peg# g7u dred aad eleven dollar* aixl Hfiy rente. Hll ^- Win. P. Nisbett founder of the Pon ­ SI. J$hi» i hapier, No. 11, K. A. H. boatdre an afLueney fee of thirty dvdUra .n avid sequence of an error committed in put­ BUNDAY Oa which morigage there ie claim#J to he du# at tb* dal# of lhie not!#*, two hundred and eighty murtgne atipaiatc#! to l#e paid la case aoy proc* «* l tiac Ihll Pouter,owing to falliqg health, RACKE ing* *h<>ntd he taken to lurerloee the earn#, and n** There will hra regular C >nv .»cat k>b of Hi. John. ting up a prescription for the wife of Ua« 00 w *n hand a large and varied a**#^iment «g throe do.tare aad etxteee reels. b*etd*e aa adur has told his Interest in that paper to Chapter, No. Aft. U A M , on th# following date* : | ncj fee of twenty doltare, stipulated in mif the debt »^«## l hi* partner, Mr. E. J. Kelley, who it I* RACKE UNDERTAKERS, Hy Mid mortgag#. Now, tperefora hy ewtre of ih# wore •• Feb 1*. •* “ Angle. " { to torscioee Mid mortgage ; and no sett or proceed- believed will maintain Its reputation. •• Mar. 17. “ •• R#pt 14, “ HT. JOHNM, tags at law or lu equity having been involuted lo power of mi# m Mid mod gag* contained and Mu VlCK-Pit ESI DENT w I LA OR* s body was •• Apr |2, •* “ «»ct 12, “ iwrovee any part of th* debt assured h« raid mort •tntetc In »ecb mare ma-ir and provided, NokW l* *• May IS. •• “ Nov 9, •• RACKE gage; Now. there tore, hy virtue of the power of HcreHv given that on th-Tvs en|f*flfl to du) Jackson prohibits the selling of liquor We have, splendid NEW HBAMIK, hardly cold before the M. D’s. began •• June 15, '* ** I>#€. 7, " •ale ia Mid mortgage, contained end of the slat au­ •f Vf a reft#, A. 19.# 1870, ml one o ’doek l, and are now prepared to attend funeral* either ia ih* aft* rttcxit.. at the W#*t to«»ut tf«#oe ef ihe Court carving him up to see w hat ailed him. to minor*. Good, every town or cor ­ HvDltlMt TRI u r. I he v.llage or country . We keep a good assort* la each can# made and provided : Nutter is here C P. WICK8,8ec'j. » by giveethaton the gat hi But the D. D*s. had no such trouble in poration should follow'suit. I M7M at one oVIork io the afleri«*oe, at the weet of 04. Juhr.a, in eaid county, theie will ha sold at AI. V. ULDINKIMIS 09 puHltr rendoe to the hlgH«e« bidder, th* premie#- 81. Joins Lo4ge ,\o. 103t F. k 4 M., front door of tk* Court I louse, fur Clinton county. finding out, ami here is w hat Bishop A new hank ha* recently been open ad Rpad)-Madp CoAhh on haad. Miebigan.Blr ulfSH, InIf tho TlllB^fvillage Ofof R|.Ft. JuUCi#,Juhae. |f|In mskeaid m retd mortgeg* rtg»g- #1* on*, in tonnehtp eight north uf tenge three west John* I-odge. No 8*6. F A A M . oa Ih# follow den- thrown this mighty influence on the The State Association of Spiritualists ettlaer day or nlghl. HI afibsd. via ‘ Viliag* lore numberB rlghtreeeighteen andav tn Clinton county, Michigan.— Dated Itcrcnibei ing dates ; Wood Work aiaeteoa ia block C.’ according to the rerofled soth, 1471. William f muokx .Amigo-* side of the president; had he cordially meets iri Rattle Creek on the 13th Inst. Monday . January lft, 197ft Monday , Ju y 17, 1*7A. ULDIN int ofthe village of ftvtd, In t linton i'.runtv, Febniarylft, Aug IS. liehiran Dated !>.<• ember 94»h. js:4. supported the reconstruction measures Mias Hattie Butler, of Plymouth.w as March |k, •• fiept.U. 44 TO UK IIAD AT nrn Mlf.l. t OMTblbl ftALE.-Dchtill hav It MONEY TO LOAN ! CALVIN P HAKRl’g Aseigv.c-. been made In tho coidub r* of a revtati# •• April 19. 44 »>ct. II, 44 •till needed to secure liberty and safety A »uperk stock of Pesetas A Rat.ewt». Atv’y f«e Amiga#* Mnturtgxec- mmlc and exaeuted by Andrew J .M found dead in her bed but a few morn ­ *• May 17. •• Nov ft, 44 Tli# umh-relgn*d having been appo ntsd agent* to our land and to the late and not yet ** June 14. 44 Dee 4 •• ( tall anil gel Prtrre. of Ihe |>0ON4Ti; OHI9I M Slateof Michigan Crumb if th# townehin of Eagia. CUaUm county. ings since, having died of heart disease. Hv Oirainr Tea W I. County of Clinton. •• Al n eeeelon of tho Mtchigsn, to Lucinda McCrumb of ike M«oe pta«*. freed slave; and helped pasa the force The next annual exhibition of the c. r. wiccd.aec f hFAftc, all kind* of Lumber abd haddrld#ag nia- Glass-ware Probate Coert fur thu count) of Clinton, hoiden brer ng dot* th* rtgkterntk (Hah) day of Nur#m hill and the education hill, aud the •erlal. reugh and drvamd. which a»«d very Z4UITABL1 TEU8T COMPANY ntlhe Probate Oflee, in the village uf Mt. John*, b#r, A. Dm 1974, and »*#«»#d#-4 le the Mftr#- at the State Poultry Association will lie held ; low. (M«» by re*«l promptly attended to and oo Wrdireodny.the 2th! dey of ftoeuWr^a the j ear lb-ulster of Itcvda tor th# county of Cllxltn. Ht«<* rvf Michigan. oe the twcntldh Hu b’ day of No marriage bill, and other bills necessary In Detroit, commencing Jan. Slat and •atiafndlon gearvnterd f>p 31V LONDON, oeethousand eight hundred and aeveuty Bve and PrMuel.Joel U. Crunooa, Ju#lge <#f Prolwle. "re.I owA • i#.|D.. 1*74,9*1*1 In9 ■■ labrtMUTT lftJR of4*1 RMortgag#*, < >n|8|F4 . Of.H to secure equal rights to all, he would Are prepared to mak* kuiu oa Improved Farm lajko Rmtto» ef th* Ketote of KLlZAllKTU lhl;1; wHtebwinch Mid mortgag*n»ar was atleruard* •-#• continuing during the w eek. K\V AHRANGKMKM HIVES A ( AVtPBt'.LI. the 14« h day of Anril, A. IJ., 197ft, duly eeetgnol *>y have been alive to-day. But he put Fr«.n*riy, la this and ad Vova lag eeesMaa. for term* VAN AMBLRGM,dcpeueeil «hi reading and hi John Seams, of Pew amo, has s $5,000 of flva yrar* at reduced intee Wa have at our Stone-ware, lug the petuloe, #1uly verllloi. .»f ( bartee II Veu thr said |Lucinda Met rumh t## toeoige Seh#Hi hich himself against the-c demands of God Hair. Mkli. IM. l*t». command nl«n large supplies af other Raster* AmHurgh, prating fur reoaoue tkereta ret forth Mid assignment Wee ou the 3ft H day of October litiel suit on his hauds, and he don't fuad* for kvenlng oa Farm Properly le sum* to that he may he *pp#ut«te1 edmlr.|*w terns* to caak. *f oa (Atreoropt) 4^t4w dee Upon mid mortgage, with tutereer, rnei* end forty million dollars ex pended in abut Gratiot circuit, at a salary of $350 per READY-PAY BASIS!! reearemhte time. 444 4_ HTwl’T. LsmKIm - 1' -id - * g .i oiprn- « allowed by tow, and altaency fa# wt oounty uf Clinton, su. At a areeton of the tweaty-dv* dotlaeaeovaaaaied toe ta aaxl e*rpp. of the government service! It cannot annum. ohateCourt foe tha ewenty of (7lutoa H##I4# a (told premier* bring JrerrtM la eaud mortgage #• be hoped that tbe ring thieves can be Tkoe# hav mg GIBBS HOUSE, ut the Prohotr Oflee. lathe village #»f St. Johns, all that plere mod paretl ef lend 4n*r1te4 •• f,.