MASON; MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1884. NO. 29. VOL. IX. nuiit & Jleeclii^r LOCAL AND (SEKEnAL KEIVS. ASNUAli SCHOOL MEETISU. The trees in the court yard aro under- Iit()ham Ojountg Democrat goinj; a sovoio trimming. Eemarks con­ Will sell you 14 iioiiiids of Graniilatod Su- gnr for §1, and will pay 15 cents por dozen Pnblislied every Tliuraday ' Timo of Holdins tho Annual Moetins cerning the same are numerous nnd varied. CLEVELAND & HENDRICKS ChaDKod to Soptombor. foroggs. Tho little old lesidonoo occupied nnd ». P. WIIITMOUE, Katifieaiion at tlitt Couvt House, Ilnrso r<ir .Sale. The ntinnal school meeting drew out an owned by .rohniiy Parks, on Columbia A throc-yearoldPerclioron, good size, , Jlf.-LSO.V, MICHIGAN. Mason, unusually good attendance Monday evening street, just oast of the railroad, binned to yet splendid roadster for a large horse. En­ T o > ni I r; IIT ! quire hal(-iuilo iiorlh of Mason post-oflico. last, although there was no particular biiai tho ground Sttiiday afternoon. The value On. Vaar, $1.50 ; Six monlhi, 7S cents ; Three Geo. DePew. The ini>c'lins will ho aiUlfCSsed hy iie,?s ol special interest. was but lillle but it was quite a loos to montha, 40 cenli. , Cluslni: Out Sale I TllOS. A. \VII,.SOX, ESQ. The meetiiig was called to order hy Johnny. S. Bartholomew, state agent for tho sale ,A.15iSr33ia'riSI2Ta. : A.vn Moderator J. C. Cannon, and the following Onradvertlslni! rale.s areSUlO per oolnmn poran- Rev. E. H. Jones and MLss Mablo G. L. of tho Louis Cook Buglfics, is now stopping nnni. Bnslness notices Ave cents per lino for eacli HON. MICriAKL A. .SHOEMAKER report was read by Dircclor Geo. W. Bristol VnnValkenburg wore married on Monday at Iho American House and will oll'er tho Insertion. Editorial notices 10 cents. and afterwards accepted and adopted with­ Last Ton Buggies very cheap to close out Ilnsiiiess cauls Sl.OO per line per year. op .iackson, morning last at Rev. D. Baldwin's, as an­ MarrlaKeand death notices Inserted free, Oliltnary Ihe lot. Wn can sell you the Best and out discussion : nounced by the Democrat Inst week. Thoy comments, rosolntlons, cards of tlninks,elc., will hare- No innttor what yoiir past political pref­ Most Durable Buggy for llio price, of any after be charKeil for at the rate of live cents per llne. ANNUAL REPORT OP SCHOOL HOARD, took their departure on the 11 .o'clock a. Correspondence contalnlnK local news. Is aelicited erences may have been, all who favor tho man in tho world, and they are all warrant­ from all parts of the etninty. To the Eleclor.i of School Di.ilrict No. 1 m. train. ed for four years. All EXT. Anonymous coiantnnicalions not Insorlod under nominalinii of Cleveland nnd Hondrichs of the township of Vevay : any circunistanco. aro cofdially iiivilcd to eoino out and assist CIextle.men;—The boai-il of trustees of A postal from F. T. Albright, formerly Tillcu Nation. in ralifyiii),' their iioiniiialion. this district rcspootlilUy snbmit for your of this city, informs us that lie has sold his Having possossio of the book aocotinta JOB PRINTING! cotialderation tho following as a report of stationery biisiticas at Sl. Louis, and also a of .losujili Shaw, blacksmith, previous lo Onrinnleiinlls new nml of the Inlest styles and wo llieir doings I'or tho past year, together with July 8, I desire lo notify all debtors that unaranlmi satisfaction, Lolll in prices and Cool wcailicf this wee!,. similar business he but recently parchasod tpialltv of work. their estimates of tho amount of moiioyro- the same must bo scltlod by cash or nolo" quirod for the proper maintenance of our in Detroit, and is now free lo look up some­ at once. This paper can be fonml on tlio at lieo. P. Rowell & Bead Hunt it BeeoliOf's mv/ locals. Co.'s Nuwsiiaper Advertisiiis lliireau (HI Sin-ncii St.) schools for tlio ensuing year: thing else. Rospoclfully, Ellen Shaw. wlieie advni-tising contracts can be made for lt In nF.cBirrs. The above aoooiiiits may be settled wilh New Vorli. • Uoptiblican county coiivonlion Au;!ust 5. Tlio Loslio Local says the ineroase of Amount on band from last year in tho tench- FiiEO Biucii, . Harvesting is nearly eoinplolod in tlii.s ors ami general fund fl,7l'J Z\ popillalioii ill tliia city was -11 ffoiii 1S80 to Ifrioiiilsof llio 1)i;.M<)l!K<\T Aviiii Amount on hand from last year in hbniry AViiiiluil—An AKDiit ^hiiviilMisliHiss ivitli till) rniimtij vicinity. fund •11 "7 lite presoiit liiiio. and tho iiioroasc iu fjeslio Cimrl will <li> iiH ;i fiiviii- liy ic- Amount on hand In Inilliliiigfilnil (afterwards For tho beautiful, new and interesting book, (Itxisiln;; .Jntl;;ii Olllitiu liuvi) villitgc 42. Just add the diU'erenco between Democratic stale convention at Grand transferred to llio library fund) 10 fiO "Picturesque Washington." A splendid llioir prilifili^ ilniiM ut this itfllcu.. 