U SER G U IDE Chapter 20 U sing

Schoolw ires Academ ic Portal Version 4.1

Schoolwires Academic Portal 4.1 Chapter 20: Using Podcasts

TABLE O F CO N TEN TS Introduction to Managing Podcasts ...... 1 What is Podcasting?...... 1 What is a ?...... 1 What is Podcasting? ...... 2 What are RSS/XML (AKA “web feeds”)? ...... 2 What is “Automatic Distribution”?...... 3 What are Mp3’s?...... 3 How does Schoolwires facilitate Podcasting? ...... 4 Podcast Module Overview...... 4 Podcast Module Overview...... 5 Podcast Page ...... 5 How to Subscribe to Your Podcast Page ...... 6 Channel Workspace: Allowing Sections to Use Podcasts ...... 6 Allowing Sections to Use Podcasts...... 6 Section Workspace: Manage Tab...... 7 Current Pages Region Overview...... 7 Manage Pages Tab: Buttons...... 7 Creating Your First Podcast Page...... 8 Files Types...... 8 How to Add a Podcast Page...... 8 Using the Functions on the Podcast Page in Site Manager...... 11 Buttons on the Podcast Page...... 11 How to Add a New Podcast Episode to a Podcast Page...... 12 How to Edit a Podcast Episode on a Podcast Page...... 16 How to Delete a Podcast Episode from a Podcast Page ...... 16 How to Reorder Podcast Episodes on a Podcast Page...... 17 How to Create Additional Podcasts ...... 19 Reordering your Podcast Page (Sort Pages Button) ...... 19 How to Set the Options (Page Viewing Permissions) on a Podcast Page ...... 20 How to remove a Podcast Page...... 21

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Introduction to M anaging Podcasts

odcast Module is an additional software option that enables you to create and insert Podcasts easily on your . Using this P powerful but simple tool, you will be able to: 1. Share audio and video through the popular “podcast” format to post lectures, student presentations, excerpts from band concerts, sports highlights or from theatrical plays. 2. Create Podcast Pages on your Website. 3. Add Podcast Episodes to your Podcast Pages.

The new Podcast Modules allows you to: o Upload and broadcast audio and video using easy-to-use step-by-step wizards o Users can download and play the podcast on their computer or on their favorite MP3 player o Automatically create RSS (Real Simple Syndication) web feeds to allow others to subscribe to your podcasts o Syndicate your podcasts to popular applications such as iTunes® o Create podcasts for any number of subjects by adding “podcast” page types to your site

If your organization has purchased this additional software option, this task will be active in the: • Section Workspace of Site Manager (Only if activated by Site Directors and Subsite Directors by modifying the section options. See the How to Modify Section Options Task in Chapter 6: “Site Manager—Channel Workspace” for more information.)

W hat is Podcasting?

What is a Podcast? In a nutshell, a podcast is usually an audio file in MP3 format* and delivered online via RSS feed (webfeed) subscriptions. Podcast subscribers can listen to the show at his or her own leisure, which is the main attraction of this medium.

NOTE: *MP3 is just the standard media format for podcasts. However, podcasts may also be in other media file formats. Please see the list following of media files supported within the Schoolwires Podcast feature.

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What is Podcasting?

Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio programs or videos, over the for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. Podcasts are distributed using either the RSS or syndication formats.

People who make and broadcast shows through podcasting are known as podcasters.

Podcasting is derived from two words: iPod (an Apple MP3 player) and broadcast., and is a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a “feed” and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost. Please note, however, that you do not need an iPod to broadcast and/or listen to podcasts.

Simply stated: Podcasting is the automatic distribution of multimedia files (for example: mp3’s) via RSS/XML files (also known as “web feeds”).

Podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their files. is media that is consumed (read, heard, viewed) while it is being delivered. However, a podcast is distinguished by its ability to be downloaded automatically using software capable of reading RSS or Atom feeds.

Any computer audio software that supports MP3 (Windows Media Player, QuickTime, etc.) and any portable device that supports media download and playback may be used to listen to podcasts. This technology can also be used to push any kind of file, including software updates, pictures, and videos. Although podcasts are generally audio files created for digital music players, the same technology can be used to prepare and transmit images, text, and video to any capable device.

The premise behind podcasting's is about creating content (audio or video) for an audience that wants to listen or watch when they want, where they want, and how they want.

W hat are RSS/X M L files (AKA “w eb feeds”)?

