The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is is Easy To Place- just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside

VOL, 16 NO. 52 MOUNTAiNSIDI, N.J., THURSDAY, DiCiMiiR 5, 1974 = 30 Csnti Per Copy Paid 01 Msunitlnildi, H.J. 3 N.»P,8.7d(ns» Road, Mgvn Funds sought for Regional sports programs Aid asked for lacrosse and chess Mountainside students protest bus cut at GL Hy AHNKK(iOU) Sports held the spotlight ,ii the Regional High School Board uf Education meeting Tuesday night a! Jonathan Dayton Regional High School in Springfield with members of the audience calling for increased support for wrestling lacrosse and chess in the various schools, Students predominated among the ">n members of the 'audience at the 90-miniile session, shortest regular meeting of the year Mas! were part of a group calling for establish- ment of a lacrosse team at A.L. Johnson Regional in Clark. Other teenagers spoke oul la protest a threatened cut in bus service1 tci Mountainside from (Jov, Livingston Regional in Berkeley Heights. Dr. Donald Merachnik, superintendent nf schools, said the possible loss of state aid hail -leri-to-tftllrnf-a-nif-irt nfternnnrrsehnnl bus service to Mountainside from Gov, Livingston for the 80 Mountainside students remaining n! that school. All others from Mountainside now attend Dayton. Lewis Fredericks, assistant superintendent for business affairs, said that Dr. William West, county superintendent of schools, hail refused to approve state aid lor three afternoon buses - two at 3 p.m. and one al \ for only mi students. He said (he board may try to cut down from two buses to one for the :i p.m. run nest GQRNiRSTONE GiREMQNY—Mountainiidt Fire Chief Ron guests' at the event was Henry Weber, one of the original week, on a trial basis. The buses have r>4 seats, Hufer, Fire Commissioner Abe Suekno and Mayor Thomai members of the fores, who hod been a volunteer when the he noted, and should carry at least 4n Rlcelardl (from left) were omong local officials taking part In former f (rehouse was opened in 1910, The new facility is youngsters each. The three morning buses recent cornerstone laying ceremony at the new borough expected to be in u§§ in January, remain unchanged flrshouse on New Providence road. Among ether special (Photo-Graphics) Two girls commented that the trip home now barely allows them time to get to afterschool * \ I 1. jobs. They said that one run, with more stops, would gel them home too late for their jobs SENIOR CLASS CONCERT at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School in Springfield will 're* fund Educational system 'a mess/ Charles Vitale, hoard president, ordered feature the rock group Kinderhook Creek, above, which recently completed a tour Several Mountainside residents have "student input" into any decision on the buses of colleges In the lost. Also appearing will be Revenge of the Laulau, a group from established a fund to collect $lr,u to He noted, "Any student ambitious enough for Son Francisco, Tht concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, with tickets cover the cosi" of decorating ajid ex-board member charges an aftersehool job should not be deprived of the available at the door at S3, S3,SO and $4. Refreshments will be available. lighting the borough Christmas tree. become disheartened as lo Ihe future of our Donations, marked "Tree Fund," may The Mountainside Board of Education, which educational system, because Of indecision and The sports issues came up when a be sent to the Mountainside Hegeue of late has been the subject of controversy In lack of understanding of the basic needs of a representative of the Gov, Livingston Booster Squad; any monies remaining will go to the borough, has come under fire again, this system such as ours; they have attempted to (Continued on page 7) Borough pupils' test scores the squad. Persons wishing to help time by a former member of the body, William weaken Ihe role of Ihe business manager, decorate the tree should meet at the J, Biunno has written an open letter to borough principals and even secretaries, in their site, on the corner of HI. 22 and New residents, criticizing two board members in Mobile Moats program inability to make good business judgments higher than county average Providence road, at !l a.m. on Saturday, particular, Patricia Knodel and Trudy palmer. since tdking office In short they violate the seeking more drivers Dec. 14, ' It reads as follows Results released this week bv Dr Levin B five paints was considered significant Dr I have become bewildered ,ind flisen principal ethie thai Board of Eduutinn The Mountainside Mobile Medls program has Hanigan, superintendent of schools, on reading Levin B Hanigan superintendent nf schools chanted in recent month"; nver the chantu members do not run the school system' issued a call for additionaj volunteer drivers to and mathematics tests given to Mountainsidn explained condition of our elementary sehnnl system in "They also lack the ethical standards to be deliver fiifld to customers Persons ably to work fourth and seventh graders in the autumn of 'In terms of the usudl rjution howryer te t Monday blackout- Mountainside which results from the complete hoard members when they argue for the defeat for approximately one half hour edrh weekdav I37i shn« the borough youngsters scoring scores drc only one criterion nf student Uek of coordination dnd cooperation on the nf a budget proposed by the same Board of morning were asked to cdll Mabel Ynung dt 213 signifltantlv higher than the county average in progress lie noted They dre not absolute part of the members of the Board of Education Education thev purporl tn represent The\ 4024 most areas infallible or even exceptionally accurate AI wind, car factors What has happened to the leadership that has insult the intelligence nf Ihe people of this Persons wishing information on eligibility In the interpretation of the results of Ihe heat thev posthole a student s dchievemenl Monday morning's fierce wind and ram always been the force tn move this group cnmmumlv when thev say that dissehsion requirements for participation in the program and generalize from limited datd The number 1 exams, part of a statewide progrdm any score storm, and in unsuspecting motorist played d forward with positive purpose among board members is healthy and should call 233 B146 that exceeded the eountv refereniK scores b\ (Continued on page 7) part in a power failure which left 1,500 "We now have two women un the hoard who recommended by a high official of the New Mountainside homes without electricity fur Lontinually write articles and letters lo Ihe Jersey School Boards Association Moun nearly five hours editors of our local newspapers and give the tainside deserves better than this Police said the high winds dislodged a tren impression to readers that these ladies .ire "1 question the ability of Mrs Knodel to hold near the eastbound lanes of HI 22 near the speaking on behalf of the entire Board of the job as finance committee chairman of this Mountainside Scotch Plains line, causing it to Education The fact remains that the board is board since it appears she has neither (he lean against a utility pole The pole s weakened split 4 1 and Mrs Knodel and Mrs Palmer knowledge nor the experience to handle such a guide wires came down across the roadway speak for the minority hloek After reading responsibility I also question whether or nnt and at 3 35 a m one was hit by B car driven by their releases and attending some board she reports to the president of the board or lo Harvey I Goldberg, JB, of North Plainfield The meetings, 1 now have my doubts as to what or her eollegues her decisions concerning this impact toppled the pole, causing the lights to go whom Mrs Knpdel and Mrs Palmer represent committee out in 3,000 homes in Mountainside, Scotch They have managed to confuse the community "She speaks of her concern for the number of Plains and Westfield and have made a complete mesn of the purchase orders presented each month for Police said power was restored to most of the educational system in Mountainside since payment I question whether purchase orders 1,500 borough houses affected by I) am, becoming elected are being paid, and if the students and teachers although some on Brookside road and Robin "They have continued to publicly undermine have the proper supplies and materials Hood lane were without electricity until noon the ability of the superintendent of schools necessary to learn and teach (i e special Goldberg, whose auto spun across the high they have forced good teachers nut of our pencils for tests, newspapers for libraries, (Continued on page 7! system and caused many of those remaining to etc ) "I also wonder about the monies provided in the 1974 75 budget Are they being used to operate the educational system or are Ihey being held back to provide the 1250,000 surplus promned last January"1 It Is not economically feasible to hold back 1974 dollars to purchase education in 1975-1B7B The dollars will not go as far then, and we need the education today The purpose of the Board of Education is not lo generate surplus, but provide for good education "Mrs Knodel and Mrs Palmer have on Several oceanons made it known, and lorded _ (Continued an page 1Y University women ready holiday fair Peggy Smith, chairman of the holiday arts and crafts fair presented by the Mountainside Branch of the American Association nf University Women on Saturday from 1 to 4 p m in the Deerfield School cafeteria, has an- nounced that there wiU be 52 craft masteps- selling handmade articles. These craftsmen come from Mountainside, Maplewood, Scotch Plains, Watehung and Westfield They will bnn| a variety Of items including plants, Onrush embroidery, dried flower arrangements, dolls, wood cuts, water color paintings, beaded novelties'* and homebaked goods. Members of the club will man a gifl wrapping service as well as providing ADVANCE SALE — Mrs. Richard Marshall of Springfield buys fruit cake from Chrli homemade refreshments and UNICEF cards Bunln of Mountainside,'Jonathan Dayton Regional High School student who will be tpking part In a door-to-door sale to be conducted Saturday by members ef the George Siefken of Mountainside has donated HOLIDAY FAIR^Gall Money (left) and Peggy Smith of the Dolls, doll furniture, paintings, plant*, Christmas schooLs_yocal music groups. Orders for tht mkn« nkn tnn ha placed with Mr. and a framed original oil painting which will be awarded is • prize. Diane White, who received MtltriBranch^ the AnTBTieafr~Atioeiotlon of decorations, paintings and homemade foodstuffs will be Mrs. John Keenan, 232-4459. or Donald Stearns, 467-0844, The Peyton Choral the 1974-75 Mltzi Salmini Scholarship, will University Woman look over some ef the croft items to be omong the items featured. All proceeds will go to the Mltzi Parents Society will discuss the cake sale at a meeting in the music room of the mike the award at 3:45 p.m. Proceeds from the sold at thq group's holiday fair, scheduled Saturday (ram 1 lalmlnl Scholarship Fund. high school at 8 tonight. (Photo by Jeff Marshall) fair will benefit the scholarship fund. to 4 p.m. in the Deerfield School cafeteria Central avlnue. ' (Photo-Grophlei) Thursday, Decembsr 5, 1974- Methodist display Cub pack p!ans Sunday will show party, hears talk Bible translations by local detective On the second Sunday of Advenl this Springfield rub Pock 172 has «chertuletl n weekend, members of Springfield Emanuel Christmas pnrt\ fnr Sumin) iii ii'ion ill Ihc United Methodist Church, Church Mall at American Lt'giOn Hlili S.nnla Hill he fht'M' In Academy Green, will observe Universal Bible • Us!rihulp mf!H Sunday. An exhibit of various language tran- The Soy 22 pack mwtmg ill ihi> ,l;imi>s slations of the Bible, as well as modern English Cnlilu'i'll School fiMiiurotl i\ ulk nn Finger translations, will be placed in Fellowship Hall prinls and Ihu Law" by Springfield Ijeieclive Also included in the display will be scripture Ho\\at^ Thunipson The fu-uMU'e of fintJiTpnll1 passages to give guidance in various life ex ttftTflg IrrhnlquPs wns riepinnstrafnri. 7K used pcrlences Each worshipper will receive a copy In |!H-B! enunU sEnil' ;uid Fedt'nil iliilhni ilies of Luke's Gospel in "Today's English Version The 197-1 BicpntiMinuil presifioriluii ;nwird. of ihe Bible," one of the most rni-eni Irnn- Bu Prepared fur Life, has been given to Cub stations. I'ni-k 172 At the9:301! in Trivelt Chapel service and II Urbrln nwarsi u inner'* urre Ui'mli'i JnymT a in morning worship in the Sanctuary, Paslnr iiquuniiul. Ira (miss, aquaniiui. iithlele. James Dewor! will be concerned with the task iiUT<°ns_ nuluiniist tiiiiditarstruw mu! srhuhir of sharing tht> Scriptures uHh iilliprs His hii^iri Johnson ;!qu,;inmit, ,ilh!e!e ritifeii, sermon will be iitlrd "What Is Christmas'1 miluniiist. nutfioorsman srhctiar and fnn>ster Bread to Break ' Hcihcrl Hiirsi-wnnd. aquanaul. alhlcle ritizen. The 9:30 am Herman language worship sdinlar iiiid fiaturithst. Hniin I.etihiir!. ah'lefe service will be conducted by Theodore 1 eitimi. naturahsi traveler rind *rhular Put Reimlinger. lay speaker with (he Rev. Fred SPRINOFIiLD CHILDRIN In rthtarial for the Springfii»ld Community PloyiM upcoming Maui'ii'lli) citizen and naturalist Mark Par HONORED BY KNIGHTS — Mamb#n of Springfield Council 5560, Knightt of (iruber preaching, ehufthjdiool meets fit the musical production of Milk and Honey,' which will be presented on Jem, II, 12, 18 met. iMtizen nntiirahsi and traveler Columbus, recently honored Gregg Dembroskl. past grand knight, at a dinner- same hour in Wesley House, with Junior Highs and 19 at Jonathan Doyfon Regional High School, Sttn, from left, are Andy Cohen, Cub bear badges were awarded In Hurirh dance at the council holt.- Shown ore. from left, Miehotl 0 Connell, district deputy: on the third floor of the church annex Youth Dora Holpsr, Scott Edelmon, Tina Segal and Stephanie Linier, Tickets are now IMnkava and David Johnson. Nick ipiseopq grand knight: Dqmbroiki: idward Warhol, district deputy, Fellowship meets at 6 p.m. in Fellowship Hall available and may be obtained by calling 379-2648. The Cub a fee aihlelie c-umpehhnn nil ncl T> (Photo-Graphics) fur Christmas drama rehearsal ueided Ihese winners m the 9 year old tlass The Christian Service Circle of United Jim Shew*. Mark Slievr1 and Mafl Kuperstein Melhiidisi Women will hold its Christmas ,i)(ih,ill ihrnw . RuddA Pinkava. Jim Htieve. covered dlah luncheon and program cm Ad awards ,ind Man Hiee push ups Buddy Pinkava Dayton Regional honor roll Tupsdayai 11 a.m. Devotions will be conducted PaMd Jiihnson and Danny Klein, sil-ups. by lone Lombardi. to local firm Exquisite coralonyx D.IHIU Klein, Mall Kuperslein and (iars Weiss Tomorrow evening. Women's Mission Circle Kcyes. Martin & CH., :mik broad jump. Pal Duranle, Doug Clarke includes 323 top scholars invites all congregants to an Advent can- Kpringfield. has received five and diamond jewelry. and Wayne Hiirsewnod, In sard dash dlelight service in the Sanctuary. Miss Lorn 1 citations for pxccllunci' in In the B-s ear-old elass. Kric Zara, Paul Siieve A total of32;! students earned listing in the Lausten, William Leher, Young Lei Hoc. hardi will be (he speaker- A fellowship period advertising at Ihe 15lh iinnual Bonnie Leff, Handi Lpvine, Pary Lpsitt. LoNlir New and only at Marsh and Walter Clark took Softball Ihri™ Keilh honor roll for the year's first marking period will follow "Town Crier" awards dinner Drexler. Jay lolanrirea and Ed Kisch. push just concluded at Jonathan Dayton Regional Lipton. Melissa Loser, Pattl Llberman sponsored hy the Kinanfia! ups Km Zara, Kevin Duffy and Waller High School, Springfield, it was announced this Steven Luhash, Danera Markowich, Hobort Advertising and Markcliim Clarke, situps Broad lump victors were week by Anthony Fiordallso, principal, arid •McGurty, Richard Miller. Karen O'Krefe, Vorspan to speak Association uf Metropolitan Walter Clarke, Jay rnlandrea and Kevin Duffy. Charlotte Singer, director of guidance. Catherine Picul, Melissa Purkhiser, Marcia New York . Rubenstein. Lori Sehlein. Joseph Sleher. sO-yard-dash. Bob Edwards, Billy fieri and The honor students, who reside in both Keyes, Martin received Ihe Cynthia Sprnul, Wendy Stark. Susan Stepanuk, at Sunday brunch T'odd Binenstock Springfield and Mountainside, include 72 second highest number of Patricia Vollhcrbst. Laurie Weeks. Ralph Albert Vorspan, vice-president of the Union In the 10-year-old lategory, Robert Hnr- seniors, 60 juniors, 97 sophomores and 94 fresh awards presented In nny Weiekel, Amy Lynn Weltchek, Shari Wlldman, of American Hebrew Congregations, will speak sesuiod took a prue men They are advertising agencs in the Marisa Wohl, Debra Zapolitz at a brunch Sunday at 11 a.m. in Westfield. on SKNIORS metropolitan area. o-o- Ihe topic, "A New turning Point: Black-Jewish Deborah Armour, Irene Bachmeier, The 'Town Crier" award SOI'IIOMOHKS Relations in America." Temple Sha'ares Area groups se Christopher Barry. Eileen Bass. Michael I highest honor! was presented Anjmj\ngelton, Ilene Arnold, Jeffrey Bahr. Shalom of Springfield and Temple Sholom of Baumrind, Laura Bellini, Jacqueline Ben- to the firm for the best annual James Barrett, Lori Bloch, Amy Bloom, Plainfield are cosponsors of the even! with jamin, Ion Berezin. Thomas Bisio. Marc report and host radio ram- Christmas trees Warren Bromher|, Debra Burgess. Bryan! Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, Bloom, TerrhBloom. Bruce Hlumenfeld. meri'ial. producpti on hehnlf of The Summit Area VMC'A imri Berkeley Burke, Caren Buthmann, Elliot Buzin, Martin Matthew Bosner, Patricia Brennan, Leslie The brunch will be held in the social hall of Empire National Hank. Heights Branch YMfA, with the Summit and Byk. Patricia Chin, Karen Clarke, Francois Bruder, Scott Burke, Lance Bury, Jeanne Temple Emanu-El. 756 E, Broad si., Westfield. Newburgh, N.Y Berkeley Heights Jaycee Clubs, will again Clarke, Lucy from, joann D'Amato. Matthew Coelho, Amy Cohen, Alan Constantian, Jen II is open to the public and ii per person will hi- Their merit awards in- cooperate in the selling of ('hristmas trees and Drysdale, Alicia Dutkowski. George Esparza nlfer Crane, Suzanne Davidson, Jeffrey Davis, charged to cover the cost of food. Cochairmen cluded ones for corporalc preens this year in both communities, begin Ronald Frank, Stuart Friedman, Margie Gregg Deangelis, Andrew Deutor, Andy Dohin, are Annette Rindner and David Bregman. print ads, annual reports and nniB this Saturday. A selection of fresh-cui Gibson, Anna Giovannone, Jess Greemtein, Nancy Dow. direct mail campaigns for balsams, Douglas firs, and Scotch pines will be Vicki Hagel, Donald Hetzel, Michael Hirsh. Thaddeus Dutkowski, Philip Effron, Laureen New Jersey Bank and Empire available, and proceeds from ail sales will Laura Hocksteln, Robert Jay, Gerard Kick, Gwyn English, Kelly Evans, Susan Fern, Camping, bowling National benefit youth arid community prfj|ec!s nf Ihe Kaelblein, Ronald Kamen. Halph Kartzman, Gail Figliuolo, Bruce Fischer. Leroy Fleischer. Keyes, Martin is Ihe largest two Hrgani/.ations Carol Klink, Michael Kosnett, Sherry Krause. Stephanie Forman, Linda Gecker. Bonnie full serviri1 advertising Tina Lassiter, Dana Levitt, Steven Lipschiiltz. Geltzeiler, Susan (iibson. [ioherl Gilbert. among activities In Summit, trees will be sold in Ihe VMCA iigency in the stale of New Debra Lowy, Ralner Malzbender, Cynthia Hnbyn Glaser, Shari Gold.'Kathy Grimm, Lisa Springfield Cadetle Troop 471 went on a [en! parking lot located at the corner of Cedar and Jersey. The accounl executive Martin, Cynthia Maselka Grossman, Beth Gutman, Wendl Hammer, camping and canoe trip to Bass River Slate Broad streets Hours are Monday through for Empire National and New Aliion Hart, Diane Heinze, Richard Hersh, Park on Del. 12. They also have been bowling ai Friday, ill am,-9 p.m.; Saturday, Ilia m-flp m Michael Meskin, Gene Meyer. Scott Jersey Bank is Jerry Marel Herzlinger Echo Lanes and horseback riding In Walchung. mid Sunday, noon-6 p.m. Meyerson, Paul Naftall, Deborah nlasin, Leon Nussbaum of Morrislown. In Berkeley Heights, trees and wreaths will Rawitz, Jeffrey Rockoff, Edward Rosen, Randl Peter Hess, David Iletzel, Murray Indick, The seventh graders are working on the Thest original 18k gold designs be sold at the Fnndtown Shopping Center, 4rjo Sacharow, Alan Salz, Diane Schaffer. Carol John Irwin, Nancy janukowicz, Vicki Kaplan, emergency preparedness challenge, and the iHiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiim with coral, bliok onyx ind ae- Springfield.ave. Schoffmann, Todd Siegai, Brenda Speer, Robin Sidney Kaufman, David Klingsberg, Erlka eighth and ninth graders are working on the Ill illlliililliii iiiiHiiiiiiiini eanimg paved diamonds ire • only at Marsh Bracelet, $2,650,, Sury, Abbe Szanger. Laura Weiner. Susan Koppel, Alan Layton, Thomas Malzbender, today's world challenge. IlilillllllllllllllillllilllllllllllllltlllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIHI Pendant Witch, with heavy 1BK Werfel, Gary Werner, Lisa Winters, Lori Judy Mar|ulies, Susan Meisel, Brian Mercer, Senior Troop 14 entertained the patients in mill- YOIJRBANTAD lenlureS gold chain, $2,885., Elizabeth Napier, Susan Nestler, Michael the extended care unit at Overlook Hospital Wipfler, William Witowsky, Lee Zenli "!"iS EASY TO PLACE™ Ring, 11,361. Bridge club lists .


r;i^'^^ ^lM^yw*«4r^^swJsa ^ MOUNTAINSIDE (N.J.) ICHO Thursday, Dtcember 5, 1974-3 Regional students' test scores listed Jets impressive despite 25-6 loss as above statewide and county norms to unbeaten Chiefs Kith graders in New Jersey high schools who dealing with percentage problems, geometry The Mountainside Jets Heavyweights last Students score were tested last year, the 1,309 former Regional and, basic algebra. No special areas of week closed their 1074 season iijifiinsl the un District 10th graders compared very well. weakness were encountered. beaten Millburn Chiefs Mathematical ability Of last year's luth Interpretation of results shown by former The Jets 'put it all together" playing and above average graders from the Regional District Is very 10th grade students who were taking more than executing almnsl flawlessly-- but the com good. Utilization and understanding nf basic two years of college preparaory mathematics pelition was too strnnjJ and Millburn won, algebra and concepts of geometry are con- was not required. Very few students have The game started with the Jets' defense sistently high In comparison to reference completed this level of training so early in holding the competition landing the defensive in Jersey tests standards Grade 10. charge was a total effort spearheaded by Boh -O-O" Tenth graders m (he 1'ninn C'nunly I{i>glnniii Scores in geometry exceeded all four Huff, Kevin Dougherty, John Medeville, Tim STRENGTHS SHOWN IN READING IN High School District Insl yrnr recorded score", reference standards in more than 30 percent Hollerati, Kirk Kriese. Al Presiiosi.^l.arry CLUDE; well above statewide mid munly norms in and in algebra in more than 20 percent^ Irene, Gregg Shomn, Tom Medeville, Hob (1) Very good reiults In interpreting reading statewide rcniiinR nml mathematics lusts respectively, of the tested Items within these Anderson and Sal D'Addario. materials (with notable success in identifying adminislered hy ihe N ,1 Department of clusters Other cluster areas continue to show main ideas) (in offense, the execution of running and Education, according tn u issued student competency in performance by being passing plays by quarterback Albert Preszinsi (2) Good uie of vocabulary skills this week h\ i)r !)nn(1ld Mfrachnlk, commensurate wilh fll! four comparative teas outstanding Larry Irene continued hi* STRENGTHS SHOWN TN MATHEMATICS superiniehn'enl nl m-hnols fnr Iho Koginnnl reference standards These would include powerful runninn When not runnlnc;, he was INCLUDE: District computation in whole numbers, fractions, lending Tom Medeville tin off-tackle slants 1 r 11) Very good use of basic algebra and Portions nf lir Meriichnik's ri-pur! ;irc decimals, percents, measurement and Ininl. Jim Menk. (ire(J Shomn, Kirk h'rieso. geometry concepts. printed hclnw denominate numbers and miscellaneous topics. Steve Ferry. Kric Lehman, Kevin Dougherty (2) Excellent computational ability in SKATING PARTY — Those three ikateri are ready tor Saturday's Mountainside ice Interpretation of results found with former Knk Kuhiich and Hob Anderson led the way dealing with multiplication and division of skating night ot Warlnanto Park Ice Rink. Roielle. Ron Zirkel (left), Michelle Wildi inth grade students who had not had any The only touchdown was scored when Alberl READING ABILITY nf lasl vi-nr's Kith fractions and division of decimals. and Carol Wingard plan to utilize bus traniportation provided by the Mountainside mathematics after Grade 8 was not required I'rcs/tosi rolled to his right with key hlnrkinj! graders from the Heuinnal District is very NEEDS SHOWN IN READING INCLUDE: because of so few students reportedly within Recreation Commission to get to the rink. Bus transportation for borough residents (mm Tom Medeville, Larry Irene. Hot) good. Utilisation of vocabulary, skills In (1) Reinforcement required in how to analyse this category. in fifth grade and above is $ 1, The rink will be open to borough resldenti from 6 to Anderson and Pat Mays and passed lo Kirk structural analyses, interpretation of rendinii root words. Mathematical test results of former tOth S p.m. Saturday. More information is available by colling ihe recreation office at Kuhiich, who made one of his many catches materials nnd lotiiliiin nf inforrniilinn skills arc (2) Methods of interpreting figurative commensuriiti' with or above reference scores graders who were taking only general, basic or 232-0015. _ . with two defensive backs hanging on his back language indicate need for improvement. of other scliiinl districts nr high schools business mathematics courses while in high NEEDS SHOWN IN MATHEMATICS IN (in Ihe nxtrn point try. a nizzle diiwlf. iriptc in New Jersey, Union County or the nor school show variability in performance. These CLUDE: Policeman hurt Borough teacher reierse pass failed theastern region of New Jersey students had most difficulties In dealing with (1) Improvement may be required in I'itiyintj their final game for the Jels were In general, of all the cluster areas, the ability percentage problems and solutions dealing Huh Anderson. Kevin Dougherty. Steve with measurement and denominatt numbers. multiplication of whole numbers. in chasing youth attends workshop to interpret reading materials, as well as ihe (2) Definite need for Improvement in t-'errv Kirk Kriese, Larry Irene. Boh Kolar use of vocabulary, scored highest as they ex • Ability to deal with geometric and algebraic Miiry I'orter. llflh tirade lead Brrtli Mck. Kirk Kubach, Kric Lehman, John concepts was best. Skills in working with utilizing percentage problems and in metric eeeded all four region reference standards hy system calculations, through woodlot UIIHH School MnunlninsiHo ) U |)N r Mpdi-ville. Tom Medeville. Jim Menk, Alberl at least 10 percent and 5 percent respectively, fractions and decimals were also noteworthy. hcipateH in a workshop (in 'Hiimanmr (3) Measurement and denominate numbers Four persons, including I*" juveniles, him I'reszmsi. Robert Hoff, tlerry Salmnnowilz. Results of mathematics testing with former 1 of Ihe tested items show need for assistance. Kdlicalmn.' presented In lln I'mon ('nun Dmi); Schnn and CreR Shomo loth grade students who were taking two years heen arrested in Mountainside for iilli'iird Specific areas nf reading which may require (4) Above needs (l! (2) (3) pertain mainly to Kducalion Assnclallon._ Walchinjj trom ihe sidelines «ere Heorge nr less of college preparatory mathematics possession of marijuana Another juvenile sa^ additional attention include reinforcement in students who were taking only general, basic or I'tie workshop, directed hy Kliznhoih Harf;il Kischer and Jeff Ivory, who arc nn ihe road to while in high school reveal very good overall charged with attempting to elude a pnlice nf analyzing root words and interpretation nf business mathematics, fleer stressed Ihe need In develop (in "ji!mi>spllerp recovery from injuries performance. Of special note are the scores in iMicournMi'tiH'nl and pnsllive ima^e huildlnjs f figurative language. In comoarison to Former RECOMMENDATIONS: The incident involving Ihe latter occurred ii! teacher, student nnri school ;is M crucial Reenming a Person " (1) Examination of eurricular areas by 11 a.m. Nov. 24. and resulted in an injun I" clement

• -V- -nh -~ r* •" —, ^ T^I^U in- " 4=Thursdoy, December 5. 1974.MOUNTA!NSiDE(NJ,) ICHO Borough Council candidates repeat on campaign spending Employees in the Union County clerk's of- expense figures, none of the candidates for Iribulions and Expenditures Reporting Act of file in the clerk's office contains only one other Ike, who have been filing reports from every Borough Council in Ihe Nov. 5 election— 1973, they had only to sign nffadflvlts staling statement, that from the Mountainside county municipality on candidates' receipts Democrats Albert D'Amanda and Edward they received no single contribution totaling Democratic Club. It lists a total of fail In moru than 1100, nor did they spend nor any one and expenditurdi during the recent campaign, lieisdorf and Bepublicnns William Cullen and contribution! of leu than 1100 each and Bruce Geiger-were required to file detailed source spend more than f 100 on their behalf in have had a lighter work load, thanks to diibursement of $835 to the Committee to Elect Mountainside, finnncial statements. the campaign. Because of both low donation totals and low Under the Now Jersey Campaign Con- Aside from the affidavits, the Mountainside D'Amanda and Reisdorf, "

DID YOU KNOW? c BYRD WAS THf FIRST TO FLYOVER aOTHTVIE • NORTH AND SOUTH ARE POLES AND LED THE 1st EXPEDITION TO THE ANTARCTIC. AT 13, Ht WENT AROUND THE your trees WORLD ALONE. BYRD MADE A FIVE- MONTH'S STAY AT AN ANTARCTIC BASE BY storm-proof? HIMSELF WHERE THE SOCCER CITATIONS—irlan Kukon (center, left) and Dovld Cuihman dliplay trophiti TEMPERATURES HIT awarded them as rnott valuable player on defense and offense, respeetiv»ly, for 80° BELOW ZERO the Mountainside recreation varsity soccer team, Looking on are coochM Glen HE NEARLY DIED JYRP FLEW THE ATLANTIC OF C&RBQN MONOX- Schoemer (left) and Gory Paitor, The vanity squad, composed of boys in the sixth A MONTH AFTER LINDY, CALL to eighth grades, ended its season with a 9.0-1 word. Defense allowed o fatal of HE VVAS FIRST TO FLY IDE POISONING FROM A DEFECTIVE STOVE «ix goals in 10 gnm(M while offense teofod 46 goals, or 4 6 per game TRANSATLANTIC MAIL.


TOPUil,ICITYCHAIRMINi Would you like some help in preparing newspaper re lea sei? Write to this newspaper and ask for our "Tips on Sub- mitting News Release!,"

JUNIOR VARSITY HiROIS — Fullbacks Patrick isemplort and Peter Klaskin ({enter, from left) are congratulated by coaches Glenn Schoemer (left) and Gory Pastor after being named most valuable players on defense far the Mountainside Coming to Millburn! Recreation junior varsity soccer team, (Not shown is Kirk Yoggy, picked as MVP on offense,) The JV squad opened its season with o loss to Hillside, but allowed only five goals in the neiti nine games, ending the season with a 6.1-3 record. They outscored the opposition 13 to B,

pllllllllllilllll!l!lll!lllll!llllllllllll!!l!ll!l!llll!(llllilllllillll!llilill 11lllllll II1I11IIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllll • II Illlll 111 Itll 11 !!!!!!{il!!!!!!l!!!lll!!l!!!!!!ll!t!!!!i | Letters To Editor | The best in savings

'EDUCATING MINDS' I would remind you most respectfully that I read with interest the letter written by with the inflationary spiral rising in leaps and Adam Evans labeling those who contributed bounds, in order to simply maintain the "status toward the electric eraser riquested by the quo" will cost us more not less. The decrease in Beeehwood library as "free ipendirs," I must enrollment has by no measure kept up with assume that Mr. Evans does not understand inflation, livery cut by our board consequently that an electric eraser is not a "frivolous is in reality reflecting a cut in quality gadget" such as an electric toothbrush but is a "BARBARA C'BOMARTY device designed to salvage books in our library. l' It removes crayon and ink without damaging the book. SKWKHTAX To salvage four books would warrant the Nonresidenlial properly owners iiiiii leiiiinis expenditure. All families with imall children of Ihe Bornugh of Mountninside have faced the problem of the IB-month-oId who The borough has received n iiinndale by icribbled indiscriminately in a library book federal regulations lo tax the borough an lui when mother turned her back. To be able to' (litlonai J47.OO0 sewer Ian and tins oullinmi I hi' jalvage this book is a godsend. As far as a procedure to collecl this money from tin' small request being made by the Dierfield library, I minority of sloreowners, businesses and lac- can only hope they will make this request. lories, and not alloeatinH thih tus up TIME SAVINGS-LIMITED OFFERING As the mother of six children with two in porlionately lo some thousand hninrs nn Ihe "free spending," as there is in the budgets of (jrealesl capacity nf gallonagc [joint; inlu Ihr Oilier Time Siivinys AL-OHIMS; '''/'» yicklini; an jinnual h.Nl".,. I to 2'* years. 5M)0 minimum deposit: Wi% any family trying to raise and educate sewer tystem (washers, water softeners, yielding an aniuinl 7.OK",,, 2'j lo 4 years. S500 minimum deposit. children. Educating mindi is the moit im- toilets, ghoweri and jjenerai use). portant thing that either of us could do with our This is not an equalized tax in pr»p»rliiin In Our Regular Siisinps Account: .''^"i' yieldinu nil annuul 5.47",.. Dividends paid monthly. funds. Money saved on salvaging books rather sewer capacity use and should he iniorporaletl Oil uli Time Savings Acemmis. ihe FDiC retjuires thai wiilidfiiwais before maturity earn the rate puid on than throwing them away and replacing" them within the general budgetary expenses makes more money available for other If accepted and approved in This form, !ht> Reuular Suviniis AcciiuniN less ^ months interest. educational tools. lewer eoiti could double or triple for us in the Deposits How insured up to MO.fKH), The families in this town who are trying to commerlcal field while Mr, Householder cnuld itretch their budgets to include an adequate enjoy a free ride. education need your support and help. There The outlining ordinance appearee! in Ihe ire many concerned parents in this town who Mounlainside Echo of Nov. t?. are trying lo help solve some of the serious The hearing on this important lax inrrease problems that you are obviously unaware exist. will be held today at the Beeehwoori School May I invite you to help us? This allocation to we commercial people The best in checking It li indeed unfortunate that we have Board could be doubled etc. over the years- while' of Education member! who pay lip service to others in the borough coast. an economic theory that they are unqualified to Be there to defend your interest and thoughts implement because they do not have the and have this $47,0M put into Ihe budgei for economic expertise, I have found in fact the equal dijtribution as it can and should he reit of the board ii infinitely more qualified IMINAI.DC.MAXWKI.I. both by (xperienof and education, Mountain Hvriuii' Foes listed for Bluefins All three Westfield YMCA niuefin swim teams will begin compgtition Saturday in ihe REALTOR INSURER New Jersey Northern District Swim League of the Mid- GOLDEN AWARD HOME Atlantic Region, —-Tlte^A—leanwwiH—swim- agalnst the Fanwo0d.Scotcli Piaini A team in Scotch Plains at 12-30 p.m. The B team will CHECKING compete against the Shore Area Y team at Weslfiold al 12:30 p.m., and the C team at Toms River al 12:45, Competition in the N.' j. Northern District is eonduelecl in five diviiions, varying generally by the compeleney of the iwlmmiri involved. Get Howard poweredatNew Jersey! biggest bank • Thii yeir Weitfield is chairman of the lop A division, with Y associate physical director Dennis Relnhard and SAVINGS BANJC iwim team chairman Boh 9 room contemporary home with vaulted, Smith representing Ihe beamed ceilings, clerestory windows, 2 WeBtfield Y, fireplaces, game room plus a flan, 9 full baths. Redwood decks, central air. N.Y. City skyline view. Asking $140,000.00. YOUR WANT AD IS EASY TO PLACE THE tHIEL AGENCY, INC 233-8585 ...JUST PHONE MeMber FOIC 1248 US. HWY'22. MOUNTAINSIDE 686-7100 —Ask for 'Ad Taker'~and— th746e MORRIS & JSSEX TURNPIKE, MILLBURN( NEXT TO THEAAP-) she will help you with a Result Getter Want Ad, •Thursday, DecBmber 5, 1974-5 Rinaldo is named to post Pilot program at Kean on Republican committee House Republican leader John Khnde.s III The 43-year-old Rinaldo. who was reeleeled aimed for adult women Ariz,! has named Congressman Malthew .1 lo a second term by a tWu-to-gne margin, will Women who wish In enroll in the EPIC Hinnldo (H -12th Disl.. N.J I hi the influenlial represent the Republicans in the House From A new pilol program offering adllll women an program may select areas of study con Committee on Committees. II is responsible for New Jersey Rlnaldn will have the power to opportunity lo enter or re-enter college iiml centraiion from more than 3(1 degree programs making Kepublican ciimmillec assignments in cast three voles In the selection of committee pursue programs leading In degrees thi'nuiih in the liberal arts and sciences and career Ihe 94th CoiiHiess assignments for all Republicans throughout the alternative study methods has been developed related fields. Arrangements may be made for country by Kean College, it wns announced this week l>\ Mrs. Ethel Madsen. assistant dim-tor ol registration on campus or by mail for one or Madrigal singers Under the new rules ot the House, which were special programs two day or evening courses, including college adopted this past year, the Republican Con- The program, KPN", emphasize* lhi> reading and study skills, women in history, ference and the Democratic Caucus will meet college's commitment lo the philosophy ihai English composition, general psychology, arl perform again in in separate party meetings In elect floor "Education Provides Increased Career op and Ihe home, social implications of biology, leaders and ranking committee members for portunities," according to Mrs Madsen society and self, sociology and the family, the 94th Congress, The meetings will take place Summit program An "Important and Innovative part" of the Hritish women writers: a feminist perspective, between nee, 2 and Dec So, urrarding In understanding self and others. American Thi'tlcliciilc imilli'pnrl harmony of mailrigiii Congressman Rhodes KPIC program, she said, will he an evaluation singinis will iiOiiin lie the featured ntlraclum ul of "life experience " for possible course crcdil*. political issues, principles of economics and Ihe Summit Art Center's Annual Christmas In announcing Rinaldo's selection, Rhodes as well as granting credits through the College college preparatory, mathematics workshop Concert (in Sunday al S p in acknowledged that It was unusual for a lA'vel KxiimimillflM I'rogruin i('!,KP> nii'l 'ran credit i Other allratliiins nl Ihe hcilidiij coneprl are Congressman with only one term of service to other lesls or individualized cuemplions Mrs Miidscn i- mphasized Ihiil ;IK .i pili the t'undlelighl imel griTnery. audience par be appointed to the Committee on Committees Candidates fur the EI'II' program will hi program. KPIC ill hiive a iimili'ii imtii llcipiilion in jieiiiM'iil carol singing fnllnwint} the But Rhodes said that Rinaldo's "stunning permilleri lo enter Keiui College .is enrollment WCIIII i wim wish mure detaile proKriim and refrfshmcnls. irnhirilnfj a special victory in a swing district with only 2(1 pcrcenl prematriciilaled students wilboul taking ;"> mlormiilion on early registrnhnii lahle for children. registered Republican voters had added entrance examination Students will earn ,i rnurse offering* si lonldcontiicl Mrs M;id«i'n Open In Ihe pulilic, Ihe free concert has been considerably in Rinaldo's stature in the party." matriculated sliilusiin completion of :iu credits 21fi:1 nr VZI 2IH4 bclniu .lilll I" drawing overflow iillemlnnci' since its in In addition, Rhodes said that Rinaldo's ex- Non-lraililional 'home study i courses will lie ceplioii in |S)46. This 2Ulh performance, perience in public office at the county and state available to students whose job or famiK hnwovpr, will he Ihe second in ihp Art Center's levels also qualified him for the appointment responsibilities prevent them fn>m rittend'nu Kean appoints Stone ni-u binlillng ill liB Kim si nncampus classes Sidney H Slnnr. Inwnship .udminislnilnr nf The Mngrigal Singers are an a rapellii thrtriil EPIC slurienls may iilsn ' i'c|iicsl speciiil C'nmftirfl and fornicr Klizobclh councdmfin. ensemble of mixed viiices Diri'ctor anil Mrs, Boyd third counseling and adsisenieiii servu-es and luis been appointed to tht? slaff of Kean Cnlli-gr-. founder of the group, Louise (loucher of Rhorl career guidance and s'ocaiinnMl interest festinu I'ninn, as a member nf ihp adjunct fnculty to Hills, leads 12 singers and instrumentalists who services offered In the inllcui' •> KVK ii'iiter instruct a inur^" on "Admmislratinn "f iJical live in Union. Essex. Mnrris iiml Rnmerspt in oratory contest for wnmen (Invernment " counties. The singers, sometimes joined b\ Mrs Barbara Hoyd of United Counties such instruments as Ihe flute, recorder, viola Trull Company, Linden, won third place in a • da gamba and harpsichord, perform while public speaking contest sponsored by the ART PICTURE seated around a eamlie-lii lahle in ancient Middlesex, Somerset, Union Chapter of the QALLIRY FRAMES tradition of Madrigal singing American Institute of Banking, ®M Selections are sung in a number of languages The contest, first of Its kind to he conducted p dating from medieval times to the 17th century hy the chapter, was held at Somerset County FREE GIFT ?o 50% . The program combines singing with readings College in Branehburg. With Ivefv Purchase SAVINOS ON from the Bible story of Christmas. "Madrigals Certificates of merit were presented la all were among Ihe first secular music lo be for- contestants by Mrs, Eileen Salsano, chapter ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS mally composed and written down," according president and vice president-treasurer of Over 1000 on Display MANY RELIGIOUS PRINTS IN STOCK FOR CHRISTMAS to Mrs, Goucher, "Several of Ihe Christmas Springfield State Bank In addition, cash prizes Use Qur lay-away-plan songs were taken from Gregorian chants." were awarded lo the top three winners SlGNiO & NUMBERED LITHOGRAPHS HAND CUT CRYSTAL VASES You didn't hear a word I jj 124 ELMORA AVE., ELIZABETH 351 2633 said. Otherwiie you'd be | Forestry blowing your stack." Thur, ,,.,„„„Mon Parkm ,„ Rear

