The Millar--du Bois Family

Its History and Genealogy



To My Kindred Wherever it may find them This book is dedicated

To all who ha,e rendered aid in the gathering o! family records, to all whose enthusinsm and proffered assistance have lightened her task, and to her husband whose 11Il11aggtng interest has made possible the completion o! this work. the writer renders tribute o! sincere and whole-hea."'ted appreciation.


CHAPTER I. P,\GE History of Our Ancestors in Europe: Causes of Emmigration; Their Descent and Marriage _____ 1

CHAPTER II. \VILLLux' MILLAR and His Descendants ______21

CHAPTER III. ABIGAIL' MILLAR ALLE." and Her Descendants _____._34

CHAPTER IV. IsAAc" MILLAR and His Descendants ______l9i

CHAPTER V. REBEKAH' MILLAR BR.'\NSON and Her Descendants ____303

CHAPTER VI. ELIZABETH' Mn.w\R VAN METER and Her Descendants __352

Index ------i5


Eva Miller Nourse du Bois Arms and Motto

Old du Bois House at New Paltz. N. Y.

Ferree Arms

"Stone House". Millar Plantation. Virginia.

Grave Yard and Vault. Millar Plantation

Signatures of Owners by Inheritance. Millar Plantation.

Descendants in the \Villiam' Millar Line.

Grand children of 'William and Catharine Millar.

Descendants in the Isaac Millar line.

Homestead of the Van Meters in Holland

Van Meter Arms

Branson Descendant-James Ward Wood.

Living Millar-du Bois Descendants-over eighty-


On page 372. above "S.. near bottom of page. in:-crt :

0 7. HEXRY' LAXE [Catlzarin-: , Eli:abt:tlz', William' Millar], horn January 15. 1826: .. went to Floyd Co. Va.: practiced Law and married; had one son and one daughter: was Lieut. Col. of 42nd Regiment C. S. A.: ldlled at battle of Cedar Run in Culpepper Co. Va.·•

On page 18. line 22, for .. Rebecca ... read "Rebekah". On page 50. last line, for "Rayolds". read "Raynolds". On page 97, line 5 from bottom, for "Hs", read "He... On p:ige 117, line 26. for •·Aaf', read "At... On page 120. line 28. for "'has", read "have". On page 128. line 25. for "seevral", read "several". On page 131. line 14. for "London". read "Loudon". On page 222. line 6. for "1805", read "1804'". as on page 71. On page 281. line 7. for "Maxico··. read "Mexico". On page 333. line 21. for "Sunningham". read "Cunningham". On page 338, line 9 from bottom. for "Irwin:;··. read "Irving"'. On page 391. line 5. right column, for "McCurdy" read "l\IcCurdey".


Orn .A..~CESTORS. During the past twenty years while the history and family data were being collected, the origin of "\,"illiam l\, our Virginia ancestor, his parentage and nati,e land, at all times constituted the real search and goal .A.t first it was belie,ed he could be traced through court records since he acquired and gave deed in the early days of the Valley of Virginia; however, diligent search among the oldest records failed to yield the slightest clue to anything beyond the time of his own life. Letters were written to Millars found in directories of various cities, and to several of the name in Scotland where this spelling is usual, as is l\liller in England, l\fueller in Germany, Mohler in Holland and elsewhere; but never once did they obtain any trace of or connection with our :Millars or their interests. .A. kinswoman sending her family data in 1916 asked, "In what generation or year was the name changed'!", and added that her father who had lived and kept his memory to an advanced age, believed the name had been something like 'l\Iuellaire' and that he understood the family to have been French. This latter could readily be accounted for by the fact of William l\lillar's wife having been French-but what of the change of name. Now began a new search that resulted in the finding of one )Iuelenaer, whose origin, activities and genealogy con­ stantly followed the trend of immigration during those years, and furthermore were closely associated with the general exodus from Europe, the settlements on the Hudson at New Paltz and Kingston, on into the Protlnces of N cw .Jersey on the Raritan Rh·er. ,nth the du Bois and Van ~Ieter families, the former our ancestors. and the latter as elsewhere stated, OUR AXCESTORS married into, or had close assodation with, eYery generation of the }lilfor family. So closely did the )Iuellcnacr name follow and interbnne itc;elf with the Yan }Ieter's that a real working hypothesis seemed at band and a new impetus sent the writer, her bus­ hand and finally a professional genealogist of large e.~e1-i~nce to plow the field of our effort..; and failures. Howe,cr mueh we baYe to offer of the reeorded aetiri­ ties of .Joost ..:\driensen )luellenaer. from bis emigra­ tion from Holland on through New York into the New .J crsey eommunity. where our ancestor William )Iillar is first­ eovered. and nearly two years later is married, there is yet found no authority for, or reeord of an: change of name; hence the chiseled 1706 upon "\Villiam )lillar·s tomb at the old Virginia plantation, is not only the date of his birth, but must answer here for his origin.

}!FFLLEX.-\.ER HISTORY. .After Henr)· Hudson was sent l)y a London company to discoYer a "North vVest Passage" as a short route to China and a grant was made to the West India Co., with Peter 2\-linuit as GoYernor and Director, e,ery effort was made to induee emigration for settlements along the Hudson rh-er. GoYernor LoYelai:e. himself Scoteh-Irish, later on en­ dea,ored to secure from Holland not the poor, but men of means, aristocrats to go into business and settle the lands granted this company." The first emigrants under )Iinuit came from the riYer ,vaal in Guelderland, Holland. The Sommcrsct Hist. Quarterly, Vol. II. p. 153 says: "~o uniformity of ~pelling obtaln!'d, as the names w~re written by English clerks and clergymen, as they sounded. and seldom ~ice alike-, and among the names used for illus• tratlon is .. liulllncr for lieulcnacr." Doc. Hist. or X. Y. notes the~· were usually recorded In church by their Chrlstllln or Baptismal names and only in legal documents used their surnames; On each passenger list of the .-:irious vessels in which Joost Adrlensen came from Holland, he is just so recorded; just as .Toost .Jan Yan Meteren came as Jan Joosten and for years was gene:r:illy so found. OUR ,L.VCESTORS 3 The writer has found no hard and fast rule in this matter. "Gnder ehapter headed, '•First Settlement of New York h~- the Dutch." Doc. Hist. of X. Y.: :n-e lists of ·' Immigrants to X ew Netherland" and on page 55. Vol. III, we find Arriving December 1659 in the "Fnith.. the names "Joost Adriensen, Pynaker, from Deltt·• and further down the list. .. Femmctje Hendricksen, mniden.. This seems the first mention of him and the •'maiden" he later ma1Tied after another ,oyage to and from Holland. The Genealogists notes as follows: ".Joost Aclriensen appears with Gerrit Van S·wcaringen and others in the Dutch settlements on the Delaware Rh-er, arrfring in the ship "Green Eagle" 30 September, 1660; another note states that J oost .Adricnsen & Co. were at Turtle Falls, South Rfrer (the Delaware was so called) April 30, 1658. (Ulster Co. Records p. 29.) Testamentary Disposition of Vermeuler, J oost A.driensen (Yan 11ueler) dated at Wiltwyck, 2 Sept. 1665, was of Pynaker, his wife Femmetje Hendricksen and his little daughter 1Iaritje by said wife shall take possession of the estate gained and acquired by him from her and all such estate as he 1rns in the old country (Vaderfand) as he might inherit. Executors in Wiltwyck, .Albert .Jansen Van Steen­ burg and Roelo:ff Hendricksen, brothers-in-law; they to send any 1Ja1ances to his lawful ,rife and child in the oJd country. Signed ".Joost .A.dryansen." Ulster Co. Probate Records. p. 29.

:,;'ote to the above, "Joost Adriensen of Pynaker, Holland, came from Lner• dam. Apr:11 16, 1665 in "Spotted Cow", m. 1st., 20 March, 1663-4. Femmetjen Hendricksen or Mapplaen. Pro,·. Dreuth. Holland, residing in Wiltwych, N. Y. m. 2d. as widower or Femmitjen Hendricksen, and hailing from Op;nen, near Ti~!. Gelderland 28 Oct., lGGS, Elizabeth Willemse Krom, of Pynaker, in So. Holland. near Delft. He m. :::d. as ;,roJenner. Miller. July 9. 1681. Maritje •Heys, "-fdow of Phillip tLieuw nnd daughter or Christion Cnppoens and David Jockemsen. (Christina.. in her will refers to her dau. "lllary:i. Hays m. to Peter at her death without lnwtul issue, the property not to go to the children or Joost Adriensen dec"d). On Oct. li, 1683 the will or Joost Adriensen dec'd was proven at Fort James before Thomas Dungan, Lt. General and Vice Admiral. and

•HIii -n·JJow mu.rrled yet ni;n.ln 3farch 3. I b~4 Capt. P~t,.-r Pran.. b<>m nt L")'

Jan Joosten being therein appointed as tutor and overseer, was confirmed as such." N. Y. Sur. of Wills Llber 1·2, p. 279. In Kingston, N. Y. marriage Records p. 503, Joost Adrlensen was married by Hermanns Blom on March 20, 166:l to Femmetje Hendricksen of Holland, reefd• Ing at Wlltwyck (Klngi,ton). [Jan Joosten's wife Maeyken Hendricksen is sup. posed to have been the sister of Femmetje.] Documentary Hlst. of N. Y. Vol. IV., p. 43, gives lists of those held captive by the Indians from June to Sept. of 1663 among them are. Wife and three children of Louis du Bois; Wife and two children of Jan .Joosten and "Femmetje, being recently married to Joost Arlene". This fact might easily account for the wife and child of .Joost Adriensen being in the "Old Country" in 1665 when her husband returned to America in the ship "Spotted Cow." Sylvester Hist. of Ulster Co. states that .Joost Adriensen joined Kingston Church from Fort Orange, April 16, 1666.

He "married 2d as w:ido-wer of Femmetje Hendrix Oct. 28, 1668~ Elizabeth "\Villemse Krom "Legally before the Hon. Justice" this was signed "Joost Adryansen." Three children were born of this marriage, Jannetjen, baptised April 5. 1672;, 1'Tfilem, baptised Oct. 13, 1678; and Hendrickse on April 24, 1681, all in N. Y. The wife died at this time doubtless, as J oost again married, on 9 .July, 1681, n-Iaritje Hays and to them was born Sara, baptised June 18, 1682 in the presence of Jan .Joosten, Jan Hamel and Christina Cappoens ( the child's grand mother.) Witnesses to the baptism of Willem and Hendrick, were Jan Joosten Van :Meteren and Gysbert Krom, all in New York. In case of the baptism of Sara the father's name is given as ''Joost Adriensen" and later Molenaer was added. Jan­ netjen the oldest child of the second marriage, married in 1689 David du Bois, son of Louis the Patentee and these were witnesses to the baptism of Lysbeth daughter of ,Joost .Jans (son of .Jan Joosten Van Meteren) and Sara du Bois. King­ ston Church Records.

"JooST Amm:..... s~ bad on May S, 1677 a grant from the Court at Ki~ gston, to build a saw mill and grist mill at Turtle Falls on the South River and the petition was granted.'" JooST Annm::-.sE::-. had on May S, 1677 a grant from the Court at Kingston. of six acres of land over Mill Kill and on Sept. :?7, 1677 a conveyance =s made to OUR A.YCESTORS 5 him by Jan Borhaus o! n house nnd Jot In Kingston. N. 1". Lnnd Pnpers, l pp. 113,126. In the above case he Is named Joost Adryansen. Jan Joosten (Van l\Ieteren) administrator of the estate of J oost .A.driens, late of Boswick, L. I., deceased on April ~3, 1685, agreed to arbitrate regarding some land in Hurley, N. Y., called ,vassemaker Lands. This land came into posses­ sion of Jan .Joosten and was by him bequeathed to his daughter Gertje Crom~ in his 'l'estamentary Disposition, Ulster Co. N. Y. Records p. 30. When the English Government superceded the Dutch in New York there was an exodus from the .Rud.son settlements into the .Jersey Provinces, and again are found together, Van :Meters, .l\1uellenaers, du Bois, Hall, etc.

"Part o! tract l o! the 835 acres granted to Jan Joosten by Gov. Hamilton In 1700, grantors John Van Meter of Sommerset Co., Prov. or East Jersey, yoeman and Margaret, his wi!e, to Hendry Millar or said Co." Deed dated 16 o! Nov. 1719. Hendry ( or Hendrickse) being about 38 years old at this time. This tract is bounded by lands of.John Campbell, .John Drummond of '-Londine," other lands of John Van Meter, and the South Branch (Raritan) and is estimated to contain 37 acres. •John Drummond was formerly a burgess and merchant of Edinhurg and afterward Deputy Treasurer of Scotland. See Liber C. p. 2, East Jersey Deeds at Trenton. In the "-ill of Thos. Hall of Raritan, Somerset Co., N .•J. dated 30 Dec. 1728, it states that his farm adjoins that of Hendricks Molenaers. Vide Same, p. 232. "\Vill 0£ Hendry :Mulenaer, .l\folenaer, }Iulliner, :Millar, dated :!6 ;.r ,muary, 1712, proven :March 4, 1718, yoeman, names wife Catalina and children, Yost, .Arience, John, Mary, Eliza­ beth; mentions farm on South Branch of Raritan River. Executors, .Arian Mullinaer and Isaac Bodyn. On the latter date the execut0rs renounced and on ,June 9, 1719 bond was given by Isaac Van Metre as administrator of Henry's estate on which are named fellow bondsmen, his brothers John Van 6 OUR ANCEf:iTORS

1fotre and Henry Van :Metre." ~- J . .Archives, Col. of ,Yills, Vol. XXIII, p. 332. "Catalina or Catharine, the ,Yidow of HenrJ· )folemmr or 2\Iiller ( ?) afterward married Isaac Yan .:.\I etre." She was the daughter of either.Jacob or Isaac Bodyn. In the will of Andrew Hoffman dated at Pilesgron~, Salem Co., N .•J., Sept. 29, 1725, two of the witnesses were Catharine Van :Metre and her son .Joost .Adriensen )Ieulinner: this is substantiated by a record on :N" o,. 1, 17:31 probably after the death of his mother, and in adjudication of his estate. ··.Joost Adriance ::\Iulinar". then about 24 yca:rs of age gi,es ",1uietus" or quit claim to his "father-in-law" "Isaac Van :Metre." That term was g-cnerally in use then for stepfather and is -so de­ nned l)y International Dictionary today." Hendri~ 1Iuelinaer's five children were born between 1707 and 1712 in which latter year he made his will and from then on till the will was probated, our professional genealogist hoped two or more other ('.hildren had been born and that they might have been Joris (George) and our vVilliam! because a will of one George l\Iillai· elated and probated in 17-1:2 at Piles­ grow, where most of the Raritan emigrants had settled, names his brother vVilliam as one of his executors and names his two boys .J oost and .James. for whom ,Jeremiah W oocl ,yas appointed guardian. Now the writer is willing to believe these two brothers 2\Iillar may have been of our l\Iillars, but 'William at least, if born between 1712-18 could not have been our ,villiam, born 1706 as is of him record.ed. One ,h:\IES 21.lILLAR was the husband of SARAH HOPEWELL~ daughter of Catharine du Bois and her first husband, .Joseph Ropewel:. The names of ,James and Sarah's fh·e children as giYen in the will of their grandmother, Catharine ( du Boi~) )lillar in 1791 would suggest their father as being the James, son of George 2\!illar the Blacksmith of Pilesgro,e. They are named as "sons of James 2\[illar: ,iz., George Miller, William :Miller and J o~eph ~filler; ,J a.mes 2\Iiller and Yost l\Iiller." ': A guardian was appointed for .fames anrl. Yost °Isaac l\fil.ler, :March 12, 1793." OUR ,1SCESTORS 7

*Shenandoah Recorded D. ,vms, 197. It is '\\ith deep regret a definite origin cannot be assigned "\Villiam 1Iillar, neYertheless these notes on the name .:iluelinar are not offered as a substitute, but as eYidence of willingness to pursue an)· suggestion ns a hypothesis. The constant association of )luelinear with the Van ~leters has been the most potent reason for following his for­ tunes into the known scenes of "William ::Millar's early life where also the Yan Meter's played a part and continued to do so. In .June of 1730 Isaac and .John Van :Meter secured a grant of 30,000 acres of land lying l)etween the Shenandoah and the Potomac in Virginia. which in the next year they assigned to .Joist Hite. "On behalf of himself and many inhabitants of Piles­ groYe 'Isaac Van ~Ietre,.on ~fay 22, 1739,made application to the Philadelphia Presbyt.ery .for a church organization a.nd when granted, he, his ,,ife, daughter and son Henry, were among the first to sign the Co,enant-"William ~Iill~tr" was the thirty-sL~h; Henry Van l\Ieter and WilEam Jlillar mar­ ried sisters; SC1lomon son of the former, married ·Elizabeth daughter- of the latter: in the next generation one Isaac Van .Meter and .JoHx ,~tILLLDr:: .:\lILL.u: together migrated to the newly opened lands in Ohio and bought a section in partner­ ship. If it should ever be proved that we are ind.eccl descended from .JooST ADRIEXSEX VAX :MuELEXAER, we mny like to recall a tribute paid by one much traYeled in other land:;;: "Hollanders endure all things in order that they may hold fast that which is good."

HL"Gl:'EXOTS. In 1876 a book was published giving the results of many years study in Europe by a man of wealth and leisure, self-

• The count7 tn YJ:-i::-Jnln. Jn which the )U11:i.r :Home,.tcnd h1 "tu:a. t~d "':u• nn-t Dunmore. then Shemin

appointed to find the beginnin~s of his-and our-Huguenot ancestors. He located them in that part of Xorthern known as old Belgaeic Gaul; recalling to bis mind, and ours, the opening of Caesars Commentaries where he divided Gaul into three parts, the Belgians, the .Aquitainians, the Celts, described them as differing in language, institutions, laws and concluded H':l_'he bravest of these are the Belgians". 1.Yith a beginning such as this it might appear one could pass at once to the long- lists of marriages, births and d.eaths, illuminating that ever interesting human pathway with the achie,ements 'Within our ready appreciation, if not our re­ collection. But the same sense of duty, which at the outset urged the undertaking of these records, demands a closer analysis of the causes of the settlement in this land long before it was sufficiently explored to be a lure to the merely curious or well enough settled to afford more than the meager necessities of life, and those secured only by toil, danger and privation. Such conditions would not have tempted our French an­ cestors, men and women e.idencing a degree of refinement and culture in their writings and civil documents, so carefully pre­ served in Community Strongholds where they settled nearly three centuries ago. No, there was a deep and abiding purpose to achieve full stature of citil and religious manhood, free from persecution, which in their nath-e land had robbed them of every oppor­ tunity in life. Huguenot is the name gi,en from about 1560 to the Pro­ testants of France: the word is of doubtful origin: some belie,e it originated from "Hue Nos'', the words 'With which an early Protestant document begins.

"Professor l\fahn who sets forth many deri.ations. connects the name with Hugues, an obscure heretic as all Protestants were then styled."

•.\..lso it was formerly explained as coming from the Ger- OCR .4.XCESTORS 9 man '"Eid.genossen", the designation of the people of Geneva at the time when they were admitted to the S\\iss confedera­ tion, the word signifying. ,,ith them. Oath Comrades.

"Henri Estienne gave this e."q>lanation: The protestants or Tours, used to assemble by night near the gate of King Hugo, whom people regarded ns a Spirit. A Monk. therefore In a sermon, declared that the Lutherans ought to be called as kinsmen ot King Hugo, Inasmuch as they would only go out at night 118 he did."

The name clung to the Reformers after they had sepa­ rated themselves from all connection with the Lutherans, setting them apart in their faith as distinctly .Anti-Catholic, and they are known today in France as French Protestants of the Reformed Church. 1Vhate,·er the source, the name has continued and with no record of its having been repudiated by them, thus seem­ ing acceptable, not because of any particular meaning of the word, but because it designated a separation, even as was commanded of old "Come out from among them and be ye separate." "Being devoted to a simple form of worship and having drawn vital inspiration from Culvin, Huguenots were almost from the :first unpopular at Court and in France generally, though their quiet unostentatious worship might not have so soon brought persecution upon them, had not certain of the nobility leaned to their side and from then on a political aspect was developed which for a hundred. years kept France in turmoil and bloodshed." The :first Protestant French Church was established at Paris in 1555 though in succeeding years of strife and Politi­ cal troubles La Rochelle was the main Huguenot stronghold~ while Paris was headquarters for the Catholic League. So continuous was the intrigue and oppression that after St. Bartholemews day in 1552 when many thousands of the Reformers were slain, ihe enmity between Protestant and Catholic took a decidedly political turn and the Ht1o"1lenots 10 OUR .-LVCESTOR.'~

felt no further allegian<:e to the King ,vho could not stop sueh atrocities. '"'ro his <:redit it is stated be died bewailing the part he took." Their eause however was rather strengthened "ith foreign powers in reaction from that awful day; help was r,,,iven hy Queen Elizabeth of England and moral support by Germany to the extent the Huguenots drew up an independ­ ent Constitution, democratic in form, patterned after the Swiss, organizing themselves into '·Generalities" or distriets "ith a certain amount of po"Wer to prevent war and control over the '•highest things" but could neither pass nor abrogate laws. This continued until 1589 during which time, ,tltbin them­ selves they were often controlled by selfish religious leaders, finally becoming followers of Henry of Navarre, a Protestant who had a continual struggle to hold himself in power against the Catholics; his struggles were courageous, but ineffective for peace, and he finally gave up his religion declaring "the crown was worth a mass." Within the next few years the Huguenots were so dis­ contented. so uncertain of lasting peace, that the~- finally extorted from Henry IV.,* on May Second, 1598, the famous Edict of Nantes. a document which was mainly a reproduc­ tion of the more favorable points of the earlier edicts and. "·as, in its provisions, helpful alike to Protestants and Catholics; hut it was from time to time so modified as to increasingly show less favor to Calvinists because Hem:· wished, to finally destroy the Huguenot po"er in the Kingdom and lea\·e it an absolute monarchy. ho,,e,er much he might ha,e preferred for himself their religion.

'About one hundred and fifty places "·ere granted by him for their safety, these were free towns like La Rochelle, ~limes. 1Iontauban. and towns belonging to pri"rnte estates or OUR .AXCESTORS 11 to the King, which had fallen during the wars into Hu;;t1enot hands.' TwelYe years luter when Hem·y was assassinated. these long-suffering people were practically without a protector µnd in 1618-eight years more, La Rochelle, their stronghold, was taken from them after a siege of f om-teen months, re­ ducing the population by war and famine from thirty thou­ sand to fh-e thousand people. Under the management of the Kingdom after Heru-y, by Richelieu and later ::'.\fazarin. the Protestants were fairly well treated rather because the cardinals feared a state within a state, than because they ,Yere tolerant, as they were both zealous Catholics. "When Louis XIV. himself assumed authority the Pro­ testants suffered greatly and mth the final Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, eYery form of injustice and atrocity wus inflicted upon them. By a special edict, marriage dates and baptismal names were torn from official records that no heirs might later take from the church or state the property they rightfully inher­ ited and of which they were so wrongfully robbed. Half a million subjects fled from King and Country, many but for temporary safety across the frontier into that part of German~- known as the Palatinate ( or Paltz). This was a political di,ision or state, consisting of two separate territories called Upper and Lower Palatinate situated on either side of the Rhine. These two territories formed a hereditary monarchy, their ruler being one of the electors of the German Empire. The name is now ho,Yever, borne only in Germany by a castle on the Rhine. Encyclopedia says, ··The history of the Hugue­ nots is a standing marYel illustrating the abiding power of strong religious conYictions." Those who fled their country with the purpose of estab­ lishing themseh·es in other lands are all the more remarkable 12 OUR .tSCESTORS when one reflects upon the love of the French for France, who less than any other European People are lured to roam or make homes in other countries. ""In industrial arts, learning and religious thought, Huguenots were of the most advanced and progressive type of c~vilization," thus bringing character of an order to endure, endowments to charm and influence, to the land where at last they were to find civil and religious peace, our "Land of the free and home of the brave." The :first Huguenot settlement in America was in Ulster County, New York, their *grant signed by Edmond Andros, then GoT'ernor under the Crown, and "confirmed unto Louis du Bois and partners, that is to say Christian Doyo, Abraham Hasbroecq, Andries Lefevre, Jean Broecq, Pierre Doyo, Laurens Biv:ier, Anthony Crespell, .Abraham du Bois, Hugo Frere, Isaac du Bois and Simon Lefevre, their heirs and assigns, etc.'' At first their acts and policies were planned by the heads of respective families, but later on when there grew to be tw·enty four proprietors at New Paltz, there were chosen twelve men to exercise the power of giving title without deed, and decide all matters for the common good. These were called the "Duzine" or "Twelve men"-for :fifty years there is no record of appeal to the Colonial Gov­ ernment from the acts of this little body: In 1785 the town was incorporated in the State government and by special acts the grants and partitions were confirmed.

Le Fevre in his History o! New Paltz says: "This government or the Duzine has no pa.ra.llel in Amerlc:i and that the only other European Colony in which it has existed, was a Huguenot Colony !ounded at about the same time in South Africa."

Peace loving and peace practicing people-the families of du Bois or Dubois in America all trace back to this Louis,

•Thi• document Jn th~ Hup~not Bank at New Palts. S. Y •• 1H writttto tn En,:l!dh: hence 90me, ot tbe!r French na=w are not correctly spelt~

OUR A..YCESTORS 13 the Founder, the Patentee at *New Paltz. "While sojourning at :Manheim, Germany, he married on October 10, 1655, Cartharine Blanchan ( or sometimes found Blancon). She was a daughter of Matthew Blanchan and his wife who was :Magdalene J orisse; and a sister of the w:i:fe of Anthony Chrispel, who was the first of the Patentees to come to New Paltz, arriving in June 1660 in the '"Gilded Otter." They were all natives of .Artois, France. Louis du Bois was the son of Cretian (Christian) who descended from ~Iacquaire du Bois, Count de Ronsoy, living in 1110. The name is one of the oldest in France and in the mani­ fold marriage connections there, the author of the "du Bois Reunion Book", declares he has "never found it written in French records, save in one instance, otherwise than with the small du and capital B, du Bois." The origin of the name is "of the Wood" or Forest, as one who lives in or near the wood. From France the name spread to England and Flanders -the first of the name in England was Geo:ffroi du Bois, a knight in the train of William the Conqueror. "lirs. Anna Louise Thompson of Clinton, Iowa, a lineal descendant of Louis du Bois, with :M. Le Turcq of the Genealogical Institute of Paris, has developed the du Bois line of ancestors rumring back to the days of the Scyrii, and includes descent from Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Hugh Capet and. Henry I., Emperor of Germany. .A. chart has been worked out showing the most important of these lines, the correctness of which Mrs. Thompson avers, has been verified by comparison with different sources of information. Wb.ere the line is broken, the cause is attributed to the summary action of Louis XIV. 's minister, Cardinal Mazarin and :Marshall Turenne, who decreed that the names of any of the noble families of the realm who espoused and

•Xew Pa.Jt,:. 111lxte-'°n mJI~ from King1o1ton. X. Y. 1:-f Wf:'11 't.\"orth ,a \'ll'il ti? nny HuY.uPnot de..c,mdant. 14 OUR .-tXCE."iTOR.<; held to the faith of Protestantism should he erased from the rolls and the documentary history of France, and, their pro­ perty confiscated. Such wa.s the law- then in respect to all "heretics." See Van :Meter-Duke-Shepherd Genealogy. .. The first line in the chart begins with Guelph, Prince of the Scyrii [A. D. 476]. A descendant of his in the four­ teenth generation, ~~o, )farquis of Liguria [A. D. 1030] married .JI arie, a descendant of the powerful house of Este in Italy and Lombardy about 500 B. C. Guelph, grandson of Azo and ::\Iarie and Count of Bavaria and Saxe [.A. D. 1107] married .Judith, a descendant of Charlemagne. , A great grandson of Guelph and .Judith, Henry V., Due de Ba:niria and Saxe [A. D. 1195], married ~fatilda, a de­ scendant of William the Conqueror, through Henry I. and Henry II. of England. Henry ·vr. the son of the abo,e Due de BaYaria and Saxe, married Agnes, Countess of Palatine, a descendant of Alfred the Great. A descendant of Henry VI, and Agnes (Madamoiselle) Claude de Lannoy, was married to Charles du Boise, Seignerir des Qnerder, who was a descendant of 1Iacquaire du Bois, Count de Ronsoy, A.. D. 1110. The line of descent from Charles du Bois and Claude de Lannoy was:

1st. generation: EcsTACm:. Seigneur des Querder and de Fiennes, married 1st. GIiie de Revel; !!nd. J e:inne St. OL !!nd. generation: Gumsr•. u:,; DES Fmz.:-;Es. Count de Clarmont, who married Jeanne de Longueville. 3rd. generation: ?.L\nc DE Fmz.:-..:s, Seigneur des Querder, married Madelaine d' Ognies. 4th. generation: l\l\xDrTLLL\N DE Fms:l"Es, Seigneur des Querder. married Cecil Germand. 5th. generation: l\faxD:TLLL\.'1; DE FIE;\":\"ES, Seigneur des Querder, married Louise Charlotte d' E'sta.mps. 6th. i;eneration: C11.uiu:i,, M.\XIl[lLLL\S DE FIE:S-XES. married Henrietta de Regnierde Bo!sle:iu. 7th. generation: Cn ►:TL\N M.\.'a~IILUAN DEs FIE:S-;\"ES married-record erased. Sth. generation: Locrs DU Bors DE F=:s-Es. born bctober 16!!6. OCR .-tXC'ESTORS 15 .Again from Sam 'l Gordon Smyth ·s Genealogy of V un ::Meter-Duke-Shepherd Families, p. 2S: '·The du Bois des l<'iennes appear to haYe been a military familJ· and to haYe fumished France some uble soldiers. TJ1e first .:.\faximillian was Field l\fm-shall ancl of the .Armies of the King. His son l\fa.,imillian was Lieut. General of the Armies of the King. Cretian l\laximillian, l\Iarquis des Fiennes was Captain of caYalry in his father's regiment." The erasure of the record of Cretian 's marriage and family was to prevent his children from establishing claim to the title and estates; but the validity of Louis claim of descent is established for the purposes of genealogy by the record in l\fanheim, Germany where he married, stating that he was the son of Cretien du Bois of Wicres, the little village in the Province of .A.rtois, near Lille. '' The old register at \Yicres has been examined and found to contain the registry of the baptism.c;; of three sons of Cretien du Bois, but in each case the Christian name of the son is torn out in accordance with the King's orders." [Lefen-e, Hist of New Paltz.] The residents of Flanders between the rivers Schelut and the Lys were called "\V~lloons, hence Loms DU BoIS as the leader of the settlement at N cw Paltz, was usually called '"Louis the ,·i.r alloon." Ee probably came, LeFevre says, in the ship St. .Jan Baptist wl1ieh landed Aug. 6, 1661. In that same year as shown by the old ehurch register at Kingston, was the third son .Jacob, presented for baptism. In 1663 the Hamlet of Hurley and part of :Kingston were burned by the Indians; wh·es and children carried away captive. "\Ve descendants of Lons Dr Bois like to belieYe the tradi­ tion of the splendid courage of Catharine his "-ife, when a captiYe in the hills; their torehes ready to light the great pile of brush wood upon which she had been tied, the Indians 16 OUR .4-YCESTORS marched around while she began with the other women cap­ tives to sing in their native French the 137th Psalm. which so charmed the red men, the final torture was

40 kettles, 10 large, 30 small; 40 axes; 40 adzes; 40 shirts; 400 fathoms ot white net work; 40 fathoms black net work; 60 pairs stockings, half small sizes; 100 bars ·or lead; l keg or powder; 100 knives; 4 kegs wine; 40 oars: 40 pieces "duffel" (heavy woolen cloth); 60 blankets; 100 needles; 100 awls; 1 measure of tobacco; 2 horses, 1 stallion-1" [Le Fevre's Ristory of New Paltz pp. 11·13.J

In 1696 Loms ou Bois died in Kingston [formerly Wilt­ wvck.,,::, sfonifvincr .. t, "Indian Gift"] bavincr::, moYed from Hurley ten years before. "'Tradition says that the burning b~· the Indians in June of 1663 of Hurley and. part of Kingston led to the discovery of the lo\\lands along the Wallkill and the settlement at New Paltz in 1678." LoFis was an elder in the "Walloon Protestant Church" whose first records were in French in his handwriting on the 22 of January 1683, and tells of the arrival of their first Pas­ tor Pierre Daillie: Hugo Freer, another patentee -was elected deacon.'' "Lons children were .ABRAHAM and ISAAC born at }Ian­ heim; J .A.COB, SARAH, SoLo:-.rox, born at Hurley (Rebecca and Rachel died young) Lo-PIS ancl )L.\TTHEW born at ~ew Paltz. /3i.J..1Lit.7 .CJS:~


SoLo~rox was the :first New Paltz man to marry outside the Huguenot fold; his wife being Tryntje Gerritson of Hol­ land Dutch ancestry whom he married about 1690. SoLO::uo~'s oldest son, IsAAc, born September :21, 16!>1, married April 6,-1714 his cousin Rachel du Bois, daughter of _<\.braham du Bois and his wife l\fargaret Deyo, daughter of one of the patentees. IsAAc moved to Pennsylvania and settled upon his f~her's land at Perkiomen, Pa., where he died Febntary 10, ijw. Of this marriage there were daughters only; they in­ herited this Perkiomen property by the will of their grand­ father *SOLOlIOX who died at Ne," Paltz, N. Y., February 2, 18-59. :1 • ll-lABGARET, born in lil6. married .John Zieber_ REilEcCA. born in 1722, married Henry Van Meter_ ELlzABETir. born in 1724, married Abraham Sahler_

While Catharine, the oldest, born February 13, 1715 married WILLIAM ~llLLAR and these last became our Virginia ancestors, the founders at old Front Royal, of this l\fillar­ du Bois Genealogy. Their marriage took place on .July 29, the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia; Catharine was the widow of J osepb Hopewell whom she had married in the same church on .June 25, 1737 and by whom she had two children, .Joseph and Sarah. As his will fodicates, W ILLLUI 1ULLAR was a man o-f considerable means, and. in the inventory of his estate re­ corded at Woodstock, Va., his library is mentioned as con­ taining ''Sundry works upon History, Philosophy and Reli­ gion" which evidenced education and study. His signature also is that of one used to the pen, though made in 1772, but four years prior to his death. Re was one of the five justices of the first court held in Hampshire Co., W. Va., in 1757.

•Solomon du Boh,. Llei:tt>nn.nt Jn lJ11"tcr Co. :-:. 1:·. :,..uuun.. Doc. Hl8t. or :,;. Y. Yol. Ill. :», :1-:-: .. 18 OUR .-1.NCESTOP.S In an alphabetical Poll for Frederick Co. Va... July 24, 1758 for Col George Washington for the House of Burgesses, his name appears together with se,eral others mentioned else­ where in this History: ,Yilliam Raynolds, Isaac Hite.. Jacob Hite, *Edward Lucas, Robert ..Ulan .. John and Abram Yan :Meter. In the third edition to "'Kerchernl's History of the Y al­ ley". reprinted in 1902: p. 51, we find,

"William Miller and Abraham +Hite were also among the early settlers. When the Indian wars broke out, MIiler sold out his right to 500 acres of land. and all his stock of horses and cattle In the woods, for 25 pounds. and removed to the south fork or the Shemmdoa.h, a !ew miles above Front Royal. The 500 acres of land sold by MIiler lie within two miles or Moorefield •..•• "

Contributed by Isaac Van :Meter, Esq., to Kerche,al. Fi,e children were born to "\VII..LI.u11 and CATHARIXE [nlr B01s] n-llLLAR upon the old ~lillar plantation in the home tbey called :Mountain View but which gradually became known as "Stone House," being the only one of that descrip­ tion in this section.

1. ,v1u.1.n,~ l\Iu.r_rn; born N'oYember 2, 17-14; died October 22, 1790. 2. AmG.\lL~ :Mn.,_\l:. born February 2·1. 1,-:-:-: dle

"'\V ILL OF W ILLI.UI JlILLAR I. In the name or God Amen. I WIiliam Millar o! Dunmore County. in Virginia, being weak in body but or penect mind and memory, and kno\\ing that it is appointed for all m('n once to dfa, do mnke and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, and fir,it I give aud rcccommend my soul to God who ga,e it. and my body to be buried In a Christian-like manner. at the discretion o! :my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall recei,e the same again by the mighty powt'r o! God: and as !or such worldly goods as God has blest me with in this life I give and bequeath them In manner following. and first- It Is my will and desire that all my last debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied.

• Edward Luca.a who .. ettletl 1n J'crtcnon Co.• '\\... '\"'a. tn li:;:. a great. great. great ~d rather ot' the writer on hl!"r motbcr•ti1 maternal line. tA111 bf.tor~ !>tatt'd Hite obtain~ hlM Ylr~lnla a;-rant.H t':-om the Vn.n !\1'.et

I give to my beloved "if!! Catharine l\1lllar one of my best beds and furni­ ture, and one of my best breeding mares. and two of my best cows and calf and one third part of :ill my moveable cMatc. Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved son William M!llar part of the plantation I now live on joining Henry Cloud beginning at a white oak on the river bank. corner of Cloud's land and mine. t:ience up snld river to :m ash tree near about 160 poles, which said ash Is marked for a corner, thence running from the river back the several corners to Cloud's lane as m:iy appear by a clod thereof made; thence with Cloud's line to the beginning on the river bank containing 210 acres more or less. Item.-I give and bequeath to my beloved son Isaac Millar all that plantation or tract of land on the south branch In Hampshire Count; as deeded to me by his lordship· joining Abrm, Koykendall, containing 438 acres with all the rights be- longing to the same. - Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Rebecca Millar all that tract of land I bought ot John Dunbar lying In Hampshire on the Lost river. joining Jacob Gresoman, containing 412 acre,, and also one good bed and furniture and 3 cows and calt. Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Elizabeth :Millar the remainder part of lands joining the above bequeathed land to my son William beginning at an ash tree on the river bank a marked corner tor my son William and my srud daughter EUzabeth. thence up the river about 104 poles to a large Sycamore tree. corner to the land I deeded to my son•ln-law Thomas Allen, thence with •.\lien's lines the several corners back to a corner marked !or Wm. Ashby and Peter Lehew, thence with Lehew's line to Henry's corner, near the Gret road, then with said Cloud's line west to a black oak marked corner for my son William, thence v.ith his line the several corners to the beginning ash tree, on the ~uth river bank. containing 125 acres more or less, and also I give four cows a .. : calfs and one good bed and furniture. Item. The above lands I give to them and to tach of their heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give to my beloved step-eon Joseph Hopew~ll. ten pounds Virginia money, and discharge him o! what he is now charged in my book. Item. I give to my beloved step-daughter Sarah Millar, wi!e or James Millar twenty pounds for her, or on and at her desire within one year arter my decease; and her husband James shall have no right to any part thereor. unless by his wife's· express order or desire. and if she should die be!ore this v.111 can be e.i:ecuted. my Executors may ·dispose of the sum for the benefit of the children at their discretion. Item. I give to my ~on William at my decease all that he shall be In my debt at my decease, if it not exceeds fifty pounds, but i! mote he shall pay to my Executors in the rest or my movable estate to be equally divided between my son Isaac Mmar. and my thr('{! daughters to-wit Abag:ill the wire or Thomas Allen and Rebecca and Elizabeth :Mlllar, and €ach o! my children is to have their stock as Is now their own and legacy. Item. I constitute and appoint my beloved son Isaac Millar and my beloved son-in-Jaw Thomas Allen Executors or this my last will and testament, revoking all and every other ·rormer Wills and Testame:its or Legacies by me made. Ratl!ying and confirming to be my last unless re\·oked by me. 20 OUR A..VCESTORS

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of October, and In the year of our Lord A. D. one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six ---li76. Signed, Sealed. and delivered. William Millar (Seal) In the presence of Wllliam Cnl!ee William jennfngs joseph Hopewell• .At a Court held for the county of Shenandoah County. the 24th day Sept. 1778, the Last WW and Testament of William Millar Deceased was presented In court by Thomas .Allen and Isaac Miller, Executors therein named who made oath thereto according to Law, and the same being proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto, the same Is admitted to ha.nd. and on the motion of the said Executors who entered Into bond together with joc Beale and William Calfee their securities on the Penalty of Fitteen Thousand Pounds Conditional for their true and faithful administration of the !aid estate, Certificate as granted them for obtaining a. probate thereof In due form of Law. Teste Thomas Marshall C. S. C. A copy Teste SamJ. C. Wfllfams C. S. C.



1. "\V.ILLL.ue the oldest son of WII.LL.\)I1 and. Catharine :Millar, was born and lies buried upon the land chosen for his birthright. "\Ve know little of the man himself, his life was but forty­ sL~ years, and the interior of his home, Stone House, was damaged by .fire in later years, doubtless erasing many evi­ dences of character and personal attributes of its early owners. We have the right however, to infer two points of worthi­ ness in his life; first, he was, by his father's will, entrusted with maintaining the family name and homestead; second, because of his record of service as Ensign in the Seventh Company, 4th Batt, of Pennsylvania l\.filitia.

vVILLIA..,i:2 :MILLAR married Elizabeth Ferree, daughter of t .Abraham and bis wife Elizabeth Elting Ferree; and since the early history of our country holds much information con­ cerning these two names, some part of it is here repeated as ntally interesting to the descendants of William and Eliza­ beth :Millar. The Ferree Family was of the *Nobility of France, its f01mder Robert Ferree was in 1265 confirmed to an extensive estate at Forchamps in Lower Normandy. See Nobility of :N'" orrnandy, Vol II., p. 3.57." Because .of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and in orde:r- to carry out the full intent to exterminate Protest­ antism, Dragonades, fierce musket bearing soldiers were sent to the home town of the Ferrees and quartered upon all pro­ testant inhabitants.

• ..Pennll)'h-anlo. In the Revolution .. Vol. JT. p. ~t:. t A pair Qt wroucht iron Andlron11 In PoN89Ulon or a direct lUUar deHCenda.nt. bea.r upOa their round. placque ,:ho.l)f'd top,c th.- JnltJah• A + E with M. lur,cc."r F :it the top and the date l ':4S below. • Ferree ~De Guenles. & trots a.nneletl d•or Couro11ne: De Compte--Su.pporta. Deux lloP.11. 22 WILLI,tJl JlILL,tR II. So great were the hardships and indignities in conse­ quence that where possible, the people fled, notably among others the Ferrees, who escaped in the night! going first to Strasburg, then to Lindau in Ba.aria, an Imperial City which gave them temporary safety. Here the husband and father Daniel FeITee died, he was a silk merchant of means and prominence. The widow to further safeguard their existence assumed her maiden name of Marie "\Varrembur. They were presently joined by Isaac le Lefene! a notable Huguenot refugee who married Catharine, oldest daughter of l\Iadam Ferree; because of the very crowded condition of these places of refuge. they decided together, to emigrate to the New World, there to secure civil and religious peace. Historian Wayland says in tribute to the Ferree family and other immigrants of the early eighteenth century:- " They came from Europe not for economic reasons alone but because of religious persecution, political oppres­ sion and military outrages; such forces always move the best classes, people who seek liberty of conscience, health of the State and safety for the morals of home and -family." In his memoirs published in 1904, Admiral Schley, whose e-rrandmother was sister to Elizabeth Ferree [ mfe of TVILLLDr:: MILLAR] says concerning ltis ancestry:

"The first instinct o! Individual Independence the world over has usually taken form In a defense of primitive faith, or right to pray In our own hearts in our own way. It wns this Instinct that established the beginnings o! this great Republic and made out o! an unknown wilderness a great Nation."

No matter was neglected by 1fadame Ferree to secure the transfer of their status as worthy citizens of their native land, to the land of their future abod.e. Her passport was dated from Bittenheim, )Iarch 10, 1708. Her testimonial from her French Reformed Church \\as dated May 10, 1708. WILLI,UI .11/LL,W II. :!3 Also from ch-il authorities, a statement of her freedom from debt. "\lith these documents in band the little party wwt to London where in person :Madame Ferree sought out ·wmiam Penn whose "*Holy Experiment .. made Pennsyh-ania unique as a refuge for immigr:mts "for conscience sake." To him she made known their situation and the next day he introduced her to Queen Ann, then England's soYercign whose kindness of heart had already been shown French and Ger­ man refugees. rrhe queen presented ::\ladame Ferree with maur and Yarious implements of husbanclrJ·. \\"illiam Penn coYenanted to give this br,we woman a tract of land which she actually obtnined upon her final set­ tlement in Pennsylrnnia. The Ferree party reached New York safely, proceeded up the Hudson rfrer to their Huguenot friends at Esopus, remaining about two years, until in 1712 circumstances were fayorable for taking up their grant of :2,000 acres in Chester, now Lancaster Co., Pa., the warrant for which is dated Octo­ ber 10, 1710. Upon their arrh-al at indeed their Promised Land, Stapleton in his "Memorials of the Huguenots," says: "~i\.n Indian chief met them and gave to the Madame not only his wigwam for her present comfort but his word to keep peace between them, that word was ne.-er broken by either. She vested in the care of trustees a plot of ground which should be for them a burial place, now known as 'Carpenter's Grave­ yard' near Paradise, Pa. Here lies the brave woman honored in memory by descendants in every state, many among the great of the land." While they sojourned in Esopus, N. Y. the third son of Madame Ferree, Phillip, married Leah, the daughter of

• ••tn lCSl '\Vlllh:un Penn obtnJnc.-d In Ueu ot the 1,;.000 pound11 ror which the Crnwn WfU' im.lia-bted to hf11 Fa.thfr SJr 'W'IIJlnm Ptmn. n ,:ro.nt ot' te-rrJtory from which the pre,ccut boundariett or Pcnm•yh'n.nJa were dctcrmJnPd. Hu• G'r't'at de,clre wta,. to ..,ctnhlbih u ht>m" tor hhc co-relti:-lonl111t11-thc Qunkt"r!'f:• SC"e :-:"w 1ntf'rnntlonal EncycJopa.etlln. 24 WILLI,1J1 JllLLAP. II. Abraham du Bois and his wife ifargaret Deyo. both children of Huguenot Patentees. They settled upon part of the tract given his mother in Lancaster Co., Pa., and here their eight children were born. Abraham Ferree, their oldest son married in 1736 Elizabeth Elting. daughter of Cornelius Elting and his wife Rebecca Van Meteren, who was a daughter of J oost Jan Van Jleteren, the Holland Pioneer, and. his wife Sarah du Bois, daughter of Louis the Founder and Patentee. The will of 1\braham Ferree probated in Strasburg twp., Lancaster Co., March 14. 1775, mentions sh: children. l. CoRNEt.IUs-who settled in Virginia. 2. REru!:CcA, married David Schreiver and becnme the grand mother o! Admiral Schley. 3. IsRAEL. 4. RACHAEL. married David :MlsKimius. 5. ELJZABETII, married William Mlllar. 6. MARY. married George Groa!I'. who died, after which she marriett Grllfln WIiiets ot Kentuclcy near Bardstown.

The original purpose in the mind of the writer of this history and genealogy was to perpetuate, solely for her two sons, a record of their maternal ancestors; if worthy, to be emulated. where unworthy, to be corrected in their own lives. But since studying the history of our country whose policies were established and nurtured by a great faith, high charac­ ter has been both cause and result and the interest and appli­ cation has broadened. Our ancestors "·ere here not for love of adventure nor to raise their social status, but through peril and privation eourageous, he:i:e for conscience sake. Since so largely has this branch of the family drawn upon pioneer conditions and so many times are we descended from Huguenot sources, is it not therefore especially laid upon us to remember why we are Protestants; and in the midst of safety, P.ase and plenty, when issues arise to test the fibre within us, let our words and actions be consistent with our WILLI.J.JI .1/ILLAR ll. 25 inheritance, loyal to the motto of du Bois .Arms, '·Hold to thy Faith."

Si,;: children were born to WILLLnr and Euz,,nETH FERREE :MlILA:R, as copied from an old Bible printed in 1779 in possession of one of the families, doubtless copied from the original entries.

L EuzAIIETil MILLAR. born Tuesday Sept. 19. 1771; 11 o'clock. 11 minutes. 2. REIIExAD MlLLAll. born Thursday, November 4, 1773; 7 o'clock In the morning. 3. AlJR,\lJAM MII.t.AR. born Sunday• .June, 2nd, 1776. at sunrise. 4. ISAAC Mn.LAil. born Saturday, Nov. 21. 1778. 5. .Jomv W=t MII.LAK. born October 31. 17S1. 6. Con..~ELros E. MILLAR. born January 4, 17S5.

W ILLIA}£2 }'fILLAR II. In the Name o! God Amen. I, WILLIAM MILLAR of Shenandoah County In Virginia. being weak In body but ot per!t!Ct mind and memory, and knowing that ft is appointed tor all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. And first I give and recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to be burled in a Christian like manner, at the discretion o! my executors. Noth• in;; doubting, but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same a,;aln by the mighty power of God. And as for such worldly goods as God has blessed me with in this lire, I give and bequeath them in manner following. And tlrst It Is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. Item, I gll"e to my beloved wife Elizabeth MIiiar all that tract of land I hold In Marylan·d, it being part of the land known by the name of *Elton's Right; one negro woman named Nan, one good riding creature, one or our good cows. two good beds and furniture. my desk and best looking glass, and her choice of tables. · Item: I ;dve and bequeath to my beloved sons Abraham Millar and Isaac M11lar, all that tract of land I now live on, joining Wllllam Cloud on the one side and Solomon Van Met-::r on the other, and my two ncgro boys Tom and Stephen and two good cre:.tureb to be equally divided between thc:n. Item: I give and b~qucath to my helove

• Tbe Jand 1n 3faryJa.nd. J)a.rt nt .. Elton•~ Rlght0 which Jn hlH wlll. William devtae. tO> hill wtre EUza.beth. ahft had In ttalJty Jnhertted from he-r mother. who,.., rather ComeUWI Elt1n,: (later spelled and call~ Elton] had pat,,.nt,-d In Aul:1J"!'t li4!l. LIiier Lllnd Grant,,. ot llaeylAnd, No. B: Folio 633. 26 WJLLl,1JJ JJILLAR II.

John William and Corneilus the sum of three hundred pounds out of their legacy. Item: All the abova le::;acys I give to them their heirs and assigns forever except the land I gfre to my wife Elizabeth; It ls my will after her decease that It be equally divided between my two daughters Ellzabeth and Rebecca, the upper part to Ellzabeth and the lower part to Rebecca. .Also I give to my daughter Elizabeth my negro ;..-irl called Rachel, together a mare and colt, six head of cattle and twelve sheep that she has now In her possession; also two beds and their furniture :ill which I give to her and the heirs or her body. Item: I give to my daughter Rebecca my negro boy named Jacob. one mare and colt, six he:id of cattle and twelve head of sheep. two good beds and furniture all which. I ;..-ive to her and to the heirs of her body. Item: It Is my will and desire that If any of the above named legatees should die without heirs or their. bodies, their legacy should be equally divided among my !our sons, viz. Abraham, Isaac, John WIiliam and Cornelius or the survivors of the said four sons. Item: I f"lve my two sonil John William and Cornelius the remal:i:der or my estate to be equally divided between them. Item: I constitute and appoint my worthy friends Jonathan Clark and Jacob Van Meter, Jr.• Executors or this my last will and Testament revoking all and every other former will and Testament or Legacies by me made, ratifying and confirming this to be my l:ist. unless revok.?d by me.· In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day or June one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine 1789. Signed, se:iled and delivered in the presence of W!lllam ll!lllar Isaac Mllla.r Elizabeth Pott Thompson (Seal) Marcus Coyles Danie! Cloud At a court held !or the county or Shenandoah on Thursday the !!4th day o! Feb. 1791 the Jll.ljt Will and Testament of William M11Iar deceased was ex­ hibited into Court and proved by the oath ,,r Danie! Cloud one or the witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified. Jonathan Clark, one or the executors therein named refusing to take upon himself the burden or the e.i:ecution thereof and ordered that Jacob V:in Meter Jun. be summc,ned to appear at Apr!! court next to quallfy. Teste Phllllp William Clk S. Co. A copy Teste Sam1 C. WIiiiams C. S. C.

.Another e,idence of the stability of purpose of 1'7ILLIA)I'! Mrr,LAR was his plan to certainly see:ure to the homestead a lineal male descendant by devising it to his two older sons who were then but lads in their teens. Subsequent events of the country's development showed how wise was this provision and how difficult it proved to keep the· westward bound spirit of discovery and ad-venture W/LLl,Llf .lJILL.-1.R ll. from transplanting whole families across the mo1mtains into foe ··Western "'\Yilclerness" as Kentucky and Ohio lands were called when first opened for settlement some twelve years later. Only love of home and kindred. with a determination to t!:-:e eYcr>· opporttmi0· of commtmication bas kept intact, family traditions, history and genealogy through the years when messengers were few and liable to all sorts of delay ancl disaster by floods, impassable roads and hostile frontier con­ ditions. No doubt the payment of letter postage by the recipient instead of the sender, secured the safe arrival of mail which otherwise might ha,e been lost in transit; also the high rate of postage naturally tended to the writing of important facts with much care and precision even while it doubtless Jimite·I the number of letters sent. :Many old letters in the writer's possession are marked due 22-27-36 and even 75 cents. No letters of WILLIAir:: MILLAR are believed to exist but several business papers bearing his signature show ready and legible penmanship, almost equal to his father's "William l\fillar Sen'r" which was one of the writer's happy "finds" on a tiny scrap of paper and dated December 12, 1772. Several letters written by his wife Elizabeth [Ferree] :Millar are also prized and serve to inform us of her eagerness to visit the new country after two of her sons had settled there and also that after her youngest son Cornelius, :finally decided to remain near his brothers in Ohio, she could no longer be denied, and with negro maid and man returned with her son after a visit he made to her in the Virginia home then owned by Isaac, one of the two sons to whom it was bequeathed. This was :in 1807 and so did she live until because of fail­ ing health it was thought best to remove her to the home of Abraham, who with his wife smoothed every care during the remaining year of her life. 28 WILLIAM MILLAR II. "Elizabeth Ferree, wife of William :\Iillar" lies buried in the private cemetery on the Millar Plantation "Shady )fount" Scioto Co., Ohio, near Wakefield, having died December 21, 1818.

1 1. ELIZABETH:i l\-IILLAR [William::_. W·illiam ], the first child of "William and Elizabeth (Ferree) :Millar was born in Stone House on the ~Iillar plantation near Front Royal, Vir­ ginia, on "Tuesday, September 19, 1771, 11 o'clock, 11 minutes" by Bible record. She was married before her father died; in their Vir­ ginia home August 9, 1787 to William Raynolds of Richmond Co., Va. [born June 23, 1764; died October 14, 1814 in Canton, Ohio.] '' The grandfather of William was Geoffrey *Raynolds, born about 1656 in England and was of royal blood and dur- . ing the scourge there of cholera, "The black death", he was sent with a tutor to Virginia; when the conditions at home permitted his return he desired to make the new world his home and the "a" in the name was adopted to designate him and his descendants from all other Reynolds." ~ o one of the clan has been found who fails to use the changed spelling though not all are informed of the origin. The will of Geoffrey Raynolds, executed March 3, 1721; Probated June 11, 1725 in Richmond Co. Va. Wrr.u.ur RAYXOLDS left Richmond Co., Va. where he was born, and settled in Front Royal at the time of his marriage to ELIZ.-\BETH:: ~llLL.-\R whose father established them there and in his "ill, probated three years later, further devised to them. But ,tlth the first government land sales in Kentucky and Ohio in 1802, the tide of sentiment was strong for western settlement. Hence, immediately upon the marriage and de­ parture for Ohio of his wife's brother J O!CT WILLIAM3 MILLAR,

•'nlo Raynold• Ann!I are--Eagle"s V/inc a.'!ld a. Pe-g:ucu21 or '\\0 lng~ ho~ with a. crest and. i,trtpe,r. Motto ••:-.on tn1tflclt Orbl!I"• lHLLI.:UI .lIILLAR II.

late in 1803, many letters passed between them showing them­ selves precursors to lir. Raynolds removal to that state at the end of another year with his family, settling at Zanesville. "He volunteered under Gen. Cass and was captain of a Company of Volunteer Infantry which he raised and was at the surrender of Hull at Detroit, where he contracted a dis­ ease from which he died October 14, 1814 with the rank of :l\fajor. His wife Elizabeth whom he always called "Captain" survived him many years, dying on ~fay 20, 1843." .A. grandson remembered her to have been blind for a year before her death, but that she bore it uncompl<;.in1ugly. Following are two letters to bis brother-in-law .John Wm.:: Millar-

Front Royal, Frederick Co. Va. Dear .Johnny It is unaccountable to me why I have not received an answer to neither of the letters sent to you Via Chillicothe (Postpaid) they were directed to be for­ warded by the Post Master at the first safe opportunity, that they were forwarded I have no doubt and have been expecting for several weeks past an answer. I now improve an opportunity by Mr. Isaac Millar of Kentucky to forward this Via Portsmouth or Alexandria, he has promised to stop on his way down Ohio at the mouth of Scioto from whence am In hopes you will soon get it, as I am told by your Brother 'tis your County Town and the nearest to you; be pleased to no pains in procuring an opportunity to write me. I am as yet lying on my oars and wish before I have an occasion to use the helm to know the course I run to stear and the place of destination; much has been said of Louisiana. give me the reports currant of that country In your neighborhood together with your owu opinion, many things in my first letter required answers which am in hopes you will attend to: Elections for members to our State Legis• lature will take place in April next and the event begins to be the topic of con· versatlon in almost every circle. and several publlca.tlons in papers have been made, evidently Intended to Introduce corresponding committees thro the County for the purpose of election, how it will terminate I know not, but am one of the supporters of the plan. Make my best respects to your companion together with the Captain's to you both-we are all well. I received a letter from Billy a day or two ago, he was well. Mrs. Headley has been unwell but is recovering very fast. and nothing of moment respecting others of your friends and acquaintances worth relating. I expect to see you as early in the Spring aR the roads will adm!tt but must certainly receive a letter from you before I start. Accept dear .Jack the assurance of my best respects-- W. RAYNOLDS 19th, Feb"ry, 1804. 30 WILLI,1JI JIII,L"1R II.

The following letter selected from those in writer's pos­ session gfres the best idea of the early establishment of the Raynolds family in Ohio and also the friend.ships existing between the rnrious branches of the )-lillar family.

7..anesvllle, 6th December, 180-l. Dear Jack, By the last mall from the westward I received an answer to a Jetter written to your brother Abram and by tho next weeks mail shall expect an answer to this. 'Tis written with a wish to commence a correspondence at once friendly and lmprovlng. 'Tis written to let you know that ~rter a journey of tlve weeks we arrived at this place one week or which might be considered as having elapsed by un­ foreseen accidents such as breaking my waggon, turned ft over etc., but am at last settled as I suppose for the winter, having rented a house 6/9 V. C. money and ln my present rituatlon shc,uld be tolerably satisfied wlth my expenses something less and could flatter myself With the prospect of seeing you and Polly here ln the course of the Winter, you have a very small family and horses to spare come and see us. you can ride here In three days and the satlstactlon It would give us ls indescribable. Arter making eome other arrangements which Will take three or four weeks, we intend lf possible to see the banks or Scioto. Three horses will take the Capt'n myself and the three smallest chlldren there will be none left but George and Jorice who can stay with some of my neighbors during our absence, this plan to be executed a!ter you come to see us and perhaps before for from what Abraham writes can scarcely anticipate the pleasure of seeing you In several months on Muskingum, he writes that ln slx weeks (the time he has bad his family on Scioto) you and Polly have been there but once to see bfm and then stayed but about fifteen minutes. ~ow sir, from those considerations, am at a loss how to make my calculations when to expect you but to jump accounts shall expect you on or before the 25th Instant, together with your good wife and Eliza- If I could but tlatter myself John Mlllar and his wife and child Abram Ml!Jar and his wife And Wllliam Raynolds and hls !amlly would dine together in Zanesville on Christmas day I could, cripple as I am (having strained my back lifting heavY rails) jump for j,:,y; and why not it it were possible anythin~ could be more entertaining than to sit, smoke and talk over and over a.gain the ten thousand transactions which have transpired wlthln the knowledge or one or all af us. nothing could be more entertaining, nothing would be more agreeable! · make the experiment, we will follow the example, I promise you we will. But if a.trectlon, friendship, brotherly and sisterly love can not fetch you, perhaps I can lay a scheme that will,--(I am now going to write Uke the people or this State) I have a very fine broodmare one that your mother offered me $200 for, come up with Bute (if you have him) and I will give you a good trade. She is thought here to be rhe finest mare In the State, she is 6 years old and upwards of 16 hands high almost full blood, and has proved herself to be a tine breeder,--wlll this fetch you!--what persuasive language shall I make WILLU.11 .llll,LelR II. 31 use o!; the subJ<'ct ls nenrly exhausted nnd your patience also; well be ft so but still I must Insist on your coming--! cannot but think that :is there nre but three or us ln this Stnte. that nltllo ft may net be perfectly convenient to settle nenr each other, yet we shnll not be so fnr apart but that we can hear !rom ench other weekly and can see each other quarter yearly. I will promise to mnke arrangements something sfmllnr to those, nm not certain of continuing In this place, shall go on to the westwnrd mysel! and I! no pince strikes my tnnc1• better thnn this, this will be the place where I shall ultimately settle. These are my present views but I may buy nnd fix myl'elf firmly In n day or two !or aught I know !or nm much pleased with what I call promising future prospects: Climate, soil, nnvliratlon, l\flll-sents, nil combine to enforce sani:ulne expectations that Znnetvllle wlll in n few years rlv:il the most commercial Town In the State, 'tis not the center of Territory but It will be the center or trade. A portage of but one mile to the Cnyhogn River which falls, rather glides Into Erle Lake, at Zanesvllle there ls the only natural obstruction In Muskingum for 150 miles, at this pince comes fn the Licking River draining between 30 and 50 mlles square of the finest lnnd In the state, but enoui:b, you shall bear from me again. Adieu, dear Jack, WM. RAYNOLDS.

Children of ELIZABETH:: and ,,ILLI.ur R.u-xor.ns:

1. WILLIA)!' RA1°XOLDS. born November 22, 17S9. 2. GEORGE w.• RAYXOLDS, born May 12, 1792. S. ELV.AB.t."l'II" RAYNoLos. born February 25, 1795. 4. REDEKAJI' RAYXOLDs. born June 28, 1798. 5. FllAXKLI:\.. RAYXOLll!I. born October 15, 1802. 6. JEFFE:JlSO:\"' R.\1":\'0LDS. born January 14, 1S06. 7. JA)IES l\lADISO:\... RAYXOLl>S, born March 20. 1808. 8. ELLE:-." R.n":\'oLD:,;. born October 30, 1S11. 9. ELTOX A.'\'~ RAYXOLDS. born January 2, 1819. Died unmarried July 31. 1S45.

1. Wn..u.ur4 RAYXOLDS [Elizabeth\ W-illau/\ TVilla111, 1 Millar], born in Frederick Co. Va., November 22, 1789: moved with his parents to Ohio in 1808 and on to Stark Co. where he served his brother-in-law .John Harris as deputy clerk and recorder: and when of age in 1810 he was appointed to fill that office. In 1811 he married Elizabeth Seabury Fisk, the daughter of John Fisk, a retired sea captain from Baltimore, who had come to Stark Co .. Ohio in 1810 to invest in lands, settling in Canton, Ohio. Jir. Raynolds built large flour and woolen mills two miles south of Canton. He died September 20, 1829. Six children were born to them- WILLIAJI .\!ILL.AR II.

1. Gi::oRGE' RAT:SOLPS. born April 3, 1813. 2. REBEtc.A.u' RADiOLDS~ born April 1s. 1816. 3. .Jon.~ Fxs1,.4 RA."1":SOLDS, born November !!6, 1S17. 4. Wll.LLU[ Fu.~=• RAT:sOJ.llS. born 5. H.uuus' RAT:SOLPS. born Alig. 18, 1826. 6. CoRA CAIIOU.-;£' RAUOLDS.

Of scYeral letters written by "\:V-illiam4 Raynolds to his uncle JoHx W)tr.3 :MiLL..-IB,. toward whoi;n he seemed to have always looked for sympathy and advice in his studies, one is selected which tells perhaps more than others of his family affairs.

Canton, :May 14, 1815. Dear and Honored Sir: In looking over a file or old letters this evening I found one written 1st Dec. 1803 and dated Scioto CotJD.ty, Ohio-In that letter I found some precepts of the first order and enjoined by you on my mind when a youth or 13 y~rs-but what most forcibly struek me wa... a declaration on your part o! an interest in my wellfare and happiness which you declared as your opinion would last while we live, and Yet only to think I have lived in Canton 7 years. very bustlin~, but not so busy or bustling as to make me forget the friend of my youth-the man in particular who early in my life spared no pa.ins to instill correct ideas into my mind and to whom I owe no small portion of the many advantages I r.ow enjoy, Oh no, for the first yea.r a!ter my arrival In Canton I sutrered not a. month to pass over without writing either to you or Uncle Abram, but I heard nothing from any of you; altho' this chagrined and mortified me I yet have con• tinued to write never less than once. sometimes several times a year to some of my Scioto !riends, and yet strange to say fn seven long I have not seen a. letter from a.ny of you except some old on~ I ehall ever preserve-- The time Brother Geo. was with you, you told hlui you had not rec'd a line from me since my residence here and that you were blaming me, 'tis not my fault. and I fondly flatter myself 'tis not yours-the old letter from you has again induced me to try and make you hear me, and if possible to elicit a. reply­ but so faint my hopefl of being able to make this reach you that I write without spirits. I can.not however, forget to tell you that my fanilly is increasing, a. :tine hearty boY Jays yonder on the bed sleeping. upward of 2 old and a promising little girl altho' but little more than 2 weeks old is lying on Its mother's lap, who sits beside me. Sister Rebekah is with us in good health. so were a.II mother's family at Zanesville the 4th instant. Sbould this ever reach you I still hope you will remember enough of me to Induce You to let me again into your good opinion, if I have forfeited it, but hO'IV. when, or for what, I know not. To my much respected friends in your Vicinity generally but to my honored Grand Mother especfally, I intreat you to present my love and duty, and accept for yourself snd Aunt Polly assurance that whill' the hand of death spa.res me I shall feel toward you the same sentiments that animated me in years gone by. Wm. Raynolds. WILLIA.JI J!ILLAR II. 33

I shall put the envelope over this myself and direct it so as to get it to Portsmouth i! possibl~ould it reach you forget not to direct to MCanton Stark Co~ Ohio" as there 1s another village in the state called Canton. How astonishing 1s the naws from Europe does 1.. not remind you o! some of the stories o! anc:fent days. My Betsy and Sister Rebekah desire their love to you all. Adieu again, Wm.

In 1826 he '\\Tote his uncle a letter of condolence upon the death of "Aunt Polly" whom he said more than any one he knew fulfilled the Divine Command to be a "helpmate to man.'' In the same letter he mentioned the two new babies, his own and his sister's (Rebekah Harris) and said "Rebekah calls hers Raynolds, we call ours Harris and they are both fine little fellows." 1. GEORG:£5 RAYNOLDS [William\ Elizabeth\ lV-illfom?. Wi"lliam1 Jli"llar], born .April 3, 1813: died .July 18, 1887. Married :first in 1836 :Mary Sophia Burgert (born 1816: died March 23, 1843) in Paris, Ohio; married second Jane Lamb Craighead. L MAm:A ELIZA6 RAYNOLDS [ George"'>, Wi"lliam!, Elizabeth= 2 1 Wi"lliam , Wi"lliam ] born July 31, 1837 in Canton, Ohio: died March 21, 1910. Married December 24, 1867, Otis Cook of Detroit, Mich. (born Sept. 11, 1844: died .April 17, 1877).

1. BESSIE LEsQUEREAU:t' Coox. graduate o! Wellesley: married Sherman C. Kingsley, August 28., 1895. Residence Wayne, Pa. Executive Secretary o! Wel!are Federation o! Philadelphia. He was the son of Calvin and Mary (Williams) Kingsley. 1. ELIZAJIETB RAnvoLDS1 ~GSLEY born October 9, 1897: with Mother's Assistant Friend Assoc:fatlon in Philadelphia. Z. Flt&NCES JoSEPJIINE" KINGSLEY born December 1, 1901. A stu­ dent at Wellesley College (1927) • .2. JoSEPJIINE E.T Cooic. born In Detroit, Mich., December 26, 1871; married there ia June 1890, Frances C. and died February 25, 1914. 1. ROBERT RADI0LDB1 McMATB:, born May 11, 1891. Served dur• Ing World War in the Signal Corps under Col. Edgar, building Aviation Fields in U. S. attaining the rank o! Captain. He married December 1, 1921 Mary Rodgers Garrison: Is President of Motors Metal Mtg. Co., o! Detroit. where they reside. - 1. M.u>ELINE" MclltlATH, born August 13, 1924. lVII,LlAJI JflLI,AR U.

2. NEIL COOK" McMATJI, born In Detroit September 30, 1892; served during the World War In the Signal Corps In Francs as a 1st. Lieutenant. Now manager o! "Whitehead and Kales" manu!acturers o! structural steel and tractor wheels, Detroit, Mich. He married there October 5, 1921 Margaret Kales of that city. 1. MAWlAlt.r.r GRAY" llfcMATJl, born February 6, 1923. 2. FIIANCl!I CIIARl'..P'.S. MCMATH JI. born .July 28, 1924. 3. MARIAN HU!"TJ:SGT0!'/ 0 McMATJI. born December 2S, 1S95; mar• rled .Tune 19, 1915 Harold Edwards, Vice-Pree. of "0. M. Edwards M!g. Co." o! Syracuse, N. Y., manu!acturers of steel furniture and 11peclal railway passenger car devices, address Syracuse, N. Y. 1. BAIUIABA MCMATH' EDWARDS born .June 10, 1916, In Syra.­ cuae. 2. FICA:SCE!I JOREPJIINF." EDWARDS born October, 21, 19!0, In Syracuse. 3. HAROLD· EDWARDS, .TK., born May 30, 1923, In .Syracuse.

II. BESSIE SEABURY6 RaYNOLDS [Geor_qe", 1Villiam4.. 2 1 Elizabeth\ Wi?Ziam , Waliam Mi7lar] born in Can­ ton, Ohio, June 4, 1839: died in Lakewood, Ohio, in the home of a nephew, August 1924. She had maITied .June 9, 1863 in Columbus, Ohio, Henry C. Lesquereu."<: (born Oct.4.1837: died August 12. 1892). No de­ scendants. l\l rs. Lesquereu.x was much interested in the genealogy of several lines and sent a letter and, most helpful data to the writer only two months before her death. at the age of eighty-five. III. J.urns FR..\XKLIN6 RAYXOLDS [George",. Wi7liam\ 2 1 Elizabeth:,.. W17Uam , W-illiam 1.vfillar] born October 10, 1841: died in 1893. .Married and had one son HARRY LESQUF.REFX' R.n-xoLDS who died, in 1891. IV. THO::\L.\S CRAIGHEAD0 RAYXOLDS [George\ William:', EUzabetlt\ Wl7Uam.::, W11liam 1 J.lli7lar] born in Can­ ton, Ohio June 17, 1848: died in Ak"Ton, Ohio, Febru­ ary 1, 1915 : where for years he was Editor of the .Akron Beacon. He married :first Lillian Alice Waggoner (born June 6, 1855 and died in Akron) maITied second Ida Foote of Akron. lVILLl.4.Jl .VILLAR II. 35

l. WILLIAM'. WAGGONKR' RAYNOLDS born in Canton, December 22, 1878; married in Cleveland Bertha M. Fisher (born May 22, 1880). Mr. Raynolds Is, like his father a newspaper man and journalist. Address Lakewood, Ohio. No children.

2 2. REBEKAH~ RAYNOLDS [William', Elizabeth\ William , Willimn1 Jll-illar] born April 18, 1816 in Canton, Ohio. Married in the Raynolds homestead on Market St. by the _Rev. Timothy Hopkins of the Presbyterian Church on July 21, 1834 Dr. Perkins Wallace (born in Burton, Ohio, July 18, 1808: died 1868) educated, at Cincinnati; practiced first at l\fassillon later at Akron, then in 1847 located permanently in Canton, Ohio and there lived in the old home built by Capt. Fisk for his daughter, the mother of Mrs. Wallace, who died there in 1853; Mrs. Wallace in 1869. There were born seven children.

I. l\Luru PER1aNS6 WALLACE,. born at Canton in 1838: died in Philadelphia September 22, 1879, and lies buried in Canton, Ohio. II. lliRMON6 WALLACE died, young. ID GEORGE H.11 WALLACE, born in Akron, Ohio, Decem­ ber 26, 1842; married first March 14, 1871 in Wil­ mington, Del, Eliza Bradley Jones, who died of con­ sumption within the month. Married second on October 14, 1875 at Massillon, Ohio, Catharine Patten, a niece and ward of Thomas McCullough, who sur­ vives him, 1\-Ir. Wallace having died in April of 1901. "When in the Public Schools, he was especially proficient in Mathematics and at sixteen was a mem­ ber of his uncle's (W. F. Raynolds) expedition to explore the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers in May of 1859. In the Civil War he served in the army of the Cumberland and afterward engaged in commer­ cial life first in Wilmington, Del, then in Omaha, Neb. In 1890 he went as Consul General to Australia as a National Appointee in behalf of the wool inter- 36 WILLIAM MILLAR 11. ests from Boston to California, from Oregon to Texas. In .June 1897 he was appointed by President McKinley, Secretary of the Territory of New Mexico. His activities were limited only by physical in­ firmities, which he bore without complaint until his final release, dying suddenly from pneumonia." No descendants. IV. E:M:MELIXE Wrr..sox0 WALLACE [Rebekahr., Wflliam\ 3 1 Eliza.beth , Wfllia1n::, William ilfi"llar] born in Akron, Ohio, 1844: died .April 13, 1886; buried at New Lon­ don, Pa. :Married December 16, 1868 Isaac Conard (born in New London) son of Milton and Rachael (Shoemaker) Conard.

1. GEORG& WALLACE' Co:seARo-deceased. 2. M.un:' CoyAJU>--deceased. 3. Ault&D FEI.ENBUIIG' CoYAJU> born in West Grove, Pa., September 18, 1873, now resides in Camden, N. :r.; married in Philadelphia February 21, 1897, Helen Stearn. 1. WlLFIIED Cll'.AllLEB" CONARD born August 28, 1900. 2. Ll!:ROY W ALU.CE' CoYARD twin to Wilfred. 3. RusBELL1 CoYARD, born April .25, 1903. 4. Ross• CONAllD, twin to Russell; died :Tuly 10, 1903.

V. liARRIETTE6 WALLACE, born September 10, 1847: died October 16, 1894. Married first December 16, 1868 l\L L. Ballard, married second December 4, 1900 .Joseph K. Russell of .Massillon, Ohio. No descend- ants. Mrs. Russell lies buried at Canton, Ohio. VI. RAYNoLDS6 WALLACE [Rebekal{', Wi1Uam4, Elizabeth3 Wi1liam::, Wi1liam 1 Mi1lar] born June 9, 1853: died September 1883, interred at Canton, Ohio. Married in Burlington, Iowa. April 4, 15-;'7 to Sarah L. Pumphrey who resides in St. Louis, lvf o.

1. MAIUE B&LLE' WALLACE. married April 18, 1900, Frank Creswell and dJed in St. Louis, Mo. in 1917 and lies buried in canton, Ohio. There are three children H=Y RA=oL»B1 CBP:ssWELL and two daughters HAmm:T" and MAllIE' CRESSWELL.

