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Polistes Wasps and Their Social Parasites: an Overview

Polistes Wasps and Their Social Parasites: an Overview

Ann. Zool. Fennici 43: 531–549 ISSN 0003-455X Helsinki 29 December 2006 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2006

Polistes and their social parasites: an overview

Rita Cervo

Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica, University of Florence, via Romana 17, I-50125 Florence, (e-mail: rita.cervo@unifi.it)

Received 10 Dec. 2005, revised version received 29 Nov. 2006, accepted 6 May 2006

Cervo, R. 2006: wasps and their social parasites: an overview. — Ann. Zool. Fennici 43: 531–549.

Severe brood care costs have favoured the evolution of cheaters that exploit the paren- tal services of conspecifics or even heterospecifics in both and social . In Polistes paper wasps, three have lost worker castes and are dependent on hosts to produce their sexuals, while other species use hosts facultatively as an alternative to caring for their own brood. This paper offers an overview of the , strategies and tricks used by Polistes social parasites to successfully enter and exploit social systems. Moreover, it also focuses on the analogous solutions adopted by the well-known birds, and stresses the evolutionary convergence between these two phy- logenetically distant taxa. A comparative analysis of life-history patterns, as well as of phylogenetic relationships of living facultative and obligate parasitic species in Polistes wasps, has suggested a historical framework for the evolution of social in this group. As with avian brood parasites, the analysis of and counter adaptation dynamics should direct the future approach for the study of social parasitism in Polistes wasps. The Polistes parasite–host system seems a suitable candidate for a model system in coevolutionary arms race studies, just as Polistes paper wasps have been considered for many years a model for sociobiological studies.

Introduction The form of exploitation is diversified: some individuals usurp only the structure, saving In many species, adults invest a large amount of time to immediately start their own brood rear- energy to care for their own brood. For example, ing; others exploit food or material stored in many build elaborate where they alien nests, using these resources for their own rear brood, usually for a significant amount of young; finally, others use the work of different time, providing it with both food and protec- individuals to rear their own brood and special- tion. The high cost of parental care have induced ise in reproduction only. In this latter case, hosts some individuals to develop strategies to reduce spend time and energy raising parasitic young time and energy involved in this activity by that have no genetic value for them, reducing or exploiting the work of conspecifics or even het- fully annulling their own reproductive success. erospecifics (Davies et al. 1989). Freedom from These exploitation forms range from brief intru- these parental care costs often permits females to sions in alien nests to long parasite–host cohabi- redirect all efforts to an increase in their tations that require elaborate tricks to fool their own fecundity. host. The simplest form of parasitic relationship 532 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 is facultative parasitism, in which the parasite widespread in primitively eusocial species such exploits the parental services of conspecifics as ( consists entirely or heterospecifics as an alternative strategy to of obligate social parasites of Bombus species, rear their own brood. For other species, called Alford 1975) and allodapine (Michener obligate parasites, the complete dependence on 1974), but most recently studied in the highly a heterospecific is the only available strategy to eusocial Cape honeybee (Neumann et al. 2001, rear their young, as obligate parasites have com- Moritz & Neumann 2002). Among wasps, pletely lost the capacity to build a nest or to care obligate social parasites are known in the sub- for their own brood. families of Vespinae (4 species) and These parasitic strategies are widespread (3 species), but no cases are reported for the among species that usually build a nest, and Stenogastrinae subfamily. Although, some cases whose young need substantial care before gain- of interspecific occupation of a nest by two spe- ing independence. In fact, brood parasitism cies of hover wasps has been reported (Turillazzi seems limited to those groups whose et al. 1998). Facultative parasites are common in young hatch in a helpless state and are depend- all these groups (Field 1992), but a recent ent on parents for food. These young have vari- review shows that ‘ dumpers’ are also present ous degrees of morphological degeneration (e.g. in other insect orders (Tallamy 2005). altricial chicks in birds or apod larvae in insects) Both facultative and obligate, intraspecific that make them unable to move, shelter, or feed and interspecific, avian brood parasites adopt a themselves. unique parasitic strategy: when nest owners are Obligate brood parasitism is widespread in absent, the parasite quickly lays a single egg in birds and has independently evolved in seven a host nest and leaves without providing parental avian groups (Payne 1977). Approximately 1% care. The host then incubates the parasitic egg — corresponding to 95 species — of extant birds with its own , and raises the alien young, are brood parasites, and all but one (the black- even if doing so it affects its own reproductive headed duck) have altricial young. Although success. birds are the best known parasitic vertebrates, Similar to birds, social insects perform facul- some cases of brood parasitism have been tative and obligate, interspecific and intraspecific reported among freshwater fish (Sato 1986, Baba parasitism, but they show a larger variety of et al. 1990) and mammals (Jones 2005). Among parasitic strategies. The most intriguing of which , social parasitism is common in is represented by slave-maker . Slave-maker social insects (Wilson 1971); it is widespread in ants steal pupae from host nests and use the cap- but unknown in Isoptera, although tives as slaves in their own colony; these slaves the latter is composed entirely of eusocial spe- work for their kidnappers and perform all the cies. tasks necessary for colonial life (Hölldobler & The Hymenoptera — ants, bees and wasps Wilson 1990, D’Ettorre & Heinze 2001). Klep- — are holometabolus insects and, as with birds, toparasitism is known in some ants and bees their immature are unable to attend to their (Wilson 1971); for example, meliponinae bees of own needs. Thus, they require a large energetic the Lestrimelitta genus enter other nests to steal investment by provisioning adults. Isoptera, stored food (Sakagami & Laroca 1963). Females alternatively, are hemimetabolus, meaning that of some , , and species are unable to after egg hatching, their immatures are inde- found a nest and have lost the worker caste; they pendent and can immediately contribute to the live in the host nest relying exclusively on host colony. This remarkable difference in develop- workers (Wilson 1971). The variety of parasitic mental patterns may explain the lack of parasit- strategies in social insects probably reflects the ism in termites. diversity of social organization and/or social Social parasites are particularly common behaviour of potential hosts. among ants, where more than 200 species have It has been suggested that similar selective been described (Buschinger 1986, Hölldobler & pressures have driven the evolution of social/ Wilson 1990). Among bees, social parasitism is brood parasitism both in birds and insects ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 533

Fig. 1. Distribution of Polistes genus and of the three species of Polistes obligate social parasites.