|- The annual meeting of the Gratiot oe Tuesday, the fttoh day of IhuaWf, ia the tow*,*. - Laftft eemka r t brew itl east VMwe if! forced to disgorge, but If tbefr future county teachers* association will be A. WkRf lf %NI». Pray’r. veoraue thousand atgh thandred and seventy-rive Murk nemhet iweatv |*k In tire vINog* of Ea »i- Free#at,Joel If. Crauaou.Judge of Prol#*te. Cllnton countv , Mt. ba<-c##rding u# a rvr #i«1*.l supply can be cut off, the country will held at St. Louis on the last Friday and CASH TO PAY 4T.JOHNS. MlCH; lu the mati-r of the eutate of TH I It LOW plat of Mtd viitoge -Dared I to. emtur p#H. A I# have reasou to feel thankful. W. I.l Hk. dc# auard Oe temliog uml Hi log the »•!*• ^ GKlJSllR et'llOTT, Aerigt.r# Saturday In this month. Th,* H.-uae i# « vekeelly la the heal, pevHtoa. duly vwiikd, of Jane A Leek, preying J. Mcf’ggg. A t ) for Amigttoe R. GOETl'E, roil »rt of the vt liege, end he* tn recline • toe runa»r e iL*r*4a m tortb (hot ft a gem* V Cham A man named Emery C. Rounds Is ample Room fur the um of ameeelal men #ay be appointed administrator of *eM relate he ast ail t T F M —The impression now under bonds for hisappearance In •Iso, n free Bu* whtrb corvtou ThereupMiv ,t la Ordere d . I Ka# Monday the !7th TGA4.E ftALK.-Ibkn h~v -nk* bearing of said pciltioe, and mortgage, mad# and axe. uted » y Rati A. Illd periment is a failure. It Is quite cer­ that tha helre at law nf *etd 4#c*-ae#d. and at# tbe townshipuar.tn of kegic.Lagie, ClintonTMnton C«’ #ewtvnntv Miehtg Court, to answer to a charge of rape LOTT & WISE, eftketl mine Inieeealed in Mid estate, arc to Hiram 11 ttmiih.nf the Cite a«4 Coretv ef tain that it la no general lieuefit. It rr Jaefcaom, Stake of Mickigvn. haatkng dale the i'th upon a six-year-old daughter of Ijari FINE JEWELRY•i ■aha■■MipHiHPBMHHappear al a aaeeton ofeold______Court.I______Ikeft helps the Urge dally papers of the cit­ In the nhop Immevly noeoptod hy O. h barker SC holrloaai theProheic Itflre. lathe village day of I tore-m bee. 1474. and recorded to the «*flce Coleman of Orange. Ionia county. Great Oatral Restr. ere pc#pored IO fUMieh on ahorl i-eftro, of 0k Johea. and show cues*, if any there he « h) of the Regto'er of itoeda, f# r mid C* only of t’fl* ies, as It carries their Issnea kilo direct thepreyre #*f the pctl'toeer should not he granted ton, oetheSletda) of Itoremtor. A. 1L, 874, at AND PLATED-WARE And I la Far thee Ordered, that notice k* give# to 4 6 o'clock, F. M , le I Jh#e Sa of m##rta*e« * *•• competition with Inland dally papers, Crockery, Ac., Great Western Railway ‘ka persona tat*reeled le aaid relate #»f the pen- page leg, on which mortgage there to now emtm#>t I BK38AL. Clocks, don#-y ef Mid patIHon. aed th* hearing t hereof/b) tea# deeut»ho date Of this aorta*, the taa at even those which use the telegraph 0*c CANADA. tW«ive hundred and eavrety dofttor* end Illy eev ##. Hfnnk KtireUml ia mgiflned io bii Npootnolon aind Cnaoa/ eoaeiugaaopv of thi* order to he publish*^ Ip lines. It facilitates exchange among I'na toe ore M rzahr.X4.9RR TRAINS touvo f>B IPdependeut, a eeeeyopcr printed cent*, hy rwaaoe af the Inleraet oa eaid OWtg»|*. Hcvolvcra, •A TKOIT UAILT, Air he-p*notes# Srldg*. But din Mid county of Tllntoe, for three or a portion thereo f, not having been paid i the hankers, by transporting their cor ­ bad and luffrittf atverfljr from nver- thirty day* alee the mm* had hemme 4e* iwl Pocket Cullcry, Ac tolo, Rocheoier Albany, N*w T#»rk, Rooion, and and 4^ of hearing respondence a few hours sooner. Bat txartion In jamp4n|(. all eoti•t* in iheRmeftom aiateuaai Caa* JOEL fl.CRA 540)1, Judge of Prehot# poyaWt# which aaid ftrfnelt to ettwetored iw rei-t • da. «aengage, to cwwre #4- pevari|«l *um In aaid there its benefits end. Itts a question Nkulre have hrokfn np the* arhool GREAT BARGAINS Atlnatlr Express 4 14 e. m. (Mundey* mortgage, aa well m alt airewrwa*« of letoeret. to apart a v. attention hivfn to Hou r dreaed poyald* ImaredmieU tn# re aft-*, whether the enormous root will Justify In Dial riot No. 3. Nearly every fami­ includedL from toot of Third street, errtvlug #4 Sleighs, CT. JOHN# Heepeueao n Prides I 14 p m.. New Tort 7g9 • m together with an aliornev too of bfty * evcowtedl 4 M» a. m toot Iftmeh S awirfator, at aoy part thereof Therefore street, nrrlrtne at iuapsnete* Brliftg* fa, New AND mi tha Episcopal Church In the two on tha fBla now. ■avieghM wany yuereexper lea«e iu the mak­ ork 1194 p «a float oa 4 to p m. sort## to hereby given, tho* by virtue uf the power ing and repelvfhf nf Watches. Clocks end Jem* ef mle In Mid m«rvgag* roefatwed. I shall. IMoeaaaa of this Mate haa Inat bar Aa exhibition at Grange Hall to now BsWftM liftraaa it 31 am#, toot of Bepairiif aid HinnHeiu •oierda), flaw tfttla «■* wf Rmrela. eley.flcee Wo matey advaatagr* over th*** who D. C. HURD’S bird street Sally fWandayeeucopled) 19 lft rvaon Axrloultural Works. A. D. 11*74, at *•# o'clock In lft# afterwaon #*f mid grmly tnlsriai; and in addition to nndac raflftid ariUan, lo wm of K no hero hate very I leal tod knowledge of eueh thing*, j Jflaft at reel Mm atiocHcd Polimna'e I»raw Ku tha official organ . If I* nomr also | nod for* ehore ef the public pot roong a tag Room Cava frv.m Detroit to Suialo Kane vie le a mesa*# that wi i —o .m eat 1-fanl n. dog. at the fere* dree M-h* f’owrt Howre in the HIMse *»l m Johns, le Uw aaid 4'oentf at t*tiai-e, 8 Tamable family rtHljcfou* paper, fail dtotnat day. Tha It. JiIhii Dnunoilc ST. JOHNS. Air Line through 4t. Thornes and *vw Interne Rill Cl ea ring mean tortured i»» md*t It. GOKTTE. ttoaal Bridge, arrtvtwg at BuSnlo at ft 99 p m (thea tovag the plare toe k#Wdx.g ihe 17m of Auto and ifcnrral churcn news, Club want to ha look In* after tholr Now tftfk Pxproeu : |4p m tom Third Si*am Teileca and all kinds nf Machlnory Oaert foe Ihe Count) nt Olet»e,|*e.tat pekll.- •t Johhe Juea fDh.1979. Mi ll Repaired on ak*H aetlu , 8n»1*a*c»(on aoethrn to the high ret bidder, t to f «emtare d« • sfoHcs, cholor selection*, rfc. No 1 enrols. et rret Sundays .implied t 4fc4p. m .toot lliuoh artrev todbed le4------eaid* 4 ------Ttt irtgwgi . gr ea atreol. errlvlog at 4 saps net. »n Rrllg* ip a a geaveeteod. mweh thereof a* 1 :.!