

BB AELY MOCRAT. VOLUME IX. LOUISVILLE, KY. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1852? THE way to CIHK IMEJIFMUil i,. NUMBER 57. USE TALL-18- 52. IMPORTANT TO THE DEAF. VKNAWINK A; MClIlUiJl Br. HARTLEY, Proprietor of the Ear Infirmary, 61 DRUGGISTS AMD - - , Trbm Fliiir! DR. APOTHECARIES r- INDKU TUB HV CirOLFE ! Ctlekraie4 Ar.nmtte street, Philadelphia, the only institution In AT THB OLD OP 84M'i. ' FAIR PLVY. ni7iutv Meblerfaaa Medicine is a safe TAYLOR the world exclusively and successfully iD TIHaWIMB A 8 much disease prevails in our midst for which men At Sa 4C3 Market fksnrps. mliciiia! diet drma or emiuemi rpilIS and sure cure for li.temper-i- & ARMSTRONG, devoted to the Street. talaUry qualities, manufactured b ,h tieatment of EAR D1SKASKS. an I tlio No. CS, Fifth street, between Main or science and deepest research have ever failed to bM the proprietor at his eV V" inil!rioui to &VStem,Vnd NO. 4SI MAIN MTKKET, onlvarbnmvi. and Market. i. relief, nay TheBrVtiJ!l,0Ck COme to factory at ncMedani, in Hoi.aaJ. TlH cneeu .iiinsi in mo unuen oiates. Begs to ii form those give more, have ever pronounced out of the h"J. pound n. received ai d opened their fall stock of Fu of Ms patients in neighborhood power of medicine or skill Tiffin! n,ure,nthe land. It is made from the best barley that can be selected win curetb. most tmdeoed tnH-.esto- rng HAVE the of Louisville and as seen here, certified 'tis UiCe, , ia Fancy Goods, and bee with and to by c.-- l Europe, and tne essence of au aromatic ll the Individual io the aarue etate ol sobriety and to call tbe attei wn'iin ne nas neen in communication that he has iu referred our neighbors of unlnuhr,i Therefore i c M.rke't suVe't. iaa tarry, of tiou cf the ciiir.ens ge.n rally to them, as they are pre arrange- cures are made in our open vrrit A nd take a acknowledged and extraoruu.iry mecitinal propertiisa-n- mat be ... be.ore he ever mad. use ot i.iloxS-Lqu- o compliance witl their special request, made city, and to the inspection look, 'n worth the sight purea in einirot one ol ihe oesi assortments in thel ments to spend a few days in an of kind, or ah, in the different see how things are it has long since acquired a higher repu'atioo, bvta s,.,,.! cleansing aud puiilyt.ig the ys.tui in this city, and may be Con establishment the which they offer for sa a varieties of the worst disease. lo done up in Unnatural ol he lire to be found in the west; and all goods purchased mlted at h's temporal y as low lor cash or to punctual pieaianiiyana speedily made by the use or And Bass he is polite runt. Europe and Aaierica, ;uau by auy other d.eieuc bev- dee.ie lor ardent spirits, n ,a, uever fai cd tesiJence.on the corner of Filth customers as articles nf Hampton's Indeed erage. lo cu.e a them are warranted to be of superior quality. Toe and Market streets, during the hours a the kind oan be had in the city. tincture and Ointment. Would it not be I Wi I snow you what you cbi,'ce nile case, when the directions they of and 2 dailv nnrV well, or, to need In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism ;in m.ictly followed. i.r. Urban talhsh character to their house, wish to tar until ihe 1st of October. our store will be warranted sttictlv . ,e.'.d.,r"" ..innut me uuiy oi me honorable Mayor and His Scott Hats are go very neat. Obstructlcna of contends that i'tener K I i .V i it. e City the B auce u a .iiscae, aud their customers that their prices arc uuilorm no abate Deafness, noise in ihe heal, and all disagreeable nrnvo nthariiM. it vill KL... nii Counci. to investigate this mattei? If it be false, it And shine bright upon tbe sti'eet. adder.aml Kidnejs, and Dbi:ity of the Lrinaiy treats it accotuir gly To give anythii g a dis. "?vl,?.e. re be ruecU ns. effects are di omut. decided, an Head the folljwicg ment. like list of their assortmen charges from the ear, neinmnently and specili y un.le.l. W, wmild reer.,men,l mor should silenced by them; if it be found true, let it go They're selling last, come one and iu J inTai. letter Horn Col.' Wallace, of would occupy t o much but the remov- " ..:.u?""snmen.t Pr-- -- all bly reliable. And itU not onlv a remedv tor lollcnins will ed, without causing the leest paii: or inconvenience l,.. rl.., a.ili nhlsiri.. suangers "im wuu merueu nonor, ana that blaze Tne price of them will never fall. ir mu give an mea 01 wnai bloc a .. i ... Ti ; . : , ' visum 7 adies, but, in all cases in winch tsey are produced by ineir consists: All cases are guarantied, where malforniaticn does not Olio, I'l IIIIUk... lilllllll rtciinl.n, 6'y J us cures new to all medicine, and The Pierce Hat too have quite a run, Hoi'8TO,TM, June 15, lb52. Gents' Linen and Muslin ri.m'fii" . . .u.i alone to itseir. drinking bad ware r,w men is annus! universal, y the 7r LVlait-P- ear Shirts; txist. '"")nrarrintinri r.l.!nllv an.l Does not suffering human They look sn slick, indeed 'tis fun causa Sir: As I deem it proper tnlt every : .T'" . . .. .i7. oieiy tilled . wi cry of them, it operates as a sure thing a lo Underwear, all kinds; Thirteen years' and nlmnst iindiTldr.i menu iu ni'cu.i iu me aloud lor relief? Where are the friends to the To see the Whigs and Democrats preveutive. bavins tendency to ameliorate condUion of Ladies' do, cloe rttniin i"mui Dusiness pel sona It neaisiressmg etTect up-- me uu.o.lunate lle do; to this branch of special piactiic has and one of toe firm will he in the Concern at comforts of health? Where is the philanthropist? Can Cail iu and bny tne best of Hats; n Stomach, Bowels, and niai.k.t.d ahould be be-- . enabled ram to te all time they stand it? adder of tiavelers. new reri.!ei;b. an.l all Children's do, do; duce his treatment to such a i,r !.q both day and night. In th s way Furthers in the possession ol these His neighbors they look nn. ?? who t'eiree srr,, i,. customerscan be assu farts verygrum. ccustoiued to pro.luced by ikim V?M?' ,u,orJer,lbt desire ma, Ladies' Holies de Chambic; the most confirmed re I thit prescriptions will not be h V.7 should they not come forth, and with a voice of Can't teil why they then, the wateu of nearly ail any benefit 1 and obstinate cases yield by a steady nrenareii i, thunder dou't get the run, ti.at may be e'erived. Gents' Morning Gowns; proc laim to the afflicted Joy, In 1 illlauJ "vers, Uke the Ohio, Mississippi. .- attention o the enced boys, which, we are soi ry to sf.y u with this pleasant he cau'-- to Biisa is very U'Bre" -- ,. s.u ui Dj Hosiery, rtfans prescribed. t0 of'eii the healer bitter pat, an.i Alaoama, from the l.rge effect your Ibe ba:wv all kinds; The folowins tesiimonials , case. As the senior of the Cuiicern ha- - in this of the stomach, is found a sovereign balm' They cannot make fi'ie quautily of decayed Sect- 4o-- t tra sn'iinitv.l tvifh been in the ihe mole Hat; 11. Ei.au ta'h.d in th. Lad.es' ill, e bui a radical cure for all disease If Ilm One tOLtined in tnem, a stale of ion of country with some my dencc. They wi'l show, at 13 t. in what estimation ntsi lor me lasttweniy-iiv- years, and thelunior this he true, it would Cloth Capi have just got ii known; as solution. of intimate acq uaudmces. Children's do, do; his -- forthe seem to me worthy ol all here. is alo tr:at of the wateis of limcsloue 1 have know ii it ...... prolessianal qualifications are held bv some of th last ten years in the former stablishment of Schorch praise; if It be false, let the Call and look, you need not tear; used in a cir.i h .I .. Kid Gloves: & poor --P,ro,1"Uo aud Gents' uisimguisneu meuicai men or country: mt Yenawine, and with Sam'l Yenawine, persons wretch, the miserable monster, who would thus The Style are neat and so Bladder. Orav.l. t alcua. Moue in tn ceued Cases, where, indeed, the fnenus had fciven up iu Do w hite Marseilles Vests; the can relv dare trifle with the xk wed. rustic kt;,,,,!.,,, hr . .. on naviug tneir ucmarus piupeny aileuded to maimed, the bait, ai d the blind be Made of the best material; I itecorrecuve of hopelessness of ever relcrmmg their inteniperle Ida-liv- To Suk and Sutin do, "1 have had the pleasure to meet Dr. Hirtlev in nnr-- held up to public gaza with scorn and Tne a.l these injunou. of an J I se3d3m contempt which P.uh Cips Ihey are got up water, aud consequently thJ .i.L..