NEW CONCiPT IN BRACES — Fallowing prtsontoflori sf 0 donation by the Masonic film topic at Association of Wesffield to Ghildrtn'i Specialized Hgspitol, facility for physically flemingtonfurs handicapped children in Mountainiidt. Mrs. Marguerite Watson, physical therapist, V1972 . 1973 . (1974 . 1823) . 1924 « 1925 . 19, Trailside explains to asfoeiafion members o new type of inflatable suit which helpl keep a "To Touch The Sky" is the patient in upright walking position. From left ore Mrs. Watson: George Buchan; title of Ihe program at The Joshue, a patient at Children'!, wearing the suit; Kenneth Dieti, and Dr. Bruce Union County Park Com- Malcolm, acting president of tht Masons. mission's Trailside Nature HI, KIDS' and Science Center in the Watchung Reservation on Sunday, Dec. 8 11~4 students at UC receiving AA DROPPING IN AT THE The film exploies modern forestry with an explonation UNION CENTER of how trees are grown and $43,967 in opportunity aid harvejted Showings will be al A total of 114 Union College students are is open to- all firsl-time. full-time cnllejie NATIONAL BANK 2-3-4 p.m currently receiving Basic Educational students and either post-secondary school The same day the Trailside Opportunity Grants (BOG), totalling t43,'J(i7. il students, DEC, 9th THRU 13th Planetarium program, alsn al was reported this week by Mrs. Belly Ehrgolt, BOG is sponsored by the federal Deparlmenl 2-3-4 p.m. will be "Orion," an director of financial aid, nf Health, Education, and Welfare, and is in- in-depth look at one nf the BOG provides for grants ranging from ISO to tended to be the "floor" of a student's financial most beautiful constellations $500 per year, based on individual needs, Mrs. aid package. Mrs Ehrgott explained. Students in the sky. The program will Ehrgott said. receiving BOG grants are also eligible tn be repeated on Monday The relatively-new federal bUppurt program receive scholarships, wnrk.sludy funds, grants, through Thursday at 4 p m and loans to supplement their educational and on Wednesday, Dee 11. al needs. 8 pm The amount of the BOG grant is determined As the Planetarium seats by the financial support that can be contributed only 35 persons, tickets issued by the student's family. Gross income, ex- at the Trailside office are on a penses, assets, liability, size of the family, and first-come, first served hasis, unusual hardships are among the factors a Childten under eight years of coniidered in determining eligibility. age will not be admitted Applicants for BOG funds are continually The public is encouraged to accepted, Mrs. Ehrgott said, but a student visit and enjoy Trailside cannot ask support for a semester that has facilities activities and already ended. She encourages all students exhibits The facilities are who feel a justified need for financial aid to available from 3 to 5 p m on apply for BOG funds. weekdays except Fridays and BOG application forms are available in the from I pm In 5 pm on Flnaneiai Aid Office at Union College's Saturdays, Sundays and Cranford Campus. WE'RE HOLDING OUR holidays Trailside programs are announced on a Park Com- - ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY mission "events" telephone, Big hand sound 3S2 8410 at homecoming FOR THE YOUNGSTERS 122 donate The Union College Alumni Association will Bponior its annual Alumni Homecoming on } IN OUR MAIN OFFICE Friday, Dee. 17, in the Campus Center gym- to blood unit nasium, Cranfnrd, it was announced this week The 1974 Union County by jack Ward of Maplewood, president. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF Technical Inltltute and Homecoming will get underway at 8 p.m. and Vocatlonaal Center reported PORTRAITIST — Guy Kern, a portraitist all Union College graduates and former this week that 182 donori gave students are invited to attend as guests of the 9 A.M. AND 2:30 P.M.I a pint of blood during the five- at the Handcrafter Portrait Gallery In Provincetown, Anon,, who was raised association and Union College. There is no hour blood drive at the Scotch charge, Plalra institution. in Union, will be available by appointment only at Stan Sommer in Frank D'Antonio of Cranford, a member of Students, faculty, itaff and the Class of '74 and chairman of the event, said administration Joined to give Union during the Christmas shopping season. He will be available at various homecoming will highlight the big band sound blood, of the Link Blakely Orchestra, which has Donors and their families times including evenings and VI Saturdays. provided music at homecoming for the past two are now allured of an im- years. Buffet-style refreshments will be ser- mediate, unlimited supply of ved, blood should the need arise SANTA New 4'H radio club "Recent as well as nqt^o.recent alumni have wherever they may be in the enthusiastically supported Ihe homecoming United Statei. - to organize Dec. 27 and we are hoping Our 1974 celebration Is the A total of 184 persons best ever," D'Antonio said, An organizationi! mealing of a new 4-H radio volunteered to live blood. , He noted that Union College faculty and staff club will be held Dee. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the club However, doctors disqualified members have also been Invited lo attend. some of the volunteers for offices, 300 North avenue east, Westfield. Perionl interested In registering can contact WILL BE health, weight- and other SDS.OMJOBS the secretary at 233-9386. The program will reasons. The U.S. Imploymtnt Service placed ap- feature the me of tapes, broadeaiting, both proximately 395,000 Vietnam-era veterans in remote and live, and a demonstration of jobs during the 1973 fiscal year. lARLY COPY television. Publicity Chairmen art urged toobwrvefhe Friday deadline PLUMBER5, ATTENTION I Sell far ether than ipet ntwi, your services to JO,000 local Include your name, address (imlllis with a loweoit w~ant~Ad. WAITING! and phone number, call M47700. NAUTICAL • SAY HELLO TO SANTA SHOP HANDMADE NAUTICAL ROOM ITEMS • FREE GIFTS MADE TO ORDER • Hatch Cover Tables •Lamps • Nautical Antiques • Gifts NAUTICAL CHRISTMAS CARDS

Onl(,n»4 hinting h.lp? BINNACLES Pick upl KM button •tFUmlngtonFura. SHIP'S WHEELS MEMBER F.D.I.C. Optn Dally 10 to J; Frl. Nil*7 to 10/ Cloud Sun. 1 Mon. OPBNFROM 710 10 PMITARTINO DIC. Ind TO DiC. Urd. FIVE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS | , CHILDREN^ • AAATERNITYWEAR . Ships * Carpenter Shop jtemingtot^fur company - 508 M>4H,BURN AVENUErSHORT HlttS- tHENRYSCHAEFER H WESTFIELD AVE NO. ^SPRING ST. FLtMINQTON, NBW JEHSHV 201-382-5288 CLARK, N.J. 07066 On. 41 tru World! t»>g»il BpMHi'iltu In Fin. Fun Free Parking 4n Rear • 379-2112 (Rihw*y.Clirk LIM - lilt 1S5 Oirdm Slttt Pkwy) •• 4961 • OSei • 6t-6l • 8t-6l • IKi • 9*61 •

-i. It!'-:-

Bunnell named •Thursday, December 5, 1974- Hall of Farmer; Bulldogs take finale,!5-12; starred in ;40s Jnhn Bunnrll. n Jonathan Uavlnn Regional High School graduate n[ 11147, hus been numed 1 next year's outlook brighter Varsity ("lull Alumni Hiill of Kilmer for Ihi 1940s He will be mducled m cerennimes ai ihe By MICHAEL MKSKIN AFTEH FIELDING a Heide punt on its M long over the middle and caught the Bulldog school Dec 21 John sliirrrri in foothiill Finishing the season on n positive note, the towards the end nf the third quarter, West secondary by surprise A pass-interference IwsMball and basebiill nl iiciiionul. Jonathan Dayton football (enm bent West Orange began to drive downfieid Paladino penalty was assessed against Dayton bringing Oppruliii|> at the end posihuii on the [onlhull Orange, 15-12, in n seesaw batllp. The ienm surprised the Bulldog defense by running 1H the ball to the Bulldog 1R, The defense stiffened, loam. John was instrumental in Doyton's HI ended with a 3-6 record, 2-S in Suburban Con- yards to the Dayton 48. On the next play the aided by a 15-yard penalty against West season in 1946. He played thai position for three ference play quarterback hit singback Ralph Spero on a fly Orange, and the drive failed \rars John jiarneri'd lirsi Ipmn nll-enunly and West Orange scored early in the first quarter pattern over the middle with the receiver -o-o- ;iII stilt I' honors He u:it r<> r;ip!;iin IT? his ^nim of the traditional Thnnksgivinji Uoy pine in inkmR the ball in from the eight. The two-point COACH DAVE OLIVER was very proud of war Springfield, Tackle Chris Washco recovered ,i pot run was again stopped. And the quarter the effort the team made in its final game: Kunni'll was also a niemlier ol ihr basketball fumble by Dayton quarterback Joe Graziano on ended with the Cowboys ahead, l!-7; "The kids came back twice, not just once, when team lor three years, cumbimng will) I he the Bulldog 37 West Orange quarterback 01™ they were behind They kept struggling and Hclliveau brothers to rupture two Union (Yiunts Paladino hit end Terrence McQuirk Tnr a 12 Driving to the opposition's one on n fine clawing. It was quite apparent that they really titles The Bulldogs wore licali-n in the finals of yard gain. After two runs for short yardage and exhibition of passing by Crazianu ithree wanted to win that last gnme," the state tournament b>, Kn^iewood John a couple of fine Dayton defensive plays, completions for 83 yards) and steady running, There were a number of standouts on offense provided leadership as captain nf (he vqund He Paladino found McQuirk in the end zone with ii ihe Bulldogs were unable lo score in four Natiello (11 rushes for 42 yards with one earned firsl team all eminli laurels iincl mm ;i beautiful pass over the middle The run [or the chances. Flood and then Gra?,iann failed to Riiin reception giive the unit outside speed, which second team all slate Me'tinn two-point conversion was stopped the elusive yard, Natiello was thrown for a two- had been lacking. His fine running made the John was a memhei ot l)n\tnn\ firs' Dayton never threatened until the middle of yard loss and Orazlano's pass wen! inoomplotf opposition's task much more difficult since the baseball team in Ht-17 and u;is riiphim nymn in the second quarter. Taking the ball on their 2(1 ns Dayton relinquished Ihe football defense also had to contend with Flood's inside complele the senior c\ cle after a touchback (a West Orange punt was thrusts. Flood, who finished with 15 carries for Active in student ynvernmeiit, John was On the second play from scrimmage a Wes! downed In the end jone), the Bulldogs moved to Orange back, running off his righ! lai'kle. 57 yards and one catch, was, according io president of the freshmen elasM and president the Cowboy 41 on fine running by backs Joe Oliver, one of the most consistent performers of the Student Council He was 11 member id the fumbled: The ball bounced off a lineman's Natiello and Mike Flood. Dayton scored on the helmet and into the hands of safety McNany at all year. Honor Soeietv and uradunled seeotifl in tii^ seventh play of the drive when Grar.isno threw • lass the five, who alertly gained a rnuplc more The passing and receiving giime was sharp a towering bomb down the right sideline where yards Clraziann's eighl-for-12 passing was good for Alter leaving l>a\l«n. Jnhn niiilni'illilled at THi CHAMPIONS — The Jonathan Doyton Regional High School girls vanity fonnji wingback Carmen Scoppettuolo made a 119 yurds Oliver is very pleased by the fact 1'linci'lon tniversily uhere he W;IN y member This time the Bulldogs capitalized: On Ihe team lost month was nomed co-champion of the Suburban Conference. Shown are, tremendous overlhe-shoulder grab at the 11. that he will have two experienced passers next ot the football team for three wars. In 1950 he firBl play Graziano hit Scoppettuolo on a quick left to right, front. Donna Lies, Laurie Weeks. Cathy Picut, Sue Ostrich; rear, Donno broke one tackle and streaked into the end year—Graziano and Hrlan Burke teamed with Dick K;mmiier in n single wing toss just over the goal line for the socre On the Oerber, Gail Biesciack. Eileen Bass, Laura Hockstoin, fiondi Schnae and Coach id mm. Bruce Heide kicked the go-ahead point Scoppeltuolo. who called the second touch- attack leading to an undefeated season. the nexl play Scoppettuolo swept around the right Dayton threatened again in the second stanza down play,was "his usual fantastic self" with Lambert Trophy symbolic of Kaslern foolhiill Jaiinski. Not shown is Teri Bloom, (Photo by Rich Reiteri side for the two-point conversion to pul Daytnn when safety Brian McNany intercepted a Wes! live receptions for 85 yards. Harold Manner, supremacy and a No Hmilniiiiii ranking in the ^IIIIM IL lUili 1 t< tl 1IIM1IIIIM klilll lliumilktllllllt lllllllllltttlllUMItllUIIMUlll 11 ri ] 111111M111111 ti 11 m M1111-^ ahead, 15-12. Scoppetluolo had accounted Tor 14 Orange pass at the visitors' 40, Four plays later Kevin Mercer and McNany lone reception! IIIKII Associaled 1'res.s 'eani stnndinfl-H John the Bulldogs were on the seven after a 23-yard points was second team All tvv l.e;iyue and hfmnratjle rounded out the receiving corps. run through the middle by Natiello. West West Orange made its last effort lo win with mention All Kast Oliver commended the offensive line—Jerry | Dayton sports calendar } Orange recovered a Bulldog fumble on the next five minutes remaining. With the ball on its 112. Ragonese, Gary Presslaff, Bob Potomski, Jim Bunnell graduated cum inude frnni Princeton play and minutes later the half ended with the Cowboys directed all their plays toward the in 1 vis 1 He later entered Harvard (iraduati1 Rice, Mitch Kurtzer and Heide—for its fine job. Dayton leading 7-6, sideline to conserve time. Paladino then threw The coach used an unbalanced line—four School ol Business and received a master'-, VARSITY, JVIASKITBALL FRESHMAN lASKETIALL degree in business adminislralion. linemen on one side of the ball and two on the other. "The boys took to the change very well, He is married to the former Rosamund Date Opponent Place Time Dat. Opponent place Time Homer of Boston, they reside in thnl area with considering It was the first time we used the Dec. Dec, Dayton inexperienced alignment under game conditions." their children. Betsy. 12. Klekie, 11. TimniN a. ,13 A, L.Johnson H 8:00 17 Kawameeh 3:30 Defensively Ragonese, though hampered by and Peter. 8 John is eastern regional sales 17 Rahway H 3:30 manager for Kleclroiiie Memories ami Jan, a minor injury, again led the unit with IB 1 20 St. Mary'i A 8:00 Magnetic Corp . with offices in the Host" ! ami 3 AAillburn H 3:30 assisted tackles. Sophomore McNany played 21 Alumni H 8:00 7 New Providence A 3:30 but Yanchus optimistic well, making an intercepiion and recovering a 24 1st Rd, Tournament H 6:30 10 Verona H 3:30 fumble. Oliver was glad to see Wayne Sehwarte Dayton wrestlers 8:00 14 Summit H 3:30 By MICHAEL MKSKIN there is a lack of movement because the back at left end; his tackle play was superb. 27 2nd Rd, Tournament H 6:30 17 Caldwell A 3:30 With the 1974-1975 basketball season a week players are "observing" rather than looking Starting on the defensive line were Greg hold scrimmages, 8:00 21 Madlion H 3:30 dway, Jonathan Dayton coach Hay Yanchus for good shooting and rebounding positions: Johnson, Rice, Heide, Presslaff, Potomski and Jan. 24 West Orange H 3:30 is optimistic that he can mold an Inexperienced Yanchus has scheduled six scrimmages in Schwarte, with George Sirigotls and Bob Cnnte 2 Un.Co. Cath. H 3:30 28 AAillburn A 3:30 squad Into a cohesive, winning unit. which to mold the offense and defense into substituting, Ragonese and Mercer handled the prep for season 4 /VMIIburn A 8:00 31 New Providence H 3:30 Though the team has lost a number of key snioothly-working units before the first game linebacking. Manning the deep secondary were HvOARYSIIKRMAN 7 New Providence H 3:30 players to graduation, Yancus does not con- Dec. 13. Derek Nardone, Jack Flood, Joe Mirlo and Feb. lider this a rebuilding year. "I don't accept the McNany. The 1974 Jonathan Dayton wrestlinR team, 10 Verona A 8:00 4 Verona A 3:30 The traditional Suburban Conference foes , preparing for the season opener, had a 14 Summit A 3:30 idea of rebuilding and have never considered it will again vie with Daytnn for the eham- Rich Consales, Joe Ragucci, Vic Vitale, 7 Summit A 3:30 a part of out basic basketball philosophy at . scrimmage match last Saturday against 17 Cal dwell H 8:00 Caidwell H 3:30 pionship, West Orange, the preseason favorite, Kevin Stewart, Mark Tryon, Frank Bladis and 11 Dayton, There will he trying times because of has a big front line including men fl-7 and 6-5. Burke participated on the specialty teams. ;' Bridgewater West of liaritan, the top team in 21 Madiion A 3:30 Madison A 3:30 •- Somerset County. Yesterday the grapplers 14 the general lack of experience, even among the Though Summit, the defending conference Coach Oliver has 17 lettermen returning next 24 West Orange A 8:00 18 West Orange A 3:30 seven seniors, but by untilizing ihe available '• wrestled Pingry School. On Saturday the squad 28 AAillburn chump, has lost a number of top players to year and is expecting a much-improved, H 3:30 talent I am expecting a season of success," he graduation, it had a strong junior varsity squad perhaps powerful, offense. Returning to the 'I will have its last preseason scrimmage against 31 New Previdinca A 8:00 ,• Bridgewater East of Raritan. VARSITY WRESTLING last year, Verona also could be a factor in the offense will be Graziano, Burke, and Mike Feb, Date Opponent Place Coach fiick Iaeono said that the strength of Time The two returning lettermen are junior guard race. The non-conference competition will be Flood, Rice, Potomski (who "could be all- 5 Verona H 3:30 Dec. Ted Johnson and senior forward Kevin Mercer, tougher this year, particularly from a veteran Suburban Conference next year"i, Mirto and the squad rests in the lower weight classes; the 7 Summit H 8:00 13 Roselle Park A .. higher weight classes are inexperienced. 6:30 Johnson, the team's most experienced player, Union County Catholic team. Jack Flood will be counted on defensively, 11 Caldwell A 3:30 20 Hiiisidetournament A is considered "the nucleus" around which the Two significant rule changes were made for "Of course, we wanted to win more games, \ccording' to Iaeono, "The biggest concern in 14 Madison H 8:00 '.' building a program is getting a Junior program 21 Hillside "tournament offense wiU revolve. Mercer, just returning this season, A player no longer has to raise his but many boys had an opportunity to play, tgrade 5-8) in Mountainside." 18 West Orange H 3:30 Jan. from the football season, also had valuable hand after committing a foul. Second, in a jump which should be an asset In coming seasons. Union Co, Tournament varsity action last year as a reserve. >r He added that Springtield has a program, ' 3 David Brearley H 3:30 ball situation the outside players are allowed to The coaching staff, including myseff, learned ',- which is starting its fourth year this week. State Tournament 10 Hillside A 3:30 Vying for the center position will be seniors move as soon as the ball leaves the referee's much, particularly about the teams comprising •'. Coach Iaeono will be working with the Dayton Tournament IS Johnson Reg. H 3:30 John Barnnek and Gary Presslaff and junior h»nds. Previously movement was not allowed the conference. Our permanent goal, though, is 'f Springfield Recreation team In an advisory Rosalie Park 17 Caldwell H 3:30 Tom Wisnlgwski, Joining Mercer at forward to begin until the ball was tapped. to shoot for excellent in the football program at ''. position. David Brearley 22 Rahway H 3:30 are seniors Larry Burns and Mark Seymour Dayton," concluded Oliver. •\ The coach declared, "all Springfield and Middlesex 24 AAillburn A 3:30 and juniors Joe Graziano, Jack Graessle and '• Mountainside residents are invited to cheer the 29 Madison 3:30 Bob Fleischman, JV games begin at 4:40 on Tuesdays A Battling Johnson for the two guard spots will '. squad at its home matches, which are held in 31 West Orange A 8:00 '' the boys' gymnasium at 3:30 p.m." and 6:30 on Fridays, be seniors Bill Nevius coming off a severe Feb. knee injury (Uitained during the soccer season, 5 Cedar Grove H 3:30 and Carmen Scoppettuolo, returning after a HOLDING COURT 7 Summit H 3:30 two-year absence, 12 New Providence A 3:30 -O--G-- 14 Linden A 3:30 AT PRESENT, Yanchus is concerned with NEW Early racket preparation 21 Jefferson A 3:30 the team's defensive work, feeling the overall inexperience affeeti that area more than the GIRLS'VARSITY BASKETBALL offense, "When a kid practices, he practices key to the overhead smash pate Opponent Place Time more with the ball than without it. Because of ,; li> ED COLLINS ball. Maybe someone has told them that the Dec; this, his defensive skills are not as developed as '•' The overhead smash is the average overhead motion is like the service. So when 13 A.L.Johnson A 3:30 his offensive talents," the coach said, Working • ^'hackers" first opportunity to take out all his thiTioTj goes up they start imitating their ser- 17 Westfleid A 3:30 hard to instill basic defensive principles, SATURDAY ;• frustrations and kill the ball. It's usually the vice toss; "Down together ... up together," By 20 Un.Co, Cath, 3:30 Yanchus will stress quickness and • only opportunity in the game to hit directly the time they get the racket on their shoulder H 23 Gov, Livingston 10:30 cohesiveness so the unit functions smoothly, ,down into the court. Most people blow it! the ball has bounced off their forehead. H Jan. Qffiniively Yanohui fitls the potential rests •' They don't "erp" soon enough. What1? They Early racket preparation (erp) is the key to 3. AAillburn H 3:30 on thejjnit's overall quickness and speed. The '.- simply don't get the racket prepared to hit the succeis on the overhead. Don't waste time program again ii Inexperienced. Many times DRIVE-IN & WALK-UP getting the racket into the "cocked position," 8 Roselle H 3:30 Pretend you're an archer and you are reaching 10 Verona H 3:30 for an arrow in the quiver. Reach straight back 14 Summit H 3'30 Red Devih open over your shoulder. Now turn sideways and ge! 17 Caldwell A 3:30 Miss Crow stars your free hand up in the air to follow the flight 21 Madison H 3:30 HOURS for floor hockey play of the ball. Actually point at the ball. Use your 24 West Orange H 3:30 on volleyball team AAlllburn The Daily Intramural Program Physical hand as a point of reference. Skip step behind 28 A 3:30 Debbrah A. Crow, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Education Recreation (DIPPER) floor hockey and under the ball. Now reach up as high as you 29 Whippany Park H 3:30 Dennis L, Crow of Woodaeres drive, Moun- league swings into action this week in the boys' can and crunch it. Keep your chin up and don't Feb, tainside, is a member of the Colby College.New gym at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, forget to use your wrist as you crack it away for 4 Verona A 3:30 Hampshire varsity volleyball team. One of the with defending champions Red Devifs opening a winner, 7 Summit A 3:30 newest varsity level sports at CC-NH, the team against the Green Rockets, Gold Cougars You missed again'?Don't worry, the overhead 11 CaldwelJ H 3:30 was undefeated prior to the Thanksgiving opposing the White Demons and the Black is usyally the last shot developed in tennis. 14 ftAadlson A 3; 30 recess, Hawks taking on the Purple Kops, Games start Keep practicing! 18 Welt Orange A 3:30 Deborah is a first-year student at the college at Our 3 Locations at 7:15 and conclude at fl Tuesday, Wednesday -0-0:- majoring in business administration, and Thursday morning, 2 Mountainside girls VARSiTY WINTER TRACK Colby College-New Hampshire is a i3B.year- DIPPER Director John Swedish has an- pate Opp&nent old residential college for women in New nounced that the gym will open at 7 a,m, daily. on college swim team pee, Plngry London, N,H. It grants associate and bachelor Basketball, indoor soccer, and fencing club Sara Griesemer and Silly Williams, both of Dec. Gov. Livingston degrees for two, three, and four-year programi activities are listed for Mondays and Fridays, in such areas as liberal arts, music, theatre, 9 A.M. to12:30 P.M. Mountalnlide^are members of the swim team Jan. Arthur L Johnson with basketball featured daily after each of Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.V, Jan, business administration, art, secretarial hockey game—8 to 8:20 a.m. David Brearley Griesemer is a senior and Williams ii a junior. Feb. sciences, midlcal technology, government and Next week's action has Black Hawk« and public affairs and science. effective Sit., Dec. 7, 1974 The team participated in five swimming Gold Cougars facing off on Tuesday, followed Davelopment AAetts at meets in the months of October sndJJovfimber, by Purple Kops and Red Devils Wedneiday'and ..Jersey-City & Princeton winning three, of those meeti, according to the Green Rockets and White Demons Thuriday. December team coach, Anna Fairbanks, associate w w_ *w ^ w w •1 UNION SQUARE, ELIZABETH • 289-0800 Play will consist of two lO-minute halvej. January proftiior of physicil education, January • 540 MORRIS AVE., ELIZABETH. 289-0800 piimiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiimiininiiiii Championship Meets It's Irlstmas Mt± Jan, Stati Relay Championship Feb. Northern N.J. Don't KHK •2253 NORTH AVE., SCOTCH PLAINS • 654-4622 - I Championship f * Forget Me! Jl 55 EMERGENCY REPAIRS 5 Feb. Scotch Plains - Fanwood 8* Rtgular Bank Hours: • QUIZ 1 Relay Few Suggestions! ^9 •liiili By MILT Feb. State Group Championship .MAIN' OFFICE .UNION SQUARE, ELIZABETH Stati Championship 1, Finlih the quotation—"All March ^ "CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS .TOYS scripture ii given by -," March County Relay's •BIRD FEEDERS*DOG BONES iastsrn Championship - 2, Who wai the first to carry • COUARS .KIBBLE BISCUITS Christian teaching Into Feb. MORRIS AVINUI. 1LIZAIITH and SCOTCH PLAINS O A HOUR ROAD & Europe? NYU Invitational e * 1 3, Name the sons of A'dam Feb. 100%-Rd BEEF 4S L * TOWING SERVICE and Eve, 4, Name one of the first. 7941 Louis-Conn bout WAYNE TAILGATE DOG FOOD SAVINGS INSURED UP TO '40,000 gentiles to aucepl the Ulb.B.,'5*1 JO.b.B.,'9" Including Sun. & Holidays Christian faith. to be on Jerseyvision • The 1941 heavyweight championship fight *< WE HAVE WILD BIRD SEED D AC SSI ANSWER'S between Joe Louis and Billy Conn, called by ¥ • many the greatest fight in history, will be MILLBURN FEED <*u 763-9620 telecast on "The Way It Was," the sports • ^ 37S.MILLBURN AVE./ , Saturay, Dec. 7, at noon on Jk MILLBURN The Family Savings Bank-Since 1851 —-ES ^62-0151 ^ 376-0822 (Near CenterJ * * ^^ ** 4 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Vji'1?",-- '^.'-•"••' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii i inn M in mi, : iiiiiiiiiiMiniiiii i inmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy MOUNTAINSiDE(NJ,) ECHO-Thuriday, Oee»mber 5, 1974-7 Assemblywoman Educational system 'a mess ' BETTY WILSON ex-board member charges (Continued Irom ptgt without exception, supported the decision of the reports a over others, the fact that they have attended majority This does not sf>i>m (o lie the case 1 1 a school board orientation sessions AI one time today m they even insinuated that this was never done' 'I seriously believe that many items have All New Jprsoyang have iieftti shocked nti mlslreiitmeni I nm ii member of (he How do we correi'l the situation? Obviously, back home with n .positive altHunV Inward Ni™ they find it ncci'Ssary id incessantly ex joint legislative subeommiiteo on menial attendant!! who mistreat patients must be education and an understanding nf the role ff n plain their actions through ihe press. URUBIIV health which heard these eliiirjji's from fnnnor removed. Representatives of the Criminal board member and the ethical ulnnriiirrts i,y misrepresenting their original intent patients and former attendants, Justice Division of the Attorney General's which we should be guided •It is because of these inconsistencies that L Two obvious questions enmf to minri How office have been attending our hearings and "As for New Jersey School Board Association urge all Mountainside residents to altenri could this happen1' And how rio we din-eel the have announced thai a Brand jury will he called conferences in Atlantic City, it shnulri he known Board nf F.durnlion meetings, then rend 'he situation to prevent 11 repetition ni either to hoar evidence against individuals accused of now thai former board members have always papers, to discover for themselvii« what m n Greystnne nr one of ihe niher psychiatric deliberate mistreatment. attended these, some at our own eispemse Also 'Mippc'flifi^ i our school system hospitals'1 However, merely removing such attendants we returned home with the knowledge of im One of the prime causen of ne^led of patienls will not solve the problems The Department of portanl innovations which had been propose'H ai Grvyslnm- is inadequate funding The I'uhlic Advocate which represents menial and implemented successfully in many school Vorspan to speak hospital's budget allows only SI ill per day patienls in class actions is considering entering systems Yes.some of them are costly isuch us per patient for fond As anyone who's been in n the case on behalf of patients—both abused find special and smaller classes for slow learners:, at Sunday brunch neglected Furthermore, the Department of but they are very necessary, and negli'ctinji In supermarket knows, that is tint enouHh In Albert Vorspari. vice-president of the Union Institutions and Agencies must see that the provide needed programs will prove to be more provide an adequate diet Starling snliiries for of American Hebrew Ciingregiitiotis, will speak Division of Menial Health exercises greater cosily in the future, especially to the youth ill attendants are only Sli.onii i>cr sear Such ;< ul a brunch Sunday at II a in in Westfield. on conlrol over the individual hospitals, which are our community, the topic, "A New Turning Point: Black-Jewish often virtually autonomous, "The cliche that the Board of Education h,i'- \ lop pnnrilN inu t hi to transfer all pilirnls KcljiMnns in Amcnra Ti'mple Shaarey Freund elected '-"A been a rubber stamp for the administration m Shalom nf Kpringfie'ld and Tern pip Sholnm of who do not belong in Crtystoni to other in the past is old, wnrnout and without validity lilutinns in hi Hers f or nrfmple menlalh STUDiNT ART SHOW — Mountalniide author and artist Horry Dtvlin and ieeehwood Plainfielei are* ensponsors nl the e've'ni with School fifth graderi Geoffrey Bradihow, Sandy Swonson and Beth Sufrows view As a former board member with six years Temple Emanu-KI of Westfield by wheel industry n I ii dtil individuals tumid nut lit piitiuits in experience, I can attest tn the fact that the original book illustrations created by pupils and displayed in the school halls. The brunch will he held in the snciai hall of p \ihnlru hospitals Thes need lo lit in board in those six years, from 19661972, never Devlin visited the borough facility during National look Week, tojklntj with Temple KmanuKi. 756 E Bwiad si . Westfielii f ic illtit s ilt signtd tn meet their special needs rubber-stamped anyeine The board during thai (iiiiiini lomr \nn Klein nf the Department of stgdsnti on how his books are created and giving them a preview of hit latest work a collection of folk tales. The student art project was under the direction of period worked together, debated together and Institution ind \pt_ntics has ilreadv in resolved together the educational, financial Mrs. Ann Lutz; Irutlitl Ihi dime tin of the Division of Me-nlal teacher Pgalani Kallstrom, and logistical problems nf the system All Hi ilt ii tu hi Km In trinsfir thesi individuals impejrtant matters were discussed in executive \yd pir uns whi nud somi supervision hut session and votes were taken after full debate was 48 at death who ire no! pvsihntit also med to be in dit and disclosure. After the vote, theise members Funeral services were held yesterday at (He Itrtnt l>pts of fatdities Borough pupils' test scores not in agreement with the outcome, always ami Kreitzman Community chapel, Elizabeth, for Hjtiinl who rimjin dl Gresstont must Mrs. Ann. Lutz, 4B, of Kaccoon Hollow, iLftut better psMhiatric treatment torn Mountainside. Mrs Lutz died Monday in New mi1 inni r Kh in lui already din c ltd that st iff higher than county average York Hospital pSHhutrists inLnast thi number of Ihi ir Blackout (Continued from page 1) Born in Newark, Mrs. Lulz lived in Union Milts to pdtunts In addition tht position ol two test items, and they were equivalent. With (Continued from p*gt 1) before moving to Mountainside IS years ago iltrnddnts must I e_ upgraded The dtkndants of questions in any given area is small, and one of the two items producing only a correct way after the impact with the wire, was taken She was a member of Elmora Hebrew Center, ne t Insist to thi pdtunls and nsponsihle for some of them—In view of more than 50 percent answer In 25 percent of the students, local by the Mountainside Rescue Squad to Overlook Elizabeth and its ladies auxiliary, Ihur riiih i arc As such they should hi in failure—are probably not valid. Results reflect scores look exceptionally good, Hospital, Summit, where he was reported in Mrs, Lutz is survived by her husband, i luded in dist ussinns and decisions nn the tan these shortcomings. "On the whole, the reading section of the test satisfactory condition No charges were filed Herbert Lutz: a son, Stuart, and a daughter, nf pjlimts rathir thdn bung exe luded in fa\or "At this point, the time, effort and expense produced results, particularly in the important against him. Susan, both at home; and a sister, Mrs. Rose of in i hit group or p vthuitrists involved in the State Testing Program do not area of comprehension, that reflected According to the Public Service Electric and Hosid of Union. Improving the Londitions ind treatment of seem to be justified in terms of value favorably on the students, the teachers, and the Gas Co., another 1,500 customers in Linden, pdtiinls in stite pvihiatiH hospitals is received," he said, "Perhaps the new tests, School system. Roselle, Roselle Park, Union and Kenilworth pnm.inU in idminislr itui lunejinn held Nov. 19 of this year with returned scores to The seventh grade mathematics section of were without power for as long as 12 hours llowmr I IILIUM that thi lc^isliture has ,i be announced in January 1975, may be more the test included computation- and basic because of the storm, which registered gusts of School board to meet IL pon ibiliHiot iibltsh legislative oversight useful, because teachers will be able to use mathematical skills, whole numbers, frac- Bl mph in some locations. In the entire \\t t in work to pros ide ide quite funding and them with the children they are still teaching tional numbers, decimals, percent, Elizabeth District of the company—most of lollow up on how these institutions ire3 This present report relates to last year's measurement and denominate numbers, Union County and the Woodbridge area of operated Mental pitients an among the most miscellaneous topics, and number and Middlesex County—more than 6,400 homes lost helpless ind ejifeiuele s individuals in our operation. power for three hours or mori). -eieiety Allofushjve in ulillg-ltlun In see that MATH AND READING were the content Scores in the whole numbers significantly this ire nred for hummcls areas of the tests. For the fourth grade, com- exceeded the county reference point. In putation and basic mathematical skills* In- fractional numbers, the same thing was true Thi g Era to 2DDDAD Authentic "Hummer fliunnei M1HMIN I I 111 I Ml cluding whole numbers, fractional numbers, except for one test item. "However, the test m\, l»71, 1571 Noiman I Me-unel or Mnunlmnsidi w i and mi Hummel measurement and denominate numbers, section also revealed that our students could capture for tternity the timelim Him, .In stotki ekLttd prisidenl ol tht N ition ll Whet I mil Regional miscellaneous topics (equations, inequalities, profit from more work on multiplication and moods md dreums of the warld'i Rim Association ai Ihi issm ijtmii il I in (Continued from page l! simple word problems, charts and diagrams i, division of mixed numbers and proper frac- happiest children. Mister nusl meiting held at thi Kn HINL INm Mi h 1 (lull i ke d dhtiut d list of rep nrs rrqULSle d hv ind Villas Miami Fla lit I JIIJi hiiundm number and operation and geometry are Ihe tions, Some of the vocabulary like equivalence crafted, hind nniihtd with love, tin club 1J I month He was told that conertle core of the former. The latter include word for Integer values could also stand k U il the presidrnt nf \iiti>mnliie SiMs Inc >i sUirs outside the gymnasium were being bymetieuloui Dowd ave Elizabeth recognition (phonic analysis and structural strengthening, A number of the test items T P replaced and mats are planned for tht wall^m analysis), reading comprehension (word produced relatively low scores throughout the 47" old world At the same limt til unit « is ilcittcl In i tht wrestling room Ulhcr items rtejutsttd art ihrcesear term is liustn at I.ngi cif Ihi rteognition, usage and organization of ideas, slate," Hanlpn commented, technique-", under ton idei alion for Ihc 1U7^ 7fi budget the iaent'ificaUon of main ideas and understanding "County reference points were exceeded in assntiation Thi ,issun itmn s mi mhrr in bn ird added warehouse distributing nf whiel urn mil supporting ideas), reading Interpretation all test items re.lated to decimals, yet several related part1* vvho operali 14 J upiehnuM-, in Tht ytmng latros^e fans tnld Ihe board that (drawing inferences and determining questions gave us ample room for im. more than 100 boys now participate on a dub characters' motives), and study skills (guide provement. Expanded decimals were the United States and Cinadd Tht -i-.snii.Hinn c \ «* I H H i t •v provides LJIJIOJI SI ri ice iduu ilicin il basis with tanking mar thi top in state words in a dictionary, alphabetical sequence, somewhat troublesome. Percent, with only ULL TMt Rf THE Leonard Jewelers tompLtition They were told that funds for i table of contents, and the glossary). three problems in the section, was really not has thi Largeit programs and safety literature fni its mimbirs items and lend charm and grace and the wheel and rim industi y lacrosse team are tentatively in next year s In whole numbers, the county reference comprehensive enough to do justice to the & HA- t. A/dVMffT "WCFf- selection of Hummel to iny decqr. Authentic "Mum- Freund and his wife Bobby residi jl Ridgi budget but still subject to review points in the fourth jradf math tests were topic, but our scores were significantly higher WTAT>,A r //!*• in the area! dnvt Vitale added, howiver We do have, a exceeded in all areas except two, which were than the reference point. me!" figurine! are identified by greater need to expand the dthli tie, program equivalent. Scores in fractional numbers "Measurement and denominate numbers the indtnttdITl,3H»«M«*£ significantly exceeded the reference, and the produced good results," he continued, "but the We in vile lays. for girls Mdnv problems ire involved in i on the biie of every piece, »I way purchas- decision of this sort." lame held true for measurement and areas and perimeters of geometrical figures Christmas trees denominate numbers with the exception of still need improvement. Miscellaneous topics, Will is the familiar >£ trade, es. Free fitt A member of the Gov, Livingston chess team, wrappings. money facts, "Additional practice on liquid however, yielded excellent scores. Inequalities, / £*VL AtfP Tt IN 7fe mirk, Midt etclutivmly by which last year went through an undefeated Engraving on measure, money facts, linear measure, and however, deserve another review, Number and Ttri-hlNtAL 1EkMh on sale Saturday season, protested the recent refusal by school W, aoEDKL • iftiMMELWERK the premises. authorities of $45 to permit participation in the addition of denominate numbers could further operation scores significantly exceed the •J7L/rt/wa jniKftWf/ n BAVARIA, WEST The 28th annual Christmas tree sale of the strengthen our scores," Hanigan said. county except in three test items. While Wejifleld Y's Men's Club, with every dollar eastern regional chgrnpioiishlps in New York, I^Uf^ /VW/V'tf t«/ $/?• KtNT Dr. Merachnlk said this was the first he had Numbers and operations pinpninted scores equivalent, the content needs strong review titLP^LF -mT [JEWELERS princess pine and white pine from Vermont, an School of a gymnastic dance clinic Dec, 18 at geometry section were certainly no measure of results were satisfactory, reteaching will be Ii THI Hummel Center Westfield. Merachnik said 23 members of ihe student knowledge in this area. In one, the highly desirable. Interpretation of data in- well as holly and mistletoe, will be available lit «f North Wood Avtnllt, Llnd.n fl|-i)W the Elm Street Playground lot, newly formed girls' gymnastic team at Dayton achievement wai significantly above the cluded only two items, both of them Irrelevant •LAST THOU BUOSI Find an county and in the other It was equlvalint. Yet, to the local curriculum. Yet the results were pKtgrminaior in Ihi Cliilifiid Mijisr cmrgtj Accepted , Open Ivn, will take part. Section! A ieliction of tabletop trees will again be The board acknowledged a letter from the former was a more difficult problem. significantly above the county reference point. featured to meet a demand that has grown in Springfield Township Clerk Arthur Buehrer, t Miscellaneous topics produced scores "Overall, the start test results indicated that recent years. who stated that the township is seeking county significantly above the county, except in two Mountainside students were doing very well in aid for flood control work along Van Winkle's items which were equivalent. Even with that comparison to others in the county. They gave Brook, which runs along the Dayton property. aeeompliihmant, more practice with ampli direction, however, for improvement in Accident on Route 22 The project had been planned as a joint project equations, word problems, and inequalities the curriculum and in the teaching-learning hurts borough woman by the township and the school district, but would probably be profitable." process." costs proved to be far above estimates and the In the fourth gride reading tists, phonies and For the first time this year, parents will be Johthe Chanukah Club A Mountainside woman was slightly injured job ii stalled for lack of funds. itruetural analysis yielded scores that showed able to see the computer summaries of their Monday when her auto was struck from behind Board members approved teachers at significantly greater achievement than the children's test results. These may be seen at as she was halted at a red light on New Dayton, Gov. Livingston, Johnson and David county reference, "Some additional practice on the individual schools along with total school Providence road and Rt, 22, borough police Brearley Regional in Kenilworth to serve as syllabication and root words could be valuable. data. District scores can be reviewed at the that gives you reported. bedside instructors for youngsters for all four Contractions always need more emphasis. superintendent's office. Police laid Anne K, Bredlau, 57, of schools. Word recognition and usgge scores Staff membtrs who participated in the Evergreen court was stopped at the light at 5 Also approved wgs the list of courses and significantly exceeded the county reference, analysis of state test scores were; Idwin p.m. when her ear was hit by another south- Instructors tor the Regional Adult School, although apin more work with context clues ijonell, guidances William Hummel and 5% interest. bound one, operated by Beatrice Wetscher, 58, which will operate at all four schools. and synonyms would not be wasted," Hanigan Herbert Brown, principals; Richard Adlnolfl, of Wtstfield, Mrs, Bredlau complained of neck Registration is,scheduled for.Feb. 10 and ii and commented. ' Gertrude Rockett, Martha Podmayer, James and back pains following the crash, police laid. clasus will run until May ii. In the area of organization of ideas, Moun- Johnson and Charlotte Ron, fourth grade tainside scored significantly higher than the teachers; Aim Bergquist, Virginia Foulke, The sooneryou county reference. Reading interpretation Kenneth Johnson and Bette Nerodii,seventh join the CJB1975 produced high scores, too, "Study skills, on the grade teacheri,'and Hanigan, Chanukah Club, the whole, were excellent, although some in- "With relatively high levels of education and sooner your money dividuals could profit from more practice with a mean family income of $20,ffi0 (1970 Census starts earrting a big guide words, table of contents, and the use of data), the parents of the school children have 5% interest on the gloisary," the superintendent slid, educational expectations that are reflected In -O-Or lofty goals for their children. More tiJfiCTO every single dollar. • ITEMS IN THE seventh grade reading teit percent of the high school griduatei go on to Join the Chanukah included word analyiii (phonics, structure, college, and another 15 percent - 20 percent go Club that gives you ind word usage); reading comprehension on to some form of postsecondary education. 5% interest for (literal comprehension, organization, and "The elementary schools, too, in their goals interpretation), and study skills (following mirror the educational aspirations of the Chanukah1976 on directions, use of maps, table of contents, in- community. One of the most important of these your completid dex, dictionary skills, alphabetization, library is to have children acquire basic skills in ob- club,. And apply for •kills, outlining, and encyclopedia;. taining information.sorving problems, thinking your Master Charge Mountainside scores in word analyiii Were critically, and communicating effectively. significantly above the county reference point, College and highly paig positions require these card to give you with the exception of three test Items which skills, and, in addition, they are necessary for a Raservis Chicking produced equivalent achievement. In literal lifetime of continuous learning and adaptation, instant money now. comprehension, the lame was true except for to change, Stop In at any of one test item. "The educational program in Mountainside, CJB's27"off Ices for In organization and interpretation, the scores In a broad sense, is 'dedicated to the full wire excellent except for five tiit items. "One development of each Individual child's details, and do your of then, supporting details, was so poor in potential. This effort provides ippropriite money-shopping quality that only 15 percent of the children in experitneis In the academic areas, cultural for Chanukah early! the state got the correct answer," Hanigan activities—art, music, and children's said. "Another one, drawing inferences, was so theaUr-physfcii education and athletlci, and Membir FOIC complicated that only 15.2 percent of the ttn prietlca! subjects of tvping, home itudinta knew the correct answer, The same economics, and shop." , •content In question 06 was used again in DESSERT TIME — From Itft, Mr. and Mrs! Wafter ErEckhofiind ft\r?M Mrs. Rebiirf S,;. question 62. Only 28 percent of the children in IARLY COPY CENTRAL JERSEY BANK Messtrsmith have dessert at recent dinner dance sponsored by the Senior thi state identified the correct answer. Under Auxiliary to Children's Specialized Hospital, Mountainsidt, The ty«rtt, hejd at the Publicity Chairmen art urged to obterve th» JhesejieeumtaiiefMHrstudMtfrdld-very-weil- prioiy deadline for athtr thin ipet mm. Shackomaxon Country Club", ben»f IttBtt" the -building fund ot th« faillity lor, ..Udeed: Include pur name, iddfeit and phono 22 IN MONMOUTH COUNTY- 3 IN MIDDLESEX .COUNTY- 2 IN UNION COUNTY physically handicapped children. Mrs. Messersmith Wai chairman, and Mrs, "County references points were significantly number. Eckhart, cochairman, • • •xceedtd in the area of study skills on til but Thursday. December 5, 1974- . nuiilliiiuiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii iiiiliiniiniiiiiiiK Women plan demonstration

