1', Ii National Horticulture Board //)1\ Ministry of Agriculture ft Farmers Welfare (0\ \1 Government of , \J__.-'J/ Plot NO.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, Gurugram - 122015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991, 2341225 we.bsite:~w. nhb.gov.in NHB/CC/ll'h PPAC/2018-19/ \'\0 S . September14, 2018 . 1 Office MeKno•.anduKn

Subject: P•.oceedings of the 11th ••• eeting of the he. P•.oject Ilpp•.aisal . Co••••••ittee (PPIlC) of the National Horlicultu •.e Boa •.d held' on 21.08.2018 -Rega •.ding.

I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) held on 21.08.2018, at NHB, Head Quarters, Gurugram at 2:00 PM under the Chairmanship of Dy. Managing Director,

NHB. ~\ql,",Q

(O.K. Pal) Deputy Director


1) All Area Officers/Joint Directors, NHB, Gurugram. 2) JD (F & A), NHB, Gurugram. 3) DD (IS), NHB, Gurugram

Copy for information to :

1) PSto MD, NHB, Gurugram 2) PAto DMD, NHB, Gurugram National Horticulture Board Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers' Welfare Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

th . NHB, Guruqram, Dated 5 September, 2018._-~~ Subject Minutes of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) meeting to consider the

IJrolJosals under various schemes of the Board. ~-- ~~-~ Date & Time 21.08.2018 at 2.00 IJm . Venue NHB, Gurugram

The Meeting was chaired by Shri Brajendra Singh, DMD, NHB.. The following members attended the meeting. S.No Composition Name of Offi cer/Representative with Designation attended the meetinq ---~- 1. Deputy Managing Director, Shri Brajendra Singh, Dy. Managing Director NHB-Member ~-- - 2. Divisional Heads of the Shri D.P. Singh, Joint Director (East) Division- Member ---_._.- Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director (West) ---- Shri V.K. Sharmll, Joint Director(North) ._- Shri Pushpendra Arya, Joint Director (South) . .__ . .. --- 3. Head of Finance Division Shri S.C Jain, Joint Director (F&A) - Member --


1. Shri Lal Singh, Deputy Director, NE & PS to MD, NHB 2. Shri Bani Singh, Deputy Director, NHB 3. Shri Umed Singh, Deputy Director (East), NHB 4. Shri R.N. Sagar, Deputy Director (South), NHB 5. Shri Hoshiar Singh, Senior Horticulture Officer, NHB 6. Shri Baljit Kumar, Computer Executive,NHB

At the outset, Deputy Managing Director welcomed the members of the P-PAC.

Confirmation of the Proceedings of the last PPAC Meeting held on 14.08.2018.

Proceedings of the last meeting of the PPAC held on 14.08.2018 were circulated to the members on 06.09.2018. No comments or any observations from any members received so far, hence committee confirmed the minutes.

The agenda with respect to project proposals of West Zone discussed as under:-

_. - .- Sr. No. Name of Area Officer Zone Project 1Jr0posals/agenda item No. 1. Dr. R. Bhati , JD West West (Nashik)

2. Shri Pushpendra Arya South South (Vol- I &III)

. Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 1 tOql~,Q

'\ A. Proposals for issuance of In-Principle Approval (IPA) under the scheme "Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops"

1. Sri Santoshkumar Ninganagoud Biradar, No. 76, Ashirwad Ranichenamma Nagar 1st Main Dharwad 580001. ------1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026658, 27.09.2017, reoistration Serial No. 101 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 27.10.2017 AjJplication ---_._- 3 Categol}'- SCP/TSP/Genera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sri Santoshkumar Ninganagoud Biradar, No. 76, beneficiary/ applicant Ashirwad Ranichenamma Nagar 1" Main Dharwad Karnataka 580001 Mob;-64878469717~ __ ------5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 131 situated at Bommanahalli- Village, Tal & Distt;- Bijkapur Karmataka-580001 ------6 Croj:l/Activity Cultivation of Pomegranat_e______7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 24.00 acre under the jJroject ---- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact RBL Bank Ltd., Hubli Branch, Behind Court Road No. Dharwad-Distt, Karnataka-580001, Contact No. 08362213502 - - - -- 9 Total project cost Rs.49.18Iakh (Rs. in lakh) --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 27.50 lakh on 03.04.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction _._--- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anL(Rs. in lakh)

12 Comoliance of Documents (Yes/No) No ...._---- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the proposal -- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred For want of following documents:

1. Certified copy of Land documents in local language in Kannad. 2. Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up).

2. Annaiahppa 5/0 Late Sri Sampangappa, Village Nayanahalli, Kasaba Hobli, Taluka Anekal, Post Haragadde, Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026659, 27.09.2017, Serial No. registration 102

-- - -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 27.10.2017 AjJj:llication -- "- 3 Categ~-SCP /TSP/General General

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08,2018 Page 2 ija.\J.jI\t9 ----~ 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Annaiahppa 5/0 Late Sri Sampangappa, of beneficiary/ applicant Village Nayanahalli, Kasaba Hobli, Taluka Anekal, Post Haragadde, Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka. Mob;- 9620306333 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 22/3, Village Nayanahalli, Kasaba Hobli, Taluka Anekal, Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka ------6 Crol2/Activit' Cultivation of Cal2sicum under Green House ------7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre proposed under the proiect ---- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Marsur Village Road, Marsur, Distt. contact No. Bangalore, Karnataka -- --- 9 Total project cost RS.60.00 lakh (Rs. in lakh) --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 45.00 lakh on 26.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ------11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anv (Rs. in lakh) - ---- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes

- (Yes/No) ---- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindl)! discuss and defer the IJr()posal_ --- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred For want of following documents:

1. Technical Specification of poly house duly signed by applicant. 2. Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up), indicating date of al2l2raisal. ----

3. Sri K. Sridhar & K. Ravindra, Village Kuthaganahalli, Post Nerige, Hobli Sarjapuram, Taluka Anekal, Distt. Bangaluru, Karnataka. . - -- I On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026660, 27.09.2017,

registration Serial No. 103 ---- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 APIJlication 3 CategQl}'-SCP/TSP/Genera I General __ ___ 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri K. Sridhar & K. Ravindra, Village Kuthaganahalli, of beneficiary/ applicant Post Nerige, Hobli Sarjapuram, Taluka Anekal, Distt. Bangaluru, Karnataka, Mob. 9036961673 ---- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 117/3, 117/4 Village Kuthaganahalli, Hobli Sarjapuram Taluka Anekal Dist. Bangaluru (Karnataka) ._- ---

6 Crop/Activit' Cultivation of Rose under Green House -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 2.00 acre proposed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Attibele Branch, 728A Lakshmi contact No. Complex, Attibele, Sarjapura Road, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru District, Karnataka, - ---

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 3 ~~\~\& 9 Total project cost RS.111.10 lakh (Rs. in lakh) - --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 83.25 lakh on 03.06.2017 (Rs. in lakhl and date of sanction -~- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an~ (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) - ---- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and al2!2rove for IPA .- ~--- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred For want of clarification from landing bank and applicant about the proposed area under the project as the same is not matching with that of land

documents. ._,---

4. Sh. Mahantesh C. Koulagi S/o Chandrashekhar Koulagi, Village & Post Hegadihal, Taluka & Dist.- Bijapur (Karnataka). _._-- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026664, 28.09.2017, registration Serial No. 107 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 11.10.2017 Application 3 Categol}'-SCP /TSP/Genera I General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sh. Mahantesh C. Koulagi 5/0 Chandrashekhar of beneficiary/ applicant Koulagi, Village & Post Hegadihal, Taluka & Dist.- Bijapur (Karnataka) ------5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 139/1, Village Hegadihal, Taluka & Dist. Bijapur (Karnataka) --- 6 Crop/Activity Cultivation of Lemon in 3.00 acre and Grapes in 3.00 acre -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.00 acre

orojJosed under the project - 8 Name & address of Bank with Bank of Baroda, P. Bo. No. 22, Dr. S.R. Jagidar

contact No. Building 295, M.G. Road BijajJur, 586101, Karnataka----, 9 Total project cost RS.19.72 lakh (Rs. in lakh) -_ .. _--- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 14.78 lakh on 27.07.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ------11 Details of Term loan release and Rs. 7.00 lakh on 08.09.2017 duration, if anL(Rs. in lakh) ---- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and AjJproved for}PA_ 14 Decision of PPAC Aoproved for IPA -- 5. Sh. Narendra Muljibhai Dalsania, At. C/O. Jayprakash Sapariya, F 70 A, Bharat Nagar, 1st Stage ,7th Cross Ground Floor, Bangalore, Dist. Bangalore. State, Karnataka -56009. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026665, 28.09.2017, registration Serial No. 108 2 Date of receipt of Hard colJ'i of IPA 06.10.2017 -J Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 I'age 4 ~\~ III .- - AO[jlication -- .. _- 3 Categ.Qry-SCPjTSP/Genera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sh. Narendra Muljibhai Dalsania, At. C/O. Jayprakash of beneficiary/ applicant Sapariya, F 70 A, Bharat Nagar, 1st Stage ,7th Cross Ground Floor, Bangalore, Dist. Bangalore. State, Karnataka -S6009, Contact no. 9725051929__ 5 Project location Lease land, Survey No. 91 (Block No. 14), At. Sy No. 91 ( Block No. 14 ) At. Devmachohalli, Telsil. Tevrekare Hobali, Dist. Banglore, State. Karnataka .. _- 6 Cro[j/ Activity Cultivation Of Orchid & Gerbera Under Green House ...-- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.63 Acre nronosed under the oroiect .._- --~ 8 Name & address of Bank with ICICI Bank Ltd, Abrama Branch, Dharampur Raod, contact No. Valsad, Dist. Valsad, State. Gujarat - 396001, - 9 Total ~ect cost (Rs. in lakh) RS.112.91Iakh - .__ ._- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 75.00 lakh on 26.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh \ and date of sanction .. _- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) - - ._- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the proposal --_.- ._-- 14 Decisionof PPAC Deferred For want of following documents: 1- Land documents in local language indicating lease hold right.

2. Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up). 3. Technical Specification of poly house duly signed bv oromoter. 6. Sri M. Munirajappa & Other-l, #711, 4th Ward, C.B. Road, Near Mahathma High School, Vijayapura Town, Vijayapura, _ Amanikere, Bangalore Rural-562135, Karnataka.

. .- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026666, 28.09.2017, registration Serial No. 109 - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 A[jplication .- --- 3 Categol)'- SCP/TSP/Genera I General 4 . :. Name, Address and Contact No. Sri M. Munirajappa & Other-I, #711, 4th Ward, C.B . of beneficiary/ applicant Road, Near Mahathma High School, Vijayapura Town I Vijayapura, Amanikere, Bangalore Rural-56 2135,

Karnataka, contact no. 9538143333 ----~---- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 44/2, Muddanna dinne village, Bhashettihalli Hobli, Sidlaghatta Taluk, Chikkaballa[jur District, Karnataka State -- 6 Cro[j/ Activity Cultivation of Caosicum under Green House 7 Area / Ca[jacitx in acres/ MT 1.00 acre

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 ~- proposed under the project ~-- --- 8 Name & address of Bank with Corporation Bank, No. 515 462, K B Pillappa contact No. Complex, 1st Floor, 2nd Division, M G Road, Chikkaaballapur, Karnataka ------9 Total project cost Rs.49.80 lakh (Rs. in lakh) 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 37.40 lakh (Rs. in iakh) and date of sanction ~-- 11 Details of Term loan reiease and ~ duration if anY-.iRs. in lakh) --~ 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and Reject the proposal since term loan sanction letter not enclosed with IPA alJplication ~- 14 Decisionof PPAC Deferred For want of following documents: 1. Certified copy of Detailed Term Loan Sanction letter of lending Bank/FIs, not received. 2. Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break~up).

7. Sri Narasappa Mallappa Sindur, Village Aigali, Taluka Athani, Dist. Belgaum, Karnataka. ~- ---- ~-- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026667, 28.09.2017, registration Serial No. 110 ------2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 17.10.2017 Application -- 3 Category-SCP/TSP/Genera I General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Narasappa Mallappa Sindur, Village Aigali, Taluka of beneficiary/ applicant Athani, Dist. Belgaum, Karnataka, Contact no. 9902120107 -- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 33, Village Aigali, Taluka . Karnataka Athani, Dist. Belgaum, --- 6 Crop/Activi~ Cultivation of Grape --~ 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.00 Acre prolJosed under the project ~~ 8 Name & address of Bank with Canara Bank, Branch Aigali, Taluka Athani, Dist. contact No. Belgaum, Karnataka 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 29.50 lakh --~ 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 20.00 lakh on 27.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction - ----~ 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) -- --- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the prolJosal -

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated :11.08.2018 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred For want of following documents: l. Land documents in local language in Kannad.

2. Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up). . 8. Sri Mallrkarjun Mahadev Miraje, Village Aigali & Kohalli, Taluka Athani, Dist. Belgaum, (Karnataka).

- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026668, 28.09.2017, reqistration Serial No. 111 - -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 17.10.2017 Application .._~ 3 Category-SCP[TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sri Mallikarjun Mahadev Miraje, Village Aigali & beneficiary/ applicant Kohalli, Taluka Athani, Dist. Belgaum, (Karnataka), contact no. 9902723734 "------5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 78/5B, 78/5F & 243/lC, Village Aigali & Kohalli, Taluka Athani, Dist. Belgaum, (Karnataka) 6 Cultivation of Grape Crop/ ActiviD.' -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 5.50 Acre

under the project .•._- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact The Federal bank Ltd., Branch Athani, Taluka No. Athani, Dist. Belgaum, Karnataka. --- . 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) RS.19.92Iakh -,---- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 1O.001akhon 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ~----- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anyJRs. in lakh) .--- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and defer the proposal -- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred For want of following documents: 1. Clarification from bank about term loan sanction letter as the same is not mentioned in the letter and nature of facility mentioned as Federal Kisan Suvidha 1.

2. Repayment period in sanction letter is not mentioned.

3. Land documents in local language in Kannad.

4. Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up). . --

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 9. Smt. Shyla .N, Village Kammasandra Agrahara, Hobli kasaba, Taluk Anekal, Distt. Bangalore-562106, Karnataka. ~-- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026669, 28.09.2017, reoistration Serial No. 112 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 Aoolication --- 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Shyla .N, Village Kammasandra Agrahara, Hobli of beneficiary/ applicant kasaba, Taluk Anekal, Distt. Bangalore-562106, Karnataka, contact no. 9972490878 ~.. -- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 134/4, 135/5, Village Kammasandra Agrahara, Hobli kasaba, Taluk Anekal, Distt. Bangalore-562106, Karnataka - - 6 Cro[J/Activity Cultivation of Gerbera under Green House -- --- _._._- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 0.75 acre oro[Josed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Marsur Branch, Anekal chanda pur contact No. Road, Bangalore, Karnataka . - .._- 9 Total project cost Rs. 44.20 lakh (Rs. in lakh) - --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned RS.29.00 lakh on 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction - 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anL(Rs. in lakh) - ---- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) ---- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss an<:!Jl.pprovefor IPA ~ 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected Due to following reasons:- 1. Date of appraisal is not mentioned by the bank in appraisal note. 2.. Date of collateral security of value done on - 05.12.2017 as per appraisal note. Hence, appraisal done after term loan sanction is not

eligible. _. - .. - 10. Sri Jayendra Katti, Sri Chandrashekhar Katti, Ward NO.5 Govindpur Galli, Near S8I, Taluka Mudhol- 587313, Dstt. Bagalkot, Karnataka.

~- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026670, 28.09.2017, reaistration Serial No. 113 - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 AO[Jlication -- 3 Categ2!Y-SCP/TSP/General General - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Jayendra Katti, Sri Chandrashekhar Katti, Ward of beneficiary/ applicant No. 5 Govindpur Galli, Near SBI, Taluka Mudh01- 587313, Dstt. Bagalkot, Karnataka, cont act

9341047477 ~~- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 183/6 & 183/8, Village Mallapur, Taluka Mudhol, Dist. Bagalkot, (Karnata~ a). Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 . I'agc 8 '~It~lq ~16I .