-cr>pal family should hr without It A public Installs lion of the newly kfetolr Black mayf he woreaaaey ta aattofy th* sum aaw due •• fl#“ fullmve • treat Ofreptag Care on this train 4RRft. wlB Inlet eel frt-a# the dele nf t H#« Tna subscription price has boon In ­ iftriafk lo Rncheotev end Ruraelhvtlh. HICZS ft ZftZTON, Proprietor#. atoned offi rsri wBI ha held at Grange P$ri$r, Walk las A —------—" ■ - not tew, tngeihev with the mat* and said attorney a creased lo mM dollar per year, hot It le Traia* arrlvo al Rolrmil from tho 4hd I amen • toolr k* of ttflf do*tare, ehh heeM premtoea sir to still one of Ihe rhaapeat paper* puh Halle on Friday waiting of thto 8100,000-"V."uu, faa.e »U>a.m,l4pm,9Np ■ j _ E. F# 9bunder* 6 Co. evftod In *w*d mortgage a* f-.IU.w. The North- liehod. liberal premiums are oflWsd Weeao prufered to foretoh mooey oe eele*ea»*| AROHITEOTS flfl Tleltof e t<> eM potato Cost and 1 prlooe wre* qenetev of the ftoeth-onet g nerve# and th# Schoo l IK strict No. 4 have dto Weed Imprevrd hru ercerftv la *em# of •»# hue — xwn- Wrapt an Cor ac cammed a* ton* mo he had si the North eo*4 gwnrter of ih* Bow*h-week qoorter ##f to clubs. Address Rev. J. T. B ebauir, deed tteflara ea4 aywerOv oo too your* Dane. Pro* tireftt wemern Tick O0U*. 181 Jofforuwa* f §• •lao# DKNTtrrt. •ertton tweeky seven («7)la town tteufft) North nf their factor and are now looking f • Uf$#r IntR n d • n ta • 4 veaeft aed at Depots tout af Third afreet and editor, Dotrolt. Mich., with your name TTLT regeie*4 three tlmea IN# at el af P"l* (11 vrert, eoateintag eighty scree he the ona who can govern tho school. too: nt Break elreoi whore. • rav Bias 0 tytea’ft Etflva* aame more oe lorn.- Dated Daremher 94th. >479 and $1.00 endowed ; or apply to Mm for TVfWrl ••muff) Ham. it eed if, Bank Bloeh, J. B. TMT Dwieari Serve, HIRAM R SMITH. premium ll*t M marry •If !.an*i*tg. Mi#hlgan #f If HAY CITY. MICII w eatacu P amongaeaoogoc Ageaft. 01 Johns. Aagaat 14th. 1971 FtHtng ft speetnHy <471) FT Jr»IINtt. Att’y tor Mnrtg'ger Mo#tfagre , TEAS.-—A large stock of from first hands just received, and selling low, at GRISWOLD'S.

v ^ ...... „ . \f DMTlaAliK MAI.»:.--|ief»ilt hartogj IjMDMATft: oHDMI.-Nutr uf Mi* to JOHH C. CEODL, —Fl«w»fei Until ibwM. Taylor A Co. ISO AMD Of Tra*ata hginiN, holding prw re•*•!. ihr in* Urti i li* Ik* i'wul IUh**, um I it . 14 >«•*«• l>v»y, ktanai* , k, lUnkAf ••#> , ^1 keen ima 1 •!...... t »l X*»» Men*. It.rvew, Dr h’ j t*y Murrl* II Hill to Dari4 Herd »»4 rnnnrde.i •feu uf Ike Fruhate u,l fn*. » Ji |ia» *rut uj -h<. Collin*, fitter, Hand. Jmm, Kuapp i- • Ua|tr, m4. ie#f In ikt lh« ll*f iew d .Irhkt, «k Daluedayr Ik* Ik due of 3«nur), i< ai the liapiUi Church next Sabbath, HkitMirivI Ikf t*r«r«r4iMgi mt l Hr I allowed \t...... a Ml Mr. Harrington iiuikl lUl aori>ia| U«ukrt> t’ptoa-12. INSURANCE A8ENT, ami •Swftftrd ol • knjMr*U«M lor ibr NT Whilmy, ronalaUe tois,.| Mb I>H 'U. for 4 limtin count r. iu i,ibur tl the jrnti r*«lkuua*iiil«lrlit b 4bAr*d SItadaeVealy morning eveulug. i MIMI y ot ( Ml MM II- Kifrunu »A# f«i|n«ii| — Kilo A., daughter of Arthur Cat- JumriaoM Okilva, which €•••»- •*cmcc< mt the ftNrl H omoo , In OLD MONTH AMERICAN, trrmole, died In thli village ye«trrday Ihr A lllH|r uf III* J»ha*, • u SI • u - niurulng, after an UlaiM of MYIQ dup* January 34, mill. Ketakthked ITM. weok*. The mum of her dim*} waa 4imn The Hoard tf Mu))«nifuri uf ike cuuiH) *»t liti(H>Aflhle to trace. She was atte nded UltMoa,c«»TiMJ at lhC«mr( IImm, ta IU V»l- , PHdNIX, or BROOKLYN, hv Dr. liowea. Monday, tlkU day uf Jet. — A bm»k ngcni called on a farmer nary, A. 1). Wil, AA9KTM flM Muatd «M CaMed ta uiJu by %Ur fhMlKuii allokr«4 al the other day, and wav told that the luaurtd. IvnlmiiiiDwDbfW—i** iJ.Pffy 9mgX eat ale, are required to appear at a aeaaloa of aaid NIAGARA, Or NSW YORK, JR V.CA mt. liw. Mere or,. r«tRO*lt.tf dead budjr Ikereof. Now tk*r< fore, by eirtua of tka |»o*rr Court, than to he kofdeti at the Fro bate IMHea, la farmer w aa to busy to talk with him. Ths rail to I ag called I ) the o»u |U lu.hi»u** uf Mirk...... I Uti ta .ttor. *1 Mr. llenukgtua ihe M. «<4 aojouru i be allowed ky ike hoard, ru : faalaia aaiti io< »«**«•• .-.maiaad, and uf iha tbe fillet* of At. Jokaa, aud akow • auac. If aay •• lowed al ...... I U° .MUFTI “ llMt,* ’ ftild the agent “your farm ■M»iub««« igHtrvd MlUii i*amc# isl until Ik** ee-fiia* at T o'clock. iao»: af M. Itcareailck. aup. for tail.. .t t U "tatule in aaeh aaac~made and providad. noiioa tkareka, tka iiravrr of Ike petit toner ahotiid A U LuUlRtcr, cone. abt« Dm, D 4° a lowed ai...... 4*14 »• hereby *i»an ikat on tka ti»ellih day mi not be granted A od 11 la Further Ordered, that •iluKttl at...... 2* 24 Car faroteh Fir* Immaaoa u lai a * art work la all done. You have nothing ,la: i Nlaf* A Fowler, «k>...... 4 7» April* at dm retook la the afteruaaa noitce b* rrtaaa to tkaparawa# iatereatwd ia said U'Ht(pk«)U Muui lkrL>« t’ary K Duslvlto, wll. fore, ...... W avaaiaa af tai ta. allowed at...... « T» yf *aid day, at the Weat front door of the Court retail ,of the pamteney of aaid paUttea, and tka to occupy your time!” 44 Ye* I have Dallas Levi W. lUiUwtu alto wad al...... b W Handar, •anpIlRe for .. *1 , .____*. u ' H It. Hawley. Juetjr.e fra/... IU U**uee for 4 *1 i nt*. a county, Mtebufan. in the rl|- hearing thereof, by eauaing a royr of tkta too,” restored the farmer: 44 I’ve got ibngkl llruR u , T utLueal M aliwwedJal.T...... f» lane of (it. Jokaa in aaid ( ouaty. Ibare will be order lo be potUaked in ik< t.'Tintoa 1 ndapapdeni , FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES. huflala- If T. I'bkN allowed al ...... It i a naweuap* r ,.r!ul*"i 1 r«u:.. ,.lln aaid conn U H Kminous, laeaUiLR clock !• r ; Ike hoard U**r, .ywi 'uaat l*» adjournutrnt, ani M If |». Wellmc. ouaet. tee*,... k Co rol l at public rcojuc, to tbe hi*hcet bidder the orricm, to plant iny f«M* and raiac a tMM>k i heW til Wn.tbtkM IU0OIrr’a ...... I h» wae csUed la ordf r by Iba >ll aalltd : •lootaat prea, nt. Oa utoUoa of If r llaldwiu tk. reyort waa aoiwpt- ,h* ha" * *b* agent. ’ And lie did. Ife rnl*c«1 him I Haiti 1. M. Dry vi. i , .... Ururr vfoi paftoAlbiliMii,mnui -m t‘itrioeit. iniu tuwaahjptowoanip am.*ix. northboriu ufoi JUKI.El II t.'H AD Ji ^ofl'robete At XcfirUn A Cml'i Hirdwir*- M M l»ay. for Mveey...... »*' { 'u *i.d adopted, aaU the Merit «itr«. tr.| to dr»w or- about four few. Uihr Mtr*k«li ll*i.J all •«*•! at ...... J oaL fcinkit m evaauiau u .n«mi*». rsngo four Woat, in Michigau.—DaUd January (▲ true*op>.) Mlly O tI4—P C IfurrlaytuM. On motto* ol Mr. llaad. tk« rc|>*»u »m iwplrd, , The OeamltlM «»a Ckia* re|-»rl#*i Utk lb* fui- , ^ r<*fRCltv« aiwuul*. loth, ver*by the i'robata Offlca,ln the ?lli*ra ot ril. Jr.hjia.ei* UIaiuw -Jacob K I.u4»l. k, GVf commenced ault Against sheriff Pratt, j tliwakttth Jobo A M»tik«-nt. cou______ur sir______atio >* rauu»**.., conn ..... *nr»M. ... A * of f\ t Itoilmbav'/k. efeiaiae Ihr independent tiuB of iu*em« |m r*»n...... 9 1 M) Tk«f »L* een.- r-.iapcaeatloo bf flluwwd of that omnly, to recover the price of i kwrt-ti. K. I*eck. To the lion. Boar I uf 8u|«i\ >**.»