AGROCUMATIC CONDmONS AND ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR DROUGHT/FOOD SHORTAGES IN SUBEQUATORIAL AFRICA EARLY WARNING PROGRAM S ............. • r ,°c' ne ,3 ...6, $cs DEEMEl18 AGROCLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR DROUGHT/FOOD SHORTAGES IN SUBEQUATORIAL AFRICA' to International Development Cooperation Agency Agency for International Development Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Washington, D.C. by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Environmental, Satellite, Data and Information Service Assessment and Information Services Center Climatic Impact Assessment Division-Models Branch Columbia, Missouri and Atmospheric Science Department University of Missouri-Columbia; Columbia, Missouri prepared by 2 Atanas V. Todorov and Louis T. Steyaert NOAA/AID PASA Documents No CC/A/DR 0135-8-80 and BOF-0000-P-CC-2132-O0 USDOC/NOAA NA 81AA-D-00019 and NA-83-AA-H-00006 C-5-30360 University of Missouri Account Codes C-5-30198 and C-5-30340 December, 1983 Permission to reproduce this report should be obtained through AID/OFDA and the Director, AISC. Respectively, Research Associate, Atmospheric Science Department, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, and Research Meteorologist and Program Manager, Assessment and Information Services Center of NOAA/NESDIS, Columbia, Missouri. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Two persons in the Atmospheric Science Department, University of Missouri-Columbia, worked full-time in the preparation of this report: Chris Hord, Computer Programmer II, and Marcia Dlugopolski, Senior Research Laboratory Technician. Their valuable contributions are too numerous to be listed. It should be mentioned, however, that Chris did most of the computer work and helped in checking and processing the meteorological and crop data bases; Marcia assisted in these tasks and completed about one-third of the artwork.
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