Non-Equity Modes of Trade in ASEAN PAPER 9 Promoting new forms of trade between APRIL Japan and ASEAN 2020 nd aila Th For inquiries, contact ASEAN-Japan Centre (ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism) 1F, Shin Onarimon Bldg., 6-17-19, Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 Japan Phone/Fax: +81-3-5402-8002/8003 (Office of the Secretary General) +81-3-5402-8004/8005 (Research and Policy Analysis (RPA) Cluster) +81-3-5402-8116/8005 (Capacity Building (CB) Cluster) +81-3-5402-8006/8007 (Trade and Investment (TI) Cluster) +81-3-5402-8008/8009 (Tourism and Exchange (TE) Cluster) +81-3-5402-8118/8003 (PR) e-mail address:
[email protected] Copyright © ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism. All Rights Reserved. Paper 9 / April 2020 / Non-Equity Modes of Trade in ASEAN: Thailand Promoting new forms of trade between Japan and ASEAN Non-Equity Modes of Trade in ASEAN PAPER 9 Promoting new forms of trade between APRIL Japan and ASEAN 2020 NON-EQUITY MODES OF TRADE IN ASEAN – APRIL 2020 ii PROMOTING NEW FORMS OF TRADE BETWEEN JAPAN AND ASEAN NOTES The terms country and/or economy as used in this study also refer, as appropriate, to territories or areas; the designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ASEAN-Japan Centre concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.