(Davies et al. 1989, Brockmann 1993, Cervo et parasites (Wilson 1971), Polistes inquilines have al. 2004a), but that each has developed differ- a patchy distribution within their area, where ent parasitic strategies. Aristotle first described they can be locally abundant. Overlapping with breeding behaviour 2300 years ago. Since the obligate social parasites are six independent then, enormous advances in our understanding of founding Polistes species: P. dominulus, P. gal- avian brood parasites have occurred. The study licus, P. nimphus, P. associus, P. bishioffi and of social parasitism in insects has a much shorter P. biglumis. All of them, except for the latter, history but the research in this area is progress- are lowland species with simpatric distribution, ing rapidly. As these two fields develop so does while P. biglumis is strictly a mountain species. our awareness of analogous solutions adopted in Each of them, except for P. bishioffi, represents response to similar selective pressures by phylo- the host species of at least one of the three obli- genetically distant taxa. gate parasites. In this review, I provide a framework of the The phylogenetic relationships of this group, ecology, ethology, and evolution of social para- investigated first by Carpenter et al. (1993) who sitism in Polistes wasps based on twenty years of performed cladistic analyses using allozyme research (see Cervo & Dani 1996). I also provide data, did not support a close relationship between evidence for the evolutionary convergence of each parasite and its hosts, as was predicted brood parasitic birds and wasps. by Emery’s rule (1909). The latter, in its strict form, states that social parasitic species are more closely related to their hosts than to any other Geographic distribution and free-living species (Lowe et al. 2002). phylogenetic relationships Phylogenetic analysis of the same European Polistes species using mitochondrial 16S rRNA There are more than 200 species in the genus (Choudary et al. 1994) provided evidence for Polistes (Akre 1982, Carpenter 1996). Species in monophyly for the three species of social para- this genus show a cosmopolitan distribution glo- sites (Fig. 2). These molecular data, together bally (Reeve 1991), although they are more con- with their restricted distribution, suggest that centrated in the tropics and are rarer in the colder social parasitism arose only once in Polistes areas of the world (Fig. 1). Among them, only genus, probably in the Mediterranean basin from three species of obligate social parasites have a common ancestor. Moreover, the phylogenetic been described: P. sulcifer, P. atrimandibularis, tree shows that the three species of obligate and P. semenowi. The distribution of obligate social parasites are more closely related to P. social parasites is limited to areas around the nimphus and P. dominulus than to P. gallicus Mediterranean and the Caspian basins (Fig. 1), and P. biglumis (Fig. 2). An analysis performed where they are very rare. As other insect social using morphological, molecular, and behavioural 534 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationships among European Fig. 3. Parasitic relationships among the three species Polistes species. The names of obligate social parasite of Polistes obligate social parasites (at the top) and species are set in boldface. their host species (at the bottom). The lines match each parasite species with its respective host species. data (Carpenter 1997) confirms this phylogenetic reconstruction. the former a typical mountain species. Now, Studies on other insect social parasite–host we know that the latter parasite can success- pairs have both supported and rejected Emery’s fully usurp and exploit three more host species rule (for Vespinae: Varvio-Aho et al. [1984], (P. dominulus, P. nimphus, P. associus) than Carpenter & Perera [2006]; for allodapine bees: was previously reported. Therefore, this parasite Lowe & Crozier [1997]; for bumblebees: Pamilo can be considered a generalist, in contrast to et al. [1987]; for ants: Bourke & Franke [1991], the other two Polistes inquiline species. Host Ward [1996], Savolainen & Vepsäläinen [2003], specificity seems to be a widespread condition Sumner et al. [2004]), suggesting that this rule among insect social parasites (see Wilson 1971); cannot be generalized for social parasitism in e.g. parasitic ants are generally specialized on the Hymenoptera. The molecular phylogenetic a single species. Nevertheless, not all the spe- reconstructions of groups containing social para- cies of insect social parasites are specialists (see sites suggest that, in insects, social parasites can Bogusch et al. 2006). evolve through both allopatric and sympatric It has been proposed that one of the results (Lowe et al. 2002). of arms race between the parasite and its host is the specialization of the parasite to just one host species (Timms & Read 1999). A successful par- Parasitic relationship among asite–host interaction requires parasite speciali- European Polistes wasps zation in the host communication mechanisms in order to better deceive the host recognition Obligate parasites system (Buschinger 1986). Therefore, each para- site species should not be effective on more than Recently, we acquired additional information one host species. For example, P. sulcifer exclu- about the parasitic relationships between Polistes sively usurps P. dominulus (Fig. 3), even in areas social parasites and their hosts. The previous where additional species are present (Cervo & scheme of parasitic relationship reported by Turillazzi 1996). This specific host selection was Cervo and Dani (1996) has been changed (Fig. confirmed using choice laboratory experiments 3) according to the new findings in P. atrimand- in which a P. sulcifer female was offered differ- ibularis (Fanelli et al. 2001). Polistes atrimand- ent nests of the most common European species ibularis was known to be the social parasite of P. (Cervo & Turillazzi 1996). biglumis and P. gallicus (Scheven 1958, Cervo P. semenowi is reported as a social parasite of et al. 1992), two non-sympatric species, with two sympatric and sister species, P. nimphus and ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 535