. 6 Cron/ ActivitY Cultivation of Pomegranate -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 8.00 acre nrOjJosed under the jJroject 0 ______8 Name & address of Bank with HDFC Bank Ltd. Salimath Arcade, contact No. OPP TMC, Taluka Mudhol, Dstt. Bagalkot, Karnataka 9 Total project cost Rs. 16.42 lakh (Rs. in lakh) 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned RS.9.00 lakh on 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, If an}:' (Rs. in lakh) - .- 12 Compliance of Documents No (Yes/No) ------13 Recommendations of Division PPACma}:' kindl}:' discuss and defer the jJroposaJ. "- ~-- 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected due to cash credit is not eligible: ____

11. Shri Shivakumar.R, No. 91, 21st Main 17th Cross HSR Layout 1st Setor, Bangalore South- 560102 Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of IPA-29AKA0026671, Serial No. 114

registration .._-- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA - AjJDlication 3 CategQ!}'-SCPjTSP /Genera I - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Shri Shivakumar.R, No. 91, 21st Main 17th Cross HSR of beneficiary/ applicant Layout 1st Setor, Bangalore South- 560102 Karnataka, 5 Proiect location - - 6 CroD/Activit}' - ---'. _.- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT - nrojJosed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with - contact No. 9 Total project cost - (Rs. in lakh) .- .- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned - (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction - . - - ..- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an}:' (Rs. in lakh) ---- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) ------13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly reject the IPA application as hard copy of the project not received in stipulated time period "--- . 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected,

Since, Hard copy of the project is not received in

~jJulated time period. --~_.

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 9 14~ql).0l.(1 12. Sri B. Lokesh & Sri B. Jayaprakash, NO.64 Village Avadadenahalli, Hobli Kasaba, Taluka Anekal Dist. Bangalore (Karnataka). 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026672, 29.09.2017, reaistration Serial No. 11S 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 APlJlication 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri B. Lokesh & Sri B. Jayaprakash, NO.64 Village of beneficiary/ applicant Avadadenahalli, Hobli Kasaba, Taluka Anek al Dist. Bangalore (Karnataka), contact no. 94489177} 5 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 17, Village Avadade nahalli, Hobli Kasaba, Taluka Anekal Dist. Bangalore Karnataka) 6 CrolJ/Activi~ Cultivation of Gerbera under Green House - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre

oro Dosed under the Ql:Qject ._. 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, NoA/2 , SBT Complex , contact No. Basaveshwara (Millers Road), Bangalore, 560052, Karnataka, - 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 60.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 45.00 lakh on 28.09.2017 I (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction -- -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anY-.lRs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) --- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the [Jroposal 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, For want of following document: • Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up).

13. Smt. Sasikala W/o Kodandapani, #68/21, 1st Main Road, Lower Palace Orchars Uyalikaval, Bangalore - S60 003, Karnataka. -- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026673, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 116 ---- ~- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 23.10.2017 Ap[Jlication 3 CategOl}'- SCP/TSP/Genera I General .. - - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Sasikala W/o Kodandapani, #68/21, 1st Main of beneficiary/ applicant Road, Lower Palace Orchars Uyalikaval, Bangalore - 560 003, Karnataka, Contact no. 9845090733 5 Project location Survey No. 149/2, Village Jabagere, Hobli Gawadagere, Taluk Hunsur, Distt. Mysore, Karnataka 6 Croo/Activity Cultivation of Ca[Jsicum shade net house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre

I oro[Josed under the [Jroject --- 8 Name & address of Bank with Karur VY'i'l.a Bank, Branch Jayanagar, Di?tt._

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 10 lIJq/lftlO ------contact No. Bangalore, Karnataka .. ~ 9 Total project cost Rs.45.00 lakh (Rs. in lakh) --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 33.75 lakh on 28.09.2017 . (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . - 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anL(Rs. in lakh) . - .~ 12 Compliance of Documents No (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the proposaj---- 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA However, IPA will be issued on receipt of Technical Specification sheet of shade net house and clarification from promoter and bank as the area proposed in IPA application and bank documents is not matchino. - - ---

14. Smt. P. Vijayalakshmi & Other-I, #216, 13th "A" Cross, Near Corporation Bank, Sector, Yealahanka, New Town, Bangalore North, Bangalore - 560 064, Karnataka. .._- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026674, 29.09.2017, reoistration Serial No. 117 -~ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 06.10.2017 Application ._- 3 Categorv-SCP /TSP/General General . _._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. P. Vijayalakshmi & Other-I, #216, 13th "A" of beneficiary/ applicant Cross, Near Corporation Bank, A Sector, Yealahanka New Town, Bangalore North, Bangalore - 560 064, Karnataka, contact no. 9845281043 ".0 __ - 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 64/6, 64/7 & 64/8 Village Kuntanahalli Hobli Kasaba Taluka Doddaballapur Dist.- Bangalore Rural (Karnataka) - -~-- - 6 Crop/Activity Cultivation of Rose under Green House - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.63 acre pro[losed under the proiect -~ 8 .Name & address of Bank with State Bank of India Agriculture Development Branch, contact No. # 2302, Bangalore Road, Doddaballapur, Bangalore Rural District-561203, Karnataka State 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 99.00 lakh - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 73.20 lakh on 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ------11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) •._- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) ._~ 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the pr:cl[lOS~l____ 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, For want of Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-u[l). ___

Proceedings of 11 th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 11 ~~I)JlI~ 15. Smt. B. L. Nagamani, #47, Abhyudaya, Bikasipura, Near ISRO Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka. ._- 1 On-fine project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026675, 29.09.2017, reqistration Serial No. 118 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 A0:Jlication _._- 3 Catego/}'-5CP (TSP/Genera I General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. B. L. Nagamani, #47, Abhyudaya, Bikasipura, of beneficiary/ applicant Near ISRO Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka, Contact no. 9845750217 .._- 5 Project location Own iand, Survey No. 12/3 Kachuvanahalli, Athihalli post Kanakapura Tq., Ramanagar Distt., Karnataka State. - -- . ... _- 6 CrolJ/Activit' Cultivation of Capsicum under Green House - --- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 Acre proposed under the proiect ._- 8 Name & address of Bank with Karur Vysya Bank, #254, 3,d Main, ISRO Layout: .- contact No. Bangalore-560073 Contact no. 080-26661541 - .~ 9 Total IJroject cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 44.70 lakh -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 33.52 lakh on 25.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction .. --- -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)! (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes . (Yes/No) - 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the prolJ()sal .. - 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA However, IPAwili be issued after receipt of Technical Specification of poly house duly signed by the applicant.


16. Smt. Nagamma & Sri Ramakrishna, Village Kachuvanahalli, Post Atihalli, Taluk Kanakapura, Distt. Ramanagar, Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026676,29.09.2017, reqistration Serial No. 119 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 APlJlication 3 CategQ/}'-SCP(TSP/Genera I General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Nagamma & 5ri Ramakrishna, Village of beneficiary/ applicant Kachuvanahalli, Post Atihalli, Taluk Kanakapur a, Distt. Ramanagar, Karnataka, Contact no. 98450409 31 5 Project location Own land, 5urvey No. 106/2C, 108/2C, Village Kachuvanahalli, PostAthihalli, Taluka Kanakapura Dist. Ramnagar, Karnataka) - 6 CrolJ/Activity Cultivation of Dutch Rose under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 Acre

I proposed under the project ---_.

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 12 ~!mc9 ----- 8 Name & address of Bank with Central Bank of India, Kanakapura Branch, M. G. contact No. Road, Opp. Forest Office, Taluka Kanakapura Dist. Ramnagar, (Karnataka) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 48.60 lakh - .. 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 40.00 lakh on 27.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction _ . ... - 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) -- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindl)! discuss and defer the proposal --" 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, For want of Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (ComlJonent wise break:..LJP)..

17. Sri Nagesh B. & Other-1, Aralalu Village, Kasaba Hobli, Kanakapura Tq. Ramanagar District-S63139, Karnataka.

- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026677, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 120 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 Aoolication 3 Cateoory- SCPjTSP/Genera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Nagesh B. & Other-I, Aralalu Village, Kasaba of beneficiary/ applicant Hobli, Kanakapura Tq. Ramanagar District-5 63139, Karnataka State. Mob;-984570217 -- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 141/1, 142/2, 143/4, 144/1, Village Aralalu , Hobli Kasaba, Taluka Kanakapura, Dist. Ramnagar, Karnataka) 6 CroiJ/Activity Cultivation of Dutch Rose under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre oroiJosed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with Central Bank of India, Kanakapura Branch, M.G contact No. Road, Opp, Forest Office, Kanakapura-562 117, Karnataka 9 Total ~ect cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs.48.60 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 37.10 lakh on 11.09.2018 & 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anv.JRs. in lakh) ._- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPACma)! kindl)! discuss and decide - --- 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected due to following reason:-

• Term loan sanction dated 11.09 .2017. submitted before the date of appraisal may not be considered. Revised term loan sanctioned letter dated 28.09.2017 may also not be considered.

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 13 ~1)Jl1~ 18. Shri M. P. Lakshminarasamma, Village Bommenahalli, Post Poshettihalli, Chikkaballapura Taluk & District-561 211, Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of IPA-29AKA0026678, Serial No. 121 reaistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA - Aoolication 3 Catego I}'-SCPjTSP (Genera I - ~-- ..._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Shri M. P. Lakshminarasamma, Village Bommenahalli, of beneficiary( applicant Post Poshettihalli, Chikkaballapura Taluk & District- 561 211, Karnataka -~--- 5 Proiect location - 6 Croo(Activity - 7 Area ( Capacity in acres( MT - nrojJosed under the project -- 8 Name & address of Bank with - contact No. ---- 9 Total oroject cost (Rs. in lakh) - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned - , (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ~--- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) -- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes(No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly reject the IPA application as hard copy of the project not received in stipulated time jJeriod - -_. ~- 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected As, Hard copy of IPA application and documents not received.

19. Smt. Munivenkatamma, Siresandra, Village, Huthur Hobli, Taq. & District State. Karnataka. ~~ 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB(IPA(29AKA0026680, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 123 --- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 Aoolication 3 Categ.Q.l}'-SCPjTSP (Genera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Munivenkatamma, Siresandra Village, Huthur of beneficiary( applicant Hobli,Kolar Taq. & District State. Karnataka Mob;- 9844556532 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 106(1, 106(2, 106(3, Siresandra Village, Huthur Hobli,Kolar Taq. & District StateKarnataka --- 6 CrojJ(Activit' Cultivation of Capsicum under Green House ------7 Area ( Capacity in acres( MT 1.00 Acre

nroIJosed under the Q!3lject ~- ~.- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, contact No. Ganesh temple street, Cotton pet, Kolar-563101. ..~- 9 Total ~roject cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 40.86 lakh ------10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 30.00 lakh on - Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 14 ~qlJJI() ---- (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction -~- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anv.JRs. in lakh) 12 ComlJliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes -- - - 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and Reject the proposal __ 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Term loan sanction letter from Syndicate Bank is not in detail and without date. ~----

20. Sri S. K. Radhakrishna & Other-4, #9, 1st Floor, NHCS Layout, 1Sth Main, 2nd Stage, 4th Block, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore-S60079, Karnataka. . ---- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026681, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 124 ~--- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 23.10.2017 AlJfllication ---~- 3 Categ~-SCP /TSP/General General ~-~- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri S. K. Radhakrishna & Other-4, #9, 1st Floor, of beneficiary/ applicant NHCS Layout, 15th Main, 2nd Stage, 4th Block, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore-560079 Mob;- 9845860296 5 Project location Own Land, Survey No. 20/3, Village Sadahalli, Hiobli Kasaba, Taluka Devanahalli, Dist. Bangalore South (Karnataka) 6 CrolJ/Activity . Cultivation of Capsicum under Green House ---- ~-- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.25 acre orooosed under the oroiect 8 Name & address of Bank with HDFC Bank, Sadahalli Branch, Devanahalli Tq. contact No. Bangalore Rural District, Karnataka . contact no~ ~-- 9 Total project cost Rs. 64.40 lakh (Rs. in lakh) 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs.48.30 lakh on 29.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anv (Rs. in lakh) --- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) - 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and defer the IJroposal__ ~._ 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, Due to following reason: 1. Process note of HDFC bank is incomplete and undated. 2. Land documents in local language and copy of EC in English version not submitted.

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 15 1tfq1.t0llO 21. Shri B. S. Reddappa, Village Bellamballi, Hobli Avani, Taluk Mulabagilu, District Kolar, Karnataka.

- - -- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026682, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 12S

2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 23.10.2017 Application _.- 3 Categol}'- SCPjTSP/Genera I General - _.- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Shri B. S. Reddappa, Village Bellamballi, Hobli of beneficiary/ applicant Avani, Taluk Mulabagilu, District Kolar, Karnataka, contact no. 9844556532 - 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 270/1, Village Bellamballi, Hobli Avani, Taluk Mulabagilu, District Kolar, Karnataka '- --- 6 CroiJ/Activit}' Cultivation of CaiJsicum under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre proiJosed under the project --- 8 Name & address of Bank with SYrJdicate Bank, Mulbagilu Branch, contact No. , Karnataka ---- 9 Total proiect cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 46.50 lakh ._- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 39.00 lakh on 23.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . '-- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)! (Rs. in lakh) -- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) .. - 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and defer the iJroiJosal - --- 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Reference no. 49/0680/ROS/PSCC/Reddappa dated 02.11.2016 mentioned in term loan sanction letter which appears that the date of sanction letter indicated is contradictory. Committee also decided that copy of rejection letter may also be issued to CMD & CVO of the bank along with CoP)!of sanction letter. -~

22. Sh. V. Gangadhar, Nichakunte, Duggasandra Hobli Mulabagilu-Taluk, Kolar Distt, Karnataka. - 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026683, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 126 --- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 Application --- 3 Cateqol}'- SCP/TSP/Genera I General ._- _.- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sh. V. Gangadhar, Nichakunte, Duggasandra Hobli of beneficial}'/ aiJiJlicant Mulabagilu-Taluk, Kolar Distt .. Mob;-9844556532 -- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 58, Nichakunte, Duggasandra Hobli Mulabagilu- Taluk, , Karnataka State, Karnataka

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 16 . ,~lq{))1 <9 -- 6 Crof:)/Activity Cultivation of Capsicum under Green Hous~_ .. - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre Droj:>osedunder the p!Qject ---- ._- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, 1st Floor, Annand bhavan contact No. Neftakallappa, Circle, Market road, Bangalore- 560004, Karnataka --_._-- 9 Total project cost Rs.48.10 lakh (Rs. in lakh)

.. - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 39.00 lakh on 23.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) .._._~ 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) ._.~ 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the proposal 14 Decision of PPAC . Rejected, Due to following reason: • Reference no . 49/0680/ROS/PSCC/ V. Gangadhar mentioned in term loan sanction letter which appears that the date of sanction letter indicated is contradictory. Committee also decided that copy of rejection letter may also be issued to CMD & CVO of the bank along with CODYof sanction letter.

