The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is is Easy To Place- just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL, 16 NO. 52 MOUNTAiNSIDI, N.J., THURSDAY, DiCiMiiR 5, 1974 = 30 Csnti Per Copy Paid 01 Msunitlnildi, H.J. 3 N.»P,8.7d(ns» Road, Mgvn Funds sought for Regional sports programs Aid asked for lacrosse and chess Mountainside students protest bus cut at GL Hy AHNKK(iOU) Sports held the spotlight ,ii the Regional High School Board uf Education meeting Tuesday night a! Jonathan Dayton Regional High School in Springfield with members of the audience calling for increased support for wrestling lacrosse and chess in the various schools, Students predominated among the ">n members of the 'audience at the 90-miniile session, shortest regular meeting of the year Mas! were part of a group calling for establish- ment of a lacrosse team at A.L. Johnson Regional in Clark. Other teenagers spoke oul la protest a threatened cut in bus service1 tci Mountainside from (Jov, Livingston Regional in Berkeley Heights. Dr. Donald Merachnik, superintendent nf schools, said the possible loss of state aid hail -leri-to-tftllrnf-a-nif-irt nfternnnrrsehnnl bus service to Mountainside from Gov, Livingston for the 80 Mountainside students remaining n! that school. All others from Mountainside now attend Dayton. Lewis Fredericks, assistant superintendent for business affairs, said that Dr. William West, county superintendent of schools, hail refused to approve state aid lor three afternoon buses - two at 3 p.m. and one al \ for only mi students. He said (he board may try to cut down from two buses to one for the :i p.m. run nest GQRNiRSTONE GiREMQNY—Mountainiidt Fire Chief Ron guests' at the event was Henry Weber, one of the original week, on a trial basis. The buses have r>4 seats, Hufer, Fire Commissioner Abe Suekno and Mayor Thomai members of the fores, who hod been a volunteer when the he noted, and should carry at least 4n Rlcelardl (from left) were omong local officials taking part In former f (rehouse was opened in 1910, The new facility is youngsters each. The three morning buses recent cornerstone laying ceremony at the new borough expected to be in u§§ in January, remain unchanged flrshouse on New Providence road. Among ether special (Photo-Graphics) Two girls commented that the trip home now barely allows them time to get to afterschool * \ I 1. jobs. They said that one run, with more stops, would gel them home too late for their jobs SENIOR CLASS CONCERT at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School in Springfield will 're* fund Educational system 'a mess/ Charles Vitale, hoard president, ordered feature the rock group Kinderhook Creek, above, which recently completed a tour Several Mountainside residents have "student input" into any decision on the buses of colleges In the lost. Also appearing will be Revenge of the Laulau, a group from established a fund to collect $lr,u to He noted, "Any student ambitious enough for Son Francisco, Tht concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, with tickets cover the cosi" of decorating ajid ex-board member charges an aftersehool job should not be deprived of the available at the door at S3, S3,SO and $4. Refreshments will be available. lighting the borough Christmas tree. become disheartened as lo Ihe future of our Donations, marked "Tree Fund," may The Mountainside Board of Education, which educational system, because Of indecision and The sports issues came up when a be sent to the Mountainside Hegeue of late has been the subject of controversy In lack of understanding of the basic needs of a representative of the Gov, Livingston Booster Squad; any monies remaining will go to the borough, has come under fire again, this system such as ours; they have attempted to (Continued on page 7) Borough pupils' test scores the squad. Persons wishing to help time by a former member of the body, William weaken Ihe role of Ihe business manager, decorate the tree should meet at the J, Biunno has written an open letter to borough principals and even secretaries, in their site, on the corner of HI. 22 and New residents, criticizing two board members in Mobile Moats program inability to make good business judgments higher than county average Providence road, at !l a.m. on Saturday, particular, Patricia Knodel and Trudy palmer. since tdking office In short they violate the seeking more drivers Dec. 14, ' It reads as follows Results released this week bv Dr Levin B five paints was considered significant Dr I have become bewildered ,ind flisen principal ethie thai Board of Eduutinn The Mountainside Mobile Medls program has Hanigan, superintendent of schools, on reading Levin B Hanigan superintendent nf schools chanted in recent month"; nver the chantu members do not run the school system' issued a call