• : eltowrd at...... # l AO • If. ll. Hruwn for kuar'ii«t«r the filwiu'ii •( Clinton #*«rj Thursday. Ay II it,kaiA--JatRb I’ylus. no Tka laaaraitce Falhtu# l iken * u iIm- i'uuit J«mr< K>{ r, Nnpt. of I’onr, I* D <*uwnty for (lie remaining tlmr tkc county tui l«M- an organ hi hy him (Pratt) for one* nurmtiui wr ttaiaa allowed at...... ItOO ^Ikr jallof Ike aaid M. I». Drown »• bw!»furr, COUUIT Ac ESTEH, Spaulding IliHiar, ax|*ir< a a* klbift Keek’** whiskey tax. A j i'be Jolluu lug actoubie ncre |»r**«« :r t atol ti j Hartford. |(!om ).«•••,•••••• f dan. Jj lc*S CotUl k K*r4arad, That F.ldav.thc 4th . J _ t'oui.ty Traaauier alluwad al. . ... • ’ * Mr. Kmney moved that the Oerk be 4lre w V . Mgas be aa*igardfor 9thv heanngofeaid petitiou.and lhai —The ttr-t ”4"’*»ntennial ll<*p ” of the I b> Mr. l.udwtck: l*wlH Jano.iry 10th, ISIS. HOME MATTERS. * Aaalaf A. II. LallUaeii, aoaatakie f»wa. wae laid upon ihe table allowed at.....*...... t1' S*l . Wa * the tamuiil deda.ied fruai kit xwvnt by tbe , ...... rl . .... the h«ir* al law uf aaid deceased, and all i ia a .li.auk . otherpfraoiialatcrratrd lnaatd catate,arercqulr- 1 i M*aann, r will Im rgnen ” hy• the —'I. idle- 1.1- ; •« Ikr. l.uiirJ^.m, aiteadlBf poat •••• neta aitfioa*, aaaoLrnoa* nr ruticm . Wm. L. lit*S', Rupt. of Puur,. 13 0*i Conuuittw an Cia»m« ; truardtan of *a*d Minor rtamlnat k*i. • jV.!.Vo l FsWi Jiietioi f~cr.** '* D ’ "" ™ki+ tU°Uon d “‘ n°‘ Prr" '• i rd to appear at a reealuti of *ai«t Culirt lh« n lo be < lakini at Dwlla. , hrary A»M>elatlon. on Thuraday even- “ l»r. LliMell, Riundlnr |,o*l aoiuin «|. Oa tuotion of Mr. Barlow, the Board aitpmnad 1 oldenat the l* rebate Offite.in tbe village of Ht. “%,u iTT*! 1** Hl J#h** K* %1 ** d 'V ,W WXU i tD|g*______SOth_ Inm.. at __the_ _reald«ne«of______It. M._ fly Mr Ualdaln until J o'clock, pm. *1 owed al...... * D j 4,n moti»»n of Mr Ballwin Ur County Clerk waa J. H. FEDEWA ' .fohna, and ibnw ranee, if any there be, why rleoe.#*.** aa MM*«follow# ^ ______l e» ...... ~ ^ • i l> >. r<>natal>l«* 1> Arttii«xii naeaiog —2 o ’clock. ** J Dcltard. JtieUssflMw,...... 4 7D authorised to yurrhaae *wo burkeia and fixture* for I ^^ttornre and Counsellor______at I.awr. and.*nd .‘.‘'••lirit*' •licit- U •* j-raynprayraaof the patttimer ahou id not I.«gr»nta< Lwl It M 4 p 14 ^ Ste«*||. Muaie by ki heat *k t eh*hrat«*d ** fkf | Jia raaou, +•«aiolaatU*u *>f an lne«»e allowed at...... t M' drawn* -.hi. .*..#• .. - A m. or in •rhaucery. naucer) . aiAlso.*<». AgrmAgent torfor inrthe (.nr-pur-1 And<*'• i*it if rFsrthorOrdered , tkatDotire br givesu tok . The |L act met pursuant to ad)oornmerit . and , » r m .>.* Welt a the Cwwrt lloua# rh**ea»»d *%]« tif real oetato Offer- in f\,art ' thoporeonelnlarealad loaaid ratate, ol the pen- OPT1CI noi'M-tS A. (• am P M. (juidrille Band. All arc cordially In- rt UrPS?" J Mandifo, Imerd'f j«*i«*i^r S M* . w«* raltol t«* order by the chairman allowed at ...... 3 bi i T* rf1- (lour*. St- John* Michigan deaey of aaid petiikoa ami tka hearingIhtrtuf, ky Muttduya. HD k> ID r. M vlted to come earlr an*! ntav a^ long a-t ' t«|»°f«#orpu Xki.o.e, wiu.eea r^«* I Rrt|T railed : «|Uoram prrwnl. A. Ootnptaa a»»>i fc ••ther-, jnry Mr Bartow moved that the B»r4 edjoura until ------, :r,a-!D« * ‘*1 of this order to be published la the UKO. A WkLI.a, P M * . e* * .lame* |>. Covert, witaeee fe< e rrrMititirr «>r Cleius f« aa...... •«» ______. *>»- — ■ thev please. Vo poatponemrnt on ac-' - «> at iluubeii, wtm*«e w« H l gs] g| .,|,M|rMIMMtM"'tlM R 8U, |i to-m now lamming at St* o ’clack ; H.J PATTERSON, circulated In aatd county of Ciintun for tbroesur . IliklMU UKP.ilTIKM. Ity Mr. t*t>U>n : Thl full'Wlog arcount* were prre*m«.J and ir 1 A t ■• rnt-tut. and * other-, do,. • V WLIrk motwn did.not prevail ' I.NKHa L Inenrance and > *t* y^ IBRSW1 .. . - II a, count of the weather. .ier'i of l*r. Cot tin. efaraloaUun ln**n#prraoii. fertrd to the c.atml;tee < n riaim* Allntei tt...... 6 06' Mr. Ilftf?tvi|t<)(i iiovH|(l)gi Uif Couiit|f (% i’artlcular attenttou given to the collection of JOEL II. CUANtlOX. Judgcof I'robata. A 1.180 pound* 7 yearn old horae , •• l>r. Wiy/tna. ef. Ineane petb»n. debt*, 4c. WaroueU, Mich. 4*0 (A true copy) «&1 a Jreater l*argain« than ever. Tay- By Mr. fUrtow : a'^'wel'•»***' **^' ^ I* V* ! * r ^ in#trac«ed to • K.-ci aa ia«nruiirw aywi tb* fttr *ile. Soand. ami O. K. See K. B. i fly Mr. flaad ( Aee't of .1 Mandigo, lr*«r%iiof r •• tii-c "w. V/u-, imp! Hbeiriff, 31 S3 I (^«t* lfu«*r for tk* amount of f/fMidQ tor lit peri- ! Co. Aer'l of Ckarlea Trt,n*vn, allure* free. It, ||r |Vek French, or Dr. II. M. F.atea. 474 Oa muttoa of Me, ItoJdwia, Mr lL*rt«>w wae r i of M l» Uruw n. hoardm. jneoarr*. a. owedat- ...... • 5l W : od of »*a# year. — The Portland xaya: * Mra. attowed at* >r1,'Un* ...... S'. *7 Mr* Bwt» wored to am< ird Mr. !lxrr1i>r,«s's Run Kroi ’CTiON w thb Prick nr fruind lea*# of atwuocw for l« morroa Itjr Mr. i'olUiia Pierce, of Waterton, mother of Mr. A.w'tofi X Vaae»«, deputy eharllf f»-** •• V|..w I> Drown, koardiof p»tw*i>- Bioti.a by wh*1totlii| *he word* ** the.# y*«rfM trRxVK brON'Ea.—Head the following Of adun of Mi ll.inugioB. ikw Board ad- - Adelhort I'araoll. under thm Iff Oer.e*-e ; (. harles I ierce of thl* village, had a purw.i until t« aotmw Rkormt«f »t • nViork. coaat*...... SU 0* tor ike *r»»rde Moaey*ar;" Great Bargains low prleea now <»ffered by Ur. I- M. -* Ualueka I'euncil, eherid • f.*c*. •nf*r; 1 •* ’:...... :r- * “• I Whtok ino Ion prevailed family reunion on New Year** day — M K P. Uourblon, eonau foe*,.. 17 .T | _ r Sherman, of Ihe old and reliable inar- ISv Mr. I'ptoa • ^ allowed at...... S Ss The yeaa and nays b«inx JemanJod upon tko which was her 77th birthday. Among Tt—M urk » *on from Imil.ua ,,.rh.lf„.„ f%Via|...... I!.*.*.!! ’.!*.!!. * 5 31 mood beto* seconded, tbe motion lid not premil, grown people, lettered and aet in bate, M Clark, ieaitor at court huuar w hom alie had not seen for 14 years. R.*ic»i;«t quorum •* Geo, W X»lr*, dept . eherntf tor- \. J Wifgtna, exaaiinaUon uf io- ky yea* and nara, a* followa : fit. Stones a feel high, for children, Hy Mr. Baldwin : Mr*. Pierce has woven since March 1st,, TMakfiM of jrwrrlri'r pr*.er, prices are leaa than what the rough j yaft|# rto*f •vavio * ,.•» ct mu . M A Compton and 10 other#, Jsrur'a fee* yanla of car|aeting, being an average n .od J t,udwick and Other*, witnraa he* allowed at...... * •* HarrlBjtoB, dot***, k apr, Feck 7. m alerial wouhl coat most dealers. nroiTor utiitii* couwiTTee. “ M*,7o UrJ rUfk’ i/Un .^, hl CjT:i O" ^’lon tk* Board adjourned until l- morow of 57\ yanls per month. We know of Ao«t nff.MfRacV iop|tlU* for totirl k >wA* aMuwJTat ...... Si 71 BV»rt.iaf at I k -'clock. To the lloa Hoard of Hupwrvtaor* : STEPHENSON'S — You caii buy Ortx^erles at bottom iou 0f uomen not half as old as Mrs. , ^MoiSflnri.