-- friend, but are now enabled lo bless tl.e Cay that Do Cashmere and Cljth tire, an. have been led to Innu a favorable opinion ol would add a laat aud final stain to brown, orevrnr. . Vests; the darkest crime that ihe best toat in Ne Yoik found; they ia a,so .kctme in Posxessiou cf a b.ittle of your Dj Business Coats; us cn&ianer, domi iu the proles ion ani as a gentleman ever disgraced a aie cccaslon. It fo.i.id to be a prevent-iv- e Hixir, State's prison. His Otter too c m't be A tuieand which hasooce A . ben, of Fever and ?Le. a . moie placed tl.e judgment iu operation, Gold end Silver head Canes; V.. r KliKK, M. D., That the public shall not loneer be kent in Imini-.nr- Hy any Hatter on commait t,,..i k. as Lature designed; and Uie ome Fancy J'ro cssor Boots and Main street. joiut efforts of vegetable malaria in tbe unempjiate and idle Canes, all cf Surgery, Shoes. i .,. atwoprere ar kinds; Ac." iincinicu in To wnij this uii cm. .11 J man has become by iiiisiopceseiiiauou.weinvite those search ... iu its use the suhei , iudust.ijus cmzen, Port Card I Dt truth to call and Be wars 01 cnaie; Cases: "His prcf isional abilities wi!l bs duly anrm iale hv witness for themselves mra ,,...1. sure that you on B is do It K.,v.,.vi los Uistricti liusbaid, - - call, in which piincipa.lv prevails. Ibo Ammaiu v. .,- tnJ father. It is no lung- r a coubt in this com- Hair, Tooth, Nail, and Cloth Brushes; .uuae niiu irin'e nis care. D. MARSHALL, in different families of old standards of the citv n.i oj't ne'er regret a - munity as ncts-l.uur- iiaic i"' iiieivcs 1 purchase there, dam fccnuappsis conecuect,y in great to iu iwneficul t eJs, if uccca. Luhm's lavoii.e Odors. JOHN H S recri vm? and oneiiinz Im Piiltinri. ty, and known to all, and for whom every As he ill deal oemaad hi ry, would add WHITTAKER, M. D., gentleman of with you so fair. sons traveling or aout lo setlie in more trteir testimony loliie fct taut it Is a Kjusel's and other Pomatums; Prcfessorof Anatomy, t of Kas eru Boots and Shoes, which luci. atijiisiuiaiice woiiiU vouch for every statement parts ot lam -- - , sah. Ac." '"Srttj country especially, ss well as by many ia every corcmu-uil- y ash cibk ton imm Ladies' Kid Glovesj my has seiocteil nimseii, wun care irom the very best incjr wuuiu iiibkc. 1 ne overwhelming success of W.T1. 1 ttnarn. "Froti intercourse wita Dr. Haitlev. I have tnm.a t.le HtMIKKH, where it has become on Puikct, and t:ave heaid but one FCiitiinei;l in tegaid 'htldren's doj MOCK 18 T.ncture and Ointment in familiM. known, actcuut of its van it his depoi 'tment coriet t and gei;:le:i aniy. '"n"",".u' ""'" mUCtl lit. their inmhrr 71 FOURTH ous other remedial to and that ii that you Khculd at ome pUce it bcloie Silk ami other do, created in guunnti,, and slylt, and he a philanthropic desire for the relier ol suffering STuSET, LOUlSVlLLt. KY . pro;er;ies. assorted; VALENTINE MOTT, M. flatters human Iu all cases of a Dropsical tendency. It is generally the public, bold far and near, that the uiilorlunate ine Gents' Sc&tfs and Cravals; D." l;im:e!;' thai he is prepared lo crTr a teller aud a cheaper nature, have grstefullv permitted u tn t., JEWELRY, tbe may 13 i Yrr rV.8,K!'WAr,!:llRS' SIL only remedy required, when adapted in briate everywhere have withm hi rcath ihe means 10 fancy Neck It a pleasint dutv to cive letiin mv r,imr ... r, In these cases will be found intense suffering Candlesticks, tha earlv becoming Ties; the adopted , . , ' .,csi. is stock of Lamps, of tne disease, Dyspeptic wben sl.. of a sober man, and iu fact to discus; the cup Do self.ad.iu-tin- treatment by Dr. Haitley fjr the cure ol and finally as past Pocketi Cutlery, Gold - la maiadies, laaen in so Stocks: deafness. The application surrendered all hope. and and Pens- proper quantities, as a diet drink, and especiatlt that is tapidly proving his bar.e. With tl.e b pe that Do Pocket Handkerchiefs; is unattended bv nain or in. Gent's ca'l Boo!?, Wen's Calf Erogans; the tfflicted would be better satisfied to call Uomc Sons or Temperance at din euch may be your Vj and effect and le er, 11 13 iouuj, by ULitoim experience, to be delci unuatiou and ifl jrts bent til the La kes' emb'd and plain Lace HauJkerchiefsi convenience, iu almost instantai eous. Do Kip uo; Do Kin do; witness for themselves than with any statement I could given to Watchrepairfng!' eminently unfortunate, Do Fans, a fine II. r. HA RDM AN, Do Thick do; Do Thick make, I shall attempt but one. nor nul,l .. . fficaciousin the most obtiuAte cases, wben even th stock; do: thi. kt best of usual remedies arTurt I remain profoundly yours, Bridal Counsellor at Law, 2 Chembers Boys' Calf do; Boys' Ca'f - the fact ot its uneaualled sutfrrino ....1 ... the bave taned to m,.r Ac. lo Stands; st." do;- r,,..i.. thaa mere temporary relief. In cases J. W. R. WALLACE. Do Glove Cases; "We have known several cases nf nmii.ii Do Kip do; Do Kip do; character, EnglUh of Flatulency, it .i.r.M A girl 200 ll,r.r Lll. is au immediate and invariable specific: and it mn Or The medicine Is lo be had at No. 65 Third street, Do Odor do; Pud" Boxes; treated by him with the mo t liannv results. Mr. ii. Do Thick do; Do Thick do; servant of Mr. H. H. Foravtha. In wntw ,h2 uaaa JI A3 AS "ELL AS BEAST. I , year; large administered in diluted aud proportionate between Wain and Alaiket. Lubin's Rice Powder; scientific gentxnian. an an nr. I,, i n nnnrn Youths' Calf do; Youths' Calf do; swellms on the glands, either side of the PhvatcHnlfi0.! Ser.Vtlc?1" "oni un or the oldest quantises, Do Rouge fancy hi..i Do Kip Do neck; one eye closed . . ,u even to young infants, in all these paroxysms of griping sell URBAN or HAKNEY. Baskets; moniaisol his ability and success in this diir.cuit !. h do; Kip do; tight snd fast more than four u.iuc nun, Aiuusas: pain Cigar Cases; Wax Trpers; of the med.cal Do Thick do; Do years: the other about half shut, nn . , in the stomach aud bowels, to whxn ihey are esnel proU'sion " Gl jbe. Thick do; .nr.i. Vhi.i...... December lC.lSoI. 'lly subject, as well as in Optra (kiat Child's Call len, giving great pain. In " l Cad 1,1 ti ti.e colic of grown persona. LOOK TO VOL' It OWN IVI Glares, Sinks; "Persons sfflieted by diseases (he do; Child's Calf do; addition to all this, she bad auu ." - .... asevtre naiu in i..i. Its judicious EItfT! Music Boxes; of ear are rer nm. Ladies' Lasting Gaiters, all colors; more than half an inch of nail in the tllKlA. r.Aiia..l K. adoption in connection with the princi- it better to suffer with Chills and than Li.hoeraphs; mended to pay a vi it to Dr. Hartley. 61 bottom of the by pal when a sense of Fever to fpire D essing Aurist. at San. uo uo foot ror over two years: all or which r.n.i.-r.- .i meais,or exhau.ton dictates it ui ISone itoilar to b Ladies' Cases; som street. He is a musses' uo, uo; had never cured? Krmember, the Depot ou Gents' do well educated professional man, Children's do do, do case distressing, almost beyond human ment.wii.ththVurSnI ..biamedat the Drug StoTegiu'l":or fai.a to relieve the debility attendant upon protrac- Third cast No. Co. do; and, having piid do; endurance. Her Dr Butter ted Chronic Mreet, side, is the rlLe to t nd Writing line trt:cu!ar attention to Hie diseases at Ladies' Morocco do, do cries and scieams were alarming to ha,0n maladies, Low TemcrauieuLs, and Kt- - 1K. Dctks, stock; fecting hearing, has acquired, from his do; the neighborhood ro,SeaU.CltJ;PI Vital Uuergy. bv I'RbAS'S VEGETABLE FEVEti AM) AO UK Papier Mache Poit skill and expeii Do do Half Gaite'S; He seut her to my house. I commenced giving my susiea whatever cause iudur..i PcAVDEKS. Folio; ence, better means of ccruns wi:h tils serious rit! ciiun her hese are faces to wi.icb niauv of the most ., Ladies' COmpaniou, Ladies' Morocco Bootees, double and single medicines; in eight days the nail came out or the foot-i- We are eiwajs letdy to refund u!d new; than those li'cli are pos by physicians in .- sole:... medical men, both in Euaope and tr,e the money, six the . csed eeueaal Misses' do .1,. 1- a few weeks tbe lumps on the Elands k- -I Vuited States u.n.jr tun - " " uo uo; diannr.i. Medicine tail lo cure when taken accord. i g to direc- cunui; piucuce- unpa'.cn 8el7 diw eyes opened; have borne testimony, and which are CorroDurx-r.