41 nnd i)9, .Tob, and you will have it correct, opportunity for a good canvasser. Writo [{apids, Auif. 27. Total amount on band from last year ?I,7n7 ."lO Amount raised by tax lt.Sol 24 in regard to Mason. for lerms nnd circular to tho general iigent Ollleial Diieelory. Owen it Warner display a hen's egj; that Receiveil from prhmiry school fund 721 Sl for Michigan, Wm. M. Goldtliwait. Care Received Irem lines (library) IW 80 W. H. Collins, desires to express through of this olUoe. OFFICERS. measures GJxSi inches ia oirouinferenco. Received from tuition non-residont pupils... 2:10 sri Mavnr llAaeitn lUtnii tho columns of the Democrat, his heartfelt Clerk .Si:i.All II. Wonni'.s Total receipts lor tho year rincluding amount NoUvn—Nutllo Up. Oily Mar.sbal Kn. II. Wn.I.HMs It will pay you to come lo town to-ni^ht, on hand 311,107 20 thanks to tho innnager nnd nil hands en­ All persons indebted to the firm of S. P. Treasurer anil OoUeclor , E. A. ll.Mi.vKrt gaged in the Rogers Mniiufacturing Com­ School Inspector CiiAi:i.i;s Ovyn.v to the Cleveland and Hendricks meeting. The e.vpendituros during thu same time, Stroud & Son, by nolo or book account, aro Street Uoiamissiener Pllii.ie Niui; as shown by llio proper vouchers now on lile, pany's shops, for the timely and nnieh requosted to call and settle at once, as I f ......CI.E. Mii-l.Kn Painters liavo been itnproviiijt the ap­ have been as follows : needed aid donated him on account of tho must have tho money. Freo Ij. Stroud. jnatioesof the peace!\yM'.''ii. •ci..liiK pearance of the court house during the past nisnuBS>:MKSTa. accident that befell him last week. Jiiiup-Svnt Cnrrlagii For .Siilu. I S. W. II.MtMONMl weeU. Pnld teachers salaries SVH 7,1 f A. \y. Mi-.inx Paid Janitors 202 4.1 I have a first class new Jump seat Car­ Aldermen at Large.j 1.1). Dwiskm. Quite a company from this city pie-niced Paid lor wood lllO HQ C, D. Herrington, who has boon ^n the riage for sale at ii bargain. Paid for additions to library... .Itl :l.1 , . ... , f'.V... E. (J. RUBSKI.I. at Pine Lahe yesterday and more will go Paid for incidonbil ox|ieiiseri during tbe yitar, county jail in this city for several months R. W. Becker. A Idermen, 1st aru | _ ^ .L. ill. Ph.t.is Including supplies for school, repairs on past, and whoso name has figured so prom­ Drain Tito unit llrlvic „ . ... (.0.1'". lltiow.N to-morrow. furnaces, kalsoiiilning, painting, ,tc 217 V) Aldurnien, 2d\\ard.J^ y. y,^ lloWAao inently in tho Cmnoh case, was taken to Are snocossfiilly inanulhclured on tho old supervisor, Isl ward v Amount on hand at tills date... 1,750 .LI Fowler it Dura of this city, have rroiio to Steel Brick Yard at Mason. Our first kiln Siipi.Tvisor.2d waril.... ...G. >. u.vY Total amount of o.\pomlitnr3s, including Jackson last Friday evening to he hold opened Juno 10. Sizes of tile from 2 to (! Grand Ijedgo to open a new bakery and amount on hand.... $0,107 20 thoro as a witness, having served his sen COUNTY OFFICERS inches, well burned, straight, round, strong. Siiorllf 'files. MuKnnN.\.s' restaurant, The board has made a careful estimate tence in the Ingham county jail. Treasurer WlllT.vnv .loNi-.s of tho probable necessities of tho district Prices low. Call nt factory and see them, Olark John W. Wii.ii.t.os M. D. True has this week completed a or send for price list and terms. ];n.-is;.,r T. R- Jtesnr.a for the ensuing year, and find that the sum Tho Michigan association of spiritualists Jnd«eof I'rol.ate 0. E. Glt.l.,(M reservoir well on his premises corner D and of S.l,.000.00 will bo required to maintain Bauker it Co. will hold their annual camp meeting this Pros.Atlnrnuv - l.H.^tenel.s our schools during that.time, wliich would Do Vitii Witiiti II Ciirrlaeo '.' „ , „ , ( I.U. SuuiKlia Elm streets. be apporliotied as follows: year on the fair grounds at Lnnsingj Aug CircultOotirlOom'rs < ,lollssi>N If so, it will pny you to call on the agent .T. V. .Tohiison, tho founder of this paper, For leachors ?,1,G.in 00 ust Vth to ISth. A, B. French, Giles B. at tlio Aineriean House in this city, and Surveyor "i!Zi:ZZZl..a., IlKSU v K.ruKi:st.\ Sm;iJNs Ii'or iaiiiliirs .TOO 00 save money and get a bettor one by pur­ OoroiiorH, ^ .
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