23. Smt. K.L. Uma Rani, #1611, Ranaberamma Temple Road,Mulawara Mohalla, Mulabagilu Kolar Distrct, Karnataka.

1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026684, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 127 .- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.11.2017 ADplication ._- -- 3 Category- SCP/TSP/Genera I General . . .__ 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. K.L. Uma Rani, #1611, Ranaberamma Temple of beneficiary/ applicant Road,Mulawara Mohalla, Mulabagilu Kolar Distrct Mob;-9448402517 -- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 42/2, Kumadenahalli Village Avani Hobl, Mulabagilu Taluk, Kolar District, Karnataka 6 CroD/Activity Cultivation of CaDsicum under Green House .-."~--- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre DroDosed under the project - ...~ 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, 1st Floor, Annand bhavan contact No. Neftakallappa, Circle, Market road, Bangalore-560004 Contact no. 080-26612065 -- - - 9 Total Droject cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs.47.90 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 40.00 lakh on 23.09.2017 (Rs. in iakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)! (Rs. in lakh) -

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 17 \~lql~l61 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and defer the [Jro[Josal ---~-~ 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Reference no. 48/0680/ROS/PSCC/ K.L. Uma Rani mentioned in term loan sanction letter which appears that the date of sanction letter indicated is contradictory. Committee also decided that copy of rejection letter may also be issued to CMD & CVO of the bank aiong with copy of sanction letter

24. Sri Subhash Suryavanshi & Sri Dashrath Suryavanshi, #185, Shivaji Chouk, at Post: Malaghana, taluk : Sindagi,District Bijapur Karnataka.

~.. - 1 On~line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026685, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 128 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 23.10.2017 AOfJlication 3 Category~SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Subhash Suryavanshi & Sri Dashrath Suryavanshi, of beneficiary/ applicant #185, Shivaji Chouk, at Post : Malaghana, taluk : Sindagi District Bijapur Karnataka State. Mob;~ 9822803162 ~_ .._- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 193/1, at Post: Malaghana taluk : Sindagi, District: Bija[Jur, Karnataka 6 CrofJ/Activi!'i Cultivation of Mix Fruits ~ '--- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 11.00 acre proposed under the roject -- 8 Name & address of Bank with Canara Bank, AF PS Section, Regional office, contact No. Kalaburgi, District Bijapur, Karnataka, contact no. 08472~263325 9 Total project cost Rs. 24.82 lakh (Rs. in iakh) - . - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 15.70 lakh on 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . _.~ ~- ~ 11 Details of Term loan release and ~ duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) -. ~ 12 Compliance of Documents Yes . (Yes/No) . ---- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and defer the profJosal 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, For want of following documents: • Certified copy of complete Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break~ufJ2~.__ ..____

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 18 ll/tql).C1 ~ 25. Sri Bahubali Srimant Kridrapur & Other, At & Post - Alagur, Tal - Jamakhandi, Dist - Bagalkot, Karnataka. -- 1 On-line project 10 & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026686, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 129 .- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 AODlication 3 CategoI}:'-SCPjTSP /Gen era I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Bahubali Srimant Kridrapur & Other, At & Post - of beneficiary/ applicant Alagur, Tal - Jamakhandi, Dist - Bagalkot, Karnataka, Mob;- 9739617039 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 620, AT & POST- BIJJARAGI. TA; & DIST- BIJAPUR. , KARNATAKA --- 6 CrolJ/Activl!}' Cultivation of Grape . --- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.50 acre Droposed under the project ---- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Budhanagar, Bijapur 586114 contact No. Karnataka, Contact No. 8352-237529 -- -- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) RS.25.00 lakh -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 9.75 lakh on 16.10.2017 . fRs. in lakh) and date of sanction -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anLCRs. in lakh) -- -- - 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and Reject the proposaL ~ 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Bank has issued Provisional term loan Sanction letter on 28.09.2017 which may not be considered.

26. Sri Mahadev Basappa Kunnal & Other, at & post - kakamari.tal - athani. Dist - - belgaum. Karnataka.

1 On-line project 10 & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026687, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 130 ._---- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.10.2017 AlJ.plication - -- 3 Categol}:'- SCPjTSP /Genera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Mahadev Basappa Kunnal & Other, AT & POST - of beneficiary/ applicant KAKAMARI.TAL - ATHANI. DIST - BELGAUM. Karnataka State. Mob;-9901531022 5 Project location Survey No. 436/2 & 85, AT & POST - Kakamari , TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnataka State .


Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 19 ~Il-OIO -- 6 Crop/Activity Cultivation of Grapes in an area of 4.00 acre and Pomegranate 2.00 acres 7 .Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.00 Acre oro[Josed under the project - 8 Name & address of Bank with Subhiksh Gramabhivradhi Multipurpose Co-op. contact No. Society Ltd., Ramatirtha . -- 9 Total oroject cost (Rs. in lakh) RS.18.00 lakh . 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 11.00 lakh on 23.08.2017 . (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)' (Rs. in lakh2 •.._-- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes

I (Yes/No) .- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and defer the [Jroposal 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Term Loan Sanction letter is incomplete and for renewal of existing. ---

27. Mr. Ishkali Dastagirsab Nadaf & Other- at & post - badaehi , tal. - athani, dist. - belgaum, karnataka. .__ ._-- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026688, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 131 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 AO[Jlication 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General .._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. MR. ISHKALI DASTAGIRSAB NADAF & OTHER- AT & of beneficiary/ applicant POST - BADACHI , TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, KARNATAKA STATE. MOB;-990015310~L 5 Project location SURVEY NO. 193/1 189/3E, AT & POST - BADACHI

TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, KARNATAKA ... 6 Cro(J/Activity Cultivation of Grape 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 8.00 Acre oro"rJOsedunder the (Jroject 8 Name & address of Bank with Athani Minority Multi-purpose Co-Op. Society Ltd., contact No. Athani .._- 9 Total project cost RS.25.00 lakh (Rs. in lakh) ... _- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 15.00 lakh on 15.09.2018 fRs. in lakh) and date of sanction -- ._- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any.JRs. in lakh) -- 12 Com(Jliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes .- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindlY discuss and defer the oro(Josal__

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, - - Due to following reason: ,"~I. • Term Loan Sanction letter is not prope.r ..a.nd complete. .

28. Sh. Mallikarjun Shivanna Janagoud & Others, AT & POST - Kakamari, TAL - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnataka. ._--_. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026689, 29.09.2017, reqistration Serial No. 132 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.10.2017 Application 3 Catego':Y-SCP/TSP/Ge nera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sh. Mallikarjun Shivanna Janagoud & Others, AT & of beneficiary/ applicant POST - Kakamari, TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnataka State. Mob;-9741579945 5 Project location Survey No. 375/1, 368/3 , AT & POST - Kakamari ,- - TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnataka State. 6 Crop/Activity Cultivation of Grape . _. 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.00 Acre proposed under the project "--- 8 Name & address of Bank with Shri. Ammajeshwari Multipurpose Co-Op. SocietyLtd, contact No. Kakamari , Belgaum 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) RS.25.00 lakh . .- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 15.00 lakh on 08.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an~ (Rs. in lakh) - 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindl~ discuss and defer the [Jr.oP2sal 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Term Loan Sanction letter is incomplete and for renewal of existing.

29. Sh. Kutubusab Ladsab Nadaf (Pinjar), AT & POST - Kakamari , TAL - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026690, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 133 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.10.2017 Application - 3 Catego':Y-SCP/TSP/Genera I General - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sh. Kutubusab Ladsab Nadaf (Pinjar), AT & pasT - of beneficiary/ applicant Kakamari , TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnataka State. Mob;-969672957535

5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 392/2, AT & POST - Kakama ri 1 TAL. - ATHANI, DIST. - BELGAUM, Karnat9~~ Stat e. 6 Crop/Activity Cultivation of Grape "- --- 7 Area / Capaci9-' in acres/ MT 6.00 Acre - --"-

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 J'a ge 21 114/q/UI () proposed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with Shri. Ammajeshwari Multipurpose Co-Op. SocietyLtd, contact No. Kakamari , Belgaum 9 Total P':Qjectcost (Rs. in lakh) RS.15.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 9.00 lakh on 12.07.2017 fRs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an'[ (Rs. in iakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) No 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindiy discuss and defer the pro[Josal 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Term Loan Sanction letter is incomplete and for renewal of existing.

B. Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Construction/Expansion/ Modernization of Cold Storages / Storages of Horticulture Produce

1. Mis Sri Peddamma Cold Storage LLP. Plot No.3, Pochamma Colony, Manikonda, 11'h Floor, Hyderabad, Telangana. - -- 1 On-line project ID & date of 37TIGOCS000044, 29.09.2017 registration .__._-~- - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 17.10.2017 Ap[Jlication 3 Category-SCPITSPIGeneral General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Mis Sri Peddamma Coid Storage LLP. Plot No. 3, of beneficiaryl applicant Pochamma Colony, Manikonda, 11th Floor, Hyderabad, Telangana. S Project location Survey No. 725/E1/1, Village- Dondapadu, Mandal- Chinthalapalem, District- Suryi![Jet (Telangana), --- 6 Cro[l/ Activiti Construction of cold storage --- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT Capacity 8000 MT, CS Type-1 proposed under the proiect 8 Name & address of Bank with Canara Bank, Main Road, Village- Revoor, Mandal- . contact No. Mellacheruvu, District SUrya[Jet , 9 Total proiect cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 694.17 lakh --~ 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 500.00 lakh sanctioned on 29.09.2017 fRs. in lakh) and date of sanction -~ 11 Details of Term ioan release and - duration if anL(Rs. in lakh) 12 Com[Jliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and approve the proposal for technical scrutiny "-- 14 Decision of PPAC Approved .

Committee discussed the proposal in detaiied and observed that details of land indicated in IPA application is the same as mentioned in land documents and considered the clarification submitted - - --

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 by the promoter. j In view of above, committee approved the case for technical scrutiny.

30. A.N. Krishnamoorthy, 190/1, Green Field Apartments, R-30, Anna Nagar West Extn Mogapahir, Chennai- 600101,

1 On-line ~ect ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006468, 02.09.201Z-_ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 14.09.2017 S. No. 20 ADlJlication .~ -- --- 3 Social Category (Generall SCP/TSPI Minority General (M/C/S/P/BfJ)1 aBC ------4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. A.N. Krishnamoorthy, 190/1, Green beneficiaryl applicant Field Apartments, R-30, Anna Nagar West Extn Mog~IJahir, Chennai- 6001.0_!,__ 5 Project location Sy. No. 76/2A, Village-B.S. Thimmasandiram, Taluka- Shoolagiri, Distt- Krishnagiri,J.II'J) --- 6 CrolJlActivit' Rose Under lJoly house 7 Area 1 Capacity in acresl MT proposed under 2.50 acres the ~ect . ~._-- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Vijay Bank, Branch- Hosur, No. 12, NS Towers, Vaishnavi Nagar, Bangalore, Chennai Road Hosur (Tamilnadul,_Ph. No. 9 Total IJroject cost(Rs. in lakh) 146.001akh -" .~. -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 90.00 lakh 31:08.2017 and date of sanction ------11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil anvJ.Rs. in lakh) --- 12 ComIJllance of Documents (Yes/No) New Aoolication ----- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be aPIJroved. - - --- 14 Decision of PPAC Approved Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note, after. details discussion approved for issuance of IPA. ... --

th 31. Sh. N. Surendra Reddy, No. 109, sth Block, 17 Main, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka 1 On-line lJI:2.iectID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006s6s, 30.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S. No. 112 AtJjJlication 3 Social Category (General! SCP/TSPI Minority General (M/C/S/P./B/J)f aBC -~ - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. N. Surendra Reddy! No. 109, 5th beneficiaryl applicant Block, 17th Main, Koramangaia, Bangalore, Karnataka. - - . -- 5 Project location Sy. No. 26/2B, 26/3B, 26/1B, 26/2A, 26/3A Mugulapalli -Village, Hosur- Taluk, Distt- Krishnaairi (Tamilnadu)_ -

Proceedings'of 11th Meeting of the Pre. Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 23 1~lqll.Ol~ 6 Crop/Activi~ Rose Under [lol)l house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.50 acres the fJ.I:2.iect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Punjab Nationai Bank, Branch- Hosur, 3/19, Sitaram Nagar, Krishnagiri Bye Pass. Hosur- 635109 (Tamilnadu) 9 Total [lroject cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 146.00Lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 90.00 Lakh 28.09.2018 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in iakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application - 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. ---- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after deta iied discussion deferred for want of foil owing lacking document. Certified copy of financial appra isal from Bank. - 32.Sh. B.N. Sekar, No.3/381, Narigam-Village, Gudisadanapalli-Post, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) _. 1 On-line [lroject ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006559, 29.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 06.11.2017 S. No. 106 A[l[llication 3 Social Category (General/ SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC • 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. B.N. Sekar, NO.3/381, Narigam- beneficiary/ applicant ViIIage,Gudisada napaIli-Post, Shoolagiri- Taiuk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) .- 5 Project location Sy. No. 131/1B, 97/1B1, 98/4A, 131/10, Viilage- Narigam, Taluka- Shoolagiri ,Distt- Krishnagiri, (Tamilnadu) 6 Cro[l/ Activi~ Rose Under [lQ!)I house -~ 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.50 acres the ~ect - 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Punjab National Bank, Branch- Hosur, 3/19, Sitaram Nagar, Krishnagiri Bye Pass. Hosur- 635109 (Tamilnadu) ,_ ..-- 9 Totai [lroject cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 146.00 Lakh ------10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 96.00 Lakh 28.09.2018 and date of sanction _._-- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in lakh) . .-- 12 Com[lliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Aoolication .. --

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 21 l4lG\1Jl I~ 13 Recommendations of Division IPA mav be deferred. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detaiied discussion deferred for want of following lacking document. Certified copy of financial appraisal from Bank. . . - . 33. Sh. Chokkaiy Gowdu, Gudisadanapalli-Village and Post, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) '-- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006558, 29.09.20E ... 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S. No. 105 Application ._-- 3 Social Category (Generalj SCPjTSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. Chokkaiy Gowdu, Gudisadanapalli- beneficiary/ applicant Village and Post, Shoolagiri- Taluk, . Distt- KrishnaqirjJTamilnadu) 5 ' Project location Sy. No. 15/4, Gudisadanapalli-Village, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) 6 Cro~/ Activity Capsicum Under Shade Net House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.50 acres the project ._---~ 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Punjab National Bank, Branch- Hosur, 3/19, Sitaram Nagar, Krishnagiri Bye

Pass, Hosur- 635109, (Tamilnadu) .- 9 Total ~roject cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 98.00 Lakh -_.- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 50.00 Lakh 28.09.2018 and date of sanction _._- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application .- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following documents:- I. Certified copy of financial appraisal from Bank. II. Technical specification of Shade net house duly signed by the applicant. III. Clarification from Bank and . Promoter as name of applicant not matching with land document.