- i h J Do Sntps; Bay Ruin; Children's do do, do do do; her ancle reduced to proper size;'free their highest tions. Do do fancy i uuui nine momns sne was wnttea authorities. Kead German Farina Cologne; do, coloisi well; ror The U what the editors of the Louisville Democrat say, NEWTON & RINGGOLD, Ladies' do Buskin9, double and single which I received one hundred dollars. Aromatic Schiedam Scnnm ds out no in from tb'ir own observation: Ko.iS'rs' Cuileiv Razors; sole; !. rongbollies, neatly covered and Ulxkil. Hair Tonics and Dies; DRUGGISTS AND Do Kii CO, do do do; In the city: Hon. W. P.Thomason, Jas, B. Hughes uiunn.r..i "Dr. Urhan's medicine lor the cure of chills and fever APOTHECARIES. and J. M. Summers, In the ' by au essay upon Its properties and use s. Together with a superior stock nf Sni t i..r Comer JefiVrsnn Do Slinners and Ties. Fr. and V.n,. county: John Herr, ksa tne Sold at the las etficted same woudcriul cures in our own mi. 1st. i t.... of nnd Firitt street, large variety Brothers, and T. lilt city of Louisville Depot, 3i9 West street, and by the princi- a ing runks, IJmhr. i,as, Bags, Pre- - Besidts a not herein specified, all of the J.Jones. on tbe County Koad. pal druggists young man who has resided lor years in Li (rptt Leggirs, Life aiways on hand a full nnd addition I I i:,.ii,.v ..! in this city and the United N'ates. several uisi Money HAVE freth assortment of raiesi ana most approved styles t om and sua. In to the above. stand tiled re, to nhihit for road na, reached New Albany a few ks weak and - I'MiiKcis, Hells, Suspenders, Drug3 and 'liemicals. liicu tliev ppier.. the inspection any gentleman to the ou aulO dikwdia J. B. WILUErt dt CO. , A gents; wt b,ovc b jous nave been with great live D. MARSHALL. 46j Main St., of who may piease tocall and ucr uie fennsv fv.. ruiai iaiea .uerauy worn out physically, w ith li ne on. inr selected ted with great (are. Tnev also keen a tine aaorimeni se9 Bjtweeii Fourth and to witness the same a larger array or or Him aint,o. h tare for this market, and persons in Fifth, south side names, more frdn.:e-a- " tinued chills and lever. He made a phort May at the want of any of the ol Fancy Hoods, which thy will sell on accommodating weight ot character, than KP.a" f0"' 'oo.s ...ailTnew frame DK.J. C. DCK1IIN. everexhibited before in teMti. m..n.e nouse and VnT. house ol Sinilh, where I, is old terms. Thei r stock com rinses everv nrto i mony grainery; 100 young thrifty OESPF.CT FULLY Jude disease coiitiuncd & A almost n.i NOTICE. or any inveutionof medicine yet known to ,Tf tender k wilh no mil KMSI KONG'S Furnishin" Store. lly sold in Di ug the nowbea.iug; 23 oi l trees, fjii fruit- - XV .,r.inn,i les seventy than at home in Louisiana. Having scie oil Stores, consUiiug in nart of tl.e follow. hereby to world. JESSK HAMPTON. Cherry, to the citueiisof Louisville and puftiicgenera.lv ekhausted almost No. iSl Main street. ingaiticles: JO riCK is given tlio following owners of trees.and other fru.t tree, in abundance: Cwurate He cor.fi oes eveiy remedy known to the medical 01 01 niy4 6md Cor. First and Main sts., Louisville, Ky. bis practice to tne treatment of Wnlte prolesion, he pr.x Brown lols and pails lots ground binding on the "IU ,U' never iailing springs; eo - uied i bn of ilr. Uuihan's celchra-te- j AND Low's Windsor Soip, Fiver's Enu Lustrale, a I cleared- "ciung, acioiuia, or Mng'j Kvil, Ac-it- an.1 f hrouu: STILL THEY COME! streets hereinafter described, that an ordinance passed under good fence: balance timbered. . medicine, and alter taking two poudcis .vas entire, Do HoEey do; Farina Cologne ; HEADY-HAD- well A ny one heumalisni, L leers. Sore Lei-s- Whitlow the General Council, an t approved May Vi, 1S52, re- E CLOTH 1XG 81 or ly relieved and levtored to health. He has been well 1852. r. MARION 1852 Roussetl's Barber do; Piver's Saptiphane; ? .?r?l",S ibV "M buT fair P the grow. istuiaiu Ano.an l Plies. He invite a:nn.,u ever since says MINTER quires them to grade, pave, and repair Uie sidewalks AT WHOLESALE. wita a good stock o Hogs, every, esic.al In hea'th has not been as good Ur u3 Aiiiaiiiiine: Houssctt's do; 111 and nis (fjicmaicureof eistula in Auo. He neveral years, an n morrins.per Adams' Express, the Lnbiu's iront 01 toeir property respectively. Wholesale Clothing Warerooms, on thing necessary lor forming. use of j,.ir.i.th..., is now fasl regiimng his former vijcr m.j..H itiucwing mi oi Extracts; Low's Pomatums; And if same not OUR the the Knife and the Ligaln'e. Patient, ar- - ... nd Ihe rosy he was u oils, and can sarely promise the is done within thirty days from corner of Main and Fifth t,- -t J. W. n: checks wont to wear." those in search of articles in his line can do; Javiic'slliirTonlc; the date by the said owners, r stricted in their diet, uor prevented from attending to sale at trie that lie h..u Port Mouuaics; Do Hair Dye; hereof the same willbe for the inspection of the mercantile public, contain the Keal Estate Agent. No. 77 Third s't., en usual taKor llepot, So. 6 Third s Alfo, an assortment cupeiior in point slyle and bone by Ihe city, at their cost aud expense, jyQ7 dtr avocations. by B. Wilder A &. of quality to Buffalo DreSMii; A as provided largest, and by far the Between Main and aSTOfflce J. Co., Kasnioiid Pattou, Vauchan Ot " Combs; lexander'si'iicobiiph; for in 3 Market. nortneast corner of Jelferson n.l blackwell. G. K. niouiiii io mis marKei. Ivory Fiue Teotu the section of7:h articie of the ciiy charter: Most streets. Miller, J. H. Owen, J. K. Bctt.soii, Bcm; exclusively""i. in the Staple and dj; Wax Vestas; Complete Stock cT KeadyOIade Clothing WgS-perla-J DYE'S and tbe pr ncip I d Domestic Dry Pn n gents; On east side of Second street betwecu Maiu aud Notir. COUNI'KKFEIT in the city; also, by .Suibner u i my Vioiiu Striil'S; Water ever exhibited in this DK TELTOK will not Yha Rrfrrcnr... &Devol,Mew Albdi:). l,uMr, uii assure inends that I have Water's Teeth Soaot streets. market. be received at Post Mr.S. Wilson. ell taken eieat pains in my sclectio-- s; Teeth Fowdcis; 1 he undersigned, heinz euided bv Oili a,ter the 1st of September, and Market s'reet. between Virt ...K.. and, as I purchase Teeth Brushes; Stockholders of Gait Hsute, W. H. Pope, Pre- - irr after that it can be cond: Mr. fhos. Batman, Third entirely for am Glenn's Teeth Fasle; years, obtained at the Kail Koad street, between cash, enab'ed to oiler my toods at a verv scciai wnicnsnowea mem already an increasing office, orb, theagen Mr.Jo-ep- Waluut K.A: T. F.ll UilA NKN V Co., smail on Nail do; Wright's Cnarco&l do; siJt'it 201 feet. demand for this places of business. tattneu and Chestnut; McWilsj.ht, Main street, advance cost. My stock now consists iu part Clothes article beyond the most sanguine epec tweeo br. i AA'UPACTUKtKS OF PLATFORM SCALES, do; Lip Salve; Oa the north side of Main street, between First and tation, are no fully aware of the vast uai iln' M Fir.staud Second, at Mr. S:ienr,i'. h Hair do: Cnstile Second streets. importance of YOUNG. Agent. Mr. ThomasT.Norris. r,n..,.'... J Jehnxhnry, Vt. Rich figured Paris printed De Laines; Soap; this great staple, and therefore spared no exertion in Mareti:r.rt Kto.n fr. Pdsliles; Kdward A.-M- '. nd Shelby. Plain and plaid do-- Palm do; P. Humphrey 47J reet. manufacturing JEU-LKI- fjelddiwtfl JOHN C. DL'KBIN. EXPEKIHMJK ol twenty years bos enabled us Cold Cream; lor the approaching season a supply ol W.Ut'HES VN large stock i heap Almond do On the east side or Clay street, between Clothing as will give honor to the an,l . - FINK discover many practical uelects in the operation They I Market and GOLD WATCHES and faShinn.. blue, and also keen a lot of well selects. nn.! uoin.h'. Jtffjrson to the buyer, and prove same iu ol Compound Balances, even when constructed upon gieen Dotted Net, for veils; Patent Medicines, as streets. at the time that merchants able JEW KLuY, can be purchased 01 th wosDEUFiL such 111 KeaJy-Mad- V moor: collect mathematical pnnciples. These detects can A tine assortment Black Silk; Larz Anderson 20T feet. search of Clothins need not an n more bo nber at as low rates 11 fahnestock's Vermifuge; Avcr's Cherry Pectoral; to a distant ti'iLu'Uasc an, estab tniyte known aud by Cishnieie market. nou.i.r.nt in the Purcha-ers- e DR. BLACKWELL'S remedied long experience and Shal; McLane's do; Thompson's Eye Water; On the south side cr Walnut street, between First and Western country. fireat practicalsKUl. fUtlorn: balances, which to an Benial do; East streets, Our entire stock has been manufactured hereunder are invited to an examination of his Compound Black Nerve and Bone Liniment Rogers's Sirup Liverwort our own supervision, stock. All articles Siruj) of Sarsaparilla and Iris ed observer, appear to be ex;- t imitations ol do; - Charles A . Page owns which enaoies us to warrant our warranted to he of the quality they are sold Printed Mustan; d nnd I r; 93 feet. garments to be bettei for. our .Scales, aie otten louud when tested to be veiy in- Cashmeres; adapted for this market than those oaicues aua jewelry repaired in t he man- - Verncola. Mertimeck d Fall Brown's Extract Ginger; Bull'.i Sarsaparilla; On the east side of First street, between Walnut and manulaotured East in ner. bet accurate. ai Hiver PrinU; McA lister's do reference to stvle and fit a well ai - W. WARRINEK, N this age of humbuggeTy.it behooves every one to A great variety