VII. CoRA BELLE6 WALLACE [Rebekah\ William', Eliza­ beth\ William'-, Wi"lliam1 Mi1lar] born in Canton, WILLI.4..1! J!ILLAR II. 37

Ohio l\Iarch 16, 1857; married in Philadelphia Octo­ ber 4, 1876 ·William Raynolds Ferrand, a manufact­ urer in Detroit, Mich., where on August 12, 1918 she died in their home on Selburn Ave.

l. WILLIA)( RAYNOLDS' F.AllRAND born June 3, 1878: died June 13, 1886. 2. REBEKAH OUVE' FAIUIA..'lD born October 29, 1888; gradUD.ted trom Knox College, Brlarcll1f, N. Y., In 1910. Was married first, Octo­ ber 16, 1912 to Lt. George C. Keleher; married second March 15, 1923 Reune Martin o! Orange, N. J. son oC Henry Graham T. and Kathleen (O'Collllor) Martin. Mr. Martin Is In Real Estate busl• ness In Detroit, where they reside on Seybnrn Ave. The two older children are also named Martin. 1. CATIIABINE WALLACE" MAKTL'l born November 24, 1913. 2. VIKGL'((A RAYNOLDS' MART.t.v born November 12, 1915. 3. ELIZADETII F AIIRAl'.-O' MARTI:< born March 13, 1925.

3. JoHs FISK:; RAYXOLDS [William\ Elizabeth\ William=, TVilliam1 111illar], born November 26, 1817: died July 22, 1889. ,:When but twelve years old his father died and he went to live with an uncle until eighteen; clerked in in a wholesale store, returned to Canton and engaged in dry goods business on his own account, he carried on a hardware business as well until 1869. In 1856 he built the Canton Gas Light and Coke Works of which he was president, withdrawing some years later. He was a Whig then Republican jn politics ancl a Presby­ terian for thirty years before his death. Mr. Raynolds was a man of force, the public never saw him at his best, he never sought and seldom accepted the honors which his business associates were always ready to heap upon him." He married April 24, 1839 Margretta Faber of Franklin Co., Pa~, who died August 13, 1895. Five children were born to them. 6 5 I. WILLLnr F. R..\Y~OLDS [.lohn F. _. Wi7lfrrm4_. EUzabeth.3 2 Willia.m • W·t1liam,1 1Jf17lar] born in Canton, Ohio, March 17, 1840; graduated from West Point; served in Mexican and Chil Wars, was brevetted, Brigadier General, retired as Colonel of Engineers, to Detroit, where he died on October 18, 1894. 38 WJLLIAJl JIILLAR II. His wife .Mary (Hanchett) Raynolds died at the home of her niece .Mrs. :.Margaret Wallace Hamilton, in W asbington, D. C., in 1897. No children. II.• J.urES A.0 RAYSOLDS [John F.:. .. Willinm4, Elizabeth\ Wi1liam';!, Wi?lia11t 1 2U't1lar] born in Canton, July 25, 1843; married Emma Geiger and died l\Iarch 29th, 1906. No children. m. CHARLES .A. 11 RAYNOLDS [,John F.\ William•, Eliza­ beth\ Wz1liamz, Wi?liam1 Millar] married first Kate .Atkinson; married second Mrs. Lottie Myers; moved to Petosk--y, Michigan and died March 29, 1906. No children. IV. MARY MARGRETTA6 RAYNOLDS [John F.5, Wf:Uiam\ Elizabet!/\ Wi1liam?, Willt'.arn 1 1.lfi?lar] born in Can­ ton, Ohio January 29, 1850; married January 29, 1875 Charles Rawson (born in Massillon, Ohio~ Sept. 3, 1840; died in Pittsburg, Pa. February 19, 1~28). He had been retired for ten years, but previously had been superintendent of a Drop Forge concern in .Akron, Ohio. l\frs. 'Mary Margretta (Raynolds) Rawson bad died .June 17, 1879, leaving one daughter.

1. MARGRETTA" RAwso:q born In Canton. Ohio, Jannary 10, 1875; at• tended private Friend's Schoc,l In Philadelphia; married In Can· ton, February 10. 1897 Frederick Graham Bocklus. Golf Architect and Builder; son o! Louis Valentine and Caroline (Graham) Bockius. Canton. Ohio. 1. MAKIIGETT.\" Bocn:ros. born Jannary 18, 1899.

V. GEORGE FAnF.R6 R.ffNOLDS [Jolin F.5, ·:Yilliam4, Eliza­ beth\ William::, Wi?liam1 11fillar] born in Canton, Ohio, August 18, 1853; married in Saginaw, Michigan, November 1885, Virginia .Adelia Bennett. Mr. Raynolds was a man of high character and as a banker, of sound, business judgment. He died in their home in Cheboygan, Mich., .April 11, 1911 leaving one son.

1. Jom~ FISKE' RAYNOLDS, born at Cheboygan, August 4, 1886. Minneapolis. Minn. WILLI.AM MILLAR II. 39

4. Wn.LLor FR..\XKLL.--.::; RAYNOLDS [William◄ , Elizabeth:\ William\ TVillfr1m 1 ,;1:lillar ].: married l\:Iary Lester; died early. No children. 5. fumus5 RAYNOLDS [William", Elizabet]{, lVillianf, Wi7lia1n 1 illillar] born in Canton, Ohio, August 18, 1826; married October :30, 1851 Mary Isabella Cummins ( died June 21, 1909). Harris Raynolds was a merchant in -Canton where he died on l\fay :2nd, 1873. I. MARI' lliNCHETT6 RAYNOLDS [Harris~, William", Elizabeth', Wi7liam::, Wi1liam1 Mi?lar] born February 27, 1860; married September 24, 1885 Elisha Dicken­ son Ely, a plantation superintendent in Mexico (born in Rochester, N. Y. Sept.18, 1847: died Jan. 21, 1919). Mrs. Mary H. (Raynolds) Ely bad died September 14, 1898, leaving two daughters.

1. MARY RA~"NOL11111 ELY born October 9, 1886 in Canton: resides in Brooklyn. N. Y. where she is special investigator for a "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children." 2. TilOltAS Cu:u:u~s• ELY. born April 25, 1888: died March 12, 1892. 3. LYDIA BA-'CTER1 ELY. born In Canton, Ohio, September 29, 1889; graduated from the University or Wisconsin In 1914; married in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, J'uly 1, 1915 Chester WIiiiam Horner, a High School instructor now in Colorado Springs, Colo. 1. MARY ELr" HORNER. born March 23. "1916. Died July 19, 1926. 2. LYDIA ELY" Hoa."ttll. born February 12. 1920.

II HARRI.s6 RAYNOLDS, JR. [Harris\ lVuliarn4, Elizabethz, W11lia.m.2, Wi7Ziani 1 Millar] born March 22, 1865. Married but died early leaving no children. 3 2 6. CoRA CAROLTh--'lt R.\YXOLDS [William4, Elizabeth , William Wi1lia.1n 1 ,;l{illar]. :Married Clinton McCulloch and died leaving no descendants. 2. GEORGE W.4 RAYXOLDS [Elizabr!tli/', Wi7liam::, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar] born May 12, 1792 in Virginia; settled in an early day upon a farm in Pike Co., Ohio where crops of oats, corn and rye found ready market; the first, at fro:m 30 to 371/2 cents the bushel, as stated by him in a letter to his Uncle .JOHN WILLIAl\-r3 MILLAR, in 1835; the corn and rye sold readily at the many small "stills" scattered at that time through Ohio. He 40 WILl,/,1.11 .1/11,LAR ll. died at his home near Beaver, Pike Co. on September 2, 1829. He was twice married, first on August 20, 1817 in Rich­ land Co., Ohio, to Eley Gardner (born in Boston, Nov. 3, 1795: died Oct.14, 1821) and second on.January 5, 1823 to Elizabeth' :i}lillar [.Abraham\ ffli7liam=, TVi1liarn} and also [Rebecca3, 1 lsaru?, Wi1liarn ]. She was born Sept. 7, 1805: died Nov. 30, 1846. George and Elizabeth both lie buried near their old home. Nine children were born-

1. ELIZAIIETn' RAYNOl.11S born June 1, 181' 2. E=~· RAYNOLDS, born February 9, 1820. S. Mir.LAR• RAnoLDs, born October 4, 1821; died In Infancy. 4. JonN Wrr.LIAM• RAYNOLDH, born May 22, 1825. 5. REBECCA ANN" RAYNOLDS, born March 21, 1830. 6. IS.A.Ac MILL.An' RA~"NOLDS, born August 3, 1S33. 7. DmILDA ELTON° RAYNOLDS, born February 21, 1839. 8. AIIRAlJAM F.RANKr.IN• R.AY!l'0LDS, born December 21, 1842. 9. C.ATHAitINE PA1180N8° R.'I.YNOLDS, died in infancy.

2 1. ELV..ABETJ-f R.~Yxows [George TV.", Elizabet!?, 1'Vi7lio,')n , Willia1n 1 J.1Iillar] born in Pike Co., Ohio .June 1, 1818; married December 22, 1846 John A.. McClelland (born July 12, 1816; died .April 13, 1885) and ·with him moved from their first home in )fassillon, Ohio where three of their four children were born, to Des Moines, Iowa. Judge McClelland was a graduate of Oberlin College, a lawyer and Probate .Judge. )frs. )lcClelland lh-ed to an advanced age in full pos­ session of her faculties and of unusually good memory. She died in Des :Moines in August of 1905 and with her husband lies buried there. I. JoHx LAIRD" :McCLF,UAXD, born February 12, 1848 and died of feyer in the Union Army at Vicksburg, in August of 1865 only sh.-teen years of age. II. Euz.-rn:r:TH6 )lcCLELLAXD [Eliza.bcth:i_. George W.\ EUzabetll. 1Vt7limu=, 1Villiam 1 Mi7lar] born in Ohio August 31, 1853; married in Des ~foines Iowa, October 30, 1879 David Gordon Edmundson, son of David and Temperance (Gordon) Edmundson, a lVILl,l:l.ll .1llLlu\R 11. 41

banker of high ideals and integrity: he died in Cali­ fornia in 1916, l\lrs. Edmundson having died in their home in Des I\foines. Survived by one daughter.

1. RUTn' Eo~ru:soso:s born December 30, 1880. married first on June 5, 1905 Phillip Harry Bradley, son or Phillip Burr and Cornella (Carpenter) Bradley. Married second Dr. Whitson or Los Angeles. Now resides in Los Angeles with her two children and Aunt, Miss Ada McClelland. l. DA\"II> EL)IUNDSON" BMPLEY. born March 29, 1907. 2. ELI7.ABETH McCu:u.. ~.••,m• Bradley, born August 26, 1909.

III. l\fa.RY ELLEx 0 McCLELLAND born in .Massillon, Ohio February 1856, graduated at Oberlin University and made a specialty of the study and teaching of lan­ guages: was also in demand as guide and chaperon for tourist parties abroad. She died in Des Moines. IV. AnA O l\foCLF.LLAXD born in Iowa in 1862. A teacher in the schools of Des Moines until her sister's death after which she took up her residence in Los .Angeles, California. 2. ELLEX:. RAY:-.oLDs [George W.4, Elizabeth~ .. William\ Wi?liam 1 11f i1lar] born February 9. 1820 near Mansfield, Ohio. Died )lay 21, 1893; had married October 21, 1847 William Bell. Se"·en children were born to them. I. SAMUEL RA YXOLDSc BF..LL, born .January 13, 1849 in Dayton, Ohio. An attorney in Union City, Indiana. Married .July 24, 1879, Ada Given. No childxen. II. .JoHx L.6 BELL, born November 3. 18-50: died Sep­ tember 4, 1871. ill.. J.urns D.6 BELL [Ellen\ George W.4,. Elizabetk3, 2 1 Wi1liam , Wi77fom 11'li7lnr] born November 28, 1851, graduated from Ohio Central College at Qberia; an attorney in Fremont, Nebraska. He married October 8, 1874, Laura A. Davison.

l. lluuo' BELL. born February 16, 1876, died In childhood. 2. BESRIE7 BELL. born March 1, 1877. died in childhood. 3. IPELLA7 BELL. born February 7, 1879, died in infancy. 4. Jl>MES W! BEt.I.. born Jnly 5, 1883, graduated from Fairmont College, Nebraska. 42 WILLIAM MILLAR II.

IV. ELIZAllE1'H BBLL, born .June 9, 1853. died in child­ hood. 3 V. WILLLUC I." BELL [Ellen\ George JV.\ Elizabeth ? 2 1 William , Wi7lfo111, J.lb7lar] born in Dalton, Ohio, .August 28, 1855 and died in Lincoln, Nebr. Septem­ ber 2, 1899, where he had been a practicing attorney and where his family reside. He had married Sep­ tember 14, 1881 Georgiana .J. Burlingin (born in Rochelle, Ill. in 1861) daughter of Henry and Nancy (Braid,en) Burlingin. After her husbands death l\lrs. Bell held for many years the special agency in Lincoln for- the Caledonian Insurance Co. of Scotland.

1. MARIA.'\° C.' BelZ, born August 15, 1882; graduated from the Liberal Arts Dept. of the University of Nebraska in 1904 and from the Law Dept. of the University of Illinois in 1906. 2. RUTu PIERCE' BELL. born 14 December, 1885, graduated from Liberal Arts Dep·t. or Nebraska University In 1906. Married .June 18. 1908 Edward Gerrard Montgomery, head of the Dept. of Field Crops In that University's Experiment Station: and the son of Richard and Elizabeth (Mooney) Montgomery. 3. KATHARINE R.' BELL. born In June 1895.

VI. GEORGE W.6 BF..LJ... , bom August 10, 1858: died m childhood. VII. M.~RY ELLEX6 BELL [Ellen\ Geor_qe W.\ ElizabetJ,,S 1 W i?liam?, Wi7liam ]{illar ]_. born March 10. 1863; married December 10, 1890 Elmer E. Clark. then Bank Cashier in Orrville, Ohio.

1. ROBERT BELL" CLARK. born February 2. 1892.

4. JORN WILLIAM:; RAYNOLDS [George W.4, Elizabeth\ 2 Wi1liam , WUliam-1 ~lfillar] born in Pike Co. Ohio May 22, 1825: married there August 30 1846, Judith Ruckman (Born m Pike Co. 1827) the daughter of John and Polly Ford (Pemberton) Ruckman who many years survi,ed her husband who died in Bellvue, Kansas. November 15, 1875, while she died in the home of her son in :Montrose, Kansas, May 28, 1921. l\fr. Raynolds was a farmer, a WILLIAM MILL.ill 11. 43 blacksmith and United Brethren minister. Si"i: children were born to them. I. LEw1s DATISc RAYXOLDS [.John W.5, George W.4, Elizabeth\ Wulinm,\ William.1 Millar], born in Pike Co., Ohio, September 24, 1847. A prosperous grain merchant in l\fontrose, Kansas. l\fa1Tied first in Marion Co., Iowa, February 24, 1867 Tabitha Matilda Moon (born in :Marion Co., October 22, 1850) daugh­ ter of Larkin and Lavisa (Lamar) Moon; married second l\fay 6, 1902 Melva Van Dyke (born May 2, 1876) who died in Montrose, Kansas, September 12, 1908.

I. Er.l!Ea LINCOL.'1° RAYNOLDS born In Charlton, Iowa, August 27, 1868; a successful physlclnn in Mankato, Kansas: Served on the Medical Advisory Board during the World War. Married August 24, 1892 .Jessica Forbes daughter or Daniel and Helen (Bentley) Forbes. 1. LEwis C." RA=oLDs born December 4, 1894; died October 26, 1918 just berore his call came for War Service. 2. GEORGE E." R.,=oLDS. born May 13, 1897; died .J~nuary 20, 1901. 3. HELE."1" RA=oLDS, born March 31, 1902. Married .July 12, 1922 Robert C. Ritz. I. CHAJU.Ol'TE .Am.r..vF: Hrr.t. born December 111. 1924. 4. CL.UCA ELI7.ABETII" RA~-xoLDs born In Indianola, Iowa. August 24, 1870; married Taylor W. Clark: rarming near Montrose Kansas. 1. A.'IY B~v<•HE" CLARK born February 22, 1893. 2. Enru: CLARK. born November 9, 1897. 3. MILDRED" CLARK. born December 28, 1899; married June 8, 1921, Ivan Snyder. 1. BE'ITY LEE" S=i>t::R. born September 15, 1923. 3. WILLIAM LAii=' RA=OLDS born .January 31, 1873 in Indianola, Iowa: Attorney in Mankato, Kansas. Married November 12, 1896 Nora Dillon In Dawson Co. Nebr.; the daughter or George Dennis and Lucy Ann (Hoyer) Dillon. 1. RUTB" R.<.=ows. born in Chicago, November 17, 1899. 2. LEROY w.• RATNOLDS born In Mankato, Kansas, April 13, 1905. 3. ROBEJIT W1,,u.E" RAO-OLDS. born In Mankato October 20, 1908. 4. VIOLA MAY1 RA,"NoLDS born .January 31, 1878. A physician of the Eclectic School in Kansas City, Mo. Married June 14. 1905 San· ford E. Wells, son or Charles Hubbard and 1',lary Ellen (Edmonds) Wells. 1. DoROTHT" WELLS. born .July 29, 1907. 44 WILLIAM MILLAR 11.

II. l\falff Er..r½ABET H 6 R..\ Y~OLDS [.7ohn TV.\ George lV. 4, Elizabet//', Williau/\ William1 11lillar], born July 11, 1849. l\farried October 10, 1867 Robert A. Wilson (born Sept. 18, 1845 in Clearland, N. C.) son of Robert and .Anna Wilson. _.\fter retiring from ac­ tive business moved to Canora, Sask. where they had a horn.:. on Crystal Lake. Mr. Wilson died July 15, 1919.

1. FMNKUN Snvr.anm' WILSO:,,' born October 27, 18fi8 and died September 23, 1875. 2. Wn.z.rAM Romm-r' WII.FION. born October 30, 1870; died in childhood. 3. D.usY R.w:,:ows' Wn.aoN born December 28, 1872, married June 20, 1906 Herbert Bagnall. Reside on a ranch "Blythefteld" near Glennen, Sask. 4. GRACE At7IIORA7 WILSON born December 3, 1877, marr!(ld January 26, 1905 N. V. Coplen, auditor and accountant tor a large de­ partment store in Lincoln, Nebr., where they reside. 5. MAUD LUCILLE' WILSON born February l, 1889. Married November 15, 1911 Gordan James Duncan In British Columbia Civil Service at Elks, B. C. 1. RosE>rAJ11.. Dtl'NcA.~. born January 26, 1918. 2. Do:l'ALD" Du:,,-cA.~. born April 21, 1920. III. Jo= Wn.TJA~t• RAYNOLDS. born April 3. 1851: died in chlldhood.

IV. RF.J3ECCA ,JUDITH6 RAYNOLDS [John Wm.\ George\ Elizabeth\ William~, Wi?liarn 1 Jlfillar], born June 3, 1853 in Lucas Co., Iowa. }farried May 20, 1876 Joseph ,Jolly (born in Cornwall, Eng. March 1, 1847). A farmer near Blanco, Colo.

1. D,\JBY A.~N' JOLLY. born February 20. 1877. Married-Atwood, Grand Junction, Colo. 2. BERT WILLL\lt' JoLLY born November 20, 1878. Farmer and stock raiser near John Day, Oregon. Married at Raton, N. M. May 6, 1896 Bonnie May Barnes, daughter ot Henry and Elsie A. (Cummings) Barnes. 1. CHARLES WILUA:'1{8 JOLLY. born July 6, 1897. 2. SYJ.VL\" JOLLY. born August 25, 1898. 3. BER'r CLII"FORD" JOLLY, born July 18, 1!101. Died in infancy. 4. V10LET" JOLLY. born June 27, 1902. Died in. infancy. 5. WILBr.m BERTB.U[9 JOLLY, born December 9, 1904. 6. A."INA EVEI.YN" JOLLY, bom March 17. 1905. Died in. infancy. WILLI.AM MILLAR II. 45

7. RALPH DAJUlEL' JOLLY. born October 9. 1906. 8. RoY HARv.\lU)• JOLLY. born February 23, 1909. 3. MDIETrE CI.AKE' .JOLLY born in Wo.rwick, Kans•• November 20, 1884. Mnmed in Gnrden City, Kansas .June 27, 1906 Harry Lee Scbnatterly, a. mercha.nt fn Kinsley, Klln5as. He is son ot Milton and Elizabeth (Holloway) Schnatterly. 1. ELIZABETJI CLAIIE" SCJ!:VATTERLY, born November 9, 1908. 2. WILLIA.,[ LEE" SCUNATTERLY. born November 7. 1910. 4. JorrN HY.:\'RY7 JOLLY. born October 1, 1888.

V. SARAH SnrILDA0 RAYNOLDS [John nr.:., George W.4, Elizabeth\ Wi"llia11i\ Wi1liam, 1 11ft7larL born Decem­ ber 31, 1855 in Lucas Co. Iowa. Married in :Mankato, Kansas, December 31, 1876 Darwin Ransome Sey­ mour (born 1849; died January 1, 1911). A drug­ gist and physician, who practiced in :Mankato where :Mrs. Seymour still resides; he was the son of Han­ ford and Sarah (Bouker) Seymour.

l. SYL\'IA ROBINA' SEnrOUX. born December 16, 1877, educated for the practice of medicine which she successfully followed until her marriage In December of 1903 to Alvah Theodore Rose. They reside upon and 011era.te a stock breeding farm called "Limestone" near Ionia, Kansas. l\lrs. Rose interests herself In the raising of paultry on a large scale, Mr. Rose having died May 12, 1926. 1. MORRIS SEnrotrn• RosE. born November 23, 1904. 2. lvAN LINCOX..""V' RosE, born September 28, 1906. 3. .ARNOLD MEREDITll' ROSE. born September 21. 1912. 2. Iv.AN' SEY:1roUI1. born .January 20. 1879. Died in infancy. 3. GLADYS DEKICA' SEY.'110011. born .June 26, 1891; married June 22, 1910 to .James Edward Torrance. Sallna, Kansas. 1. IoNE" ToRRA..""VCE. born .June 9, 19U. 2. ROTB' TORRA.."'VCE. born November 27, 1913. 3. LYNN EDWABD1 TOBRANCE. born October 5, 1918. 4. Lors Ar.MA' TORRANCE. born October 8, 1923. VI. ISAAC FRANKLIX6 RAY.XOLDS? born February 15, 1858: died ,January 17, 1875.

3 5. REBECCA .AX]!...:; RAYXOLDS [ George W.4_. Elizabeth , WiTliam~, Wi7liam1 Mi"llar], born near Lucasville, Ohio, March 21, lS.'30, where she was married February 22, 1849 to Reuben .A. Moser, son of Peter and Magdalene (Harlacher) Moser; in early life a farmer, later a mer­ chant; he died May 9, 1884; buried in Lexington Ceme- 46 W/LL/.ut JIILLAR II.

tery where also lies Mrs. )loser who died in their home in Bedford, Iowa on February 2, 1906. Eight children were born to them. I. Er..oRREY F.6 JfosF..R, born l\-fay 21, 1852; died in infancy. II. ISAAC 1.In..L.m6 :M:osF..R_. born .January 26, 1854: died in childhood. m. DoRAS CL..\YTOX6 ::VIosER, born November 15, 1855. Farmer near Bedford, Iowa. l\farried February 27, 1879 Belle :Mason, daughter of .James and Margaret Mason: died in 1910.

1. REtm~• Mo!IEIC. born November 2. 1883. !?. S.' Mosu. born January 24. 1888. 3. lnA' MOSER. born October 6. 1893.

IV. Snm...DA ELTOX6 lWosER, born .June 16, 1858: died in childhood. V. EurER E.6 l\fosER_. born April 25, 1861. A farmer near Oberlin, Kansas. ~farried in Sheridan, Mo., Cornelia Allyn. ·

1. Ruu~ .-\I.Lu' MosER. born June !?4. 1890. 2. Loms' MosER. born July 14, 1892. 3. ELLSWOR'ffl' MosEB. born August l. 1895. 4. EDWD" L.' Mo;.F.Jt. born July l!?. 1900. 5. VORIS" MOSER. born January 17. 1905.

VI. ULYSSES GRA:'.l."T6 MosER, born l\farch 16, 1864. Wholesale tobacco merchant in Salt Lake City. :Mar­ ried February 25, 1891 Elizabeth Graff.

1. JOIIN R.' MOSER. born February 3. 1894.

VII. :\fay FLOREXCE6 MosER, born April 18, 1866. Mar­ ried January 20, 1909 Joseph Henry Humphrey and died in their home in Bedford, Iowa, May 1, 1924. VIII. Eoms SHER:\I.A..;.~6 :MoSER., born January 13, 1869. Wholesale Cigar dealer in Kansas City, Mo. Mar­ ried May 10, 1891 Ella L. -Whitman. WILLI,Lll J!ILL,tR II. 47

L Dmu. Wrrrnr.1.."I'" l\Ios1m. born Oct. :?9. 1S96.

6 ISAAC llrLLAR:; R.-lY:.:oLDs [ Gl'orgc lF'.4, Elizrtbeth3, nrauam:, lVilliam 1 Millar] born in Pike, Co., Ohio, August 3, 1S33. ~loved to Sangamon Coimty, near Wil­ liamsville, Ill., 1854. where he bought a fine farm upon which later he built a large brick house where with his m.:fe and children enjoyed a life of useful toil and pros­ perity, in highest esteem of neighbors and friends. He man-ied December 26, 1855 Louisa Cooper (born in Sangamon County, Ill. February 3, 1S39) daughter of l\feredith and Polly (Witcher) Cooper who died August 11, 1909, l\fr. Raynolds hamg died .June 2, 1904. I. CHARLES lfn.L,rn6 RAl-XOLDS [Isaac M.\ George W.', Elizabeth\ W·tlliam?, Witliam.1 :A1ular] born Sept­ ember 28, 1856. A farmer near Buffalo, Ill. ; married February 28, 1883 Minnie Carpenter, daughter of .John and Cordelia Carpenter.

1. ScoTr' RAY~OLDS. born Juiie 29, 1893. 2. MARY F=~cr.,f RA,~oLns. born November 1. 1897.

II. .JA:\fES Ar.BF..RT6 RATIOLDS [baac 111.'\ George w.•, Elizabeth.\ William:, Wtlliam,1 Jfi"lln.r], bcrn .Janu­ ary 26, 1858. Married first in 1881 Carrie Carpenter, daughter of Samuel and .James Cai-penter who died leaving one son: married second October 27, 1893 Mrs. Margaret (Cobbs) :Mashburn, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Cobbs.

1. F'ru;oERicn:0 RAnoLDs, born December 2. 1882: married iu Spring­ field. m~ July 12, 1905 Edith Crolfoot. daughter or Henry Cro!foot. 1. H=Y C~ RA=or.ns. born April 27, 1909. 2. ALm:RT RI R.,Y~oLD!'l. born !\Li.rch 4. 1901.

m. POLLY ELIZABETH11 RA YX0LDS, born )farch 13, 1860. IV. FLoRExCE BELLE6 R.-l YX0LDS_. born September 18, 1863: died in infancy. V. EDWIN SuDDlJTR6 RAYX0LDS, born November 2, 1868. Unmarried. Operates and with his sister resides 48 WILLIAM JfILLAR II.

upon the home farm in Sangamon County. Address Sherman, Ill, R. F. D. VI. BERTHA MA,y0 RAYXOLDS, born ~fay 29, 1871: died in childhood. VII. MABEL ~TA6 RAYNOLDS, born July 5, 1877: died August 12, 1892. 7. SDm,DA ELTOX:-; RAYXOLDS, [George lV;' Elizabeths, William::, Wtllimn1 Millar], born in Pike County, Ohio, February 21, IS.39. Left an orphan at the age of seven, brought up by her aunt l\iIRs. REBECCA"' (nf:rLLAR) );fu.LAR with whose family she removed to Sangamon Co., Illi­ nois in the neighborhood where settled her older brother; later she went to her older sister l\i.frs. Reuben Moser in Taylor County, Iowa, where in 1860, :March 21 she was married to .John Saylor Boyd (born in Watertown, N. Y ..June 14, 1835), an early day teacher in that county, serving as County Superintendent two terms and later teaching in the public schools. Served in the Civil War from 1863 to its close. Mr. Boyd was the son of John and Eliza (Saylor) Boyd (married December 5, 1822 in Chester County, Pa.) his grandfather John Boyd was born in County Antrim, Ireland ( where his parents had mo,ed from Scotland) August 4, 1794. Eliza Saylor was the daugh­ ter of John Saylor who as a child Ca:Ille from Germany to Philadelphia where he enlisted January 30, 1776 as pri­ vate in Co. 5, Captain Caleb North's Company, com­ manded by Col. Francis Johnston. He served to Sept. 1, 1780 when his name last appears on the Muster Roll. Eight children were born to Mr. and :Mrs. Boyd. L AL:rCE0 BoYD, born in 1861: died in infancy. II. .A}."11.--n:6 BoYD, born in 1862: married March 23, 1882 George W. Hough, a farmer in Taylor County, Ia., son of .Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Brown) Hough. Address, Conway, Iowa.

1. HARRY WI HOUGB'.. born December 26. 1S83: married December 23, 1906 Mabel Sargent. Address Enterprise, Oregon. WILLIAM ,lIILL.4.R II. 49

1. Do;.;ALD Bovu• HouG11, born December 19, 1907. 2. V,:r.)t.\ MAY" HOL'llll, born March 21, 1909. 3. GEor..G& ,VISDLE" HoUGll, born December 26. l!lli. 4. GLE;,; SAKllENT" Homm. born March 3, 1922. 2. C.\IIL Boni' Hou,m. born September li, 1S84: married December lG, 191() H:it.;., Myers at Yakima, Wash. El'.!ctrlclan; address San Diego, Cali!ornia. l. DoltTIIA AXSA' Hotmll. born October 13. 1911. 2. JAU:-."TA G." Houon. born August 3, 1913. 3. MAUD IowA' Hooon. born September 28, lSSG: married November 28, 1906 at Conway, Iowa Clair M. Norton. Address Galesburg, Ill. 1. RUSIW.LL CLAIR' NOllT0;,1. born September 21, 1908. 2. FF.Rs F." NoaTO;.;. born December 29, 1910.

III. FR..\NKLL'l'6 BOYD [Simildntt, Geor,qe lV.4, Elizabeth\ Wflliani·.:, Wi?liam 1 1.llillar ], born in Bedford, Iowa, 1864. Resides in Parsons, Kansas. :Married. Sept­ ember 1, 1887 Minnie Denser, daughter of John and Jane (Wright) Denser.

1. BETH' Bovo. born August 3. 1892: married November 8, 1923 in Philadelphia Steven Olop, by the Rev. Dr. F. R. Gri!fen. 2. NELLIE' BoYD. born May 23, 1894: married March s. 1921 Milton Ross in Parsons. Kansas. 1. MILT0;,1' Ross. Jn.. born April 11. 1922. 2. RosF.RT Bow' Ross. born June 24, 1924. in Salina., 'Kansas, where the !amily resides. 3. FRASCES N.' Bow. born January 17. 190S.

IV. ELIZA11 Bo1'D, born in 1867: died in infancy. V. GEORGE R.6 Bom, born in 1870: died in infancy. VI. M1"RTLE6 Bom, born in 1874: died in infancy. VII. JF.SSIE ELTON6 B01."J) [SJ'.m£ldn\ Georg,, TV.\ Eliza­ beth3, William\ Wi?liam,11.lli?lar], born in Bedford, Iowa in 1876, died there June 20, 1911, survived by her husband and three daughters. She bad married September 19, 1900 to G. W. Hook, son of Wjlliam and Sophronia (Hopkins) Hook, a hardware mer­ chant in Bedford, Iowa.

l. Rm-11' HooK. born July 10, 1901; married August 1922 Homer Carson. Electrlcla.n. Address. Corning, Iowa. 1. KATHERl;,1E JF.AN. CARSO?<". born Dee. 10, 1923. 2. JoII:<: WILUA:11• C.uiso:<:. born October 23, 1925. 2. Jon:<: W.' Hook, born June 29. 1904: died May 17, 1911. liO lV/l,Ll,tJI JflLLAR fl,

::. MAitY' HooK. born Febru:i.ry 1::. 1906. 4. J>:HHrt<:1 Hoo,-. born June 1. 1911.

VIII. B1wrn° BoYD [Sirnilda\ George W.'., El-izr,beth3, Wi/11'.arn\ 1Yilliami1 Millar], born in Bedford in 1879. Farming nc:u· Par8ons. Kansa8. ~Iarried :November 25, 1903 Birdie B. Thomas, daughter of Charles and .Anna (Turner) Thomas. who died November 25, 19!?1, in Los .Angeles, California. 8. ABRAHAl\t FRAXKLIXr. RAYNOLDS [George W.4., Elizabeth3, W/llimn:. TVilli,,111 1 Jfillar], born in Pike County, Ohio, December 21. 1842: moved in the spring of 1869 to Union Cotmtr. Ill., bought three blocks in West Saratoga, a town laid out sb: miles east of .Jonesborough, Ill. by the Illinois Central R. R. Here he died a few months later on 0<:tober 29, 1869. He had married and a son was born a month after his death who has not been located; the mother having re-married. one George Stevenson, near Winfield, Kansas. 4 3 9. CATHARINE P.~oxs~ RAYXOLDS [Geor.qe TV. _. EHzabeth , William?. W?1liam. 1 Mi1lar]. born November 19, 1846. died in childhood. 4 3 1 3. ELI7-ABETR RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth • Wi?.liam~, William .~11'.lln,r]. born February 25. 179!5 in Front Royal. Va., died July 20. 1861 and lies buried in \Voodland Cemetery, Des Moines, Iowa. She was married in Canton, Ohio. April 12, 1821 to .Tolm Laird. a merchant. (born in 1785, Huntington, Pa.). moved to Ohio in 1817: was for five or sh years in the Isle of :l\fackinaw and died in Dalton. Ohio. October 16. 1850. Five children were born to them. l. Jon:< Wn.LuM• LAm11. born In the Isle or llfackfnaw, February 10. 1824; died unmarried February l8i4. 2. FcA.v1n.1:< R,w:-.oLn:-• L,uRn. born Aui:ust 1:?, 1825. 3. JACOB' LAmr•. born August :n. 1831. 4. llfaoISO:< R.w:

2. FRANK.LL" RAYOLDS~ LAIRD [ Elizabeth'', Elizabeth3, WILL/.1.JI JIILLAR II. 61

TV illiam~. W-illiam 1 .:.ll. illar], born August 12, 1825 in the Isle of .Mackinaw where his parents for a few years re­ sided; returning to Ohio he afterward removed in 1854 to Des Moines, Iowa, where for many years he was a merchant, prominent in city and church: he died Decem­ ber 9. 1900 survived by his wife and four daughters. Mr. Laird had ma1Tied July 30, 1860 in Des Moines, .Adelaide Bausman (born August 15. 1830) daughter of Adam (born 1794) and Caroline (Lacock 1804) Bausman* of ;Johnsto'\"\'D., Pa. She had, preceded :Mr. Laird in her com­ ing west and was for several years before her marriage a teacher in the oldest public school in Des Moines and with the exception of five years after her marriage there has been in these schools one or more of her family either as pupil or teacher for over si"tiy years. Six children were born to them in Des Moines: I. ELIZABETH CAROLTh"E6 LAIRD, born May 18, 1861; spent many years in Library work having charge un­ til needed at home, of Library for the ED-ooineering Dept. of State Agricultural College at Ames, Iowa. Living in Des )foines, Iowa. II. JOHN" WILLIAl\16 LAIRD, born October 29, 1862: died unmarried July 16, 1893. m. FRANK CHAl\IBERLAIN6 LAIRD,. born .January 3, 1866; died April 20, 1876. IV. ADELAIDE6 LAIRD, born May 4, 1868. Principal of one of the large Public Schools in Des Moines. V. DAISY CoRIX~"E6 LAIRD ,born December 17, 1869, trained especially for Kindergarten work. She was later Assistant Principal of one of the Des Moines schools until ill health compelled her to resign; she died :March 16, 1911. VI. FLORA R.-\YXOLDS6 LAIRD, born August 7, 1872; whose persistent ill health required the giving up of J1er chosen work both in Kindergarten and Private

-The br1ck boUff ln which Mna. LaJrd wa,a born I" on~ ot th~ t~ old wh.Jcb h&YO w!tll~eod th"' jobnMtown nood111. 62 WILLIAM MILLAR II. school Living in Des :Moines, Iowa. 3. JACOB }!oxTGOlIERr' LAIRD [Eliza.beth", Elizabeth3, 2 1 William , J.Villia111 lllillar], born .August 31, 1831, in Dover (now Dalton) Ohio; moved to Des :Moines, Iowa, where he was associated with his brother in general mer­ chandise business: died there July 15, 1897. He had married in Elmira, N. Y., ,January 20, 1862 1\-faria Robinson, daughter of Demas Robinson, a Baptist minister of high standing, and his wife, :Margaret Fitch Robinson. I. l\'!AD1sox R.ffXOLDS6 L.URD [Jacob ivf.\ Elizabeth\ 2 1 Elizrtuetl/', W·tlUam _. Wi1Ham Millar], born Novem­ ber 20, 1862. .A Civil Engineer residing in Des Moines, Ia. Married in .Ashawa, Ia., December 18, 1889 Florence Bennett, daughter of Benjamin and Martha (Howard) Bennett; who died in .Alabama, August 1904, leaving one child.

l. LF.OXAJID BAGLEY7 LAIRD. born September 22, 1891. Manager of the Shipping Dept. of the Waterloo Creamery Plant at Waterloo, Iowa. He was 1st. Lieutenant in 339 Machine Gun Battalion serving in France from September 1918 until June of 1919. He married on April 18, 1924 Clara Brandes. 1. Lo!R KATHRYX' LAIRD. born June 22, 1925.

II. GEORGE RoBrnSON6 LAmn [Jacob 1.lf.\ E'fizabeth4, 3 1 Eliza-beth , Wi"lliam::, Wi'1liam llfttlar], born August 26, 1867; died December 28, 1902; survived only by his wife Delia (Brain) Laird. ill. l\.f.U!GARET ELIZABETH6 LAIRD. IV. EDWIX6 LAIRD, both died in childhood. V. BESSm6 LAIRD, born December 25, 1876; died Febru­ ary 13, 1897. 3 1 4. REBEKAH" RAUOLDS [Elizabeth , Wi"lliam::, Wi7liam Mi"llar], born in Front Royal, Va., June 28, 1798 and died in Canton, Ohio November 26, 1853. She was married there in 1819 to John Harris of whom it is stated, "he was the :first teacher in Canton and later on a very capable lawyer'~-also Judge of the District Court. WILLI.:UI JIJLLAR IT. 53 Their home was almost directly opposite tliat of James Madison Raynolds, a brother 0f Mrs. Harris. .A. cousin remembers there to have been nine children, only three daughters grew to womanhood and left des­ cendants; one son JoHx:. HARrus, probably the oldest, was an im·alid and died about 1855. 'In a letter formerly quoted, a son is spoken of as a baby whom they called RAYXOLDS5 HARRIS .. born in 1826, be may have been the same or not, it is not certain. "The three daughters were ELIZABETH"., .ADAr. and ELLE~ probably in that order." ELIZABETH:. HAruus [Rebekah4, EUzabeth3_. William?, William 11Hllar] born in Canton, Ohio. :Married there .James Dean Brown of Stephentown, N. Y. I. REBEKAH SusAX6 BRowx [El-izabetll, Rebekah\ Elizabeth\ William\ Wi1Uam, 1 J,Ji1lar], born in Can­ ton, Ohio; married there .April 11, 1865 to Charlel! F. Manderson at the close of his service in the wa1 of 1861 to '65 in which he attained the rank of Brig. General. He practiced law in Omaha, where they re­ sided, and was U. S. Senator from Nebraska. ~frs. Manderson died in 1916. TI. WALTER ScoTT6 BROWN [Elizabeth\ Rebekah'. Elizabeth\ William:\ Wi1liam 1 llfi1lar].. born in Can­ ton, Ohio January 25, 1841: died in 1915 in Ogden, Utah, were he had been a mining engineer. He mar­ ried March 8, 1882 Mary E. Smyser (born in Wilkes­ barre, Pa., Oct. 13, 1859.

1. BLAXCHE' BROWN. married Joseph K. Hotaling o! Los Angeles. 2. DF.AX HARRIS' Beowx. born In Bellevue. Idaho, June 18, 1884. An accountant in Burley, Idaho. Marrie

ADA:. HARRIS [Rebekah', Elizabeth\ Wi1lian/\ Wi1liam1 lll11lar], born in Canton, l\farch 2, 1834: died .August 31, WJJ,LTAM MILLAR JI.

1876. 1\ilarried ..May 11. 1852 ,James Patterson Black (born in :Millersburg, Ohio, March 4, 1829) son of ,Johll and Rachael (Patterson) Black. Children: I. ELIY...ABETH H.11 BLACK, Omaha, Neb. II. .J oHX HAmus 11 BLACK, dceeased 18i8. III. MARY RAYXOLDS6 BLACK. IV. STAXLEY PATTERSON6 BLACK [Ada:;. Rebekah\ 2 1 Eliza.beth?, Wi7liam , William. Jlillar],. born in Omaha, Neb. August 21, 1859; graduated from North­ western University, Ill., in 1882; Chicago Medical College 1885. Physfoian in Pasadena, California. Married in Chic.ago. May 27. 1892 Ella Piper, daughter of Ferilinand ancl Caroline (Smith) Piper.

l. AIIA HAIUtll<' Bt,AC,t,;, born May 10. 1893. :Married Capt. Hanington W. Cochrane. 2. GARPNER1 BLACK, born June 14. 1896. :Married Esther King, 3. MARY RA1':'Wf,JIS1 Br.ACK, horn June 26. 1899.

2 1 ELLENr. HARRIS [Rebdrnh4, Elizabeth~. 1Valiam • William Millar], born in Canton; married Oliver Perry Hurford, a merchant in Omaha. Nebr. where she died in 1864. I. A~XIE MEREDITH" H1IBFORD [Ellen~. Rebekah•, 2 1 Elizabeth?. lVi7Uam , WJ'.lliam M illa.r ],. born in Omaha: graduated from Steubenville Seminary in Ohio. Married October 12. 1887 Henry Francis Lehr, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Lehr. Address. Albion, Nebraska.

l. EDOAK Dl!:.,:-:1 LEmt. born A11g11~t 16, 1889. With Chlca~o Lumber Co. in Albion. Nebr. 2. MANDl!:RAA:<' L~:1rn. born July 5. 1905. Member of 'Lafayette Escadrille', 1st. Lieut.; killed In battle in France July 15. 1918. The spot where he lies buried Is not known.

II. ELTA6 HURFORD [Ellenfi. Rebekah\ Elizflbeth3, William~. Wi?liam 1 .ilfi7lar]. Deceased. 3 1 5 FRANT(LIN~ RAY::-.OLDS [EUzabeth • Wi"ll-iam?, Willimn Millar] born October 15, 1802 in Front Royal. Ya .. moved WILLIAM MlLl,iW II. 55 as a child with his }larents to Zanesville, Ohio; went into b11siness when grown, with his brothers in Canton, Ohio. Mar­ ried May 22, 1S27 bis cousin ELIZABETH4 ~lILr..AR [,John 1V1n.\ 1 TVilUani\ William ] (born July 9, 1S04) and diecl near Can­ ton, September 19, 1S27 at Raynolds Mills of typhoid fever. No descendants. 4 2 6. JEFJ..'ERSON' R.HNOLDS [Elizabeth:', lVUliam _, Williamil .ltillar] born at Zanesville, Ohio, January 14, 1S06; died June 22, 1833. F 1·om those nearest of kin, is the additional data that he had married a :Miss Folger. No descendants. 4 2 7. *J.urns M.WISON RAYNOLDS [Elizrtbetk', TVtllictm , William. 1 111-illar] born :March 20. 1S0S in Zanes\·ille. Ohio: died in Canton, Ohio August 23, 18S3. ".A m:m of more than ordinary breadth of mind ancl force of character, exerting during bis long life a large influence in Canton, which he had seen grow from a village to a city. 1-Ie began bis career when it was necessary to make the trip from Canton to New York, to purchase goods, on horse­ back-occupying from fifteen to twenty days each way­ transporting his goods in wagons, enduring hardships nn­ Jmown to the merchant of today. During the Civil War he furnished four sons and one adopted son ,vho served with credit during the entire war." He married September 29, 1833 Sarah l\:l. Slusser (boru in Canton October 29, 1815: died in June of 1897). Seven children.

1. Jou:< Wu.LJAM. RAY:-:OI.IIS. born July 25. 1834: died December 24, 1841. 2. L&w1,-; F.' born June 24, 1841: died January 31, 1881.-No descendants. 3. JF.FFEll!!O:-:• RAY:-:OLDH. born October 26. 1843. 4. Jo,-;nu.\ $.\XToN' R.,YNor.ns. born December 31, 1845. 5. J.,~n:s l\1.rnrsoN' \YNor.ns. born ::'

3. .J:i-:FFERSOX:; RAYXOLDS [James W.4, Elizabeth\ ·William:. Williarn1 ]ffllar], born in Canton. Ohio. o~tober 26. 1843.

•Jn n 1-u.-r wrltt .. n to John Wntlnm:t )1'111:-.r. hl.i. hrnth,.r-ln•h,-u.•. V.."!11'.n~ R.uyncJd,r o1.nriounce1J thP bJrth o! ~ :-:on whC\r.:. h"' Y:iic!, w..- wilt 1·ult tor- th1- r. .. w l"'r•· .. ldf"r.t-,T::.m.-,. :O!tuliitt)n. &6 WILJ.IAJ[ .lfILLAR 11.

Served during the Civil "\Var first in Co. F. 4th Ohio Volunteer "Infantry for a year, invalided to a hospital and on recovery became a nurse there, afterward a clerk in the ,var Department. For years he was President of First National Bank of Las Vegas, N . .:\I.; he contracted pneumonia and from its effects suffered many months, and after an operation to relieve him, he died September 19, 1921. He married :May 16. 1872 Martha E. Cowan, daugh­ ter of David and :Martha (Chastain) Cowan, (born in Fairfield, Iowa, March 17, 1849: died in Las Vega::. Nov. 1919). Three children were born to them. I. .J.. nrns vVALLACE11 RAYXOLDS [Jeffer.son!", Jame,'i .1.1'1.\ Eli'.zabeth:, William~. liVilliam 1 Millar], born in Pueblo, Colo., :March 23, 1873; graduated from High- 1and :Military Academy of Worcester, :Mass .. in 1889 some years later from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was appointed by· President :McKinley, Se­ cretary of the Territory and held the office until Gov. Curry was appointed. when he resigned to give his attention to his large sheep ranch near Santa Rosa, but he always acted as Secretary of the Territorial Republican Central Committee. .A. year before his death Gov. Curry appointed him sup~rintendent of the Territorial Penitentiary. He ,,-as en route to a lower altitude when he died l\fareh 10. 1910. ~<\.n article in the "Inter-Ocean" upon New :Mexico Statehood says. "As Secretary of the Terri­ tory Mr. Raynolds had a clean record for honesty and efficiency and as one of the young leaders of the Republi<•an party, was recognized as cool, capable and resourceful. He married in Omaha, Nebraska, December 30, 1896 Brownie L. Baum (born at Chariton, Iowa) daughter of Daniel and Lethenia (Leffler) Baum. WILLI.:1J! JlILLAR II.

1. J.\)!ES W.\LI-\C"t:1 R.w:soLOS. born in Omaha. Febnmry lS, 1898. 2. RACH.\1:0 B.\UM1 R.\Y:,.'OLD!,, b?rn in Las Vegas, l\Iay 26, 1901. 3. RollEl:T FIIEDl:RICK1 R.W!l10LDS. born in Santa Fe, N. M. April 19, 1902; married April 19, 1927 in New York City, Mar~erite Gerdeau 4. DonoTnY' R.W!l10LD8, born May 19. 190S.

II. H.ULET6 R.-\YXOLDS [.Jefferson\ James M:, Eliza­ beth\ William::, Wtllia1n 1 1llillar]. born in Pueblo, Colo., December 28, 1875. .An investment broker in El Paso, Texas. Married .June 6, 1900 Helen :McNair daughter of Thomas Benton and Maude (Browne) :McNair.

1. RlCIL\ltD H.\I.I.t."TT1 RAY:,;'01.l>S, born July 10, 1901. 2. RUTH B.' RAY!l10LIIS, born May 11, 1903. 3. JEJ-TEJ:so:,.-1 R.W!110LDS. J11 •• born July 18, 1908: died July 15, 1909. 4. W.\J.L.\CE McN.\Ilt" RAY:,;'OLDS, born May 11, 1910: died in infancy.

m. EDWARD DAVID6 RAYXOLDS [.Jefferson\; 1lC, Elizabeth\ Wi1Uam::, Wi1liam 1 11,£,illa,r] twin to Hallett6 Raynolds: Cashier of First National .Bank of Las Vegas; now a banker of El Paso, Texas. l\farried September 18, 1901 Esther l\foNair, sister to :Mrs. Hallett Raynolds.

1. EoW.\ltD McNAm' RAY!l10LDS. born in Las Vegas. May 31, 194J::. 2. l\fa1:-rn.\1 R.\Y!l10Los. born ln Las Vegas, December 18, 1907. 3. THOlfA!, McN.\m1 R.~Y:,;'OLllS. born ln Las Vegas, July 11, 1910.

4. JoSH17A S.-L'(TOX5 R..\YXOLDS [.James 1ll.4, Elizabeth::., Wi'llianl, Wi'lliam 1 Millar], born in Canton, Ohio, De­ cember 31, 1845. President of the First National Bank of El Paso where he resides. )Ir. Raynolds was- named for his father's friend ,Joshua Saxton of Canton. later Urbana, Ohio. During the Civil War he served first as one of the Squirrel Hunt­ ers who sought to find ~forgan at the time of his famous raid in Ohio and later as a "Hundred, day l\,lan" 1st Sergeant Co. C. 162nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He married September 7, 1869 in Canton, Ohio Sarah Ann R<")bbins (born in Philadelphia, December 12, 58 WJLLl.,1.11 .lfILl,.AR ,1. 1846) daughter of .John Robbins, woolen manufacturer of Kingswood, Eng. and .Martha Maria (.Marshall) Rob­ bins of Kew Mill. En~. 'fhev haw fh-e children. 1. RuTH0 RAYXOLDS [.To.c;lw~. S.",. ,lames ]1.4, Elizabeth\ Wi1liam::, l-V11liani 1 .Jli'llar], born in Central City, Colo., July 13, 1870: married in Las Vegas, N. M., .James Graham McNary. October 8, 1902. Resides in El Paso, Texas where }.Ir. McNary is connected with tbe Kagy Lumber Co. of New Mexico.

l. G&.U{AM RAY:SOLDt<' McNAJ:Y. born Februan- 4, 1904. 2. RUTII' McNARY. born July 4. 1905 3. lfAJl.l'OJtY MAY' llfcNAnY. born May 5. 1910. 4. MARTJJA' McNARY. born October 16. 1912.

II. KATE S.a.'

l. Jo,;nuA,,r.os' Du.-:. born J•me 2. 1905. 2. DA...,Jl-:L E\•.~:ss" DEA:S, born September 18, 1906. :t BARDAnA7 DE.\:'.. born ?.larch 7, 1909. 4. Jons HF:RBF.RT' DE.,.-:. bc,rn M:1y 11. 1911.


1. RUTH' RAY:Sor.ns. born June S. 1915. 2. SARAll A."':s' R.W:SOLDS. born May 23. 1918. 3. K.~n:· R,n::sor.o:<. born October !!9. 19!!0.

V. SAR..\'.:\IIE6 RAYNOLDS [.loshu.a. S.5, Jame.c; M.4. Eliza­ bet/z.8_. Wi7lia:n?. William 1 Jfi'llar], born in Las Vegas. WILLIA,',( .VILLAR 11. 69 N. M., August 2, 1885. "r as a student in Paris for five years. Married ,June 27, 1923 Col. Marston E. Drake of New York. In the ·world "·ar a i\Ia,jor in 77 N. Y. Gen. O'Ryan's Dh-isiou. 1 6. FREDF..RICK .ALF-XAXDER:. R..\YNOLIJH [Ja111t'.'1 1ll.' • Ji.:lirnbetl?. William~_. W·17liarn I Jiillar], born in Canton. Ohio Sep­ tember :!6. 1859 and died suddenl:'· from pneumonia, Mar<.-h 8, 1906 at his home in Cannon City, Colo. "Rarely has one departed this life for whom a whole community mourned or about whom no eulogy seemed adequate. Identified, with all business interests he yet lived out a spiritual life, rare in sturdy purpose and faithful fulfillment. He was president of the Fremont Comity. Colo. Bank which he organized in 1874 having in that year removed from his home tc"rn Canton, Ohio, where he partly o,rned and operated the Eagle Woolen ~'1ills, having started with them as traveling salesman. He was :-i Republican in politics and a staunch Presbyterian in religion; he had been a fellow townsman and strong personal friend of President William lvicKinley." He married, in Cannon City, Colo., :\farch 2:3, 1880 Magdalene Sheetz (born in Owatonna, :Minn. Feb. 13, 1860) and :five children were born to them. Mrs. Raynolds remarried on November 5, 1913 Wm. T. Wallace and moved to T,,in Fa1ls. later to Boise, Idaho, where she died ,July 2, 1917. I. P.-L~SY S.IBAH6 RAYNOLDS [Frederick .A.\ .Janu1.c; A.. 4_. Elizabeth:). W11Jiam,2. Wtlliam,1 Jlb"llar ], born in Can­ non City, Colo. in 1881 was married there March 21, 1906 to H. W. Donovan. Treasurer Bankers Trust Co., N. Y. Address Bound Brook. N ..J.

1. HEr.F:~• Do~O~A~. born February :?. 1909.

II. FREDERICK A. 6 RAYNOLDS [Frederick A.r;, James z~1.4. Elizabeth\ Witliam?, Witliani1 .1lfitlar], born in Can­ non City, in 1884-. Married :first December 6. 1905 60 WILLIAM Jll LLAR 11. Florence Tuttle; second in 1911 l\laude Chase. Ac­ countant in San Francisco.

1. FnEJIY.ltlCK A.' RAY;,/OLDII, JR.. born In 1907: died in in!ancy.

1 III. LEWIS l\1Ao1sox i RAl-XOLDS [Frederick A.\ James Jll.4, Elizabeth\ lVilUam2, William1 Millar], born in Cannon City, in 1886, Accountant. Married in 1912 Lulu B. Lines. .Address Huntington Beach, Calif. IV. DANA LAWRENCE6 RAYNOLDS [Frederick A.\ .James M.4. EUzabeth:t, Wlllforn,2, Wi?liam1 J.l-Bllar], born in 1892; married August 1917 Lucille Gillet of Caldwell, Idaho and is now :Manager of Thrift Bank of Gilroy, California.

1. ,vu.LIA~!· RAYNOl,P!I, born January 2, 191:l. 2. BF.TTY' R.\Y;,/OLDS, born July 1S, 1924.

V. l\L-\DELINJ.:0 R.HNOLDS [Frederick A.5, .James Jl.4, 2 1 Elizabeth\ Wi7liam , Wi?limn ,Millar], born in Can­ non City. Colo. in 1897; married .January 3, 1918 Kendrick Johnson of Boise, Idaho, Credit :Manager of the Klicka Lumber Co. in San Diego. Calif., where they reside.

1. HE;,/RY R.\Y;,/OLDR" JouliS0~. born October 16, 1918.

7. .ALBERT HARRIS:; R.uxoLDs [James M.4, EUzabeth3, TfT illimn?, W ilUrirn 1 Mi1lar], born in Canton, Ohio, Sep­ tem ber 18, 1855 in the family home where he resided when the record was sent. Married May 2, 1886 in Mans­ field, Ohio, Emma Keech. daughter of Charles Clinton and Nancy (Bates) Keech. No descendants. 4 2 8. ELLEN RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth\ Wi1liam , William Jllillar], born October 30, 1811; married in Canton, Ohio, .Janu­ ary 14, 1835 to George Y. Wallace, a farmer (born in Youngs­ town. Ohio, Sept. 14, 1805: died October 17, 1844). Left early a widow with three small sons, the youngest born the week succeeding his father's death, Mrs. Wallace WILLIAM MILLAR 11. 61 herself died :th·e years later and her children were reared by relatives. 1. J.urns5 W.-\LLACE [Ellen", Elizabetlt3, Wi1lia1n\ Wi1liam1 11li1lar L born at Brandywine Mills, Ohio, August 9, 1838: died January 2, 1863 from wounds received at the battle of Fredericksburg. He was married but a few hours before his death to Henrietta Schneider; it having been the e:iq>ectation of himself and his surgeon that he would recover. 2. Wn.LI..urG WALLACE [Ellen\ EUzabeth3, Willia,r,1,\ Wi1liam1 1'lfi1lar ], born at Brandywine Mills, Ohio, May 1, 1841. Left an orphan at the age of eight he was reared by his uncle James l\fadjson4 Raynolds. In the first year of the Civil War he enlisted with 4th Ohio Volunteers, was promoted to 1st Lieutenancy, later offered a Cap­ taincy but refused, preferring staff duty. He settled in Omaha, Nebraska in 1866 and from that time on was connected with the Omaha National Bank, at his death in March 1915, its President. He married in Canton, Ohio .June 5, 1866 Mary B. Grant, daughter of E. P. Grant. attorney and banker and his wife Susan (Boyd) Grant of Connecticut. Mrs. Wallace died in Omaha in September 1905.

I. ELLt::-:• WALLACE. born June 8, 1867: died In Infancy. II. JA.-w:r Mo:tnoE" W.u.r..\CE. born October 26, 186S. III. R'C'TH" W.ULACF- born October 15, 1869: died In childhood. IV. MARY RA=oLDs" WAI.Lo\CF- born October 6, 1870. V. WILLIAM" WALLACE. born December 5. 1873: died in early childhood. VI. JAMES Gil..\~ W.\U-\CF- born May 28, 1876.

II. JA~ET l!o~""BOE6 WALLACE [William\ Ellen4, Eliza­ 2 1 beth'\ Wi1liam , Willia.rn ll{illa.r], born October 26, 1868 in Omaha; graduated from Smith College; taught for twenty years, English and Economics in the Omaha High School Married February 1, 1916 William S. Curtis, Dean of the Law School of Washington University at St. Louis, who died on ::\fay 23, of the same year. 62 WILLIAM JIILL.'I.R Il.

:Mrs. Curtis will admit no achievement as her due except for being a pillar in the Unitarian Church, an inheritance on her mother's side for seYeral gen­ erations. .Address Omaha, Nebraska. IV. )fam.· RAUOLDS6 W.,\LLACE [Willianir., Ellen4, Elizar beth?, W17liam!!,. Wi1Uam. 1 llfillar], born October 6, 1870: unmarried; makes her residence in Concord, 3-fass. VI. .JAMES GRAXT6 W ..\.LLACE [Wi1liam\ Ellen4, Elizar beth= Wflliarn\ TVi1liarn 1 1lfi1lar], born May 28, 1876 in Omaha, Neb.. where he married :first, March 24, 1900 Eva Kennard (born in Omaha, October 23, 1878) : married second in San Francisco, in 1910 Susan Golly and died in February of 1925 in Sacra­ mento. Calif. Three children survive him, all resid­ ing in Omaha.

1. .JA.VES '.KE:s':S-.\RD' W ALI.ACF~ born December 3, 1900. Erpert Accountant. 2. WILLL'\:1t• WAI.I.Ac&. born November 2. 1901, connected With the N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Married in December or 1926 Velma Gerard. u. RUTH LEF.' W,uLAct:. born April 10. 1903.

2 3. GEORGE Y.:; v\T •.\LLACE [Ellen\ Elizabeth\ William , Willirnn 1 Jfillar] born at Brandywine Mills, Fremont County, Ohio. October 27, 1S44: "reared by his Uncle Harris' daughter Lizzie": mo ,ed out to Omaha in 1863; married there .January 9. 1868 Inez C. Belden, daughter of Seymour and Rebecea (Pfouts) Belden: died Sep­ tember 27, 1916. For the last twenty-ffre years of his life l\fr. W allaee was interested in telephone business and was President of the Roc:h.·y :l\fountain Bell Telepho:r" 'Jo., at the time of his death in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he bad re­ moved in 1872, and "here :Mrs. Wallace now resides. I. GRACE DEA~6 WALLACE [George W.G, Ellen,\ Eliza­ betli?, W11lia-m:!, William1 M11lar]. born in Oma.ha .January 24, 1870. Married Dr. George W. Tuttle WIJ.Ll,tM JffLL.1.R 11, 63

(born Sept. :n. 1866; died Sept. ~. 1926) September 25, 1899 at Salt Like City. Dr. Tuttle was the son of Rt. ReY'd D.S. Tuttle Bishop of :Missouri. l\fr:-:. Geor~e ""· Tuttle resides in St. Louis. l\fo.

l. DANU:L Svr.n:>

II. GEORGE Y. 6 WALLACE, JR. [George Y.5, Ellen\ 2 1 Elizabeth\ William , William Mi"llar], born June 16, 1876. Attended first Dr. Coits School for Boys near Concord, N. H.; graduated from Yale, then from Harvard Law School Practicing attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah. :Married in Buffalo, N. Y. August 4, 1908 .Jessie Elizabeth Smith. a three times Mayflower descend.ant. 2 1 9. ELTON AxN4 RAYKOLDS [EUzabetll, Wi1liam , lVilliam 1.llillnr] born at Canton. Ohio.. June 20, 1814: died there unmar­ ried July 31, 1845.

2 1 2. REBEKAH~ Mn.r~IB [Williarn • TTTillia1n ]. The second child of William and Elizabeth (Ferree) Jfillar was born "Thursday. November 4, 1773. 7 o'clock in the morning'', ac­ cording to Bible record. in the old Stone House near Front Royal, Ya.: and died in Ohio :March 20, 1834. She was married by the Re,. William Williamson, a kins­ man by marriage, on September 15, 1796 to Charles T. Mastin (born December 15. 1771: died December 20, 1842) an early d.ay merchant in Front Royal. in who,:;e marvelously decora­ tive though legible handwritin~ manr old family accounts are preserved. He had been educated for the Law and after removing to Ohio, practiced his profession in Lucasville where he also owned a general merchandising business. The name Mastin or :\fasten is found in very early day 64 lVILLIA.lf ,lflLLAR 11. records of New York and }Iaryland but connection has not in this instance been traced. *Eleven children were born:

1. ELIZAllm'lf Ft.:11llf'$ MAST!:-:, born May 15, 1797. 2. Tmun:r, l\lAHr.t:JIY' M,\s1·1:.. twin to Elizabeth; died unmarried Nov. 15, 1847. 3. FKANCE:S S~IAI.I.WOOJJ' MARTI:-:. born June 13, 1799; died unmarried :N'ovember 13, 1884. 4. Rot

4 2 1. ELIZABETH FERREE l\tuSTIX [RebekaN\ Williani , William 1 JI illar], born May 15, 1797 in Front Royal, Va. and moved with her parents to Ohio at the.. time Cornelius Elton3 Millar, her uncle, settled in Ohio. She married .July 28, 1815 Rev. Thomas Nelson and they lived in the squatters cabin which Cornelius used for himself when :first he lived upon his newly acquired land; it was in the yard of the large stone house which he built in a.bout 1820; and convenient to her Aunt Jane Williams' help with the children until her own death .t\.ugust 27, 1826. Here their five children were born, only one of whom left descendants.

l. MosEs• Nt:tso:-:. born July 14, 1816: died October !?9. 1835. 2. RnODA' NELSO:.. born December 20. 1S17: died August 17. 1835. 3. lu:BE:KAH l\IASTt:s' Nuso:s. born November S, 1S19: died young. 4. MATTID:V... N'ELSO:.. born November 3, 1821: died unmarried July 30, 1873 in .Jameson. Mo.

5. ELTZ.\BF.TH Miffiyi NELSON [Elizabeth", Rebekah?, Wi'lliani=, Wi?liani1 lvli?lar ], born July 24, 1824 in Ohio, . WILLIAM MILLAR IT. lived upon the Elton :Millar place until her marriage October 24, 1849 to "William Guthrie, a nephew of General Guthrie, when they lived in what is now the Jack Thomas place on the Scioto Trail and was originally the old Mastin home. They moved from Ohio to near Jameson, Missouri which, ever since, has seemed to be home and the rally­ ing point for the few descendants and where so many lie buried, having succumbed to consumption, which a descendant says was the family enemy. Mrs. Guthrie died March 21, 1874, she and her brother Matthew being all left of her family and he had gone but the year before. .All the children of Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie were born near Jameson.

I. LoUISA ELLE:s" GUTHRIE. born August 9, 1850: died May 13, 1868. II. ELIZAllETlI JA.~ Gtrnmm. born July 29, 1852: died November 2, 1869. III. WILLIA)( ALFRED" GUTHJUE. born October 15, 1654. IV. MA'JTIE Nnso~ GtrTJmIE. born December 22, 1856. V. NANCY l',IATU.DA' GtrTm:n-;. born September 10, 1859; died unmarried February 2, 1876. VI. CHARI.ER R.• GUTHRIE. born January 2, 1662. ill. WILLIAM ALFRED0 GUTHRIE [Elizabeth\ Elizabeth\ Rebekah\ Wi?liam2 William1 M·illar], born October 15, 1854 in Jameson, Mo., and died there April 6, 1886 at which time he was Post Master of that place. He had married December 28, 1882 Lillian Lorain Irvin, daughter of .J.B. and Ruth U. (Eells) Irvin who later on married .J. B. Fuert; no,v again a widow residing in East Kansas City, :Mo.

l. E\'A WILLIA~11 Gll'THIUE. born In Jameson, Mo., January 22, 1884; married In Denver, October 6, 1907 Roy Charles Lowe, son o! Chari~ William and Ivy M. (Cray) Lowe. Address, Merriam, Kansas. l. WIXIFJU::D RUTH' Lo\\'f:. born July lS, 1908. A stenographer in Merriam, Kansas. 2. LERoY GUTIIRJY.' LoWE. born July 21, 1909. 3. M..\I?Tlx Crut' LoWE. born July 31, 1912: died In childhood. 4. DoROTlIY Vn,AX' LoWE. born March 10, ]!>15. 66 lVILLl,UI JflLL~ II.

!?. C1u111.r.s HowAJm' Ct:T1111r.:. born in Jameson, :\ro.. January !?, 1886. With Gas Company or Kansas City, :Mo.: married in Council Blufl"s, Ia., March 14, 1910 Pearl :It. Alcorn. daughter or John F. and Sarah E, (:lfajors) Alcorn. ~o children.

IV. ~lATTIE NF.LSOX11 GUTHRIE [Elizabeth'\ Elizabeth', Rebekah} TVilliam,2 T,V1?liam 1 Millar], born near ,Jameson. :i\fo., December 22, 1856, was named for her uncle )latthew Nelson, he being all her mother knew uf family, the others having clied in her childhood, also he had never married to have a family of his own. :Mattie N elson11 Guthrie married October 24, 1875 Remy Bernard Hubbard, stock buyer along a rail­ way in Missouri. She died near .Jameson October 23, 1881, leaving two small children.

1. ilA.."lNAlI M.\UP1 HllDIIAlU> [.!lfattie Nelson•. Elizabeth M!. Eli::abeth, F.' Rebekah". William•. William' Millar]. born in Jameson October !!4, 1876, mnrried there September !!8, 1898 William Bra."rton Magruder, son o! Robert Davenport and Laura (Wilson) Magruder, a live stock agent for the Wabash Railway lived at various points along the road, moved in 1916 to Stanberry, Mo. where in November or 1919 he died survived by his wire and daughter who both have business positions there. 1. VIBGINL\. A."lN" MAGIIUPE!t. born August !!8, 1907. !!. H.uu:Y Gunmm' HUBII.\RI> [Mattie Nelson•. Eli:nbeth M!. Eli::abeth F.'. Rebekah". William•. William' .llillar]. born August 3, 1878 in Jameson. Mo. Manufacturing Con!ectioner In Chillicothe, Mo. Married there September 17. 1905 Emma Cook Brownfield.

VI. CHARLF..S R.uxoLDSt' GUTHRIE, born in .Jameson, Mo., January 2, 1862, had lived most of his life in Colorado and though ne,er having married was eager to see the family history. A letter to him was an­ swered from Blanca, Colo. in 1910, but repeated efforts ha,e since failed to reach him. 6. REBECCA MIILAR4 l\fAs~ [Rebeknh\ William:\ Wi"lliam 1 Jfillar]. born March 25, 1805 in Front Royal, Va. Married there 1823 to George N. Kemp (born in Page Co., Va. in 1800). His father was a Captain of .Artillery in the War of 1812. He moved to Ohio 1829, and bought a farm upon which the town of Ironton, Ohio now stands; where WILLI.:l.J! JIILLAR 11. 67 their children were all born and who reaped the benefit of this profitable investment. He was the first .Judge of Law­ rence County, Ohio: and died December 12, 1872; his wife having died March 28, 1861. They had six children: 1. CHARLES TURXER l\-faSTIX:. I(E}fP [Rebecca\ Rebekah3, William?, William1 Millar], bor~ December 25, 1830: died December 12, 1886 in :Mound City, Ill. He was a soldier of the Civil vVar, serving in the 146 Ohio Volunteers; married in Rookwood, Ill., June 4, 1856 .Adelia .Johnson (born in Kingsville, Ohio) the daughter of Samuel C. (born in Middletown, Conn. 1797) and Phoebe B. (Camp) (born in Durien, Conn. 1797) Johnson. Mrs. Kemp died in November 1892. They were the parents of eight children. I. K.:uu.6 KE}!P [Charlesr;, Rebecca\ Rebekah\ Wi1liam=, Wi1liam 1 J.lli?lar], born in Ironton, Ohio, May 25, 1857. Photographer in Bakersfield, Cal.; married October 22. 1885 Madora M. Johnson (born May 15, 1865) daughter of Bascom Eddy and Margaret (Bing) Johnson.

1. Infant": died In September 1886.

II. l\fa.RY .ALrCE6 K:&"1:P [ Charles\ Rebecca\ Rebekah\ Williani!!, William1 Millar], born December 23, 1858 . .Address Ironton, Ohio. m. GEORGE N.6 KE}IP, born in 1860: died in childhood. IV. SA:\IUEL C.0 KElrP [Charles\ Rebecca", Rebekah3, W·i?liam\ Willia-m1 ll'fi?lar], born May 21, 1865, Mil­ lersport, Ohio. Contracting carpenter in Bakersfield, Calif. :Married :first in Greenup, Ky., .July 2, 1888 Mattie l\'I. Carr who died .August 7, 1899. Married second, February 13, 1901 in Ironton, Ohio, Bertha .A. Riley.

1. A.L1ri1. S.1 KDrP. born in 1889. Clerk In a Department Store in In Bakersfield. Cal. 2. FA:mIE A.' KEMP. born October 23, 1892: died In infancy. 68 W/LUAM M/1,LJIR I/,

3, LKAII B.' K1mr, born Auguat 20, 1894: died In childhood. 4, E1.,m: M,' K11:1,1r, born December 14, 1901.

V. CAilliIE11 KEMP, born in 1867: died in child.hood. VI. RACHEI)1 KEMP, born in 1871: died in infancy. VII. AJ>J~LIA II KEMP, born ,January 10, 1876. Married, Tulga, Jolumbus, Ohio. No further record. VIII. KATHARI!\'E11 KEMP, born March 27, 1878. Married Raike, Ironton, Ohio. No further record. 2 2. THOMAS vv.~ KE)rr [Rebecca', Rebekah\ WilUam , W£lliam. 1 Millar], born ,July 20, 1832 on a farm his father bought in 1829, upon which Ironton, Ohio now stands. He continued farming the land and selling off lots as the town grew and crone to be a wealthy man. He married at Hanging Rock, Ohio, October 20, 1863 Mary Ellen Scott (born December 3, 1837 in Monongehela City, Pa.) She died October 10. 1899, lies buried at Irontor-~ sur­ vived by her husband and one daughter. I. GEORGE Ar.ExAxoF.R8 KEMP, born August 2, 1864: died in infancy. II. MATil.DA RoooERS° KEMP, born August 1. 1865: died November 7, 1896. III. ABIGAIL Mrr..LAR8 KEMP [Thomas'\ Rebecca4, 2 1 Rebekah3, Wi7Uam , Wi1Jiam Mi?lar], born August 10, 1867; married November 10, 1891 in Monongehela City, Pa. William Parkinson Warne, son Qf ,Tames and Elizabeth Mary (Dumm) Warne, born on his father's farm, February 28, 1850, near Monongehe]a City. An .Attorney-at-Law in Washington, Pa. It is believed they have moved farther south. No answer to letter sent which yet was not returned from their old address.

l. MADEI.Im:7 WAJL"\'E. born July 11, 1892: died In Infancy. 2. JAMES KClrP' WAR."\'E. born January 4, 1894. 3. MART ELIZ.\llE'J"t' WAIINE. born March 11, 1896. 4. 'l"IIOMAS P AJ!XINSON' W AR."1'~ born January 13, 1898. 5. Wn.LIAM :Oronr• WAR."

s. RICJIARII MAhTIN' WAll.'11.:, twin to Harry Millar. Tbtt flrst flve born 1n Monongehela, City, Pa. The last three In WIL8blngton, Pa.

3 2 3. REBECCA Er..r.EN K1mP [Rebecca4, Rebekah3, Williani , William1 ~llillar], born in Ironton, Ohio, August 15, 1834: died August 11, 1870. Married December 1859 her cousin 2 Charles TurnerG l\fillar (William\ Abraham3, William , 1 "\Villiam ). I. An.or LAUREXCE6 MILLAR, born-died 1869. II. SARAH FLORENCE6 M.rLL,rn, born_;djed 1878. III. GEORGE WILLIAM6 MILLAR, born -died 1880. IV. Inz E.0 MILLAR, lived in Pulasky, Ill., in 1904 where her father died October 20, 1900. 2 4. JAlIES NoRTHERYG ~MP [Rebecca\ Rebekah\ William , Willimn1 Mi'llar], born 1837; married August 18, 1SG9 in Ironton, Ohio Sarah Rucker, a daughter of Jefferson (born in Kentucky) and Martha (Boggs, born in Twelve Pole, W. Va. Oct. 16, 1830) Rucker. He died July 1902 leaving no descendants. 5. SARAH A~xG KEMP [Rebecca', Rebekah\ Wi1liam\ Willirnn 1 Mi1lar], born November 29, 1840; married first .Andrew Dempsey; married second, William Boyer and third., Joseph Rowland and died in Richmondale, Ross County, Ohio, May 1907. I. ELLEX CATRF..RIX.F.6 DElfPSEY [Sara.7/. Rebecca', 2 1 Rebekah\ Wi1liam , Wrtliam Mi1lar], born January 26. 1860; married August 21, 1882 Henry Clay, a farmer of Rock Camp, Lawrence County, Ohio (born in Louisa, Ky. 1860).

]. Ar.BIO": B.' CLAY, born August 17, 1882. 2. Eo:u• Cr.AY. born October 1, 1890. 3. A::o;::,;A ELI7.\RETil1 CLAY, born February 27. 1891. 4. PAUi. CECTL1 CLAY. born March 14, 1901: died In ln!ancy.

II. VIOLA BELL6 DE~IPSEY, born June 2, 1874; died un­ married .January 22, 1895. 3 3 1 8. SAR.\H TURNEit'' MASTIN [Rebekah , William , W-illiam !YHllar]. born .July 14, 1809: died March 5, 1831. 70 WILLIAM JITLLA.R 11.