(krlrkbi'l su< The committee on I'ubtic Uulidtng* do tn.-el it- i Vletb rt 1 ar«ol. I’o J Nhenlt. k On •iretfu > report that we have rui.frrred wtb Mr ...... muk-nv.i iu*i*r prices at Griswold** new score. Pierce that wont begin to weave as f*j Mr n*idaia. SiHr* |i H»owi« f«*r tl«e i.urpoee of a-ceitalntug at “ S'm. Wl»nl»r,rua*l...... * Wl ...... u , , __ Ca CTIOX. —All persons are f.*rb»ddcn i m„ch as that during the Centennial i»fC|4f#,giI15T ** "** u’*** r'~ cU*i,i* «bai j-rtor mid t «unly ran toa*r tf.c J .tl row j altowed el...... • *• taia*t Meaaiaa, January 7, 1174 * 1It owaedWf Dm, for the term uf aa* yaar.ur part of j •' tJ Frnn* II, DbettlT* fe«*...... * ^ s <* Vcitoi A. K. to do business with Henry Klsden Ml rear.'* 1 AcwHatOftfc llaai,w%.rs»»cown>iu»* ti< - U*4' « year, a* tbe aeeeewtv of ^he raaen*ay require - A*VT ...... iaa V 1U Board amt, p«*uaM to a iyoumment, aad A r>4 «r are Iitftirmcd by btrn that k* a ill leaa* t. * Itutto-H, € *o»t . t**»...... 1* 4> . , , . . my agi'nt, a« he has »*o authority to do —Men ’s beaver boots. Taylor A Co. J A <1 Hunt, fiippll*art urt hull' euidUtl f*d «Mie year for Ih. .uu. uf oi.a haodret allowed at...... >31- * »• ■»«* to actor by tk* I kalrmau. h t 1 row***. ------— By Mr- Ludwlck* A.c’t ef G A Dail‘k ai*.! leetity dvtllar*. and at that rat* f .« any tongth i »u u*-t*uB uf Mr. Kinoey tk* rep >rt uf tk* « m lt.-il called : quorum pr**-at — Buv fresh ovsiers at Grlsw<*ld*s tTiox Sai *,—Mr. Arnold l.ske, of Bj Mr g ltM,. ! uf U* l#** 4 ^ jT, *M V tT| KWd' **"* wltte* w*a adopted aud *4 .ptid, ar.4 thr Clerk al ,h* mlautoe *f yeOwday'* pvueemBa«a w*rr M b*. * ___ __ ' 1 Essex, w ho lately »ohl his farm In that a ®c’i°f k o u *c>: |v ** f t hair mao J m ted ta draw ardera for Ike raasacUr* am ■»>»•. »<** ! approead. lil'W KCStAtiraMt. ' ' ... I I»> Mr. Dryer. UNTIL JAN. 1st. 1876. * township, with a view of removing to A«. a«Mu*w itaiMa* CMSittm —CoM, l*u*t it • T*ylor A On. Texas, will sell at public auction, at Aram it-.1 c. aiut* inf ..nm. c*l and adopted, and tk« Clerk au: homed loron- y, the following 1 lm < «*• «’lai«»* r*H»1e.t hack the fuj. ,, * t r . tta moU»> of Mr. Hand the above a ‘•1# ! tract with M l» Blown, la j.vrxuatc* ef *i!d con Wuaat**. A* tkr improvement uf th* a*«aiy , Dwlnf aerwtmtsDitktke remimaacadatkm that they —Ideaii cirffulljr ihD doing* of thF his residence, on Saturday, loth in*t. f w#rtr.alo tb.Cama»utoooaclaim, tnut. lacroaaa* ike travel wp« ear public b»«l uar*. and W allow ef by tb* Board, ri> : ^•pr/rlfors. a lot of personal property, consisting > smsfer mnim •eawtist*. The curumUtee on the Treaaoi) u.ake the ful- I • sv* and better bnlg-* , a < > t of J. M. MrfarUn, Juettc* fmw, f vS 04 We w ill nell Overcoats for $.’> 00 worth $*) ftu. al|o«e.t at...... u 12 — .\4sr*Vv willing to show g4* fit. That tSe i»n.»gea »a »ke eeveral towa- G. K. Corbia, puat uiaite*n»a. 10 uu We will sell Overcoats for $0 00 worth 00. er anti r«*ai>er combined wheel rake. • *■ ‘,,’ub:' with th* rccommen.iaiioa that rren le batlt, and paid lor allowed at...... Jg og Taylor A Co. , . . . they h* allowed ky the Hoard ae follow* out wt tb* c^nliorent (unJ of «*iJuuatv of Clin A. t*t<>ut, Juvtlee f«-a<...... 1 Tn We will H**ll Beaver Overcoats for 112 00 worth |16 00. —TIas otAge fare brtwern Bt. John* .IclRh*, plow., harrow., celilvaior»,| AwNrfnt atCBtrvs- ton, under the direction ol tk- Oeuaau •«'« af ai.owed at...... | 70 la dvrft from b*i o*er CoRuly Treaeurei. | 37ft %3 Highway* of lk» toeuaklr •* eaira -Id bridge* A Stout, Justice lee*..' 4 || We will sell Reaver O\ercoats f«*r $l.r» 00 wortli fJtt Oft. and Miple Hspids has be«*n rodui'vtl to cauldron kettle, corn, hay, corn fodder, i |*rraun ...... (JU Dcceiird from itur mniirya,...... lift Ur ai towel at...... 9 S dU •• *• Hupt.otl'oor ...... IS 13 are to h* kail* j allowed at..,.....,.,...... 297 We will sell Men's Business Suit** for $0 00 w orth $12 00. ,W. So says tUc ,¥ca*^v*r- straw, potatoes, bagas, wheat aud oth­ 4 J Wiggins, ciaminattao of ta- Tkr fore* nag leeetalien •**' Utd oa tk- table b> j ,,fl wf yr Kmoey tkc report of the com ­ m i’*i» »74 0t We w ill sell Men ’** all wool Soit* for $16 00 worth $20 0o. —447 couples particlimtail In the party er grain . Also, household furniture •ana pereor ...... 4 u> Itolinqueat taara colla* ted HWN> yew* and aay*. a* Mio** mittee wu »ooej te.| and adopted, aad tk# Clerk di- allowed at...... 49* lU-dcuiptIona«P after Rite,. 4 UP 9V Yin-krurv Baldwin, ('hue, « »M«. Irrvrr. , ^^4 df,* oniers for tke re*ywvti\* amount*. We will acll Children’s Suit- for $•"> 00 worth $6 5o. at Heed's Hull. Maple Kspld«, on New and farmingling miniimplements too nuineroui U K Corbin, tiMmai Min uf luaaae Town Treasurer* fot t*i« S3.fl6f to flat.4. Harrington, Juuea. Knaep, U'ltkk, Met vctwa,...... goo I'rimary acbool money.. .. 4 te-t «i> ib*w« -10 Mr. Hand,chairman of tba vonuarttre appointed We will sell Boy'* Suit* for $7 .*i 0 worth $10 00. Year* ’ eve. to mention. Terms favorable ami aale I al laired at...... k 00 Entry toee ...... 174 00 X*T« Mi«*t* Itoty, Ktnaey, I’rek, L'picn 4 to hunt poor and eontingcnt ordc.t, reported that — The Congregational Social will be Cbaa. Ferguaoa, » Hurt* !«•**. *1 positive. Any aud all persons having al towed at...... w» J ...... *12! Mr. Dryer eMmrd tk* foUewtug : thr 'ommltiee i.ij 'rmpUcd with thr io*rru.'ti«a* Job lot —ai* filereN Flald Dn •-* fifutd- for 20c. per yard worth iXk . held next Tuesday eveulng, at the res­ claims against Mr. Lake are requested H S Hiitoa. pHntlag ...... ftg 7ft “ Liquor tax...... 2.0*4 74 A'*a/red. That tk# iotn»r nrdita and dr »»a cr- to tkr Hoard allowed at...... ft? 7ft Job lot —50 pieces Black Alpaca for .'Wc. worth 45c. idence of Mia. r. K. 1'erriu. • Appr.iisniriite mate lAtida IS ft# der*. wiineto and jury cert iSoatea, he cam pared llrp»rt accepted *aI cxtamittcc di*ckar|rd. to preaent the same for adjustment im­ 4 B Led Bet, boarding pH#.. IS 1ft (Jrtuox ) 3 U1 ** ’ SuL ii' *h. re* . tiw ..rd. r book*, and jmt m ir*Auth’i« **n torwtt. Waterproof for *5«\ yard, worth $1. — The late warm weather haacaused mediately. allowed at...... 14 )ft Jail loan Uitdi ... iro iwdel checked tiy writir.g acr<>-e tb* l*~* nf thretui « thr ii U Nukoti, WiltMwa fee*,.. 4 g3 VreAeaburfk for aut>fH>rtcf I fall*'wing : •• Al <>wed Cout.ty 1 reavurer Jan. ftth. Mr Bel I#m moved that tbe t'aunty Tira-urrr 50 piece* Red Flannels for JTLc. j*er yard, worth 50c. tbe lilac buds to almost burst with the allowed at...... 7 ftO Mary Hidwetr* cklld.... < Ui li'4 ,M aad 'bat tkc cuuatr and pear order v a ml . . , , . „ 7 . Noma. —There will be a meeting of J ll Coyert, tut.rM free .... * IS Nate* belonging to county . i»a*5 I*ry and *i!nea. orriJt.