nuiit & Jleeclii^r LOCAL AND (SEKEnAL KEIVS. ASNUAli SCHOOL MEETISU. The trees in the court yard aro under- Iit()ham Ojountg Democrat goinj; a sovoio trimming. Eemarks con­ Will sell you 14 iioiiiids of Graniilatod Su- gnr for §1, and will pay 15 cents por dozen Pnblislied every Tliuraday ' Timo of Holdins tho Annual Moetins cerning the same are numerous nnd varied. CLEVELAND & HENDRICKS ChaDKod to Soptombor. foroggs. Tho little old lesidonoo occupied nnd ». P. WIIITMOUE, Katifieaiion at tlitt Couvt House, Ilnrso r ni I r; IIT ! quire hal(-iuilo iiorlh of Mason post-oflico. last, although there was no particular biiai tho ground Sttiiday afternoon. The value On. Vaar, $1.50 ; Six monlhi, 7S cents ; Three Geo. DePew. The ini>c'lins will ho aiUlfCSsed hy iie,?s ol special interest. was but lillle but it was quite a loos to montha, 40 cenli. , Cluslni: Out Sale I TllOS. A. \VII,.SOX, ESQ. The meetiiig was called to order hy Johnny. S. Bartholomew, state agent for tho sale ,A.15iSr33ia'riSI2Ta. : Moderator J. C. Cannon, and the following Onradvertlslni! rale.s areSUlO per oolnmn poran- Rev. E. H. Jones and MLss Mablo G. L. of tho Louis Cook Buglfics, is now stopping nnni. Bnslness notices Ave cents per lino for eacli HON. MICriAKL A. .SHOEMAKER report was read by Dircclor Geo. W. Bristol VnnValkenburg wore married on Monday at Iho American House and will oll'er tho Insertion. Editorial notices 10 cents. and afterwards accepted and adopted with­ Last Ton Buggies very cheap to close out Ilnsiiiess cauls Sl.OO per line per year. op .iackson, morning last at Rev. D. Baldwin's, as an­ MarrlaKeand death notices Inserted free, Oliltnary Ihe lot. Wn can sell you the Best and out discussion : nounced by the Democrat Inst week. Thoy comments, rosolntlons, cards of tlninks,elc., will hare- No innttor what yoiir past political pref­ Most Durable Buggy for llio price, of any after be charKeil for at the rate of live cents per llne. ANNUAL REPORT OP SCHOOL HOARD, took their departure on the 11 .o'clock a. Correspondence contalnlnK local news. Is aelicited erences may have been, all who favor tho man in tho world, and they are all warrant­ from all parts of the etninty. To the Eleclor.i of School Di.ilrict No. 1 m. train. ed for four years. All EXT. Anonymous coiantnnicalions not Insorlod under nominalinii of Cleveland nnd Hondrichs of the township of Vevay : any circunistanco. aro cofdially iiivilcd to eoino out and assist;—The boai-il of trustees of A postal from F. T. Albright, formerly Tillcu Nation. in ralifyiii),' their iioiniiialion. this district rcspootlilUy snbmit for your of this city, informs us that lie has sold his Having possossio of the book aocotinta JOB PRINTING! cotialderation tho following as a report of stationery biisiticas at Sl. Louis, and also a of .losujili Shaw, blacksmith, previous lo Onrinnleiinlls new nml of the Inlest styles and wo llieir doings I'or tho past year, together with July 8, I desire lo notify all debtors that unaranlmi satisfaction, Lolll in prices and Cool wcailicf this wee!,. similar business he but recently parchasod tpialltv of work. their estimates of tho amount of moiioyro- the same must bo scltlod by cash or nolo" quirod for the proper maintenance of our in Detroit, and is now free lo look up some­ at once. This paper can be fonml on tlio at lieo. P. Rowell & Bead Hunt it BeeoliOf's mv/ locals. Co.'s Nuwsiiaper Advertisiiis lliireau (HI Sin-ncii St.) schools for tlio ensuing year: thing else. Rospoclfully, Ellen Shaw. wlieie advni-tising contracts can be made for lt In nF.cBirrs. The above aoooiiiits may be settled wilh New Vorli. • Uoptiblican county coiivonlion Au;!ust 5. Tlio Loslio Local says the ineroase of Amount on band from last year in tho tench- FiiEO Biucii, . Harvesting is nearly eoinplolod in tlii.s ors ami general fund fl,7l'J Z\ popillalioii ill tliia city was -11 ffoiii 1S80 to Ifrioiiilsof llio 1)i;.M<)l!K<\T Aviiii Amount on hand from last year in hbniry AViiiiluil—An AKDiit ^hiiviilMisliHiss ivitli till) rniimtij vicinity. fund •11 "7 lite presoiit liiiio. and tho iiioroasc iu fjeslio Cimrl will

  • iiH ;i fiiviii- liy ic- Amount on hand In Inilliliiigfilnil (afterwards For tho beautiful, new and interesting book, (Itxisiln;; .Jntl;;ii Olllitiu liuvi) villitgc 42. Just add the diU'erenco between Democratic stale convention at Grand transferred to llio library fund) 10 fiO "Picturesque Washington." A splendid llioir prilifili^ ilniiM ut this itfllcu.. 41 nnd i)9, .Tob, and you will have it correct, opportunity for a good canvasser. Writo [{apids, Auif. 27. Total amount on band from last year ?I,7n7 ."lO Amount raised by tax lt.Sol 24 in regard to Mason. for lerms nnd circular to tho general iigent Ollleial Diieelory. Owen it Warner display a hen's egj; that Receiveil from prhmiry school fund 721 Sl for Michigan, Wm. M. Goldtliwait. Care Received Irem lines (library) IW 80 W. H. Collins, desires to express through of this olUoe. OFFICERS. measures GJxSi inches ia oirouinferenco. Received from tuition non-residont pupils... 2:10 sri Mavnr llAaeitn lUtnii tho columns of the Democrat, his heartfelt Clerk .Si:i.All II. Wonni'.s Total receipts lor tho year rincluding amount NoUvn—Nutllo Up. Oily Mar.sbal Kn. II. Wn.I.HMs It will pay you to come lo town to-ni^ht, on hand 311,107 20 thanks to tho innnager nnd nil hands en­ All persons indebted to the firm of S. P. Treasurer anil OoUeclor , E. A. ll.Mi.vKrt gaged in the Rogers Mniiufacturing Com­ School Inspector CiiAi:i.i;s Ovyn.v to the Cleveland and Hendricks meeting. The e.vpendituros during thu same time, Stroud & Son, by nolo or book account, aro Street Uoiamissiener Niui; as shown by llio proper vouchers now on lile, pany's shops, for the timely and nnieh requosted to call and settle at once, as I f ...... CI.E. Mii-l.Kn Painters liavo been itnproviiijt the ap­ have been as follows : needed aid donated him on account of tho must have tho money. Freo Ij. Stroud. jnatioesof the peace!\yM'.''ii. •ci..liiK pearance of the court house during the past nisnuBS>:MKSTa. accident that befell him last week. Jiiiup-Svnt Cnrrlagii For .Siilu. I S. W. II.MtMONMl weeU. Pnld teachers salaries SVH 7,1 f A. \y. Mi-.inx Paid Janitors 202 4.1 I have a first class new Jump seat Car­ Aldermen at Large.j 1.1). Dwiskm. Quite a company from this city pie-niced Paid lor wood lllO HQ C, D. Herrington, who has boon ^n the riage for sale at ii bargain. Paid for additions to library... .Itl :l.1 , . ... , f'.V... E. (J. RUBSKI.I. at Pine Lahe yesterday and more will go Paid for incidonbil ox|ieiiseri during tbe yitar, county jail in this city for several months R. W. Becker. A Idermen, 1st aru | _ ^ .L. ill. Including supplies for school, repairs on past, and whoso name has figured so prom­ Drain Tito unit llrlvic „ . ... . (.0.1'". lltiow.N to-morrow. furnaces, kalsoiiilning, painting, ,tc 217 V) Aldurnien, 2d\\ard.J^ y. y,^ lloWAao inently in tho Cmnoh case, was taken to Are snocossfiilly inanulhclured on tho old supervisor, Isl ward v Amount on hand at tills date... 1,750 .LI Fowler it Dura of this city, have rroiio to Steel Brick Yard at Mason. Our first kiln Siipi.Tvisor.2d waril...... G. >. u.vY Total amount of o.\pomlitnr3s, including Jackson last Friday evening to he hold opened Juno 10. Sizes of tile from 2 to (! Grand Ijedgo to open a new bakery and amount on hand.... $0,107 20 thoro as a witness, having served his sen COUNTY OFFICERS inches, well burned, straight, round, strong. Siiorllf 'files. MuKnnN.\.s' restaurant, The board has made a careful estimate tence in the Ingham county jail. Treasurer WlllT.vnv .loNi-.s of tho probable necessities of tho district Prices low. Call nt factory and see them, Olark John W. Wii.ii.t.os M. D. True has this week completed a or send for price list and terms. ];n.-is;.,r T. R- Jtesnr.a for the ensuing year, and find that the sum Tho Michigan association of spiritualists Jnd«eof I'rol.ate 0. E. Glt.l.,(M reservoir well on his premises corner D and of S.l,.000.00 will bo required to maintain Bauker it Co. will hold their annual camp meeting this Pros.Atlnrnuv - l.H.^tenel.s our schools during that.time, wliich would Do Vitii Witiiti II Ciirrlaeo '.' „ , „ , ( I.U. SuuiKlia Elm streets. be apporliotied as follows: year on the fair grounds at Lnnsingj Aug CircultOotirlOom'rs < ,lollssi>N If so, it will pny you to call on the agent .T. V. .Tohiison, tho founder of this paper, For leachors ?,1, 00 ust Vth to ISth. A, B. French, Giles B. at tlio Aineriean House in this city, and Surveyor "i!Zi:ZZZl..a., IlKSU v K.ruKi:st.\ Sm;iJNs Ii'or iaiiiliirs .TOO 00 save money and get a bettor one by pur­ OoroiiorH, ^ .. .SJiiTit Tooiu-.a base sold tho Gratiot County Democrat to For wood soo 00 Stebbens, H. P. Fnirfield, Mrs. L. A. Pear H. E. Beery. For ilicidental expenses, repairs, Ac 250 00 sail, iT. H. Palmer, Mrs, Sarah Graves and chasing ot him. Uiisiness Directory. Total amount of probable expondituros.. Sl,5ao 00 Charles A. Atidrus are among the speakers Grout Roiluutliin In tho I'rIuoH ot Dry Fourteen prisoners SuiidayeJ at tho coun­ We shall Iirobably receive from tlie priniiiry engaged, and others aro expected. QootlH lit MiirouH Grotcor*,!. ATTORNEYS. ty jail. All unusuiilly lurso number for sellout fund and tine moiipys $ 77.1 00 Also from lulllon, Irom iion-resldeiit pupils Best Ginghams at 10c; former price 12c GKe,.M. llUNTtNOTOS. II. P llB.SnKllBOS. this season of the year. the sum of 22.1 00 The state teachers' instilulo for Ingham nt Marcus Gregor's. UNTINGTON .t IIEIJBERSON, Allorlneys and Oonnsolorsat Law. OllicOover Kirst Nalional Si.Mio no county, to commence July 28lh, and to Best Lawns reduced to lie at Marcus HankH , Mason, Mich. 8^'^ The boys have decided not to tear down Leaving a halimco of ;*3,.10O to be provided for by Grogor's. taxation. be held in this city, promises to be profita- the court hotiso to-night, but you will hear lue oir per yard on Black Silks at Mar­ The board thorc-foro reoommeiul to this lo and interesting to both teachers and cit. PHYSICIANS. some good speeches. cus Gregor's. ' OETOR A. R. (lAJlPBELL, Pliysiclan, Surgeon meolitii! the necessity of rai.sing the above izens. Prof. H. It. Patlengill, tho conduc- Silk and Lisle Gloves lOc oft' per pair at D Onioeover Parkhnr^l .t Co 'sdruKSl.ore, Miison S. Bartholomew, the jolly state agent for iiieiitioiiod sum of IJS.aflO for the support tor, is n stirring, practical, common-sense Marcus Gregor's. , of our city sehooln for tho ensiling year. OCT'ORS KNELL .t UODGE, Physicians and Snr. the i.ouis Cook bupgies. is in tho city wilh man, and will spate no pains to make tho Tho Cheapest Place to buy Dry Goods, ^eons. Ollice laicooil Iloor north ef Parklinrsl's The further btisiiiess of lhi.s meeting will and Notions, at D a few buggies. See notices, institute n success. The work will pracli jiew block. Residence, corner of 31111 and A .streets. bo the Bluotioii of two Irusteos for the term Marcus Gregor's, Mason, .Mich. of ihroe years each, lo fill the places of (i. cally bo a two weeks' normal school—/"cee. No bniUliiig in Mason presents a tastier Mason, Mich. KWIS P. MAV, M. l'., Pliysician ami Surisemi, \y. Bristol and VV. H, llayner, whoso terms Every teacher in the county ought to im­ Holt, Micli. onlcc in west end of hotel. Niubt appearance than the Fnrinera'Bank build­ of ollice have this day e.\pii'ed. Notioo to FiirinorH. Lfalls answered at ollice. ^1 prove the opportunity to get professional ing, since the painters have finished their All of which is respeethilly submitted. Having purchased n new SteVens Steam training in his work. Supts. Howell of OCTOR 15. A. LOCRE, llonieopatbio Physician, work. Geo. W. Bristol, Director. Thresher, we respectfully solicit your pat­ Uolt, Mich. Ollice siicomldoor north of Uunn'a D Dated Mason, July 14, 1884. Lansing, and Barnes of Howell, are to as­ ronage. Guaraiileoing firstclass work and more. Levi Forbes of Leslio, quilo well known There was some discussion as to the sist. There aro to be three Icelures each rensonnblc prices. Otis it Nichols, in this cily, died on Tuesday afternoon of DENTISTS. probable expense of inaintaiiiing our high week—on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ 28w2p , Ingham. ahcess of llie liver, after an illness of about P. VANDUSUN , 15KNTIST. Ollico in Darrow school, tho Miipressinn apparently having day evenings. Prof. H. F. Dorr, who is Too Iliid, Too Jlatl, block, Ulasoii, Midi. eight weeks. Burned out nnd had no insurance while G. been formed that tho high room wits kept local comtnilteo, will do all in his power to W. Bristol oll'ers absolute indemnity against VETERINARY SURGEON. make the occasion pleasant nnd requests L. C. Webb's trotting mare, "Cora Bell," up solely for ihe benefit of tho giaduating loss by fire, lightning and cyclone in such W. TIIORIUIRN, Veterinary SnrKenn. Orad- that papers in the county assist in giving W. nato of Ontario Veterhiary Collef^n, 'foronto. took first money in the 2:10 races at Big clas.s, nnd in case ihcro were but three old and reliable companies as the Hartford, Treats all diseases of Horses anil Cattle. Ollice, ViSRapid s last week and at Luddington the graduates—as in Iho last graduating class nnlice of the inslitno. Contiiienlal, Pbenix, Niagara and Spring­ AVasliiiiKion Ave., Latising, MIeli. ^ wdk before. —it was quite expensive, coiisidoring tho field.and eleven other first-class companies. ODBco in the court house. . FINANCIAL. rosiill. UiiMlucsH liOcalit. Democrats, independents, and all who M. DRESSER, (nsiu-nnce. Loan and Collectlou U. L. Hotidcrsoii thought wo could not Oo to Suraw A lliibcouk'H .Agent. All lnisinoss promptly attended to. Of. feel so disposed, will ratify tho nomination Those desiring instruction in oil painting licJe in li'arnier's Bank, Allison. afl'ord to do olherwiso, even though we For pure candies and confections. of Cleveland and Hendricks at the court please call upon Miss Jeniiie Adams, at Mi.xed Candies per pound . .10 cents should graduate but ono scholar in four the residence of G. G. Mead or .Tesse Beech. INSURANCE. house tonight. Stick Candies per pound , 12 cents - years. The majority pre.sent were gvidenlly Five Plugs of Tobacco . 25 cents ARJIKBS MUTUAL FIRK INSURANCE COM- People who havo not been to the fair ForU, llio Hazaitr SIiiii'n Lnonla. pany of tiigbaia county . Safest, cheapest, best, of the same opinion. But il was explained Next Salnrday, Tlio Uroat CrowdH F ground this summer will hardly roalizo yer iuforiniition write to 0. F. Jliller, secretary. by Messrs. H. P. Hendeisoti, Bristol, Teffl New Gliissvare, Of people you see on the streets, with such Mason. SatnnelSkadan nresident DansvlUe. what a change a thousand dollars worth of and others, that the graduatiiij; class should New Hoisery, nobby hair cuts nnd clean shaves, get them improvements will make. UNDERTAKINQ. really be charged wilh but a small portion New Slew Kettles. at Aino Salspaugh's, over Vandercook'a Call and see them at Ford's Ba'.:aar. grocery. • . p.STROUD .t SON, "^derlakors. In buililins A very good report ot the democratic na­ of tho expense of tho high school room, , 1 door east of ili;.iiO(ju.\T oillce, .Mason Great llargalMa In Furniture. s tional convention in Chicago last week, to­ and doubtless left a belter feeling in that Cloning Out 8ala of UiiKgioa, Only a few left. Call at the American You can save 5 to' 10 per cent by getting HARDV/ARE. gether with the platform adopted, intvy be regard. House at once. my prices before purchasing. ANNON * Dubois, General Uardware Doalora, found on our inside panes H. L. Henderson nnd C. G. Fatkhurst • J. A. Undehhill. Maple street Vinson, Mich. Call oil limit & liueclier C were appointed tellers nnd the meetini; The Leading SeiviiiK Slaulilne. Tho North Aurelius cornet band, we nre Before selling your Butter, Egg and other proceeded to tho election of two directors The star that leads them all, the new and REAL ESTATE AGENT. informed, can be engaged to furnish music farm produce. in place of Win. H. Bnyner and Geo. W. improved Domestic sewing machine. Call OHN BUNSBAOK, Real IJstatn and Loan Agent. for politioul meetings, picnics, etc., by J Ash street, west of Wolib A Mead's, Mason. Bristol, whoso terms had expired, resulting •3 0 00.00. and exainino. For sale by addressincr the secretary, E. M. Hnivlcy. J. A. UNDEnillLL. in the choice of C. W. VanSlyko and Mrs. Must have it right off at Fuller's.' Mar.shal Williams ran in the drunkest Emma D. Cook. ReadG. W.GIynn'sadvcrtisenicnt. An easy way to detect imposition in bak­ ing powder is to boil a small quantity in LIST OF FfflS FOB SALE drutik of Ihe season Tuesday evening. It On motion of H. P. Henderson tho time For Sale. water. If ammonia is present it will pro­ was released and sent on its wav rejoicing of holding the annual meeting was changed A Pony nnd Harness. Cash or timo. duce an oder j if nllum, it will smell old JOHN DUNSBACK, Wednesday morning, after paying the jail from tho second Monday in July to the first F.W.WBini. and taste bitter; if starch, flour or filling-, fees. Monday in September, whereupon the For Sale CKenp. thoy will remain in the cup as the cream meeting adjourned. . A valuable Steam Thresher, including tnrtnrnnd sodawiUalldisappear. DeLand'a ^ Real Estate Agent! You can get a fine lithograph of Cleve- Chemical Baking Powder is made froiu Enj(ine, Separator, Trucks, Arc, by ' X.