The second child born to the l\Iastins in their new Ohio home, where in Portsmouth, Cornelius\ letter of February 1806, says they "'settled to their satisfaction" from their long journey out from Front Royal, Va. She married, November 4 3 25, 1830 her cousin William Millar [Abraham , William=i, 1 3 William ] ,vhose father Abrabam bad been settled several years in Scioto Co. before the Mastin family left Virginia. 1. ABRAHA:\15 l\IILLA.R, born April 5, 1832: died December 14, 1852. 2. CHARLES TUR),'F..R:. ~ilLLAR [Sarah\ Rebekalt3, 1Villiam~, William1 ilfillar], born March 4, 1834; married his cousin 5 3 Rebecca Ellen Kemp (Rebecca\ Rebekah , William=, Wiliam1 :Millar). I. A.DA?.£ LAUREXCE6 MILLAR--died in 1869. II. SARAH FLOREXCE6 Ml:r..LAR- -died in 1878. III. GEORGE WILLIA:\I 6 Ml:r..LAR--died in 1880. IV. IxEZ E.0 MILLAR was living in 1904 in Pulaski, Ill., where her father died October 20, 1900; her mother having died thirty years before. 2 3. SARAH Turo.""ER:. MILLAR [Sll-rah4. Rebekah:. Wi1limn , Wi"lliam 1 .Villar] born February 27. 1836: dfod Septem­ ber 9, 1859.

.ABRAHA)f3 l\fILLAR Copy of a letter written .Abraham }fillar in Virginia shortly after he became of age, by his Mother's sister Rebecca (Ferree) Schreiver; his mother at the time quite ill. "Dear Abraham I can"t help but must write a few lines to you-you are the eldest of your brothers-and your sisters can't always be with your mother. for that reason I beg you to be kind to her and your Brothers and about everything in the house & place & until it shall please God that she gets better and comes to :isslst you­ I leave you all to the Blessing of God shall attend you. from your aunt that wishes you all well. December 20th day, 1797. R. Schreiver.• P. S. I wish you to write to me and send it to John Schleyt in Frede:1cktown

•AdmJra.l Schl"°y'M ,:-randmoth'°r: tHJ,. tath~r~ Xo doubt AbrahAm ff!'lt 1~1121 hi,- re1tpon.t!ll!bfUty than did hi,- ,:ood aunt: but. tt wu tn hJ1t home yea.n late,r, hill mother p&J&111~d away Jn comfort. WILLIAM MILLAR 11. 71 and then I shall be shore to get It. Dear Abraham don't neglect It but be sure to write bow your mother and all the rest of you all are in health."

.. ABRAH.Ul:: ~,!ILLAR [William::, William']. born June ~nd 1776 in "Stone House"' on the ~Iillar Plantation in "\Varren County, Virginia. :Married in Hampshire Co., ,v. Va. his 1 cousin Rebekah~ :\lillar [Isaac::, William ) August H, 180·1 and in the late fall of the same year they moYed to Scioto Co. Ohio where .Abraham had already entered land and upon which he built, first a log, later a substantial brick home on the Portsmouth road. Here they lived until 1846 when again he acquh-ed Gov­ ernment land which was located in :Mississippi Co., :Missouri near East Prairie. Their land comprised at the time of his death nine square miles. most of it rich low land and sandy bottom, some excellent timber upon one part. A large flag doorstep at the entrance of the old home here was dragged by an ox team from their Ohio home, greatly prized even yet because there is no stone in that county natm·ally.. Rebekah:: died January 20, 1867. Abraham:: having died suddenly while on a business trip to Ohio, February 3, 1855. Abraham:: Millar was hospitable, jovial and generous, gave a good corner of land on the highway for school and church; kind to pioneer ministers though not himself of religious pre­ tentions. His Ohio home seems in his family letters to have been the dem·er one; but he grew weary of the inefficient labor there which was neither slave nor free. The early settler took young negroes from the south and kept them only until they became of age then returned them south. Slaves were yet held in :Missouri, henee he had the fertile soil of the new country with labor of the ldnd he had been brought up to 1mderstand. 1.'he fojfo~.J1g letter written to Al)raham 's brother who had in that same year settl~d upon his Scioto Co. land in Ohio ~peaks the unrest of many Virginians to secure holding8 WII,LIA.JI JITLLA.R Tl.

in the newly opened western country.

Decbr-. 30, 1803. Dear Jack A leJsur-e hour- now pr-esents itself and r-emembering your detached situa.• tion, not doubting but you are anxious to know the occurrences that have taken place since you lert ber-e as well as our trip home, have induced me communicate them or- mtber mAke the 11.ttempt. tor- I think writing by mail (the only means or carrying a letter- at this time o! the year) not to be a very expeditious method to communicate with you !or the idea I bad when ther-e was that a letter might lay a consldemble time In the olrfce In Chlllcothe be!ore you would get It. The method I mean to take with this is to pay the postage, hoping by its being paid that •Turin '\\ill ror-ward it by the first opportunity. For two or three days a!ter we started lnx we were much troubled with the S'l'llin we bad. until we red it away, a!ter that we carried no more and had a very good journey o! it considering the disagreeableness or the weather which was very wet: we were eleven days on the road, I think the road we traveled in, much better than the Wheeling road. I round Isaac as unsettled as when you le!t him, he Is entirely unsettled in bis mind with respect to purchasing me out. or selJing all together.--! think i! he were married be could easily determine, while things continue as they are, will do nothing. Am certain he has never mentioned the subject to her in his lite. I rear by his tl'i!ling he will balk me In my calculations or returning as soon as I expected tor until I h:).ve my business finally settled here I can not think or settling elsewhere and I assure you I see but little prospect or selling it at this time. I cannot sell to any other person without Issac will sell also and I can find it he marries be wishes to purchase me out-you see my situation Is not very agreeable, I will temper '\\1th them a while longer but cannot put up with It a gmte while. I was at Mr. Headley's yesterday and last night at a quilting. We had a very agreeable party, the family Is in good health. There is a number or your neighbors that talk or seeing Scioto In the spring. Messrs. Richardson, Cloud, White and a number or others. all or which talk or settling there I! they like the country. Raynolds talks or seeing you shortly he is somewhat taken with Portsmouth tho' he is so whimsical I have hardly faith to believe he will get ott Old Mrs. •Bmnson continues much as she was, or is bi:t little better. Mrs. tLong or Woodstock died a few days ago. Daniel Masten Is dead. xMajor Hite married. Browning the preacher is :>.Jso married to a lady o! Baltimore. Mother and family is well, Cornelius left this place this morning in good health. The ?Old Lady is anxious !or all hands to move out. I should be :;lad to know how you spend your time Eince we left you, tho I guess not very agreeable, you have but little to do and nu books to amuse you. I cannot Imagine how you wlll spend this winter it must be a disagreeable season

•Then Po11tmUJ1ter In ChlUcoth~. Ohio. x back to '\"'lr,rlnlu.. t A klnawoman throuch tbe :::wmart. Atlen2. RWIHll:s Un(I,. •R.ebekab2 M'.lllar. wtte ot Lionel Branll&D and Abraham•11 aunt. •:rtttjor haac Hite. ~HUI moth4tr Eliza.beth (Ferreel Mllln.r. WlLLIAJ! J!lLl..-1.R Il. 73

to you but more especially to Polly tor your gun will be some recreation to you but she will have no stimulus to keep her mind alive since the fatigue of baking bread ls over. I often think of you and as orten I Imagine I can see you sitting In front or the fire on a stool looking out of your window at the back or the chimney. I have orten been sorry I bad not stald a few weeks longer With you tho I could not have been or any service to you except for company. Let me go where I will since my return I bear but little talk or anything except deer and turkey. the generality or the people enquire much more a!>out the game tball the soil. climate. extent or production. settlement or other necessary inquiries common to new countries. If Isaac does not go out In the spring (which he talks or sometimes In a faint way) I shall be out as early as I can. till which time believe me yours. All:ectionately. J'obn Millar Abm. Mlllar.

Another letter in the following year describes the wide spread enthusiasm for the Ohio migration as well as his own family affairs.

August 11. 1804. Dear J'ack E.i:cuse the seeming neglect of not writing sooner the most principle ·reason was that I ·was a good deal engaged about nothing and having notbi::ig particular to communicate. I saw Van Meter but had little conversation about your land. I proposed purchasing thinking that the most likely method to bring him to on:er a good price for yours. be positively rerused to sell on any terms but inclined to buy but not until he saw lt again which he Is anxious to do this fall If his legs will admit or his traveling. They have been very sore all summer. As he appeared anxious to bay and not willing to do so till he saw it. I thought that it was best not to appear over anxious to sell. he w!ll be glad to give 15/- If he thinks as well or it when be sees it as he did when you purchased. They have had a very wet season here much more so than was ever known. the Xortb River has been several feet higher than it wa." ever known and has done a grate deal of damage the South River has not been so very high but so much wet has ruined the crops of small grain entirely in a number of instances. There Is no instance in my hearing or there having hair crops and even that worth but l!ttle. I never saw :;:::.orer crop£ of corn In my l!fe. the prospect is dull in this countr,· Indeed whlcu makes the people begin to be dissatisfied With It and are enxlous to look out for a better. Scioto Is the cry or everybody. I never saw so grate a. atur in a pince in my life abo~t a country as there Is here about Scioto. I think seriously there have been twenty sol!cltors to take families out with me. I do not expect Raynolds will go out this fall or perhaps never. Pasget started in May to see the Country and got as far as Frankfort. and turned back on account or a sore finger. Trimmer has positively agreed to go on very good terms with me and I suppose he will comply. This Is a very sickly season here. you can scarcely go in a house but there Is more or less or the family down with some complaint or other. 74 WILT.I.HI .llll.L:l.R IT.

I run arudous to hear from you to know how things are goln,-. It al)pears like an age since I Jett there, times are dull here I am to return. ! do nc~ know what would be a sulrlclent Inducement !or me to have my Interest. f:i this country. I could not c.-intaln myself here after being acquainted with Scioto. I thought I was well pleased with ft when I left there but It Is a !act I think a thousand times better o! It after riding a second time over this barren and Impoverished country. .Jack there Is a material dflference much more than I supposed before I returned. Bill Elsy Is going out with me this fall, Messrs. Bill Rout. Hanson (?) Martin, Smith Martin, Mccloud, one of the Arturburns (?) and the Lord knows who else but the whole neighborhood appear ready to rise In SJ. body march right olf were they able but there Is a grate many poore people that cannot get away. I wish I had ft In my power to take them along, It gives me pain to see people starving as ft were and ff they were there could support themselves with so little labour-for particulars I refer you to Isaac who I supJ)(lfle has come very unexpected to you. I am yours &c. Abm. Millar.

How little human nature changes through the years! How great seem the advantages of a much desired plan! How good is any advice which agrees with our purpose! Another Jetter of the same date. to his yotmgest Brother but nineteen years old. looks toward the event which he leaves for Isaac to tell-his own marriage three days later.

August 11. 1S01. "Dear 'Neel' An opportunity per Isaac olfers to write which I embrace with pleasure, it being the first that bas olfered since I left you e..,;cept by Post which I thought not altogether safe for which reason I put otr writing till this favourable oppor• tunlty should come about and now have nothing of moment to mention btit what Isaac can inform you of. I shall refer you to him for any information you may wish to receive and proceed to give yon some little directions respecting what I want you to have done for me before I return which will be as soon as possible. I wish you to get Murphy to roll the logs in the clearing at any rate, he ottered to roll 12 acres for ten dollars give him at the rate or that or even more for I want them done. After they are rolled I wish James and you to burn them, If Haselet continues with you I wish him after you have done clearing the ground we had laid otr, to go to grubbing adjoining below the clearing, that is between the clearlni:: and Murphy's field. I Wish it grubbed without any chopping being done e..,;cept for rails. Let Bolenhause get. what rails he can in the land I wish grubbed, after his time is out if-?~ontinu~ at the same terms let l:lim continue to get rails till I get out. I wish you also to get Murphy to put up the chlmn:!y of t'-<> house in the fiat below the hill, try and have it !ixt up right next t]'le house ,.,'?IJ?ing and the passage between the two houses. I wish you to get !!Omebod!" to get boards WILLI.'ult MILL.-tR II. 75 and cover and have them made tight. I am giving you a good deal o! trouble but hope to have it in my power to make you amends for it. This would be a good opportuDity for you to return but must insist on you to staY till my return which shall be as soon as possible, remind Murphy o! the Blades be promised to get me I shall want a good many. I am yours &c. Con,elius Millar Abm. Millar."

Small wonder this homestead should have been peculiar­ ly dear to Abraham-also it would appear young Cornelius to have been a responsible chap! Letters from their brother Isaac3 will be found under his name and wholly adequate to the situation. Children of Abraham and Rebekah (Millar) Millar. Born in Scioto County, Ohio.

1 ELIZABETH' MII.L.\R. born September 7. 1S05. 2. Is.u.c' MILLAU.. born March 7, 1807. 3. WILLI.Ur' MIU.Alt. born April 7, 1809. 4. All.ul' Mn.x..\R. born November 9, 1811. 5 R.,nioLDs' MILLAR. born .June 27, 1S14. 6. AnltAlLUI' Mn.I.An. born November 25, 1816. 7. .Jon:,." MlLL"-R. born March 21, 181!1. 8. REBECCA' Mn.J..\t:. born May 11. 1822. 9. M1C1IAEL' MILLAU.. born May 13, 1825: died September 15, 1S27. 10. F'RANKLTN' MTI.L.\lt. born .January 3, 1630.

1 1. ELIZABETH"' Mn:.LAR [A.braham::, William\ Wi'lliam ] born September 7, 1805; married .January 5, 1823 her cousin 1 George W.4 Raynolds (Elizabeth::, William\ William ). Mrs. Raynolds died Nov. 30. 1846 and her husband the next year Jtme 27, 1847 and both lie buried near Beaver, Pike Co., Ohio. Sh children were born to them:

1. JOHN Wn.LLOI' RAYSOLDS. born May 22. 1825. 2. REBECCA A,"'()11. RA=oLDs. born March 21, 1830. 3. ISAAc' RAYJl10LDS, born August 3, ]833. 4. SDJILDA ELTON" RAYNOLDS, born February 21, 1S39. 5. Alt&AJIA~I FJtA."'(1,.·1.-1:,;• RAYNOLPN. born December 21. 1842. 6. CATlIARI:,;t; PAR>IO:

1. JORN WII.LLUr:; RAYNOLDS, born May 22, 1825 in Pike Co., 76 WILLIAM JIILLAR II. Ohio; married August 30, 1846 .Judith Buckman (born in 1827: died :May 1921). :Mr. Raynolds died in 1875 in Montrose, Kansas. ~Ir. Raynolds was both farmer and United Brethren :i\-linister. I. LEWIS DAVIS6 RAYXOLDS [.John Wm.\ Elizabeth\ 3 2 1 Abralia.111 .• Wi1liam • Williarn Mt'.llar].. born in Pike Co., Ohio September 24, 1847. A grain dealer in Montrose, Kansas. He married first in Marion Co., Iowa, February 24, 1867 Tabitha }'fatilda :\loon; married second l\Iel-a Van Dyke. Four children were born-

1. EL.\IER L~COL."i7 RAYNOf.DS, born In Chariton, Iowa August 27. 1808. A successful physician In Mankato, Kansas. Married Aug. 24, 1892 J'esslca Forbes, daughter or Daniel C. and Helen (Bentley) Forbes. 1. LEw1s C." RAnior.DH, born Dec. 4, 1894: died October 26, 1918 juet before bis call came !or War Service. 2. GEORGE E.• RAYONLDS, born May 13, 1897: died J'an. 20, 190L 3. HJo:u::q" R,\YNOf.DS. born May 31, 1902; married J'uly 12, 1922, Robert C. Hitz. 1. CnAKI.OTTF. Axr.F-"iE° Hrr7- born Dec. 18, 1924. in Indianola, Iowa. 2. Cr.ARA EJ.I7.ARErH7 RAr.mws. born August 24, 1S70; married T. W. Clark and resides on a !arm near Montrose, Kansas. 1. AltY BL.•SCB" Cl.ABK. born Feb. 22, 1893. 2. ETllEI." CLARK, born November 9, 1897. 3. M!LD11F.1>' Cr.ARK. born December !?S, 1S99; married J'une 8, 1921, Ivan Snyder, 1. BETTY LEE" S:Sl'Dtm. born Sept. 15, 1923. 3. WILLIA~c LARt,.~• RAr:sows born J'anuary 31, 1873. An attorney in Mankato, Kansas. Married Nora Dillon November 12, 1896 Dawson Co., Neb. She was the daughter of George D. and Lucy (Hoyer) Dillon. 1. RUTH' RAY:sor.os. born November 17, 1899, In Chicago. !?. LEROY W.• Rw:sows, born In Mankato, April 13, 1905. 3. ROBERT WAY:s&" R.w:sor.os. born In Mankato, October 20. 1908. 4. V1ou ~fay' R.\YNOLl>S. born J'anuary 31. 187S. A physician In Kansas City. Mo. Married J'une 14, 1905. Sanford E. Wells. 1. DoROTUY" Wnr.s, born July 29, 1907.

II. }'!.ARY ELIZABF.TJI6 RAYNOLDS [,John 1V m. 5, Elizabeth" Abraharn3, Witliam:. Wi?liam1 Mi?lar]. born .July 11, 1849. Married Robert A. Wilson October 10, 1867, WILLI.AM MILLAR II. 77 lives in Canora, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mr. Wilson died July 15, 1919.

1. FRA."IKUS S\"I.VEIITY.117!\', born October 27, 1868: died Sept• ember :!3 1875. 2. WILLL\:U RomtRT' WILHON, born October 30, 1870; died November 23. 1876. 3. DAISY RAYNOLDS' WII.IION', born December 28. 1872; married Jillie 20, 1906 Herbert Bagnall, living on a ranch called "Blythefteld" Glenen, Sask. 4. Gil.ACE AUROJI.A1 WILHON', born December 3, 1877; married January 26, 1905 N. V. Coplen, auditor and accountant for a large Depart ment Store in Lincoln, Nebraska. 5. MAUDE LUCILLE' WILSON', born February 1, 1889; married Nov. 15, 1911 Gordon James Duncan in British Columbia Civil Service, resides at Elks, B. C. 1. RoSEll!ARY" DUNCAN', born January :!6, 1918. 2. DoNALD' DUNCAN, born April 21, 1920.

m. JoHNWn.LIAM6 RAYXOLDS [John Wm.5,Elizabeth4, 3 1 .Abralwm , W·illfoni::, TV,i:lliam M11,lnr]. born April 3, 1851: died October 12, 1859. IV. REBECCA .JUDITH6 RAYNOLDS [John W1n.\ Elizar beth", Abraham-3, Wtlliam::_. Wi1liam1 Mi?lar], born June 3, 1853. Married May 20, 1876 Joseph .Jolly (born in Cornwall, England, March 1, 1847). Farm­ ing near Blanco, Colo.

1. DAISY A."1'!'!7 Jou.Y, born February 20, 1877. 2. BERT Wll'.' JOLLY, born Nov. 20, 1878. For later records see same under Isaac'.

V. SARAH SIMILDA6 RAYNOLDS [John Wm.\ Elizabeth4, 2 1 Abraham3, Wi1liam , Wi1liam Mi1lar ], born Decem­ ber 31, 1855. Married December 31, 1876 Darwin R. Seymour, a grain dealer and farmer residing in Mankato, Kansas (born July 28, 1849.)

l. Sn.VIA RoSINA' SEnroUR. born Dec. 16, 1877 at Mankato is a physician in Iona. Jewell Co., Kansas until her marriage Decem• ber 1903 to Alvah Rose, farmer, near there. 1. MomtIS $p;nromt" ROSE. born Nov. 23. 1904. 2. IVA.."1 LINCOLN" $EY'){OUR,, born September 28, 1906. 3. AR."IOLD MEREDITH" RosE. born September 21, 1912. 2. IvAN' SEYll'OUR. born January 20, 1879: died in infancy. j8 'iVILLIAJI J!ILLAR 11.

3. Guo1·s DElt1CA7 SEYllOt"R, born June 26, 1S91; married June !?2, 1910 James Edward Torrance. Address, Salina. Kansas. i. lo:

VI. ISAAC FRANKLIN6 R.ffNOLDS, born February 15, lS.58. Died young. 3 2 2. REBECCA Axx:. RAYXOLDS [Elizabeth4, Abrahmn , Wi1liam , Wi7lia1n 1 1.lfi?lar ], born March 21, 1830 in Pike Co., Ohio; married in Lucasville, Scioto Co., February 22, 1849 Reuben A. Moser, in early life a farmer, later a merchant: died May 9, 1884 and lies buried in Lexington Mo. where also Mrs. Moser was buried who died years later in Bed­ ford, Iowa, Febuary 2, 1906. Eight children were born to them- !. ELORREY F.6 MoSER, born May 21, 1852: died in early infancy. IT. Isuc :M:rr..LAR6 MOSER, born .January 26, 1854: died in infancy. m. DoRAs CLAYToN6 MosER, born November 15, 1855. Farmer near Bedford, Iowa. lfarried February 27, 1879 Belle Mason.

1. REtm~• MosER.. born November 2, 1883. 2. Fr.oYD S! MosER. born January 24. 1888. 3. l\"L\7 MOSER. born October 6, 1893.

IV. SIMILDA ELTONc MOSER, born .June 16, 1858: died in childhood. V. ELl\rER E.0 MOSER, born April 25, 1861; a farmer near Oberlin, Kansas; married in Sheridan, M0c-, Cornelia Allyn.

1. REUBE:-. ALLY:-.7 MOSF..R. born June 24, 1890. 2. Loms' MosER.. born July 14, 1892. 3. ELLS\\"ORTH7 MOSER. born August 1. 1895. 4. Eownr L.7 MOSER. born July 12, 1900. 5. Vonrs' MOSER. born January li, 1905.

VI. ULYs.gps GRA?-."'116 )foSER, born March 16, 1864. WILLIA.JI JIILLAR II. 79

1\liolesale Tobacco merchant in Salt Lake City. Mar­ ried February 25. 1S91 Elizabeth Graff.

1. Jorrll" R! Mo,u:u. born February 3, 189-1.

VII. 1'fay FLOREXCE" liosER, born ~.\.pril 1S, 1S66; mar­ ried January 20, 1909 .Joseph Henry Humphrey ttnd died in their home in Bedford. Iowa, May 1. 1!)24. VIII. EDDIS SHER::\£AX0 l\fosER, born January 1:3, 1S69. Wholesale Tobacconist in Kansas City, Mo. 1'far­ ried l\Iay 10, 1891 Ella L. Whitman.

1. DUJ:I. W! Mo.,cr. born October 29, 1S96.

6. Is.uc )ln.L.AR;; RA~OLDS [Elizabeth\ Abraham?, Wi1liam=, WtlHam,1 Jfi1lar], born in Pike Co., Ohio August 3, lS.'3.'3. Moved to Sangamon Co., Illinois where he bought and operated a :fine farm, and built upon it a commodious brick home where he died June 2, 1904. Mr. Raynolds was of high character, honored and re­ spected throughout the community and enjoyed a life of usefulness and material prosperity. Mr. Raynolds married December 26, 1855 Louisa Cooper (born February 3, lS.'39) who died August 11, 1909. I. CHARLES l\'1ILLAR6 RAYXOLDS [\ Elizabetli\ 2 1 Abraham-3, Wi1liam , Wi1liam Mi1lar], born Septem­ ber 28, 1856. Owns and operates a farm near Buffalo, Illinois. l\Iarried February 28, 1883 :Minnie Carpen­ ter, daughter of .John and Cordelia Carpenter.

1. ScOTT" R.w:s-oLos. born June 29, 1893. !!. MARY FrtAll"CEs" R.w:s-or.r>s. born November 1, 1S97.

6 5 II. .JA)fES ALBF.RT RAYXOLDS [Isaac • Elizabeth', A.braltam:: .. William=, Wi1liam 1 1lb'Jlar], born Janu­ ary 26, lS.58. Lhing in Springfield, Ill. Married first in 1881 Carrie Carpenter who died leaving one son. He married second October 27, 1893 Mrs. so WILLIAJI :JIILL.Ml II.

Margaret (Cobb) :Mashburn, daughter of Richard and Eli7.abeth Cobb.

1. FKY.IJf:lUCK' RAYXOLl>l'I. born December 2. 1S82. :\ in Spring­ field. Ill .• July 12, 1905 Edith Crolfoot. daughter of Henry Crolfoot. l. Ht.:XlS. born April 27, 1909. 2. R.' R.wxor.ns. born March 4, 1901.

6 5 III. POLLY ELIZABETH R ..\YXOLDS [I.~aac • Elizabeth◄, Abraham.\ Williarn\ Wi:tliam, 1 .1.lfi1lar]. born .M:arch 13, 1860; living in the family home near Sherman, Sangamon County, Illinois. IV. FLOREXCE BELLE6 RA YXOLDS_. born Sept. 18, 1863: died Dee. 22, 1863. V. Eowix SuDDUTH6 R.n"XOLDS [Isaac\ Elizabeth4, 2 1 Abraham~_. Wflliam , Wi7liam .JHllar]_. born Novem­ mer 2, 1868. Unmarried. Operating the home farm and residing in the family home in Sangamon County, Dlinois. VI. BERTHA M.u0 RAYNOLDS, born l\fay 29. 1871: died Dec. 5, 1876. VII. :MABEL MINTA 6RA YNOLDS, born .July 5. 1877: died August 12, 1892. 3 7. SnULDA ELTO!,i..11 RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth", Abraham , 2 1 Wflliam _. Wi1liam Mi'Tlar ], born in Pike County, Ohio February 21, 1839; left an orphan, her mother dying when she was but si....: years old, and her father a year later. She lived in the home of her aunt and uncle l\fr. and Mrs. Charles" Millar, to whom she was doubly related; and with their family moved to Dlinois in 1854 settling near Williamsville, later going to her older married sister Mrs. Rebecca Ann5 (Raynolds) Moser in Taylor Co1mty, Iowa. where in 1860, on March 21, she married .John Saylor Boyd (born J\me 14. 18.'35. Watertown. N. Y.) who was an early day educator in that county. serving as County Superintendent two terms and also teaching in the public schools: served also in the Civil War from 1863 to its close. WILLIAM MILI,.4.R ll. 81 Mr. and Mrs. Boyd lived in Bedford, Iowa after re­ tiring from active life. l\!r. Boyd was the son of ,John and Eliza (Saylor) Boyd (married Dec. 5, 1822. Chester, Pa.) His grand­ father John Boyd was born in County Antrim. Ireland (where his pareRts had gone from Scotland,) August 4, 1794. Eliza Saylor was the daughter of .J olm Saylor who came as a child from Germany to Philadelphia and when grown enlisted January 30, 1776 as a private in Co. 5, Capt. Caleb North's company, commanded by Col. Francis Johnston. He served to September 1, 1780 when his name last appears on the roll. I. .A.LICE6 BoYD, born in 1861 : died in infancy. II. A.i.~~'"IE6 Bom_. born in 1862; married ::March 23, 1882 George W. Hough, a farmer in Taylor County, Iowa.

1. HARRY W.' Houcm. born December 26. 1883; malTied December 23, 1906 Mabel Sargent and now f.,,!"lllfng homestead claim near Enterprise, Oregon. 1. DoSALD BoYP" HOUGIY. born Dec. 14, 1907. 2. VF.L3IA0 HoUGII. born March 19. 1909. 3. GEORGt: Wo-1>1!:r.I.' HoUGII. born Dec. 26. 1917. 4. Gu:ss SARGt;:-;T" Houorr. born March 3, 1922. 2. C.uu.' Houon. born Sept. 17. 1884. Address San Diego, Call!. Married In Yakima. •• Dec. 16, 1910 Hattie Myers. 1. DoJ?TllA ASSA" HOUGJ(. born Oct. 13, 1911. 2. JA"C'NTA G.' lfotrGJt. born August 3, 1913. 3. MAUJ>7 HouGJJ. born September 28, 1886. MalTied November 28, 1906 Claire Norton. Address, Galesburi:. Ill. 1. Rusi;Y.J.r. Cr.AIRF." Nor.To:\". born Sept. 21, 1908. 2. FER."'I" F.' Nonos. born Dec. 29, 1910. m. FRAX:KLIN6 BOYD, born in 1864. A Land Agent in Parsons, Kansas. Married September L 1887, Minnie Denser, daughter of.John and ,Jane (Wright) Denser.

1. BE'rII7 BoYJ>. born August 3, 1892; married ::-.ovember s. 1923 in Philadelphia. Stephen Olop, by Dr. F. R. Griffen. 2. NELLIE" BOYD. born May 23, 1894; married March 8, 1921111 Parsons, Kansas, Milton Ross, Salina, Kansas. 82 lV/LL/.DI J!lLL.:J.R II.

1. lIILTo:-.' Ross. Jr_. boni April 11, 1922. 2. Ror.t:irr Bow· Ross. born June 24, 1924. 7. Fr:A:-.c,:s 'S.' BoY11. boni January li, 1908.

IV. ELIZ.-\.6 Born, born in 1867: died in infancy. V. GEORGE R.6 Bom, born in 1870: died in infancy. VI. .YfrRTLE E.6 Bom, born in 1874: died in infancy. ·v1r. .J E~IE ELTO~c Bom, born in 1876; married Sept- ember 19. 1900 G. W. Hook, a hardware merchant in Bedford, Iowa; and died .June 20, 1911 survived by her husband and three daughters.

1. Runr' Hoon:. born .July 10, 1901; married August 22, Homer Carson. an electrician In Corning, Iowa. 1. K.\TrIEPJ:-.t: J&,:-." CA1

VIII. BRUCE6 Bom, born in 1879. Farmer near Par­ sons. Kansas; married November 25, 1903 Birdie B. Thomas, who died November 25, 1921 in Los Angeles, Calif. 8. ABRAHA)r FR.n~ RA~OLDS [Elizabeth\ Abr--iham3, Wi7l1~am::, Wi1liam1 Jb"llar], born in Pike Co., O!.do De­ cember 21. 1842. moved in the spring of 1869 to Union County, Illinois. bought three blocks in West Saratoga, a town laid out si.~ miles east of .Tones borough on the Illinois Central R. R. where he died October 29 of the same year leaTing one son who bas not been located. 9. CATHARIXE P ..\RSO~S 5 RA~OLDS [Elizabeth", Abraham\ Wi11iam2, Wi1liam1 1lfi1lar], born November 19, 1846: died in early childhood. 2. Is.-L.\C4 MILLAR [Abralurm-3. Wi"lliam:!. Wi1lfom1 .Jf11lar] born in Scioto County. Ohio, March 7, 1807. Married )!aria :MacDonald and to them were born si~ children. 1. REBECCA5 MILLAR died unmarried. 2. NA..~c-r ~ULLAR. married .John N. Mitchner but left no descendants. WILU,Ul JIILL,lR ll. S3

3. GEORGE R.-\YXOLDS:; l\I:r:LI...IB, born April 14, 1842; married December 24. 1S68 Sallie Boyer of Hickman. Kentuck--y. They both clied early leaving two little daughters. a son having died in infancy. I. Lrcr l\L-\RL-\6 J[~.L.-\R [George R.\ I:r;aac\ .:1uraham3_. 1Vz1liam:!.• Williain1 Jiillar].. born September 14, 1869, was brought up by ~fr. and l\Irs. Franklin S.4 l\fillar in East Prairie, Missouri; married first December 23, 1885 .J. Shemwell; married second April 3, 1904 Edward E. Bingham. Address, Charleston, l\fo.

1. Mo;or: Bmo1 S.u:cnn:u.. born Oct. 19, 1886: died July 3, lSSS. 2. MAnn: LEE' Sm:.\l'\\"T.LL. born Dec. 26, 1887; married September 26, 1905 in Charleston. Mo~ John Parker (born near Metropolis, DL) a farmer. 3. MYl:11'.r Sm::.rwEr.L. IY.>rn March 19, 1891.

ill. ELIZABETHG l.llLLAR [ George R.\ ].<;a,ac4, Abraham·3, 2 1 Wi"lliam , William Mi1lar], born February 17, 1873 was brought up by her father's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Millar of Sangamon Co., Illinois, in which county she lives having married there February 17, 1891 Lymann Sapp, a farmer.

1. EL~fEI: Lo;coL:S1 SAPP. born Nov. 14, 1891: died May 26. 1893. 2. ALLY:s7 SAPP. born Dec. 19, 1892: died May 26, 1893. 3. .Auer SAPP. twin to Allyn: died July 8, 1893. 4. Hm:uA:s RA.n10:..-01 SAPP. born Sept. 29, 1894. Operating a Dairy Farm near Moose Jaw, Sask. 5. R.u.Pt1 LA ,o-o:s7 SAPP. born March 9, 1899. Address Springfield, Ill. 6. Daughter" born August 27, 1917.

2 1 4. FRA.."\f~ l\f:ru..-\R [Isaac\ Abraham\ Wi7liam , William Mi1lar ], never married- 2 5. JoHx- WII.LLUr" )fILLAR [baac', Abraham.3_. Wi7l.iam ~ Wi1liam 1 }b1lar], born--; married January 12, 1868 Ruth J. Scott (born in Henry County, Kentucky, Oct. 7, ]847. I. OLIVE C.~ MII.L.-\R, born Jan. 17, 1869: died Sept. 1, 1874. 84 WILLIAM JfILLAR II.

II. JoHx °WILLI.U111 l-llLLAR, born February 11, 1872 in Mississippi County, .Missouri, where he farms. He married there March 4, 1894 l-fary E. Thompkins.

1. JA..'\IES FRA.-.=• MILLAR, born Dec. 2, 1894. 2. BBYA:<' MILL.AB. born Dec. 25. 1896. 3. LuCIA....- D! Mu:.r..AR. born October 18, 1899. 4. OLJTE C! MILL.AB. born March 7, 1902. !i. Vror.ET' Mu:.r..AR. born October 15. 1905. 6. Bt.A....-cm:' MTLL.An. born March 5, 1908.

6. ELIZABETFlVllLLAR [Isaac",,.A.braham?, Wi?liarn~, Wi?liam1 Jlfi?lar ]., married Nicholas State .McClellan. Both de­ ceased. One child died in infancy. 4 3 3. WILLIA:\I l\fILLAR [Abraham , Wi?liam~, Wi?liam' Mi?lar] born in Ohio April 7, 1809; married NoY. 25, 1830 his 3 1 cousin Sarah Turner• Masten [Rebecca , William:, William ] born .July 14, 1809: died 2\farch 5, 18.36. L .ABRA.JI.AM lUSTfil...:. Mn.L..~ born April 5, 1832; while on a visit to Ohio contracted measles, died Dec. 14, 1852 and was buried in the family graveyard "Shady Mount" Ohio. 2. CHARLES TUR:,.;'"Eli' l\fILL.-IB, born March 4, 1834 for several years remained upon the home place of his grandfather Abraham3 Millar in Scioto Co., Ohio, after the latter had moved to Missouri. He was successful in his steward­ ship and his own operations, accumulating a considerable fortune and later followed his grandfather to Missouri where he built a fine home on his father's share of the land in Mississippi Co., Mo.. He died in Pulaski, Illinois, October 20, 1900. He married in December 18.59 his cousin Rebecca EllE:n:. Kemp (Rebecca\ Rebekah:\ William:\ William.1) (born in Ironton, Ohio in 1835 and died August 11, 1870). Four children were born to them, three dying in in­ fancy, the fourth Inez E.8 1\fillar was living in Pulaski in 1904. No further record.. 3. SARAH TUR~"'ER11 MILLAR_. born February 27. 1839: died September 9, 18.59. WILLI.A.Jt MILLAR II. 85

4. _.\fl.-\::\1 4 )UI.L-\R [..:1braham\ Wi?liam= .• TVilliam 1 J[i?lar] born in Scioto County, Ohio, November 9, 1S11 lived upon that part of the )fillar land in :Missouri formerly owned by his broi.her "\Yilliam4 and improved by his nephew Charles Turner" }Iillar. He married N o,ember 7. 1871, late in life Frances )L Kendrick ~ister to the wife of Franklin )fillar, a younger brother. He died September 2, 1SS3. Among all his brothers he was the only one who during his entire life opposed the holding of slaves and during the period of the War between the States, the cause of Secession; "but.'' said his sweet voiced widow to ilie writer in 1904, "we never taToed about this and were perfectly happy". No descendants. 5. R.\UOLDS4 l\IILL.IB [.Abraham=, William=, Willimn 1 JI illar], born in Scioto County, Ohio, .June 27, 1S14: married l\farch 18, lS.52 :Vlargaret Kerr (born in l\fiami Co., Ohio, December 31. 1824) moved to Muscatine Co., Iowa where he owned a large farm, making a specialty of fine grapes in ,ariety. The '\'\Titer remembers being told to pick all the bunches she wanted but not to pick any grapes from bunches left hanging. He was a large man of kind and quiet manner fond of friends in his o\\D. home but rather averse to society gene1·ally. He was prosperous and to his wife who lived to a great age and his t"o daughters he left a considerable estate; dying October 18, 1898. 1. REBECCA s.r. ){ILLAR, born February 18, 1853, grew to womanhood, attended the State University at Iowa City. Died September 1SS7 unmarried. 2. ELIZABETH KERR:: l\fatLAR, born .August 30, 1854, married after attending the University with her sister, on August 28, 1877 .John Estle, son of - - - Estle and Susan (Shellabarger) Estle, a prosperous and influential farmer of Dallas County, Iowa (P. 0. Minburn, Iowa) 86 WILLIAM MILL.AR II.

where they removed after the

"Bell Mount" J'une 7, 1821. Dear Sister I received your letter the 23rd or May which i;ave me a great deal o! satisfaction to peruse it to hear you all enjoy health and slso to visit Virginia. once more. Sister I soon posted of! to fathers with it to lnCorm them or the good news, it so rejoiced them all that ft almost cured father of the ;;out. And Newton of the Blllfous fever or which they have been complaining all winter almost. I hE:8.Td from Newton this morning he ls mending slowly and will start for your home the first or the middle o! August. Sister we are all very much elevated with the thought of seeing you again and are in hopes you will fetch one or your daughters or all of them if you can. Polly you have no preparation to make as in respect to yoursel'l"es only to make a dark sun bonnet apiece. fetch no clothini; only a chani;e with you. . . . • • . . Brothers and sisters are generally ·well and all joines me In love to you all. Lucinda Kendrick.

1. .ANNE REBECCA:. Mrr..u.R, born February 29, 1844: and died August 14, 1858. WILLI.:UI jf[LLAF. II. S7 2. Lum: CATH.AlID.T .l\1.ILLAR, born November 21, 1845; mar­ ried J anuar. 22. 1S6-5 ,villia.m Bird of ··Bird's Point." at the junction of the :Mississippi and Ohio Rivers-. a farmer in .l\Iississippi County, ::Mo. L J 0HX .ABRAHA..'1° BIRD, born Jan. 23, 1866; married Iva Donald of Madison County, Missouri in Septem­ ber 1887.

l. Son" died in infancy. :?. Do:<.u.D" BIIID. born April 5, 1892. 3. Liu.u:o' Bmn. born and died June 1, 1898. 4. Jon.~ THOMAS' BIIID. born April 13, 1900. 5. SAYl10:

IL Ixo.-\B0° BIRD, born .A.11i:,aust 21, 1869; married Sep­ tember 1S90 to Dr. Carey, a prominent physician of Cairo, Illinois (born April 4. 18-50: died February 23, 1927). Mrs. Carey died July 12, 1921.

1. LUCILLE BIBD' C.utEY. born Xov. 13. 189!!: died March 1!!, 1920. !?. I:

1. J 0HX .ABRAH.UI:; .l\fn.LAR [Abraham 4, Abraham=<, William\ Wi1liam1 Mi7lar], born February 12, 18-51; married .April 15, 1873 .Annie Kalfers (born December 1, 1856). Live on a farm which is part of the original tract entered by his grandfather Abraham= Millar in 1846. Six children were born to them- I. GERTRUDE6 Mn.LAR. born .July 29, 1874; married No­ vember 29, 1893 Carl D. :Mitchell (born 1farch 19, 1873). Connected with the Railroad Office in East Prairie, Missouri, until his death Oc.-t. 19, 1924. :Mrs. Mitehell is a General Insurance _.\gent.

1. A:<:er 9, 1894; married April 11. 1911 Harry S. Roberts. l. GY.RTRU11E C.UtI.OTTA' Ronr.r.ri<. born Sept. 5, 19!!6. !?. Daughter" died in infancy.

II. LuCY6 l\frr.LAR, born .January 9, 1876; married .June 88 l'IILLI.ut JIILLAR II. 17, 1896 .John H. Drew, (born Dec. 11, 1871.)

l. J.ur&s £L110' Dru.",·• born March 27, 1897. 2. Leer LILLIA.'\'' Dru-;w. born May 25. 1898. 3. Jou:; H.' Dr.r.w. born :May 11. 1902; died J11I1e 15, 1904. 4. RrcIJ.\£11 :\fn.LAR1 DJtF.\\', born April 15, 1907.

ill. A...,xIEc )'.lrLLAR, born December 25, 1879; married December S, 1896 .Allen J. Martin, a physician in East Prairie, )Iissouri.

l. E.\1U.1:,;&' :MAJ:TI:,;, born September 15, 1897; married first. June 1. 191S Roy Howlett who died Xov. 14. 1921; Jl1&1'ried second April April 7. 1923 Leonard Weaver. l. Ro1·• Howu:rr. Ji:.. born April 17. 1919. !?. A. L.' W&,\"Elt. born August 10. 1925. 2. 1'fILu1t' '.MAJITL'1. born 1901: died 1903. 3. E\"Y.LY:,;' lllA•=· born January 12. 1911.

IV. J oax C. 11 :Mn..r.AB, born February 2. 1883; married Oct. 30, 1900 Myrtle Jones; farming on ~fillar land 3 miles north of East Prairie.

l. A.tLl!:E.'11 l\1ILL.\Jt. born Xovember 10. 1903; married J11I1e 6, 1925 Richard La Plant. 1. Groni:1., Cr-\l"ro:s• LA PLA.-..;T. born Aug. 14, 1927.

V. M.-IBEL6 nIIT..L..\R, born :May 15, 1886: died in infancy. VI. EDWARD .ALBERT6 lf.rr..LAR [,Jolin A..:._. Abraham', Rebekah\ Isaac:_. Wmiam1 .Millar], born September 14, 1887. Farming near East Prairie, Mo.; married April 1907 Lillie Smith.

l. G~u.u: J.~cK' llin.L.\R. born March 20. 1908.

7. JoHX 4 l\!ILL..\R [Abrnham:1. William=, TV?1l£nni 1 Jlfi1lar] 'born in Scioto County, Ohio, :March 21. 1819. Died in Miss­ issippi County, ~fissouri. October 28. 1846. Unmarried. 4 S. REBECCA ::\.lrLL..\R [.A.braliam.3_. Wi1liam:7 William\ Jli?larJ.. born in Scioto County. Ohio. ~Iay .11, 1822; married 4 3 there her cousin Charles :Millar [John Wm. , William=, 1 William. ) October 12, 1843. They moved to SaI1i:,o-amon Co., 1VILLI.DI JIILLAR II. 89

Illinois in 1854: whei·e they died and lie buried. She in Sept­ ember 22, 1901; her husband on .April 19, lSSS. Se'\"en children were born to them. four in Ohio. three in Illinois- 1. \VILLLnr HEADLEl..:. J[rr.LAR, born Feb. S, 1$45: died in Illinois .Aug. 2S, 1S6-l. 2. GIDEOX CHEXOWF.T~ .l\lILLAR, born July 9, 1848; married Jennie .:McGinnis. lloved to Hutchinson, Kansas, later to Waldorf, ~Id. where he died Feb. 2, 1925; his wife Jan. 26, 1927. 1. CHARLES6 l\rn:.LA.R, born NoY. 11, 1877 in Chase Co., Kansas; married April 6, 1912 in Laredo, Te.~as, Lorenza Sosa, daughter of Joan and Guadaloupe (Diaz) Sosa. They lh·e in Waldorf, .Md .. and Mr. :Millar works as a printer in Washington, D .. C. II.. NELLIE6 l\fu.LAR, born-- : died September 1S, 1904. 3.. PoLLY HEAoLEr l\'lrr.LAR, born in Ohio December 16, 1850. Died in Illinois of Typhoid fever December 7, 1875.. 4. Eowrx BLASER" 1\-fu.LAR, born in Ohio ,Jul:r 30. 1853; mar­ ried February 21, 1S8S )fary .J. Miller (born in Williams­ ,ille. Illinois•• June 6. 1856) daughter of .Joseph )filler, born in Waynesboro, Pa. and his wife Nancy E!eanor (Harris) :Miller, born in Newark. Ohio. Mrs. :\fillar dfod suddenly on :March J.6. 1928.. Farming, stock raising and coal mining interests occupied l\!r. Millar upon the homestead of his parent.-; in Sangamon County, Illinois 1mtil in 1918. when he moved to Springfield.. I. "'\v1LLrA:-.r HARP.is6 l\!rLL...\R, born Feb. 11. 1889: died in 1918 from the effects of pneumonia. 6 II. FR.-\SK Cmms 2\hLT~-\R. born .Jul~· 31 .. 1890: die

l. JA,11'.S LAt:RF.:Sct:1 MJI.LAK. born April 7, 1912.

9. MrcH.-\F.L4 }.fn.L.AR [Abralum,::. Wi?liwn/\ lVillia-m1 J/illor]. born May 13, 1825 in Scioto County, Ohio and died there September 15. 1827.

10. FR.-\XKLIX4 }fILL..\R [Abraham\ W17lirm1=, TVt1linm 1 JJ,:Zlar]. born .January 3. 1830. l\fa1Tied April 2-!. 1855 Susan Newton :Kend.rick (born September 19. 1S33) sister to :.lrs. ~.\.brah,1m 4 and }frs. A.dam4 i\lillar. all daughters of .John and Lucinda (Headley) :Kendrick. The writer had the privilege of nsiting )Irs. )filJar in 1904 in the home to which she went a bride, the old home of her hnsbands people. and she then se,enty-one years of age. of remarkable Yigor and activity of body, unusually well storen. mind and conversational gifts seldom equaled. One of the precious treasures of this home was the hodr of a white satin gown "·orn with a "leghorn flat·' h~- :\Ir~. i\Iillar's mother Lucinda (Headley) Kendrick. at the :first In:mgural Ball of President Jackson in 1824. Her entrance WILLIAM MILLAR II. 91 upon the arm of her father. '\Yilliam Headley of Front Hoyal. Va. in itself imposing and being at a tin1e when the British Minister was expected., the :Marine Band struck up the Eng­ lish air "God Sa,e The Queen.''

Only rN."entJy w:lJI found an old Jetter. "11.Titten b)" Lucind• to her 111l11tf'r PoUy In Ohio :ind thh+ NI.Dle ..JeKhom fla.t·• Js deM:rlbe-d In b~r own wor,b•. """"tly kddln,;- to the picture ,,r her MateJy entrance upon the bull. ..Now w~ came tn the nt"•""• that J111. my bonnt"t. what•,. ea.11.-d a le,:horn flaL Sl,.ter lt you "-'tu• to teN' me comln,: with Jt on you would think It "':IJI brot.her Newt()n ttturnln,: with hJ• Ohio flat boat ""Ith the- tuckt"d up anJ a whltf' flas:- on the chlmn~•. This home was also notable during the War betwe~n the States for its large hospitality toward both armies, being so near the boundary line. •Jeff Thompson and Lew "\:V allace being guests in the same week though :!\fr. J[illar wa~ a Southern sympathizer and member of the State Guard. He cJjed at his home near East Prairie, )fo., .July 16, 1869 and lies buried in the family burial ground in the center of the beautiful garden adjoining the home grounds: his monu­ ment inscribed "Belo,ed in life. lamentecl in death. and will ever be remembered "-ith affection." Three children were born to this couple only one attaining­ majority- 1. ABRAill:\I FR.-L'-KLL'-:; )lILLAR [F rrm1-d-in4_. A.brahani\ William::.,. Wtlliarn, 1 Mi'.llar], born .January 18, 1856: died November 11, 1874. 2. LUCL.\X DAVIS:; lfILLAR [Frnn1d,:n4, Abralurm.=:. Willimn::., Witliam1 Jfi?lar]. born November 18, 1858. A grain dealer and large land owner in and about East Prairie. Missouri, combining in his personality more of the well recognized Millar traits of character and tricks of speech than any descendant known to the writer.

The qu~ry •·wrut th11t n.11 th~ wat~r7 .. when "ome one oft'erf!'d him ,~111,. than :i tu!l ,:la.Y. forcibly rem1nd'11 the wrfter. then a&. ,:uellt In hlR: homf!. nr her own J::T:1nd:'ather wbo wn,. wont to ,-end one ot the children to the- 11prinr;- tor hJ11 la.r,=-e cut>ful of u·nter 11.nd tr 1~ than tull he wou-ld 11&)" ••ob! 111 th~ 111prlnr ,:oln.s: dry?"" Tbefl'! JncJdftnt" wlc1~1Y" ~ar:ited Jn time and place, told to oth~r" ('f th~ fumJly, hnv" UHuaUy ~n ackno•·Jed,:ed. ,._,. lndtcattn,:- thit" unh•~nu..1 famUy i,rf'f4'1>r~nC"~. He married September 8, 1881 Ada L. Wilkinson 92 WILLIAM MILLAR II. (born in Fulton, Ky., July 1864: died in Oklahoma .August 3, 1917.) I. FRAN'CES IRE.-.."Ec .:i\fn.L.IB [Lucian D.5, Franklin\ Abraham3, William\ Wi1liam1 IIHllar ], born October 7, 1882; married in East Prairie, :Mo. February 12, 1903 Claude E. White, then a grain dealer in Bert­ rand, l\ifo., but in 1906 removed to Oklahoma City where he established a wholesale hat and glove business.·

1. MILL.Alt BAltltY' WmT•:. born December 21. 1903; married. Auto­ mobile busines11 in Detroit, Mich. 2. Cutr11•: EooA1t7 WHITE, born May 31, 1908.

II. .A. sonc died in infancy. III. l\fARY l\faUDE6 Mn.r..AR [Lucian D.5, Franklin4, 2 1 Abraham'\ William- , William iJHllar], born· June 23, 1887; married June 8, 1911 Joseph P. Doyle of East Prairie. where they reside.

1. RAY Au:xA..... oEK' DoYI.E, born April 13. 1913. 2. .JOSEPH P: DoTI.E. JR.. born April 9, 1918.

IV. RUBY SEA6 i\In.uR [Lucian D.\ Franklin S.4, 2 1 Abraham::_. William , William Millar], born January 26, 1892; married first in Oklahoma City, November 28, 1917 William Oswald Mager, who served as ser­ geant at Ft. Sill Okla., and died December 26, 1921. lfarried second in Los Angeles, Calif., January 1923 to H. H. Huggins. Address Los Angeles. 1. WILLIA~f O: MAGER. JR., born November 1920. V. LUCL.\X RAY6 ~Il:ILAR [Lucian D.5, Franklin S!, 2 1 Abraharn?, William , Wflliam Mi1lar ], born August 10, 1893 in East Prairie.. Married August 25, 1917 Kathryn Turner. Address Monroe, Louisiana. 1. LUCIA.."'f RAY7 MILLAR. .JR.. born August 11. 1918. 3. .JOHN' EWELLG 1frLI...IB [Franklin", Abraham\ Wi1liam\ Wi"lliam 1 Mi1lar]. born February 4. 1864: died January 12, 1884. ..Stone House.. Gmwyard and ,ault on lfillar Plantation.

'WILLIAM JIILLAR II. 93 4. Is.uc3 ·l\1ILI..AR, the fourth child and second son of William.1 and Elizabeth (Ferree) Millar was born in '' Stone House", No.ember 2L 1778. Jointly with his brother Abraham:: he inherited, by his fathers will, the homestead part of the Virginia Plantation and purchased his brother's interest soon after the first gen­ eral land sale in Ohio in 1802 at which time his next younger brother John William3 had purchased land in Scioto Co., Ohio and later on both Abraham:: and Cornelius3 the youngest of all bought large tracts in Pike County adjoining Scioto. At one time when there was a great movement west\v-arcl Isaac ,,as almost persuaded by his older brother .A.braham3 to sell his Virginia land and join his brothers in Ohio, but his real state of mind and :final decision are better told by him­ self in the following letters to .John William\ the writer's great grandfather. One before, the other after, his marriage- Shenandoah County. Dear J"ack An opportunity offering. I cannot negl'.!Ct writing tho I have nothing worth your time In reading: the winter has passed this tar without my making any use o! It or at least doing anything that will be an ad·,-antage to me. wrong hypothesis is always a disadvantage. Since .Abrahams return we have several times attempted to bargain but to no plll'l)OSe. he Is as obstinate as a little bull. I have o!l'ered to leave It to reference or give or take the highest price that could be got but he says d-n i! he dont have his price. I expect that a sale o! the moveable property and division ot the land will take place. It so I will some Industrious person (I! to be got) to attend to my pa.rt and In all probability be in your country early In the summei:-. J"ack I miss you as a confident and friend and no one that Is able to fill your place, perhaps the contiguity o! our abodes ma.y yet double the bonds ot !riend­ ship which will never weaken let the distance be ever so great. I lamt"nt the want ot society and books you must experience but time is the only remedy. Your judgment I am convinct Will lead you to the getting your land in grass as soon as possible, sow your timothy seed with oats early this spring and I a.m convinct you will perceive the difference between that way ot getting provender tor your stock and pulling corn blades or cutting It up. Tell Polly that not long since I got so used to the road that leads to--­ that I could hit the narrow slab that led out ot the gateway the darkest night but . ? We are all well and hope you are the same-Yours &c, &c &c. Isaac Millar. February 15th, 1804. WILLIAM 3flLL.1.R II.

Shenandoah County, April 15. lSOS. Dr. John By so ravour:ible an opportunlty I cant get over writlng: tho' Cornelius ability to Inform you respecUng everything ln this part ot the world makes a letter at this tlme of very little account. :N'ancy has been very sick tor a week past with dumb ague but am in hopes she Is recovering. You mention In yours by C- an Impression that we will be Inhabitants of your state. I think cant give up good old Virginia.. yet there ls nothing could i;ive me more satisfaction. than for us to live near each other. A real friend and able confident is what I want. surrounded even as I am surrounded with friendly relatlons. Mr. Headley was here a day or two past mentioned he had not time to write. Wished me to in!orm you he could not be out til the last of May. I was surprised to learn by your Jetter you had not rec'd one from me which Wm. Raynolds. Sr. very friendly opened and frotn what I can learn here saw Cornelius afterwards in Chillicothe. I suppose he sent it on and It wns miscarried. Cornelius hurries me to start I must stop. Yrs as usual, Isaac Millar.

It is ·well to keep in mind that Abraham and Isaac in­ herited the homestead plantation in Virginia; that J obn William was to have Kentucky land if he chose, if not be was to have its equivalent in money, the latter being his preference after he saw the Kentucl"Y land on his way to the Ohio land soon to be opened for sale by the Government. On so reliable authority as these letters of Isaac, and .Abraham a little farther back, the writer feels the whole re­ lationship should be glad to know how it was all adjusted and to honor the memory of Isaac, the one who :finally chose to stay and hold the land of his inheritance, the land of his father's father; this decision was difficult to make, more difficult to follow~ involving as it did for many years the raising of cash payments on his purchase of his brother's share and at a time when money was a scarce commodity. One of his letters states he was out of debt to his brothers by the end of 1810. .A. part of Issac's inheritance was 132 acres near Cabin Run about three miles from Kendrick's ford; later he bought about 200 acres from Mr. Lehew which descended to his daughter Catharine and is now a part of the plantation known as Rose Hill. WTLU •.lJI J11LL,lR 11. 95 It was on this Lehew land that Isaac:: 1Iillar built a home to which he moYed his family in Yery wet seasons, the land lying higher than that about Stone House. He married Ann Hall Richardson. daughter of Samuel and Catharine (Hall) R.iehardson (born Dec. 8, 1786: died No,. 15. 1858). They both lie in the family burying ground on the old plantation. The first member of the Richardson family in .America was William Richardson who came from England to Mary­ land Circ. 16.50. He was the first ordained. educated minister of the Society of Friends in Maryland, a man of high position and wealth and a personal friend of William Penn. Samuel Richardson of Fortsmoutb. Frederick Co. Va., was the son of William and his wife Isabella Calmes; and mar­ ried Sarah Hall: the Halls came from New .Jersey and it was their daughter Ann Hall Richardson who married Issac Millar. To them were born three children:

1. CATH= RICilARPRO:s' MILLAR. born June s. 1807: died March 9, 1835. 2. ELIZABETII A.~ MILLAB. born April 15, 1812. 3. SA::'lfUEL RICB'ARPSO:s' MILLAR. born May 31, 1817.

4 2 1 2. ELIZABETH Axx ~ULLAR [Isaac\ Wt1liam , William 111illar], born April 15, 1812; married William Richardson, her cous~ born August 19, 1796. l\Irs. Richardson lived through the War between the States, seeing its hardships and privations, her beautiful home often used to shelter soldiers of the southland or command­ eered as quarters for Northern Officers. Her husband dying Sept. 21, 1859 was spared these ex­ periences and the greater sorrow of losing their son barely twenty-one when he fell in battle. Elizabeth .A.nn4 (Millar) Richardson died .June 29, 1888 and ha-ring lost all her si."\: children she bequeathed Rose Hill to her nephew Samuel Rolfe5 Millar. They all lie buried in the Millar Family burying-ground nearby.

1. A,"(N REBEccA· TUCHARD!ION. born April 23, 1831: died August 24, 1855. 2. Daughter di~ in infancy. 1835. 96 WILLIAM MILLAR 11.

3. WrLLIAM )In.I.AR' RICIUIIDSO:S. born March 1S41. -ueut. o! Warren Rifles. Co. B, 17 Regular Regiment Va. Volunteers, Pickett's Div. Longstreets Corps; wounded at Williamsburg, Va., May 6, ot which he died :May 26, 1S62-age 21 years, 2 mos~ 4 days." J 4. MAY C.• RJCllAlU>SO:S, born J'uly 16, 1844: died Oct. 20, 1849. 5. SMIAll It1ABI!:LLA• RJcnAIWSO:S. born J'une 7, 1846: died Oct. 7, 1849. 6. S.urUEL• Rxcn.uwso:s. born May 24, 1850: died August 16, 1860.

3. SA)IUEL RicHARDso~• l\{ILLAR [Isaac\ William,::, lfilliam1 Millar] born ~fay 31. 1817 in Stone House, built by his great grandfatller Circ. 1744. He went to school first in Front Royal where the Catho­ lic Church now stands. later attended school in Winchester where many of the early l\Iillars and kinfolk were prepared for college. He studied law at Lexington in Washington and Lee University and while there lived with his uncle .John Rich­ ardson. He practiced in Davenport, Iowa. and was at one time owner and editor of the "Davenport Democrat": a man of both literary and business ability, early acquiring sections of land in Iowa's most fertile counties whose rise in value he only began to see, as he died in October 1861 when but forty­ four years of age. Samuel Richardson" l\fillar had married in Front Royal, Va., ~Iarch 11, 1852 Susan Beverly Randolph, daughter of Gen. Thomas B. Randolph and his wife :Maria (Mayer) Ran­ dolph: born in Cumberland Co., Va. Sept. 2, 1821. a sister of Christopher Peyton Randolph., a woman of brilliant mind and great charm. Two children were born to this couple: 1. GEORGE R.A.~DOLP~ n'ULLAR, born in Davenport, Iowa .July 3, lS.54: died in Front Royal. Va. Oct. 21, 1857. 5 2 2. S.urUEL RoLFE MILLAR [Samuel R.4, baac3_. William , Wi"lliam1 3Ii7lar], born in Front Royal, :May 21, 1857. By request Mr. ~Iillar wrote in 1905 a sketch of his life touching his mother's family, which is :fittingly inserted here. "Born in Front Royal, Virginia where my parents WILLI.HI J!TLL.-l.R 11. 97

wei e spending the summer though they were in those years residents of Davenport, Iowa. After the death of my brother in Octo"ber we returned to Iowa and lived at "St. .Anne's Prairie" the }Iillar sections No. 1 and 2 Blue Grass Twp. Scott county in the summer, and in Daven­ port in the winter. After the death of my father Samuel R. .Millar in October of 1861 my mother and myself moved to Dubuque, Iowa, where we spent about three years ,rith her sister Mrs. M. E. R. Keim and with her brother Thomas :Mann Randolph. who owned a farm about h'm or three miles from Cascade on the Farley Road. I attended a private school in Dubuque kept by :Mrs. Lawton and also the county schools near my uncle's farm. In May 1865 we returned to Davenport and in .June of '66 we went to Virginia where we lived for three years at Rose Hill, the home of my father's sister, Mrs. E . .A. Richardson, adjoining the town of Front Royal. I at­ tended school in the town during my sfay here. In the fall of 1869 we returned to Davenport and I entered the preparatory department of Griswold College and remained until the end of the school year in 1876. During summer vacations my mother and self generally traveled in California. Canada on the upper :Mississippi or visited my uncle Thomas Mann Randolph in Dubuque County, Iowa. My grandfather Randolph spending: hig declining years with his son Thomas was a man of striking appear­ ance and of gentle manner and knew how to entertain children. He told of his life at West Point where he graduated in 1812, and the .Army. Hs was educated by his distinguished kinsman Thomas .Je:fferson, who prepared him in person for the Academy, paying particular attention to French and Mathematics: they read Napoleon 'i:; life together and studied bis campaigns: a French book was always kept 98 lVI LL/.-1..JI JflLlu! R fl. on the mantle-piece in the dining room and while waiting for the serrnnts to set the table they would read together. \Vhen )Ir. .Jefferson was not at :.\fonticello he was assisted in his studies by his aunt 2.\Iartha Jefferson Ran­ dolph and sometimes by his uncle, her husband. He has frequently told me that Thomas .Jefferson was not an .Atheist. as he frequently spoke of Prondence, The Creator, The Divine Power or Will He was very kind to my grandfather and when be­ lieved to be fully prepared to pass the entrance examina­ tions to the :Military Academy he was sent there in the 1Ionticello carriage drawn by two large bay horses and drh-en by a colored man. After the war of 1812 was over and my grandfather had distinguished himself. gaining the title of "Beard­ less Hero of Queenstown Heights" be returned to visit l\fr.• Jefferson at :i\

Its situation is upon a higher part of the plantation on a hill sweeping up from the Shenandoah riYer where from its spacious grounds one may look into seven counties round about; Warren, Rappahannock, Faquier, Page, Shenandoah, Frederick and Clarke, while on a clear day, from the cupulo one may see Jefferson County, West Virginia. Nowhere do the Blue Ridge Mountains better deserve their name. The Shenandoah National Park along North l\Iountain range of the Alleghenies and the Mas­ sanuttin area of the National Forest Reserve upon the other side of the plantation make it indeed a spot to be loved by all l\Iillar descendants and a lasting testimony to the ,tlse judgment of our ancestors. To Samuel Rolfe and Bertha (Riedel) Millar were born five children, four daughters and one son. I. SusAx BERTHA6 Mn.LAB [Samuel Rolfe\ Samuel Ridwrdson4, Isaac\ William?, Willianl], born in Da,enport, Iowa, :May 1, 1884; given a careful musi­ C"al education, developed an inherited talent and beautiful voice; used however for the delight of her friends rather than professionally. She married :first on May 17, 1904 in her home liountain View, Otto Rudolph l\Ia.xim.illian Ruthardt a Lieutenant in the German Army (born in Stutt­ gart Jan. 9, 1882) : married second on November 23, 1917 in New York City Alfred Pochon, a member since its organization, of the notable "Flonzaley Quartet" ; a distinguished musician and. a man of real worth. Their summer home is near Lausanne in Swit­ zerland, built by the great, grand uncle of Mr. Pochon, their winter home in Washington, D. C. Mr. Pochon legally adopted the three children of his wife's first marriage and they are known only by his name. 102 WILLIAM MILLAR 11.

1. VzRG1:o;u ELI7.ABET11" PocnoN. born In Germany December 5, 1905, and with her brother and sister just younger was educated mainly In Lausanne; all have much musical talent. 2. EutcA' P

II. ELIZABETH A1-.--x0 MlLLAB [Sa,muel Rolfe\ Samuel 2 R.4, Isaac\ W£lliam , Wi'lliam,1], born in Offenberg, Germany, October 13, 1885; possessed like her sister of musical talent and cultivated voice; and is widely traveled. III. FLOREXCE VmGD."I..\ 6 niIII,LA.R [Samuel Rolfe\ 1 Samuel R.", Isaac3, Wi1liam?, Wi1liam ], born in Leipsig, .July 9, 1887 while her father •sas U. S. Consul there. a personality very like ber grand.­ mother Susan Beverly (Randolph) }Iillar, a charm­ ing balance of sound judgment and aesthetic dis­ crimination and holding dear old time traditions and belongings: a guardian of family Lares and Penates; has lived abroad a great deal and at her own expense did Reconstruction work in France after the World War, associated with Miss Anne Morgan. She married October 3, 1907 Samuel Gardner6 2 Waller (Rebecca\ Sarah C.'\ Rebecca=:, Rebekah , William1 Millar) in her home :Mountain -View, to which she has returned. IV. S.nnTEL RoLFE6 MILLAR, .JR. [Samud Rolfe\ 1 Samuel R:'. lsMr:3, Wi?.lia.m\ William ]. born in Leipsig, Germany. February 12. 1889; educated in schools of Front Royal and at Washington and Lee University. He was appointed, after graduating from College 2nd. Lt. Va. Vols. 21 .June 1911 ; pro­ moted to 1st and Br. Adj. .July 1913: mustered into .. ,


WILLIAM MILL,lR II. :i.03 Federal Service for duty on .Mexican border .July 2nd, 1916; served in Browns,ille with the 2nd Va. Infanti·y until February 1917; mustered out two weeks later only to be recalled into service for World War on 25 March; promoted to Captain July 1917. assigned to duty as Adj. of 2nd. Va. Inf. Transfer­ red to 116th Inf. 29th Division October 1917; in training at Camp McClellan. Ala. from Sept. 20. 1917 to .June 1918; saw senice on Alsacian front and the Meuse-Argonne: after the _.\rmistice, was sent to Infantry Specialist School at Longre. France, graduated and returned to U. S. )fay, 1919 and mus­ tered out ten days later. Appointed :Major of Infantry Officers Reserve Corps Aug. 1919. Appointed :Major Virginia Na­ tional Guard .April 1922, assigned Executive Officer 91st Brigade. Graduated from Special Command and General Staff school at Ft. Leavenworth. Kans. in 1924. Resides and conducts his farming interests on part of Mountain View plantation near Front Royal, Va. V. BERTHA RAXDOLPR6 l\'1ILLAR [Samuel Rolfe\ Samuel 1 R.4, Isaac·\ Wi1liam\ William ], born in Charlottes­ ville, Va., .July 24. 189:!. Attended, Martha Wash­ ington School in Washington, D. C. Married Nov­ ember 16, 1921 at "Mountain View" Charles E. LoizealL~, Pres. Mid City Trust Co., Vice-Pres. Loiz­ eaux Lumber Co. and ex-Mayor of Plainfield, N .•J. where they reside. He saw service in France as Cap­ t~5n Machine gun Co.: later Capt. of Ordnance.

1. CJL\nLER EDWARD' LoIZE.1.ux. born March 19, 1923. 2. El-\?;1:E Ml!.L\R' Lorzt;A1'X. born July 25, 1925.

5. .JoHx Wn.,LIA1>-I3 MII.,L..\R, the fifth child and third son of William and Elizabeth (Ferree) )fillar was born in Stone House, Millar Plantation, October 31, 1781. Only nine years HH W!LU,Uf J:ll,L,IR ii.

of age when his father died be grew early to be self reliant, was sent with his brl)ther Isaac and Cousin David Hume Allen to school at ·winchester where he prepared for *Prince­ ton University, in the olcl record.<; of that institution, listed as graduating in the fall of 1803. His share of the paternal estate was to be land in Ken­ tucky or a <:ertain amount of pounds sterling together ,,-ith a lot in the town of Front Royal, Va. "The beauty and fertility of the Scioto Valley in Ohio induced many eastern and southern people to leave their homes to try the making of new homes and fortunes in the western wilderness: whither on horseback .John William and several equaiutances from near Moorefield. vV. Va. w·ent in the spring of 1801." Lea"\"es from a diary of this trip tell of the long miles, rough roads, swollen streams and torrential rains which they encountered but through and above which the spirit of youth and, adventure was supreme. With commendable faithfulness young :Millar left his companions in Ohio, where he had met up with his Cousin William:: Millar who had settled in Pickaway County in 1799, and alone pushed on to Kentuck-y -where his diary states he purposed sinking a tan yard should he like the prospect. Re records his disappointment in the land, rides to the home of his •.:\.unt l\£rs. Mary (Ferree-Graff) Willet near Bardstown for a visit and rest before going back to Scioto for the first sale of Government lands in Ohio, where in 1802 he bought Section No. 1 and part of No. 2. the original patent being the only deed on record to the present day (1928) -as follows: THOMAS JEFFERSON President ot the United States o! America. To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come. Greeting: Know ye that .John Wl!liam Ml!lar and Isaac Van l\leter having deposited In

•rn 191i ;a. letter trom the Editor or Biographical Stnth•tlc11 tor Princeton ti'nh·e-nlty. N.Jd he :;,na juitt lt'arnN1 thut the write-r ,,m11 n. ~n.t ,:ni.nd d1&u,:hter or John :trlllhu· or the Vo.llt>V "' '\"'Jr,:JnJa who ,:rn

the Treasury a Certificate or the Register o! the Land Ol'flce at Chillicothe whereby It appears that full payment bas been made for Lot or Section number one in Town­ ship number Three o! the Twenty Second Rnnge \Langham's Survey) and !rae• tional section number Two thereto adjoining, or the Lands directed to be sold at Chillicothe by the act or Congress entitled "An Act providing tor the snle o! Lands or the Unlt<'il Stntcs, in the territory northwest o! the Ohio and above the mouth o! the Kentucky River" and of the acts amendatory ot the same, there ls granted, b)" the United States, unto the said John Wllli:un ::mllar and Isanc Van Meter lot or 1r own wandfather, who was one of that family of children; he also said "she was very beautiful, with blue black hair and very fair complexion, a large woman but not stout." Their trip out from Virginia was made with wagon and four horse team, carrying an unusually large outfitting of household goods, kitchen utensils, crockery, furniture and even china. several pieces of which are cherished as heirlooms by various descendants. For the first three years they lived in a log cabin which had been built by "squatters" on the land before the time of its purchase~ but in 1806 was built a large log house with great 106 WILLIAJI MILLAR JI.

stone c:himncys at either end, which stands today, as one of the good homes in the Scioto Valley. "'\Vith its surrounding nine hundred acres it has descend­ ed by inheritance in the family to a great-grand son. In 1826 on the 2nd of May, Polly (Headley) l\fillar died after a brief illness during the absence of her husband and son William on a business trip down the :Mississippi river, they having left home in March mth a boat loaded mth corn, bacon and whiskey-for nearly all the early Ohio settlers of means were wont to run a "still" of some size-as was the annual custom; the father however, rarely accompanying the shipment. The shock of his mother's death left its impress upon the nineteen year old son who was wont with swimming eyes when an old man to regret that be might not have been with ber at the last. The husband and father lived to be an old man absorbed more than ever as time passed with reading and study of his favorite Latin authors and in "Titing letters to kinfolk by whom they were then praised as of real literary merit and are now a source of pride and inspiration to his descendants. He died January 27, 1857 and lies buried beside his wife in the family burying ground upon "Shady l\fo1mt Farm." The inscription he had carred upon her tomb reads:-


"Wife of John W. Millar who died :May 2nd, 1826, aged 43 years and 11 months, leaving her disconsolate husband and si.~ children to deplore their irreparable loss. She was a dutiful daughter, an affectionate wife, a fond and prudent mother, a prompt and sincere friend." The of .John William:: ::\fillar and his mfe Pollv (Headley) Millar were:- •

1. EL!7.ABF.TH E.• MILT.All. born July 9. 1604. 2. SARAH NoR'l'JIERN' MJLLAB. born September 17, 1805. WILLIAM :MILLAR II. 107

3. WILLIAll Ht:ADl.ln.. Mil.I.AR. born Febn1ary 2S, lS0i. 4. MARIA ?llIXTA' Mru.. ui. born January 3, 1S15. 5. lt'AAC N.• l\111.l.AII, born Auglltlt 20. lSlG: dleu October 2, 1S16. 6. AB,r.... lIAll FEIUtEE' MILL.UC.. born May 26, 1818. 7. CHAIW-:s' MILi.Aii. born July 18, lS:!O.

1. .After the death of her mother Elizabeth4 l\lillar pre­ sided over her father's home for a year then married May 22, 1827 her cousin Franklin4 Raynolds who lived but a few months. dying September 1827 in their home at Raynolds Mills, near Canton, Ohio. She returned to her fathers home w11ere she remained until her death January 16, 1875. No descendants. Letter from .John William:: :Millar to his daughter upon the death of her husband.

My dear Daughter I have just rec·d your letter. r need not tell you Its contents fill me with deepest sorrow-a sorrow for those he has left behind. not for him whose situation I firmly belic,e to be far better than where surrounded by the troubles, difficulties and dangers of this world-you will stand in need or all the fortitude and flrmnci,s -shich I always considered you to inherit rrom your beloved mother-and en• dea'\"or not to indulge the mind In those deep sorrows which can only incat1acltate you for the discharge or tho~e duties yon owe to yourselr and those around you­ in short let reason guide you Instead of passion. Myself or William will start (or Canton in a few days-he is not at home now-if nothing happens more than I know now, one of us will be there in two or three weeks from this time. Onr nei;:hborhood has been quite unhealthy-a great many deaths--our own family have had no severe attacks-all have com• plained more or less except Charles :md myself. I rec'd two letters by this mail from William which I will answer at a future day if I do not go myself to Canton. Your sister and little brothers sympathize deeply with you. In the meantime give my good wishes to your Aunt and all the rest of the connection and believe me to be with former and renewed artection Yonr father Piketon. 0. Jno. W. Millar. Sept. 30. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Raynolds canton Stark Co. Ohio.

2. SARAH NoRTHERX 4 l\'1ILAR, born Sept. 17, 1805; mar­ ried, December 20, 1829 .James B. Turner of Piketon. Ohio, who died December 9, 1860. 1. JA1'"'E ELI7..ABETir TUR~"'ER [Sarah N.4, John Wm.=, 108 WILLZ,l.lf JJILL,tR II.

1 Wi"lliam\ lVilliam ], born Nov. 7, 1830; married October 24, 1850 Christian Blaser (born in Langnau, Switzer­ land) who as a physician enjoyed a profitable practice and the confidence of his patients and friends, he died ,July 24, 1888 and his wife died :March 31, 1890 leaving a son and a daughter. I. .J,urns Tu"RXERc BLASER, born in Piketon, Ohio .Janu­ ary 20, 1852, who succeeded, to his father's drug busi­ ness and kept the same location and methods of its operation in Waverly, Ohio. He married in the summer of 1912 :Mrs. Elizabeth Clough (nee Overman). At present he is in ;-ery ill health. No descendants. II. Axxm :MARIA" BLASF..R, born in Piketon, February 22, 1855; ma1Tied in Waverly, Ohio, December 11, 1884 Charles E. Bonebrake, son of Rev. Daniel and Hester Ann (Bishop) Bonebrake of Westerville, Ohio.