Dayton Regional lunches B in support of Soviet Jews Wniiign's demonstrations In sUppwi of Snvicl the National Council of Jewiih Women, WKKROKDECMI Italian bread and butter, tossed salad, Jews will be held in the Northern New Jersey Blanche Meisel of Springfield, an officer of -MONDAY dressing, chilled juice area and iiu oilier large! locations fhrouglinul Ihe Northern New jersey Branch, Women's Luncheon 2 • (trilled cheese sandwich, potato Luncheon I -• breaded vciil cutlet with grnvy. Ihp United Slates on Human (tights Day. League for Conservative Judaism, Is a member sticks, tossed salad, dressing, chilled juice shipped potatoes, buttered siring henns, fruit Tuesday lUith Tekoah, ivitc of Israel's per of ihe steering committee for the Women's Plea Luncheon II - Hnlojinii and cheese nr liinalish i* up ninncnt reprdsenlallw IP Ihc United Nations. for Human Rights and publicity chairperson. salad sandwich, potato slicks tossi'i) salad, Luncheon 1 - Steamed frankfurter on frank will bo the keynote sppnker al lhi> "Women's The women's organizations which are co- dressing, chilled juice furter roll and butter, whipped pnlulnos. hut Plea for Human Rights" lo he held al Temple sponsoring the event in cooperation with the Luncheon 4 Sliced chicken plntler lered string beans, fruit cup B'lini Jeshuruii, |UZ5 South Ornnge live., Shiiri Metropolitan New Jersey Conference on Soviet oo-- Luncheon 3 •• Chopped ham or lunafish salad Hills, on Tuesday at IJi.lO p.m. Jewry and the Community Relations Com- WEDNKSIIAV sandwich, whipped potatoes hiitiored etrmo This rally, the fourth event of its kind, will mittee of Ihe Jewish Community Federation of Luncheon 1 Salisbury itenk with uravy. *>";iiis, fruit f'lp commemorate the 2nth nmiiversiiry of the Metropolitan New Jeriey include: American ( hollered whole kernel rnrn huiiepM unnli1" I urn-Ivor, ! Hainbow «nln' pin""' .signing by hnlh Ihe United Stales and the Soviet Jewish Congress, American Miirachi Women, peas, fruit brown belly -OH) Union of the Universal Deelnrnlinn of Human B'nai B'rith Women, Hadassah, National Luncheon 2 I'lMii pie. hollered Harden Tl-KSDAY Uighls which slates that "everyone Ims Ihe Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, National peas, fruit brown betty. chilled juice I.unchoon 1 Spaghetti with meal sauce right In leave any country, including his own" Council of Jewish Women, Pioneer Wom«n. Luncheon 3 Ham salad or luniifish saliiil The local "Women's Plea" has symbolically Women's American ORT. Women's Division of sandwich, buttered garden peas, hissed salad, adopted Hiilel Butman, a Jew from Leningrad the Jewish Community Federation of Hn>ssing, frni' brown betfv Carrying weapon who was charged with "anli-Snviel aclivities " Metropolitan New Jersey and Women's League 1 ,in.-hnmi i MM! and ehiw pi •"••• and sentenced to in years siricl regime during for Conservative Judaism -o ^i Ihe second Leningrad trial in 1 WT 1 In order lo charge referred Tlll'IISDAY demonstrate their coneern over the fiile of Luncheon 1 Chicken I'llim miMll uilh Iliilel Biilmnn, pariicipanls at Ihc evvnl will to grand jury \ egelahle*. fnfi> fruited A Westfield man, In Sp..««..- place a phone cuil lo Kva Biilman, Millers wife Your Want Ad |)oluc with camms; ii eoneealed wpnpmi, luid who is currently living in Jerusalem Luficbtl»'i •) TfilH ^uhninrinc --rifiiluicb bis case referred to the I'nmii Cniinlv (irninl Rabbi Kly K. Pllehik, religious leader of Is Easy To Place fruit Jury after Ins appearance before .Indue Joseph Temple B'nai Jeshurun, will welcome thi* Luncheon :) •• Salami or luniifish salsiil A. Horowitz in 'Springfield Municipal I'miri rally's participants. Cantor Norman Summers, sandwich. IntBHHojiliiH (IrpssiiiB pnlnlo slicks .,. Just Phone Sin .''> also of the host synagogue, will perform snmo The defendiinl. Mill'Mi McQueen. iiiiwHh I F Liifnft jello of the Soviet Jews' songs of freedom 1 niifhiMin 1 linked men' !•«•' plmi,,, 686-7700 uii-i in |Xisse««inn ill n :!H caliber revolver ml The community-wide rally is twins sponsored 0 ci Aik tor 'Ad Taker' and she will help you (id ill I'nlice said Ihc weapnn was spoiled h\ ,i by the Northern New Jersey reginnn! units of lo KH1I1AV with a Result-Getter Want Ad, patnilm:l lln were convened by the Essex Countv section of I'hanneJ Lumber slnre nn Hi 2! liirtfir sauce, hash hrn»-ni>rt piiiiiiiw coir «law RALLY FOR FRiiDOM — Mayor idword N, Stlio Jr. proclaim! Tusiday, Dec, 10, ai In other court action. Holier! J Best Jr nl hnnicmade cake Women I Pl»a for Human Rights for Soviet Jews Day in Springfield, Local rtildents To Publicity Choirmtn; (lillelle was found inmieerii nf charges of beiny Luncheon 2 - Barbecued heel on hamburger looking Oft Alice Weinsteln, left, district vice-preiident. B'nai B'rith Wom»n, and Would you like •YOUR TELEPHONE under Ihe influence of a controlled dangcrcm-- bun and butter, hash browned potatoes, cule Blanche Meisel. Northern New Jersey Bronch vice-pftsident, Women's Leqgu* for some help in pre- Mihslance He had been arrested Sept " slaw, homematie cake IS Conservativt Judaism, Their organizations are among 10 sponsoring a rally in Motorists fined ul the session imiuded Mark Luncheon 3 - Kgg salad nr lunahsh -alml paring newspaper sandwich, hash hrowneil piilali»"i. ci>le «!«« support of Soviet Jews Dec, 10 at Temple I'nai Jeshurtm, Short Hills, YOUR SECRETARY' I.indenmulh 'if Short Hills, whn pmri fen Inr releases? Write to A new dictating and typing service speeding H9 niph in a .id-mile zone on HI 24 homcmiide take. (Photo by Marty F»ins) this newspaper and Henry A Finkie Jr of Chalham paid S4.i lor Luncheon 4 - Tunafish salad platter ask for our "Tips CALLi 467-2730 driving 81) niph in a 511 mile zone on Rt 24. Special lunches will be served daily iiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiii itmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig TELEPHONE STENOGRAPHICS INCORPORATED on Submitting News Jl Chatham Road, Short Hills, Niw Jtrsty Join the Payroll DAYTON D/SPATCH 1 Releases.M DEAR Savings Plan. iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii o y AM A K L B L O OMIIIIII Another season ol D/islmi leiim for Ihe pasl The unusual, or very sur- wrestling hiis begun; practice several years is thai it has prising, conlenl of the manual TFe ^Tght ^ffts at the Right Price- Here 1 - 'YOUR PENTHOUSE PROVIDED ME sessions are taking place and been "consistent." Also, consists of recommended preliminary workouts lire perhaps, "determined." limitalions on the candidaies' WITH A BEAUTIFUL AFFAIR....." being held. social lives " ... goinu steady Unfortunately, Ihe light of in high school is not recom- About Ihc most generous success has failed to shine THE CLOTHES UHE mended, although an oc- word lhai could be said for the upon Ihe "Bulldog Malmen" i-asioiial dale on the weekend SQUIRE'S PENTHOUSE and they currently have a 42- is a nice change of pace," A in Paste this inside match iosinH streak to Iheir o'clock school-night bedtime your medicine cabinet. credil FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION. is also recommended Not thai Diiylnn hasn'l had SALE It may be a bit early lo offer or doesn't have some excellenl criticism toward the new X 10-80 PEOPLE CAN ENJOY OUR Cancer's wrestlers. Kiich year, several coach and far be it for me lo of Dayton's slronger wrestlers S0 OFF All Ml Merchandise say thai he has overstepped INTIMATE SERVICE IN THE have placed high in county seven warning his bounds. With a learn lhal and slate competition. It has has losl 42 consecutive REKNOWN PARTY ROOM been Iheir misfortune lhal % OFF all Cruise & competitive matches, sipals they have nol been able to something different mighl 1. CliariLji- in Ixiwcl nr string a chain of successful have IB he something helter. Holiday Merchandise matches into a team victory. RESERVATIONS Take blaclcliT tiuhit-. So long, that is, as we don't 2. A suiv thai dots nut However, despite Ihe 277 Main Street , stock lose control of our values or Miilburn, N.J, lO5Daily,Thurs.'I 277-3900 disastrous pasl few seasons, our perspective. . I'nusuitl bl i >r this could finally be Dayton's year. Last year's coach has •1. Thickening nr lump heon replaced by a young and eager one. Hick laeono. and lacoiKi is riding high hopes nrdifficulty into the new wrestling season. All wrestling candidates EROV1J\€: in have been issued a training fi. manual, which lo say Ihe i ir Hi1 ill'. absolute least, is rather ONE GaFTTO SATISFY THE unusual. The manual, which consists of 50 or so mimeographed, typewritten pages, contains the usual information about l cin'liii. dielary and nutrition recommendations and Ihe VRSSQ5. Cancer Sotlctj f usual pep-talk-type sen- sationalism. AM/FM stereol receiver with 22 watts RMS. 3 gang tuning NET A NIFTIER capacitor, silicon transistor front end, $299" GIFT AT Garrard automatic turntable, Pickering cartridge, diamond TENNIS ETC, stylus, base and dust cover. Two Jensen model i full range speaker systems with 8 inch driver,

VR5515 AM/FM stereo receiver with gg 4 - channel ready status. SO watts RMS. Sensitive EM tuning. Advanced cirquitry, 3 gang tuning capacitor, Garrard 42M automatic turntable, Pickering cartridge, diamond stylus, base and dust cover. Two Jensen 2 speaker systems with 8"woofcr, 3.5" direct radiatine tweeter.

TiNNIS cassette recorder. A.C/battery. $3995 BALLS (B) RC6003 AM/FM digitald it, n ean OnitQ with 24 hr.timer,autDstop. $3995 Customer (G)RS817S AM/FM stereo 8- recorder/player.VUmeter. $17995 'uritan doublekmt (D) RE7273 AM/FM radio with cardigan of Orion®. It's ffortiwiir's grist collar of thi ysar-hig ind coloMrlmmid, The ilngy zip is pr«tty special, tos. Doubliknil of luxurious 100% Orion* acrylic. Fully washable. Sizes: S-M L-XL. . •n,',, lij.,,,, i M P,S, Wt hnt fsmul wur for hire 822 00 iVTTHE ^ SOUND BSeiOKY 56 MAIN STREET, MILLBURN.N.J. 07041 g ELECTRONICS Open9:30to9:30Mon.toSat. WALTERS 155 UA toifcOZ (east) Springfield, N.J. east of Lido Diner. 376-8900 Dally 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., lit, to 5. (201)376-8470 41 MAPLE STREET • SUMMIT • 277-2112 Mwt»rah«fu» BwHamarlord

—. J Thursday, D«cemb«r 5, 1974- Yule decorations iiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiiMiiiiiimiiiiii ndigioiij put up by women BUYING from garden c/ub WISELY I'-IKSTPIIKSIIYTKIUAN (ill It( II Mrs. John Suski nrul Nlr^ linhcrl W | From Better Buiinesi Bupeau | ST. JAMES CIU'HCII .irnoi AAetropolitan New York, MOHIUS AVENUE ATOU'RCII MALI. 45 S, SPRINGFIELD AVE,. Thompson of the Mounlinn Trml Unrdf'n Club spKINCiFIEIJ) SPRINGFIELD of Mounlainsid" will pliiee Y» in in the I>o;ir l.,irri*' PASTOR THK MSCR FRANCIS X COYLE, PASTOR Horough I In 11. Pri^i uffii-p Hi^iuc Stjuacl 1 reii'ivi'ci a strange fall ill work last week HEV BRITEW EVANS, I) I) REV. STEPHEN P. LYNCH headquartorN. Firr I IISUMJ' The caller siiitl he was with Ihe brink where I niHEfTOH OK EDUCATION REV EDWARD R OEHLINti Library lum1 my snvint?s nnd i-hnckin^ areounts, and SHEILA KimOUKNE REV, PAUL J.KOCH Mrs, Thompson mink' (hi! club's nionthls thai he wanted me tu verify my account Thursday -5 p.m.. Junior High Fellowship ASSISTANT PASTORS display arrangoiiii'"1 Ti« ihc Si-aumi f"i numlMTv Hiifi ihi'ir hylances I lold him I didn't with dinner and program Tor the1 ennfirmniinn Sunday Masses—7 p.m , Saturday, 7, a: 15. ihv lihrary nhrlf lu!vi> tin nrt-nunl tiooks wtlh me and couldn't be elasa. 7 p.m , Girls Chiiir ri'hriirsiil 8 p.m 9:30, 10:48 am and noon. Daily, 7 and H am Tho("hrislmiis tunihi-f.n will *>(• held Tuos'liiN nf help In hiffl Me then said hv would cnll hack Senior Choir rphijorsiil 7 :1O p m , Woholos Holyday, on eves of Holyday at 7 p.m.; on Holy a! th*' hotflc1 nf Mrs HnlMT' MuirhMad 011 Ihe ni'st riay Mi* nevpr Hid rnl! hut I do f^el Sunday—H:•)5 am pant'iiki1 hrcakfngi days at ?, B, 9, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. NoHinghum way, wilh Mrs, HUIKTI I'owcrs as uneasy uhoul the wh"ie matter. 1? it a matter of sponsored by I hi- High .School Young People Confessions—Saturday, 1 to 2 p.m Monday co-chiiirman Mrs Kuiliilph F Snrit-h unri Mrs 1 and continuing through 1 p.m 9:ITi n m ; through Friday, 7:19 to 7:45 p.m No con- .lames (•nonsi . pmsppi'livc niiMiibi'rs. will lie phone'' Church School with classes for nil ages usinK fessions on Sundays, Holydays and oves n( guests Ql'KARV the Chapel nnii parish Mouse, iniluriiii|i chiM Hnlydays Wre.-ifh?; in;ifi(' hs ffinmhcr^ lot fhi! thi'tnr nf eyre for both church services yiiOnntj it n m , 'Lots ho morrv and gay will hv usoH a^ S'nu shoulfl ni'Ver divulge or vorify arrnunl 1 church worship services observing (he seennH ST. STEPHEN'S El'ISC'OPAI.flU HCM decorations and will hi; judged fnr jiwards Fiumh*Ts nr halant-ns to slrariRers calling on the 1 Sunday in Advent, led by l)r Evans. I19MAINST..MILLBURN Mrs (Jpnrgi II huchiiii inid Mrs Hiiski ipl^phorir Anyone railing you frnm ynur bank Monday -9 II:3(1 a.m.. cnnpenitive Weel(do\ REV JOSEPH D HEERING. RECTOR joined nihor garden i-lui) members in nr savings institution will have access to ar Nursery school The Brownies ^ill meel in the Sunday—8 am. Holy Communion, 10 a.m., decorating Ihc Hunnells Hospital in Berki'lin i-minl number and balance informalion on your afternoon and the Ciir! Scouts in the evening in Holy Communion and sermon, first Sunday and Heights The Mountainside grnilp iilso sent a accounU If ii Ntriiri^nf ciills In discuss your ihe Parish House festival occasions; morning prayer and ser- donation to the State Harden Club therapy iiii-iiuni ii«k him io write you ii letter i-xplainmK Tuesday--",;ln Cuh Seoul Pack 7u uiimmiltec mon, second through fifth Sundays: into 11:IS chairman for use in the hospital holiday what he needs tn know Then serifs its meeting n m , Church School; babysitting at 10 a m program. ;i>itv,,-ntifilv wi!h v"ur hnnfe hiifnrp nnswiiring Wednesday y a m . nursery schonj 7 p MI Christian education rominiltfc mei'liiiu » MOl'NTAINSIDE GOSPEL CIIAPKI, Ijiriw 'i'F:i""ll, BetliT HiiBiiipss Miirpaii p m . ri'Kiiiar mcitithly meeting ol the session 1180 SPRUCE DRIVE o -a consisting of elders and minister" 11 BLOCK OFF RT. 22 WEST I Iii'nr Larrie CHURCH OFFICE: 232.34511 I heard so many different opinions regarding PARSONAGE: 233.4544 ins'estmenl in commodity options that I am 1 OMMISITV riU-HHYTKHlASCIII H( 11 REV. BADON H, BROWN. PASTOR contused and don't knosv what to do Can you MEETING HOUSE LANE Sunday—9:45 a.m., Sunday School for all lell me if 1 would be taking a big risk if 1 in MOUNTAINSIDE grades and adults (bus service is available tn u'sled in commodity options1 I thought if I MINISTER: THE REV pickup and deliver; call for further Information iosesteri ill this time. I would be taking ad KLMERA.TAl.C'OTT regarding times and slops), 11 a.m., morning MUK.JOIIV V MOWIIAN SHI) vantage nf the price fluctuations in platinum, ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRKCTOH worship service (children's church for grades plswood, copper, etc .JAMKSUTTLR 1-3 and a nursery are available). 8 p.m. Junior MIIS. JAMKSH. AIICAST Do/b/er-Monahan PQTKNTIAL INVESTOR Thursday—7 p.m.. Westminster C'hnii and senior high youth fellowship. 7 p.m. Dear Investor rehearsal. B p.m., deacons' meelinji, evening worship service, • There are risk factors involved in in- Sunday-!): IS a.m.. Bible study. 9:311 am . wedding is held in Wednesday—8 p.m., midweek prayer ser- Lynette W/shbow vbstments of this nature, and there has already Church School for Grades ;i-B. 10:30 ii.m,, vice. been an indication that we can expect some morning wnrship and Church School for Cradle borough church Friday—7:30 p.m., "Chapel Mountaineers," questionable sales tactics where profit Hull through second grade, fl pm, fflh tirade becomes bride of Bible study and crafts for young people, grades potential is maximized and risk factors Fellowship. 7:30 p.m.. Senior High Fellowship ' nehhi Dnlhirr, daughter of Mr ami Mrs 3 through 8, minimized. One element of risk is due to the Monday—B p.m., Christian education Charles A Dnlbier nf Mnunlmnxidc. «as James R. Argast lack of state or federal regulation of com- committee meeting: niiiniedSept ZHtojohnK Monahaniird, sun nl modity option companies, A further cause of Tuesday—Noon ITW ('hristniiis lunchwin, HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CflL'KC'll Lynette Wishbow, daujshter nf Mr arid Mrs Mr and Mrs. Mnnahan of Fanwnnd (THE CHURCH OF THE RADIO Garret! J, Wishbow nl KollinK Mock road, The Hev Gerard MeGarry offleiiited at tin- concern is that some states have cracked down Wednesday—5:30 p.m., eonfirmiilion i-lnss II on commodity option promoters within the last p.m., Chancel Choir rehearsal. "LUTHERAN HOUR" AND TV'S MouniainsidD. was married Sunday Nnv IT I" iiflenioiin eeremony in Our Lady nf l.nurdes "THIS IS THE LIFE") .lames H. Argast, son nf Mr iiiid Mrs ('hiirch. Mountainside A reception followed ai year, and our Slate may look very attractive to 839 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD Raymond Argasl of Union ihe Clinton Manor Caterers, I'ninn those svho were closed down THE REV JOEL R, YOSS, PASTOR The hride, given in marriage hy her fiither. Larrie O'Farrell, Better Business Bureau The Hev, Kevin Kortina nfficialed at the TELEPHONE: DR94S25 those her sister, Mrs. Donna Karl of Gille'le, 1N1TKI) MKTllonlSTC'lll H( II nuptial mass and ceremony in liur Lady nf Dear Larrie Sunday—9:30 a.m., solidarity service. 10:3(1 and Mrs Terese I'itToln nl Denvilli> as liei CHURCH MALL AT ACADEMY GREEN Lourdes Church, Mountainside. A receplion My son received numerous toys for his third a.m., Family Growth Hour. 10:30 a.m., matrons of honor Other attendants were Mrs, THE REV JAMES DEWATT. MINISTER followed at the Mountainside Inn. IIONMKKINKEI.STFIS birthday One toy in particular was not a safe Thursday-B p.m., Chancel Chnir. Trivott congregational meeting, PalU Hohinson of Miami, Khi . Mrs l'ats> toy, and 1 hadn t realized it until he swallowed a Chapel, BiM p.m.. Search, 9 p, m . Acohoiics Monday—4 p.m., Confirmation I. The bride was escorted by her lalhor Karen (I Dell of West Haven, f'onn., and Mrs Doreen gadget from this toy. Fortunately, my son was Anonymous Tuesday—4 p.m.. Confirmation II. 7:30 p.m.. Klood served as maid ol honor liridesmnid- Miss Finkel stein Miles, sister of Ihe bride, nf Linden spared from being permanently handicapped Priday-B p.m., Advent eandleliglil service- missions and social concerns, were Mrs, Robert O'Brien, and Patricia Wish, Charles Vneltiel of lioselle served as hesl from this incident. But I'm terribly afraid to conducted by the Women's Mission Circle, tone Wednesday—l p.m. Bible study group H bow, nonrin Wishbow and Marianne V* ishhou to wed in March man I'shers were Kenneth Karl nf Gillette, have him play with toys. I'm not sure what is [.ombardi will he the speaker, p.m , board of education. Ihree sisters nf Ihe bride. lirolherinlaw nf the bride: Carey Dolbier of safe and what is not. Is there some way I can 1 Sunday-Second week ol Advent and Paul Oiiandn served as lies! man. I'shi'rv Mr anil Mrs Mm Kinkelslein nf Mjipli'unnil Snmerville brother nf the bride, (-'rank obtain this information so that I can feel Universal Bible Sunday; exhibit (if Scripture were Robert Caruso, Dennis Browne. Anthony bavc niiMOiiiHM'cl ihc enuiiucmeni nl (hen Krempa nf Cninnia, Ronald MeClillnUKh of assured of my child's safety'' TEMPLE BETHAHM portions from various countries and display nl D'Allessin and Kdsvard Aihinnwski fliiughier. Bonnie. In .leifres Kcldniim. snn MI Hevi'ily. and Thomas (inrnilex of Medfii-ld I'NSAFETOYS Bible passages, 9:30 a.m., Trivott Chapel AN AFFILIATE OF THE Mr ami Mrs liaises I'Vlriiunn nl Kssr\ mud Mass Dear Unsafe: service: sermon: "Bread to break," 9:30 a.m.. UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA Mrs, Argast, who was graduated from Ml, SI The bride is a graduate of tiny, Livingston The Consumer Products Safety Commission Church School for all ages, 9:30 a.m., German BALTUSROL WAY, SPRINGFIELD Mary High School, North I'lalnfield, attended Miss Finkelstciii iilleuilccl thr University ol Rugional High School. Berkeley Heights, and of has compiled a Hit of 1.S00 Hems, largely toyr" language worship, the Rev Fred Urubei RABBI REUBEN R, LEVINE Union College, Cranford. She is employed hy Vormnnl iimi graduated Imni I |isala t'nlleiie Wiidc's Fashion Merehantlising College, that have been banned from the marketplace"*1' Chubb and Son. Short Hills preaching. . 10:;10 a.m., fellowship period, CANTOR FARID DARDASHTI She is ii personnel iissistimt ssilli tlii• Mniinii Diillas The bridegroom, a graduate of Scotch because they have been found unsafe sponsored by Church School staff, II a.m., Today—18:30 p.m.. Senior League Hanukah Her husband, who was graduated Iroiii ! tiion i iileulator (\\ , (iiangr. IMains-Fanwood High Hchool. is general The Commission has installed a toll-free line morning worship; sermon: "What Is Christ- luncheon, High Svhnnl and Rutgers University, is eni Her fiance, ,i gradualr ol NMrtiieiislern immajjcr for Associote Hosts of New Jersey, to answer consumer questions relative to toy mas?—Bread to Break." Distribution nf Luke's Friday—8:45 p.m., Sabbath services. ployed by the Maplewood Country Club. I'diversity, is ii project engineer lor the UutL! Tenafly and Paramus. and crib safety. Residents of all states except Gospel In "Today's English Version/' IS p.m.. Saturday—10 am,. Sabbath services Following a honeymoon trip to nermuda. Un- (liiiird Fence Co,, .Sewiirk Following a hnnuymnon in Hawaii, thr Alaska, Hawaii, and Maryland may call BOO- Youth Fellowship; rehearsal for Christmas Monday—B;30 p.m., B'nai B'rith Men's couple will reside in linselle Park, A Mill Mnnahans are residing in Alpine, ii:ifl-2fi8B. drama. meeting, Larrie O'Farrell. Belter Business Bureau, Monday—3:30 p.m., confirmation class. Wednesday—12:30 p.m., Sisterhood coffee 110 Fifth ave,. New York 10011, Tuesday—II a.m., Christian Service Circle and culture meeting, Phone (212) BBMISO covered dish luncheon and Christmas program Minyan services—Monday through Friday, 7 Wednesday—3:30 p.m., Wesley Choir. a.m.; Monday through Thursday, B;1S p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. and 8:15 p.m.; Saturday,, 7:30 p,m. Ellen Fink to wed ANTIOCII BAPTIST CHURCH MECKBS ST. AND S. SPRINGFIELD AVE, RobertW.Ge/Jer SPRINGFIELD OUR LADY OF LOURDES Mr, and Mrs, Irwin R, Fink of Garden oval, REV, CLARENCE ALSTON, PASTOR 300 CENTRAL AVE,. MOUNTAINSIDE Springfield, have announced the engagement of Saturday—3 p.m., Church School choir REV, GERARD J, McGAHRY, their daughter, Ellen, to Robert W. Geller ol rehearsal, PASTOR Hillside, son of Mrs. Leah Geller nf Elizabeth Sunday-9:3n a.m., Sunday School, 11 a.m., REV GERARD B, WHELAN and Samuel Geller of Hillside. A June wedding worship iervice. 7 p.m,, evening fellowship. REV, CHARLES B.URNICK is planned. Wedneidav—9 P.m., midweek service, ASSISTANT PASTORS Miss Fink is a graduate of Jonathan Dayton Sunday—Masiee at 7, B, 9:15.10:30 a.m., and Regional High School and Harcum Junior 12 noon, College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. She is a teacher tl Church Chuckles by CAHTWRIGHT Saturdays—evening Maw, 7 p.m. Week- Happy Days School. days— Masies at 7 and B a,m, Firit Friday—7, B Mr. Geller, a graduate of Weequahie High and 11:30 a.m, School in Newark and Fairlelgh Dickinson Miraculous Medil Novena and Masi— University, Madison, is affiliated with the Well Monday at 8 p.m. Hone. Roofing Company, Benediction during the school year on Friday at 2;4B p.m. Baptisms on Sunday at z pjn. by ap- pointment, - Garden members Confeiiions every Saturday and eves of Holy Days ind First Fridays, from 4 to 5 and from will meet Dec, 10 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. The Mountainside Garden Club will meet Tuesday Dec. 10 at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Horace E, Baker, 1240 Prospect st, Co- Your Classified Ad host esses will be Mrs. Henry J.Bogatko, Mrs, W. Carl Winning arid Mrs. Paul L. Gearhart. Mrs, Samuel M, Klnney and Mrs. W, Earl Wyman will pour tea. HANDIL WITH CARI—MBmbirs of the jonothon Dayton Admisilon is free. The Chorale, 2S students chostn from Members will show holiday decorations as Regional High School Chorale ere caught by photographer Dayton's various choirs, will be accompanied by string which they have made for use in their homes. 'My wlft'i too ffisdttt, Wt'«e atttnded church during rehearsal for ptrforrnanct of the Chrlitmos portion quartet, organ and harpsichord. Chorale director is Idward Each member will also bring a gift wrapped for here and thirt. off and on, fairly ftgulariy far your phone of Handel's 'Messiah,' to be presented ot 7 p.m., Sundoy, Shiley, a graduatt of the Westminsttr Choir College, a patient at Runnells Hospital, and the wrap- years I' in the MeuntoSnslde Gospel Chapel, 11 SO Sprues dr. (on» Princeton. pings will be judged on beauty, and in- block off Rt. 22 West at Control avenue, Mountainside). (Photo by' Rich Relterj dividuality, PAINTERS, ATTINTIONi Sill ysuritlf to XMt Gail 681-7700 families with a loweost Want Ad. Call MM7M ]|lllllllllllllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllll!l!|||jy VA hospital seeks Local girl will appear | Charge for Pictures [ To I There Ii a chargarge orl iij fofap I in college Who s Who wMdlng JM tngagsmint Publicity Chairmen: • pIcturH, Third! no ehargt = volunteer helpers ~ tor thf announcement, § Joanne M. Holcombe, the daughter of Mr, m whfthir with or without a S ORMAN and Mrs. James T, Holcpmbe of Ledgewood • plcturt, Person! luBmltting B Would you like The East Orange Veftram Hospital ii fn need 1 wedding or engapemtnt I ibme help in pre- of help in its recreation, clerical and physical road, Mountainside, has been selected for | plcturei should metese the a paring ntwipaper therapy programs, according to Mrs, Robert E, Who's Who in American Colleges and g IS paymint, - = THE STATE THEATRE OF NEW JERSEY Clayton, chairman of volunleers of the West- Universities, She was nominated by metatSers illliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii releaMi? Write to All That Glitters •nCl its RESIDENT PROFESSIONAL field.Mountainside Chapter of the American of her senior class at Goucher College in TEBNAGBRS. find lobi by this newipaper and Baltimore, Maryland, BALLET COMPANY Red Cross, who has sent out an appeal for running Wsnt Adi, Call Mi.7700, aik for our "Tips volunteers to fill this need. Isat on Submitting Newi There are many arias of service! where Holcombe Ii active in the German Club and is ,Releases.M volunteers can be used at East Otong^ a member of the Goucher-Hopklns Band, Veterans Hospital, and training and orientation MiRLENORAAAN Lay Away Selection for Who's Who is based on grade point and courses will be given early in January, Readers average, cooperation with fellow students and Nutcracker Summit Gift Certificates may volunteer their services by Galling Ihc work within; the community and activities off * WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Available and LEADING GUEST ARTISTS local Red Cross officei 2S2-70D0. ' the campus, , Fup EVANGEL i i Ready Made BAPTIST CHURCH i Mide-To-Ortir Karl a Heavenly Bath and Body Line. Reduction of SI on all tickets (or all weekday matine 242 Shunpihe Rd, Springfield Sylmar •• Elegance and Sophistication. and Monday through Thursday evenings •*«•"••"".« OOLFAX MINOR I Remodeling . Rev. William C. Schmidt Jr., Give New "MN",,.fhe distlnefive personal i Also 10% discount on the» lame performances 3Vi Room Apt.,$229, Air Cond. • Repairs for groups of 30 or mo fa Pastor fragrance. 5 Room Apt,,tt7l» Air contl. i Cleaning the world • Glazing Choose from our lovely selection of small Opens December 18th •17 Performances "Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with ALL WORK DONE gifts. * 1OMATINEE« ttandOUt " Sul«n_ it tn ihf Paper Mtll ' Mood. JRERLE ncsmfln cosmEnc SIUDO Ssnt.nflfllo, CrliiC it Lflrfl* The American Walk to all schools. Large shopplno. areas WEDNESDAY Certified Electrologlst 7:45 P.M. -Prayer Meeting Red Cross. close by. Colfax Ave, W., at Roselle Ave,, BOX OFFiCE: DR6-4343 The Good W,, (201) US-7%3. 18 Maple St., Summit 273-4916 * 8K* Thursday. December 5, 1974-

SAINTS AM) KINNKItS NOW GET HOWARD SHOWERED The search lor innrr knowledge aboul aging hiit. intensified in rncenl years This quest Is imporloni because 81 million ponple, when you get Howard powered at the sortie Hi percenl nf t hi* American population, are nnu 05 years of age or nlrtcr tind Ihu number increases with each passin(! day What are these older adults like physically and menially" NEW MIUBURN OFFICE Kven more rrurmJ for Ihr fulure. whal ran be Hone In keep them health* artm* nnd produt-tive1 Scienlists at the (ieriin of New Jersey's biggest bank trilogy Research renter in liflltimcire, Mri . n unit '>f NIH's Naliniiiil Institute nl Child Health and Human GRAMD OPENING SAT., DEC.7 -9 A.M.TO 4 P.M.. 746 MORRIS-ESSEX TPKE. Development INICHDI seek answers to these and niht-r questions related to afJing One ill the special research tools' used h> the NHTII! ^prnninlofJjsts ie^periS <>n IT'S RAINING GIFTS! CHOOSE ONE WHEN YOU OPEN OR ADD TO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. aging i to unveil the mysteries nf growing old is mi ex replmnal group of more than Howard Shower A $200 to $499 Deposit Howard Shower B $500 to $4999 Deposit Howard Shower C $5,000 or more Deposit ill*) active, communily living men They are the subjeiis • 2« to HO years old i of a long term study of aging which began in I95B and may continue for several decades This unique band of men is the "Select Society of Seeking .Scientists, Saints, nfid Sin- ners," The "Six S's" were named by the firsl volunteer, thi> late fir Wesley W Peter ii retired Public Health Ser- vice doclnr He explained the group's name thU way "Select, because each member is selected by another subject, Seeking, because all want tn know more aboul aging; Scientists In include the in- vestigators. Saints and Sin. ners lo include everyone," Each subject visits the Center every IB months (annually if over age 70> fora busy two-and a-half day schedule of testing. The regimen amounts to a thorough scrutiny of the condition and capacities nf each man as he grows older and older. Age changes in individual organ systems such as the heart, lungs and nirves arc measured. Oeroniologlsts :il the Center also try to find out how various systems work together to help the volunteer perform a given task. One finding from the Baltimore study was that the performance of some organ 01 3 systems on coordinated tasks Timm tad its Hand Mixer decline mnre with age than Covfltino Woteh does the performance of the system's separate parts. Waihington Forgt 7 pi§e# kitchen teal sei Cross Pen/Pencil %e\ Calendar Wafch Travel Alarm Another "Six S's" in- vestigation showed that heavy This offer applies to new deposits enly: The minimum in each category must remain en depoiit for 12 menthi. One gift per depgiifsf- Serry, fegylatians prevent awarding a gift for transferring fund? fram one Howard account te angther. Gifts must be^pieked up in cigarette smoking 1.3 related to person: We reierve the fight fa make iubstitMiieni if nectssory, ar to permit yeg to i§i§ct ansthef gift fFam the samg "Howard Showgf'1 reduced lung function. In fact, if mefchondise is gnavailablg to us. Gift effef gnds Jan, 3J97S and applies to Millbgrn office only. the average values for a heavy smoker are similar to that for a non-smoker who is about V) years older. However, when smoking Is stopped^ the Get Howard powered at these high interest rates person's lung function Regular Savings recovers to near normal for up 1 »o 214 yeari Time Sivingi ($500 mm.) 2% to 4 years Time Savinfi ($500 min ) 4 to 17 yeiytirns TiTimn e Suvinis ($1000 min.). his age within 18-24 monthi. % % % 5 % % 1 % Additional studies in volunteers Include surveys of 5%Interest --SAT 6V =6.81 6 / -7.08 7 / =7.90 nutritional status. X-rays in Annul! yield Intirtit 2 Annuii yield Interest 4 Annual yield Interes2t Annuil yield determine fat thickness, bone long Bi'yoij'leo"*5! 10Tn"l thTondVAhe mmih, "' On °" Time Sovingi Acesunli, wilhdrnwols befors rnqtgrlty torn the role paid on Regular Savings Accounts Itli Ihfit months; interest. Annual yields apply when dividends ore left an deposit. density and calcium content, aj well as tests of kidney function, vision, and hearing changes with age. Absolutely free! No minimum balance. Behavioral research eon- No annual or monthly nryice charge. Fret eerns age-relited changes in Checks. Depoiit $100 to itart; no minimum the volunteers' memory, after that. learning and problem solving PLUS SCOTFREE CHECKING ability. The information gained from these and many other toils helps enhance the physical and menttl health of SAT. DEC 7 ONLY! FREE GIFTS FOR FIRST 100 ADULTS! older adults everywhere Have coffee Public Notice with WOR's OFFICiOFTHi Everybody—enter the POT OF GOLD Sweepstakes SECRETARY OF THE _ . lOARpOFADJUlTMINT Take notice thai at a meeting of John Gambling tht Board ol Adjustment, field on GRAND PRIZE: WIN A COLOR TV. 2 FIFTH PRIZES: PANASONIC CASSETTE November 19, If74 the application, On luosday. December 17, be- as submitted by WtllU Dl.mond Portabl* RCA Color TV set, 19" screen measured diagonally. wilh AM/FM rodlo, Compoet, high fidelity. iyitern (or a variants to Section tween nssn and 2 PM, John SM,4 (Di of the Zoning Ordinance SECOND PRIZE: WIN A POLAROID SX-70 Gambling of the famoul WOR wai approved. 3 SIXTH PRIZES: MELAMINE DISHES. "Rambling witrt Gambling" Uli application Is on (lie Jn the R«r™»kable new folding camera. Convenient 4S-p!ece, service far 8 with gsomelric pattern. Olflet of tht Secretary of tht radio show will bu Qt the Board ol Adjustment, Municipal Howard's nsw Millburn Building, Townhlp of Springfield, THIRD PRIZE. WATCHED LUGGAGE, intrigs must bs rtfieiv#d at fht new Millburn Hsward^n or bgfare NJ., and Is available for public B«u1riuf motch«d 3-piece set by Amsriean TAurister. 4:00 PM. Friday. Jon, 3, 1975, Anyone moy enttr sicept employees ol office to ehot with'you. Inspection. Come in for coffee and Harry A. Kolb, leertiary the Howord or our advertising agency and their families. You n§#d net No. 74-17 Isardof Mluslment FOURTH PRIZE: ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR. be present at the drawing to win. Only one priia to a person. Winners v»il converiatlM, ipfld Leader, Dec. S, i«4 P«k«i-»n« K«y«tone calculator, be notified by moil or phone. No need to optn on account. (Fetl4.J7) THERE'S A POT OF dOLD AT THE END OF THE HOWARD RAINBOW! LOSE WEIGHT Regular Haurc. OR MONEY BACK Mon,.Thuf$., 9 ArVl to Odrinex can h«lp you becgma 4 PM the slim, trim person you want to Fri,, 9 AM to 7 PM bTlOSe tBecaus ' e Odnnex contains the 1 SAVINGS BANK without a qreiCfiptlon One Nny Odfinex tablet a naif hour before m*als suppresses your Spatial Haun: appetite - you eat lesj • down gO the Sat. Doc. 7, 9 AM to ulQriDt • down goes the weight! 4 PM Odrlnex has deon used jucceisfully by thousand! all over the country Sat. DecrU, 9 AM to tot 16 yean -1{ will worh tor YOU. 4 PM with tho Odririflu Plan, clinically totted/, you will eat jenslbly - no ttarvfng - no ipaclal exerclifls. S«(« anl at Kean College iby TP1 IDINA HOWARDiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii programs within the Department of Mr ami Mrs Michael Alftimxif Kriison ten••.<••!> James ,1 Kilpalnck. utilise cnlumn appears hurried away. 1 l\ SCOTLAND Environmental Protection," a letter by nine I'nion. has been awarded a Ph.II degn-i- in in limn than :ioo Americiin newspapers, is ill An elderly'woman seated noil in me asRed \ Wrrltil \holil Mum New Jersey environmental and conservation""" nutritional lunrhi'misirs and nrnl Innings Imm speak ;if KeiiM Cnilege nl Npu jrisei in HIM suddenly, "Do you Americans mind terribly Even tho Scots were tired of il all groups urges Governor Byrne as he assembles Ihe Massachusetts InMiiuir .if Ti-i-linulnus VtilltiMs Thefitre lor Ihc Perfiirimng Arts, much about your Mr, Nixon' It is « rother They also had hud enough of Watergate and his 1975 slate budget, Alfano, an assisluni pin! nsni uf pi-rindiiniii'-. I'niiin. tiinighl ul H u'cliick His lcclure. one ol a Nixon, and wanted tn gel on with it tragic matter, you know. It must be a terrible The focal paint of the budget request is for and n. in Kii'limnnd Va Me rnmim-nced »nlmg In - end of the Nixon uriniinislrnlion would mean Rockefeller. "Well, 'tis a hit of a good com- public works program in the stale's history," ihe College of Medicine and lieniistfs n[ N™ <<\nilir.'lll>dcn|iiMll1 A CIIMSIT\.-|IISC VII-U ' III Ihe end of the Watergate news. Mosl also fell bination, isn't it. One is from the House of according to Ian Walker, executive director of Jersey He designed the diplnmii mm ,-iu:,rii,.ii i'MH thai Mr Nixon was "blasted" enough, thai he •Commons and one is from the House of lairds!" the Stony Brook Millstone Wateriheds Association, who signed ihe letter on behalf of by his iilma imiler Ki]|);plri>k i»il.'i\ mule, itiini ;i hium-nffici- m was guiily, and that it was sad And one woman said, "Is Ihis Mr. Ford a 1 11 the nine citizen groups (III till- basis Ol il Niilinlial lll-it il lite n| MIMIII, \ il'UiMlii » lilili' KHui minimal" ari-a nn mill--. The quest Urns were asked this Fall nn a shorl wealthy enough mon lo lie president ''" Fellowship which is Miiriii.ilh ;i«,iidi>il in ,m Irnm Wasluniiliin He Iran-Is «ici-'K in Ihc private sludy mission lo Scotland The people One sjenllemen who turned out lo he Referring to the stale's multi-billion dollar Mlilhtamhng deMnI sclmnl m ;iftiiii11- Ml:,in. 1 inted si. 111-, :nnl .ilirnact li-ctnrini! unlink nr asked ranged from chauffers to castlekeepers, Australian instead of Scottish even said the sewerage facilities construction program now entered Ihe Mass;n-luiMndi'd He IKIS •.i-rv-'d as rhainuan nl lhi< lo glean some firsi-hand reacinms lo ihe Luch Turtiherry Hotel at the seaside in central To support their ease for higher salaries for Ihc World Nulrilmn Ciiiifi-M-nci' in MI-MI-M cils ('niiji'M'nce nj Kiil!nn;il \\ liter-- rhainiiMii nl Ness monster bill Nixon prccmpti-il ngam Scotland when, off handedly, I turned the sel stale water resources engineers, the group and alsn took part m a nuiriiu«i:il firhKluds ihe \Iaunii I'arla I'miimi-ssinn "I ViryilHa and •ii-ii- (in. There, in progress, was "Star Trek" would cited vacancies within the Division of Water project In San Luis. (iiMti-mMn. dui'inj! «hich \ice-ch,'iirnian nl llu- Virginia 1'nmiiiiswin" "i you-tielieve, followed shortly by the Nixon Resources "Approximately 4B of BO ON TltK THAIN from Inverness to Clnsgow. iiitic he nil! nniy riunirnMt much iimdi'd (inntal 1 lin^iituimnal (;,n\i'r"ni!>i\t 18 program. II consisted, in part, of a series of engineering positions created last year are still a young man iiami'd Ales Frascr said. lill. MiniAKL care to hundreds "f Mayan Indians who mirk "Anything is better than gmng tin with the clips of Nixon news items followed by a popular vacant," according to George C Friedel, mi Ihe large planlallnfis m niunlrs bul & Nixon thing, hul he is not loo ex- song ridiculing the matter. For instance, a former acting director of the Division of Water Meeting set Saturday iilso engaged in vaniuis sludn-i- nn tin- mlr Winter hours In effect perienced, is he Seems like 11 nice chap, news photo of the President and Mrs Nixon Resources and executive director of the Office played hy the nulritiniial backiirnund "f h, though,, X'erlainly Nixim was guilty," boarding their plane on one of their overseas of Management and Bydget, both in Ihe by school boards group underprivileged n:ilive>- nn ihe lic.iliii ni ihi-n at Turtle Back Zoo The conductor simply, and rather succinctly, trips was followed by the tune, "California Department of Environmental Protection Representatives of New Jersey's 004 boards nral structures said, "llmph! Malisiy business, lhal, " ;md Here I Come." Another time the commentator Groups signing the letter were Stony Brook;-, of education will meel lo formuinle policy for Dr Alfann is married In Ihc fnmicr Jn-Ann Hours al Turtle Hack Znn. aliii Nnrthlield spoke of the Nixon request that he he "exiled to Millstone Watersheds Association, New jersey the New Jersey School Hoards Association inletlii, daughter Hi Mr :iinl Mrs Vilu I'IIII-MM ,ivc . Wi'si Orange have been changi'd Im Ihe California and allowed to enjoy the sun" and Audubon Society, New Jersey Conservation Saturday a! the Mercer County Community of Madison avenue. Imngiun Thi-s hasc tw" uinUT riniiiths to I!) a.m in 4 ;in [Mil sevtMi Minority workers showed pictures of Nixon giving some Foundation, New Jersey Public Interest College in East Windsor children, Michael Anihons, I, und krisiin diiys a week animated speech This was followed hy the Research Group, New Jersey Slate Federation The semi-annual Delegates Assembly will Lynn, iige three months Kuling facilities and pony rides will continue tune, "It Never Rains In Southern Califor- of Sportsmen's Clubs, The League for Con- in state unit act on 2:i resolutions concerning various In iipiM'ale Children and senior i-iiizens iire up nia"...(it just pours.] servation Legislation, Sierra Club, New Jersey State transportation Commissioner Alan aspects of public education, many of which are FRIDAY DEADLINE admitted free to the zoo: all others pas Si Si) An interview with the owner of (he San Chapter, Soulh Branch Watershed Association, Sagner this week said thai the department's directed at seeking legislation tn improve the Ail items othtr than spot news sFftuld'be in' Special group rales are available by callint; Ihe Clemente Inn in California was alsn included Upper Earitan Watershed Association. Affirmative Action Program, aimed nt in- efficiency of iucal school hoards our office by noon on Fridty. creasing the number of minority group cm »nd it, too, was unflatteringly done Altogether, ployees, "has had encouraging results, but we II was ii bad show for Mr. Nixon still have much to do lo reach the goal or equal But them, the people on Ihc show were not employment opportunity for all." Scottish. TURNONS In an analysis of the department's efforts to The Scots, in essense, seemed kinder in their hire more women and members of minority thinking than the Americans themselves. All groups, the Commissioner noted thai in the last Ihe persons asked fell Ihc tragedy of the case, year, their number increased from 16.2 percent the sadness of the hour for the Americans, and of the total department staff In 19.7 percenl always said so with a word cir Iwn of sym- Of the 5,455 employees of te department this pathetic understanding. There was no sense of year, 1,079 are women and members ol malice, or gloating or cheer; only a sincere minority groups compared In mz among the sorrow for the American tragedy S.198 employees in 1873. So while the redundancy of the Scottish Commissioner Sagner said thai minority answers almost became tiresome, the grace of DO you GUESS SO... representation during last summer's seasonal the Scots did not. And while the replies aboul 8£U£l/e IN IF THE you got crushed in the employment period was the highest in several Nixon were quiet and subdued- the replies tn H/GH scmt, SCHMS LOVS years, with 3fl percent of the MO seasonal the question of the Loch Ness monster certainly MAAG£S ONE ANOTHER, employees members of minority groups. were not. Next: To I,nch Nrss with your soft pac try our new hard pack. 20%f£!