    Cayriages Betj;er and, Cheaper than Ever at L. FRANK CLARK?S, mm Its loaders aro mou who command pub­ r.4E POLITICAL FIELD. MICHIGAN MATTERS. c«N«Ulei.s«:« lic conlidencc. With tho exccptioa of Ingham Co. Democrat. .lULY 7. .\ .srnl'll.) rilOTKCTION I'ALLACY. Edmunds, tlioro is sctircoly a namo in A CCIINIIH ll'ltjl'ilt, Se:,'Atu—A message was received from iUo tho list of foremost llcpubiioans which A petty light ovur the cl'ueus is raftigg House aim&uiiclii.g its non-coneurrenee in the Free I'rcss. is not tainted with suspicion or • proof aeuiile luaoiuliiieiic to tliu bill nialilng lempora- D. r. WiiiTMOltE, riiblishor. Ono of tho stupidest ol tho many aloni; ilie Siigiuaw river. The intense rivalry r.v provision for the navy. U|)on nioiion ot of vonalty, corruption or, at the very ami jealousyof llielhiTeiowiis lungalii brought stupid assumptions of tho prolootionisls ^'ir. rialu Idle Senate agreed t.o reeedn ^Ioi^ Us host v/'illiug slavery to the monopolists, Into Ki'eat prominence. Some 10 Oiiys ano it mnoiKliiieur. Tho Hoii'no Joint resolulion pro­ is that England's advocacy of free trade was given out liy thu Biiy Ult.y papers tbiil Ihe MASON. MrOH. who arc tlio foea 'of the people. Tho viding for iidjournmeiit was taken up and at homo, and especially its advocacy of Blaines, the Koifors, the Kelloggs, thu census shoivcil them to have 'M,'J~0iiopulatioii , aimmcli'il so ns lo niuku the time of .uljourn- a freer trade for the Onitcd States, is Briulys, tho liorsoys, outnumber ton to iiud llic ]X)8ltlon of "Uilril city In the slate" mint 2 o'elcek to-day iind then piissMi. On asuliicient condemnation of all propo­ was loudly proclaimed. IJliist Saginaw remain­ motion ot Mr. Uayard of iJcliiwniuu vole of ono tlio passably clean names on the thanks was given lo Mr. Edmunds for the Tho Boyal TreaBuro House at Oon- sitions lo reform the tariff. In ono form ed silent, imd it wiis not until the last dny al­ Republican li.'t, while the Bomocratic lowed by law that ite retuniii were made pub­ ability, courtesy and impartiality v.'lMi which Btantiuople and another tbo changes aro being very listis resplendent with such untarnished lic. These were tUeu stated at 20,141, uiui "ihe he lias performed the duties of president pro tempore of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Miss Miivy E. Collins fnrnislios Uio indiislriouslv rung on this proposition nnruos ,as Bayard aud Cleveland, Car­ third city In the statu" oinlgraluil up the river just now. Tho recent speech of Lord Shcrinan ot Ohio, a eommineeof two scrators oiiisviUo Couvior-Journal with ilio lisle and Morrison, T'liurman and Ilow- ofcoureu. But Uay City promptly met Mils was nppointcd lo .join a eoiiiinll lee of the House Carlingford at tho banquet of tho Cob- claim liy staling that wliut had liecn iit. lirst In Intornilng the I'rcsidenr.of the Unllcd Stales ollowine; pon-picturo of tho troasiipo itt, McDonald and Hoadly, and scores stated was a sham report designed to draw lioiiso of llio of Tiirkoy; dcn Club aud bis roniark that "whon like them. Not ready to trust tho that congress having diilshcd Its business America realizes tho benefits to bo do. Enst Saginaw's lire, and now for the Urst tune ii'as now ready to adjourn. The chair ap- Imtiginivlion can scarcoly psiiut a Democracy? Thtit is just what tho —as they claimed—publlsUUic their correct re- liolnli'd Messrs. Slierniin and lUynrd. nioro p;orc;ooiis scono than that whioh rived from freo trade hor power and in- people aro roady for. The RcpubUcan tiirus by wards, foollni; up iiOfiOT. MemitiineTh e chair announced theappolntmentof Messrs lirosonts itsolf lo thoso who may bo i)or- lluenoe would increase enormously," party,has lundo them roady by showing tUey charge that the East Saginaw enumera­ Allison, Hale and I'cndieron as members on tors visited the Tlttabiiwassee boom nnd Invad­ tlie part ot-the Senate ot tlia commission pro­ milted to look into tlio troasnro-houso aro eagerly seized on as texts for de- Its unwortliiucss of trust. niiuciatory discourses. Tho traditional ed the territory of Saelnaw City in working up vided for the sundry civil bill to consider tbe ot' tho Sultan of Turkey. A f;cnl;lonmu present or>;aiilzalIon of the signal service, gco- hatred nnd distrust of England aro ap­ their population, and the latter charge Is re­ who visited Constanlinoplo give tho fol­ NO Disi'U'ri; ABOUT Uls ukcouij. iterated by the Saginaw City papers. It Is dll- logleol survey, etc. Mr. Drown ot GeorKia, lowing description ol what bo saw; pealed to; tho "British ijold" bugaboo ticuit, therefore, lu know Just how much re­ asked If the chairman ot the appropriation N. Y. aim. committee could slate the aggregate approf^rin- Guarils in black broadcloth stand is hold up; ar.d tho public is coulideu- liability is to be placed on reports and iiossilile tially assured that England is, so anx- Thoro is no protonco anywhere that returns, made under such circumstances. One lious this year. Mr. Alilsou rciilied in the a(- uround tho walls at intervals of four or any charge affecting Mr. Blaine's char­ llrinativc, stating that the amount was If 103,- ions on hor own bnliiiU'to .secure a re­ other fact has also not a little siguilicauce iu livo foot. In tho front room is tlio royal acter is tho outcomo of political fooling, SOfiiOSr. In respcet to one or two features of duction of the tariff in this country that this same connection. From the. state census the naval bill this amount was estltiialcd, hut crudln, of solid gold, ba.ssinot aud of campaign oxcitoracnt, or of partisan of 1S74 to the census of ISSO, the its malicrial aid will be prompt and the variation would probably be less than #200,- rockors, tho two ends, tt foot liigb. ooii- mrdicc. iinurcs show an increase of not finite a.OCO tor 000 from the amount lie bud stated. This liberal for a party tvdvocating the policy. neclod by a i^oldou bar, on which to Mr. Blaine goes before tho country East BiiKliimv. ForlhosKme period ]5ay City eountdiii not Include appropriations whleli for Vet plausible as tl.o proposition is thus shows an increase of almost 7,0oO. This was liensions this year amounted to tHO,000,000, Ii.ang a curtaiii or "vail. Every inch of srpiarcly on his record. Thoro is no it is cnistod with vubios and diamonds. made to appear, it is, as we hnvo saiil, for seven years. Now aecordin(; lo tlio returns raising the aggregate to »2,'i0,3ni,0Sr. At the ono of the stupidest weapons in the pro­ eonocalmcnt, uo evasion about it what- just publislied East Saginaw has i^niuaX in close of other business Sir. Edmunds, vice- In tlio gallorios aro elligios of nil tho president made his closing address, and the tectionist armory. over. It is ns bad as it can bo, and his four years a little over 10,000, us a.gninst 3,000 Sultans,' weighted down with jewels, supporters admit it without rosorvo. for oovcii years, while liny City has gained al­ ijenate of the -IStli congress was adjourned. Tiic proposition is based upon the with largo turbans bedecked with dia­ Ho is dishouost; ho has himself, on tho most 0,000 in four years as against ",O0O in a.ssnmption that in .any trade between Jlousi'.—The bill making temporary provis­ monds, and weapons of pricoloss cost. Iloor of tho House, read aloud tho seven years. Smart towns up there ou the England and the United States where Saginaw. Growing towns. ion for tho navy passed. A coiiferenee report Tlio da{>gor ot tlioconqiiorovof Constan­ written proofs of his dishonesty. It is on the loglslalivo bill was submitted and scv- the former is the seller tho latter must tinople lias for its liiUantl oiuurald his boast that lie has always boon frank liral changes in permanent eonimltteej were nucessarily be a loser if England reaps inches long and iioarly a.s thick. Tho and open upon the subject. A .1eiil,,,ii:., iiu ing England a larger trade. But if Ho is tho man, darling, who runs tlio persuading his wife to return to St. Joseph, has discharged the arduous and responsible timated at a of .'?1.0O,OOO. Tlioro diities ot his ollice during the prefcuc session aro golden bird cages, school-satchels thoy have any iiitclligunco thoy know paper. drew a revolver with a lightning like motion of Congress." of velvet ornamoMlcil with pearls and that the liirgcr trade cannot bo had and My! I thought tho paper ran itself. , Michigan and forks ami spoons of solid gold, with England cannot possibly pro/it by any Ho docs. tlie September term ot the Oakland Circuit 43,3-10, and Massachusetts it2C,(il4 for expenses jowoled handle.". A ciirosity, ns well as incrottsod trado with America growing And that tho dyspeptic genius wrote Court. She Is out on ball, and seemt -loiilident incurred by those states during the war of tho of acqultlal before » Jury. Sh2 now lives with !i beauty, is a tea sol of tortoise shell out of tariff reform unless Amorica tho poems? rebellion. proliis also. Cortiiinly. her mother in Oakland 'I'ownship. as thin as paper. A parasol of white Grain stealing from freight cars In St. Louis And tho poor compositor; I thought Greatly to the disapolntment of many the silk, exquisitely cmbroidorod with Tiio very illustrations tho protection­ is giving the authorities no little trouble. ho put tho things in typo? late Samuel *I. UopUins the St. Clair million­ gold, with a handle of rcti coral, with ists in presenting thi.s pot argu­ aire left no bequests for elinrllable purposes. •Tullnn T. Davis, assignee ot Grant nnd Ward Yes. inniiinorablo fans, conslituto in thora- ment shows its fallacy and stupidity. A German named Geo. IJrhier, living In says the first statement ot the firm's liabilities And tlir.t tho printer—he worked off' gives an oxaegerated idea. The tolal net 11a- solves a gaudy show. After every con­ Tho steel rail lUustra'ion is a f.avorit'e. FrankenmuUi, Saginaw county, deliberately the edition? licat his wife's bruins out the other morning. billties ovei the appraised value of the colliitiT- ceivable use has beau iiiado of jewels, Knock oil'tho duty of ,S17 a ton, ilioy alsdeposllud, is «,'5,70r, (87 07. But some of You aro right. lleiWiis nt oiico taken to Saginaw and put in thoso not in use for tliat purpose tire stiy, and tho English rail maker will Jail. He Is helltved lo be intaiie. thefe,liabilities are eonUngeiit, and the amount galhered hy handfiil.s inlocryslal bowls Then what in tho name of goodness is likely to be reduced. 'The net result of tho litvve a regular boom. Perhaps ho Miebleinii'B salt product for .June amounted linal settlement Is likely to reduee the total at one end of the room. Apart fi-ora will. Ho undoubtedly will unless the does tho editor do? to !J33,3«,7 barrels. He talks. loss to en-ilitovfi to an amount betv/een il4,0OL',- the hisloric value of the Irctisni-es col- American rail maker is equal to the The vlhnge ol l.eKoy In Osceola county is 000 and *,'5,000,000. With whom! lecled there, tho intrinsic wealth is al­ emoi'iioucy. Bill wJiy will the Just now teirlbly securged with small pox,and Anti-monopolists are In something of a di- most incalculable. During tiio With iiooplo who coiuo in to help the disease has also broken nut lu Hobart, 10 rail maker havo a regular boomP Is miles north. leniina .is to liuHer's IntentlonB concerning hie wav wilh llnssia tlio government bor­ it not simply because it will be prollt­ I'.ini pass away tho timo. support of Cleveland, Mrs. Gcoipe B. VnnFIect died at Decatur a rowed ,«;.)0,000,000 from tho bank, the able for the United Slates to buy his Oh, then tho editor has plenty of Hatifle.ition incetines are the order of tho few days ago". Her illness was caused by the day. oHicors of which look away to their rails? Certainly, if it is not prolitabio timo to waste? desertion ol her husband. She was deranged own yaiiUs as many jewels as would .so- thoy will not bo bought. And if it is Lots. most of the time, cftlllng pltcously for hun. care tho loan. Aflor carrying away prolitabio, tho fact that England prof­ Who is tho long-haired lunatic with Powerful nnasthetics were used to keep tier i'KOM A FMICICIGN MltOIIK. the roll of pnpor. from becoming a raving maulae, and under this large amount, they wero scarcely its also is no reason at all for refrain­ their intluence nature gave way to quid, CIIOLEKA OS THE INOHKASE. missed from thi.s largo collection. Sueli ing from tho prolitabio transaction. Ho is the gifted poet. peaceful death. Her husband gavo no reason A cable dispatch from Paris, dated July 13, is the treasure honso of tho most hopc- Tlio retail dealer in Detroit might as What does ho want'i" ior bis leaving bcr, further than that exprest- says Italy !s no>v Inaccessible except via Aus­ lossly bankrupt ruler in the world. well refuse to buy of the wholesale deal­ Ho wants to know what became of ed in tt letter that they could not live together, tria. English passengers by the India mail that "Ode to a Wilhorod Violet," in and she would bo better olt without hlin. CBU no longer get through by way of St. er in New York at,a price which will Opinions are divided. He had been sick with Gothard, as hitherto. Quarantine will he es­ forty-seven stanzas, which ho sont in The Law of Oompeneation. enable him to reap a profit because tbo spinal dlflleully and had threatened to kill her, tablished from this morning at Chlcse. The ^vliolesalcr makes a prolit. hLSt'spriug. and some think him Insane. Otliers think he only way ot gutting to Italy now IsvlaVieu- Phllailflplila Kcccrd Nciv York Letter. What did become of it? is ail right, nnd are very raueb Incensed agalnet ua. The death rate in Toulon and Marseilles Tho protectionists show the stupiditj' him. Sho left a child lii months old. In spite of the philosophy of genial It was lilcd away in the stove. Is on t he Increase. People aro leaving the cities of their "English" argument in a.ioth- as rapidly as possible, but so strictly is tho Col. Bob Ingorsoll, there iloos not sooffi Does tho editor say that? Sec. 10, pane COl of act 350 in Howell's Com­ cr way. They are booming Blaiue tis quarantine roalntaliicd that but few places nre to bo .any full Itiw of compensation laid Oh. no. plied Laws of the slate ot Michiean oflSSl willing to receive the refugees. The disease tho great trade oponer. Uncter his reaos as follows: "It shall be the duty of down for this life, oven when one's What does ho s.ay? lias appeared in Lyons, France. "foreign policy," whatever that may village marshals [and in cities having no mar­ years aro prolonged to throo score and Ho sttys hn sent it back. be, the posts of tbe worltl and espe­ shal, of the chief of police, or some subordinate AN AMERICAN JWiESTED AS A SPV. ton. Thoro died in Brooklyn on Mon­ My! but isn't that a twister? appointed liy such chief], to visit at.least once cially of Mouth Amorica, aro to bo open­ Five months ago Pedro Llanes, n Cuban who day last, forgotten by the outside world Yes, dear. in each wcci! all places within their respective had settled iu Troy, left for Havana for the ed to !i ilircct trado with tho United jurisdiction where anv ot said liquors are sold Mrs. Isaac M. Singer,' aged 09 yo.ars. What docs the poet saj f purpose ot looklnir after some property left States, and an enlarged market is to bo or kept, to learn if any of the provisions of him by Ids father. He took -fflth hlin papers Slio was tho first wife of the colobratod this act have been ur arc being violated, nnd furnished for our ijroducts; But ac­ Ho says that ho is so sorry, because showing that he was a eltizau ot tho United sowing inachino inventor, herself tho wherever any ot the oUlcers above mentioned cording to their theory such trado is tho Century offered him iSGofor it. States. In Havana ho was arrested .as a spy dautrhtov cf a mechanic at Palmyra, in shall learn of tho violation of any of the pro­ uud thrown Into yirison. Mrs. LU^ies waited proKtablo ouly to tho seller. It will be And what is that? visions ot t his act, it sball be his duty to enter this state, wedded to Singor when ho anxiously for months, hoping to hear some­ a direct injury to tho purchasing coun Alio. complaint before eonie justice of the peace of thing ditlnlto as to her husband. Armed with was only a mechanic, and a poor ono the proper townshtn (or police justice as the trios. Do thoy suppose that tho South Aud who is that gentleman with the letters from the Spanish consul in Now York a!; that. For lifteon yo.ars she lived case may be), and do whatsoever shall be nec­ sho proceeded to Havana where sho searched American republics will be so magnet­ clubi' essary 10 bring the offender to justice." with him and worked for him, sonio- in vain for a long time for Mr. Llanes. Final­ ized' by Blaine as to en'gago in a trade Ho is tho "Constant Reader." timos on tho stngo, at others in a trade, ly he was found in a prison brcaliing stone. which is prolitabio only to tho United Aud ho wants East Saginaw and Bay City people have pur­ His beard had turned white in coosequeneo of aud alvvajis in poverty. At last Singov chased Helaterman's Island in Saginaw Bay States? Will thoy not when any prop­ To inquire why tho Inst ooramimica- his imprisonment, and ho was hardly reeoe- made a lucky hit by ijis invention, and for (ILOM). The island Is being transformed Blzable. It wos ouly after tho greatest dilll- osition is made looking to freer com­ tion was not answered. into a delightful summer resort. as soon as wealth began to pour in he cuity that Mr. Llanes' release was ordered by merce retort upon tho protectionist "And why was it not? began to forget tho wife whoso words The new Michigan state bankotEaton Kaplds the captaln-goueral. He has Just returned with his own argument iu the case of Because it was seven columns long goes Into operation August Ist. home with his wife. He says that he lived In of cheer had enabled him to combat England? and only in the interest of one person. daily expeetttUoii of being killed. A state­ successfully for fortune. Secretly pro­ Who was that? ment ot the oase will be made to the govern­ NKWS NOTKH ment in Wa>hlngtou. curing a divorce, ho loft hov to got Himself. along as best sho could in hor poverty, I'OfOLAU TItUST m THE IJEMOCUACV. A nOV MOItDEHEIi. Apd that fashionable gentlomaa suck­ ' and tibandonocl their two children, also, KxcUunge. While a number ot small children were play­ ing his cane? ing in the orchard at the Episooiinl orphan to cbanee aud tho mother's love. In One of Iho comforting delusions of Ho is tho delight of- tho editorial home, Lawrcncevllle, Pa., u boy aged about 14 The Human 'Vuioe. 