This is really the "key" to a Podcast. It's the file that the automatic Podcast software (for example, iTunes) looks for each day. You may ask, can I be a Podcaster without an XML? The answer is “no”. You can put mp3s on your website, but you are not actually Podcasting if you are missing the RSS/XML file behind it.

The benefits of RSS feeds are:

• The subscriber will be notified of updates from the many web sites that they frequently read without visiting them one by one. • The subscriber can read their favorite web sites from one convenient location without any interface clutter.

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• The subscriber can be notified of updates from web sites without revealing their email address for security reasons.

RSS is a family of formats, specified in XML and used for . Web syndication is a form of syndication in which a section of a website is made available for other sites to use. In general, web syndication refers to making Web feeds available from a site in order to provide other people an updated list of content from it (for example one's latest forum postings, etc.). This originated with news and sites but is increasingly used to syndicate any information.

RSS is used by (among other things) news , weblogs and podcasting. The abbreviation is variously used to refer to the following standards:

• Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) • Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0) • RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)

On Web pages, web feeds (RSS) are typically linked with the word "Subscribe", an orange rectangle, , or with the letters or . Many news aggregators such as My Yahoo! publish subscription buttons ( ) for use on Web pages to simplify the process of adding news feeds.

W hat is “Autom atic Distribution”? Listeners of podcasts use a wide variety of podcast software to download their favorite podcasts automatically from podcasters’ websites. One of the more popular podcast programs is Apple's iTunes Please note: 1. You don't need an to listen to podcasts or to use Apple's free iTunes. 2. You don't need a to use iTunes. 3. It's a free download. By subscribing to a Podcast or Podcast Page, a visitor’s computer will poll your page automatically requesting: 'Do you have a new show ready yet?' If your computer says 'No' (via the RSS/XML file) then your visitor’s podcast progam says: 'Ok, but I'll be back later to check again.' This continues automatically without requiring anyone’s attention. When a new Podcast is added, the subscriber’s computer is notified and their computer downloads the program (again, without any intervention) and the subscriber now has the new MP3 ready to listen to upon accessing their browser. W hat are M p3’s? Mp3 files are digital recordings, compressed down into relatively small files (approximately 1 megabyte per minute of audio). Podcasters create an mp3 with their own voice, content, music, sounds, etc. and then release it to the general public. If you are an aspiring Podcaster, there are numerous MP3 creation programs available for use on a PC or a Mac.

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Please exercise caution when creating your Podcast. The music industry could prosecute you for converting your CD’s into mp3s to play popular music on your Podcast. H ow does Schoolw ires facilitate Podcasting?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Here are the steps and the good news: o Step 1: You create your media file. o Step 2: You create a Schoolwires Podcast Page and upload (or link to) your newly created media file. (This is your Episode.) – As always, Schoolwires does all of the “heavy lifting”, creating (behind the scenes) the RSS/XML file and tags required to Podcast. o Step 3: Inform your audience that they can now subscribe to your Podcast as discussed below.

Step 2 Schoolw ires Podcast Page Step 1 Podcast Publisher (Podcaster)

Autom atic creation of RSS/X M L file

Step 3

Audience (subscriber)

Exhibit 20- 1: U sing Schoolw ires for Podcasting

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Podcast M odule O verview

The Podcast Module is used to create Podcast Pages in a Section Workspace. Each Podcast Page can contain many Podcasts (AKA Podcast Episodes). These Podcast Episodes can be added to a Podcast Page following a procedure that is similar to adding Files on a File Library Page. A Podcast Page provides users with access to a collection of Podcasts that they can download. You can use a Podcast Page to organize a collection of Podcasts such as: • News & Events • School Concert Sound Track • Athletic Event Newscasts • Foreign Language Lab Assignments Podcast Page You can use a Podcast Page to add a list of Podcasts available for download from the website. Each Podcast Page provides visiting users with access to a collection of Podcasts that they can download and the ability to subscribe using the RSS/XML file. The Subscribe icon at the top left of the page links to a that provides more information about Subscribing, along with links to subscribe. Exhibit 20-2 shows a sample Podcast Page as it might appear on your website. Please note the Subscribe button at the top left of the page. Exhibit 20-3 shows the Subscription Information Page that opens once you click on the Subscribe icon.

Podcast Episode

Exhibit 20-2: Podcast Page

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H ow to Subscribe to Your Podcast Page

Once a visitor clicks on the Subcribe button on your Podcast Page, they will be directed to a page that explains how to subscribe to this Podcast page using Google, MSN or Yahoo!