Happy hour—• bar accessory sale! Put together i holiday happy hour Boil wine skin Reg. 4,91 Now 388 with bir leoeisoriis from around 88 the world. Pier 1's the place to out- Wins-rack Beg, 3,i9 NOW a fit the festivities it a atvingil Bar glissii Rtg. M-M...... Now .55-.71

WOiOO lowta, an 1. an. Most;

Fill a Spanish flask. Decanters from Spain, Wrapped in rustle burlap, dark brown leather ana oolortul vinyl, Create exotic cocktails. Tahiti Joe mixM. Juit add the liquor. S Reg, ,2.99-8.99 Fix drinks with •••», More than 20 flavors — Mai Tai, Sunrise, Mar- assorted, bar tools. Designed to garita, Slut Hiwiii, Tropical Itch. 18 stir, illea, iqueiie, and pour. Now 2"-7 9 Benson & Hedges Reg. 1.09.. , Now,88 Rig. .7M.IS .... NOW .39-1 * PierilniiM Regular or Menthol The decorators idea store.m Warnings The Surgeon Genera) Has Oeterminid ROUTE 22 EASTBOUND KENILWORTH That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health, i (1/4 Mile West of the Flagship) 17, mg. "tar," 1,1 mg, nicotine, av. per cigarette, FTC Report. Oct. '74. Open Mon.-Sat. 10-10, Sun. Noon to 8, Phone 964-1844 (Prices may vary^ from store to store) (Limited quantities on some Items)


1 Thursday, D#c#mber 5, 1974-' Your Guide To Better Living in the SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART • City • Suburbs • Farm Country #Lake » Shore Wyckhom Manor has look Whitfier Oaks split-level of Co/on/a/ Williamsburg inspired by 1839 house The split-level home, and entrance into the two-car centers. New Jersey's super With the approach «f the product of extensive research buildings in the stylo of the generally thought of as a garage highways are close. Route 287 Hii'Piitcnnial Vesir nf l«?fi, into flip iirrhift'cture and governor's mfinsiori al the recent architectural in Across the front of the home and 78 are just five to 10 i]wvp i% a grnwmg interPNi m riflsignnf (his Rarlv American iHsionc Virginia settlement novation, isn't recent at all, is the formal living area One- minutes away; the Garden America's Cnloniiil origins pprinri Newman and Knn When completed, there will says William Steinflels, half flight up on the left is the State Parkway and New Tins appreciation nf Kcdpral wiser say thai when It is he B2 nne and I wo bedroom, marketing vice president for stalely living room with Jersey Turnpike are easily Architi^turn m rrndiM'H by completed, 'hp cnndorninium two level units; each with U.S. Home of New Jersey. In cathedral celling and boxed reached in 20 minutes. Mnrty Nfwtnan find Melvin community will rpflpri ihi> more than 2.000 square feel of fact, he points nut, initial out colonial windows; and tn Kiinwiser as one of Ihi1 misons atniosphprp nf a leSH iierlir living area Living rooms arc architectural studies per- (he right is liic formal dining homes with floor plan tnr ihn pnpular acrpplanci:* of age complemented hy wood formed by US Home for room variations offered at Whittier Wvrkhiim Manor, Greater In keeping with the burning fireplaces Kach unit models at Whittier Oaks in Whiltier Oaks at Oaks include: the Longfellow American Communities' historical derivation nf thp has individually rontrnllert air Hollsborough, the no-home Hillsbnrougli offers custom- Ranch with four or five ' tnwnluuisi' i/offimuniii m ik^igns, the various models in conditiiining, as well as all community off Hilisborough style homes on approximately bedrooms and three full Hit manor house community electric kitchens There are road, turned the fact that the three-quarters of an acre or baths, the Sandburg Colonial Wirkham Mannr. rfflpftmg have names connected with also basements designed for first split-level home in larger sites Sanitary with covered portico, family i hi' ilean iini-nmphcaled the period—the Washington, storage, as well as recreation EUROPEAN STYLE - Villas Contlnentale, a European-style custom housing project off Bay avenue, Tnms River, offers five basic home models which may be altered by the buyer. Shown America, situated along the sewers, water, paved streets, room on level by itielf, and Hlryanic of rnlnnial thp Jefferson and the Adams Residents at Wyckham is the Chateau, a four-bedroom, two-story home designed in the Country French motif. The historic Santa Ke Trail, was sidewalks and curbing are four bedrooms and twm and UilhaniMhurji Va , is thp Manor will find that they also They'll he clustered in IB linme nffprs formal' living room, family area, kitchen separate laundry, den and oversize built more than I3fl years agn included in the construction of one-half baths; the Bryant haveextiusiveiisenfa variety Murage I'&A Builders and Contractors are the developers The Emerson split level the 80-home comrnunily All Colonial with two-story of community facilities, in- model at Whittier Oaks has model homes feature full colonnades covered portico, cluding a large swimming been patterned after this basements, which can be used 25-foot master bedroom suite, Mayor greets pool, private beach Huh rind home, which still stands in for many purposes: workshop, three other bedrooms, and two recreation center Mortgages are available. Shawnee Mission, Kansas. storage and hobbies, and and one-half baths. Greater American's Melvin Other model homes at the rainy day playroom for the To reach Whittier Oaks at Knnwiser and Martin Whittier Oaks community children to ride bikes, roller Hilisborough, take rt, 108 new residents Newman, along with con- have also utilized authentic skate, snd do the many south from Somerville and sultant Tons DePetro, em- Villas Continentale says Early American home design imaglnavive things kids like to turn left into Hilisborough phasize that the architecture P&A Builders and ilde of the double-mtrance concepts as the basis for dream up road, or take route S06 north blends naturally with the Contractors Co., Inc., named: tht Seville, Mirquis, doori. contemporary versions, While the Somerset County from Princeton and turn right at Crestwood country-side of the Spring developer! of Granada, Capri and the An oversized kitchen is "The Emerson incorporates community is in a country onto Hlllsborough ro»d, and it Hcforc an audience of 5t» Township had been achieved Lake Heights area. Situated a Continenlali, a new custom Chateau, and include many featured in the three-bedroom several design features," says setting, it is convenient to is 2 4 miles to the community, new Crestwood Villagers, with the wholehearted mile from the Jersey shore, housing project in Toms amenities within the purchase Marquil to please the home Steinfield, "which were metropolitan centers, schools, U.S. Home of New Jersey is thi'ir families and friends, cooperation of the thousands Wyckham Manor will give River's Twin Oaks Section, price. buyer who ipendi a lot of time created by the Rev. Thomas houses of worship and shop- one of 22 divisions of the U.S. Manchester Township, of retirees who have flocked to residents access to the many has mortgages readily Arnoni the amenities are in that room, This ranch Johnson in his first home built ping Commuting is con- Home Corporation, one of the Mayor Joseph Portash active-adult communities in recreational possibilities of available to qualified buyers central air conditioning, provides kitchen space for in what was wild, unsettled venient from nearby railroad nation's top three home reported recently at the lht> area. Ihe region. In addition to sport through the builder, electric Itove with ielf- both the cook and his culinary Kansas 'badland' in 183y." stations in Somerville and builders, with sharei traded retirement community's He credited the 5,000 fishing, bathing and boating, Accordini to Angela cleaning oven, dishwasher, equipment plus a good sized The house he built was part Princeton to North Jersey and on the New York Stock "Got-Acquainted Luncheon" residents of Creslwoad Village the Spring Lake Heights area Bellini, president of P1A, wall-to-wall carpel allowance, dining table. One corner of the of the Shawnee Indian New York, metropolitan Exchange, lor new neighbors, that, with as an important factor, among offers an array of shopping "The general conieniui electrical fixture allowance, kitchen is set off with cabinets Missionary School, a simple the help of the Township's the township's total of 19,000 mails and restaurants. seemi to be that there are thjrmopane castment and buill-ln desk, suitable for frame structure, highlighted growing population of senior registered velars, in ap- The community is within many potential new home windows and others. a baldng center or imall by a long roofline and by a citizens, the tax rate had been proving the $5,5 million bond easy commuting diltanee of buyers who, because of, the The Chateau, a French, household office. Elongated second "low-roof" which reduced repeatedly to where issue for a new high school Sagnerspeaker major metropolitan centers mortgage money situation, country-style two-story, is of a windows in the living room provided a covered shelter for "it is now only 12.94—and will "When we asked your The Garden State Parkway feel that a new home is out of more traditional decor, yet overlook a semi-enclosed front the front entryway. be further reduced!" support for the bond issue, we and other highways, 8s well as the question at this time," very much affected by the patio, complete with planter!. Interrupted by rounds of promised "No increase in tax Several years later, lie rail and bus facilities, are He added that the goal of clastic European flair. The Ttie Marquli also featurei 2W applause. Mayor Portash rate. There has been no in- added a second wing to the as builders meet conveniently close. PtA Builders is now to offer double-door entry hall splits baths, color coordinated explained the the township crease, and 1 repeat, there will original building. However, Alan Sflgner, commissioner new officers and board "Consequently, Wyckham quality custom housing and the living room into two kitchen appliances, oversize presently has S75Q,IXX) in cash be no Increase." Instead, because the site sloped of the State Department Of members will be conducted at Manor will provide the best of mortgage financing "in one spacious individual rooms. two-car garage and full on deposit in Ocean County Portash pointed ou! that slightly away, he was forced Transportation, was the guest Metros' annual installation both worlds—homes in a With a little Imagination, each basement. banks, earning over 10 percent provisions had already been to build this portion of the speaker at the November dinner-dance in the Chan- community that reflects the The Villas Cgntlnentale room can compliment the The contlnentale custom home on a different level, interest; included is a "sur- made to reduce the las rate in quiet elegance of Colonial general membership meeting licler, Millburn, Saturday project eonsliti of five basic other in ill use and design. For housing project ii close to "That was actually plus of 1150,000 over budget 1975 for the third successive architecture — yet still of the Builders Association of evening, Nov. 30. home models, "The suggested example, while one serves u shopping facilities, schools, America's first authentic needs, tucked away to lower year. designed to meet the needs Metropolitan New Jersey, George Kohn, a West floor plan may je altgred by _an-after-live_cockUiU_rpqm] housei of worship, access to _ splitrleyel, ..jiome,J'_, says the rate again next year!" " He also announced that; ar Ind"lifestyle's of the""7(te,"~" held recentiyin Thr Manor, Orange builder, has been the buyer to lult his individual tht other can serve as the major roadwayi and Ocean teinfield. "The SO x 75-foot Mayor Portash is also a promised, the Health Care according to the builders. Weil Orange, nominated to serve as needs," laid Bellini, traditional living room, with County's recreation and addition was built on ground freeholder in Ocean County, Delivery Service rVesier Condominium living at The Metro group, President. Philip Solondi of The five models are mMttlt fireplace. The exterior entertainment oHeringi. three feet lower than the first with pride in his voice, he Plan—first in the state—would Wyckham Manor provides all headquartered in Vauxhall, is Union will be the first vice- designed alttr European dteor is precise, with a Villas Continentale is section with a two-riser stair announced that "Ocean be ready in 1074, It Is en- the convenience of an apart, one of 11 locals that comprise president with Joel steraer, architectural styles ineluduig scalloped design under the located off Bay avenue, which used for access. The slope L County is the last remaining visioned that the plan will ment with, the benefits of the New Jersey Builders Parsippany, second vice- the Country French, Spanish ovjrhung windows and intersects Hooper avenue welt required a change within the debt-free county in the state," (upplement services rendered private ownership. There are Association, president, Ubaldo Russo, • and Biscayne motifs. Home fashionable lanterni on each of R!, 37. addition itself, and another Enthusiastically, he described through the four full-service no chores, guch as grass Sagner, a former home Falrfleld, will serve as four-rise stairway divided the how the planned, controlled hospitals close to' Crestwood cutting or snow removal. builder and Metro member, treasurer and Martin reverend'! sleeping quarters growth of Manchester Village. These and all other exterior updated the members on his Higoletti, Jr., of Oakland as from the kitchen and the maintenance taskj are per- department's present and secretary. fireplace room," formed by professionals. Yet, proposed programs. Builders nominated to serve While displaying many since residents own their own The meeting also provided on the board of directors for a concepts employed in the 130- manor homes, they may the members an opportunity three year term are Chester year-old split-level, U.S. deduct mortgage interest and of casting their a'pproval on Frankel, Ernest Liguori, John PEACE, Home has translated the real estate taxes in preparing the proposed slate of officers Powanda and John Henna. design into living facilities for their federal income tax and members who will serve Associate members slated It's Wonderful the family of the 1970s—and returns. on the board of directors for to serve on the board for two In joy iweef, dedfi Eeuntry living at Q prkt ysg can gffafd, usei today'i and tomorrow's the coming year. and three year termi are Sid mestead Bgn eHsri a law mBinienpnEi, medern apqrt^ Prices in the community construction techniques and Former installation of the Isserman and Dan Weiss. enl j|i# Name (ram $12,500* . , , peeesfuh iecure living start in the mid-thirties. materials. pint leented atmasphefc Q< Tonu River, Nes Jeriey, Architectural and con- , a EQmmynity glyb heyie find peal, £en|enial adult Priced from $57,490 on a FLUMIIRI ATTENTION I Sell your Itrvicn 10 over 60,000 local struction excellence at three-quarter-acre landsc- famllla with i isw.coit Want Ad, Call m-im •"" neighberi Wyckham Minor are , , the Atlantis G^an and bsdehei Snly 15 minute* £«sy aped site, this model shows ,, three nearb? tawni \sr ihspping, working end typical of the quality which four full-slied bedrooms on worshipping. lias made Greater American one level along with a family CommunitiM one of the modem mobile liniU • undergraynd uinitie. bathroom, master bathroom, d fastest growing residential po«d, iight.ll Itrettl . • li'y <"'•• « te-erog. PINE CONI LODGE ii the name of the clubhouse for all residents of Pine Ridge at Crtitwood, and five closets totaling fully londuoMd • permanent (ommuniiy developers in the nation. the adult residential community on Route 530, Whiting, Ocean County, The builders recently almoit the full vMflih of the To reach Wyckham Manor, announced completion of the first section of 229 homes at Pine Ridge and opening of Pine Ridge home. readers may take the Garden II. a new section of 2S3 homes, A new clubhouse for residents of the new section is already on The entry level features a HOMISTIAD RUN*. State Parkway to Exit 96, Adull Moeiif Home Community the drawing boards, but in the meantime facilities of Pine Cone Lodge are already available to covered front porch with Routi 70 - Tomi Rivtf, N, J, then Rt, 34, Proceed east to them. colonial paneled door opening Tel,10t/Mi.44n0 Road circle, three- into the foyer, gueit closet, Own (tally i 10 i, fKcepI arourid the circle, • cozy family room with op- Sunday. turn right on Allaire road and tional wood-burning fireplace 1 From North j«TBy: O«rd§n continue approximately three Pine Ridge at Crestwood iHUPirkwsyloIiciiM.niil and sliding glass exterior realty taxes, insuranci, nn Routi 70, live mites. miles, Modeli are on the left doori, powder room, and two • roof repairs, exterior side of the road, As an closets. Homestead Run alternate, Rt, 71 to Allaire opens its second section Adjacent thereto across the road in Spring Lake Heights MuM Mobile Home Community In a demonstration of two Pjrkway. Prices range from previously exJcutive rear of the home is the modern and turn welt to models. new concept! in community $14,450 for the Barrln|lon WX, secretary and offic» manager L-shaped kitchen and laundry- engineering that combined to a full-size two-bedroom in the sales department, mud room with exterior door produce unusual results, Pine model, to $20,910 for the Ridge at Crestwood recently Harrington Ranch, a luxury closed out Iti initial section of two-bedroom, two-bath home. 229 homei and announced the AH Pine Ridge homes include, collection, At our Ocean County private com- opening of Pine Ridge II, a in the basic price a completely water • munity with clubhouse,, wo have a new section of 253 homes. equipped GE kitchen, full-sized, detached 2-bedrootn (min.) and Pine Ridge's older "sister," draperies, carpeting, and such manufactured home FULL-PRICED Sreitwood Village, is nearby exterior amenities as storm sewer, clubhouse, courtesy bus, $14,450! We have 5 different models windows and doop, garden and noorpluni wider $21,000! and under the same spon- sorship. shed, concrete patio. ESTATES community TV antenna, 24-hour Seven model homes are on Financing is available. emergency sirvice. display daily except Sunday in The residential club com- Hilisborough Township • Somerset County the Exhibit Center, located on munity shares with Section I • Spacious 9 roam home 12 new-furnished models ' Route 530, Whiting, Ocean and with Crestwood full- $53,450. open 7. days, 9.6 p.m. • County, 15 minutei west of s«rviee community facilities, • Wooded Vt • 1 acre lots. Exit 80 of the Garden State Inflation including a shopping center, • B modeli ts choose from, »16,97310 139,950 Prices 1NCLUDF. wall-to-wall carpeting, draperies, 24-hour medical service; bus • Only 20% dewnpayment 1 FISCAL YIAR ,-,,,, ' • \ GE rcfrigerator-frcczcr. trtnsportation and clubhouse required. We arrange 80% Hid jmh fuM? \. facilities. .Ground Has been financing for qualified f GE rurtge. plumbing Subleases • broken for a new clubhouse for buyers. for washer, concrete patio, Pine Ridge 11 reiidents1 • Some homej^yiliabie for utility-g;irdcn shed. offke space Rollback! taelusiVi uie, "' • • •'•.'• immediate occupancy. (restuiood COME SEE WHAT YOUR HARD-EARNED DOLLARS WILL BUY Garibaldi Realty Corp., of A single monthly residents' Open 1 -6 p.m. weekdays; Springfield has reported fe«, presently 1100 to $115 per 12-6 p.m. weekends. 'aae sublease of office ipace by Salsa ttiff it model: '< HERE NOW! FINANCING AVAILABLE—P., F „, ,t,, , n month, includes heat, all CP-OP FOUB. SECTION 41 R.G.K. Corporation of Short municipal lervices (garbage (201) 359-8700. Hill!, at a? last Willow it. in Writ., w. RouMtm Bo«m, Whiting, NJ , the new bachelor nf an YfHif iOfvicn^ fa 10T100 I'-ie 3' the first time that a Hate college has offered a will allow students In graduate lhniu(jh (all 616 "00 bachelor of art) that can be awarded entirely combination of transfer credits, coilege-lcvd through examinations and in-depth examinations and assessments of what the* DAILY.WEEKLY, OR MONTHLY assessments of college-level knowledge, may have learned nil • lUGSiCi • Etc college graduate." to demnnsirnti1 thcir liverall aehn-venieni Quality Usid Cars ] Menfiusf i,e§8 milii. wftkfiiyir during a prchgmHuation iisscssnif-nt interview isme! first Fran! §»:!t iiiimbly. The Edison College bachelor of arts degree r«ir litlf. gfikt lyiftm. inglni. lilhojfapheri permits concentrations in any of three broad at Edison C'nilpge Academic advisors will 1« IrinimlHlBn. pipfi and liber Denial labotalonei available !o HSMS! in their prngress iind in esld by SIFEsslid. Compuler Sirvlte subject areas: humanities, social sciences or Machine Shops natural sciences and mathematics. Students insure that the bachelor nl arls degree COSMEIItS may also pursue either a more specialized represents u lolal educational experience Poil Ollices subject or an interdisciplinary interest by comparable to that obtained by four years ol -I taking advantage of flexible elective resident study SERVING ALL jr±H> NEW JERSEY requirements. Examples would be a con- Edison College is nnu Hccepiiri^ pnrnliiiu^ti centration in humanities with an English applications for the new program Through the AUTOMOTiyl COIF SHORT DELIVERY SERVICE payment of the $35 fee, individuals specialization or a study of ecological impact 2I95MIUBURH AVt P O Box 36? Scotch Plains. N J 07076 on society within both social and natural will have Ihi'ir previous education evaluated 201 • 322-2040 sciences. and will be ndvised or ihe type and nature »l

DECEMBER SUPER SPECIALS AT STRiNGTH AND GRACE of Edward Villella is shown in photographs of him and the New York City Ballet at the Kodak Photo Gallery in New York City 1133 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street The six companies of the City Center of Music 8 Drama are saluted In a pictorial tribute at the gallery The gallery is open free to the public GEIGER'S on Monday from noon to S p.m. and on Tuesday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to S pm. College community program RESTAURANT Dally specials for the month of December include: salad, entree, pie and coffee and If on ailuli orders plans senior citizen activities a special, children under ten may order from the "Appleion Menu" at half price. Remember, our regular price for cucktnils is 11.10 Activities [or senior citizens will he given weekly from 7-9 p.m, He added that senior JlrsLpnqrlljurUhe newly leurgunizetLCam- citizens residing In Union County-may -receive-- muniiy Outreach Program of Keiiii College's free transportation to the center from the MONDAY: Communication Help Center, according lo Tom Hillside mini-bus program FRESHLY ROASTED SIRLOIN O'Dnnnell, the unit's director Future nulriuch program plans, O'Dnnnel OF BEEF with nnlural gravy, cut The program will begin with a t'offeehouso said, will include arts and crafts and sports extra thick, and arts and crafts, lo which music ap- activities for children, s [25 preciation, square dancing and Spanish lessons O'Dnnnell called upon the community, will be added before the end of the year. particularly local business firms for support O'Donnell said that all activities will be held and assistance In obtaining funds for essential TUESDAY i •y. In the YMHA on Green lane in Union one night program equipment. BROILED FILLET MIGNON ii'o The outreach program's coordinator is Cindy Ballin of Maplewood, a transfer student from with broiled tomato and baked 25th reunion planned Alfred University, Her assistants Include slufffd potato $/j 28 Jeanne Boylan and Anita Biuonno, Hillside, by Dickinson's alumni also students at Kean College, who have been Graduates of the Clasi of June loso at Jersey active volunteers for Hotline and Walk-in, the City's Dickinson High School will hold their two other divisions of the Communications. 25th class reunion on May 17, 1978. The last Help Center, They are assisted by a corps of WEDNESDAY: time the former classmates got together was in community volunteers, who include high school BEEFEATERS CLUB STEAK seniors, Eiks Club members and several local with onion rings $i Members and friends of the June 1950 class artists. should contact Helena Carmlehael Pel Tufo at Person! wishing to volunteer for the program 44J.6591 or Tina Buttigheri Gluhm at 933-7213 may contact O'Donnell or Miss Bailin af 289- for reiervationi. 2100, THURSDAY; TRADITIONAL B.B.Q, SPARE RIBS as only our Chef can make MAPLEWOOD MEN'S SHOP] lhen" $£25 After years as one of Maplewood's foremost men's clothiers, we've dicidad to call It quits! U T FRIDAY; SEAFOOD MEDLEY . Shrimp, GOING °O F BUSINESS! Scallopi, Clams and Fillet of Flounder i , Soiling out - to the ban walls • our entire $200,000 inventory, including all our famous brand names SUNDAY; and this season's new fall merchandise! PRIME RIBS OF BEEF nu Jui '00 MEN'S SUITS YfitgularlysoMin our store for as Our regular menu has many other items that will delight your palate. 1 much as$135- While they list.. *39-*59-*79 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED Visit Our Coffee Shoi>,.,O|ieii 8:30 a.m. SPORT COATS Reltauraiil Hourii Open Daily and Sunday 11:30 a.m.'lO p.m., Friday and Saturday nights til 12:30 Regularly sold in our store for up to $69.95. While they last. $29 & *39 233-2260

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MEN'S GIFT ARROW* VAN HEUSEN SWEATERS SLACKS Long and Short Sleeve $5.99 to f'OLY/KNIl ITEMS DRESS/KNIT $5.99 to WOO1.5 •• COLOnNES I Bakery r V.U loSMOO • JEWCLHY SPORT SMIRT5 $7.99 -$11-99 SAVE Open 9 AM to 9 PM Reg. to $12.50 50% Seven D^ys A Week 233-8444 MAPLEW00D MEN'S SHOP nmv 1877 SPBliJSnEro AVINUI, MAPtEWOOC. N J ""<« Chirp _ 761-6243. • OPIN IVI5rIO-a-30 • S«T TO S-3O

.•V- I ••

'.l*;*»u*V; •!.;; '• .•.. VfJMS'Jii'asBSSSS Hi: 'I-

Thursday, Dtjeembtjr 5, 1974. Illlil' l.llllV! YCB Your doctor can this leller lo your mother. Sha prescribe Ihe best tourie of should understand how STRICTLY PERSONAL I action Your problem is a disturbed you are, Make an NJ. makes available design By Pot and Marilyn Davis 1 fairly common one so don't appointment with your doctor IMIIIIIIIIimiiniiliiliiiillli Copl«y News Service iilllilllllHIIIIillllllllllillin feel all thnl different. Show today. Dt'iii Put anil Marilyn: of safer, breakaway signpost Dear I'm anil Marilyn; . Would you believe'thai I am I'm Hi and wear glasses and New Jersey's potential lite-saving design nf a (icpartrnent's Division of Design. It is intended ii fairly attractive lady, age have just slaried drivinj". 1 do 1 breakaway signpost is being made nvuilubli' to permit large signs struck by automobiles lo 10,. and IIPVC never had a dale ' not want to wear glasses when 11 free of charge lo all other llales, New jersey eollapse without lerious damage lo vehicles or Well, it is true. Why? Well, I I drive but admit I do see Traniporlation Commissioner Alan Sagner injury to their occupants am 5-0—and weigh Il>r. better with them The problem pounds., My grandmother is loin the announced this week Breakaway signs are installed ai ap- is my Dad Hi* says n» glasses proximately 186 locations throughout the state fat, and my mother is fnt, and He said New jersey is giving its rights, tillc no driving Do you think he's, Ail unprotected signs which are 30 square feet NO is my sister. and inlerest in the breakaway unit lo Ihr right? Illch public, and has filed the dedication with thi> or larger and are located within 30 feet oftthe 1 have tried every crash dip! traveled way will now he crinslruclcd as i>enr Dtfk: known lo mankind. If a diel Club! United Stales Patent Bureau "Because this makes It possible fnr other hreakaway signs You answered your ciwn product has heeii produced. (The Berkeley Federal slates to use the invention without paying Signs along a 22-mile stretch of interstate question You said s«u see I've eaten it. Men have Innked Christmas Club, that is.) ruynlitles, it should entourage greater usage of Route Zfl7 from the New Jersey Turnpike to better with glasses Keep i» at me as if I .were some sort ol this important safety device," Signer siid Interitate Route 78 were converted to mind that 90 percent of all Irr-nit. My mother tries in The Federal Highway Administration said breakaway signs in the spring of 1073 driving decisions depend on consult' me with fnnd This the department Is lo be 'highly commended lor In New jersey last year, almost nne-lhird of pod vision. To be a good merry-go-round iif calories the development of this important contribution all fatal accidents involved fixed objects This driver, you must develop good iiiusl stnp This lonely life ii. in the field nf highway safety ' and expressed represents 82 percent nf nil Hie single motor driving habits ihsil depend "" mil for me. My t'veninp are special apprecHi! ion for Tommis-Ninner vehicle fatal accidents t'se of the breakaway using your eyes Ymi musi miserable and till because of Super's persima! involvemenl in making Ihe signpost helps to eliminate the hazards per also know your capahililii'K my weight, what is Ihe un- BANISHED - Lt, Philip Nolan, ployed by Cliff 11 sented by fixed objects and limitations Driving tain * swer'1 Should I (jo lit one oi breakaway unll wideK available uithmii Rebellion, r»oets with siltnct 0% he if informed he charge The department's device will break when spring. Wear Ihe glasses ihnse clinics where they give will never "htor the nomi of the United Statst" 'The couplmu rirvict>, n key componenl nf a struck from any angle and will withstand winds Hem Put and Marilyn; people shots anti pillN' liiisii again. Standing with Robertson is Laurence breakaway signpost, was developed by of up lo BO miles an hour. On impacl, the Dear r'uisor Ouittord, Both actors ore featured In the Channel 7 I bought a ring for niv Richard Slriiki. an engineer formerly with the breakaway posl is carried forward by the Your first step should lie lo telecast of "The AAan without a Country," to be girifriend from a buddy of vehicle and, as the car continues ahead, a mine. He said that it had been the doctor's office. Your EXECUTIVES read ogr want AflJ whin hiring verlfeal (hock absorber rotates the pole aired tornorrow at 8:30 p.m. employees Bf#g about yaurset* far only 13 601 Call his aunl's. He told me lhal il family physician can give you sSft 71Q&. daily § to 5 QQ directly upward oijl of the palh of Ihe vehicle win. giild will* rubies and •A CHiiiplvU1 iihysicttl and diamonds set on Ihe lop M was thcreliy determine the lause INFLATION free symphony concert i\ very pretty ring so 1 paid of your problem. Me call give This year I'm Roinu to give him SJiK) and look il home von a well-balanced diet. Stick my wife stmiethint! wnrth for holidays Wednesday Thai evening I gave U to iny with it and you should he able Generous HOME IMPROVEMENTS (SO—guess it'll have to he ;> A free etincer! will be Shepherd's) Dance" from Hirl and she loved It Well, she tostepoff the merry go-round llun hill! prescnled al the College of St. Mennlli's Aniiili! and the lined il until Ihe nest mnrtiini; It is difficult, but possible dividends paid h, roiivenl Station, by Nigh! Visitors, Tchaikovsky's when it turned her finger Take it a pound at a lime, upon completion the New Jersey Symphony "Nutcracker Suite,' Ihe green She was really mail al (iood luck of your club Your CHRISTMAS TREES; Orchestra next Wednesday, at Overture ot Humperriinck's me so I explained how I had Dear Pal and Marilyn; (Jntien il. We look tlu'rini1 lo a I am 16 years old, I am nol account. Come on Neighborhood Frtih loyally tut « p.m. in the gymnasium of fairy tale open' Hansel and BRASS TOWNE EhfiitffiM trail, leweler ami lie informed MS had tanking, em-pi for one in and join! Money Tree Saint Joseph llali Tlie concert Oretel, and Festive works by in Our S5th Yiir • II III.. RMISMBIi that H was a cheap imitation thing, I have black hair and an nrlcii, Ftatyrlnl will he under the direction of Rossini and Stravinsky Bsuglal Fur. J st'i wilh glass stones. Can ! gel olive complexion. I also have a EVERYTHING FOR THE FIREPLACE Seettn Plni in *J the orchestra's associate Sllv.r and Blue ,1: conductor, Jesse Irvine, and The program will conclude ill; money hack from this lot of turn on my face. It is NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR sprue*, creep or am I nut the hundred embarrassing even lo write CUSTOM-MADE SCREENS is being held in celebration of with a medley of Christmas the college's 75th anniversary. carols in which the audience dollars'' Jim about this to a lolal granger. FULL LINE OF BRASS SIFT ITEMS 1 have mentioned this to my Berkeley Federal Savinp YOUR OLD SETS IN EXCHANGE The program will consist of will be invited to join. Dear Jim: mother but she just laughed and Loan Association. POLISHING PLATING REPAIRING holiday selections nf both u You could see a lawyer and told me thai il was SILVER GOLD CHROME COPPER sacred and secular natunwand Because of limited seating, Main: Short Hills 555 Millburn Ave, will include: tickets will be required and abiiiil retrieving your mniiev nothing lo worry about. The LECIRIC LOGS GAS LOGS hut lip would probably charge kids at school tease mi" The> Livingston 251 5. Livingston Ave. WIQHTMAN FARMS The orchestral "Pastoral" can be obtained by writing to 1934 SPRINGFIELD AVE., MAPLEWQOD 7618330 from Handel's Messiah, the Sister Ann Miehele Texido. you another hundred If you vail me names and 1 know this East Hanover 470 Ridgedale Ave, P.M. JUn 102 • MORRISTOWN "Christmas Concerto" of l>ean of Women, College of iiave learned from this, all 18 is why I have never had a Union 5-Points Newark 88 Lyons Ave, OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 0 A.M. TO 6 dale. Can anything he done'? TMURSD^RSD^S » ^M, fa S P.M. liMILESSOUTH OF M0RRI!TOWN Arehangeln Corel!!, Knint Elizabeth, Convent nol Iosl Kxperienee is still the "Introduction. Mnreh and Station 07961, besl teacher. Hoarded I,H(I>