1. JAm:s Br-\,-;Er.1 born June 25. 1890: died March s. 1893.

:\Irs. Bonebrake died in Columbus, 0. 1Iay 14, 1910. 2. .JoHx WrLUA:\£ :\lru.,..rn5 Tt:RNF.R [Sarah Northern\ .Joltn lV·111.:'. Wz1lia11/\ William1 ;]1£llar]. horn April 29, 1S34. Deceased. No descendants. 3. Wn,LI..nI HEADLET" l\fILL...\R, third child and first son of John ,Yilliam and Polly (Headley) :Millar, was born Feb­ ruary 24, 1807. .:Married first in Guernsey Co., Ohio Rebecca Ann C. Linn on Feb. 24, 18~1, who died within a year. He married second February 17, 1835 Rebecca Sidney Steenbergen, who was then the widow of William Knapp of W a:verly, Ohio, and the daughter of Charles Steenbergen and his second wife Lavisa (Lucas) Steenbergen, a sister of Robert Lucas, twice Governor of Ohio and territorial Gov­ ernor of Iowa. The parents of Rebecca were both of notable Colonial ancestry both in the early settlements and in Colo­ nfal Wars-her paternal great grandmother being Isabella Wll.LT.4.JI MILT.AR JI. 109

Pendleton, -h\in sister to Eclmlmd Pendleton. eminent jurist and signer of the Declaration of Independence. They owned a farm farther down the pike from Shady Mount Farm, given him by his father and called "Red Bud" from the large number of trees of that kind in the native woodland on the place. On it they built a commodious brick and stone house where :five of their sL"' children were born, and where they lived until 1850 when through errors in judg­ ment and perfidy of friends he lost heavily and moved with his family to :Muscatine Co .. Iowa, bought a farm four miles west of Muscatine which in its situation, fertility and natural beauty must have suggested to him as it does to the writer the Scioto Valley homestead and the older :Millar home planta­ tion in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Seldom the heritage of a sunnier nature or larger heart than was possessed by William Headley Millar-he was every­ body's "Uncle Billy" with a pleasant word and helpful hand for all-but lacked the business acumen so generally possessed by the early :Millar men. Early in his Iowa home he laid upon his two older sons the active management of the farm and spent his later years in the busy rounds of odd errands, the chum and companion of adoring grand children, and his frail wife whom he out­ lived but a few years-she dying March 15, 1880 and he on April 13, 1886 while on a visit to his sister Mrs. Maria (Millar) Che,1oweth in Sangam<.,n County, Illinois. 1. CHARLES Sn:E::-.'BERGEX5 MILLAR [William H.4, .John 2 1 Wm.\ Wi1lia-m , WilUam, ], born in Scioto Co., Ohio, .June 2, 1836; attended Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, Iowa until the breaking out of the Chil War when he enlisted with the Union Armies and served four years in Co. G. Second Iowa Cavalry, without ,Yound or serious illness, seeing the hardest of servic-e and reaehing the rank of Captain l\Iarch 1, 1864 together with thirty days furlough, the only respite in four years. He sen-ed from his enlistment in Augnst 1861 till his discharge in September 186.5. 110 1\"ll,LJAJI Jf/LL,lR Ii.

A man of rnueh reserve of manner and strength of character. hard working- and a suecessful farmer in Mus­ catine County, Iowa, where he died of pneumonia De­ cember 31, 1906. He married September 10, 1S73 Cynthia t.IcCloud of the same county (born .Jan. 14. 18.52) daughter of David, and Phoebe (Chataway) :\feCloud who survives him (1928) in Muscatine, Iowa. Their three children were born on the :Millar farm in that county, known as ".Aetna Springs". I. DATIJ) WILLH.:\Cr. MILLAR, born February 1, 1875; married September 15, 1900 :Margaret Meehan and resides in Cuba. No children. II. REBECCA PHOEBF.6 l\fu:.LAR, born ,July 3, 1876; mar­ died September 4, 1905 .Arthur .John Altekruse (born .June 14, 1878, son of Henry Rudolph and Sarah lfatilda (.Addleman) Altekruse). .A farmer in Muscatine County residing in Muscatine. ID. CLARA 6 lfILLAR, born ::\:Iarch 3, 1878; attended Col­ lege at :Mt. Vernon, Iowa, graduating in 1899; mar­ ried .August 14, 1902 Rev. .John F. Robertson of the M. E. Church. then in the Iowa Conference, now in Duluth, ~Iinn. (Son of Rev.• James Fletcher and Victoria (Gilbert) Robertson).

1. TnF.OllOR.\ M.\RJORIE' Rom;:RTSO:,.". born July 30, 1905. Graduated at Ohio Wesleyan University. !?. CnARr.ES EPWTN7 RoBF.RT,;():,.". born July 12, 1909.

2. .JoH~ WILLI.or:; MILLAR [Wi1liam, H.4, .John William3, 2 1 Witliam ., Wi"lliani ],. born in Scioto Co., Ohio, on Red Bud farm May 14, 1838; spent much time when a grow­ ing lad with his grandfather for whom he was named and ,vith whom he was a great favorite. .After removing with his parents to Iowa he helped on the farm until the outbreak of the Civil War when he enlisted in May of '61 1st Iowa Infantry Co . .A., 1mder Capt. Cnmmin3s for 90 days. The command held the WILl,LlJl J!ILldR ll. 111 men for the Battle of "\Yilson Creek and

•John 'William~ ~lillar married in Muscatine, Iowa, November 3, 1864 Henrietta Mikesell (born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania Sept. 4, 1836) who had been a teacher in the schools of :Muscatine and possessed. an alto voice of charming quality, a lasting delight to her family and friends: she died in their :Muscatine home in De­ cember of 1893. Four daughters were born to them on the Etna Springs Farm in Muscatine County, Iowa. I. .A...,XA6 l\IIJ.LAR, born August 14, 1865, received an excellent musical education and through her profi­ ciency and native general ability was for seven years the business manager of the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, a notable institution of its time, making for it its greatest financial success and giving her vast experience in handling temperamental people together with opportunities of travel After repeated resignations and trips abroad to se­ cure recuperation, she finally severed, her connection with the company and for years took life less strenu­ ously as a general musical promoter, :first in and about New York, later in Kansas City, then Florida where she died April 22, 1928. II. HALLIEc l\III..LAR .• born October 25, 1867, educated in the schools of Muscatine where she taught several years lmtil after the death of her mother she assumed the making of her fathers home both in Iowa and in Kansas. III. Hr:xRIETTA0 MILLAR born November 27. 1868. a business --omen first in Chicago while her ~ister ~as with the Thomas Orchestra and later an Abstractor and Real Estate Agent with an office in Garnett, Kansas. A woman of indomitable courage and loyalty to duty, whose lo,e and faithful ministrations to her father and in their home no doubt lengthened his life. WTLLl,Uf J!ILL.-l.R !I. 113

IY. ELIZ ..\BETH ELTox0 MILLAR, born August 30, 1870: died :May 1873.

3. .A.BRAE• .\?,[ HENRl..:; i\lILLAR [T-Villiam n.◄ • John Willia.u,,3, 1 Wi'"lliam2, William ] born on Red Bud Farm, Ohio, Sep­ tember 24, 1840. In his early years adventurous and fond of new e:q)eriences. He served in the Civil War full four years without accident in the 2nd Iowa Cavalry; after which he mar­ ried in Muscatine County, Iowa November 29, 1866 .Almyra McGrew, daughter of John and Lydia Ann (Willetts) :McGrew (born :May 22. 1845). The first years of their married life were spent sub­ duing prairie farms in Nebraska and Northern Iowa, later they returned to farming in Muscatine County and finally to an Express and Transfer business in Musca­ tine where he died :March 18, 1916. He was of jovial disposition, industrious and opti­ mistic, a faithful church member. His wife survived him sL, years, dying ,June 23, 1922 at the borne of her son Drew, in St. Charles, Ia. To them were born six children- !. LIZZIE6 1"In.L.AR [Abraham H.\ Wm. H.4, .John Wm,.3, Wi?liam':!, lVilliam,1 Millar], born in Manard Co., Ill. FebruarJ· 26. 1868. l\farried Dec. 13, 1888 William H. Randleman, a grocer in Muscatine, Iowa.

1. LEOTA" R,:-

5. Hun>:Rl' WII.Ll.\~l' R.~:s111.1-:~T.\:'i. born Sept. 25. 1899: d!ed July 21, 1901. 6. h'.\:S Sn:i;:sm,:wa::s' RA:S1>L1·:~1.\:S. born Nov. 1. 1904: died OcL 22, 1!105.

II. ,JoHx "'ILLI.ur" ~In.LAR [A.bra.ham H.\ TVm. H.4, 2 1 .John Wm.\ l-Villiam , W11.liam Millar], born in Cass Co., Neb., Sept. 29, 1870. A successful business man, owning and operating in ~Iuscatine a Storage Plant. Married September 22, 1897 Clara Hess; their home always open and hospitable and a real rallying place for kin:f olk and family interests. III. NELLIE GRANT6 MILLAR [Abrahani H.", Wm. H.4, 3 1 John W·m. .• WWiam\ Wi1liam 11fillar], born Novem­ ber 20, 1872 in Oceola Co., Iowa; married November 28, 1895 Frederick M. Zeigler, Life and Fire Insur­ ance, also Real Estate business in Muscatine, Iowa.

1. EL:,,1m Mn.r.Ar.' ZEIOLEJ:. born September 24. 1896; a graduate of Innis School or Music in Chicago. A teacher and dealer In mnsi­ ical instruments in Muscatine. Iowa. Married June 21. 1920 Wilma Dorothea Busch (born Dec. 20, 1890.) l. DOllOTllY Mn:u:,,1• Z&1Gr.1m. born July 20. 1922. 2. 1-"R>:OP.RrCK WIT.LL\:lt" Zmou:n. born March 9, 1926. Elmer Millar' Zeigler spent 20 months as yoeman in the Navy during the World War with the Bird Fleet in the North Sea for the removal o! mine Ba.rage.

IV. GRACE6 :.MiLLAR, born in Muscatine County, Iowa, :March 16, 1875; died January 1st, 1897. Y. RITA6 l"{rr.LAR [ ..ibraham. H.», Wm. H.4, .John Wm.3, Willia.m.2,. William.1 Jfillar ], born in Muscatine No­ Yember 2. 1877: married September 19. 1904 .Albert Chandler .Atherton. Chil Engineering Contractor.

1. LAVRAl:'it:' ATllt:RTo:<, born October 23. 1908. 2. DO:'i.\1.1' ~lILL.\I:' ATIU:RT0:'1'. born :March 4. 1912.

'VI. FR.\XK DREW6 :\Irr~LAR [Abralta:m H.\ W1n. H.\ .Jol,,n Wm.\ WilUam\ Wi1liam 1 J1i1lar], born l\farch 26.1888: married at Ames, Iowa, .June 11, 1914 Mary Ethel Ramey (born March 9, 1890, Kno~"Ville, Iowa). WILLI.-1.JI JIILL.-tR II. U5 Farming near St. Charles, Iowa. 4. PoLLY HE.mLE"i..:. 11ILL.-\R [William Headley\ .John 1 lVilliam?. William::, Williani ], born in Scioto County, Ohio, on Red Bud Farm, October 21, 1843; married Nov­ ember 13, 1860 Rev. Emory Miller of the M. E. Church, son of Samuel and Mary (Eicher) l\Iiller, then of .John­ son Co., Iowa. formerly of Pennsylvania.

In response to a request for a sketch of his life, my father sent me the following:

"In an old fashioned brick farm house east oC. now the borough of, Mount Pleasant. Westmoreland County. Pa. I was born December 23, 1834 being the eighth son of my parents. one of whom had deceased In childhood. For over nineteen years Mount Pleasant was my home town; here I at• tended district school and later the newly founded Mount Pleasant College. In the autumn of 1854 with my parents I removed to Iowa settling temporarily in Iowa City, permanently on a ta.rm nea.r that city. Fa.rm life and home study thence forward occupied me until In September 1855 I entered the Seminary afterwards chartered "Cornell College" at Mt. Vernon, Iowa. After four terms here closing with the fall of 1856 I spent the ensuing winter on the farm teaching the neighborhood school and on Sundays holding religious services In various country places; at several of which I organized churches. In March of 1857 I became a student at "Garrett Biblical Institute", Evans• ton. lll.; seeking preparation for the ministry to which I had been licensed in 1855 by the M. E. Church at Iowa City. Here. however. overstudy and unwholesome food soon broke up my health and my plans, insomuch that in March of 1858 I returned home. After a few weeks recuperation on the farm I was appointed by the Pre­ siding Elder to act as junior Pastor of Pleasant Valley circuit. a triangular terri­ tory bounded by the Iowa and Cedar rivers and the C. R. I. and P. railroad; later I was olficially recommended by the Quarterly Conference of this Cl:-:-cuit for admission to the Iowa Annual Conference and accordingly was received into that body at its next ensuing session, Sept. 185S. Two y<>ars later I was transCerred by Bishop Janes to the Missouri Con­ ference ar.d appointed pastor of Simpson Chapel, St. Louis. In this year my marriage took place at the residence of my wife's parents in !l!uscatlne County, Iowa, November 13, 1860. Owing to the breaking up of our church work in Missouri. incident to the Civil War, I re-transferred to Iowa in September 1861 and was appointed to the pastorate of Ebenezer. later named Central Church Burlington: and after two years stay was appointed pastor of our Church in Cedar Rapids of the "Upper Iowa Conference." Xineteen years or work in this conference followed by two years as pastor o! First Church, St. Paul, Minnesota Conference and this by twenty years in the 116 WILLIAJ! MILLAR II.

Des Moines Conference make out !or me a record or forty-nine years in the ministry. Besides the three epochal events of common biography, birth, marriage and death and the 11pecltlc Interests of love, home and kindred, I have regarded these three as the most Important Incidents or my experience, namely: The initiative of the spiritual life by !nith; the call to the ministry anJ the production of the "Evolution of Love." The first was indescribably vivid, the second a persistent cup, the third m:, deepest experience ot hard work exalted by an un11agging Interest. Now on the threshold of my seventieth birthday, bearing the responslblli• ties of an Important pastorate. I look forward without perceiving any probable interruption to another decade of effective ministry. 'What sudden change may leap from out the unseen Is for God's hand to unleash: I am honored above measure If for me to live Is Christ and to die ls gain."

~Iy father died .July 3, 1912 in Des Moines, three days after a fall from tripping over a bit of wire in his garden, and lies buried in the cemetery at Muscatine, Iowa, a spot he thought most beautiful, situated on high bluffs overlooking the Mississippi river, where during the years of his itineracy he had been pleased to look for­ ward to resting at the end of his labors. By the courtesy of Colleges my father received the following degrees: "Master of Arts"-1863 by Iowa Wesleyan University. "Doctor of Divinity"-June 1879 by State University of Iowa. "Doctor of Laws"-June 1888 by State University of Iowa. I. EVA6 :M:!LLER [PollJJ H.r., Wi1liam H!, John William3, Wi1liarn.:, Wi1liam1 :Mi1lar ], born l\fay 23, 1862 in Burlington, Iowa; graduated B. Ph. from the State University of Iowa, at Iowa City, .Tune 1883; mar­ ried in Des Moines, Ia. October 27, 1886 Clinton L. Nourse (born in Rushville, Ohio, .Tuly 5, 1855). He attended Cornell College at Ithica, N. Y. and Law school at Iowa State University, graduating in 1880. Entered immediately upon the practice of Law in Des Moines; has never permitted himself to be a candidate for public office but has preferred private practice in which he is actively engaged (1928). He WlLLIA.lI .l!ILL.1.R II. 11;

is the son of Joseph Gabriel and Sophronia A. (Abbott) Nourse and great, great, grandson of .Tames Nourse of Herefordshire, Eng., who settled in Vir­ ginia in 1769.

1. E~IOIIY MILLP"..R1 NOURSE, born in Des Moines, Iowa. February 12, 18S!>: graduated cum laude, class 1911 Princeton University: Harvard Law School 1914; his father's partner until th:i World War. Commissioned 1st LleuL Q. M. C. August 15, 191i \n Trans­ portation Corps Unit 302. Proficiency in lnnguagcs doubtless oc• casioned on April 13, 191S, his order to Headquarters at Chau• mont to serve with Enemy Intelligence Section until the close of the war. Promoted CapL October 7, 191S. Retained with the Army of Occupation, he was Intelllgence enemy censor at Trier: later a member of the Permanent Interalliad Armistice Commis• slon at Cologne and finally discharged at Coblenz, August 4, 1920. Afterward however. though a civilian, he acted as Intelli• gence O!ricer In the Divisional Manoevers in Germany. Now practicing his pro!ession as junior counsel of Bankers Lite Insurance Co .. Des Moines, Iowa. 2. RODERICK' NOURSE. born in Des Moines. Iowa. June 10, 1892; grad• uated from Princeton University Class 1914. Served in U. S. Army from l'>:lay 1917 to December 1918: Commissioned 2nd Lieut. in Air Service January 191S. After leaving the Army, went abroad for Standard Oil Co. of N. Y. In whose service he re­ mained until 1925, being stationed at Snlonica, Greece; and Smyrna. Turkey. Aat present in the Bond Business in Chicago. II. GR~CE6 l\illLLER [Polly H.\ Wflliani H.4, John Wi"lliam3, William~, Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar], born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa November 26, 1863: died in infancy. 4 III. BESSE" l\fILLER [Polly H.:0, William H. ••John 2 1 Wi"lliarn3_. Wi"lliam , William llfi"llar], born'. in Le Claire, Iowa November 24, 1865; graduated from Callanan College, a school for Women then in Des :Moines; died there of typhoid fever May 16, 1893 and lies buried in the family plot at Muscatine, Iowa. IV. ,YILLIA:\I E:\IORY6 MILLER [Polly H.S, William H.4, .John Wi"lliam\ William~_. Wi7liam1 1l1illar]. born in Da,enport, Iowa .July 30, 1868; graduated from the Law Dept. of the State University of Iowa in 1891 and began the practice of Law in Des :Moines, moving later to Bedford, serving first as County Attorney, then appointed District ,Judge ,Januar? 1. 1904 for 118 iVILLIA.l'tl Ml!.LAR II. the third judicial district of Iowa; at the end of bis term be returned to Des Moines where continuously has has been in the active practice. In Athelstan, Ia. October 25, 1893 he married Flora Lillis Barnett (born in Earlham, Iowa June 12, 1869) daughter of Dayton and Sarah (Spray) Barnett, both of old Quaker stock. Four children.

1. El10RY1 l1II.LEl1. born In Bed!ord, Iowa, June 30, 1S97; Educated at Dartmouth College and served at Chicago Naval Training Sta• tton in World War until prostrated with Influenza and given sick discharge. With Harris Trust Co. or Chicago where he resides: mar­ ried In New Orlcans April 6, 1926 Mary Irvin, formerly of Des l\Ioines. 1. WILLUll E.' MII.I.ER, born April 9, 1927 in Chicago, Ill. 2. DA1.'TON BARNETT' l\1ILLER. born In Bedford, Iowa, April 23, 1899. Also attended Dartmouth College and a students training camp. Has a mercantile position ln Florida. Married at White River Junction, Vt. in the M. E. Parsonage May 16. 1920 Caroline Lewis, i;rnduate of Smith College (born in Frankfort Springs, Pn. Jan. 2S, 1897) daughter of George B. (son ot John lit. and Anna (Andrews) Lewis) and Caroline (Illig) Lewis. 1. FoLn: BARNi,."TT" MILLER. born May 29, 1921 In Manning, Iowa. 3. CATIIAn= D'C Bou,' lliILLEJt. born In Bedford, April 2, 1905; grad­ uated from Abbot Academy, Andover, Mass. Was married In her home In Des Moines, June 30, 1927 to Newton Farra;tut McCurdey of the Regular Army (born June 27, 1901 In Norfolk, Va. l son or Dr. Nelle Augustus and Virginia Farragut (Nev,ton) (daughter of George and Celestrla (Loyall) Newton) McCurd!!y of Norfolk, Va. He graduated trotn "V. M. I." 1922; Lieutenant of Cavalry, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. Lt. McCurdey is grand nephew of Admiral Farragut. 4. WILLL\ll EJ\IORY1 MILLER II., born in Des Moines. March 11, 1909.

V. MARY6 MILLER [Polly H.\ Williani H.",. .John William\ Wi"lliam\ Wi1liam1 11fi1lar ], born in Le Claire, Iowa February 20, 1871: died in infancy at :Muscatine, Iowa. 5. LAVISA STEEXBERGE;X:; lvllLLAR [William HeadlcJ/. John 1 Wi-Zliam\ William=, Wt'.llia1n ], born in Scioto County, Ohio on the Red Bud Farm October 26, 1846. spent many years of her life in ministrations upon others, first an invalid mother, then her father, during the six years he sumved the mother. :!\It:,... l\1.\1:t., :\l11.1 •.,1:• C11•:xow1T11 Cn.\ltu:,..• 1\111.1•• \1: \\'11.1.l.\ll H.' '.:\lt1.1 •• \I: Ctutx1-:1.1t·:,.; E1.To:--;• l\ltLr .. \It Alllt.\11.\ll' '.:\I!J.J •. \r. ,\It:,... S.\1:.\11 l\!11.1 •.,1:• Tn:x•:1:


WILLl.-1.. 11 MILLAR JJ. 119 One year after her fathers death she married in the home of her sister in Indianola, Iowa, .August 28, 1889 .J eremiab Shade, farmer and Banker in Northern Iowa, later another invalid for her care who died September 15, 1901. .After which she became a member of her sis­ ters household and died in Des :Moines, Nov. 8, 1918 and lies buried beside her parents at Muscatine, Iowa. 6. ELIZABETH Sm:NEr }fru.AR [W-illiani Heaaley4, John 1 William.\ Wi1lianf, Wi1liani ], born on Etna Springs Farm near :Muscatine .January 27, 1850; died there of scarlet fever January H, 1861. Lies buried at :Muscatine. 4. 1.LuuA M:o."'TA" MILLAR, f ourtb child of John William:i and Polly (Headley) l\Iillar, born January 3, 1815; married January 27, 1842 Gideon Chenowith (born Pee Pee. Pike Co. Ohio.. Jan. 15, 1813) who died from the effeets of a kick from a horse February 7. 1847. .After her husbands death :Mrs. Chenowith again lived in her fathers home "Shady l\fount", a very angel of mercy in all cases of sorrow and sickness near her. After the fathers death in 1857 she moved to Sangamon County, Ill. having bought a farm adjoining her brother Charles l\iillar, where it was the writers privilege to visit her at the age of ninety and read vast quantities of old letters and to bear from her own lips tales of early days in Ohio which because of her vigorous mind and sound memory, enabled the writer to put together many before unrelated facts of family history. No children of her own but from their infancy she had raised two orphan girls~ aunt and niece, Delilah and Polly K. Stewart, both born in Ohio; the older of these she sum,ed, living to the great age of ninety-five years: dying in August 1910.

5. ABRA:\f FERREE" MILLAR. the fifth child, of .John '\Villiam3 and Polly (Headley) 11illar was born on "'Shady Mount Farm." May 26, 1818; married ~farch 3, 1840 Harriet Peters (born Nov. 27, 1822 in Pike Co., Ohio) the daughter 120 ll"I!,LI.-l.Jf JIILI,.-W II. of Capt. Elisha and Drusilla (Guthrie) Peters and grand daughter of Gen. Guthrie, one of the earliest settlers in Ohio, who owned a large part of Pike County. His older brother having already been settled upon "'Red Bud Farm" five miles away before his father died, Abraham inherited "Shady l\fount" and here their children were born, only two of the four attaining majority. He died February 28, 1868 and lies buried in the :Millar Cemetery at Shady :Mount, his wife dying June 21, 1903. 1. GEORGE BLISS5 l\fILLAR, born .January 10, 1843. 2. CHAPJ,F,S Wn.LIA:'15 Mn..L.AR, born November 16. 1844: died September 6, 1863. 3. ELIZABETH RAYNOLDS5 11ILLAR, born November 28, ]846: died in infancy. 4. FRAXKLIX FERREE5 1llLLAR, born August 28, 1850. Was a merchant in Portsmouth, Ohio until his death December 7, 1880, survived only by his wife Elizabeth (Thomas) :Millar whom he had married May 28, 1877 in Lucas­ ville, Ohio. 5 2 1. G:E!ORGE BLISS ~ilLLAR [Abram F.4, John Wni.3, William , 1 TVilliam ]. born .Jan. 10, 1843; inherited Shady .Mount Far:rn and deserved especial mention for the energy, patience and fidelity witli which he preserved that in­ heritance through years of money stringency and various adverse conditions. His good business judgment and determination to keep the old home in the family together with the un­ failing cheerfulness and cooperation of bis wife has pre­ served to the whole clan much more than just the physical building and ground; the spirit of self sacrificing thrift, of perpetuity of ideals is not so common in this country in these days and is worthy of praise. The old home has not been modernized or remodel­ ed beyond the installation of private lighting plant and water supply, telephones and general restorative upkeep, hence nothing is lost of old time charm as one enters the large rooms with great fireplaces and broad window WILLI.-l.JI JIILL.-1.R II. 121 recesses; hand wrought woodwork and beamed, ceiling showing skill beyond present-day hand labor. George l\Iillar married January 27, 1866 .Annie Carre of Portsmouth (born in Chillicothe, Dec. 5, 1846) daugh­ ter of Thomas and Martha Carre. In 1916 they celebrated their golden wedding sur­ rounded by their children and grandchildren who pre­ sented them with a golden plate upon which was engraved all their names round about the two names George B. ~[illar and Allnie E. Carre with the date of the anniver­ sary. 1Irs. Millar lives (1928) in the old home, her hus­ band having died October 24, 1920. Five children were born to them: l. NELLIE" MII.LAR. born October 15, 1868. 2. .AJ:R..\:ll'. FEKI:EE" MILLAR, born October 1, 1870. 3. CHARLES w.• MILLAR. born April 12, 1875 4. El>G.Ut" Mn.LAB. born May 17, 1877. 5. FRA.~"I.n,.., Mn.I.AR. born October 2, 1883.

I. NELLIE6 ~ULLAR, born October 5, 1868; married April 12, 1888 Charles Thomas of Portsmouth who died in California March 1906, and lies buried at Lucasville, Ohio.

1. .lv.:s:sr& E! THOMAS. born April 21, 1889: died December 1904. 2. WILLIAM M! TnollAS. born Aug. 2, 1891; married April 25, 1925 Myrtle Gardner. Resides In Columbus. Ohio where he Is Asst. Secy. of Ohio State Medical Association. u. MARJonll'f THOMAS. born May s. 1896: died June 2, 1920. 4. H.umIET" THolrAs. born October 3, 1897; married July 24, 1918 Leslie D. White, a jeweler In Lucasvllle, Ohio. where they reside. 1. Ron•::itT P." WHrn:. born April 25, 1920.

II. ARR.UT FERREE6 Mn..LAR [George B.5_. Abram H.4, 1 .lohn Wm.\ William?, Williani ]. born October 1, 1870. Hi:s home is that of his grandfather whose namesake he is. It is situated near that of his great, grandfather John Wm.3 Millar. He married Sep­ tember 21, 1899 Elizabeth Southworth (born in Pike County. August 27, 1879) daughter of George W. and Charlotte (Cutlip) Southworth. 122 W/l,l,IA.ll .l!TLT,AR II.

1. Ht;u;:,;' ;',Ju.r.An, born August 25, l!l00; mu.rrled July 1S, 1927 In Pickaway Co., Ohio Dr. N. W. Kline, a dentist In Portsmouth, Ohio. where they reside. 2. Dor:o'l'IIY' MU.I.Al~ born July 25, 1902. 3. J,;:-;:,;rr.' Mu.u1t, born October 16, 1905.

III. CHARLES \V.6 l\ilILLAR [George B.\ Abram P.4, 2 1 .John lV·m.3, WiUiam , W£lliani ], born April 12, 1875. An elec..-trical engineer in Carnegie, Pa. where he resides; married October 17, 1904 Florence l\fcLellan of Portsmouth.

1. Gt:oHGY. BrJHH1 M11.r.An, born June 7, 1906.

IV. EoGAR6 MILLAR [George B.\ Abram', Jolin Wm.\ 1 Willia.m}!. William ]_, born :May 17, 1877. Attorney in Portsmouth, Ohio. l\farried November 24, 1904 May Watkins.

1. Lours,;' MILLAR. born January 31, 1912. !!. lf.\nm:r.RITl: GEORGIAXA' MIT.Tw\R. born February 13, 1916.

V. FRANKLIN6 11ILLAR [George B.5, Abr(tni4, John W-m.3, 2 1 lVi?liam • Walia.m, ]_, born October 2, 1883. :Married February 11. 1914 Lulu May Bertram of Ports­ mouth. Ohio. He is a Freight Engineer on the Nor­ folk and Western R. R. between Portsmouth und Cincinnati.

1. Jon:,; \Vu.1.IAM 1 Mru.AR. born November 1915.

6. CHARLF..S4 )IILLAR, youngest child of John \Yilliam.3 and Polly (Headley) :Millar, born on Shady :Mount Farm, Ohio July 18, 1820. Married October 12, 1843 his cousin 4 3 1 Rebecca :Millar (Abraham. , William?, William ) whose fathers home adjoined Shady Mount and where they lived until 1854 when they remo,ed to Sangamon County. Ill.. where they many years later died and lie buried, Charles on April 19, 1888 and his wife on September 22, 1901. They were prosperous, accumulating large farming in­ terests much of the land underlaid with coal deposits later WILLI.4.lf .\IILL.1R II. developed by his son to whom the home place descended, the other living son having moved farther west years before. Seven children were born to them:

1. WILI.!All HJ;.\IILEY. MILLAR. born In Ohio. Feb. s. 1845: died in Illinois August 28, 1864. 2. GIDEON Cm,."'IOW\Til1 MILLA11. born in Ohio July 9, 1848: died Februnry 2, 1825. 3. POLLY HF..AIILEY' MILLAR. born In Ohio December 16. 1850: died In Illinois December 7, 1875. 4. Enwm BLASER" MILLAn. born In Ohio July 30, 1853. 5. Jon.v .AlmAIIA.'\I" Mll.t.An. born In Illinois March 19, 1865: died In Illinois March 1, 1881. 6. OscAR HE:,rllY" MILLAn. born In Illinois December 4, 1859: died In Illinois August 5, :l880. 7. JAMES Tu1t.~ER' MILLAR, born In Illinois December 28, 1864: died in Illinois December :is, 1885.

2. GIDEON CHEN0''1ITH:. l\i1JLLAR [Charles\ John lVni.3, 1 ·William::_. Willia,m ], born in Scioto County, Ohio July 9, 1848; married April 13, 1875 Lucy .Jane McGinnis (born in Patoka, Ind. Nov. 17, 1851: died Jan 26, 1927). He moved, from Illinois to Hutchinson, Kansas in 1873 and later on to W aldort :Md. where he died February 2, 1925. I. CHARLF.... c;;c :MILLAR_. born Nov. 11, 1877 in Chase Co., Kansas. :Married .April 6, 1912 in Laredo, Texas Lorenza Sosa, daughter of .Joan and Guadaloupe (Diaz) Sosa. Lives now in Washington. D. C. A printer by trade. No children. II. NELLIE6 MILLAR_. born l\larch 8, 18S2 in Kansas: died September 18, 1904. 4. ED"~x BLASERG 11ILLAR [Charles\ John TfTilliam\ 2 1 Wi1liam _. W£lliani ], born in Scioto, County, Ohio .July 3, 1853; inherited the home farm in Sangamon County, near Williamsville, Ill. where occupied mth stock rais­ ing and, coal interests and having distinct literary tastes be lived, until 1918 when he moved to Springfield. Ill. He married February 21, 1888 :Mary .J. Miller (born in Williamsville•• June 6, 1856) daughter of .Joseph and Nancy Eleanor (Harris) :Miller, who died suddenly in Springfield, Ill., March 16. 1928. 12·1 WILJ,l.1JI .lfILLAR JI.

I. "\VILLLur H,\RRIS6 ::\IILLAR, born February 11, 1889: died in 1918 from the effects of pneumonia. II. FRAXK CunTIS6 11ILLAR, born July 31. 1890: died October 16, 1910. III. \VARREX GEORGE Eo·w1x 0 lIILLAR, born 1farch 26, 1892. .An automobile dealer in Springfield, Ill. Served in World War in 9th Co. of 22 Engineers; married .June 28, 1921 Frances C. \Yright. IV. PAUL ,JoSEPH6 ~fILLAR, born ,January 24, 1897. Served in World War as gunner in 124th Machine Gun Battalion. Resides in Springfield. Ill. )far­ ried on October 22, 1927 Avis Link. 5 3 7. ,JA:\CES TURXER }.frLLAR [Charles\ .John Wi7liam _. 1 Willirm,P_. Wflliam- ], born near "Williamsville, lli., De­ cember 28, 1864: married September 3, 1885 *Dora Duncan (born in Williamsville, February 1863) and died in St. Louis, l\Io. December 1885. I. Ro-r DuxcAN6 MILLAR, born ,June 6.1886. Connected with the Equitable Assurance Society of the U. S. Address Decatur, lli. :Married March 2, 1911 liae Currie (born March 28. 1900) daughter of David and :Marguerite Currie.

1. J.\~IF.S LAWRF.:,;"CE' MILT.Al<. born April 7. 191!.

1 6. CORNELIUS *ELTO)..:i n-IILLAR [TVillfom:?, William ] the sixth and youngest child of William and Elizabeth (Ferree) Jiillar, was born in the ancestral home of the :Millars near Front Royal. Virginia. then in Shenandoah County.• January 4. 1785; a c-hild of but five when his father died. he seems to have been the special charge of his three older br'others whose ideas he T"alued and whose ways he sought to follow. He first went to Ohio from Virginia in 1800 when but a lad of :fifteen learning surveying with his brother ,John

•)tn,1. Dora Duncan l-tlllar. ~:""'"' lntf'r married Jahn v..•airner )tnunt: Addr~ Wt1Ua.m111vllle. lUtnohc. Sh~ hrui n.lded ot't..-n In ,-«urtn,: ){Illar datn.. •Thit" t11hortt"r and Ja.ter ~Ulm: or Ettln,;-.. nr Eltyn,:e. Hl:-1 maternal IIC'r.lnd mo:.h~r wp E11znb'"~h Eltln,:e. WILLI.-B! MILL.'1.R II. William who seemed from letters to haYe been also his advisor and friend. He pm·chased land in Pike Co., adjoining his brothers in Scioto and for several years while waiting to dispose of land in :Maryland and make settlement of their mutual interests with his brother Isaac in Virginia he fretted to be in that new State on his own land as the following letter shows, written in a refined hand, perfectly legible after a hundred and twenty three years.

Shenandoah County, Vg.: !?:? March '05. Esteemed Brother Just returned !rom the Singing School where I understood that Mr. Offner was about to start In a few days for Scioto. and the promise we made a short time before I started. to write by every opportunity, I embrace the present. Though I have nothing to communicate worth your attention. I arrived safe home the 11th day after I started. You may guess what followed, I found them all deaf to my going Into business here all the cry was Scioto. I have nt length determined to return to Scioto and accept of the olrer Abraham made me, i! he should now refuse to comply with offers he has made me, I shall look out for a small and good piece of land such as I can buy and make some Improve­ ment directly in the neighborhood If possible. I believe there is no liklyhood of Isaac settling or if he does there is noth­ ing coming he says--1 have traded with tMastln for the Land In Maryland, gave him Seel and Nels and 1!?5$, when the land Is sold. Mammy and the rest of the family are well. VMr. Headley's !amlly Is well excepting Miss Winny. She has the fever very badly i! she recovers, expect her In the spring. --•Aunt Misklmius is dead 14th Febry, the day that I left there. tUncle Ferree has sold his land to / Allen. and expects to go to the westward next fall: Cor'l Millar. A. few months later Cornelius again writes to .John William with requests to have his Ohio "land cleared and logs rolled for a cabin and rails mauled to inclose half a mile square in the bottom a~joining the building ground" also says "Isaac and myself have traded, Dave is his and the land mine, all accounts are square and he is to pay you 100$ which I expect to bring out x x x x x :Mammy is still anxious to come out." This time with his majority about to be reached and his new life in sight he signs his whole name, Cornelius E ..Millar.

•ms lfotber"l!I 11lstt>r. Rachn~l Ft>rr~: 'tC'orn,uu,. Ft>TTP"': ~Fath,,.r or ).lr,1. J'ohn ·w·m.:1 :M'lllar: fHu11bu.nd ot hlll Aunt Abfgnit

On Pehruary 2. 1806 Comelius from his own place in Ohio writes back to his brother Isaac in Virginia, tells of his trip out. of overtakin.~ the :.lastins on the way, they stop­ ping in Portsmouth, "settling to their satisfaction"; tells of a trip to Kentucky be must make after which he expects to return to Virginia for then- mother. In 1807 she is established with her negro maid and a housekeeper named Poffenbarger in the log house prepared for them. He bought and drove horses to eastern markets where he sold them. His mother was moved to the more comfortable home of her oldest son Abraham the year before her death. Two years after which Cornelius built a large square stone house on his land, and it was here before his marriage, the first Post Office for this section of Ohio was for some time operated. A large number of books belonging to his descendants testified to his pursuit of knowledge and the attainment of some of the higher branches of collegiate curriculum. As in the case of his brother John William, the disposi­ tion and purpose to acquire knowledge manifested itself at a time when the acquisitive faculties were commonly busy with property interests: education was deemed not so neces­ sary and was more dearly bought. Cornelius died in 1850. Unfortunately those books, letters and almost all precious tokens of the past were destroyed either by a fire in 1895 or by flood in 1913. Cornelius Elton3 Millar married in Jackson County, Ohio, in 1822 Nancy James (born in 1790: died in 1837) daughter of John (born in Conn. June 14, 1772) and Nancy (Cook) .James (born June 15, 1775). They had three daughters and one son. all born in Pike Cmmty, Ohio:

1. J~"E E.• MILI.AB.. born December 15, 1824. 2. Jm:.IA ~.. MILI.AR. born in 1826. 3. REBECCA FE:RBEE4 MILLAR. born January 29, 183L 4. COR=tUS ELTON' MII.I.AR. born January 4. 1833. lVILLl.·UT JiILL,\R IT.

4 1 1. ,hxE E. ~Irr.L.\R [Cornelius E.~. 1Fillimn:. 1J'illiam ] born December 15. 1824; married ~fay 31, 1855 Sanford Williams (born NoY.13. 1808). Farmer and ~-tock raiser: he died April 3. 1891 and his wife on .J anuar:· 5. 1902. They had but two daughters: 5 3 1. REBECCA n-lrLL.IB WILLL\:\rs [Jane\ Comeltus E. , Wi?liam?, Wi?Uam. 1 .M·illar] born July 18, 1856; married October 9, 1879 Clarence E. Rice at Sedgwick. Kansas. Bank Clerk in Topeka, Kansas. I. ARTHUR CLARENCE6 RICE, born in Sedgwick, .June 22, 1880; married May 12, 1901 at Topeka Cora lf. Pears daughter of William Pears of that place.

1. Tm:utA FAYT RtcE. born August 12. 1!103 in Topeka. Kansas. 2. LAYTo:or C.T RYCE. born November 29, 1905 in Topeka. Kansas.

II. S.a)."FORD R.aY6 RICE, born .August 1, 1882 at Sedg­ wick, Kansas; married September 24, 190? Winni­ fred Walker, daughter of Andrew Walker of Topeka.

1. JUA:),"JT.\ IRE~:• RICF~ born June s. 1904. III. Infant son6 Rice, born .August 25, 1884: died in infancy. IV. CARL E.6 RICE, born June 16; 1886; married March 4. 1914 Leona Jones, daughter of F. H. Jones of Wichita, Kansas.

1. lfEL~'IN EARLT RtcE. born April 20, 1916, at "Whitewater. 2. RALPII P.T RICE. born April 7, 191S. Wichita, Kansas.

2. lli..,XAH E.5 WII..LIA.l\IS [Jane4, Cornelius E.\ Willia1n:, Wi1lia.1n 1 J1i1lar], born October 9, 1860; married July 6, 1885 James Harvey of Sedgwick, Kansas, who died Jan. 6, 1919 where his ·widow and one daughter reside. I. WILLARD 1IILLAR6 HARVEY, born July 4, 1886: died .January 13, 1900. II. ALTOSSA ,JA-:-."E6 H..\RVEY-, born .July 4. 188; married :March 6, 1906 Yaho of Hutchinson, Kansas, a railroad engineer. 128 WII,l.1,1.lf JI/Ll,AR II.

1. !1:nt:1.' Y AIIO, born In 19!?1.

III. SA::\TLTt•:L .JAl\rns0 HARVEY, born .June 14, 1892. Served in \Vorld War, 35 Div. 130 Reg. B. Battery Field Artillery. from June 27, 1917 to May 10, 1919. Married in Wichita July 7, 1919 Neva Smith of Kansas City, Mo., daughter of Sherman S. and Alice Smith. Pressman in \Vichita.

I. J ~ .,.., J-IA1:n:Y, born 1921.

IV. .JULIA REA O HARVEY, bo1-n .January 4, 1894; married .January 6, 1915 H. Pennington, a merchant in Sedg­ wick, Kansas.

1. DAU-:" Pt:s:-asllTO:o;, born October 22, 1915. !?. MAX' ~:-;'1:-;'GTO:-;', born November 16, 1918. :i. DOIIOTIIY1 PF.:>::-;'INGTO:-;', born Jnnuary 1, 1923.

3 2. .JuLIA AxN• lVULLAR [Cornelius E. , ..William\ 1 Willia,m ], born in 1826: died in Wakefield, Pike County, Ohio, in 1899: married June 15, 1848 John G. Gibson (born near Marietta, Ohio, March 4, 1823) son of Robert and Letha Gibson. He was an early day minister serving pastorates through Southern Ohio from 1855 to 1865 interrupted by his enlistment in 1863 as 1st Lieut. of 2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery; afterwards Chaplain of bis regiment until his retirement from active ministry because of a throat disease. He liYed for seevral years afterward in Portsmouth fin­ ally settling in Wetmore, Ohio, where be died from a stroke of paralysis on February 7, 1895. Two children born to Rev. and. ~frs. Gibson died in infancy. 3. REBECCA FF.JIBEE4 MILLAR [Cornelius E.3, Wi?liam:, Wi?Uam 1J.. born Ja:mary 29, 1831: died July 11, 1892 in Lin­ coln. Ill.; married in Piketon. Ohio l\fav 12. 1856 Samuel Sargent (born ,June 1, 1828) so~ of .James~and Nancy (Steen- WILLIAM MILLAR II. l!!!I bergen, born Oct. 23·, 1793 : died Sept. 7, 1846) Sargent; she the daughter of Charles and his first wife *Sarah (.McNeil) Steenbergen. Samuel Sargent was a physician who practiced in Mount Pulaski and Lincoln, Ill. from 1854 to 1893 when he retired and moved to Wichita, Kansas where he died on February 2nd, 1899. Four children were born to Rebecca and Samuel Sargent.

1. ALGEK..'rnN M:n.I.AR" SAIIG&.~T. born February 14, 1857. 2. JULIA• SARGENT, born October 9, 1860. 3. 1'4AR~.. SABG=. twin to Julia. 4. SAMUEL MIT.I.Alt° SABGE:,IT, born January 23, 1874.

1. ALGERNON 1!:rLLAR:. SARo.&.~T [Rebecca F.", Cornel-iu.s E.3, W£Uiam?, Wi"llia1n 1 M£llar], born at Mt. Pulaski, Ill., February 14, 1857 followed his father in the practice of medicine in Lincoln, Ill., where he married May 27, 1885 Mary Lorena .Jenkins (born August 10, 1864: died Jan. 6, 1899) the daughter of John T. Jenkins born in Baltimore and his wife Hulda Matilda (Spencer) .Jenkins (born in .Malone, N. Y.1837). Dr. Sargent died August 2, 1919. They were the parents of three children: I. LoREXA6 SARGEXT [A.lgernarn\ Rebecea\ Cornelins 2 1 E.3, W11lia,1n , William Millar] born March 11, 1886: married in Lincoln, Ill. on May 12, 1920 Patrick H. Peifer, son of Martin and Margaret (Shaughnessy) Peifer. Mrs. Peifer and :Mrs. Rebecca Ferre Sargent reside in their fathers home.

1. M.\RY PATRIC'I.\' PErFF.x. born June 22, 1920.

II. REBECCA FERREE6 SARGEXT [A.l_qernon\ Rebecca", 2 1 Corneli1ui,. Wz7liam • Willinm Mi7lar]. born l\fay 19, 1890; married in San Diego, Calif. December 3, 1919

•Sarah Mc:S-elll'M father WIU' Daniel l1cX4!'11l or the Valley of the ~r-uth Branch of tho Potomac and hi,. home ••willow '\\•a.:r rit-ur Moore,r\eld. W. Vn.. J,a C'\n4' ot tbf! three flnc11t old e .. u1.teM on th@ South Branch: He built tor hiH c.Jaui:hter at the time ot her mu.rrlu.,:~ n. lu.r~e home nPar Waverl,-·. Ohio, "'hk!I burne,d down tom; nrter her death and the land dlvld~d .umonJt her chJldren. 130 WILLIAM JtlLLAll 11. Lloyd L. Brass. Two children were born.

l. Jo/1.N F1,:mu:r.1 in Phoenix. Ariz. November 21. 1920. 2. ALGF.ltNON :.11r.1.A1t'. In San Diego, Call!. August 21. 1923. Since :May 7, 1923 Rebecca Ferree6 Sargent has taken for herself and children her maiden name and resides in Lincoln. m III. .ALGERNON ~IILLAR6 SARGENT [.Algernon», Rebecca 2 1 F.4, Corneliwl, Wflliani , Willia1n Jlfillar]. born August 3. 1897. In insurance business in Lincoln, Ill. :Married in Springfield, Ill. on .June 22, 1926 :Myrtle Lake, daughter of Frank La Verne and Rebecca Ann (Bolin) Lake.

l. R1ror.CCI\ A:s:s' SAJIGF::sT. born July 28. 1927.

5 2 2. .Tu"LIA SARGE~"T [Rebecca F.4, Cornelius\ Wil!iarn , lVi?liarn1 Millar], born October 9, 1860: died October 9, 1921 in Knowles, Oklahoma. 3. MAR1.:; SARGENT, twin to .Julia resides in Wichita, Kans.; wintering in California. 4 5. SA)WEL l\fn..LAR:; 8,\RGENT [Rebecca F. • Cornelius\ 2 1 Wi7lia1n , Wl7liarn .Mi?lar], born .January 23, 1874. Married ?.fay 12, 1898 :Mary Louise Crowley, who died December 28, 1911. )Ir. Sargent at one time lived, in Chicago, now resides 2865 San Marino St., Los .Angeles. I. VIRGIXB. 6 SARGENT, born .August 1S, 1899. II. SAl\rUEL }[rr.r.... rn° S.IBGE~"T, born Dec. 3, 1902.

4 3 4. Con::\"ELIUS ELTON :MILLAR [Gorneliu.~ E. , William.:\ 1 Wi7liam ]. The youngest of the family was born .January 4, (his fathers birthday) 1833 and was but four years of age when his mother died. He grew up with his cousins, the Nelson children, whose house was in the yard of his fathers large home and whose mother had also early left her young children. WILLIAM l!ILL.1.R II: 131 .At the death of his father, Cornelius and his three sisters each received one fourth of the old farm in Pike County, 0. Julia bought Jane ·s part; Cornelius bought his sister Rebecca's share. Julia had that part where the home stood which their father had built and in which they lived and the younger ones were born. When she died the place was mort­ gaged for ten thousand dollars; she left half her estate to her adopted daughter Emma Gibson (living in Portsmouth, 0. 1927) the other half to a niece of her husband. The price of land was very low at this time and the home place brought but fifteen thousand dollars. *In 1858, March 7, Cornelius married Mary J. Chenowith in Piketon, Ohio, where she was born June 25, 1832, daughter of Absalom and Mary (Brown, born in London Co., Va. March 7, 1787) Chenowith. The father, one of three Chenowith brothers who came to Ohio in a very early day. Cornelius built upon-his part of the land when he married, a small house and there their si.i:: children were born. For eight years, to obtain better school advantages. they lived in Portsmouth. The small house burned September 5, 1904 and the present commodious home was built nearer W akefi.eld, Ohio, here Cornelius died on January 12, 1909 and his wife on December 19, 1914. 2 1. ..\USTIN V; MILLAR [Cornelius4, Cornelius3, Wi'1liam , 1 Will-ia-m ], born in Portsmouth, December 21, 1858; mar­ ried December 18, 1879 Maggie Appler and died in 1912 either in St. Louis or Murfreesboro, Ark., in both of which places he had offices. I. :M.ARY .A.uGUSTA6 MILLAR, born Sept. 27, 1880. II. HowARD .A..6 MILLAR, born November 1882. Their mother resided in 1927 in Murfreesboro, Ark. and it is more than J>robable ·the Howard A. Millar who has offices there and in St. Louis is her son. He graduated as a mining engineer. 2 2. KATE MA.Rt' MILLAR [Cornelius", Oorneliu.ri, Wi'1liam ,

,.Wben CorDellus' :MlUar and Man· Chenow1th Wffe man-led they wer.,,·111t1d to be the haad.tlomeat couple ln Piketon. 132 WILLIAM MILL.AR II.

1 William ], born January 4, 1859: was married June 18, 1884 to Rodney Hyde, a stationary engineer (born in Rushville, Ohio, March 2, 1847), the son of Dr. Simon Hyde, a physician there (born in 1788 in Conn.) and his wife Ann (Coulson) Hyde (born Nov. 4, 1806 in Chester County, Pa.) l\Irs. Kate :Millar Hyde died October 8, 1913. No children. 5 2 3. JESSIE B. lULLAR [Cornelius\ Cornelius\ Wi1liam , 1 Wi1liam ], born Oc.-tober 18, 1861. One of the writer's most willing and loyal helpers in securing Ohio l\fillar data and whose friendship is one of the rewards of this undertaking. 4. WIT..LIA::\f H:El-."Rr :\ULL..-1R [Oorneliu.f', ComeliusS, 2 William , Wi1liam,1], born in Portsmouth October 8, 1863. He bought his brother .Austin's interest in their father's estate and operates the farm and with his sister .Jessie maintains the home as it has been, comfortable for them­ selves and hospitable to their friends. 5. FM...~ RADiOLDs5 l\f:rLLAR [Corneliu:l, Corn.elius3, 2 1 Wi1liam , Wi1liam ], born at Portsmouth April 16, 1867 and died February 19, 1897. He married in Kenova, W. Va., October 28, 1895 Suzanne McCann (born in Thayer, Neosho County, Kansas, 1876) who later mar- ried Newton Thomas, brother of the wife of Cornelius Elton11 Millar. I. lVLIBY FRA~"XLIX6 l\-ULLA.R [Franklin R.5, Cornelius', 2 1 Corneliu,i\ Wi1liam , Wi1liam Millar], born Decem­ ber 27, 1896 in Kenova, W. Va. ; married .June 5, 1918 W. J. O'Neill, Capt. in World War. 6. CoR~"ELIUS ELTO~ Mn:LAR [Cornelius'.• Cornelius\ 2 1 Wi1liam , Wi1liam ], born in Portsmouth, Ohio, October 13, 1870; married first in Lucasville, Ohio June 2S, 1S92 Sallie Thomas, daughter of William and Margaret (Warwick) Thomas. He remarried and lives in Spo­ kane, Wash. 6 5 I. MA.RY MA.RGARET }frLLAR [Cornelius E. • Cornelius4, 2 1 Cornelhui', Wi1liam , Wi1liam Mi1lar ], born Oct. 20, WILLI.d.M MILLAR II. 133 1893; married June 1917 Joseph Colegrove, a Civil EDt,~eer (born Portsmouth Aug. 9, 1886) in Lucas­ ville, Ohio. Was in World War, 3 months at Ft. Benj. Harrison; 8 months Camp Funston and 3 months at Camp McArthur.

l. WZLLLUI Jo11EPH1 COLEGBOVE. born August 20, 1918. 2.. M.UIG.u!ET" COLEGROVE. born June 5, 1921.. 3. Loms&1 CoLEGBOVE. born April 22, 1923. 4. DoaOTlJY JA."ff.' CoLEGaou:. born November 19, 1925.

II. WlLLIA.i."\f: THOM.AS6 MILLAR [Corneliusr;, Cornelius", 3 2 1 Cornelius , Wi1liam , Wi1liam ], born April 2, 1896; married June 1918 Florence Shultz, daughter of George L. and Nellie Ann (Benner) Shultz. He was in training camp and discharged from Camp Sher­ man August 1919. Now a clerk in Lucasville, Ohio.

l. RoBERT EvAN' Mxu.Aa. born January 23, 1919. 2. WILI.IAK TBoMAS' MILLAR. born Oct. 2, 1920. ClliPTER ill. ABIGAIL Ml:LLAR-ALLEX Abigail :Millar, the first daughter and second child of William and Catharine ( du Bois) Millar was born in the an­ cestral home near Front Royal, Virginia February 24, 1747. She married December 3, 1765 Col Thomas Allen, son of Robert and Deborah (Montgomery) Allan born in Armagh, Ireland, August 30, 1734. A history of the Lower Shenandoah Y alley says: "Among the early settlers of Warren Co., Va. was Col. Thomas .A.Jlen, son of Robert Allan and Deborah ::Montgomery his wife; he served as soldier in the Revolution and for gal­ lantry was presented by his State with a sword." "He left an estate comprising over six thousand acres of land stretching for miles along the south fork of the Shenan­ doah river; a part of his family went to Kentucky soon after its settlement, where the descendants are numerous and pros­ perous." The name was originally Allan as borne by Robert of Ireland, but with a few exceptions the Virginia descendants have followed the spelling used. by Colonel Thomas Allen. He was, with his brother-in-law Isaac2 Millar an executor of the estate of his wife's father William.1 Millar, who had, several years before this time deeded large tracts of land to Colonel Allen, probably at the time of marriage to his daugh­ ter Abigail. Colonel Allen died in Shenandoah Co., Va. July 15, 1822 and is buried in the Millar-Allen graveyard situated upon the home part of the old plantation, across the creek and within sight from Stone House; where also lies Abigail, his wife ,vho died September 1, 1823. Nine children were born to them-

1. DEBoltAD'. l'doNTGO~rERY' ALLE::<. born September 27, 1766. 2. w=• Au.EN. born May 7, 1769. 3. RollER'l"' AI.r.E:\". born August 2, 1771: died April 23, 1788. 4. J.AME.S' ~. born December 14, 1773: died January 4, 1774. ABIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN 135

5. Tno:1u11• AI.LE.-., born December 27, 17i4. 6. REBECCA' Al.LEN, born June 14. 1777. 7. DAVID Hmu:• AI.Li,::;, born July 24, 1781. 8. Josll:PB" AI.LEN, born February 23, 1784: died September 12, 1815. 9. RoBEnT llibLLAn" ALLE:;, born January lG, 1790.

WILL OF THOMAS ALLEN I, Thomas Allen of Sbenandoah County, and State or Virginia, do hereby make my last will and testament In manner and form !ollowing-that Is to say- Imprlmls-1 give to my wife Abigail Allen, all the plantation on which I now live: also the lease and purchased or John Miles; and the house and lot In Front Royal I purchased of Wm. Raynolds, together with negrocs, Davy and his wife Polly and their Increase: and 118 much or my household furniture as she shall think sutflclent tor her and her famlly's use. All the above property both real and personal I give unto her during lite; and at her decease to go to my son Robert Allen In the mnnner herelnarter directed. I also give to my wife all the Bnnk stock I purchased, viz. on the Bank of Richmond and two banks at Winchester, amounting to five thousand and five hundred dollars, during her lite; and at her death to be equally divided between my grandchtldren:- It fa my desire that the above Bank Stock should not be disposed or to any person not belonging to the family. Item-I give and bequeath to my daughter Deborah Russell besides the lands and personal property she has already received, one hundred pounds In specie, at her death to be equally divided between her daughters, and to my three grandsons, Thomas, Wfllfam and Robert Russell fifty pounds each, to be paid by my executors. Item-I give and bequeath to the heirs of my deceased son Wfllfam Allen, the lands I purchased of George Harding; the lands I purchased of John Hard• ing; the lands I purchased of Lazarus Burkett; the lands I purchased of John Smith; together with the water Grfst-Mfll erected on the aforesaid tract pur­ chased of George Harding and also the trac: of land I purchased of William Russell Esq.; together with the land my deceased son purchased or dflrerent persons who requested me before his death to divide the above tracts between his two children, by a line running from a large rock fn the run below the spring past the Mill dam; thence up a hollow to the Grant line. I also leave to my grand­ son Thomas M. Allen fifty pounds fn specie, to be received when he arrives at the age of twenty-one years. Item-I give to my son Thomas Allen the Collowlng tracts or land, viz: the tract I purchased of Daniel Hackney; the tract I purchased of Wfllfam Jennfngs; the tract I purchased of Henry Harding, and the tract I purchased of William C. Wflltams and William JeDDlngs, Jun., and one-halt the tract I purchased of the Grantees which Zachariah McKay !ormerly owned; also one half the tract I purchased o! the Grantees. where Thomas Johnston formerly lived; also one ha!! the tract purchased or Jacob Mfllar; the remaining half o! the three last mentioned tracts, I give to my son Robert Allen. I also give to my son Thomas Allen one negro man named Samuel and his wi!e, baby and a negro girl named Becky; also my sword, all which estate real and personal I give and devise to him. his heirs and assigns !orever. Item-I give to my son David Allen the following tracts o! land. viz: all the plantation I purchased ot William Keller; the land I purchased o! Thomas G. 136 AlllG,IIL (JITLl,AR) ALLEN

Martin; alHo the Jot In Frout Ttoyal I purchased of John Wall; and all the money arising fr,,m the enle of a tract of land In Hampshire County, together with the r.,uts due on said farm, since l purchased oC Cornelius Ferree. I also give to r.iy son David Allen one negro man named Somerset and my share In the Front Royal Librarian Society. I also give to my thre., grandsons Algernon S. Allen, Thomas G. Allen and Wm. T. Allen, tltty pounds each In specie, to be paid by my executors to my son David Allen In trust for his three sons. All which estate real and personal I give and devise to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Item-I give to my son Robert Allen all the plantation and tract oC land on which I now live. comprehending the several tracts I purchased oC Carson and Russell, extending to the lot I purchased oC John Miles &. Including that lot; also one half of the tract J purchased of the Grantees, which Zachariah McKay Connerly owned; one half the tract I purchased or the Grantees where Thomas Johnston formerly lh•ed; and one half the tract purchased or Jacob Millar. I also give to my son Robert Allen one other tract of land which I purchased oC CUD· nlngham lying on top of the Blue-ridge; and my negro man named Davy and his wife PoJly and their Increase; one negro man named George; one wagon and team; and all the stock, household furniture and farming utensils which my wife shall leave at her death. But none of the above property Is to become my son Robert's (altho he may have attained the age of twnty one years) so long as my wife Abigail Is living; but is to remain In the bands oC my wife as aforesaid dur• Ing her life. After which the whole Is to become the property of my son Robert. All which estate real and personal, I give and devise to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Item-I give to my Grandson Phillip D. Williamson the following tracts or land, viz: the tract I purchased of George Harding Jy!ng between the land which Thomas Breck purchased of Mason Jones and Ramy's land, and the land In· eluded In the deed made to me by Simon Carson up Cave-run ly!ng between Ramy's NorthcraCt's and WUilams' land. also the Jot I purchased of George Pierce, situated on the road leading to Chester's Gap.-Besldes the above mentioned tracts, I give to my grandson Philip D. Williamson, part of the property which has been re­ ceived by my sec'd daughter Rebecca Williamson, viz: a negro woman named Fanny; one large silver soup-spoon, marked with the Initials o! my name; also tlfty pounds In specie, to be paid by my executors after my decease. All which estate real and personal. I give and devise to him and bis heirs and assigns for· ever, except as In hereinafter e."i:empted, should my grandson Phillip D. Williamson die. leaving no Issue Ja'\\-Cully begotten; then and In that case It Is my will and desire that all the estate both real and personal bequeathed to him. shall be equally divided and distributed among the children of my daughter Deborah Russell. I do also direct that after my wife's decease, all and every part of my estate that shall then be remaining and heretofore partlculo.rly bequeathed, be equally divided among all my children that are then living. Lastly-I do appoint my sons Thomas and David Allen and my nephew Isaac Millar executors o! this my last will and testament; and I do hereby revoke and dlsannul all former and other wills by me heretofore made, declaring this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my band and a1rlxed my seal, this twenty-sixth day ot September. one thousand, eight hundred and fifteen. THOMAS ALLEN [s1!:AL] ABIGAIL (JIILI,.-1.R) ALLEN 137

Signed, sealed and published -bY the Testator, as his will and testament In the presence ot William Wroe Samuel Hopewell P. Senseny Wm. Carson Mordacal Cloud It Is my desire that my executors at my decease, give unto each of the slaves mentioned hereafter one silver dollar, viz: my daughter Deborah's Cate: my son William's (now In the hands of his two children Thomas M. Allen and Anne Russell) and nil that belongs to my son Thomas, and son David's Somerset. and son Rober.'s and all that belongs to myself.-And to my old man Dave two dollars. Given under my hand this 30th day of August, 1817-my birthday. I was born the 30th August. 1734. -CODICIL-- I, Thomas Allen Sen. o! Shenandoah County, In order to remove any doubts or dl1f!cultles which might possibly arise In the construction ot my foregoing last will and testament. In consequence of the death of my son Robert M. Allen do make, publish and declare this codicil to my said last will and testament In manner and form following-that Is to say: It Is my will and desire and I do hereby order and direct that my daughter-In-law Rebecca Allen, widow of my deceased son Robert M. Allen shall have and possess during her lite one third part of the property and estate real and persona.I which I have devised and bequeathed In my, said foregoing last will and testament to my said son Robert M. Allen. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and sea.I this 13th day of September, 1819. THOMAS ALLEN [!IF.AL] Signed, sealed and published and declared as a codicil to his last wlll and testament, In the presence of us who have signed the same as wltnegs..s in the presence of and by the request of the testator. David H. Allen Thomas Allen, Jun. M. Cloud.

1. DEBORAH MoNTGO:\:IERY'-« ALLEN [Abiga,tTO:, Willia·m~ Jlillar], born in Warren Co., Va. September 27. 1766 and died .June 11, 1842. She married :May 29, 1787 General Robert Spotswood Russell (born March 28, 1762 in Culpepper Co., Va. : died .January 16, 1842) son of General "William and, Tabitha (Adams) Russell. "To William Russell on October 27, 1732 was granted 20,000 acres in and about the forks of the Shenandoah, near Front Royal and Riverton in lieu of what he bad claimed from the Van Meter grants" (Virginia Magazine Vol. XIII. No. 3, pp. 288-9). 138 ABIGAIL (!,IJLLAR) ALLEN *"Robert Russell with his elder brother vVilliam assumed charge of the family of motherless children when their father took command of the troops of Western Virginia-soon after they went also into the field, volunteering under Col. William Campbell. His Indian campaigns were many and dangerous; he spent his youth in active military service and in consequence of hardships endured and difficulties surmounted he was well fitted to set out as a pioneer to the wilderness and plant his home in Kenutcky. For several years after the Revolutionary War he sur­ veyed and entered lands in Kentucky and Tennessee. v\7hile on a visit v.ith relatives in Culpepper and Shenandoah he made the acquaintance of the family of Col. Thomas Allen and on the 29th of May 1787 was united in marriage ,nth Deborah Montgomery Allen, the oldest daughter. In 179:3 he built the home in Kentucky upon a sightly elevation and called it Poplar Hill, so closely was it wooded with poplar groves. A fine spring at the foot of the hill with its basin in solid rock was highly prized and is the same today as then. The family of ten children were reared at Poplar Hill, now owned by :Mr. Hart Boswell who has modernized it for his own use." Their children were:

L ABIGAIL MII.Lu' RUSSELL, born June 22. 1788. 2. T.Alm'lli AnAll:s' RusBELL. born .Tune 16, 1790. 3. EL17..ABETD VA.."'1 MET!!:B' RUSSELL. Born May 7. 1792. 4. THOMAS ALLEN' RUSSELL, born February 5, 1794. 5. CAT.!IAKINE BRANSON' RUSSELL, born April 5. 1795: died April 9, 1798. 6. R.F.!IECCA WII.LIAMSO::c4 RUSSELL. born May 16, 1798. 7. DEBORAH llfONTGOltERT' RCSSELL. born .Tune 17. 1800. 8. Wt-.LIAM HENRT' RUSSELL. born October 9. 1802. 9. MARY .A."

•Taken from the Ru111,._.JJ Ce-nealo,ry, k!nd1y .lonn~d by- )foJtl:tnd A !lf'n ot Gnytord. Vn., ( De-ce~d) N. B.-V."berever ltotte-ra •·rltten to Rwurell hav" bN!n aPwered.. rf"Corda are con­ Unu~d aomc evt"n to d:ite: otbenvlite the)" :-tnn

3 1 1. ABIGAIL Mll:.LAR' RUSSELL [Deborah Jlf. , A.bigaiZ:, Wi1liam Mi1lar], born in Shenandoah Co., Va. June 22, 1788: died in Missouri, unmarried September 14, 1849. 2. TABITHA .ADAMS4 RUSSELL [Debm·ah 111.3, .1bigail\ William1 .M'i"llar] born in Shenandoah Co., Va., .June 16, 1790: died March 16, 1864. "She was a very superior woman both in intellect and in­ telligence and met with a courageous spirit all the vicissitudes of her life. She was married to Richard Pickett Long of Culpepper Co., Va., who remoYed to Kentucky and thence to Independ­ ence, Mo. where they both died." Seven children were born to them: 5 3 "l. DEBORAH A.LLEN Lmw [Tabitha A.', Deborah J.ll. , Abigai7f, Wi7liam1 J1i7lar], born in Lexington, Ky., June 28, 1811; was married there to Thomas I. Wilson (born in Baltimore, Feb. 18, 1796) in early life a sea captain, removed to :Missouri where he died a captalist.'' I. EDWARDn WILMN, died unmarried. II. A~::aa WILMx, born in Lexington, Ky., 1841; mar­ ried :March 5, 1866 Samuel Machette (deceased) of Kansas City, Mo., where she resided in 1908.

1. CLAUDE C! MACm:rTE. born Dec. 21, 1866: an architect In Kansas City Mo. 2. .AltTJIUK ST. CLAIR' MACHY.TTE. born Feb. 27, 1869; married Ann Rebecca. Nesbitt April 22. 1902. In hardware business in Kansas City, Mo. 3. SUSAN MAUDE' MAclIETTE. born Jan. 5, 1871; married September 19, 1894 William Adams Curry, Journalist living In Kansas City, Mo. l. ANNA' C'Orurr. born Aug1111t 27, 1895. 2. MAnTHA LUCILE" CulmY. born February 7. 1897. 4. Fo= W.' MA_CHETTF~ born May 6, 1875; In mercantile business In Kansas City, Mo. Married September 1, 1901 Anna Isabelle Penter. III. RICHARD6 WJLMN. IV. MARTHA REBECCA6 WIL50N, born at Fulton, Ky., July 29, 1845; married in Liberty, Mo., December 1, 1868 Richard L. Raymond. 140 ABIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN

1. luTE1 RAnior:o. born October 2, 1869. 2. 1REN&1 RAn10:m, born December 24, 1875. 3. RoY1 RAnio:rn. born December 28, 1879.

2. 1".lARY CATHARI-;,..""E:; Lmm [Tabitha .A..4, Deborah\ .Abigail:', William1 lllillar] married first James R. Ward and sec­ ond .Joseph H. Reynolds of Independence, 1Io. No de­ scendants. 3. ELIZABETH H.r; LONG [TabWia .A..4, Deborah .i.ll.\ .Abigail:', W-t"llia1n 1 .i.ll-t?lar], married first William C. Moore and secondly C. Bean. I. CHARLES W.0 l\fooRE, mani.ed Elizabeth Kinsey and has one son.


4. ROBERT 'NICHOLAS:. Lmm [Tabitha .A..4, Deborah M.3, .A.bigaiF, Wi?liam. 1 .Millar] of Indepenilence, Mo., married Miss Fanny Monroe.

I. 'FRANC&S AG:SF.s• Lo:SG. married --Davis. II. RouEKT" Lo:-io. III. CoRE'lT.\• Lo:sa. IV. MAtm•:" Lo:sG. V. OTA• LolfG.

5. A..'1":-."E RuSSELL5 LoxG [Tabitha .A..4, Deborah ill.::., .A.bigaiT-, Willia.m1 Millar], born in Lexington, Ky., February 13, 1827; was married in Independence, Mo. 1847 to Isaac Alexander Campbell (died in 1874). :Mrs. Campbell though seventy-sL~ wrote a kind note of interest when further records were asked and proffered the loan of her precious Russell Genealogy, already loaned the -writer of these records by her kinsman Maitland Allen, then living at "Clifton" near Gaylord, Va. I. RoBERT W.6 CA::\IPBELL, born August 7, 1850: died October 18, 1888. II. ISAAC A.6 CAlIPBELI:, born Sept. 1, 1854: died Sept. 27. 1891 a wife who later married Wilbur Jackson, a lawyer in Warsaw, Mo. ABIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN 141

ID. CLAUDE DuNCA.i.~6 CA.i.'\IPBELL_. born in Independence, Mo. A merchant in Idaho; married August 28, 1895 Ottilie Cramer, daughter of Ernest and Charlotte Cramer. No children. 6. THOMAS .A..LLE...~ LONG [Tabitha ..1.◄, Debora.h M.3, AbigaiT-, Wi1Uani 1 Mi"llar] died unmru.-ried. 3 7. TABITHA .An~rgli LONG [Tabitha A.4, Deborah M. , AbigaiT-, Williani1 Mi"llar], married William Lucas. I. Wn.LIAl\16 LUCAS, Denver, Colo. 4 3 3. Eu7.ABETH VA.:.~ }!ETER RUSSELL [Deborah ]f. , .A.bigaif, Wi"lliam 1 Mi"llar], born May 7, 1792: died August 19, 1857. "Was of most amiable and gentle nature." She married Judge Joseph Freeland of Maryland, who moved to Kentuck-y and later to Colloway County, Mo., where he died December 14, 1854. 1. DEBORAH ALLEN.:; FREELU-7) married Gen. John Curd of Palmyra, Mo. I. DIANA6 C-craD, married William H. Smith of Howard County, Mo.

1. WII.LLUI Cum,7 SMITH. 2. Flu.z:a:R McKm• SMITH. 3. F. CARTER· SMITH.

II. .MAR-t' CURD, married Re-.. Samuel L. Woody of Pike County, Mo.


2. ROBERT SPOTSWOOD" FREELA!'-7) died in earlY manhood. 3. DIANA" FREELAND died aged fifteen. • 4. THol\BS RUSSELL:; FREELA).7), died in early manhood. 4. THO:lIAS ALLEx4 RUSSELL [Deborah M.3, Abigaif, Wi"'lliam 1 Millar], born February 5, 1794 was educated at Transylvania University at Lexington, Ky.: was with the Kentuck-y troops on the Canadian Frontier in War of 1812. At twenty he laid the foundation of his home "Ash Hill" opposite side of Elkhorn and not far from "Poplar Hill". 142 ABW,llL (JIILLAR) ALI.EN

He was a succcssf ul planter living a domestic life though he served as Sheriff and legislator ancl was Colonel of State .Militia, 10th Regiment for many years. He died at "Ash Hill" ,July 20, 1846. He married first Anne Mastin' .Allen ('William\ .A.bigaiP, vVilliam1 :Millar) February 5, 1816 (born May 10, 1799: died May 25, 1828. Married secondly Sarah Louis Garrard, grand­ daughter of the second, Governor of Kentucky. 1. ROBERT SPoTswoonn RUSSELL [Thomas A.', Deborah M.3, 2 1 Abigail , Williani Millar], born October 25, 1818; mar­ ried Louisa ,J. Matson of Bourbon Co., Ky. and died September 24, 1854 leaving one son. I. ,JA:\TF.S MATS0~6 RUSSELL, born December 29, 1846. Left an orphan he was reared by his maternal grand parents, graduated from Yale, traveled, ex­ tensively and settled upon an estate inherited from his father. He married Caroline White of Bourbon Co., Sept. 1, 1874. Resides in Paris, Ky.

1. MABEL1 RUSSELL. born August 15, 1875; married B. A. Frank. December 17, 1900. Paris, Ky. 1. RUSSELL" FRA~K. born Feb. 19, 1902. 2. KATF.' RussF:LL. born March 18, 1877; married Oct. 24, 1899 John Barnes. Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1. LomsE" BAB~EB. born Oct. 30, 1902. 3. LoUIRF:1 RuRsELL. born April 18, 1879: married ?.larch 26, 1903 Charles Wilmoth; with Standard Oil Co. 1. CAltOLll'IE" WILllOTII. born June 25, 1905. 2. JAMES Toll." WIL::IIOTll, born November 8, 190S. 2. SARAH J\IIEREDITHG RussELL [Thomas A.4, Debo-rah M.\ Abigail\ Willia.1n 1 Millar], born August 15. 1820; mar­ ried March 28, 1838 Ed.ward A. Dudley of Frankfort, Ky. Removed in 1850 to Quincy, lli.; and died April 11, 1879. Mrs. Dudley died Feb. 24, 1879. I. JEPTHA6 DUDLEY died July 26, 1878. Married Susie M. Sherman. who lived on with her children in Quincy, lli.

1. EDWAllD Tll0MAB1 DUDLl,."Y. 2. JEl'TllA SHERMAN' DUDLEY. 3. Er.IzAm:Tll M.' DtroLl':Y. .-4.BTGAIL (.1111.LAR) Al.l,EN 143

II. THOMAS RussELL0 DUDLEY died at 8 years. 2 3. "\VILLIA::\Tr. RFS.'>ELL,] [Tho11u:i; .:1.\Dt!IHmth JC_, Abigail , 4. RF.13ECCA 5 RussJo:LL, f Willia,m' Jlillnr]. all died in in- 5. .A.xxEr. RUSSELL ' fancy. 6. *.AxxA~'RussF ..LL Thonws A.-(. Deborah JI.". .:lbir,afl\ lVillfom,1 .ilIUlar], born in Lexington, Ky., .April 22, 1830; married there May 8, 1856 Dr. Hippolyte des Cognets of Bretagne, France (born 1830). "Dr. des Cognets was a native of Rretagnc, France and a member of one of the oldest families of the old French nobility. He came while yet a youth as the adopted son of an uncle who accompanied him to New Orleans and his collegiate studies were completed at Madisonville on Lake Ponchartrain, St. Tammany Parish, La. He then went to Lexington, Ky., where he studied medicine and was graduated from the Medical depart­ ment of Transylvania University. .A few years later he returned to France and became a close student in the Medical schools and hospitals of Paris. Upon his return he settled in Lexington, Ky., where he lived until his death which occurred March 3rd, 1862 at the age of thirty two years. It would be difficult to express any eulogy be.fitting his elernted character: with a highly cultivated mind, a refined nature and, manners and appearance the most distingue, he was in all respects a model of a true and noble man." I. THO~AS JEa..'l'6 DES CoGNETS_. born in 18.57: died Feb­ ruary 19, 1865. II. LoUIS6 DF.S CoG~""ETS, born in Lexington, Ky., March 6, 1859 where he resides (1904). Married in Phila­ delphia, Pa. February 26. 1889 Estella McCarty, 144 ABIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN

(born July 31, 186i) daughter of Edward and :Mary E. (Hause) 1.foCarty.

l. RU!l!1£U} Dt;i; Coo:s'ETH, born January 6, 1890. 2. E,in:1.1.,.:1 r,t:l'I Coo:vr.r1-1.

