BRACING FOR BREXIT 01 Discussing international education BRACING FOR BREXIT 09 Torn between our best friends 24 In conversation with Sir Anton Muscatelli 30 Putting Europe on the map in India 33 Brussels’ Brexit blues SUMMER 2019 BRACING FOR 02 BREXIT CONTENTS 04 EDITORIAL 05 CONTRIBUTORS 06 SYSTEM OUT OF ORDER (APOLOGIES FOR THE INCONVENIENCE) A look at the malfunctioning political system that brought us Brexit 09 TORN BETWEEN OUR BEST FRIENDS Published by Caught between the UK and the EU, Ireland faces a hard choice European Association for International Education PO Box 11189, 1001 GD Amsterdam, the Netherlands 12 REDISCOVERING OUR SUPERPOWERS TEL +31-20-344 51 00 E-MAIL
[email protected], Universities must overcome outrage to lead the fight against Brexit Editor Douglas Proctor 15 CHARTING THE FLOW OF BREXIT Publications Committee Douglas Proctor (Chair), ‘Brexit flowchart guy’ Jon Worth guides us through the twists and turns Irina Ferencz, Jos Beelen, Han Aarts, Lucia Brajkovic, Jacob Gibbons 18 BRIDGING THE ANGLO-GERMAN DIVIDE Deputy Executive Director, Strategic Engagement Partnerships may prove key to softening the blow of Brexit Elise Kuurstra Associate Director, Knowledge Development and Research Laura E. Rumbley 21 PARTNERSHIPS IN PERIL Editorial Coordinator Jacob Gibbons Uncertainty reigns for UK students and staff in Spain and vice versa Graphic Designer Nhu Nguyen 24 IN CONVERSATION WITH SIR ANTON MUSCATELLI E-MAIL
[email protected] Glasgow University Principal Anton Muscatelli on what’s at stake Advertising Contact
[email protected] for more information. 28 THE BREXIT BACKDROP: WHAT DOES THE DATA TELL US? The EAIE welcomes requests for advertising space from Facts and figures on UK higher education and its place in the world companies and organisations whose aims and values are compatible with those of the Association and its members.