BRR – List of Approved Projects

Organization Project ACDI/VOCA Economic recovery through community action ACTED Emergency assistance to shelter and water and sanitation systems rehabilitation in Kec. Lahewa, Kab. Nias ACTED Support to recovery of fishery economic activity in Kec. Samatiga, Kab. Barat Action Contre la Faim Water and Sanitation Action Contre la Faim Food Security AMURT Permanent TK Bada AMURT Permanent TK Peukan Bada AMURT Permanent SDN1 Peukan Bada Asian Development Bank Community Water Services and Health Aceh/Nias-North Project Asian Development Bank Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) – HOUSING component Asian Development Bank Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) Asian Development Bank Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) Asian Development Bank Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) Asian Development Bank Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) AUSTCARE Lam Bada Lhok Community Livelihoods AUSTCARE Secondary Crop Farming in Pidie District Australia Partnership Support to local governance in Aceh for Reconstruction and Development (AIPRD) Australia Indonesia Partnership Aceh Rehabilitation Program: Education Sector Assistance for Reconstruction and Development (AIPRD) Australian Agency for Hospital Restoration International Development (AusAID) CARITAS Sustainable Livelihoods and Strengthening Community Organizations in Kecamatan Jaya Caritas Czech Republic MAN2 School reconstruction Catholic Relief Services CRS Aceh Community-Based Recovery And Development, "ACCORD" Catholic Relief Services Reconstruction of Mon Ikun Village Catholic Relief Services Reconstruction of Gurah Village Catholic Relief Services Reconstruction of the villages of Lampuyang, Palo, and Blang Situngkoh on Pulo Aceh Catholic Relief Services Reconstruction of the villages Lam Lumpu, Lam geue, and Rima Kaneurum Catholic Relief Services City Park Restoration, Catholic Relief Services Water and Sanitation system in Lam Sujen and Krueng Kala, Lhoong sub district Catholic Relief Services Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Banda Aceh Catholic Relief Services Banda Aceh Fishing Market Vitalization Children on the Edge Neuheun Child and Community Centre Comite d'Aide Medicale Primary and Secondary Health Care and Water and Sanitation Assistance, completed by a pyschosocial project in the same areas Concern Worldwide Concern Simeulue Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Program Concern Worldwide Poulua Nasi – Infrastructure Reconstruction Concern Worldwide Poulua Nasi – Shelter Reconstruction Concern Worldwide Environmental Health & Livelihoods Program -(Water and Sanitation) Concern Worldwide Aceh Besar - Education Material Re-Supply Concern Worldwide Education Material Re-Supply Concern Worldwide Poulua Nasi – School & Community Buildings Reconstruction Concern Worldwide Banda Aceh & Aceh Besar – School Reconstruction Concern Worldwide Poulua Nasi – Livelihood Support & Development Conservation International Sustain Sumatra Alliance – Aceh Livelihood and Land Use Rehabilitation Program Indonesia East-West Higher Education Rebuilding Higher Education in Aceh ECHO Support to recovery of fishery economic activity in Kec. Samatiga, Kab. Aceh Barat Emergency Architects Housing - Reconstruction Emergency Architects Reconstruction of T.P.I. Pasi Pekan Baro Emergency Architects Road Reconstruction, Pasi Rawa to Pasi Pekan Baro. Organization Project Emergency Architects Schools - Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Emergency Architects Trawler Repair and Removal Emergency Architects Sampan (4m boat) Construction Enfants Refugies du Monde Educative and psychosocial support for children & their families affected by the Tsunami Enterprise Works / VITA Aceh Recovery and Reconstruction Program Fondation de France Rehabilitation of water and sanitation systems in Kab. Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya French Government Reconstruction French Government Permanent house reconstruction program and economic recovery for fishermen communities in Kec. Simpang Tiga, Kab. Pidie French Government Rehabilitation and support to recovery of economic activities – Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Waste Management French Government Training for Sub-districts officers of Aceh in Development Planning French Government Training in Sustainable Coastal Development French Government Psycho-social support through access to vocational training French Government Twinning and sponsoring of schools in the area affected by tsunami in Sumatra French Government 13 school reconstruction and rehabilitation French Government Support to recovery of fishery economic activity in Kec. Samatiga, Kab. Aceh Barat French Government Reactivation of the fishery sector: infrastructure and boat construction, cold chain and commercialization supply facilities in Aceh Besar GenAssist Mapping GenAssist Build Artesian Well GenAssist Generator GenAssist Housing GenAssist Mukim Warehouse GenAssist School Kits GenAssist Land clearing GenAssist Soil testing GenAssist Chili Planting GenAssist Repair shop GenAssist Building 17 becaks GenAssist Doy River Cleaning GTZ GTZ/AMURT Neuheun House Reconstruction Project GTZ GTZ/AMURT Neuheun House Repair Project GTZ GTZ/CARE International Pilot House Project GTZ Tibang School Project GTZ Neuheun Brick Factory Repair/Reconstruction Handicap International Aceh reconstruction and accessibility for persons with disabilities to the new environment HOPE International Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Buildings, at Dept of Agriculture Dinas Perkebunan HOPE International Building Rehabilitation/ Construction at SMP17 school in Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh HOPE International Farmer’s Extension Facility IACO (International Aid and