P. dominulus (Fig. 3). However, while reports on gies, however, brood parasites had to specialize P. dominulus are very well documented (unpub- (Rothstein & Robinson 1998). An alternative lished data by our research group), reports on P. view is presented by molecular analysis on cow- nimphus are very scattered, and only two parasit- birds (Lanyon 1992), where host specificity is ized nests were found, one by Scheven (1958) suggested as the primitive condition, and gener- and one by Demolin and Martin (1980). It is very alism as the derivative. likely that the parasitic relationship between P. Among the generalist avian brood parasites, semenowi and P. nimphus is an accidental and the , canorus, shows rare event, and the general ability to parasitize a well-studied pattern of host use. It is known several host species seems to be unique to P. that individual females of this parasite tend to atrimandibularis. specialize on one particular host species, and In addition to having the ability to parasit- lay eggs that match the eggs of their respec- ize a broad range of hosts, P. atrimandibularis tive hosts. This means that Cuculus canorus is can parasitize them all in the same locality. Our sub-divided into separated host races, which are studies on P. atrimandibularis showed that it is referred to as gentes (De Brooke & Davies 1988). not the lack of common host nests that induces Although genetic studies have been carried out a shift towards new hosts (Fanelli et al. 2001). to explore how the difference in egg In addition, field data showed that the parasite is maintained (Gibbs et al. 1996, Marchetti et has the same success in usurping all three host al. 1998), only recently has it been shown that species (Fanelli et al. 2001), which suggests that females are involved in host-specific race forma- P. atrimandibularis is a true generalist. When tion (genetic factors for colour pattern are linked a Polistes generalist parasite coexists with a with mitochondrial DNA), while males maintain specialist one — e.g. P. atrimandibularis and the genetic cohesion within species by randomly P. sulcifer in our studied areas (Fanelli et al. mating with females (Gibbs et al. 2000). 2001; R. Cervo pers. obs.) — there is an overlap The generalist nature of P. atrimandibularis in the host species chosen, as both parasitize gives us the opportunity to test whether host spe- P. dominulus. Alternatively, the two specialist cific races are present in an insect social parasite. parasites, P. sulcifer and P. semenowi, who both In other words, we tested whether P. atrimand- use the same host species (P. dominulus), are not ibularis is truly a generalist or individual female found in (R. Cervo pers. obs.). exploits just one host species. The specialization The limited number of hosts used by P. sul- at an individual level could explain the long- cifer and P. semenowi could be due to their large term use of several host species of this parasite. body size, which limit usurpable host species The process of specialization at an individual (Cervo & Turillazzi 1996). Alternatively, Fanelli level could be accelerated by parasite et al. (2005) suggested that the broader range of matching with one host. As expected, there is host species found in P. atrimandibularis results a difference in the size of parasites reared from from the lack of size constraints of this species: different host species (Fanelli et al. 2005), as P. atrimandibularis is smaller than the other two brood cell sizes differ markedly among host spe- social parasites (R. Cervo unpubl. data), and cies. The emerging parasite population differs is the only parasite compatible in size with the in size, with smaller individuals emerging from smaller European Polistes species (P. gallicus, P. nests of P. gallicus and P. associus and larger associus, P. biglumis). from P. dominulus nests. Although these findings Generalists, as well as specialists, are known could suggest host race formation, with smaller among avian brood parasites, where the number parasites usurping only smaller host species, P. of hosts can range from 1 to 100 for atrimandibularis usurpers do not match body (Rothstein & Robinson 1998) and from 1 to 200 size with host species (Fanelli et al. 2005); all for (Lanyon 1992). Traditionally, it has successful parasites were large and matched in been hypothesised that the first brood parasite size with the parasites emerging from P. dominu- was a generalist, which increased host encounter lus (Fanelli et al. 2005). Moreover, microsatellite probability. As hosts developed defence strate- genetic analysis, on P. atrimandibularis females 536 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 who enclosed on nests of different host species colonies that I checked lasted beyond a very ini- show no evidence for genetically distinct host tial stage of the colony cycle and did not produce races (Fanelli et al. 2005). We suggested (Fanelli workers or reproductives. et al. 2005) that the lack of host genetic differen- The parasitic relationship between P. nim- tiation in P. atrimandibularis is due to the usur- phus and P. dominulus represents a real exam- pation method used by Polistes parasites, namely ple of the second step of parasitism in Taylor’s to deceive the host chemical cue recognition scheme (Taylor 1939), with P. nimphus usurpers system by allowing the parasites to acquire any successfully exploiting P. dominulus colonies colonial odour after usurpation (Sledge et al. (Cervo et al. 2004b). Polistes nimphus seems to 2001, Lorenzi et al. 2004, Lorenzi 2006). On be specialized on usurping P. dominulus nests, the contrary, the cuckoo strategy — based on a even when another potential host, P. gallicus, specific egg colour pattern — is more rigid and is present in the same area. If the simplest form requires a genetic egg pattern mimicry. How- of interspecific parasitism (facultative) requires ever, a recent study (Bogusch et al. 2006) dem- phylogenetic proximity (Fig. 2), followed by onstrates that exactly as in avian cuckoos, each chemical and behavioural similarity between female of two generalist cuckoo bees species the two involved species, we can understand tends to attack just one host species. the unsuccessful interspecific usurpations of P. dominulus of P. gallicus, and the lack of usurpa- tion attempts of P. gallicus by P. nimphus (see Facultative parasites Fig. 2).