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 25 14[~1)..& I(() 34. Sh. Kishore Kumar Raghava, Mandur, Bangalore, Karnataka _ .. - 1 On-line project ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006505, 27.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S.No. 56 ApiJlication 3 Social Category (Generalj SCPjTSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J1j aBC ._-"-- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. Kishore Kumar Raghava, beneficiary/ applicant Villa -008, GR Sun Villas Nimbekaipura, Off Old Madras Road, Nimbekaipura, Behind Prestinge Tranquility, Near Budigere Cross Mandur, Bangalore, Karnataka . 5 Project location Sy. No. 300/1,300/2A, 301/1, Village- Pachapanatti, Taluka- Denkanikottai, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 6 Crop/Activity Capsicum under ~ house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/MT proposed under 1.05 acre the project , 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Baroda, Branch- Hosur, S. No. 643/1D, R.K.G. Manor, Opp. Traffic Police Station, Bangalore Bye Pass Road Hosur Tamilnadu -~ 9 Total ~ect cost(Rs. in lakh) 52.501akh ------10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 35.001akh 07.07.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil anY-.iRs. in lakh) 12 ComiJliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application -~---- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be aiJiJroved. ... - 14 Decision of PPAC Approved Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note, after details discussion approved for issuance of IPA.. -- -- 35. Sh. Sivamurthy V 0, No.5, Balaji Road, Krishna Nagar, 3RD Cross Street, Vellore- 632001 (Tamilnadu) 1 On-line ~ect ID & date of reoistration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006590, 12.07.201 8 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 23.07.2018 S. No. 133 APiJlication . . 3 Social Category (Generalj SCPjTSP/ Minority SCP (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC -- --- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. Sivamurthy V D, No. 5,Balaji Road, beneficiary/ applicant Krishna Nagar, 3"D Cross Street, Veilore- 632001 (Tamilnadu)

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 26 14/q1JJ1Ql ._- - 5 Project location Sy. NO.257/1A, 257/2A1, 257/2A2, 268/3A, 268/3B, 269/1, 270/1A, 270/1B, 270/1C, 271/2A2, Avarampalayam -Village, Vellore- Taluk, Distt- Vellore (Tamilnadu)~. ___ . 6 CroiJ/Activit' Capsicum Under )JCli)Ihouse - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.00 acres the proiect . 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. The Federal Bank Ltd, Branch- Vellore, 66/1, Padma Samarasam Complex, Anini Road, Vellore (Tamilnadu) 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 158.94 Lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 110.00 Lakh 17.07.2018 and date of sanction ._~- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil anv (Rs. in lakh) - . 12 ComiJliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application - ... ~ 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. ---,-~ 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want. of following documents:- 1. EC in English version duly signed by the applicant. 2. Certified copy of term loan sanction letter and appraisal note from Bank. 3. Technical specification of Shade net house dul signed by the a[J[Jlicant._

36. Sh. Veerasamy. P, No. 17, Nadar Colony, Onion Godown, Serukudi- Village, Musiri-Taluk, Distt- Trichy (Tamilnadu) -- I On-line iJroject ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006583, 21.04.2018 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 17.05.2018 S. No. 127 Application 3 Social Category (General/ SCPjTSP/ Minority SCP (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. Veerasamy. P, No. 17, Nadar beneficiary/ applicant Colony, Onion Godown, Serukudi- Village, Musiri-Taluk, Distt- Trichy (Tamilnadu) 5 Project location Sy. No. 262/2, Serukudi -Village, Musiri - Taluk, Distt- Triuchirappalli (Tamilnadu) 6 Crop/Activity . Fruit and vegetables and fruit Ripening unit 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under Pre-Cooling unit -6 Mt. and Ripening the iJ!Qject . Chamber - 80 MT. .. --

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee. dated 21.08.2018 Page 27 n~J1l/...-:"tq- ()J I & 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Canara Bank, Branch- Thuraiyur, No. 19, Perumal Koil Street, Turaiyur, Distt- Trichy, (Tamilnadu) . _~ 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 300.00 Lakh -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 75.00 Lakh 20.04.2018 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any-.iRs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. -'- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking document:- 1. Certified copy of term loan sanction letter from Bank.

37.Sh. C Balasubramani, 13/43, Manickam Pillai Thottam, Vannerpet, Coonoor, Distt- Nilgiri (Tamilnadu) - 1 On-line f:lI:2.jectID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006585, 10.05.2013_ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 17.05.2018 S. No. 129 Application 3 Social Category (General( SCP/TSP/ Minority SCP (M/C/S/P/B/J / aBC ._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. C Balasubramani, 13/43, Manickam beneficiary/ applicant Pillai Thottam, Vannerpet, Coonoor, Distt- Nilqiri (Tamilnadu) ---- 5 Project location Sy. NO.G/1/20/21/22, Theettukal - Village, Hosur- Ooty, Distt- Nilgiri (Tamilnadu) ._- 6 Cro[J/Activity Carnation Under ~ house ~_._~ 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 1.00 acres the project 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. The Federal Bank Ltd, Branch- Kotagiri, 27/131 L, Johsonstones Shopes, Johnstones Quare, Koatgiri-643217 - (Tamilnadu) 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) - Rs. 64.60 Lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 34.00 Lakh 02.05.2018 and date of sanction _._- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any-.iRs. in lakh) .- - - 12 Com[Jliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application --- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be a[J[Jroved. ------

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 14 Decision of PPAC Approved Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion Approved the case for IPA. However, IPA will be issued on receipt of technical specification of poly house dul si ned b the a licant.

38.Sh. Sivalingam, No. 359, Bogipuram-Village, Post- Enusonai, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu)

1 On-line Qroject ID & date of reqistration NHB/IPA/33ATNOO06560 29.09.2017 - --- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S. No. 107 A0=llication ._. --_. 3 Social Category (Generalj SCPjTSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B!])! aBC ~ ----- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. Sivalingam, No. 359, Bogipuram- beneficiary/ applicant Village, Post- Enusonai, Shoolagiri- Taluk Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) ___ 5 Project location Sy. No. 178/1, 178/2 Hosalli-Village, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) -- - 6 Croo/ Activitv Caosicum Under ~ house -~ 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 1.00 acre the oroiect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Punjab National Bank, Branch- Hosur, 3/19, Sitaram Nagar, Krishnagiri Bye Pass, Hosur- 635109, (Tamilnadu) 9 Total J2roject cast(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 47.00 Lakh ... __ ._- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 35.00 Lakh 28.09.2018 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil an}' (Rs. in lakh) .- 12 Comoliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Aoolication ._- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. - 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking document:- 1) Certify capy of financial appraisal from bank. ----

Proceedings of 11 th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 29 14lql»I61. 39. Smt. Ezhilvizhil, No. 7/77, Senthamizh Kudil, Sree Nagar, Taluk-Housr, Distt- Krishnagiri,Tamilnadu

1 On-line IJroject ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006535, 28.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 31.10.2017 S.No. 84 A~lication _.- 3 Social Category (General/ SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Smt. Ezhilvizhil, No. 7/77, Senthamizh beneficiary/ applicant Kudil, Sree Nagar, Taluk-Housr, Distt- Krishnaairi, Tamilnadu 5 Project location Sy. No. 385/3A, Village -Bidhireddy, Taluk-Denkanikottai, Distt-. Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu .. _- 6 Crop/Activity Rose Polv house -,-,-- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.00 acres the ~ect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., Branch- Hosur, Distt- Krishnaoiri, Tamilnadu - 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 125.00 Lakh -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 93.75 Lakh 27.09.2017 and date of sanction ."..... _-~. 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in lakh) . ---~-- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. -_._- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking documents:- 1. Certify copy of financial appraisal from bank. 2. Technical specification of poly house duly signed by the applicant.

40. Smt. Usha Rani, No.9, 3'd Floor, Periyasamy Tower, Chattiram Bus Stand, Trichy Distt, Tamilnadu. 1 On-line project ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATNOO06525,28.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.10.2017 S.No.76 A~lication ------3 Social Category (General/ SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC -_ ..- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Smt. Usha Rani, No. 9, 3rd Floor, beneficiary/ applicant Periyasamy Tower, Chattiram Bus

Stand, Trichv Distt, Tamilnal u. _ .. Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 ~I:~~30 5 Project location Sy. No. 1 Part, 2 Part, Village - Valaiyur, Taluk- Manachanallur, Distt- Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu 6 Croo/Activity Manoo and Lime OIJen filed cultivation - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 15 acres the oroject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. City Union Bank Ltd., Thillai Nagar Branch, Trichy Distt, Tamilnadu -- 9 Total oroject costeRs. in lakh) 30.00 lakh _ . .- lD Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 22.501akh 27.09.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil an)' (Rs. in lakh) 12 Comoliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Aoolication -- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA mav be deferred. --- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking documents: 1. Certify copy of financial appraisal from bank. 2. Clarification from bank on Status of SRF Account. .~ 41. Sh.MP. Saikumar, No. 05/8, S.K.P.T Street, Kelamangalam Town, Denkanikotta- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu .. _~ 1 On-line ~ect ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006522, 28.09.2017 .. ~ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S.No.73 Aoolication 3 Social Category (General! SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC ._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh.MP. Saikumar, No. 05/8, S.K.P.T beneficiary/ applicant Street, Kelamangalam Town, Denkanikotta- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 5 Project location Sy. No. 540/1, Village - Kelamangalam, Taluk- Denkanikottai, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu --- .6 Croo/ Activity Gerbera under fJ2Iy house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 1.63 acre the IJroject. -'- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Karur Vysya Bank, Branch- Hosur, Hosur-Krishnagiri -Distt, (Tamilnadu) 9 Total IJroject cost(Rs. in lakh) lD1.50 lakh lD Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 76.001akh 04.09.2017 and date of sanction "-----

Proceedings of 11th Meeting ofthe Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 31 \lflql LOt(1 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil anuRs. in lakh) 12 ComQliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application . -- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed . discussion deferred for want of following lacking document: 1. Certify copy of financial appraisal from bank.

42. Sh. M. Krishnappa, RIo 248, Street Road Lane, Village- Srinivasapuram, Post- Pannapalli, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 1 On-line project ID & date of reqistration NHB/IPA/33ATN0005521, 27.09.20E_ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S.No.71 APQlication -- 3 Social Category (General! SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/p/Bm/ OBC . 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. M. Krishnappa, R/o 248, Street beneficiary/ applicant Road Lane, Village- Srinivasapuram, Post- Pannapalli, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu ----- 5 Project location Sy. No. 112/4C, 112/5B1, Village - Kelamangalam, Taluk- Denkanikottai, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu -- 6 CroQ/Activity Capsicum under Qoly house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.50 acres the proiect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Vijaya Bank, Branch- Hosur, 688/1B2A, Vasavi Street Opp. ARRS silks Hosur- 635109, Krishnagiri -Distt, (Tamilnadut 9 Total Ql:Qjectcost(Rs. in lakh) 112.00 lakh .. • o • 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 70.001akh 27.09.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. ----~ 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking documents: 1. Certify copy of financial appraisal from bank. 2. EC in English version duly signed by the applicant.

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting ofthe Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 32 lL(lql~l((J 43. Sh. B. N Vaibhav Setty, Bangalore South, Bangalore- 560050 Karnataka 1 On-line project ID & date of reaistration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006523, 28.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S.No.74 AOl2lication 3 Social Category (Generalj SCPjTSP/ Minority General I (M/C/S/P/B/])/ aBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. B. N Vaibhav Setty, beneficiary/ applicant No. 1307/17, 4th Cross Ashi:Jk Nagar, Near Sree Rama Temple, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore South, Bangalore- 560050 Karnataka 5 Project location Sy. No. 540/2, Village - Kelamangalam, Taluk- Denkanikottai, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 6 Crop/Activity Gerbera under [Jol,[ house . 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 1.63 acre the project - 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Karur Vysya Bank, Branch- Hosur, . Hosur-Krishnagiri -Distt, (TamilnadLi)_ 9 Total proiect cost(Rs. in lakh) 106.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 79.501akh 04.09.2017 and date of sanction -- .--- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil an'[ (Rs. in lakh) --- 12 Coml2liance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application --- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for _want of following lacking documents: 1. Certified copy of term loan sanction letter from bank. 2. Technical specification of poly house duly signed by the applicant. 3. EC in English version duly signed by the ap[Jlicant. - ---

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 33 \4 qll'I& 44. Sh. Mohammed IIIiyas, 3/181, Main Road, Thally, Denkanikottai- Taluk, Krishnagiri-Distt Tamilnadu

1 On-line project ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATNOO06506 27.09.2017 --- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 5.No.57 A:Jf>lication --- 3 Social Category (General! SCP/TSPj Minority General (M/gSjPjB/J)j aBC --- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. Mohammed IlIiyas, 3/181, Main beneficiaryj applicant Road, Thally, Denkanikottai- Taluk, Krishnagiri -Distt Tamilnadu -- 5 Project location Sy. No. 529/1,2, Village- Thally , Taluka- Hosur, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 6 Cropl Activity Rose under IJ()i)' house 7 Area I Capacity in acresj MT proposed under 2.00 acres the project 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd, Branch- Hosur, Tamiinadu 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) 130.00Iakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 85.001akh 31.08.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any.lRs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application -- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA mav be deferred. . --- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking documents: 1. Certify copy of financial appraisal from bank. 2. Clarification from bank on status of SRF Account.

45. Sh. K. Satish Kumar, No. 6jlB, Sree Nagar, 1st Cross Street, Near Kanakadara,Housr,Distt- Krishnagiri,Tamilnadu

------1 On-line Ql:2ject ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATNOO06536 28.09.2017-- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 31.10.2017 S.No. 85 APlJlication -- 3 Social Category (General! SCPITSP I Minority General (M/C/S/P/Bfl)IOBC ----- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. K. Satish Kumar, No. 6/1B, Sree beneficiaryl applicant Nagar, 1st Cross Street, Near Kanakadara,Housr, Distt- Krishnagir i, Tamilnadu ----

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Pagc 31 \,J ''Ii1411q 1.1' ~ . 5 Project location Sy. No. 385/3B, Village -Bidhireddy, Taluk-Denkanikottai, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu ----- 6 Crop/Activity Rose Under Pol)! house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.00 acres the oroject .- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., Branch- Hosur Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 9 Total oroiect cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 124.00 Lakh .'- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned. (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 86.80 Lakh 27.09.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil an)! (Rs. in lakh) . 12 Comoliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application 13 Recommendations of Division IPA mav be deferred. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking documents: 1. Certify copy of financiai appraisal from bank. 2. Technical specification of poly house duly signed by the applicant. 3. EC in English version duly signed by the applicant. - --- 46. M/s Shanti Floritech, G-402, Godrej E-City, Sti lakshmi Narsimha Swamy Main Road, Doddathoguru, Electronic City, Bangalore, Karnataka

1 On-line ~ect ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006465, 01.09.2917 _ . 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 18.09.2017 S.No. 1 Application 3 Social Category (General! SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)lOBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of M/s Shanti Floritech, G-402, Godrej E- beneficiary/ applicant City, Sti Lakshmi Narsimha Swamy Main Road, Doddathoguru, Electronic City, Banqalore, Karnataka 5 Project location Sy. No. 152/1B, 152/1C, 152/4, 152/1E, Village- Badathepalli, Taiuka- Hosur, / Distt- Krishnagiri, (Tamil Nadu) .- 6 Cro/J/Activity Carnation under /Jol)! house ._- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.13 acres the ~ect - _ •. ~- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Karur Vysya Bank, No.46. 6'h Cross, 6'h Block, 100 feet Road, Koramangala, Banqalore, Karnataka- 560095 .. ---

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 35 ~tUI& ------9 Total [lroject cost(Rs. in lakh) 145.2351akh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 108.926 lakh 27.04.2017

and date of sanction ) 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil anv (Rs. in lakh) ~._~~-- 12 Com[lliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Aoolication -~--- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA mav be deferred . . 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred to re-examine the document by the division and obtain the certified copy of the proper appraisal reoort from bank within 21 da)ls . ..~ 47. Sri Hanmant Mallapa Tangadi, Village Hulagabali, Taluk Athani, Distt. Belgaum, Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026691, 29.09.2017, registration Serial No. 134 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 26.10.2017 Application ...- 3 Category. SCP/TSP/Genera I General --~- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Hanmant Mallapa Tangadi, Village Hulagabali, of beneficiary/applicant Taluk Athani, Distt. Belgaum, Karnataka. Contact no. 9448645342 .._._- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 115/2, Village Hulagabali, Taluk Athani, Distt. Belgaum, Karnataka 6 CroiJ/Activity Cultivation of Gerbera under polv house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.50 Acre

I pro[losed under the [lroiect .•.._- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Main Road, Taluk Athani, Distt. contact No. Belgaum, Karnataka .. ~ 9 Total [lroject cost (Rs. in lakh) RS.95.77 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 71.50 lakh on 28.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh2 and date of sanction ..... - 11 Details of Term loan release and . duration, if anv (Rs. in lakh) . - 12 Com[lliance of Documents (Yes/No) No '-- .. ---~- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and defer the [lro[losal 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, For want of following documents: Certified copy of Bank appraisal clearing mentioning the purpose of term loan with activities (Component wise break-up). RTC copy of English Translate land record duly notarized and signed by the promoter. Technical Specification of poly house duly signed by the oromoter.

