The London Gazette, May 3, 1867
2590 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 3, 1867. 1G69. And to William Robert Lake, of the "In- of Oldham, in the county of Lancaster, En- ternational Patent Office," No. 8, Southampton- gineer, for the invention of tl improvements in buildings, Chancery-lane, in the county of Mid- lithographic, zincographic, and typographic dlesex, Consulting Engineer, for the invention printing machines." of " improvements in breech-loading fire-arms."'1095. To Thomas Howard Head, of the Teesdale —A communication to him from abrond by Works, Sfcockton-on-Tees, for the invention of Henry Huntington Wolcott, of Yonkers, New "improvements in machinery for rolling iron York, United States of America. and steel." On their several petitions, recorded in the Office 1096. To William Clark, of 53, Chancery-lane, of the Commissioners on the 10th day of April, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer and 1867. Patent Agent, for the invention of " improve- ments in apparatus for propelling vessels."—A 1071. To Francis George Flcury, of Southward, communication to him from abroad by Eugene in the county of Surrey, Engineer, for the in- Bachelier, Machinist, of 29, Boulevart St. vention of "improvements in machinery or Martin, Paris. apparatus for measuring fluids." 1097. And to William Clark, of 53, Chancery- 1075.' To Samuel Smith, of Prince's-sfreot, Lei- lane, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer and cester-square, in the county of Middlesex, Gun Patent Agent, for the invention of " improve- Manufacturer, for the invention cf " improve- ments in apparatus for obtaining isochronous ments in breech loading sporting guns." movements applied to clocks and other time 1077.
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