Hojle's English Chintz; do; Di. Hoollmd's Geiniau Chestnut streets. to superior workmanship. sell) of rLATFOHSI ISALAXCKStrt now McMann's Elixir Opium ; Charles Page owns 87 Fourth st. suuu wun a suspicious eye the interests of inuividi C cases bleached ( Bitters, &r cic. A. 133 feet 10 me se of goods, we sur- cftried tor Sale, aud many are used, which caLnot be ottous; ney aiso Keep on a as ection are sure not to be sandcliques. And even then the Uazz:ii?vniKi.i..r relied 10 bales brown hand stock of Li On the north side of Chestuut street, passed by any similar establh-hment- . upon tor ccrreet weight. In many instances ihey do; uois lor medicinal .r between East and and our nricea we DRY GOODS. of outward show insinuates. Itseifinto the lavorof maiij. will not agree witii 2 do B ackwrth's Sheeting, a fine nuri'oses. tiri.iiii3ifmn. Floyd streets. guaranty to coinpire favorably with those of any uu themselves. Merchants who have article: Brandy, pure old Port Wine: Sherrv; Vo l. ira. i'nr. market rp If. IIB.4Z1.1TT has now on hand and U nicy oecome witling uupes to unholy ends. Thus 11 , 3 cases Hamilton's long i Mary J. Way (W. Prather, owns 585 Bast or Wet. For proof or this, we dally ued them lor montiis, supposing them coi have Cloth; trustee) feet. would invite all eat of new l we sec Mesmerism, CUirvcy.tnce. and Spiritual Kan. lortuitojKly iv merchants and dealers visiting this ravor VtrTtT Mshionaole discovered that a heavy load, when divided .i I' itii.uuir Lustres Ou the east side of Fifth street, between city to us with 1 i.,-- ngr), absorbing much of t.ie of r Red, Walnut and as it will URErZ' to winch wou',1 inuit. . -i too attention iiinn.i and weighed in small draf.s. Would vai y essentially, iu while, and yellow Flannels; Chestuut their call, artordus pleasure to show our goods. aud Intelligent beiugs.eveu to tbe dethroning of Twilied do do t'LOTIIIi(.! VLOTlIlftU!! stieets. Our stock of ,le,!er9 S2neral'y. to call and examine meir tbe aggregate, from what was indicated by the Same scale Mary A nn McGrath's guardian 70 feet. P.S. TAtLOHING GOODS comprises hV'n.r supreme intelligence. A'.i feeling an interest ia their when nets, Jeans, and Linseys; everything desirable In this line, and s My 111 owu, at once. Frequently ihe same platform JOHN A. RODER On or mauufacturei will stock consists pirt of the following - aud tbe welfare or tne community, andintheiur-the- r A fine lot Prints-Supe- r the east side Centre street, between Walnut and therelore liud it greatly articles, via- wiP give different weuhts upon every change ot the of Mourning hKSFEC I t" LILLY informs his to their Interest to examine our Kich printed ail De extension of that which is usetul, we would recom. Linens: ' friends amlriis- - Chestnut streets. stock before buyin?etsewbere. wocl Lames; of the body weighed. Tho consequences o! these Irh tome ho now keeps Soild colored do- - mend to their Dr. H a s3 that his hrge stock cf self. Charles Ti'.deu or Mrs. Dubsrly so do do serious consideration ickweu'0 variations ai e olteu vexatious, and always one Clash, large stock: i t new feet. LICHTEM, LOK.VKNTHAL fc CO., French Merinos, all ' Ct n pound Sirup of lj.rtaptLruia and 1 involve hu illid, in im Stoie.cn the North On the or colors: Ira er.ico.a ,anj paity in pecuniary loss. Jackouet and Swiss Iusertings; : of Market a fe.v south side Walnut street, between First and Northwest corner Main and Pifth streets, BUck Eoiubizines aud request the same investigation, by way ol trial, ha Pic Jlvr stiect, doors below First East au28 Lusters; mat Net Gloves; where gentlemen can always be suited with the streets oppjsite Journal otAce, Louisville, Ry. Mlk Warp Arnentines; been extended to other objects of less importance. Ha CtTliUctle Ki.l all Alfred Harris owns of He liutptciart nf WdghLtend Measure in do, Colors; best and well Cloth'115 of every description. Call 2j reet. IT! oiik rialil asserts its superiority to any sinnUr compound ever yet City With a full assortment of .ide WJiHllviO I I.I I'AUV ia ittt Aetc i ork.jrora the year l&3o lo Ja45. Cambrics, Hollands, Ac. &c iiu e&aiiiiiic ior yourselves. On the north side of Green Street, beiwten Clay arid Black and col'd Perleice Cloths, for Manti'las-BUc- introduced, and defies the public to produ. e :is equal lor DRENNON SPKlGS, I F. MARION A!lNTKK,4tf7Maiket8t., fgr"custom work done up neatly, and la- - Shelly llltlli. an white Al ' tie cure of the following disajes: Scrotula, or King Hujk V'obk, May, made in the streets. ireeii; ISio. Sfl6 -. Henry (Jaunty, Kentucky. three doors east or Third. est style, to suit. Mrs. Pope owns 10.- Printed Velvet, Evil, Dispepsia, Jaundice, Femaie Diseases, Kruptioue We, the undersigned, having tad occasion to the aulldom ai. r. feet. 1 ne Annual Session or In- lor children's tct diaries HeybacK M. this do do of the Skit, dwelled GUutis, and all various Flat form bcales in use in the City ot Sew York, owns...... 63 SviVaw stitute, commences the second do; diseases arums Philip Rinch owns 4U Large lot Bay Shawls, e (rowanimc of tueb.ood. are piesscd to bear our testimony to the superior charac- &UlEIUO!& ,n September, an a the State long and uresute ter those I'ENJIAXSUIl. A. S. Johnson owns jyrJTrV;v,onuy do Uo- - of manufactured by K. & T. Fairbanks dz ., FRESH CAN OYSTERS! WK notice 25 " Session on the - do. do ol St. wi'h p'easure the artival of H. A . Jones owns trst uaoies- ana Gent's be?t Kid Johnsbury, Vt.,aud do cheerfully recommend KECEIVIXG every MORNING PER EXPRESS, Messrs. WILLIAM d: GAKKET BARRY. 26 " Monday in February,w of each year. Gioves; "I q 3 2 David Shaw's guardian owns Do do do do Wilk I I them to the public, as the moat perfect weighing j whose success in Writing. Arithmetic. Book. 2l) The College course embraces the scientific course ol do; i in use. III Large Owner unknown 2Gi the U. S. Military Ladies' and children's Hosiery, all kinds, qualities, IIn testimony of ihe eminent virtues of this Coin noun J and Small Cans, Keeping, Eng'.i ill Grammar. Geometry. Loc- - Academy, at West Point, and thor- and we subjoin a JOHN L. L. RAKLK, HFXRY SWORDS. AT THK ic, On the south tide of Green stieet, Shelby ough instruction in tbe Classical aud Modern Languages. sizes; certificate from a re,iablo citizeu, wita tao OYSTER Algeoia, Meusuution, Surveying, Ac, has been very between and Jacouet aud Edgings and opinion of an physician: ftTKK KSUUIKOL. KAOfH DK AN. great in New York nd oliier Eastern These gen Clay streets. A flourishing La School, under the Hou. Thomas B. Sws Insertings; excellent cities. Embiol.tered, I Swiss r June 3,13n2. JOHN W. WtLLKK. WhKKS. tlemen have most Hie hi-- li este-- m lacoo vvetker owns . .. 35 Monroe, Judge of the Federal Court, distinguished ror Jacctei.an Locisvills, KUiILl realized feet, with a large stock Sir: 1 BHUSH. of public tinkii'iwn owns. SO bigi! tesat alUtomeott, is with of Imh Linens; Welch and Pt. BltckweUVtnt wih through thin medium JESH the for the testimonials tnev hrin? with them ' connected the Institute, American Flannels m you success W. Eicstou owns C and offers gieat advantages to the and B'ai.kf U; B.eached and Brown toin'or of tna of j our saisparilla upou POI,l,0 II A P. NTK1SHT, show that in Ireland, their native countrv. as well as in student. Sbee.iug-- i my LKVSLaxo, 30, I.r, Till Joseph Miaurer owns... Jnttiiuta charet and Sim tings; li.eachej Damask Tab e Linen little daughter. She is n'.w eisht ers ot age. From t Jan. 160. BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKKT this country of their adoption, they have been rcgaided 2a for Tuition. Boarding, Lodging, and Napkins; Liucu and Cotton her iulancy soe STS. by highest tleo. L. Bertliel owns... 4'J fuel, lights, washing, Diaper and Counter- has been troub.cd wila a breaking out Messrs. & classes of ladies and gentlemen, among whom servant's atteudance, and use ol panes; ( I E. T. Fairbanks & Co.. el3 Hliiiin Sliai.k owns furuiture Hed Ticking; hecks, an Plaiu Lii)rys- - Velvet over her body, resembling Scr, ula. Attime her arm JJIIN II. .llrL.AUGIll.IN. they have moved. But we can with truth say that we 20 ' and arms, $ino per acnuni. Surgeon's fee 5 and and legs We have in u: e,and weuy of i s have had for quite John Bontraeer perannnm. brussels Carpet Bags and Sacks; Calicoes, of ail were covered over wita large running sores. have uever seen more beautiful specimens of Penman. owns... 2J biaml-- , etc., number of years, your Patent Platfoim .scale. It at ship; liotfred Weitz owns.... Charges in the Law School for the et. Towards the close of last winter she jrewso niucn wur NEW GOODS. and, besides possessing this iu pei lection