u 1 BB AELY MOCRAT. VOLUME IX. LOUISVILLE, KY. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1852? THE way to CIHK IMEJIFMUil i,. NUMBER 57. USE TALL-18- 52. IMPORTANT TO THE DEAF. VKNAWINK A; MClIlUiJl Br. HARTLEY, Proprietor of the Ear Infirmary, 61 DRUGGISTS AMD - - , Trbm Fliiir! DR. APOTHECARIES r- INDKU TUB HV CirOLFE ! Ctlekraie4 Ar.nmtte street, Philadelphia, the only institution In AT THB OLD OP 84M'i. ' FAIR PLVY. ni7iutv Meblerfaaa Medicine is a safe TAYLOR the world exclusively and successfully iD TIHaWIMB A 8 much disease prevails in our midst for which men At Sa 4C3 Market fksnrps. mliciiia! diet drma or emiuemi rpilIS and sure cure for li.temper-i- & ARMSTRONG, devoted to the Street. talaUry qualities, manufactured b ,h tieatment of EAR D1SKASKS. an I tlio No. CS, Fifth street, between Main or science and deepest research have ever failed to bM the proprietor at his eV V" inil!rioui to &VStem,Vnd NO. 4SI MAIN MTKKET, onlvarbnmvi. and Market. i. relief, nay TheBrVtiJ!l,0Ck COme to factory at ncMedani, in Hoi.aaJ. TlH cneeu .iiinsi in mo unuen oiates. Begs to ii form those give more, have ever pronounced out of the h"J. pound n. received ai d opened their fall stock of Fu of Ms patients in neighborhood power of medicine or skill Tiffin! n,ure,nthe land. It is made from the best barley that can be selected win curetb. most tmdeoed tnH-.esto- rng HAVE the of Louisville and as seen here, certified 'tis UiCe, , ia Fancy Goods, and bee with and to by c.-- l Europe, and tne essence of au aromatic ll the Individual io the aarue etate ol sobriety and to call tbe attei wn'iin ne nas neen in communication that he has iu referred our neighbors of unlnuhr,i Therefore i c M.rke't suVe't. iaa tarry, of tiou cf the ciiir.ens ge.n rally to them, as they are pre arrange- cures are made in our open vrrit A nd take a acknowledged and extraoruu.iry mecitinal propertiisa-n- mat be ... be.ore he ever mad. use ot i.iloxS-Lqu- o compliance witl their special request, made city, and to the inspection look, 'n worth the sight purea in einirot one ol ihe oesi assortments in thel ments to spend a few days in an of kind, or ah, in the different see how things are it has long since acquired a higher repu'atioo, bvta s,.,,.! cleansing aud puiilyt.ig the ys.tui in this city, and may be Con establishment the which they offer for sa a varieties of the worst disease. lo done up in Unnatural ol he lire to be found in the west; and all goods purchased mlted at h's temporal y as low lor cash or to punctual pieaianiiyana speedily made by the use or And Bass he is polite runt. Europe and Aaierica, ;uau by auy other d.eieuc bev- dee.ie lor ardent spirits, n ,a, uever fai cd tesiJence.on the corner of Filth customers as articles nf Hampton's Indeed erage. lo cu.e a them are warranted to be of superior quality. Toe and Market streets, during the hours a the kind oan be had in the city. tincture and Ointment. Would it not be I Wi I snow you what you cbi,'ce nile case, when the directions they of and 2 dailv nnrV well, or, to need In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism ;in m.ictly followed. i.r. Urban talhsh character to their house, wish to tar until ihe 1st of October. our store will be warranted sttictlv . ,e.'.d.,r"" ..innut me uuiy oi me honorable Mayor and His Scott Hats are go very neat. Obstructlcna of contends that i'tener K I i .V i it. e City the B auce u a .iiscae, aud their customers that their prices arc uuilorm no abate Deafness, noise in ihe heal, and all disagreeable nrnvo nthariiM. it vill KL... nii Counci. to investigate this mattei? If it be false, it And shine bright upon tbe sti'eet. adder.aml Kidnejs, and Dbi:ity of the Lrinaiy treats it accotuir gly To give anythii g a dis. "?vl,?.e. re be ruecU ns. effects are di omut. decided, an Head the folljwicg ment. like list of their assortmen charges from the ear, neinmnently and specili y un.le.l. W, wmild reer.,men,l mor should silenced by them; if it be found true, let it go They're selling last, come one and iu J inTai. letter Horn Col.' Wallace, of would occupy t o much but the remov- " ..:.u?""snmen.t Pr-- -- all bly reliable. And itU not onlv a remedv tor lollcnins will ed, without