•APPAREL* mmmmmm•APPARiL* • APPUANCiS« • ART • • BAKE SHOP* • BAKID GOODS • a• BEAUTY SALON* m • BOATS • a •BICYCLES* imimmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmf MURIEL'S BARGAIN FOR YOUR WILLVlLLAOf Optn tieun IS !§ i daily. WUK1|L TWOOALS Sal. IS to j 'III Chrlltma! * BOUTIQUE Cff lied By Oyfitinding ARTIST1 CHRISTMAS PARTIES iAKBRY MOTOCRfiFT § sucks iHirti 1100 Clinton Ave, y i i "RALEIGH" toss OrsssM „ BStS (at tN Center) eOOKIB tRA¥»niTiTPOUBS '• Hti mkn iii FRUIT STOLLlN I CAKii auillty M. Sirvltl" BEAUTY SALON B^^k^. " 0AT*"»>S • I ilBUies Slack ifti fa OrtiSes.eosii.Panllyiti Original Jewelry, Sll PalnfinSS. r HI LAY AWAYS If Pgrtralture, wall Hangings, BUOf LACH.TAHTS SINOIB MBVICAKli »•*»'•*•• I TSPP " I Moaeraif ly Prlesd PatteFy, Fhotagraprty, (RI40 NOUSISPASTBIII "WhtrtABellar 1$ g lee ui tar yeyr partIti st home K'iSf I ^SSII OUTBOARD JS it Hi Worth A Dollar" 8 A Beautiful Selection "'•'"* | *»*»* MOTORS IIiMT.VIRNONPLACI "j *• of Silts Dfli£e,bij%mg^ srgflnljitiont, eH Espeft Styling at Budget P*ri£ AU. THE GftKE BOX OIFT CERTIFICATES FOR | OUACHlTAiAISIOATI 8 USILSBUROlNlwlrk) HMIIIBO.IrvlnOlon MODBL! rr«ffijHi.f,ML,T^i™» ArtMaKers YOUR LOVED ONIt B Marlnj Equlonunt i suppllis « lo II ierinsf itld Ave.,i rvington EL 4-5893,-: ip§glalal$ FForr SenleSefilor Clfiitnl « IBIJS. Parts, Service 8 AND Net Connected with Any (si Ihe Center! MO North Ave,, Garwood 372.M7O Store Of Sim liar Nafnt III! LIBERTY SVE . NillLiiBI • Tuts.:, wwea< , thuri* . J7J-0O8? 7S9-18M Alran fi Lnnifd fybtf guil.yiillflaldAv.,* sues impmmmmm* IJ -.I^B»--• an . j IBB^•»f^wf^1™?= 1MIMM|!SM*M J iPllB DIRAILIUR • BOOKS i » IBOWL!NG^ALL'S'*NG^AL » • CAMERAS" • CARDS & GIFTS* o "CARDS 8. GIFTS* ,t>IID DERAIL1UR • BICYCLIS iKID INTf «VAL *J un K.i CYCLES BY OIORQE ALL BICYCLE! ASSEMBLED^ DAILY PHOTO 4 'FBEH w-imt or.m™ BILINSKAS BROS. CARDS N' ALL INC. TANDIMS UNICfCLIS LIVING "•iUOIBT LIJBUNI VOGUE OIFT SHOP BOWLING BALLS SCHWINN-RALEIGH. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO, Mlllfnirt'l wnitar world si isclil TRtWHMLiill WATIR 1 OTHER FIN! BICYCLES 117 NORTH WOOD AVi, Aee-GjTo-AMF > ALLBICVaiSSOUD ROLLFAST-ROSS . «>|lr.Illom Ion cirtt, it.tloii.ry, Hallmark all occasion carts, ALL BIKES L!NB(N 41421H " altumi, IMMi, t.ndl.i, Hillm.rhi Nq»el!!»s ani IllCCtlw gills CHRISTIAN ISBKSTGRE COMiTOYCU Pin 4 pencil 1 inn lid. IXPERTLY Manhallan ALL TYPES OF CAMERAS for anniversary, weaalnj. b«B|fs THIS CHRISTMAS OIVE THI COMCLlTIUV ASSIMiLIO BRENNAN W»«Hv»»( 1 Co.lpor, Jiiltri. and showers Full lint ei ASSEMBLED ORIATiSTBIFTOFALL i Columbia ^TMOROUOMU i •Villn MIIMI. Flnt lilictlgiii ej IIKI SHOP AND FILM glltw.rt. "THE BISLI" lM RIAaa OTHER RBUATIDOICT ITiMI iVAUXHAU CYCLE GO,; Balls BMtrtly OrlllM ONiTB NORMAL APJUiTMBNTi, 11 Madison Avenue FOB VOUtFAWiLYt FRIINDS BOOKS, BIBLES. MUSIC C4RD! 6d Premfiii NOCMAROE Iitirsini n7Che!tnutSt,,Ri)Wlli m VALLEY ST,«MI07 STATIONARY,8IPTITIMS 100 RIMlll SL.LIna.n 4H Uf7 104 N UNION AV .CARNFORO OIFTCIRTii!ltsTlSLAY.*.SBATI UuSDr|n|llii(An. J*l'MONTHBUFRI 1043 Stuyviiant AvM ai V1..IHII It, Un*Mann Slor. Mun 11 A,M, It I MASfBRCHAROI MamMn N.J. BICKia Mllir'i A.m. union IH-im M4 NNorttl AVi,,Sirw«M H» M TNURi.TILLf.SAT-SiP.M Dally ? 9, lal. 5.(, iun, ?.J iANBAASIRICABB 9M4TO 245-S74D mmmmmmmm$m • CARDS & GIFTS* • CATERING • •CATERING* • DILICATiSSEN • ^RALE/OH i •• i• i •'• iaa|M laam 'i^H t"nu ¥' iiiBJUJUJIWU (UNION CENTER CARD! ITMI BICYCLiFIT «« YOU CREATIVE EDI I'S HOUSE BIITINCTIVI CUSTOM FLORIDA ORANGE BASKET & GIFT SHOP BLUE SHUTTER INN THE DOLDOLL HOUSHOUSE HCTUB6 FRAMES til LI OriniM Avi., FlrlwtM, N.J. CATERING OF CERAMICS ALL T¥f>»i OF MiNATUHB Lay Awly For Ilmas onitm.r. l A ACCESSORIES FOR BOLL HOUSES 322S4B2 fcMS^^ilK^I Fiaiurlng Iha Finn! Lint Maitir eturg* iinkAmwiesra BARRY'S if HALLMARK GARBS Full Hoik gf BOLL HOUSM FROM til! cnrlltmai Bg»tO cars Ft cllltKi lor up to iOO pwpl. Ov.r IM)O «H.I In St«H Suppllit. ipwlllliIllie In FloridFloria CouMir clr» IPgSIAl, ORDERS FRAME SHOP niviiisi , >iu iinsmn Amplt parkin;. WHOLESALB-R1TAIL TOUR Mill 5t.tlon.ry GwdiB Stite Cyele Centtr FOB DOLL tLOTHij • original • wjtei' tansi CrMI Pin WiCHih Stfi Home.Aaade iakeg Ooods RiPiRODUcTIONJ OF CHINA ikk k whit. iKJfiKJftu I W1M Hlililgn st BIHI eionaTgtsaty 111 Bro.ll DrMt ]» W. WJItll.ld Av Oils Cglorl oPSBBfiuItI . wt aiu • iummlt.N.J.Oftol AND IISSUI DOLLS carry ClsXtOn fruit MUMISO smell dinner paftlel 245-3888 Mln, OWrola pecsn>, 1026 Stuyvesant Ave. Fof msfly Ltrfy'i cycle Shop t bylfets... M«n,.Frl.f-4,5if.M REPAIRS M3-85M 26«0 Morris Av.,Unlon •vii.Mgn.Thiiri7.tiig Union 687-7590 306 Springfield Av.JummU Oriltr mnil SINl tiriv • LAMINATING • V •LINGERIE* » •MEN'S'WEARIT^ mawwwiwwwwww^iWiwiiswwwMiwiwwBaMwwiBwiWMw 1QUEEN DINETTES INC. PLAINFIELD •D0a HOUSE MINATURES • UNUSUAL OffTS • OEM APPLIANCES, FRAN LIPPY HOLIDAY LINSERIE FOR 8IFTI t Quality Brand namif PROM eiFTCO.,INC, "your Jewner" • BRAS "GIRDLES • COR5ITS f Dinette! 1 Kilh ~ FUR SHOP • MUSIC BOXES AROUND THE WORLD nil stuyveunf AvtnH ,.Wrought Iron III So.Orinii Av, ,«,ll.bijr0 Irvlnoton in lill 51 vtlri of ssrvim the • GERMAN PYRAMIDS > fAtstttfimY Flttlngi Trl County Area. Plntii I ALSO MANY BTHEHLSViLY Oi|!TI JlWELRY.MAUTlFU!., IXOTIC, Largi leiectlon of Crystal, WE WILL BB OPIN OIC, J thr MEN'S HABBIRDASHERV In fiihion purl 1 con, AT 1PICIAL RiASONAiLI PRICI5 China.LarnpS'Tabl^ Dec. » M(JN.WiB.Fr!l,_NiTM Fining! ana Illiriiloni and SPORTSWEAR temporary Fun, 110 No, Union Ave. Cranfocd JADBi, MOTHIROF.PIARL, «J, wall Dicoraflent Changtllers ind BVERV EVENINO BEFOR onthiibov. AIH FutWFing :HMtlU CHRISTMAS Itarting Bit, 14. 117 11U 1CHO PLAZA FBbuloui Fake Funl 278.5419 ILSUSII t DRESSli PROM INDIA if DISC i Daily 108, Mon Thurs to S CRIDIT ' icii, WITH ANN LOUISE SHOPPING PLAZA 1117 Ni.Briad S).,llll (Free Parklnf) I 111 PARK »VI BAYANIHAN CRAFT INC. _AN»1B (VERVTHINSFORTHi Route 22 PLAINfltLD 1 ...iTCH FOR OP1NINO —— LITTL1ST PRINCE » PRINCESS *in««l to Puttie Itrvlee) (in RHrl ' 1C&7 itiiyviiant Ave..Union OFSUROtHIRSTeRlAT CORSET SHOP iss-mi E^SlTCEtiM O«i9:llitP,M,6lf.MSi caignlil Piiii iiNNlni Citifi TO THE \m iiuy v Rgyfi M 4 Lloyrt Igii, Mill* tlSEIITQUEENStKlNSi '•OFFICi MACHINiSi* •OPTICAL GIFTS* M

Ip«lil Kill forth! TEST BITE OPTICAL CO, BELLA PALERMO Large «IVI YQURULF (=OR SIFT IDEA! FROM HiiMyi CHRISTMAS 1 DBtUtiful SIHT PEPINSHOE • GUI Certificate! • Sooeln, OIOJSB ! HiiMyi Selection ' s OPTICAL SiHVICi FOR THE PASTRY SHOP WBTR^IT, Spetlal oflereoior !«t« SERVICE • Bay trips aSkl'Dlir-- CriwilNtMiigeinl INTIRI FAMILY Over SO yean of iMUMi Scrvlca on Display! portraii you selecl from color • Hats, ill Wear .Poles I-fflRT FITTINO §¥ IKILUB ITALIAN SPECIALITIES Iii Our Show Room previews, 111.10, BONUS Mfors Shoes I Slippers • Lnuns OPTICIANI PiRUOINA CANDIIU Ret,,. Iif, US ioter «r i wallet FABRIC *H KHITTIHG PHOTOORAY i PHOTOiUN MINIATURE PASTRItS Distributor For •'. Mtsgraohs FRiE, Offer enplrai Featuring. So.ldlng cabtr LENSES Bit, lilh. For Men-All Sizes TINTlBLiNSlI tOOKII TRAYS Brunswick 4 Gandy Pffional Aftmtlon" CENTER rPRQFlillON*L PHOTOSilAPHY-i Ladles HandiMgs CATARACT LgNIIJ' j STUDIO UMIIIRiml. Irft liMise — fMciaMIIng in Spumonl, widdlng cakH , For fht Fashion n/llndM CLARK SKI SHOP (At Ituyviunt Vlllagi Shopping I1H LII1RTY AVE..HILLSIBI andSpofllaitdi. PALMER BILLIARD CORP, t Cell for ABpolnfmenl •x.™J!»ntOrfi1OBttfl£W!ii-N MRI.MONTOFf'i'.SiPM 1 14S WeMfleJd Avc,,CI«tK , • Cmtif) CALL3M-8610 >—AndRieh Studios— GSl * SVIB.ivl.tQ?:Mi>.M, 617 Ellisblth Ml.. Ellzobeih Cattha'CaiVtar) m-tm 289-4555 Irvlngtoii ; MB mmmam 4 CHANNELt* TAKE •TRAINS* a •TRAVEL* * TRAVEL* MmiMMMMMIMI imMMW Mmmmmmspmmmimmmmmmmmmmmz----•—• -—=——-WJtMiiaa—S GINO'S KENTUCKY isnil Toy Traini. MARLO TRAVEL, INC, HOTralnt AQ^JARKJSJRAVEL KiN.LWORTH ,^J ^?«^™A?, MUELHR'SSTAR FEDERATED ELECTRONICS FRIEDCHICKEN OF LIQUOR 153 ROUTE » BAST BOUND Now Alto Featurlrto Horn j 1272 Springfield Avenue | Miry P«nonH)wnir.Minlgtr fHB ] FINEST WINE SHOPS burgeu, Frmch Frlet A. (Corner of satiford Avenue) m IN N J lr>«IN(H>IIILO]Tt»Ho Fred J, Ln Delkloos ShohH 1164 Siuyvcsant Ave. 511 Blvd. Kanllwtffll potted plants ALL TVPESOF STBREO5 276-1044 WINI-LIDUOR-allll HCHANNBLS CALL 964-0086 I RVINGTON 375-1146 (at The Union Line) m UJ) » BAJTMAN ST., aiNWrappad terrariums CB AND ELECTBOWIC PAHTS For Your partial At Home, Complat# S«rv Irvinglon 371-1616 Speclallilng In k CRANfORD „ Fne D4llvf rv from stoneware »UV AOIPT POK YOU* FAMILY Offlca, School, ortgniutloni, & Pflrl* Professlonal Travel Agertis Italian Wlnei i. Llnu.ri f Fraa Parkinjgg InR Raar I 10AM IMPM No Charge For Our Servlws we Can H.ndU All Arranginianti FDOM rtc TaKe om orden f w MM.WlMi.LiauOHlld l m!0 Clinton AvtniH. Irvtniton pottery Th* Enilr* Family MILLBUHN TRAIN C1NT«R For DornttfU or Iniarrtailonal BeautllulglflulHtlont THI 1OUND FACTORY I SI Spring It.. MIIIIHIrn OPEN J DAYS A WE«K BILL CONWAY TrayllCruliti-Touri OIFT BASKITf MAD« TO ORD«(t LAY A WAV: BANKAMERICARD PURCHASE YOUR WeBIIOcarry Ice, cigarettes anuetft | WE'HEASNEAH I 11B STUYVESANT AVB , UNION OpenDBlly98:30P.M. -OWNER MANAGER MASTER CHARGE GECC AIRLINI TICKKTS HERE t'rtt parking • FrH Delivery WINES a. LIQUORS ^^ AS YOUR PHONE"

SPRINGFIELD ST. MILMAR SHOPS KITS FOR STITCH INQS WINES& LIQUORS LIQUORS ANDGIVING 1025 Springfield Ave. MARTIN LEVINE cold t*tr I , NEIDLIPOINT * CRIWSI. You'll Find the Gift to Satisfy Everyone WlnoLlguWIMr CIII1M WIIMI Irvlngton 375-3116 am nttwi BHiwMnwMlsOrdar FUli DILIVIKY oin wrppptd Prn cmivtry CamvlMt FaiMiii Cwtir CllijIMWM for All Worn" at these Conveniently Located Stores* i wawilllHOpwiKvarY ». Murrti Am.,WrMt.«>M in st. own AVI, Slu1lnpDKHib*rlM WI CAN TAKI CAM OP ALL •sum Thru cm. H -VOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS ^^^?^£<£3Eili»«^^ Thursday, December 5, 1974. Sozio will conduct oratorio, 'GodspeN'toopen 'fCfng David/ Saturday night at Paper Mil! on Peter Solid will conduct an oratorio, Honegger's "Kinf David," Saturday at B p.m. New Year's Eve Unionite has had al Union High School. The Recital Stage "Uodspi'il," stage musical production, will Chorale will be accompanied by the Recital open on New Year's Kve lit the I'aper Mill in stage musical State Symphony Orchestra with narrator and Playhouse, Millburn There will be !w*> per Pete firanata of Union will have the malt rormuniTS, one al 5 p m and the sccimd at 0 10 leudof Nickie Arnstein in the Overlook Musical 1 1 The oratorio, based on a dramatic psalm by p.m. It was announced thai then will I)' tin Thuator production of "Funny Girl." which will Rene Morax, traces the story of David from the performance on Mow Year's Day, but ihe open tonight at 8:30 p.m. al the Summit High time he was t lone shepherd, through his battle Playhouse will continue its regular schedule of School The play, which also stars Judy Dc with Goliath and hit conflict with King Saul, shows at 2 and R.m p.m nn Thursday. Jan 1 Angclis as Fanny Hriei'. "ill he performed climaxing With his crowning as King David. Kritlay sit R• 30p.m..Salwdav ill 5 mid !i :lo p m tomorrow.and Siiturdnv iit ti pm nod nn Soloists for this porformanee will be Devy iiriri Sunday iit 7:;il) u m Sunday at 7 p m Burnett, soprano, Lois Nordling, mezzo- ••Uodspeir will play for seven weeks. Ihrnutih Granata, who is uwnur of the .Stale Farm soprano and Edward Herman, tenor. Narrator Feh 16.. Insurance Agency in Union, will make his firs! will be Gene Hollmann, Tii-ki'ts nh subscription, with n Hi ppn'cni appearance with the O M T . iilthnugh ho has The Recital Slap Chorale is composed of reduction are available for "Ciodsprir and-ii appeared in slock vornmunity theaters, dull singers from NeWjJersey communities. Among revival of "Light lip the Hkv." the second show dates and benefits lip has h.urf Ihe male loiid in them are Anita Erman, Rose Marie Kopec, of the Paper Mills winter season, which will siit-h musiciiis as 'Guys and hulls." The Madelainc Pauli, Irene Hannig, Joan Horak, run from Ken 111 through March 111 Kith Music Man." "Maine. " and I'la/a Suite, in Anita Morrison, Dorothy Symanski, Peter J Ciiiiislo, Sam Levmc. Kay Medford and Vivian iiddilinn In stellar rules in "H.-ijnmii Game,' Van Melle and Jeffrey M Muller, all of Union; : lilaint' will star in ••Light I'p the Kk>, which Vagabond King,' "The Hells Are Hinging" Ethel Welch of Springfield and Iris Haines of the Paper Mill will produce The comedy will Kenilworlh iind "Fiari'lln " (jo on a national tour iiflcr iis four lu-nks \« He has wiirkfd with the Glen Ridgp The director of the chorale is Warren Drown Millburn. Playhnusc, the Livingston ('(immunity Players, of Short Hills. Hi Joseph's Littk' Theater, the Maplewonri The concert, presented by the Recital Stage TO PUBLICITY CHAlRMINi Community Flayers and the Springfield under the auspices of the Foundation for the Would you like some help in preparing 'Vimmunily Thualer Performing Arts, is staged ai part of a grant newspaper releases? Write to this news- Ticket mfnrmalKin for •Funny Girl" ma> he from the New jersey State Council on the Arts paper and ask for our "Tips on Submitting (iblaini'ri by calling Mrs ,lnhn T Me (iuwan in It was announced that there will be special News Releases," Sunimil at 277-44M PETER SOZIO discounts for students and senior citizens Ticket information may be obtained by writing TOUGH niSINKSS iingiei Singlti to Recital Stage, P.O Box 25, Union, (07083) or IN NUTCRACKER' lALLiT — Adrienne Armstrong of Union, right, is shown with American businessmen "IVERT SUNDAY NITI" Levine to conduct by calling 888-1617. Cydalia Cartwright of Newark in holiday production opening Sunday in Newark i have it rough. They invent DANCE PARTY I SOCIAL Symphony Hall by director Fred Daniel! and his Garden Stott Ballet, Following the something new and the OLD concert Dec. 14 Kean College concert performance the 6Q.ffiember Christmas spectacle offering, sponsored by the Russians claim it's theirs EVERGREEN LODGE Garden Stage Ballet Foundation, will take a seven-town tour with 17 additional while the Japanese figure out Jesse Levine, associate conductor of the New fvmsBIEN AVC traces history of/an shows for more than 20,000 school children in Union, Newark, New Brunswick, a way to make it cheaper SPRINSFIELD. H I Jersey Symphony Orchestra, will conduct a "The Evolution of Jazz," tracing the roots of Caldwell, Red lank, Summit and Parslppgny Hills. Rguip 23 To ipnngneld special holiday concert Saturday, Dec. 14, al i! five- te Eyufqreefi fi*e jazz from New Orleans Dixieland up to and p.m. in Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Itirtingitl PM including rock and roll, will be presented next wiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Springfield. ANDY WELLS ORCHESTRA DAFWrg INSTRUCTIONS BY Wednesday evening at Keen College of New illiuilllliiiuiiuiiilllilllllillliillliiuiiiiii included tin the program will he (he Jersey, Union. The presentation, featuring | Theater Time Clock | fiW CHAMPIONSHIP SIASON" "Christmas Concerto" of Archangelo Cnrelli, > Or Jiion Millar Harold Lieberman and Jazz Impact, will begin Thyfl Fri 111 Ihrg D« Jl 1 »P » music from the holiday opera, "Amahl and the . Thurs.Friusounismuun at 8 p.m. in the Theatre for the Performing DISC N I All times listed are furnished by the theaters ; Night Visitors," by Menotti. Tchaikovsky's '' Arts. -O--0" "Nutcracker Suite," and Yuletide selections by Tickets for the performance, sponsored by CASTLE llrvin|ton) -Thursday through Humperdinck, Rossini and Stravinsky A DATA I Theta Alpha chapter of Phi Mn Alpha Slnfonia, Tuesday' COUSIN JED RIDES IN. 2, 4:fs, medley of traditional carols with audience MILT HAMMER'" Kit * are $2 each may be purchased at the door or by 8;30, 8:50; REVENGE, 2:50, 5:10, 7:25, 9:45; participation will be highlighted. mail Checks and money orders for tickets SAN FRANCISCO BALL, 3:30,5:50, B;QS, 10:05, This will be the first of several event* to be Turntable Treat-THE I.OVE IN YOUR should be made payable to Theta Alpha EYES: by The Cats (FANTASY F.B44SH -0-0- held in various parts of New Jersey during the Chapter, Sinfonia, and mailed to Theta Alpha Christmas season. Selections include; "By My Day," "A Clown ELMORA (Elizabethi - APPREN- chapter. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Music Never Cries," "If You'll Be My Woman," "The TICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ, Thur,, Fri,, This year, the orchestra is celebrating his Department, Kean College, Union 07083 [.eve In Your Eyes," "Saturday Mornings And Mon,, Tues,, 9; Sat.. 6, 9:15; Sun., 5, 8:4S; 52nd year as a cultural force here. The Western Show," "Lei's Banco," "II You're PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, Thur,, Fri., Mon., Additional Information may be obtained by Nutcracker' ballet set donna Tangle" iIn A l,ove Triangle), "She's TUBS., 7:30; Sat,, 8:05; Sun,, 7:05: Cartoons, calling the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra at On Her Own," "Time Machine," "One Way Sat., 2:20: Sun,, 2; SEVEN DWARFS TO THE 624-8203 or 524-3713. for McCarier theater Wind," "Moonchild." "A Letter".,. RESCUE, Sat,, 1, 2:35; Sun., 2;IS, For the nth consecutive year, McCarter The Cats are six guys from Holland who write 2 auditions next week Theater and the Princeton Ballet Society will and sing some great, melodic, upbeat rock and FIVE POINTS CINEMA (Union) -MARRY join forces to present the Princeton Regional roll. They have met with einirmous success ME, MARRY ME, Thur, Mon,, Tues,, 7:15; Encore Players will hold auditions at 8 p.m. Ballet in Its full-length version uf Tchaikov- throughout Europe and many other parts of the Fri,, Sat,, Sun,, 7:30; CABARET, Thur., Mon., on Monday at the field house behind Brayton sky's "The Nutcracker." at McCarter Theater, world. Every record they make hits the top of Tues., B:45; Fri.. 9; Sat., 9:15: Sun,, B:30. 9: HEDY'S DINER RESTflURflNT School, Summit (Tulip and Maple streets), and "PBrmwl* SiiBtr Btn«r" Princeton, Saturday and Sunday, Ihe charts in Holland immediately, Aa of this Sat, Sun,, UFO TARGET EARTH, 2, NEVER CLOSED "THI IN PLACE TO BAT" Wednesday at the Edison Recreation Center on The traditional Christmas ballet will have writing, "Be My Day," a single from this -o-o-. Rou1«2U,BloySI , Hlllllde _ Morris avenue in Summit for their next iOY cordUlly Invllii you to try our DINNER BUFFET, second I three performance! with matinees nn holh album, is number one in Holland, a position il FOX-UNION iRt, 22) -THE TRIAL OF lo non# FREE with any »ntr«B Irons «yr msnu, wMk-dayi 11» t, production, "Everything in the Garden," a Saturday and Sunday, and a single evening reached within a week of release BILLY JACK, Thur., Mon,, Tues,, B; Fri,, 6:30, Sundnyi l la ; * \ comedy-drama by Edward Albee, performance Saturday at 7:30 p.m. 10; Sat,, 3, 0:30, 10; Sun,, 2, S, 8:30. BAKINO DSNE ON PRIMIJtS SPECIAL CHILBRIN'I MENU The Cats story began In 1964 when they made •UilNlfSMfN'l LUNCHEON MSN-FRI, their first public appearance at a concert in -o~o™ northern Holland. In 1968 they were signed to LOST PICTURE SHOW (Union) - Minnelli and Gray featured the Dutch label, Bovema, and Ihe Cats have LONGEST YARD, Thur,, Mon., Tues.. 7:15. since produced an amazing siring of hits 9:20; Fri., 7:2S, 9:30; Sat., 5:30, 7:35, 9:60; earning IS gold single*, and eight gold albums. Sun,, 1, 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9:20, Chestnut Tavern in award-winning ^Cabaret' The Cats all come frum Ihr lounsl fishing -o-o- & Restaurant spot of In their mid twenties all bui MAPLEWOOD -SIDUCTION OF MIMI, ill Chsstnul SI.,Unlon "Cabaret," the Academy nne of them are married, uith Inls .ind Inls iif Thur,, Fri., Mon,, Tues,, 7:15, 9:15; Sat,, 4:15, Award-winning movie, children They are j happs group of guyi 6:18, 8:U, 10:10; Sun., 5:15, ?:IB, B;1S; SEVEN tht finist In starring Lua Minelh, Joel lighthearted an buoyant—.iltitudes nude DWARFS TO THE RESCUE, Sat., 1, Sun,, 2, ITALIAN Gray, Michael York and evident in their music -OH).. AMERICAN CUISINE Minsa Berensnn, opened NEW PLAZA (Linden) —THE LONGEST yesterday at the Elmora The Cats have successfully loured Soulh •i ARD Thur Mon Tues 7 30 9 2n Fri COCKTAILS LIQUOR Theater, Elizabeth, cm a America, Surinam Indonesia, Malaya Her 7 IS 1 35 Sat S 20 7 30 9 45 Sun 4 50 7 10 BUStNESBMflN i LUNCH EON double bill with "Marry Me' many, France, , and, of uiurse, Ihuir i 21 Sat bun UFO TARGET EARTH 1 3D Open Dally II » AM Mldnlgli Marry Me'" native Holland -o -o PRI S 1ST TIL I A M Boh Fosse served as CLOSED TUESDAY Piet Veerman is lead singer and lead OLD RAHWAY (Rahway) —THE STING U S PAIR CHAMPIONS - AMPLE PREEP&RKING director chnreographer of guitarist for the group Arnold Muhren plays Thur Mon Tues 9 Fri fl 15 Sat 1 05 Jo Jo Starbuck and hen "Cabaret," which was based bass , several of Ihe limes on this new ', 30 9 41) Sun 3 7 15 EMPEROR OF THE Shelley three time win on the Broadway musical, album are his Jaap Sthildei plays rhuhm NORTH Thur Mon Tues 7 Fri 7 is Sat in rs will headline the all Parkway, "Cabdret," with a bonk by Jue guitar Theo Klouwer plays drums,, fees 1 20 7 45 Sun 1 5 15 8 35 new 15th anniversary Exit 138 Masteroff, music by John Veerman and Piet Keyzer p\a\ guitar All ol -n-0 edition of Ice Lapades at the Kander and lyrics by Fred the Cats sing' PARK (Roselle Park) -MARR^ ME opening Tuesday Jan 7 5 Points Ebb It is based on the plav, "I MARR-i ME Thur Fri Mon Tues 7 30 I1)?! at Madison Square Continsntal Cuisine Union. Am A Camera," by John Van This new album is their first for the Fantasy New jersey label II was recorded earlier this vear in Sat 4 30 B 10 Sun 3 40 7 20 CABARET Garden New \ork City Cocktail Lounge Druten, adapted from Thur Fri Mon, Tues 9 Sat 5 55 9 40 for IB performances Christopher Isherwood's "The Hollywood, with Al Capps producing Capps is noted throughout the industry ah Cher's Sun 1 30 5 a 41 Sat mat THREE through Sunda> Jan IB Berlin Stories " STOOGES 1 30 SKI FEVER 1 45 "Cabaret" was filmed on producer, and the man who has written many of her hits He's worked with Helen Reddy location throughout Germany others, with produt'erarraiiyui Lapps Locales include Munich's, Johnny Matins, and a host of others collaborating on a few. Educational The Cats decided to use studio musicians foi charming English Garden and The Cits' fan club. "The Cati Clan," is some, this date, and Capps brought in >>nme nf the picturesque streets, an old CABARiT' STARS— Liza Mlnnnlll and Joel Gray do 2500 members strong, Formed nine years ago, talks at zoo fashioned railroad station in finest — guys like Michael Omartian, the club publishes a magazine called the 'Money' numbtr In the Oseor-winning pietwre, King Emsson, and Buddy Emmons About half Officialiat Turtle Back Zoo, the city nf Lubeck near the currently ot the Five Point! Cinema, Union, and the "C(L)atspraat" every other month. For more Danish border, the quaint of the tunes on the album were written bv the information contact: West Orange, have announced Park Theater, Rosalia Park , on a double bill with Cats, all of them previous hits elsewhere in the the scheduling of varioui lake district of Eutm, where 'Marry MB! Marry Mel' The Cats Clan; Geddlngmoor 38, Nieuw exterior and interior scenes world The rest of the tunes were written bv educational programs offered Vennep, Holland. free to all schools from the were filmed on the Baronial treustrasse also is seen in the original composer and estate of the Duke of Olden picture lyricist, respectively, wrote BronsOTi, wife berg, and in West Berlin Other interiors filmed at CROSSWORD PUZZLE and to any organized group several new numbers for the which would like to attend, One of Berlin's best known Bavarian Studios in Munich, movie, including a love ballad to co-star again TOOiVis ANSWER A • 45-minute formal landmarks, the elevated including the glittering and for Miss Minnelli overhead railway at Bleib realistic cabaret named the HOLLYWOOD Jill program can be arranged on Kit Kat Klub Ireland will costal uith ACROSS 37 - butler ihe following subject: owls', lln 38 Sanduaky'i turtles, native New Jersey tfll'I-Z'..' CASTLE THEATER Kander and Ebb, the Charles Branson in "Hard Times" for Cnlumbia Pic- comparison •< lake mammals, makes, frogi, Split. »»i, Cor. cllntan, Irvlngtsn with 39 Impudent toadi and lizards, hawks, sea in-tin lures, S Hidden 40 Feat lions and large wild cats "SAN FRANCISCO BULL" Seafood lovers. PLUSTWOSUPRIIES The adventure-drama. set in supply All progiams will be held al Rated X Proof of ags Required New Orleans in the l!)3ns, 10 Sandwich DOWN Ihe Alice and Leon.iul Continuous trom 2 p.m marks the second recent joinl favorite 1 Quaker's Dreyfuss Educational Center venture by the actress and her 11 Harness- pronoun on Ihe Turtle Back Zoo actor-liushund. They co racing 2 ThrtSw giounds 'Ihe education center starred in Ihe recent film. site 3 Fine can accommodate BO people "Breakout " inN.Y. clothes 11 Granted 24 Bird's - per lecture ROLLICKINO Finn 12 Deserve 4 Absurdity 15 Pelvic Z6 Compassion Information is available th Ciiif.ffow York 5 Rare bones BT READY FOR PLUMBERS. ATTENTION I Sell 13 Meaning 28 Hard from Steven Gill, curator of BILLY LAUOHSl' your services fo 30,000 local sky 20 Learned families with a low cost Want Ad 14 Shifty 29 Furnish education, Trutle Rack Zoo, TheTrial sight 21 Puzzled Call 686 7700 16 For lake 5bO Noithfield ave WesT 6 Viper (3 wds.) (Sp.) 30 Calf Orange, 07052, or 731-5800 BillyJack 17 Shoe 7 Helicopter 22 Febrile part 8 Illustrious disease 33 Require 18 Dessert lady 23 Moorish 35 Musical HT1PAPER Item 9 Beseech drums notes Films aid 19 None I 1 i 4 7 3 9 (dial.) i consumer Eat your heart out! 20 Russian 10 ii "Help for (he Consumer" river present 12 if will be the theme of the 21 Confederate if Newark Public Library's mid- of l& day movie program at 11 45 Absalom a m and 12 45 p m on ICAFOOD ' 24 Green — T Thursday, Dec 12, in the 8 Poet, '• HolidAySpEciAl Allen — JH library's 4lh floor auditorium, 26 All- I 5 Washington st HSTIVAt Reduction of $1 on all tickets for up The program'will present all weekday matinees and Monday 27 Winglike three color films including NOW AT ALL SHANTYS ... through Thursday evenings. part i m "Consumer Power Credit," Delicious entrees of Shrimp, Scallops and Also 10% discount on these sarne 28 On rr 8 "Consumer Game," and Blueflsh, Saltd. Potato and Unlimited performances for groups of 30 or more. the nil'' "Consumer Power Chowder...only, $3,95 Open* December 18th • 17 Performances couch whlstlcblowjng " Mntdiy thru Thursday Onl/ 31 Chemist's =. 1 w I Along with the film?, the 1 H) MATINEES , habitat library offers free coffee and It -- Tickoti: $4,5,6.7,8,9 _K_Hired invites everyone lo bring a (2vvds.) lunch Pt PleasanL-ldcl],Attar Red Bank. Hightstown 7$ BOX OFFICE' DR6-4343 34 Rhetorician There is no charge foi .nl ^2Ql-899-6700 531-9545 ,842-8300 609-443-6600 36 Frenzy m LJ_ i mission Thursday, Dec»mb#r S, 1974 Social work bill Conference on exports Seton Hall to open ROTC In an effort to develop more jobs for New October grocery prices: Jersey workers through increased par- on licensing topic' ticipation of the state's businesses in export to students at eight colleges trading, the New Jersey Jtnte Chamber of at Seton Tuesday In a co-operative effort with the U S Armj, Knginccrlng, Upsala, Montelair State, County Commerce will conduct an all-day conference Seton Hall University will eiffer e'eiurses In College of Morris, Fnirleigh Dickinson on international trade techniques Thursday, sharp rise of 1.2 percent A preinrnm focusing on the implications nf the military science on ,1 rreuss registration basis University, Union College, Kean College and Dee, 12, at the Holiday Inn, Rt. 1, North Sciclal Work Licensing Bill under consideration to Interested students from eight cither area Brunswick, GriKi-rv prices in Ihr Northeastern Ni'» cents Fen ti\e pnunds Other monthh price Essex Community College. hv the slate legislature «tll be presented at the colleges without on campus liUTC program"; Irrnen ariM rnsr b\ 1 2 percent in iklobi-r inrreu'ses in Dttober included a srvun-ci-nt Setnn Hall University Student t enter Faiultv Academic credit for the courses will he honored jccording lo Hrrhurl Hu-nxluik Ihi I 5 increase for chocolate flavored ssrup In 41 PLUMBERS, ATTENTION I Sell Uiunge m houth flrange at 7 p m Tuesday at the participating sihimls your ie>rvl£!f! to ewer 10,000 local nepdrlmrnl nf Lnbor's iiwislanl icnts for 16 ounces and d siji=cen( rise- fni /amities wltn a low colt Want id. 1 The tj S Arm\ sill accept c'rnss rcgisti-rcij riiriu tur fur thu Bureau n[ I dliui Slatistu s carbonated fruit drink to % cents fur ,i 72-ounci Threu speakers eoncernucj with the licensing Call Ut.7700. students into ROTr a program thai qualifies NUK York Thu n* in ,iruj fond pi iceh largrh iartnn Pnc-es tor grade 'i Uirgi uggs rnse sn lull will discus how it will affect sncial workers e-ollege men and women for commissinns as Who wait a week for reflncted inrrenses for sugar prnducts, hakery cents to BJ cents a dozen and hov, licensing v,ill affect social service CUSTOMERS: lieutenants in the Regular Arms or Armv item** ,ind eggs These increases more truin The cereal and haker\ pi urine Is index ruse systems m general TIIL sprnkcrs include $ M 1 Reserves upon complelion of li ice il iiire.ile color prints, thin pay 4 for them. nff^iif nn'at ,ind ddirv prndui I price decline-** 4 6 pt'ni'nt reflecting highei pru < s f>ir item t eighton Dinple\ chainnnn of the studj The other Umtls ,H hnme index rime bh,irph such as rieam filled cnnkies up eighl ccMils lei \^ueialion of Social \Sc rkers Licensuie OBEDIENCE V ^ Selected students frnm nun KI IT! uillrgrs r h\ i fi perce-nt in Oehibur The intTeasn in Hie ents i pound and white bread iiptunctnt- i ommiltc'e and member nl the faculty at ha\e bifii .icrepteni inlo the Knit program CUSSES cludpd a 27-cent rise for sugar tn S2 17 far fne lo 41 tents a pound The fruits and \cgctahles Kulgers Umvemit) Graduate hchool of Social previously on an mdiudual h.isis hill thu \ear pnunek Sugar pnri", h.iw risen sharply m lhu index which t\[iic-dlh dips seasnnalh in Wnrk William Mcrntt president of the New Ii-rw\ chapter of the Njliunal Asseicuilinn nf cross registration is being atlempled nil an Save $2 per roll and pick them up NEXT DAYI last vejar intriMsinB ji 1] 1164 peitenl) sinn III tnher rose II 6 pi'rrent Price rircip^ loi It! Ills 1 WEiK COURSlf,, Hlack SOLIJI Workers and Sen John M Skevin institutional basis among coKiperaling schneiK Detohcr 1071 when Ihe airragr pnre wj« M such as apples down Hui cents a pound anil KODACOLOR, FUJI, GAP FILM grapefruit duwn sevt n t ents e u h ut'ie'UHUi 'Pra Hcrgcnl mt-mher nf the Senate to provide readier ae cess lei HtlTt ftir eligible • UNION students ROTr schnlars-hips will he available- DfVILOPED AND PRINTID than tiffsf I b\ price inc re-asi s Inr nr inges i iiininiiii-i-nn 1 nhor Industr> and PrufeMiem • SUMMIT Z.33 tULUnibnrs h inanas ,-inri pine1 ippte1 grape'frin' lo cross enrolled stude-nts .lccnnling to LI Cut The bill (..ills fur the1 lieonmng «f all social Robert Townsund Seton Hall priife-ssra of EARTH BOUND juie e «nrkem m New Jersey acrordmg to the military science • WiSTFIELD COLOR LAB The meals poultry .ind llsh index Hec lined 1 stiinddrds nf three hasic categories Social Dlinunl Photg Cenltr seasnnalU h\ I) li perirnl in Iklcilu'r I'rni The cross registration program will he • ISELIN 1 SSnrk TeLhnician perform performing basit implemented gradually as each participating dcclint's wire reprirteel for Hi nr the 24 items ENROLL NOW! J Bymell Ave (off Springfield five)! ?66 Chancollor Avonye Hcienlh iheTe h.l- lii'i'ii hughlPlied tnnimi 1 •.utial wurk sen ires vuth a bachelor s degree school completes arrangements and feirms pru ed Per pnund pllci det lines me hide il ^or AM Breedi I PM Maplewood, N J 07040 I IfviTigiqn. N j 07111 njtinnuidr ,ihnul the tiU.illtN uf nur muiili ipal in a fluid cither than sonal work, Sneial pohc) on the program lo fit its own academic, 1 sirloin sledk do«n nine c ents j'rnund ihui k iUimitfd Enrsiifn<-->>ii drinking vutei Sumi »f this lomein sus Worker -persons, holding a bachelor's degree requirements Eight schools have expressed 762-7204 I 371-5550 down four cents ru^p roast down se\en spnificnlh in social work and Social Work prin iplt.ittd h\ i i is* in I ninsiam uheri interest in the program and were represented Our Newtit LoHtlein ! enls ind lamb chops dnun six cents Tht Spitialisl persons holding master s or doc udteT frnm lh< Mi^M^ipfH liner h.m l«ng bf *-'" at a recent conference with Setnn Hall and NlDoi College 1109 South Oranp Ave.,Ntxt lo Foodtown uithrinv-n IPMIIII lhermcilh Jnti Used .iu dair> prudULts index was als-n Himn II i. pen i-ni tnratr II.VPI degrees in specific social work largt'K reflecting i three cent det hnc in Ihi RUTC officials to explain the program Viiliburg, NJ. 07106 (middle *uppH It'^ls recentls enncHnleel thtrt areas Interested schools include Newark Culle'gc uf fmjnri trnt scimn liixir nnleii.ik which urre" price cif Amenc-an chtesc In Rtl cents feir clghl 687.2393 372-2880 nunc es mil UK] [HTLt'll! itMiundhli b\ stdnri.ird ( tri.itmenl were pri M*nt in u IIHI heiriM < "n I]MT the sear October 1B7) to Octnbcr I I74 ! grnierv priLes rose 13 3 percent leading the unH'fl hs i ili/i n^ 1 lh< nurmjl amount "I u Uei (unsullied rn inc rc-ases was a il i pe'reent rlsL fur the other \miiie ins per ddv iangt's belue'en tint and I (onds at home index- followed b\ a 21, i pirccnl hiilftiilut ijilirN fhu [U pi ndsiin ^ut h f,u tnrL increase fur cereal and haker^ prndiu ts The UNION CAMERA truits and vegetables index msc 2tM percent UNION CAMERA H b»ich si/e t Inn.iU ,incl aniuunl ni «ur k desne exchange exchange U Viiimi.in1- «i h.iw icmR been jbh In dair\ products were up II 1 percent In cnn iU-sUlnenui dunking ^.iler Ife safe It usualh IS trast the meats poultrv and fish nicies was SONY RADIO Hcmi'MT «e ti.ni1 been tulci reunlh bs thi down Oh percent markmt, tht third ton lericral Fniirimniental Prcitetlion \gems lhat secutise month of over the \ear decline wine nf u' In umnp imprnprrh Irrili'il "ITS AjSONY." for CHRISTMAS! drinking ualer c nntaniinateti tn IOMC KV-1722 TH-C34Q ihemii.ds oi nutjls which ha\i rail been ln$pection$ made Trinitron • A rompuct AM Digirnatic • Great FM and rennntri Us Iht standard trejlnienl pniLt ss clock rddlo that givpg thi AM, with There .ire rie« families n[ pullut.lnls nnu Mill at migrant camps Features: time ta jht second pigimalic clock ' tt uhlih uere nut cijnsidt rt-d sigmfif rint 20 il) • Choice •( waking tn radio • Space-saving 1 nr bujzer \ears agu when m,im nl the u,ite>r irealmenl In enftiriFnU'rit nf thi Sf.itn Sc>iisnn,i] l-.irn • 17" i€r§eh rtigasuFgd Cabinet on • Sleep Timer turns jet oil pedestal base plaills uere budl Nuw sumu Hwiltr snuices are I ahor \t I more thjn d ^14 nngranl lahm c jmp digganally automatically • Push-butlon conlroli (or in^pertmn^ unrr rndid \\v .irt* di'tcinitnr cj lu m tng, Csler & Hue 1 umipeimid^ fui agriLUlturdl industrial, in furi v the taw uluch protti 1 ltn nngrdM • New in dsgrts wide TFiVt-CBBOW ^ 1 ' INSTANT WEATHER • inri domestic, purpinsi's lid«. in uurkt-r WL JISH rnt ngnize ihi incir i^mtl snglt dtfitefion fubg • FfV 'AM TFM-3II0W creased dram itit .ilh natiun\Mdi tntr tht last economu difFi* uKu*^ uhic h tiuitf uni %i« [FT slim hi rlie egginet Diqimdlic F • Pecketable design, with Jcr f\ farmers three flee adt s • 70 detent UHF channel .ImKrdtlia great FM and AM sound, Musi nl Iheiiinienlmnal tre.itnit'nl prnuesses VSe hj\i lidrntd thai exii'pt fni ,i wt\ ssltctign with Lifpiifnp plus VHP instant we.nlhci drplaynliime day & date are ntit designed tu handle this uaste— -mull nnnnn)} Nt*u it*r^m larmcr^ nuiki ,1 • No set up ad|u§fmgnT • Complete purlaBiiity and • Chun e nf wdkinq \a radio or buzzif Enntanimat such as trace metals and ennst tFnhtiim nfhiri UJ romph with nur rub • Walnut grain hardwood Sony reliability assure • JnoD?? Bar far H«ITH 8 miriyles lieep carefree listening i aiiinacln e materuls The plants »• re and rt'guldtiun^ Our diffiLultv i^ «ith 'h,ii cabinet r 1 • Slnep Timer tum^ p| off aulomatically • Comes with personal designed with organic pollution onU in mine! small number whn trv tn iip^r.ili niil^iric thi •Eirphsne included fsr • Alarm JHvel volume control c earphone A and .ire im ffft ti\i in todas situation law UruiII nut tondane ^urh aitivitit^ persenai viewing 1 Ugfiisl lhat citizens hegin t" familial I7i in »i b^nsc tiadt m human inmrn $£099 "ITS A SONY" l( 69 themsel\es with their IOLBI drinkinn water Thu mbpi'f tion^ v> ere i amt?d "ul in it) 1 sourLes \lthough there ha\e heen feu cases camp * ^nd 2n 881 violations V,PTP Mod 1)1 G A F SI/2S0 XL SYNCHRONIZED worths nf mentinn in the metropolitan New these 17 778 iPceived rorrective .utmn *mri SOUND MOVI1 GAMIRA 9 DeLuxe Jcrsc>% area federal ^tate and murlieipal 3 sm resulted in the closing of 109 tamp^ jgenues are entciuraging rn\irunnn-ntalists to H Movie Projector explore ttie adequacy of future supplies, Dual 8 movie Projector treatment and testing processes, standards of Making was/e useful purity, and directions ot current research The St. Louis, Mo,, waste recovery project, The protection and safety nf the public walsr 1 involving .the Environmental Priitectioii supply system depends lo a very large degree Agency, the steel industry and Union Klectrie cm a citizenry which is informed, willing to Power Co., has been so successful that the* make inquiry -and willing to exert its full power firm is planning to build a $70 million measure nf constituent power a« the decision- plant that will process all refuse in the making process takes i(a course. metropolitan area. Tircstone

