Funds Sought for Regional Sports Programs
The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is is Easy To Place- just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL, 16 NO. 52 MOUNTAiNSIDI, N.J., THURSDAY, DiCiMiiR 5, 1974 = 30 Csnti Per Copy Paid 01 Msunitlnildi, H.J. 3 N.»P,8.7d(ns» Road, Mgvn Funds sought for Regional sports programs Aid asked for lacrosse and chess Mountainside students protest bus cut at GL Hy AHNKK(iOU) Sports held the spotlight ,ii the Regional High School Board uf Education meeting Tuesday night a! Jonathan Dayton Regional High School in Springfield with members of the audience calling for increased support for wrestling lacrosse and chess in the various schools, Students predominated among the ">n members of the 'audience at the 90-miniile session, shortest regular meeting of the year Mas! were part of a group calling for establish- ment of a lacrosse team at A.L. Johnson Regional in Clark. Other teenagers spoke oul la protest a threatened cut in bus service1 tci Mountainside from (Jov, Livingston Regional in Berkeley Heights. Dr. Donald Merachnik, superintendent nf schools, said the possible loss of state aid hail -leri-to-tftllrnf-a-nif-irt nfternnnrrsehnnl bus service to Mountainside from Gov, Livingston for the 80 Mountainside students remaining n! that school. All others from Mountainside now attend Dayton. Lewis Fredericks, assistant superintendent for business affairs, said that Dr. William West, county superintendent of schools, hail refused to approve state aid lor three afternoon buses - two at 3 p.m. and one al \ for only mi students.
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