himself, 221 above, and the use 1 lords us much our K 11111 " Z. be lu of a good loan she cad beeu befors, tbsit became pleasure to add testimony to their t narry nas uie 01 John p owns 22 of text books, 55I6O per term of five months. '"e'Pt assortment of DRESS alarmed, and are now a iir. ucuity communicating it to others. TRIMMINGS iu a lew was about making application to a Physician 1 superiority over everything of thy kind within the TTTE in receipt of large and desirable stock We can most strongly Barth owns 22 Students received at any time, and charged from the djys. wbeu ac V therefore recommend him to " T- Cidentally your m cucle of our acquaintance. An I in doing this, we oan of FALL ASU IVIKTEH GOODS, bo grit date or entrance to the end the - B. HKAZLITT. Fourth St.. heard of Sarsaparil a a beicg great all those ladies and gentlemen of our city who wish to im- On the south side of Marshall of term. oy 1 tnime-lutei- but ackuowlcdge it a duty, ow u:g you and business East frcm the largest Importing Houses iu the United street, between Jackson Communications scl3 Mozart Buil.ungs, Louisville, Ky. purijier the hlood. procured a bottle the prove their handwriting. I must candidly acknowledge and Hancock streets, ihould be addressed to Col. B. R. and public, to reccomrnend your scale as tbe only one woi Sta'ps: Consequently w e aie enabled to offer to our cus-to- Johnson, superintendent, commenced its use. Before tne first bottle waa that Mr. Barry has no rival iu this country as Penman, Howard F. ChrUty or to the Adjutant of the In- 1 tiiy of trust. is great inducements in styles and prices. 145 feet. stitute, at Dreuuon APOLLO IIAI.L.. used up could see a marked change (or the Grammarian, Book Keeper, and I of H. 411 Spiings, Kentucky. bsttib. Ai GEO. G1LLIS3 oz eacher of Mental K. Wolf TON'S. I omlnued its use until tne third bottie was woeu 'i'lKAM'H BUKGFSS. P. K. HUTCHINSON k Co. SON, Fourth St., Calculation; most all Commercial calculations can be .Mary Mcbill au23dlm B. R. JOHNSON, Superintendent. j J. P. LASSERKB, respectfully informs the ukeu, WIN SLOW 4: H A N 1) V & eU Hetween gi - ia enure cure mis effected. I am now bappy to say K. CO. HAKMAN. Market and Jefferson. performed by the application of one figure Mr. Isliarn Ladies and Gentlemen of Louisville, that he has she KA WSsON & CO. only. Henderson...... his enjoys better health than sne ever did befoie. Injustice L. H. T. LYON. Barry will reform most i nperfect writing, and fix Peter ."..V.V.V.. CIVtiUA commenced regular class for Misses' and Masters thi Wa.bick 26 VIiU, to you I must say I r your Sirsapanlia one W. BINGHAM i: CO. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. any lady's or gentleman's hand in a style of uniformity, Maria " and will continue to instiuct as usual, every Saturday, ol th F. Eope .V.V." 28 J. D. MINN, from 9 to best medicines uow in use for puril)iog the THE undersigned havincpui chased the Liv neatness, aud elegance, in one emboldened by l o'clock, A. M. and 2 to 6 P. W. blod, and month; On the uorth aide of Marshall between orBusiness, Visiting, Wedding, new curing all diseases arising froia its iaipui ity. Wita this, Ukitkd Bbamch 1 ery Stable of Messrs. KENNED If ot BRO.,on large and increasing patronage, the high commendations street Jac kson INGRAVER and In. aatrSeveral Dances, nuadrilles, Fane Dances, Stats Miit, and Hancock streets. Diplomas, Bills or Enchange, and W w ill please to accept my most sincere thauksand wellwishes. New Obleaks, March 22, 1861. J 232 Fifth street between Main and Mai ket streets, for bis labor, and extraordinary success, he has had oue Seals, anzis, be taught Uis season. Francis Balue 05 feet Jewelry, Silverware, Door Plates, Brands, 4c. Also, application is desirable foi the benefit J. A. DOUGHERTY. WesBTS.K. dc win cominue the business at the old stand. Havingw thousand most distinguished ladies aud gentleman at Copper-Plat- e of the &T. Fairbanks Co. W. Glasgow 2(Ji " allkluds or Printing done at the shortest pupils. Gentlemen: We have and put up creased the facilities of th's establishment lot tbe ac- Boarding Schools, Academies, Colleges, and private H. K. received the Plat- public families. Wolf's estate v. notice, at No. 6a Fourth street. 8e2 U"The Gentlemen's class will positively form bcales, sent us by order of Mr. Brooks, late commodation of the generally, with Horses, Bug- Sarah K. commence ? 1 q Coiner gies, and Caniages, hope to a Mr. Barry will to Smith rf. opt on Monday, September 13, 1352, and cottinue every at tbe Branch Mint, in this place, an I after having sub- tbey receive liberal shaie endeavor merit the esteem of the Matthew E A.II 11() 4T Builder.. Silver Plated and Brass ot patronage. public, and hopes that the ladies and gentlemen 26i Monday, Tuesday, aud Wednesday Evenings, rrom 7 Here Is the opinion of a Physician of the city, whoso jected them to repeated tests, 1 in of this in,-- . SINumber Plates, can be furnished take pleasure slating htate of Col. Koera' W. Prpstnn for State Rooms at o'clock until hair past a statement cannot be called 111 1 'i hey will constantly keep for sale Horses for saddle or city will hot be more pleased by his masterly o'clock. question: that rind them very accurate, much more so than 1 had method of Unknown ' a very low price by o. M U N N . harr ess; also Buggies, &c: and are pre paied at aU times teaching, tbau by his kind aud most conciliatory moral 2j Ie2 J. classes, or private lesons attended by ap- Dr. I. P. BUcweli sir: In reply to yours I will state anticipated previous to trial. Considering their capacity On the plying at Urn Apollj Hal!, or that I I your to purchase horses at their stable. Those wishing to buy manner to his puptU. east side of Jack n street, between Green and J. at J. P. L.'s residence on hve examine receipt for your Compound aud size, I am of opinion that they are more delicate EX-KAVIM- WedJing, Visiting, and Invitation Jefferson or sell would do well to call. EY SINGLE AND DOUBLE EN- Marshall streets. beautifully street, south side, opposke the Odd Fei'owV Sirup of Saisaparilia aul In Ycsicoia, and consider it udperlect than any scales I have ever seen. Engraved and Printed at the H1U Varieties copy, an Very respectfully, selldtf KIRK A WEBSTER. TRY. This indispensable braucii of mercantile educa Wm. Preston for estate of Col. Rusers 205 feet. shortest notice by J. D. MUNN, j sell d6in excellent componud. taught Eespectlully, J. M. BUCKLY, M. D. A. OKVAL, Coiner U. S. B. Mint. tiou is after the inot approved and practical rai:n On the south side of Marshall street, between Jackson e2 No. 69 Fourth St., bet. Main and Market" .Mil Work. Mr. W. B. Belknap is our agent iu BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. uer. The various ol business are introdu- and rreslou streets. tWPreparetlaad for a!e wholesale and retail by Louisville, Ky., ced Fit. super emb'd Musliu Vests; w ho will keep constantly on hand, or furnish at short uo . P. SECOK. Manufacturer and Dealer in ev and elucidated, sets of books are regularly opened Andrew Bacou owns rr Lace peucers; VAl'GHAN k BLACKWKLL. 111 sight Mrs. y. 81 tice, the following: Warehouse Scales, Dormant and ery description of Ladies and Gents' Boots tod and closed, aul clear of commercial lite is given M. Poue owns Lace Collars and No. Third St.. bet. Market and Jefferson. the pupil. The of s Sleeves; Also by Bed. Kohmson dk No. .Market, Portable Store Scales, Couuter Scales, Grain Scales, hoes, ro. 4i Market street, between Fourth numhir ii uot limited the On the North side. iduslin to do, Co., 15 and bv pupil is peimitted to till 2 JV. Cardwelt, Main Jack-o- n Fail Koad Track and Depot Scales, Grocer's Scales, and rilth, Louisville, Kentucky. attend peifect. Mrs. M. P. Pnn.- . Jaconet Edgings and J. St., hetween au l Han The Academy is open dny and evening. First class ... vi-- leei. I Fancheronlnn a sure and Iusertings; cock. Also by W. L.Trutcher. Frankfort, Ky., Messrs. liayajd Farmer's Scales, Wheelbarrow Scales, Packing BOOTS and SiiOtS made to order at shortuotice On the west side or Eighth Drop, Swiss do do for ladies, from 7 till 9 ia the morning, and second street, between Migazine CRECIAN lor, and will cure do; Kill woo. it. Co., Druggists, Suelby Scales, Coal dealer's Scales, Ac, &x. and in the best possible style. class, and Broadway stjeets. sick Headache, Jaconet and Swiss Bands; vnle, Ky. E. A T. FAIRBANKS & CO., Strangers visiting the city would do well for eentiemeu, from a till 12, and from 12 till 4; and 4 tiil H. H. Chils and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, chronic Diarr- lev lumoitnenwia to call. 6 in the for lad es evening HonoreandJ. S. Brauniii own 16'J feet. hoea, Sea Sickness, and Embroidered Liuen Handkerchiefs; my28dAwtJanl St. Johnsbury, Vt. selldtt afternoon class, atd from 6 Cholera Cholera Infantum, and Plain and Hem stitched till 9 for gentlemen's evening school. seltlll) J. S. SPEED. Mayor. restore a healthy actiou to the Liver, without a Darticie do. Embroidered Cambric and Mus'in Caps, c Teachers who want improvement would do well toat-ten- or Mercury, Quinine, or Morphine, entering iuto fe. 8. Mark.... W. II. Dnlaner....G. F. Down. WANTED. this ell GEO. GILL1SS v SON , Four FIRST-RAT- Mr. Barry's Academy. FALL TRADE, 1852. omy oy st. E coiupouuu. rirpareu j. s. rauciiei A large FANCY AND (STAPLE 1K Y UOODM. 