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 36 Iul~I»(~ 48. Smt. Mala Gangappa Sanadi, Village Aigali, Taluk Athani, Distt. Belagavi, Karnataka.

... . ' .. _- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026707, 24.02.2018, reqistration Serial No. 150 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 06.03.2018 A0:Jlication 3 Categ.Ql}'-SCP/TSP/General SCP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Mala Gangappa Sanadi, Village Aigali, Taluk of beneficiary/ applicant Athani, Distt. Belagavi, Karnataka, Contact No. 8867890072 --- 5 Project location Own Land, Survey No. 546/2, Village Aigali, Taluk Athani, Distt. Belagavi, Karnataka _._- .. - 6 Crofl/ Activit' Cultivation of Rose under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.00 acre pro[>osed under the [lI:CJject 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Athani Branch, Main Road, Athanai, contact No. Distt. Belagavi- 591304, Karnataka, Contact No. 08289-251246 9 Total [>roject cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 62.45 lakh -- - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 45.00 lakh, 03.02.2018 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction --- -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents No (Yes/No) - - --'- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmav kindlv discuss and approve for IPA -- 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for issuance of IPA under SCP category

49. Sri Narasegowda S/o Late Sri Hombaiah, Village & Post Doddamalavadi, Taluka Kunigal, Dist. Tumkur- 572120, Karnataka. 1 On-line project ID & date of A/29AKA0026578, 02.09.2017, Serial No. 21 reoistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 29.09.2017 Ao[>lication -- 3 Catego/}'-SCP/TSP/Genera i General - ~"-, - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Narasegowda 5/0 Late Sri Hombaiah, Viiiage & of beneficiary/ applicant Post Doddamalavadi, Taluka Kunigal, Dist. Tumkur- _572120, Karnataka, Contact No. 8861303851 5 Project location Survey No. 21/3Bl, 21/3B2, 21/4B, 21/3A, 21/4A of Vaddarakuppe, 44/1, 44/2B of Halgonahalli Village, Hobli Kottagere, Taluk, Kunigal, Dist. Tumkur, . Ka-rnataka - - -. 6 Cro[>/Activity Cultivation of Rose under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 2.50 acre oro[>osed under the project

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 37 (v[ql u,&l 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Kunigal Branch, No. 1809/ A, B.M. contact No. Road, KRS Agrahara, Kunigal, Karnataka, contact No. 08132-222266, 9449862172 . 9 Total project cost Rs. 150.00 lakh (Rs. in lakh) 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 112.50 lakh, 27.04.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anL(Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) - 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and reject th e IPA ap-lJlication ._-- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. with the observation that tw o IPA applications of same applicant may not be considered for IPA at a time. - 50. Shri Raghu V., #1948/28, 17th Cross, Police Station Road, Vidyanagar, Davanagere- 577005, Karnataka. - --- I On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026705,31.12.2017, reqistration Serial No. 148 ._- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 31.01.2018 AlJfllication 3 CategQl}'-SCPjTSP/Genera I SCP --- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Shri Raghu V., #1948/28, 17th Cross, Police Station of beneficiary/ applicant Road, Vidyanagar, Davanagere- 577005, Karnataka, Contact No. 9945177677 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 47, Village Airani, Hobli Medieri, Taluk Ranebennur, District Haveri, Karn_ata_ka... 6 Crop/Activity PHM (Cold room -Pre cooling unit & Grading packing ~ in 555sgm. ---- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 555 sqm. prolJosed under the project ---- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, SSIT Tumkur Branch 2007, Maralur contact No. Tumkur, Karnataka, contact No. 0816-2201020, 9449860097 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 164.03 lakh ._--- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 123.00 lakh, 11.12.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction -- -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an}! (Rs. in lakh) . --~ 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and reject the IPA alJfllication 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected and closed the case on the basis of request of received from applicant vide his letter dated 10.07.2018.

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 38 \4l'\\ »1& 51. Mr. Rahul Sidagouda Desai & Other -1, AlP Lake View Hospital, Opp. Fort Lake, Gandhi Nagar, taluka & Distt. Belgaum,-590016, Karnataka.

1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026582,02.09.2017, Serial No. 2~ registration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.09.2017 AQQlication 3 Category-SCP/TSPIGeneral General .--_._._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Mr. Rahul Sidagouda Desai & Other -1, AlP Lake View of beneficiaryl applicant Hospital, Opp. Fort Lake, Gandhi Nagar, taluka & Distt. Belgaum,-590016, Karnataka, Contact No. 9449943474 5 Project location Survey No. 43/1, Village Naganur K.M., Taluk & Dist. Belgaum, Karnataka

-- 6 CrolJl Activity Cultivation of Gerbera under Green House 7 Area I Capacity in acresl MT 0.75 acre orolJosed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with NKGSB, Co-op. Bank Ltd., Ishan Opus., Congress contact No. Road, Tilakwadi, Belgaum.- 590006, Karnataka, contact No. 0831-2401311

._- 9 Total project cost Rs. 62.50 lakh (Rs. in lakh) -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 50.00 lakh, 03.04.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction -- --- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration~ (Rs. in lakh) _._- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes

I (Yes/No) _.- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and approve for IPA subject to obtain the information of the area of project alJlJraised by bank before issuing of IPA --~ 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred Due to following reason: • Incomplete appraisal note and without recommendation of term loan by sanction authority of bank.

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 39 \\1\q!1.010 52. Smt. Vasantha, no. 16/155, Gangamma Temple, Jai Bhimanagar, Taluk Anekal, Distt. Bangalore-S62106, Karnataka. ~~ 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/29AKA0026708, 17.03.2018, reaistration Serial No. 151 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.04.2018 Aool/cation 3 Categ.2!}'~SCP/Tsp /Genera I SCP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. smt. Vasantha; no. 16/155, Gangamma Temple, Jai of beneficiary/ applicant Bhimanagar, Taluk Anekal, Distt. Bangalore-562106,

Karnataka, Contact No. 8951208003 --_.- 5 Project location Own Land, 462/1, Village & Taluk Anekal, Kasaba Hobli, Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka . ~~ 6 Crofl/ Activity Cultivation of Rose under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 0.80 acre -- proposed under the flroject 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Marsur Branch, Anekal Chandapur contact No. Road, Bangalore-562106, Karnataka, Contact No. 080-27827229 9 Total project cost Rs. 48.00 lakh (Rs. in lakh) .~ . ._- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 36.00 lakh, 06.03.2018 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ----- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)' (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes

I (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and aflJ:lroved for IPA 14 Decisionof PPAC Approved for IPA under SCP category.

53. Sri Bettappa, Village Naganayakanahalli, Kasaba Hobli, Taluka Anekal, Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka. -- . '- 1 On-line project ID & date of IPA-29AKA0026703, 07.12.2017, Serial No. 146 reaistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.12.2017 Aflfllication 3 Categ.2!}'-sCP/Tsp /Genera I SCP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Bettappa, Village Naganayakanahalli, Kasaba of beneficiary/ applicant Hobli, Taluka Anekal, Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka, contact no. 9964564667 ~_.- 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 419, 441/2, Village Naganayakanahalli, Kasaba Hobli, Taluka Anekal, . Distt. Bangalore, Karnataka - _._._-~ 6 Crofl/ Activitv Cultivation of Gerbera under Green House --- .- '---

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 10 l4[q[U\61 ~-- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 1.50 acre orojJosed under the project ~~-- 8 Name & address of Bank with Syndicate Bank, Chanda pur .- Anekal Road, Taluk contact No. Anekal, Karnataka - 562106, Contact No. 080- 27827229 ---- . -- 9 Total project cost Rs. 99.00 Lakh (Rs. in lakh) ~- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 74.25 Lakh, 08.12.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction .,_. - ~- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)' (Rs. in lakh) ~ -~- 12 Comoliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmav kindlv discuss and aooroved for IPA 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA underSCP category.

54. Sri Pathakota Sreenivasulu, Village Regadipalli, Taluka Konakanamitla, District Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh. ~~- 1 On-line project ID & date of IPA- 28AAP0023264, 23.09.2017, Serial No. 22 registration _.__ . 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 11.10.2017 AjJjJlication - - --~- 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Pathakota Sreeqivasulu, Village Regadipalli, of beneficiary/ applicant Taluka Konakanamitla, District Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh , Contact No: 9885772070 .. ------5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 144/4A, 144/2C, 144/2A, 144/1, Viiiage Regadipalli, Taluka Konakanamitla,

District Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh ~.- 6 CrojJ/Activity Cultivation of Pomegranate .~ 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 7.50 acre orojJosed under the project ..- .._- 8 Name & address of Bank with Union Bank of India, Main Road, Dakshina Bazar, contact No. Konakanametla Branch, District Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, contact No. 08499244022 ._-- --- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 16.31 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 10.00 lakh, 21.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) --- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes . -- 13 Recommendations of Division PPACma)' kindl)' discuss and decide . --- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred For want of following documents: 1- Certified copy of appraisal of term loan by competent authority of bank. 2. Verification report of DD NHB Hyderabad of term loan account and facts of bank documents.

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 ~~ Page41 41;1/2)1<9 55. Smt. G. Jyothirmayi, Flat No. 505, Sindhu Biossoms, Maharshi Marg, Shilpa Park, Kondapur, Sherlingampally, Hyderabad- 500084, Telangana.

1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TIGOOOO166,23.09.2017, Serial No. 23 registration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 03.10.2017 APQlication ,,-- 3 CategQ!}'-SCP/TSP/Genera I General _ ..- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. G. Jyothirmayi, Fiat No. 505, Sindhu Biossoms, of beneficiary/ applicant Maharshi Marg, Shilpa Park, Kondapur, Sherlingampally, Hyderabad- 500084, Telangana, Contact No. 9848867788 --- 5 Project location Survey No. 376/A, 376/E3, Village Ananthsagar, Mandai Kondapur, District Medak (Old) & Sanga Reddy (New), Telangana _ 6 Crop/Activity Mango in 2.00 acre, Custard Appie in 1.00 acre & Guava in 3.10 acre ~_._---- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.10 acre proposed under the project ._~-- 8 Name & address of Bankwith Indian Bank, 5-1-107 A, PWD Main Road, Beside contact No. Gokul Hospital, Sanjeeva Nagar, Distt. Sangareddy- 502001, Telangana, contact No. 08455275545 9 Total P':Qject cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 29.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term ioan sanctioned Rs. 20.00 lakh, 30.06.2017 fRs. in lakh) and date of sanction ..,._-- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if anyJRs. in lakh) _. -- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) _ .. _- 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and reject the proposal as appraisal note date on 25.04.2018 is after the date of term loan sanction letter on 30.06.2017 ------14 Decisionof PPAC Rejected, Due to following reason: • Bank appraised the project on 25.04.2018 after date of sanction of term loan dated 30.06.2017. 56. Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi Agricultural Farms, Partnership Firm, 5-2-96, Paripally Street, Mandai Siddipet, District Siddipet, Telangana. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37lTG0000160, 19.09.2017, Serial No. 17 registration - ---~ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 17.10.2017 Application 3 Categol}'-SCP /TSP/Genera I General -- _ .. ~

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 )

-_._-~-- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. M/s Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi Agricultural Farms, of beneficiary/ applicant Partnership Firm, 5-2-96, Paripally Street, Mandai Siddipet, District Siddipet, Contact No. 96400000~O_ 5 Project location Survey No. 374, 387, 389, 390/AA, 390/A, 391, 393, 395, 371/AA, Village Marpadaga, Mandai Kondapaka, Distt. Medak, Telangana --- 6 Crop/ Actlvi~ Cultivation of Rose under Green House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 01.50 acre oroposed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with The Karur Vysya Bank Limited, Siddipet Brnach, contact No. District Siddipet New- 502103, Telangana ------9 Total project cost Rs. 100.00 lakh (Rs. in lakh) ._. - --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs: 80.00 iakh, 19.09.2017 / (Rs. in iakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any.JRs. in lakh) ------12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and approve for I£,~ --- 14 Decisionof PPAC Approved for IPA

-~ 57. Shri Andhe Ravi, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana.

---- I On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TTG0000149, 02.09.2017, Serial N0.6 registration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 08.09.2017 Aoolication - 3 Category-SCPjTSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Andhe Ravi, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidma noor, of beneficiary/ applicant District Nalgonda, Telangana, Contact No. 8801235678 - -- 5 Project location Survey No. 322, Village Guntipaliy, Mandal Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana 6 Crop/Activity Pomegranate 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 13.00 acre oroposed under the project --- . 8 Name & address of Bank with Corporation Bank, Miryalaguda Branch, Dist. contact No. Nalgonda -508207, Telangana, - 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 26.00 iakh --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 9.00 lakh, 29.04.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)! (Rs. in lakh) ----

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 - 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) -_._-~ 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindly discuss and approve the IPA - --- 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA

58. Sri Mettu Srinivas Reddy, Plot No. 23, Lotus Enclave, Village Attavelli, Mandai Medchal, Distt. Malkajigiri, Telangana. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TTG0000170, 26.09.2017, Serial No. 27 registration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 04.10.2017 NHB Hyderabad & 27.10.2017 HO Application 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Mettu Srinivas Reddy, Plot No. 23, Lotus Enclave, of beneficiary/ applicant Village Attavelli, Mandai Medchal, Distt. Malkajigiri, Telangana, Contact No. 9866308520 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 146, 156, Village Railapur, Mandai Medchal, Distt. Malkaji~iri, Telang~ 6 CroJJ/Activity Cultivation Of Grapes 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT Proposed area 7.00 acre (6.08 Acre, as per land proJJosed under the JJl:Qject record) - ---- 8 Name & address of Bank with Andhra Bank, Petbashirabad Branch Opp:B yrraju contact No. Foundation, Beside Nh44, Petbashirabad, Kompally, Quthbullapur Mandai, Medchal -Malkajigiri Dist., Telangana, "--- 9 Total JJl:Qjectcost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 42.71 lakh -_.~ 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 32.00 lakh, 25.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction -- -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents ' Yes (Yes/No) - 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and approve the I~A 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA

59. Smt. Ande Janakamma, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TTG0000148, 02.09.2017, Serial NO.5 registration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 08.09.2017 A~lication - 3 Cateqory-SCP/TSP/General ' General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Ande Janakamma, Village Guntipally, Mandai of beneficiary/ applicant Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana, Contact No. 7989419111 -- 5 Project location Survey No. 323, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana _,.

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 14 1401ll!61 6 Croo/ Activi1!' Pomegranate -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 5.39 acre orolJosed under the project ------8 Name & address of Bank with Corporation Bank, Miryalaguda Branch, Dist. contact No. ~onda -508207, Telangana, 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 12.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 9.60 lakh, 29.04.2017 (Rs. inlakh) and date of sanction ._--_. --~ 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an):' (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmav kindlv discuss and approve the IPA 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred for want of clarification from applicant to confirm the relation with previous project of Shri Ande Ravi (37TIGOOOO149).