Recently, it has been reported that P. nimphus is a peculiar relative of other free-living Polistes Morphological specializations of wasps, as it is the only known species that regu- usurpers to parasitic life larly performs successful interspecific facultative temporary parasitism (Cervo 1998, Cervo et al. Obligate parasites 2004b). Until now, very little was known about this intermediate form of parasitism, in which Parasites can evolve several morphological fea- a foundress of an independent nesting species tures to improve their capacity to exploit hosts. usurps a colony of another species. Observa- Few morphological specializations to parasitic tions of the contemporary occupation of the habit are reported in brood parasite birds, as same nest by two different Polistes species are no interactions occur between parasite females few and sporadic. Snelling (1952) discovered and parental hosts since most brood parasites one colony of P. fuscatus usurped by P. apachus approach host nests very stealthily during the without furnishing any additional information on host’ absence (reviewed by Rothstein & Robinson this example. Hunt and Gamboa (1978) reported [1998]). After a quick egg deposition, they leave two nests occupied by P. metricus and P. fus- the host nest, fully delegating and catus. O’Donnell and Jeanne (1991) observed young care to host parents. In cuckoos, female the development of one colony of P. instabi- is less conspicuous than male plumage to lis usurped by P. canadensis and Giovannotti facilitate this stealthy approach, while the bright (1995) noticed one nest of P. versicolor usurped colours of the males help them to attract host by P. lanio. Reports on interspecific facultative attention which favours female nest entry (Duck- parasitism are more common with European worth 1991). In insects, social parasites must species. P. dominulus foundresses are able to enter a host society and be accepted as a colony usurp colonies of P. gallicus (Cervo & Dani member. Therefore, their morphological speciali- 1996, unpubl. data) and P. nimphus invade colo- zations are more conspicuous. The latter are used nies of P. dominulus (Cervo 1998, Cervo et al. to improve both their fighting equipment to enter 2004b). The interspecific relationship between P. host colony (e.g. enlarged mandibles or strong dominulus and P. gallicus was never successful: sting), and their means (e.g. specialized glands for none of the 6 mixed P. dominulus–P. gallicus chemicals production) to mimic the hosts’ chemi- ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 537 cal communication (see Wilson 1971, Buschinger that of the host queens (Reed & Akre 1982, 1986). Many insect social parasites have evolved Ondricek-Fallacheer 1992), the sting of Polistes a large set of morphological modifications (see social parasites is not different from that of Wilson 1971) resulting from the reduction or lack host foundresses (Cervo 1994). This is expected of colonial activity, such as nest building (e.g. loss because no parasite sting use occurs during usur- of wax glands in bees) and foraging (e.g. lack of pation struggles. No morphological features con- the pollen baskets, reduction of wing venation as nected to the reduction in some colonial activ- well as eyes and mouth parts). ity has been found in Polistes obligate social The evident morphological features of the parasites (Cervo 1994), suggesting a low level of three Polistes obligate social parasites were suf- specialization of these inquilines. ficient to taxonomically separate them (in the Sulcopolistes genus) from the Polistes species, even before their parasitic habit was recognized Facultative parasites (Zimmermann 1930). Eventually, Carpenter (1991) synonymized Sulcopolistes with their Since in facultative parasites the parasitic behav- hosts. All the three species of Polistes obligate iour represents an alternative strategy to brood social parasites are morphologically adapted for care that is not always adopted, morphological fighting, and for having an advantage during specializations are not expected. No specific nest invasion. The overall body size is simi- studies on this aspect have been carried out lar in Polistes parasites and in their respective for facultative conspecific parasites in Polistes principal hosts, but some body parts (head, first wasps. However, preliminary field data show that femur and posterior tibia) are significantly more head size of P. dominulus conspecific usurpers developed in the parasite than in its host (Cervo are significantly larger than that of the legitimate [1994] for P. sulcifer and P. atrimandibularis; nest owners (data for 5 pairs, R. Cervo [unpubl. R. Cervo [unpubl. data] for P. semenowi). The data]). Although, data are few, they suggest that enlarged first femur, as well as the longer poste- body size can be a decisive factor for a success- rior tibia, could be useful during invasion fights, ful conspecific usurpation. as well as later when the parasite must maintain For all sporadic cases of mixed Polistes colo- its dominant position within the host colony. The nies reported in the literature, the usurper spe- thickened cuticle and the close fit among abdom- cies is always bigger than the usurped ones inal segments in P. sulcifer females prevent host (O’Donnell & Jeanne 1991, Giannotti 1995, sting penetration (Cervo 1994). Mandibles, an Cervo & Dani 1996). More information is avail- exaggerated trait of obligate social parasites, able for P. nimphus foundresses who, besides although similar in length in parasites and host, founding their own nest, they are able to usurp are significantly larger and thicker in the former conspecific colonies (R. Cervo pers. obs.) or (Cervo [1994] for P. sulcifer and P. atrimandibu- those of P. dominulus (Cervo et al. 2004b). laris; R. Cervo [unpubl. data] for P. semenowi). Although P. nimphus is smaller than the species The typical groove that runs along the man- it parasitizes (P. dominulus), it shows enlarged dibles of all Polistes parasites may be needed mandibles and front femurs that, as with obligate to strengthen this enlarged mouth part (Cervo Polistes parasites, can be used as usurpation 1994). Mandibles are essential for the parasites: tools (Cervo et al. 2004b). These enlarged body they are used as a weapon to injure hosts that parts may allow P. nimphus to successfully usurp resist parasite intrusion (Turillazzi et al. 1990). both solitary and associative foundations of P. A different interpretation has been proposed for dominulus (Cervo et al. 2004b). P. atrimandibularis by Schwammberger (2001), The similarity in “fighting equipment” who suggests that enlarged mandibles and thick- between P. nimphus and three species of obligate ened cuticle may be an adaptation to conspecific social parasites allows for some speculations. competition for access to host resources. Firstly, P. nimphus may show these peculiar In contrast to Vespinae obligate social para- morphological traits as they are better offensive sites, whose sting is more stout and curved than weapons to successfully usurp another colony. 538 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43