«to». afw having tn-rn laMrtKldd la Inaar* the Caart Houaa la any r«- 50 pieces Men ’s Shirting Flannels for 25c. |>er yard, worth JT’.jC. epring fever. allowed at...... J H Idtrh laii-e In Ovid .. j.,j 7* r°wipjr*d anJ rkerked, be buiae-t by a ipnul coir. 'ivb.'e c> mp»i «a in tkr »mr nt ffvtitt. f t *ba peri — ('ouuty Cierk I’alroer had his ears the members of the Ladies Library As­ • aotioa *(ifr Hand the repun ofttr com Ultch tnxe* tn Olive .. 44i af mtlie* to be app».iaied by the Chair for that pur- 1 ^4 of one year 25 dux. Men’-* Wrappers an«l Drawers for .17 ’..c. each, worth 60c *3 ii ; and that ‘.be mweetUnean* voucher*, drain u . , .... sociation, at the Library Rooms, on mltifw was accepted, adopted aad tk* clerk au r» tek taxes lo Dllrv.... "* ' — ■ ------— - * ‘F. I artow driit *11 ted tbe y*a* at.1 nav* up n nipped by Jack Frost, w bile coming in Irtlrk late* In IJreenbuah . ^4 u order* and receipt* ef ail ufBceta, be written acr >«a • 1 uww 50 pieces Canton Flannel-* f«*r 12*- g c. jnt yard worth 16c. ;U l0 1 the to e, •• Allowed County Treasurer Jan. fttk. the adoption •ef f Mr. Baldwin's tuition. .from his farm on Monday morning last. Friday, January 21 at Inst., at 3 o'clock ,har4 aiyasrued - Oi»n prr. —Seven cars belonging to a special *• m ., for the purpose of making arraug- uutil 9 a’eioet. p. m. •• •• Olive, ,. * J; j °® "*^*«*«‘ "f Mr. I’pt-R t»-« torar Jng relation J ?alIe4t by yeA% ,kttJ uyi| fviJo w* •• tax *<• ’e*, Ovid...... Ladies llliiek lie tvcr for $2 50 jM-r yar'l worth $J 50. Jfrelght train left the track at Owoaso ments for a “Ceutennlal Tea Party,M Artiainwi RMaas-fskhvi. •• (Hite...... j* ^ 1 wa* adapted Ysaft—M-Ssra. Baida.n, Chase. Hand, Juaaa, e>n Satunlat U*t. i to take place mhuc time la February, tl# B-*ard m#t and *n catiedto order hy m# - - ICIlry...... rJ l« " "*-*►! ino pieces all shade* Worsted Fringes for 80c per yard. -X>»e of the chimney* on the resi- rnt •* j Mired i« the ••maMMu m. rMm ttoeeloo tioua. ReioIuUoiu and Nctbw* " htoh motion prevailed. Ft*»r order* audited kr Hmsty fttyrrga uaJmM t Whu-h mutton did not prevail. ! Mr. Oattias meml thvt tb« %c* . m ef n Strict- Yak Laces for 25 A 35c jmt yard worth 35 A 50c. aad redeemed asoatkiy by t nru 1 - « Mr. RHarVow morrd that tk# H ail adi**urn until I •»* 1 ^ r.-jccted by tin. Hoard , Germantown Yarn all shades only l’i^c j>er ounce. le nee of Dr. L. W, Faaquelle, burned January, .f bid Aft outtaKKotor «euil««. wfclea «»*ot r A n .xvii ..r .nr Ac...cit- ■ W f. If kcaa, Bup't e< Ftn-r WMrh motion did not yrerail February... tr? a t-~morr«tW a*mi&| at Sift o'clock Berlin Zephyr* all shades, only 16c jmt ounce. . . . TCKbL Socorrv. — rbr* ntiinisl meeting HyMr. wi«a#y March,.... 111 14 Oa m>tioa ef Mr. l>ryer thr Clrtk was directed gave the Inmates c*J«»ultlcr»blc AUkrm. , k _ . . , I , AeaXal Irwmaa log It, Uvardutg prieuuei*. VIik I motion did not prevail April .. 1,044 fts On motion of Hr. t'pton the B011J *lj»*rr*J 1 te draw an orW f-»r It. Dtn klaad In the sum of uf the Clintou Count v Agricultural anti Aagtisiaa KiWuod. witoeea toea. M*y. ftftd 17 Ladle* Kttrs for $2 50 per sett, worth $3 50. — The Ovlrl Rngiatpr «ftTR that Mr. .. , ,. , ,. . . ___ . , , » Kara It I>anlella, wttuiw* fee* lew dollar*. Horticultural noctcty was belli at the ()> c.»uina June, .... . 21ft SI until to morrow morning at S.X aVIack. Ladies Furs for $3 50 per sett, worth $5 00. Joshua K.vppallcc brought to that msr- July, 473 1ft Mr. Klaney moved that th* raparl af tk* pram ad 1 Court House, iu Uiif village, on Sntur- A^n of H^Adam*. jaattor ler, ertmiaal case Augaat. .... 933 M ingv uf the Board at iu proemt msivi b* published ' Ladies Furs for $5 00 per *ett, worth $6 60. krt, a turkey, wlii« h weighed, fully Heptetaki i. tf* 24 u.asme *"** '**• in the L’haton Rerabiiran and tkr Clinton lade- J tl*T last. The l’rt'ftidrut sn«l Secretary l Aee't af Jeka Tremper and ft ofthera. Jury Ice* Ladies 8ilk Handkerchiefs for 50c. worth $1 00. • Ircavcd, 27 lg pra aad nedeeme-t monikly : wa* called to >rd*r by tb* Chaiimvn. J hslfof tk* legal rate* allowed by I.« -o**n to be broughtI out by lli» ewW L^ llld Kkhud IUtIL. F-..,.. of 7 January, ...... fiJCj tb chief* from 10c. each and upwards. February, ...... *4 7ft Doll called: quorum yr-aeuL Which moti. * prevailed ot 0vW> undJer* r the leadership»c»rt^r»hlp of I R”"_ • ,;";„Vs«7r««r,-______;», __I!«.. AO-r, _I ! Bv Mr. Daldwla: March...... lft 03 Tkr miautm of yc*terds> ’* *+• \ Mr. Itoyrr ofcrcl Uir to*;..wif.g, whub wa-un»u Kmhrolderlca, Lace Kdgeing* mid (’rochci Edging- at half nrare I) Writing, eeae-ahl*fee* April...... *> to read, eurretted and approved imously ado;ted '***• *• ®- ’F* rr*ll. whtrli thr following named fentlemen U W Forks, taetic* fee*. Msy...... 4 ft* tliejr value. — During the gale Ian week a box It Oft*tiff Of Bred*, krm sectional ii>d«K. June, ...... 1.474 01 rammfiM or if *iu%. Fraefred. That we hereby ton tor tk* i kmrman ! wrerc elected officer* of the Society for H A J moas.rwp riocork Ktwister'a offer. July,...... ** 30 Bv Mr I Dtea th»* ILmrd aur «tno*r* tkaak* for tke kind, im-1 Cavalry Jackets for $ I 00. |] 12 and $1 25 each. waa lifted from the walk and paaacd •* Gaorg* Dweeoey, removing t bodyu« of Mirk, Auguat, ...... 7 K I parTial and adtcicuf manarr tn which he has dto- the ensuing year; a pauper September...... t ft Aooount of 0 K. i orbln, pest martvoi riaidiat- ; charged lb* duties ot tbe otter Hemp t arpet J>. tliroagh one of the show whitlows in President Joshua Brown, of Beaga. •* DM I lay for livery prr order »f Pr^ae- j Oft Bf»!w« • f Mr Hilda n ike Boird itjourftM j ratlag Attorney Paper Carpet 30c. I*. Hall A Co ’s, boot and shoe store. Kwrrtarj -B B7 Hi I ton, if 7*t. John# Total ...... * li Mr. Kiaaey : mna die Director*Trraaarer— ,/ohnK H Oilhert.DvtdCarua*. *.f F«« • J. C. Brqt Dy Mr. Farian. justice leeaig «rtm. r*M* Tr►^7,^„' uperv !•«*»'•l pay rollroll for ’xSTv'^J^^and' — Ticketv are now being *old for a IB lillwTii, w, — Aer'l of .1 N ▲oo ’unt ef M . HoavenrtcL, •appli*-* tor jail. K. V. CII ARK, Ckatrwian Good Ingrain Carpet for 75c. per yard. grand Melodeou Drawing, to take place Victor' Luther JonoJour*. Iteimal: Wm. VaaDyks. MrvtT rtf *T*WDIV0 «'owuirr**s April. IS.ft. On matlon af Mr. llarriagtou tbe * ‘<*vec!alm* I'aitui U. fuait,Clerk. Itiley . Ja* Itotrk. t***• Tbi roaallti* oa data* r*p>rt k*rk ikt Wkv- A*y!um RrweL ts tor tb# quarter ea4log *»rr nked to Ike IVaaittr* •>« Claim* — ---- —----- With the purchase of a dress worth three dollars aud upward we present at Hollenbeck * aaloon. Saturday eve- The meeting w as rather a 11rmly at- I laiasconau With Ike rerommeadaUon that they -•— ------W " j arroar# oe ms»i*y iouuitt ... — 1876 —Hcxvpitrich list turned over • Tv»me«tic Pattern to ent the same. ning, 16th Inst. The number of tickets tended, which wtu attributed to the h, .u..