Albgaz Company
REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA Energy Regulator Authority Board _______________________________________________________ DECISION No 179 of Date 08.11.2017 ON THE CERTIFICATION OF THE “COMBINED OPERATOR OF NATURAL GAS ” ALBGAZ COMPANY Based on articles 37, 50, 59, 68, and 80 of Law no. 102/2015, “On Natural Gas Sector”, the Ministerial Council decision no. D/2011/02/MC-EnC, Energy Community Treaty, ratified with Law no. 9501, of date 03.04.2006, as well as articles 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 of the rules “On the certification of the Combined Operator for natural gas ”, approved with decision no. 100, of date 05.08.2015 and amended with decision no. 129, of date 31.10.2015, and article 15, of the regulation “On ERE organisation, operation and procedures”, and then being informed with the report prepared by the Technical Directories regarding the certification of the “Natural Gas Combined Operator” Albgaz sh.a that in this decision we will refer as transmission system operator (TSO), Considering that: - Law no. 102/2015 “On Natural Gas Sector” is fully aligned with Directive 2009/73/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of date 13 July 2009, “Concerning the common rules for the internal market of natural gas”, including the requests provided for the certification of transmission system operators; - Based on article 80, of Law no. 102/2015, “On Natural Gas Sector”, the Combined Operator exercise its own activity independent of Oil and Gas Sectors namely generarion, trading and natural gas supply, in conformity woth the principles and requirements prescribed in this law. - Also on articles 37, 50, 59, 68, and 80, of Law no.
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