ESSENTIALS AUTUMN 2012 2012 EFAC AUSTRALIA NATIONAL SPEAKING TOUR BENGlobal Perspectives of the Church’sKWASHI Mission in the 21st Century Meet and hear the energetic, passionate and gifted Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria MELBOURNE Sunday July Morning service. St Hilary’s Kew (combined with St James’ Ivanhoe and St Mark’s Camberwell) . pm. Genazzano Service, Cotham Road, Kew. Evangelistic address Monday July St Alfred’s Blackburn North, Corner Koonung and Springfi elds Roads, Blackburn North . pm. Meeting with pastors and mission-minded persons . pm. EFAC Dinner Victoria Branch Chair: Phillip Meulman
[email protected] SYDNEY Tuesday July . pm. Ryde Anglican Church, – Church Street, Ryde Wednesday July . pm. Hoxton Park Anglican Church, Corner of Cowpasture and La Trobe Roads, West Hoxton NSW Branch Chair: David Mansfi eld david.mansfi
[email protected] BRISBANE Thursday July . pm. Meeting with diocesan clergy. Venue to be announced . pm. Venue to be announced Queensland Branch Chair: Lynda Johnson
[email protected] ADELAIDE Friday July Concordia College, Cheltenham Street, Highgate . pm. Meeting with ministry workers . pm. Public meeting South Australia Branch Chair: Paul Hunt
[email protected] PERTH Sunday July . am. St Lawrence’s Dalkeith . pm. Unichurch, Subiaco Western Australia Branch Chair: Peter Smith
[email protected] 01 EDITORIAL Spread the word ‘The evangelization of the world in this generation’ was the catch cry of the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910. Wildly optimistic, but admirable for its clarity and passion. In this edition, we want to mirror some of that fervour while providing you with good fodder for encouraging your evange- listic ministry.