MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE NEWBURGH, NEW YORK 12550 DIVISION OF EDUCATION ED 3411 Social Studies Methods Fall 2008 Dr. Frances R. Spielhagen Office Phone: 569-3532 Email:
[email protected] COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to give an overview of methods, materials, and curriculum for teaching social studies and interdisciplinary connections in keeping with New York State Learning Standards. Students will focus on unit and curriculum development through lesson development and a variety of teaching approaches. This will include individualized and student-centered approaches to instruction and adaptation for students with disabilities. Consideration will be given to the integration of technology for teaching. Field work is required. Pre-requisite: A grade of C+ or better in ED 3331. Co-requisite: ED 3201. COURSE REQUIREMENTS • Course content will be developed through student discussions, individual student presentations, lecture, and on-line class sessions. • Readings (in the required text as well as supplementary articles and online sources) will be assessed through quizzes and class discussion. • Each student will develop at least five lesson plans demonstrating knowledge of various instructional models and the use of educational technology. Plans will follow MSMC lesson format and be assessed by the MSMC Lesson Plan Rubric. • Written assignments must be DOUBLE SPACED/FONT 12 (Times New Roman preferred.) Proofread your work very carefully. All work must demonstrate a high standard of English language proficiency. • Attendance at class meetings is mandatory. Unexcused absences will impact the student’s final grade. Class discussions will be enhanced by Moodle online sessions. Students are also expected to participate in these online course sessions and discussions.