18T5 Singor (lied worth .Sl-t.OOCOO; but the average Republican leader and room. approached them whom they accused ol sleal- Burlington HawKeye. his wife was not mentioned in his will, organ is tho notion'that "tlio people are Ing apples. Ho turned upon them, drew a Whatis his busiacss? A boy ton yi-ars old can stand out in nor either of his children, though six not roady to trust the Domooracy." revolver nnd tired twice into tho crowd, one Ho htis none. shot striking Curloy Ashenbaugh, a wee little the street of a quiot vilhigo on a calm other women and their ollspring wore Confronted with tho long record of Re­ Why then does he come? fellow aged six, iu the abdomen. The boy summer afternoon and nitike the air amply provivcd for. Mrs. Singer was publican rascality aud corruption, over­ then ran, pursued by several ot the larger Because it is too late for luncheon quiver and startle tho dozing popula­ poor aud had few friends, but abb made whelmed and silence with tho proof children, firing ns be ran nnd flnally making •and too early to walk on tho avenue. his escape. The little boy whowns shot lived tion out of a year's peace by shrieking a movomont to obtain her rights, and thereof, thoy whisper under their breath: But I do hot understand. hut a short tiihe. to a boy throe-fiuarters of a milo aw.ay: finally compromised with tho other "Ob, yes, but then tho people havo not Neither doos tho editor. heirs for tho comparatively small sum "Oh, Skinnee.' Comin' nout taftev yot made up their minds that they can How long will ho stay? of ,§60,000. Now, after a "crushed and WKTICUIT MAUKfiVS. aupnor?" trust tbe Democracy, you know.'' And A couple of hours. sorrowful period of thirty years passed Wheat, No. 1, White ..I 85 And tho other lad will yell back with in this sign they really hope to convince And tliat hxst man, the undertaker? in worso than widowhood, sho has gone their hearers and readers tUoy expect to Flour 4 76 awful distinctness and caro; 'S-h-h!doar. That is not an undor- Corn 50 to hor rest. But what, iu view of hor conquer. "Yes! Gityor nigger-shooter'n como talwr. Oats ;. 34 to tho store!" sorrowful experieuco, becomes of Bob If they havoj any intelligence thoy Parley K5 Who is it, then? And they will converse in the same: In'gersoll's law o'f compensation in this know bettor. They know that tho peo­ Rye 55 Tho funnv man. Clover Seed, %l bu. B 76 thrilling pitch nnd maddening force it life? • , • ple do trust tho Uciuocracy, or rather Oh! What.cloes ho want? Timothy Seed ^ bu. tiioy nre only ton feet apnrt. But, that .thoy aro tho Domooracy and trust Ho wants to road the editor his Inst Dried Apples, * ft: fi twenty or thirty years afterwiird, either thumsolvcs. If thoy do not know this Poaches It Mon aro not to bo judged by their joko. of those boys will get up to address a they aro blinder than bats or moles. In Cherries.. • 19 looks, habits and aijpoarances, but by Where did ho get it? public meeting inn hall not fifty feet nearly three-fourths of the states tho Butter, ^) lb 14 tho character of their lives and oonver- From tho work on "Tombs of the Eggs 10 deep, nnd ton feet away from the speak­ people havo trusted the Democracy by siitions, and their works. 'Tis bettor Early Egyptian Kings." PotatocB 70 er not n Jivins Boul can hear a word he electing Democratic Governors. The Onions lb bbl... that another man's words should praise My! Then this is the way tho editor says. • lower branch of Congress, whioh is Honey „ 10 him.—Sir K. L'Estrango. spend his time? eminently tho representative of Be8nB,plckea 8 4» Principally. Beans, unpicked I SO A man in Arizona is suing a local pa­ popular trust, is Democratic by 'tho enemy of art is the enemy oi per because it announced' that ho was . One long, delightful reception. -, Hay...... 10 00 an overwhelming mitjority. What Striw.... 0 00 nature. Art is nothing but the highest tho father of a thieying boy a week old. ' Yes, dear. better evidence oould there pos­ .Pork, drcBsed, V 100...... 8 00 sagiicity and exertion olt human nature,. Tho editor meant to say "thriving," Then the editor has nothing in the sibly bo of popular trust in the Democ­ Pork mesB...... 17 00 and wlint nature will he honor who but fnto nnd the typo-setter ordered world to wish tor or pray for? Pork,i»may...... IT 50 racy, and willingness to Continue that. honors not the humnnP—^^Lavater. otherwise. Oh! yes—ono thing. Hams...;...... W trust? . • - ; • And what is that? Shoulders o Georgia is tortile in imagination as The eyo of tho master will do more Lard...... 9 well as in magnetic girls. A Cuthbert Pre-eminently to-day the Democracy Death. Beef, extra mess. ..13 00 work than both of his hands. Not to Inrmer tells of a swamo toad which oar* oversee workmen is to loaveyour purse is the parly of the people, and worthy Wood, Beech ftnd Maple...... A "song without words."-— song Wood, Maple...... ;...... ried off a pig but could not pull his; open.—Franklin. of tho popular trust it receivos. Its doctrines are Iho doctrinas of tho paoplo. the tea-kettle sings. Wood, Hickory...... captive through the tonco. .. I'Iso'a CuroterConsmnptloiilanot only ploiiaan Continnml from sccondpaye ot the United States, wc ofter to him in his to liik» but Ilia aurutu cure. ICE CREAM ! AdvortlNliis Cliuutai! It withdrawal from public life not only our re­ ho saorctlly dfivoted to tho relief ot the people Quiilitjr unHurimHHud; mnilo from Uonuino CroniUt "It has become lo common to begin an arti­ from tho remaining burdens of tho war, and spectful sympiitliy and esteem, but also that _^ Fanny Piold, In tho Ohio Farmer, best homage of freemen tho pledge ol our de­ Wholotinio pricus to Country rtoii ora, Uulivorocl to cle in un elegant, tntereating style. be made a fund to liefray the expocses ot euro recomnionda fumigation with carboHc ttio Gxprotttt coinimny ut Ootruit, t'Ocoiitti iiurKalloti. and eomfort of worthy soldiers disabled in the votion totho principles and the eauDo now in­ UotolH, KcHtlvals Uxouruionu liirnitihoil ut bottom "Then run it into somo advertisement, that line of iluly In the wars of tho republic, and for separable in tho history ot this republic from acid as a euro for gapes, or next best, pricoB. we avoid nil such, "And simply call attention to the merits the payment ot sneh pensions ns eonuress may tbe labors and the iiaiiie of Samuel J. Tilden. tho uso of sulphur. Tho chickons are ClIAMBKitLlN & HART. from time to lime prnnt to such soldiers, a AVllh this statement ot the hopes, prlueliiles Hop Bitters in as plain lionest terms as pos­ to bo put in Iho upi)or half of a box or Cor. Cnss and Adaiua nvo'a, BEPROrP. Mlchik-an. sible, like fund for I h(! sailors bavlnfi been already and purposes ot the Democratic party, the Tolephono coniioctions with all parla of tho statu. provided, and any surplus should be jiald in­ great Issue of reform and change in iidminis- barrel, with slats for them to stand oo, "To induce people to the treasury. tration is submitted to the people in calm cou- and, burn the acid or sulphur in the Touive them one trial, which so proves their fldencu that the popular vote will pronounce lower half, taking caro not to svifl'ocato value that Ibey will never use anythlBK We favor an American contlLcntal policy, in favor ot new men, and new and more fa­ DR. JACOB DE COU, else." ' • " based upon more Intimate commercial nnd tho patients. Sometinios a pill of cam­ vorable conditions for the growth ot industry, WOODWAUII AVE., DETUOIT. "The Kkmeih- so favorably uollecd In all politleul relntlons with the 15 sister republics tlie extension of trade, the employment auii phor tho size of a jjoa will ail'ect a euro papers, of ^ortll, Central and South America, but en- the duo reward of labor andot capital and the Where appln trees aro trimmed in lioU.nious and secular, is tanglinf: alliances with none, T HE GK s:AT specialist general welfare of the whole country. spring on grass land, it is a too com­ "Having a large sale, and is supplanting all Webi-lleve in honest money, the gold and Tho reading ot tho platform was listened to —IS CUIlINd — other medicines. sliver coinage ot the constitution and a circu­ mon practice to leave the trimmings on very attentively. The paragraph arousing TJJE MOST ALAUMIXG CASES "There is no denying the virtues of the Hop lating medium eonvertiblc into such money most enthusiasm was tliat referring to tbo tho ground as tliey fall. A luxuriant plant, nnd the proprietors of Hop Bitters liave without lofs. tarlll. Tlie minority report—Gen. Butler's re- growth of gr.ass soon starts under this — OF— slioivn great shrewiliicss and ability 'i* •» Asserting the equality of all men hetcro the part—was then read. The principal dlflereneo iloublo sbatio of tree and bush, but it is "In couipouniilns; a inedlelne whose virtues law, v/ij hold that it is tbe duty of the govern­ In the report was in the tarlll' clause and the arose palpable to every one's observation." ment In its dealings with tlie people to mete watery and innutritious. Cows will plank touching upon Ihe currency question. CANCER. out ei|uai and exael^ Justieu to alleltlzens of Tho majority report was adopted, and the not touch it when they can get other liiil Slid llief whateverii.itivliy, race, color or persuasion, grass. religious or |)i-,litlcal. We believe In a free convention then proceeded to ballot for candi­ SHK 111=5 liKKKIUCNClCS; "No! dates for the presidency. M.'H. KIQOKIKM), J)i3TiMUT, JMumiKur WGHtcrn "She lingered and sull'ered long, pining awa ballot and a fair count, and we recall to the TAT^KNTS ^'lWHlm^ln^ tJnltin, memorv of the people tbo noble struggle of the 'riii5 rinsT iiali.ot. R. v.. iLliJAUMia. inrntoiT. nf itonmiiiitS; Oo.. ail the timo for years," Uniiiilruoi'tlio Ifltltujr ul' this piiiiur ii.i to nbnvc lleinocrais in tlie -liith and the -lOth congresses, Bayard .17.1 No Patent. No Pay. Send model or "'I'ho dnelora doing hor no good;" by,which a reluctant Kepubllenn opposition .31)3 n'li-'i'uncuM. "And at last was eared by tlilo Hoii Hitters Cleveland drawing. Sloddart & Co., '113 G Street, wafeeomiielled to assent to legislation making McDonald... thoimpiirs say so nnieh about." overy where Illegal the presence of troops at the Tbiiniian Washington, D. C. Patent Attorneys. LiICHTENBERQ & SONS, "Indeed ! Indeed!" polls, conclusive proof that a JJoinocratie nd- Kandall S2 "How thaiiktnl we should be for that medi­ niliilstratlon will preserve liberty with order. C!0]>IJ>i;iS.SIOX MKKCII ANTS cine." Hendricks • ^1 It is slovenlj' practice to tako a reap­ ll.'i W. WoodlirUlKe St. - OETl'.Ol'l'. Mich. The selection of federal ollleers for the ter­ er in a harvest Held without lirst eiH- Suod nsyonr orilors I'ur l/oadly 23 A llillii^iilei-'n IMfHl'l-]'. ritories should bo restricted to citizens pre­ Tilden 1 ting around tho liold with a cradle. It New l'ofa1,(>i'!J, Unions, Cabhage, Etc. viously resident therein. Flower '1 One of our llrni Is .solltli bnyliiK (liroet froniUio "Eleven years our daughler suirered 011 a We oppose sumptuary laws which vex the is done, however, more and more ovory Ki-owors wlileli unablcs us lo kIvo LOW I'lilCICS bed of misery, Without taking a second ballot the conycn- year, ono reason being that fow farmers and EUIBSM tlOOUS. citizen and Interfere with Individual llberly. lloii adjourned untlllO o'clock Friday. ConslKnrntjnls nt' Produce, p'riilts. IJorrlcs. lliutor, "From aeoiiiplieation of kidney, liver, rheu­ We favor honest civil service reform, and ilie iiave eradlca in good condiliou for using, Kkks cSrc. solicited, Kstalillsheci KsiL'. SISOON'I) BALLOT. matic trouble ami nervous debility, coiiiiicnsatloii of all United States ollleers by and few men nowadays know how to "Under the carcot tho best physicians. llxed salaries, in separation of eliureli and 'i'be follow lug are tho totals of tbe. second use them. Who .gave iier disease various uainos, slate, and dilluslon ot free education by eon;- ballot, as annoiineoil after all changes had been B. W. QAWLEY & Oo,, "Uut no roller, ' nion schools, so that every child in the land made; The most delicate, the most sensible "Ami now sho is restored to ns in good may be tiiugbt the rights and duties of citizen­ Cleveland <™ of all pleasures consists in promoting COMMISSION MEliCITANUCS . hoaltli by as simple a renieily as Hop Bitters. ship. liayard Tfci/ 71 WuatWoodbrblKOSt., DF.'PKm'r, Mlell. H",',''"".V ^''uiined for years before uslnc Willie we favor all legislation which will tend tho pleasures of otliers.—LaBruyoro. Snllelis eunslKiiniunls or it."—Ihel'arent. " HendricUs -tl'M rUESll 1 IIUITS, BUTJ'EB, KfJlJS lo the iquilablc dlstriliutdon of property to tho Thurniau prevention ol monopoly and tlie strict enforec- "What wc, learn wilh pleasure wc never ANO GENEItAL fltOllUCE. Uandall IlEKKllKNCn.s-A. Ivos .t Sou, llanr.ors.or any ollior Vullicr Ix GvtliliK Well. inent of indivlduni rights against corporate MeUonald J fori;tiV'A//ri:il Afcrcior. Tho following is wtiolesnlo Uoiisu In llio city, abui^ei', we hold that the welfare ot society de­ "Jfy daughters sayi After the nomination ot Cleveland had' been a case In point. "I paid out hundreds ol XJiiiror.tTo ouDisits irLr.Kij. pends iifoii afcrupiilous regard for tlio riuhlsof (loll.ars without receiving .my licneflt," property ns delined liy law. We boiieve that la­ declared unaiilmrais, the eouvontion aajoiiriied lh'ip'iilHers''J'' ''^ ^''""^ ^'^ "^"'^ until evening. Wlien tho convention n -assem­ s.iys Mrs. Kmily Rhoads", of McBriiles, bor is t'ofil rewarded where It is frei^st and "l^lu is getniig bolter after his long snffer- eullghleiied. It should therefore be fostered and bled the lirs't husiiinss done was the adoijtlon Mich. "1 liacl female complaints, espec­ iiig from a disease dcelared Incurahle." eherislu'il. Wef.ivorlhu repeal of all laws of a resolution eleellng Vilas, ehalrnian of the ially 'draggliig-down,' for over six years. RogkfordWatches 'And so wo are glad that he used your Blt- restrietliiii the free action of labor and ilie. en- coiiveuUon, as chairman of the coiiitiiittce lo Dr. R. V. Pierce's 'Favorilc Prescription' lers."-A Lady of Uticii. •* nutlly the nominees ot their sdoctlon. JtrotmcauoUed lu JEA-lCTJiVf? smtVICJU. acliiieiil. of linrs by which labor orgnnlzatioi.s did nic iiiore good than any medicine f l^'Nono genuine witliout a bunch of creen may be ineorporateil and of nil sueli leglshiUon Tno conyentlOTi then proceeded lo tho call of _ I7fl«fl lo* III" CliitjJ 11.^ ivlll tend lo enlighten the people as lo the the roll tor the nomination of a candid ite for ever look. Indviso every sick lady lo Hops on the wblte label. Shun all the vile take if." And so do \vc. Tt never ilisap '^^"iwT?!) v. S- Couwt Siirvoy: poisonous stulV with "Hop" or "Hons" in llieir true relations ofcajjllal and labor. vice president. ii.'inie. Calltornla wnB the lirst slate to resptnid, points its patrons. Druggists sell it. >|S-I.y tlwj A.liiiiriil We lielleve tliut the public lands ought as '^'t cMiininiLiiilhiK in tho J[r. Searles of that stale presentdng the brm- U. S. T t, i V o al ions by the aelic.n of the Kepiiblieun party old eommiinder whose Image was Impressed Kii r: ino o r H, t) on- on the hearts of the men who served under diictitrn Jind Itiill- should lie restored to the puiilie doiiiniiis, ami ans, lie evidently thinks bettm: wayiiion. Th«yi»i*o Hint no iiuire |;raiit.i of land shall be niaile to than tho Ainovicaii government. ' Ci'ilorailo named Jos. E. JVcDonald nnd Geor­ —. rocoKti i7'<*tl Jis eorporatloiisor lie ullOH'eil lo fall into the ou'e- l*l(o 'I'liiiuiri-', for all iisufl in which cii>so er;-,:ilpo( alien absentees. gia pri-sontcd the name, ot Gen. Jolin C. timo innl iluriifiility iiro ru; A Uc-porfcfi'oiii Jloiiic.'^ ISlnek of Illinois. Geo.. W. Olyek was the man however large, speedily and painlessly <|uisiti!H. SnUl in i»rln<:il>al We pre (..pposed to all proposlUoiis which ritirH Jiinl townH hy tht> C«)M- Last ivlntcrl was .'1111)01011 with a carbniicJo, fol­ iipini any prete.'C would convert tlie named by the. Kansas dedegatinn ns tbi! cured • without knife, caustic or salve. - PANV.S cxclu.siv«i Ajccnta choice ot Uuit ot.r.te. Senator Wallace of C'JoftdliiBjowcUrfl,) wUo Kivo a l''ull Wiirumtyo lowed bv suvorel bolls on Uio back of my noclt. 1 goveriiineiit Into a iiiaclilne forcolleeting taxes Send six cents in st.