Plawsworth Hall Farm, Item 5A PDF 839 KB
Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: 2/13/0283 Erection of a 31 unit serviced apart-hotel (C1 Use Class) FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION : and associated access, car parking, landscaping and engineering works NAME OF APPLICANT : Mr Harry Johnson Plawsworth Hall Farm, Wheatley Well Lane, Plawsworth, ADDRESS : Chester-le-Street, Durham, DH2 3LD ELECTORAL DIVISION : Kimblesworth and Plawsworth Steve France Senior Planning Officer CASE OFFICER : Telephone: 03000 264871 DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS 1. Plawsworth Hall is an existing, established apart-hotel business in the village of Plawsworth, a small settlement adjacent the A167 between Durham City and Chester- le-Street. The village, a designated Conservation Area, is an attractive settlement that has grown up comparatively recently around three traditional farm groups. Reflecting this, the village is a mix of traditional and modern dwellings, wholly residential, with no commercial or community facilities other than the applicants. Both the older and newer parts of the village are covered by a Conservation Area designation, with a small buffer around it into the countryside, extending from the A167 in the west, to the fields surrounding Plawsworth Hall Farm in the east. The surrounding countryside, including the site, is designated Green Belt. A single road runs east/west through the village, which is set on elevated ground, with expansive views to the east and north in particular. With two dwellings detached from the settlement, 80m to the east of Plawsworth Farm, the elevated main farmhouse of the application site sits prominently on modern retaining walls to form the natural end of the village, doing much to contribute to it’s traditional appearance.
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