802 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS The Condor962702-805 0 The CooperOrnithological Society 1994 ACTIVITY, SURVIVAL, INDEPENDENCE AND MIGRATION OF FLEDGLING GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOOS ’ MANUEL SOLER, Jo& JAVIER PALOMINO AND JUAN GABRIEL MARTINEZ Departamento de Biologia Animal y Ecologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidadde Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain JUANJosh SOLER Department of Zoology, Uppsala University, Villaviigen9, S-772 36 Uppsala, Sweden Key words: Broodparasitism;Clamator glandarius; description of the study site is given in Soler (1990) Great SpottedCuckoo; magpie; parental care:Pica pica; and Soler et al. (in press). post-fledgingdependence. In all nests found, chicks were banded with num- bered aluminium rings (Spanish Institute for Nature Parental care of fledglingstends to last at least as long Conservation-ICONA). In 1991, a total of 19 Great as that of nestlings, and in some casestwice as long Spotted Cuckoo chicksreared in 13 parasitizedmagpie (Skutch 1976). The post-fledging dependence period nests were fitted with radiotransmitters. In 1992, 21 (hereafter called fledalina DeiiOd)is critical for iuvenile cuckoochicks and four magpiechicks were radio-tagged. survival (Royama 1$66rSullivan 1989) and the prob- In 1992, only one cuckoo chick in each nest was pro- ability of survival to independence appears to be an vided with a radiotransmitter and all were weighed adequate estimate of relative probabilities of survival with a 300 g Pesola spring balance one or two days to breeding in many bird species(Magrath 1991). before they left the nest. Other cuckoo chicks in these For avian brood parasites,very little is known about nestswere given a unique combination of color bands the behavior of foster parents in relation to their fledg- to enable individual recognition.
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