229 95 Some of life's brighter moments hippen in SUP-R-BELT SNOW TIRE intimate, dimly-iit sittings, Now you can capture them without destroying the mood. That's saving i slice of life. The mood. Ths look. And the sound. Thit's what the niw • Ntw ultri-shirp f/1,4 ioOm [ins fills your serein with Bigger and clearer ploturis • Niw, ixcluslvs Step. GAF SS/250XL Sound Movie Cimari is MotionTM ejontrol wild forward, riversi tast.torward stop * New ultra-sharp f/1,4 precision zoom lam fills your».«.. ail about. Saving the seine, not setting it. , 'n QIQWTM bright still, ultra.slow ! fps ind rtgular e fpa Wiin Digger^ aliafef pfotyfes * Forwird reverie fa^t fftrwafrf In almost any.normil lighting situation ilow motlori • ayper bright, longer lasting quirti hilogan owratlng p/us new Stop\n.GlowtM atlli 'lets you "tip ?hi limp for brighter pictures * Autematirj (Mm threading ind acHan ind • reeze.- on a sub|ect •• Autcmatlo film threading without special movie lights. Shoot almost rewinding • Hetractible powtr cord • ahows both Super SSl ™On!allc r»wlndinfl ' Shows both Super 8 ind Regular anywhere, anytime and save that moment 8 ind Btgular 8mm movies • Built-in light outlet auto, Snd 400- I" OofflPlsti wlth Mlf-Mntilnid oarryinrj ease mitioilly turnt rBom light* out whin show begins , , , -with all the unrehearsed beauty of It-to turns lights on vehtn show ends • Complete with self see and hear and live again. contained carrying east and 400' re»l

SOUND makes the differenci In movies Dual 8 ^und Projector feumi IUMIG MAKiS THE DIFFERENCE IN SOUND MANUAL SOUND ON SOUND RECORDING

Fully (utgnittle thrudlng tor luMr 1 or 56 Ipi (or MANUAL SOUND with 600 (t. Slandard |, ON SOUND RECORDING • Unjurpassed brilliant plo turfi... 13V 10QW „. Olth. > Menltsrlng through |neW, Double Belted For You go thru ice, mud Fully iufonnilij threading with «M ft, Mic rillKlor Tungstiii porated speaker with ad- ••rliriinrplrturt with a New IIV, n W Halogen Bulb. luitablt volume. • or««t tr«ctlon In mow and snow...or Oithrelf rtHiiijtiir Tuiwittn H«|og«n bulb. • Niw extrj mniitlva ftcuj|n3 knob lor • • Long tire wear supsr jharp picture, ll lmmodl»| |y • PrB|«et«-will«il|gitiufii. • Ntw convenient contriil • Real Jtrensjth (or WE PAY THE TOW! •llmijitti iliy "selMejeui," anil bFlBHe in ruscjM winter driving thi ihirpiit, eliirtit Bltfurt, iighfi, Rod fsr recording, lALI PHIEI SALi PRICE P.I.T, ombll t M Sound Separation CiounrJ Ambir for Sound - on - SIZE BLACKWALL. WHITEWACL Nrtlrt ' ri ?*l * " ' ' Pl» prtei«dliigij|etgr«)lUpi Sound recording. Other tins at comparable ilill (11,1 E78xl4 $31,82 134,62 2,33 savings. Ice Grip studs $ F78xl4 33.45 36.45 2,50- '229 available 078x14 35,28 37,21 2.67 369* H7!xl4 39.58 2,92 878x14 nit 38.21 2.74 HONEYWELL PENTAX SP1000 H78xl5 37.S1 40.53 2,97 V J78X15 . —• • 42.17 3,13 Pf0"fOlTllailCC" With exclusive BSmm POCKET-SIZED AUTOMATIC! FREE MOUNTING L78xl5 44.76 3,11 On a DUdget! Takumir lent for crisp, clear The Hew PRO TRIMAtiC 100 by HOHEKWELL .!N.NiIBiB — " reiultt from ths toughsit lijhtlno situations WHEELS - DELCO BATTERIES - DYNAMIC IALANQINO Hijhly-tccufiti through the lens exposure meter, shutter ipeedsUp to 1/1000 second, FP and X synchronization. FIRESTONE - PIRELLI - STEEL BELTED RADIALS Honeywell Introducti th« new " TRULY AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ... ONLY $ ducti th« new " fliih to CHARGE EM • BANKAMERICARD • MASTER CHARGE h" tit! 159' handt M »v«ry Rnotographirl