^ b, tk. .. ! r | «»*to «»»■; ^ *»**, n,c«..uoH(II>la. n new* leaf: is limited to 100. bad condition of the roads. Ow ing to Aec’l did Maaon, d*paty akerti. 91 ft S3 Bargains. . _ gitowred al...... (13 Sft r#ipia far...... 4.0R4 00 j Hftiaf accounts with tbe reeowimmdattoa that i — We understand that tbe auction Aram Heeb*. altoudiug c«urt 12 00 Cowrt Itoae# Ifotiftl 3,00a *0 they be allowed by tk* Board, vto Bargains. the abaence of the President and Secre- 950 SO' R E >1 E M It E It , vale at ths residence of A. GUadet, in allowed al______....T...... 13 SO MU he He .lotted. RerpU tor S4 7« Arr* 1 ot ^‘"‘P C™*' w,,r'^" f**a,....f * » Bargains. lary, a report of the standing of the 0 C II Fainter, clerk’* f#*w tn rrlml- j Birth* aad ItotoRJ Bargains. i.sJ caaei ...... 40 79 Coaaty Itokoal Bengal, Dst Friday, was made very Society was not made, and on motion | r;£l.,u,.r* JR8 - * For the next 80 Days. spirited by the free ln«lnlg**ncic in hani l|)f m(ft1ngvM luijotirnsl to^atnrtlsy, Kagiafter of Daeda, taak aap....9 SS RajpjrJaapHai, ...... ^1# Augast Dtaimiai. wit*.#** free ft 2d For the next 60 Days. mWRT. 1 27K1 Instant, si 1 o'clock r. M. <»#rtWMu*r!t work aa bulldlimauaB- * ** tHBcer'a, Frteoa aud H«ua# ot Currecltow a lowed -t ...... J 9 For the next 00 Days. — 3l4«4r», Bundsy, \1. D. Brown ------—------ml toeon cowri bow## ... T.S ei Reartpto...... v. ..V1,..... ISm W Ow a^toaa af Mr. Hand tka report ef the aw | For the next 60 Days. allowed al. .* ...... 1 OS ( uoa»* * 1° r priaorijr* j»cr order of Court, 30 it) mittae wasacreptrd aad adajded, and tkc Ckrk di- 4 For Money. wntl F. L. Vauconuant have conclndetl Si rntm and Ektmtaixmkkt .—The ’• “***''-•*-*» SSSSSru'aijto.; . **'#<“4-”•"«*• For Money. Stephenson & Son Juerect uew* brick stores on tbe Ave- ladles of the LpiacopAl < Lurch will - A O Huat.euppUa* t bauea.**ft 41 , OMRiy • ItoceipU tor quarlrr Tt# Commit tee ua Clsirn* reported tack (heat- For Muncy, * MT. J OH \ M9 niA*^ Mit bcaaon, and are now making , supply the good people of 8t. Johns allowed al...... J 41 rodiug dept , tor t ier’s. Pro# Att’y, > muaU of B. Rtrukland ani Jam** Cel'an* wckout • For Money. “ O A H-uiih, Jo*tice f##«...... ft 4>lto " j I>on*t fall to Improve this vegAon of jieoestarr preparations for the same. and vicinity with a sumptuous supper allowed at...... ft or* — Theowan who will saw a cord of and Interest th**m with some Tableaux Library Money,.. sfts 7ft i asroar* or hSLBcr oiMairttt*. bargains. On motion, tke rapmt waa accepted, adopted Fact Aecouot ...... 130 TA * _____ —w-a^______ARK THE FrrIfki an«1 Kipence* ...... *23 44 Ilf Ik# Committee uft Kurtilturr: . .__„ , . ... , , , I wood and use the proceeds to pay his at Newton Hall this 'Thursday) eve- aad tk* nark authorised to draw order* for tk* * v* ______.. . . . r ot no .—A roll of bills was found in- * ning. The earnings of w hich w ill go reaped!v* account* aa allowed Juror Certlftoalea, ...... 1.531 7f lour commilie* appoialed to lareetignte and re- . •lore bill is worth more to a community Wit mm - ...... 933 fta purl ta regard ta tkc neeaasity ef more furniture in ® jf. Ticket office, by Le­ towards paying for the recent improve ­ notions, kaaoLvrKisa aaa aoticsa HbeiiS* Revraid*, (S on than a do ten fellows who will lament Duucan M Ku i Receipt*, Belar.re ,.f ail ts* Praeeeuttog Attorn#)’* »s««, w*uid r*sp*ctfui- Grange Brooks, the Forter, it few min- about the hard times behind a bar-room ments made upon the church. In order Oa motion of Mr. Held win tk* r'erk was author- money* 4 D|>oni«4 fuTrauaury, Hept eoaid roaummrni that tko l’lowtatui Attorney | momillg, 10th fust. The loser can j practice regularity in their meals) the tlagent fund of CNaten coaaty. Ik IS74,...... tu so Company started their machinery again b«auttortaed to punk*** said Biov.k Caae, and tkai have the ume by proving loss and' On motlea ef Mr. Baldwin the chairman ap- MlaeaBaaaou* Receipts...... ll» so last Monday morning, alter remaining drst supper w ill be served promptly st Ik# mot b# paid for ant af tka n atlngrnt fund. I am0(tm, snd paving for thl# notice. qwiet for three week*, which time was 1 •!*, »nd coutinueil until 7^ o ’clock, at pototod_____ a oammitteooftkre* to visit tk* Pro*sent Ttt4sl,...... fJ0 4#2 OS On tnoiioa the r#jt- k*s rdlnff to the RriliUf Mr ^Hted, to Kneea Which, an admission Meeer* Baldwin, Doty and Brown v.ra apf-oiot Jfor. 9972 m . i>r«- F27S.W» Tot el 1X7S 74 ed, and placed un ft!*. w.U.»n v.ry U.e'r.bly fc» «T 10 end will b. ek.rvd. All-r ------— Jail I^ftft tPi dnt Hederraed. I»ei. 99Sm. aeneaa, nwirromiR* nertca*. OHITMR1. know n to our theatro-going people.will ib» T.bif.u* ...pp.,. wm w... r-,ra«i! l T.zv On ae ton tka rota by akl«k tba reaoluiloa At kia mulker'a rciiJeaca, near Ypailanti. b. tn Ori'l with • n«* ruuipany on (h. »nd •«"•"«'« *•»' «wpo»*l P " B ...... Mo...,., i..„, «. I «q*«>i I * * - «%• adopted uattrJry, antberitinf tk# Poaa^ ! haftiry Stft.lfTl, ilr. Efim Arty, ifaj X yaan, D*M ’ii 4,...... j is# g» iTialin of tb« l*th tad IMh In.um. I Prom P"> 10 1,1 of* 1""- T*> f »»PP»r r». n-rt ... Faars...... IftC Ml Tisaanrer te •a«are Ike Court Roue, urea rre»ftA • * woatha ami SO day*. II* waa tka lata rRcittt Oaptaiu...... MB au «>, Wlr« h. will own- »• K. John.! »* «»*• •<'*T**n .,0,<* «•<*•«*. ««. '• ^ *>ed. sn«l F- polar i- aJer of tk* Cara«t Ban t, ia thi* ■ (M4, ...... «M «7 Mr. rat twin m "red to amend tk# i.*wUb<« by _ rillan*. nod waa fur aomo yaan oo a a eat ad witk i Greenbu*k . ISe SO — Mr. K. B. rhilll|>4 hM purrhow^l r"fr" 'Irllpado* nf Ih. ' ,lHM ^ )««•>)'• rimo.1. •«. ,«• ‘ W.apka ta ... ru «i addiw( tbaraftir ike futtowiaf arotd* . •’aretkei re th* Si. J«Ao< Manufaetwrinc (5i.. a« a steady, iu Cast. Outer’sleUMMlatho ftt. John. -m-oo . »n4 »«r l» fr«-ly portldp.t-.l -wwi tHlItaa...... ADO 00 I liable companies. ’* ‘ Js»tr»«s« »»J faithful workman. Ta aay that be ______94 Jokaa...... 1(44 09 *nd Ht. lx>ui. use. lln.,»n(l will .pend ,n for ,h“ W*lto"»*r <«• »u» of M r.iriMimmi or euisi_____ — Mr. Uantatton mo*el to amend the rrsolutteik * Krstlemsa and a mas ot sotisMo aad ea )D| M , by atiiktnf out th* word# ** tkree year*," and In- ' *8Usi rharftttrr. U only to endorse the lerdiet , bi, da* upon th. Xorth.ro dlTl.lon, ! ~"u A M«ndlr m* Total ...... Juror ’* CrrtlSeatee, So? terra...... aerunf in lien thereof th* twr4i " <*aa year " ^ *ko eatir* comiaanity is wht:h h* tired, aa while Mr. Wyman, his pertner, will ** pttlffie. l^t us niM* Stofinynioker ’a RecetRta,...... —At Waterford, on Hat itr»iay last, « Tiar—Between three and four Dr*M lr"h« y#-• and nnyi on th. ,lo w toca ia h* raaaited with n hetovad. da* train, and waa not extinguished until was communicated to the Cheese Far- 5ic“'*4 JD tute*. fur ,.nou M Halag Furaara...... 