-iiiips for painphlct, I'ennsyivania presented the namo ot Thomas tried venr reniGdio.s, iiiiil by kuf|iln« Ihu Inllnmcit to be (listrlbuled among the states or elllzens references and reply World's Dispensary tiK'rcof. A. Jlunrlricks. Uendrlcko' nomiiiation 'I'o Ihu iiOGdrt oC imrta sauiraicil wilh Piiplllon Skin Cure, 1 was 011- was seeoiuluci by Mr. Walker ot Medical Association, '163, Main Street, thu, cmiij- In reiilllrming the deelnrallon ot the Ueinc- iiiorolal iravnloritml Ilruly onreil. 'I'ho relief obUdncrt from Ihosoronosa eratle phitfornr (jf iS.^ii, that "tho liberal prln- Coiiiieeticut. The presentation of llen- IJuiralo, Y. Y. tiuw MULilur, 1 lonrut- Irleks' name was greeted with enthusiastic ap- tucM .Stfrnriicli (ilt- anil IrillonMnntlon wns Inmiedlato nnd oll'oetnal. 1 elpleii embodied l3y .iellerson in tlu', declaration tor'H iH pocnliarly ot Inilepi'iHlenoe and saiielioiied In the constl- plauso Uie scene preeentod being a rcpeilUon 'L'bo greatest of faults, I should say, havo used thu Skin euro upon styes, and fouiul It ot that which oceured In the norning when the tiiltiptoci, Ninuo li luUoii, whieli maku. ours the land of lilierty is to be conscious of none.—Carlylo, Htruri^LliGtis the dl- iimatsailsl'nctory ru.xcdy inr Unit imiiiilo 1 ever and Ihiinsjlnmof the iippres.^ed of every nu- same gentleinari's name was mentioned. After «iiHtlvo ori^nna, and trledi itKlvus.iinniedlato ruliof rnnn Inllanunatlon sojinu illseusslon, the elerk nroeoudcd to call briKjoH Wwi pliyHlDal lion, have ever been cardinal principles In tbe ISli-uiiaci' lliuii Vietloii. iMiarKluH to nil-, of the eyelid, anil oti'uots a tpecily cure. Deuiocnitie fallh," wu nevertheless do not the roll of the stales, the result ot which was boiUilirtil Inlluoiictit) sanction ihe impurtalloii of foreign labor or the unanimous nomination of Thomas A. Hen. arc the records of.soiiie of Ihc cure.': of con Jt (omovcuani) pro- Wam.icb DeWoi.I', dricks for the. candidate tor vice president. „ vutita . Ill a I or I al Ihe adinission ol servile races, unliued hy hat- sumption cHectod hy that most wonderful l=i I'ovor, coiirttipaLlon, OliicnKO, April Stti, tssi. isi ijuarborn St. Its, Iriiiniuc, religion or kindred for absorp­ There were Sill votes east for tho vleo presi­ remedy—Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical dyHpophia, lioiiUh- dent, all ot which were cast for Hendricks. - fully HLInmlat.tiH tho It « ^^ i|c r Iiiiporiailoii of AloMirolians to most from llic very jaws of dcatli, can blfjod. WliOM nvor- 'i'ho lirst dealh wliich has occurred cnaiu by fatit/uo, ^* IS A I'OSITIVB CUUI5 FOR " « • these stuires, our gates he dosed, The Deinc- tc£.til"y that consumption, in its early wbutUor muntal or eralic party insists thai it Is the duty of llils among tho graduates of tho Cornoll . aTOMACH, Al] Mioso iniinritl (Jomplaints stages, is 110 longer iiicurnljlc. Tho dis jMiyHiciil, thu •woary iinil WdiiliiH^KSi'K NO enminari * governieeiit to protect witli equal lidelity and class of '7-t look place under most trag­ covery has no equal as a pectoral and al­ and dubllldatcd tInd vigllaneilihe rights of Its uitlzeiis, miilve and It a roliiiblo nonrno , 'I'.j. * ,|, taoiir hiiKtx. * .1. * * ic circiiiustaticcs. Tho trraduato was a terative, and the most obstinate allections of ronowod HiroMKth naturalized, at home and abroad; and lo the UniKKlsta and Dual- 1^, * i»oi»i]lation. ^ =^ end ttat tl-ls proteetlim may he assured, Unit­ liussiaii nanieil DobrolubrelV, who, hav­ of the throat and lungs yiekl to its power. nntl comforL l'*or siilo by a rrlcdijll hiliriiihl, iilll «r Iim-iiun furni, . ed SlatcH papers of iiaturiillzatlun iBSued by ing boon seined at the order of tho Czar All druggists. Gi8Kenorji)ly, * rts puypnHO U aoJctij/or the lei^ftlvmti: hmlinu o/ courts or competent .liirlsdlciloii must be rt- in company with number of otlinr young fHmm\ (inU the rclU'/ o/ jmin, and tluit it iIoch ull specLcd by the executive and legislative depart­ Though God has protuisod to guide ELY'S Catarr! it claiiitH (0 do,thanBaniltioj'ladies {'A\n uhullu tvHtlfil • ments ot our own goveimnoat and bv ull for­ jiien of Nihilistic circumstances', It will euro untlroJyiill Ovnrlati troiihli'?*,.ludaintua- his inquiring children in tho way that t[i)n uiiti UI'jL'mtJnn, ralUiiff nad ]Jisplln•L•nK'ul,^, anil eign powers. was conduuincd and .shot with his coin- tJ.inst.'(iuoat Hplnal ^VpaIiIlOf^u, iinil Is partluularly railos. Ills ilOatli wtvs boroic. Ho re­ is right, ho has ^lowhero promised to CREAIV^BALiVll ailiipti:il ti> (111) ebniifTQ i>t' llfo. i, * It Is an liiiperatlve duty of this government make this wtiy now seem right to their "* Un!iiiiivi.'n FJUiilmrsi,l''UiLulonfy,(fL'.stroys(ill(;ravltiK to elllcioiitly protect all llie rights ot persons fused to bo bliudfoldod, and evon as the lort(EIiiiij|iint<, ami roi)i.T<'rt VV'e«kmw.4i)l'tlur,Stoiii;u.'h. fatal bullets wore discharged at his friends or neighbors, or even to them Causes no Pain. | It L'uri'.s UNmliiiK, Ik-iulaitliun, Nurvmin I'ro.stralUui, and jiropeiiy ot every Aineriean citizen in (U>:iL-ml DnbiUty,, UtipruHMlou and InHi- foreign lands aud demand and enforce full breast ho clasped the hands and clieored selves."—Htdibiivtou. Gives Ilolief atP ffu.liuti. 'J'haC Itfclht^^ i}( limi-JiiK (bnvii, t.'(ttiKiiiL' \}n\n, reparation for any luvaElon thereof. An iy.\:\ b;ii;kauho. Ik alwayit pin-inuiiuntly (iiinid by its uhu. tho courage of his trembling follows in No remedy for Catarrh has niut iv."tli sneh anccoss Once. Thoiough " l)i!iul Kl.iiiiii) to,I*ynn, Miihs., ftn- j):iniplili't. Lettiirn oC Aineriean citizen Is only responsible to his own inistortuno.—Boston .Journal. iiKjuiry ctfiiildotitiully't'rtitl. J''iit'iii! « IK it< >>: >4< 41 "Tho lady is handsome, but sho looks by curlnK permanently. Hiloes not smart or irrltntes Cure. Not a Liq­ therefor on lier own soil and according to her as it she had a toinpov of her own," re­ laws, and no jjower exists In this government uid orStiiift'. Ap­ as.sTANDAno. 5 TON to expatriate an American citizen to ho tried marked ono druintuor to tinothor ou Tho defocts of tho understanding, in any foielgu land for any such act. This tho train the other i!ay. "You boll like thoso of tlie face, grow worse as ply with Finger. WAGON SCALES, •country has never had a wull dullned and exe­ Y''ou I'Oiul character correctly," was we growolil.— llochefocliult. JONES Jiuii b'*VL-,H, mo>il IJ«rlHKH, Give it a Trial. OK Tai't) lleaiii iiiiil noniii Uox, cuted foreign policy save under Democratic the reply. "Why, you speak as if you admlnlstralion. That policy has ever been in raplllon Catarrh euro la a posltivo euro for acuto so conts at OruKijIsta Q Jt.^^_ eg wg* wore iicriuaintcil vy'ith her!'' "Well, 1 m oonts by mall roRls- JTB*** K.Sa.T Ba BlMGHAMTDN 00 and regard to foreign nations, so long as tliey do or clironlc catarrh. It is (lellutiirully sonlhlni,'. JONKS lift puJ-B I .lerrt'lBlll—fur fro* not act detrimental to iho interests of the am slightly, i lurirricd her soruc ton lured. Hojut for circular. rrico l.l.t eioiitlm Oils ..ijistr snil eouiitryorh'urttui to our citizens, to let them yo.'vrs ago and have been studying hor Whoso koopoth liis mouth and his Bl.Y lUIOTlIlillS, DrnuKlsts. Oivogo. N, V, alone. As the result ot this policy we recall dSrQ.,J0hESOf BINOHAMTOM, the acquisition of J.ousiana, t'lorii'la, Califor­ evorsiii'co." tongue koopeth his soul from troublo.-?. lUinstanllatuu. N.V. nia, and of thend.incent Mexican territory by — Solomon. UuO Tho most bonutifiil girl wo over know ^•Wtl>t byittX nUaw^taa UtKw^ pu;ch.ise alone; and coiitrafit the grand nc- was a Stock Y'arils Miss who bUishocl JSfp** UftarT Sail, >l lighl ua iaaiii.|^ M.tny medicines now on the market owe what • quisillons of Denioeratle statesmanship witU from the roots of hor hair down to the virtue thoy possuss to the presence ot powerful saraS' * BOtlT the purehaseof Aliislm, the sole fruit of u oxtroniities of her toes, on being askeil and poisonous drugs. HuXT's | Ividnoy aud mtnit lt**tf ^Itftt liepuhllcnn administration ot nearly a quarter if sho had boon wooing tho rosy god of Liver] Kkmedt is purely vegetable and will lottrt totTo4act4. 4 ofaeenlury. not Injure the feeblest and most delicate pur- wt «hiDc« for llT* The federal government should care for and sleep. She said sho had never courted son. improve the Mississippi river and other great ji man in all her born days.—Chicago water ways ot the rc],Hiblic, so as to secure for Suu. If there over was a specllic tor any ono com­ the interior states easy and cheap transporta­ plaint then Carter's l.ittle Liver Fills are a ^—.i/ , X I3stnbIlshi:rt]87(l]17liPliimst., tion to lldewiiter. In order to provont haystacks being sueclrtc for Sick ffeadaehe, and every ivoman L-^J •/y^/.l>otrolt,Mlch.,)« tho pluooto X ^^t-'^'^ O' socuroaItiorouKhhastnessecl- Under a long period ot Demoeratic rule and destroyed by lire, farniors in the far should know this. They are not only a positive ' ., . . iicatlon. Bookkouplni:,nritli*. policy our mercliaut marine was fast overtak­ west scatter a few hauilfuls of common cure, but a sure preventive if taken wlien tlie I lotlo, grnmninr, bnslnrsa anil ornamental prnimun- ing and on. the point ot outstripping that ot salt hotween each layer. It is claimed approach is felt. Carter's Little Liver Tills »Ulp, a'lu:couiouUia,iidl>, J^lfu scholarship,^^ Oreat Uritlan. Under 30 years ot Uepubllcan act directly on the liver and bile, and In this rule and policy our coinineree has been left to that tho salt, by absorbing the humidity way remove tho cause ot disease without ABCQNTH and Board fnrS live yona Hrllish bottoms, and almost has tho American of the hay, provoats its fermentation niiihiugyou sick by a weakening purge. If Liver and Kidney ilomedy, $65 jnienor Ladles in cacli county to lake orders lo • Hag been swept oil! tho high sens. Instead ot you try them you will not be disappointed. •I'liKMvKsor Bii.AINK & LOOAN. and consequent heating. I Oompomided from tho well known i Address,!'. IC. '/.lISQlAmiTvOV, • the Kcpubllean party's British policy we de­ Chiratlveg Hops, Mnlt, Bucbu, Man­ The latest candidate for rocognitiou Chicago, Illinois mand for the peoij'ie ot the United States an 'Tis Frequextly'Recommexded.—Mr. H. drake, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Caa- American policy. Umicr Democratlo rule and as Charley lloss spoiled his chances this oara aagrada, etc., combined with na 0. Mooncy, of Astoria, 111., writes us that agreeable Aromatia Elixir. Ani niCDC "•'lie'i's send stamp for circu- .policy our merchants and sailors, flying tho week by tolling tho bereaved parents Allen's Lung Balsam, which ho has sold for V ULUICnO '"'''^ showing who is cnlitlcd stare and stripes in every port, successfully that he could rdmeraber how his father llCtecn years, sells bettor than any other cough aj . „ T to pension-liounly, &c. i. C. searched out a market for tho varied products imi mi BYsrE'i'su WOOD, J'uHHioii Atty., f.V.-ishi.igioa. D.U taught him various Suntlay school remedy, and gives general satisfaction. '1 is of Aineriean Industry. frcqueutly recomraehded by the medical pro­ Act ii;on the Mver and Kidnep, hymns. "Unfortunately,'' said Mr. jlHI> — Under a quarter century of Republloau rule fession here. mm .,7Afs^^r!^¥^' and policy, despite our manifest advantage lloss, "1 never sing." laEQULATE IHB BO'WELd. hero. BItnatlona turnishod, Addrusa Valentine over all other nations in high paid labor, favor­ "HOUUH ON COHMS." I60. Ask for It. Oomplcto I They euro Rheumatism, and all Uri-, aroB., Janosvlllo. Wis. able climate and teeming soils; desDlle free, Tho Michigan Agricultural College Cata­ cure hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. nary troubles. Thoy Invigorate, flom of trade among all these United States; nourish, Rti-ongthon nnd qulol; ilfiiRIVTS i?'"''^ "> wooU. 9ond pnatal despite their population by the toremost races logue for 1S3S-4 has recently been Issued, It _ tho Narvous System. , 'oroatalosuoand lorins. Addto«5u.4 ot men and annual Imiulgration of the young, shows 171 students In attendance and a class of Wlion you visit or leave Now York City, via , Ao a TonIo they have no Equal., GBAKV, 70 Grlswold SL. Iiutrolt, Mich. tlirifly and adventurous of nil nations; despite Ceutrnl depot, save Baggage Expressago and thirty graduates last year. This Institution *3 Carriage Hire, and stop at the Grand Take none 'but Hopa and Valt Biitors. PATENTS ! ?;''°?'Sbupaon, WaahinKton, > our freedom here from the inheritxid burdens is located at Lansing and has long been spoken - FOff S,<.LE Bf ALL DSALERS.- hV. J '^'i ""Keil for patent unU, ot life and industry in the old world monarch­ Union Hotel, opposite said depot. Six hun­ obtained, \yrlle lor lavontor'a Guide of ns the most successful of Its kind in the dred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost ot one ies, their costly war navits, their vastta.x-cou- Hopoand Malt Bitlera Co. sumhig, iior.-produeing standing armies; de­ cauntry. Nearly all tho other Agricultural million dollars; tl and upwards ner day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup­ DETROIT, MIOH. • spite 20 years ol peace, tliat iVepuMlcau rule Colleges have been largely modelled after It. and policy have managed to surrender to plied with tUu best. Horan cars, stages and Great Britian along with our commerce the Few colleges. If any, are better equipped for elevated rndrnad to all depots. FaralUos can hvo better for less mouey at tho Grand Union control ot the markets ot tho world. Instead irlvlng a thorough English and seleutiac course of the Republican party's British policy we Hotel than at any other llrst-class hotel in tho demand in bohiflf ot the American Democracy of lustructlon. It has a large and competent city. , ' an American policy. Instead of the Kcpubllean corps ot ijrofesaors, coiiiinodloiis and substan­ party's discredited scheme and false prelcnsoof tial buildings, laboratories and museums, a IIUCUU l"AIHA." Qaiok, coraploto; cures all nn- frleiidohip for Anierleau labor expressed by noylnu kiUnoy and urniiiry illaeaaes. St. imposing taxes, we demand in behalf ot the library of about S,CO0 volumes and a reading room supplied with all the leading periodicals. A OA.B.XI—'ronll who iiro amforlnu from or- Demoenicy freedom for American labor by re­ rora ot youth, norvoua weakness, early decay, loss ducing taxes to the ond that thoso Unitea The several departtiieuts are supplied with or luunliuod. ,to., 1 will Hond 11 roolpo that will States may compete with unhindered powers costly and extensive apparatus for illustra­ euro yoii, li'UKH Ob' OHAROK, This iiruat remedy tor the prhaacv among nations in all the arts was (ilscovorod by a inlsslonarji In Sautli Amorloa, tion in the class room. Send solf-addrossoci nnvolopo to UBV. JOHmWI 'P. ot neaeo and fruits ot llbcrtv. IN M A N .Siatlgn P. New Vork. Tho college year begins oa Tuesday, Septem­ With profound regret we have boon ap­ llOUQH ON rrCH" cures humors, oriiptions, rlni?- prised by tho venerable statesman through ber 3d, 1SS4. On that day candidates for ad­ worni, tetter, aalt rliouni, frosted foot, ouilblalna. whose person was struck that blow at tho vi­ mission maybe examlnod, the cxamlnatlous In these days of over civilization, llol-liovise dcvelopoment ot tho Pawions, thu race for Wealth, Sirain, Overwork, Voutlifii , tal principle of republics (acqulesceneo in the heglnnlDg at nine o'clock. i'cmK Con-l,rvBH on, made Irom aoiootoil llvora will of the mojorlty) that ho cannot permit us on tho aes-aharo, by OANW unta, vermin^ ohipmimkH. l&o. tanii'ULToy . mm! diiily (Stimlaya Deiiiocrntic I(oiiiiiiatioii.s. over the repnbliciin gathering, noticed in laaling soul down lo perdition, 1 .sold them rights and n well meant but improper as­ tiiid Konrthof July w.xcoiHifiJ) foi-tho couvuyuiico of sault upon inoiiopoliala'ia "damning" and phHMtinKoi'H, oxprcHH, uiiil t'reltthtH, lU rouHonnliln our dispatches, indicates the diiroreuco be­ lo niy younger aialer Sally," [Prolonged nttoH, Idiivliif: OiuiHVllUii|iui% nr lUt i>K>'apliyt arlth* persons ol' the gallant standard bearers— molic, tluii>ry mid iifl of tfiachiiiK, United Stalun lih* IRON having entered congress aeveiiloen years tory, phywioloKy and civil i^ovfrnmunv. Thn Hoeoiul Clovchuid and liendricks. There seemed ron CLliVELANI) AND HESDKICKS. ago, and having been only in receipt of a gnulo Htndicjrt wll Im iiK abovii with tlm addition of algfhr'ii, phyHinlogy iunl iiMiloHophy. to bo an earnest desire on the part of tho oongrc3.sman's salary of $5,000 ever since, 1. Tho Ki.'crntiiry Hhiitl in no ciirio grant nioro than people from all aectioii.s to avenge the wrong Speech by tlie Bepublicaa Ex-Mayor of ho has accumulated an enoruious fortune, onoHpociul ci-rlitlcatti to any por.Hon. [TONIC Detroit. How inany men aro there, within ymir- 'J. Tlio Mticrctary sliiill not Krant at'iinciHl ccrtillcalo of I87G and reiiotniiiate, elect and inaugu­ lo liny pi't'tiun who, npon I'.viuniniilion, lailnd to gut u •\VIII inirifvltic BLOOO.'rcRii- knowledge, whom you have ever heard of curtit'lculo at thii provioiiH pnldic (ixaniinution, laiu the LIVER and KIDNEVS, rate those grand men of whom tho presi­ and llKHTdllK TIIK. HEAiTH At the Cleveland nad Hendricks ratifica­ in the ordinary walks of bnaiiiosa, who ;t. Kacli pin-rton npplyingto tho mtcnilary loroxain- linrt VIOOR of YOUTH. Uys- dency was stolon. But this could not be have devoted their whole time and energy inaliiHi, Hhall pay to tlio Kocndary an institntoTuoand penala, AVantot'Apputlto, lil- tion meeting in Detroit last Monday even­ aldu an uXKniiinilion Ton, illKestinii. Laek or Strength, 80, and from tho time that Samuel J. Til- to business, who have accumulated in a A. It. llAitnv, IViiiildunt, Pino Lake, mid'rli-oil EeeiniBnliEolnloly ing, the republican ex-niayor, William G. lilrtliine ihcenorinona fortune of §5,000.000. .1, S. lIUHTo.N, Wllliaritriton, iiroil. itones, iiiiiscles and don, the sago of Gramatcy Park, made ,1. J. O.