25 will find Mr. Barry most respectfully NEWLA3H) for sale by constant acquaints the ladies and & UHAilATI, lotreceived and m, NEGItt Wo 111 a a We employment at gentlemen city (SUCCESSORS far nle. have for have within the last two days added to our for sell D. MARSHALL'S. of this that he win give instructions in TO rc'GH, NEWUND & CO.,) JOHN W. GAMBLE & CO., Main st , ( salea stout and nealtny Negro Woman, aged about WK Mental Calculations, - mr25 2 doors large stock, a large amount of both Staple but tbe best need applv. The highest wares Grammar, Geography. Globes. As- now in store a large and carefully selected above Louisville Hotel. f?!31 years, is jjst from the countiy, and said to be a ud Fancy Dry Goods, much too Urge to enumsrcle in tronomyand Elocution. HAVE of eoods. which Ji'lgoo t cyok, will be given. or thev will sell verv low fnr washer, and ironer, and of good char- an advertisement, and would invite our friends and the "Mr. Barry, teacher Penmanship, whose rooms cash or in exclunge for Country Produce. The follow Watches, Jewelry & Mlver Ware. acter. A bargiiu ca be h id by auy oue who may want L. CALDISV, Vublic generally to call and examine out slock, as we a are in the Teiegraph Buildings, ha exhibited to us some ing c in i race the leading has now on such for their own service. J. II. WO IIC II CO., exquisitely articles, viz: THE subscriber r 133 an promise more novelties and a better variety ol choice beautiful specimens of Writing, as taught by 300 ba?s extra prime Ea tern K10 Coffee; hand a splendid assortment ,ff,'' CRENSHAW A TAYLOR, Agents, No. Third st., n;xt door to the Post Office, goods belore IMP0RTER3 AND W HOLESALE DHALERS uim in a of lessons. B. S than were ever effered in Louisville. series Mr. guarantees to impart do prime old Java do; goods in his line, and is constantly receiving, di seldtf No. 9 1. K 1st si le Fifth st. LOUISVILLE, KV., MARK, DULANEY, V DOWNS, IN FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICA to his pupils such instructions as will enable theiu in a 20 do do do Laguayra do; rociaoiu the manufacturers and importers, everything Eiclaslve Ageat to thla elty fer tha .Hl scl6 Main street, between Third and Fourth, , very short time to acquire a pertect style of mercantile 60 hhds New seerbee. 1.0JO FRKSH LEECHKS cf Faurr (iaoria, Jewelry Wnlrhea, 4'locba, ote. pnnie Orleans Sugar; new aim Being at ex- juit - MantilUu) Penmanship. He with him highest lasnionaDie. determined lo sell FltEMII and sale by Fitk'm Patent Air- MeUliie Burial fi. H. Our Cloaks aud are now open for in No. 476 Main street, corner bears the testimoni. 73 bbis loaf, crushed, and powd'd Sugar, St. Louis; tremely low prices for casn, purchasers will hnd it to lor Tiet Cattt. spection. M. D. & u. of Bullitt, als of his success. Young gentlemen who are engaged 200 do Plantation Molasses, in prime WM. YOUNG. Third street. rpHK subscriber, having the exclusive aeucy ror the LOUISVILLE, KV. order; their advautae to call and examine my stock before d'.f L above in mercantile pursuits canuot be'ter dispose of their time 60 do New Orleans Golden Sirup; will always be sel Between Market and Jefferson: Case, winch u the greatest invention ot tne offer to the trade our unusuallv purchasing. A rich assortment found to age tne aeaa, c II than bv placing themselves at his school." -- 6 h II bbis St. Louis do do; select in or following lor would the attention ol tne puMic Blank Book Manufactory and General WB or the above-name- articles, which from, consisting part the articles: SZO KKWAtCl. great superiority are esWMr. Barry has fitted up a beautiful front room foi 30 kegs do do do; Gold 35 to their over the common wood Cuttiu Binding Establishment. bought at tbe most favorable terms, and wbieh we are any Lever Watches, full jewelled, and upward, Saturday night some now ia ase, Tor all seasons or ladies, cot inlerior to in the city, and a separate 6 caes double refined Loaf Sugar; warranted ; last, malicious villain tne vear. Vault purposes. determined to sell at the very lowest prices. se2 d2m room for ON the signs and 01 my transportation, beauty, style of ffJgtM 1HK subscribersrespectfully solicit the gentlemen, aud means to give general satisiac 60 hlf chests superior Gunpowder Tea; Silver Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS and upward, doors oiiKe on Floyd street, finish, and durability. attention of those who wish Blank Books tion to the public. jy27U3ra '10 do do Black by daubing tnem with white paint. 1 have no Tbey are unrivaled, aud wherever tbey bave beea intro itlK: do; warranted; proof has made to older, as tbey pledge tuemselves WATCHES AND JC1VELUY. 100 catty bixes Gunpowder do; Gold Guard Chains; wmch will enable me to detect and convict tbe duced it been to the total exclusion of a.l olhei Cof- to rpaie no pains to give 125 bass Maysville scoundrel, and I hereby offer the above leward for such fins: their cost being so m jre thsn good finished wood satisfaction lo S. W. WARRINER, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Yarns, assorted numbers; Gold Fob and Vest Chains and Keys; as those for whom they da work. Country merchants are 2J0 do Jetfcrsou do, do do; Fine French Mantle Clocks; information will enable me to apprehend and mete oat Comns places them in the reach of ail. Cheaper 10 the sneaking w hich In addition to th se elegant t Metallic lovited to call aud examine their stock of Blank Books, No. than Ever. 150 do Pittsburg Hope, do do; Stone-s- in great rascal, tne deserts he richly mer- Cases. I 87 Foyrth Htreet, have now on hand and for the most com- Fine i t Breast Pins variety; have all kinds ready-ma- tbey are prepared to sell at wholesale upon advauta fle 2iJ bales pure Cotton Batting; Miniature its. sc7dlw A. J. VANOEKSLICE. acd sizes of wooden CoiAus, at HAS resumed business at his old stand, where WEplete assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Fine Gold Pins aud Bracelets; niauufactured ot tbe best by geous terms. Binding of every description done at tbe fads 23 bags Carpet Chain; Diamond and Pearl Kings and Pins, large materials, aud the best ltie opened a new and beautiful stock o and Watch Materials ever offied iu this city, compri- assortment; workmen of the city. I pledge myself not to follow shortest notice upon moderate terms, and in the very Watt he i and Jewelrv. to which he invites the 23 bates simll hall Candle Wick; Gold Miniature Lockets, doable and single; CUPAHTAEKMfJlf. the at' sing in part Gold and Silver Watches, of the most old plan of extortioning, but will sell titan any ota-e- r beststyle. - WEBB & LEVERING. icnuu.i of his former patrons and the public generally. 