13 Fraftfbt aa4 Ript«*a ...... adoptasn ef the rmalwuow. . | '«** wif* aad rhiM.ia the bettor land ' Com After 30 or 90 cords of the wood was lory of Mr. Leroy Maxaoi, which Is sit- ^ nr r?rtg 4 ***** Saperrlaar’a appraisement State I.**4a Thedemand w*« ae-onded aad the reaaUtton waa 1 ! consumed . tlouaty Oflrrra Retariea...... NEW uated just north of this village, on the a*# « at nr. Dattafthtffc, #s irmm p***,* Mtoalnama* ...... noi adapted, by yeas aad a«y*, aa Mtowa . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. — In a single day In the latter part of Htate Road, and the hnlldlng. together t Aar w^ra. aieut.)B*«4M t#e* IftUh Tax Rweiat. Hfttoi Tree surer...... YoaS-Meaar*. Baldwin, f.'ka*#, ll«ad, Jeaaa, '• »• (HM *' .... K<» ey, l-U'iwc k, M . T'ytm * 1 >M4»M % V I tftMSftf It Dsctmbcr, nk., Heory and Frank with nearly all its content*, was con- |y Mr hJJF A Fsaftftj, **p f»u«*f«* jag ♦4 * OSr# *• .... Ifari M*m««. Dartww, Hn.aa, Gallia*. Defy. rX tJoantyCoanty vtCtlnlai,v! Cltilot. aa.a# At a aeaaicnaftke•*#• Howard, of Grseobusb, sawed with a ** Dale L'ettillMiMMirraderot ... Dryer, Harr* *.*»<•»*. Knapp, Favk-S ProbateOeortroboteOu*rt tor theftouutytkeltoauty atoi ClintsCllataa, helden sumed. A pari of the buRding was oe- Aa* ’tat/mm* Ei(),ag *f(**t Mr llarnnrlew mrrd that the*. •- al tka FimkateOMee, tatka etltofeaf Ut^faha*, Total ...... M 94SA00 H Mr iiamaitw mared inai tka«w ba aa mar* , ^ ift* ink day ef Jaaa«ry,ia the year FURNITURE EMPORIUM! cram-rut, split sod piled twslve cords I rilp4«*| hy a family named Dates. The I 09 "*»»• cmmmntmmm allowed by Iki* Board, after (Me a fie raa nu** oaetkoueand ideignt eight hnaoredandhuadredand seventyeeientt mi H** I SfTemwwedrt are t nek nf Fernlture tatke F umaleadr-raer, w# ark I he attention af thrfubly of above wood iu nine hours, which building and stock was Insured for w#’ ^** r "" kaHdtag*. b*g IfllNStJsfllt Cnaaeft Judfccf FrohaSsI MARMlIAf. HAND, In owr I*nr# vartrty of *cems almost incredible...... ___ ton** ta rapart that they kav* esamtneS tk* *eavt I’hair man. WLiok mattoa parwalted. In tke matter af the Krtnte of IMKKl* Whtrh. It I. tho,lffht. will rw».r ^ M4 ii^ t». w.<>. »iim4 Dared Janwary fttk, A D . 1S7«. GAUK. Deceased Oa rendtof and SHng the peti — The Hubhsrdston Advertiser pub­ Mr Uarrtogftaa mowed that ta-aamw morwtog tfea, duty rental, ef Clartaea Gage pray lay far ths loss. | hi a aa* fa rax af bata| baAlf *ai«e4 by ftanft*, • epaara oe itud eawwuTvaa. at IS a'rtarh to tka time 4*Spu<«d tor tke teal ad reasons thtortn art tonh that she may be*.# ap lishes the fid low ing as the heaviesttax------»#4 wae>4 r*r*mmaaS that tk* WkeeH*f tkaOaaa The cmahtte wa* were appemteft to iWt tne janrwmrnl af tkt* Board ; psiftial Adminteiralrtx «»f mid naiate f OWK *99 Hr* It.—In rs-0|>eiiing my ty sa *nft«rt**4 ta emmm tko aw* ta b* Sane. aa4 THereupanu ia tfflerrd. I hat Mon-tax. * kc Tth payers of the township of Lebanon : 1 '•m1, * p" ' FriewumMae Attorney'a •>■•# ta laieetlfat* ao4 Sfktek mutton fwweaHad. •lay of February, A D. |ft7A. at ft s'eluck la lbs a 1 - a«M UJ Vanna a 1I#V, Oil Railroad olreat. to the public, tfcal tk* *S|»e«m b* yaM from 1b# eaatiaceirt fbM ««« r w! rr, .mtft nTl 1 -*M — ..... !-#• — r aarrtaia wkat article* a* laraitwr# are aee-led in ven»iaarn *r*i«tw f.»ie»*ertfi.1*« aa«ien, Hfort h. henrlnf of**),!petition aaid #4R . asSwl ta to allowed mm day ’* time more and that the heita •« I*w «»f m 4p#a „ the wilt apt #trth oe a »d a 1*^ w entree ,t f a n y t here OF EVERY DKMCKU FTION . $.*16 50. Tke ewmmtMae aa w-r aea, aoaaat rieaa *aa ratttaa tka wilt! 'uwotoip* of thr vuaty wber* aeceam- ho, why the prayer of U»e petit toner • how Id and ho ~’ J.»4e«ra , Xlla. ft 10*1.. low__.Uilp,. tin j perfectHt Jon< order. j.,„ ».M rD.T Mh.O kkmoju I«7« . I•" “’* ‘.7****■ *• baek tka fat Oa aaaftom af Mr Upftsn, the Cauaty CWh ru ry. ike aaroe ta to paid let ent ef ih* air«kai ta arimtaai ’ 4 par seal aa drkaqaew* tan** a* II art ed by tka Mr. (Those mawad that the reaoUttea to aJytad 11 beranf hy eanatnf a eaay of tot* ardor in ho pwb ■ The reaa aad•4 nay*nays toteobeing iemaadad ua the l^hed la the Ctfatoa Independent, a near*paper New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. wm last week sentenced from the , BH Ceaafy TVeae«r*r Set the year# |S7ft and lt7S. T rm9 1 * * ”**•* “ **• **• '^V- 1 printed and *trruiat«4laaald coaaty mt Clfptoa, died on Tueednv of lost week from in ­ H F Adama,yurttoe feeota »riaaiaal ** fOkmlhsg Mt. Bartow, tk* Coaaty Traarwr** U»a of lha r»**lb laa, the oaasaaa •*• aoaoadod I lor throe •acaoootro weeks peer tone to said day Ionia Circuit to seven yesr’s In the PICTWttC rRAMINC A SPECIALTY. juries received from s fslllog tree upon eaoaa...... 41 7* ama apyrtatad aa spent to preaar* aa Itaaia4 is aad tko resolution wa* am »denied be rs«ft *ad • «f hearing. 8tsie Prison, at hsrd la ho?. nova, aa fbllnw* JORI. If t'RAXifOX , Judgeof Frobat* his form In Panhy the same day. •f towed at ...... 41 ?f _ eewat af LwVail A dm*, af work dare by fk*m la M M A tra# eopy > ftftHo ST. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. 19104 t 4j(ftnb 0| OMtd 0 8) ,.’pktfkfun« 9 TMhM (tv *0 HA *9 , h«mX ttt *di*« 1 *4 m • him twtid *n ®m* J-nai* Soptkj 7no . . ute tu* *4 jo lfQ»pl«3j «49aA 0*1 MX inbox S>H9«^ •m 0) H)M84<] H«H *®M P«* »«n ,*iv *Umj| 80)+m d.**> in vum^ttY /•* %M9Y|u««q **/.*! laoMAf 4*tt »n tuotinqiipiua put 4*pdtuJ At aq* 3|dui#l 9 JO Oofl *343 901 01 J3343J0) ‘itODOJ Jlf (fl JO ‘ioq. 070119*1 Mil V **g3=yacMvrsn•n ii* r«i «■ **f < :• r i«wkj Kfjrr?k ja*J vim .I* ««_____ canrrkKJ *UiL*ir •I II )®M1 VM**®* •» (M/.»pu»/ 4!»q I . * 4(30) 0* 01(0 XfOAMHXxdkO 0490 9p»U* X) p|o ‘2u)poui qji* 4.*qiva*43t|ll>3* Matd |uj ut I (uuqjo ivpaup t tu vt? ‘i^ xuiiunouj •01 |M*« '444UU0.’ |M»I(M| ' ti u» U| 4t/9 *4 p03fj| poo taulMUOp (9X30(1 X q O0* ,, f 3 Mt t « * M TT ptm Mq«« tp(* iaaoj__ ®apf» 80i qrfuuim*aoJ i **» MS ***• put vi*8i4d gg| ‘g l-Kqa X) SdlHSMVlOHOS i|H8*i $mf 4\n Supnp pjof an^i »v»q SKIT • jo nthN|d 9qi t.Co(W 000 M0Mxq 400 (DtMMou 0«Ji«tAD»Oi VHOXJ ox X tavj ‘.uoia ^90 )( 99 3903 o ««•>• 9»»■« •oaoo t.iitttH.ig jo oamcm jo txomih 40 q>iMU*q |U3uiM»J0 ‘a4t*OfI *||OH (9401(080) tiq moj; 9((00 pa)Wdai 43|JH poftioap X(8u iiaO MtUf-Mi* «>il«M Ml >f 430 pat 309 00)0* 0H* O3UHK0I 90) •401! 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