60. Ande Narsaiha,Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TIG0000150, 02.09.2017, Serial NO.7 registration -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 08.09.2017 AOlJlication \ ..__ .- 3 Cate9Ql}'-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Ande Narsaiha, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, of beneficiary/ applicant District Nalgonda, Telangana , Contact No. 9949762299 5 Project location Survey No. 334, 326/2, 339/8, 340/4, 340/6, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telanoana 6 CrolJ/Activity Sweet Orange (Mosambi) -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 14.37 acre orolJosed under the IJroject 8 Name & address of Bank with Corporation Bank, Miryalaguda Branch, Distt. contact No. Nalgonda -508207, Telangana, -- 9 Total project cost Rs. 27.75 lakh (Rs. in lakh) 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 20.00 lakh, 29.04.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction .._- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any.iRs. in lakh) ----~~ 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) ~- .~~ 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC ma):' kindl):' discuss and aQflrove the IPA ____ 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA

. . .. ~

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 15 \4l9\1J1@ 61. Smt. Valisetti Hemalatha, Flat No. 303, VBR Nilayam, Dwarakanagar, Kothapet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad, Telangana. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TIGOOOO151,02.09.2017, Serial NO.8 reqistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 08.09.2017 A~lication ...._--.- 3 CategQfY-SCP/TSP/General General .._ ...- --- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Smt. Valisetti Hemalatha, Flat No. 303, VBR Nilayam, of beneficiary/ applicant Dwarakanagar, Kothapet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad, Contact No. 9491918347 ._--- 5 Project location 325, 326/1, Village Guntipally, Mandai Nidmanoor, District Nalgonda, Telangana -- 6 CroQ/Activi!}: Sweet Oranqe (Mosambi) 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 10.05 acre DroDosed under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with Corporation Bank, Miryalaguda Branch, . Dist. contact No.. Nalgonda -508207, Telangana, ... -._- 9 Total project cost Rs. 18.50 lakh (Rs. in lakh) 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 14.00 lakh, 29.04.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)' (Rs. in lakh) ."""--- 12 Compliance of Documents Yes (Yes/No) 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindl)' discuss and apQrove the IPA 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA


62. Sri Venkat Reddy Yanala, H. No. 20-110, Market Road, Village Nakrekal, Mandai Nakrekal, District Nalgonda -508211. --- -- I On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/37TIGOOOOl72, 27.09.2017, registration Serial No. 29 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.10.2017 ApQlication 3 CategQfY-SCPjTSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri Venkat Reddy Yanala, H. No. 20-110, Market Roac of beneficiary/ applicant Village Nakrekal, Mandai Nakrekal, District Nalgonda 508211, Contact No. 9912939171 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 8a, 7c, 4c1, 3a, 17/C, 121/C, 118/Gha, Village Nell/banda Mandai Nakrekal, Distt. Nalgonda, Telangana

6 Crop/Activity Cultivation of Grapes in 2.50 acre & Sweet Lime in 8.00 acre -----~

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 - -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 10.50 acre proposed under the project -- 8 Name & address of Bank with HDFC Bank, Nakrekal Branch, Nalgonda District - contact No. 508211, Telangana - 9 Total oroject cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 20.00 lakh - . - - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 10.00 lakh, 05.07.2017 , (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . -- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any_(Rs. in lakh) ------12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes 13 Recommendations of Division PPACmay kindiy discuss and approve the IPA "----~ 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for IPA

63. Sri G. Rajender Reddy, H. No 15-1-2, Dasappa Road Rayadurg, Rayadurg MandaI, . Ananthpur District-515867, Andhra Pradesh. 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/28AAP0023277, 27.09.2017, Serial No. 35 reqistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 29.09.2017 NHB Hyderabad & 27.10.2017 NHB HO AplJlication ------3 CategQl}'-SCP/TSP/Genera I General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. Sri G. Rajender Reddy, H. No 15-1-2, Dasappa Road of beneficiary/ applicant Rayadurg, Rayadurg Mandai, Ananthpur District- 515867, Andhra Pradesh, Contact No. 9441944120 5 Project location Own land, Survey No. 21-Al, 21-B1, 20cl/g, 20c1H, 20c2/a2, 21a1g, Village Kontanapalli Mandai Ra)!adurg, District AnanthlJur, Andhra Pradesh ___ 6 Crop/Activi~ Cultivation of Pomegranate 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 9.33 acre

I prolJosed under the project - - 8 Name & address of Bank with HDFC Bank Ltd., Rayadurg Branch, Andhra Pradesh contact No. _.- ~--- -- 9 Total ~ect cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 20.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 15.00 lakh, 25.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)! (Rs. in lakh) -- . _ .. -- 12 ComlJliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes --~- - 13 Recommendations of Division PPAC may kindly discuss and reject the prolJosal 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected with the observation that change of location and survey nos. as indicated in the appraisal note of bank is not allowed as per scheme guideline.

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08_2018 64. Mr. Ajit Chhabra, At - Longaon, Tal - Bhokardan, Distt - Jalna, (MH) -- -- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047044, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 82 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 09.10.2017 ApIJlication 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Ajit Chhabra, At - Longaon, Tal - beneficiary/ applicant Bhokardan, Distt - Jalna, (MH) Contact No. - 9423156025 5 Project location Gat No. 134/1, Village - Longaon, Tal - Bhokardan, Distt - Jalna (MH) '- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Lemon in 10.00 acres, Guava in 5.00 acres and Mango in 5.00 acres - --- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 20.00 acres . under the project ----- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of India, Branch - Jalna, Tal & Distt - Jalna (MH) ---_. 9 Total project cost (Rs. inlakh) Rs. 68.00 lakh - --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 54.40 lakh, 27.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction . --- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No ) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs and complete and correct hard copy of IPA application. - 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. PAC in its meeting dated 08.08.2018 take following decision regarding project of husband and wife - "Family: Family means husband and wife and dependent minor children. In a family only one person is eligible for benefit either in the name of Individual, Group or as a Partner of a partnership firm, Proprietor, Board of director of a Company etc. In a three year gap/time cycle (from the date of disbursement of subsidy to Next date of application). A beneficiary under MIDH or any Central scheme who has availed subsidy for same project.will also be treated as a beneficiary who has alreadv benefited under NHB scheme

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08,2018 18 ~I~t~ unless it is otherwise provided under the NHB scheme'~

Clarification on applicability of above decision of PAC on IPA proposal received in September 2017 may be obtained.

65. Mr. Priti Ajit Chhabda, At - Longaon, Tal- Bhokardan, Distt - Jalna, (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA-27DMHD047045,28.09 .20 17, Seniority No. - 83 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 09.10.2017 Application --- 3 Category-SCPjTSP /General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Priti Ajit Chhabda, At - Longaon, Tal - beneficiary/ applicant Bhokardan, Distt - Jalna, (MH) Contact No. - 9423156025 .. 5 Project location Gat No. 5/2, Village - Longi30n, Tai - Bhokardan, Distt - Jalna (MH)

6 Crop/Activity I Hi Tech cultivation of Lemon in 7.50 acres, Mosambi in 2.50 acres - - - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 10.00 acres under the iJ.I:Qject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of India, Branch - Jalna, Tal & Distt - Jalna (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 25.00 lakh - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 20.00 lakh, 27.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction - _.- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs, complete and correct hard copy of IPA application and clarification on the actual activity of the project. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. PAC in its meeting dated 08.08.2018 take following decision regarding project of husband and wife - ''Family: Family means husband and wife and dependent minor children. In a family only one person is eligible for benefit either in the name of Individua& Group or as a Partner of a partnership firm, Proprietor, Board of director of a Company etc. In a three year gap/time cycle (from the date of disbursement of subsidy to

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 19 ~q Page 14 q!1JlIOJ Next date of application). A beneficiary under MIDH or any Central scheme who has availed subsidy for same project will also be treated as a beneficiary who has already benefited under NHB scheme unless it is otherwise provided under the NHBscheme':

Clarification on applicability of above decision of PAC on IPA proposai received in Sentember 2017 may be obtained.

66. Mrs. Ujwala Anandrao Bhise, At/Post - Hiswan Kh., Tal & Distt - Jalna, (MH) 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047046, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 84 _.- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 09.10.2017 AlJolication ---- 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General -~ 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mrs. Ujwala Anandrao Bhise, At/Post - beneficiary/ applicant Hiswan Kh., Tal & Distt - Jalna, (MH) Contact No. - 9604837188 5 Project location Gat No. 23. & 30, Village - Tandulwadi, Tai - Jalna, Distt - Jalna (MH) ------6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Lemon in 3.00 acres, Custard Apple in 3.00 acres & Grapes in 3.00 acres. _ .. 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 9.00 acres under the oroject -~_.- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of India, Branch - Jalna, Tai & Distt - Jalna (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 28.13 lakh - -_. 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 22.50 lakh, 27.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan reiease and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) .~ 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs, complete and correct hard copy of IPA application and clarification on the . actuai activity of the IJroject. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs, complete and correct hard copy of IPA application and clarification on the actual activity of the oroiect.

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 50 ?t;fq 11-61Q 67. Mr. Akarshan Ramesh Targe & Others, At/Post - Lakhmapuri, Tal - Ambad, Distt - Jalna, (MH) . - - . .~ 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047049, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 87 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 30.10.2017 Aoolication 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General

4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Akarshan Ramesh Targe & Others, beneficiary/ applicant At/Post - Lakhmapuri, Tal - Ambad, Distt - Jalna, (MH) Contact No. - 7588850244 .-- 5 Project location Gat No. 96, 161, Village - Lakhmapuri, Tal - Ambad, Distt - Jalna (MH). .. _ - - ~-- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation Mosambi in 5.00 acres & Pomegranate in 2.50 acres & Guava in 2.50 acres ---~-- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 10.00 acres under the iJl:2ject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Maharashtra, Branch - Ambad, Distt - Jalna (MH) -- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 15.23 lakh .- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 9.90 lakh, 15.09.2017 lakh) and date ,of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- .~ 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of prescribed cost of application form & scheme brochure, copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs . - 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposal has been rejected as prescribed cost of' application form & scheme brochure is not received. _0 __ .- 68. Kamlabai Daulat & Others- 4, At/Post - Vadner Bhairao, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik (MH)

1 Oncline project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047051, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 89 .- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 09.10.2017 AjJjJlication _. - 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Kamlabai Daulat & Others- 4, At/Post - beneficiary/ applicant Vadner Bhairao, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik (MH) Contact No. -9422246434

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 51 ~lqllb'S . - -- 5 Project location Gat No. 948, 945, 944 Village - Vadner Bhairao, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik (MH) ~~ 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation Grapes

~.. 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 10.00 acres

under the IJroject . - - 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Maharashtra, Branch - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandwad, Distt - Nashik (MH) - ~- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 37.36 lakh

. -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 27.46 lakh, 13.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh)

12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) ~- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lendinq Bank/FIs. ~-

69. Mr. Raosaheb Fakira Bhalerao & Others 2, At/Post - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik (MH) -- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047052, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 90 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.10.2017 Aoolication ~------3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General

. ---- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Raosaheb Fakira Bhalerao & Others 2, beneficiary/ applicant At/Post - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik (MH) Contact No. - 5 Project location Gat No. 2085, 2117, 2090, 2091, 2079/2, 2080, 208, Village - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandvad. Distt - Nashik (MH) 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation Grapes

7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 8.00 acres under the oroject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Maharashtra, Branch - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandwad, Distt - Nashik (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 38.72 lakh ~~~ 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 29.00 lakh, 27.09.2017 . ..~

Proceedingsof 11th M'eeting of the Pre~ProjectAppraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 ~I~~&CS2 lakh) and date of sanction ---- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if anv (Rs. in lakh) ._- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lendinQ Bank/FIs. 70. Mr. Nitin Vasantrao Chaudhari & Others, At - C/o Dr. Parag Chaudhari, Near Old bus Stand, Jalgaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) .---- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047053, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 91 --~------2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 A~~lication 3 Category-SCPjTSP /General General .- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Nitin Vasantrao Chaudhari & others, At beneficiary/ applicant - C/o Dr. Parag Chaudhari, Near Old bus Stand, Jalgaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) Contact No. -9422292934 5 Project location Gat No. 305, 339, Village - Mumrabad, Tal - Jalgaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH). 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation Guava ..- -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 7.20 acres under the ~roject ... 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB . Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) . - 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 20.00 lakh - - -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 15.00 lakh, 16.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if an:iJRs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- .- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected due to plantation of Guava plants done on 20.04.2017 and drip set already purchased . and installed in field . -~ 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected. The proposal has been rejected due to plantation of Guava plants is done & drip set already purchased and installed in field before sanctioned the Term loan & land documents (7/12) is also not received with IPA a~~lication. --

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 53 14/q/l.Of61 71. Mr. Arun Madhukar Borole, At - Plot No. 138, Samadhu Engg. Industrial Audyogik Vasant MIDC Jalgaon (MH) ._~ 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047054, 28.09.2017 Seniority No. - 92 .._ ..~ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 ADfllication - 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General

4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Arun Madhukar Borole, At - Plot No. beneficiary/ applicant 138, Samadhu Engg. Industrial Audyogik Vasant MIDC Jalgaon (MH) Contact No. - 9422292934 - . .- 5 Project location Gat No. 53/1, Village -. Umrale, Tal - Jalgaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH). 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation Lime in 1.50 acre and

. Mosambi in 4.50 acres 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 6.00 acres under the roject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Maharashtra, Branch - Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH). 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 24.04 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 16.23 lakh, 30.08.2017 lakh) and date of sanction - . 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) - - 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- . -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs, Prescribed cost of application form & scheme brochure and clarification on the deferent activity. 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposai has been rejected on following grounds:- 1. Prescribed cost of application form & scheme brochure not received. 2. As per IPA application and TL Sanction letter activity/crop are not matched. 3. Land documents (7/12) is not receivec:l___

72. MIs. Prabhodhan Sanstha, Golani Market, Jalgaon (MH)

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 54 \t1lq[U'& 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047055, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 93 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 Application - 3 Category-SCP jTSP /General General

. ---- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of M/s. Prabhodhan Sanstha, President - Mrs. beneficiary/ applicant Arati Jayprakash Baviskar, At - Prabhodhan Sanstha C/o- Jay Prakash Baviskar Office, lsl Floor, Golani Market, Jalaaon (MH) Contact No. - 9422284484 5 Project location Gat No. 77/1, 7, Village - Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH). - 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation Lime in 1.00 acre and Guava in 13.00 acres 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 14.00 acres under the IJroject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Maharashtra, Branch - SME Agri., Khandesh Mills Shopping Complex, Nehru Chowk, Jalgaon Tal & Distt - Jalga~(rvJIjL 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 49.94 lakh

-~- ..- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 39.50 lakh, 27.07.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- . if any (Rs. in lakh) . -- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of Prescribed cost of application form & scheme brochure. .. --- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of Prescribed cost of application form & scheme brochure. 73. Mr. Sonu Chandrakant Patil (Kapse) & other, Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047056, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 94 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 APlJlication 3 Category-SCP jTSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Sonu Chandra kant Patil (Kapse) & beneficiary/ applicant other, At - Plot No. 21, Shankar Appa Nagar Pimparala Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - ~aon (MH) Contact No. - 5 Project location Gat No. 176/1, 176/2, Village - Eklanga, Tal - Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) - 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Lime

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 13.00 acres under the project ~ 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) -- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 28.94 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 17.20 lakh, 28.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction . 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as proposed location is deferent. ,------14 Decision of PPAC Rejected. The proposal has been rejected as proposed location of the project is deferent as per submitted land documents. --

74. Mr. Chandrakant Shankar Kapase & other I, A/P- Eaklagna BU, Tal.- Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) - _ .. 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047058, 29.09.2017 Senioritv No. - 96 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 Application 3 Category-SCPjTSP /General General ----~ 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Chandrakant Shankar Kapase & other beneficiary/ applicant 1, A/P- Eaklagna BU, Tal.- Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH), Contact No. - 9423974797 5 Project location Gat no. 287/1 & 288/2, A/P- Eaklagna BU, Tal.- Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Lime ----- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 15.00 acres under the IJroject _._- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, ADB Branch, Jalgaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 22.70 iakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 16.20 lakh, 28.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction -- -~ 11 Details of Term ioan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) --

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 56 \4lq[Jb/& 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of Copy of financial Appraisal. note of lending Bank/FIs, copy of Aadhaar Card of 2nd applicant and clarification on the higher area proposed in IPA application. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, PAC in its meeting dated 08.08.2018 take following decision regarding project of husband and wife - ''Family: Family means husband and wife and dependentminor children. In a family only one person is eligible for benefit either in the name of Individual, Groupor as a Partner of a partnership firm, Proprietor,Board of director of a Company etc. In a three year gap/time cycle (from the date of disbursement of subsidy to Next date of application). A beneficiary under MIDH or any Central scheme who has availed subsidy for same project will also be treated as a beneficiary who has already benefited under NHB scheme unless it is otherwise provided under the NHBscheme':

Clarification on applicability of above decision of PAC on IPA proposal received in September 2017 may be obtained. 75. Mrs. Pratibha Chandrakant Kapse & others, At/Post - Eaklgna BU, Tal - Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon, (MH)

-- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047059, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 97 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017

A~lication . 3 Category- SCP/TSP/Gerieral General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mrs. Pratibha Chandra kant Kapse & others, beneficiary/ applicant At/Post - Eaklgna BU, Tal - Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon, (MH) Contact - 9423974797 .- . 5 Project location Gat No. 51/1, 51/2, village - Eaklagna BU, Tal - Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Lime ._-- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 10.00 acres under the ~ject .

