Michigan . Thursday . July 1 7 , 1 8 8
MASON; MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1884. NO. 29. VOL. IX. nuiit & Jleeclii^r LOCAL AND (SEKEnAL KEIVS. ASNUAli SCHOOL MEETISU. The trees in the court yard aro under- Iit()ham Ojountg Democrat goinj; a sovoio trimming. Eemarks con Will sell you 14 iioiiiids of Graniilatod Su- gnr for §1, and will pay 15 cents por dozen Pnblislied every Tliuraday ' Timo of Holdins tho Annual Moetins cerning the same are numerous nnd varied. CLEVELAND & HENDRICKS ChaDKod to Soptombor. foroggs. Tho little old lesidonoo occupied nnd ». P. WIIITMOUE, Katifieaiion at tlitt Couvt House, Ilnrso r<ir .Sale. The ntinnal school meeting drew out an owned by .rohniiy Parks, on Columbia A throc-yearoldPerclioron, good size, , Jlf.-LSO.V, MICHIGAN. Mason, unusually good attendance Monday evening street, just oast of the railroad, binned to yet splendid roadster for a large horse. En T o > ni I r; IIT ! quire hal(-iuilo iiorlh of Mason post-oflico. last, although there was no particular biiai tho ground Sttiiday afternoon. The value On. Vaar, $1.50 ; Six monlhi, 7S cents ; Three Geo. DePew. The ini>c'lins will ho aiUlfCSsed hy iie,?s ol special interest. was but lillle but it was quite a loos to montha, 40 cenli. , Cluslni: Out Sale I TllOS. A. \VII,.SOX, ESQ. The meetiiig was called to order hy Johnny. S. Bartholomew, state agent for tho sale ,A.15iSr33ia'riSI2Ta. : A.vn Moderator J. C. Cannon, and the following Onradvertlslni! rale.s areSUlO per oolnmn poran- Rev. E. H. Jones and MLss Mablo G. L. of tho Louis Cook Buglfics, is now stopping nnni.
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