^i.Ki.vH, .Sotfnitary, LchIIo. iierve.s receive iiewl'oreo, Thompson, spoko aa followa : We protest against him bocaiiso we believe Ituai-d SuliDol Kxaniiiiorri JSnllvolia lliQ iiiliid iiiiil known to tho world his momoriablo letter, . _ _ • niiptillcs liralii Tower. Mr. CiiAiRMAX ANh Fellow Citizeks— his roboa are stained with corruption, [Ap­ I A l« I E7 B Snirei'liiL'ri'oni uomplaliits there wiii a universal uprising all over the plause.] Hence it waa that we regard bi.s Soiiil tiix conin for postit^it, hnMli/l EiO peoiilhirlo their box wilt On behalf of a vast number of men who ami ruct'ivo frou, a i:ostly bu.v Unit InDB, HARTEB'S IRON TONIC ll tafo anil land—not oi' politicians and would be lead­ have uniformly voted the republican ticket, nomination aa an outrage upon the integ­ A PRIZE. ^ood.i wliioh will hnip all, specily cure. Cltvc.i .1 clear, healthy coniplexlnii. rity of the nation, niid hence it is ihiit ihe otoiihurHi'X, to iiioro nioiiuy t'l-eiinont attcmpls at coiiiilerfeUliiK onlyudil ers—but of the people, asking that G rover but who now, loving their country better lo the popiilarliynrilio original. Do nut i!X|ierl« conscience of the nation has awakened ri^ht away than anything elwo hi thin world. Kio'- inullt—KottllO (.Hlllll.VAr, AND IIKST. Clevclaiul, the truly reform fiovornor of than their party, are actuated by pure pat­ tiiriL'ri awii'll thi'worltiirH iiliHolntidy mm. At onco Hend yoiiraddniiBtoU'lin Dr.^lB(1.Co. riotism and a high of duty, here and from caal lo west, [Applause.] We lovo iiddrcrt:! Ti;uK k Uo., Aiignstii, Rrnino. St. Louis, Mo., lor our "DURA.M BOOK." (Full of atruuifo und useful laformatlon, freii..) New York, bo named as the standard elsewhere, I am present in their name to tho republican party ; and it is not that wo bearer to lead ihotn to an aaaured victory ratify the nomination of Cleveland and love our parly less, but our country more, [Applaiise.l We do not believe it is a in November. Heiidiicka, [Applause and cheers,] I have just returned from Now York city, good thing for the youth of this nation that For causes of a purely local nature there where [ have been in confereneo with the II man who haa gained wealth by prostitut­ were many earnest democrats in Michigan leaders of tho groat reform movement which ing his ollico should bo elected lo tho high who stood ready to tjive their hearty sup­ is aprcadinglt'rom tlic Atlantic to the Pacific, position of president of the United Slatoa, port to the hold and fearless Benjamin P. I Applause, I I am happv to say that within [Applause and-a voice "Ho will never be,"J tho next few days there will be a convention We protest against the very spritig.s and Butler of Massachusetts, had ho been held in , n convention of fountaina of liberty in this country being nominated. lie would most certainly havo independents, and ol rcpublicaiia who are thus polluted. We will not sufi'or this revolutionir.ed politics in this state, hut us dissatisfied with the Chicago republican great wrong to be accomplished if we can ro;;;ards his support throughout the country platform and the nominees thereupon, [Pro­ prevent it. We will not havo the pillars of longed applause,] Thoy will formally ratify it would have iaileii far short of that neces­ the republic overturned and subtnerged in your platform and your notninee.s,' [Re­ a surging sea of corruption. We lovo this sary 10 secure a victory. The democrats newed applause,] Gentleijicn, this means republic and we fully appreciate its glory, and groenbackers of Michigan could have tho enlisting under your standard of thous­ as we love ils honor. Wo will not, if wo for infants and Children. presented a solid phalati.v and marched to ands and thousands of votem in tho doubt­ can help it, have the epoch of tho Roman ful states. It means that the doubtful CaBtorlaT>romotos Piecstion What gives our Children rosy chookR, certain victory, and we are not certain thoy empire repeated in Ibis country, when iho What cures their fevers, inakeg thom sloop; slates will be carried with the aid of the Paaetorian Guards seized the government and overcomes D'latuleiicy, (Jonstipa- — 'Tts CuHiiirln. will not combine their forces atid do so independent vote, for Cleveland and Hen-and from the white steps of the capitoI,|Hn- tion. Sour Stomach, Dittrrha3.a, and When bablM frotnni! cry by turns, i yet. drick.s, [Applause and cheers.] It means dor ared flag, sold the government to the FeverishncBs. It insures health and What cures tlieir colic, kills their worms, Hut C'astiirlii. their election. [Llcnewed applause,] highest bidder. [Applause,] Wo protest uatural sleep, without woriiliiuc. The convention nt Chicago is ono long to WHiat quickly cures Constipation, ngainat it, and we propose, side by side and Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion, be rcinembered, for the large attendance, For myself, I have been I'roni myearliest youth a republican, brought up in the shoulder to shoulder, lo assist you, and ns " CostorlA Is 10 well ndaptod to Children that Hut Caatorla. enthusiasm and earnest desire to adopt n straighlest sect ol the party. As a youth, far as in ns lioa, with all our manhood to I reeommcud It as superior lo any preseriptiou Farewell then to Jlorphino Syrups, contribute to the coming triumph of Cleve­ kuown 10 iiie," II. A. Arohku, M. D., Castor Oil und Paregoric, and platform that moans what it says and says haling and abhorring slavery, as a lad en­ nnllCnatorlal land ond reform. (^Prolonged applause,] Si Portland Avo., Brooklyn, N-. \, what it incnns; tn place in notniiintion n listed to do what I could to destroy it and clean ticket, composed of men whom the to perpetuate tho government (applause) on all quealions arising out of slaverv and tho CENTAUR LINIMENT-an absolute euro for Kbeuma- people will delight to honor. Grover "Damning" ami ••Dniiifcrous." war and reconstruction and an honest cur­ tisin, Spraius, Burus, Galls, &c. Tlio most Powerftil and Pene­ Cleveland of New York, and Thomas A. rency, I have voted wilh the republican Hendricks of Indiana, possess all the qual­ inrty, and 1 have nothing lo take back. A Detroit paper, owned and controlled by trating Paiu«rolieviug and Healing Remedy loio^vu to man. mnnopolists and corporationists, known as ifications and attributes desirable for the Applause,] I and others have stayed in the parly and tried to reform the parly tho Post ami Tribune, bases ils chief oppo­ high and responsible positions named and within itself. Wo havo hung our heads sition to Cleveland on his veto of tho "Five- wo firmly believe that tho entire de­ with unutterable shame at nuicli that baa cent Fare" bill, Tho bill was intended to mocracy, besides thousands from other been done; at the fraud of. 1876, at the force tlie New York elevated roilroads to charge a faro of five cents only instead of parlies—incliidiut; the entire independent Star Route Irauds, at defalcations. Wo EMORY'S LITTLE aTHMTIG FILLS have blushed with shame ; hoping, hoping ton, at all hours of the day, instead of two aro tho BEST EVER MADE (nr Coatlvanoes, indleoellon, Headaoh*. vote, will rally to their support and give hotira in the morning and two in the even­ Ono good doHu 01: thruo or tour Kmory'a Littlo Cathartic I'llls, followed hy ono always for the best. But at last there has pill every iil(.{ht forawonk nr two, luakoa tho huniaii m.ichiiiory run as regular them finch n majority that no electoral arisen a condition of aH'airs in tho republi­ ing, as nt present. nn clock work; thoy purify Iho blood and put iiowlifoinahrokoii-ilown body. commission will be required. can party that liua compelled us to secede, Purely Voeelablo, Marmloao, Plaaeant. Infallible, thn yoiinecstcblld may taka The workingmon do not, ns a matter ot them. Sold by ail DniguLsts ami Medieluo Deiiiers at IS ClI. a Bon, or by mail. and in obedience lo our views of patriotiam fact, uae these trains during the ten-cent Grover Cloveland was nominated on 6TAN0AR0 CURB CO., Proprlolora, 107 Paarl 81., N.Y. ^.,1 and our conaeieiiccs wo have coino before hours, but that was not the ground of Gov­ ' Bmopii'* LIMIo Calharlle ar« nioro thau is daimcit; thev prove to ba tba Friday last, on the second ballot, receiving tho public to say that wo can no longer ernor Clcvohind's veto of the bill. Ho ve­ test I'ill over used hero. Wnrtli iwico tho ninnoy nstiod,—W. W. If. GonKB. tho unprecedented number of G8.S votes. stay in the republicati parly, [Applause,] toed it because the charters of the elevated ^ Uarraony, Emory's LIMIa Calharlle nro tho most popular of nil .'•UOBVia LITTLB ll") Cathartics.-—W.M. Bisuop, Mills River, N, C, tily URod mother used onn Mr. liendricks was "noininatetl in the Wo have come to say that wo will vole for railroad companies absolutely forbid tho OATHARTIO PILLS '^"^ wilh wonderful results.—K. W, Bakku, locUBtGrovo, Ohio. 1 rooommon* Cleveland and Heiidrioka, [Applause,] legislatnre from reducing fares unless the \ air* pronarad from thero.—JnnN Coluks, M, U,, Athens, Toxaa, ^Tliey iti'o excellent.—R. BeHsoH, evening, nmidst the greatest enthusiasm Many of use have difl'orcd from the repub­ profits of the companies accrued twelve per •^^j^jf^iggp^^^ Jackson. MlB3. ^Tliiiy aro nnexcclliid.—Miia. EuauiKXii Keveku. Moberly, Mo. ever known in Chicago, receiving the entire lican party on various grounds ; principally cent, nf thoir capital. Such waa tint tho DT A ^"""^ po.sltively cured with because wo believed it was wrong, twenty MALA_^£^J|jj ^ anevor-failluyrea nevor-taillut! remedy.u ; they couljdn nnImory' s Standard Cure Pills. vote of the convention. case, and Governor Cleveland refused la be , . lydniRRlst •rwticro- G years after tho war haa closed, lo collect QiiiiiinoQuinlno, MercaryMen , or poison of uny tlud. iladoraed by physlclaaiaiiniuiaiinVd eolil hy dniRKishi ovovrvvtioro, Ot Democrats here are well pleased with the a party tn the violation nf tho charter and of by mail, SS Oonla a Doi. STANDAJBD .CUItB CO.. J-TwYork . ;•, war taxes from the people, and that, too, a contract. An unscrupulous demagogue ticket, believing it In be decidedly tho when there is a surplus revenue in tho would havo approved the bill and let the strongest, speaking from a national stand­ treiLsnry of over §100,000,000, and that cnurts, as they undoubtedly would havo point, that could possibly nave been select­ surplus loft nfl.or the most extravagant ap­ done, set it aside as unconstitutional, Cleve­ ed. Many candid repnblicana also declare propriations have boon niiide, which havo land was br.ave enough to do what his duty been invented for no other purpose under and eonscioticc dictated. For his refusal it to be tho strongest ticket that could bo Heaven than lo reduce the surplus and to violate chavtors and contracts a paper named, ono saying in our hoaring : "S.iy Ihereforo lo justify the inaintenanco of war owned by the greiitost monopolista in Mich­ what you may, tliero has been no reform in taxes, [Applause.] What is the reault ol igan denounces him in words fit to be appli­ the administration of afl'airs in Now York this coiisiant dopleiioii of tho public weallh'/ ed only to a tyrant and trailor._ It calls his Failures «ii cither side, fiiolorics and mills veto nn abdication of the rights of the sitieo Grover Cleveland was elected govern­ either closed ar running upon half lime, American people, a putting of "the funda- or, he has not pushed with all his wages reduced. And wo find that the grand nieiital law of the land under the foot of cncrgj-. He would make a good president sum total of the legislation of tho party is monopoly and corporate power;" says his nnd I should not be surprised if he carried to create a wealthy class and a poor class ; veto was "damning" and "dangerous," put­ to make the wealhy weiiUhier and the poor ting corporations above law und placing a New York by 00,000 majority." poorer, perpetual monopoly und power of extortion AVe eonnot e.vpect to give him such n in their hands. I. notice two plnnks iti the republican majority in Michigan, but let us work ear­ platform that, being somewhat familiar As it happens "the fundamental law of nestly, and havo tho satisfaction of seeing with the history of the republican party, the land," known ns the constitution, abso­ the largest demooratic vote for him next have struck me ns being soinewhut anom­ lutely forbids "impairing the obligation of November that has ever been polled in alous. One of these planks calls lor an contracts'?" Cleveland obeyed the funda­ increase of the navy. Since the war closed mental law and refused lo "impair tho obli­ Michigan. Lot our watchword be "Work millions and millions of dollars have been gation of contracts" by approving a meas­ and Victory." appropriated for tho United States navy, ure which oven its own projectors admitted Prepared hy an ontltoly Nrvr inEXnoD, 6ud yet, wilh all that has been done, tlieio would not materially benefit the working Composed of tho PtTREST mtAXCRIALSt is not to-day an American iron-clad that classes. • \Vtt4t4 NOT INjrtJRE.THG FAnRIO. f/ Speaking of the political outlook, the FOUR POINTS the nhief of department dare trust out of The spectacle of a newspaper owned by WirX. CI.S3AIVSE WITHOUT RCUBllTir^ ; Chicago Daily News, decidedly nn'ontspok- sight of land without a tow-line, lest it the biggest and fattest "monopolists" and Yon can do a large washing without any nibbing; use the boiUnc process instead, ^ You can en independent journal says; would founder. [Laughter and applause,] corporationists of Michigan, denouncing save Ximo} Labor, ruol, Soap and Gloiuinff. "In the nomination of Gov, Cleveland What has been done wilh the money 'I_ ItClevelan d for refusing to violate charters has been embezzled or spoilt (or political the democratic party has undoubtedly made and impair the' obligation of coiitr.iots is CntupfiP.srtndtiissolveonchnlfbarmhnlf j;nllon of hot writer. Pour h.ilf this dis-tolvcd choico of its most available man. And wo purposes, [A'pplauao,] rich indeed I Wc cominend the attitude ef fioap into a tub with just auflicicnt hot v/atcr to cover a boiler full of clothes. Tlien put the clothcr. in to sc-ik, rubbisas" plenty ©ft' soup ica eCic impost soiBcul TimrU?],' Bu sure th;it the use tho word avnilablo in its corfeot sense, There is iuiolher piunk in the platform tliese "bloated monopolist.?" to the alien- Soakinffw.iteri.s hot; soak the clothes h.iir an hnur ; stir them occasionally so that th«y may f;at and not as a term of derogation. We be­ llial culls for tbo rctontioii of thu public lion ol tho pnblic and lo snb,'!ociuent legia-, the full benefit of the hot suds; pour the remainder of the dissolved soap into the boiler, adding lalnroa. Let it be vememberod that, their sufficient water to cover the clothes ; wring them lightly out of the suds. Soajp tliic staj nodt lieve Mr. Cleveland will attract more votes lands of the United'States, for settlers in tupota and place loo-so!ly hi the boiler; boil loto ao minutes, rinse well, hluc and hang; to dry. than niiy.othcr man who was at all likely small quantities. In the face of thofaot orgiiii says,ono of the "strongest argiimcnla" B'O 2i0.t crOTFtl tliO boiler too *nll. The same boilin:; water may be used; for further ' thai I'onr-fil'tha of tbo public lands, the her-, •against Cleveland is his refusal Ib'viqlato boiling hyaddiuR aliutc soap to each boilcr-ful! of clothe.^. Fanncls and prints should not be, to como before the convention at any time boiled, only a little rubbing required ,after soaldng,' This soap v/ clothing 'as in its deliberations. He enjoys tho coiifi- itage of the people, have been voted away llio obligation of contracts, that his respect thoroughly .as nny other without Ihc use of the boiler. Wc prefer and recommend the boiling tlciioo of the thinking men of tho country to corrupt land grant corporatioua, and to (or chartered rights and the sanctity of process as in itself a cleansing process, saving labor, the v/ear of the wash-board, and being tHao hnat (2i»infcctciit luiiawn, H KHc*»aiovito iCioll th» . Rryitnt, by ittttiriiey fitil J£*)»ilJii*f Miillwr fnmi thoablcst writi-rs, and in fact, to Lucy 1). lli-yant, all that part lots ' nearly iOO OrlKtiiHl IlluHtniiloiiM. It is to tho time it has been started and the prospect of 7 and S, tdnck 102, not heretofore conveyed inlorosi of ovory uno whoso sulHcriptiuii lias expired, success in tho eiiterprisn is'flaltering. 10 Lnoy I). Bryant ; -UO 00o r who obaiigiiig his placa of rosldoiicu, or muviiig Klelin Rice and wife lo Ell'/.al,etli Pattlson, n witst, bus for tho tinio hoiiig dropped out of our CiTuiit w l/i of II e sec lis, except V^y, acres olf Army of SubKcrlhorH, to Tho republicans had a "grand rally" at n side, Stocklirldue '. 1000 00 Morpiii B. niiiii;orforil and wlfo lo Horace A. the court house last Thur.