Ÿþp Roceedingsofthe 1 1 Th PPAC
1', Ii National Horticulture Board //)1\ Ministry of Agriculture ft Farmers Welfare (0\ \1 Government of India, \J__.-'J/ Plot NO.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, Gurugram - 122015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991, 2341225 we.bsite:~w. nhb.gov.in NHB/CC/ll'h PPAC/2018-19/ \'\0 S . September14, 2018 . 1 Office MeKno•.anduKn Subject: P•.oceedings of the 11th ••• eeting of the he. P•.oject Ilpp•.aisal . Co••••••ittee (PPIlC) of the National Horlicultu •.e Boa •.d held' on 21.08.2018 -Rega •.ding. I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) held on 21.08.2018, at NHB, Head Quarters, Gurugram at 2:00 PM under the Chairmanship of Dy. Managing Director, NHB. ~\ql,",Q (O.K. Pal) Deputy Director Distribution: 1) All Area Officers/Joint Directors, NHB, Gurugram. 2) JD (F & A), NHB, Gurugram. 3) DD (IS), NHB, Gurugram Copy for information to : 1) PSto MD, NHB, Gurugram 2) PAto DMD, NHB, Gurugram National Horticulture Board Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers' Welfare Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare th . NHB, Guruqram, Dated 5 September, 2018._-~~ Subject Minutes of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) meeting to consider the IJrolJosals under various schemes of the Board. ~-- ~~-~ Date & Time 21.08.2018 at 2.00 IJm . Venue NHB, Gurugram The Meeting was chaired by Shri Brajendra Singh, DMD, NHB.. The following members attended the meeting. S.No Composition Name of Offi cer/Representative with Designation attended the meetinq ---~- 1. Deputy Managing Director, Shri Brajendra Singh, Dy.
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