600 lbs Cotton Twine; Gold Pencils, Gold Thimbles; have associated with us, in theLUMBKRand loer and Biuders, No. 4 Third approved makers and latest styles; a lare lot of 30 hour 600 rms heavy house of the kind in Ihe city. My profits on eoth Me Booksellers street, Style and quality the best, prices low. seUdtf and 8 day patterns Wrapping Paper, assorted sixes; Gold and Silver Spectacles; WEPLANING business, WILLIAM G KNKTT. and 1 door from Mam. Clocks, latest iu4 warranted; all of 150 dox Brooms; tallic wood Ccffius shall not exceed mat of anv other ell Silver and Sbell Combs; late or tne firm or A G. Mmin iV C The style oi 1 which will be sell wholesale and retail as low as any 100 do j. our kind of business. am prepared lo attend funerais wita house west New Our stock of Gold Painted Buckets; Silver Boquet Uoldeis; house will still be J. N. BKKUKN 6t CO. se7 dtt Vreaa & K I F of York. Pens and 60 do whole and bit do, fancy; bhell Card elegmt Hearses, snd will turuish any nuuiHer of carrla. WOOI.lt! OLIVER FIN Pencils cannot be in quality ud by Silver, Pearl, and Cases; gea may printed Cashmeres; MERCHANT 479 Maiw surpassed quantity 60 nests Tubs. 3 and 8 in the nest; mat be desired. Personal atieution given tt Co De TAILORS, stkbbt, any house in the western country. Sets of Silver Forks, Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, Ac. UK. A.J. VA.tUEUILItK, the bu I can be round Do do :.Lriues; rich enamel- 60 doz Zinc Washboards; Diamond-pointe- sines. at all hours curias the Gold (Suecettors to A; ed Jewelry, Breas'-Pin- s and Cuff. iu great Pens; Lata rrofessor of the Kcole Clinlqae de Medlclnt week, Sundays, my Do do do DeCheuei; Stamper A'iTn,) 479 Main $t. Pins variety; 160 long Work-Boxe- or night, at Gold and (Silver do and short lied Cords; Writing Desks, Port Folios, aavingbeecpractlsinimedlclba Puper plain De Laines; V"ITE re receiving daily our supply of Goods, which, Spectacles; a laige lot just received aid 60 coils Bed Cord Hope; Ac; raarmacieia raris, auliddkwtt J. L. CAUDRY v added at reduced prices. PUted Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, dtc.; 3d years past. French Merinos; to those previously icceived, makes our 10 do Halter do; and 6-- We Pen. Knives, Razors, Scissors; leave 1 DrapCbamboid, new article; slock not only very extensive, but very complete. We call the attention of country merchants and deal- 26 doz hemp and cotton ; IJEGS toannouncetoklsfrlends and taapablia aV deem ers in Plow Lines, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases; 13 generally, that he still continues to CAS EO AY HOPKINS. English kle iuos, very cheap; it useless to specify every article we have on hand, Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, to our stock, as it 60 and Kentucky devote nit l but comprises a boxes Missouri Tobacco; Extracts, Fancy Soaps, and other Perfumery; uie and attention to the alleviation of bomansnfferlng, IMPOKTUR AND DK.tLKR.-- IN 4 Silk Velvets; would simply say that our stock embraces French fiist.iate arsoriment, at prices to compare 23 do James Kiver Tobacco, various brands; Brushes, Razor I SecuBd Mourning De Lamest and English Cloths and Cassimeres, single, with any establishment in the west. Combs. Straps, and Shaving Cream ly curing the followlngdiseasesi Coucaa, Colds. A at a QrEENWAltK. 4;l.a, IIhA, PLATED double, and 100 do best Pressed Candles; Surveyors' Compasses, die. ; ma, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, War, Takle Caulrry, cVp-- PuiaBiack doj halfmilled; French and Engdsb Drillings; Batins; Silks; aul8 ROOT di BROWN, 83 Fourth st. loO do do Fits, Liver Complaints, Piles, Vltr, Marseilles; Drap Star do; Fine Fans; Coral Necklaces and Armlets; Kistuias,iioui,Kneumaiism,scroiuia. waite.Swellinci Xo. 534 --Maia street, between Third aad Fourth. Black and fancy Lustres; D'Ete: and anew article for sumaier 200 do do Rosin Soap; and coatsCall Wool) called Mousseline Silver Pitchers Gsblets; Disease o! tbe Sk:u, Nervous Affections, Peverand LOUISVILLE, KY., 4.4 Printed Flannels, Ac. Cloth, very light and 30 do Cuba Six Cigars; Cornelius tn Co.'s Solar Lamps and Girandoles. GEO. G1LL1SS & beautiful. The above enumerated goods comprise a KLEINSMITH & HALL, 100 Ague, Bilious compiainia, c.,tc. now on hand a large and well assorted eeH S05, Fourth t. do Common and Half Spanish Cigars; HENKY FLETCHKR, success wbica Dr. V. with by HAVE stock portion of our stock only. Suffice it to tay that we have Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 130 assorted The kas met hlsneca consisting of all the articles in our pkgs Mackerel, pkgsand numbers; 463 Main street, between Fourtnand 01 01 uueases, line. 1 LAW everything new and elegant in design, fioin those most 40 gross superior Filth. uar tuoue tieauug an aiuus nas seen as Out stock was imported from the best manufacturer in KITS, Ae Butler & Bro.'s Blacking; Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired. tonlshing --curing the most desperate casesaflerrepeat i cases recKerthe to such as willsuit the plainest utilitarian, all of German, French, and American England and France. Tbe anapca and patterns are of bed Blankets; 60 boxes Pearl Starch; Si. ver Ware of all kinds made lo order. cdlalluresol the most eminent pracuuouersmtae coon. 8 do MacKiaaw Blue Blankets; which were selected by Mr. Oliver in person, in the east, 330 Nails, sizes; the latest styles, aud the good of taa oest quality. kees assorted Old Gold and Silver bought or taken in exchange try. Asaprool oi tne Doctor's menu untried, be Country S do brown do; ern markets from the latest importations, and will be Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 40 bbis pure Cider Vinegar; onces. will merchants and others visiting our City would made up to by us with promptness and fidelity at the highest au6 andertake the cure of all patients without charge, ax. find il to their interest U examine our 2 do drab do; on'er 60 do Carolina Tar, bbit large and full; ceptingthecoat medicine, reuuiring stock betora pur- 25 bales Star Sheeting; Our Coats will be cut exclusively by Mr. Kitfiu, and the Ro. 4C!, 23 sacks Liverpool Fine Salt, extra ofthe no fee on'.i chasing. size) GREEN fx OO., after the restoration of their health, andthe fullc.atls- - au23dtfAw3 CASSEDAY VU do Oella U do; Pantaloons and Vests by Mr. Gaskill.a scientific New South side Market, bet. Third and Fourth sts 1,500 pounds superior Madras Indigo; 0. 0. dt HOPKINS York cutter. We can the re lore warrant every case factloatotne paueni'smiua 01 the benantconferred 2a do Bed Ticks; in LOUISVILLE. 260 do do Manilla do; Anctionerrs and Commixxioa Merchants, upon Together wiih a large stock or Linings. Ratine perfect fitting garments. Call snd see us. KY. aul7 2,000 do bright Dutch TBisisiae principle wnica ur, Vandersllca Isgov THE ta. best Madder; mo. 80 THian rraxxT, louujvills, kt. srned i a all cases with his practice. GREAT Ciotbs; making our stork lull and complete. OLIVER fe KIFFIN. THOS. T. 23 bags Black Pepper; N. B. also on hand a very supply of 1UST....HISH RBNT....C. B. DlCKKaSOM ADVANCED OS CON'SIGNMENTSQI Persons affcic led with BuUions, Ac., Ac., can have el7 BtNEUlCT k KENNKUY. We save elegant M . . A; 13 do Allspice; TT7CASH PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD!! Furuishing Goods, linen and cotton; llKsm r, Hon, CO., them entirely removed and permanently cured without to wit: Drawers, 60 c jsks su per Carb. Soda ; T14 dtf . silk gauze Merino Undershirts, Pocket Ilandker General CstnmlskUn and Wholesale Grocery pain. TBOusanusoi parsonshavebcencure-JbyDr.V- ti We have received and 10 bbis Eastern Alum; tJAKUIlUlvi: can bear testimony to fuljuccesii Dr. BlackwelTa FL.ANXKI chiefs, all kinds; Gloves, all colors or kid, thread, aud uterrnainia, 10 do Koll CARRIAGE: and his wonder Flannels; Biimstone; NEW YORK. PRICES. Females suffering with irregularities, nervousness, ConpoandSirnp of Sanaparilla 4. 1I do yellow do; linen;Cravals. great variety and truly beautiful; Suspen Ab, 27 Thirl itrect, between Main and Water, 20 do coperas; AT Tersieala. ders, are i$ as Having lately returned from New York daoiiuy, etc., can oe permanently carea ay taetreat-men- t 10 do white do; kc. In fact, they "gooit at food," wll Looisvillx, Kt. 124 pounds fresh Cloves; of Dr. Vandersllca. IS Compouad contains more active medicinal prop, as Business Coats Pongee, and bilk 1 alter an aosence 01 several weeks, ana Ladies, let noscruplea not TH any 10 do red twilied Flannels; of Cloths, Linen, uy2t luO do No. Nutmeg; ueucacy you other ever introduced, it combinaa arp Alpaca, made up under our own inspection, and 60 boxes Ground Spices, Eagle Mills, N. Y.t having made extensive arrangements raise ninuer irom applying in properper the moat powerful 3 do Domet. bne do; will be with the Best manufacturers in New son, wucu juh 1111 dc mo rcauiiy toaeailB. alteratives, gentle laxatives, aad 'Widen w are telling at lower prices than usual. warranted. O. & K. TO 14. Oc 0I1IM. 60 do Kentucky Mu3tardi reiuiieu certain toauca ever put together vegetable) t P. 8. Call and see a made upto NOLU'lt York. Mew Haven. Bridgeport, and Newaik. I will be Diseases ef a peculiar character are guaranteed toba from ta el6 BENEDICT dt KENNEDY. splendid French Coat, 600,0n0 G D Percussion Caps; a kingdom. order for us by Woodman, of Paris; also, a New York no receiving every week in addition to ray present stock, removedtn few days, radically, without offensive 01 efficacy can FEMALE SEMINARY, juu.ouu ti u dot ttocaaways, deleteriousmeuicine. Dr. v. beiug eminently success lu be attested by a number of physicians, MPOKTED C:iKaro- .- u.i, iuiuc up oy one of tbe first artists on Broadway. 