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MYLOR MAGAZINE October 2015 Your free magazine — please take one MYLOR MAGAZINE October 2015 Serving the whole community Mylor Magazine Published by: Mylor and Flushing Community Publications Trustees: Chris Perkins (Chairman) John Symons (Parish Council) Revd Jeffrey James (Secretary) Nicholas Trefusis Joint Editors: John & Celia Savage 01326 617847 Deputy Editor & Advertising: Pat Willmore Adverts@mylorand 01326 372168 Photography: Geoff Adams 01326 374197 Treasurer: Andy Goodman Accounts@mylorand 01326 373530 Editorial Team: Geoff Adams Terry Chapman Roger Deeming Wendy Fowler Judy Menage Margaret Whysall Printing: Leaflet Express 01872 865744 Mylor Magazine is published monthly, available at local outlets, and in full colour online at (click on ‘Magazine’). The deadline for copy is 10th of the previous month: SEE PAGE 51 FOR NEW EMAIL ADDRESS. For full details of advertising rates and how to contribute to Mylor Magazine, please see page 51 (inside back cover). Cover: Landerio Show, photo by Celia Savage 2 Contents Village Diary 4 Vicar’s letter October 6 Church News 1 TH Art Group 7-9 (every Thurs) 6 Chapel News 3 TH Christmas Lights Coffee 8 Parish Council News Morning, 10-12 12 Community Police 4 MC Harvest Festival 12 Landerio Show 5 OS Flower Club AGM 7.30 13 Churchyard Preservation 10 TH Parish Council Surgery 10-12 14 Health Matters 12 OS Garden Club AGM 7.30 14 Baby & Toddler Group 13 MS Flu Clinic, 10.30-12.30 16 Garden Club 13 TH ‘Fake or Fortune’ valuations 16 WI 10-12.30 17 Flower Club 14 Mobile Library 2.15-3.30 17 Guitar Concert 14 StM ’Eight in a Bar’ concert 7.30 18 Trefusis Singers 17 TH Children’s Hospice Coffee 18 Mylor Movies Morning 10-12 21 Writers’ Group 21 TH WI, Talk by RNLI 7.30 21 Mylor Art Group 24 TH LHG ’Medieval Manuscripts’ 23 Health & Fitness ‘3 Meals’ Illust. Talk 7.30 25 Proper Cornish Hevva Cake 24 and 25 Enys Autumn Celebration 26 Centre Spread - Landerio 25 AS Guitar Concert 2.30 see p17 Show 26-30 School Half Term 28 Local History 26 PH Parish Council 7.15 32 Wildwatch - Fungi 28 TH Mylor Movies 7.30 see p18 38 On the Water 31 TH Writing Group, 10-12 40 Farm Diary—Harvest November 49 Crossword 1 AS All Saints Day, see p6 51 Crossword solution 3 MS Flu Clinic 10.30-12.30 Key: AS All Saints Church, FSM Friends of StM, FVC Flushing Village Club, GC Garden Club, LHG Local History Group, MC Methodist Chapel, MS Mylor GP Surgery, OS Ord–Statter Pavilion, PH Parish Hall, Sch Mylor School, StM St Mylor Church, TH Tremayne Hall. 3 Vicar’s letter ~ Revd Jeffrey James Many of us have had the experience of walking through the door of the place where we live and calling out, "I'm home". It's an ordinary everyday kind of statement that announces that the speaker is present. It's also a statement about being back in the place where we are known and loved and restored in our relationship with those with whom we share the home. It can also be the prelude to a conversation about how the day has been. It is such a common comfort that it's easy to overlook its significance. Imagine then living in a way where there is no meaningful possibility of saying “I'm home,” because there is no home to go to. That's the situation for a minority of people in Britain, and it is much more common in some other places and is strikingly so in relation to people from countries in conflict like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea. Across these lands, millions of people have been driven from the places they called home, and now seek places to begin again the process of creating the stability that has a home at its heart. Millions have settled in refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon and in these temporary places try to create for themselves and their families something that could be called home. Others have striven to find a more settled place and put themselves in the hands of people-smugglers who promise to transport them by land or sea to Greece or Italy, where there is the prospect of a new beginning. It's surely not difficult to understand the desire to have a place away from conflict and violence where it might be possible to walk through a door and say ‘I'm home,’ so what is it that causes such anxiety about the refugees? I sense that refugees challenge us to reflect on our settled status and ask us whether we are willing to take the risk that offering them refuge might change things for them and for us. There are all sorts of proper arguments about homes and jobs and public services, which we've answered many times before in our country's history, as groups of people have sought refuge from religious, political and ethnic conflict. The real challenge is whether we are willing to make other, unknown people welcome. Can we see, in the simple desire for a place in which we can say ‘I'm home,’ the seed of a common interest with the person we don't yet know but who shares our common humanity? 