7. MARGARET TABITHAr. RussELL [Thoma.~ .A..4, Deborah M.3, .Abi,qatf. WWiarn 1 1lb:Zlar], born at "Vale of Cedars" Fayette Co., Ky., January 15, 1836; married in Lexing­ ton .January 15, 1855 Major Alexander Gibson Morgan (born April 20, 1832) only son of Major Alexander G. Morgan who fell at Buena Vista. :Major Morgan was in Confede.. ate service until the close of the war, after which he returned with his family to "Morganza" their home in Fayette Co., Ky. They now (1904) reside at Green Cove Springs, Fla. I. .A.N:NE A.'IERICA 6 MORGAN, born March 1, 1856, mar­ ried Claudius M. ,Johnson of Lexington, Ky.


II. .A.LEX.A,.'1)ER GIBSO:N6 MORGAN, born February 26, 1858. III. SALLIE RussELI.6 l\foRGA.:.'T, born 1860. IV. THOMAS RussELL6 ~IoRGAN, born Knomlle, Tenn., November 10, 1863; married in Lexington, Ky. Julia Bruce.


V. CHs\RLES l\IcCLu:~rn6 l\IORGAN, born in Lexington, Ky. October 28. 1866. Unmarried in 1904. VI. MARGARET R.0 l\foRGA);". died August 19, 1899; lies buried in Cemetery at Lexington, Ky. VII. JASON H.0 MORGAN: died in infancy. VIII. CALTIX C.0 1IoRGAN: died in infancy. IX. LAURIE ALLEX6 MORGAN, born July 21. 1874: died March 9, 1902. ABIGAIL (Jfll,l,AR) ALI.EN 14G

11 8. NAXCY GARRAUDn RussF..LL [Tho111a.'I A.\ JJeboraJ, ;ll. , Abiyaif., Williain1 Jlillar], died in infancy. 9. LAURA VIRGINJAr; RussELL [Thoma,'/ A.4, Dt1bomh M.3., .Abigaif., TVilliarn 1 illillur], mrtrried W-illia.n, .J,1.wm Hawkins, son of Capt. Cary A. Hawkins of Madison Co., Ky., whose family is one of the most prominent and in­ fluential in the state. Mr. Hawkins died at his home "Greenfielcls'' in Fay­ ette Co., ,July 14, 1878. Mrs. Hawkins resides in Lex­ ington, Ky. (Russell Book). 10. THO:'\fAS Ar.. LF.X:. RtTSSF.LL [Thoma ..; A.4, IJ,,7wrnh Jf.3, .•'1bigaiF, William1 Millar]. joined the Confederate Ca­ valry commanded by Gen 'l ,T ohn H. Morgan. in Septem­ ber 1862, was wounded March 20, 1863 and died, April 3, 1863. His remains were a year later laid to rest near those of his father in the Cemetery in Lexington, Ky. 5. CATHARI~~ BRAXSOX4 RussELL [Deborah M/1., ..:1bigail2, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar]. born at "Poplar Hill" Fayette Co., Ky., April 5, 1795: died April 9, 1798. 4 3 6. REBECCA vVrr.. Lr.ursox RussELL [Deborah 11-/. , Abigai?-2, Wi1liami 1 1lfi?lar]., born May 16, 1798 and died September 13, 3 1850. Married March 24, 1818 Thomas Millar• Allen (William , 1 Abigaff\ William ) (born 1797) by Elder Barton Stone. 1. ~•WY E.5 ALLEX, born March 4, 1827; married her cousin Robert Millar5 Allen (born in Front Royal, Va.. Nov.14, 1819) who died in Boone Co., l\f o. Dec. 7, 1853: she died in 1870 leaving no descendants. 2. WILLIA)! H.5 ALLEX, born .June 30, 1824: died in Colum­ bia, ~fo., in 1890 unmarried. Four other children5 died very young. 7. DEBORAH l\foxTGO:MERl.4 Rt;SSF..LL [Deborah Jlf.\ A.bigatf, Wi1liam1 1lfi7lar] born .June 17, 1800: died October 6, 1830. '' She was endowed with beauty and talent.'' Married William Trigg Breckinridge, a lawyer of Kentucky, they Jh-ed some years at Morganfield and later remoYed to Vicksburg, Mis~. where Mrs. Breckinridge died. 146 .ABIGAIL (:,!ILLAR) ALLEN

I. Euir.AJ1r.r11 Lr.rITu• BRr.Ch."l:\"Rroo,: who married a relative Thomas Saunders or Nashville Tr.nn. 2. EoLANTINP:" BRF.CKl!VIUPG>: married Enoch Hooten ot Andrian County, Mo. I. LUELLA" HOOTY.N. died In Infancy. JI. Ronrm-r n.• H~. marrlt>d Ella Baskin. III. J orrN B.• HO

8. Wrr..LIAM HK~ntY4 RUSSELL [Deborah Jf.3, .A.bi_qai1,2, Williani1 MiUa,rJ.. born October 9, 1802 at "Poplar Hill" and died in Washington, D. C. October 13, 1873, buried in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Georgetown, D. C. '' He was a member of the Legislature of Kentucky in 18.'30 and was mainly instrumental in securing the election of Henry Clay to the U. S. Senate in 1831; so acknowledged by Mr. Clay himself. In the fall of 1831 he moved to Missouri, was Judge advocate of a regiment in the Black Hawk war. In 1838 and '40 was a member of Missouri State legislature serving in 1839 as member of the Harrisburg Convention and urged Mr. Clay for the Presidency. .Appointed by President Harrison, Marshall of :Missouri, comprising at that time :Missouri, Iowa, :Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska. In 1846 he went to California at the head of a large emi­ gration, w·as appointed Secretary of State while Fremont was acting Governor. In 1848 he was a member of the Philadelphia Convention. In 1849 Colonel Russell returned to California where he was made honorary member with Gov. Waller of the con­ vention that framed the State Constitution. In 1851 he was appointed Collector of Customs at Monte­ ray 1mtil his successor was appointed by Mr. Pierce. He practiced law with Senator Baker and Edward Stanley of North Carolina, in San Francisco, Cal. In 1861 he was appointed by Mr. Lincoln U. S. Consul at Trinidad de Cuba. which office he held until after the assassination, receiv- AXIGAIL (JlILL,tR) ALLEY 147

ing especial praise in his discharge of duties, notably his suc­ cessful effort to rescue the ".Joseph :Maxwell" from the claims of the Spanish Government, she being a prize of the Confeder­ ate steamer 'Sumpter'." Col. Russell married early in life Zanette Freeland of Baltimore, Md. 1. RoBERT EuGE1'~ RUSSELL [William H:', Deborah .1.lf.3, Abigm??, Wi1liam1 .11'Ii"llar] went to California in early life. No records obtainable. 2. EGBERT FREELA:ND::. RUSSELL [William H.", Deborah M.3, AbigaiT-, Wi"lliam 1.1lfi"llar] of Kansas City, Mo. Married Sarah Lykins.


3. FREDERICK Wn.LIAlr' RussELL [William H.4, Debor,1,h Jf.3, AbigaiT-, Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar], went to California in early life. 3 4. THOMAS .ALLE:'.1-..::. RUSSELL [Wi1liam H.4, Deborah M. , A bigaiT-, Wi"lliam 1 .1.lfi"llar]. Fulton, Mo. Unmarried. 5. .JoSEPHIXE DEBORA~ RUSSELL [Wi"lliam H.', Deborah Jf.3, Abigaif, William1 Mfllar] married :first Eugene Erwin, a grandson of Henry Clay, who was Col of Si"dh regiment of Missouri Infantry and fell in defense of Vicksburg in 1863. Married second .Jobn M. Clay, the youngest son of Henry Clay of Ashland. Mr. Clay died in 1888, since which time 1!rs. Clay has had charge of her husbands busmess the far famed thoroughbred stock farm of Ash- land, near Lexington, Ky. · She has written several novels, notably "Uncle Phil", "What Will the World Say", "Only a Woman", and "Some Little of the Angel Still Left". In a letter to the writer of Millar-du Bois Genealogy, 148 ABIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN

in 1906, Mrs. Clay cleverly apologized for her lack of in­ formation upon family history by saying '' I have been very busy here and have found pedigree upon fotu· feet more profitable than upon two."

I. Lucrt&TIA CuY" ERWIN, married Minor Simpson. 1. JoIIN M. CLAY' SD!PSON. 2. JoHr.PJlINE RUHsKLL' SD!PSON. 3. EUGENE EnWIN' Sn!PSON. II. Nll"l'TIF: RUSRELt• EnWIN. III. MARY WEJJ,iTER• ERWIN. IV. EUnENIA. ERWIN, died Jn Jn!ancy. 6. HENRY CLAY" RUSSf'..LL [William H.•. DelJorah M.•. AlJigail'. William' Millar] marrJed Fanny Basey. I. EUGENE" RUSSELL. II. H=Y" RussEI.L. III. Cr.ARENCE" RtTBSF:T.L.

7. GEORGE WASHL'-"GTO~ RUSSELL [Wm. H.", Deborah M.8, .A.bigaiT-, William1 Jli1larl a Captain in the Confederate Army in Forest's Command, lives in New Mexico, un­ married. (Russell Genealogy). 9. MARY .A...vNE BoWEN" RUSSELL [Deborah }f.3, .A.bigai1:-, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born September 25, 1805: died September 11, 1882. .Married May 1826 .Je:fferson Garth of Scott Co., Ky., and moved. to Boone County in 1836. "She lived to see her children reach manhood and woman­ hood, bearing the impress of her Christian training in their lives as useful and respected men and women. Mr. Garth's great energy and industry aided by superior business qualities have enabled him to accumulate a large estate." I. JOHN RoBERT11 GARTH [Mary .A.!, Deborah\ A.bigaif, Wfll-iam. 1 llfi1lar], born No,. 10, 1827: died 1877. Mar­ ried Kate l\, Turner January 5, 1851. I. TUR~"ER6 G. .\RTH, married Ella ~foDonald of Kansas City, Mo.

1. ROBERTA' GARTII. married Mills Easter. ]. Tcm.'ttll" EASTER. 2. MII.r.s" EA.STEil.. ABIG.d.IL (MILLAR) ALLEN 149

6 II. J EFFERSON · GARTH died in early manhood. ill. MARY ANNE0 GARTH married Emmit Clinkscales. Address Columbia, Mo.

1. RosEKT' CLINKIICALICS, married Maude Boyd. 2. RUSBELL1 CLINXIICAL£8, 3. G..urru" CLINKSCALES.

IV. SQUIRE TURNER6 GARTH, born in Columbia, .Mo., August 5, 1859. Real Estate dealer in Larned, Kan­ sas. :Married i:n Nebraska City, Neb. June 28, 1881 Annie E. Woods, soon after graduating from the University of :Missouri.

1. MATILDA' GARTH, born in 1884; married October 26, 1904 Robert P. Vernon. in Real Estate business in KaDB118 City, Mo. 1. KATHRYNE A."'ll\.. VER:SO!'i, born Dec. 1905. 2. GAJlTJI" VERNON. born 1909. 2. KATlmYNE M." G.UtTn, born 1891; married March 5, 1916 Dean Sunderland. Banking In Forgan. Okla. 1. Df'-\N. SUNDEJtL.\l\"11, born 1919. 2. A."'{N NELL" SUNDEBL\."'{D, born 1922.

V. l\Lum STO:!-."E6 GARTH, born in Columbia, lfo., mar­ ried in Kansas City, William Henry Grant. Address Kansas City, Mo.

l. GAKTH' GRA::o;T, died In Infancy.

'> THOMAS .ALI.Ex:. GARTH [11f ary A.\ Deborah JL'::., Abigai'f, William 1], born Oct. 6, 1829. Died unmarried. 3. WII..LLnr GARLA2''"D5 GARTH [Ma,ry A.4, Deborah M.3, AibaiZ:, Wi"lliam1 .ilfi"llar], born in Scott Co., Ky. Nov. 19, 1832: died March 30, 1899. Served in the War with :Mexico and as Colonel in the Federal Army during the Civil War. Re married j;n Liberty, Mo., March 1, 18-56 Katharine Berry who died there in the home of her son April 1915. I. ,JEF.FERSOX6 GARTH, born March 1857: died in 1862. II. ,JoH~ BERRY6 GARTH, born in Liberty, Mo., 1861 near which place he farmed and raised fine cattle. In 1886 in Kansas City he married Lillian V. Garth 150 .ABIGAIL (MILL.AR) ALLEN

of Georgetown, Ky., who died in 1900. l\fr. Garth died May 30, 1913.

l. MARY PATil'E1 GABTJI. born in 1887; married August 28, 1911 William Everett Campbell, Libt:rty, Mo. 1. LILLIA."i KATIIARil'iE GARTB" CAll.PJIELL, born October 24, 1915. 2. WIJ.LIA)I GA.RTJI' CAMPBELL. born May 2, 1923.

4. ELIZABETH .A.r. GARTH [Mary A. B.", Deborah M.3, .Abigaif, Wi1liam 1 lrfi1lar ], born October 9, 1833; married Caleb Thompson Worley (born near Lexington, Ky., 1819) Dec. 4, 1855. Mrs. Worley attended College in Lexington, then Christian College in Columbia. I. :MAR'Y'1 WORLEY, married Eugene White who with their two children survh·ed Mrs. White who died in December 1907.


II. JEFFERSON GARTH 6 WoRLEY married Bess La Bertew .April 25, 1898; married second 1923 Nettie Estes of Columbia, Mo., near which they reside. :.[r. Worley having been a J\:fissouri University man was first a merchant, then farmer, now retired. No further records received. 5. S.A:\IUEL .A.r. GARTH [Mary A. B.4, Deborah 31.\ .Abiga1t\ Wi?liam 1 ilfi1lar], born March 11, 1836 in Georgetown Ky. Served as Major in Col. Gentry's Regiment of Missouri Volunteers in the Civil War. Engaged in Fire Insurance business in St. Joseph, Mo., where he died April 11, 1907. He married in St. .Joseph Nov. 17, 1864 Clara Craig who died .April 14, 1912. lIELEN6 GARTH, born Fe·;.,ruary 7, 1866; married George Schneider on October 12, 1887. Mr. Schneider. son of Ulrich and }fagdalene (Schott) Schneider. Banker in St. .Joseph, Mo., where they reside. ABIGAIL (MILLAR) -4.LI,EN 151

L ULRICH' ScJUIF.IDEB, born July 24, 1888; married May 1!.l, 1911 Jeannette Johnson and resides In St. Joseph, Mo., where he Is ln Insurance business. 2. HELF.:s MAR' Scn!\"EIDEB. born Aug. 5, 1890; married December 28, 1912 Henry W. Walker, a merchant in St. Joseph, Mo. l. HELF.!f Jt..•ot• WALKER, born July 17, 1917. 3. JORN G.' Scm."EIDER, born April S, 1897. Servec;I as 1st. Lieut. 80th Co. Gth Regiment Marines in World War; taking part in the Battles of Bellew Wood and Solssons, was killed In Argonne near Eximont, November 1, 1918. He received the Distinguished Service Cross and the Croix de Guerre-and only just past twenty-one when ldlled.

II. JAMF..S JEFFERSox 0 GARTH, born January 29, 1870. Married Alice Kirk-patrick January 8, 1896.

l. ARTmm G.' GARTII, born July 15, 1897, married Dec. 15, 1926 Thelma E. Auld. l. .TAlIES JEFFE11so:s• GAIITII, born July 13, 1904. 2. Al.JCE" GARTH, born September 11, 1907. 3. HJi:LE:,;• GABTn. twin to Alice. 4. CR.UG R." GARTII. born July s. 1909.

III. MARY RuSSELLc GARTH, born }fay 27, 1875; mar­ ried John C. Landis, October 22, 1901.

1. Jom,; C.' LA.~01s, born November 4, 1902. 2. GARTII' LA:SDIS. born November G, 1907.

IV. IDA Cauo6 GARTH, born July 13, 1877. Resides in apartments in St. Joseph, Mo. 6. If:E.:-.""RY H.:; GARTH [1lf ary A. B.4, Deborah M..\ .1.ibi_qaif, Wi7liam1 J.f i"llar] born in Columbia, Mo., May 5, 1841. Banker; married October 9, 1862 Rhoda A .. Turner (born in Richmond, Ky.• Jan. 10, 1844) daughter of B. and Mary Turner. I. ELIZABETH6 GARTH, born in Columbia, Mo., Febru­ ary 3, 1865; married August 12, 1884 .Joseph H. Crews. l. RnODA .Al.BINA' CREWS. 3 7. JA:\IB.~ l\f.:; GARTH [Jlfary A. B.4, Deborah Jlf. • Abi,qait=, Witliam1], born No"\""ember 22, 1843. Married Emma Spence. 152 ABIG,1/L (Jf/LLAR) ALLEN

I. llARY6 GARTH. II. K,\Tl~ G.6 GARTH. 8. WALTJIB W.-UU!EX~ GARTH [M(J,r/J A. B.4, Debora/,, Jlf.3, Abigaif·, Williaru 1 .JJ,illar], born .January 27, 1848 at Columbia., Mo.; married October 7, 1867 Mary E,alyn Samuel (born in Columbia, lfo. Feb. 13, lS.50). Mr. Garth was cashier of Exchange National Bank in Co­ lumbia. On April 10, 1915 Mrs. Garth died and on .January 9, 1916 3fr. Garth died; both from pneumonia. I. .JoHx SA:\CUEL6 GARTH born .August 4. 1868: died November 24, 1881. II. 3L\.RY RuSSELL6 G.-\.RTH, born l\Iarch 6, 1870; mar­ ried .June 6, 1901 Dr. James Gordon. a physician of Columbia, Mo. No children. III.• JEFFERSOx H.6 GARTH. born December 21, 1871; married October 2, 1S94 Amanda Evans of Clay Co., Mo. Address Kansas City. Mo., 509 Knickerbocker.

1, PAta.r;,.t: EvA.

IV. KATE BF.RRY6 GARTH, born July 23. 1873: died August 6, 1874. Y. LucY 6 GARTH, born July 3, 1875; married April 23, 1902 Dr. H. I. Bragg, a dentist of Columbia, Mo. On .July 10, 1926 l\frs. Bragg died from a nervous breakdown. VI. WILLIA)I W.6 GARTH, born February 13, 1880. Resides with Dr. and :Mrs. Gordon, Columbia, )fo. For years adYertising manager of Columbia '·Daily Tribune." 10. ROBERT SPOTSWOOD~ RUSSELL [Df'borah JC\ .tibigaiT-, lVtUia.111, 1 J.1111.lar ]. born October 27, 1807: died August 30, 1840. "He studied medicine at Transylvania University and entered early upon the practice of his profession. ,tBIGAIL (JIILL.4.R) .4.LJ,E}.' 153

In 1835 he removed with his father's family to Calloway Co., Mo.. where he established at once a large practice in which he was most successful" He married Sally Conn Ware (born March 18, 1806) of Bourbon Co., Ky., daughter of Thompson and Sallie ( Conn) Ware. 1. S.AR.-\H;; RUSSELL [Robert S:', Deborah .11.:i, Abiga,i,T-, William 1 .Jlt'.llar], born April 5, 1828; married ,Joseph ·wasson who was a wholesale grocer; died and lies buried in Frankfort, Ky. Mrs. Wasson died April 4, 1902 and lies in the cemetery in Covington, Ky. I. l\iARY Ix:\'ES6 W assox born in Frankfort, Ky. J anu­ ary 3, 1856; married October 28, 1875 Francis Marion l\foDannold (born in Kenton Co., Feb. 7, 1846) a Lumber merchant in Covington, Ky., where Mrs. 1\IcDannold died February 24, 1890. Mr. l\fcDannold was the son of .Jabez and Elizabeth (Wright) McDannold (the latter born in 1804).

l. SAPwUI' lllcD.L.. XOLJ>. born May 31. 1877: married April 1889 Richard Henry Rawson, a wholesale candy merchant in Clncfn• natl, Ohio. 1. RUSSELL" RAwwx, born June 9, 1900. 2. ELI7.ABETn' McDA.... XOLD. born in Covington. Ky., August 10, 1878; married there September 3. 1903 John Barnes .Here!ord, a mer• chant o! Odessa, Mo. He was the son o! Dr. Almond and Jane L. (Wood) Here!ord. l. llfamo:-;• HERF:rorm. born November 17, 1904. 2. Lrsr.ETn 1:-.:-.ES" Hmo;rono. born June 25, 1907. 3. MARIO:'i' llkDA;;NoLo. born in Covington. Ky., August 4, 1880. Married there January 1906 Oliver Morton Bake, Vice Pres. o! :lilami Valley Bank at Hamilton. Ohio. (1910). 1. MARY LISB~--rn• BAKE. born 1907. 4. Al.F.X.\XDEB MoNTG0:11'.F.ltY' McDA..',:O.OLD. born June 19, 1885; was In U. S. Naval Service when last heard from. 5. M.Ar.<.AJ:ET'McD.~.. :-.ou,. born June :!l, 188;'. married April 1910 to Taylor Greenwold, a lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio.

2. ROBERT THOl\{PSON5 RUSSELL [Robert S.4, Deborah 11{.3, .A.bigaiT-, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar].. born :March 24, 18.30; married 154 ABIGAIL (Jlfll,LAR) ALLEN in 1903 Nannie Mc.i.~eil of Odessa, Mo., and died July 19, 1906 leaving no descendants. 4 3 3. }!ARY E.r; RuSSELL [Robert S. ; Deborah M. , Abigai'"F, Wtlliam1 1lli?lar], born February 10, 1832; married April 5, 1849 her relative Charles W. Innes. She died in 1855 and }fr. Innes in 1883 leaving two sons. Mr. Innes was a graduate of Yale. I. HE~"'RY E.0 I~"NES, born in Fayette County, Ky., July 28, 1851; married in Lexington, Ky., where he was a successful merchant .June 10, 1884 Cordelia Rich­ ardson, daughter of William H. and Jane (Stamps) Richardson.

l. H1,.--:-.1tr Er.GLESTON1 INNES. born January 12, 1889; in wholesale grocery business in Lexington. 1. WEBB1 INNES. born April 23, 1894. 3. RICHARDSON' INNES. bom December 20, 1901.

II. RoBERT HExRYG !~111."F.S, born in Fayette Co., Ky., March 30, 1853 was educated by a tutor of Bethany College, Va.; married in Lexington, Ky., November 28, 1877 Anne Dougherty Richardson, daughter of William Hall and Jane (Stamps) Richardson: died July 31, 1899 survived by his wife and four children Jhwg in Le..'tlngton (1910). :i\i!rs. Innes death is the only later fact obtainable.

1. MARY RUSSELL' IN::-..:s. born July 31, 1879; married February 16, 1910 Joseph Clarence Kerr, son or Jam-es C. Kerr of Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2. Wu.LIE RICHARDSON' INNES. born October 14, 1880. 3. JA:<1E RrCIL\BDso:<1' l::-.':

I. RoBERT11 EGGLESTOx, born in Covington, Ky., 1866. Married in Lexington June 1, 1894 Olive Rasmussen.

1. DoROTHY7 EGGLESTo:,;, bol"ll FP.!>, 11, 1895, 2. ROBl".RT1 EGoLESTO:,;, born July 9. 1897.

II. CuF.FoRD RussELL0 ·.ALxUTT, born in Indianapolis, Ind. July 21, 1877. Married .June 17, 1903 in Chicago, Kathryn Young. 1 5. CATH •.\RINE' RUSSELL [Robert S.\ Debora.h ~1i.: , Abigaa=, Wi?.liam1 1lli1lar], born June 13, 1839; married Thomas Hays of Covington, Ky.. and died in 1864 leaving no children. 11. J!.mLur ~Lu..:VINA 4 RUSSELL [Deborah 1ll.3, Abigau-, Wi1liam1 Millar], born March 20, 1810 and died October 23, 1844; married Dr.. Matthew Arnold (born 1805) of Nicholas County, Ky. and in 1835 they moved to Boone County, Mo. "She was the pet of the household, being the youngest, warm hearted and affectionate, she was devoted to her little family from whom she was early taken." 1. LizZIE D.5 AR..~oLD [Jforiam llf.4, Deborah JJ.!\ Abi,qaif, Wflliarn1 .Millar] died unmarried Nov. 5, 1901. 2. l\illRIA:. .A.RxoLD [Miriam M.\ Deborah 1ll.3. Ab·igaif, Wi1liam. 1 Mi1lar], born in Boone Co., Mo., February 3, 1838; married by her uncle rrhomas Millar• Allen De­ cember 24, 1868 B. A. Jones, a Professor in the School at Linneus, Mo. I. FLORENCE6 Jo~, born September 13, 1869, teacher of Music in her home town Linneus (1910). II. LILLIE M,u;v1NA8 Jo~"ES, born July 4, 1872; married December 1897 William Paul Conger, connected with newspaper work in Linneus.

1. EAa.-,;EST A. Aa.-,;ow• C.J:,;GJm. born May 10, 1909. ill. BARTON ARX0LD6 Jo~'"ES, ,JR., born November 11, 1876. Traveling salesman living in Linneus, Mo. (1907). 1"6 A./lf(},t/1, ( ,V//,/,AR) A.1,1,MN

IV. Lrzzu; Russi-:LL6 .Jo~n:.s, born February 19, 1879; married November 1896 F. J. Flournoy, in news­ paper bmiiness in Carlinsville, Mo.

,, WIJ,LLnJ:i .Ar,Lr•:N [Abigail~, William' .llillar], born May 7, 1769: died Au~st 18, 1809. His home was about sb: miles south west of Front Royal, Va., later owned by Daniel Hall; he married December 29, 1796 Sarah :Meredith Scroggin (died September 20, 1804). 2 1 l. THOl\lAS MILLAR' ALLEN [Williama, Abigail , Wi1liam Jlilla.r]. born October 21, 1797: died in 1871; married his 4 1 1 cousin Rebecca W. Russell (Deborah l\V • Abigail2, William ) (born .l\lay 16, 1798: died Sept. 13, 1850). 1. MAm·G ALLEX died in 1870; married her cousin Robert 3 1 Millar' .Allen (Robert M. , AbigaiPi William :Millar) born in Front Royal, Nov. 14, 1819: ,l,ied in Boone Co., 1\fo. Dec. 7, 1853). No descendants. 2. w·ILLIA:\r H.~ ALLEX. born in 1823: died in Columbia, Mo., in 1890. Unmarried.

4 2 1 2. ..\.xx1~ l\iAsTIN ALLEX [William\ Abigail , lVitl-iam ilfWar],. born May 10, 1799: died. May 25, 1828. Married her 3 cousin Col. Thomas .Allen' Russel] (Deborah lVI. , Abigail2. William1 l\fillar) (born Feb. 5, 1794: died July 20, 1846). 1. ROBERT SPOTSWOOD5 RUSSELL [Anne .lf.4, Williarn\ Abi,qai:t:, 1Vt7liam 1 .lf£llar], born October 2:3, 1818: died September 24, 1852. Married Louisa .J. :Matson of Bour­ bon County, Ky. I. .J.. nrnS 6 RuSSELL, born December 26, 1846. "Left an orphan he was reared by his maternal grand.parents, frraduated from Yale. traYeled e:tlensivelr and i;;et­ tled upon an estate inherited from his father." He married Sept. 1, 1874 Caroline White of Bourbon County; resides in Paris, Ky.

1. MAB!:I.1 Rt·ssEJ.L. born August 15. 1875; married Dec. 17, 1900 B. A. Frank. Paris, Ky. ABIGML (.I/ILL.1R) ALLEN lb7

1. Rll>IMKI.L. FIIAl'IK, born February 19, 190:?. 2. KATY.' Rt:>IHELL, born March lH, lSii; married Octobtlr 24, 1899 John Barnea, Mt. SterUng, Ky. 1. Lot•IM>:" BAIINP:8, born October 30, 1911:?. 3. L1m1111c' Rt111Hr,;LL, born April 18, 1879; married March 26, 1903 Charles Wilmoth with the Standard Oil Co. 1. CABOLINIC" Wil,AIOTll, born June 21i, 1901i. 2. JAMY.H TOM' Wrt,MOTJI, born November 8, 1908,

2. SARAH MEHEDITH11 RUSSELL [An'lle M.\ TVilUa.mi'. Abigail2 Wi7liam 1 Millar], born August 15, 1820; married March 28, 1838 Edward A. Dudley of Frankfort, Ky. They removed in 1855 to Quincy, Ill., where Mr. Dudley died April 1879, she having dfod the previous 24th of Feb. I. ,JEPTHA6 DUDLEY, died July 26, 1878; married Susie M. Sherman of Quincy, Ill. where she with her child­ ren resided.


11 II. THOMAS RuSSFLL DUDLEY, died aged eight years. 3. WILLIAM" RussELL l [A ilf 4 w·zr 3 Ab. ·r- 4. REBECCA G RUSSELL > - _n'f!e 1 i • , i . ia~i , • . igai -, 5. A-~xE~ RUSSELL 1 j 11' rlliam 11'117.lar] all died m mfancy. 3. DEBORAH MoNTGOlIER'r ALLEN [Wi7liam3, AbigaiT-, Wi?liam 1 Mi1lar], born August 2, 1801.

3. 'l'HO:"lfAS: Au.Ex [Abi.r,,mT-, Wl1liam1 Millar], born December 27, 1774 inherited large tracts of land, and. upon one of them he built a large two story residence situated three miles south west of Front Royal, Va. overlooking the splen­ did bottoms between it and the Shenandoah river. He mar­ ried September 20, 1804 Catharine3 Branson, daughter of Lionel and Rebekah2 Millar Branson. Children of Thomas3 and Catharine3 (Branson) Allen.

L REIIEccA• Ar.LEN. born June 22, 1805. 2. CATIUJUNE DU Boxs4 ALLEN, born September 4, 1807. 168 ABIGAIL ( .\IILLAIO ALI,EN

3. El.lZAHY.Tll WKI.TON' ALl.t:N, born February 4, 1810. 4. AIITIIELIA' ALLEN, born May 16, 1812. 6. SAi.LY A.-.:.-r. Ar.Lt:.s, born October 21, 1814. 6. LIONEL Bl

4 3 1 1. REnECCA ALLEX [Tltorrws , Abi9ail::, William Millar],. born .June 22, 1805; married William Botts, a farmer then living in Shenandoah County, Va. 1. THO:\L\S ALLENr. BOTTS, born November 30, 1822 ; mar­ ried October 18, 1860 Mary C. Moore (born in Virginia). Farmed in California near College City. No children. 2. NAXCY:; BoTTs, born December 11, 1824: died August 17, 1905 in Nebraska City, Neb. at the home of her father's sister lfrs. Chadduck, by whom she was brought up. 3. BETTI"Jt BoTTS, born April 9, 1826: died 1863. 4. GEORGEr. BOTTS, born December 9, 1827; married April 1872 Mrs. Anna Virginia (Moore) Buckley, a sister of l\1rs. Thomas i\.Jlen Botts. .Also farmed in California near .Arbuckle. No children. 4 3 1 2. CATHARINE DU Bors ALLEN [Thomas , AbigaiT-, Wi?liam .1lfi1lar], born September 4, 1807: died July 12, 1862. Married August 3, 1825 Sifos Fristoe (born .July 20, 1802: died April 22, 1870) son of William and Lucy Fristoe (born respectively 1745 and 1780 and died 1818 and 1855. 1. THol\rAs" FRISTOE [Catharine du B.4, Thomml, AbigaiT-, William 1 .1lf11lar], born September 20, 1826 was killed in the "B8.ttle of Seven Pines" May 31, 1862. Had mar­ ried in 1850 Elizabeth Skelton (born 24, 1829) who died in the fall of 1867 leaving a family of five orphaned children to be brought up among various kinfolk. I. Lucy B.6 FRISTOE, born Oct.27.1850: died November 1888; married about 1870 a Mr. Platt and left two r.hildren address not known.


II. .JA?-r:&s Co:MPTON6 FRISTOE, horn Dec. 1, 1853, Shel- ABIGML (Jlll,L,IR) Al,l,FJN

bina, .:\lo. ( 1904) ; mar1.ied l\farch 15, 1881 Lillie White l\fatthews (born l\Iay 19, 1861).

1. AM MA y' FnrsToP!. born February !?0, 1882: married February 26, 1901 John Deboard. a farmer living near Shelbina, Mo. 1. LU.LrF: Br.LL' DE110,\IIU, born December 13, 190!?, !?. FARLEY AullOT"r' FRINTOP!. born June 1!?, 18S4. 3. J\'y Drr-a.AR' FRrsrot:, born February 13, 1886. 4. Ront:ltT KEI.r.An1 FRIBTOt:. born May 26, 1890. 5. LUTJIP.:11 Wt:NLEY' FRUITOr., born Dec. 30, 1S94,

III. .JOHN l\in.Tox" FRISTOE. horn )larch 5, 1856, living at Riverton, Va. (1904); married first Mollie C. Palmer who died: married second Annie Balthis. No children. IV. THOMAS WILLIAM6 FRISTOE, born .June 16, 1858, has been a wanderer for years. V., SALLIE CATHARI::,.r:° FRISTOE, born i\larch 30, ]861; married December 23, 1886 W. B. Grove, a druggist in Clifton Forge, Va.

1. FRISTOE LATntF.117 GltO\'E. born October 11, 18S7. 2. SADIE ELIZABETH' GnovE, born December 13, 1890. 3. M.\trDE ELLA' GROVE. born .Tuly 11, 1894. 4. WILLIA.'K B.7 GROVE, .TR., born May 12, 1897.

2. 1!ILTo:-.:; FRISTOE [Catharine du B.4, Thonia.

1. LEE .T.' MAUCK. born December 27, 1870. Married March 19, 1902 Annie Cullers. Live fn Martinsburg, W. Va. 160 AFIJr;All, (.11/l,l,AR) ALLEN

1. DA:SIY.l, H1;:v•r1rn• llfAl'CK, born December 1903. 2. JAC0II H.' MAUCK, born Mny 1, lk73: died June 19, 1874. 3. E1.11t:1.- MAUCK, born December 2, 18i4; mnrrhid December 9, 1896 Mny Kendall. No chlldren. 4. CllllTl>I' MAtlCK, born Mnrcb 6, 18ii. 6. El.l~Alll-:'rll' MAUCK, born June 30, 1879. 6. STEJ,l..,\7 MAUCK. born September 11, 1881; married April 10, 1901 M. J. Foeter. Living In Mnrtlnsburg, W. Va. 1. JMAIIY.l,LA E.' Fo,mm. born Au,z'USt ::, 1903. 7. Mr:

II. MAlff CATHA1UXE6 FmsToE, born ,July 1. 1856 at Bentonville, Va. Married October 7, 1875 Robert Compton (died, ,June 4, 1903) and died December 7, 1912.

1. ELl..A TY.:lll'Ll!:7 COlfl'TO:s', born Sept. 24, 1876; married July 23, 1894 Turner Hughes at Hngerstown, Md. Address Buena Vista, Va. l. MAIUE K'I.TlILF"~· HUGIIES, born December 13, 1895. 2. Rom,:RT Com>Tox• HuGnEs, born November 14, 1897. 3. NAN!'flY. TEMPLE" HUGHE8. born January 10, 1900; married 1n New York City January 9. 1926 Peter Conrad Waldeck. 4. CLYDP! HOLLIDAY" HUGHEN. born February 12, 1902. 5. HELF"-"l Vmo=• HUGHES. born March 17, 1904. 6. MARION' K.,TJIRn" HUGHES. born June 3, 1906. 7. DooGLA:< Tox."lfElt" HunHEs, born December 2, 1908. 8. EDlltl':S-D ScnooLF.R" HuonEs. born May 25, 1911. 2. NA!'f:S-IF A1mnY' Co:11J'TO:-r. born October 8, 1879; married October 7, 1903 Otte W. Borden. Front Royal, Va. 1. ROBERT OSWALD" BORDE!'f. born October 7. 1904. 2. ELI.A GRACE" BOl'J>EN. born March 3. 1907. 3. MARY C.\THERIXE" BoRDE.~. born June 8, 1910. 4. A~lt.\ CEUTRUDE" BoRD~. born Pee. 23. 1913.

IIL RonERT ALLEx° FrusToE. born :\fay 6, 18.59. Mer­ chant in Bentonville, Va. Married ,January 5, 1887 in Page County~ :Mattie B. Good.

1. EAl'J. LY:-roo:s-' FRISTOE. born December 10. 1887. 2. ALLl-::S- Gooo' F'RISTOF:. born March 6, 1896.

IV. .ASHBY JACKSOX6 FRISTOE, born September 16, 1861. .-lBIO.dlI. (JIILLARJ ALLEY 161 Educated at Richmond College, Crozier Theological Seminary and Johns Hopkins University. Has served terms as pastor in Rappahannock Co., Petersburg, Central Church Chattanooga, Tenn., Fourth Street, Portsmouth, Va. and was called to the pastorate of Park .A. venue Baptist Church of Nor­ folk, Va., January 15, 1905. He received the degree of D. D. from Carson and Newman College, Tenn. In August 1885 he married Bertie Lewis, daugh­ ter of Dr. R. S. Lewis of Culpepper. Va. Seven children were born to them-

l. KATIE LEw1s' F!USTOF., born Mny 28, 1886. 2. ROBERT LF.E' FRISTOE. born January 30, 1888. 3. ALFllED DRU:Ul!O:,:o' FRISTOE. born March 22, 1890. 4. SADIE YOUNG' FRISTOE. born January 11, 1893. 5. HAlmY WAITE' FRISTOE. born June 29, 1896. 6. MARY ELI7..\DF.Tll1 FRISTOE. born July 5, 1899. 7. Lotn:SE DUDLEY' FRISTOE. born September 30, 1901.

V. LUTHER H.6 FRISTOE, born January 12, 1865; mar­ ried ,January 14, 1884 Ruby Rogers. He was County Supervisor (1907) living at Bentonville, Va.

1. Bt:R:\'ARD A.' FIUSTOE. born December 25, 1886. 2. MEll.\DE E.' FRISTOE, born October 18, 1888; married April 24, 1907 Robert F. Emmert. Lived at Charlottesville, Va. 3. Er:cELU: S.' FrusTOI!:. born November 18, 1890. 4. Mr:>::."IE E.' FRISTOt:. born June 3, 1894. 5. FRA:\'K L.' FrusTOF- born October 24, 1897. 6. LUTREii Hu:\'TEtf FrusT0E. born May 22, 1900.

VI. J. LoVELL6 FRISTOE, born October 9, 1867. Dealer in General :Merchandise at Clifton Station, Va. Married July 2, 1891 Allie Vorous (born Dec. 23, 1866). No children. VII. JACOB A. 6 FRISTOE, born October 12, 1870. Mar­ ried and died in Decalb, Mo., leaving no children. VIII. ALLAH6 FRISTOE, born February 17, 1873 : died .June 10, 1906. :Married December 25, 1894 Robert 162 ABIGAIL (Mll.1,AR) ALI,EN N. Weaver who with their children made their home in Bentonville, Va.

1. Br.K:,;to: E"n::r.u:1 WF..WY.F. bcn, September 29, 1895. 2. RoaF.KT Bv,cos' WEA'l"Elt. born June 1, 1897. 3. F'KEDl>IE WATI.A.~11• WE.WEI:, born June 14, 1899. 4. 'WALTEI: Ht:a,.,mos' Wun:11. born March 22, 190L 5. GLAPff! VIOLET' WuVEJt, born November 8, 1903.

5. SARAH C.r; FRISTOE [Catharine du B.4, Tliornas\ .tlbigaiT-, William1 1lfi?lar], born .July 14, 1834, died January 28, 1890; married September 29, lS.57 Matthew Hawkins who was a cabinet maker. I. .ToHN p_c Hxwx:r~s, born Sept. 16, 1859; married .April 12, 1883 in Dawsonville, Va. Georgia Herndon. Wholesale pickles and vinegar, Washington, D. C.

l. AU.IE E.' HAWKINS, born 1884: dJed 1885. 2. MOLLIE M.1 HAwx~s. born 1886: died 1892. 3. RUTH A.' HA w=s, born 1893.

II. WESLEY 2,... 6 HAWR:rxs, born Dec. 11, 1860; died .August 5, 1893; married .August 20, 1891 Sallie S. Knite. No children. m. .AMA~DA J.6 RAWKIXS, born .August 10, 1862; mar­ ried January 17, 1884 .J. E. Dovell, son of Capt. J. D. M. Dovell (Page Co. died March 5, 1871) in Seville, Madison, Co., Va. Resided in Kansas City, Kans.

l. BERTHA F.1 DoVELL. born August 3, 1886: died October 30, 1892. 2. JosEl'II H.' DoVE:LI.. born December 20, 1887. A Railway conductor living In Arkansas City, Kansas; married May 24, 1909 Nina May Kinnear. 3. MARGARF.T E.' DoVELL. born March 24, 1895: died October 2, 1906. 4. WILLLUt F.' Do=. born October 25, 1898.

IV. BE~.r.urn. F.6 HAWKINS, born June 20, 186-5; mar­ ried March 6. 1890 Virginia E. Printz of Leaksville, Va. Engaged in Car Building, Baltimore, Md.

1. HARRY GLFSWOOP' HA Wh.~S. born September 29, 1892. V. ElDIA C.11 HA wKIXs,. born ••

1. EL.= L' NICHOLS. born November s. 1888. !!. Ea.~t:ST H! NICHOLS, born April 17. 1892. 3. M.urD: E! N1cnor.s. born May 22, 1894. 4. WIL>IEK F! NICHOLS, born October 4. 1895. 5. FOREST H! NICHOLS. born February 8, 1898. 6. LII.UA.~ C! NICHOLS. born July 30, 1906.

VI. THO:\IAS W.6 HAWKINS, born June 18, 1868. Living in Seward, Alaska (1916) umnarried. VU. FLoREXCE B.c HAWKIXs, born April 14, 1870; married April 26, 1894: Robert F. Wingfield, who in in 1907 was travelling representative of A,.kansas Democrat, living in Little Rock, Ark.

1. Jon.~ ROBERT' WO"GFIELD. born July 1, 1895 in Richmond, Va.

VIIL SILAS B.0 HA wxrxs, born Dec. 14. 1872; married l\Iay 5, 1898 Ella Blair. Lived in Dayton, 0. (1907) IX. Luer E.0 HAwxrxs, born June 18, 1875; married December 24, 1901 Thomas M. Stickley, holding a government position in Washington, D. C. (1907). No children. X. A1-.~'"IE E.6 HAwxrxs, born July 15, 1878; married March 21, 1894 Benjamin F. Johnson, Jr., contractor and builder. Lived in Memphis.

l. Tm:oIA MAIIGll'EKlTE' JoJINso::i, bom January 24, 1896. 2. A.= CATEAlU::iE' JolINSO::i. born April 27, 1907.

3 6. bIA:'.l."DA M.r; FRISTOE [Catharine du B:', Thomas , Abigaif-, Wi1liam1 .Millar], born September 10, 1836: died unmarried July 2, 1862. 11 3 7. Juras B. FRISTOE [Catharine du B.", Thomas , Abigau-, William1 Millar], born January 3, 1839: died June 5, 1901; married Nov. 11, 1859 Mary E. Hockman who lived on in Bent.onville, Va. I. WILLIAM A.6 FRISTOE, born November 4, 1860; a AJJIG.A.IL (MILLAR) ALLEN

miller in Bentonville. Married Nov. 24, 1884 Sylvia Slack.

1. OUvz: M! FRis-to,;, born August 19, 1887. 2. Gu.a: T! FJIIsTop;, born March 10, 1890. 3. GEA..'1' E! FluSTOE, born September 15, 1892.

II. FLoRA .A..8 FR:rsToE, born December 5, 1862; married September 26, 1880, L. B. Moore in the Revenue Service.

1. E:~Dol:A L! MOORE, born October 17, 1881. 2. HAYWOOD M! MOORE, born March 3, 1883. 3. OumA B! MooBI!:, born August 23, 1884. 4. HA!uuso:I' A! MOORE. born December 14, 1886. 5. EVEBETT F! Moolll'!. born August 7, 1888. 6. CLYDE D. L! MOORE. born February 1, 1891. 7. HE!Du..'I' C! Moolll'!. born August 17, 1893. 8. E! MOORE, born January 12, 1895. 9. BASIL E.• Moou. born February 6, 1897 10. EFFIE S! MOORE, born December 11, 18!18. 11. Sn.VIA O! MOORE. born September 24, 1<1'11. 12. LIOl'iSFORD D! MOORE, born May 19, 1904.

ID. LEE J.6 FRISTOE, born February 10, 1866. Life Insurance agent in Bentonville, Va. Married Sep­ tember 26, 1894 Mary Johnson.

1. LEE J! FlusTOC. born July 12, 1898. 2. M,uy E! FRISTOE. born October 28, 1903.

IV. KATE E.6 FmsToE, born .August 12, 1868; married June 11, 1890 W . .A.. Baker, a farmer residing near Bentonville, Va.

1. ELm:rr E! BAKER. born March 4, 1892. 2. J~ES BRA.'l'S0:1'7 BAXEB, born July 6, 1895. 3. Lr.on E! BAKER. born October 13, 1896. 4. l\f..\Ry E! born October 14, 1897. 5. Tm:I.MA B! BAKEB. born August 28, 1902. V. C.4.RRIE G. 6 FRISTOE, born .August 22, 1870; married December 28, 1893 S .. F. Ludwig, a farmer living near Bentonville, Va. .ti.BIG.AIL (MILLAR) ALLEN 165

l. SYBIL O! LUDWIG, born October 2, 1898. 2. Jomi F! Luow10, born January !?8, 1904.

VI. ER.'-"F.ST .A.6 FrusToE, born November 2, 1872. VII. .A)ry V. 0 FrusToE, born July 15, 1875: died July 30, 1877. VIlI. E~m..Y H.0 FrusToE, born Sept, 9, 1877. IX. BESSIE l\f.6 FRISTOE, born May 8, 1884. 8. CHARLES :B.G FRISTOE [Catharine du B.", Thomas3, Abigai-Z:, Wi?:liam1 Mi1lar], born July 8, 1844: died June 26, 1901. Married Frances L. Hockman who survived him in :Ben­ tonville, Va. I. ~'"NIE L.6 FRISTOE, born March 9, 1867; married .April 3, 1900 Frank :Brumback, a farmer of Fred­ erick County, Va.

l. ESTBER f'! Blltr.uDACK. born April 22. 1901. 2. LllCIA.."i' BRmDIACK, born February 6, 1904.

II. .MTh"};-:IE C.6 FRISTOE, born July 24, 1869; married January 19, 1902 William Guy, a farmer in Warren County, Va.

l. Bno~ F! GUY, born February 10, 1903. m. THEODORE P.6 FRISTOE, born March 26, 1872: died October 30, 1897. IV. CH.ARLF.S J.6 FRISTOE, born December 31, 1874. 6 V. VEP.).'"JE E. · FRISTOE, born .August 21, 1877: died November 11, 1894. VI. IRA G.° FRISTOE, born June 3, 1880; married Octo­ ber 23, 1901 Irene Cullers. Living in Warren Co.

1. E~1or.Y E." FrJSTOE. born August 30, 1902. 2. EusTJS E! FnrSTOE, born August 30, 1904.

VII. CL.IBEXCE E.° FRISTOE, born July 17, 1883. VIII. F .AXXY ETHEL6 FRISTOE, born .August 12, 1886; married .June 8, 1904 John Gatewood, Page Co., Va. IX. .AUBREY )i.6 FRISTOE, born December 25, 188S. 9. LAURA~ FRISTOE [Catharine du B.", Thomas3, Abigatf, 166 AJJIG.A.IL (MILLAR) ALLEN

Witliam1 Mi"llar], born April 5, 1847; married Nov. 22, 1870 James N. Mauck. Living near Bentonville, Va. I. WILLIE B.11 }.uucx, born September 1, 1871. Section foreman on Norfolk & Western R. R. (1907) ; mar­ ried October 15, 1902 Jora N. Updike.

L 'WPDELJ! MAocx. born July 17, 1903: died March 5, 1904. 2. Al.TO!( P! MAocx. born July 20, 1904. 3. MAI>o= G.T MAUCK. born April 23, 1907. TI. L.11 MAucx, born December 1, 1872; mar­ ried October 10, 1906 Mabel C. :Morrison. Lived in Front Royal, Va. (1908).

1. Son• born and died JUI1e 4, 1908. m. MARY C.0 MAucK, born December 4, 1874: died. September 7, 1893. IV. ADA V.11 MAUCK, born April 3, 1877; married June 15,1898 Robert L. Hockman. Farming near Lime­ ton, Va.

L RoBERT L.7 HOCX1J'A.~, JB.. born April 19, 1899. 2. RExl"oRD1 HOCJC.'\U.~. born August 19, 1900. 3. LA"OBA V! HOCK.VA.~. born April 5, 1902. 4. GRACE T.T HOClO{A.~. born October 9, 1906. 5. J.uu:s W.u.u.e&• HOCK:lrA.~. born September 5, 1908. V. lDA B.11 ~.uucK, twin to Ada V.6 born April 3, 1877. Married July 11, 1900 Edgar J. Hockman near Ben­ tonville, Va.

1. Mn.DIIED K! HocXMA.~. born March 15. 1902. 2. Vn-IA.'-' HOCX:\IA.'-. born December 10, 1907. 3. M! born November 22, 1909.

VI. SILAS S.0 }!AucK, born October 4. 1879: died in infancy. VII. NETTIE G.6 MAucK, born September 28, 1885. vm. M:CT:s-IE M.6 MAUCK, born July 31, 1889. 10. E:\DU5 FRISTOE [Catharine du B.4, Tluxma.,l, A.b£gaiT-, W uliarn 1 Jfttlar], born April 28, 1850; married April .15, ABIGAIL (MILLAR) .ALLEY 167

1873 .Tona Mauck, a farmer near Limeton, Va. I. CH ..\RLES H.6 lfaucx_. born May 2, 18i6; died :March 12, 1880. II. WELTOS 0.6 l\.fa.uc:K, born ~larch 21. 1878; married December 21, 1898 Lucy V. Rudacille, Limeton, Va.

1. LEsn:K F! MAucx. born March 2, 1900. 2. RAnro:w C! MAUCK. born March 2. 1902. 3. Tm:r.:U:A V! MAUCK. born August 23, 1903. 4. LEO~AJID S! MAUCK. born November 10, 1905. 5. AKcun: L.' :MAucx. born .Tllnuary 19. 1907. 6. Nore~!.\.~ I! :MAUCK. born April 20. 1909.

III. CATH.·\RIXE E.6 M.mcK, born Sept 4, 1881; mar­ ried May 27, 1903 Hubert Bailey a railroad employee. Limeton, Va.

1. Rou..w Au>&.~• BAILEY. born March 24. 1904. 2. Sm:a:u:A~ E.~ BAJX.EY. born .June 16, 1905.

IV. LAURA A.0 MAUCK, born September 4, 1881: died in infancy. V. BESfilE L.6 :MAUCK, born July 16, 1883. VI. WILBUR H.6 :MAUCK, born April 4, 1891. VII. HARRY F.8 M.mcK, born September 23, 1892. 3. ELIZABETH WELTOS4 ALLEN [Thomas\ Abigatf, William/ llfi"llar], born February 4, 1810: died June 10, 1860. Married December 21, 1825 William Van Meter4 Henry (Rebecca3, Elizabeth:?, William.1) born in Front Royal, August 24, 1805: died June 27, 1887. Eleven children were born to them-

1. .Jur.r.a. A.~-::" HE:,.,n-. born April 19, 1827: died December 3, 1858. 2. WILLLUr H.ull'soN" HENRY, born August 27. 1828: died in infancy. 3. PATJUcr ~Y. born February 27, 1831: died December 13, 1847. 4. W= ~• ll=Y. born March 25. 1833: died November 9, 186:!. 5. CATilARr.Q: REBEccA• H!::raY. born .July 30, 1835. 6. C1Luu.Es• HD'llY. born February 10, 1838. 7. ARTBEUA0 HENRY. born .January 23, 1840. 8. MARY Euz.ABE'l'll" H=Y. born July 6, 1842: died 1866. 9. HUGH" HENRY. born March 26, 1845: died August 22, 1847. 10. HUGn" Han-. born May 11, 1847. 11. LUCY CooK" '.a=Y, born November 4. 1S49. 168 .!.I:U;,1JL U4ILI•• 4.R) ,lLl,E],; 5. CATHARL,E REimccA:; HExRY [Elizabeth w.•, Thomas\ Auigai"f, William1 Millar], born July 30, 1835. Married 21, 1855 Thomas H. Wright and in 1910 was living in Little Rock, Ark. I. .A.LLEX 11 WRIGHT died in infancy. II. ·WALTON JoHXSTON8 WRIGHT, born October 27, 1869. Married in 1893 Clara Proctor.

1. LETA1 WRJGITT, born June 14, 1895. 2. CLM

m. ELIZABET a WF.LTOX6 WRIGH'.l.', born January 25, 1872; .ir:aITied in 1895 )L E. Trowbridge of ~.\.drian, Mo.

1. KATII>:KI1'1E VJRGL-.;IA" TBoW!tlUDGE. born August 22, 1896. 2. F11£1>ERICK CARLETO:S1 ToOWlll:IDGE. born November 15. 1898. 3. RAr.Pn N1cnoLN' TnownnIJ>GF~ born March 11, l902.

IV. :M:.AURICE11 '\VRIGHT, born April 23, 1874; married in 1903 Elizabeth Wilson. Mr. Wright was in 1908 a traveling auditor for a railroad and lived in Little Rock, Ark. V. Vma:r~L\6 WRIGHT, born January 4, 1878. 6. CH.-\RLESr; HEXP.Y [Elizabeth W.4_. Thomas3, A.bigaiT-, 1Yi1liarn 1 1lfi1lar], born February 10, 1838: died, July 4, 1863 from a wound received while charging the enemy at Fairfield, Pa. on the previous day. 8. .ARTHELIA:1 HExRY [Eliza.beth W.4, Thoma.sS, .Abigatf, Williarn 1 Jlli?lar], born January 23. 1840 in Front Royal Va. :Married in March 1872 Faulkner Cook, a Civil Engineer in Washington, D. C. (died .April 30, 1883). :Mrs. Cook and her daughters lived (1910) near Little Rock, .Ark. I. Lucy C.IBOLI~""E6 CooK, born May 10, 1877. II. FRA~CES 0W?ll"ER11 COOK, born .August 1, 1878. ABIG.-1.lL (MILLAR) ALLEX 169

III. .J.nrns V1cK6 Cook, born near Adrian, :Mo., Sep­ tember 27, 1882. R. R. .Auditor, Benton, Ark. :Mar­ ried l\Iarch 10, 1908 Dora Neely. *10. Huair HE~"RY [Elizabeth W.4, Tlwma.-i, ..:lbigail2, William1 Mi"llar ], born l\t!ay 11, 1847 near Front Royal, Va., where both his father's and mother's people had set­ tled in the last part of the 17th century. When seventeen years old, he enlisted in Co. E, 7th Va. Cavalry, Rosser's Brigade and participated in the marches and engagements of the closing year of the war. He was with the Army in its retreat from Peters­ burg and was wounded in the shoulder at High Bridge. His college training and preparation for his chosen work occupied the neA"t few years and at the time of his death by all so greatly mourned, he was pastor of Old Briery Presbyterian Church in Prince Edward County, near Keys"ille, Va. In the cemetery of which church he lies at rest. suddenly stricken in the midst of his well loved people on February 14, 1912. l\-fr. Henry married in New Kent Co., Va. December 22. 1874 l\fildred Carter Seldon (born near Richmond, March 15, 1847), daughter of E. B. and Sarah (Garlick) Selden and a descendant of Carter Braxton the ''Signer''. 6 5 I. HUGH C..utTER fu];"RY [Hugh _. EUznbeth W.4. Thomas3, AbigaiT-, Wi"lUam 1 J.lHllar], born October 31, 1875; graduated from Medical College of Virginia, then was first assistant physician in the Central State Hospital at Petersburg, Va., of which he now is Superintendent. Dr. Henry married first, December 3, 1898 Annie Laurie Smith of St. Katharines, Ontario, who died, after a lingering illness, in October 1908: married second November 11, 1911, Bessie McGehee.

1. VA~ Ml!:TEB ALLF.-s' Hl!!l',"RY. born February 6, 1901; married Raymond L. Barker. J'une 12, 1926. Address Richmond, Va.

•Rev. )Ir. He,nry· wu descended trom an thr~ of the dau,:hte!'ft of WIJJlam ant:! Ca.tbarJne (du Bot~) XlUar. For tuJter n.ccount ot hl11 Ute ~ und"r Ellza.~th= Van M'etflJ:r. 170 •.LJJIGAIL (JIILLAR) ALLEX

!?. HOGH CAKTF.n' Ht::'i'RY. born February !?9, 1904; married Dorothy Whalen, August !?5, 1926. Automobile mechanic in Washington. D. C.

II. GF.<>RGE SELDEX6 HEXRY li'\"ed but a few days. m. GEORGIXA SELDEX6 Hn"RY [Hughr;, Elizabeth W.", Thorna.s3, .Abigai'f, W1,'lliam 1 Mi1lar], born March 8, 1879; married April 6, 1918 William T. Passmore, a farmer of Charlotte Co. Address Keysville, Va.

l. Mir.nnEu HE::\-xY' P.u;s:uoa&. born November 3, 1919.

IV. S.-IBAH ELIZABETR6 HE!I.TRY [Hug]/•, Elizabeth W:'_. Thomas\ .Abigaff, Wi1liam1 .ilfi1lar], born .Tu1y 17, 1S81; married May 22, 1902 .roseph Ligon Payne, wholesale tobacco merchant in Drakes Branch, Va.

1. ELIZ•BErll LIGO:S1 PAr..E: born March 20, 1903. A teacher o! Music; address Drakes Branch. !?. llURY Dh.=IUDGE1 PA~ born February 7, 1905. Teacher In the High School at Drakes Branch.

V. l\Lun.-- C.IBTF..R BR...\.."crOX6 HE!l."RY [Hugh",. Elizabeth W.4 '1.'hrmuui\ AbigaiT-_. Wi?liam1 Jli·"llm·], born A.pril 11, 1888 graduated with :first honors Statesville Female College, N. C. Married October 7, 1920 Tazewell H. Lamb and wed .Tu1y 30, 1925. 11. LucY CooKr; HE::-.."RY [Elizabeth W.4, Thomas::_. AbigmT-, William.1 Mt?lar], born November 4, 1849; married Sep­ tember 1865 to .Tames Faulkner Cook of Washingto~ D. C. and died .ru1y 31, 1870 leaving an infant son. l\fr. Cook later married an older sister of his deceased wife. 6 3 I. Eoo ..-rn PruCE CooK [Lucy"_. Elizabeth\ Thomas , .AbigaiT-, Wi"lliam1 Mi1larJ. born J'u1y 31, 1870. lfar­ ried in 1890 Dora Parrish of :Missouri.

1. Ht:Gll WY.LTO:S' CooK. born in 1892.

4. ARTHELL.\◄ .All.E.."> [Tliomai1, .Abiga-if, Wi1liam1 llfillar], born :May 16. 1812; married .John McCu1loch but died leamg no descendants. .ABIGAIL (JfILLAR) ALLE-:.· 171

5. SALLY ~~X4 ALLE.., [Thorua.s\ .Abigai1?, Wi"lliam1 .J.lfi"llar ],. born October 21, 1814; married Bryan Hampson• Henry 1 (Rebecca::, Elizabeth:, William. ) but died leaving no descend­ ants: three children, Welton\ Emma\ and Fitzgerald:-. haYing died, Emma at the age of three and the other two in infancy. 6. LioxEL BR.-\XSOX4 ALLEX [Thomn.•l, Abigai1\ W-illiam 1 .iJfi1lar], born in Warren Co., Va. July 16, 1817 was a tanner by trade: "he inherited a large estate on the Shenandoah river near Front Royal but misfortune overtook him in early mar­ ried life and he was obliged to pursue various avocations." He­ lived bis later years in Harrisonburg, Va. where he died August 26, 1S99. He married June 12, 1845 Catharine Skelton (born in Warren Co. Oct. 11, 1821 and died l\larch 20, 1902). Eight children were born to them-

L ELlzABErII A.-.;:,,.. ALLEX. born August 28, 1846. 2. KA~ ALLEX, born July 28, 1847. 3. F= WEI:ro~• A.I.I.=. born September 20, 1849. 4. C.\,'E RF.BECCA. ALLE.-r, born June 20, 1852. 5. .Alrrm:J.IA• ALLE.-r. born May 28. 1854. 6. SEATTA SKELTO~ ALLEX. born June 2, 1856. 7. LUCY Vmornu• ALLEX. born July 9. 1860. 8. RoBERT E. LEI-:' ALLEX. born June 4, 1864.

1. ELlzABETH A)i'"N:. Ar.LE.., [Lionel B:', Thonimi, .A.bigaif,.. l-Vi1liarn 1 Mi"llar], born August 28, 1846; married Decem­ ber 15, 1868 Hugh Leach Kerrick, an architect (born Feb. 26, 1847: died Dec. 18, 1885). I. HUGH WELTOX6 KERru:cK, born September 24, 1869; living in Alexandria, Va.; married Sept. 20, 1897 Elzora Foster.

1. NELLIE VIOLA"KEKRICK. born February 17, 1901. 1. MARGUERITE ELI7..ABETD' Kcruncr.:. born October 1906: died July 1907..

II. WALTER PERcr6 KERRICK, born .June 3, 1871. A. carpenter. m. Mn.T0X FRISTOE6, born :March 16, 1873 .. A baggage master on the Southern railwa~·- liZ ABIGAIL (JIILLAR! ALLEN

IV. .A.xx.a CATH ..\RD."E 6 KERRICK, born .July 28, 1875; married }fay 29, 1892 .Mark Bird Few, a stone cutter living in .Alexandria, Va.

1. BESSIE LILI.IA~' Firn-. born l\fay 11. 1893. 2. SARAII CATHARTNE1 FEw. born Decemb

V. ELIZABETH BRAXSOX6 KERRICK, born .April 16, 1877; married .April 22, 1895 Robert Norris, a tinner by trade living in .Alexandria, Va. VI. LUCY NEALE6 KERRICK, born .August 29, 1878; mar­ ried Oct 24, 1903 Joseph Warren Reeves, a machinist then living in .Alexandria, Va.

1. :r.LuiTIL, ELI7.ABE'rll1 ~-Es. born September 28, 1904.

VII. AGNES LEE6 KERRICK, born December 13, 1879; married June 18, 1903 Lloyd E. Spittle, a carpenter then liYing in .Alexandria, Va.

1. HUim RA::s"l>OLPll1 SPITTl:.E. born l\farcb 4. 1904.

VIII. JoHX WII.LIA:M6 KERRICK, born January 13, 1882. A. glass blower by trade. IX. ~L-IBY J A)."E6 KERRICK, born July 23, 1885; married June 19, 1904 Samuel Reed, a machinist living in .Alexandria, Va. (1907).

1. PERCY WAR.'11ER1 REi-:r>. born February 17. 1905. 2. E:u:.1.\ ELI7~\BETII1 REED. born September 12. 1906.

•-, K..\.THLEEX:; .ALLEX [Lionel B.◄,\ Abigaif, Witliarn. 1 llfillar], born in l\filford, Warren Co., Va. July 2S, 184-7. During the war between the States she became acquainted with a young soldier Edmund :n:Iiller Houston serving -with a New York regiment in the Shenandoah Valley. .After the war he returned to Virginia and on October 10, 1877 they were married and for more than thirty years lived in Winchester where Mrs. Houston died March 29, 1910, and her husband on .April 27, 1925. ABIG.tlL (.lfILLAR) .ALLEX 173

I. l\fn."1'.-Y BR.L~SOX6 Housros. born July 29, 1879; mar­ ried Sept. 22, 1908 James W. Taylor, a merchant in Winchester who died May 27, 1913. Mrs. Taylor married second :March 14. 1923 .John W. Barr of Brooklyn, N. Y. where they now reside.

l. J.&.'\111:S W.' TAYLOR. born July 6, 1911.

IL CARRIE KATHLEEX6 Housrox, born March 10, 1882; married in December 1906 to Robert Pernell Spates, a merchant in Winchester, Va.

L ED= PEB.~ELI1 SPATES, born December 5, 1907. 2. KATHLEEN' SPATES. born June 18, 1912.

3. FEux WELTO~ Allen [Lionel B.4, Thomas3, Abi,qaif, Wi?liam 1 Mi?lar ], born September 20, 1849. Both­ inist and tanner by trade, engaged in operating an ex­ tract mill for the making of bark liquor for tanning hides, situated in Hemlock, N. C. His home had former­ ly been in Harrisonburg, Va. He married :first Nov. 28, 1870 Sarah Eliza Walter who died in May 1880; he married second Lydia Van Pelt on May 3, 1881. I. KATHERINE6 .ALLEN, born .August 18, 1871; married .August 23, 1905. J. W. Robinson of New Haven, Conn. Resided in Southern California. Mrs. Robinson died in May 1925. IL HARRY GUILFoRD6 .A.LLE..~, born June 1, 1882. Book­ keeper and stenographer. 4. CAT.HA.""?Th"'E REBECCAr; ALLEN [Lionel B.4, Thomas3, AbigaiT-, Wi?liam1 Mi?lar], born in Front Royal, Va. June 20, 1852; married January 22, 1878 William Long (born March 1849) a carpenter in Harrisonburg. She died May 1923. L FLoRA VmGINIA6 LoNG, born November 2, 1878. Stenographer for Mutual Milling Co. II. WILLIE PAm.1: LoNG, born March 20, 1884; married 17'4 ABIG.-UL ('TILL.-tR) ALL&•

in 1905 .James 0. Sullivan, then travelling salesman for tobacco house; reside in Harrisonburg.

1. Ii= VIRGI:\"U' Suu.n-."L.~. born .June 16, 1906. 2. A.~::,m: LYOss" SCLLI\"A:-.. born February 28, 1909. m. ~hTTIE LEE0 Loxa, born l\Iarch 7, 1886. Linotype operator for Harrisonburg "Daily News". IV. A.1-.~"IE l\LuuA" Loxa, born April 20, 1894. 5. ABTHELll:. ALI.Ex [Lionel B:', Thomas\ AbigaiT-, Wi"llia1n 1 .Mi"llar], born :May 28, 1854; married first Dee. 2"2, 1873 Alfred Thompson, a lumber dealer (born Feb. 2, 1847: died July 19, 1881) married second on Feb. 12, 1887 Robert Clinton Bassford, carpenter and contractor (born Nov. 20, 1851: died at Harrisonburg, Va. March 6, 1895). I. ALLEX LEWis0 THO:\IPSOX, born Oct. 19, 1874. Em­ ployed in office of Supt. of Telegraph of The South­ ern Railway at Washington, D. C. II. NELLIE VmannA6 THO:\fPSON, born .July 26, 1876: died August 5, 1892. 6. SEA.TTA SKELT0)...11 ALLEN [Lionel B.4, Thomas3_. Abigaif, Wi1liam 1 Jfi7lar], born June 2, 1856; married September 20, 1874 Richard Henry Drowns, a ear inspector for the Southern Railway living in Alexandria, Va. Mrs. Dro'\Tils died July 26, 1901.

I. TAYLOR KI.u-s=E" DBO~s. born October 1885. IL RoBERT LEE" Daow:-rs, born April 5, 1887. III. JA:UES EDWARD. DBO~S. born March 7, 1889. IV. LILY REFA• Daov.~s. born October 23, 1890. V. BEssIE Lto:-.A• DROw:-rs, born September 4, 1892. VI. R1;TB BRYA.~ DlloWNs. born September 4, 1900.

11 3 7. LuCY Vman."'I.A ALLE.."' [Lionel B.4, Thomas , AbigaiT-, Wi1liam 1 Millar], born .July 9, 1860: died unmarried October 6, 1902 in Washington, D. C. and lies buried in "Prospect Hill." 3 8. RoBERT E. LEE5 ALLEN [Lionel B.4, Thomas , AbigaiT-, Wi1liam1 Mi7lar ], born June 4,.1864: resides in Harrison- A.BIG.UL (Jlll,LAR) .-1.LLE'S 175

burg, Va. and follows the trade of his first .Allen ancestor in America, that of tanner. He married :March 3. 1886 Lizzie Agnes ,villis, daughter of William and Sara J. (Barton) Willis of Winchester and Berrynlle, respec­ tively.

I. Cs-ABLES BKANSO:-... ALLEN. born August 25, lSS';'. IL NELLIE MAruE" ~. born J:muary 2, 18S9: married October 14. 1909 Russell R. Hisey of Edenburg. Va. Reside In Harrisonburg, Va. IIL BESSIE KERRICK" ALLEN, born June 11, 1890: died In Infancy. IV. Ln.I.IE CoURD'A'I... ~. born September 15, 1891; married January 22, 1909 William H. Fisher, 1U1 organ builder in Hngerstown, Md. V. Jon:.- A.'1os" .AI.I.=. born December 16, 1S97.

7. .J.urES4 .ALLEs [Thonw.•i. AMgazT-, Wi1.lia.m 1 Millar], born April 3, 1822 near Front Royal, Va.; married in Bentonville, Va. Rebecca Skelton ( died Sept. 6, 1866) who was also born in Front Royal and was a sister of Cartharine Skelton who married his brother Lionel Branson4 .Allen. Mr.• James .Allen died December 8, 1886. The Bible records of this family were destroyed during the war between the States and are necessarily lacking in some points. Fh·e children were born to them- l. SUSA.~ BR.\NSO~ .AI.LE:;. born !n 1843. 2. J.urES M.• ALLE::,. born in 1845. 3. HETqE M.utsH..u.r.• ALLEN. born June 15, 1S47. 4. SALLY A.~"Sl'f .o\I.U::,, born 1849. 5. S.urUEL GARo:-.ER' .AI.LE:;, born December 25, 1860.

1. SusA.., BRA..,so~ ALLES [Jame.y4, Thoma:i', Abigaif-, Witliam1 .illillar], born in Bentonville, Va. in 1843; mar­ ried November 14, 1878 Harrison Renica (born in Page Co.) She died July 29, 1884 leaving an infant daughter. }Ir. Renica died in Shenandoah City, Page Co. Va., in 1903. I. Child6 died in infancy. 6 II. RHEA RE::.."ICA, born July 5, 1884; married first in Winchester, Va., February 20, 1902 E. C. ::\foConnell who has since died; married second .Joseph E. Lame of St. Louis, Mo. 176 .4.BIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN

1. No1m:u. W.wE" l\IcCo:'1':'l'ELL, born August 11, 1904; married May 23, 1926 Mary Katherine Barkley of San Antonio, Texas. l. KA.TIIEKr.\"E :IEA...... -:.F.!' McCo'S'S!:LL. born September 1927.

2. J.orES ~L:; .ALLE~ [.Jame.~"'_. Thoma,s3, .A.bigaiT-, William1 Mi"llar], born in Bentonville, Va. in 1845 and died in February 1895. He married December 23, 1886 Lillie :Mundy, who with their three children lived in Buchan­ nan, Va., but in 1927 could not be reached at that address. None other found.

L GoLDIE" .AI.LE..._, born 11,fay 28, 1889. IL SusIE" ~. born August 15, 189L IIL :I..ucES" ..\LI.E'S. born March 15, 1S94.

3. HETTIE MARSH.u.r} ALLE~ [Janies4, Thomas3, .A.bigaiF, Wi1liam1 Mmar], born in Bentonville, Va., June 15, 1847; married December 1, 1870 to ,fohn Tom Brown of Front Royal, Va., who died July 13, 1911 ; l\Irs. Brown died May 27, 1908. I. WILLIE6 BRO~ [Hettie\ Ja.mes"'_. Tho1na.s3, .A.bigai:f, W11liam1 Jfi"llar], born November 27, 1871; in U.S. Army stationed at Ft. Niagara, N. Y. (1928). Un­ married. II. EDW-ARD6 BROWX [Hettie\ James\ Thomn-s3, Abigaif William1 Millar], born .August 21, 1873. Retired after 30 years service in U. S . .Army. .Address Dor­ chester, Boston, Mass. l\farried. No data further. III. MARY ELIZABET:s:6 BROWX [Hettie\ James\ Thornas3_. A bigaiT-, Williarn1 Jfitlar], born June 7, 1875; married September 23, 1896 to James W. Burke, a lime burner at Limeton, Va.

1. E~DIA GERTRUDE" BUltKE. born .July 9, 1897; married October 24, 1917 E. F. Lawson, carpenter of Marshall. Va. 2. CllARLES Hum:irr' BuBKE. born August 30, 1899. Mail carrier, Front Royal. Va. Married May 27, 1920 Anna .Jeannette NOBSette. 3. JA.'\lES WlL AUBllEY' BuBKE. born November 5. 190L 4. THOMAS GARL.-..""1>7 BURKE, born December 3, 1903.

IV. NINA8 BRoWX [Hettie\ James4, Thomas\ .A.bigai"'l2, A.BIG.A.IL (MILLAR) .-lLLEX 177 William? .1.ll i?lar ], born .April 27, 1877: died July 2, 1900. 4. SALLY .A.X)."E:. Au.Ex [James◄, Thoma..-;\ .A.bigaif, Wi1liam1 Jli?lar ], born in Bentonville in 1849: married in Front Royal January 31, lS72 Zachary Compton (born in Overall, Page Co. Dec. 31, 1847), son of Dr. Zachary and Eliza (McKay) Compton. Mr. Compto~ was a merchant in Bentonnlle, and died, in l 925. 1Irs Compton died July 21, 1907. I. ZACHARY JA:\IES6 Co:"lrPTox, born 1\Iay 1, 1874 in Palmyra, Mo.: married :?\fory Cn;;;tis Mauck.

1. Joscrn BASWELL" Co~rl"TOX. born July 1, 1909.

II. ELIZA GERTRUDE6 Co:"lrPTox, born .April 13, 1876 in Palmyra, :Mo.; married Frank Emmons then of Hagerstown. :Md.: and died .June 15, 1901 leaving one child '\"\"l10 lfred with her aunt in Bentonnlle, Va.

1. SAl:.\II F.' E~1~1oxs. born January 31, 188S.

6 Ill LAu""RA EFFD-: Co,rPTox, born November 9, 1879. Unmarried; Bentonville, Va. IV. .JuLIA IREXE6 Co:"IIPTOX. born March 17, 1881; mar­ tied October 26, 1904 Sydney Henkel, an elec­ trician. 5. SA:\IUEL GARD~""ER:. ALLEX [.lame.<;\ Thoma.•/\ Abigaif, Wi1liam1 .J,Ji17ar ], born December 25. 1860: resides in Front Ro;·aL Ya., where (in 1927) he "as Postmaster. He married :May 29. 1884 Liona Estella Essex. I. G.H~"ELL ESSF..X6 .ALI.Ex, born .June 22, 1887: died an infant. II. SA:\IuEL .JoSEPH6 .ALLEx, born Sept. 10, 1890: died the next year. III. Lro:sA V1CTORIA6 ALLEX [Smnuel G.5, .Jame.<;\ Thoma.,;3, A..bigaiT-, Wi?liam 1 Millar], born .April 20, 1894: married October 23, 1920 Rayburn Ralph Griffith "of Pennsylvania stock on both sides". liS ABIGJIIL (J!ILLAR) ALLEN )lanager of an Insurance and Real Estate office in Front Royal

1. R,\Ym:R.'- ALl.c.1 GRIFF.rm. born September 1, 1922.

4. REBECCA3 .A.Lr.Ex [Abigaif_. Wi1liam1 1lli1lar ]. The fourth child and second daughter of Col 1rhomas and Abigail (:Millar) Allen was born near Front Royal June 14, 1777 and died .June 4, 1802. She was married December 8, 1795 to the Rev. William Williamson, a prominent early day minister in the Valley. 1. PHILLIP D.4 WILLiilrsox, born in 1796 was a physician; in 1821 :r::.arried a :l.\Iiss Vowles of Alexandria, Va. and died in lS.'30 leaving no descendants. 2. T:smrAs .Ar.LE~.-. Wll..Lillrsox, died in infancy. 3. Wrr..LI.UI4 WII..LI.UISON, died in infancy.