Secondly, P. nimphus may represent the oldest to abandon the colony and build a new one. A host species exploited by obligate parasites, but late usurpation, after workers emerge, may fail is no longer parasitized because, in the arms race as many workers can prevent usurper entry. In with the parasites, it developed defensive charac- fact Polistes parasites, as in other insect social ters to prevent parasite usurpation. These defen- parasites, arrive on the host colonies in a well- sive features may be currently used as offensive defined temporal window, approximately one tools to usurp P. dominulus nests. In support of month after host nest foundation (Cervo et al. this perspective is the rare number of reports of 1990a, 1990b, Cervo & Turillazzi 1996, Zacchi P. nimphus being used as host species by obligate et al. 1996). At this time, the parasite has a suf- social parasites (2 nests usurped by P. semenowi ficient time to reproduce and to exploit host and 3 usurped by P. atrimandibularis), in spite worker force for rearing its brood. of its belonging to the same sister clade. Finally, A way to delay the arrival on host nests is P. nimphus could represent the living species to postpone the overwintering exit. A peculiar most closely related to the ancestor of obligate behaviour of Polistes parasites is that they spend Polistes parasites, and its morphological features the winter on mountains (Cervo & Dani 1996). render this species a less attractive target for the Soon after emergence from host nests, males obligate parasites. and females of obligate parasites migrate to the tops of high mountains, where mating occurs and where inseminated females remain for Usurper behavioural adaptations overwintering for several months, often under to parasitic life a thick blanket of snow and ice (R. Cervo pers. obs.). Severe climatic conditions extend parasite Obligate parasites diapause for about one month in comparison with that of congeneric lowland hosts (R. Cervo Although the behaviour of brood parasitic birds unpubl. data), allowing the parasites to reach and insect social parasites is different, some lowland host colonies when they are developed similar solutions to the same parental constraints enough to be successfully usurped. Moreover, have been adopted in both groups. Firstly, host since Polistes obligate parasites are rare, altitu- nest location and proper timing are essential for dinal migrations promote encounters between successful parasitism in avian brood parasites sexes and favour matings between non-relatives as well as in Polistes parasites. Brood parasitic (Cervo & Dani 1996) as reported for other rare birds often search for host nests by following insect species (Thornhill & Alcock 1983). Alti- hosts and observing their behaviour. The parasitic tudinal migration constraint may explain the females then wait the right time to lay their eggs. patchy distribution of these parasites, as well as If the parasite lays its egg before the host starts of the higher parasitic pressure on host popula- its own deposition, the latter would abandon the tions living at the foot of mountains. nest or eliminate the parasite egg. Alternatively, It is well known that brood parasitic birds if it lays its egg too late, its nestling would be are remarkably fecund, capable of laying a large at a disadvantage relative to the host nestlings number of eggs per season (e.g. over 100 in a (Lotem et al. 1995). Similarly, species of Molothrus, see Rothstein & Rob- usurpers actively look for established host nests inson 1998). This high fecundity leads them and, once in proximity, choose the more suit- to parasitize many host nests, as the parental able one by means of chemical cues, as showed foraging efforts of one host pair cannot fulfil by laboratory experiments (Cervo et al. 1996). the reproductive capacity of a single parasite. The ability to chemically detect the correct nest Although no specific studies have been carried without landing on it, provides a clear advantage out on the fecundity of insect obligate social for the parasites. In this way, they avoid initiat- parasites, the available data for Polistes suggest ing usurpation attempts of colonies unsuitable in that parasite fecundity is not higher than that of terms of host species and colony stage (Cervo et a single host foundress (Lorenzi et al. [1992] for al. 1996). An early usurpation may cause hosts P. atrimandibularis). However, it is clear that a ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 539 colony supplies sufficient rearing opportunities parasites, where it might increase incubation effi- to assure the reproductive needs of one parasite. ciency (Payne 1977, Davies & De Brooke 1998). Therefore, while the single-egg-per-nest strategy In addition, both in birds and in insect parasites, of most of avian brood parasites leads them to egg removal may provide an energetically rich have no contact with hosts, social insect para- meal for their egg production period (Davies & sites become members of host societies in order De Brooke 1988, Cervo 1990). to exploit them for the entire colonial cycle. Immediately after P. sulcifer and P. seme- The three species of obligate Polistes social nowi usurpers take possession of a colony, they parasites show similar life cycles, even though perform very intense stroking of the nest surface there are remarkable differences in their para- with the ventral part of the gaster (Turillazzi et sitic strategies. They differ in the amount of al. 1990, Zacchi et al. 1996). Polistes atrimand- used to enter host colonies: P. sul- ibularis does not perform the abdominal stroking cifer and P. semenowi females adopt an aggres- behaviour, or performs it less frequently relative sive strategy to invade host colonies, fighting to the other parasitic species (Cervo et al. 1990b). with the hosts (Cervo et al. 1990a, Turillazzi However, this behaviour decreases during the et al. 1990, Zacchi et al. 1996); whereas P. first few hours after invasion (Turillazzi et al. atrimandibularis females enter the host colony 1990, Zacchi 1995). Exaggerated abdominal nest using a non-aggressive strategy, at least when stroking, combined with prolonged licking of they parasitize P. biglumis (Cervo et al. 1990b) the host’s body and frequent trophallactic intera- and P. gallicus (R. Cervo unpubl. data). This tions, are likely linked to the parasite’s integra- passive strategy consists of initial submission to tion into the host colony (Cervo et al. 1990b, frequent attacks of the host queen, followed by Turillazzi et al. 1990, 2000). a gradual increase of dominant acts on the host The behaviour of usurper females of the performed by the parasite. The parasites also three species of Polistes parasites differs during differ in their tolerance to the host queen: P. sul- the colonial cycle. P. sulcifer and P. semenowi cifer females generally drive off or kill the host females behave as true social parasites, limiting queen (Turillazzi et al. 1990), whereas P. seme- their activities to host control and egg laying nowi and P. atrimandibularis cohabitate with the (Cervo 1990, Zacchi 1996). A peculiar behaviour dominant individual for some time (Cervo et al. performed by usurpers of both these species is 1990b, 1992, Lorenzi et al. 1992, Zacchi et al. “abdominal drumming”, first described on P. 1996, Fanelli 2001). sulcifer (Cervo 1990), and later observed in P. After successfully avoiding host recogni- semenowi (Zacchi 1996), but never performed tion systems by adopting host chemical profiles by any host species or by P. atrimandibularis as well as chemically invisibility (review by (Cervo 1990). Even if we did not know the func- Lorenzi [2006]), the parasites live as nestmates tion of this behavioural pattern, it is remarkable and become queens of the host colonies (Cervo that it is only performed by females of two para- 1990, Cervo & Dani 1996). As soon as parasites site species. Alternatively, P. atrimandibularis is take possession of host nests, they destroy some a peculiar parasite for its active defence of the of the host’s immature brood: most eggs and colony against predators or potential usurpers small larvae are devoured, whereas older larvae (Cervo 1990, Cervo et al. 1990c, Fanelli 2001). and pupae suffer less destruction (Cervo 1990, Interestingly, it has been suggested that great Turillazzi & Cervo 1996). Emptying cells for spotted cuckoos ( glandarius) provide egg deposition may be the main factor inducing parasitized nests with protection against preda- host brood destruction in usurper females, even tion (Arias-de-Reyna 1998, Soler et al. 1999). if host brood eating may also allow the parasite But, the most distinguishing behavioural trait to acquire host specific cuticular hydrocarbons to of P. atrimandibularis is its extra-colonial activ- elude the host nestmate recognition system (as ity, during which it usurps other host nests (sec- suggested for a myrmecophilus ; Elgar & ondary nests). From these “secondary nests” the Allan 2004). Host egg eating, before egg deposi- parasite takes away larvae and pupae, and uses tion, is also a widespread strategy in avian brood them as food for feeding larvae one the “primary 540 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 nest”, used for reproductive purposes only (Cervo tion on Polistes interspecific usurpation is too et al. 1990c). Predatory behaviour on secondary scarce to support the choice between these two nests, first described on P. biglumis (Cervo et alternatives. However, P. nimphus (a faculta- al. 1990c), has been reported on host colonies tive parasite of P. dominulus) shows some fea- of the other lowland species (Cervo et al. 1992, tures common to obligate social parasites, such Fanelli 2001). Pillaging reduces or even nullifies as morphological specializations and mountain host reproductive success on secondary nests, overwintering (Cervo et al. 2004b), suggest- but provides advantages on primary ones (Cervo ing that P. nimphus interspecific usurpers may 1990, Cervo et al. 1990c, Schwammberger 1998, choose a parasitic strategy rather than starting Fanelli 2001). The only case where an avian host