100 gross Patrfdge Matches; Clarence Coacbes, caiasnes, Harcucnes, who have used it in their practice this ci.y: and aono next Session of Twenty weeks, will commence Bliue-se- ei uuggles. fulinthis branch of practice, patients would save muck ia L lO.wiU Jenny Lmd Kegaliat; O. A K. THE 600 pounds Soft Shell Almonds; lioctora' Pfcaetonsi woostenes. can be better relied apoa tnoso wao haveased indayin September next. Termsper Rueaiee of all styles, and Sulkiea not inferior to any in time and money, to say nothing of anxUty ofmind.ky thaa it. 10.OUO Kossuth do; session 20 weeks for all the English 200 do Cream Nuts; We might here give the aames of eosae of tbe moat of branches, togcth ) this Country Merchants and others wanting IIT1USB1IUII US WUHIUI IV BOIllU 6.(K Herpeniolas do; Jl'MT Latin 6 boxes Fire Crackers; market. lUlkUl. IU, reliable citlxcns in Louisville. We offer it to tbe public. OPEl!(;, er with the and French, 50. will find it to their interest 10 give me a can. ler how severe and long standing It may havabeen. worm 8.0UU knquestas do; Ho pupils will be ten yearsof age. No 60 do Layer Kabins; being confident that its own intrinoU will do (or it hy BERNARD WEHBERG'S received uuder Candy: sell) A. W. MKKWlrl, no. 39 Third st thorough cur,or nopay. Invalidsl yourtrae. uteres! for 6,uuo Douoie Enlace do; in store and for rale deduction for except iu cases or ill- - 60 do assorted wbalcerrtluraiea have done otbers. absence, protracted Also Oil, Oil, IstoapplytoDr. V. atouee.whohasthe prapermedi eoe time, waa S16 A. BOKIE. New Waleli, Clock, k Jewelry Establishment! ness on part or tbe pupil, rupils will be received at any Powder. Shot. Lead. Linseed Castor JOHN S131.1I, Cadertaker, meet all cases. Dr. Bull's Sarsapanila, at Introduced Spirits Turpentine, Mustang and Nerve and Bone Lini- Clnesto into almost eveiy family ia Louisvnle and Keutuckyi TMIBD 8TSEST, BKTWBCM MKlm time after the commencement of the session, and chars; informs Dr Vandersllce begsleave to say further AlaooBda 10 boxes shelled Almonds AMD M1IEIT. ment, Fahnestock's and McLane's Vermifuges, Letter RESPECTFULLY the citizens ol .that he has but experience, the best teacher, has taught them tbat IIElI.ED ed accordingly. Louisville he has just procured the moat with. him remedies prepared In a scientific and skilfa had not the been 3 ia store and for sale by Next door toWhaley'a NewClotliing School is ou corner and Cap Paper, Flour Sulphur, Epsom Salts, Saltpetre, that the Uim introduced. Emporium, Ear The the northeast or First toreign and splendid HEARSE ever introduced In thia city and manner nnuer iiivwn eye.iQ care each and all diseases blackwell, seeing tbe deficiency , cei6 A. BORIH. may n Walnuts trcets. Gum Camphor, and a large stock ol domes his been Dr. kas supplied It. WfiKKH be round an entirely. tic Brandies and Winee. au30 d43tw probably in tne west, u is nuisueu eieganuy. which attention has so long directed, with and feels confident that his friend Bull will not. foi oao new assortment of fashionable BIPKB TO indirections howtonsethem; therefore w 01 MP.--13 1 bale prime Missouri Hemp lor sale by Watches sJ Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extend invalidafrom oiotuenUseek to controvert it; you, Doctoi I Don't Clocks, Jewelry, &c. H. Miller, Iff. D Rer. W. Y. Hooker, L'LOTUIiNU AT COST! ed to him. he solicits a continuance of public favor. any sections or the country, by addressing a letter, aoa say HE el T. Y. BKKNT, iON, & CO. W BEKO bees respectfully A Fey. to doctor, ' ri. EH to Inform the X S. P. Weisiger.Eiq., E.M. Chapman, flTHB Summer beins advanced, and In order to make ct. coinns or ail sixes ana qualities reaay-mai- on paid, the stating symptoms, Ac, and enclos- This Compoaad Is recommended Iw every 1m. l M. Dickson, D. B. Letght, a. aTee, can cae of WHACCO. 131 boxes Ky. manufactured for sale by citiiens of Louisville.an the surrounding neighborhood, Esq., Esq., J. room far the heavy stock of Fall and Winter Cloth-lo- hand, and orders attended to puuoiuaiiy. sea uom ing have advice and medicine aemt them. purity of tbe Blood. It ia acequa.led ia na altetativo QIC James James . ael6 T. Y. BKKN1, SUN, A l ail oraers ami icpairingio ins iiwro line, will be Peck, Esq., Anderson, Jr. Esq., which we aro manufacturing, we shall this day com taarOffice hours rrom to H o'clock, A.M.,aad aad purifying effects tn the lollowirg ureases, lO. E- - 2 6 t and promptly and emcienuy execuiea. ah watch work Jame P. Mcftehee, Esq., W. Glover, Esq , mence an continue until the 23th Instant, to close out from P. M. specially recommended for Scrofula or King's Bvil. Harrison's Pt. Louis extra for sale by warranted for one year. aulS D. Lavielle,Ejq., J. S. Lithsow, Kq. Summer Clothing To the Ladies of Louisville uud Doctor may ba roand Dyspepsia. Female Complaints, Swelling ' the balance of our Spring and at at alltlmesbyeiamla. of tbe Glands, eU Y. BRENT, SON. ox CO. au3d2ui 1 . aav man ..no croons lugthe uewspapera. Sypbuis, For sale e n.l retai, T. JUS tt is needless to more are tbe Public iu General. cs Ac, A. wholeia ky alio' our own manufacture, and all made np this Spring and PRESSING ESTABLISH iv-oia- Jo.igi rreatonstraet.betweeaGreeaaad VALGH.tN BLAIKW8LL, 1 Ft. Louis for sale SILKS AND FANCY GOODS BLEACHING Walnut. N TTfDITE keciNo. l'l&ESTON HOUSE. and Summer. It would be useless 10 enumerate the ai corner of and Walnut streets mv93dAw Botanic Drusists, 1. ttt Third srreet, W im.j0T. V. hOW, 1'U THE begs leave announce to WK.iT, Fourth rei6 BKmr, subscriber to his tides, as our customers well know that our stock is al under the Christian Church. between Market and Jetfemoa. and public generally, ways say, . sT Also, by Robtrson A No. 463 At Wholesale! tifriends the that the Preston well assorted. Suffice it to mat tne remain. at. will be always prepared to oieacnend BEX J, A. FLOOl, Bell. Co., .Maiket fPEA. House has been gieatly enlarged and Improved, is ing very CALLMAN. street, and by W. Caxdweit, Main street, boxes and part of our Summer Goods are handsome, and oress all kinds of Straw Hats and bouncts, at toe snort VEIKTIAIT AfvO J. between X. 76 Tea; BROTHER, now thoroughly fitted and furnished. He is fully pre- - of the each and every re TTMDOir BU1D Jackson and Hancock. apjO 15 half Tea; ia store and for sale by ROBINSON & latest style, comprising article est notice, ana in me taiest iasniouaoie iyie, cquat 10 dAwtf chests rivvi sbuioimoaaie pereianent and transient board' auisiteto furnish a eentlemau's wardrobe, Ac, &c. SHOW CASE MAKER. selO WAlKlNSdt BULL. KO. 4 atA IK ST., BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, era. is r any tn tha city. Hisbar sunnimit with muu hnnr.ro Tk BOVS' FANCY SUITS. 25 Fancy Embroidered CIthixd aTaaar, aaa naisi, fcouivnj., t. dc leave to Call the buyers ylsitingthls ful for tbe patronage B.eachinaand pressing oonneia.. ..o cts PIUUBB I1A14EB. I3EG attention of heretofore bestowed, he hopes to Suits, suitable for Bova from 3 to 7 years old. Dressing and dyeing black. 40 always oa hand, and makes to order, Veoetiaa mm Liqaora. s- -r or merit a contlnuauceot Bleacaine. cts. Solicitors market, te their lorfc and complete ttotk MlKS, the nm 38 plain Suits, and very cheap. Call at the Louisville preeaoaT M4U HAS of every style, frem the cheapest to the finest IttorsejitUaw aaJ iaCAiaterr ad y 1 and FANCY can kaua bleached eta. WINKS dark tit. GOODS, adapted to tbe Pall Trade, and "fTravelera bave breakfast at bis house in time Manufacturing Clothing Emporium, No. 444. Northwest Geal's u4 quality, at lower prices thaa any other LOUISVILLE, KY 17 casks styles only 10 se6dir and sells tbe in " one eighth bet lijbt Brandy; to be found in their assortment. mho tne morning train ot cars for Frankfort. very " corner Fourth and Market streets, manufacturer can do. Thankful for tha ttneral paU promptly attend to all professional business) 25 baskets Mtueire Wine; c Partirular ttention Is Invited to their stock of P. BKYEHBACK. au6 - WHELAIf A CO. years bo w J. K. TKENCII Braadlea, Wlaea, dte. A supply of renaca for the laat 19 received, respectfully so. WILL to them ia tbe Court of ta City, aad, buis do GOODS, hicta lor variety and I , ,10 do; elegance of style canno U boxes In a. these articles, of fine aualitv. for medicinal or other ilr.it. rr.ntmu.nce of tbe same. in Court of A p pea la, at Frank.ort, ft do Valagi for sale by be surpassed. All of which will berrle.Ku Brandy Cheiiie rniEKTEIt A good assortment Just ra the dot be olored at the lowest BUA and for sale by Center. purposes, can at alt times be obtained from the subscrl- - I Old B inds paintti and trimmed Ia superior style at coaaaa. Sixth aao 116 WATK1M A HULL. jates lor casa gr spprovea credit, seSdlm ceived and for sale by Jsrrtasoa A. BOKIE, ell ' U. B.BVARTS, ber. f,llj JAMta T. LAMJAM, reduced prices, auQlddiw. ocudAwU ,