^day evening. Tho Ilolcoliib, e i-^ H e !4 S'ie IS, Lansini; SOOO 00 courtyard was beautifully illuiiiinatod with Cera S. .Iiicolis to Gilbert .Jacobs, ii llll ft of ii anil iiocopt of our unparollod nlTor of iho 14 of n e '/i sec 27, White Oak 160 00 Cliitieso lanterns and tho boll waa rung Harvey Morehouse and wife to Sarah E. V. •. •r American Agriculturist, Einer.v, lot 2, block 17!>, Lali.ilS); ,'100 00 long and loud but it was impossible to got WhlllUtUl Slieree to Liibaii Slieree, a e i4 of s A'lir iMSt, A ilii4(ia Puriniliciil. e ]/, sec I and s w 14 of s w U hoc a and 5 the people to "rally" by any groat majority. acres olV a sldo of n o ^.^j of h e i<, sec -1, Oii- A 600-Page Dictionary, Tho house was two thirds filled with people oiiiliiga , 1000 00 loon llliistrittlonw. \Vni. ILOurlls, i;nanlian of Ella II, Wlilliiey, Kiirnislius lis Nnmorous CiintonicjiH with the very KomrnvAitf). of the city, more than hall the audience Cora A,, Xhiiiiia K. and Omar Whltiiif^s ml-' Cholcf.'st I.oftvo Miwnn 10:18 a. in. 0:0S p. in, iiors, to Panvin S. Ileu'es, t^ of n ^fj of a u "Foes or Friends ?" Arrivo .IiiykHari ....11:10 ii. iii. lOilf) |i. iii. being composed of ladies. Hon. Anslin % sec 20, e.xceia all acres olf e end 1000 DO ntorrla* llxia tiiiiiiurb I'.'.iito Kiiitnivlnij;. ArrJvo Knlnmiizoo. n. iii. IiIlO u, in. Blair, tho "war governor,'' of •Tacksoii, was Israel a, I'liilllps l.i Ciitherliio Phillips, iota NiloH '\:C>ri p. in. a. ni. 15 and 111, blouU -I, SlilUll ,t Pease's addllloii "In the Meadow," Clilcngo 7-t(l p. in. 7:Hf> a. ni, tho main speaker but tho meeting was piec­ to Mason Warren U. Strieklaiid ittiil wlre,et itl„ to Elian I)ii|iru'N l',iiilT Sii|ierb i'litte Kiit(riivlii|i. Fresli ui Salt Meals! Arrivo Oninii Ititpiiln p. in. n. in. ed out by tho -*lld eyed young tarilT writer 0. Plillllps, 25 acres out of n e M of s e Arrivo Ann Arlior ..„ /i:02 ri. »>. ri7ii.1 p. m. 12 Pieces of Slieet Music, of Ijansing. While there was positively no sec 1 1000 00 iMirciiasint; only tho clioicocit staliol fod stock. Ypslliiiill ri:I8 p. n». llilVI p. Ml, Oliarlcs Canlioll and wife to Herbert M. .111 itliiuo of tU*i Dlvttniiiiry* Ditirnit CcSr) l>, m, 12;'ir) ii. ill, enthusiasm, wo will admit ihiil the "cap­ Weed/lots •! and 5, block 2, LallKlnu 1800 00 Si. TlmnmH ...11:211 p. ni. •,\-M> n, m. Miittlsoii B. Gould and wife to AiiKilstiis Uelf/i . liulViilo :t;;iri u, m, 7;.'J0 n. m. pers" suoceedod in oroaliiig any amount of 11 e ^ of a e 14 sec -JO, Loriiy..... 1200 00 for mi.T'O POULTRY AND GAME Jiime.s it. .Iiidson and wlfn ami WaHliiti;;ton CL P08T.PAD. NOUTIIWAIin. spatting of liand.s and stamping of feet. We Lodvc .TiiclvHon 7:2ri u. ni. 4:10 p. in Wiley, to Willlain J. Heal, lot 111, block K, Actlvo CiiiiviiHHerrt Wiiiito u. in, r>:'.\0 p, Blaine'in. s song but uiiiiblo to grasp tho words Woodwortli, o U of 0 of s \v ]/, sec ]S, SQUARE DEALIM- GUARANTEED 0«-(iKKo (4. ni. 7;U) p, »i. Leslie 100 00 OBAHQB JUSD CO. DAVIS W. JUtD, Pre' SiiKiniiw Olty llsii.l n, ni. H-.'Mi p. anmd, therefore can not say just how he 761 Broilw»7, Sew Tstk. UoHpuclfiilly, lliiy CUy \'Z;'iri ji. ni. tl:30 p. in. Oeorgo Griseiiliafer to Mary Grlsenhiifer, e V, Miicltiimw City H:;iri p. m, explained tho following, published iu tho of a e X auc 'ill, belhl .7 100 00 Bl. .1. JlL-riit.w, 0. W. KufifJi.KH, Mary A, llaBiley to James Welllnger, lu HENRY PETERS. i'Vcfl, and purporting lo be hia words acreii on a e J4 see II, Lansing (150 110 Ticlc.'t Au'unt, Goiri I'uhh. uml Tickot Agt. Jostipli Sliuw lo Ellen Shaw, lot II, block 7, UHOll, ClllUHK". after hearing of the nomination of Blaine Masoi , -2000 00 Ann blckersiiii 10 Ella Bennett, H of \v 1^ PATENTS and Logan ; and as we have never heard AnDlTIOlVAL, I.,OCAl.. ofseJ4 sec 2, also tl e lorlonce. ,\braiii G, AmIerHoii tn Olwirlotle Andera.iii, 11 I'atonls olitnlnort tlirondh MUNN A CO. nro notlood could make a very euthuRiastio speech at a K '/i of n w 14 sec 10, White Oak, i«cept li^ In thuSciKNTiPio AMEUIOAN, tlio litrKost, bast, and Mhss Delhi Ilnrhcr is viailitig at Webber- acnia thereon '2000 00 most wldoly clreulntort soiontlUc panor. (IVJUa your. mooting ratifying their iiomiitatiou : Luna Voss to Wm. Vuss, 2:1 acres of land un Weekly, BpleiiUld utiKravlnffri und Interoatlnff In* villc. sec 17, Wheatliel.l S(i2 50 f ormiitlnn. t4|ioelmon coiiy of tbo Mclniiltflc Amor* "I was ill favor of Qeu. Sherman myself. tcnli Hunt free. Address MUNN k CO., ScucNTirlO T. R. MoHiiKii, Itegiatcr, AMBiucAia otlico, ail Brondwiiy, Mow York. Will Soarl is sqjoiiriiia^ i" Petoshey this I think he would get more votes than any man we could nominate-, but it soeuia he week. Miisoii jnarkots. would not allow his name to be used in Miss .Tenniu DtiBoia is visiting friends in ORAIN, connection with the nomination for presi­ WriKAT Red No. 2 Per bushel @ 82 Through Tickets LcBlie. ileut, and so the convention has nominated WHEAT While, No. 1, per basliel # !« .lim Blaine of Maine. Tliia will bo a hard WHE.AT White, No. 2, Per Bushel @ 78 For ull pointH, Miss Thayer of Norvcll, is the miest of WHEAT White, No, 11, per bushel (Ill S5 pill for the better element of the republican WHKA't nejMleil, per bushel @ 70 Miss Uorii liandall. party to swallow. .1 bud hoped they would OA'l'S Per Bushel..- i,a .10EAS T OR WEST COItN In thu ear, per buahel ,'iO@ .'15 . Mrs. C. \V, Chapman and family are vis- not nominate Blaine, nnd I think they could TIMOTUVSKED Per bushel ©2 00 not have possibly got voles enough in Via the Michigan Central. ilinj; friends in Willianiston. UUOOBUIIta A.NI) rilUVIslONS. the eouvontiou if it had not been for thoso SALT SnKiliaw, per barrel ®1 10 For sale b BUANS While,per biishnl 1 'J5tiill .511 Mrs. Houghton of Clevolancl, is visiting southern delegates who virtually roprosont BEANS While, liaiiil picked, pur hnaliel...! OOSill 'IU 91. .1. fflVRRAY, lior f Jster, Mrs, S, P. Stroud. no republican constituency nt all. They PIITATOES Sew, Per buBliol ® .10 f\ti AiroMt .Mason Midi came to the convention ready to give their FLOtItt I'erlOOpoiinda @2 SO BUCICWIIEAT KLOUil Per 100 poniids.J 00@G UO Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Merritt und Miss votes to who would pay tho most, and I EGOS Kresh, pur dozen ® 10 Hatlie are visiting friends ut Jaolcsou. thitilc Blaine's managers did the best work nU'l'TER @ 111 for their man of anyone in the coRVonlion. LARD Tor pound @ 10 Colonel Babbitt of NorthyiUe, passed APPLES llrletl, per pound @ 0 The fact is Blaine has too many spots on PK.VOUES Dried, per pound 0® 10 tbo .Sabbath witli hia undo, D. L. Caily. bis ptist record lo bo yery popular among i.ivt: .s'rocK A.Mi .ni'.^'r GA'L'TLK Tcr too pounds d 0n(ffl5 00 Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT .Sam. Taylor and Miss Dora Cooper of the bolter class of tho republicans, and they HBEli" l>re«»ed, pur 100 pounds (i n0(Ii)7 50 will regret that some oilier man was not I10Q8 I'or 100 pound 5 OOtSlli 00 Lansing, visited Mason friends Sunday. chosen in his stead. The Mulligan lellers I'ORK Dressed, per 100 pen nds 0 ,50(^7 110 OIIIOKKNS Dressed,perpounU 10® 12 L. .T. Ford and fumily returned last, ev­ wonld not bo forgotten by many who would OIIIOKENS Live, per pound © S ening from a visit with friends at Parma. bold Bhiitic to nn account for ihctu at the TURKEYS Live, per pound 10 polls ill November." Of Logan for vice- TUKKEVS Dressed,per pound @ 12 nUILUI.NO MATKRIAI,, Will Harkor bits been obliged to go on president the governor said ; "If there ia a WATKll LIMK Pur barrel 1 OOifill 75 GRANllE&IMRBlE.MONyMEhlTS crutches, eau.scd hy an nbcess on one of his useless man in- this country it ia John A. OALOINBD PLASTER Per barrel 2 25@2 60 Logan, and he had beeu nominated to fill PLASTERtNG HAIR Per hnabel @ •IO W.m'IWE.^ IWfASON . MICH: feet. SniNOLES Porthousand 1 '25@S 86 the moat useless ofTico in tho country, and LIMK good Per barrel ., ®1 (W Mrs. S. L. Squior and son and Mrs. Stew­ perhaps tho oflico and man were well nam­ L.ATII Per M, feet ©SOU ed." MIsOKI.l.ANKOt-s. art Fuller of Muir, visited Mason friends LAND PLASTER Per Ton... B BO@C 00 this week. To tlio nocdfl of itio Horrio Bomedy Oa Ptop'e, BU lAali,1ta. 'ABtothocuoiMW ofrourmi«llelno,thlall(no»,wh«rcii» The Vetenm, published at Lansing, tonrint, cominorclnl Iluoiitljs iiKO, I was woak, loan nnliysiciil, tlio wearv OHIOAOO, ILLINOIS. Council met in regular aessioa and waa Hurl doliilitittoi! Iliid day morning, onthusiastio over the nomiti.- called to order by Mayor Uoed. A fiuo- it ivrcliiiblo Huiircu of dtions of tho eouvenlioii. ronuwL'd stroiigtliiind rum not being preaent council adjourned comfort. For »i»lo by tlrnfrKUts tnomcsBCBOimo ut»«..n.w ma» .•••.••,.,— .fcniaif, until Tnosdny evening .July loth. InpiiUoMi Ornsels WMkMis, Unoiirrhaia, Syphllltia aiij TUTT^S .ARflntrt wftulfld for untliontfc B«rc»rl»f i».«l»l». Belouimii trciiliuDiiti isfe tiidlura The detuoeralio and greonbaclc state Selaii II. WoiiDEN', Clerk. flilitioii of his Ilfo ; written tit rcilicilics, Dcforniltleii Trcnted, Call or write for IHt ol qucEtlons to bo answered by tlioso dcslrlii|;lreatinentbyiliaU. commitlocs met in Lansing on Tuesday, «r.*«M . —»—•..JliiHowM liotnn, with his co-op- rrrniins sairnrlniTfriini nofl(urA«haiilil .vail lh«fp ad4reM,% eriUlon und iisHlfituncw, by lliQ ronowiiod Goodrich, •ad turn •mnetlilait lo >il>«.ilai!«. 111, net > lru»,f bat net ooiiforence was held, each commit­ 'ftIEsPAY oveiiiiig, .Inly 15, 1884. Imi-K0«1, chi-'iipiiHt,, hi\nd.sonni(it, bout. l']l^l^;lUllly ilhiH- CAdilrix.llr. C, !,. I,nB.»II(lK. l'ri..'l anil rlir«l«l«B.lii Cliartt PILLS tnitod. CiiHtH inurt) por copy to iiiiinnfiit:l.iiro thiin Uio Coiilnl Slcil. it Hurit. InNtfliilii, niHI LoruKt «l„ 81. Luul., an. tee attending to their own business. Council mot pursuant to adioumineut and ollitir lives tliiU uro miM for twico itfl prico, OntHolls Succciiot lu Ut. llutt)' iiisuviuary. li.ialilUhail Ull Yaan. was called to order liy Mayor Reed. uti ((thorn ton to ono, Otici of oiii" riKeiils nmdo k prodt TORPID BOWELS. ^ of ovor?.''iO tlio lirrit. diiy. A ImrvoHt of gold'will bo No ropnblicaii should fail to read the able Present, Aid. Mohan, Russell, Brown, realized by ovory workor, AU imw bit^tiiiiiorti Huccood DIS O^R D E|JjlE_D V E R, address by the ropnblioan o.K-mayor cf De­ Howard. grmidly. Torins frooj unil tho moat llhoriil ovor oH'or- MARRIAGE GUIDE. od. Biivo '\'[ilu(iblu tiiiio liy suiiiHng 'jn cunts for poa- 200 PoKea.niustratod in cloth uml Kllt bindiagflOp From tlioao sonroos arise tUioo-fourths of troit, published in anolhcr column under Minutes of last mnoling read and np. tutfO, olc, on froo niUtU, wliicli lucliulo.s Iitrijo prus- nionoy oi- poaiiuto, uaino pajur covorH 2flo. Tula book tho diaoauos of tho 'human laoo. Thoso proved. poci.iirt booU, Act fpiitikly; ii iliiyiit llio utiirt is worth oontiitnaalltho curious, doubtful or inqulaltlvo want BymPtoins indioato tlioir osiatonoo: I,o»» of tho head "For Clovelatul nnd Heudrieks," II v.'ook at tliu (lalsit. to l:=ow, Iiirno^idltinna, lO.OOO ouch, sold ovDry fow moa. Aiinctito, Bowel* ajootlvo, felcU Hond- REPORT OE COM.MtTTEES. 2itwi:t U. llAlJiETT CO.. Portlunil, Mftlno. Koaltti, 'ilQh.uty,HnpplnQSB,aro promoted by ita ad- nclie, fuUneaa oltor catiiii;', ayersion to ploi—who may marry, who cot, why. Medical nid.wnoa cxertloit of Itoity or miuili Ertivtaiion At tho organization of the now school The finance ooininittoo reported oh tho nnoopnnry brrnjKhi homo to you. Bont Bsalnd by Dr. V/HITTIEB. St. Louis, Mo.,tUoRroat(ipeclaliBt. wliO of food, Irritability of tcD»per, I.oMf board last ovoiiiiig, Jao, C. Cannon was ro- rnllowing claims, recoiuuiondiug their ODDS ourofi for lifo, TJorvouH l^obllity. Impodliaonto to Mar fiivliltH, A fccllns off liavlnB ncgloeted allowanoo at footing : riuao, (JonsultutiouiiudpumpUlutfroo. iinino a«ty, J>lziluoa»,iri«ttovlnBottl;a elected moderator and T. VanOslrand, Hunrt.nota borore tho cyos.lilcIiJy col­ Plilllp Nice, men nnd learns labor on streets S-IO 7.1 ored Crliio, OOiVSTIiPATIOltf; and da- treasurer. Jilrs. Eiiinia D. Cook was elioaon A. L. Rllii.le.^, M lllKllts on streets 00 TOand tho uso of a romody that acta diroct g dirnciof. Ulcliinond, Backus ,t Co., forjuatlce ilnckots,&o 21 '.10 on tho Llvof. AsaLivovmodloIiioTCTT'S W. W. ihuit, fl days on board of review 10 00 RAILROAD IN THE WORLDa rTr.CS liavo no Oiiniil. Tlioli' action on tho Thomas Walker,days labor on sewer In Kiilnoya nadSUlnIs al3o prompt; rctnovmgf district No. 1-, S2l,UI allowed at 10.,'iO Lot it bo forovor rumomborod tlmt tbo all Impurities UirougU tlioso tlu'oo " acnv* J. \V. Feiin, the news and stationery .laiiies lUu'iis, drayliiK „ 25 HOW LOST, flOf RESTORED! euBum of tho ayetcm," producing nppe. dealer in the postoflicc building, has packed Willluin H. Plilpps, Ujii days labor on sower In Chicago & North-Western .Tnst piibliidiod, a now oilition of .Dr. Culver- tito,soiinaai(loatlon,i'c«ular stools, ame^^ district No. 1 U 03 woll'H Ccilubriitoil KHHiky on Ibo radiaU cnrti DltlnaniluvigoyouQUodyof . TCOPT'S VUAA up his goods and removed lo St, Louis, Albert OdelLllli; days labor on sewer In dlalrlot In tho boHt nnd shortfmt roiito to nnd from Chlcrtgo Spormatorrliceu or SomiMiil WoiiUiiosb, Iiivolntitary oiiuso no nnusoa or grlplns nor intcrfaio where he has purchased a similar stock of No.l B 25 und Council lllnlVs (Oiniihii), und tlmt it U protorrud Seminal, Tnuiotency, l^Iontal and-I'bysJcal In- with dally work and moo porfoot ^ Ilarrlson Breed, i'/, days labor on sewer in ills- by all woll pouted truvelorH whon pusfiing to or from ciipitcity, Inipodimoiitu tn niarrinKj a sltujlo ap­ On motion report of committeo was ae MllwuiiUoo, tuOrosflo, Spartii, S?udi.soii, Fort Howard, of which ovory siilltfrflr, no iniittov what Ills condition plication of ma DY13. Sold by Druab'lats, gether with most of the contents, on Mon­ cepted and adopted ns follows; Yeas; Aid, (Groen Hay,) Wis.; WInonu, Owutnnnu, Mankutu, may bi', iiuvy euro lilnisolf, clioaply, privately nnd oraontbyoxnro.saoiiveoolpfcof SI. , Minn.; Codar KupJd.s, D(Jrt Jluinos, Wobsiur Oily, Al- nnlictiUif, • Offifiii,.!.* Jmi-ray Sf.raiic, N«wJ"rlc.^ day last. Insured in the Farmers' Mutual: Mohan, Russell, Brown, Howard—i; nays, Ronu, Clinton, MarslmlUowii, Iowa, Frooport, Klgin, iKVr-'niiH iccinro should bo In tho hands of ovory U'TT'S mWiM OF liSbTL'LRItUEIPTS.FnZg. $200 on house and S300 on contents. The none. Kockfwrd, III., uio among ItB 800 local atutions on its you 111 and uvury man in tbc laud. lino. Sonr imdtTuwil, In a plain onvidopo, to any aditroap, policy was only taken out last month. nr.soLUTioNs and new iittsiNEsa. Anions fl row of tho nnmorona points of Bnporiorily jmshjmidf on roc(dpt ol four conts or two powtago On motion of Aid. Howard tho clerk was onjoyod by llift patroMH of (his road, uro iirt DAY slanips, AddrcsH instructed to pav Mrs. Rico S225, for the COACHJCS, M'hicb uro tbo tlncst that hninan art and W. H. Collins, an ouiployo in tho Rogers inuonitity can crouto ; its PAIjATIAT.. STiEEr- THE COLYERWELL MEDICAL CO., ACTIVE AISENTS land roquii'od iu the Sycamore • creek cut INO CAJIS, which uro niodolri of comltirt and oln- Manul'acturing Oo.'s wagon shop, met with gunco; its PATiACE IHIAW.INO llOOAi: «;akh bi., asw ^m, «. v., Po«t o£Bco bos, «o. off- ' . • CARy, wliich aro uiitmrpiii^siiU by any, and Un a painful aooidout while running a "simper" A romonslranco was roceivod protesting widely cfflobvatort last Friday. Ho was shaping a hard piece against the proposccl grading of Center NOKTir-WKSTKHiSr mNmQ OAKS, street. On motion the matter was laid on tho liUo of wliicli aro not niu by unv^othor road any* of hickory, when tho knife suddenly siKitoh- v.-hovo. Tn siutrt,' ft fs assorted diat-l'l' IS THE POLAND OHINABOAR! od tho piece from his liands aud hurled it the tablo for ono week. KEST EQUIP t»EI> KOAD IN THE AVORLI), On motion the clerk instructed, to All poiiui of intorost noi-Mi, norih-woKt-und wufit of I recently pnrcliaiied a very lino 'IMioroiighhrod Po­ TO CAFVASS THIS CITY. across the shop, at tho same tirao drawing land China ISoiir, and rospooll'ully invite the alteiil/oa extend tho lime (or collecting the special Olilcago, bnsiticfiscuntnra, uninmor rosorts and iiotod of fai'iners and slock, breedors in' need of such an his hand to tbo knife long enough to badly lumting luiii flfihing grounds avo accossiblo by Iho va- A(l(5r(!.ss . - iLSsessmont tax for sower in district No. 8 rlou.s bnincho.^ of iliinroad. animal. for 30 days. Vote standing as follows ; Cull at my farm, h.-ilf mile north of Mnsnii postonico mutilale tlie second and third •fingers of his It owns and controls ovor COOO inilos of road and, Resiiectrully, E, 0. IIUSSULL. Yens, Aid. Mohan, Brown, Russell, How. has ovor-UlO piiFrtongur conductors cuutinitaHy curing = J0SN OHUROH:<& GO., right liaud. Dr. Root dressed tho wound foi- its millions of patrons. ard—-1; nays none. . A^k vour ticket agffnls for ticUots via this routo and hopes to nave tho fingers, which Mr. Onmotioii the mallov of adjusting tho .ANPTAKENOvVEOTHEU. All loiuliiig ticknt Collins very much desires as th:: itide.Y fin- agonls HoU Iboin. . It costs no more to travol on this tux oil tho special asscasmenl.iii .lowor dis­ ronio, that ijivo.