2009 MORRIS AVE.f UNION PHONE 688-6573 39 MIUT0WN RD. UNION 964-7272 OPEN EVES'TIL CHRISTMAS _ . (NEXT-TO THE BANK)- yNION-GAMERA T THE BANK) *""*" -""•-"" BEGINNINBEGINNINGMON.G MON., , DECDEC.. 99 Thursday, DseembBr 5, 1974. GALL an 'AD-VISOR' THEY'RE ALL IN SUBURBAN _^^686-770| 0 TODAY! DEADLINE TUES. NOON „ FOR THURI. JUBL^ 1 OB Merchandise lor Sale IS Pi]no Tuning Help Wanted Mm I Women I Hdp Wanted Men & Women Help Wanted Men & Women Help Wanted Men 4 Women 1 I lea Market BAHPIT INITALLID UNION Wetnodist church. BREAKFHONT FOR TV, Wall to.wall Plus repair* GIBRALTAR MOVING CO PIANOS TUNED Overtook Ter & Berwyn st, STIRIO S. BOOKS. Custom built («p«rl«nced C«H ".nay Low rites, personally supervised, ALIO Union. Sat., Dec 7. 10 a m. to 4 Bv Furniture Crs*. Solid birch 755 4781 insured, furniture peaaed Local J. PIANOS BEPAIRID P m. Gift Items, white elephants, witn cherry finish, 6(1 inehes long, stalewide Snort trjps is #na from. COQiCINSitl PS 54114 NURSING Santa, children's room, bake shop 11 Incties high. Must Be leen to 24 hour servtce Free estimate! ~ __^_ M t,f 74 L luncheon ippreciati liking JS7I. mm] Piano specialists !« 5700 SHI ENGINEER Z 12 SlOt Ilillngs 3! W, i!MI Ul-tltJ Plumbing t HMting ?S INDUSTRIAL/MECHANICAI. CAREER BteYCLIJ lOYS (2! Red Rsleigh RilM' Auction Sales H in 3 speed, bey'i bike, good TONYIUIINSKI AFTERNOONS EVENINGS 11 WEEKENDS " PLWMBINS 1 M~iAtlNO'* condition. 1 black, 7i in. Columbia SuspensH ciillngs, wall Impairs, remodeling, violatjons. Ffediion tfitl pgfii msnufatiturii if fan fhqjlinglng OPPORTUNITIES Call ]!B.0M» after S10 P.m.. . __ painting, home repairs Light hauling t. moving Prompt, 272481? courteous service. Call 3il.?7fl Bathrooms, kitchens, hot water OLD TIMI AUCTION t. Book toilers, sleam 5, hot »al»r Sale, Sat. evening, Dec 14,17 I NCH BLACK vinyl sofa 4 btacS ' "AM ~ —^- — R 11 V iystirns modern sewer cleaning in meehini itie^ pincfiefii. Eniphiiiit gn tethnUil knsw}- iponsored bv Hillside Lodge i'nai vinyl reciiner, 2 yeari old 1HORTLINI MOVERS Commercial & residence call RN's B'rith at War MemOfiar Bldg., Intetient eonditlon lili 374 1SO3 ACKAOINO 1 ITOBAGI! APf> idgs gf mylti^tpindis ntdemjiiit ilr*w mgLhin?»_ WijJ Ctmetif)! Plots 36 Mere Triefier. Ej ! 04«. , .j5. Lioerty Ave,, Hillside. Book sale, 6 after S P.M. IANCE MOVING »" HOUR x ( |iig"id# tngk>Uu! ijppeit is ihep, pgrtkyiaFly aj*a= pnv; auction, I p;m; Fantastic " - : —-- R u 5 is IBVICE 416 7247 SuVBRigiT' PLuMllNs 1 : NO ROTATION REQUIRED merchandise for the holidays! HOLLYWOOD B 1 1 *7 MIATINO. Gas heat ins! ms(is ifriw m tjhif'i dp pi, Prficeii h ImpfQTi mgRy^ HOUSIHOLDITIM! B ——^—- Z IS S3 11 plus MO nobby models, incl. tanks, MEMORIAL PARK .epslrs, Bemodeiing, Electric ft!c(uHng me I harts s>i ell company prsdudi, & Oeihsemane Oaraens MOVING bewer closning J4 hr Svc 174 aircraft, boats; ajso sortie atready Local k Long Disfanrs Speciality Areas: Garage Sales 12 asiemoied: >ri. ia'. i Sun . after Mausoleum l t 4IS7 EXCELLENT BENEFITS PACKAGi tuyvesant Aye., Union SlajJOO free Estimates 12 noon 5S4 passalc Avt;. Insured Keniiworfh Office 1500 StuyvesantAvs,union basement ialfJ hemti, 1 (Keep us moving ana you save] Siirid rrSyitiS, er £§[( icu a scu 9 Ridgiweod T#r , - i—— . . K 12.15 II —-—-^— H t EM Rettiptaliun Service Good starting salaries p Die 7 H I. Sat. L Sun. 90" ITALIAN PROVINCIAL, PAUL'S M&AAAAOVING 789-1121 EXT. 212 Liberal employee benefits 10 3 PM. antique white, satin sofa, good Child Gift 3SA IMS vaushalj Rd.,union Iicellent working conditions condition, i ISO Pair eronse RI FIJI 01 i ATloir K 12 S If candelabra, table lames, $150 call — —— - H t I 1,1 RiPAIRi Apply or call personnel Dept BASEMENT SALE M3ny new & IUWM0VIN0 1 HAULING ACCURATE BUSHING CO, uiid household appliances, 447)173 At Anli Inflation prices — X U S 1! BFASONAiLi SATIS WIN Free estimatp 171 ing) A UNIT OF EX-CfU.O COUP bfeiliri. blfndtr;' mixer, REGISTER NOW!! Mglamint wire^ ridioii BFidge CALL m Of71 k 13 5 71 OVERLOOK HOSPITAL tiblf set; electric hiittri; ilrtii GAS RANGE LITTLE RASCALS OR SJ2 3887 443 Nerth Ave. Gorwaotl, N,J, 07027 Summit 4 burner Kenmafe. -— — R US *7 193 Morris Ave, boat equipment. Many other NURSERY SCHOOL Rest Homes 79 itemi: FrUSat, I, Sun. 11 A=M. to 7 Good condition—S100 KELLY MOVERS (201) 522-2244 FM 73 PQ# Avf,, Niwark, Call 371 17!3, State lie. full &'jday sessions x Uil An iqual Opportunity Employer R 125 1 (Vllliburg^off 19. Orange Avf.) -_ 3- -— X 12 S IS 455 Blvd.. KenUworih LOCAL S, LONG DISTANCI UN6VfJNliw ANAOEME NT U%% side gnifinct. SIDE BY SIDI refrigerator, s ft. Agent.North American van Lines CMiRRV HILL BEST HOMI, white, 3 yri, old, KM or Beit offer Call 272.2381 The GENTLEmen movers ILIZASITH HOME LIKE J? 12 I 12 Console color TV sv illding doors. K 15 U ISA 382 1380 ATMOSPHERE CALL EL 37657 N|PICTOR-We art a — Ilil! AAAJOBS NQFIE r_s g r t a i i v # electronic TYPIST SIM or best offer. 3W4I7J, •j--~ XtfJS - Kit 21 15 LIOHTHAULING anufacturer seeking §n J.DILIVERV Still time to earn $1$ for that individual to ptrform iriepming FOR BAZAAR Sun., Dee. B. II . 5 P.M. Drissmaklng 40 EViNlNGS&WtiltiNrjS Siding SO last minute shopping spree we ilpecMon on electronic & war Memorial ildg.. Liberty Hi !0S7 have many openings. Come in, echanieai pgrti Also in process NEWSPAPER OFFSET SHOP Aye,, Hillside, snack bar, toys, PIANO RENTAL DRESSMAKING 1 — -• - R 12 1247 register and pick yourself a fihi! inspectien en PC board R§nt s WURLlTZEH PIANO: houiewares, groceries, gift items, A. VIIT ioB! We need all office skills. sembiti, harntsies & chassis WI WILL TRAIN YOU TO OPIRATI IOPHIITICATBD ALTiRATIONS iy Nancy Issier, MOViNO — Big lObs, small lobs Roofing Seamless Butters , CLIRKS TYPISTS From IS.Gu ptr msith: Appliesbie l student at Fashion Institute at clean out cellars and attics Will issemble & wiring Must be TYPiilTTINO EQUIPMENT. MODIRN iUILOING. tc purchili. Free estimates Do own work IICYS'" LIGALjICYS COMFOHTAILI WORKINO CONDITIONl. Technology, NYC. Call for aopt move any time Call 2J5 86*4 Bet N j _Jnsured Since 1932.373.1113. perieneed and able fs ftad BICVCLi, girl's, J speed, light iilgm 12 midnight j| BOOKKEEPERS eefflcal i mtehanical RONDO MUSIC weight, Schwinn, Like new. iiuep/tnts. We sffer ilbtrif CALL MR. DellNIDITTO f»OR APPT. HWY Jl AT VAUXHALL HD. ROOFING Students home for The holidays, lenefifs arid an appoftuniry for UNION 4I7.JJI0 / """" R11.S.1] ftii types. New or Repairs Outters- register now! idvane#rngnt. call for 6M.7700 HAt.f.l — - K t f IS Electrical Repairs W Florida Specialist Leaders Chimneys. Insured. tppelntmenf 3111300. Liminaire MATTRiSIBi, FACTORY FIR! LOOS, irregular, as is, Me Call 3740427 NIVERft Fli EVER lorp , Hihway, N.j. REJicTi: FROM leading each, reg. 99e ea. Case of 6, $3,10, P -——==— R 12=5-1 Manufacturers, 1S3 N, Park St., cash 1. carry. 354 2662. also Broken J IM ILiCTRIe SALES TILLIHS East orange; open 9-f; also aOJ pieces, S2 box appro*. 10 IBS. Residential h commercial wiring, ALLSTATE ROQFJNG STAND-BY MAINTENANCE MECHANIC West Front St., Plalnfleid, -— X 12.19-li also Carrier room air conditioner Local Along r>JN free 6I7.S157 Qi"ck (Head-Tellers) X 1-f-lS t WAGON WHEELS, 3 ft high, sales. Call MJ.M19clays, eves, J52- itarting rate 15.3! per hour. Good DON ALIBCKIR,MOR Estimate iervlee Temporary Personnel ippertunitv to grew with small If you like people... HEALTH FOOps. we carry a full good condition 10 ft. heavy duty line ot natural foodi, honey, talf electric extension cord, antique 3 '-' KTF.4J fiKiallilng In all type roofs and 427 Chestnut St.,Union •stablished plant. AAust be able to If you're doubt- seamless gutters, fully insured nsptet, repair, replace, instali, free i lugarlesi foods, nuts. IR. burner gas plate. 964-94«7__ JOHN POLITO . Licensed Ilest 564 7717 and people like you.., Above all a good roof. ^ adjust i, maintiin an mfchanleal ful about your VJNpTON HIALTH FOOD — R 12.5-15 rieal Contractor. Repairs & EqualOppOrtunjty Employer STORE. 9 Orange Ave,, Irvington CABINET SINK, white porcelain, maintenance. No |ab too small equipment. Good prei/leys work Hi-mi. SUMMIT HIALTH JIPF ALTI Roofing, leaders, record a must Apply gt: we are offering a chancts to move 54 inch. Reasonable, sood Call us for prompt service EL 2- Odd lobs 70 " 12 ! 1 FOOD STORE. 494 Springfield condition, call 375-5014 after S p.m. Butters, repairs, re.rooflng. Call !4 ALL SKILLS UNION STEEL CORP, ahead in your Ave., lummit. CR.72O50. _ —— R 12-5-15 —— ' K tf44 hrs 7 days a week lor emergency TYPIST CLERKS 150 Stanley Terr .Union M72M0 present position R t.f.15 CHILD'S round table, : captain repairs Expert workmanship, 241 5ICY5 WHSI CAREER FRUIT baskets made to order EXPERT electrical repairs, all JUNK FOR DUAAP K12I;) chairs, blonde maple. Very good small appliances, lamps, toasters, MATERIAL HANDLERS ^ATURI woman needed to sit and If you're an from 15. Cider, apples, quality condition 120. Call after 4 P.M. 687- All appliances, furniture, wood NOFE! HIOHBATES th I, care lor elderly lady Union fruiti i vegetables. Herb's Farm etc. Convert vases 1 bottles into and metals taken away Attics, experienced tell- lamps. All work guaranteed. Call Basements and garages cleaned irea, part time Wrile Class., BO* OPPORTUNITY Market 331 South Ave,. Orwd. W MM155. Prompt service Sewing Machmi Repair; 83 884. Union Lea'der, 1291 er consider what J4M. out; Reasonable rales. JJJ 2713. .tyyyesani Ave,, Union. reasonable prices. —— ~X 1212 70 A-1 TEMPS for men and women -^—^— X 1J.5 IS Dogs, Cats, Pels ————— K 15,12,44 WIN.Wood Av, Linden Mi-1601 R 1251 we have to off«r. IRV CAN FIX IT, Painting 1955 Morris A«.,UnigfW44 1301 WIDICAL AliilTANT part time with ambition AAATTRiSSIS Carpentry. Electrical, Plumbing M & V SiWINO _•_•——•_•__—- H 13 5 1. n sector's oilice Apply to class. FACTORY CLOSE'.OUTS DOG OilDIINei—a week Entertamment 41 repairs ana new Installation. No I. CO Union Leader, 1291 First National Tremendous Savings irnad course. iJO. union, westfleld ob too small. Reliable & MACHINES. DOM- AVON In sales kbl;^^!, sni Ave , Union names. Round, King, OueeniTwIn, ^MiaBith, Iseiin and Summit, NJ PUPPl f "theatre" of "joy" " H and ESTIC & INDUSTRI. H IS | 1 State begins by Roil a ways, iunk beets. Hi Risers. To buy or Sill Call Bur District You will enjoy working with a COO COLLIGI, 417-235] puppet show for olrthdays 1 MQTILCLIRK paying excalient AAATTRESSII BY schools, lodges, Christmas special ATTENTION HOMiOWNMSI AL SEWING MACH= Manager: Irvingten Area: 371 group ol great people, Ybu will . Rtf.17 Attics, cellars, garages and yards 3100. Scotch Plains Area: 7J6 4iJ8. NO IXPIRI1NCI REQUIRID LOiT! Mini setiniujer, collar a, 5dayS. 4 PM to 12 midnight salaries and pro- GEORGE CLIP a, SAVE: JJIIWO. cleaned. Ail dirt and rubbish INES BOUGHT, Rahway, Union, Rosette, Elizabeth license. Answers to "BUTTONS." T removed. Leaders and gutters Area: 353-4880, Mapiiivoed Area: CALL 371 3000 vIdlng un- 1105 South Ave (Rt.Ml Vic. Chestnut St., Union. Reward iy«CIIIPUL?AilTtIS SOLD & REPAIRiD, 731.7300 Summit Area: 273-0702, — HISSI Plainfie(el,NJ.M10M6 BRAMIINI Magic, Music anandd cleaned, trucking, very reason, _ H 12,5 1 MUSICIANS wanted for serious Mackli Brothers, equaiied bene. OpenMon.Sat.f.tP.M. Balloon sculptures. Available fof r able rales. 925-8422 OR 245.6041. working writers. Must be fits. But that's -. -- R US-15 all types of social functions. Call ASSISTANT maintenance man M lualified. Ail aspects of music, You will call only on people that ANTIQUE hand hewn beams for info, or booking Mi.jffj F er assistant sexton, part time, Wtntid to Buy 18 seals, able to read, understand, have shown genuine interest. ' only the start! (huge selection), fireplace, mantel " K 12.1245 DID care of church. Short Hills area. vHat's laia down Drums, piano interior painting, plastering, References,, car necessary. Good What we're look- beams, wide flooring, barn siding, Tutoring 91 and bass a must, horns and strings antique doors. Call 647.3ISS. MAGICIAN with down. HAL B. carpentry, window chains, glass pay. Cell Or 91531 alter i PM, needed also Meilew acoustic style, advertising prop ing for is bank- Origlnil RecyclonScripMstil PAL, Ideal entertainment fo.- 8§ Isabella Ave., Newarkrk.. 374.611374.6511 — . X 12111 — -_ ; • X 12 5-15 MAX WIINSTEIN SONS birthdaysbirth s,, shows, organizations sriginil material - A lot of work Call X 11-28-70 TUTORING- Qualified (•acher BEAUTICIAN ihead serious people working in wimse™tlvelyBiipectiSO% ing talent, SINCE WJ0 | Cll Hal MeyersM , 949444 "~ NIID ODD loos done! ..„ . wishes to tutor grades 41, Math, WITH FOLLOWING 2424 Morris Ave,, Union as? ' cleaning [armeny together will make this people who want All New, Famous Brands garages, basements, attictti s English and Reading, please call UNION »ork 4i00 PM weekdays Ask tor Daily (I, Sat, 1-2 «S-j2J4 hauling debris, general clean up iWys after i CALL Hi 9674 or 142 3417 a future com- Furniture Repairs 50 —————— HA M-»l IBM (Mil 527 2917 M <1 —. ———— R 12 5 1 personality, it you like people and FURNITURE WANTID " * "". ,1,1,70 IXPIRIINCID HISH SEHOOL BOONKIIPIR AISIITANT — „- HA ill mensurate with thiy lite you, you can earn tram OLD TOY TRAINi flACHiR WILL TUTOR Diversified work, modern NURSISRN'S their abilities. Priced Far Below Retail AND MITAL TOYS ANYTMINfiWJDIVIRYTHING SPANISH." ANY CIVIL, CALL equipment, air conditioned office. $20,000 to MOOT. harge nurse, full time S, part Busy, dynamic Top qualify mfpi, Mki Dresij, M54M SPECIALTY AN DCARPENTRY A AFTER" 4 P» 6I6UM Mitlburn Springfield ire#- Many limo, 3 to 11 shift, liherii salary t, HAT-Ftl company Benefits. Phone 379 4100, For I complete evaluillon to sei Kethler, Thdmaiyiltf insludid^ ° Miss Shapiro. aenefits. Accredited in service, if you haw a sales Mriif with First National Livingrosmd. dining feems, '"•'"* X1MI.7D i.C.F. 1 nursing home located in bectrDomi, tibjti," larnpi, TV SIT WANTED Equal Opportunity employer Ivestfield, N.J, "Call 233-9700 for ui lor your future; State with Its mCS, YARDS, GARAGES, : maitrfiiei, gte. AH n&w. Som# PORTABLi.BLACIt&WHITB oarage Doors —— R 1211 ippt. from I to 3, headquarters in as is fFefght iilvagi, |yy a «. COLOR CALL M>isJ4, 52 CELLARS CLEANED Real Estate ' K12-5-1 JUNKHAULEDAWAY. P Call today.,2PM to Newark 'and 30 pigce, a group, or (urniih am • - X t.Mi CLERKS ART time general office work . ipirtmgnf; $avifrem30 70 ! OARAOE DOORS, INSTALLED, CALLMiaCALLMiaili filing, typing, etc. Mature woman. 4 PM...(201) 635-8600 Bargain! guaranteed. Se§ OLD CLOCKS WANTED Ask for Ruth. 606 5W0 branch offices Is garage extensionsxtensio , repairpars ««. "" X 12-19-70 Ask for Mr. Mitchell them new! Any eondltLon, Tofj gr|tf» paid. seylJirylJ, elisfrlelisfrlifl e ('D washKt, carpet cleaning, etc. Call ltlBH17S,J,l»S, METAL PRODUCTS 1971 Leftover Modtls Available immediattly. Make own CALLORAFPLY . nent wave for tig. Shampoo "!^t .....-, JLUJ-MB heat & hot wafer, lijimontft, see and Displays *==f "s'foris^"^«? ~*CT 01 3767200 1 789-1121 EXT ,212 IntectlonIntectlolonn.. molding operoperaflonjeraflonja . ORS, fo S Air Hockey .,.,,' j 9900 x afacarpentrl y trim" work; «lr, Heeht In drug stora "In llCommirei it.,ipr|ngfleld,Nj seconsecodd shiftshift . Noo experiencexri e Alesiander St., Vallsburg, J7i»|aJ7|,7iaii Bowl-0-Game % f9 nj| Asphalt Driwwijfs 25 Masonry , it •^«scaffoldi 'VIM?, mnmiefClSlcommercial.. VsVSFry building. ACCURATE BUSHING CO, necessary, call 241 Mil, or Ml V Slate Tablt ,1270 00 rea_Bnable, Free estimate, free Z12.I.101 x ilMMflyIuyi»«Uli minor repairs, Polly Insured IRVINOTON (!!„-.*rl. A UNIT'OF iX.CBLLO CORP —— ~ n Uil ALT Drlvew.y,, mMna ALL MAIONHV-ittps, 3 .rooms, heat & not wafer, IdHI 44)NorthAvi. oarwood.NJ SECRETARY 7'Slatete«n ,,,.,.,,,,,11M.OO IW. All vrert aene with power sidewalks, waterpreollng. Self 374,1436 or 3734000 for Business couple or newly weds Anlquaiepportunltyimployer Ixptrlineed secfefiry needed to, 1' ilattteen 1110,00 roller. AM Kinds masonry, James employed, Insured, A, ZAP- only, Vacant Jan." 1, 2nd floor of Situations Wanled LaMprgtsa, II Paine Avi,, |rv. PULLO, MU 7M7t ar IS J.*7t FAINTINB. Carpentry, inie'rlori X 12-5-1 wort In the executive dHlees of the I'Hate, ...... iiMS.OO eiterior work. Free estimatesi , No company. Mult have excellent Savings up to 4 percent •S 2 3023 _*seerelafy [sinking IMI.R0VIMPROVEI YOUVOUR homt,MAi1 W» small. «l^.Xiiw;) 8IR1..MAN.Wanted for short "hand and typing skills, cut stick specials save JJ.00 , • _ Kt.f.Jj Interesting position, excellent paid Mrttlmeoffleework,or, PELICAN POOLSINC. brick or stone fir, and any luncheonette, Nice section •1;.T1I ^i=. *..Jl^^ _< !_: T _ benefits and good starting ialiry. RT. 18, EAST BRUNSWICK, N.j, IRVINOTON downtown aril. Full er part time, Please call Mrs. Lauxman, Ml. Building Materials 30 3 rosms,H oarden Apt., heat k hot mmi Mr, ivans, ' 5000, ixt. 346 for appointment. M0NI¥ lACK ...... (Hex! to Two Guys) 2M water, AC, oarkPng. Feb. 1st reteivlns scslo masiajei irem a FHONBJJ4JM4 ANPIRSIN WINDOW IA ar occupancy. IMS plus security. 373 Ellzabethtown Gas Co. scalp iBtclillst «nd you weri X W-S-H IHIS MAINTINANCI MAN unskilled fws'MPicTURiiN R1M for light dgtles, Retiree AniqualOpportunitYlmplqyer disUtlsflM. VVrlts to B, Lataro, 12 ILIOANT SPANISH dining room, Sowi We speclallte In digging 1135101 considered. Meals 4. uniforms Donald St., Apt. D, Bloomfleld, 9 pieces, matching blue area rug, IRVINOTON —— J—'_ X13-J-1 NJ, 07001, We'rt trying fa gel your CALL f M.0M7 aftir 5 basement! . wafBrproaflng . J room apartment, Included, Call 763-4341. . . _. SUPER light duties—11 unit K12.J.7 drape & chandallV> M00. Spanish s=fcB—__ Hi foundations . want • initainng garden apti. Port time. Couple, no money Back, living room, red & Black seta b newcsmenl floorj. All kind* ot utilities supplied. Cou children. May be employed or Business Opportunities 8 X114-10 love seat, black velvet chair, Carpsntiy maionrv work. AipFalt 1175, call between i g, retired. Iryington loc*tron, Wrlti commode, lamp, tandlfsbra drlvr- - *SS. " NOTICE TO jBt APPLICANTS to Class., Box.lJJj, Unlpn Leider, sconce, black cuitcrm man drapM Iviwayi. & accjissories, WOO. Excellent COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL ISI1 Ituyvesant Aye., Union, •AtrilHffLTNfrHOpT'nTonu , SARPIMTIR CONTRACTOR Thlt BswlBaMr «ts not private BaMlnBi ipp't, «. w K 12 5 IS BALL64J.14I7 knowingly Kettlt Milp wsntid clientele, call Jamtj, mu lt!.Iii All types remodeling, addltlsni, odi from tmtlmn esvtrM «y SWITCHBOARDOPERATQR X li.2i.10 HOLIDAY TOY SALE repairs 4 alterations. In.urM ttti pair tlfcr milliards AM WANTID Used & new toys. Bargains I Sun., Wm, P. Rlvlin, m-mt. wttlsh •ppllB « •mBloyrTUnt in •stablished company With new 300 Dec, I, at Cong, lath Shalom, —. • —— K M.1J SIDBWALKS-Slep!. All brick Intmttti esmmeref, if tiny series switchboard rewires neat, Instructions, Schools VauMtail Rd. 8. Cedar Avi,, Union, ana block worN, M yiari' offwImtlimttiilBSil minimum able person tor busy switchboard W AM.J FM. CARPINTiR-CONTRAeTOR pii. Fully Insurid. prei w«« lil.oo an hour for thott K12-51K12515 SiV.rMprlOf u.ry 1,1147, and Hke office duties. Hours I to S plWo.Tr «I1T new frlindi Social Club, Addition!, kitchen* 1 bath i Silf amBleyid M P.M...-5 flays. ExttllWt starting MOVING out of stall. Mult Mil, remodeling. All typn repalri __, sn? Kw in hour '«, nn>ly intermediate, Jlvopeed, widowed. lepsmted and custom mass living room, ttvtriiimDHymlor ffll to ny salary with bonus, Blut cross, MUilc, music theory, iy ilngle persons, Jack or Marie m- altaratloni. Free eiilmatti. R, mi ippiiemf awftlmj, Bluf Shield, Mnlor medical, life bedroom, din furniture, s, Helnie, 687-WM. Tfcl! ntwipapflf dots nst insurance, pension, free par1-1— cofflpitent mstryen«mstryen«nsn _ by refrigerator, excellent condition. Reliable persons only, need a prffsilonfproffsilonfii performerf , 4447.2J7J, . — - -"—• K t-l-32 Contact Mrs. Coleman, " iMleiTt • pfiftrwet PIANO, organ S, Vol» (iuoK'n DOORi, paneling, partltloni, m from mrtw™ BORING & PARTS CO., etlllngi, sHeetracK flnltnM west, Union, N,J.M4.O7I4 irni, IJeaMnablt rifM, Cali saviicd ,by , thi Agi weeMi X8ffaGM% basernents, attlci L formlco 'oiicflmlniilon Iti Wrtmyt leal, 4 chain • 110, flnlinlngi. Call Tarn «7.M47_ 4JM- ealrtlWWt +H+S* TELBPHONe Solicitors work •-•: ,for_mfi£i , from home, clothing drive,'/-—' ORfjAN PLAYBR PIANO •XICUTiyil read our want antique, old roll! & b«nch. whan hiring employee!. I lMEL excellent condltlon.$150D.- about yourself to over u suburban housthoidii Call J3S4, inyilme, Receniiy FKoMltlMM, HMIM, X 1I.1J.18 R H41J 7700, dally 9 10 5:00, R l j,i.f •Thursday, December 5, 1974- Public Nolice Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Public Nutlet certificate, a license sticker, and a Apirtmenls for Rent 161 Apirtminii Hinlid Houses For Salt 111 NOTICE OF APPLICATION lection 1-7. MANNER OF registration certificate Issued to application for prop«r registration any section. sub.section, 102 QPERATiNO-OINIRALLY bicycle Identlliestln eard. paragraph,sentence, or any other Take notice that application has The certificate of registration such person as licensee thereof, and Inspection Iherof, and paid one ~IRVlN0fON~(UPpIli)~~~' been rnad» to the Alcoholic Any person operating a Bicycle together .with the name addrssi, dollar to-llie Township for the part of this ordlnana Is Judges LANDLORDS — ttq lake shall at ail limes do so with due Shall have the following unconstitutional or invalid, such union Maplewood line. Coiy ] Beverage control Board of the Information: the same number as phone number, and birth date of reieaseof the bicycle. This penalty exclusive listings #1 he cost to you. Oeo PATQN A5SOC Town of irvlngton to traniler to regard lor the solely of pedestrian Ihe person to whom said bicycle is In addition to those provided judgment shall not aff*et, Impair, room apartment In private Realtors the license; th« owner's name, or Invalidate the remaining part of residence. Convenient to public We have qualllled tenants seeking Acnclo yillanl trading at Traffic and vehicular traffic as well as for was sold or transferred, iuch under sections M and 11 of this be 416 Chestnut St., Hoselleck said operator'! own safety. If shall address, phone number, and Birth this Ordinance, but snail transportation 1 or 3 adults all sue apartments, as well as Llq -Dsll lor premises locttid at date, the make and IVpe of the report shall bf made within five ordinance. preferred No pets, illfj month furnished rooms through Essex & 24116B6 151 FlorencS Ave., irslngtpn the be unlawful for any perion riding a days of the daft of said sale or confined to Its effect on that part of — Z 12 S 111 blcyc|e to ride other than upon or Bicycle, the (lie of the wheels, the Section MS. FEES. For the first this Ordinance directly Involved Security reoulred Available Jan Urnon counties we srs also plenary retail distribution licinst type of tires and brakes, the serial transfer. It shall be the fluty of fhe license Issued pursuant to this 1st 371 9S6I interested in property SPRINGFIELD No D 15 Heretofore Issued Io Htrlde a permanent and regular purchaser or transferee of such in ihecontroversy In which tuch , management For further Ricnard Harper tfadina as Traffic seal attached thereto, or toehold number, and any other bicycle to apply for a transfer of Ordinance, the sum of one dollar lodgment Is rendured. 20% DOWN PAYMENT onto any other moving vehicle, or permanent, identifying features/ shall be paid to the Township of | information please call ESSEX Dell. A. Liquors located al 151 space for a new Owner's name, registration therefor within live Springfield, For each renewal of SicfionS.i.iFPieTIVEDATi. I COUNTV APT FINDER!, INC., to qualified buyer Fabulous 4 Plorence Ave., Irvinglon. to coast with both feel off (xstois, days of said sale or transfersfer,. This ordinance shall take effect I. 2 1 3 room apartments, bedroom, \i, bath home Askino or to race, or to do tricks or fancy address, ana phone number. The Section Jlj. DESTROI any such linns* the sum ol fifty furnished & unfurnished ' Broker Vu 6363 Otiiectlons, If any, should be certificate shall be In triplicate: tion Jlj. DES OYINB cents shall be paid. Immediatily upon final passage l I 12 5 101 SSI.500 IVIS 447 399! Realtor made immediately In writing to riding, or 10 remove both hands LICENSIENSEE STSTICSTICKERI K , and publication In the manner Immediate occupancy. Starting QAKBIDGERIALTV 376 4133 Irom the handlebars, or to carry the top sheet shall be for the In eases where » transfer of ; Yeun9 builniss couple seek ] valentine Meissner, Town clerk. present owner's records,' the REGISTRATIOSTRATION CICIRTIFICATIR , provided by law, from in week 1 up issEX • -— • -- -- z 135 ill more persons af one time than the ownership Is made, the fee for such COUNTV APT FINDERS- INC bedroom apartment, under 1300 Municipal Bldo . Irvinoton. N J second sheet shall Be sent to fhe OR SERIAS L NUMBER transfer shall be fifty cents. Section 6.1.* POLICE BICYCLI 5PRIMOFIELD 07111 number for which the bicycle is Broker Only fee S30 374 4s!3 per month, in good irea Call si; designed and equipped, or to carry ileyele Board when the ownership PROHIilTID, No person shall The fees set forth herein may be SAFiTY IDUCATION JJSv after « PSA Large 5 room Ranch, fireplace, ACAC1O VIULANI is transferred, the bottom sheet, remove, destroy, over, mutilate, modified by amendment to the fee PROGRAM IN LOCAL SCHOOLS, 1 perch, attached oarage- Apple pie Bulky or large packages, or to ride ' -^— ~^-— Z 12 S 102 3 4 Elrtiwood Ter on ley pavement. or card, Is for the eoard's flies. or alter any license sllekir ordinance of the Township of It shall be the duty of the chief of ww condition Low SOS Call 1766463. Irvingten, N,j, The certificate need not be carried attached to any bicycle or any police to set up, administer, and 1 | I'/i ROOM apirtrnini, UpBer Springfield, .6 leva I or building, 3 ? ream Irvinoton, wanled for immediate — I Hi in lr« H»>sld, Dec S. 12, 1574 SAMIRIDINOON at ail times. But must be available registration certificate or serial Section Ji, PBNALTIiS- maintain a Bicycle safety program spar! ment available. $514 per occupancy it possible, with heat I, SPHINOFIILD (Fee sii 04) . No person of the age and produced to verify ownership number of any bicycle during the OINiRALLY. Any person In the ioeai schools. The aim of this month Ste sup! , Mr Spei'= 1*6 not water ilsorange Call 3746805 of thirteen years or more shall if requested by the Board or the time in which such sticker or violating any of the provisions of program is to educate school-age SiUVv^Sant five , !rvingiQp alter S p HA LOWER PRICED operate any bicycle on any police. eertllieate Is operative. Nothing In children in both Ihe statutes, sldevylk In the Township of this ordinance (hall, upon ordinances,rules and regulations _---— — 7 15 5 181 Choice of two Colonial homes The bicycle identification card this section shall prohibit the convlctlpn thereof, M punishable IRViNGTON available in fhe S3S's Botn win 3 ORDINANCE NO,»CUH SprlnHfleld except for the delivery Board from stamping or engraving governing the operation and use of 1NTITLIO of newspapers or other shall have the same Information by a fine not eicesdlng five Bicycles and recognlied safety ^fegms, 2nd floor, supply own heat CONK}! FOR MLi bdrms Assumable mtge on i if thereon as the license slicker and numbers on the frames of bicycles hundred dollars or, escept In the & he' water 374 7325 Call after A qualified Phone new ' AN ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE merchandise and tnen only If fhe on which no serial number can be ease of a corporation, procedures In Ihe use and P.M. OWNERS OR OTHIRS IN operator Is moving in the same also space for the new found or on which the number Is operation of same, direction as the nearest lane of Owner's name, address, and phone imprisonment for 8 Period not Z12S101 CHARLES A. REMLIHGER CHARGE, AS HIRIINAFTIR number it shall be .In Ihe Illegible or Inadequate for exceeding ninety days, or both, in lection 7. If any part or parts of IRVINGTON Realtor 376 3319 DEFINED, (OF BUILDINGS motor vehicle traffic iieveles identification purposes. ! operator's possession at all times. the discretion of the munielpai this Ordinance are for any reason Modern A C 3 J room garden apt Z 17 h 111 USED FOR RESIDENCE shall always yield to pedestrians. The license stickers shall be Section 213. BICYCLES FOR ludge hearing the matter. The Held to be Invalid, such decision in gogd location Near shopping Condominium UNION PURPOSES, WHICH HAVE HAD Any person who has not rsatheo HIRE No person engaged In the registration and license of any shall not jffeet fhe validity of the Center, church, tfAnseeriSiign 139,SOD, Crawford section mother APAHTMINT! DAMAOiB B'V his thirteenth birthday may numbered serially bejinning with i pY Start ing %38,h&8 the Number 1, shall bear the I business of renting bicycles for person convicted for violating this remaining portions of this idie QceupisptY Rpfi!. Swimming pool, lecai and New daughter, living room, dining THI DISCHAROI OF SURFACE operate a bicycle en the sidewalk hire in the Township shall rent or ordinance may, in thedlseretion ol Ordinance, Business couplle pFP'eFr' e gf WATERS ACCUMULATED legend "Springfield, N.J." shall information. 171 U7fi Vnrk buses step at deer Nettled 1 room, 3 bedrooms 7 lull hath* en either side of a street only if 'oiler for rent any Bicycle which the Bicycle Board, be suspended Principals only Call 4(7 4417 PURINQ A RAINFALL, AND said person at no time while so indicate the date upon which the Section i All ordinances or weekends black away from shopping *fM license empires, and shall have the has not been registered and for a lenglh of time not less than parts of ordinances Inconsistenf a»fl i higck away from parfe UNION l"""1 WHICH APARTMENTS HAVE rising enters onto the street if licensed ai directed in This nne nor more than twenty days. - — 7 I! h 101 BEEN REPAIRED AND said person while so riding on the phrase "Bicycle License" thereon, with the provisions of this IHVINOTON JUST STARTING? THEREAFTER OFFERED TO sidewalk will enter or does enter it stiaii be attached to the frame of I Ordinance Section 32. 5AMI- ordinance »fe hereby repealtd. 3 room%, 2nd fleer %175 plus GARDEN STATE PHOSPICTIVI TENANTS FOR fhe bicycle by the Board Section III INSPECTION BY VIOLATIONS iY MINORS, Any Arthur H. iuehrer, do hereby Great opportunity for couple onto the street, he must then move POLICE; PROCIDUHi TO l! tint ' security Dec srryps'"* rsil in needing only 1 bedroom to buy Ri-RINTAL, WITHOUT FIRST in the same direction as the Seclion J 10 TERM OF person who shall violate any of the certif_ _ yf the foregoing 7601 CONDOMINIUM NOTIFYING IUCH FOLLOWiD IF BICYCLI provisions of this ordinance and ordinance was introduced for first small 7 family home Estra nearest lane of motor vehicle REGISTRATION, BIENNIAL UNLICENSED. The Township of i \i i ini CALL. GORCZVCA AGENCY income will help pay mortgage PROSPiCTIVI TINANTS OF trail ic. INSPICTION The registration who, because of his age, is not reading at a regular meeting of IRVINOTON THI PRIOR DAMAOI BY Springfield police may Inspect any sublect to the jurisdiction of the the Township Committee of the ! W 3«! 3511(74 143,500 Call nowi FVf'i 6U7~3M0 certificate provided for in this 4 v room apartment 5ng floor, Section 19 SAMi^LIAVINO bicycle being operated or used on municipal court, shall, tor the first Township of Springfield, in the -- -- Z I! S 101B Realtor SURFACE WATIRS OR THI ordinance shall be valid for as newly painted Grove Ter DANOER OF SUCH WATIR BICYCLI ON IIOiWALK OH long as the registered bicycle any street. Bicycle path, public oflense, be reprimanded in writing county of union and State of New Available immediately call 486 SPHINOFIELD DAK RIDGE REALTY 37(4825 DAMAGE OCCURRING IN THI STREIT. Nooperator of a bicycle remains in the ownership of the place, or sidewalk at any time to by the Bieycls ioard, which Jersey held on November 36, 1974 7730 ——~ lljllli FUTURI FROM THI SAME shall leave a bicycle lying or person initially registering the ascertain whether or not it has reprimand, stating the nature of and that the said ordinance shall 7 1} i 101 CAUSE), TO FIRST NOTIFY standing upon a sidewalk or street thereon a valid Township license the violation, shall be addressed to be submitted for consideration and CONDOMINIUMS!!! in a manner or position likely to bicycle, except, however, that | (IRi HOUSES Wanted li? EACH PROSPECTIVE TENANT each bicycle registered hereunder sticker properly displayed, or the parents or guardians of the linai passage at a regular meeting OF SUCH PRIOR WATER impede or endanger pedestrian or whether the bicyeie is in proper offender, A second offense will of the said Township"Committee to 3 rgum modem ap^ffmenl heaf L CONVENIENT I REASONABLE vehicular traffic, but said snail be inspected biennially. ?V5l walef , park IPS ^.ISQ Cjiil A**P- DAMAOI AND THE OANOER Application for said inspection mechanical condition to be Bring a notice from the Bicyeie Be held on December 19, 1?H in WE NliO i or ) hum,, ,„ OF SUCH WATER OAMAOI operator shall so place the bicycle operated safely. In the event that a Seard directing the offender and the Springfield Municipal Building *> P M . 374 818? lr as to avoid annoyance and danger snail be made as provided in - • --.... HHini • =" 3.3'; i rm yn.Ts trsm ( v , Va.U , or (Or our OCCURRING IN THI FUTURI Section j 4. upon successful bicycle Is being operated or used his parents or guardians to appear at 1:30 P.M. at which time and Clients Why nf,f q,VP ,|i, A try? of accident during said operator's without the proper license sticker IRVINGTON S19.6Q0 *e |34 ^pi Vppfhiy FROM THE SAME CAUSE,- AND inspection a new S year license before the Police Safety Officer place any person or persons ""sa^fenanff fror* yi yi includes Pmfeer abspnre or is in such a condition as to be and the ileyele board. The Board, interested therein will be given an WMhamsbufg Apis . 27 Linger* 4* fi 1 PROVIDING PENALTIES FDR sticker shall be attached to Ihe s p^' %. ho »a*er Gfeenery TIME BEAL1Y ]»« JJ3S unfit for safe operation, the police 3 ? rgpml, A £ nd v dgal THE VIOLATION THEREOF, Section 110 frame by the Bicycle Board, in its discretion, may either opportunity to be heard concerning lOlnciinirjnft.r lrv R E 5 P 0 N 5 i 1 I L I T I I S OF shall, for the first offense, direct prohibit such offender from riding said ordinance. Copy is posted I 13 S 11? THEREBY CERTIFY that the PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Section 2 11 TRANSFER OF the operator to comply with this his Bicycle within the Township of on the bulletin board In the office of about ordinance No MC 3439 was The parent of any child and the HiGISTRATION; RIPORT TO ordinance, and may, for spring/leld for not less than One the Township Clerk. cai 376.2300 S,,I™,I introduced at the meeting of tne guardian of any ward shall not iOARD, SUYIR'S suBseguent offenses, either refer day nor more than twenty days or _4>JNE SILViSTiH | Offices for Rfnl I]7 Municipal Council Ot the Town of authorise or knowingly permit any PROCiDURi. It shall be Ihe the matter to the aieyeie ioard or may impound the offender's ARTHUR H, iUEHRIR, IRVINGTON> CO1SIS BeaHOfS Irvingfon, New jersey, held on such child or wgfd to violate any of duty ofevery person who sells or impound the bicycle until su£h Township cierk 2 family 1|( Moor 1 13 S 101B November 11, 1974. and after The^reviiions of this ordinance transfers ownership of any bicycle time as the owner shall have bicycle for not less than one nor Spfd Leader. Dee i, 1974 SPHINOFIILD publication according to law was SECTION 11 REGiSTRATIQN, to report such sale or transfer by procured the necessary more than twenty days. ; 1st UQQF H^Qdorii aHratlivt, (Pee: I14J.13) loafd. Room tire further considered lor final LICENSING, ANDSALi. returnino to the Board the Section 41, SIVIBAB1LITY. II 103 rcnvenipnt location completely passage and was finally adopted Section! 1 BICYCLE iOAHD- 111111111 1111 tflrpcled All S. utilities I " ' mil > iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiinii iiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii mi, III minim ii Muntiiti imii iniiiinitiiiiiinmiiK •ricludna in I?3S rjpr msrlth Ample On November 26, 197.1 after a Public ORGANIZATION There is hereby EiSIX NOUSI OF MONTCLAIN parkins call hC'tween 9 k *> 37§ nearinq a! a meeting of fhe created a Bicycle Board which ioarcfand Custodial Care Municfpai Council of the Town of shall be composed of the following 1614 " • persons Per Senior Citizens Z12SUI Irvingten, New Jersey. DEATH NOTICES )j3i Said ordinance was approved by a The Police Safety Officer Ihe Mayer and returned en designated by the Chief of police, iiiiiii iiiiiiiimiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiinjiiiiii itiiiiiiijiiMjiiiiiiiiiiiiriiit tiiiiiiiiiitiMMiiiiiiruiieriiiiijiiitiiijiii iiiiiiiniiiiTriir Minitiuiiitiit tiiiiiiiisiiMiiiiiiiuiittitiMi) utitiMitiurH IRVINGTON OfliceSpaceForRenl 111 December J, 1974 and will take a. The Recreation Director; # HARTLiY-On Nov. 30, 1974, The period ol mourning at the ^ -ooms li door n a !am 1* Fumiihed Rogms for Rin! 105 effect on December 33, 1974 c A representative 01 each local I iELLIW-On Wednesday, Nov. LOBUR —On Saturday, Nov 30, tl^fgpn ap^rimeri* Neat i hO' according to law school's PTA Safety Committee, • Margaret (nee Cashman), of 1974, Peter Sr , of Rahway, home of Mr. and Mrs" Myron UNION Dated December 3 d A representative of the PTA 27,1974, Oeorge fc, of 19« Hillside Newark, beloved mother of John J devoted husband of the late Sophie canson, 70 Mountalnview Rd,, Aiitrriggphea Dec ISsccypanty i Prime loealion Ht 33, also Ave., Union. N.J., beloved Hartley of Matawan and Mrs. Miilburn. Vfl'u'i aay-'i No pe»s S22O HILLSIDE VALENTINE I> MIISSNER Council Safety committee, husband of Alma walker, devoted inee Nastyn), father of Peter jr., J ipr.nofieid, 1st or Jnd lloori, IBM Catherine V, Morgan ol iliiabeth. L " fin Ave near Center fail ?63 Sleeping room. TV, near busline Towncierk e. A representative of tne St. father ol Mrs. Maxlne Weigand, Paul, John, jane Fiorellino and ITONI - Arthur w,, of Mlltbgrn, S3! ween. !?5 security ]5i 63|j sa (I 3300 so II . ample parking, Herald, Dec 5, 1974 James Mother's Guild Safety . Relatives and friends are kindly Julia Romanewich, grandfather of N.J., on Wednesday, Nov, 27, 1974, 16B ? I elevator, cleaning S, all utilities Brother 01 Wilbur Beliew, also invited to attend the funeral from Committee, survived by three grandchildren- 1! grandcniidrenand three great husband of the late imliie Z 12 5 101 I Owner, 6B8 4MS The FUNERAL HOMi OF grandchildren. Relatives, friends IRVINGTON I One person designated by the The funeral was conducted Irom Pllueger Stone, father of Mrs, cl&in steeping rsem fgr Jonathan Dayton Regional High • JAMBS F. CAFFREY I, SON, 109 and members of the St. John's Clarence w. Balr and Alfred L, Two bedroom modern air The MeCRACklN FUNERAL Choir were invited to attend fhe f man Convenienf fe Sehooj PTA, • " t HOME. 1500 Morris Ave,, Union, Lyons Ave. (corner Park PI.I, Stone, also survived by five conditioned garden apartments, TOWNSHIPOFSPRINOFIBLD Irvington, on Tuesday, Dec, J, funeral on Wednesday, Dee, 4, Linden Avenge. ' 3 block from peftafiQFi References 373 Stores for Rent 121 G Four students from Jonathan on Monday, Dec, 2, The Funeral grandchildren. Funeral service UNION COUNTY, N.J. Dayton Regional High School to be Mass at St. Joseph's Church, thenc» to it. Charles iorromeo from The EDWARD P. was held at SMITH AND JMiTH center and all tranipsrtation. off AN ORDINANCE REGULATING Church, Newark, where a Funeral LASKOWSKI FUNERAL HOMI, street parking and garages, ! appointed by the principal thereof Maplewood. interment Mf St (SUIURBAN1, 411 Morris Ave,, OOOD LOCATION: Soutn Qrsnqe, THE OPERATION OP BICYCLES (6). and Mary's Cemetery, Flushing, NY, Mass will be Qflered the repose 140S Clinton Ave., above Sanford Springfield, N.J,, on Saturday, science kifch#n, phone and fy Furnishgg reem (or middle age AND RiQUIRINO THE of her soul. Interment Holy Cross Ave., irvington, then to St. John's jacks, parquet Moors, frtihfy J61 irvmgten Ave , 20 It « 90 ft , h A member Of the Township Nov. 30 interment Presbyterian by|[neii ggnfleman PFivgte bafh S1S0 per month. Owner, Ml 4in MANDATORY REGISTRATION Committee appointed by the BIALBCKI — Laura A. (nee Cemetery, Ukrainian Catholic Church, Cemetery, Springfield, painted, natural ggs cooking and & private tntranet NeiF but line •-- Z 131 131 OF SAID BICYCLES AND Newark, where a Funeral Mass henf ing with individual Chairman MielialBki), on Nov, 21, lv?4, of was ottered, interment Holy cross Call 375-8155 PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR Ail members of the Board shall Cranford, N.J., beloved wife ol HILMSTITTIR-On Nov 2J, TAKACS — Rose (nee Sandor), on thermostats, #Jecfricify if fhe only THE VIOLATION THEREOF." I Casey (Casimir), devoted mother 1974, Haiel V. (nee Bennerfl, of Cemetery. Monday, Nov. JS, 1974, Of utility you pay, high security, Aulomobilis lor Sill 123 IE IT ORDAINED by the ! be qualified as long as they irvington, beloved wife of 1 remain with the group appointing of Miss Laura J. iialeeki of MARINiLLI-Julii, on NOV. 24, Maplewood, N.J., wife of the late very quiet, aduiti only, |2?0, e#ij For byiinesi man--fgrniih#d Township Committee of the them. The members ol tne Board ' Cranlord. devoted daughter of Frederick J, Sr,, mother ol Albert M, Takaes, devoted mother 3753113 i room, private bath & private Township of Sprinfieid, in the Frederick J, Jr. and Miss Virginia 1974, of Laurel, Md-, formerly of of Violette Takaes and Mrs, entrance Good transportifJan IH4CHIV1LLS county of union and State of New shall elect their own Chairman Benjamin and Catherine Heimstetter, sister of Miss Lillian Newark, beloved wife of Z115 101 GQODTRANSPORTATiON who shall serve tor one year and Mechalskl of Port Monmouth, dear Amerlcus, devoted mother of Mrs. Eleanor Matrinec, sister of Mrs, - , N-Y.-N.J. S88-6S40. Jersey until a successor is elected. lach sister of Mrs. Caroline Sudyka of Bennert and two grandchildren. Marv Bognar of Mapiewood and 3 large modern rooms, in elevator Z1!JIM 190.00 Relatives end friends were kindly Marie pries, Mrs, Gloria Matulay = 687 1309 SECTION 1 IN GENfRAL. year, at least three weeks prior to Middieiown and Mrs. Helen pgia and George Marlnelii, dear sister two brothers and three sisters in apartment Available Dec lit OPIRATION ing upcoming January 1 01 Rahway, Relatives and friends invited to attend the funeral from Hungary, grandmother of Debra Call Supt , 373 7iil j Pleasant sleeping room, near 94 & " K 12 5 133 i The FUNERAL HOMI OF of Mrs. Rose Campana, Mrs. Jean _ Section 1 1 LIOISLATIVE ! organiiatien Meeting of the were kindly invited to eftend Ihe Tuteia, Mrs. Carolyn Ferngno and and Scolf Matrinec. Relatives and IN.Y, buses. Gentleman, 1S70 QLDIMQIILI OILTA BI PURPOSE The ebieets of this funeral on Saturday, Nov. 30, from JAMBS F. CAFFREY 8, SON, (09 friends were kindly Invited to ! PS, P B §, A C, white vinyi top, Township Committee, each of the Ralph Maririelii, dear non smoker. References, security ordinance are to promote the above groups or persons shall The PARKWAY WOZNIAK Lyons Ave,, irvington, on Friday, attend the funeral from 3 Chapman Place, 1 bedroom must sell Call between I 30 I, 7 Nov, n, to St. Leo's Church where grandmother of 10 grandchildren Mon.Frl., 9j, B3 ««3 or 6813019. P.M. 371 1484 safety of bicyeie riders on the submit to the Township clerk the ' MEMORiAL. 320 Myrtle Ave HAEIBRLE V "* IARTH apartment available, clean, welt ~~—~ Z 13 5 105 stree|i and other public places in name of the person who shall be its irvinglon, thence to Sacred Heart the Funeral Mass was olfered, and three greatgrandchildren. COLONIAL HOMI, TO Pine Ave,, maintained fauiiding. Close to the Township of Springfield, to ' representative on the Bicycle of Jesus Church, Irvington, lor a interment St. Vincent's cemetery, Funeral service 'was held on corner Vaunhali Rd,, Union, on shopping & transportation. See 1973 Blue 4 dr. Pontiac Ventura A provide means of identifying the | Board. Funeral Mass. interment Bate of Madison. laturday, Nov. 30, at The Wednesday, Nov, 17. Thenet to It. Superintendent on premisei Shori PropifiJ I DAMIANO FFUNERAL C, all power, only 7,000 miles. owners of such bicyclesys, , aandd t oto Heaven cemetery, East Hanover, HOOAN-On Thursday, Nov, Ji, Joseph's Church, Maplewood,for a — —' Z 125 101 Beautiful cons S3700firm 37) 0732 discourage violation1 f 1 c s of the Section 3 5 5AMI- SERVICE, 140J Clinton Ave., Funeral Mass. FUNCTIONS, DUTIES, AND 1974, M, vernor, of 2J0 Woodmont [rvington, above Sanford Ave, LINDIN alter 9 30 P.M. or very eariy in the statutes and Township ordinances Rd., Union, N.J,, beloved husband 6 room apartment, middle age SEASIDE HIIBHTS AM regulating the operation of AUTHOR |Ty. The function), BRICHKI-lda.onNov, 21, 1974, Funeral Mass at laered Heart THOMS6N-On Saturday, Nov, 30, 127,SOOfgM price d'jlies, and authority ol the Bicycle of Mabel (Heck), brother of Mrs. Church, Vailsburg. please omit 1974, Oeorge R,, of irvington, NJ,, Business couple only 2 blocks freffv " — --— K 131123 bicycles. of 4] Phillip PI,, irvington, ioving waunlla Hotchkiss. The funeral weoa Av. supply own utilities OwnAYear'RoundJBr Section 12 DIFiNiTIONS As Board are as set forth in various mother of Ann K/oltenuk and Irving flowers, beloved husband of Marlorle, Dear Suburban Publishing: sections of this ordinance. These service was held at The brother of Lawrence and Prank , Available Dec, 1st. Call between 7 Please accept my thanks for the used in this ordinance, unless irichke, also survived by four MeCRACKIN FUNIRAL HOMB, MASK — on Sunday, Nov. 24, I. 5 P.M. 4B4 6M4 another meaning is clearly ' includi, but are not limited to, the \ grandchildren and one great, Thomson and Mrs, Rufh Harnett, effectiveness of your classified keeping in a space provided at the 1100 Morris Ave., Union, on 1974, John of 109 Coakley Dr., Ihe funeral service was held at 2 lm Condominium advertising, 1 nave iustsold my old , apparent Irom me language or Municipal Building of the records i grandchild, Services were Monday, Dee. 1. Interment Union, N.J,, beloved husband of LTNBUN '— " context,or unless inconsistent with ' conducted from The BIR*IH6lM. Irma (RIeth), deveteei father of The McCRACKIN FUNERAL Within 3 Blocks of Ocean or car at a satisfactory price, and the ' of the registration of each bicycle , Cresthaven Cemetery, Clifton, HOMI, 1M0 Morris Ave., Union, 1, 2 & ] room apartmtnts, only medium I used was your the manifest legislative purpose of as provided by this Ordinance, the ; QOLDSTICKER MEMORiAL N.J, In lieu of ffowers, Mrs. Son|a Enright, brother of (urnishad j, unturnWitd, Bay classified advertising. ihis ordinance: inipeetion of bicycles, the HOME, 1M0 Clinton""/Xv'»".. contributions may be made to the Chris Maser, also survived by two ) rtt immediate occupmey, Itartlng Fully (Surnished, Paneled wall I received about a dozen ' "BICYCLB" means any device • registration and Ileen5lng,ot same, | Irvlnaton, N.J,, on Tuesday, Nov. Union county Heart Association, brothers In oermany and three lWSy t Irom I2S week t. up liSEX to Wall Carpeting telephone inquiries — Irom such j wnien a person may operate , the reporting of violations ol this • 26, 1974. intirmenf at JAQUES — William C, on grandchildren. Funeral services W/VLTON-OeorgW/VLTONOeorgee M.M.,, ooff COUNTY APT. FINDIRS INC Air Conditioning areas as union, Irvington, ! wholly or in part by human 1 Ordinance to the police Congregation Anshe Russia In Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1974, age 11 were held at The MeCRACkEN sprlngflflsprlngflfldd, N.J.NJ, on PlPrldayd , Nov. Broker, Only fee S30. 374 Oija Ileetrie Baseboard Heat Springfield, Roselie park'and ' muscular power and Which has two Department, and the imposition el Newark, Period of mourning years, of Irvingfon, husband ol the FUNERAL HOME, ISM Morris 59,1974, husband of Mildred Lyons observed at the family residence, Ave., Union, on Tuesday, Nov. Ji, 7 IQWDOWN vailsburg wheel! or more, either of which is penalties as provided in sections % (ate Ada (nee Thuernerl, devoted Walton, father of Donajd Walton, People seem to have confidence sixteen inches or more in M, 3 1 and J.J 43 Philip PL, Irvington. father of William c, of San Joie, Interment Oraceland Memorial also surviesurvived by twt o grandsondo s 3 bedroom aparlmerit, heat 1, hot ffj qualified buyen C1RRATO — Herman, on Park, There will be no calling ^ater luppiied, newly in advertisements in their own diameter, Calif, and the late Walter Jaques, Funeral services were held at hometown newspapers ^QPIRATE" means to have Section 2 3. LICBN5! Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1974, ef grandfather of Randy Jaques, i; hours. In lieu of flowers SMITH AND SMITH redecorated Convenient location SIASIDE REALTY RgOuiHio No Springfield Union, NJ,, beloved husband of Relatives and friends also contributions may be made to the Available immediately. Call J41. actual physical control of a resident shall operate a bicycle (SUBURIAN), 411 Morris Ave., . 793-S200 A.G, . bicycle, whether by riding, Adele (nee Sailia), devoted father members of the National turners Emanuel Church of Christ, Springfield, N.J., on Monday, Dec. 32SH. propelling, or pushing; upon any street, bicycle path, 01 Mrs, Joy oilibertl, oenise and ol Irvington were kindly invited to Irvinglon, 2. intermenf Hollywood Memorial — I 13 I 101 — 1 1J.S.107A §pringfieid public place, or, sidewalk in Michael cerrato, brother of —— HA- If. 123 'PERSON" includes natural attend the funeral service at PAaANQ-suddenly, on Nov. 56, Park, Union. MIDDLIIIX Springfield without first Geraldine Cerrato, Relatives and HAIBERLE 8. iARTH HOME Guipt for Rent 108 MPDNTiAC-SAFARIWAGONA- I persons, firms, partnerships, qbtainining from the Bicycle friends were Kindly invited to 1974, James Aj, of Nutlty, belovrt WliLAND-Mary fnte, Hamiltonlan Apartments, associations, and corporations, I FOR FUNERALS, 971 Clinton Husband of Elizabeth M. (nee Warrenvilie Rd 4 leundbrook C, P.S., P.i.. P w . etc. Original : Beard, as hereinafter provided, a attend the funeral from Michellir), on Safurday, Nov, JO, n Rt j UNION --" owner, no accidents 13900. Call whichever application is license therefsr and having same irush), father of Mrf, Elliabefh 1974, age 12 years of irylrtgton, «; f|f1 M^'M't&Srooms Ave,, Irvington, on Saturdayy, Nov. Larchmont section — suitable for 2767106. appropriate and conducive to the affined to the bicycle. HAEBERLE J, iARTH Carrera, Mrs. Nancy Felnfhel and wife of "the lafe Oeorge Wfirtnd, trom S30S, newly deeorateel, AC legislative purpose of this COLONIAL HOMI, 1100 Pine 30, interment in ivevergl-eh e Miss Joan Pagand, brother of mother of the late oeo™ Wtlland me uses cooking gas, heat a, hot ] car, small truck or storage K 125 133 ordinance. Section 2-4, APPLICATION FOR Cemetery, Elliabeth, ; Phone Mr. May 617 1014 (home) REGISTRATION AND LICiNSE: Ave., corner vagxhall Rd,, union, Herbert Pagano. Relatives, Jr., sister of L«|os Mlchal'ler and water, swimming pool, onsite Section 13, MANDATORY on Saturday, Nov. 30, theni/e to St. KADIS — Edward A.,of M6 Lyons friends, employes of the Hall of Mrs. Anna Yuhasi, also survived parking. Call 961-0415, or 437 0800 (business). Imports, Sports Can ORDINANCE " INFORMATION. 123ft EQUIPMINT-LIOHTS, Applications (or the registration Joseph's Church, Maplewood, for a I Ave., irvington, on Novi 27, 1974, Records, Newark, members of by several nieces and nephews. -~ Z 1J.J10B HIFLICTORi, AND FLAOS. NO funeral Mass. Interment in Gale , dear brother of Maximo. Funeral Lnternationai Union of operating MORRIS TWP. (MORR^TOWN) and licensing ol bicycles shaM be person shall ride or operate any obtained from the Township clerk. ol Heaven Cemetery. i services were conducted from the Engineers Local No, ia were 1, 2. 3 bedroom lu»ury, A-C Gardfn |IATTJ8 IL BXCELLENT ' bicycle upon any street or public CLARK — On Tuesday, Nov. 26, i iBRNHIIMGOLDSTICKiR Kindly Invited to attend the funeral mmmam Apartments, Pool, 1365 up NYC i Glrap Wanted 109 The application shall be on the LOW MILIAGI, i place withiri the limits of the forms supplied By the Township, in 1974, Walter w., of ii Newark j MEMORIAL HOME, 1200 Clinton from The PUNIRAL HOME OF Township during the period from a writing, and signed by the owner of Ave,, Union, N.J,, beloved ! Ave., irvington, N.J., on Friday, JAMES F. CAFFRIV S, SON, M9 ,,.,.Ave.,, corner of vauxhall RdV, OAHAGB WANTIO—Vicinity 4161272 half hour after sunset until a halt husband of Dorothy IPenk), I Nov. 89. Interment at McClellan Lyons Aye., irvlnston, on the bicycle. Along with the iaturday, Nov. 30, to St. Leo's UnionJnion.on, on Tuesdiyi ,,, Dec_„., ], thenc„«,,e„ lastern or Western pkwy , i™ ~ K 12.51J3A hour before Sunrise, Or at any time application a copy of this brother of Joseph Clark and Mrs, street cemetery, Newark. , to Jt, Michael's Church; Union, for Jail 371-1150 before 3 "p.m",'dallyi PARTS, ACCESSORIES - FOR. when fog or Other atmospheric Ordinance shall be given to the oertrude Makihton, ilso survived Church, Irvinston, where the a Funeral Mass. FURNISHID studio ipirtment, including weekends. IMPORT!, SPORTS^ Jerseys conditions render the operation of By two grandchildren. The funeral KATi—Samuel, of 712 Sfuyvesanf Funeral Mass was offered. all utilities, 1110 menthi hear town applicant. Ave., Irvington, beloved husband WOLFF-Lena (nee Keller), en -^— " Z13.J.W? largest, oldest, nicest, supplier. such bicycle dangerous to traffic service was held at The Interment Giendaie Cemetery. h transportation. Security li Imported Auto Center, Behind rail or to the use of the streets. Or at Section JI. INSPICTION—BY MeCRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, Of the late" Ida, loving fafheKof Saturday, Nov. io, 1974, age 91 references required. 311,2221 after any other time when there is not WHOM, WHEN, AND WHERI. ISOfi Morris Ave,, Union, N.J., on Frances Cole and Louis Kati, dear years, formerly of Union; N.J., 6 p.m. Houses for Rent station Morrlitown, 374.1614. The Bicycle Board shall conduct at brother of carl Kali, also survivid POOLI—On Tuesday, Nov. u, 110 ^r • KT.M23A sufficient lijht to render clearly Friday, .Nov. J9, Interment 1974, Frederick A., of IS Main St., wife of the late Herman p. Wolff, discerrnlble any person on ffce least one Inspection of bicycles Falrmount Cemetery, Newark. by five Grandchildren and four dtvottd inter of Mrs. Amelia each year, which inspection shall greatgrandchildren. Funeral Ocean Orove, N.J., beloved Auta, Wanted 12 street af a distance of two hundred husband of the late Myrtle Sims, aunt of Muriel and Charles 4>j rooms, 1315. Modern, ill feet ahead, unless a lighted lamp be in April, it may conduct as CHRIST - Lillian i. (neeMayr), services were conducted from (lailey), devoted father of c, Sims, an of Springfield electric, call mnn 'til 4 P.M.; is afliied to the Iront of the many other Inspections as It sees BERNHEIM-GOLBSTICKER Relatives and frlendi were kindly' RENTOR BUY fit. The date, time, and pjace of on Monday, Nov, JS, 1974, of union, Frederlck-RTr Richard j,, Mrs. alter 4 P.M., 382 1670, Adults II you can't manage to buy one of JUNK C.ARS BOUGHT bicycle, giving a clear white light NJ.. wife of the late Frederick MEMORIAL HOME, 1200 Clinton Charles Lerch, Mrs. Donald invited to attend the funeral preferred. visible for at least five hundred each inspection shall be published Christ, devoted mother of Ave,, Irvington, Tuesday, Nov. %i. A d M Gl Ad servleeatHAEiiRLI&BARTH the many fine selection! 01 24 HOUR SERVICE i feet to the front thereof, and unless in till local paper and shall be Interment Ml, Lebanon cemetery, Amann and Mrs. Glenn Anderson, multiples listed, new and older B,A, TOWING SERVICE Frederick Jr., Rnowlton and also survived by 11 grandchild COLONIAL HOMI, 1100 Pine RAHWAY, MPLWD,, CLARK there is also affixed to Ihre rear of made known through the local Norman Christ, sister of Miss Iselln, NJ, Period ef mourning Ave,, corner of Vauxhili Rd., ). 2 & 3 room apartmints, homes, we have for Sile, call 464. M4-1506 the bicycle a lighted lamp, schools. observed at the residence of Mr, Puneral service Wai held -' 9700 8, let us show you several of ——-——— Ktf-iai I Margaret Mayr, Mrs, Ruth MecHACKlN FUNBRA'L numc, Union, on Tuesday, Dec ] furnished a, unfurnllhtd, exhibiting a red ligKI visible from Section j.j. SAMI— Nemeeek and Dallas w Mayr, and Mrs, Robert cole, Hi Park™"' Ol"attlini Memoriai immediate occupancy, itartlno tht homes we have for fen!, JUNKCARSWANTID ! a distance of at least live hundred Winchester Ave,, Union, N.J. 1500 Morris Ave., Union, oh Also late model wrecks INFORMATIN.RIQUIRiP AND also survived by the five Saturday, Nov. JO, Interment from 111 week is. up mix feet to the rear of the bicycle. TIST, At the timt of the grandchildren and seven great. WOi-F-Harry, of «( w, llaneke COUNTY APAPTT , FlNDfRlNDfRl, INC., Crestview Agency Realtor Bill anytime I Inspection, the Board must be KIATINO-Wllliam F., of 101 Hollywood Memorial Park. Iroker, Only let sjj, ]74,06Sl M9.S4S9 ! In addition to the lamps, af least Warrtn Ave., Roselie Park, on RYAN — John J. of MS Locust St., St., Linden, devoted son of Lillian J 3t5SprlnglleldAv.,ierk.Hts. one red reflector shall be given ail tht information it Friday, Nov. JI, I9M, beloved Roselie Park, on Monday, Dee. S, fjee KJelmanl'Wolf, loving father Ivei i 464.J706 requires in order to administer this attendee luneral servU^^t ROSILUI, ROSitll PK."'5 '5' attached to each side of the rear huiband of Antoinette 1974, beloved husband of Helen Of Norbertand Elliott Finfelitein, wheel, and at least one yellow Ordinanance effectively, Including (Kraehenftls), devoted father of (Kernosk!), devoted father of Benjamin and ietsy wolf, dear 1, 2 s, 3 room apartments, y^N Moiufcjclis for Sile 127 reflector shdl be attached to each But not limited to the facts stated COLONIAL HOMi, 1100 Pine William F. and Daniel L. Kealins John, Timothy, Michael, Patrick brother of Beatrice Schwartt and lurnlshtd S. unfurnished, Battle Hill section, 7 room Split, In section t-9. Failure on the Ave., corner of Vauxhall Rd., and lean Ryan, deer brother of immediatf occupancy, starling IVJ biihs, ree, room, patio, side of the front wheel. There shall applicant's part to do so will Be and Mrs, Dorothy Ciraneyaie, Samuel wolf. Funeral services Irom 121 wtek & up, ESSIX modern kitchen. Immediate 71 HARLEY SPORTST1R . also be a red reflector mounted on lust reason to refuse io Itsue a dear brother of Elizabeth Lewis Martin, Leg, James, William and were conducted from Irom 121 wtek Custom paint, 16" rear wheel, 6" the centtr rear ol th» frame, and a interment % HeViywMd M°emor1»i and Dorothy irennan. Also fatrlck Ryan, Mrs. Eileen Congregation Anshi Chased, St. NT BlSriNC occupancy. 6(7.4731. ' "'' license. The criteria for the test F3rK, Oi COUNTY APT, FINBlRSriN eKtensionweher carbureter, siaoo white relleetor shall be mounted will be the mechanical condition of survived oy one grandchild'. McDonald, Mrs. Margaret Rapt, «W «nd Orchard Ter., Linden, Broker. Only fee Uo, 374,0621, —- ziasiio or Best Offer, 9444271 after I P.M on the center front of the frame. the bicycle. CURRAN — Thomas, on Nov. is, Relatives and friendi were kindly Mrs, Magdalene Cornwall, Mrs, on Monday, Dee, j. Interment Beth ROSiLLI PASlT — — — K V2I127 All reflectors shell be of the type 1974, of Irvingfon, N.J., beloved invited to attend Ihe funeral from Alice iuob, Mrs. Ann Tlghe, Mrs, P«W cemetery, Ktnliworth, The 3V, rooms, 1201, Dec, II, A-C, gis Houses for Sale approvid by the Division of Motor Section S7, SAMi-GROUNOS husband of Margaret (nee The SULLIVAN PUN'iRAL' Dorothy lannettl and Mrs. -erloa of mourninjoljserved at the 111 FOR RIfsUSALr RE'. n heit, near Pirkvsiy" 1 Mes Vehicle!, and shall Be visible at all Aleisovits), devoted father of HOMi, 14* E, ieeond Ave., Florence Best. Also survived by -i!}Sl ». Arranjiments Public Notici distances batwten fifty and three INSPECTION. The Bicycle Mard Thomas of Berkeley, Calif.; Roselie on Monday, Dee, 8, thence three grandchildren. Relatives ••SNHIIMOOLOSfie Adults, Superintendent !416Hi' HILLSIpl hundred feet when directly in front shall refuse to register and license Rooerl of New Brunswick and lost. Joseph R,c, Church, Roselie, and friends are kindly invited to UNION Large J bedroom home, v/i baths, of lawful upper beams of head any bicycle that Is in an unsafe John of irvingfon. Relatives, where a funeral Mist was offered. attend the funeral af The finished attic f, finished porch. NOTICiOFHlARiNO lamps on a motor vehicle. mechanical condition or falls to frlendi and members of the Internment st, Gertrude SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOMI, 4, i, 6 room apirtments, irvlnslonParkln! Authority YAGER — Bertha, of jl vail St., unlufnishfdi Somt wifh heat, hot Near buses, schools, churches, Bach Blcycleihall have mounted meet any requirement of this Quarter Century Club were kindly cemetery, Colonla. 1« E, Second Ave., Roselie, on residential district. Deal "direct to the side rear frame support a Ordinance. Invited to attend the funeral on Thursday, pes. I, at 9 a.m.,- thence Newark, beloved wife of the late with Siilef, 6)4.1651, Notice ls~hereby"glven that § lightweight, flexible pole of The owner of fhe bleyce, unless Friday, Nov. S» from "The KiLeHNiH-Walter A., ir,, of to It, Joseph R.c. Church, Roseile, Louis Yager, devoted mother of PUBIIe hearing on ffie Irvington approximately six feet, in length at he does not Intend to use or operate Springfield, on Sunday, Dec, 1, where a Funeral Mass will be Mrs, Hannah Westreleh, Mrs. MENDHAM Parking Authority Budget for the the _bieycle, shall havf the 19M, huiband of Matilda Witit Offered at 10 a.m. In lieu of Helen Kellner and Mr, Aaron- fiscal year 197s will be held on the upper end of which pole is MEMORIAL HOMB, MB Myrfli flowers, please donate to. the Yager, dearest sister of Mr, attached a warning flag of a necessary repairs made andor Aye., irvington, thenet to St. Leo's Kelehner, father of Walter A. jr.. U5W — "M-"' ANXIOUS OWNER Monday, December 16,1174at 7:30 fluorescent color. safety equipment mounted awl Earl and Mahiin, Mri, Rowland Roselie park Pirst Aid Squad. Samuel Stelner, also survived by Most deslrabie lij year old P.M. prevailing time in the Council shall return for Inspection as Church, Irvingfon, for a Mass of Simmons, brother of Mrs Bouloh SCHAAL-On Thursday. Nov. 21, four grandehilgren. Sirvlceswtre 4 room apartment, heit t, hot remodeled colonial on "M urn ChamBer, Municipal Bull'dlng, Itetlon 14, SAMi—AUDIBLI Resurrection, interment Gate of 1174, Effle (Ciark),ofTiS3 Concord g|W at The iERNHHlM.OOLD. water supplied, garaje, lljl. SIONAL. iaehbicyclt operated on instructed by the Board. Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover, Prankenfleld, William arid with i ponds. A delightful home Civic Square, Irvington, Now Jectlon J.8, liSUANCI Lawrence Kelchner, grandfather PI,, Blljabith, N.J., fteioved wife •JJ.CKIR MEMORIAL HOMI, 1 11 11 featuring 7 rooms, ] bedroom's. 2 Jersey at which time and place street or public place In the N.J, In lieu of flowers, kindly make of the late Bernhtrd Schaai, 1200 Clinton Ave,, Irvington, on Township shall be equipped with a OF LICENSB. After receiving a donation to the American Cancer of seven grandchildren. Funeral SSi-KfKiW!!* " *" "" baths, ftquislfe master bedroom any bondholder may appear In properly completed application service was held at SMITH AND devoted mother of IJernhard W Wednesday, Nov, S7. IntaFmenf In with elegant bath. Nevy kitchen person or By agent or attorney and bell or device, other than a ilren or Society, Jr., John H,, Rsymond A,, Talmud Torah Cemetery, Newark, UNION whistle, capable of giving a signal form for a llcntse, finding the IMITH CSUiURBAN), 415 Morrii with everything, io much charm. present any oblecflons he may bicycle In safe mechanical Ave., Springfield, on Wednesday, Robert, Harold, David and Charles The period mourning at the family J rooms, 2nd floor + attic storsat; Asking 1101,005, have to the final adoption of the which Is readily audiSle at a FERNICOLA -OOnn Monday, NovNov. Schaai, Miss Mildred Schaai, Mrs. residence. middle age couple, heat 8, utilities budget for the fiscal year of 197i. distance of at least one hundred condition, and receiving the proper Jf, 1974, John p,,, ooff 747477 VlVallel y SSt.t , Dec. 4, Interment in Hoiiywpjd Grace Fiores, Nin. Iff ie Wendolek BEJTY M.BINNITT.RiALTOR fee, the Board Is autfiorliifl and Maplewd N Memorial park. In (leu of tiowers, UJWM^ Ptli. leturlty, ,706 US. Main St. • Mendhem feeti but no such signal shall Be Maplewood, N.J,, formerly of and Mrj, Shirley Barlow, also 2EITLIN — Harry, of ii.?A Max A copy of this nofiee his been sounded to such an extent as io directed to Issue to the owntr of Centreviiie, Mei., bratlwr of eontrlputlons to Salaam Temple, survived by is grandchildren and Dr., Nlwrlstawn, beioved husband sent to the Trustee of fh« Irvington conitltuM a disturbing noise. said bicycle a registration fenitor Nicholas O. Mrnleoia, Ihrlners Hospital TranioorfaiiMi J43.7144 Parking Authority for inspection certificate and bicycle 37 great-grandchildren, The ol Otrtrude (net Shanskei, ioving UNION — — zusui Section 1,1. SAME—BRAKES. Mrs, Lena Farlnella and Mrs,Fund,.]» E.Mt. PieaiaM AV*,, funeral service was held at The 'athfr of Martin-J, and Norman L. By the Bondholders. Identification card and to atfaeha Albert PrloiettaPrloietta , The funerafuneall was Liyimston, would be appreciated, 1, J 4 3 room apu NEW PROVIDENCE All bicycles shall have either two MCCRACKBN FUNERAL Jeltlin, dear brother of Ann Anthony Marino, Secretary corresponding Heinle sticker to conductedjrom The McCRACKBN KOPPISCH - On .Sunday, Gltlow, Lillian . Ilienberg, urnlshed 4 unfurnished, r hand brakes, one each for tht front the bleycit's frame. immediate occupancy. Starting ., _ BEST BUY lrv. Herald, Dee, I, 1W4 and rear yvhselij or a coaster FUNERAL HOMi, 1500 MorrIs November 14,1974, May j, JacK of Edward, Ira and Seymour liltlih, from MS week 1 up use! (Fit! U.76) brake. The brakes must be of lueh Ave.Luri|6n, N.J,, on Friday, Nov. Meidqwiirook Vlllaae, Jackson, HOMi, 1500 Morris Ave,, union, also survived By two grandsons. COUNTY APT, FINDERS INC a quality and in such condition that ». Funeral Mass It, Joseph's New Jersey, Beloved wife of Ihi &\ Monday, Dee, s, Interment Funeral teryltes were qotidBned Broker. Only fee HO, IM.jisj they will enable the operator of the late Charles Kopplsch, devoted Hollywood Cemetery, •,r™ The BiRNHilM.oOLD. — Z.I2.J.1J1 bicycle to make the braked whetls IDINTiFiCATION'CARD. The mother of Richard Kepplieh and SCHNABEL-On Wednesday,' fTICKIIr! MiMORjAL HOMI, kitchen, 1 ^uFl » j hiirbaths, Join the Payroll skid on dry, level, eiiinjavement. Township shah provide for each OAUAOHIR-On Friday, Nov. Mri, Helen Remington, sister of Nov. 87, 1974, William, Of 4a.K ]m Clinton Ave,, Irvington, on '.iiiW"" & bath (unfurnished), immediate occupancy ,, eome see Section 1.6. QBIDliNCI TO successful applicant a registration W, 197J, Miry Ann Cnee Durkof! of Alexander Jack, Mrs, Bertha Cambridge court, Lakewood, N.J., Friday, Nov. «, Interment King , utilities supplied, Mature couple or ft make an offer. Priced In the M's Uniweaver, Mrs. Agnes Combes teiomon cemetery, Clifton, N,/, . „»_,, || j j I TRAFFIC.LAWS. Any perion Irvington, beloved wife of Ihe late beloved huiband of Alicia Ca bMwew 4 M r Call now for details, <**>*• operating a bicycle upon any Thomii (Barney! OtllBahir, and Mrs, Marion SchneWtr, Aljo (fyWAtieri, atvafed father it The ptriM of meufnini ebsirved Savings Plan, itresl, bicycle pafn, public plats, survived By four irandehildreri at the residence of Mr, and Mrs,. 464-9700 daughter of John and Anna William F. sanable, brother o Norman L. leitlln, l? Rhidi T«r,, tm m or sidewalk, the Township shall (Oaflch) Durkof at irvlhiton, and two-great grandehlldr#i. The Fred sehnabel, Mrs. Mildred VMLSBURO ' Observe all the statutes, lister of John J.Of iparta, RoMrt funeral service was held at The Rtick and Mrs. Hilda Anfuss, also Parslppiny, In lieu of fllweri, !>,' & 3 room apartments, Crestview Agency Realtor ordinance!, traffic rules and M, of Garwoodj Mrs, Margiret McCRACKEN FUNlfJAL HOMB, survived by one grjndson, Tht contriButions to the American furnished 1 unfurnished, regulations applicable thereto, Hulubosky of Mapliwood and Mrs, liqo Morris Ave,; Union, New funeral service was Held at The Heart Association or Kidney immediate occupancy. Starting, 31MpringfiiidAy,,Berk,Mts Exercising due cart, the operator This ad Rita Kopkeof Irvington. Relatives Jersey on Wedneiday, Nov, 47, McCRACKlN FUIIERAL HOME* Foundation would be appreclafeif, Evei;444S70<) ""• from S25 week a. up ESSEX shall turn only at street and friends were kindly Iinvited to Interment oraceland Memorftl I"! morris Av»,, Union, on COUNTY AFT, FIMDiRiriNC, 2131,111 Intersections, signal for all turns, atten-ittand • the funerall ffror m The FarK, Kenilworfh. In lieu ef ""—» OK, j, intirmenf IlIOiLi-gn Safyrdayi *Nev, 30, Broker, Only fee 130, 3740622, NORTH FLAINFIILD ride In the same direction Is motor could op jAMis r, flowers, frieMi so desiring may MemoHal Park, 1974, William J., of 17S4 WalKer vehicle traffic and as near to the FUNERAL HQ/vW OP Ji —y—z • z-fi-s-ioi eAFFRBY&SON.TOLTO yLyons Aye, make eontribgtifjns ts the %ve,, Irvinajon, NJ,, beloved curb, or If there li none, as near to Amerlean Cancer Society. • •lusbahd of Janet (Orlndiay), the right 5hoy|dtr, or if friers Is (corner o- f par. k Place)ace),, IIrvingten I devoted father of Mrs, Doris Apirtmenli Wanted none, as near to tht rlahl side of change on Wednesday, Doe, 3, thence to it, Hi _ William 1, Sr,, on 102 Peul the Apostli Chur* where a Wednesday, Nay, 17, 1974, Of Taylor, Brother of Alvln lltgele, the street, as practicable, pass to a|5O .Mrvlved, by three M the left when passing or overtaking Fwnerai Mass was offered for the Tuckerton ieath, N.J,, formerly Inroll Neiw For Courses in srandchndren, Tht funeral servlte WANTED — J ilDROOM lvln9 Olher vehielMOr Individuals thai your life! rtpose of hir soul. Interment Bate of Irvingten, beloved husband of APARTAAENT OR HOUSE IN w?A Vi«!S! J!' l of Heaytn Cemetirv, Myth* (nee Probst), -devoted art.ilowtf, moylng, standing, or •—...-•,- HOMiMi,, ISiSBMJ MMsrrls Springfield, call after S p.m. 179. modsrn Kitchen udlns ts 40 ft parked, snd shall move to the rlpht AIR-C0NDITI0NIN6 OOOBMAN-MaK, of if ireok fattier of Wliilam E, Lee Jr. sf .AveUii (Mwood «|k, lirsi loK lixn: when meeting motor vshlelM, Dr., Mllllown, N.J., belovtd Stahhope, N.J,, faiher.ln,|aw of y Unlsn, on WedneMay, DieDM. P,iFRia|HATiON 4 HIATINO of Ida Goodman (nee Joan.Qrandfafherof Jamei, Oiinn- 4, •ntombminIntei tt Iin Hollywood — 4- — HAH10J ly iJI.SOD. *A no dawn, peflistrlara, or othtr blcyelm. Memorla •uiintit coupn deilrai quiet lnrpum down FHA M,'quaft(l«i ind Potrlcls Lee, brother of a! FarU, , studio or garage apartment, The operator shall slop at all ! AUTO-MECHANICS Robert •.. and i. Gerald Lee ef Reijertablt rent. Gill W-SStl. • stop signs sng.ebiy air traHIc 1 AND DIESEL ENGINES : •ndAWi" WASHINSTONyALUIYRBALTY signals. All persons shall ride In caraon and Seymour stelmmni, - — - —- HW.IfJl singletilesxeept on paths or parts dtareit sister t» Jaek Mln IrW - mmm FUmsr MATUHI business woman needs 2 of streets set asldt for the Mm Helen Kahsv, olio survived ltl«W»J StuyyassM Av«, or 1 unfurnished roomi, private 391 Route 91 WM'I oretribrook exclusive use of bicycles. (aM)fM-flM by Slit grandchildren. Sehile j^ Unl6n,lrvlngtsn ••-..•'; hniM^UBiqcMaSummiiirtit Buildantrtjegg, .%s6selalln In Funtrsl Unio were held at The BERNHEI Immedlflte occupancy, call USED CARS DON'T Oll,,,lhey Take mouk In An)erif«. Design and Sympathy, > wetlidaVi, f.j, 674.JJ80, all luit Irade away. Sell youri wilh a then rrangamnti-fcrthfrlfrf a evtnlnii from J p.m., fMWSi lowcost Want Ad. Call iti-jnt. LINCOLN R Irylngtonl , for a Funeral Mass, fOMir-rijoti—eimflr'TO^ amily,JUSI ——i Buy U& Savings Bonds' Interment In Oote of Heaven rvingtoni, on Friday, Nov. » use-tht-itreot. Cemetery, Interment Agudagh Israel Cemetery, Mccliliahlt,, Newa"