their own nests (Cervo et al. 2004b). benefited from parasitism was reported by Smith Behavioural patterns of facultative Polistes (1968): parasite nestlings of the giant parasites follow those of obligate parasites. Both (Molothrus oryzivorus) remove harmful ectopar- intraspecific and interspecific facultative usurp- asites from their host nestmates. ers use violence to enter a host colony and kill It is possible that the predator behavior of P. the host queen, as has been confirmed by dead atrimandibularis is analogous to the documented foundresses found at the feet of usurped nests behaviour of destroying (see Cervo & Dani 1996, Cervo et al. 2004b). eggs and young in host nests from which cuckoo Facultative interspecific parasites time their eggs have been rejected, the so called “avian arrival on the host nests in a similar way as obli- mafia” effect (Zahavi 1979, Soler et al. 1995). gate parasites (Cervo et al. 2004b). Behavioural Future research on P. atrimandibularis predatory tests provide evidence for successful chemi- traits should shed light on the factors influencing cal integration of facultative parasites within this behaviour. host colonies (Lorenzi 2006), which is most likely obtained through intense stroking behav- iour performed after nest appropriation (Cervo Facultative parasites & Turillazzi 1989, Dani et al. 1992, Cervo & Lorenzi 1996a, Van Hooser et al. 2002, Cervo et Conspecific parasitism has been viewed as a al. 2004b). precursor to the evolution of interspecific para- sitism both in birds and insects (Taylor 1939, Hamilton & Orians 1965, Wilson 1971, Payne Parasite brood adaptations to 1977, Brockmann 1993), suggesting that obli- parasitic life gate parasitism could have arisen from faculta- tive intraspecific parasitism. Brockmann (1993) Obligate parasites stressed that similar selective pressure favours intraspecific parasitism in both these groups. An evolutionary enigma is why hosts accept and Much of the work on facultative interspe- care for unrelated brood. This intriguing puzzle cific parasitism in Polistes wasps indicates that has been extensively studied in avian brood this strategy is usually performed by individu- parasites, where it is now largely solved. Unfor- als ‘making the best of a bad situation’ (the lost tunately, studies on insect social parasites have of their own colony), an interpretation which not yet focused on this subject. It is expected that is supported by the low profitability of this parasitic larvae have evolved several tricks in behaviour (see Cervo & Dani 1996). Although, order to conceal their identity from hosts and to the same was suggested for conspecific avian attract host attention to be fed. brood parasitism (Yom-Tov 1980), some authors Important adaptive features of cuckoo eggs, have emphasized that this form of parasitism such as thick eggshells, mimetic colour patterns, may represent an fitness maximizing alternative short incubation times, and small size relative to reproductive strategy, pursued by females that the size of the parasite, provide some of the better are capable of taking care of their own young examples of in vertebrates (Lotem (see Petrie & Møller 1991). Available informa- & Rothstein 1995). Cuckoo egg mimicry induces ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 541 hosts acceptance, as has been experimentally showed that parasite larvae are detected and tol- demonstrated by Davies and De Brooke (1988). erated by hosts that did not experience parasites However, egg mimicry is not a universal trait of (R. Cervo et al. unpubl. data). The same host parasitic birds. Mimicry in parasitic eggs is lack- tolerance was reported for some P. atrimandibu- ing in all but one cowbird species (see Rothstein laris eggs that were experimentally transferred & Robinson 1998), probably due to the darkness into P. biglumis unparastized nests (Lorenzi & of the nesting sites chosen by hosts, rendering Filippone 2000). It is interesting to note that the egg colour unimportant (Fraga 1983). chemical profile of parasite larvae of different The famous concave back of cuckoo nest- colonies is less variable than that among host lings permits the cuckoo chick to obtain all larvae, and that the parasite larvae chemical host parental effort, as it allows the cuckoo to pattern is tolerated more by hosts than that of push the host eggs or chicks out of the nest. In non-parasitic species (R. Cervo et al. unpubl. general, nestling mimicry is absent or scarcely data). These results suggest that the parasite developed in cuckoos (Lotem 1993), while it is larvae cuticular pattern, even if not mimetic with almost perfect in cowbirds that are raised along- host larvae, may be neutral for the hosts, thus side the host chicks (Fragra 1998). Lotem (1993) facilitating their acceptance into host colonies. suggested that the host inability to recognise Despite this cuticular diversity, P. sulcifer larvae cuckoo nestlings, raised alone in its own nest, are well integrated into the host society and are may be explained by the high cost for the host fed and protected by host workers (Cervo et al. when it imprints on parasitic nestling during its 2004a). first breeding attempt. It is surprising that the hosts, besides tolerat- In insect societies, the efficient host nestmate ing the parasite brood, feed it even more than recognition system — based on chemical cues their own brood. The capacity of the parasitic — has selected for parasites to develop brood brood to monopolize host parental care is wide- mimicry to avoid brood detection and rejection spread among avian brood parasites, but rarely by hosts. Some ant studies, show that parasitic investigated in social insect parasites. Larvae of immature brood, chemically resemble the host some myrmecophilous beetles (Atemeles pubi- immature brood (Howards et al. 1990, Kaib et collis and Lomechusa strumosa), for example, al. 1998, Akino et al. 1999, Elmes et al. 1999, are able to induce ants to preferentially care for Schonrogge et al. 2004, Johnson et al. 2005), them and to neglect their own brood (Hölldobler thus allowing integration into the host colony. In & Wilson 1990); and larvae of Apis mellifera other cases, some larvae of myrmecophilus bee- capensis (Beekman et al. 2000) receive more tles secrete appeasement substances from the tip food when they are fed by host workers than by of their abdomen to escape the host aggression workers of their own species. But the best-known (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990). examples of host parental care manipulation by Recently, we have found an unexpected result parasites are reported for brood-parasite birds. A for immature brood of Polistes social parasites: Cuculus canorus chick is fed at the same rate as both eggs (Dani et al. 2004) and larvae (R. a whole host-clutch (De Brooke & Davies 1989), Cervo et al. unpubl. data) of P. sulcifer do not even if it is alone in the nest. To receive more use the same chemical signatures adopted by food by the host, the cuckoo chick stimulates the adult parasites (see Lorenzi 2006) to be accepted feeding activity of the foster parents using both a by the host colony. In fact, the cuticular profile visual signal — its large red gape — and a vocal of both eggs and larvae do not match that of the signal — a very strong begging call comparable respective immature stages of the host (Dani et to that of the whole host clutch (Davies et al. al. 2004; R. Cervo et al. unpubl. data). Moreo- 1998, Kilner et al. 1999). These traits allow the ver, P. sulcifer larvae do not even promote their parasite chick to grow faster by receiving more acceptance with low levels of hydrocarbons (R. care than any host chick. Cervo et al. unpubl. data), which might give According to Redondo (1993), parasite super- them chemical invisibility (Lenoir et al. 2001). A normal stimulation compensates its scarce mim- series of behavioural assays on recognition icry and assures its acceptance. In other parasite 542 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 birds, a chick is raised alongside the host chicks detection. The latter strategy would support the and it has to compete with them for food. It Holen and co-workers’ idea (2001) that selection succeeds by using its larger body, loud begging may favour parasite signal intensity to closely calls, and exaggerated visual signal of its gape. match that of the host to avoid detection and A similar cohabitation occurs in Polistes parasit- rejection. ized nests, since parasitic and host larvae share We have begun to explore whether Polistes the same comb, and the host workers feed both larvae communicate their needs to adults. Larval of them. However, we have shown that parasitic starvation experiments, performed on P. dominu- larvae are visited and fed more frequently than lus, did not provide clear evidence for the exist- host larvae (Cervo et al. 2004a). This differential ence of hungry signals in Polistes larvae (Cotone- parental care ensures the relatively fast growth schi et al. 2004), but additional experiments are of parasite larvae and causes the slowly growth needed before excluding this possibility. Many of the host larvae reared in the same comb signals could be employed by parasitic larvae in (Cervo et al. 2004a). These findings suggest that manipulating the feeding activity of host tenders. P. sulcifer parasite larvae, in some way, manipu- Preliminary data exclude that parasite larvae late the behaviour of the host tenders. facial markers (R. Cervo unpubl. data) might Behavioural observations of parasitized colo- over-stimulate the nursing behaviour of host nies have shown that the P. sulcifer usurper workers, but rather suggests that parasite larval does not influence the nursing activities of host head size may be involved in host parental care workers (Cervo et al. 2004a), the question on manipulation (R. Cervo unpubl. data). Moreo- how parasitic larvae are able to elicit more care ver, Polistes parasitic larvae may use chemicals is still open. The parasite larvae might, as with to induce hosts to feed them more often than parasitic birds, gain host attention by exagger- host