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Pag c 57 t 1I qltD'~ 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 21.94 lakh 10, Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 16.50 lakh, 28.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction . - 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh)

.. - 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- .- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. PAC in its meeting dated 08.08.2018 take following decision regarding project of husband and wife - ''Family: Family means husband and wife and dependent minor children. In a family only one person is eligible for benefit either in the name of Individual, Group or as a Partner of a partnership firm, Proprietor, Board of director of a Company etc. In a three year gap/time cycle (from the date of disbursement of subsidy to Next date of application). A beneficiary under MIDH or any Central scheme who has availed subsidy for same project will also be treated as a beneficiary who has already benefited under NHB scheme unless it is otherwise provided under the NHBscheme'~

Clarification on applicability of above decision of PAC on IPA proposal received in September 2017 mav be obtained.

76. Mr. Govinda Kautik Patil & others, AlP - plot No. 16, Shankar Appa Nagar, Pimprala, Jalgaonn (MH) - 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047060, 29.09.2017, Senioritv No. - 98 - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 A~~lication 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Govinda Kautik Patil & others, A/P - beneficiary/ applicant plot No. 16, Shankar Appa Nagar, Pimprala, Jalgaonn (MH) Contact - 9423974797 5 Project location Gat No. 295, village - Tahakali, Tal - Dharangaon, Distt - Jalgaon (MH). -

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Pag c 58 ~ lAl61 .. ~ 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Lime 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 8.00 acres under the proiect --- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 18.871akh -~_. 10 Amount. of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 14.40 lakh, 28.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs & NOC from other share holder of land. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs & NOC from other share

holder of land. ----~_. 77. Mr. Snehlata Nilesh Mahajan & others 2, AlP - Pilod, Tal- Yawal, Distt - Jalgaon (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047061, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 99 - - -- - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 28.11.2017 Application 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Snehlata Nilesh Mahajan & others 2, beneficiary/ applicant A/P - Pilod, Tal - Yawal, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) Contact - 9822837939 5 Project location Gat No. 621, village - Pilod, tal - Yawal, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) -- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Pomegranate in 2.00 acres, Ber in 1.75 acres and Guava in 4.00 acres 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 7.75 acres under the [Jroject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) ._- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 17.13 lakh -"-- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 12.85 lakh, 26.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction --- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- , if any (Rs. in lakh) . 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) --

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 5'9 14tQ/V[& 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants 0f copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs and clarification on higher proposed area. .- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred, The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs and clarification on hi~roposed area. 78. Mr. Kishor Bansidhar Hambarde & Others, AlP - Nirmal Ashti, Tal - Ashti, Distt .::. Beed, (MH) ---- I On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047062, 29.09.2017

Seniority No. - 100 . 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 06.11.2017 Aoolication ._- 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Kishor Bansidhar Hambarde & Others, beneficiary/ applicant A/P - Nirmal Ashti, Tal - Ashti, Distt - Beed, (MH) 5 Project location Gat No. 483, village - Nirmal Ashti, Tal - Ashti, Distt - Beed, (MH) -._- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Custard apple in 7.00 acres & Guava in 5.00 acres 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 12.00 acres under the project __ 0_- _ 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - Ashti, Tal - Ashti, Distt - Beed, (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 31.23 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 24.50 lakh, 28.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) -- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as proposed activity and sanctioned activity is deferent. 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposal has been rejected as proposed activity/crop of the project is deferent from TL sanctioned letter of Bank.

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 79. Mrs. Divya Kishor Bachhav, At - 13, Dyandip Society, Dhule Road, Nandurbar, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar, (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047063, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 101 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 Al2.l2.lication 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General - ". _. 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mrs. Divya Kishor Bachhav, At - 13, beneficiary/ applicant Dyandip Society, Dhule Road, Nandurbar, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar, (MH) contact - 9604837188 ~-.._- 5 Project location Gat No. Gat no. 268/2, Village - Balwand, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar (MH) 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Guava - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 9.00 acres under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Central Bank of India, Branch - Ashte, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar (MH) - 425412 -- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 17.40 lakh .. __ .- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 9.90 lakh, 29.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as TL sanction in principle. --- 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposal has been rejected as Term loan sanction letter is In Principle Sanction.

- - _." 80. Mr, Mukesh Shantilal Lalwani & others 3, At - Plot No. 83, 71/4, Gat no. 413 Chandram Near Sent Teresa Shirsoli Road, Jalgaon (MH) -.-~ 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047064, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 102 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 APlJlication 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General _. ---- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Mukesh Shantilal Lalwani & others 3, beneficiary/ applicant At - Plot No. 83, 71/4, Gat no. 413 Chandram Near Sent Teresa Shirsoli Road,

Jalqaon (MH) Contact - 8698072222 -~~.

Proceedings of 11 th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 61 1UtQI2-01 Q --- 5 Project location Gat No. 163/1, 159/2, 160/2, Village - Shirsoli Bo, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon, (MH) -- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Mango in 5.00 acres and Mosambi in 3.70 acres -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 8.70 acres under the oroject .. "-_. 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADS Jalgaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 19.99 lakh -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 15.00 lakh, 26.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) -- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of Copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs and Detailed Project Report (DPR).

14 Decision of PPAC Rejected « The proposal has been rejected as Detailed Project Report (DPR) is not received with IPA ajJjJlication. ----- 81. Mr. Kishor Bansilal Bachhav, At - 13, Dyandip Society, Dhule Road, Nandurbar, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar, (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047065, 29.09.2017 Senioritv No. - 103 .- -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.217 AjJjJlication - 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Kishor Bansilal Bachhav, At - 13, beneficiary/ applicant Dyandip Society, Dhule Road, Nandurbar, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar, (MH) Contact - 9604837188 5 Project location Gat No. 268/1, Village - Balwand, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar (MH) -- -- - 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Ber 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 9.00 acres under the project 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Central Bank of India, Branch - Ashte, Tal & Distt - Nandurbar (MH) - 425412 -- .- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 17.34 lakh -- -~ 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 9.90 lakh, 29.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction - -- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh)


Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08_2018 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as TL sanction in principle. 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected. The proposal has been rejected as Ter m loan sanction letter is In Principle Sanctio n. -- 82. Mrs. Nutan Raosaheb Katware & Others, At/Post - Oahegaon, Tal - Niphad, Oistt - Nashik (MH) - 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047066, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 104 -, '.- .. 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 30.10.2017 A02lication 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mrs. Nutan Raosaheb Katware & Others, beneficiary/ applicant At/Post ~ Dahegaon, Tal - Niphad, Distt - Nashik (MH) Contact - 9673367000 5 Project location Gat No. 42, village - Nandgaon, Tal - Niphad, Distt - Nashik (MH) . - -- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Grapes 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 7.00 acres under the project

'~ 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Baroda, Branch - Takli (Lasalgaon), Tal - Niphad, Distt - Nashik iMH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 32.03 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 18.50 lakh, 29.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as plantation has already done before sanctioning the Term loan 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected. The proposal has been rejected as plantation has already done before sanctioning the Term loan.

83. Mrs. Lilabai Bhaskar Pawar & other 1, At/Post - Vadnair Bhairav, Tal - Chandwad, Oistt - Nashik (MH) 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047067, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 105 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 09.10.2017 ADlJlication .-._-

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting ofthe Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 63 ~~I1)(6' ._-- 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General General 4 Name,. Address and Contact . No. of Mrs. lilabai Bhaskar Pawar & other 1, beneficiary/ applicant At/Post - Vadnair Bhairav, Tal - Chandwad, Distt - Nashik (MH) Contact - 5 Project location Gat No.127, 141, 137, village - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik, (MH) __ 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Grapes ... 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 5.50 acres under the ~ect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of Maharashtra, Branch - Vadner Bhairav, Tal - Chandvad, Distt - Nashik, (MH)

9 I Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 16.31 lakh -~- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 13.05 lakh, 29.09.2017 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs. 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs.

84. Mr. Ajay Vijay Rajput & others 2, At/Post - Baburd PR Bahal, Tal- Bhadgaon, Distt - Jalgaon, (MH) .... 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047069, 29.09.2017 Seniority No. - 107 -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 07.11.2017 AplJlication 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Ajay Vijay Rajput & others 2, At/Post - beneficiary/ applicant Baburd PR Bahal, Tal - Bhadgaon, Distt- Jalgaon, (MH) Contact - 7387760602 5 Project location Gat NO.78/A/78/B/220, village - Baburd PR Bahal, Tal - Bhadgaon, Distt - Jalgaon,

. (MH) 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Mosambi .- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 12.20 acres under the project ------8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB Jaigaon, Tal & Distt - Jalgaon (MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 25.63 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 18.00 lakh, 27.09.2017

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 I.J Page 64 i4lqluI6J lakh) and date of sanction ~- - 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) -~ 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lending Bank/FIs.

. - 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of copy of financial Appraisal note of lendinq Bank/FIs.

85, Mr. Vasant Asaram Ghate & Others 2, At - 11, Amrapali Apartment, Collage Road Nashik, Distt - Nashik, (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047167, 21.03.2018, Seniority No. - New TSP - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 27.03.2018 Aoolication -- 3 Category-SCPjTSP/General TSP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Vasant Asaram Ghate & Others 2, At - beneficiary/ applicant 11, Amrapali Apartment, Collage Road Nashik, Distt - Nashik, (MH) Contact No. - 9822195958 5 Project location Gat no. 316/1, Village - Jalalpur, Tal & Distt - Nashik, (MH). 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Rose under Poly House -'"- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 1.13 acres (4250 Sqmtr.) under the [Jroject .. _- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. IDBI Bank Ltd., Prathamesh Apartment, Thatte Nagar, Gangapur Road Nashik - 422005 (MH) - _ ..._- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 75.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 60.00 lakh, 16.03.2018 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh)

- - -- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- - ~ 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be the proposal may be considered for issuance of In-Principle approval (IPA). -- 14 Decision of PPAC Approved. The proposal has been approved for issuance of IPA (In Principle Approval) subject to confirmation of availing the subsidy earlier from NHB, if any.

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 : ,I", / I'a gc 65 \'i4[Qlv1 ~ It .is also decided by PPAC that DD, NHB Nashik may also ensure that proposed project location comes under TSP area or not. 86. Mr. Madan Baburao Kedar, At/Post - Urnrale bk, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) -~- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047173, 13.04.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 01.5.2018 APQlication ---- 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General TSP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Madan Baburao Kedar, At/Post - beneficiary/ applicant Umrale bk, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) - -- 5 Project location Gat No. 441, Umrale bk, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) --- ~.- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Capsicum under Shade Net House 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 1.00 acres under the QI:Clject - 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Union bank of India, Branch - Dindori, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH). 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 23.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 17.25 lakh, 20.03.2018 lakh) and date of sanction -- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- , if any (Rs. in lakh) .- ...._- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be the proposal may be considered for issuance of In-Principie approval (IPA). 14 Decision of PPAC Approved. The proposal has been approved for issuance of IPA (In Principle Approval) subject to confirmation of availing the subsidy earlier from NHB, if any.

It is also decided by PPAC that DD, NHB Nashik may also ensure that proposed project location comes under TSP area or not. 87. Srnt. Jajaibai Dattatray Khode, At/Post - Pandane, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047177, 24.04.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP - - - 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 09.5.2018 APQlication ...

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 ,\t l'agc 66 '141912.61& _. 3 Category-SCPjTSP /General TSP . 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Smt. Jajaibai Dattatray Khode, At/Post - beneficiary/ applicant Pandane, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) 5 Project location Gat No. 5/1, Pandane, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) .. 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Vegetable Nursery under poly house - ..._------7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 0.72 acre (2880,00 Sq. Mtr) under the ~ect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of India, Branch - Pimpalgaon Baswant , Distt - Nashik (MH) ---- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 37.80 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 25.00 lakh, 15.03.2018 lakh) and date of sanction "-_. 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) ..- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be the proposal may be deferred for wants of Technical Specification of Poly House & Clarification that IPA application applied only one name, however, the bank has sanctioned TL in the name of two promoters. "---- 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of followings- 1. Technical Specification of Poly House . 2. Clarification from applicant/bank that IPA application applied only one name, however, the bank has sanctioned TL in the name of two promoters. 3. Details of existing Poly house and earlier availed subsidy from NHB, if any. 4. Applicant will furnish the plan of nursery.

It is also decided by PPAC that DD, NHB Nashik may also ensure that proposed project location comes under TSP area or not. .-

88. Mr. Harchand Daga Patil & Chandu Harchand Patil, At/Post - Wadi(Kh), Tal - Sirpur, Distt - Dhule (MH) .- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA-27DMHD047178, 02.05.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 11.06.2018 Application

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 I'a ge 67 ~ 14[q( lJJI () 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General TSP - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Harchand Daga Patil & Chandu beneficiary/ applicant Harchand Patil, At/Post - Wadi(Kh), Tal - Sirpur, Distt - Dhule (MH) 5 Project location Gat No. 67/1, village - Wadi (Kh), Tal - Sirpur, Distt - Dhule (MH) ._- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Capsicum under Dolv house -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 1.00 acre under the ~ect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of IMaharastra, Branch - Sirpur , Distt - Dhule (MH). .- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 42.45 lakh .~ .- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 31.83 lakh, 12.01.2018 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be the proposal may be deferred for wants of Technical Specification of Poly House & Certificate/Notification relates toTSP area. - 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred. The proposal has been deferred for wants of Technical Specification of Poly House & Certificate/Notification relates to TSP area.

It is also decided by PPAC that DD, NHB Nashik may also ensure that proposed project location comes under TSP area or not. -- 89. Mr. Sandeep Shanker Shinde & other-l, AlP - Malegaon, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH)

.. 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047180, 19.05.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP -_._. 2 Date of recei pt of Hard copy of IPA 19.06.2018 Ap[Jlication - 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General TSP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Sandeep Shanker Shinde & other-1, beneficiary/ applicant A/P - Malegaon, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) --- 5 Project location Gat No. 40 (P) village - Malegaon kazi, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) .- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Grapes -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 5.00 acre under the [Jroject

th Proceedings of 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 68 ( q/q/lOl<9 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Bank of India, Branch - Deolali , Distt - Nashik (MH) --- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 60.36 lakh

- - 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 49.90 lakh, 31.10.2017 lakh) and date of sanction - -- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if any (Rs. in lakh)

12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- .----- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal is not eligible for IPA, hence, - the proposal may be rejected. . 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposal has been rejected as the proposed activity under the project is cultivation of Grapes in 5.00 acres, however as per NHB scheme guidelines it should be more than 5.00 acres. -- 90. Mrs. Ranjana Ramesh Jadhav, At/Post - Gornale, Tal- Jamner, Distt - Jalgaon (MH)

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047181, 25.05.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP ". -- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 08.06.2018 AD[llication 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General ST ._.~ - 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mrs. Ranjana Ramesh Jadhav, At/Post - beneficiary/ applicant Gornale, Tal - Jamner, Distt - Jalgaon (MH) - - _ .. 5 Project location Gat No. 43/1,43/2A,50/1/B, Village - Gornale, Tal - Jalgaon, Distt - Jalgaon

I (MH) 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Guava in 8.00 acres & Custard aDDle in 3.00 acres - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 11.00 acre under the [lroject --- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. State Bank of India, Branch - ADB, Jamner, Tal. Jamner, Distt - Jalgaon(MH) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 17.42 lakh ---- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 13.00 lakh, 01.08.2017 lakh) and date of sanction -- 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if -- any (Rs. in lakh) 12 Complianceof Documents (Ves/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as deferent activities in the IPA application and TL sanction letter. 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposal has been rejected as deferent activity/crop mentioning in the

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisai Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 69

~i}jl&, IPA application and TL sanction letter and) financial a raisal is over la ing. ---~- 91. Mr. Balasaheb Bhima Kathe & Sangita Balasaheb Kathe, Nashik, Tal & Distt _ Nashik (MH).