causing the leest paii: or inconvenience l,.. rl.., a.ili nhlsiri.. suangers "im wuu merueu nonor, ana that blaze Tne price of them will never fall. ir mu give an mea 01 wnai bloc a .. i ... Ti ; . : , ' visum 7 adies, but, in all cases in winch tsey are produced by ineir consists: All cases are guarantied, where malforniaticn does not Olio, I'l IIIIUk... lilllllll rtciinl.n, 6'y J us cures new to all medicine, and The Pierce Hat too have quite a run, Hoi'8TO,TM, June 15, lb52. Gents' Linen and Muslin ri.m'fii" . .u.i alone to itseir. drinking bad ware r,w men is annus! universal, y the 7r LVlait-P- ear Shirts; txist. '"")nrarrintinri r.l.!nllv an.l Does not suffering human They look sn slick, indeed 'tis fun causa Sir: As I deem it proper tnlt every : .T'" . .. .i7. oieiy tilled . wi cry of them, it operates as a sure thing a lo Underwear, all kinds; Thirteen years' and nlmnst iindiTldr.i menu iu ni'cu.i iu me aloud lor relief? Where are the friends to the To see the Whigs and Democrats preveutive. bavins tendency to ameliorate condUion of Ladies' do, cloe rttniin i"mui Dusiness pel sona It neaisiressmg etTect up-- me uu.o.lunate lle do; to this branch of special piactiic has and one of toe firm will he in the Concern at comforts of health? Where is the philanthropist? Can Cail iu and bny tne best of Hats; n Stomach, Bowels, and niai.k.t.d ahould be be-- . enabled ram to te all time they stand it? adder of tiavelers. new reri.!ei;b. an.l all Children's do, do; duce his treatment to such a i,r !.q both day and night. In th s way Furthers in the possession ol these His neighbors they look nn. ?? who t'eiree srr,, i,. customerscan be assu farts verygrum. ccustoiued to pro.luced by ikim V?M?' ,u,orJer,lbt desire ma, Ladies' Holies de Chambic; the most confirmed re I thit prescriptions will not be h V.7 should they not come forth, and with a voice of Can't teil why they then, the wateu of nearly ail any benefit 1 and obstinate cases yield by a steady nrenareii i, thunder dou't get the run, ti.at may be e'erived. Gents' Morning Gowns; proc laim to the afflicted Joy, In 1 illlauJ "vers, Uke the Ohio, Mississippi. .- attention o the enced boys, which, we are soi ry to sf.y u with this pleasant he cau'-- to Biisa is very U'Bre" -- ,. s.u ui Dj Hosiery, rtfans prescribed. t0 of'eii the healer bitter pat, an.i Alaoama, from the l.rge effect your Ibe ba:wv all kinds; The folowins tesiimonials , case. As the senior of the Cuiicern ha- - in this of the stomach, is found a sovereign balm' They cannot make fi'ie quautily of decayed Sect- 4o-- t tra sn'iinitv.l tvifh been in the ihe mole Hat; 11. Ei.au ta'h.d in th. Lad.es' ill, e bui a radical cure for all disease If Ilm One tOLtined in tnem, a stale of ion of country with some my dencc. They wi'l show, at 13 t. in what estimation ntsi lor me lasttweniy-iiv- years, and thelunior this he true, it would Cloth Capi have just got ii known; as solution. of intimate acq uaudmces. Children's do, do; his -- forthe seem to me worthy ol all here. is alo tr:at of the wateis of limcsloue 1 have know ii it . ... .. prolessianal qualifications are held bv some of th last ten years in the former stablishment of Schorch praise; if It be false, let the Call and look, you need not tear; used in a cir.i h .I .. Kid Gloves: & poor --P,ro,1"Uo aud Gents' uisimguisneu meuicai men or country: mt Yenawine, and with Sam'l Yenawine, persons wretch, the miserable monster, who would thus The Style are neat and so Bladder. Orav.l. t alcua. Moue in tn ceued Cases, where, indeed, the fnenus had fciven up iu Do w hite Marseilles Vests; the can relv dare trifle with the xk wed. rustic kt;,,,,!.,,, hr . .. on naviug tneir ucmarus piupeny aileuded to maimed, the bait, ai d the blind be Made of the best material; I itecorrecuve of hopelessness of ever relcrmmg their inteniperle Ida-liv- To Suk and Sutin do, "1 have had the pleasure to meet Dr. Hirtlev in nnr-- held up to public gaza with scorn and Tne a.l these injunou. of an J I se3d3m contempt which P.uh Cips Ihey are got up water, aud consequently thJ .i.L..-- friend, but are now enabled lo bless tl.e Cay that Do Cashmere and Cljth tire, an.
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