-* nrst-cluss nccomiiiodatioua, AHDEKQOIT 'OliITU, • trict No. 8, was referred to the' city attor­ Solicitors of U. a. and fi'er on the .samo hand was lost in a similar dnos to go by the poorly oquippodrouds. , iVortdsn Talfnt^,' No. , ney and city ooUeotor., • For nmps, doscrlptl'vu circntars iindMnnunor report maiinef on a former occasion,. General pupors ov utliur infonnation not obtumablo: at your, , A favofito proscrlptlpii of oneof tlm u..70"Si)Voi)th Stroid, cor "Oil motion council adjonrnod until next inosi, noted and Buccosslnl speclalletn lii ilioU.S. G, opprif. S, i'atuiit oliico, \VaHliiiii:ton,.D. 0. Oorros- • inannger, H. M. Williams, in behalf of the local Jickct otlico, writo ta tho (now rctlrod)l'orlhocnroof JiferDntisJSoftIHf//, pondunco solicltml No chargn for aitvioo. ; No rio'.' Monday evening at 8 o'clock. XoM ManlioodiWeiil-tienii »t«l Iteaay.&uui cliarRcd niiloB.s Patent is allowed. TloforniicoB,_Lowi.-i employes presonlod Mr. Collins with about SbLAH H. WORDEN, 6811 Pass. Ageiit. C. &N.-f.Rail'r .laplaiuseuled ciivelope/'coo.Urnitglstscanllllit, .Toliiison & Co.-,banlvQrsiand I^istmastoi', Watiliiiiglon,.' D. O.TuBipliIot of Instructions fa'e.' $40, donated for bis benefit. City Clerk. ;,caicAGo, .ux.'.':;. AddrcM DR. WARD & CO, Lsuiaitna, Mo. TO COHnHSPONIHUNTSi. IIULES OF THE LAST CONVENTION. moiit that tho territorial delceatos be not al­ Introduced by Chairman Vilas as a son ol the Illinois, S. Corning Judd; lurtinnn, Aiialln II. The coinmlttou decided to reeoimnend to the lowed to vote. Mr. .McArthur otOregon spoke last Democratic vlco-prcsldciit uot desiioiled Brown; Iowa, M. M. Ilani; Kntiaus, C. W. convention that the rules o( thu hist Ueinoer»lc agniiiatthc amendment. Tho amcDdtucnt was of hia olllec—poininated Allen G, Thurman ot Blair; Kontuelty, Henry V. AIcHenry; Louia- convention govern this body until other wlau rejected and tho report adopted. Ohio. At the mention of the ol.l liontan's •,MI ecininiunleittons tor this paper should bo ao, Inun, B. F. Jonns; .Mniiie, Eilmuiui Wlleon; - oompaniod by tho mimo ot tho iiatlior; not iieooa- ordered, subject to the foUowltig inodillcation : A Hood ot rcRolutliina from all parts of tho name great cheering began, many people rising Maryland, A. P; Gorinnn; MIelilguri, Don M. sary for nablloatloo, but as nn ovldonooot Kooil "That In voting tor candidates for president ball were then sent to the clerk's desk to be to their feet. During the contiiumiico of Dickinsoti; Mlnnesot'i, P. 11. Kelly; .Missouri, • faith on tho part of tlio wrilor. Wrlto only on onu nnd vicf-pri'Sideiit no slate sli.ill he allowed to read and referred to the committee on rcaolu- Brtckeurldge's brief speech he was liiterruplnii •Ino. G. Prather; .MlBslselUhi. U. A. J-)liiison; - Hldo of tho paper.. 11a particularly careful Inulvlnc tloua. Thuy tI.,l'IFOaM. liiive been chosen for the iiiiportaiit work to bi.' they claim that the fight la chair." with any unnatural plea when 1 ask you to tloiHi. The tisual prellininnry work 1ms heoii idrcadv won, and thai it only requires the slt- The Democratic party of the iiiilot?, through Uiig o'f the convention to seal the victory, TlicnhovQ named trcntleman repaired to the recognize that the' urbllramont ot the sword tlniii! liy thu delegates, the frlenils of l.ho sev­ Indiana delegation wliuii Mr, Hendricks arose lias settled the war, I present you a tcace of- ita repreaetilalives In national couveiitluii iie- eral Ubiilnitita iloiiit; all In their power for '•'lie (liioiiiii;; Itav- and was greeted with great cliccrlng. Tlie ering in the per.soii o[ John G. Carlisle, Car­ seinbled, recognize that as the nation grows Uielr fiivorltc cnntHihUes. Who Miu liielcy iniiii The convention projier was called to order at parly linniedlately proceeded to the plaee set lisle andtiie republican candldato present a older new Issues arc born otiiiiie and nroe-resf, will be In a iiiicsl.kiii haril to answer, t'rienil.s 12;;i7 on Tuesday, tho Stli, by Hon Wm. 11. apart for the VVIseousln delegation, Mr. Viliia contrast to wliich 1 would like to invite the nt- and old l.ssues perish; but the funduiiieniai ofCirover Clevehinil are eonlident of his sue- Bftrniitii of Connecticut, Chairman ot the o/i rising from his seiitwas greeted with voel- teiitlon ot this conventioii, Tlie one'a com­ pritieiples of the Denioeracy, approved by the cesi-, ami -10 of the 7-i ileliij,'iites from New Democratic National Committee. Prayer was teroua cheering which was contlntied for many bination and a form whereon God did seem to uiiileil voice otthe people,ruiiialn una will ever york ileelari! liliii their choice. Ivellov, Uie ollered by Itev. Dr. D. C. Marquis of Clii- minutes. The gentlemen then proceeded, Mr. set his seal to give the world assuriince ot remain as the host and only security for the Tammany elilef, iiunoitiices tliar liaynn! unil eago. Vlliis and Mr. Hondrleka leading nnd ascended a man.' The other covered and laltoooil all conlinunnce of free government. MeDoiiahl iive his eanilklDtes. Tlhlen's friends over, nnd covered with accusations. The preservation ot peraonal rights. Hie sent liiiii a lUspateli l,o-diiy, tirglii« the Hon. Klehnrd Hubbard ot Texas was the pliittorm where their iippearaiiee was nominated mid chosen temporary ehalr- greeted with great enthuslasiu. When quiet Under Carllsle'rt Icaderahip the demo­ equality ot all citizens bolorc the law, the re­ him lo reconsider his detcrinlnntlon imt lo bi; eratie party ivoiild become the antithesis ot served rights of the Btatea and the Buprenincy iienndldale. Jti reply Tilden r.late'.l his pur­ nian. On being conducted to the had been partially restored, Jlr. Hubbard, the chair he. was received with vo- temporary chairman. Introduced the unani­ everything which tho worst elemenIB ot the re­ ot tbo federal govorninent \yltliiit the limits of pose was clearly sec torlli l.'i his Idler ot publican party advocate —ant!, God knows, June 10. cifercios applause, anil after quiet had been mously elected permanent chulrmiia. Iho conBtitutlon, will ever form the true basis resto ed addressed the convention in it timely THE ClIAIllMAN'S ADbltEaS. there are worse elements in thai party than In of our llherties nnd can never be aurrendered On the morning ot IheTlh the New York any ol her parly on Ihe face of the earlli 1 Our without destroying that alliance of right aud speech, clearly setting forth the objects tor Mr. Vilas, In taking the chair, returned • ilclegallon met nnil coiitliitied In seseion four which Ihey were assembled. He reviewed the party would roprcBeiit the spirit of order rather power wliloh Is demiinded. The ReiHiblican hours, Great iuterest centered In this inectlng, Ihnnka tor the honor douu lilin, not as a rec­ than the genius of riot. It would ropreaent party aotar principle Is concerned la a renii- liistorv of the party and spalic glowingly ot ognition of himself, but of the young Democ­ the dominion ot law rather thiin the reckless- as having a very liiiportnnt lieating on the llniil its future and presented tho Issues of the cam- nlsccuo. In prneileu it is an orennizatiion for f.ctlon of the eonvenflon, and the hallway in racy of the Northwest. It wa.s tlieir "fair due; noss ot license. It would represent reform piiylug Ihosu who control its muehlucry, Tho front of the room in which the .=esslon was pnign ujion which they had entered. Fur­ It was a tribute to their lofty zeal and iiatriot- rather Uian the longer continuance ot the reign ther femiiorary organization was ef- friiuda and jobbery wliich have been brought liekl was lUlea with a throng of people an.Ylous Ism. They hailed It na a pres.age ot the com­ ot spoils and jobbery, it would appeal to the to light in every department of llic government Lo secure early tidlugs ot the result, fecteil, wlicn Mr. Sinalley ot Vermont ing victory. I Applause]. This convention conservatism ot the nalloit,'' sent to tho chair the following rosoiutloti was aasemblcd to consider ii great cause—to are aulilelent to have called for rctorin within 'I'hc >fewa has the• following nddltional which was read by tho clerk; the Kepubllcan parts, tlioae in autliority, points; "Having failed to lircak the Cleveland pronounce n, inonieiilaus; judgment. Its liand When MISBlsslppI was called Cinirles E. Jte.solml, That the rules ot the hist Demo­was on the helm ot a udglity nation. The .Hooker ot Mississippi took tlie platform and made reckless hy thu long possession ot power coluiiiii the next move ot bis opponents was to cratic convention govern this body until other­ greatest, noblest ot free society would rejoice have auocuinbcd tolls corrupting inllucuco aud sniasli the unit rule. It b»d already been de­ seconded the nomliiation of Mr. Bayard, have placed in iiomiuatiou ii ticket agalnat cided by Kelley'B followers that tills .should be wise ordered, subject to the following modifica­ In the well considered work ot litis conven­ Wlien New York ^yaB called the cheering tion ; "That In voting for candidates for presi­ tion. Its import atidvaluo lay not In the ho]ie which the Independent portion of tlie party alletnpteil n.'^ a last resort. Wiieii the motion was detening, Uaiiiel J.,oekwood of litilValo are in open revol t. Tlierefore a change is de- was iiiiiilc to cast the seventy-two votes of dent and vicc.presklont no state shall be allow­ of mere party victory in clutching the spoils ot numlmited Grover Cleveland. He made a ed to change Ils vole until the roll of the stares ofilce. 'i'lie jopportuulty was prognanl with very taking speeeh In setting forth the clalma iiiandeil. Such a change was allko uecessary Neiv York as a unit for Cleveland, it was met In IbiO, hut the will of the people waa defeated by a siortii of oLjcctlons and the real light was has been called, uml every state has cast Its mielity possibilities ot good to men. The lie- and virtues of the Empire state's governor. vote." puhllcan party, which had recently hold lis Tho enthusiasm wliich prevalleil while .Mr. by a trauil which can never he forgotten nor on. .Idhii Kelly, aeiiator Grady and others condoned. Again hi ItiSO tho oliaugc deiiiana- threw themselves Into the lireaeli. 'I'hey at- Mr.Grady of New Yorkiillcred the toIlo-,v- convention here, had teiulered nothing worthy Lockwood spoke is iiidlcaitve of the same sen­ lai'kcd Clevehiiid'fl availability r.iiil Intimated iiur nmendnieiit. of the frequent iispiratiotis ot the people. To a' timent that ivas bo noHcenble when iVIr. ed by the ;)coplu was defeated by " the hiylsh a bolt might occur If Clevfliind's uomlimlloii^ "When the vote ot a st,ate,a5 announced by the country rejoicing In restored unity and con­ Bhdne's name was ineulioned In the orevlouo use ol money contrlbntcl by unscrupulous was forcetl upon them, Inil tltiJilly cooled oil' elialniian of the delegation from siii'li state, is cord it tuiiderud thu runcwal or sectional eonventi-jn. coiilractora and shameless jobber who had bar- and snid they did not iiieaii It. Grady declared ehiillonged liy tiny member of tlie ilelegatioii, strife. To a nation tlmt felt the Impulse ota Scnntor'G rally of New York spoke in oji- gancil lor unlawful or lor highest olllee that 11 state had no right to iastruet delegates then the secretary shall cull the names of the mighty growth It ottered the inapiriition ot a iiDsition to the iioiiiiiiatton ot Clcvchinil: Air. Ihc J^epubhcun parly during its legal, its from distrlcta. Individual delegates from thu state, and their niiiloii'nl calamity and misfortune. To a proud, Urally reviewed the history of Gov. Clevelands stolon ami its bought tenures of powJr Jiiis Inilividtinl pvefercneos as expressed slnill be re- sensitive people, demanding deliverance from iidmiiilitrntlon. He asserted that though Kteii'Jlly ileuiiyeil in moral ehai'iicter nnd politl- The Cleveliiiid iiion insisted tliat the slate dishonoring (torruplion,demanding decency in ca capacity. Its platform promises are now eoriU'il ;i3 the vote of such state. seeking and cloanlliiess In holding public elected by 1.93,000 tiinjorlty he owed that over­ cotiventii>ii apiioliited the delegates and had The questlori before the convention plus partly to a reiiiurknbly ciilluisiattic ileiiio- a list ot its past failures. It demands llie res­ the authority to instruct them au all such station, itoll'ered the guilty darts ol skillful toration of our navy, i It has squandered riueslioiis. was upon the nmeutltiietit to the reso- demngcgitery. In poillical parlance "soap" enit support; partly to the support of the lutlon,atid when so annoiineed by tho antl-moiiopollsta on account of the then recent hundreds ot iiiiliious to create a navy that doos It was urged that every delegate who was was Its inapir.atlon and ammunition. Thu iiir IJiissage ot the railrond commiSBlon hlll-whieh, not exist. It culls upon congress to remove nlleuipting to break; the rule, had voted for it chtdr, was open fordlscufslon. The unit rule as was already lllled with vnpora ot various inter­ stated in tlie resolution was hotly contended bald i\lr. Grady, had afterward been nuUlileii the burdiiBS under which American shipping in tlie state convention and |)roiiiised to abide ests and factions. Some vi'ore indulged to ex­ by the I'overnor's iietlon—and partly to the aid has boon depreB.sea. It iuiported tutd has oon- by it. for by lilr. Fellows ot New Yor'k, Senator pect advantage from the chaatic possibiblllties Grailj ot New York followed in support of ota foreign war; others were promised relict otrcpublloan disaffection on aecoaiit of the uiii.ed those burdens, lb professes the policy For over two liours the exciting discussion Ihe claims of the minority, Mr, Coch- same intertercnce in local concuriis ot which ot reserving the public lands ot small uold- was continued, atui then the Tiimiiiany ilele- or gain from legalized usurixitlons on the nat­ Cleveland has himself since been gulli.y. [Ap- ings hy iictitnl sellers. It has given away tlie , gates asked for an lul.journment that they rano ot New Yorlt, I, P, Powers ot ional treasury. A great change has been y'icliigun, Garter Harrison of Cliicago, wrought in recant years in this country in the pl'itiso. I "The miijorllv of 102,00o lu 1SS3 had's heritage till nop,-a lew rallroadB and might Iiave a chance to con.^ult. This was chiingeu to a defeaD in iSSll by IS.liO" votes of non-resident nlietis, individual and Ineoriioral- griiiitcd and recess taken. A tew minutes and Mr. .Jacobs ot New York fol­ niinda ot tho people and In political forces. lowed In tlirlllltig addresses, when Mr. Kelly We have ceased to lls;htover a suicidal war. a candidate representing Mr, Cleveland's views eU, puaaess a largur area than that of nil our afterward aenater Grady and Gen. Sinclair, Tho world was moving too fnst[ referring to an larniers uetween thu two scaa. It professes a after n hurried talk Willi ,Tolin ICeiley, edged of New Yorl;, the "T'atntininy King" obtiilncil The sit-i ot slavery hns'bcen purged, Tho work a bearing by the chair, and spoke in oppositdoii aceoniplislied by those who labored to save tlie expresBlou ot Mr, Lockwood] if the party preleronce for free, lustitutloiis. It orgaulzos their way through the eroivd and were ushered could nll'ord to puss by metiwlih records like and tries to legalize nnd control state elections into chalrnmn Manning's |irlviUc room, where to the adoption ot the unit rule. Tlie light union remains undlBturbed. and the gratitude those ot Thurman, Bayard, Handall and Us was continued for some Wnic, and when tho of the people is their reward. by federal troops. It profesaea ii dealto to a loni; cDtisnltatlon with a view to a oompro- other veterans lo take up an obscure man from elevate labor. Ir, has subjected inlse ot (inferences failed to result In an iiirree- vote upon the amcndinont was linally taken Erie county with no record to conpa'c with tuetit. When the delegatlun reassembled there the following was the result; whole number workltigtiien to the competition ot convict and At this point Geu. Btitler entered the hall, theirs.". Imported eoutracc labor. It professes grati­ was another long anil exciting discussion. In ot votes cast Ific—aye iS'iO; no, i-in. Thean d was lieartily applauded, i'ho speaker, the nioantlitto two more voles h.xd been gained amendment being defeated, the question resuming, said that the country hud heard re­ Mr. Grady then siwkeof the veto of the tude lo all who were •diaahlcii or died in tlie for Olcvelaiid, and he now had dfl al his hack. now recurred upon tho original resolution, peated promises of reform from the party iu flve-cent bill as taking pennies outot the war leaving a widow and orphuue. It left to Tt was linally agreed that the state should vote which was unanimously adopted. Several power, out had lieen disappointed until there pockets ot the.poor man to put them Into the the Democratic House ot Kepreseiitallvos tie as a unit, but the anli-Clevehitid men InslsleJ resolutions and 6Ub.stitutcs In regard to the is a growing conviction that the only hope Ilea treasury of a vast corporation. Jlc entered in­ hrstellortto iqualize both buuntlea and peu- that an ixpliiniulon ot the vote should be a polntment ot Ihe various committees were in the titter defeat of the party in power. to tho details of the governor's nctloii on tho sl'jiis. It proll'era ,\ pledge to correct the ii- regubirllies ot our tarilf. It erented aud Ims given to the eouvontiou. This was eontedi'd ollcrcd, aud the convention ndjourned until Mr. Vilas Ihilshed his speech at 1 p. m. It railroad commlsBlon bill, and spoke at length liad a vote If.keu upon the Una! motion that 11 o'clocl; to-morrow. in this Biralu. continued them. Ita owu tarilt eommlBslou was devoted principally to au urralKnment ol conlcsaed the need of more than 2o por com. the eliiilr shall nnnounce that forty-nine'.iele. The cominlttee on permanent organization the republcau party. He advised harmony Judge Cochrane of Now York then tonic the .gates ol New I'orU aro for Cleveland and met In the evening and decided to recommend au»l positive action on important questions, Hoor nnd utconded the nomli.atimi of Thur­ reduction. Its congress gave a reduction ot twenlV'three for Bayard, l''lower aud Slocuni, to Ihe convention the name ot Col. VV. F. Vilas and predlctci) victory In November. man, and sliarply scoring Cleveland. less than 4 per cent. It prolessea the protection but that under instructions of the slate con­ of VVIseousln for pcriniiiient chalrmnn, and of American manufaelurcrB. It haa aubjeclcd vention the seventy-two votes arc cast for that the remaining ollicers of the temporary At the conclusion of Mr. V.'las' speech a Edgar K.'Apgar then seconded Cleveland's them toau iucreiituin the llocdot mauiifautur- Cleveland. This inotion adopted, sixty- organization be made permanent. motion was made that the convention proceed nomination. C. U. Alantur ot Mlsaotirl then odgoods and hopeless competition with miiuu- one to eleven, the Taiiiamuy delegates and two atoucetothe nomliiation of a candidate for came forward to second tha iioinluatiou, but facturlug nations not one ot which taxes raw others voting against It. CONTESTED SEATS. president. 