TnE l. BIBLIOTHECA SACRA. r No. LXXIII. AND n I n LIe A L REP 0 S I '1' 0 .It Y No.OXXV. ARTI"CLE I. CHRIST PREACHING TO THE SPIRITS IN PRISON.l BT UT. l.lIBI B. lIlIdll, CBULBlTOWlf, :ar.18. THIS passage t.ranslated in the English authorized version stands: "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to deat.h in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit; by which al..-o he went and preached unto the spirits in prison." . Before entering upon a criticism on this text of scripture, we are constrained to remark that among obscure passages we think this may be set down as locus vexativissimus, or the place of all most difficult of satisfactory interpretation. In regard to it, pertinent are the remarks of Camerarius, a de vout and learned man, and friend of Melanchthon: "Est hic UDUS ex lis locis sacrarum literarum, de quibus pietas reJigi osa quaerere ampUus et dubitare quid di('.atur, sine repre hensione: et de quibus diversae etiam sententiae admitti posse videantur, dummodo non detorqueatur IUI.rIOJJI ToV TO 1 An Exposition 0' 1 Peter, iii. 18, 19. VOL. XIX. No. 73. 1 Digitized by Coogle 2 Preaehing to the SpiriU in Prilon. [JAN. ","0 ~po1lEip, id Post '!'eli,glosa de fide conseDlsio, neque abenetur rlw ~ ~~ '* ."UrrEfD/;." This is, indeed, one of those places of the sacred scriptures concerning whicb it is devout piety to prosecute investigation. and to be in doubt what to say without blame, and concerning whicb even different opinions seem to be admissible, provided the canon of being like minded, that is, religious agreement in the faith, is not wrested, and we do not deviate from the analogy of the faith.
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