siiiSeawas!^, Jewish singles donee State Symphony •Thursday, December 5, 1974- The jewllh Collegiate and Professional Trees and shrubs replace Young Adults of New Jersey will sponsor u Julian Bond will speak dance from 8 p.m. to midnight Sunday, Dec, IS, concert will honor at RuiseiPi Log Cabin, Clark. For more in Parkway construction sites formation on the dance (or Jewish single men Byrne next week and women from 20-40, readers may contact • Men and machines of the Garden State Park. Rarilan and Anbury Park toll plaias in Seton Hall program 1 Jewish Singles, Box 196, Railway, 0706S way maintenance division are" busy restoring As contractors finished various stages of The Ni. * Jersey Stntp Council nn1 Ihi* Alls uili the beauty of the landBeape which only a short their work, Parkway personnel and equipmenl sponsor I ti «.• Ntm .li-r«i'\ Symphmu 'Chun^um Ihe Culor »f 1'olilics' will he ihe first black in history Iq be nrirninated for the IXICUTiVIS read eUr Wan! Adi wh«n hiring lime ago was the bustling scene of constrftrtion moved in lo carry out an extensive, systematic Orehralra's si'conrl iinmiiil (Invi'ninrs Ciiiii'orl topic of hliiek li'jils!;itfir ariM political arluis! \ ice prnsideniy although he was too young to employe*!, iras about yeurlell to over BO 000 activity by contractors engaged In expanding replanting job to replace trees and shrubs thai suburban households! Call Mi 7700, Baily S to im g p in Trfnlon. Tlmrsiiiiy. Dec 12 The pia gvi'nl Julian Hiinil when hi' speuks-iiil Selnn I (nil iieucpl 1 (hPiH frnf m sii s i n in InnnI s l War Memorial in llw Sliito (iipitiil p Hi in the Student Center Mum Lounyc The urgiiniiinji and [undraising m addition to his 1 Public Notice Public Notice J'Our sim is to resioie the natural habitat, " 1 Public Notice Alvln y. rjurshen, chairm.-m nf I he Slalc program is npnn tii (hi- pul'IU nt =i ^hiirt;^ "? work in the legislature Commissioner Harry D. Sussna of Uic New in 511 ii iiekel TQWNSNIPOI'IPRINOFIIl.D PUiUICNOTICI Council oil Ihr Arts, siiid. ' We IM'IIPVP thiil liin One of ihe ways .Julian Bond is trying to ei Jersey Highway Authority said this week as he Unl9n_€eunty(NJ. CITY OF LINDEN lunteri itndtrsrnrvs the statr's liiinmilnn-nt In Htitui. tm£u( the fiiuiuii'rs ui the Sludenl ^'T^ PUILIC NOTICB il hiftDV observed a work crew planting a row of white led this is through the Southern Elections glvtn that Iht following ordinance Kuppnrl n iiriiiiH riinjii' nrli. iirnpriwn ii i>. \'ioleiil Cnurdiiliiiin^ ( uininliii'i' SM'fll in birch trees in the median between the two new •Kund. an iir(janiMlion lo provide financial and «il Intreducad and poised on first evidence "f the i-miperuUve ii'liiliiii^liip lid HHid, uah iHlivuh inuiived Hi thi' riul tights reading By thi Council* «t the City inner roadways. "Birch flourished here before cirgflnizaliunal aid lo progressive eandidateg of Linden In tr» County ol Union, woen the nrts anil the in mir sl.ili mnvenienl riri Ihe pnlliy level as vsell as an the bulldozers moved in, and hirch is going for inea! iiffice in the eipven Southprn stiit9 rvenis iuiUuHi when, newly vleeted to Ihe SiWirgia to bi hlld In the Coynsll spades. Wherever fl certain tree flourished^ l*'|il*;lalure he uas hiirreH Frnm hiking nffiee chimBeri, city Hall, WooS pine or cedar, maple or sycamore, whatever Tickets iiri' II sciucir •• lickclt un- •/', Avenue, Linden, New Jersey liy fellow le^isUiliirs ulin cihjrrti'd io hi* anil 1 ^A" .BI.IHJS COMMITTM OF THI ^'Tuesday', tDecembe"*"-'-"-r 17* , •**».i974atI; M* it is being returned," ti'llls Hi'Si'lvjttltjns tiiiis iu> iiHicip by ! iillinj; war ami anil draft pnMtion U'er u year he wiin TOWNSHIP OF IPRINOFIiUD, IN THI COUNTYOF'UNIO"N, NEW PAA. prevailing time, or as »on In the particular operation the commissioner the New Jersey Stole Cnuncil on the Art" r, W JERSEY, (not lets man twothlrdi of ail the mtmbtri Ihtrtol thereafttr as rue matter tin be tmalLy sriitofl uhtm 1hi- 1 S Sup •erne ' mrl affirmatively concurring), that a cirtaln bond ordlnanct tntllltd "A reachid was wfitching, a selective thinning of Ireps was Stale street. Trenton nitisii waiilM Bond ordlnanet spproprlstlns m,m, sm authoflilflB th« iuMnti of nvi'rrvik (1 thi' CiCiirB .1 II ni^i* ^ icllim. ilivl YOUR Henry j iaran going on in the woods on the west side of the The program will meliifle works In Cnrrelh y7,0Q9 Bonds or notn of the Tpvynihlp, for virleui Tmprovcmtnt* or City Clerk Inclas 111 still serves ir ihiil li'IMsl.i llt'O ill' has purpoits authorlitd to bi yndertakin by the Township of iprlnsfliid, in AN ORDINANCE TO existing roadway nenr Cheesequake Stale Park HEARING? Slravinskv. Hjindel. Mi'tmlti, Hnssim. iiiim tin thi County of Union, N»* jirsey," dnfautrt in thi official racordi of FURTHER AMEND AN ;ilsn lift- I iiiiivc in mIOIIi U ptillt ir at iinll the Township ol Sprlngllild U Qrdlnanei No. 75 19. enoclsd oiler public and birch trees were being taken from there for pcrcllni-k. uiiil Ti'liiiikovsky ASSIH'I.III' C iiii Krer cliMirfinu hearing U^ts will be givep ORDINANCE ENTITLED, IHfiKiinil 1972 imliisnal I),..Ill rralli" t {UHiMlil MIS hisrlna on rjevamber 14, \m, be and is htrtby amended Al FOLLOWS: 1 1 "AN ORDlNANClNAN I replanting in ihe median between mileposls iiliiinr .loss* LpvilH will fmiiiurl thr- ifrrlu'sir;! al Kl'ltnni' iii'iirmM Airi Scriicn office* on 5«ellnn I Thi. tayeral Imprpyemtntj deicrlbad In Section J ot this Band ESTABLISHING llelpinu In usher MI ifiiri n .«. lie . ii.. «|ls III. HING 122.1 and 122 I",in Madison Township. Middlesex Monday and Tuesday ordinance ire hertby r«pec!lv«ly authoriittl at sen»ral Irnproyernenti SCHEDULE OOPP TITL to Bt made or acquired by the Township of Spring) lild. In tht County of County, Kui'toryirnineei heanni! aid speeiallstB union, Ntw Jirsey, For the said several Improvemtntt »r purpose Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice mil he ill ih^ .iff••••• IIBIPH H«lnu, in |ii.r(iiim ItatM In laid Section 1, there are hereby appropriated the respective AND RIOULATIONTIONII FOFORR This procedure is being followed elsewhere sum! of money therein stated as the appropriations made for laid MAINTAININNGG THHE along Ihe construction urea, commissioner the Icsls improvement? or purposes, said sums Being Inclusive of all PUBLIC NOTlCi CLAil.lFTCATIOCLASSIFICATIOION ANAND appropriations heretofore made therefor and amounting In the aggregate noted, as plant life is moved from one place In TAKE NOTICE that me fgllawmg feegmmondaiign^ (Qf Jomng vanantel (rgm 1f\9 gQafg1 gf Anyone uhn has ir'nible hearing nr un Adjustment were heard by fh# Tswrtihip Lsmmifiee of fhp fownihip Q) unign in the Ceunty of to 185,000 Including the aggregate sum of H.500 as the several down 5TANDARDI2ATIOTIOfN PLAN another where ii can better serve the en ""'"n 6n Tuesday, the 11th day qi Nevember l?7a * ft f> w ; the Miin.r.pai Runding r.ibeigw derslandmjj is welcumv to have a test using payments (or said Improvements or purposes required ay Isw »na mart OF "ALL EMPl-~I.QY1I" S W s n particularly aescrIBM In iald Section ) and now available therefor by THI CITY OPF LINDEN vironment. Park, Mgrfis Avenue, Union. New Ihriiilesi electronic equipment to determine virtue of provision in a previously adopted budget or budgets of the UNDER CIVIL SIRViee," Township tor down payment or for capital Improvement purposes. The plantings serve not only ecological and hm or her particular los*i Diagrams APPROVED DBCBMCIM1It R 31, BSard gf Dt'fiSiQn eff ifefiph 2, Per the financing of said impfovemehti or purposes and to 1*44, AND AS AMINDIDNDID , esthetic purposes but also are used to prnvuir •.hnuini) how Ihe ear works and some of Ihf ihp Township meet thi part of said SU.WO appropriations not provided lor by ii "IT ORDAINED IV THI living snow fence, cut down headlight glare iind- Caltndar' gf Applicant causes »t hearing loss will be. available application hereunder of said down payments, negotlaBIt bonds of the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Number Township are hereby authorized to be Issued In the principal amount of LINDEN: deter erosion Ku'ryimi' should have a hearing lest al Wu.SCO pursuant to the Local Bond Law ol New Jersey. In anticipation ol lection 1 That the schedules least once a year H there is any trouble at the Issuance s) said bonds and to timsprarlly finance said Improvements referred to and made a part of the The restoration work In the construction area CQ 10, OU'lide s or purposes, negotiable notes of thi Township In a principal amount not ordinance entitled, "AN afage nil hearinj! clearly Kven people now is a follow-up to "Operation Tree Save." which 3Q8 Main Sfregf LGH 43 and fi exceeding 180,500 are hereby authorized to be Issued pursuant to and ORDlNANCI ISTABLilHINO A Of trucks and Orange, N i Trent Place wearing hearing aids or those who have within tht limitations prescribed by said Law. 5CHIDULI OF TITLBS, recently brought the Authority-operated road 07050 Unign, N J " The Improvemsnti hereby luttiorlied and the several' CLASSIFICATION OF DUTIBS, an award in the annual "The Highway and IU been told nothing could he rione for Ihem SALARY HANOiS AND _-.r the financing of which said oBligatlons «r« to be Issued, should have a hearing lest and find out about (each of which shall be made sr undertaken In accordance with the plans, fJIOULATIONI FOR, Knvirnnment" competition "f ihe Federal The retolutidn rtiatmg fg the action g{ the Tgwn%hip C^mmiti#e respecting its decifian in each maps or specifications therefor on file In the office of the Township clerk MAINTAINING THE Highway Administration, US Department til • of thetortgoing matters has been filed in the off let of The Tgwmhip Clerk ef fhe Township ef Union Ihe latest methods of hearing correction. and hereby approved), the appropriation made for and estimated cost of CLASSIFICATION AND 5ALABY in the Ceynty ot Union and is ayaiiabig for inspection at the Clerk's atfict in the Municipal The free hearing tests will be given al each such purpose, and the estimated maximum amount of bonds or STANDARDIZATION PLAN OF Transporlatlon. The program involved Ihe Building, Ffiberggf Park, Morris Avengt, Union, Ntw Jersey notes to be Issued for each suchpurpose, are respectively as follows: ALL EMPLOYEES'OF THE CITY salvaging of as much plant life as possible for MARY i.MILLIf? Ik'ltone, 11 Broad St.. Elizabeth on Monday OF LINDIN UNDER CIVIL Township Clirk of fhe APPROPRIATfeN SERVICE." approved December and Tuesday If you can'! get there on IWPROVIMBNT transplanting elsewhere on Ihe Parkway mid Townihip Of Unipn ANDBfTIMATIO MliM'AMOUNTOF* 20, 1944, and as amended, shall bo BONDS QB NOTES Union Leader, QS£ 5, 1974 _^ Monday or Tuesday call :m3-7MB and OR PURPOSE" _*:*."_ ana the same hereby are lurthef also followed other steps to protect the natural {f %u m (al The acquisition by purchase amended and modilied By environment, arrange for an appointment at another time or condemnation of lands situate Schedule 3AA.4and said Schedule In Ihe Township and constituting ] SA 4 Is hereby made a part of Lot No i! in Block No. 25 as this ordinance as though shown on the Official Tax Map of specifically and at length set forth the Township, for use is the site herein, and said schedule 3AA 4 Public Notice for construction, In cooperation Being on file with the city Clerk of with the Union County Park Com the City of ulnden Is hertby TOWNSHIPOFIPRINOFIILD mission, ol an earthen dike approved and adopted as a change UNION COUNTY,N.J- parallel to Wdhlngton Avenue of the Salary schedule with respect AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN for Hood control Si to the positions therein set forth. ORDINANCE TO PECULATE, (BI The construction of new Section f. All ordinances or parts CONTROL AND 5TABILIZE storm water KWirs and drains of ordinances and schedules RENTS AND CREATE A RINT with required pipes, fnanhoHS, tormina a part thereof inconsistent LEVELING BOARD WITHIN fittings, connections. Struc- herewith shall Be and the same AND FOR THI TOWNSHIP OF tures and appurtenances* in the hereby are repealed to the extfnt SPRINOFIILO area ol the proposed earthen of such Inconsistency, and this An ordinance entitled "An dike rtftrred to above In part, ordinance shall take effect In the Ordinance to Regulate, Control graph (§! of Section I of this manner prescribed By law, and stabilize Rents and create a ordinance. Including all work or rStetlon 3, The provisions of this Rent Leveling loard within and materials necessary therefor or ordinance shall be retroactive to lor the Township of Springfield," Is incidental thereto.." j January 1, 1W4, hereby amended is follows J Totals,,,, 1 SiCtion 1. The excess at the appropriation r T each ol 1M improvements or SecilSn 4 All ordinances ana Section \1 is hereby amended to purposes aforesaid over the estimated maximum amount of bonds or schedules not inconsistent read as follows: notes to Be Issued therefor, is above stated. Is the amount of the said herewith shall continue In full During the term of this down payment for said purpose. force and effect. ordinance the landlord shall lection i. The following additional matters are hereby determined, Linden Leader, Dee. i, 1974 maintain no less than the same deflired, recited and stated; - (Fee; $19.33) standards of service, (a) The said purposes described In Section 1 of this Bond ordinance are maintenaneo, lurniture, not current expenses and are each a property or Improviment which the NpTltl OF APPLICATION furnishings, and equipment in the Township may lawfully icoulrt or make as a general Improvement, and Take notice that application Has housing spaee and dwelling as he no part of the cost thereof hahs beeben or shall be specially assessed on Seen made to the Alcoholic provided or was required to do by property speciall• •y benefiteeneflted thereby, Severaie controol lBoar d of the CCityy law or lease prior to October I!, (b) The average period of u usefulnesf ln s ol said purposes within the Off LindeLid n is transfef r to ANTHONY 1972. Landlord's failure to comply limitations of saisd LocaMal BonBoLnd ?!LaHw anWd takin«...»'"._?«'!»"»,MM"akng into consideratioconsid .n » th•e PALLADINO B, JOHN CATERINO with tht foregoing provision shall. respectivctiee amountamonts of the said obligations authorized lor IN several W iramiiel s locateltedd at »62H0 NN, In addition to constituting a purposes, according to the reasonable life thereof computed from the sines St., Linden the plenary retail violation hertynder, be construed date of Ihe said bonds autnor lied by this bond ordinance, is 40 years, consumption license No, CSI to be an Increase in rent lor all Ictc) ThThe supplementalntal l debt stateenstatementt rirerequiredd Bby said Law hahass Been heretofore Issued to Robert purposes contained herein, _jiy made and flledln. the offlci - '- - -—J - - "--"J lection a. duly madJ e and filedln. the office of the Township Clerk and a complete Wasserman, Assignee for e»eeuted '•• duplicat•-' • e "thereo- f haas beeb__n filed In the office of the Director .o.f Leonldas Corp. trading as Golden if any part or parts of this the Division of Local Finance in the Department of Community Affairs of Lantern Jpcated at 1M0 E. Idgar Ordinance are for any reason held the state of Nsw jersey, and such statement Ihows that the (irss s deb'"t o"l Rd,, Linden. to be Invalid, such decision shall theTownshlpjsdBflnedlns^LavsJSJncrea^edbytAe'Sutj Oblectlons, If any, should Be not affect the validity of the the lifsVns Softs preyldii for Tri this bonVoY^ made Immediately in writing to remaining portions of this i •" itlons iuthbrlied by this bond ordlninH will be within all debt Mr. Henry j, iaran, Msr|tiry, Ordinance, i pftscrlbed bysil^Ljiw, ^ Alcoholic leveraje Control Board lection 3, City of Linden, City Hall, Linden, Ail Ordinances Or parts of obligations, costs of issuing said OBligatlons, engineering costs snd other Union County, New Jirsey, ordinances inconsistent with the Items of expense listed In and permitted under section «A:220 of said ANTHNY PALLAPINO provisions of this ordinance are Law may be includeed as part of tthhe costs off said Improvement and are M Royal Dr., hereby repealed, Inelgdeuddd iin (he forego'goin—g estimat"''—* e- "thereof• ', irlekfown, N.J- lection 4, lietiotion 55i,, fth hae full fafaiti h and credcredii t of the TownshiTownshipp art herherebyy ppledgeg d JOHN CATiRINO This ordinance is to take effect D toTKe iunctusiunct l paymentt eff the prinelBarielBii off and Interestt on the saiidd U? victoria Dr., immediately upon passage and obllosilons^obligationtions aulhorltii d By this bond ordinance Said obligations shall be publication according to law. 1 Clark, N.j. direcdirectt ,, unlimiteunlimite- " d obligationobligations off ththee TownshipTownship, anandd the TownshiTownship shalshall be Uinden Leader, Nov. II, Dee, i, I, Arthur H. iuehrtr, do hereby obligatetdd to llev y add valorevaloremm taxetaxess upouponn alalll th thee taxabl taxablee propertpropertyy withiwithinn 1974 certify that the foregoing the Township for the payment of said obligations and interest thereon I ordinance was introdyced for first without limitation of rate or amount. reading §ta regular meeting 01 the MOTICFOFPgNDJNnOHpiNANCOTICOFgNp p NiiDHELP! Townfhip Committee of the The ordinance puoMshedhirewlmwas Introdu d passed upon first Township of Springfield, In the reading at a meeting of the Township Committee f the Township ol An Inexpaniivt HILP County of Union and State of New Jersey held on November M, 1W4 SprfngMeld. In the County of Union, New Jersey, held on November U, WANTED ad In the and that the said ordinance shall \W4, It will be further eohsldered for final passage after publiblic hearinhi g Bbe submittebittdd ffo r consideratioidtionn aandd thereon, at a meeting of SiW Township cemmlltet to be held In the Cliillflid pages of thli final passage at a regular meeting Municipal Building In said Township on December If, 1974 at 1:10 o'clock newspaper will reach of the laid Township Committee to p.m., and during the week prior to and up to and Including the date of such ovtr 30,000 nsarby be held on December 19,1174 In the meeting, copies of said ordinance will be made available it the Clerk's Iprinafleld Municipal Building at Office fn sitd Municipal luiWIna to the members af the genera! public readir.timllles. To 1:10 P.M. at which time and place any person or persons interested who shall request the same. ARTHUH H. place your ,id, call Ipfld Leader, Dee, I, 1974 (Fee: 151,11! therein will Be given an 684-7700 oppprtunlty to be heard concerning said ordinance. Copy is posted on Regal (he bulletin board In the office of (he Township clerk, A,ftTHURH,ByiHMft Township Clerk Ipfld Leader, Dec, i, W4 Magnavo PRESENTS (Fee!S17.!j)

su^SiijifFiiw.f SUPIRI ilRl DIVISI DOCK PIP MORT corpora .. . McCOY, etc,, als., Defendants, iKeeutlon For Sale of Mortgaged SOUND VALUES Premlifs, By virtue of thl above stated SPECIALS FOR THURS.-FRI.-SAT. 8 HON. - DEC. 5-6-719 writoitff ixeutixecutlonl , to me dlrtetedditd ,I FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY Auction, In Sheriff'aT Off tee, Essex BRING ROOM MEASUREMENTS County Courts Buildinuild g In Newark, " Tuesday, thee list day of ]00%Nyiori INMupsni Nylw December, nextext, at ona-tttlrtv P,M,, (Prevailinli g Time) til that Latest Swirl Pattirns tract or parcel of land, situate, 8V2 x CARPETS lying and being hf the Cltyaf iist 95 $ 50 , in the County of Isse», in tht State RUGS $OQ95 BEGIN the 49 sogthtisterly line, of Wirwlck A. Ths gilt Of liitining pleasure fsaturing aolid- Street it a point therein distant 199 237.80 test northeasterly from the Itata FM/AM ridio, full-size Mioromatic northeasterly line of First Avenue; changtr, 8-track player, built-in Matrix E. Compliti stireo paeKagi including; solid- MOHAWk from Ihence (1) running along said 4-ohannil sound dicofler md 3-way stereo statt stereo FM/AM raiio, B-track player, Mutheastifly line of Warwick l00%Cumuloft Nylon Itriet North » desreei is minutes speaker tystim, 671B fuil-sisa record changer, dust cover, two Embossed Pile last 33,70 lest; thence 13) st right 449.M air suspension sptiker enclosures, sttreo angles to Wsrwlck Street south 60 headphones and mobile cart. 1-2000 degreil 05 mlnutti last 100 feat; (hence (11 parallel wlth.WsrwicK B, Spaoe-savlng console offers i aqlid-ltat» • Street South M degrni 51 minutes $C50 West 3JJ0 test; and thinee M) at FM/AM radio, record flhangir, B-tfacK player r|ght angles to Warwick Strtel Matrix 4.ohanriel sound dedodBr plus four || North M degrees 05 mlnutei West WPER 100 feat to the sold southeasterly sttreo apeakiri for th« best in stereo Sq, Yd. line at Warwick itrstt and the listening enloyment, 8406 •LINOLEUM point orpliei of iiaiNNiNO, . iiING commonly known as 70 388,95 Armstrong & Warwick Street, last Orange, Congolsum New Jersey. C, Drum tablt stereo conoials a solid-state THi above description Is In stirio FM/AM radio, automatic record accordtnte with surv#y made By changer, built-in B-track tape piaytr, built-in. AmosO, and r VINYL dated July H, Matrix 4-channil decoder, plus six ittrto (T IS intended to descrlU the Ipeaktrs, Truly a stereo in disguise, 8818 LINOLEUM same premises conveyed to Louts Sii.SS B Richardson and Kathleen Vneo. yiytiV Reg. Sl-.W. Parker Richardson, his wile, by deed dated July zv, 1971, recorded D. Early Americana dry sink styling combined August i. 1971, In Book 4381 of 100%Contlnuous Dsedifor Essex County, Page 683 with solid-state stereo FM/AM radio, phono The approximate amount of the L 8-track player, plus tout stereo speaker* Filament Nylon Judgment to be satisfied by said and a Matrix 4-channel sound decodir. 8464 sale lithe sum ot TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED 4f»,i5 S 49 TWENTY-FOUR DOLLARS AND CARPETING 4 EIGHTY-TWO CENTS (!24,o24.B3), together with the. |V «1( ArnttinHtfl.ton^n .Reg. $6.9S Sq. Yd. costs of this sale The Sheriff reserves the right to aalourn m« tale from time to time Newark, N L, November M, 1974 Regal Magnavox JOHN F. CRY AN, Sheriff Deubel 8. Estrln, Attorney! HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS TO SERVE YOU 1224 Springfield Ave. VaMs Under. Dec. 5, 12, 19, in, 6 GREAT opp LYONS AVE. HELP! An Inexpensive— HELP . JJNDEN OtharStoreLgeatjonslnNlWjeRSIY; r-^ UNION H IRVINGTON, N J. WANTED ad In the Clasillled-page* -of this - 911 W, SI. George Avenue '— 2121 Morris Avanos r 5900 newspaper win reach ovw 4 InNIWYORK: Phone: ES. 1-5900 at Stiles Street 2 blocks west of Center J OPENMON.»FRI.HIT6»TIL»OTHeRNITBJTILS.l(l 30.000 nearby reader NIW YORK CITY • STATIN ISLAND DELIVIRVaUARANTIIDBIFODI CHRISTMAS families To place your ad, 486-9080 687-5701 /^ -686-7700-

••»•'•- •• fci!

.Thursday, Dgetmber 5, 1974-. 'PoinsettiaBdl'

1 Mt LOKJD ISCC&.E to mark 10th year Ramapo People' legend debunked of medical center More than 500 guests arc eapectod to attend the loth anniversary "Foinsettia Ball" for Professor cites origin of 'Jackson Whites' Saint BarnBbai Medical Center this week, Thll gala social and fund-raising community event A new hook by a young Rutgers Univerjity by local historians, newspaper and magazine legend had no historical basis and readied that is being held to commemorate tho 10th year in historian seeks to dispel erroneous folk legends writers , he wanted to expand what had started out to be Livingston and the beginning of the 110th an- surrounding (he ancestry of n littlc-knnwn His interest in what he calls a "little race" an academic project. niversary year for Saint Barnabas in 1W5, group of raclally-mlsed New Jersey people begun when he was a student ft! Weslwood High For the post five years, he has appeared as a The hall will be held at the Governor Morris Through genealogical research. Dr David School and fin! met writer and editor John C speaker before historical .societies, women's Inn, Morrislown, thli Saturday, The committee Steven Cohen, assistant professor of history Storms, the man he say» was instrumental in clubs, church groups and groups of the will meet the guests at a reception at 8 p.m. and American studies at the Newark College of continuing the myth in print. mountain people to make known the reiultl of Arts and Seienees, disproves claims thai the "Storms was a good story teller who too often m's research Two years ago he appeared, with This will be followed by dinner and dancing in Ramapo Mountain people ore doscendents of presented his stories as historical fact," Prof two residents of Ringwood, on an educatinnal SCULPTURl OF NATIVITY woi dedicated recently at Hollywood MsmirTorParkTUnlon, the ballroom a,! 51 p.m. escaped slaves, Indians. Hessian soldiers and Cohen said. "Unfortunately, his Jackson television program. ,H)_^)_. H,A, Welihons, president of the cem«ntery, sold tht sculpture, whleh is part of tht Polnseltios and twinkling lights will decorate prostitutes. Whites' story was later picked up by such REACTION TO HIS WORK has been varied, latest mausoleum, will bo ready for public viewing tht iteond week in Pteornbor, the room. Prof Cohen's book, "The Ramapo Mountain respected authorities as poet William Carlos and he admitted that iome of the criticism has The cemetery will bt open to tht general public through ChristrTiOs Day from 9 o.m, Table decorations will follow' the same color People," published by the Rutgers University Williams and sociologist E Franklin Fraz.ier, come from the mountain people. The epilogue l» 5 p." scheme of rod and white, A program in gold Press, is an historical, sociological and an- convincing many people that the Kamapo of this book presents some of these views. They and red will be at each guest's place, The menu Ihropologleal view, reflecting his persona! Mountains was an inaeessible area of hlllhillips range from the statement of a colored woman grnealogicdl charts of the I'.irhi'st families legend ' will lie in French. interest and professional expertise and degenerates " ,fl.^. who told him she was "proud now to be one of details of then migration to the Hamapo The first y-hnlarly prusi-ntdtinnnf an integral The entertainment' program will be headed Mountains tape transt ripts of thru fulk beliefs pjrt nf New Jersey and American history, In it he attacks the legend of the 'Jackson WHO, THEN, are the Kamnpn Mountain the Hamapo Mountain people" to the angry by Connie Francis, vocalist and guest artist for jnd appendices of herb turcs folk remedies Hrof Cohen s book shuuld dn much lo dispel the Whiles," (i derogatory titlv applied to the people' remarks of some Hillburn residents who were the ball. She will be accompanied by the Les and d Jersey Dutch unrdlisl lung standing erroneous legend Katnapo Mountain people that was perpetuated Socially and racially, they are one of some unhappy about being shown to have black tilns.1 urcliciira nf finseiand. 200 similarly-mixed groups found in various ancestry. Thr book vs handiomeh illuMralrri with locations throughout the eastern United Stales Prof Cohen has been unhappy with some phntographs done by Robert dnldslein a free past newspaper accounts of the mountain lamp photographer fmm New Milfnrd ICBO readies list Numbering between 75,000 and 100,000 people, 1 these groups claim Indian ancestry but people, which he cites as playing up sensational 'Ilu photographs ' Prof fnhen sjid in maintain no tribal affiliations sispoets distorting it out of character, sensitively revuiling the personalities of in dividual mountain people refute visual of businesses for Specifically, the Ramapo Mountain people "The Ramapn Mountain People" is readable steratvpes camparahle tu the sterntype in the arc some 1,500 residents of Mahwah and and inloriiiiiiive on many levels. H has sale to minorities Ringwond in northern New Jersey and in James H Blow Jr.. executive director of the Hillhurn in southeastern New York Originally Interracial Council For Business Opportunity farming landowners and later ironminers who iICBOi of New Jersey, announced this week worked the productive Ringwood mines, today TV cancer series DRUM LESSONS thai ICBO is preparing (mother list of some are economically middle-class, working with Rust Moy businesses for sale to be sent to its mailing liji at government jobs. Others arc blue collar and (mproyi ¥BUF Pitding I, lifhnlgut of mure than 3,000. members of the miority skilled workers. onCh. 13,50,58 ROCK IA2Z-MILITARY community throughout.the state According to the research done by Prof Six- programs dealing with conquerini cancer will be LATIN PERCUSSION - Business owners, who wish to sell their Cohen, the mountain people are descended ihe major sites of cancer will stressed during the March 5 SHOWS,,.also businesses should request a "business for sale from colored pioneers who were among the be included in the new program. Pro|re«B in TIMPANI and MARIMBAS information form" if they wish their business to early Dutch settlers in the Haekensack Valley television health series, detecting and curin| certain Phone 355-0366 be included: There Is no fee for the service region. Contrary to the legend, they are not "Feelini Good," being lypesoff cancer willbsirealellbdd Bernard H- Supers!™, deputy director, is in descended from Hessian soldiers, who were carried during prime evening during the April 2 (how. Colon- RUSS MOY charge of the program and can be reached al Germans; runaway slaves; black and white lime over the nation's 250 rectum cancer will again be (he ICBO office, 24 Commerce si, Newark, or prostitutes and Tuscarora Indians public broadcasting nations. treated on the April 30 Drum Studio by calling 622-4771 Proof of the Dutch ancestry is found in the In New Jersey, the program 287 Morris Ave., Elizabeth Since its inception In 1969 this "Project anglicized common names of De Frees*. Van programs will be telecait Transfer" program has succeeded in tran- Dunk, De Groat and Mann None of these Wednesdays si i p.m. over sferring many businesses to minority group names. Prof, Cohen staled, appeared on the list ChanneiB 30 and BB^-The N«w members, "Our idea is to provide the new of marriages of Hessian soldiers from two York outlet for the series will businessman wilh the opportunity to acquire an regitnents who fought for the British in the New be Channel 13, established business so that he may take ad- York area campaign during the Revolutionary The first program on can- vantage of !hi> built-in momentum and thus War, cer, aired last night, en- minimize some of the problems involved in "There's no genealogical evidence of early couraged women >o practice launching a new venture," Blow said, Indian ancestry," he said "If it exists. It would hrcnsl selr-pxaminalioii ICBO of New Jersey is part of a national have to be a very .small percentage. There has followinH Mrs, Gerald Ford's organization established for the purpose nf been some interm»rriage with Indians in experience ihni prompted assisting minority group members In become recent generations, but not enough to affect the Mrs. Nrlsnn liackrfelliT lo business owners or expand their existing entire population ^-o- report suspicious lumps to her physician. businesses. This i» accomplished by obtoinint; "WHAT'S 1NTEBESTING about the legend," financial assistance, giving technical and Prof. Cohen added, "is that the mountain The Pap test, a simple, management assistance, providing volunteer people, having no alternative history, adopted painleis medical procedure consultants, helping in the areas of marketing the legend themselves but tell only the parts for ihe deiemion of cancer of and accounting courses at the Rutgers Newark about the Tusqarora Indians and Hessian ihe uieruj, will be dealt with campus. There is no charge for ICBO services. soldiers. This reinforces their identification on the Dec, is "Feeling Good" Former Governor Robert B Meyner anci with Indians, rather than blacks. They use the program, Deaihi due to Reginald C. Hale serve as co-chairmen and term 'colored' to describe themselves." uterine cancer now occur at Leonard Howard as president of ICBO of New- At the University of Pennsylvania, where he one-lhird ihe rale of 35 years Jersey, received a PhD, In American civilization. ago. The major factor Prof. Cohen decided to write his dissertation on contributing lo this decline the Ramapo Mountain people, TowardJ this hai been early detection Consumer prices end, he spent a year (1968-69) living in the Man- resulting from the Pap Test, wih-Rlngweod.Hillburn area. For a few The Jan, 29 show will up .8 in October months, towards the end of his stay, he lived encourage persons over 40 to with Wallace and Vivian De Groat of Hillhurn, have proeto examination for Prices paid by consumers for goods and one of tht mountain families, ihe deleellon of eolon-reolum services in the New York-Northeaitern New- "It took that long," he said, "to become cancer. Excluding skin Jersey area rose OB percent in October, ac- trusted by the mountain people'and for them to cancer, this ii Ihe site of the cording to Herbert Bienjtoek, the U.S.realize that my work was an honest attempt to greatest number of new Department of Labor's Assistant Regional correct the derogatory stereotypes that had cancer casei and ii a leading Director for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, bten created about them." cause of cancer dtalhs among who heads the BLS office in New York. On completion of his doctoral dissertation. men and women, Slight, if The October rise largely reflected higher Prof. Cohen was thoroughly convinced that the any, recent change hai housing, bakery and sugar products, and new occurred in either the ear prices. Partially offsetting the effect of incldenceor death rales due to these upward movements were price declines Open house today this kind of cancer. for gasoline, meats and dairy products. On a The importance of early seasonally adjusted basis the index rose *.« at Kean College delect (on as a means of •percent following n 1.1 percent rise in Sep- The Industrial Studies department of Kean tember and ii l.ti percent rise in Angus) College of New Jersey, Union, will sponsor its The October increase brought the area's fall open house program in the Industrial Yule music, Consumer Price Index to 90.2 percent above the Studies Building today from 9 a.m. 1987 base. With the October index at 160,211BB7- Dr, Vance B. Synder, department chairman. 100), the area consumer now has to spend Bald the event will offer high school students, art exhibit ilflJJ to buy what $10.00 was able to buy In the their parentj, teachers and other interested A Christmas concert by the 1967 index has« period. persons an opportunity to observe regular Collegium Muilcum of Expressed u purchasing power, the dollar in departmental classes seisloiis, specialexhibits Monlclair StattCoIlegt will be October 1974 in the New York-North-eastern of student work, and to survey other campus given al the Montelair Art New Jersey area was worth 82.4 cents In 1967 activities and facilities on scheduled hourly Museum on> Sunday ai a dollars and 52.5 cents in 1987-59 dollars. tours. musical counterpart to the museum's "Christmas Story in Art" exhibition. The group will play at 3 and Editors Quote Book 4 p.m. in the museum's East TENNIS GIFTS Gallery, where early Tlli'tr M-n ^terii mnn who European altar art Is on makes I't'riy man jed \mtiH. dijpiay. The concert is free SLAZENGER "METEOR" But the really great man is and open to the public. Ihe. man who mekrt every The Collegium Muiicum Is a man jeel great. group of musicians Interested TENNIS RACKET — C.hintwPiimih in authentic performance of 8 Fly limlnitM, tih frimti Top Gnat Uaihir srlpi Muin-Piy nylon ifrungi Medieval and Renaissance music. Reg, The "Chrijtmas Story 122 *15" Flutist is added Art" exhibition, which will remain on view through Jan, to school's staff 12, includes painting) and sculpture from the same Selected Group The Masterwork School of period as Ihe music. These the Arts has announced the have been arranged in LADIES TENNIS TOGS appointment of Miss'Maxine ehapelJike setting, enhanced Whltenerof New Brusnwick to by large Flemish, Aubuuon TENNIS DRESSES teach flute at th« school, and Royal, Beauvaii which is located at the tapestries. Masterwork Music and Art AND SEPARATES Foundation, Morris County Park Coffimiision Cultural LEUKEMIA VICTIMS Center, 300 Mendham rd., There are two basic types of 50fc°» Morrlsitiwn, leukemia; acute leukemia (more than half of casts) can Now Mils Whitener attended The occur at any age although it is I Juilllard Schao! and has the type most often setn 1 Brand New-Line Mtn's studied flute under such noted children mi chronic leukemia teachers m Thomas Nyfinpr which occurs most frequently ADIDAS TENNIS TOGS and Murray Panitj, in" adults. SHIRTS* SHORTS* SOCK •••••••••••••a* HOME STYLE FRUIT SPECIAL/ SEWING MACHINE PIES • APPLES M•Iron $91199 SWEET CIDER Topind icki NEEDLING YOU? AllcoordlM colon. : . •• I CALL, I Fresh cider without prtsenut- FRIE M0N0ORAMIN0 w-tMl *d. your mm* or IMKtll . imJmt pork Muaj«...Pre- ACCUSEW ! serves... Pun honey ...Miplt ! mt»M&

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