1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047182, 05.06.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP ._- ---~~- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 12.06.2018 AfJfJlication .-_. 3 Category-SCP/TSP/General TSP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Balasaheb Bhlma Kathe & Sangita beneficiary/ applicant Balasaheb Kathe, At - Plot No. 07, Padmavati Niwas, New Tapovan Road Opp. Poddar International School, Kathe Mala, Near Gandhi Nagar, Nashik, Tal & Distt - Nashik (~!:!). -,- ~-~ - - 5 Project location Gat No. 315/2, 314/1, Village - Indore, Tal - Dindori, Distt - Nashik (MH) ---- 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Guava -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 5.50 acre under the fJroject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Indian Overseas Bank, Branch - Nashik (776), Tal & Distt - Nashik (MH). 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 5.70 lakh _ .. - lD Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 4.27 lakh, 08.05.2018 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if an}/,JRs. in lakh) .- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- ._--- 13 Recommendation of Division The proposal may be rejected as there is no sufficient land in the name of promotes as per submitted land documents. ------14 Decision of PPAC Rejected, The proposal has been rejected as there is no sufficient land in the name of promotes as per submitted land documents. ---,- ---_. 92. Mr. Ashbai Dipak Bhamare & others, At - Pingalwade, Post - Karanjad, Tal Baglan, Distt - Nashik (MH) 1 On-line project ID & date of registration IPA - 27DMHD047183, 04.07.2018 Seniority No. - New TSP 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 16.07.2018 ADDlication - -- 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General TSP 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mr. Ashbai Dipak Bhamare & others, At beneficiary/ applicant Pingalwade, Post - Karanjad, Tal - Baglan, Distt - Nashik (MH) 5 Project location Gat No. 45/1/A, 45/1/B, 45/1/K, Village Mungase, Tal - Baglan, Distt - Nashik (MH)

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 6 Crop/Activity Hi Tech cultivation of Grapes ~_. 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed 5.50 acre under the [lroject 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. IDBI Bank Ltd., Shop No. 15-18, KT Bagad Nagar, Near ST Bus Stand, Satana, Nashik - 423301 (MH) _ 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 36.08 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in Rs. 25.00 lakh, 28.05.2018 lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, -- if an}! (Rs. in lakh) -~ 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) -- 13 Recommendation of Division The above the proposal may be approved for issuance of In Principle Approval (IPA) .. 14 Decision of PPAC Approved. , The proposai has been approved for issuance of IPA (In Principle Approval) subject to confirmation of availing the subsidy earlier from NHB, if any.

It is also decided by PPAC that DD, NHB Nashik may aiso ensure that proposed project iocation comes under TSP area or not. - --

93. MIs. IRIS Biotech Pvt. Ltd., No. 26, Ambalipura-Village, Bellandur Gate, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, (Karnataka)

----:-.-:--- 1 On-line project ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006464, 02~09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S.No.18 Application 3 Social Category (Generall SCP/TSPI Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)IOBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of MIs. IRIS Biotech Pvt. Ltd~, No. 26, beneficiaryl applicant Ambalipura-Village, Bellandur Gate. Sarjapur Road, Banaalore. (Karnataka) 5 Project location Sy~ No. 5/1. 5/2B, Viliage - Pichagondalli, Taluk- Hosur. DisH- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu ._-- 6 CrolJI Activit)' Rose under flol)' house 7 Area I Capacity in acresl MT proposed under 4600 Sq.mt the project .. ~- -_._- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. City Union Bank Ltd., Branch- Koramangala Bangalore ---~---- 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) 75.000 lakh - - --- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 45.001akh 29.07.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs~ in lakh) .~-- 12 Comflliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application ~. th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre.Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018. .~ Page 7 1 'Wq[l'IO' -_._~ 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be rejection. -_. 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion rejected due to following reasons:- 1. Bank appraised is common for two projects. 2. Land already mortgaged for old activity. 3. Two application of same applicant mav not be considered at a time.

94. MIs. IRIS Biotech Pvt. Ltd., No. 26, Ambalipura-Village, Bellandur Gate, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, (Karnataka)

- ~-- 1 On-line flI"2ject ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006463, 0209201_7 _ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017, S.No. 17 ApIJlication ._.- 3 Social Category (General! SCP/TSPI Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC --- _. - .._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of M/s. IRIS Biotech Pvt. Ltd., No. 26, beneficiary/ applicant Ambalipura-Village, Bellandur Gate, Sar@eur Road, Bangalore, (Karnatak~)_ 5 Project location Sy. No. 708/1, 716/1, 718/1, 719/1, Village - .Irudhukotta, Taluk- Denkanikotta, Distt- Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu 6 Croe/ Activity Rose under (JQ!xhouse - ---- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.50 acre the flI"2ject . • o. .. 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. City Union Bank Ltd, Branch- Koramanqala Bangalore ----- 9 Total proiect cost(Rs. in lakh) 160.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) 105.001akh 29.07.2017 and date of sanction .. 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in lakh) 12 ComlJliance of Documents (Yes/No) New A(J(Jlication - ---- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be rejection. ._- 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion rejected due to following reasons:- 1. Bank appraised is common for two projects. 2 Land already mortgaged for old activity. 3. Two application of same applicant may not be considered at a tim~

Proceedingsof 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 72 \4lql~lg 95. Mis PCR Agro Pvt. Ltd., Flat No. 101, Himagiri Homes, H.No. 131/1-A/6, 1Sth B Main, J. P. Nagar, 2nd Phase, Bangalore (Karnataka)

..._- -~ - 1 On-line tJ.I:Clject10 & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATNOO06473,03.09.2017 _._. 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 25.09.2017 S.No.24 Application 3 Social Category (Generall SCPITSPI Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/OBC . -- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Mis PCR Agro Pvt. Ltd., Flat No. 101, beneficiaryl applicant Himagiri Homes, H.No. 131/1-A/6, 181h B Main, J. P. Nagar, 2nd Phase, BanQalore (Karnataka) .-._-- 5 Project location Sy. NO.1 073/1, 1073/2, Village- Arsikuppam, Taluka- Denkanikota, Distt- Krishnagiri, (TN) 6 Cror;>/Activit)' Gerbera Under house eQIy .- 7 Area I Capacity in acresl MT proposed under 2.00 acres the project 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Karnataka Bank Ltd., Branch- Sarakki layout, Ground floor, No. 219, Gajanana Towers, 91h Cross, 2nd Phase. Banaalore (Karnataka) ---"- 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 121.27 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 90.00 lakh 0109.2017 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil an}' (Rs. in lakh) .~- 12 Comr;>liance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application -- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be deferred. 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion deferred for want of following lacking documents: 1. Certify copy of financial appraisal from bank. 2. Certify copy of term loan from bank.

96. Mis Stressesd Asset Reconstruction And Development, D.No. 12, Muneeswaran Koil Street, Palayam Road, Karukattankulam, Near Vengateswara Theatre, Chinnamanur, Distt- Theni (Tamilnadu) .

--- 1 On-line project 10 & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006576, 1112.201~ 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 15.12.2017 S. No. 120 Application .. ._--- 3 Social Category (General/ SCP/TSPI Minority TSP (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC ._-- 4. Name. Address and Contact No. of Mis Stressesd Asset Reconstruction beneficiaryl applicant And Development,

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre.Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 73 ~q(~la1 D.No. 12, Muneeswaran Koil Street, Palayam Road, Karukattankulam, Near Vengateswara Theatre, Chinnamanur, Distt- Theni (Tamilnadu) .- - . -- 5 Project location Sy. No. 250 Farmers land in different Village, Uthamapalayam -Village, Uthamapalayam Taluk, Distt- Theni (Tamilnadu) 6 Cro[J/Activity Grapes Under O[Jen field .. _-- --_ . 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 1000 acres the oroject .~- 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Nil 9 Total ~ect cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 10.91 Lakh ---- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Nil and date of sanction -- . - . 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any (Rs. in lakh) - .,.. . - 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be rejection. 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion Rejected due to following reasons:- 1. Project area below 5 acres is not allowed. 2. Certificate for TSP area is not received from Competent Authority. 0.-

97. Smt. C M Aruna, Door. No. 62/6, 1st Cross, Anna Nagar, Hosur- Taluk, Oistt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) - --.~-~- 1 On-line [J!2ject ID & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006561, 30.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 06.102017 S. No. 108 Ap[Jlication ._--- 3 Social Category (General/ SCPITSP/ Minority aBC (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sm!. C M Aruna, beneficiary/ applicant Door. No. 62/6, 1stCross, Anna Nagar, Hosur- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri . (Tamilnadu) 5 Project location Sy. No. 174, 176/1 Mugulur-Village, Shoolagiri- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) 6 Cro[J/Activity Rose Under flQIy house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.00 acre the project 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Union Bank of India, NO.1 0/77, Siva Piazza Opp. Vijay Hospital, Old Bangalore Main Road Hosur- 635109 (Tamilnadu) __ 9 Total [Jroject cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 115.45 Lakh ---- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 86.59 Lakh 26.09.2018 and date of sanction .

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting ofthe Pre-Project Appraisal Committee; dated 21.08.2018 4 ~ql~~r7 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil any-.JRs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application ... - 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be rejection. ._- .•. 14 Decision of PPAC ,. Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion Rejected due to following reason:- 1. Union Bank of India has issued In Principal sanction letter dated 26.09.2017 which is not eligible

as f:)erscheme guidelines .. . .. 98. Sh. M. Narayanappa, No. 77, 2/57, H Settipalli -Village, J.Karupalli Post, Hosapuram, Denknikottai, Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu)

1 On-line project 10 & date of registration NHB/IPA/33ATN0006564, 30.09.201Y- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 23.10.2017 S. No. 111 Application 3 Social Category (General/ SCP/TSP/ Minority General (M/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC ._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. M. Narayanappa, beneficiary/ applicant No. 77,2/57, H Settipalli -Village, J.Karupalli Post, Hosapuram, Denknikottai, Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) 5 Project location Sy. No. 513/1,2,3, 575/2B, 575/1 B, 574/2, H Settipalli -Village, Denknikottai, Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) - - ._--- 6 Crof:)/Activit)' Capsicum Under poly house 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT proposed under 2.00 acre the ~ect 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Punjab National Bank, Branch- Hosur, 3/19, Sitaram Nagar, Krishnagiri Bye Pass, Hosur" 635109, (Tamilnadu) ._- 9 Total f:)roject cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs. 100.00Lakh .- _.-.- -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 75.00 Lakh 26.09.2018 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil anY-.JRs.in lakh) "--- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) New Application 13 Recommendations of Division IPA mav be deferred. ._~ 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion Deferred for clarification from applicant on following: 1. Land in jOined names. However, share of applicant and NOC from joint land holder not 2. received. .~-_._-~-

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 75 IlJtq/}.O,& 99. Sh. MoorthyKumma Reddy, No. 3/95, Ganagondapalli-Village, Baliganapalli-Post, Hosur-Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu)

1 On-line fJroject ID & date of reqistration NHBIIPA/33ATN0006566, 30.09.2017 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 13.10.2017 S. No. 113 . Aoolication .._~ 3 Social Category (Generall SCPITSP/ Minority General IM/C/S/P/B/J)/ aBC . ._- 4 Name, Address and Contact No. of Sh. MoorlhyKumma Reddy, beneficiary/ applicant No. 3/95, Ganagondapalli-Village, Baliganapalli-Post, Hosur-Taluk, Distt- Krishnaairi ITamiinadu) 5 Project location Sy. No. 145/4B, Vathiripalli -Village, Hosur- Taluk, Distt- Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) 6 CrofJ/Activit}' Caosicum Under ~ house 7 Area / Capacity in acresl MT proposed under 1.00 acres the fJroject - _._.~ 8 Name & address of Bank with contact No. Punjab National Bank, Branch- Hosur, 3/19, Sitaram Nagar, Krishnagiri Bye Pass, Hosur- 635109, (Tamilnadu) -- 9 Total project cost(Rs. in lakh) Rs.47.00Lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 35.00 Lakh 28.092018 and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and duration, if Nil an}' (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) . New Aoolication ._-~- 13 Recommendations of Division IPA may be rejection. -- 14 Decision of PPAC Committee noted contents of the Agenda Note and after detailed discussion Rejected due to the following reason:- 1. As per land document proposed land in joint name of two person and there is no sufficient land in the name of applicant

Other Issues

Committee noted that process of opening of new IPA applications is in. the final stage and decided that all pending unattended IPA applications should be cleared within 15 days so that there is no backlog of old applications at the time of opening of new applications.

2. Committee also discussed and noted that there has been significant delay In processing of applications due to various reason. Some of them are:

a) Initially only limited number of applications (20 under Scheme 1 and 05 under Scheme 2 from each state) Were allowed to be placed before PPAC.

th Proceedingsof 11 Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 76 t 4tqllJ\,G b) In March end it was decided that remaining applications of Scheme NO.1 and 10 applications from scheme no 2 may also be taken up by PPAC.

c) PPAC meetings were put on hold in the wake of the decision taken for examination of Technical and Financial viability of the projects by NHB's nominated experts before approval by Committee. However, compuls'ion of technical and financial scrutiny was subsequently discontinued.

d) Delay in preparation of agenda by the Division due to preoccupation of staff and Joint Directors in other activities.

3. PPAC also noted that recently PAC of NHB in its meetings held on 08.08.2018 had taken various policy decisions which interalia includes criterion for deciding priority in issuing IPA and manners for handling multiple applications from one applicant or his family members. Committee further noted that it is not clear that said decisions of PAC will be made effective prospectively or will be given retrospective effect. Since lPA applications had been received in September 2017 i.e. much before taking this decision by PAC and many of them have already been decided based on criteria being followed prior to PAC decisions, it was considered necessary to seek clarification of applicability of PAC decisions on left over cases retrospectively or otherwise. PPAC decided that decision on such cases may be put on hold till seeking clarification on this issue. Coordination Division will take up this issue for decision.

4. Chairman stressed the need of processing the PPAC cases carefully and bringing full facts before the committee for a considered decision. It was reiterated that concerned division shall be responsible for any lapse in proper scrutiny of the case resulting into faulty decision of PPAC on account of not bringing the full facts before the PPAC. All records in Agenda should be verified by Concerned Area Officer/ Dealing Officer.

5. It was observed that large number of cases have been deferred mainly for want of Appraisal Note. All Area Officers were advised to follow up such cases without delay and ensure that there is no lapse on the part of their division in seeking lacking information. It was also decided that PPAC meeting for deferred cases will be held immediately after completing the fresh cases.

6. It was noted that is quite often some officers call Data Entry Operators to clarify the issues which speaks for non-responsible manner of handling the cases by dealing officers. It was therefore decided that henceforth, no DEO shall be allowed to clarify the subject in PPAC meetings.

7. It was felt that status of IPA cases is not being updated on website on real time basis. All Area Officers were advised to ensure updating of data without fail.

The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the Chair.

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 21.08.2018 Page 77 I4/q II-Mal