Exhibit 20-3: Subscriptions Page

Channel W orkspace: Allow ing Sections to U se Podcasts Allow ing Sections to U se Podcasts 1. Once the Podcast Module has been activated for a website, the Site Director has the ability to allow specific sections to add Podcast Pages. a. This is done on a Section Basis by: i. Accessing the Channel Workspace which contains the specified Section. ii. Selecting the Options button to the right of the specified Section. iii. Accessing the Tools Tab and selecting the On radio button associated with Allow Podcast Editing. b. Or can be done by creating a Section Configuration which can then be applied to many sections upon creation. See Chapter 15: “Section Management” for more information on Page Layouts, Section Configurations and Section Robot, the three tools in the Section Management suite. 2. Once a Section is provided with the option to allow Podcast editing, the Podcast Module is utilized through the insertion of a Podcast Page Type.

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Section W orkspace: M anage Pages Tab Current Pages Region O verview The Manage Page tab Current Pages region includes a table of all the pages currently in the section. For each page the table includes the following columns: • Status and Checkbox: Indicates whether the page is active or inactive in the section. Only active pages will display to the end user on your website. Clicking the checkbox is a quick way to change the status of the page. • Page Name: Displays the name of the page as a link that, when clicked, allows you to edit the page. • Type: Displays the type of page that was used to create the page (for example: Link Library or Flex Page). The Overview Page will not include a type. • URL button: Allows you to access the full and relative URL for the specific page. • Rename button: Allows you to change the name of the page. • Options button: Allows you to set the page viewing permissions for that entire page. • Delete button: Removes the entire page from the section permanently. See Chapter 7: “Site Manager—Section Workspace” for more information on the Section Workspace. M anage Pages Tab: Buttons As you can see from Exhibit 20-4, there are three possible Workspace tasks that can display in your Section Workspace Manage Pages tab as buttons. These buttons include: • New Page button: This task allows you to choose from a variety of page types to expand your section content. This is the button that you will use to add a Podcast Page. • Sort Pages button: This task allows you to arrange the order in which the pages of your content appear on your website and in the workspaces. This is the button that you will use to reorder a Podcast Page. • (Optional) Hierarchy List button: This task allows you to add or remove pages from your hierarchy list. This task will only appear in the Section Workspace if the Site Director or Subsite Director has enabled Hierarchy Navigation for the section. See How to Modify Section Options in Chapter 6: “Site Manager—Channel Workspace” for more information on how Site Directors and Subsite Directors enable Hierarchy Navigation for sections. See Chapter 7: “Site Manager—Section Workspace” for more information on the Section Workspace.

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Creating Your First Podcast Page Files Types Before you begin creating your first Podcast Page, you should be familiar with the file types that are supported by Schoolwires for use on Podcast Pages.

Although MP3 files are the predominant file type for podcasting, Table 1 provides you with a list of all supported file types. Refer to this table throughout this chapter. Table 1: File Types File File Type Extension MP3 Sound MOV Apple QuickTime WMA Windows Media

H ow to Add a Podcast Page To add a Podcast page to your section: 1. Access the Section Workspace. Exhibit 20-5 shows an example of a typical Section Workspace. 2. Click on the New Page button in the Section Workspace. A window like the one shown in Exhibit 20-6 will display.

Exhibit 20-5: Typical Section W orkspace

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Exhibit 20-6: N ew Page Types

1. Click on the link for the Podcast page type. A window like the one shown in Exhibit 20-7 will display.

Exhibit 20-7: A dd Page D ialogue

2. Enter the name for your page.

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3. Click on the Save button. The Section Workspace will return as the active window. The new Podcast page will be displayed in the list of current pages. Note: If your section has an active Hierarchy List you will need to manually add the new Podcast page to the Hierarchy List in order for your page to be accessible on the website. See Chapter 9: “Edit Site and Section Hierarchy Navigation” for more information on modifying the Hierarchy List.

TIP: To add content (Podcast Episode) to the page, you w ill have to click on its title in the Section W orkspace. N ote: N otice the breadcrum b navigation just under the tabs. This enables you to see the tab or page on w hich you are w orking and gives you an easy w ay to get back. In this case, clicking on “H om e” w ill take you back to the Workspace.

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U sing the Functions on the Podcast Page in Site M anager

The Podcast Page you have created allows several functions.. When you click on the Podcast Page that you created in your section workspace, it will always open the list of existing Episodes, and will allow you to: • Add new Episodes • Edit your existing Episodes • Set the options for your Episodes. • Activate your Episodes. • Delete your Episodes.