5. DAVID Hu:mf ALI.Ex [...4.bigaiT-, Wi1liani1 1llfllar]. The fifth child and third son of Col Thomas and Abigail (:Millar) Allen '\"\'as born July 24, 1781 near Front Royal He prepared for College in Kentucl..·y and lived with his sister Deborah (.Allen) Russell in Fayette Co. While there l1e wrote the following letter to his cousin John \Yilliam3 :Millar each nineteen and preparing for Prince­ ton U niYersity in different schools.

"Fayette County, Very Worthy Sir: I received your letter last night and am certainly obliged to you :tor your kindness and the more so, as you are the first o! my relations who has condescended so low as to write to me. You cannot imagine the ;::reat pleasure and satisfaction it gives at so great a distance from his relations, to receive a letter from an old acquaintance. Consin Joseph is in a great hWTY and I have but a few minutes to write you. I have seen a great many things that I would wish to communicate to you, but as time is so short. I will reserve them, till I have the pleasure o! seeing you again. You tell me you are about having a great exhibition. I should be very glad to take a part among you. as It is a diversion I was always !ond o!, but as it is out o! my power, I can only wish you success. We hold a court at l'.Ir. Breckinrldge's )fl("II.\Jcl.' )111.1•. \1: .Ton:< ,vn.1.1."1' 1\111.1 •. ,1,


ABIGA.IL (MILL,t.R) ALLEN li9 every two weeks, when the students argue causes and Mr. Breckinridge slts as .Judge, we sometimes have a great many spectators and gain considerable applause. I have grown very much since I saw you and am remarkably fat. Give my respects to Cousin Isaac, and Abra.ham, and the rest ot the Family. Tell them to write to me lest I should be angry with them. Tell Aunt, that Mr. Russell has received the eight dollars, sent by Mr. Millar and will look after her business: i! that will not defray the ta.,:es of her land he will make up the balance out of his own pocket, and bring the receipt with him in the spring when we all intend to come in- I remain with utmost esteem Your affectionate Cousin, Bad Paper, Pen no better DAVID ALLEN. written in haste: excuse my letter. Nov. 16, 1800. David H . .A.llen graduated from Princeton University in 1804: or 5 and practiced law for several years in Woodstock, Va. He married September 22, 1808 Sarah Griffin Taylor, daughter of Col. Griffin Taylor, an officer of the War of 1812; and a granddaughter of .Allna Maitland of Scotland of the Lords Lauderdale l\faitlands. "'In 18-33 :Mr. .A.llen built his beautiful home, Clifton, near Gaylord in Clarke Co., Va. at a cost of fifteen thousand dol­ lars and sla,e labor, on a fine farm once a part of the original Millar Plantation." He was a man of fine presence and bearing, a fit setting for a lofty spirit and trained mind. Many proud and happy memories of him are treasured by his descendants-one, as host t_o President Tyler when a certain set of green and gold bordered china, then but recently imported from France, was 1.ised for the first time. This set and many other household treasures gathered with the taste and affluence of the historic southern families, embellished the home and were carefully guarded there until the last of his children had passed away. The home itself, the writer is told, was acquired by pur­ chase and is now in possession of a grandson Dr. Lewis l\tfines Allen, by whom it has been wholly restored and equipped with all modern conveniences. ":Mr. Allen died in 1854 leaving an estate valued at one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars to be divided among seven children then living; perhaps one half the estate was in negroe~" 180 ABIGAIL (MILLAR) ALLEN Another letter sent the writer, was addressed to his nephew Thomas Allen4 Russell announcing the death of Col. Thomas Allen, the father of David H. Allen.

Clifton. 28 .July, 1822. Dear Sir On the 15th inst, a messenger was sent to inform me that a considerable change had taken place in my !athers health and that ft was expected he would not survive many days. I arrived at his house early the next day and found that he was no more. He departed this life the preceeding night (the 15th) about ll o'clock. There remains to his afflicted family all the consolation that the bereave­ ment of death can ever adrnft-that he had lived to the extreme verge of natures limits without sickness or pain and at length died so easily that ft seemed going into a deep' sleep after a long day of toll and weariness. For the last two or three years I have visited my father every two or three months and have found him gradually declining-but so slowly that those who were constantly with him did not perceive any change. He invariably ate heartily and slept a. great portion of his time. His memory had entirely failed as to every thing but events that had long since passed away and particularly those ot: his early youth. • • • • • • • • • My mother is deeply afflicted. I remained a week with her • • • • • She has the most amdous and doting attachment !or her two little grand children (my brother Robert's children) and will scarcely su1fer them for a moment out of her sight. • • • • • • I regret to inform you that my brother Thomas is also in a. very infirm state of health • • • • • • I have little hope that his life wlll be continued many years-I fear very few. He has a fine healthy family of children and a wife beyond all pra.fse • • • • • • • • My family continues to enjo;y most excellent and uninterrupted health and join with me in a1fectfonate regards to yourself and all our relations. Yours Truly, D. H. Allen.

Eight children were born to David H.:; and Sarah (Taylor) .Allen-

L Al.GEBNON Srom:r AI.I.Ex, born in 1810: died in 1879. 2. THo:nus GBIFFI:N' .ALI.EN. born in 1812: died in 1890. 3. WILI.IAM TDrPLr AI.I.EN, born in 1817: died in 1903. 4. ABTmm MONTGOMERY' .AI.I.EN, born in 1819: died in 1892. 5. :MAltY CATlL\JIINr ALLEN, born in 1821: died in 1908. 6. F'B.a.NCES T.B:01t."\'TON' AI.LEN, born in 1823: died in 1909. 7. EooAB' ALLE:N, born in 1825: died in 1904. 8. LUCY Er.LEN', born in 1831: died in 1908.

1. .ALGERNON SID~"'Er ALLEN [David H.3, Abigai"f_. Wi"lliam1 Millar], born :March 18, 1810 and died at his home "Glen Allen" in 1879. ABIGAIL (,l!ILLAR) .'1LLEN 1S1

Be had illarried February 5, 1833 in Baltimore, .Anne Boyd Owen, daughter of Kennedy and Agnes (Riddell) Owen. "Agnes Riddell was the grand daughter of Polly Hawksworth, the little girl who with her father came from England and in a journey from Baltimore to Philadelphia stayed the first night out with a gentleman's family who persuaded the father to leave with them his little daughter, which he did and was never again heard from-doubtless overcome by the perils of travel in those pioneer days." :Mrs . .Allen died at Glen .Allen, Clarke Co., Va. May 30, 1858. Three children were born to them- 1. ROBERT OWE~..;; .ALL~"i [Algernon S.4, Da·vid H.3, Abigail\ Wi1liam 1 Jli1lar], born in Clarke Co., Va., November 23, 18.33. He was Lieut. in Co. I, 2nd Regt. Stone Wall Bri­ gade. He was brave and genial, a prosperous farmer upon land of his inheritance. He married first in Frederick City, December 13, 1866 Edith Howard; Rev. John Gill officiating. His wife was the daughter of James and :Maria (Suter) Howard of Georgetown, D. C.; her father was English and related to the House of Howard of Corby Castle, a painting of which, owned by Mr. Howard, Mr. Allen's family now own. Edith (Howard) Allen died at "Westwood" ·w. Ya. ~'1.pril 22, 1876. 11r. .Allen married second April 2, 1884 1lillicent Tidball5 .Allen (.Arthur M.4, DavidH.3, Abigail2, William1 ~-Tillar) (born l\-Iarch 15, 1855: died April 2, 1884.) I. ALGF.RX0X SmxEY6 ALLEX, born at "Glen Allen", October 6, 1867.. II. Ax~""E OwEX6 ALLEY, born at "Glen .Allen" NoYem­ ber 20, 1868: died there .July 13, 1869. III. liD.""RY How.-um0 ALLEX, born at "Glen .Allen" l\-Iarch 11, 1870: died at "Westwood" .Jefferson Co., W. Va.. July 22, 1893. He was a ~Iilitary Engineer 182 AB/GA.IL (MILL.AR) ALLEN

having graduated with high honors from Y. l\.L L IV. :)LuuA DouGLAS6 ALLE..."'I;" [Robert Ou:en\ .:1.lgeriwn S.4, David H.3, .A.bigatT-, W£lliam 1 Millar], born at "Westwood", W. Va., l\fay 31, 1871; married first December 1892 Harry Morris, and second Laurence Latrobe. ·

L .AI.I.1:N' MoBKts, born October 16, 1898.

V. ROBERT OW!!:N6 Au.EN, JR., born October 1872: died in infancy. VI. LE"'"IS J.V! ALLEN, born August 11, 1874. Physi­ cian in Winchester, Va. and present owner of "Clifton" in Clarke County. VII. EDITH MoRTONc ALLE..."11' [.Robert Owen", .A.lgerno·n S:', David H}J, .A.bigaiT-, William1 Mitlar], born April 12, 1876; married on November 2, 1899 H. H. McCormick, an attorney of Charles Town, W. Va.

L H. H! McCoa,.m:x, born April 16, 1906. 2. OWEN AI.I.EN' McCDIDnCX. 3. EDITH How.&l:I)' M(-COIOUCK, born February 1917.

VIII. ARTHUR HOL:\IES6 ALLEN [.Robert Owen\ Alger­ non S:', David H.3, .A.bigaiT-, William1 .Millar], born at "Westwood" Nov. 1, 1885. IX. DAVID Hul\IE6 ALLEN [.Robert Owen.,, .Algernon S.\ David H.3, Abigai'f, Wi1liam1 Mitlar]. 2. DAVID HUl\IE., .ALLEN [Algernon S.4, David H.3, AbigaiT-, William.1 Mitlar], born at Glen Allen, Clarke Co., Feb­ ruary 23, 1837. A Lieutenant in the Clarke Cavalry wounded in the first Battle of :Vfanassas and died from the wound at Warrenton, Va. August 19. 1861. 3. .ALGERNON' SroNEr ALLE-"11' [.Algernon S.4, David H.3, AbigaiT-, Wi1liam. 1 1lfillar], born at Elmington, Clarke Co., February 9, 1841; was wounded at the Battle of Chaneellol'sville and died at the Officers Hospital at Richmond l\Iay 1863, one day after Gen 'l. .J aekson 's AF.IG.-tIL (JlILL,lR) .H,LEX 1S3 death. He was Lieut. in Co. I. 2nd Regiment, Stonewall Brigade.

1 •'l THo~IAS .ALLEN [David Hume\ Abigaif, TVilliam Millar], born May 1, 1812 and died at his home "1IorYen", Warren Co., Va. July 8, 1890. He married in 1849 ~fary A. Hopper (born in Washington Rappahanock Co., Aug. lS-23: died at l\Iorven February 1892) daughter of Capt. John and Elizabeth Barbour (Timberlake) Hopper. Capt. .John Hopper was the son of John Hopper, an Englishman who came to Virginia in an early day. Elizabeth Barbour Timber­ lake was the daughter of William Timberlake and Esther Shearman, his wife, whose mother was Anne Chinn, a daugh­ ter of Esther Ball, (sister of Mary, the mother of George Washington) and Ranleigh Chinn. Se,en children were born to this couple- 1. l\iAITLl.}mr. ALL:&, [Thonws G.4, David H.\ Abigatf, William1 1lli1lar], born at "2viorven" November 18, 1850; went "\'\"hen a little child to live at Clifton and in later years as the companion of his two aged Aunts, he oper­ ated the Plantation left in his charge during their life­ time by his Uncle Edgar4 ..:Ulen. After the death of his .Aunts and the sale of Clifton he returned to Morven with his sister Mrs. Virginia :Mussaeus. "He was a man of high character, very intel­ ligent and well read, of most pleasing personality." When suddenly he died in a hospital in Staunton where he was even then planning to return home within a fe"· days, all his kindred mourned for a dearly loved and loyal friend whose counterpart is seldom fotmd. The date of his death was .April 28, 1922. 3 2. VrecrxIA:. Ar.LEX [Thoma.<; G.4, David ll. • tllJi.fJrdf. 1Villiam.1 Jlfi7lrrr], horn at :Morven in lS.52, ,vas brought up at Clifton; was married .June 14, 1881 to Frederick G. Mussacus (born Sept. 27, 1850) of ).fecklenburg, anrl a son of Theodore Muss?.eus, a dfatin;nished la"·yer d Wismar, Germany. 184 ABIGML (.1f/Ll,AR) .-tLLEY

::.\lr. 2'.iussaeu:; was educated for the law but chose rather the teaching of l\fodern languages. He died in Washington, D. C., .January 3, 1890. l\lrs. Mussaeus divides her time between New York City with her two daughters and her country home ".Morven" where they all love to gather in the summer. I. .MARIE G.0 l\luss.u;us [Yirginia\ Thoma.<: G:', David H.\ Ab1'.gaiF, Wi"ll£am 1 Jfi1lar], born in 1882. Was sent to Germany when but eight or nine years old remained there at school for sb: years; afterwards graduating at Smith College in this country. Again studied in Paris to perfect her French, and in Spain and Italy for their languages. In February 1925 she married Preston Staley, an attorney in New York City, where they reside. II. THEODORE M.UTLA..."'\;D6 l-IussAEUs [Virginia\ Tltoma.-; G.4, David H}1, Abigaif, Williani1 .,_lfi1lar ], born in 1884. A civil engineer. III. THO:\fAS .ALLE..--;-c l\:IussAEuS [Virginia\ Thomas G.4, David H.\ Abigai1\ William1 .ilfillar ].. born in 1886. Enlisted in World War and was under instruction for A viati on at Kelly Field when the .Armistice was signed and was transferred from Te,"{3.8 to Panama Canal Zone. Since his discharge, has been operating the home farm "Morven" near Limeton, Ya. IV. ESTHER BALL6 MussAEUs [Virginia\ Thomas G:', David H.3, AbigaiT-_. Wi1liam1 Mi1lar ] .. born 1889. l\:Iarried Howard l\1. :McLaren with the Standard Oil Co. in New York son of William Sanford and Lillian (Latham) McLaren.

l. Vn:cD-rA .ALLF;s' McLARF.:\". 2. MAITLAND' McLAREN. 3. WILLIA~t How.\RD' Mc~.

3. ?\L~Y ALICE5 ALLEN [Tho·mas G:', David H.3, .A.biga.if, Wi1liam1 Millar], born at "Morven" in 1854: died there November 17, 1905 unmarried. ,1BiGa\lL (JIILL.-t.R) ,\L/.E).· 1S5

4. ELLA F.:. ALLEN [Thomas G.4, David JI.:•, Abi,qm:Z:. William1 Mi1lar], born at ":Morven" in 1856. 5. LAcr.... -. LEE:; ALLEX [ G.4. David H.\ ..:lbigail=, 1Vi7liam1 illilla.r], born at l\Iorven in 1858; married .July 10, 1889 Leslie F. Fielding, a successful farmer near Bealton in Fauquier Co., Va., son of Francis and Catha­ rine (Taylor) Fielding, the latter was a daughter of Hubbard Taylor, cousin of Zachary Taylor. :Mr. Field­ ing died July 16, 1925. I. REGIXALD S:m:.Ul'.'IL\N6 FIELDING [Laura\ G.4, David Hume\ A.bigaif, Wi-Zliam,1 1llillar], born in 1893; married at "\Voodrule, Va., October 21, 1916 Susan Kellogg Henry, daughter of William Douglas and Laura (Walden) Henry. :Mr. Fielding is a farmer and R. R. mail clerk.

1. RICHARD li=RY7 FlELDmo. born July 7, 1918. 2. LAURA DotroLAS' FlELDINo, born June 28, 1921.

II. LA"WIIBNCE6 FIELDING [Laura\ Thomas G.4- David H.::.. A.bigaiT-, Wi-Zliam 1 .M'illar], born in 1895. Dealer in Real Estate. and R. R. mail cle1·k. '\Yashingtop, D. C. Married Nov. 29, 1918 Maude Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Harry Hancock and Maude (Payne) Lee. In World War; served in Navy from J'une 24. 1918 to July 1, 1919.

1. LA=CE FJ:A.-.=' FIELDL... G. born August 26, 1924.

III. CATHAP.IN'E ou Bo1s6 FIELDING [Laura\ Thomas G.4, David JI.3, AbigaiT-, William1 Millar], born in 1897, Bealton, Va.. Married September 17, 1919 Edward Burns Campbell.

1. JA:IIES LYLE' CA:IIPIIELL. born July 6, 1920. 2. LAURA .Au.F..-.1 CA~IPBELL, born February 18, 1924. 3. EDWARD FIELDL-.o' CA:MPlll':LL. born June 15, 1925. 4. WII.SON' CAMPBELL. born April 7, 1927. 186 ABlGA.IL (.VILLARI ALLEY

IV. DAVID .1:ULEX6 FIELD:rxG [Laura\ Tho-mas G.\ Da·vid H.3, A.bigaif, W-illiarn,1 Mtllar], born in 1900. A farmer in Bealton, Va. :\.[an-icd August 16, 1927 Audrey .Jenkins, daughter of Holtzman and Catha­ rine (Dodson) Jenkins. 6. .JuLIAX C.:; ALLEX [Thomas G.4, David H.3, Abigaz1}, Williani1 .U-illa-r], born in 1862 at ":Morven" which has since been his home. 7. CARLOS BUTTERFIELD:; ALl.E..'l' [Thomas G.4, David H.3, Abigaif, Wi1liam 1 .Mi?lar], born in 1865 at "':Morven."

3 1 3. WIJ..Lr.ur TEMPLE• ALLEX [David H. , AbigaiZ:\ William 1lfillar], born in Clarke Co., Va. September 13, 1817: gradu­ ated from Princeton University in 1839. "~<\. man of unusual talent and intellect coupled with and handicapped by a most modest and retiring disposition; he wrote fluently both prose and poetry: and without ever ha,ing taken a lesson. drew and painted birds and flowers ,nth rare truth and fidelity to nature. His home was "Balclutha" in Clarke Co., Va: where all his children were born and where he died December 16, 1903." "'At twenty he graduated and shortly thereafter made a voyage to the Pacific as secretary to the Commodore of the squadron in those waters. On returning he became a farmer on part of the Clifton estate where he made a study (If ornith­ ology. He has left more than one hundred and :fi.f ty *paintings and descriptions of birds. The war of 1861-5 with consequent loss of property and the harrowing times of reconstruction, put an end to his study and his wish to complete a work upon The Birds of Virginia.,. William Temple4 Allen married on June 6, 1849 2\fary Elfa:ibeth Bayley of Grafton, Fauquier Co., who sunived her h11shand in the home of their daughter :Mrs. Bushrod C. '\~::ishington of Brookland, D. C. ------·------•\·!PJto:-"' to t?:e I::x:,.-.!i!ltlnn at :--:t.. LoulJo i!l l!•fl!: TTMY r,·ml':nl,t-r thli,1 h~a~tlful ,:o:l~ct:on

1. MARY BUTTERFIELD~ Ar.LE...~ [Willia1n T.\ Da·vid H.\. Abigaif, lVilliam1 Millar], born at Balclutha August 18, 1852; married September 2, 1882 J. E. Bryarly. L WILLLUI ~ BRLULY, born JUile 6, 1883. II. MAnsllALL McColWlclt" B11YABLY. born December lS, 1S86. No later data received. 4 '> WILLLnI TE2'IPLE' .ALL..\~ [Wt?liam T. , David l-1.3, A.bigai:f, Wi1liam1 ~lfillar]. horn also at ::Balclutha. He reverted to the original spelling as used by his emigrant ancestor Robert Allan. Extract from '•1'7Jo's Who in .America"-

"He was ordained Deacon In 18S0, Priest in 18S3; built the church at Gadsden, Ala. Had charge or St. Johns Church, Fort Smith. Ark. tor seven years,' erected stone church there. Member or sta.nding committee ot Diocese oC Ark.; delegate to General Convention In Washington 189S; Chaplain eeveral Camps 9 years. Chaplain of Battery B. or;;anized for ,var with Spain. Division Chaplain or Sons of Cou!ederate Veterans of the State ot Missouri; Asst. Chaplain General of Sons of Confedcrnte Veternns ot the U. S.; Rector ot Colony Church. Sedalia. Mc., and or Christ Church, Laurel, Miss." A formal note of thanks from Lord Knollys for appreciation oC a speech delivered by Dr. Allan upon the Queen of England to an audience of 1.200 people in the opera hous" at Springfield, Mo. "written at the Kings• command" is one ot Dr. Allan's treasures and "rewards oC merit." He married December 1884 Mrs. Adelaide Petty of .Alabama. 3. El'IMA~ .A:r..LEN [William T.4, David H.3, A.bigaill\ Wtlliam1 Millar], born at Balclutha .June 17, 1864; mar­ ried at her home October 12, 1887 Bushrod Corbin Washington of Charles Town, W. Va "whose lineage runs thus :-,vas the son of Bushrod Corbin Washington, son of Thomas Blackburn Washington, son of Corbin, son of .John Augustine, son of Augustine.· the father of George Washington." Reside in Brookland, D. C. I. KATHAP~'"E Cu~NL--.;GHA:VJ:6 W ASHIXGTOX, b<,rn at "Balclutha" August 13, 1888; Ir12.rried Der:cm rJer 31, 1912 Matthew S. Hopkins, son of Samuel an '.l l':fartha Hopkins of "White Hall" near LaureL ~Id. Mr. Hopkins is a chemist and inventor, manager of Seigel Co., Staten Island, N. Y .. 188 ABIG.4IL (JIILLAR) ALLEN

1. l\L\.rn[EW Sll'rrJl' HOPKI:\"S. born J'anua.ry 31. 1914. 2. BusWIOD WAS=GTON' HOPKL... S, born J'uly 31. 1915. 3. S= EI.ucarl' HoP=S. born April 7. 1917. 4. ELEA.... o& WASJD'NGTO:oi7 HOPXI:oiS. born April 5, 1919. 5. KA= BLACKBUEl'r' HOPXI:'fS. born J'anua.ry 25. 1921.

II. E~IMA .ALLE:x6 W ASHINGTOX, born at "Balclutha", April 22, 1890; married at "Church of Our Savior" in Brookland, D. C. September 26, 1917 Chester C. Baxter of the legal Dept. of Victor Talking Machine Co., son of .Jallles and Clara (MacBride) Baxter of Allen County, Ohio. Reside :Merchantville~ N. J.

1. J'A."IE BLACKBtra.'o'' BAXTE&. born J'anuary 29, 1!'19. 2. J'A.'\f.ES' BA."tTE&. born April 20, 1920. 3. WII.LLUl TEMPU: AI..u!:N' BAXTEJI, born September 19. 1921.

III. BGSHROD CoRBING W .ASHIXGTON, born at "Balclu­ tha" November 26, 1892: in World War overseas from Nov. 1917 -July 1919, 1st Sergeant in Sanitary Corps. :Married at Rhode Island M. E. Church of Washingto~ D. C. April 5, 1920 Edith Eastlack, daughter of .Jesse and Martha (Featherer) Eastlack of Brookland, D. C. Trust officer of Union National Bank, 3rd and Arch Sts., Philadelphia. Reside 214 Oak Terrace, l\ferchantville, N. J·.

1. BUSHROD CoRB01' WAS=GTO~. born October 1, 1921. 2. MARY MAlrrnA' WASHINGTON, oorn December s. 1927. IV. ELEAXOR BL..\CKBu"RXG WAs~aTox, born at "Bal­ clutha" December 15, 1896; married. April 25, 1919 in Christ Church, Ale..~andria, Stuart K .•r oice, son of J. K. J oiee of New York and Chicago. Mrs. J oiee died August 13, 1920 at the birth of her son who lived but a few days. V. ELiz..-\BETH TEMPLEG W .ASHIXGT0X, born in Brook­ land, D. C. November 8, 1903; married at Rectory of St. Marks Reformed Church, Reading, Pa. N ovem­ ber 6, 1926 Charles William Phillips, son of Charles ..:I.BIG.UL (.ilILL.-1.R) ..:1LLE)i 189

Nathan and Emma (Heltinger) Phillips. Reside 3503-12th Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala.

1. Cn.\BLES WAS=GTON' Pmu.trs. born October 26, 1927.

3 4. .ARTHUR l\JoxTGO)IERi..4 ALLEX [Dai·id 11. • ..:lbigaif, Wi1liam1 Millar], born in 1819 and died April 22, 1892; mar­ ried .June 1, 1854 .Jane Scott Tidball of Winchester, Va., who died .January 1912. 5 4 3 L ::MllJ:J:CE.','"T TIDBALL ALLEN [i.l.rthur 111. , David H. , Abigaif, Wi1liam1 .ilfi1lar ], born :March 15, 1855; married her cousin Robert Owen5 Allen (.Algernon S.4, David H.3, 1 Abigail\ William ) on April 2, 1884. L ARTHUR Hou.IES6 ALLEN, born at "Westwood" Nov. 1, 1885. 2. DAVID Hcnm:. Ar.LE..~ [Arthur Jl:', David H.3, Abigatt-, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar ], born in Winchester, Va., February 19, 1859: died March 16, 1863. 3 3. EDwARD ERNEST ALLEN [Arthur M.4, David H. , A.bigaif Wi1liam1 Mfllar ], born A11i::,

Auigair-, lVillian1} .Millar], born September 20, 1867: died :March 9, 1870. 5. :\LIBY .aLEX..\.XDEI:5 .ALl.E)l' [Arthur M:, David H.3, ..1bigaz1?, William 1 Ui1lar], born October 19, 1869: died in childhood.

6. ARTHT.TR ~fo::-.."TGO:,\fERr' .ALLEN [Arthur JL', David H.3_. A.uigmT-, Wi1liam1 .illi1lar], born October 16, 1874: died February 15, 1900. 5. l\lARY CATHARD"E4 ALLEX [David H.3, Abigaif, Wi"lliam1 .Millar], born December 20, 1821 at Clifton where in 1852 she was married to Gen. Carlos Butterfield and where after his death she spent her declining and bore much of charm, evidencing the opportunities of wealth, education and travel which life had so abundantly afforded her. Extracts from a pamphlet published by his friend William Henry Shaw of New York testify to and describe the high character and achievements of Gen. Butterfield-

"He was born in the State of New York in 1817, was early graduated as :Military and Civil Engineer, and joined a. corps of that profession which was leav• Ing for the island of Cuba for the construction of railroads, etc. He served three years as captain of the Engineer Corps of the Spanish Government when he was induced to go to Mexico and join the statr of General Santa Anna. then President of that Republic; where he served until the breaking out o! war between that country and the United States. Considering it dishonorable to take up arms against the country o! hill nativity he resigned his Military position and was appointed a!ter the capitulation of the Mexican Army in Vera Cruz 'Administrator General' of that State. After the close of his munlclpal administration which left him pecunla.rfly :five thousand dollars worse olf, and alter receiving a vote of thanks a.nd a hand· some gold snulf box. he returned to the City of Mexico. • • • • • If Mexico enjoys today a free a.nd independent government she owes it to some ~ent to General Butterfield. There ha.s been no adlnlnistration in that country since 1845 that has not been more or less indebted to him for services rendered in someway. In an autograph letter fn 1S53 Crom G-:!leral Santa Anna. he mentions Gen'l Butterfield's friendship to the Mexicans and his ability a.nd faithfulness to every position of trust and further commissions him to proceed to Washington and lay before the Senate and Government of the U. S. the treaty made between the ministers of State of the two governments. By his urgent presentation of the treaty, Mexico received ten mill1ons of dollars and the United States the Mesilla Vslley-cllan.ging thereby the boundary line between the two Republics. • • • • .4BlG.11L (Jlli,LAR) olLLEX 191

By the e."tl)enditure of private fortune, In carrying out his cherished hopes for International prosperity, by an untiring deYotlon of time and strength, General Butterfield showed himself a true laborer for the public good In the broad tlelds where his mind and master spirit chose to operate. His death occurred at Washington, D. C. on the 14 of February, 1880." l\Irs. Butterfield died at Clifton .A.pril 17, 190S. 6. FRAXCES THORNTON1 .ALLF.N [David H.=, Abigaif,. Wi'.lliani 1 .illi?lar], born Dec. 6, 1823. "Endowed with beauty and grace of person and charm of manner which she carried far into her old age; as a girl she visited often in Washington where she saw much of official life and came in touch with many distinguished people; she was a great pet of President Tyler ~nd was his guest on board the "Princeton" at the time of the terrible disaster following the explosion of the "Peacemaker" when so many distinguished lives were lost. She was married on February 22, 1850 at "Clifton" to Thomas :Montagne Isbell, of Cumberland Co., Va., son of Col .James Daniel and )fary ( daughter of Thomas) (Montague) Isbell He was a man of marked intellectuality, :fine literary attainments and unusual oratorical ability; he was e:dncated at Raw~,0lph­ l\facon College and the University of Virginia; he took the law as a profession but soon entered politics, semng his dis­ trict ~ the Senate until the beginning of the Civil War. .Just prior to the war he had purchased land in .Jefferson Co. near Charlestown where he built a beautiful home called 'Wortley' th::t being a favorite name in the Montague family. He died at this home February 24, 1881 aged sixty-four years; his wife retained much of her youthful activity until within a few years of her death which occurred in their home attended by the loving mfaistrations of her two daughters, on May 28, 1909." Three children were born to them- 1. .A.DA:; ISBELL [Frances T.\ David H.3, Abiga{f~ William1, 1lli"lla-r ], born at Clifton in 1851; married .April 24, 1883 Armistead Selden Lippitt, son of Rev. Edward Russell 19:? ABIGAIL (JfILLAR) ALLEN Lippitt (Prof, in Theological Seminary at .Alexandria) and Mary F. (Alexander) Lippitt. M:r. Lippitt was at :first engaged in merchantile busi­ ness but later turned agriculturist until his death in December 20, 1925. Since then his widow has with their son and daughter lived in Washington, D. C. I. FRAXCES Fo~"TAIXE6 LIPPITT, born March 2, 1884: died D'fay 15, 1887. II. LA URA ALEXA}..'l>BR6 LIPPITT, born January 1886: died in infancy. III. MoxTAGTI IsBELL6 LIPPITT, born )lay 5, 1888; graduated from the Civil Engineering Dept. of Washington and Lee University in 1908: in World War 1st Lieut. in 52nd Engineer Corps, over seas two years. Now Asst. Engineer for the Southern R. R. in their Washington office. IV. l\LIBY A.RMISTEAD6 LIPPITT, born October JO, 1890; graduated from the Episcopal Institute at Winches­ ter, Va.; then private teacher in Berkeley Springs. Now connected with the Federal Post Office in Washington, D. C. 2. l\'14.RY Mo~"TAGmf ISBELL [Frances T.4, David Hume\ .d.bigaiT-, Wil7.iani 1 1lfi1lar] born at Wortley where with her invalid brother and her sister's family was lived out and perpetuated the best of all one knows of Southern home life and hospitality. Early in the spring of 1920 :Miss Isbell went for treatment and rest to the hospital in Winchester and there on March 28, a bright Sunday morning she sud­ denly and unexpectedly passed away. 3. ALLEN l\ifoNTAG°'Gt' ISBELL [Frances T.4, David H.3, Abigai"l2, Wi"lUani 1 11It1lar ], born March 18, 1858. Un­ married and an invalid for many years. 7. EDGAR"' ALLEN [DavidH.3,AbigaiT-, Wi"lli"am 1 Jfi"llar], born November 14, 1825 at "Clifton". "A fine e."'{ample of ones idea of a gentleman of the old .:!..BIG.-IIL (.llILL.·lR) ,lLl,EX 193 school~ in youth unusually good looking and upwards of six feet tall, well proportioned and although handicapped from early manhood by ill health, he never lost an air of distinction. Save for a trip south in winter and to the Virginia Springs in summer his life was spent quietly at Clifton supervising that fine estate. He liked to haYe his friends about him and as a host was charmingly cordial. By his attract:ve personality, his kind­ ness of heart and his upright, honorable dealings with his neighbors, he was sincerely liked and admired by those asso­ ciated with him through years of familiar intercourse and by kindred, loved and mourned." :i\Ir. Allen died at Clifton in 1904 unmarried, leaving the management of the estate to his nephew Maitland Allen, 1mtil, in the event of his two sisters death, it should be sold. 8. LUCY ELLEN4 ALLEN [David H.3, Abigaif-, Williani1 Millar] born in 1831 at Clifton, the youngest of eight children born to David Hume and Sara Griffin (Taylor) Allen: "Reared in an atmosphere of cultivation and refinement which left its impress till the end of her long life; modest and retiring to a marked degree, few knew in her earlier years the riches of her well stored mind. She was a great reader and had a fine memory hence in her mature years a most agreeable conYersationalist. She was fond of nature and an accomplished horsewoman. She had a great -aptitude for making and holding friends, and as hostess at Clifton for thirty years was widely known for her courtesy and gracious hospitality.'' The guest of a day, though more distant of kin than she who kindly sent the foregoing tribute, would add a word of sincere appreciation for the opportunity of having a bright glimpse into the life and home of so choice a spirit. Miss Allen died at the home where she was born and so devotedly loved on Wednesday, February 19, 1908 and lies buried in Green Hill Cemetery at Berryville, Va. .1.BIG.-I.IL (JIILLAR) .ULES

9. ROBERT )lILLAR:1 ALLEX [Abigaif, 1Villimn1 Jfill(J.r ], the youngest child of Col. Thomas and .Abigail (Millar) .Allen was born in their home near Front Royal, .Tanuary 16, 1790 and became one of the most prominent and influential men of bis time in that locality, be was also a man of taste and means. He built upon a sightly elevation about a mile southwest of Front Royal and called his home "Druid Hill" here he died while yet a young man on l\!ay 14, 1819. His home was the last place to be visited by his mother only a year before her death, being over persuaded to the 3 change for a short time by her son David H. ..Allen who realized that her extreme fondness for his brother Robert's two little children would well serve to divert her mind from the sorrow of her husbands recent death. Druid Hill was until her death in 1908 the home of a grand daughter Mrs. Mary Roberta (Gardner) Macatee and has since been sold to General Granger .A.dams. Robert :i.\fillar3 .Allen married .April 4, 1816 Rebecca3 Branson (Rebecca:, Williami :Millar (born December 14, 1793: died ,January 14, 1853). Two children were born to them-

]. S.ut,\ll CATIUJ•.o."E' ALLE..'i. born June 3. 1817: died April 12, 1858. 2. ROBERT Mn.LAil' ALLEN. born November 14, 1819: died December 7, 1853.

1. SARAH 0.aTHARL.'J'E4 ALLEN [Robert lrf.3, Abigaif, Willia-m 1 1.11 £llar], born.rune 3, 1817 in Front Royal, Va., and died .April 12, 1858; was married November 29, 1838 to Samuel Buck Gardner, a farmer and grazier (born in Greenfield, vV' arren Co., Va. Nov. 29, 1813: died at Elk-ton, Va. July 29, 1882). Five children were born- 1. ROBERT ALLE11;..:. GARDl\""ER, born .July 23, 1842: died .Tune 17, 1884. 9 .A.xx Cm;xx" G.aRDl\--:ER, born September 14, 1846: died May 10, 1861. 3. SA...'11,{UEL DEl\T' GARDl\""ER, born .January 28, 1849: died .April 12, 1867. .ABIGAIL (J!ILL..:1.R) .4LLEN 195

4. MA.RY RoBERTA11 GARDNER [Sarah 0.4, Robert M.3, Abigail= William1 Mi"llar], born September 7, 1851: died Decem­ ber 3, 1908. A woman of much charm of person and manner; was married October 1, 1872 to Samuel E. Macatee, son of Ignatius and Margaret (John...c::ton) Macatee of Hereford County, Md. I. }!ARY RoBERTA GARD~"ER6 llAcATEE, born January 17, 1875; married October 23, 1907 John Byrne Earle of Millsdale, Warren County, Va.

1. ALExA.."il>U ll4n.I.An' EARLE, born July 22, 1908.

II. :MARGARET JoHNSTON6 MAcATEE [Mary R.6, Sarah 0.4, Robert M/1, A.bigaiT-, William1 lrlitla,r ], born October 25, 1880. m. SARAH REBECCA6 ~lACATEE [Mary R.\ Sarah\ Robert M.3, Abig~iT-, Witliam1 Mi"llar], born Novem­ ber 1, 1882. 5. REBECCA BRA..~SON .ALLE~ GARDNER [Sarah 0.4, Robert M.3, A.bigaif, Wi"lliam 1 Mi1lar], born January 8, 1854, a capable woman of forceful mind anc!. kindly spirit; was married on June 23, 1880 to Nelson Samuel Waller, a typical Southern gentleman in mind and manner, fol­ lowing the pursuit of Virginia land owners, farming ·and grazing. He was born at "Wildwood" Spottsylvania Co., Va. May 16, 1850, the son of Dr. Nelson Samuel and Mary Hampton (Dejarnette) Waller. I. SAMUEL GARDNER6 WALLER, born at "Druid Hill" March 26, 188L .An attorney in Front Royal, Va. Married first on October 3, 1907 Florence Virginia0 2 Millar (Samuel R/, Samuel R.", Isaac3, William. , William1 Millar); married second June 17, 1919 Annie Louise Ford. No children. Served in World War from March 1917 to Octo­ ber 1919 as Captain in 2nd Va. Inf., transferred to 116th Inf., Battalion Commander with 29th Div. as Major; promoted to Lt. Colonel May 1919; ap- 196 ABIGML (J!ILLAR) ALLEN

pointed Major in Adj. Gen.s' Dept.. Va. Nat. Guards, promoted Brig. Gen. July 1922. II. RoBERT .ALLE..~6 WALLER, born at "Mountain Home" near Front Royal, November 23, 1883 and died July 7, 1886. III. MARY RoBERTAG WALLER, born also at "Mountain Home" October 1, 1886; married October 23, 1907 Hon. William Addison Knowles of Rome, Ga.; re­ turned ten years ago to Mountain Home. No children. 2. ROBERT MlLLAR4 A.LLE...~ [Robert M.3, .A.bigaiT-, Wi"lliam 1 Mi'llar], born in Front Royal, Va., November 14, 1819; mar­ ried Mary E.:. Allen, daughter of Thomas4 Millar and Rebecca 4 3 1 W. (Russell) Allen (Deborah , Abigail2, William. Millar)~ born March 4, 1827: died 1870). "Mr. .Allen died of consumption at the home of his father­ in-law Elder Thomas Millar4 Allen in Boone Co., Mo., Decem­ ber 7, 1853 leaving no descendants. E2izabeth See.was the da11Ghter of .itlichael and 3arb~a. (Ee-.~ess) See, instead o:! ..:l.dat!l and Catharine {Ea_..-nes: See. Eroo:! is in the wil2 of Michael Harness. HaI!lDShire co.Va. In:!orI!la:tio~ given by .Lau.....-a !lillar King. CircleYille,o.

CHAPTER IV. Isuc l\:1n.LAR Isaac, the second son and third child of William and Catharine (du Bois) :Millar, was born February 9, 1751 on the l\fillar Plantation in Dunmore, now Warren Co., Virginia. As seemed the custom in early days, he being the second son, was named for his mother's father, Isaac du Bois. By his father's will, made in 1776, Isaac received four hundred and thirty-three ( 433) acres of land lying in Hamp­ shire Co. on the South Branch, which land in that instrument is stated. was received by grant from the Crown. "Lot 4 was granted by Lord Fairfa.."C to William l\Iillar .June 15, 1749." Kercheval, an early day historian says, "Seeing in Win­ chester a drove of fine Hogs, Lord Fairfa.."C being told they came from west of the mountains, said, 'that county should be called Hampshire, for a county in England, celebrated for its fine hogs'." To Isaac :Millar and one Gough of Baltimore is credited by the Breeders Gazette of Chicago, the first importation of Short Horn cattle from England~ and further says: "The historic Valley of the South Branch was well adapted to the requirements of live stock husbandry." The first shipment was in 1783 and some two years later a second shipment was made. Three entries show blooded animals to have been bought of Isaac ~fillar. "Pluto" he sold to Daniel Harrow and others in 1803. In 1810 '• Inskeeps Buzzard" came from same herd. ··Shaker" was bought also in 1811. Isaac probably took possession of his inheritanee very soon after his marriage to Elizabeth See, this occurred on October 28, 1777 in Hampshire Co. where she was born August 14, 1756, *the daughter of .A.dam and Catharine

•Tb1M tact WIIJII ,:lv~n by a ktnsma.n. thre-e cit whose neat granflmotheTK wer~ Ellza~th: Chr1Mtiana. and Cn.tha.rlne, ~. 1. e. :\lrs. llUUI.C ~Illar :ind h@r two 111h1tt."nc: all dn.u,:ht~T'M ot ~ and Ca,&.b:az:me (HnrnelU!I) See. 198 ISAAC JIILLAR (Harness) See. Rev, C. S. 11. See of Phillippi, ,v. Va. who died 1903, stated: "In 1760 came with a party from Holland, one George See; all settled on South Branch-he at ~Ioore:field, had 2 sons Michael and .Adam, latter born 1764-lawyer in Hardy and Pendleton Counties. :Michael's administrator was ap­ pointed in Kanawha County, 1794." Isaac 1Iillar had a commission from Lord Dunmore in 1774 as State Surveyor:

From "Hennings Statutes at Large", Vol. 13, p. 9-Dec. 4. 17S9. Isaac Millar, et al gentlemen, lay oft Romney. P. 159; Millar, et al gentleman, lay off addition to Charlottesville. Albemarle Co., Nov: 30, 1790. Vol. 16, p. 60. Isaac Millar, et al gentlemen to establish a cemetery at Charlottesville Jnly 12, 1893. . Isaac Millar, et al gentlemen to take subscriptions to clear and improve town of Rivanna on North fork ot James River.

He was one of the Justices of Hampshire Co. in 1788 and for several years before his death President of the Court; twice declined the office of Sheriff. That Patriotism, highest of chic virtues was not lacking in the founder of this branch of the family is proved by the appearance of Isaac :Millar's name, as private, in the Penn­ sylvania Depreciation Lists. These lists consist of soldiers who having been promised a certain rate of pay voluntarily gave their receipts in full for much less-constituting a most indisputable proof of service in our Colonial Wars.

Reference: Vol. 4. Pennsylvania Archives; Fifth Series. page 29S-"Isaac Miller, Private, Cumberland Co. Militia.; Depreciation Pay." The home which Isaac Millar built still stand~, facing the river on the road from Romney to "The Trough" where a direct descendant bas built his home on part of the old land. From its north gallery, stretches of rich river bottom land meet the eye while the mountains on guard near by were gay with Laurel and Red Bud when in .April of 1906 it was the writers pleasure to pass that way in horse-drawn car- ISAAC .lfILL,tR 199 riage before the railroad e~-tended beyond Rollllley. ~\ later journey through this county by rail, gave a tleeting glimpse of "The Trough" which '\V"ashington in his Diary, .April 8, 1748, page 329 thus describes: ''Ye Trough is ·a couple of ledges of }fountains impass­ able, running side by side together for eight miles and ye river down between them, ye must ride round ye hack of ye mountain for to get below them." In this mountain-side home were born to Isaac and Elizabeth (See) Millar their seven children. These births and the deaths of Isaac and Elizabeth­ hers on .April 14, 1794; his on January 23, 1816-were taken directly from the old Bible which soon afterward went to Florida with llichael .A.dam::; :Millar and is now in his possess­ ion in Venus, Florida.

1. VvILLIAlt• MILL.\R, born August 6, 1778 ·•at Sundown". 2. CA~E' MILL.ui, born February rn. 17S0. 3. REn1::KAH•, born February 3, 1783. 4. l\11cu.u:x.• MII.LA!l, born l\1a.rch 30, l,SS "at dav;n Wednesday." 5. IsAAc" Mn.LAB, born December 6, 1787. 6. ELI7.ABETH" MILLAR, born February 4, 1790. 7. .AllA.'\18 MILLAR, born March 28, 1792.

1 1. '\YILLIA:-.r:: }.1ILL.:IB [Isaac?, TV£lliani ], born in Hamp­ shire Co., W. Va., .A.ugust 6, 1778: died in Circleville, Ohio, ,July -1, 1863; married June 7, 1808 }.lary Suddeth (born .July 6, 1783 : died Sept. 19, 1860).

From History of Madison, Fayette and Plckaway Counties, Ohio-by Chapman Bros.

'"\V'i.lliam nlillar came from the Old Dominion to Ohio in 1799 and settled. near the junction of the Scioto River an


October 29, 1875 Sarah Hickman, who died, in 19~0. :Michael died September 23, 192-1. They both lie bm·ied in the Circleville Cemetery. I. AX)."IE E.6 l\Iru..IB_. born January 1-t 1876; man·ied .June 9, 1898 R. R. Upton, (born Jan. 12, 1867). An educator in Seattle, Wash.

1. Cn.\RLES MD.I.AR' UPTON, born October 1, 1S99. Linotype operator in Seattle (1927). 2. MAlm:Tr.1.1 UPTON, born December 24, 1901. Editor ot "Western Beauty Shop" Magazine, San Francisco. 3. R.u.rn W! UPTON. born October 24, 1905.

II. :MICHAEL SEDIOUR6 l\IILLAR_. born Sept. 3, 1878; married June 8, 1903 Emma Peters (born Sept. 13, 1879). Address Ashville, Ohio.

1. CLARA LomsE7 MILLAR. born April 1, 1904; married December 29, 1924, Paul Wllllam7 Cromley (born Nov. 1, 1897) [Charles E.', Mary R.", Sarah Ann•, Wllllam•. Issac". Willlam'J also [Charles 0 E.', Mary R. , Isaac D.•. Adam•, Isaac", William']. 2. C! MILLAR. born February 17, 1907.

III. LAURA TAYLOR6 l\:In.wn, born .June 13, 1881; mar­ ried November 18, 1916 Orion King (born .June 12, 1866). Traveling Salesman, address Circleville, 0. 5 1 5. TAYLOR MILLAR [A.danz4, Wi1Jiam3, Isaac\ William ], born April 6, 1849; married October 15, 1875 Missouri 6 6 Caldwell. Three children, lfary , Georgie\ and all died in infancy. l\ir. )Iillar died )Iarch 10, 1891 in Circle-dlle, Ohio, where his widow resides, having since married W.R. Bell. 5 1 6. TECU)ISEH l\llLLAR [A.dam\ Willtam3, Isartcz, Willimn ], born July 23, 1851; ma1Tied :first Jennie Weigand, N o.-ember 26, 1874 who died in 1877: married second February 15, 1879 Lucy Staige whose grandfather William Staige and 1',[r. ·Cromley's grandfather Richard Staige were brothers. ~fr. 2\Iillar is a retired farmer and lives in Circle­ ville: Ohio. 202 JS.-!.,1C Jlll,LAJ?

0 I. ADA:\[ T. ~frr.un, horn .August 2-t 1880: died )fay 20. 1901. II. HAIUm~T V." )lILL.rn [Tecnm,.i;;rh\ Adam4, lVtlliam\ 1 J.i;;aarf? •Williani ], born 2\farch 12, 1884;. married .June 12, 19:t2 George P. Foresman (born February 2. 1884: Post }laster (1927) and farmer residing in Circleville. "Mr. and :Mrs. Foresman ,dth their young daughter and her grand parents make an interesting household in the old home.

1. KATllF.RI:SJ·: V! For.F. .. ~[.\:S, born March 7, 1916.

1 i. .A.DA:\!:; :MILLAR [Adnm.4, WilUa1n3, J.i;;aac-.:, lVillimn ], born ,January 7, 185°1: died unmarried. ,Tuly 20, 1879. 8. LucIXDA5 11:rr..LAR [A.dam\ TYl7liani3_. Isaac-.: .. Wi?liam.1], born October 20, 1856: died February 2, 1869. 5 2 1 9. lULLARD F. MIT.. LAR [Adam\ Willia:m/\ l,;aac , lVillia1n ] born November 15. 1858: died February 7. 1860. 5 1 10. H.IBRIF.T MILLAR [Admn"_. Will£am~ .• Isaac: .. TfTilli(tm ] born in CirdeYille, Ohio N ovembel' 1860; married there October 30, 1884 Dr. William H. Humiston, who prac­ ticed in Cleveland until his retirement in 1926. since then they have lived, the greater part of each year in Vero, Florida, motoring back to their c01mtry home near Cleveland for the summer. Dr. Humiston is the son of Henry D. and Miranda (Davison) Humiston.. I. FLOREXCE L. 6 HmIISTOK [Harriet\ A.dam\ JVillia.m\ I."aac\ Wnliam1 Jfalar], born September 8, 1885; married October 30, 1909 .Jarnes A. Harrar, living and practicing in New York City. Son of Elwood and Lilian (.Aitken) Harrar..

1. WILLL\~t HUlUSTOli' HAr.R.,\R. b,,rn October 19. 1911. 2. N.,:scY PEARso:s• H.\rut.\R. born September 6, 1917.

II. WILLI.BI TAYLORc; HuJHSTO~ [Harriet\ Adam\ 1Vil7iam3_. Isaac\ Wi?liam 1 .Millar], born October 3, IS,l,tC JIILL,lR 203

1888: married ,June 21, Vh·ien V. )lore.

1. JusE' HUllISTO;>., born Mny 11, 1922. 2. WI!.LL\ll H. HUlll<'T0:-0. died In Infancy. 3. VI\"lEX' HUMI<'TOS. born December 24, 192·1. 4. H.\l:RIET W.' HtrlrtSTO;>.. born Au,mst 21, 192G.

III. E,·ELYX H,uuuE'.r0 HmusTOX [JJarrt'.ef•. Adnni4, Willicn113, J.w,ac~, 1Villia111.1 Millar], born i\lay 17, 1894; mar1ied October 5. 19:!1 Kevin Keegan, bond broker, Union 'rrust Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. He is the son ,of Dr. Keegan, surgeon, head of the Government Hospital in St. ,J olms. 4 1 5. SARAH Axx :Mn,LAR [Willia-m:S, Isaac\ lVilliam, ], born .Apirl 24, 1817: died ,June 27, 1900. I\farried February 1 22, 184.11 Isaac Decker·' ).[illar (Adam\ Isaac~, ·wmiam ) (born .March 18, 1822: died Oetober 21, 1867). Seven children were born to them-

1. Jonx DE:ci-c1:= MILi.An, born December 6, 1844; di~d March 28, 1860. 2. WILLLrn• MILLAR. born April 28, 1847. 3. 1',L\;ey R&BECCA. MILLAR. born September 6, 1850. 4. LEOSARW MILLAR. born April 1, 1854. 5. ISA..\C M.' Mru..u:. born March 21, 1Sa7-died February 3, 1860. 6. ADAlJ P.• MILl-\lt. twin to Isaac; died March 19, 1886. 7. A.~ Lo-orz MILLAR. born November 2, 1860: died March 25, 1901.

2. '\YILLIA:\I~ MILLA.rt [Santh Ann4, 1Vil.lirwi3, l.-:aacZ, 1 William1. ], born April 28, 1847. Living near Ashville, Ohio. A prosperous land owner and retired farmer; greatly interested to meet the compiler of these records and hear about his kinfolk in West Virginia and those "over in Scioto" who up to that time were more myth than reality for although his parents were both :Millars and their parents had come to Pickaway Co. not far from the time their cousins Abraham, .John "William antl Cornelius had settled in Scioto .and Pike counties, such were the conditions of travel, the difficulty of getting the mails, their own busy clays with growing families, that it was not the easy matter to pay visits even fairly 204 ISAAC iJIILLAR

near by that it is in our motor driven pilgrimages of many more miles. Mr.. Millar's home ''Bunker Hill Farm'' commodious and hospitable, was in l\fay the setting for his eightieth birthday celebration which found him happy, interested in everything and well. He married ,January 14, 1892 Aphlus O'Day, daugh­ ter of Wesley and l\Ielvina (Scutt) O'Day of the same county. I. SARAH ANN° l\fILLAR [William\ Sarah .A.nn-4 Williama, 2 1 l.r;aac , Willfom ], born September 27, 1894; mar­ ried .January 1, 1916 in her home, Richard Harrison Hedges, son of Jacob and Elta Hedges (born Jan. 7, 1894) a farmer and trnck gardner.

1. J'ASl'Elt MILLAR' H1."DGES, born November 9, 1916. 2. RICIIAIU> ALLE:v7 HEDGES. born March 1, 1918. 3. GRETCIIEN ANNE' HEDGES. born April 11, 1!119. 4. EDGAR Wn.LIA:lt7 Hr.DOES, born December 14, 1920.

II. ISAAC O'DAY0 MILLAR, born February 17, 1896: died November 28, 1907. A bright and lo'vable lad whose untimely going seemed a blow too severe to be borne and left but a sad memory instead of a glad hope in the hearts of his parents. III. l\L4.RY ETT BF..R:i-.-rcE6 MILLAR [William\ Sarah Ann• 2 1 Wi?liam\ Isaac , Wi1liam ], born July 15, 1901; married February 5, 1925 Harry Colwell Speakman, son of George and Jessie Speakman (born .Aug. 2, 1897) now operating the farm of his father-in-law William5 Millar.

1. BEATltICE A:<:-:m' S!'F.AK:lrAX. born Feb. 19, 1926.

TV. HARRIET BEA TRICE11 nlrr...LAR, twin to Mary Ett Ber­ nice, married March 14, 1923 Harold Lee Slagle, son of Oscar and .Alta Slagle (born April 28, 1903. A mechanic of _.c\.tlantic, Ohio. IS.1.4.C .lJJLL.4.R 205

1. ELEA~OI' LEE' SLAGLE, born January G, 1924. 2. Son born and died October 4, 1925.

5 2 3. llARY RF...BECCA :i\lILLAR [Sarah Ann\ lV-illiam3, Isaac , 1 Wi?lia111 ], born in the old ~Iillar home in Harrison twp. Pickaway Co., Ohio; married October 1870 in her father's home, now the home of William :Millar her brother, Thaddeus E. Staige Cromley, a prosperous and influential man in the community, farmer and stock raiser who died April 17, 1921. He was the son of William and Sara ( Staige) Cromley; originally from Germany, the great, great grand father of Thaddeus, Valentine Kramlick came to Pennsylvania in 1749. "Mr. Cromley graduated A. B. in 1865 and. A. M. three years later from Kenyon College at Gambier, 0.; was a member of General .Assembly during four sessions and held various offices of honor ·within the gift of his friends and business associates. :i\lr. and, Mrs. Cromley cele­ brated their golden wedding in 1920 when a; host of friends bade them rest satisfied in the fulfillment of worthy lives and the anticipation of its reward to come." I. CHARLES E.° CRO:ULEY [Mary R.\ Sarah .A.nn4, Wi1- 2 1 liam3, Isaac , Wi1liarn Jl,fillar], born Sept. 3, 1872. Farmer and stock raiser; married February 5, 1895 Blanche Petty, daughter of ,J amcs and Priscilla (Hoffhines) Petty. Mr. Cromley follows in his fathers footsteps as a force in business and civic in­ terests.

1. PRIDE GRACE' CROllLEY, born March 2, 1896; married December 25, 1921 Montrose Marlon Hegely, Instructor or Physical Education in Columbus. Ohio. 1. J,un;;s C! HEGELY. 2. PAUL \VILLL~'1' CROllLEY. born November 1, 1897; assists his father in operating the home farm: married Louise l\1Ular, daugh• ter of Michael Seymour" and Emma (Peters) Millar. 3. TlIADDEUS E.' CROllLEY. born February 25, 1904. Connected with Mid-West Box Co. or Circleville, Ohio. Married Francele Bell. 1. ROBERT" CROllLEY. 4. MARY REBECCA' CROllLEY, graduate and registered nurse in Clumbus, Ohio. 206 ISAAC Jlll.LA.R

5. Ho:m:n• CBOllLEY, born ?,fay 5, 1908. 6. ELIZAJJF.TII A.'(NE7 CROllLEY. born September 7, 1911; at home and in school. 7. PluscrLLA7 CROlU.EY, born July 9, 1914; died in infancy.

II. .ALVA }IrLLARc CRO)TLEY, born .January 5, 1874, married .July 22, 1903 Helen Butterfield.. Mr. Crom­ ley is a druggist in Columbus, Ohio. m. lv!ETTA l\Lu° CRO:\rLEY [Mary R."', Sarah Ann'., Willianl., Isaac!!,, Wi1liwm 1 .iJ.fi1lar], born Jan. 27, 1877; married November 29, 1900 Chauncey Jason McCord, a farmer. .l\'Irs. McCord died October 28, 1914 leaving one child.

1. HAROLD CUOllLEY' McCORD, born April 12, 1903.

IV. A.i.~NA G.6 Cno:\ILEY,. born October 6, 1878: died .June 15, 1879. V. .Al\IY LEE° CROlILEY [.iJf a1·y R.:-,, Sarah Ann\ Wi1liam3 Isaarf, Wi?lia1n1 .Mi'lla1·], born.April 7, 1880; married November 12, 1908 Glenn Inman Nickerson, hard­ ware and oil merchant in Circleville, Ohio.

1. RICHARD CROllLEY' NICXERS0:1", born December 24, 1912. 2. E=n LEE' NICKEl!SON, born March 20, 1921.

VI. WILLL\)I MrLLAR6 CRO:\rLEY [Mary R.:-,, Sarah Ann', William\ Isaac\ Willia11i 1 11fi?lar], born September 5, 1882, a farmer and, stock raiser on part of the home place; also bank director. Married Florence Scothorn.

1. CunTis MIU.Alf Cool!LEY. born January 26, 1912.

VII. .A-s-sA ~1ARIE6 CRO)ILEY [Mary R.\ Sarah ..4.n.n4, William\ Isaac!!,, WilUam1 Mi'llar], born March 1, 1886; married .August 1, 1911 Dr. Chester J. Rockey, a dentist in .Ashville, Ohio.

1. CHESTER 3.7 Roci.o-, born ;January 19, 1919. ISAAC JIILLAR

VIII. THADDEUS LERoY° CRO:\ILEY [11lary R.5, Sarah ..1.nn\ Wtllimn\ Isaac\ William1 .Millar]. born .March 25, 1890. Farmer and stock raiser on part of the Cromley place; bank director. l\farried December 24, 1915 Elsie Hewitt.

1. HEwITT LERoT' Ci:o:uLJn·. born October ,. 1918. 2. Al.DA RoBERT.A: CcolrLEY. born October 10, 1920.

4. LEOXARD:; l\In.LAR [Sarah Ann\ lVilliam?, Isaac"\ 1 Wt?liam. ], born April 1, 1854, a prosperous and intelli­ gent farmer near Ashville, Ohio. :Married on October 10, 1888 Lida Grace Stimmel of Columbus, Ohio, daugh­ ter of Peter and Kathrine Pontius (Halva) Stimmel (married Jan. 16, 1856). I. EARL WILLI.Ur11 l\fiLL.-IB [Leonard\ Sarah Ann"', Wi1liam?, Isaaef-, William,1], born August 1889; mar­ ried on November 29, 1911 Hazel D. Roberts, daugh­ ter of Adelbert and Lena (Pomeroy) Roberts.

L RonEKT R! Mn.r..ut. born Mar::h 11. 1913. 2. WILLL\ll Enw..u-.n• MILLAR. born February 19, 1914. 3. CATlIR'I.":\" GRACE7 l\lILLAR, born J'an. 13. 1916: died June 1916. 4. VlllG~L\ A.-v:-r• MILLAR. born J'anuary 10, 1918: died March 12, 1918.

II.. BE~"FORD STDDIEL6 l\frr..LAR [Leonard\ Sarah Ann,4, 2 1 Wi1liani:i_. baac , WilUani ], born December 19, 1894, operates the home farm a half mile from South Bloomfield, Ohio; married December 29, 1916 Minnie Shipley.

l. GERALD SRll'LEl'.' Mu.LAB. born January 10. 1918. 2. FRA.-v= D.U-E' MILLhR. born September 10, 1926.

2 5. ISAAC l\I.:; ){ILLAR [Sarah Ami\ TVilliam\ l,;aac , 1 William ], born l\farch 21, 1857: died February 3, 1860. 6. ADA:i.r P.:; l\iILLAR, twin to Isaac:; died in 1886. 7. A..~:\"'E LE::-:oRE:; :M:rr.. LAR [Sarah Ann4, Wi?.lianl, l.c;aac2, 1 William ], born November 2, 1860, was married April 15, 18S6 to Frank S. Chryst, a lawyer of Warren, Ohio; 208 IS,i;lC Jf/LLA.R

and. died nlarch 25, 1901 lea,ing two daughters "ith their father \\"ho was then Probate .Judge of Trumbull Co. I. BLAXCHtl CHRYST [Anne L." Sarah Ann\ William\ Isaac\ Wi?liam1 Jlt7lar], born .June 6, 1887; married December 24, 1915 Victor E. Rebr. }[rs. Rehr died October 6, 1926 leatlng two young daughters.

1. AlllEE HEsli' REult. born J'anunry 17, 1917. 2. MARY Lomsi::' R1mn. born J'une 6. 1920.

II. SARAH° CHRYST [Anne L.5, Sarah Ann\ William-3, Isaac-;: TV illia11i1 lllillar], born August 21, 1894; mar­ ried December 28, 1912 Henry J. Stringer. Address 322 Suffolk Road, Baltimore.

1. A.-.q;,;E MILI.AR' STJ11"GEB. born May 26, 1914. 2. HE;,;ny J'EROl!E1 STRI.-.qGER, born J'une 13, 1917.

3 1 2. CATH,\RIXE l\ULLA.R [Isaac\ 1Vtllia1n ], the oldest daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (See) Millar was born in Hampshire Co., W. Va., and married there David Parsons (born 1775) April 4, 1796. "The family of Parsons into which she married, origin­ ated in England with John Parr whose twelve sons-a com­ munity in themselves-were called Parr's sons; which in about 1700 was shortened to its present spelling"; ".John Parr served twice as Lord Mayor of London." "Thomas who settled on the Eastern shore of .:Maryland in 1725 left Prussia on account of religious persecution ; his will was dated }.fay 27, 1771, recorded .:March 10, '72 mentions William "\Velton and Robert Cunningham as sons-in-law, to receive land on North :Mill Creek. adjoining some in Pendle­ ton County, Va. (These names both appear in another part of this history -another also-Adam Fisher who was one of his executors.) His signature was that of an old and tremulous hand." He is found as execn~or of the will of Daniel Richardson JS.-t..J.C J!ILLAR 209

and as such conveyed land September S, 1761 on 1Iill Creek in Hardy Co .• W. Va., to Henry Van :Meter. He married Parthenia Baldwin. Isaac Parsons. son of ThomM and P:uthenia Baldwin Parsons was born January 27, 1752. he inherited the Planta­ tion known as the Gibson Farm in Hampshire Co.; was later drowned in the South Branch of the Potomac. He had married on April 23, 1772 lfary Ellender Gregg: two sons were born to them; James who married Catharine Casey in 1795. David, born in 1775, married Catharine l\lillar, and founded one of the largest branches of this :Millar-du Bois History. They were the parents of seYen children, all born in "V\.,._ Virginia, but later moved to :Missouri and settled on Salt Rh-er in Shelby County.

L Is.uc' PARSONS. born June 2. 1797. 2. JoN.\TIIA.~ P.ARSONS. born April 11, 1799. 3. El.17..ABETII' PAJtSONS. born April 16, 1800. 4. J-u.rES' PARSONS, born June 2s. 1808. 5. M.un:• P.U

1. Is.uc~;s [Catharine\ I.wuuf. TV/lliam 1 Millar], born ,June 2, 1797 in Romney, vV. Va., where he married June 1, 1820 Rebecca l\IcCarty (born :March 6. 1794) daughter of *Edward l\IcCarty of the 8th Va. Continental Regiment. In 1831 he mo,ed to l\iissouri and settled in Saline Co., where be died ?lfarch 30, 1867; his wife having died :M:arch 13, 1861. Eight children were born to them-

1. EDWARD McC.\RTT PAttSON!S. born April 29, 1821. 2. SALLY McCARTY" PARSONS. died in childhood. 3. DAVID JA.,u:s• PAl

•Eckenrotle,111 LIHtK or Rt?"-·· SOJdJere ot VJri;-!nlu; Suppl~mcnt. p. t~::. :no J.'IA,W Jf/LLAR

7. CATHAIUNY. ELI7.AJJY.TJl0 PARliONS, born August 16, 1837. 8. WILLIA.~[ MILLAR" PA!U

1. Eo,vARo iicOARTY~ P.u~o:-s [baac\ Catharine\ Jsaacz, William 1 Millar], horn in Hampshire Co., "\Y. Va., .April 29, 1821. ~farried Dec. 9, 1841 in l\Iissouri, :first Eliza­ beth l\iinerva Patrick. who died l\fareh 17, 1843; second, on November 25, 1846 .Julia Ann :Marshall (born 1830). I. REBECCA ELIZABETH0 P ARSOXS [Edward M cC.\ Isaac4, Catlwrhie3, /sa{tc\ W-i?liarn 1 11lillar], born Sept. 16, 1842: died February 12, 1853. 11 II. EDWARD l\L PARSoss [Edward McC.", Isaac\ Cathorhu?, Isaac~, William1 11,lillar ], born in Sweet Springs, l\fo.. Sept. 9, 1848; married Nov. 25, 1869 Hattie A. Vincent.

l. F.ruro W! PARSONil, born July 16, 1871: died August 25, 1926. 2. S.\R.UI A.YNrE.7 P.\RSONS, born March 30, 1S73; married at Howard, Kansas. in 1896 Robert Pounds (son o! Alexander Pounds), Cedar Rapids, Nebr. 1. .LESTER" POUNDS. born In 1898; served in World War. 2. MAuoE" Pomws, born in 1902.

III. J.DIES K.11 PARSOXS [Ed·u:ard JfcC.5, J.

1. J.ui:ES Eow.uw LESTElf KETro:-.. born In :Marshall, Mo., March 24, 18S6; a merchant in Los Angeles. He married in St. Louis, Mo. November 23; 190S Myrtle Bell Gardner. 1. ARLEY MAY8 Ki!:rro:-.. born June 5, 1926. IS.-t,lC JIILLAR 211

VI. l\LrnSHALL D.n-m" P.-\.RSOXS [Edward .lfcC.\ Isaac\ Catharine\ Isaac\ TVillia111 1 .llillar].. born April 20, 1856 in Saline Co., Mo. A farmer of that co1mty, living 1928; mmTied October 31, 1889 Barbara Eleanor Farrell (born Feb. 23, 1870).

1. CLYIIE WALLACE' PARSONS, born August 22, 1890; graduated from Medical DepartDlent of Brown University; served in World War as Capt. o! Medical Corps U. S. A. Commanding Ambulance Co. 10th Sanitary Train In 1918: Now practicing physician in Sweet Springs, Mo., his nntive city. Dr. Parsons mnrrled In 191S nt Slater, Mo., Zeta H. Netr. 1. CLYDE WA.LI.ACF!' PAIISOSS, JR., born July 18, 1920. 2. BARBARA NEFF' PARSONS, born December 21, 1921. 3. DAVID JA:\tES" P.~SONS, born June 12, 1924. 2. MAnslLU.L DAVID' PARSONS. Jn.. born March 29, 1892; Rural :mall carrier out o! Sweet Springs, Mo., where he resides; married there November 4, 1915 Minnie Lucllle Higgins. 1. MARY EDITn• PAllSONS, born October 15, 1917. 2. ELEANOR Lucru.E" PARSONS, born March 9, 1921. 3. CnABT.ES RUSSELL' PARSONS, Sweet Springs, Mo. 4. EDITII E.' PABSONS, born August 27, 1898: died August 23, 1904. 5. LESLIE J.' PARSONS, Knnsas City, Mo. 6. HELEN KA=~' PARSONS, born Jnnuary 16, 1909. Address Sweet Springs, Mo.

VII. EDWIN6 PARSONS [Edward llfoC.5, Isaac4, Cathar 3 1 rine , Isaac\ WilUam Mi"llar], born .June 19, 1857; married Lucy McGinnis; living 1928. vm. REBECCA 6 p ARSONS~ born Sept. 10, 1858: died. in 1882. IX. ,JULIA ANNA6 PARSONS, -min to Rebecca [Edward llfoC.r., l.<;aac4, Catharine3, lsaa

1. CLARENCE B.' P ABSONS, Sedalia, Mo. 2. REBECCA ELIZABEnI1 PABSONS. born In Brownsville, Mo.• December 9. 1884. Trained nurse residing in Sedalia, Mo. 3. CHARLES K.' PABSONS. born August 21, 1886. Railway Postal Clerk residing In Sedalia, Mo. Married February 10, 1910 Ada May Noel. No children. 212 /S,!AC ltl/LLAR

4. MAnY' PA1180NR, born April 17, 1889. 5. EDWL'I' PAIISONB, twin to Mary; both died In Infancy.

.X. GE0Ha1-; vV.'1 PAusoxs [Edward .1.llcl'.\ Isaac\ Catharine\ Isaac\ Williarn 1 .Millar], born October 14, 1859; married Pearl McGinnis. Living. XI. JOHN vV. 0 PARSONS [Edward Mel'.\ Isaac\ Catha­ 2 1 rine3, l.<;aac , }Vi"lliarn .Millar] born September 14, 1860: a physician in active practice in Ladonia, Texas. XII. JosEPH0 PARSONS [Edward McC.\ b;aac4, Catha­ 2 1 rine\ Isaac , T-VilUa1n Millar], born in 1862. Not married. XIII. CoRDELIAu PARSONS [Edward };fcC.\ Isaac\ 2 1 Catharine\ Isaac , Wi"lliam Millar], born near Sweet Springs, Mo., February 24, 1863; married Jackson Tolman Hess (born in Moniteau Co., Mo. Dec. 1, 1850) a farmer, and died leaving one daughter.

1. NELLIE W.ARDT liEss, born In Miss. Co., Texas August 8, 1876; mar• Tied first In 1893 James Nelson Keyton in Ladonia, Texas. Married second In 1910 In Independence, Mo. A. J. Barnes. Address Morris, Okla. 1. JESSIE DEA."\" 9 KEYTo:s-, born July 7, 1894 at Poplar Blutf, Mo.; married January 1916 Charles F .. Adams; have three daughters 9 9 ELI7.AIIETII , MARTlIA ; MARGARET" Al>AllS. 2. LYDIA CoRDELIAR' Kn-i-o~. born August 5, 1900; married in Warrensburg. Mo., December 23, 1924 Earl Dixon, a mer• chant In Kansas City, Mo. 3. HAzEt A.' KErro:\", died In childhood.. 4.. MILDRED F.• KEY'ro~. born October 6, 1903; married in Poplar B!utf, Mo., December 23, 1917 E. E. Romine, a !armer near Culllson, Kansas. They have four daughters LYDIA'; Vman."IA•, GLADYS'; wA,.--.OA' Rol!I:'l'E. 5. MARY ELIZABETII" KE:nol"', born Jan. 2, 1906: died in Infancy. 6. GLAJ>:rs• BAR-""ES, born June 19, 1911. 7. NELLIE WARP' BARl"'ES. born January 14, 1914.

3. DAVID JAJ.vms5 P.ARSO~s [Isaac\ Catharine\ Isaac\ Wi1liam 1 illillar], born April 18, 1825 in Mineral Co., W. Va.; a physician whose home was in the same county: ISAAC MILLAR 213

married in the spring of 1849 Elizabeth M. Tebbs (born Feb. 14, 1828 in Kentuck-y: died Sept. 18, 1896). Dr. Parsons died :March 25, 1896 survived. by two sons. I. "\V. BucH.:\.NAN6 P .ARSONS [David J.\ Isaac4, Gatha­ 2 1 rine3, lsaac , William Millar], born in Sweet Springs, :Mo. in 1850; practiced medicine in Missoula, Mont. until his death in April of 1925. He had mar­ ried September 19, 1871 Gida J". Mockbee.

1. liAnBY H.7 PARSONS, born June 28, 1872: attorney in Missoula, Montana. Married Ethel Jackson. 2. EDNA M.7 PARSONS, born October 23, 1875. Married F. M. Forbes.

II. DAVID W ..\.LKER 6 P.ARSONS [David .J.\ J.r;aac4, Gatha­ 2 ri'.ne3, Isaac , Wflliarn,1 M"i1lar ], born ,January 11, 1852 in Saline Co., Mo. An attorney in Sweet Springs, Mo. until his death in 1924; survived by his third wife whom as Mrs. Blanche Ma."\'.:ey he bad married in J" uly 1920. He married first in Sweet Springs, :Mo., May 2, 1871 *Hattie Cresap Wilson, daughter of Robert and. Sarah Wilson (born May 17, 1853: died March 24, 1880. Married second :March 15, 1881 his cousin .Julia Anna Parsons who died in J"uly 1910.

1. HATTIE M.7 PARSOliS, born Janua.ry 4, 1876: taught school and "home steaded" a claim in the Cherokee Strip; married March 8, 1905 John A. Page; address Columbia, Mo .• R. F. D. 9. Their ch!ldren were born on the claim when Oklahoma was yet a terr! tory. 1. Jon.~ BBYA.~T" PAGE, born March 30, 1906. 2. WlLLTAlt WALKER' PAGE, born May 21, 1907: died June 23, 1922. 3. MARY c.,TIIAJU:ra" PAGE. born September 22, 1915. 4. RL'TII ELIZABt."TII' PAGE, born October 29, 1918--

•G:rea.t-gTt'a.t grantl daughter ot )Ucha.el CreHO.p. Col. tn Wat11hington·11 Army who had trouble with Lca:nn. Ch1et ot the 3tln,:oi.., See rntern&tJonal Encyr. C~,eap" or Dunmore•,. War~. 214 IS.4.AC MILLAR

G. CUABLF.S ~CA1D1 PARSO:-:s. born August 21. 1886. Railway Postal clerk: address Sedalla, Mo. Married February 10, 1910 Ada May Noel. No children.

4. JosATHAX 5 PARSOXS [Isaac\ Catharine\ l8aac:, William1 Mi1lar], born in :Mineral Co., 1"\7'. Va., October 17, 1827: died .July 12, 1856. None other than these Bible records can be found. He is said to have married and had a fam­ ily of five children-four dying young-the fifth "WILLLUI6 PARSONS once lived in Shelbyville, l\--fo." but letters sent there were returned. 5. Is.uc M. 5 PARSONS [Isaac\ Catliarine3, Isaaef, W·i1liarn,1 Mi1lar], born December 28, 1829: died December 17, 1854. A confused record states him to have married Susan Gibbs which seems to be borne out by the Bible record of the death of "William Pierce Parsons, son of Isaac and Susan Parsons, Sept. 1, 1858." 6. MICHAEL l\ULLAit5 PARSONS [Isaac4, Ca.tharine:O., Isaac:, Williani1 .1lli1lar ], born October 11, 1833 in Saline Co., :Mo., where his parents had settled three years before. He died .July 30, 1901; had married Harriet Crawford and left two children Charlesc and Ruthe Parsons, let­ ters to whom remain unanswered. 7. CATHARD.~ ELIZABETH5 PARSONS, [Isaac\ Catharine\ 2 1 Isaac , lVUlianz Jfi1lar ], born August 16, 1837 in Saline Co., :Mo., where she married October 16, 1856 Higgins l\fills, son of Justinian and Sarah Yates (Hig­ gins) Mills (born in Union Co., Ky. ~fay 10, 1830: died December 4, 1895). Nine children were born to them, not all of whose records could be obtained. I. WILLIA:\! P.-rnsoxs.: l\--fILLs, born September 27, 1857 was a physician in l\Iissoula, ).font, when record was sent in 1916. II. SARAH E.6 l\frr... LS, born November 22, 1859: died aged fourteen. IS.LI.C .UILL.tR :us

III. REBECCA :McC.IBTY0 l\Irr.Ls, born )larch 13, 1861 married. --Land and lived in Guthrie, Okla. IV. JusTD,"I.-\X L.c l\I:ru.s_. born .July 4, 1S64; resided. at Florence, :Montana in 1916. Y. ::i.\LIBY E.0 ::i.\I:ru.s_. born December 20, 1869: died aged thirty. YI. GILBERT P.IBSoxs0 l\frr.r...s, twin to )Iary: died aged thirty-three. VII. CATJI.:UID."E6 l\fn.Ls, born .August. 1875. VIII. J A:\!ES0 l\I:ru.s, twin to Catharine, died in infancy. IX. LYDIA J.0 ::i.\fn.Ls, born ..A.pril 1S80~ graduated from University of )Iontana; married in l\Hssoula, ::i.\font. .April 25, 1907 C. H. Rittenour, a merchant in Plains, l\font. No children. S. v\'ILLLUI ::i.\IrrLall P.ARSoxs [baac4, Catharine:. Isaac:. TV·illia1n 1 Millar], born .July 22, 1840: died Feb'y 1, 1902. "Left three children; a daughter lh-ed in Washington. Oldest son died in California after 1900; the other son died during the Civil War." .-, JoXATHAX 4 P.ARSOXS [Catha, :ne\ Isaac=, William1 Mi?lar] Born .April 11, 1799. No records. 3. ELIZABETH4 P ..\RSOXS [Catltarine3, Isaac=, lVilliarn,1111-t?lar] Born in Hampshire Co., W. Va., .April 16, 1800: died .April 1. 1863. Married to .Abraham Van l\feter (born in Moore­ field. w·. Va.: died .Aug. 25, 1866) son of .Joseph and Hannah (Inskeep) Van Meter. They moved to Missouri when St. Louis was a village and, settled on' Salt River nine miles from Shelby-ville. They had four children.