larvae. Further work is necessary to clarify ating those key characteristics usually used by the proximate mechanisms underlying this inter- young to solicit food. Myrmecophiles beetles esting host–parasite relationship that allows P. larvae mimic and amplify behaviour usually sulcifer larvae to be fed at an increased rate and performed by ant larvae to solicit food (Hölldo- consequently to grow faster than the host larvae. bler & Wilson 1990). Analysis of Polistes larvae In fact, the developmental time of P. sul- behavioural patterns, using artificial transparent cifer immature brood is much shorter than that plastic cells, showed that parasite larvae do not of its host P. dominulus (on average 25 days differ in their behavioural repertoire from host vs. 33 days) (Cervo et al. 2004a, 2004b), and larvae (Cervo et al. 2004a). For example, both it is shorter relative to all other Polistes spe- types of larvae perform a similar protrusion cies (range 33–70 days) for which the imma- towards the cell opening (R. Cervo unpubl. data) ture development time is known (Strassmann & when host workers walk on the comb. Orgren 1983, Reeve 1991). The speed of P. sul- Adult–brood communication has been poorly cifer development is due to a rapid larval growth investigated in social insects, but some evidence period and to a very short egg hatching time (3–5 has suggested the existence of ‘hungry signals’ days). Parasite pupal stage length is not reduced in , bees, and ants (Ishay & Landau 1972, relative to that of host pupae in unparasitized Yamane 1976, Huang & Otis 1991, Pereboom nests. As P. dominulus pupal stage is the shortest et al. 2003, Creemers et al. 2003, Kaptein et al. among all Polistes species, it is probably impos- 2005). Unfortunately, this possibility has not sible to shorten it further (Cervo et al. 2004a). been addressed in Polistes wasps, where colony- A very fast egg hatching time is reported for level organization of larval nursing is practically cuckoo birds. Indeed, it is the fastest hatching unexplored. If hungry signals exist in Polistes time of all avian species. The rapid hatching wasps, it is possible that they are amplified by time in the cuckoo is the result of a prolonged parasitic larvae in order to exploit the host ten- egg stay in mother’s oviduct, where it begins the ders, as occurs in cuckoo chicks. Parasitic larvae embryo development (Lack 1968, Vermon 1970, could send such a signal more frequently to Whylle 1975, Payne 1977). No information is obtain more food, but while also avoiding host available for the mechanisms responsible for the ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 543 very short egg hatching time in P. sulcifer (Cervo facultative usurpers in Polistes wasps (see Cervo et al. 2004a). The advantages of a reduced hatch- & Dani 1996) suggests that these brood are not ing time, and of a manipulative feeding strategy, well integrated into alien colonies. On the other in avian brood parasites are linked to competi- hand, the successful reproduction of P. nimphus tion with host nestlings and food provisioning, on P. dominulus colonies indicates that P. nim- respectively. Alternatively, the fast growth of phus brood is tolerated within congeneric colo- parasite immature brood in Polistes parasites nies (Cervo et al. 2004b) and suggests the need allows the usurper to obtain high offspring pro- of future investigation. duction using the same cells for more than one generation (Cervo et al. 2004a), despite the delay in parasite egg deposition (Cervo & Concluding remarks and future Turillazzi 1996). directions The “selfishness” of Polistes parasitic larvae could be related to the most remarkable feature In wasps, as in birds, interspecific nest parasit- of these parasitic species — the lack of a worker ism is traditionally thought to have evolved via caste — as proposed by Nonacs and Tobin conspecific parasitism (Taylor 1939, Hamilton & (1992). Parasites could have lost the worker Orians 1965, Payne 1977, Yamauchi 1995, Cervo caste as a consequence of host caste determina- & Dani 1996). Research has addressed questions tion system based on the amount of food given regarding the evolution of obligate interspecific during the larval stage (O’Donnell 1998): if parasitism in birds using theoretical models parasitic larvae can manipulate host workers into (Yamauchi 1995, Magali & Sorci 2001) and com- providing more food during their development, parative analysis (Krüger & Davies 2002). The they would develop into reproductives rather latter approach based on the comparison of life- than into workers. history patterns of living facultative and obligate parasitic species in Polistes wasps (Table 1) can be used to develop a working framework on the Facultative parasites evolutionary history of social parasitism. Based on the characteristics of intraspecific and inter- Conspecific brood parasitism in birds seems to specific parasitism (Table 1), I hypothesize that be far more widespread than previously believed the original obligate parasite performed a violent (Yom-Tov 2001). Its wide expression is probably usurpation and eliminated the host queen, as is due to the relative ease with which this strategy shown by P. sulcifer and by facultative Polistes can be performed among conspecifics. Rejec- parasites today. The next stage, represented at tion of conspecific parasitic eggs has been rarely the present by P. atrimandibularis, involved a reported, possibly because it is hard for con- more passive tactic that, while avoiding aggres- specifics to detect parasitic eggs with the same sive encounters with the host queen, allowed the features as their own eggs (Rothstein 1990). parasite and the host to coexist. According to this The situation in insect facultative parasites is perspective, an intermediate step is shown by P. more complicated: they have to overcome the semenowi, in which an aggressive strategy is fol- same host recognition system as obligate social lowed by queen–parasite cohabitation. The pas- parasites. Since in Polistes wasps the immature sive tactic is reported as derived in the cladistic brood and adults have a unique colonial odour optimization of behavioral traits performed by (R. Cervo et al. unpubl. data, C. Cotoneschi Carpenter (1997). et al. unpubl. data), alien conspecific brood is The cohabitation between parasite and host immediately detected and eliminated (Lorenzi queen must have led the parasite to suppress & Filippone 2000, R. Cervo et al. unpubl. data). host queen reproduction, as it is currently per- No work has focused on the mechanisms used by formed by P. atrimandibularis (Cervo & Lorenzi Polistes conspecific usurpers to make their own 1996b). The maintenance of morphological brood acceptable within an alien colony. How- fighting characteristics in P. atrimandibularis, ever, the low reproductive success of conspecific despite their sneaking invasion tactic, may be 544 Cervo • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 linked to the aggressive behavior performed those belonging to different clades — and sug- during pillaging of secondary nests (R. Cervo gests that the capacity of breaking nestmate pers. obs.) or during conspecific competitions recognition systems of several hosts is a derived (Schwammberger 2001). Alternatively, offensive condition. characters could be retained in prudent parasites. The parasite–host relationships in Polistes Evading the host’s colony recognition system wasps (Fig. 3) suggest, as a plausible scenario, seems to be a critical factor for parasitism to that the ancestral social parasite used to usurp a occur. It has been suggested that parasite pres- species belonging to its closest clade (P. dominu- sure is one of the important factors favouring lus and P. nimphus). This suggests the intriguing efficient nestmate recognition ability in Polistes possibility that P. nimphus represents an old host wasps (Lorenzi et al. 1996). Chemical integra- that is no longer exploited. However, while P. sul- tion is a strategy shared by parasites, although cifer and P. semenowi still use hosts of this clade, its achievement is probably reached through P. atrimandibularis has extended its host range to different modalities in different parasites (see include parasitizing species outside the original Lorenzi 2006). An exaggerated abdominal strok- clade (Fanelli et al. 2005). In this comparative ing behavior is a common to all parasitic stages perspective, the plundering behavior on second- (facultative and obligate ones), except in P. atri- ary nests — showed only by P. atrimandibularis mandibularis, suggesting that this behavioral — seems to be a subsequent adaptation in the pattern represents a primitive behavior for attain- stage of obligatory and permanent parasitism. In ing parasite integration into host colonies. other words, once specialized in usurpation, and A comparison of the number of interacting in the maintenance of control over colonies of the species in a host–parasite system may help to host species, a parasite could increase its repro- establish the most probable evolutionary path- ductive success by using this ability to plunder ways of host specialization. The relationships other nests to obtain food for the brood (Cervo among European Polistes suggest that the origi- 1990). The cladistic approach used by Carpenter nal Polistes parasite was probably specialized on (1997) also states the plundering behavior of P. a single host species and that over time, parasites atrimandibularis as a derived trait. became more generalist, thus gaining the ability Finally, the altitudinal migration habits of to parasitize an increasing number of species. interspecific parasites assure lowland nesting The broader range of host species exploited by area abandonment, favouring effective outbreed- P. atrimandibularis shows that, contrary to what ing, which results in high evolutionary potential was previously assumed (Buschinger 1989), a for these parasitic species. generalist parasite is able to evade the recogni- However, the deep differences in behavioural tion system of multiple host species — even patterns among the three living obligate para-