Buttons on the Podcast Page When accessing your Podcast Page for the first time, you will only see two available options: New Episode and Sort Episode buttons, as noted in Exhibit 20-8. Note that the list of existing Episodes will be blank.

New Episode button Sort Episodes


Exhibit 20-8: Podcast Page Buttons

If you are accessing a page with existing Episodes, you will see two buttons to the right of each Episode on the list. The Edit and Delete buttons are always available for every Episode. The Active Checkbox is available to make existing Episodes Active or Inactive from this screen, without actually accessing the Episode,

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If you have already created an Episode and uploaded or linked to the actual MP3 file, you will also see the audio control, as shown in figure 20-9, to the right of the listed Episode.

Audio Active Control Checkbox

Edit & Delete Buttons

Exhibit 20-9: Podcast Page Buttons – existing Episodes on page

Note: If uploading WMA or MOV files, you will not see the Audio Control on the Website or in Site Manager. The Delete button will allow you to delete that particular Episode entirely. See “How to Delete an Episode” later in this chapter for more information. Also see “How to Edit an Episode” for more information on the use of the Edit button. The New Episode button at the top of the Episodes Page will take you to the New Episode page where you can create a new Episode as discussed in “How to Add a New Podcast Episode to a Podcast Page” and “How to Create Additional Podcasts” later in this chapter. The Sort Episode button will allow you to reorder your Episodes, as they appear on your Webpage as well as in Site Manager on the Episodes page.

H ow to Add a N ew Podcast Episode to a Podcast Page 1. Access the Section Workspace. 2. Click on the Podcast Page to which you want to add a Podcast Episode. An Episodes page like the one shown in Exhibit 20-8 will display.

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New Episode button Sort Episodes


Exhibit 20-10: Podcast Page Buttons

3. Click on the New Episode button at the top of the page. A New Episode Page with a Schoolwires Editor like the one shown in Exhibit 20-11 will display. As you can see, this Schoolwires Editor is a limited-function Editor. See Chapter 8: “Working with the Schoolwires Editor” for more information on how to use the Schoolwires Editor, supported applications and tips on copying and pasting.

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Exhibit 20-11: N ew Episode Page

4. Enter the Title of the Podcast Episode as you want it to appear on your Podcast Page. 5. Enter a description for the Podcast Episode into the Schoolwires Editor. 6. Enter the Author if you would like a name to appear with the Episode. 7. Enter the length in time of the Podcast Episode. 8. Two options with the Media or URL field: a. Paste or type the URL for a media file that you have uploaded to another location. b. Click on the Browse button to the right of the URL field to upload a Podcast file. A Select File Wizard like the one shown in Exhibit 20-12 will display.

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Exhibit 20-12: Select File W izard

9. A Select File Wizard will open and provide you with the three standard options for locating the desired Podcast file:: a. Browse your computer or network b. Browse this section’s Files & Folders for a media file that you have pre-uploaded in preparation for adding to this page. c. Browse your organization’s Shared Library for an existing media file. 10. Using any of the three methods, select the file you want to upload and click on the Open button if this is from your computer or Network, or the Next Button if this is a file previously uploaded. 11. Click on the Next button. The Wizard will return as the active window. A message saying “Your file has been uploaded and selected. Please click the Select button will display.” 12. Click on the Select button. You will be returned to the New Episode page and the file path to the file you chose will be displayed. . 13. Click in the Active check box if you want this Podcast Episode to display on your Podcast Page immediately. If you do not make it active now, remember to make it active later or it will not appear on your website.

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14. Click on the Save button. If you do not save at this point, your Podcast Episode will not be included on the Podcast Page. The Episodes Page will return as the active window. You will see the name of the Podcast Episode you just created listed on this page. If you click on the View Website tab, you will see this Podcast Episode displayed on your Podcast Page.

H ow to Edit a Podcast Episode on a Podcast Page To edit a Podcast Episode on a Podcast Page: 1. Access the Section Workspace. 2. Click on the Podcast Page that contains the Podcast Episode you want to edit. An Episodes page like the one shown in Exhibit 20-12 will display. 3. Click on the Edit button to the right of the Podcast Episode that you want to edit. The Edit Episode Page will display. 4. Make the desired changes, following the same steps for uploading a new Podcast file if required. Note: if you upload a new Podcast file, it will replace the one that you previously uploaded. 5. Click on the Save button. Use the View Website tab to see this change on your website. TIP: If your organization has purchased the E-Alerts option, you w ill have the opportunity to send a Content E-Alert. See Chapter 8: “W orking w ith the Schoolw ires Editor” for m ore inform ation on how to use these tw o options w ithin the Schoolw ires Editor. If you do not see the Podcast Episode or Page on your w ebsite w hen you expect to see it, check to be certain you rem em bered to m ake it active.