1. DA \"ID P.'JtSO:s-s• VA.-.; METE!'" born June 23, 1819. 2. MARY CATIL\RI:S-E" v.,~ METER. born December 23, 1s2::. 3. REllEcCA A.~• VA:S- METER. born August 4. 1825. 4. ABEL J.orF.s" VA.-... MF.TF.R. born September 11. 1S34.

1. DAVID P ..\RSOXS:; VA~ l\fi.'TER [Eliwbeth4, Catharine-;,,. Isaac=, Williani1 Jllillar] .. born .June 23, 1819 in Hamp­ shire Co., W. Va. In Saline County, :Mo. ,Yhere he lived 216 IS,1,LC JJll,l,A.R

he owned a fine large farm and raised stock. He married there .July 29, 1874 ~Iargaret Florence Nye (born in Pike Co. Ohio :March 27, 1852) who sur­ vives him, .l\fr. Van Meter having died AprH 21, 1884. :Mrs. Van Meter married later, ,James F. Allen of Miami, Mo. I. GEORGE A::rnREW6 VAN METER, born March 13, 1876: died March 20, 1877. II. DAVID PAnsoxs0 VAN METER [David P.\ El-izabeth\ Catharine\ b;aac2, Wi7liam1 1lI-illar ], born :March 25, 1879. A farmer near Miami, Mo.; married October 4, 1899 Florence Stella Hisle: address Marshall, Mo.

1. Vnum,IA Auct:' VAN METF.r., born April 17. 1908,

III. LUCINDA6 VAN l\iETER [David P.:., Elizabeth\ Catharine\ J.,;aai\ William1 :Millar], born in Miami, Mo., August 9, 1883; married there April 2, 1902 George Pemberton Haynie, stock raiser.

1. ELIZABt."Tlf VAN Mr.nm' HAYNIE. born February 15. 1907.

2. MARY CATHARINE:: VAN :METER [Eliza.beth4, Catharine\ 2 1 Isaac , Wt1l£am .Mi7lar], born December 23, 1823 in Hampshire Co., W. Va.,: died .July 9, 1899. She was married ,June 16, 1840 to .John Pennell Henning (born in Lewisburg, W. Va. May 15, 1815: died March 6, 1892). A mill owner and farmer, having been a manufacturer of fm-niture in Lexington, l\fo. until 1849 when he moved to California and spent all his later years on a farm. He was the son of Thomas Henning (born in Maryland) a furniture manufacturer, and his mfe whose maiden name was Pennell. I. IRTING PExNELL6 HENNING [.Mary C.", Elizabeth", 2 1 Catliarine3, Isaac , Wt1liam Mi7lar ], born in Miami, Mo. ~4..ugust 9. 1841. A teacher and lawyer in Red­ wood City, Cal.; married in Lompoc, Cal. August 9, 1880 Ena Brown (deceased). JS,t.-lC MILJ.,lR 217

1. CLAl:E:SCE IR\'l:SG' HF~'l:Sl:Sil. born May 31, 1ss1.

II. ADDISOX DA no" HEXXING, born November 2, 1843 in :Missouri; was a farmer and deputy sheriff of Kern County, Cal. where he died April 5, 1892. Unmarried. III. .A.BR.-\.HA:\[ P .ARSoxs0 HEx:-.-rrna [ .il.I ary C.\ Eliz~ 3 1 beth4, Cathar?'.ne , Isaac'\ Williani], born in Missouri, November 1, 1846. A market gardner in Cottonwood, Cal. : married in . Monterey Co., Cal., May 20, 1873 Sarah Elizabeth Ryder.

1. JoHN ADIL\HAll' HE:S:SI.'10, born June 1, 1S74 In Salinas, Cal. An electrical supply contractor in Lodi, Cal. lllarried there April 14, 1907 Elma Myrtle H:i.rnly, daughter of Jacob McFarland (born in Ohio) and Emina (Ray) Harnly. 1. CLINTON OTTI;;• HENNil'/0, born Nov. 17, 1908. 2. IRVL'IG LEE' HEN=o. born September 13, 1875. Merchant in Lodi, Cal. 3. WILLIA)( SOLOllON' liE:vNtNG. born February 2, 1877. An electri­ cian in Kingman, Ariz. 4. FRANK ALnERT' HE.'1NING, born September 5, 1878: Lumberman in Lodi, Cal.; married August 30, 1905 Edith King Ivory, daughter of Charles Oscar and Rebecca Jane (Tredway) Ivory. 5. ALLEN DEWITT' HENNING, born June 15, 1883; clerk and telegraph operator for Southern Pacific R. R. Living (1909) Lisson, caL Married in Cottonwood December 11, 1901 Frankie Christena Lintz, daughter of William Henry and Mary Belle (Hutchinson) Lintz. 1. HAzEL FBA.-iKIE" H!!:Nl'l'INo, born March 22, 1903. 2. EVEL= WINIFRED" HP;l',m:l'G. born Jan. 30, 1905. 3. WII.LIA!',1 ALLE....,• H&...,:o,T.m. born September 3, 1907. 4. FRANK HowARD" HE:N:sr.:o, born May 24, 1909. 6. HENnY' HE.,~1.-ia. born September 9, 1885. A carpenter In Redwood City, Cal. 7. MARION D.wm' HE:s=o. born September 19, 1887. An agent on Southern Pacific R. R. Lived (1909) at Jacksonville, Oregon. Married. No further records. 8. MABEL F'll.\.'1CES' HENNl:)oG, born April 19, 1891: died Jan. 24, 1899. 9. GEOr.GE PAltSONS' HE.'1=G. born Sept. 19, 1S93: died Mch. 26. 1894. 10. FLORC.CE Lo,:;tsE' HF.~:-tL-:,;. born July 4, 189'i.

IV. JoHx THO:'.\L\S6 HENNIXG, born in 1851: died in 1853. V. MARY ELIZABETR6 HE~~"ING [111 an; C.\ Elizabeth', 218 IS,1,1C MILLAR

C'atltari,u/1, J.saac:, TVilliam 1 ~Villar], born near San .Jose, Cal, October 30, 1854; married there October 3, 1873 "William Henry Hall, a farmer on the }fonte­ rey Road near San Jose (born Dec. 15, 1849 in Lin­ coln Co., Mo.) son of Andrew .Jackson and Delia .Jane (Cottle) Hall

1. El>ITII ANNJF.7 H.u.r.. born October 18, 1S7 4: died Dec. !?4, 1879. !?. Louxs A.-.Dru;:w' lLu.r.. born June 29, 1876. A !armer and breeder or Holstein Frleslan cattle near Modesto, Cal. 3. W.u.t.IA.,r ln\"ING' HALL, born Feb. 28, 1878: dfed January 7, 1879. 4. MYRTI-1': ALICE' lLu.r.. born December !?, 1879. Owner n.nd operator or the "Carruthers Studio" In San Jose, Cal. 5. Er.n,m-r JorrN' lLu.r.. born April 8, 18S!?. Designer :i.nd bufider or gasoline railroad cars, San Francisco. Married March 11, 1905 Carrie Smith. 1. Mn.DUEi> MrlUAll" HALL, born June 25, 1907. 6. CLAP.A B: H,\LL. born May !?, 18S4; married May !?. 1904 Warren Willis Eitel. Marble cutter in San Jose. Cal. 1. WILLLUI w=• EITEL. born January 16, 1908. 7. WILLIAlr ILn,:s• HALL. born August 17. 1886. Stenographer ror Bureau o! Public Works, Manilla, P. I. (1909) S. Annrso:,, LELAND• HAr..L. born Jan. 27, 1891: died May 18, 1906. 9. HMOLD AnEI: HALL. born December 24. 189!?. Automobile dealer in San Jose.

VI. HUBERT VAX :\IETER6 }IF:xx1xc_. born in 1858: died in 1863. VII. SAIHH FRAXCES6 HEXXIXG [JIar]J C'.\ Elizabeth\ Gatharinl1, J.c;aae\ William? Jfi1lar], born in San Jose, March 24, 1862; married in San Louis Obispo, Cal. June 16, 1884 Albert Peter de Rome (born in Canada). Blacksmith in San Jose.

1. ALm:&T TIIOllAS' DE RolIE. born June 16, 1S85. Manager of the Designing Dept. of an advertising company in San Francisco. ll.farricd in Alameda, cal. June 26, 1909 Martha Sale of Englfsh parentage. 2. Louxs Jon:I'' nE RoltE. born Sept. 21, 1S86: died July 16. 1888. 3. Fn.\XCES CATIL\IUXE' DE Rolf&. born April 22, 18S8; married August 12, 1905 Wflliam Everett Grant, with a lumber company in San Jose. 1. WIJ..LIAl!" GR.\.."'l'T. born in 1907. 4. LoursE G,;oRGE' DE Ro~rE. born September 28, 1889. 5. BLA.."'l'CIIE V:mGimA" JIE Rol!E, born July 18, 1891. IIU.AC .IIII.L,1U !!19

1 3. Rr.1mcc.,. A::o,:. VAX METER [Eliwbt1th • CathtLrine3. Isoac~. William 1 Millar], bom August 4. 1825 in Hamp­ shire Co .. \Y. Va.,; was married September H, 1841 to Joseph Dameron Prosser (born in Northumberland Co., Va. Dec. 24, 1813), son of William and- (Dameron) Prosser. They were married in the Van :Meter home in Saline Co., Mo. going at once to their own home near by where they lived, reared, their large family and died, he on July 14, 186i: Mrs. Prosser February 19, 1881. Both lie blll·ied near Miami, l\fo. I. JoHN WILLIAM6 PROSSER, born ,January 7, 1843 and died ,July 28, 1855, of cholera. II. DAVID ARTHUR6 PROSSER, died in infancy. III. SARAH ELIZAnETH0 PnossER, born July 1846; mar­ ried --Smith and died August 31, 1898 leaving a daughter said to be n'lrs. L. A. Barbee of Seattle, but could not be found. IV. MARY .A::o,n PROSSER. born December 6, 1848 in Jliami, .Mo.; married in San Jose, Cal. December 6, 1885 l\1. L .•Janes (born :May 17, 1841) son of William ancl l\fary Ann (Leer) ,Janes. V. ABEL ,JA)IES6 PROSSF..R [Rebecca. A.\ Elizabeth\ Catharine\ Isaac:, William1 Jlfi"llar ], born .January 8, 1851. A Dentist residing in St. Louis, l\Io.; grad­ uated there from Washington University; married in Caledonia, :M:o., December 18, 18i8 Ettie Eversole, daughter of William G. and Rebecca Ann (Rutledge) Eversole.

l. AnF.LE' PROSSER. born February 12, 1880; married October 17. 1900 Randolph De Witt Talmadge, son o! A. A. and l\Iary Randolph (Clark) Talmadge; address 640 N. Pearl St., Joplin. Mo. 1. EDWARD PROSSER" T..u..,rAPGF~ born September 10, 1905. 2. MARY R.\..'-DOLPJI" TAL)tADGE. born July 28, 1908. 2. WILL~ E\"ERSOLE' PROSSER. born January 15, 1886; graduated from Yale 1909. Electrical engineer. 3. REBEKAn' PROSSER. born September 13, 1888; died Feb. 14, 1891. 220 IEM .•4.C JIILLAR

4. .JosEPan&• PRossEK, born June 22, 1891; graduated from Ogontz. Pa. in 1910. 5. EPNA' PaossEK, born September 30, 1897.

VI. REBECCA .JA~7,6 PROSSER, born November 6, 1853: died of cholera, .July 23, 18-55. "VII. .JoHN WILLIA:\16 PROSSER, born .August 7, 1856; named for an older brother who died. A commercial traveler, lived in Denver, Colo. in 1883; married Susan Justice who survives him. No children. VIII. REBECCA JANE6 PRossER, born February 9, 1859 (named for the sister ,vho died four years previous­ ly), in Miami, :Mo.; married in San Francisco, Cal., February 9, 1898 Rev. Levi McCash, a clergyman of the Church of Christ in Ontario, Cal., son of Isaac Sparks and :Martha Ann (Van Zandt) McCash. No children. IX. JOSEPH VA.~ :METER6 PRoSSER, born April 3, 1865. Owner and proprietor of Hot Springs, Scenic, ·wash. Unman-ied. 2 4. ABEL JA.J."\f:F.Jf VAN :OfETER [Elizabeth\ Catharine\ lsaac , Wi1liam 1 .iJ,Ji1lar], born in Romney, vV. Va., Sept. 11, 1834. Owner and operator of a large farm for stock rais­ ing near Miami, Mo. Married in Norborne, l\fo., Decem­ ber 10, 1885 Annie Pittman. l\fr. Van Meter died ;July 12, 1920. 4. JA:l\IES' PARSONS [Catharine\ Isaac\ Wi"lliam 1 .J,Ji"llar], born ;June 28, 1808. No records. 2 1 5. :OLrnt' PARSONS [Catharine\ Isaac , Wi1liam Millar], born May 6, 1812: died in 1891. Married Henry Louthan, a Baptist minister: they lived in Palmyra, :Mo., where Rev. Louthan died. Late in life Mrs. Louthan remarried but left no descendants. 4 2 1 6. WILLIAM l.f:r:LLAR PARSONS [Catharine3, Isaac , Wi7liam Jlillar], born in Hampshire Co., W. Va., l\farch 12, 1815 and moved with his parents to Missouri in an early day and. like most of his family was a farmer and stock raiser in 1S.-1.AC MILL.-!R :?:!l

Saline Co. He died there Febniary 1, 1902 and lies buried on the old homestead grounds. He married. May 2, 1837 Sarah McCarty (born in Bloom­ ingdale, l-Id. Sept. 17, 1819.) Four children were born to them- 1. JolL~ W.r;, PARSONS., deceased. 2. MARY JL"'i[EG P.ARSONS [Wi1liam M.4., Catharine\ Isaac=., Wi1liam1 Millar], born at Miami, Mo., November, 2, 1840, married near Balts Bend, Mo., October 29, 1857 Edwin H. Lewis, a farmer near Spokane, Wash., son of George W. and Harriet (Duff) Lewis. They moved to Oregon in April 1886 and Mrs. Lewis died March 6, 1913 having been an invalid for ten years. I. JAMF.S M.8 LEwis, born July 30, 1859; lived. at Wilbur, Wash. II. ADA LEE6 LEWIS, born September 9, 1861: lived in Spokane, Wash. m. ROBERT H.6 LEWIS [.Mary J.", Wm. ]1..4_. Catharine\ 2 1 Isaac ., William 11li1lar], born April 14, 1866. A farmer near Persist, Oregon. Married in Jackson­ ville, Oregon, October 26, 1897 l\:Iinnie May Newman.

1. EDITH A.' LEWIS. born September s. 1898. 2. ED~A F.• LE:wl:s. born January 15. 1900. 3. Bll:ATKICE E.• LltWls, born December 13, 1902.

IV. MURRAY P .ARSONS6 LEWIS, born June 4, 1871: died July 12, 1883. V. W. D.8 LEWIS, born August 3, 1874. Lived at Paseo, Wash. 3. SARAH CATHARIXE' PARSONS: deceased. 4. EDwARD l\IcCARTY' P ARSOxs: deceased. 4 2 1 7. Jo""E PARSONS [Catharine3, Isaac , Wi1liam Mi17ar], died July 18, 1901 : had married Elias Triplett and had one son of the same name of whom his near relatives have lost trace. ISAAC JfILLAR

3 1 3. REBEKAH )IILLAR [Isaac:, William ], born in Hamp­ shire Co., W. Va., February 3, 1783; married there her cousin 2 1 Abraham~ :Millar (William , William ) from over in Old Virginia near Front Royal, who had just completed a new log house on part of the land he had entered in Scioto County, Ohio. They were married August 14, 1805 and in the fall of that year moved to Ohio; then after some years a better house was built on the Portsmouth road where all their children were born and where they lived until 1846 when they re­ moved to Mississippi County, Mo. Here Rebekah died on January 20, 1867. Her husband had died while on a business trip to Ohio February 3, 1855. Ten children were born to them-

L E!:.lzAB!:Tn' MILLAR, born September 7, 1805. 2. Is.u.C' MILLAR, born March 7, 1807. 3. W:ct.LI.Ur MlLLAll. born April 7, 1809. 4. AI>Alll' Mlr.LAB, born November 9, 1811. 5. RAYNOLDs" MlLLAl!, born June 27, 1814. 6. Alm..uu:lr' MlLLAl!, born November 25, 1S16. 7. JoB:" MlLLAl!, born March 21, 1819: died unmarried in Missouri Oct. 28, 1846. 8. REm!:cCA' MILLAll. born May 11, 1822. 9. MI=• MILLAn, died in infancy. 10. ~ MJU.AR. born January 3, 1830.

1 1. ELIZABETK' Mir..LAR [Rebekah\ Isaac, William ], born September 7, 1805 in Ohio; married there January 5, 1823 to 2 1 George W.4 Raynolds (Elizabeth\ William , William. ) .She died November 30, 1846 and her husband June 25, 1847. They both lie buried near Beaver, Pike Co., Ohio near their home place. 1. JoHN WILI,:r.uf RAYNOLDS [EZizabetk4, Rebekah\ Isaa

l. ELMF.R LI~COLX7 R.\\"XOLDS, born In Charlton. Iowa, August 27, 1S68. A successful physician In Mankato, Kansas; served on the Medical Advisory Board during World War. Married August 24, 1892 .Jessica Forbes, daughter or Daniel and Helen (Bentley) Forbes. 1. LF.WIS C." R.\YXOLDS, born December 4, 1894: died October 26, 1918 just before his call =e !or War service. 2. GEORGE E.• RAYXOLDS, born May 13, 1897: died .Jan. 20, 1901. 3. H=" R.\YXOLDS. born March 31, 1902; married .July 12, 1922 Robert C. Hitz. 1. CIIARLOTTE AIILEXE" HITZ, born Dec. 18, 1924 In Indianola, Iowa. 2. CLARA ELIZ.\JIJ,,"'TJI7 RAYXOLDS, born In Indianola, Iowa August 24, 1870; married T. W. Clark; !arming near Montrose, Kansas. 1. AlrY Buxcm:' CLARK. born February 22, 1893. 2. ETJIF.L" CLARK, born November 9, 1897, 3. MII.DRED" CI.ABK. born December 28, 1899; married .June 8, 1921 Ivan Snyder. 1. BE'ITT LEE" SNYDER. born September 15. 1923. 3. WILI.IA.'1' LARKIX7 RAYXOLDS, born .January 31, 1873 in Indianola, Iowa. Attorney In Mankato, Kansas; married Nora Dillon November 12, 1S96 In Dawson County, Neb .• daughter of George Dennis and Lucy Ann (Hoyer) DIilon. 1. RUTH' RAYNOLDS. born in Chicago November 17, 1899. 2. LEROY W." R.\YXOLDS. born in Mankato, Kans. April 13, 1905. 3. Rosr..RT WAnT." RA~-xor.r>s, born In Mankato, Kans. October 20, 1908. 4. VIOLA M.w' RAYXOT,D3. born January 31. 187S. A physician or the Eclectic School in Kansas City, Mo. Married June 14, 1905 Sanford E. Wells. son o! Charles Hubbard and Mary Ellen (Edmonds) Wells. 1. DOROTHY" WET.Ls. born .July 29, 1907.

II. :M.ARY ELIZABF.TR6 RA1-x0Lns [.John W.5, Elizabet1i4, Rebekah\ baad·\ W11liarn 1 .lfillar], born .July 11, 224 ISA.W JflLLAR

1849 in Pike Co., Ohio; married October 10, 1867 Robert A. "Wilson (born September 18, 1845 in Clearland, N. C.), son of Robert and Anna Wilson; retired from active business, moved to Saskatche­ wan and resided at Canora on Chrystal Lake until his death on July 15, 1919.

1. FJ:.A."':1,Ll!'i' Sn\'EBTEll' WILSON. born October 27, lSGS: died Sep­ tember 23, 18,6. 2. WILLIA)[ ROBEllT' Wnso:., died in childhood. 3. DAJSY R,\YNOLDt11 WILSON. born December 28, 1S72; married June 20, 1906 Herbert Bagnall. Reside on a ranch "Blythefleld" near Glenen, Sask. 4. GRACE AUICORA1 WILSON, born December 3, 1877; married January 26, 1905 N. V. Coplen, auditor and accountant !or a large depart­ ment store In Lincoln, Nebraska. where they reside. 5. MAUDE LUCILLE' WILSON, born February 1, 1889; married Novem• ber •5, 1911 Gordon James Duncan In British Columbia Civil Service at Elks, B. C. 1. ROSEMARY" D'O:.CA!'f, born January 26, 1918. 2. DoNALD" Du:.cA.~, born April 21, 1920.

III. JoHx WILLIA::.\-£6 R..\-n-OLDS, born April 3, 1851: died aged eight. IV. REBECCA JuDITH6 RAYNOLDS [John W.5, Elizabeth\ 2 1 Rebekah\ Isaac , Wi7liam 2Jfi,1lar], born in Lucas Co., Iowa, June 3, 1853; married l\foy 20, 1876 Joseph ,Jolly (born in Cornwall, England, :March 1, 1847). Farmer near Blanco, Colo.


1. CHARLES WILLI.\;\[. JOLLY. born July 6, 1897. 2. Snn.\' JOLLY. born August 25, 1S98. 3. BERT CLIFFORD" JOLLY. born July 18, 1901: died in infancy. 4. V10LET" JOLLY, born June 27, 1902: died In infancy. 5. WILIIUR BErn;Mll" JOLLY. born December 9, 1904. 6. AN:SE En:r.i.-:s• JOLLY. born March 17, 1905: died in infancy. •• RALI'II DARRELL" JOT.LY. born October 9, 1906. s. ROY liARVARD8 JOLLY. bo?'ll February 23, 1909. IS,l,1C .l!ILL.1.R !!!?5

3. }i1NETTE CJ.Ant:' JoLLY. born 'Warwick, Kans. November 20, 1884; married at Garden City, Kans. June 27, 1906, Harry L. Schnatterly, son o! Milton and Elizabeth (Holloway) Schnatterly. Address Kinsley, Kansas. 1. ELlzADETII CLARE" ScllNATTERLY, born Nov. 9, 1908. 2. WILLIAM LEE" ScllNATrERLY, born Nov. 7, 1910. 4. Jon:,; HENJn:' Jor.LY, born October 1, 1888. Farmer near Blanco, Colorado.

V. SARAH SEMILDA6 R.AYXOLDS [.John 1'V.\ Elizabeth\ 2 1 Rebekah\ J.r;;aac , lVilliarn Jlft'.llar], born December 31, 1855; married December 31, 1876 Darwin R. Seymour, a physician, also banker. Mankato, Kans. (born .July 28, 184:9 : died .Jan. l, 1911).

1. SYLVL\ RoSL'IA1 St:n!OUR. born December 16, 1877. Educated for and practiced medicine until her marriage in December 1903 at Ionia, Kansas to Alvah Theodore Rose, a farmer near there, specializing in blooded horses. Mr. Rose ls the son o! Amos Morris and Francina (Chedle) Rose. 1. MOKRIS SEY:UOLT ROSE. born November 23, 1904. 2. IVA.'! RAYNOLDS' ROSE. born September 28, 1906. 3. Alt.'IOLD MEREDITH" ROSE. born September 21, 1912. 2. IVA.'11 SEY1,roun, born January 20, 1879: died in Infancy. 3. GLADYS DERIC.\1 SEY~roun. born June 26, 1891: married June 22, 1910 James Edward Torrance. Salina, Kansas. 1. IONE" TORRA.'ICE, born June 9, 1911. 2. RUTn" TOBII.A.'ICE, born November 27, 1913. 3. LYNN EDWARD" TorutANct:. born October 5, 1918. 4. Loxs AurA" ToRRANct:, born October 8, 1923.

2 2. RF.J3ECCA AN~ RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth/, Rebekah3, Isaac , W-illiam.1 Mi"llar], born in Pike Co., Ohio March 21, 1830; was married in Lucasville, Ohio February 22, 184:9 to Reuben A. Moser, a merchant and farmer whose residence was in Bedford, Iowa. A large family of children were born to them but several died in infancy. l\Ir. Moser died May 9, 1884; Mrs. Moser February 2, 1906. I. ELORREY F.6 nfoSER, born ~fay 21, 1852: died in in­ fancy. II. IsAAc Mrr.,LAR6 l\fosER, born ,January 26, 1854: died aged 1 year. 226 UIA,LC ,lf/LLAR

III. DoRAS CLAYTox 0 MosER [Re.becca .1'1.\ Elizabeth\ 2 1 Rebekah?, Isaac , TVilliam 1lf£llar], born Novem­ ber 15, 1855: died in 1910. Married February '27, 1879 Belle Mason.

l. Riro111;;:,:1 Mo111m. born November 2, 1883. 2. FLOYD S.1 MosEn. born January 24, 1888. 3. Ivu• Mo1um, born October 6, 1893.

IV. Sr:mLDA Er.TOX6 MosER, born ,June 16, 1858: died in childhood. V. ELMF..R E.0 l\fosER, [Rebecca A.G, Elizabeth\ Rebekah\ Isaac2, Wflliam1 Millar], born April 25, 1861. A farmer near Oberlin, Kansas. Married in Sheridan, Mo., Cornelia Allyn.

1. RE'lroE:v ALLY:V1 MOSER. born June 24, 1890. 2. Lou11,1 MosER. born July 14, 1892. 3. ELLSWORTll1 MOSER, born August 1, 1895. 4. EDWIN L! MOSER. born July 12, 1900. 5. Voa1s• MosEB. born January 17, 1905.

VI. ULYSSES GRAXT6 MosER [Rebecca A.5, El-izabeth4, 3 1 Rebekah , ].<;aac2, Wi7liam 1lfi7lar], born March 16, 1864. Wholesale tobacco merchant in Salt Lake City; married February 25, 1891 Elizabeth Graff.

1. Jon-:,; R.' MosER. born February 3, 1894.

VII. l\fAy Fr.oRENCE6 ~IoSER, born April 18, 1866; married .January 20, 1909 .Joseph Henry Humph­ rey and died in their home in Bedford, Iowa, May 1, 1924. VIII. Eoors SHF..R:\IAX6 MosER [Rebecca A.:;, Eliza­ beth', Catharine\ Isaac:, William1 .Llfillar], born .January 13, 1869. Wholesale cigar dealer in Kan­ sas City, Mo. Married May 10, 1891 Ella L. Whitman.

1. Dt.'BL WH.1Tl(A!l"1 MOSER. born October 29. 1896. IS',lAC ,l!ll,L,1R

3. IsAAc MILLAR~ RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth\ Rebekah3, Isaac\ William1 Millar], born in Pike Co., Ohio, .August 3, 1833, moved to Sangamon Co., Ill., where he bought and developed one of the best farms in that rich sec­ tion of country. He built a commodious brick resi­ dence upon it where his children were born and where he died June 2, 1904. Re was a man of high character, honored and re­ spected by all who knew him. Mr. Raynolds married December 26, 1855 Louisa Cooper (born February 3, 1839), a worthy companion who survived him but a few years, dying .August 11, 1909. They had seven children- I. CHARLES MILLAR6 RAYNOLDS [Isaac\ Etizrtbeth4, 2 1 Rebekah3_. Isaac , W£lliam ilfi"llar], born Septem­ ber 28, 1856, owns and operates a farm near Buffalo, Ill. Married February 28, 1883 liinllie Carpenter, daughter of John and Cordelia Carpenter.

l. SCOTT' RATil'OLDS, born June 29, 1893. 2. MARY FRANCES' RAYNOLDS, born Nov. l, 1897.

II. JA:\fES A.LBERT6 RAYNOLDS [Isaac M.5, Elizabeth"', 2 1 Rebekah3, l.<;aac , Wi"lliam lJ,fi"llar], born January 26, 1858; married first in 1881 Carrie Carpenter, daughter of Samuel and Jane Carpenter, who died leaving one son: he married second, Oc.-tober 27, 1893 Mrs. Margaret (Cobbs) Mashburn, daugh­ ter of Richard and Elizabeth Cobbs.

l. F'REDEP.ICK7 RATil'OLDS, born December 3, 1882; married in Spring• field. Ill., July 12, 1905 Edith Crotroot. daughter of HeDl'Y Crotfoot. 1. H=RY CARPENTER" RAYNOLDS, born April 27, 1909. 2. .ALm:aT R: RAYNOLDS, born March 4, 1901.

m. POLLY ELIZABETH6 RAYNOLDS, born March 13, 1860; took charge of the home after the death of 228 ISAAC MILLAR her parents and with her brother maintains its customs and friendships. IV. FLOREXCE BELLE6 R..\UOLDS, born Sept.18, 1863: died in infancy. V. EDWIN SUDDETH6 RAYNOLDS., born November 2, 1868; unmarried; operates the home farm in San­ gamon Co., lli. Address Sherman, m R. F. D. VI. BERTH.A }f.AY6 RAYNOLDS, born May 29, 1871: died in childhood. VII. Jr.u.BEL l\fn.'"TA0 RAYNOLDS, born .July 5, 1877: died August 12, 1892. 4. SBITLDA ELTOX:; RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth\ Rebekah\ Isaac=, Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar], born in Pike County, Ohio, February 21, 1839. Left an orphan at the age of seven was brought up by her Uncle and Aunt Mr. and :Mrs. Charles lvfillar (:Mrs. Millar was a sister of Similda's mother, while Mr. Millar was a cousin) with whose family she removed to Illinois in 1854, later going to her married sister Rebecca Anni:; :Moser in Taylor Co., Iowa, where in 1860, March 21, she married .John Saylor Boyd (born in Watertown, N. Y., .June 14, 1835) who was an early day teacher in that county, serving as County Superintendent two terms and also teaching in the public schools. He was a soldier in the Civil War from 1863 to its close. Mr. Boyd was the son of .John and Eliza Saylor Boyd; ( married December 5, 1822 in Chester Co., Pa.) his grandfather .John Boyd was born in County Antrim, Ireland ( where his parents had moved from Scotland) August 4, 1794:. Eliza Saylor, his mother, was the daughter of .John Saylor, who as a child Caine from Germany to Philadelphia where he enlisted .Janu­ ary 30, 1776 as private in Co. 5, Capt. Caleb North; commanded by Col Francis .Johnston. He served to September 1, 1780 when his name last appeared on the roll. Mr. Boyd died August 4~ 1914: Similda Boyd ISA.AC MILLAR 229 .August 26, 1923. Eight children were born to them, four dying in infancy. I. ~4.LICE6 Bom, born in 1861, died in infancy. 6 3 II. ~'Jl."IE BoYD [Simflda E.\ Elizabeth''.• Rebekah , lsaaef!, Wi1liam1, Mitlar], born in 1862; married :March 23, 1882 George W. Hough, a farmer in Tay­ lor Co., Iowa, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Brown) Hough.

1. HAlmY W! Houox. born December 26. 1883; married December 23, 1906 Mabel Sargent. and now !arming a homestead claim near Enterprise, Oregon. 1. DoNALI> Boni• HOUGH, born December 14, 1907. !!. VEI..'1A" HOUGH, born March 19, 1909. 3. GEORGE W~DEL" HOUGH, born December 26, 1917. 4. GLEN S.\IIGENT' HouGH. born March 3, 1922. 2. CABL Bow' Hotron. born September 17, 1884. Living in San Diego, Cal.; married in Yakima, Washington, December 16, 1910 Hattie Myers. 1. Do&TJIA UNA" HOUGH, born October 13, 1911. 2. JA.m.rrA G.• HOUGH, born August 3. 1913. 3. MAun Ic.-vA" Houox. born September 28, 1886; married Nov. 28, 1906 at Conway, Iowa, Clair M. Norton. Live at Galesbnrg, DI. 1. RUSSELL CLAIB" NORTON. born September 21, 1908. 2. FERN F.• NORTON, born December 29, 1910.

ID. FRANKLIX6 BoYD [Simi1da E.:-., Elizabeth\ Rebekali" lsaaef!, W?'.lliam,11lli1lar ], born in Bedford, Iowa, 1864. Resides in Parsons, Kans. :Married September 1, 1887 Minnie Denser, daughter of .John and Jane (Wright) Denser.

1. BETH' Bo)-P. born August 3, 1892; married Stephen Olop November 1923 in Philadelphia by Dr. F. R. Gruren. 2. ~ELLIE' BoTI>. born May 23, 1894; married March 8, 1921 in Par• sons. Kansas, Milton Ross. 1. Mn.TON" Ross. JR.. born April 11, 1922. 2. RoeE&T Bon,• Ross. born June 24, 1924 in Salina, Kansas. where the family resides. 3. FRANCES N! BoYII, born January 17. 1908.

IV. ELIZA 6 BoYD, born in 1867: died in infancy. V. GEORGE R.6 BoYD, born in 1870: died in infancy. VI. MYRTLE6 BoYD, born in 1874:: cJed in infancy. 230 UUAC .I/ILLAR

VII. ,JESSIE Er;rox11 BoYr, [Simildrt E.\ Elizabeth", Rr,bekah\ J.w,.ar?, TVilliam. 1 Jfillar], born in 18i6; was married September 19, ] 900 to G. "\Y. Hook, a hard ware mcrehant in Bedford, Iowa, and died .June 20, 1911.

1. RuTn' Hoo,c, born July 10. 1901; married August 1922 Homer Carson, an electrician in Corning, Iowa. 1. KATJIARINII JEAN' CARRON, born December 10, 1923. 2. JOUN WILLIA11• CARSON. born October 23, 1925. 2. Jom, W.' HooK, born June 29, 1904: died May 17, 1911. 3. MARY' HOOK, born February 13, 1906. 4. Jf:NSIE1 HOOK, born June 1, 1911.

VIII. BRUCE6 Born, born in 1879. l\larried Nov. 25, 1903 Birdie B. Thomas, who died Nov. 25, 1921 in Los Angeles, Cal. 5. ABRAHAl\I FR..\XKLINr; RAYNOLDS [Elizabeth4, Rebekah", Isaa~. Williant1 Jlf,illar ], born in Pike County, Ohio, December 21, 1842; moved. in the spring of 1869 to Union County, Ill. Bought three blocks in West Saratoga, a town laid out by the Illinois Central R. R. six miles east of Jonesborough, Ill; here he died a few months later, October 29, 1869. He had mm-rled and a son was born a month after his death who has not been located, the mother having remarried one George Stevenson near vYinfielcl, Kansas. 6. CATHARIXE PARSONS:; RAYXOLDS [Elizabeth\ Rebeka]/\ Isaa~.. TVi?liam 1 Millar], born November 19, 1846: died in childhood. 4 2 1 9 Is,uc ~'.ULLAR [Rebekah\ Isa((.c , lVilliam ], born in Scioto County, Ohio :March 7, 1809; married Maria :MacDonald died, --- ~ They had sL~ children several of whom died unmarried. 1. REBECCA~ :MILLAR died unmarried. 2. NAXCY 5 }.IILLAR, married John N. l\fitchner. Left no descendants. 2 1 3. GEORGE R.G l\fILLAR [Isaac\ Rebekah\ Isaac , 1'Villiarn ] born April 14, 1842; married December 24, 1868 Sallie I S,lA C ,lfll,lul/~ 231 Boyer of Hitkman, Ky. Both died early, leaYing two little girls, a boy.John Isaac11 ha

1. MINo:t Bmn' SIJE:\IWF.LL. born Oct, 19, 1SS6: died July 3. 1S88. 2. MAYMt: Lt:t:' Sut:lrWt:LL. born Dec. 26, 1887; married September 26, 1905 In Charleston, Mo., John Parker (born near Metropolis, Ill.) a farmer there. 3. MYRTLE' SmrnWt:LL, born March 19, 1891.

III. ELIZABETH6 MILLAR [ George R.\ Isaac4, Rebekah\ 2 1 Isaac , Wllliam ], born February 17, 1873, was reared in the home of her grandfather's sister :!\frs. Rebecca (:Millar) :Millar near Williamsville, Ill. :Married February 17, 1891 Lyman Sapp, n. farmer of the same county.

1. ELllF.R LIXCOLX' SAPP, born November 14, 1891: died in infancy. 2. ALLYN' SAPP. born December 19, 1892: died May 26, 1893. 3. ALicF.' SAPP, twin to Allyn died July 1893. 4. Ht:lt..'4A.~ R,\YMOND1 S.U'P. born September 29, 1S94. 5. RALPn LAWTON' S,\PP. born March 9, 1899.

5 2 1 4. FRAXKLIX 1\-ULLAR [Isaac\ Re1'ekah3, Isaac , lVilliarn ] died unmarried. 5 2 5. .JoHx WILLIAl\-! :MILLAR [baac4, Rebekah\ Isaac , 1 William ]; married January 12, 1868 Ruth .J. Scott (born in Henry Co., Ky., October 7, 1847.) I. OLIVE c.~ MILLAR [.7 ohn TV'.\ baac\ Rebekah\ Isaar:2, 1 lVilliam ], born January 17, 1869: died September 1, 1874. II. JoHx "WILUAM6 l\frLLAR [.John w.:;. Isaac◄ , Rebe­ kah\ J.

l. J,U!ES FRA."KLL"' Mn.LAB- born Dec. 2, 1894: died in infancy. 2. BBY-'-"' MILLAR. born December 25, 1896. 3. LUCIAN D.' MILLAR. born October 18, 1899. 4. OLIVE: C.' MILLAR. born March 7, 1902. 5. VJOLET' MILLAR, born October 15, 1905. 6. BLA."cm:' MILLAR. born March 5, 1908.

1 6. ELIZABETH" l:lrr..LAR [l.~aac4, Rebekah\ l.'Jaa

Ohio the latter had removed to Mississippi Co. Mo. 1 later he also went to Missouri and began the cultivation of his father's land, his father having deceased. This was part of the nine square miles originally belonging to his grandfather by government deed and by pur­ chase. Here he built an excellent home, the detail of interior finish being exceptionally good; after all but one of his children and his wife had died he sold the home to his uncle Adam Millar and moved to Pulaski, ill where he died October 20, 1900; survived by one daughter. IS,UC MILLAR !?33 4. h"Ez E.0 1llLLAR, address Pulaski, Ill. 3. S• .\R.AH Trn::-..""ER:1 l\III..LAR [William\ Rebekah\ Isaac:. 1 W'l1liam , born February 27, 1S39: died September 9, 1859. 4 3 1 4. .AD.ur 1llLLAR [Rebekah , Isaac:, ], born in Ohio Nov. 9, 1811, lived on part of his father's land in the home built by his nephew Charles TurnerG Millar, where he died September 2, 1883, survived by his wife Frances }I. (Kendrick) Millar whom he had married NoYember 7, 1871. She was a sister of Mrs. Franklin S. l\ilillar and also l\frs. .Abraham }fillar of the same county in Missouri. Among all his brothers .Adam was said to haYe been the one opposed to the holding of slaves and secession. No descendants. 4 3 1 5. RAYNOLDS Mn.LAB [Rebekah , Isaac:, Wi"lliani ], born in Scioto County, Ohio, June 27, 1814: died near Muscatine, Iowa, October 18, 1898; married March 18, lS.52 :Margaret Kerr (born in Miami County, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1824). He owned and lived upon a large farm in Muscatine Co., Iowa, where in addition to general farming and, stock raising he made a specialty of growing fine grapes; he was a very quiet home keeping man enjoying friends in his own home but averse to society generally. He was prosperous and left considerable property. They had three daughters only one leaving descendants. 1. REBECCA SEA:1 l\fiLLAR, born February 18, 1853: died September 1887. 2. ELIZABETH KERR~ Mn.LAB [Rwynolds4, Rebekah3, Isaac\ Willio.m,1]. .Attended as did her sister the Iowa State University; was married .August 28, 1877 to .John Estle, son of -- and Susan (Shellabarger) Estle; prosperous and influential farmer in Dallas Co., Iowa near Min­ burn, whence they moved after the death of :Mrs. Estle's father in 1898. Mrs. Estle died March 10, 1924, since which time no records have been received. I. .AllCE8 ESTLE, born in 1878, attended Des Moines 234 IS.·U.C JI/LL.AR

College, later married. II. Roy R,n.-xoLDs0 Esn.£_. born in 1880; graduated from Des :Moines College in 1904. III. WILLLUt THmrAS6 ESTLE_. born m 1882; also at­ tended College in Des :Moines. IV. MARGARET6 ESTLE, born in 1887, studied music in Des Moines. 3. CATHARI:-."E ou Borgll ~IILLAR.. born in 1856: dfod in infancy. 6. AnRAHAlr~ :Mrr,LAR [R,1bekah\ Isaac2, Willimn1], born in Scioto County, Ohio, November 25, 1816 and ma1Tied in Princeton, Ky., February 21, 1843 Sarah .Anne Kendrick, daughter of .John and Lucinda (Headley) Kendrick. Her mother was the oldest daughter of William and Sarah (Northern) Headley of near Front Royal, Virginia; and from wl1om is the following letter to her sister, the wife of John William:: l\fillar (William2, William1 ) of another branch of the family in which the letter is preserred.

Kendrick Farm. Nov. 6th, 1S16. Dear Sister I take this opportunity o! writing to you again to inform you that we are all well. hoping this may :find you all enjoying the same blessing. I have nothing strange to write or very important more than I have got a very fine daughter the 21st of October and call her name Sarah AnD after the two old ladles. Sister Abby had a son born in Sept, and call him Thomas Newton her family was all well except herself and she Is in a weak state o! health. The sisters and brother are all well the last account. Mother and father was to see me this week and they look as well and !at as they did ten years ago. Mother's cheeks look as rosey as any o! her daughters. Sister Rebeccah sends her love to you all and says you must e.--ccuse her not writing • · • • • • • • you must ask Newton for particulars not only about that but about everything else, please God he gets there. Sister you must excuse my not writing before now ror family life has engrossed my whole attention. 0 Sister, if I could see you to give you a detail of my life I think It would be a satisfaction to us both. I must conclude with saying answer this. :Mr. Kendrick joins me in love to you all, Lucinda Kendrick.

Abraham~ l\fillar died .January 25, 1888; Sarah _<\ nn (Kendrick) l\lillar died August 23, 1890. Six ehildren were born to this couple- /SA.AC .l!ILL.4.R :?35

1. A...,:\"E REBECC.-\:. liILLAR [.d.bra1iani4, Rebekah\ l:,mac:, 1 William ], born February 29.1S44: died August 14, 1S5S. 2. Luci CATH• .\RIXE:. l\III.LAR [.. 4braham4, Rebekrtl/\ Isaac:, 1 Williani ], born November 21, 1S45; married January 22, 1865 William Bird, a farmer in 1\lississippi Co., :Mo. of one of the families of early day settlers there. Mrs. Bird died May 1926. I. J OHX .ABRAH.U.16 B:mo [Lucy\ A.brahani4_. Rebekah3, Isaac\ Willia-m1 .Millar], b.orn January 23, 1866; ma1Tied Sept. 1887 Iva :McDonald of l\fadison Co., :Mo.

1. Son died In in!aney. 2. Do:,;ALD1 Bnw, born April 5, 1S92. 3. LILLIA.-:' Bmo, born and died June 1, 1S9S. 4. Jon:,; Tno:u-As1 Bmo. born April 13, 1900. 5. SA.'1:110:,;u.7 Bmo. born October 1, 1903.

II. 1XGAB06 Bnm [Lucy\ Abraham\ Rebekah\ Isaac:, lVilliam.1 Millar], born August 21, 1870; married September 3, 1890 Dr. Samuel Benjamin Carey, physician in Cairo, Ill. (born April 4, 1850: died Feb. ~3, 1927). :Mrs. Carey died, .July 12, 1921.

1. Lt;CILLE Buw1 CAAEY. born November 13, 1892: died March 12, 1920. 2. ING.\llo1 CARJ-:Y, born February 7, 1896; married July 17, 1927 Gaylen Waldemar Wolfe (born July 16, 1S95). 3. SA:i.rnn: Bmo1 CAREY. born September 19, 1907.

2. JoHx 4<\:Bru.R.UI:. ~!I:LLAR [A.braham4, Rebekah\ Isaac:, 1 Wi1liam ], born February 12, 1851; married .April 15, 1873 Annie Kalfers (born Dec. 1, 1856. Lives upon and owns the original Abraham3 :Millar farm north-west of East Prairie, Mo. They are parents of si""C children­ !. GERTRUDE6 l\fILLAR [,Tolin A..\ A..bmh(m1", Rebeccah::, 1 Isaac, Wi1liam ], born July 29, 1874; ma1Tied Nov­ ember 29, 1893 to Carl D. :Mitchell (born 1'Iarch 19, 1873). R. R. agent at East Prairie. Mo. until his death October 19, 1924. Mrs. :Mitchell conducts a general insurance 236 ISA,lC J,IJLLA/t agency and is a Notary Public in East Prairie, Mo.

1. ANNIE ST.' MITomu.L. born September 9, 1894; married Aprtl 11, 1911 Harry S. Roberts. 1. GJmTnUDE CARLOTTA" ROBERTS, born September 5, 1926. 2. Daughter' born June 17, 1901 died In Infancy.

II. Lum: 11 MILLAR [,lohn A.\ Abraharn4, Rebeccah-3, Isaac:, w,illiam1J. born ,January 9, 1876; married .Jtme 17, 1896 to ,John H. Drew (born December 11, 1876). Farmer and stockman in the :Millar district three miles north of East Prairie, :Mo.

1. .TAMKII Er..-uo' DREW, born March 27, 1897; married August 10, 1917 Amanda Mainord. No children. 2. LUCY LILLIAN' DREW. born May 25, 1898; married May 20, 1921 Hendricks H. McNabb. 1. HE:vnRICX8 H.1 McNABB, .Ta., born Nov. 9, 1923. 2. JOHN DREw' McNABB. born January 14, 1927. 3. Jomr H.' DREW, born May 11, 1902: died June 15, 1904.

III. A.~-m0 MILLAR [John A.\ Abraham", Rebekah", 2 1 Isaac , Wi7liam ], born December 25, 1879; married December 8, 1896 Allen J. Martin, farmer and phy­ sician at East Prairie, Mo.

1. E.uu.rn.e:' MARTIN. born September 15, 1897; married first June 1, 1918 Roy Howlett who died Nov. 14, 1921: married second April 7, 1923 Leonard Weaver. 1. Roy• HOWLETT, Ja.. born April 17, 1919. 2. A. L! W&VER. born August 10. 1925. 2. Mn.r..ut' MARTI....-. born 1901: died fn 1903. 3. EVF.LYN' MARTIN. born January 12, 1911.

IV. JoHx CLAY6 MILLAR [John.A.."', .A.braham4, Rebekah3 2 1 Isaac , Wi7lia1n ], born February 2, 1883; married October 30, 1900 l\fyrtle Jones. Farming on l\1illar land 3 miles north of East Prairie.

l. Ano=' MIU.AB. born November 10, 1903; married June 6, 1925 Richard La Plant. 1. GEORGIA CLAYTON' LA Pt.A.~. born August 14, 1927. IS,l,lC ,11/LL,lll !!37 V. MABEL0 l\i!n.LAR, born May 15, 1886: died Oct. 16, 1887. VI. EDWARD .ALBERT6 MILLAR [John ..1,", .dbraham4, 2 1 Rebekah\ lsaac ,. 1'Villia111, ], born September 14, 1887 Farming near East Prairie, Mo. Married in April 1907 Lillie Smith.

1. GIIEVII,LE JAcK1 MILLAK. born March 20, 1908.

4 2 7. JoHN l\iirLLAR [Rebekah3, Isaac , William,1], horn in Scioto County, Ohio March 21, 1819: died in Mississippi Co., Mo. October 28, 1846. Unmarried. 4 3 1 8. REBECCA lVIn.LAR [Rebecca , Isaac\ TV,illiam ], born in Scioto County, Ohio May 11, 1822; married there her cousin 4 2 1 Charles Millar (John William.3, William. , William. ) on October 12, 1843. They moved to Sangamon Co., lli., in 1854 and established a home near Williamsville, near several others of their own kindred and friends from Ohio. Here they died, sbe September 22, 1901, her husband April 19, 1888. Seven children were born to them; four in Ohio, three in Illinois- 1. WILLIAM IlEADLEr MILLAR, born February 8, 1845: died August 28, 1864. 2. GIDEON CHENOWITK' MILLAR [Rebecca4,, Rebekah3, 1 Isaac2, Wi1liam, ], born July 9, 1848; married Jennie McGinnis; moved to Hutchinson, Kansas, later to Wal­ dorf, Md. where he died February 2, 1925 his wife on January 26, 1927. I. C:HARLES6 ~fiLLA:R [Gideon\ Rebecca\ Rebekah3, 2 1 Isaac , Wi"lliam ], born November 11, 1877 in Chase County, Kansas; married in Laredo, Texas, April 6, 1912 Lorenza Sosa, daughter of Joan and Guada­ loupe (Diaz) Sosa. They reside in Waldorf, Md. and Mr. Millar is a printer in Washington, D. C. No children. II. NELLIE6 lULLAR, died September 18, 1904. 4 3. POLLY HE.ADI.Er MILLAR [Rebecca , Rebekah\ Isaa

1 Willirmi ], born in Ohio December 16, 18.50: died in Dlinois of typhiod fever December 7, 1875. 4. EDWIN Br-ASERG MILL...\R [Rebecca\ Rebekah\ b;aac=, 1 Wi1liam ], born July 30, 1853; married February 21, 1888 :Mary ,Jane Miller (born in Williamsville, Ill. June 6, 1856) daughter of .Joseph (born in Waynesboro, Pa.) and Nancy Eleanor (Harris) :Miller (born in Newark, 0). Farming, stock raising and for some time coal min­ ing the deposits under his farm land occupied Mr. Millar; later he moved to Springfield, m, where sudden­ ly, from a stroke of paralysis :\frs. Millar died on March 16, 1928. I. Wn.LuM HAruus6 l\iULLAR, born February 11, 1889; died in 1918 from the effects of pneumonia. II. Fiw.-x CURTIS6 }ULL..\R, born July 31, 1890: died October 16, 1910. III. W .ARREN GEORGE EDWIN6 MrLLAR [Edwin B.r., 1 Rebecca', Rebaccal?, Isaad:, Wi"lliam ], born March 26, 1892. An automobile dealer in Springfield, m. Served in World War in 9th Co. of 22nd Engineer corps. Married June 28, 1921 Frances C. Wright. IV. PAUL JoSEPH6 Mn.uR [Edwin B.", Rebecca"', 1 Rebeccal/1, Isaac, William ], born January 24, 1897. Served in World War as gunner in 124th Machine Gun Battalion. Resides in Springfield. Married October 22, 1927 .A.vis Link. 5. JoHN A.BRAHAM5 MlLLAB [Rebecca4, Rebekah\ Isaac'\ 1 William ].. born in Illinois March 19, 1856: died there March 1, 1881. 6. Osc.A:R HENRyi Mil:.LAR [Rebecca\ Rebekah3, Isaac, 1 Wi1liam ], born in Illinois, December 4, 1859: died there August 5, 1880. 7. JA)!F..S TUID.'Eil' MnLAR [Rebecca"', Rebekah", lsaa

1. J'AMES LA~CE' MILLAR, born April 7, 1912.

2 1 9. l\ficHAEL"' M.ILLA.R [Rebekah\ lsaac _. Willia1n ], born .May 13, 1825 in Ohlo: died there September 15, ]827. 2 1 10. FRANKL.IN SEE" J.\.frLL..-IB [Rebekah3, l.,;aac _. Wi1lia1n ], born .January 3, 1830; married April 24, 1855 Susan Newton Kendrick (born Sept. 19, 1833) sister to l\frs. Abraham"' and Mrs. Adam" :Millar, all daughters of .John and Lucinda (Headley) Kendrick. Lucinda Headley was a sister of Mrs. John William.3 Millar of "Shady Mount", Scioto Co., Ohio. The writer was a guest in this home in 1904 where lI:rs. Millar had gone as a bride, the old home of her husbands people; she was of remarkable vigor, unusually well stored min9-, and so continued until her death on April 11, 1923. Three children were born, two dying in young manhood. 1. ABru.H.or Fru.NKLIN5 MILLAR [Franklin"', Rebekah\ 2 1 Isaac _. Wi1liani ], born .January 18, 1856: died November 11, 1874. 2. LUCIAN DAVIS5 l\1ILLAR [Franklin4, Rebekah3, lsaatf, 1 Wi1liam ], born November 18, 1858. A grain dealer and large land owner in and about East Prairie, Mo., com­ bining very many well recognized l\fillar traits and habits at once interesting to the family chronicler. He married September 8, 1881 Ada L. Wilkinson (born in Fulton, Ky., .July 1864: died in Oklahoma City, Aug. 3, 1917). I. FRA~CES IREXEG MiLL..-\.R [Lucian\ Franklin,4, 240 ISAAC Jlll,LAR

2 1 Rebekah\ Isaac , William, ], born October 7, 1882; married at East Prairie, Mo. February 12, 1903 to Claude E. White, then a grain dealer in Bertrand, lfo.; moved in 1906 to Oklahoma City where he es­ tablished a wholesale hat and glove business.

1. l',IJI.I.AR BAJmY7 Wmn;, born Dec. 21, 1903; married. Automobile business in Detroit. Mich .• where he resides. 2. CLAUDE EDGAR7 Wmn:, born May 31, 1908 In Oklahoma City.

II. Son° died in infancy. ill. M.un.· MA.UDE6 MILLAR [Lucian\ Franklin S:, 1 Rebekah3, Isaac, Wi1liam ], born June 23, 1887; married June 8, 1911 Joseph P. Doyle of East Prairie, where they reside.

1. RAY ALl:::cANDu' DOYLE, born April 13, 1913. 2. .TOSEl'H P.' DOYIZ. .TB., born April 9, 1918.

IV. RUBY SEA6 MILLAR [LucianD.6, Franklin4, Rebekah3 2 Isaac , William-1], born January 26, 1892; married :first in Oklahoma City, November 28, 1917 William Oswald Mager ( died December 26, 1921). Served as Sergeant at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. She married second January 1923 H. H. Huggins in Los Angeles, Calif.; where they reside.

l. WILLLU1 0.' l',fAGEI!. .TB.. born November 1920.

V. LUCIAN Ru~ 1.lILuR [Lucian- D.\ Franklin"', 3 1 Rebekah , Isaac, Witlia1n ], born August 10, 1893; married August 1917 Kathryn Turner. Address Monroe, La.

l. LUCUN RAY' MD:.LAB. Ja.. born August 11, 1918.

2 3. JoHN EWELL:; l\!J:LLAR [Frankli-n4, Rebekah\ lsaac , 1 Witliam. ], born February 4, 1864: died January 12, 1884. IS.-l.-lC JflLL,lR !!41

3 1 4. ~.UCHAEL 1IILL.-\R [Isaac~, lT,..illiam ], born in Hamp­ shire County, W. Ya., Ma.rch 30, 1785 "at da:wn, \V'ednesday" in his father's Bible so inscribed. He married February 2S, 1809 Hannah Decker (born Jan. 23, 1790: died Aug. 9, 1860) the daughter of John and Hannah Decker and sister to both l\frs. Adam.3 and :Mrs. Isaac' :Millar. "They moved to Ohio, lived. there about two years then moved back to Virginia. when he inherited his father's home and lands in Hampshire County. He often showed a grand­ child who contributes this sketch, the little shoe cast by the horse his wife rode, when carrying in her arms the year old babe, she had traveled from Ohio to Virginia. Michael came to own four farms in Hampshire County along the South Branch of the Potomac, e.~ending for miles into the uplands, amounting to thirty thousand acres; he held his father's inheritance and increased it to the full possi­ bility of his time and opportunity, but the misfortunes of war carried the most of it away from his children. He was most energetic, would be up and miles away while others would be loitering over the breakfast table. His home was a refuge for the orphan, the homeless, and his great heart always throbbed for the helpless and the poor, no one ever applied to him without getting relief. He was al'\\"ays gentle in repronng but his word was law and served to teach us truth and uprightness-to be kind to the unfortunate and to observe the Golden Rule. He had a most retentive memory, could repeat almost anything from the Bible, the ,erse you wanted and tell you where to find it. He seemed to kno" every foot of his hundreds of acres of land. A :Mrs. Keyser who lived near grandfather in Hampshire County said: Every evening when let loose from school, the one he had built from logs for the benefit of all the neigJ1bor­ hood children, we would troop into your grand.father's house and there in the dining room would be your grandmother ISA,!.C lIILLA.R and old dar1.-y Drusy, buttering bread and spreading it with apple butter or honey, seeing that each child should have enough; and this went on all the time, not for a day or a week but as long as a child went to school on the hill" H"When disagreement occurred among the relations, the dispute was settled by grandfather, ever gentle and kind, the secret of whose power over others was his innate goodness. Long before his death (he lived to be 87) he was a cripple from rheumatism but he was patient to the end which came like peaceful slumber on November 10, 1872. He was a Presbyterian in religion, in politics a Whig. .;i." 3iICHAEL3 and lliXXAH (DECKER) $ilLLAR were the parents of four children-

L ELIZAllrm• Mn.I.AR. born December 11. 1809. 2. Wx:r.u.ur Mll.w.R. born August 10, 1811. 3. S.ULUI' MILLAR. born August 28, 1813. 4. .Tom, DICKF.R' MILLAR, born April 18, 1825.

1. EL:rzABETB:4 :MILLAR [Miclwec', Isaa

1. Is..uc" PARSO~s. died in infancy. 2. MIC1I.A.EL" P..u-.I.O~s. twin to Isaac died in in!ancy. 3. .TA11IE65 PARSO~s. born March 20, 1831. 4. WILLLUt Mir..r..u:" PARSO~s. born February 14, 1835. 5. JoECN DA,-m' P..u:so~s. born February 19. 183i.

•Contrtbutt"d by hi• granddnua:hter ;\tr& Sarah Vh·gfnla: Parsons J'ohnaon or Shaw. Kan"-. U927). ISAAC JIILLAR 243

6. NICBOL.\S CASEY' P AIISO:,;'S, born J:inuary 6, 1S40. 7. HA..~AlI CA~ P.&nSONS, born January 6, 1S4:?. s. P.\RTBENIA Er.lzABETn' P.ABSO:SS, born March 2S, 1844. 9. S.AB.AJI VmG:c-."IA• P.ABSo::ors, born November 17, 1S46. 10. J.'\.COD Dt:cKEB" PARSO:SS, born :Mny 2, 1S49. 1L Cllilll.ES A.~omso::or" PAlltlONS, born October 31, 1S51.

3. JA.."\IES~ P.ABSoNs [Elizabeth\ J,[fohaef, Isaac\ William1 Mi"llar] born in Hampshire Co., W. Va., March 20, 1831; by descent in the Parsons line he was ID, but was always nicknamed "Zip". By profession a Civil Engineer; he died in 1894; mar­ ried November 15, 18G8, Sarah Caroline Peddicord (born Feb­ ruary 6, 1839). L ELLA N ORWOOD11 P .ABSONS, born in 1859. Died in childhood. II. }\,!ARY LEE6 P.ABSONS, born ~,ebruary 17, 1862; mar­ ried in Keyser, W. Va., January 30, 1883, Lucius Morris Shepherd, son of Amos Palmer and Susan Ann (Offutt) Shepherd, a merchant in Cumberland, Maryland.

1. NoBA WEDEil' Sm:rm:no, born October 24, 1887. 2. LUCIUS PARS0:-'81 SBEPIIERD, born June 8, 1894.

m. FRA...~CIS AsBimy6 PARSONS, born in Romney, W. Va., October 21, 1864; a Civil Engineer, living in Beverly, W. Va., married there August 26, 1891, Nora Lee Baker, daughter of Daniel Randolph and Chris­ tina Margaret ( Chenowith) Baker, whose mother was a descendant of John Hart.

1. M.'\RJORIE FAIRFA."' P.'I.BSO:SS, born July 28, 1892; married in 1918 in Beverly, Arnold Londin, son of Thomas and Sallie Londin. 2. HALLIE BAKER' PABSO:-'S, born December 12, 1894. 3. C'!:.mibTINA M.\nGABET' PABSO:-'S, born September 29, 1896; mar• ried at Beverly 1915, William Pettit, son of Wllllam and Margaret Pettit. 1. NORA LEE' Pr.rrrr, born 1916. 2. w=• PETnT, born 1917. 3. FE.L~ PETTrr, born 1920. /HA.AC ,lllLLAR

4. SARAI! CAJIOl,INr.7 PARHONI<, born March 16, 1000. Ii. DA!'llll:I, RA,.O

IV. CAROLINE ELIZA11 PARSONS [Jame.~\ Elizabeth', 2 1 Michacf', Isaac , W't'.lliam Millar], born in Hamp­ shire Co., W. Va., married .Joseph Lantz.

1. M.u,cu' LA:fTZ, born ID 1896. 2. Bnow:1111:" LANT''-, born lo 1899. 3. H11:1.r.N' LANT''-, born In 1000. 4. Rum' LANTZ, born lo 1901. 6. 1''KA!'IK' LANTZ, born In 1005. G. Jos>:PU' LANTZ, born lo 1907. 7. MAIIGUJ,;BlTE' LANTZ, born In 1910.

V. BROWNIE6 PARSONS [James\ Elizabetlf, .:.lfrichael'\ 2 1 Isaac , Wi?liam 11fi?lar]; married and had two chil­ dren. No address or records found. VI. ELUA.P.ETH6 PARSONS [James'\ Elizabeth', Michae'l3, Isaac2, william1 Mi?lar]; married -- Moore. No further data secured. 2 4. WILLIAM l\ULLARr; PARSONS [Elizabeth", Michael3, Isaac , WiZliam. 1 Millar], born in Hampshire Co., W. Va., Feb­ ruary 14, 1835 and died at the home of his daughter in Chicago, .January 31, 1907. He graduated from Dickinson College at Carlisle, Pa., where he met and married Annie Bentz before the Civil war. He married second, his cousin Sarah Marlar; Millar in her home in Mattoon, Ill., on October 25, 1875, who died J'an­ uary 6, 1903; they both lie buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chicago. I. EDGAR P.6 PARSONS, only child of first marriage, re­ sided at one time in Lynchburg, Va., where he was a dentist. II. A...~NIE6 PARSONS died young. III. .JOSEPHINE 1.fILL..4.R6 PARSONS [Wi?liam M.r,, Eliza­ 3 1 beth\ Michael , Isoac2, Wi1liam liffllar], born in St. IRA,W .111LL,11: 246 Louis, Mo., married in Chicago April 4, 1899, Fred­ erick W. Pullen, connected with Traffic manage­ ment in the rail road offices there. His parents were born in England; Mrs. Pullen died November 12, 1921 leaving four sons.

1. RAntoNP WILLIAM' PULi.KN, born March 11, 1900. Real Es­ tate appraiser with the Northern Trust Co. In Chicago, Ill; married October 10, 1923, Loh, Pardee. l. ConA Jm11CPR1N~ Pur.r.P:!'I, born August :lG, 1924. 2. GLEN CllARLEt<7 PuLLE."V, born June 4, 1904. Reporter on the "Cleveland Plain Dealer." 3. RommT FllltllERICK" PuLLEN, born April 4. 1914. 4. ERNEHT GEORGl':7 Pur.Ll':N, born July 30, 1918, resides with his two older brothers on Saywell Ave., Cleveland, O.

5. JoH:N" DAVIDr. PARSONS [Elizabeth4, M-ichael3, Isaac2, lVil­ liam 1 llHllar], born in Romney, W. Va., February 19, 1837. ''Enlisted May 1861 in Co. K, 13 Va. Infantry and was with bis Regiment, from Manassas and all other en­ gagements fought by the .Army of Northern Virginia un­ der Gens. Beauregard, Johnston and Lee, until the term of his enlistment expired; when he enlisted in Co. D, 11 Va. Cavalry, Laurel Brigade. In all engagements and marches of this famous command be took part, second battle of Manassas, Brandy Station, Bristel, Mine Run, ·Cedar Mountain, Upperville, Harpers Ferry, Antietam, Gettysburg. Travillians, Ream Station, Petersburg, Five Forks, Amelia Springs, High Bridge, etc. Refused to be surrendered at Appomattox, and started to join .Joe .Johnston who surrendered· before he reached him. He returned ihome and was paroled at Cumberland, )Id. At close of war he ,vas orderly Sergeant of Co. D, 11 Va. Cavalry."-Written by E.11. McDonald, Private in Co. H, 13 Va. Infantry; afterward Capt. Co. D, 11 Va. Carnlry and Lt. Col.11 Va. Cavalry, C. S. A. Mr. Parsons married March 18, 1874, Kate l\L l\-fil­ liken (born in Pickaway Co. 0. April 26, 1854; died .July 15, 1881) daughter of ,John and Ruth (Dickson) l\Iilliken. 246 ISAAC JIILL,1.R

Mr. Parsons owned and operated a farm near Shaw, Kan. until his death December 8, 1916. I. ELIZABETH6 PAP.soxs [John D.-;;, Elizabeth\ .Jlichael3, Isaa

1. Jou:,; WAYN•:' K.,"ET✓-Elt, born April 6, 1898, a "Driller". Ur· bana, Kansas. 2. WALTER ~:sETII' K:sETZE&, born August 22, 1899, automobile mechanic.

II. MARIA6 PARSONS, died in infancy. III. FLORENCE6 PARSONS, born December 21, 1876; mar­ ried June 19, 1901, Sheridan Sweaney in Chanute, Kansas, where they reside. IV. RUTH6 P.-\RSONS [John D.\ Elizabeth4, 3fichael3, 2 1 Isaac , Wi1liam ¥i1lar], born in Gonzales, Te."l'.:as, October 28, 1877; married at Shaw, Kansas, ~Iarch 2, 1898, Joseph A. Hudson; address Elgin, Oregon.

1. LLo1'1> AE.'":SETll' HUDSON, born October 30, 1898; married; no .,.ecords. 2. VEU[A EI.17.ABETH' Huoso:s, born April 8, 1908; married July 14, 1926, Henry Mc.'11,eil.

6. N1cHoLAS CASET PARSONS [Elizabeth", 111ichae'l3, Isaac\ William1 .iJ,Jillar], born January 6, 1840; died "just when the world was full of promise, in his nineteenth year while attending college at Georgetown University, S. C., Octo­ ber 19, 1858." 7. li..\.XXAH CATHARTh"F' PARSONS [Elizabeth\ Michael\ ls­ aac2 William1 .iJ,fi1lar], born in Romney, W. Va., .Janua1:\· 6. 1842; married February 26, 1863 in Old Town, l\Id. *Dr. S. G. Harlan (born in Berkeley Co. W. Va., Aug. 31, 1821). Dr. and l\frs. Harlan lived :first in West Vir­ ginia until 1871 when they moved to Erie, Kansas; from

•Dr. s. C. Harlan WAM tlrt1t coul!ln to U. s. Senator Jam~it Hnrlnn. I lSA,tC .l!lLL,tR there they went to Texas in 1876. In the following spring, (1farch 7, 1877) Dr. Ha.rlan died, so with their sb, chil­ dren l\Irs. Harlan returned to Erie, and settled upon a farm of her mother's; but in 1891 removed to Saline Co. Mo. with her three youngest children and lived helpfully and cheerfully among them until 1914 when on May 25, she died of cancer of the knee, at the home of a daughter :i\frs. Englis in Marshall, Mo. Her helpfulness in gath­ ering data and addresses among her near of kin, for the writer, and her interest in the task of perpetuating family history, are attributes here gladly acknowledged and appreciated. I. RENA Vmar~-r..\.6 H.IBLAN [Hanna]{•, Elizabeth\ ,lfi­ chae"f, Isaac\ Wi?liam1 .i.lli"llar ], born in Romney .Ap­ ril 20, 1864; died .January 13, 1897, had married .June 12, 1883 Lyle Clarence Rice, a farmer.

1. DAPI!NE HANNAll1 RICE, born in Shaw. Kansas. June 25, 1S84, married May lG. 1903. L. W. Brown in Chanute, Kanl!lls, where they reside. 1. FI.01."Il• BnowN. born September 21, 1904. 2. LT.OYD' BROWN, born September 22, 1906. 3. Aun1:EY" Bnowx. born August 5, 1908. 2. Jos..~ PRuo&.'lct:' R1cE, married December 25, 1911, Walter Gray in Ch:mute, Kansas, where they Jive. 3. Sm::&WOOD RICHARD' RICE, married October 22, 1910, Flora. Reenes in Chanute, Kansas, later moving to Pratt, Kansas. 1. HARLAN TROY" RICE. born February 2, 1913. 2. OLI\"E Jm.'F:." RICE. born May 4, 1915. 4. JoIIN Wn.u..ut' RICE. 5. JA)IES1 RicE: died February 9, 1896. 6. K.\.TlJERINY.1 RTCE: died February 25, 1894.

II. NA.XNIE ELI7~ETH6 HARLAN [Hannah\ Elizabeth\ Mi"chae"f, /.<;ar1.c2, W·illiam1 Mi'.llar], born in Ronmey, 1v-. Va. February 16, 1866; married .January 1, 1888, in Neosho, Kansas, Winton .Akers a farmer in Saline Co., Mo., (P. 0. :Mashall, Mo.)

1. JoIJN B01:D' AKEr.s, born November G, 1888. 2. IDA MAY' AKl:US. boru Dec~mb.i:- 30, 1S90. 248 /S,t,ll' JIILL.1.K

3. E1>TllEJt l\1&11LY.' AKY.U>I, born June 4, 1895. 4. LAI.AGE l\Lum:• AKEl?l!, born March 23, 189i. 5. CLAUIIII RJ:m' AKY.KH, born July 21, 1904.

III. KATE PA.RSOxs0 fuBL..\~ [Hannah\ Elizabeth\ 1llichaef, Isaac-::, Wtlliam1 .Jfi1lar], born February 14, 1868 in Louisville, Ky.; married in Shaw, Kansas, .January 17, 1888, L. J. Springer; address Galesburg, Kansas.

1. RE:vA MYRA' Sl'r.I:s'GF.11. born February 8, 1889; married Sep- tember 1906, J. S. Cn1mmrine. 2. Nt:LLIE PA:s'>IY' Sl'lll.'/GEJC, born August 2S, 1891. 3. DoucLAs Gr:A:s'\"ILLF.' Srr.r:-m.;n, born September 2S, 1S93. 4. MYICTLE M.\Y' SMCJ:s'GEIC, born January 1, 1897. Died In Infancy. 5. MARGAltr.I' VtoLA' Sl'ICJ:s'GY.H, born July 24, 1S98. 6. KATnLF.F.:s' G.' Srr.rxmm, born October 5, 1904.

IV. GEORGE BoYD6 HARLAN [Hannah\ Elizabeth\ .Mi­ chaec', Isaac-::, Wi'"lliam 1 .Mi1lar], born in l\fartin.sburg, W. Va., January 21, 1870; farmer, first in :Missouri then moved to ,Jenks, Oklahoma; married Mat'ch 3, 1896, Georgia Hughs.

1. CLAUDE BoYP1 H.UCLA:s', born December 1, 1896. Died In in• fancy. 2. FLOrc&.-;cF.' HAl!LA:s-, born December 17, 1899. 3. OICTILLE DEF.K" HARL.\..~, born June 30, 1902. 4. A:s-:s-IE' HARLA.~, born September 7, 1907. Died in Childhood. 5. VINA LEY.' HAllLA:s", born January, 1514.

V. l\fAy GR..\XVILLE6 fuRLA.i.~ [Hannah", Elizoheth\ Mi­ cliaeF .. Isaacz, Wi1liam 1 .JIillar ], born April 29, 1872, in Erie, Kansas; married February 24, 1897, Hiram A. Englis, farmer near Miami, Mo.

1. HIRA:>r A,·o:-.' E:<, born January 30, 1898. 2. MAlrlClCI!! GR.\DY' E:s-cus, born October 19, 1907.

VI. ANsIE DECKER6 HARLAN [Hannah\ Elizabeth\ Mi­ chaeZ:, Isaad\ Wi1liam1 .ilfi1lar], born July 13, 1875, in Neosho Co. Kansas; married in Marshall, :Missouri ISAAC .lIILI,AR !!49 January 8, 1895, John F. Hicks, a farmer near :Miami, Missouri.

1. RAntO:Sll Dow1 HICKS, born May 16, 1S96. l\lnrried April :?4, 1916, Mamie Dlclcel'Son, Shnckle!ord, l\Io. :?. Roy HOLT.Is' HICKS, born l\larch 1:?, 1S98. 3. R't'lll." Or.\L7 HICKS, bom December 25, 1899. 4. R1c1CAr.D G: HlCK>', bom April 29, 190:?.

8. PARTHENIA ELIZABETH5 P.rnsoxs, [Elizabeth\ JJ,ichael3, Isaac, Wi1liam1,Mfllar], born in Romney, W. Va., ~larch 28, 1844; married November 12, 1874, .rohn Thomas Hurst (born in Indiana; died in Neosho County, Kansas) . :Mrs. Hurst died March 1, 1879 leaving two small sons. I. CHARLES A."'DERSON6 HURST [Parthenia\ Elizabeth4, Jfichae'f, Isaac, Wi1liam} .Millar], born .August 27, 1875 in Babbsville, Texas. Farmer in Shaw, Kansas. II. .ToHN v\Tn:,LIAM6 HURST [PartheniaG, Elizabeth\ 1lfi­ 2 1 chael3, b;aac , Wflliam Mi1lar ], born February 13, 1877 at Fort Worth, Texas; married in Oswego, Kan. .April 24, 1901, Mary Piatt. Farming near Carters­ ville, Mo.

1. CHARLES EDWI:S7 HUltST, born July 19, 1909.

III. J.A)IES6 HURST [Parthenia?, Elizabeth\ Michael\ 2 1 Isaac , Wi1Ziam Mi1lar], born.January 25, 1879. Died in infancy. 2 9. SABAH Vman.'IA:; PABSONS [Elizabeth4, 'Jlfichaec', Isaac , Winiam1 Mi1lar ], born in Hampshire County, vV. Va., November 17, 1846; married in Neosho County, Kansas .August 13, 1873 John Johnson, a farmer near Shaw, Kan­ sas 'Who died there .January 1, 1916. ":Mrs.• Johnson is a vigorous, intelligent woman whose broad humanity has led her to endorse in its best forms, modern socialism." 1. P ATTIE6 .ro~soN [ Sarah\ Elizabeth", 1lfichae"'f, Isaac\ W11liam 1 .il./1'.llar], born May 13, 1874; married in 250 IS,tAC JIILLAR

Shaw Kansas, April 3, 1895, Charles .Austin of En­ glish parentage, a ranehman of Colorado living at Rc.tky Ford.

l. DELI.' At:sTix, born January 18, 1896. . 2. A.-r:su; BLA."'