Table 1. Main behavioral patterns in facultative intra- and interspecific parasites (based on P. nimphus parasite of P. dominulus) and in the three species of obligate interspecific parasites (P. sulcifer, P. semenowi, P. atrimandibu- laris).

Parasitism stages Intraspecific Interspecific Interspecific obligate and temp. and temp. and permanent facultative facultative P. sulcifer P. semenowi P. atrimandibularis

Morphological adaptations No Yes Yes Yes Yes Usurpation tactic Violent Violent Violent Violent Passive Host queen cohabitation No No No Yes Yes Stroking behavior Yes Yes Yes Yes No Chemical integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Number of host species – 1 1 1(2) Several Secondary nests No No No No Yes Altitudinal migrations – Yes Yes Yes Yes ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Polistes wasps and their social parasites: an overview 545 sitic species (Table 1) could also suggest that but are locally abundant and exert strong selec- P. atrimandibularis and the other two parasites tive pressure on host populations. Moreover, have engaged two different evolutionary routes and different from other parasite–host systems, leading to inquilinism rather than representing Polistes parasites and their hosts have similar different stages of the same evolutionary path- population sizes, generation times, and evolu- way. Both P. sulcifer and P. semenowi show tionary potential. specialized adaptations to parasitic life such as In conclusion, Polistes obligate parasites host specialization and lack of some activities provide as good a model for coevolutionary (defence and nest foraging). On the other hand arms race studies, as Polistes paper wasps have the peculiar generalist habit of P. atrimandibula- provided — for many years — a model organ- ris together with its capacity of plundering host ism for sociobiological studies (see Reeve 1991, nests suggests a different but efficient way to Turillazzi & West-Eberhard 1996). To achieve exploit its host. this goal, theoretical and empirical work on host This review, based on the available litera- counteradaptations have to be integrated with ture on Polistes parasites, has shown that these the present knowledge on Polistes social para- parasites have evolved many elaborate adapta- sitism. This will help highlight the dynamics of tions and intricate tricks to deceive the host, host–parasite systems. and has uncovered similarities with avian brood parasites. At the same time, this paper empha- sizes how studies on defensive mechanisms Acknowledgements and counter-adaptations among Polistes hosts are lacking (but see Nessi & Lorenzi 2004). It I wish to thank P. Starks and S. Turillazzi for inviting me to is well known that host–parasite systems are contribute to this special issue on Polistes wasps. I also thank M. C. Lorenzi for her helpful comments on the manuscript, dynamic, with a continuous arms race between and for several years of collaboration. I am grateful to C. parasite and host resulting in a rapid coevolu- Bruschini and P. Starks for revising the English text. This tion of the antagonists (Dawkins & Krebs 1979, paper would not be possible without work, support, and Thompson 1994). Avian brood parasites have discussions of all the students and collaborators who studied always induced intense interest as models for social parasites with me during the last 20 years. A special thanks goes to my family for tolerating my constant chatter- coevolutionary processes, and have generated a ing about parasites, and for searching for wasps everywhere. remarkable amount of research (see Rothstein Financial support was provided by the University of Flor- & Robinson 1998). As far as social insect para- ence. sites are concerned, ants have been suggested to be a potential model organism for the study of evolutionary arms races (Davies et al. 1989). References Only recently have studies on slavemaking ants provided support of the existence of coevolu- Akino, T., Knapp, J. J., Thomas, J. A. & Elmes, G. 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