for additionaj volunteer drivers to and mathematics tests given to Mountainsidn explained condition of our elementary sehnnl system in "They also lack the ethical standards to be deliver fiifld to customers Persons ably to work fourth and seventh graders in the autumn of 'In terms of the usudl rjution howryer te t Monday blackout- Mountainside which results from the complete hoard members when they argue for the defeat for approximately one half hour edrh weekdav I37i shn« the borough youngsters scoring scores drc only one criterion nf student Uek of coordination dnd cooperation on the nf a budget proposed by the same Board of morning were asked to cdll Mabel Ynung dt 213 signifltantlv higher than the county average in progress lie noted They dre not absolute part of the members of the Board of Education Education thev purporl tn represent The\ 4024 most areas infallible or even exceptionally accurate AI wind, car factors What has happened to the leadership that has insult the intelligence nf Ihe people of this Persons wishing information on eligibility In the interpretation of the results of Ihe heat thev posthole a student s dchievemenl Monday morning's fierce wind and ram always been the force tn move this group cnmmumlv when thev say that dissehsion requirements for participation in the program and generalize from limited datd The number 1 exams, part of a statewide progrdm any score storm, and in unsuspecting motorist played d forward with positive purpose among board members is healthy and should call 233 B146 that exceeded the eountv refereniK scores b\ (Continued on page 7) part in a power failure which left 1,500 "We now have two women un the hoard who recommended by a high official of the New Mountainside homes without electricity fur Lontinually write articles and letters lo Ihe Jersey School Boards Association Moun nearly five hours editors of our local newspapers and give the tainside deserves better than this Police said the high winds dislodged a tren impression to readers that these ladies .ire "1 question the ability of Mrs Knodel to hold near the eastbound lanes of HI 22 near the speaking on behalf of the entire Board of the job as finance committee chairman of this Mountainside Scotch Plains line, causing it to Education The fact remains that the board is board since it appears she has neither (he lean against a utility pole The pole s weakened split 4 1 and Mrs Knodel and Mrs Palmer knowledge nor the experience to handle such a guide wires came down across the roadway speak for the minority hloek After reading responsibility I also question whether or nnt and at 3 35 a m one was hit by B car driven by their releases and attending some board she reports to the president of the board or lo Harvey I Goldberg, JB, of North Plainfield The meetings, 1 now have my doubts as to what or her eollegues her decisions concerning this impact toppled the pole, causing the lights to go whom Mrs Knpdel and Mrs Palmer represent committee out in 3,000 homes in Mountainside, Scotch They have managed to confuse the community "She speaks of her concern for the number of Plains and Westfield and have made a complete mesn of the purchase orders presented each month for Police said power was restored to most of the educational system in Mountainside since payment I question whether purchase orders 1,500 borough houses affected by I) am, becoming elected are being paid, and if the students and teachers although some on Brookside road and Robin "They have continued to publicly undermine have the proper supplies and materials Hood lane were without electricity until noon the ability of the superintendent of schools necessary to learn and teach (i e special Goldberg, whose auto spun across the high they have forced good teachers nut of our pencils for tests, newspapers for libraries, (Continued on page 7! system and caused many of those remaining to etc ) "I also wonder about the monies provided in the 1974 75 budget Are they being used to operate the educational system or are Ihey being held back to provide the 1250,000 surplus promned last January"1 It Is not economically feasible to hold back 1974 dollars to purchase education in 1975-1B7B The dollars will not go as far then, and we need the education today The purpose of the Board of Education is not lo generate surplus, but provide for good education "Mrs Knodel and Mrs Palmer have on Several oceanons made it known, and lorded _ (Continued an page 1Y University women ready holiday fair Peggy Smith, chairman of the holiday arts and crafts fair presented by the Mountainside Branch of the American Association nf University Women on Saturday from 1 to 4 p m in the Deerfield School cafeteria, has an- nounced that there wiU be 52 craft masteps- selling handmade articles.
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