H ow to Delete a Podcast Episode from a Podcast Page To remove a Podcast Episode from a Podcast Page: 1. Access the Section Workspace. 2. Click on the Podcast Page that contains the Podcast Episode that you want to remove. An Episodes page like the one shown in Exhibit 20- 13 will display. 3. Click on the Delete button to the right of the Podcast Episode you want to remove. You will get a confirmation message like the one shown in Exhibit 20-13.

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Exhibit 20-13: D elete Episode Confirm ation

4. Click on the OK button. The Episodes page will return as the active window. The Podcast Episode you removed will no longer be on the list. Use the View Website tab to see this change on your website. TIP: If you uploaded a file, the file w ill still be on the server unless you rem ove it using the Files & Folders task.

H ow to Reorder Podcast Episodes on a Podcast Page To reorder Podcast Episodes on a Podcast Page: 1. Access the Section Workspace. 2. Click on the Podcast Page that contains the Podcast Epidsodes you want to reorder. An Episodes page like the one shown in Exhibit 20-14 will display.

Exhibit 20-14: Episodes Page

3. Click on the Sort Episodes button at the top of the Episodes Page. A Sort Episodes page like the one shown in Exhibit 20-15 will display.

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Exhibit 20-15: Sort Episodes

4. Highlight the Podcast Episode you wish to move. 5. Drag it to the new location. 6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 as required until you have the Episodes in the order you desire. 7. Click on the Save button. The Episodes Page will return as the active window. Use the View Website tab to see these changes on your website.

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H ow to Create Additional Podcasts

Once you have added your Podcast, you have two options for creating additional Podcasts. You may: • Create a new Podcast Page; OR • Add another Episode to an existing Podcast Page.

Reordering your Podcast Page (Sort Pages Button)

You will use the Sort Pages button to change the order in which the pages in your section appear on the website as well as within the Section Workspace. To reorder pages: 1. Access your Section Workspace. 2. Click on the Sort Pages button. A Sort Pages screen like the one shown in Exhibit 20-16 will display. This page contains a list of all pages currently active on your section.

Type of Sort

Exhibit 20-16: Sort Pages

1. To sort the pages alphabetically, click on the radio button to the left of “Sort Alphabetically”.

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2. To sort the pages manually, click on the radio button to the left of “Sort Manually”. a. Highlight the Podcast Page you wish to move. b. Drag it to the new location. c. Repeat Steps a. and b. as required until you have the files in the order you desire. 3. Click on the Save button. The Section Workspace will return as the active window. The pages will be listed in the new order. You can click on the View Website tab to view the new order of your pages on your live website. H ow to Set the O ptions (Page View ing Perm issions) on a Podcast Page

As you recall, Site Directors can assign specific viewing permissions (roles) to users. You can use those viewing permissions to limit who can view individual pages within your section. To set page viewing permissions: 1. Access the Section Workspace Manage Pages tab. 2. Click on the Options button to the right of the Podcast page for which you want to set viewing permissions. An Options page like the one shown in Exhibit 20-17 will display. Notice that the viewing permissions of General Public and Registered Users are selected by default. They are the default viewing permissions that combine so that any visitor to your website can view all material. TIP: If w ant all of the content on this page to be visible to anyone w ho visits your w ebsite, then leave these three default roles checked.

Exhibit 20-17: O ptions Page

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4. In order to limit viewing of the content on this page to a selected group you must first uncheck the default roles (General Public and Registered Guest) and then choose the roles you wish to be able to view this page by clicking in the empty checkbox to the left of the role. 5. Click on the Save button. The Section Workspace will return as the active window. Only those users with the viewing permissions you chose will be able to see this page on your website.

H ow to rem ove a Podcast Page

To permanently remove a Podcast page from the section: 1. Access the Section Workspace Manage Pages tab. 2. Click on the Delete button to the right of the page you want to remove. A dialog box like the one shown in Exhibit 20-18 will display.

Exhibit 20- 18: D elete Page Confirm ation M essage

3. Click the OK button. The Section Workspace will return as the active window. The page you removed will no longer be shown in the Section Workspace Manage Pages tab current pages region or on your website. Use the View Website tab to see this change on your website.

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