'I'his motion gave rise to a very was headed oil by a motion to lake a receas. materials. It prul'eaaes to protect nil Ainer- Tbo comnilttec on eredentliilB appointed hy iiiiimiitod discussion, but linally resulted in The motion caused a contuaeil nnd unimpor­ icanl industriea. , It has mipoverlshed tho the national convention met tn the rooms tant liebate between delegates, a lialf dozen NATIONAL CO.M.MITTEE JIEtrriNCI. ot the Missouri delegation to act , upon the aanouncetncnt by the chair that the roll- many to subsiaiza a few. Jt professes Ithe call ot st'ntcs would proceed tor tho nomioa- speaking at once nnd completely drowning the proti«tloii ot American labor. It has The Democratic National Committee began the credentials of various delegates. A coa- voice ot the clialrnian. Order was practically ita session at noon, Chulrni.'in Baruura presid­ i,est in the Massaebuaelts delegation was miule tlon of a candidate for president, an amend­ depleiedtho returusof Americiui ngricuilure, ment being lirst accepted that no vote betaken abandoned. When the roll of states was call­ ing. The tJtates were represented as follows; In one of the districts, and tlie eontestee and ed tor and begun It proceeded amid great con­ au industry followed by halt our people. It conteatiiiit were notlllod to appear before the on the nomiiiat.ioii until after the platform ia professes the et[uiiltl.y of ail men under the Alabama—-11. Temple. adopted. tusion and was linally dispeiieed with, and . Arnlainsas—,}'oliii ,1, Sumpter. committee at sm adjourned meeting to lie licid llierettpon ensued anotlicr row aa to when tho law, attomptiug to lix tho status of colored •Calltorniii—Jus.t'arley. in the morning. The resolution introducecl in The I oil-call proceeded without a pause until recess should b;taken. A. doleyatefrom Ten­ citizens. 'I'hc acts ot its congress wero ever ColoraiU)—3. .M. Patterson. tlie convent Ion by Senator Voorlieos, grtuitliig Delaware was called, when George. Gray ot nessee moved that the recess be till 10;30 to- sot aside Ijy Ibc declBions of its courts. It "ac­ Ooniu'Cliciit—Will. 11. Barnum. full membership to deletates from territories that state took the platform to nominate Bay­ morrov^ Miisaaehuselta called for the roll of cepts anew tho duty of leading iu the work of Daiawiire—Ignatius (J. Grubb. and tho District ot Columbia was taken up and ard. states, tvhich was accouded by Nchraska and progress and reform." Ils caught criniinalB Fiorkla—Samuel I'uliitou. a committee from the territorial delegations He saU the republican nomination had Hung South Carolina and then abandoned. The aro permitted to escape through contrived •Georgia—George T. iitiirues. wiirc Invited to appear iiutoru the committee deUiince into the face of Aiiierlcau manhood convention reluctantly consented at last to delays or actual connivance in the prosecution lilliiol—W, U. Gowdy. and present their argument. Saniuel Ward of and had shgckcil the cotiselenee of the best adjourn 111110:30. I'ho eonvuiitlon had then honeyeombed with corruption. Outbreaking Indiana—Austin tl. Hi'owii. .Montana, Wm. Dickson and E. D. VVrlglit of men iu the party. Bayard was a itiitu whose beeu In contuiuo'as session upwards ot flvu oxposurci no longer shock its moral sense. Its lown—.VI. M. Ham. the District of Coluinbia tiiade an argument on wisclom nnd experience are known, whose hours. honest inembera, its Itidepoudent journalb, no Ivaiiea.-,—Clias. W, Bhilr. the rights ot territories ro representation and chivalrlc courage would never falter, whose longer maintain a aucceastul contest for au Kentucky—Henry D. iMcUenry. a voice In the selection of the iiatloiml rulers private character would defy tho mullgiinnt During tbo day tho following message waa thority in its couneelsor a veto upon bud notn and the coniiiilttee tin'inlmously resolved to inugtio of Riaudcr. The very opposite of the received hy Butler. iuatious. That a change is necessary is prov­ L'julslana—li. V. .lonas.' recommend the passage ot thereEOlu'i.lon to the Alalne—ISdn.niid Wilson. rcijubllciin candidate. Bnvard would still Ihe New Yohk, July 7. en by an existing surplus of more than iSlOO.- national convention. voice of faction nnd would" carry every doubt Berij. F. Butler, Chicago: OOO.OllO, which has yearly been collceteii from Maryland—Outer bridge Horsey. Your frlenda here advise you to bolt tho con­ ;'Mas'.aehusett..—i'rederlekO. Prince. THE OL'TLOOIC. ful state. n. sullorlcg people. Unnecessary taxation Is As sent t.o the aasoeiateti jiress papers Indiana was e!illei1 and ex-Gov.'.jHendricks vention if a monopolist like Cleveland is nomi­ unjust tiixation. We denouncij the Republi­ Allehimiu—E'lward Ranter. nated. Minnesota—P. H. Kcilcy. thu outlook on the night oC the Sth went to thu platform to nomiunto McDonald. can party for having failed to relieve the puc- •Mississippi-W. T. Alorton. seemed to bu the Hold agaiiiBt There was great applause. He said that the [Slgni'd] , John F. Henuy, ple from the cruahlngwar taxes which have Cleveland, with the opposition leaders devising people demanded a chauge in the innnngement President National Anti-Monopoly Organi­ paralyzed buelness, crippled industry, and de­ Missouri-John J. Pratlier. zation. Nebraska—J. Sterling Morton. plans to coiioolidate tho scattering votcB for of federal affairs and that it the couveiition prived labor ot employment and just reward. Nevada—U. P. Keating. some ono as against the goverjior of Now York. would give tliem halt au opportunity they Butler replied as follows; Tho Democracy pledges itself to purify the New Hampshire—Ah'l'.' Ku'loivay. The night before tho Bayard boom took on uc- would execute that purpose in the elcctlou ot CuiCAOo, July S. administration of corruption, to restore econ­ .Now .lersey—Orestes Cleveland. mistakable proportions, but considerable of a president in tho coining fall. He believed To John F. Henry, Now i.''ork; omy, to revive respect lor ]avf and to reduce New York—Ahrnm 3. Hewitt. his strength deserted him the next day, and that the nominee ol this CLnveution would be I will never agree to the nomination ot a taxation to the lowest limit cousisteut with then a move was made In the direction of the chosen prcslilent ot tho United Slatea, the monopolist. duo regard .to the preacrvatlou ol the fuctol' North Cifrolliia—N. VV. Knnsom. Thurmiin. It is well known that tho Ohio Ohio—Wm. W. Armstrong. flrat Inaugurated Duicoerallc president in •,J4 1 Signed] Benj. F. BuT'rLEit. the debt ol tho nation to Its creditors und delegation had been divided and a strong effort lycars. He spoke of the olllclal corruptions or pensioners. • Oregon—A Moltiier. was made to coni-olidate ita vote for Th'urmiin Peiiiieylvaula—Wm. L. Seott. the Uepublioan party aud referred to Secretary 'I'liiirNtlay, July 10. Knowing lull well, however, that legisla­ on a promise that Massachusetts and a Chandler's recent tcstliuony before the Senate tion affecting tho occupations ol the people lihodc Island—J. ii. Uarnahy. coneidernhlii portion of the south and , South Carolina—W. \V. Dawson. couimittcc In which he said that the detalca- Kov. Goo. C. Lorinier of tho Emanuol should be cautious and conservative in meth­ west would rally to his support. It la claimiid tiona in one of his bureaus wouM not cxecd t03,- od, not iu advance ol public opinion, but rc- Tennessec—Kobort F. Loouey. that a telegram waa sent to Gov. Hoailly ask­ Baptist church opened the convention by pray­ •Texas—F. S. Stockdale. OOO and yet 40 yeursiigo an administration had apunalblo to its demands, th'.! Democratic par­ ing him tint to stand in the way of Thurman, gone down because of it defaloution of 103,000. er. Veriuont—Bradley K. Sinalley. wlio now had an opportunity for a fair race, ty ia pledged to revise tho tariff In a aplrit ot 'Virginia—John S Barbour. and that Mr. McLean Is being urged to the In regard to civil service ha said that The unflnlahcd busincaa ot yesterday—the fairness lo all intercals, but In making the re­ West Virginia—Alexander Campbell. there were men ol ability in the public aeryice roll-call ot the atatcs for the nomination ol duction iu taxes it is not proposed to injure same end. Gov. Butlor sought out Air. McLean und he would not ask that they should be Wlscousiu—Win. F. Vitas. nn,J had a long consultation with him, is Is oandldatee—was resumed. any domestic industries, but rather to pro­ supposed, to this end. Jrivenoutotofllco. None others but such mote their healthy growth. From tho foun­ •rUMPOllAllY CHAIUMAX. should be continued; none but the fittest Tho first state to respond to tho roll-call waa dation of this government taxes coiiocted in Mr. liarncsof Georgia nominated Augustus VV'itU the exception of Maryland It could not should survive, llotcrrlng to tho ftrclgn poli­ Ohio, Col. Thomas B. Powell presenting the tho custom house have been the chief source 0. Bacon, ot Georgia, tor temporary chairmau bo ascertained that any aerioua defection had cy ot tho govoriiiiient, ho said it would be a niimo of Geo. E. Hoadly, of federal revenue. Such they iiiuBt continue. of the convention. occurred in tho columns of Southern States, beautiful spectacle It this republic ao etrong, Moreover, miiiiy Indu.^iries havu como to Mr. Stockdale ot Texas nominated Gov. K. which bad hitherto declared nn adherence to the ao aec.ure auould lead the ualioua In a move­ WhenPcnnaylvanla was called, Senator Wal­ upon legislation lor aiicccssful cootln- B. U'.iht)'ira of Texas. Baynrd movement, Mnrylund decided by a ment for permanent peace and for the relief lace took tho platform and nnilil great applause uaucc, S3 that any change ot law must nt ev­ Mr. Alarlln ot Mississippi nominated Chas. majority of live to vote as auuite on the second of tho people everywhere from the standing proaentcd ot Samuel J, Randall,Gov, Abbott of ery step regard the la'oor and capital thus in­ E. Hooker of Mississippi. ballot for Cleveland. It was stated in a very armies aud wasteful war. He then came volved. The process ol reform must bo subject The Committee proceeded to ballot with positive way, however, that the enoouragctneht down to the main subject of his fi)cech anil New Jereey seconded Randii'l's nomination in the ixecution to this phiiu dictate of jubi.ico. the following result; which tbo Tlmrman movement had received suggested for tho couveution a citizen of the and tho Hon, John W. Cummines otMasschu- All luxation shall be limited to thu I'equlro- The wliolii number ot votes cist wiis 37. would Impel bis formal nomination, and that ataii! ot Indiana, Joseph E. McDonukl. [Ap­ setta made a brief speech sccondbig the noin- inunt of economy In tho goycriimout, 'I'he Hublmni 33 speech would be made by Gen, Breckinridge oC plause] lie sketched Mr. McDonald's career necessary reduction lu taxation cau and must Bncou 9 Kentuek-y, after Bayard. Ttxas is almost un- and declared that if he were in tho White Iratlonof Bayard. ho liTected without depriving Atuerlcau labor Hooker (1 aulinous lor 'I'hurman Houao no man who would go to ace him there No further response was made to of tlic ability to compote sueoesafully with On motion ot Mr. L'rince tho nomination ol WEDNESDAY, JULY 0, would iind fault v/lth the CAndltl, frank man­ the call . until Wlaoonsin was reached, foreign labor und without imposing lower .Hubbard was mcdc unuiiliuous. The convention was opened with prayer hy ner ot his reception. Ku did uot speak lor when .Gen. Edward S. Bragg took the plat­ rates of duty than will be ample lb cuvor any On motion of Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Prince was himselt aloneor Mr. McDonald alone but for tho inereustd cost of production which may oxlat tlio Rt, Kuv, Bishop McLaren, ot the diocese of form In support ot Cliiveland, ond made a very elected temporary secretary of the cotiveution. Chloago, He prayed that the procecdingB great state ot Indiana which had instructed in consequence of llic higher rate of wages ASSISTANT SECUETAItlES. might be tempered by the sober contemplation her delegates to present Mr. McDonald's unino clofiuont address in favor of the uomineo form prevailing lu this country. Sullleient revcuuo to this great conventioii. No matter where tho to pay all expenses ol tho teil. ral govern­ The following were elected assistant soore- of the future, so that future generations might the Empire state. enjoy the results of law-riigulated liberty and Democratic candidate lor thu presidency lived ment iccunouiically administered, Ineludlug • tarles: E. L. Emmett, Illinois; Goo. VV. Guth- Indiana had been always found true, but that At this point tho convention adjourned until pensions. Interest and principal ot thopubiic rio, Pennsylvania; Q. L. Johnson, Iowa; Kob­ not have to sillier the consequences nt a rash dlsregarii ot tho eternal laws ot God.IIe prayed fact should not come in judgment against her. evening. After tho convention re. aaaemblcd tlebt) can be got uuder our pii3aeut sysiomof ert M. B.iBhtord, Wisconsin; Chas. M. Valluu- They ahould not say from election lo election taxation from cuatoms house, taxes ou lower dlpliam, Missouri; Henry J. Lynn, TcnnesBCo; that ihe lullueuoos of patriotism might bo su­ Mr. Henry of .Wlsslasippl oilorea a rceolutlon preme In tho convention, and that all. things and coiivcution to convention that they need imported articles, bearing hoavloat on urticica Michael J, Barrett, . not trouble about ludiuua as her vote waa sure, cxprcBelng I lie admiration ol tho convention ol luxury and bearing lightest on nrticb s of might bo doiio In It for the welfare of tho land lor Samuel J. TilUeni and intcoae regret lor UEABING CLERKS. anil tho glory ot God. but that they must tako caro—he would say by necceaity. We thercloru itenounco the uhusus Following were elected reading clerks; T. O. Mr, JeiiklDS of WlsconslD sent up a com­ way of illustration of New York | Laughter nnU the circumstances which compelled him to de­ of the existing tariff subject to thu prececaina Wulker, Iowa; Thos. S. Pottlt, of house ot munication from tho eommittoe on resolutions applnuse.] Mr. McDonald waa a man ol good cline the noaiinatlon. UmitatloiiB, VVc demand that federal tuxatlou representatives; Nicholas M, Bell,of Missouri; anylng tliat tho work of tho committee would judgment and olhlkh character aud Uls name shall be t'Xelnslvely lor public [lurposea und was presented by a great atnte. Ho thercloro On call ol thii states tho lollowlng were an­ shall uot exceed the needs ol the government ...Tas. E. Morrison ot Now York; H., L. ]3ry,in of not be completed until to-moirow inoruing, nounced as members of the national committee: Delaware; Ansel Oppenh'-lni of iMlnnesota, Mr, Taylor of Arkanaaa, chairman of tho com- presented that uaiue und all he asked was jus­ eeonomieiilly aiimlnistered., 'I'lic B>8ii-m of Ofllclal sienographer—Edward B, Dickinson rnlltec on crojentlala, reported tho list of dele­ tice, Alabama, Henry C.Scmple: Arkansas, 8. W. direct tnxatloii known as the ••internal rev­ of New York, gates with nn amendment giving territorial Geu; Black o(IlllDol»BCcondcd the nomina­ Fordlio;, Califoi nla, M. F. Turnly; Colorado, enue," is a war tax, and 60 long ua the law Sergeint at Arms-Richard J, Bright, , of (leleirates tho right fo vote In the convention. tion of Mr, McDonald. M. a. VVallcr; Connecticut, W. H. Barnum; continues the money derived thi rcfriim shuuld ludianu. Mr. ItandolpUof New Jersey moved an ameud- California tbraua;h John W. Brcckcnrldge— Florida, Sntaueirtsoo;UeorKla, Patrick Walsh; (Conlmued on Seventh Page, that hung about liim liko a . garment. YOUTH'S COLUMN. tho littlo hamlot of Union Hill, an old- WOlVIAN'S DEPARTMENT. Lot liim stretch out bis honey, bloodless fashionod viUago peopled mostly by Rear .Mr.^. .fdm-f, I'm glail you callcJl WlllOlt WAS IT? liopnd yoti'ti iiomu T.o Uay, iuvnd from tho rudo pulpit, aud tho rug­ ' GoruiiiDs, aiul in this village has stood I'lit-Iiioii Notcf. N