Reconstruction of Batee Bridge, Pasir Gentang, Pidie Cooperation Organization) IACO (International Aid and Engineering Analysis of Infrastructure on Simeulue Cooperation Organization) International Medical Corps Rehabilitation and support of clinics in Nias, North Sumatra International Medical Corps Rehabilitation and support of Gunungsitoli Hospital, Nias, North Sumatra IRC-CARDI Environmental Health Interventions for survivors of the December 2004 Tsunami and the March Nias earthquake IRC-CARDI Child and Youth Development and Protection for survivors of the December 2004 Tsunami and the March Nias earthquake IRC-CARDI Community Regeneration Program IRD Aceh Community Empowerment Program John Hopkins Bloomberg HOPE Indonesia (Hospital Preparedness for Emergencies) KNK Mobile Care for children affected by Tsunami Medecins Du Monde France Support to re-establishment of primary health care services (including mental health) and (MDM) support to re-establishment of Abidin hospital services Medicos Del Mundo (MDM- Reconstruction Restoration of Primary Health Care Center Spain) Merlin To prevent excess morbidity and mortality amongst the populations of tsunami affected Organization Project regions of Aceh Province & Northern Sumatra MSF France Medical Assistance in Pidie District Muslim Aid Habitat (housing, water & sanitation) for fishing village communities Planete Urgence 1. Computer classes for IDP women 2. English classes for IDP women 3. Children activities (Play time) 4. Information support for the Humanitarian Community in Aceh Solidarites Assistance for the IDPs in Aceh Singkil Solidarites Emergency response for the displaced populations, victim of the tsunami and earthquake Solidarites 8 Schools reconstruction and rehabilitation Solidarites Rehabilitation of the agricultural means in the tsunami affected area TALO Traditional arts and dance lessons for IDP children The Mentor Initiative Rebuild capacity of Communicable Disease Control (CDC) of the Provincial Health Office (PHO) and 21 District Health Offices (DHOs) THW Rehabilitation of the City Council THW Rehabilitation of wells THW Upgrading of the spring in Glee Taron THW Reconstruction Waterworks THW Upgrading Spring Jantho THW Rehabilitation of wells THW Rehabilitation of the Library Badan Perpustakaan THW Rehabilitation/Reconstruction TK Bhayangkari THW Rehabilitation/Reconstruction SMP3 THW Rehabilitation/Reconstruction SDN97 Lamtemen Timur THW Rehabilitation of the General Hospital Triangle Generation Psychological support and strengthen social and community links into the displaced Humanitaire (TGH) population of Tsunami victims UNICEF Emergency Water and Environmental Sanitation for Nangnroe Aceh Darrussalam and North Sumatra Provinces UNICEF Child Protection for Nangroe Aceh Darrussalam and North Sumatra Provinces UNICEF Basic Education UNICEF Emergency Health and Nutrition for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra Provinces World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Permanent Housing World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: TLC and Community Buildings Shelter World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Water/Sanitation World Vision Lamno: Permanent Housing World Vision Lamno: TLCs World Vision Lamno: Water and Sanitation Activities World Vision Lhoong: Permanent Housing World Vision Lhoong: TLC Shelter World Vision Lhoong: Water and Sanitation Activities World Vision Meulaboh: Community Buildings World Vision Meulaboh: Permanent Housing World Vision Meulaboh: Water and Sanitation Activities World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Child Friendly Activities World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Food Distribution World Vision Lamno: Child Friendly Activities World Vision Lhoong: Child Friendly Activities World Vision Meulaboh: Child Friendly Activities World Vision Meulaboh: General Food Distribution World Vision Nias: General Food Distribution World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Education Hardware World Vision Education Software World Vision Lamno: Education Hardware-Reconstruction World Vision Lamno: Education Hardware-Rehabilitation World Vision Lamno: Education Software World Vision Lhoong: Education Hardware World Vision Lhoong: Education Software Organization Project World Vision Meulaboh: Education Hardware World Vision Nias: Education Hardware World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Health Hardware World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Health Software World Vision Lamno: Health Hardware World Vision Lamno: Health Software World Vision Lhoong: Health Hardware World Vision Lhoong: Health Software World Vision Meulaboh: Health Software World Vision Banda Aceh/Aceh Besar: Economic Recovery/Livelihoods World Vision Lamno: Economic Recovery/Livelihoods World Vision Lhoong: Economic Recovery/Livelihoods World Vision Meulaboh: Infrastructure Reconstruction World Vision Meulaboh: Economic Recovery/Livelihoods Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Building to house 4 laboratories Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Shelter/Construction Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Water Sanitation Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Dormitory for Female Students Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Build a Kindergarten Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Support Reading and Activity Center Yayasan Sosial Kreasi School Uniforms, Supplies and Textbook Distribution Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Junior High/LAB School Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Teacher Training Center Support Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Mobile Health Clinics Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Agriculture Yayasan Sosial Kreasi Brick Factory Project