4 MYLOR PARISH - REGULAR SERVICES AT St MYLOR CHURCH and ALL SAINTS, MYLOR BRIDGE Website: Facebook: St Mylor Church Sundays 8am Holy Communion (1662 BCP) St Mylor 10.30am Parish Eucharist St Mylor Except last Sunday in month when All Age Worship (not August, December) 5pm Evening Prayer/Bible Study All Saints Wednesdays 10am Holy Communion All Saints For feast day services and other occasions, see Church notice boards/website Enquiries about baptisms, weddings or funerals should be made to Revd Jeff James on 01326 374408 or The Churchwarden, Hazel Carruthers, can be contacted on 01326 374262 or at Friends of St. Mylor Church Reg. Charity No. 1129030 AN EVENING OF SONG WITH “EIGHT IN A BAR” th Wednesday 14 October St. Mylor Church, Mylor Churchtown 7.30 p.m. Tickets £7.00 (Inc. Refreshments & complimentary wine) Available from Committee Members or 01209 820357 – 01326 373128 Raising Funds for St. Mylor & All Saints Churches 5 Church and Chapel News Church News: Jeff, our Parish Priest, and his team have certainly taken St Mylor into the twenty-first century, and there is now no excuse for not knowing what is going on with us. Quite apart from this great magazine, for some time now we have been on Facebook: to access us is easy, at Facebook/ St Mylor. There is always plenty of news, including a brief resume of the following Sunday’s readings and a hint of what’s to come in the sermon, lots of photos, and a new feature just starting, an in-depth article on one of the members of the church – the first is about Jeff himself. Photos on Facebook include some taken at our Patronal Festival on the last Sunday of August, when we celebrated St Mylor with a special hymn at our Eucharist, and cake and fizzy wine afterwards. It was a happy day. We shall very shortly have a new, much-updated Website, which again will give details of all the happenings at the church. To access this, go to It has taken a while to get this off the ground, but we realised just how vital it is to be accessible – a website is often the first place where people look for a church, for whatever function, wedding, funeral, baptism, or, specifically for us, a place to worship while on holiday in the area. Sunday 1 November is All Saints Day, and our 10.30 Eucharist service will be held in All Saints, Bells Hill. Later that day, at 6 pm, we shall remember the dear departed at our All Souls service, again at All Saints. If you have someone whom you wish to be remembered who is not already on our list, please contact our Parish Priest, Jeff James. Judy Menage Chapel News: We recently hosted the Welcome Service for our new Superintendent Minister to the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit and Mylor Chapel, Revd Robbie Bowen. Robbie, his wife Ruth, children Hannah and Daniel and Ruth's parents have come from Crewe to live in Mabe. The President of Conference and Chair of Cornwall Methodist Church, Revd Steve Wild, led the service. Paul Langford, Lay Preacher, was presented with a certificate for long service, and Jenny Lockwood was welcomed as Pastor. Revd Jeff James read a lesson, along with Jenny Lockwood and Biddy Bishop. Many rousing hymns were sung and the rafters shook that night. After Revd Bowen had been presented to the congregation and promises made, he received a true Cornish welcome from religious colleagues, friends and members of the seventeen chapels in the circuit. A collection was taken for the District Training Fund. After the service, refreshments were served by the Mylor Members in the School Room. Over 100 cups of tea were served, I was told! As we go to press, we look forward to our first service led by Robbie on 27 September and to working together at Mylor. We have now changed our Harvest Festival to Sunday 4 October at 10.30, led by Revd Brian Mavers. For more info contact me at 01326 376241. Vyv Curnow 6 7 Parish Council The Council met in Mylor Parish Hall on Monday 24 August.
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