The Silo and Silage
5000. Bulletin No. 6. June, 1901. OREGON AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STI'I! CORVALLIS, OREGON. THE SILO AND SILAGE. J. WITHYCOMBE. The Bulletins of this Station are sent Free to all ResIdents of Oregon who request them. Oregon Agricultural College Printing Office. Gro. B. ICEADY, Printer. 1901. Board of Aegeots of the Uregiiio AgriciituraI College aod [x[IerieI1t Sta[iffll1 Hon. J. T. Apperson, President Oregon City, Oregon. Hon. John D. Daly, Secretary Corvallis, Oregon. Hon. B. F. Irvine, Treasurer Corvallis, Oregon. Hon. T. T. Geer, Governor Salem, Oregon. Hon. F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State Salem, Oregon. Hon. J. H. Ackerman, State Supt. of Pub. Instruction, Salem, Oregon. Hon. B. G. Leedy, iWaster of Slate Grange Tigardville, Oregon. Hon. W. P. Keady Portland, Oregon. Hon. Benton Kuhn Portland, Oregon. Hon. Jonas M. Church La Grande, Oregon. Hon. J. K. Weatherford Albany, Oregon. Hon. William B. Yates Corvallis, Oregon. Hon. J. T. Olwell Central Point, Oregon. OFFICERS OF THE STATION. STATION COIJNCIL. I'hos. M. Gatc.ti, A. M., Ph. D Presid.ent and Director. James Withycombe, M. Agr. Vice-Director and Agriculturist, A. t,. Knisely, M. S. Chemist, A. B. Cordley, M. S Enlomologist. E. R. Lake, M, S Ho-rilculturist and Botanist. F. Pernot '. Bacteriology. Other Member's of Staff'. George Coote Florist. L. Kent, B.S - Dairying. J. Fulton, M. S Chemistry. C. M. MeKellips. Ph. C Chemistry. FE. Edwards, B. M. E. -- -. - Chemistry. he o anc iage. The growing tendency among our agridulturists to give more at- tention to dairying, brings frequent appeals for information relative to the construction of the silo; suitable crops to be grown for silage and methods of handling the same.Hence this bulletin is prepared more with the view of supplying this want of practical information as to the silo and silage, and less with the purpose of submitting at this time technical conclusions from the limited data at hand.
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