II. BLANCHE6 JOHNSON [Sarah\ Elizabeth", ]l.fichael\ Isaa

1. ETIIEI.' SPF'..AKS, born October 27, 1913. 2. Cu.uoE1 SrE.u.:s, born September 1, 1915. Died in infancy.

IV. PAUL6 ,JoH~SON [Sarah\ Elizabeth\ Micliae""f, Isaac:, Wi"lliam 1 Jfi"llar], born January 25, 1880. V. K..\TE6 JOHNSON [Sara]/, Elizabeth', Michae"f, Isaac: Wflliam1 'Jftllar], born March 17, 1882; married J1me 1, 1908, John Hornback.

1. G=unE" Ho1t.-rc.\cr-. born March 12. 1909. Died September 4, 1922. 2. PAUJ.IXE1 HorsB.\CK, born November 12, 1910. 3. GAIUU."TT' HORXRACK, born March 16. 1912. 4. ?.1Ar..TORIE DAP.ll7 Hom

VI. RussELL6 Jo:a.~soN [Sarahr., Elizabeth\ .1rlichael:, J.

1. R.,nro:so' Jon:ssox, born September 2i, 1910. 2. VI\"IAX Bu:

VII. liOPE6 JOHNSON [Sarah\ Eliz£tbeth4, J.fichaef-, /.

ling died November 3, 1918, leaving four children, one of whom has since died.

1. Eo;,;A' PIATT, born Au;;ust 17, 11110. Died August 31, 19:?3. !?. B•:,,;,m:' KF.1-:u;,;c. born July !?S, 191:?. 3. Oro' K=c, born April, 1914. 4. WALTER' KEJ-.-u;,;c, born December !?7, 1915.

VIII. Dox0 .JoHxsox. [Sarah\ Elizabeth\ Michael", Isaa

1. VEL.,tA RUTn7 Osnor.N. born July 11, 190:l. !?. RUBY HoP&' Osnonx, born .June !?4, 1911. 3. .Ju..1..""nT.,' Osno1t.-i. born December 14, 1913.

10. .JACOB DECKER:; PARSONS [Elizabeth4, 1llichael3, Isaac~, Wi1liam1 Millar], born May 2, 1849, a stock buyer for Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City markets; married l\ilrs. .Alice Wood. No children. 11. CHARLES AJ.."'DERSO}._r; P ARSOXS [Elizabeth4, Michael\ Isaac'\ Wi1liam1 .1.11i1lar ], born in Hampshire County, W. Va., October 31, 1851. Married in Cornell County, Texas, Elizabeth Guthrie; and died there February 22, 1879, leaving no descendants. 4 1 2. W II.LLU'f MILLAR [ M ichael3, Isaac\ lVilliam ], born in Hampshire County, W. Va., August 10, 1811; died in Mattoon, Ill. June 21, 1897. He married December 26, 1832, Sarah Van Meter, (born July 15, 1817; died July 31, 1893) daughter of David and Hannah ( Cunningham) Van Meter. The following extract from a letter ( now in possession of his nephew .John Decker5 Millar of Hampshire r'!ounty, W. Va.) written by William\ after his mother's death, to his father 1lichael3 Millar, gives better than any description, his high moral standards, filial respect and facility of expression : 252 1S,1AC .lllLLAR "You no doubt pass many lonely hours. I trust you will make the sub.ject of religion one of daily and habitual medi­ tation, and I humbly hope it may afford you peace and com­ fort in your declining years; it is surely the only thing that can support us amid the various ills and afflictions of life and more especially in the trying hour of death. I ha,e often since we last parted reproved myself for be­ ing so backward in not conversing more freely and affection­ ately on this subject." William" :Millar moved to Coles Co., DI. in 18-53. Eleven children were born.

l. HA.~AII Di::cKm• Mn.I.An, born Octobe:r 15, 1833. 2. IRMC VA:V l\b:n:n" MrLLAlt. born July 10, 1835. Died in Childhood. 3. G.\Rl:E'IT VA'S Ml:.-n:it' :\1II.LA.-:. born Feb:rua:ry 1, 1837. 4. ADA.'I! MILLAR" MILLAR. born Novembe:r 3. 1838. 5. EuzADETn A:-.:-... MILLAR, born Novembe:r 9, 1S40. 6. DA~"ID VA'S METER• MILLAR, born Septembe:r 20, 1342. Died in chlldhood. 7. MicIIAl!:L• MrLLAR, born July 31, 1844. 8. Jiornu• HAn.=ss "tn.u1c. born Sept. 28, 1846. 9. SAIIAB' MARIA MILUR, born August 8, 1848. 10. M,uty FnA.'1'CES0 MILLAR, born Feb:rua:ry 7. 1855. 11. WU.t.IA."'11: EDw1x• MILLAR, born August 25, 1857.

1. HAN~AH DECKER:; lfiLLAR [William\ 11:lichael\ Isaac=, 1 Wi1liam ], born October 15, 1833 in Hampshire County, W. Va.; married .August 2, 1853, Edwin Williams Vause who farmed near Mattoon, m, where they lived in later years. Mrs. Vause died March 9, 1894 and her husband on De­ cember 14, 1908. I. WILLI.Ur fuRxESS6 VAUSE [Hannah\ William\ Mi­ chacZ:\ Isaac=, William 1 .:1£11lar], born on the farm in Coles County, Ill., May 31, 1854. Dealer in live stock in Chicago where he died November 5, 1923. He mar­ ried in Mattoon, Ill. .January 19, 1881, Martha Eliza Nabb, who survives him in Chicago. They were parents of three children.

1. Ct..,u: VAUSE. born February 11. 1882; married September 26, 1911. Pierce W. Wells. Groce:r in Albuquerqe, N. M., (son or IS.-t.,LC JIILL,I.R 253

Tyler and Elvira Wells). Have three children. l. MARnu liARlETTE' WEI.Lt<, born February 3, 1914. 2. BESSIE LoUISE' WELLS, born April 3, 1915. 3. Do:o1AJ.D VAUS•:" Wi:r.Lll, born February 13, 1917. 2. HARRY RUSSELL' VAUS&, born April 20, 1884. Druggist in Chi• cago; married September 29, 1916, Sylvia Clare Webster. 1. RUSSELL WEllsTEJt' VAUSE, born October 15, 1917. 2. Eowr.~ H.utn.To:s• VAU8E. born March 30, 1923. 3. ALICE SHEIUIAJID' VAUS~. born September 25, 1887. A teacher and makes her home with her mother in Chicago.

II. BETTIE PrERCE6 VAUSE [Hannall, William\ Mi­ cliaeF, Isaac:, Wi7liam1 .i.lli7lar], born January 15, 1856; was married in Mattoon, Ill. .April 17, 1877 to David Pierce Van Meter of the Van Meters of "Old Fields", W. Va., where also their home farm was located. Mrs. Van Meter died in Saskatchewan, Can. December 17, 1926 and her husband two years before (December S, 1924) upon the claim which they took up in 1921. .All their children were born at Old Fields, W. Va.

1. Eow~ VAUSE7 VA.... M&n:R, born February 14, 1S78. 2. AN:iIE PmncE' VA-s METER, born April 4, 1879. 3. W. Hor=s' VA.'i METER, born May 10, 1884. 4. WII.L:LUI c:- Vi...., METER, born December 27, 1885. 5. D.• VA.... MET&R, born August 2, 1887. 6. JAlfES w:- VA.... METF.Jt, born March 4, 1891. 7. H. DECKER1 VA:S METE:K, born September 18, 1894. 8. DAVID PIERCE' VA... METEJt, born September 11, 1898.

1. EPWL'i VAUSE. VA.'i METER, born February 14, 1878; married August 17, 1908, at Cumberland, Maryland. Lillian Eackles Faherty; they still reside In that place. They have two daughters and twin sons. 2. Ax:oiJE PIBnc1::• VA:s METER. born April 4, 1879; married Charles Dean Zimmerman November 20, 1912 at Oakville, Manitoba; now residing In Cleveland. Oklahoma. 1. A,s;::-.JE ELI7.ABETII' Znnn:R~IA:-1, Oct. 6, 1913, in Manitoba. 2. ClURLES" ZOl:llER~IA:S. Jn.: died In infancy. 3. WII.S0:-1 HoPKI:ss• VA.-. METF.Jt, born May 10, 1884; married June 29, 1916 in Chicago, Ill., Mary Susan Smith; lived sev­ eral years in :i.ranitoba. then In Mitchell Station, Alabama; finally settling in Petersburg, W. Va. To them were born a son and a daughter. 254 1S.:U.C JIILLAR

4. WILL1A:u C.1 VA.'1 !IIJ;;n;r~ born December 27. 1885; took up homestead land with his father 1n Saskatchewan. !Canada where he still lives unmarried. 5. DAVID• V.-...-. METER. born August 2. 1887; married J'11J1e 29, 1921, Subell lllartln at Tisdale, Saskatchewan; living on their homestead at Moose Range, Sask. Have two sons and two daughters. 6. J'A.,1r.s WruoIIT' VA."> MY.TY.R. born March 4. 1891. Died Marcil 2. 1913. 7. HARRY DECKER' VA.'1 METER, born September 18. 1894; married November 12, 1919, at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Mary Blanche Mathews; they moved to Moose Range, Sask. in 1921 on their homestead. To them were born four sons. the first dying in infancy. 8. DAVID Pn:ncE' VA."> METER. born Sept. 11. 1898. Associated with his brother WIiiiam in operating the family homestead lands at Moose Range, Sask. Not married.

ID. JAM.ES6 VAUSE [Hannah\ Wi"lliam4, Michaef, Is­ aa

1. Mn.nRED' VAUSE. born December 9. 1896. An accomplished musicillll. Teacher of the Violin in South Western Univer• sity, Georgetown, Texas.

IV. SALLY SHERRARD6 VAUSE [Hannah5, Wi1liam" Mi­ chael\ Isaa

1. VAUSE' ~coL:-., whose address is not !ow::d.

3. GARRETT VAN !v1ETER5 :MIT..LAR. ["fVillirrm4, Michael3, Isaac=, 1 William ], born February 1, 1837 iD. Hampshire County, W. Va., married iD. Homer, Ohio, September 5, 1861, Mary E. Knowles, ( sister of Mrs . .A.dam }fillar). Their first home was in Coles County, m, where all their chil­ dren were born; nine miles from Charlest.on. In N ovem­ ber of 1895 they removed to Texas, there Mrs. Millar IS.:1..:1.C JfILL.:1.R 255 died :Oiarch 23, 1914 having suffered for twelve years with diabetes. )Ir. ::.\Iillar died .April 19. ]921. Ten chil­ dren were born to them. L WILLIAM Eow:rx6 :MJLLAR [Garrett V. 111.5, William,\ 1 J.llichae"'f, Isaac-::, Wi?lia1n ], born July 9, 1862; married September 21, 1892, Carrie Zimmerman (born Aug. 28, 1863) daughter of John Brown and Elizabeth (Barnes) Zimmerman. Mr. l\fillar is an educator and for some time Superintendent of public instruc­ tion. Resides in :Mattoon, Ill.

l. JEA.-v ED\VV!7 MILLAR, born May 14, 1894. Died In Childhood. 2. JULIA.-V Zfl\rl[EJL'rA!'i' M=. born July 3, 1901; married Sep­ tember 15, 1923 Dolores L. Miller. l. W=r MIU.En" lllILLAn, born May 28, 1925. 2. BARBARA" MII.LAR. born October 18, 1927.

II. GABRETT VA...'1" METER6 MILLAR [ Garrett V. J-1/' Wil­ 1 liam.4, Jl,lichae"'f, Isaac-::, Wi?liam ], born January 13, 1865, a dealer in and breeder of high class horses, near Fort Worth, Texas. He married in Mattoon October 16, 1888, Gertrude

1. GLADYS7 MILLAM, born August 22, 1889. 2. EDWIN KE:!l'm:TII7 MlLLAB, born October 19, 1891. 3. DE.\!'i7 MILLAII, born February 22, 1894. Died In Infancy. 4. GEltTltt:DE AYE' MILLAR, born September 1, 1895. 5. HELEN7 Mn.I.An. born August 27, 1S99. 6. RAY:.10:'iD GAKRETI'' MILLAR, born January 13, 1902.

Later records not received. III. 2\LIBY Cr.E::-.DOX6 MILLAR, [Garrett V. J.lC, William4, 1 Michae'l3, Isaac, Wi?liam ], born September 8, 1866. Agent for Aetna Insurance Co., at Grand Prairie, Texas. IV. CHARLES 8BERRA.lm6 MILLAR [Garrett V. M.5, Wi?­ 1 liam\ Michae"'f, b;aac-::, Wi?liam ], born November 13, 1868; married November 16, 1892, .Jennie M. Aye. 256 ISAAC .1!1LLAR

1. H.U!OLD Rui--us' Mu.L.ut. born June 11, 1894; married June 28, 1920 :Mildred Kennedy. l. NA."CY :Mn.OREi>' MILLAn, born l\lay 27, 1921. 2. GRETA' MILLAR. born December 6, 1895: married June 28, 1921 Louis Allen Crouch. l. DonoTllY Jt:A."' Cnoucn, born August 27, 1922. 2. ALLA." :MII.I.An' Cnoccn, born December 5, 1923. 3. llLmTirA AYF! Cnoucu, born No\"ember 29, 1927. 3. Cll'.Al!LF.s DEWEY' MILLA!?, born June 5, 1S9S. 4. EL=' MILLAn. born September 11, 1900; married Decem• ber 12, 1923, Robert Arthur Minick. l. Jc~ BETTI' l'.t=ci.. born February 1!?, 1927. 5. JE:N:SIE AILEI::=<' MJLLAII, born July 27, 1905. 6. l\Lu:Y JE.\:S" llm.un, born August 15, 1914.

V. HARRY K...~oWLES6 l'.llLLAB [Garrett V. Ji.:;, William4, 1 .1.lfichaeF, Isaac:, Wi7liam ], born August 9, 1870; married December 23, 1902, Mary .Alice Stevenson.

1. LA.rua:s V.\." Ml:.-n:Jt' l',Ill:.L\R, born December 30, 1903. 2. Eo= S="E:Xso:s• l',m.un, born March 16, 1905. 3. HAnnY K."oWLES'. MILL.AR, JB., born June 15, 1909. 4. GAlllIETT V.\." METER' MILL.\ll, born ----.

VI. SARAH VA..~ METER6 M!LLAB [Garrett V. J.lf.\ Wi1- 2 1 liam", MicliaeF, Isaac , Wi"llia1n ], address Grand Prairie, Te."'taS. VII. RICHARD V.AUSE6 MII..LAR [Garrett V. M .\ Wi1- 1 liam4, MicliaeF, Isaac, Wi1liam ], born October 14, 1874. A farmer near Duncanville, Texas; married December 26, 1905, Virda Looney.

1. JAJ11Es G.\llnETr' MILLAit. born November 20, 1906. 2. RoBERT Fl:A..."crs' Mn.I.AR, born January 26, 1909. 3. RICKAIW VAUSE' MILLAR, JR., born April 10, 1912. 4. MARY LEE' Mu.LAU. born October s. 1916. 5. Jon:s DA\"ID' MILLAR, born l\,lay 24, 1921.

VIII. FA..~~'IE WALKER6 Mn.I.AR [Garrett V. JI.\ Wi1- 1 liam4, 111ichaeF, Isaac, 'fVi1liam ], born July 10, 1876, was married N o-vember 9, 1904 in .Arlington, Te."'\:as to Bleauford Allen Sadler a bookkeeper in Dallas, Te.i:as. l\frs. Sadler died of Septic fever February 22, 1909. IS.-L-1.C .lfILL.1.R 257

1. CAl!L wn. .. To:s" SAJ>LEK. born Janwu-y 7. 1907. 2. Fr.A.."'i'crs' S.uiu:n. twin to Carl lived but three days. 3. FA."'i':SIE J\fay' SAOL&R. born February 11. 1909.

IX. BERTHA }fl:LLAR11 l\f:rr.LAR [Garrett V. JI.5, William◄, 1 1lfichaeF? Isaac',!, William ], born July 2, 1878; was married l\fay 22, 1901 in Grand Prairie, Texas, to Ernest Eldredge Hall, bank cashier of that place.

1. E1t."'i'EST N=r..E' HALL. born October 2S, 1902; married July 17,1927 Ione Keasler. 2. CLE:sDO:s lK\"L"'i'' lLu.L. born October 23. 1904. 3. HOWARD l\ln.r.AR1 HA.Lt.. born May 27. 1908. 4. HORACE v.,:s MErER' HALL. born July 30. 1910. 5. SAR.UI RUTH' HALL. born November 1, 1914.

X. RuTRc .MILL...\R [Garrett F • .:.lf."_. Williarn\ Jlfichael\ 1 Isaac',!, Wi1liam ], born 1880 at home in Grand Prairie, Texas. 1 4. ADA..~ 1!ILLAR [William\ Michael\ Isaac',!, Wi?liam ], born November 3, 1838, in Hampshire County, W. Va., £or many years retired from active enterprises and liv­ ing his ninetieth year in his home in Mattoon, Ill He married November 29, 1864 Fannie Bowen Knowles of English extraction, of quiet force and gentle spirit (born September 7, 1842; died April 13, 1921). Nine children were born. I. SARA:a: CLD."DON6 l\IILUR, born September 14, 1865. Died in a month. II. DAVID K..~owu:.s0 l\tfl:LLAR, [Adani5, William\ 1.1:££­ 1 chaef, Isaac\ Wi1liam ], born November 29, 1866; married September 7, 1892 at }forrisomille, Illinois. :Minnie l\fay Travis; address Champaign, Ill.

1. RUSSELL W ARD1 MILLAR. born March 15, 1S95 at Mattoon, DL, i;rnduated B. S.; M. S. from University o! Illinois and Ph. D. from University or California. A research expert for U. S. Bureau of Mines. He married in Berkeley. California Novem­ ber 29. 1922, Belle Richey Stewart. 1. ROBERT K.-;oWLES" MILLAR. born December 15. 1923. 2. Rt:'St'ELL WARO" MILL.AIL JR.. born August 16. 1926. 258 IS.UC JllLLAR

2. ~;i.~= OscAJ>." Mll.I..U<. born November 9, 1896 in Mattoon, married in Greenville, Ill~ Sept. 2. 1923, Verna E. Neathery. 3. EDrrn :MAl:7 lllII.I.An. born February 17. 1903 in Nevga, IlL, married In Champaign, Ill. September 30, 1923, Robert Charles Cayard.

IlI. IsAAc VAUSEc 1ULLAR, born November 9, 1868. Died in infancy. IV. CLEXDOX VAX llETF..Rc ~ULL..-\R, [Adan/·, William4, Jficliae"f, Isaac\ William,1], born .April IO, 187L Pro­ prietor of :Millar Chemical Laboratory in Joplin. :Mo. He married first on June 15, 1898 at Thayer, Kansas, Elizabeth C. Insley, (who died March 11, 1923), mar­ ried second February 14, 1927, Caroline .Jaccard.

1. C~nox V,'--~ Mcn:c' M=.u-., born August 7, 1905, died April 11. 1925 as result or Influenza scourge. !?. FM.~K IxsLEY' M=.\ll, born November 15, 1906. A junior (1928) in State University at Austin. Texas.

0 V. .A.o.ur V ..nrsE , ~ULLAR, [A.da1n'\ Wi1liam4, 1llfohael3, Isaac"\ Wi7liam-1], born Septepmber 18 1873, near Mattoon, Ill .Assistant Dean of Engineering College in University of Wisconsin, at Madison. Dean ~fil­ lar married in Cortland, Ill., August 12 1903, )laude Talbot Treakle.

1. HARr.IET LoUISE7 MILL.\R, born January 4, 1905.

VI. NELLIE DECKER6 Mrr.L.-\R.. [A.dam.r., William\ 1lfi­ 1 chaeF, Isaac~_. William ], born February 27, 1877, near Mattoon; married January 1, 1900 to Wal­ ter S. Hopkins, a farmer and real estate agent lhing in Urbana, Ill.

1. HEU.~ MILLAR' Hor:t1xs, born October 20, 1900; married June 15, 1925, George A. Sallee. Hendon Ave., St. Paul. Minn. 2. PAULn:E McKmBE:,(7 HorKtXS, born December 17. 1904; grad­ uated from the University or Illlr.ols 1927.

VII. WILLIAl\I6 lllLLAR, died in infancy. vm. M.-\RY WRIGHT6 l\fn:.r.AR, [A.dmn\ Wi7liam4, }fi- ISAAC MILLAR !!59

1 cliael:', Isaac=, Wi'.lliam ], born April 12, 18S2. Taught in the schools of Urbana, DL, until her mother's death; since then she is her father's house keeper and home maker in l\Iattoon, Ill. IX. CHARLES Ero.""EST0 lllLL..IB, [Adanl, William\ Jli­ 1 chael:', Isaac=, W17lia1n ], born .June 23, 18S5. Pro­ fessor in Soils, .:Michigan State College at East Lans­ ing. He married June ll, 1912, Lucille Emma Kays, a graduate of University of Illinois, daughter of Emery and Emma Kays of Phoenix, Arizona.

1. MARGARET' Mn.I.AR, born March 24, 1913.

5. ELIZABETH .lb.'").~ l\llLLAR, [Williani"', JfichaeF, Isaac=, 1 Wi7liani ], born November 9, 1840 in Hampshire County, W. Va. She was married in her father's home near Mattoon, Ill., October 5, 1859 to Thomas Beauchamp Dora, (born in Bracken County, Ky., :March 18, 1834; died in )lattoon October 19. 1SS2, son of Beauchamp and Eleanor (Flemming) Dora). where they resided un­ til the death of her husband who was a practicing physi­ cian. She moved to Mississippi with her son and died November 3, 1920. I. WILLLnr Eown- BK.\UCHAMP0 DoRA, born .July 28, 1860. Farmer near Robinson, Ill. II. VmGIXL.\ DARE6 DORA, born February 27, 1862. Died November 8, 1SS1. m. LULA M.,ff6 DORA, born April 17, 1864. Died in infancy. IV. Osc.IB LEE0 DORA. [Elizabeth A.\ r,r:r1'1lia1n4, .Mi­ chael:', Isaac=, Williani1 l,b7lar ], born February 27, 1866: married December 12, 1894. Elfaa Harness6 Vause [Jemima. H.", Wi7liam4, .ilfichae'f, baac=, Wi7liam1 1lli7lar]. Farming near Yozoo City, Miss.

1. Jp;s:m;" DoRA. born and died April. 1S96. 2. MYl?TLE DEA."i' DoRA. born July 2, 1899; married March 12. 1921 260 ISA.AC :JIILL~

at Silver City, Miss~ J. A. McMurtray. Address: Sartartia, Miss. 1. MAmE M=nz" McMmrrnAY, born December 31, lll21. 2. JAMES OSCAR' MclhnrraAY, born January 11. 1923. 3. SAI.UE RrrA" McMtnrmAY, born April 22, 1924. 4. NELLIE GRACE" McMll'lml.AY, born October 10, 1925. 5. L0TTm MAUD" McMlJR'rMY, born August 18, 1927. 3. PAUL VAUSE' DoR.A, born November 21. 1901; died at A. and M. College, Starkville, Miss., October ll, 1918. 4. Rum- RITA' DoRA. born November 24, 1903. married Septem­ ber 5, 1925, William Wesley Holloway. a farmer near Yazoo City, Miss. 5. CLARICE GRACE' DoRA, born August 12, 1905. a teacher in Ya­ zoo City,• Miss. 6. MAUD& MtmIEI.' DoRA. born December 13, 1907. Stenographer and Bookkeeper in Yazoo City, Miss. V. LUNA LEXORE6 DoP.A, [Elizabeth A.\ William4, Mi­ 2 1 cliaeZ:S, I.saac , William .1.lli?lar ], born .April 9, 1869; married September 1, 1885, .Alvin Talbott.

1. BEUi.AR DoRA' TALBOTT, born June 16. 1886. Died in infancy. 2. CLAUDE LE&' TALBOTT, born June 7, 1SSS; married January 29, 1906, Clara Myers. 3. Roy PATl'O:N7 TALBOTT, born February 16, 1891. 4. Doll'.A. DEAN' TALBOTT, born April 30, 1895. Died in infancy. 5. ALVIN CARLOS' TALIIOTT, born August 14, 1897. 6. LUNA LENoRE' TALBOTT, born October 6, 1900. 7. EuzAm:Tn LUCILE" TALBOTI". born October' 25, 1907. Died in infancy.

1 7. M:rcHAELr; :M:!LL.AR, [William4. Jfichael3, I.saa

1. LINDA' MILLAR. born November 19, 1902: married No­ vember 26, 1919. Ralph Ashby, son of John 0. and Della Ash· IS.:1.AC JtILLAR 261

by. A shoe merchant ot Charleston. IlL 1. MAxTBA CATIIAJUN1:" Asmn:. born: November 13, 19!?0. 2. DoBOTBY F.BANCE:8" AsmlY, born April 20, 1923. 3. Vmo= DE:I.LA• AsII13Y, born February 1. 19!?7. 2. FIIEPERICX JOSEPH" 1\1:II.I.AR, born December 25, 1910. Died in intancy.

II. Fru...,-x JAQUF.56 }hLLAB, [.Lllichael\ wmiam4, Mi­ 1 chne"f, Isaac=, Wi"lliam ], born May 1, 1876; married first June 20, 1914, .:Maud Stratton who died June 29, 1915; married second .April 28, 1917, Merle .Ashby. 8. JElIDll fuR).~ ~!:r:LLAR, [William:', Michael3, Isaac=, 1 William ], born September 28, 1846 in Hampshire Co., W. Va., and died .April 19, 1889 in Charleston, ill, near where she was married. Sept.ember 1, 1864 to James l\iL Vause. I. LE..~A LEOT.a.6 Vaus:E, born .June 28, 1865. II. ELIZA HARXFS~t VAUSE, [.Jemima\ T,fTz"lliam", J[i­ cltaeF, Isaac=, Willia-m 1 JHllar], born November 17, 1867, married December 12, 1894, Oscar Lee6 Dora, [Elizabeth A..\ "'William\ 11fichaeF, J.,;aac:, Wi"'lli"am 1 ..tlfi1lar].

1.. Mrtm:.E DEA.--q' Dou. born July 2. 1899. 2 .. PAUL VAUSE' DoRA. born November 21, 1901. 3. RUBY RrrA' DoRA. born November 24, 1903. 4. CLAmCE GRACE' DoRA. born August 12, 1905. IlI. EDWIN WILLLL"\IS6 VAUSE, died in infancy. 9. SARAH MAP.I..\.:; .MILLAR, [Wi1Uam4, Michaef J.,;aac=, Wil­ liam1], born August 8, 1848, and was the baby when her parents moved from Hampshire County, W. Va., to near Mattoon, ill She married, as his second wife, her cousin William }Iillar5 Parsons, [ Elizabeth 4, JlichaeF .. l.,;aac"\ 1 Wi7liam ].. son of .James and Efu...abeth (l\:Iillar) Parsons. Both .:Mr. and l\iirs. Parsons died in the home of their only daughter in Chicago and lie buried in Rose Hill Cemetery there; ~Irs. Parsons died ,January 6, 1903 and her husband.January 31, 1907. 262 IS.:1.AC MILLAR

I. A-,XIE6 P ARSOXS, died young. II. JoSEPHIXE )ln.L.-IB6 P.-IBSoxs, [Sarah\ William\ 1.llichael\ Isaac~, W11liam 1 Jiillar], born in St. Louis, l\fo., married in Chicago, April 4, 1899, Frederick "\V. Pullen. Connected with traffic management in the Rail Road offices there; his parents were both born in England. l\frs. Pullen died N o,ember 12, 1921, leaving four sons.

1. RAn10::-m WII.LIA:u• ~. born March 11. 1900. Real Es­ tate appraiser with the Northern Trust Co.. in Chicago; mar· rled October 10, 1923. Lois Pardee. 1. CoRA JosF.:Pi:m..:" ~. born August !!5. 1924. 2. GLENll' CIIARLES' Pu=, born June 4. 1904. Reporter on the u•CJeveland Plain Dealer". 3. RommT FRF.llEIUCK" ~- born April 4, 1914. 4. En.'1EST GF..ORGr Puu.Fs, born July 30, 1918. resides with his two older brothers on Saywell Ave.. Cleveland. O.

10. }Luff Fru.xcES;; MILLAR, [Wi1liani4, 111.ichael\ Isaac".!.• 1 Willia1n ], born in :l\fattoon, Ill., February 7, 1855, was married September 9, 1879 to John I. Van :Meter, a kins­ man, son of Solomon Cunningham and l\Iaria Elizabeth (Cox) Van :\Ieter. Mr. Van :Meter's father was, son of "Isaac of Oldfields" as historians have it. Add.ress Covington, Tenn. I. K.\TIE LEE6 VAX :METER, born and died on June 17, 1880. 6 II. SARAH )IARIA VAX l\fETER, [.Jiarzl, Will£,m1/1 .i.lfi­ chae'f, Isaac~, Wi"lliam 1 .ilii1lar], born June 23, 1881: was married December 5, 1897 to B. E. White, a far­ mer, near Covington, Tenn., Route 1.

1. HELE." Mn.DRED' WIIITE. born October 15, 1S9S, Supervisor Clerk. 2. RoBEJtT B1t1:rc1f Wm:n;, born December 5, 1900. Assistant Mgr. Rome Mri;. Co~ Memphis, Tenn. Married November 21, 1926, Helen M. Thurman o! that place. 3. EDITH Lr.I'll'' WHn'E, telephone operator.

6 m. VIRGIXIA DARE VAX :METER, [lfar;f1 William", ISAAC JtlLL.-1.R

Jliclwef', J.saac-:., Wi7liam 1 Jli7la r] born June 17, 18S5, married J. W. Yaughn. IV. DAYID 1.!rr.L..-IBc VAX :METER, [Mar.I/, Wi7liani\ Jii­ chae"f, Isaac-:., lVilliam1 J.1Ii7lar]. born August 17, 1890; died in England in Service, U. S. A.., July 30, 1918. 11. Eown...:. l\IlLL.IB, [Wi1liam.4, illichael\ Isaac\ Wi?lia111.1], born near l\lattoon. August 25. 1S.57. A re­ tired farmer residing in l\Iattoon. Ill He married on December 28, 1892, l\lay Becker, (born November 16, 1867), daughter of William and Anna (Bradmoerkle) Becker. No children. 1 3. SARA~ l\Irr.L..-rn, [1lfichael\ I.r,rwc\ William ]. born in Romney, W. Va., August 28, 1S13 and married N o,ember, 1832, Francis Murphy, farmer, (born .January 2S, 1S08; died October 10, 1880). They moved from W. Va. to Cass County, .Mo., in 1868; their descendants widely scattered. They "·ere parents of ten children.

1. MARY ELIZADETH" MUIU'HY. tJorn August 13, 1S:l3. 2. K.'I.TE' MtrnPlIY, born May 11, 1835. 3. SARAH M1."Ells• MURPHY, born April 6, 1S37. 4. SusA.-.. 1111:r.LAJ:" MURPIIY. born February 13, 1841. 5. Fn.'1..-..CIS' l\IURPllY, born April 26, 1844. 6. JoR.-.. Wn.LL\ll' MUP.PllY, born Fl!bruary 18, 1847. 7. A.-..;:; REBECCA. MURPHY. born :May 2. 1849. Died In chlldhood. 8. DoRA L.• Mtml'11Y, born May 10, 1852. 9. ADA" MURPHY, born March 28, 1856. 10. JAllE.«0 MtmrHY, born January 8, 1S59.

1. l\L-IBY ELIZABETH:; Mur.PHY, [Sarah\ Jlicliaet, Isaac\ William1 Jfi?lar], born August 13, 1833; married Charles l\L Taylor, who held many years, the position of County Treasurer. I. FRAXCIS :M.c T.n"LOR, born in Rumley County, W. Va., April 6, 1870; married in Harrisomille, }.lo.. l\Iarch 11, 1893, William .J. Hancock, who died Octo­ ber 21, 1926. !?64 IS-

L CAJU.' HA:-.-cocx. born June 13, 1895. Died in infancy. 2. Lonn: H! H.~'1COCK. born August 16. 1896. Married Evans. March 16. 1916. 3. CLYDE W! HA.-.cocx. born September 7, 1898. a farmer; mar­ ried July 13. 1922. 4. Fr.o~'ll• HA.'

4. StrSAN l\fn.r.AR~ l\ftrRPHl", [Sarall4, Jlichaez:1·, Isaac~, Wil­ liam1 .llli'llar], born in Romney, W. Va., February 13, 1841 and died near Freeman, Cass County, l\fo., :March 22, 1908; married November 1, 1870, Richard Lee Gaines, (born September 30, 1837; died near Peculiar, l\Io., Feb­ ruary 22, 1912), son of Robert Green and Hannah ( Quaite) Gaines. L RoBERT F~-x6 GA.Th"ES, [Susan~, Sarah"', Mfohael\ Isaac-:, Wi1liam1 .Millar], born at Harrisonville, :Mo., October 20, 1871 and died in childhood. II. li.\XXAH 1hY6 GAIXES, [S1t-~an\ Saral,4, 111ichaet', Isaac\ Willia1n1 .Mz"llar], born August 23, 1873, in Harrisonville, Mo., where she still resides, having married there February 9, 1898, Thomas R. Hughes, (born July 26, 1855, in Alabama; died January 10, 1928).

1. CLARA MAY' HUGilES, born in Belton. Mo., November 27. 1S98, died in childhood.

m. RICHARD HE~"RY LEE6 GA.D."ES [Su.~an\ Sarah4, Jlicha.ef, Isaac\ Wi1lia1n1 11fi1lar], born at Eight Mile, Cass County, Mo., .January 10, 1880, Traveling Salesman, residing in Peculiar, Mo. Married in Harrisonville, September 14, 1910, Ida l\fay Hatch, (born at Whiting, Kan., October 6, 1887), daughter of James and :Margaret (Riley) Hatch.

1. JAlltES RICIIARD' G=s, born September 13, 1911. 2. AD.ex GAINES, born November 13. 1913. IS.UC JfILLAR

3. ?rLuuo:. LEE' GADo"ES. born July 17. 1917. 4. THOlUS R.AWLEion' GAO!El:l, born December 30, 1922.

9. .A.Ila BLANCHE' ~IURPHY, [Sarah4, Mfrhael3_. Isaac\ lVil­ liarn} U illar], born in Romney, W. Va., March 28, 1855; moved ,nth her parents from Yirgina in 1868 and mar­ ried at Freeman, l\Io., on November 3, 1877, .James K.. Howell, (born December 9, 18-H in Boyd County, Ky~ son of Thomas and Sarah (Morris) Howell. In 1904- they removed to Bi.xby, Oklahoma, where Mrs. Howell died .July 30, 1914 sm·vived by their four children, who were all born in Cass County, Mo. L CLAl,"T)E6 HOWELL, [.Ada?, Sarah", Jlichael:S, Isaac\ Wi?liam1 .Millar], born September 1, 1878; married .January 4, 1915. No children. 6 3 II. S ..\LLIE HoWELL, [Ada\ Sarah4, Jllichael , Isaac\ W·illiam} 1lli1lar ], born January 17, 1880, in Harris­ onville, Mo., where on January 14, 1901 she married Clyde Stiles, son of Francis Marion and Mary .Ann (Stephens) Stiles, Bixby, Okla.

1. GEORGIA E.' STILES, born November 5, 1901. 2. GLADYS L.7 Snu:s, born October s. 1903. 3. H.umY H.' STILES, born October 9, 1907. 4. ETDEL F.' STILES, born September 15. 1909.

III. RoY0 HoWELL, [.A.daG, Sara1•4, Michael= J.<;aad\ Wil­ liam1 .Mi?lar], born November 17, 1881; unmarried, Bb:by, Okla. IV. EDDIE BEATRICE6 HoWELL, [Ada\ Sarah4. .Michael\ 1.-;aatf, W illiam1 Millar], born January 22, 1891, mar­ ried at Tulsa. Okla., December 25, 1913, Harve L. Griffin. Address Cleveland, Oklahoma. Se-ven children were born to them-

1. MILDRED'; H.Ut\'E.."A'; PAULn:E'; DoBEY.:'17 ; JA!ltES7 ; 7 7 RoY ; Roni:nrA GnIFFL"·

10. ,JA:i.\IES I.G l\IURPHY, [Sarah', Michae"f_. Isaac\ William1 266 IS,UO .11/LLAR

Millar], born in Hampshire County, W. Va., January S, 1859 and was but a lad when his parents moved to 1Io.; married in 1885, :Mrs. Flora Brown, daughter of Richard and Louise Ratliff. Their home was later in vVealaka, Okla., where l\:Ir. :.Murphy died November 6, 1927. One daughter and three s0ns survh·e him. I. FR..\XKG MURPH!', [James\ Sarah4, irlichael3, Isaa

1. GEJmtUot:' Mu11r11Y, born June 19, 1908. Died May 3, 1919. 2. Bt:i

II. Euu0 l\IuRPHY_, [Ja111,es\ Sarah\ Jfichael\ J.saac\ W illiam1 J.lf-illar], born October 4, 1886; married July 6, 1911, W. E. Rodgers; married second November 14, 1916, l\L J. Roofener; address Sapulka, Okla.

1. ROCE!tT' RODGERS, born February 21, 1914. 2. Fwm,::sn:' Roora.,;1m. born January 21, 1918.

ill. How·.-\Rnc l\IURPH!', [.lames\ Sarah4, ilffolwel\ Is­ aac:, Wi1liam 1 1llillar], born April 22, 188S; married June 26, 1909 at Liberty, Mo., Gertrude 1Iunkes. Worker in Oil Fields, address, i\forris, Okla.

1. C.\USDI.\:S" l'vlmtPHY. born August 13, 1910. 2. HA=' MURPIIY, born September 5, 1913. 3. MA.u:s&' MURPHY, born April 18, 1917.

IV. JA)IES Wir.G Mu"'RPH!', [James\ Sarah!, Michaef', I saae, William 1 111illar], born July 31, 1894; a farm­ er and lives at Bristo"·, Okla.; married October 10, 1915, Floy Frederick at Sapulka, Okla.

1. GENEVA' MURPHY, born September 11, 1916. 2. Wn:.u.ut F'BEDERICX' MURPHY, born October 15, 1918. IS.:LI.C MILLAR 267

3. CAI:.L&.'-A" Munr1n·, born June 3, 1921. 4. JA.,tES V.1 MunrllY. born September 18. 1923. 5. HOWAI:D F.1 Mu1:.r11Y, born December 20, 1926.

Every effort to obtain complete records of the descend­ ants of Sarah4 :Millar l\Iurphy haxe resulted in failure, those given, are however, brought to date. 4. .JoHx DECKER4 l\lILLAR_. [llfichael\ /.<;aac\ William.1], the fourth child of :Michael and Hannah (Decker) l\Iillar, was born April 18, 1825, in Hampshire County, W. Va., upon the old planw.tion where his fore fathers and children's children have been born. He died November 24, 1904 and seems to have been the only one of his generation of the l\fillars who was satisfied, to remain in the old place and paths; Ohio, Illi­ nois, l\Iissouri, lured many of them away. He was married by Rev. William H. Foote, September 5, 1850 to Sarah Louisa Stump, (born September 1, 1829; died March 7, 1886), daughter of .A.dam and l\fary G. (Parsons) Stump; .A.dam (born August 4, 1788), son of Leonard (born November 21, l'i48) and Catharine (See) Stump, (born Feb­ ruary 26, 1754; died April 23, 1827). The Stump and Parsons families were early in the South Branch Valley and much intermanied in these records and elsewhere. To this marriage were born eight children.

1. IS.\AC STOil"' MILL.U?. born August 1. 1851. Died In childhood. 2. WILLll)t• Mn.I.AR, bon March 6, 1853. Died in childhood. 3. l\L'll?Y DECKEU" MILL.ui. b,:u March 26. 1S55. 4. VIRGI:\"JA BELLA' MILLAR. born December 2S, 1856. 5. Jon:-. DEc1'ER" MILI.AI:. born November 29, 1860. 6. SAR..\II WILLn:."' MILLAR. born September 25, 1864. 7. WILLIA:-.X CIL\ltLEs• lltn.x..ui. born March 26, 1S69. 8. MICIIAEL AnA.,1' MILLAR, born August 4, 1872.

3. l\faRY DECKER~ l\IILL.AR_. [John D.4_. Micltael3, J.yaa

I. WILLIA:\r A..,DREW6 PA...'\"CAKE, born June 18, 1889. II. S.IBAH ETTA6 PAXCAKE, [Mart/, John D.4, Michaef, Isaa

1. .Jom- HA.-;sos' McNEILL. born September 25, 1913. 2. CAREY WILKINsos' Mc..~EILL. born July 5, 1916. Died in child· hood. 3. WILLIA.'\£ R.Du:' McNF.ILL. born October .11, 1919.

m. n-1ARY s~"DXEY6 PAXCAKE, born January 5, 1892. Died in childhood. IV. llixNAH l\fn.LAR0 PANCAKE, born February 21, 1893. V. CATHABD,""E JEl\IDIA6 PANCAKE, born April 28, 1894-. 4. VIRGINIA BELLE5 l'ULLAR, [.John D:', 1lfichael\ Isaac=, 1 Wi1Zimn ], born December 28, 1856; was married .March 12, 1878 in Cumberland, 1'f d., to Parsons Stump, son of Adam and Mary Gregg (Parsons) Stump. They lived and died on the old Stump place, south west of Romney-Mrs. Stump in, 1923. They are sur­ vived by- 1. SALLIE BETTIE0 STm1:P, born July 5, 1879. II. CARRIE BELLA6 STID:£P, born December 24, 1880. III. SA::.\rt7EL LuPTON6 STIDrP, born January 18, 1883. IV. SuSAN JoE0 STrorP, born February 24, 1885. V. ELLEx DARE6 STUMP. VI. WILLIA~r6 STmIP. It is regretted that several efforts to secure complete records have failed. 5. JOHN DECKER5 }\fiLL.IB, [John D/. Jlfichael3, Isaac\ Wil­ liam1], born November 29, 1860; married December 26, 1883 by Re,.. r. M. Clymer, of Keyser, W. Va., Hannie D. Sheetz, (born December 27, 1864), daughter of Robert and Catharine Sheetz. IS.A.AC JIILLAR 269 In the Spring of 1906, the wri.1.,er enjoyed for a day the hospitality of this home at ';The Trough" while search­ ing among the fertile valleys and rugged mountains of Virginia and West Virginia for descendants of the lVfil­ lar-du Bois ancestors; and had the privilege of copy­ ing family records from the Bible Isaac:: l\fillar had so painstakingly inscribed of that branch of the family, established in the South Branch Valley. :Mrs. Millar died .January 3, 1926. They were the parents of si."\: children - all born on the 1\-Iillar Plantation in Hampshire County, W. Va. I. ELIZABETH KATHERIXE6 :Mrr.LAR, [John D.r., .John D.4, 1 Michae"f, Isaac::, WilZiam ], born December 27, 1884; married February 22, 1906, Luther Chilton Harmi­ son, (born February 14, 1885).

L Cm:r.roN" HAlorlso:-i, born April 22, 1907. 2. LUCIE BELLE' HAn..'\C[S():-i, born December 21, 1908. 3. DAVID LEE' HAlwISON, born January 19, 1910. 4. C_-\KKOLI: HAR.'\IISON, born December s. 1912. 5. CATltABilra" HAlollSON, twin to C&.rrolL 6. Jo~ DECKER' HARMISON, born September 29, 1915. 7. RUTB' HAlwlsoN, born September 17, 1917. s. NAo:>n' HARMISON, born Fc'>ruary 7, 1920.

II. Eowrn VAUSE6 MILLAR, [John D.\ John D.4, Mi­ 1 chael3, Isaac::, WilZiam ], born November 10, 1886; served in World War from October 4, 1917 to .June 6, 1919 in 8oth Div. Battery D. 313 F. A. One year in France including entire .Argonne offensive. Mar­ ried December 6, 1919, Volunta Kump; address Petersburg, W. Va., occupation: R. R. Conductor.

1. Jmu A.·rn' Mn.I.AR. born November 27, 1920. 2. NANCY JA.'<£' Mr!.t.AR. born February 26, 1923. 3. M.UtGARET FRANCES" MILLAR, born August 26, 1926. m. NAXNIE GERSTELL6 MILLAR, [.John D.r., John D.4, 1 Michael\ Isaac::, Willia1n ], born October 4, 1889; 270 ISAAC .llILL,1.R married December 2-1. 1910, _.\.ndrew J. Belt, occupa­ tion: R. R. Conductor.

1. WILLL\.'1 JACKM:-01 BELT. born November 14, 1911. 2. S,\Jl.A Loms&' BELT, born January 5, 1914. 3. EDw~ Nonrus' BELT. born August 5, 1:116. 4. JOH~ JA:O.IES' BELT, born June 18, 1919. 5. R1cIIAJU> Mn.I.An' BELT. born November 5, 1923.

IV. ROBERT FREDF..RICK" ~Irr.r....\R, [.John D.\ John D.4, 1 Michaef, Isaac=, Willimn ], horn lfarch 5, 1892. No further reeord. V. TROlIAS CARSKADOX6 :\iILLAR, [John D.-;., John D.", 1 Micliaec', Isaa~, 1'Villiam ], born June 3, 1895. Con­ nected with Rubber Industry near Cumberland, Md. Address: Cresap Park, Md.; married September 9, 1916, Sarah Jane McTiernan of Homestead, Pa.

1. WILLIA~! DECKER' l\lILL.\lt, born December 6, 1917. 2. JA."\tES CARSKADOS' MILJ..AR. born April 20, 1920. 3. Tl?Ol!AS GERALD' MILLAR. born November 30. 1921. 4. SARAR I=&' MILLAR. born September 26. 1923. 5. Jo= D&cK&Jf MILL.\lt, born December 27, 1926.

VI. VVILLlllI6 J\f:rr..LAR, [John D.\ Joh'ii D.\ llfichaef, 1 William ], born June 19, 190L No further record. 6. SAR.AH WILLIE:. ~ULLAH, [.J olui D.4, Jfichaer:, Isaac\ Wil­ liam1], born September 25, 1864 in Hampshire County, W. Va., was married there to Fred J. Pancake, a tanner, (born in that County August 6, 1860), son of Andrew and Anna Jemima (High) Pancake, address: Romney, W. Va. I. JOHN A." PAXCAKE, [Sarah\ .John D.4, Michael\ Is­ aac=, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born :March 3, 1886. A Real Estate Broker in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; married November 19, 1919, Elizabeth Preston Crowder, (born September 23, 1888), daughter of Henry Giles and Sallie Key (Young) Crowder; the latter a de­ scendant of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner." 1s.-1.~1c .lIILL.-1.r.

1. JOII;\" A:\"l>llEW' PA...,.CAKls. Jn•• born in Richmond, Vn. Septem· ber 27, 1920.

7. v,ILLI.ur CH.-U'.LES:. )!:ru..-IB, [John JJ.\ .lliclwel\1saac\ 1 William ], born :.\larch 26, 1S69; clied December :21~ 1S96. He had married September 23, 1S90. Etta Virgi:i:rla Pan­ cake, a sister of .John and Fred .J. Pancake, (born December 23, 1S6S), who after her husbands death, cap­ ably continued his general merchanclising business under her own name in Keyser, W. Va. I. _.\:\"DREW DECKER6 n-lrLL..-IB, [William' C., John 1Jeck­ 1 er4, Jfichae"f_. Isaa

1. CHARLES A."DREW' MILLAR, born .January 6, 1915. 2. Woonr.trTII BL't"E' MII.L.\R, born March l. 1917. Died in infancy. 3. MAlu:ETTA' MILLAB. born July 20, 1919. 4. EuGFSE DECKER' MILLAR. born April s. 1921. 5. A."DllEW JACKSO~· MILLAJ:, born October 25, 19!?5.

II. SARAH .JE:\IDIA6 :i.\III.LAR, [WilUrnn C.C., John JJ.4, 1 J.Iichael:, J.

l. DOUGLAS MIT.LAJt' A~ucx. born D~cember s. 1922. 8. l\fJCHAEL ADA)I:; ::\ULL...\R_. [.John JJ.4, JficlweI', Isaac~, 1 Wz'.llia1n ], born August 4, 1872; married April 5, 1893, Martha E. Leatherman. They lived upon part of the :i.\:Iillar land until 1906 when for a milder climate they removed to Florida, first to .Arcaclia then Venus, where they now are settled and where he is engaged in Artesian Well C0ntracting and is enjoying better health. He was 272 IS.:1..4.C MILLAR the guardian of the Bible of Isaac:!. They are parents of ten children. I. SAR.AH filLL,DAO ~fu..LAR, [1lf ichael .d..\ .John D .\ 1 JlichaeZ:, Isaac\ TTTillia1n ], born .April 8, 1894; mar­ ried November 7, 1915, George C. .Akins, son of .Alex T. and Tennessee (Whitman) .A.kins, St. Catherins, Florida. 1. STUART MILL.-.n' A=s, born April 2, 1917. 2. c=• AK~is. born October 13. 1918. 3. Tuo:.r.~s TnEooor.E' A=s, born October 22, 1920.

IL* · ScoTLAND6 }vfiLLAR, [Jficha.el A.\ John D.\ 1lfi­ 1 chael\ Isaac, Witliam. ], born .April 12, 1897; enlisted July 29, 1917 Co. J. then Co. H. 102 Inf.; overseas from October, 1918 to April, 1919, made corporal August 9, 1918. In the Meuse-Argonne offensive; discharged April 26, 1919. Now an oil driller at Beumont, Texas; married at Hull, Texas, February 7, 1926, Ramona Ballard, daughter of Albert and :Mary E. Ballard. m. EDITH K.-\THLEEN6 MILLAR, P·fichael .A.:., .John. D.4, 1 Michae'f, Isaac:., Wi"lliam ]. born April 12, 1897; mar­ ried December 29, 1915 at Venus, Florida, Paul H. Smith, son of Joseph N. and Georgia Smith.

1. EDrrH M.u:JORIE' SllITil. born May 12, 1919. 2. PAUL H! SllITH, born November 25. 1921. 3. ER."El>--r Mn.r.AR' S:.rITH. born June 10, 1924. 4. VIRGIL DEE' SllITil, born July 20, 1926.

IV. ltihcHAELA6 lv!:cr..:r...IB, [Michael A.\ John D.4, Mi­ 1 chae'f, Isaac\ William ], born November 7, 1898, mar­ ried November 21, 1920 at Richmond, Va., ,Jarett Everett Langston, son of George T. and Mary S. Langston of Gates, N. C.

1. RA.,roNA ELI.EN' MII.LAlt. born November 10. !926.

•So named by hl11 a;ren.t ,;na.ndt.o.ther l11chaet1• wtth the ~murk: k~e,p In mind where the- Xllla.ra came trom--: yet a gnind dauJ;ht~r ot l:flcha.e,1:a now llvtnr. r~ members htm to lffl.ld the ta.mll)" wu En~U111h ! So much tor tamlly tra­ dttJon. than wh.. ch the WTiter has tountl nothln,:- mnr~ unrollnble. IS.t.:l.C .UILL.lR 273

1. M.ut-r ELlz.UIETII" L.\!'>GSTO:S, born October 14, 1921. 2. ll!ICHASLA" LA!l1G8TOX. born October :n. 192:l. 3. GEOCGE TIIO:UA8' L.'\."'rnsTO:s, born August 9, 1925. 4. EDITH EtLEEX' LAXGSTO:S, born April 25. 1927.

V. CH.A.RI.ES DEcm0 1vhu,rn, born November 12, 1900. VI. GABBETT NICHOLAS6 J\fILLAR, [Michael A.:;, John D:', 1 Michael\ Isaac\ Witliam ], born June 7, 1902; mar­ ried :March 11, 1926 at Haines City, Florida, May Cromer, daughter of William Pa.seal and Carrie Rosetta Cromer.

1. LI.on> GARJtET'r Mn:.LI.n, born February 9, 1927. VII. Vmm:xu6 :h-ULLA.R, [Michael A.\ .John, D.4, Mi­ 1 chaef, Isaae-, Wi'lliam ], born February 27, 1904; married June 25, 1925, Adams Judson Whitson, son of Louis and Melissa (Curles) Whitson. VIII. EuGEXE PEER6 }ULLAR, born October 12, 1905. IX. ELI7...ABETH Ev.A...~GELINE 6 MILI,,\R, born in Florida, May 17, 1907. X. J oHx MICHAEL6 l\1ILLA.R, born in Florida l\Iay 3, 1911.

3 1 5. Is.uc l!ILLAR, [18aac2, lVillfoni ], born in Hamp­ shire County, W. Va., December 6, 1787; died in Ohio June 14, 1883. What might not this aged man have told us had we been there to hear! He married Susan Decker, (born Nov. 13, 1792; died June 13, 1858), the daughter of John and Hannah (probably, Harness) Decker and sister of Mrs. Adam3 Millar.

1. REBECCA' MlLLAR. born June 30, 1813. 2. Jom; DECKER' MILLAR, born June 8, 1815. 3. JACOB' lllILLAR, born November 5, 1817. 4. MIClIAEL' MlJ.LAR. born March 9, 1820. 5. SUSA.T Mll.r.AR, born October 30, 1822. Died in infancy. 6. SARAJI PuRCELL' MILLAR. born October 7, 1824. Died in childhood. 274 ISA.4.C 1,/ILLAR

7. FRA..~=• MILLAR, born January 11, 1S.~S. 8. HA.-=AII' MD'..LAB, born July 22, 1830. 9. ~ ELI?.ABETII' MD'..LAB, born October 111, 1833.

4 2 1 1. REBECCA }.1ILLAR, [Isaac:i, baac , Will-iam ], born in Bloomfield, Ohio, .June 30, 1813 and died in Mechanicsburg, DI., August 4, 1856 "of tumor in the mouth." Married Dec. 18, 1832, William Short, (born in 1808; died in 1e99), a grand­ son of James Short, who sowed the first field of wheat in Pick­ away County, Ohio in 1799 on land later owned by Adam3 Millar. Short came from Delaware in 1798. William.3 Jfillar, brother of Adam::, was one of the executors of the estate of Stephen, William Short's father. Seven children were born.

1. SUSA.~ MILLAB" SHORT, born October 14, 1833. 2. STEP= A.· SIIORT, born October 7, 1S36. 3. ISAAC MILLAR' SHORT, born September 5, 1839. 4. BET'l'IE w.• SIIORT, born February :?:?. 1S4:?. 5. JENmE B~ SHORT, born April 3, 1S44. 6. A.~ MAI.ISSA. SIIOI:T, born March 29, 1S47. 1 7. Fmnu CILUlLOTTE" SnmtT, born June ::o, 1849. Died in childhood.

1. SusA..~ l\f:ri:.LAR SHORT, [Rebecca', Isaac3, Isaarf, Wi1- lia11i1 1Ji1lar], born in South Bloomfield, 0., October 14, 1833; moved with her parents when twelve years old to Mechanicsburg, ill., married there January 20, 1855 to Oliver Pickrell Hall, a farmer, (born in Shelby County, Ky., March 11, 1832; died in 1891). In August 1904 Mrs. Hall moved to Grants Pass, Oregon, where she died No­ vember 16, 1917. She was one of the earliest to be inter­ ested in this genealogy and always prompt to secure data. SL~ children. I. WILLLnr LOGAN6 HALL, [ Susan\ Rebecca\ Isaac3, 2 1 lsaac , William .31i1lar], born October 28, 1855; mar­ ried March 23, 1881 :Mary Louise Hubbard, daugh­ ter of Thomas and Ruth (Davis) Hubbard of Me­ chanicsburg, D1 where for years he was an imple­ ment and grain dealer; he later moved to Gig Harbor, IS.:U.C JlILLAR !?75 Wash., where he died June 13, 1921. Mrs. Hall died October 16, 1926.

L BESsm1 H.u.r., born December 24, 1881; married first in Me­ chanlcsbm;;, April 7, 1909, Guy L Colby, who died July 11. 1911; married second July 11, 1922, Charles Uhlman. eon of Richard W. and Esther (Doyle) Uhlman; mnnager of a mill at Bordeaux, Wash., but maintains their home at Gig Harbor. 1. LooAN H.w:." Cot.IIY, born March 8, 1910 . .2. B= Lou' UBL.UAN, born January 18, 1925• .2. THo::ius Almrtm' HALL, born March 24, 1884. Died October 6, 1911. 3. MAmE R.' HALL, born November 22, 1885; married at Mechanl.cs­ burg, DI., November 20, 1907 to Harvey Troxell Culp, son of Harvey Culp; wholesale grocery broker In Springfield, Ill. L MART LYO~ Cm.P, born December 25, 1908. 2. HAltvEY TlloXELL" COLP. born November 17, 1912. 3. CHABLES' Cm.P. born Jauuary 18. 1921;kllled in au elevator ac­ cident Jauuary 4, 1927. 4. Lt:ELT..A Loo=• HALL, born July 15, 1889; married .Tune 11, 1919, Charles Uhlmau and died In Tacoma, Wash., at the birth of her son. 1. THOMAS Llll!:LLA."1" UlIUUN, born August 17, 1920.

II. EDWIN6 HALL., born in 1857; died in infancy. m. LEWIS B.0 HALL, [Susan\ Rebecca4, Isaad' Isaac'\ Wi'lliam1 1lli'llar], born in 1860, an undertaker in Grants Pass, Oregon; married :first, Margaret E. Thompson, (born June 24, 1865; died May 5, 1919, (daughter of .Andrew Todd Thompson), married second, July 7, 1921, .Josephine Mae McCallister.

1. Bno:v T! H.u.r.. born In 18S9. Died in ln!aucy. 2. HELEN T! HALL, born November 11, 1891 In Mechauicsburg, m. married April 3, 191S, in Grants Pass, Oliver Chester Goodnow (born in Ellenburg, Wash., February 22, 1S88), a :leweler 1n Sacramento, California; is the son of Orwell S. [born 1n Vermont] aud Christina [Von Feld, born in He!ord, Germany] Goodnow. 1. Lr.VIS OLIVER" GCIODNOW, born December 6, 1919. 2. HOWAlU> WINSTON" GooDNOW, born Jauuary 1, 1922. 3. LLOYD STRATTON" GooDNOW, born March 12, 1924. 4. JOYCE E=E' GooDNOW, born October 22, 1927.

IV. JAMES LFSLIE6 fur.!., [Susan\ Rebecca4, Isaae., Isaa

1. W. H. CoLDY• R.u.r., born September, 1904. Z. OLIVEB P! HALL. born September, 1907. Died In Infancy.

6 5 4 V. RE..~A HALL, [Susan , Rebecca , Isaac3, Isaa~, Wi1- liam1 ilfi1lar ], born in 1865, was married in 1889 to William Pattillo; they reside in Grants Pass, Ore., where Mr. Pattillo has gold mining interests.

1. GENEYJEVE' PArm:.LO, born in 1890, a bookkeeper in Woodburg Busi• ness College In Los Angeles, cali!ornla. 2. L£wis GLENN' PATTILLO, born in 1892. Died In childhood.

6 3 VI. Osc.AR E. HALL, [Susan\ Rebecca\ Isaac , Isaac\ Wi7liam1 M·t"llar ], born in 1867, near Mechanicsburg, ill; married in 1896, Georgia E. Greening. No chil­ dren. 2. STEP.HEN .A.5 SHORT, [Rebecca4, Isaac\ Isaac-:., William1 Mi7lar], born in Pickaway County, Ohio, October 7, 1836, was a pensioned soldier of the Civil War until his death in 1915 at his home in Merriam, Kansas. He married in Mechanicsburg, m, .August 14, 1862, Emma Roberts Bennett, daughter of Rev. Thomas Wm. and Rebecca Jane (Roberts) Bennett, who died in 1908. 6 5 I. LuLu SHORT, [Stephen , Rebecca4, Isaac3, Isw, Wi7liam1 .Mi7lar], born July 28, 1865 in Mechanics­ burg, manied there Norwood Belmont Beeler, .Janu­ ary 12, 1893.

L RoBEKT EuGENE:' BE:!!:r.Eg, born October 8, 1905.

II. EDITH LucILEc SHORT [Stephen\ Rebecca4, Isaac\ Isaac-::, William1 .1.11War], born .August 23, 1872, mar­ ried November 8, 1894, Fletcher I. Peck, address: Topeka, Kansas.

7 1. A."'

III. STELLA LINN6 SHORT, born January 21, 1877. Died in infancy. ISA,LC MILLAR 277

3. lsAAc J\'.f:rr.r..ARG SHORT [Rebecca\ Isaa,c3, Isaac::, lVil­ liam.1 .Millar], born September, 1839 in Pickaway County, Ohio; with his parents he moved to a new home in Illi­ nois, half way between Springfield and Decatur and set­ tled upon "a fractional section of land near the "Hanks" farm rendered famous a few years later by "the rail­ splitter of the Republic of the West". He knew the early days of Springfield and when the Capitol of the State was moved there from Vandalia, saw with round eyed boyish wonder some of the great lawyers and politicians of the country come and go upon the streets. Mr. Short was educated at home, then in Paris, both for the language and for the study of .Axt in his chosen pro­ fession. He has at eighty-seven published an informal history of "Abraham Lincoln-Early Days in Illinois". .As a delightful by-product of his knowledge of that time and of his present leisure, having retired from active work as an .Architect. He married in Springfield, l\:fiss Kate C. Weber, daugh­ ter of George R. and Catharine (Welsh) Weber, an artist­ painter, who yet maintains her studio in their home on Euclid .Ave., Kansas City, Mo. No 4. ELlzABET:a: w.r. S:a:oRT, [Rebecca4, Isaac\ Isaac\ Wil­ liam} 11li1lar ], born February 22, 1842 in Pickaway Co., Ohio; married in Springfield, Ill, October 1869, Dr. Thomas W. Hamill, address: Olathe, Kansas. I. .A:n6 H,n1ILL, [Elizabeth\ Rebecca\ J.,;rtac\ Isaac\ Wi"lliam, 1 Jfillar], born October 22, 1870, in Illinois. was married January 2, 1893 to Howard H. Tillot­ son, a druggist in Olathe, Kansas.

1. HAROLD" TILLOTSO:-.. born December 9, 1895.

II. LLOYD6 HA:i\IILL, [Elizabeth/", Rebecca\ baac\ Isaac\ T-V'l7liam 1 111i1lar]. born July 22, 1874; a Dentist in 278 ISAAC MILL,iR Olathe, Kansas. Married September 2, 1896, :Myrtle A. Newton.

1. Mll.DRED M.' H.UIJLL, born September 28, 1898. Died in infancy.

2 5. JJL~E BENNETT' SHORT, [Rebecca', Isaac\ lsaac , Wit­ liam1 11Hllar], born in Pickaway County, Ohio, .April 3, 1844; married in Ottawa, Ill., December 18, 1862, Laurin James Baldwin, (born in Lexington, Ohio, May 10, 1839; died April 3, 1877), a merchant, Mrs. Baldwin died June 11, 1871 leaving one daughter. I. Aur.ELIA ELIZABETH6 B.U.DWIN', [Jane\ Rebecca\ ls­ aac3, Isaa~, Wi'1liam,1 .1lfi'1lar], born March 25, 1869. l\'Iarried :first, William R. Green, September 4, 1890 and second, Orlin Hudson Smith on August 12, 1899, address: Ottawa, Kansas.

1. DAISY LEo~A' GRE&N, born May 27, 1S91. Stenographer in Ottawa. 2. E\'EL= J=-rrrr! GKE&.'li", born August 18, 1893. 3. RE:m!:CCA A'tmELL\! SlflTlI, born April 19, 1902.

2 6. A...'-N MALISSA:. SHORT, {Rebecca\ Isaac\ J.saac , Wil­ liam1], born :March 29, 1847 and married in Baldwin. Kansas, July 10, 1866 Samuel Fletcher Beeler, Contractor and Builder in Ottawa, Kansas, where he died Feb­ ruary 1, 1926; :Mrs. Beeler died February 5, 1919. They bad ten children. I. GLExooru. Ln."TON6 BEELER, [Ann\ Rebecca\ J.c;aac\ 2 1 Isaac , Wi1liarn .il1i'1lar], born in Baldwin, Kansas, .June 7, 1867; married February 23, 1887 in Birming­ ham, Alabama, Samuel Williamson Talley, D. D. S., who \\as born there and died September 19, 1919. Mrs. Talley resides in Syracuse, N. Y.

1. DYER Bt:ELER' TALLEY, born in Birmingham, Ala., January 23, 1888. A Dental Surgeon In Syracuse, N. Y., married February lS, 1914, Esther Antoinette Stuck of London, England. 1. GERTRUDE A.=orNF:rTF!' TALLEY, born January 9, 1917. 2. JAcQ= DYER" T..u.LEY, born September 19, -. 3. DYER SroCK• TALLEY, born November 17, -. IS.•UC J/ILL.4.R !?79

2. CU.UDE HUNT7 TALLEY, born in Birmingham, Ala.. August 11. 1889. Served in the Navy during World War. Married October 15, 1921. Grace Ferguson Hays, in Nashville, Tenn; daughter ot Thomas .Joynes and Lucy [Elder] 11:tys. Bond Business. New York City. 1. Jon~ HAYS" TALLEY, born December 26, 1926.

II. NORWOOD BEL...'\IONT6 BEELER, [.Ann\ Rebecca\ Is­ aac\ Isaac\ Wtlliam1 Millar], born August 20, 1869, in Richmond, Kansas; married January 12, 1893, his cousin Lulu Short (Stephen .A..\ Rebecca4, Isaac\ Isaac:i, William.1 Millar).

1. ROBERT Euo=• BEELER. born October 8, 1905.

III. GERTRUDE FLOP.A6 BEF.LER, [.Ann\ Rebecca\ Isaac\ Isaac:i, Wi17iam 1 Millar]. born October 9, 1871 in Richmond, Kansas; married Rev. :Mr. Caldwell who was a :Methodist missionary in Foo Chow, China. Their children are Frank, Harry and -L\.lma G. Cald­ well 6 3 IV. EST&'l Bu:RLEIGH BEELER [.Ann\ Rebecca"', Isaac , Isaac2, W£lliam1 Mi1lar], born January 16, 1877, in Ottawa, Kansas. Contracting Carpenter in St. Louis, :M:o., when record was given; married in Chicago, Janu~cy 9, 1894.

1. S.ui= HP:nm:RT7 B=, born October 16, 1894.

V. FRAXK E~ro0 BEELE"~, born ?.Iarch 18, 1877. Died h1 boyhood. VI. RAY FLETCHER6 BEELF.R_. [.Ann\ Rebecca4, Isaac3, Isaac:i, TVi7Ziam 1 .L1fi1lar], born December 31, 1878.. A. Lumberman in :Madison, Ill.; married August 11, 1904 in St. Louis, Mo.

1. E~DIF.TT L.0 B&:LER. born April 5, In07.

VII. H.rnRY ELY6 BEELER, [Ann\ Rebecca\ J::;aarf, J.,:;­ aac:i, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born November 30, 1880, in Ottawa, Kansas; address Kansas City. 280 UU,1C .l!ILL,1R

VIII. CHARLES EARLE6 BEELER, [Aim\ Rebecca.\ Isaac\ 2 Isnac , Willimn1, .:.11ill(J.r]. born ,June 13, 1884, in Ot­ tawa. A Dentist in Syracuse, N. Y.; married - -.

1. S.\~IUY.1. CA!!PY.n' BF.t:LEIC, born June 28, 190i.

IX. ,JOSEPH ERYEST 0 BEELER_. [.11111,\ Rcbeecrl, I1,;aac\ Is(\ W£lUam1, j}Jillar ], born February 11, 1887. An Electrician in Ottawa until Worlds War, when he served overseas at the Front. No details given. X. FREDERICK HART0 BEELER, [Ann\ Rebecca,4, Isaac\ 2 1 Isaac • Wtlliarn 1111'.llar], born April 6, 1890. Plumber in Ottawa, Kansas. 4 2 1 2. JoH~ DECKER :i\Irr.LAR, [Isaac3, , vVillia-m ], born at the old homestead in Pickaway County, Ohio, June S, 1815, and died January 11, 1877. A farmer and stock raiser. He married August 20, 1840, Ann .Amelia Jones, who was born in South Bloomfield, Ohio and died shortly after her husband, September 4, 1877. She was the daughter of Dr. George Gil­ ston and Ann (Hanley born in Philadelphia) Jones. They had eight children. 1. Eom:x" :i\lrLLAR, born September 27, 1841. Died in child­ hood. <> A.."x H..\l'."LEY5 :Mn.LAR, born August 11, 1844; married on September 26, 1867. Harry Clark who died August 28, 1889. :\Irs. Clark died in Groveport, Ohio, August 18, 1913. leaving no descendants, one child having died in infancy. 3. Is.uc=- :MII.L,\R, bom August 9, 1846. Died in infancy. 4. SusAx DECKER" l\Irr.LAR, born December 28, 1848. Died in infancy. 5. GEORGE Gn,sTo:x=- :i\IILLAR, [.John D.4, Isaac\ Isaac-::, W-il­ lia1111], horn August 8, lS.50. "He was, in turn, an artist, an inventor and a farmer; the first was his pastime and mental ornament. His inventions were clever and practical and com- IS,t,IC .IllLL,tR !lSl

prised such things as would have made him famous, had his business ability to place them on the market been equal to his genius. A corn planter, a hospital bed, a horseless carriage, little different from the successful models of other inven­ tors, were among his larger efforts. He was engaged at one time at ranching and sheep raising in New l\Iaxico, and at Albuquerque married :Mamie Blanche Young in 18S9. Some years later they returned to Ohio and took up their residence in Groveport, where on February 17, 1897 he died leaving one daughter." I. GLADYS CARDI0 MILLAR, [George\ John D.4, Isaac\ 1 Isaac\ William ], born in Gro,eport, Ohio, July 7, 1896, lived with an Aunt :Mrs. David Williams of Columbus, Ohio, where in Trinity Church Chapel, February 15, 1922, she married Henry Nell Barger in Real Estate business there.

1. Infant son', born and died April 7, 1926.

6. MARIOX Au~A5 MILLAR, [John D.4, Isaac3, Isaac·:., lVi"l­ liani1], born January 28, 1S55; married April 25, 1872, Lucian Disney Buttles, a Real Estate dealer in Colun1bns, Ohio: died there November 15, 1923. Mrs. Buttles spends her winters in Ft. Worth, Texas, with a daughter, :Mrs. James C~ Foster. I. CHAP.LES \Y.G BuTTLES, [Marion\ ,John D.4. ].<;a,ac3, Isaac2, Willia1n1 .ilfillar], born April 25, 1S73, lived in Kansas City, :Mo., where he edited a Sportman's Pape.:., "Kennel Review". He married October 1, 1902, Dorothy Windsor Smith of Washington Court House, Ohio, who has taken o,er the editorial duties of her husband since his death :May 10, 19~3.

1. Joml' WINosor.' BUTTLES, born June S, 1905. Died in infancy. 2. NA.'1CY' BUTTLES, born October 14, 1906.

II. l\[ILL..\R6 Bt7TTLES, [Marion°_. ,John D.4, lsaac3 I,,rwc\ 282 IS,L-1.C MILL.4.R

Willia111, 1 Jlillar], born November 26, 1874, real estate in Columbus, Ohio. He married .A.pril 17, 1906 \Vynne Hall, of Buff:..lo, m, whose father was a brother of Oliver Pickrell Hall, who married Susan l\illlar5 Short. III. LucIEN6 BUTTLES, born .January 21, 1878. Died in childhood. IV. ~IARIE" BuTTLES, [.illarion\ .John D.\ Isaac\ Isaac'\ William-1 1llillar], born June 7, 188S; married April 30, 1912, Cowden Foster, in oil business in Ft. Worth, Texas. No children. 7. ESTELLA ~IELur. l\!n;r..AB, [Jolin D;'_. I.c;aac3, Isaac'\ Wi1- liam1], born .August 3, 1S57 in Pickaway County, Ohio: married in Franklin County, October 31, 1S77, David .Abner 'Williams, (born on "Old Williams Farm", }.fay 29, 1S56 and died June 14, 1913), 1virs. Williams lives in Columbus, 0. I. ANN.A M,uml WIL~rs, [Estella A.:., Jolin D.4, I.s­ aac3, Isaac:, Wi1liam 1 M i1la.r], born.January 2S. 1S79; married March 20, 1907, Homer Hoyt Peters, Treas. of Ohio Packing Co., also manages his father's farm and that of his wife, the Old WilUaros Farm, which she inherited from her father. Their home is in Columbus and their summer home on the farm. which lies mostly in Franklin with a few acres in Picka­ way County.

1. HELE....- WrLLL\M.s' P&n:ns. born January 24. 1910; a sophomore In 1927 In Ohio State University.

2 S. MilGARET CRARr 1.IILLAR, [.John D.4, Isaac=, Isaac , TFil­ lia1n1], born June 10, 1S64. Died January 22, 1S77. 1 3. JACOB" l\fILLAR, [Isaac\ l.<;aa,c:, W£lliam ], born November 5, 1817. Died July 29, 1893. *"Jacob" ~Iillar came to Ohio in 1806, bought 408 acres of land in Pickaway County, :Madison township. He was a

•From Hhltory ot FrnnkUn and Pl<"kaWa)• Co. ISAAC .1JILL.:1P. 2S3 hard worker, of limited education, made good use of his op­ portunities, was one of the most substantial men of the county. He received from his father 260 acres in l\Iaclison twp., 100 acres in Harrison twp., and added 40 acres in Harrison twp., in 1867 he built his present commodious brick residence on the bank of Walnut Creek." He married November 12, 1854, Florentine Kauffman, (born .August 24, 1831; died May 24, 1894). To them were born seven children. 1. SusA.., ELI7..ABETHr; ~:ULL.-IB, [Jacob4, Isaac\ Isaac~, Wil­ lia11i1], born in Pickaway County, Ohio; married Sep­ tember 18, 1873, Edward A. Peters. Address: Grove­ port, Ohio. 2 I. AI.YAH L.c PETERS,. [Susan\ Jacob\ Isaac\ lsaac , W·illiani.1 Millar], born November 18, 1876, a teacher in a Columbus High School Married in December, 1900, Grace Seymour.

1. HABoLD S.' PE:TE:ns, born April 27, 190:?. 2. L-cc= E.' PEn:ns, born December 22, 190S. 3. l\In.oKEI>' Pl-..-rEns, born October 26, 1909.

II. .MAURICE 11.c PETERs, [Susan\ Jacob4, Isaac\ Isaac\ W·illiam1 Millar], born May 9, 1878, was killed in a wreck between Pittsburgh and Indianapolis, July 24, 1902, while U. S. Mail Clerk on the Pan Handle train. He had married September 7, 1900, Florence E. Seymour, cousin of his brother's wife, who died of diptheria five months after their marriage. 6 2 III. WII.Ll'.nr J. PETERS, [S-u.~an\ J acob4, Isaac3, Isaac , Wtlliam1 1lli1lar], born June 6, 1880. In the Dept. of Commerce and Labor at Washington, D. C. He married July 16, 1906, Josephine Straub, of \Yaldo, Ohio.

1. A."rn:A' PETE:Rs, born September 27, 1907. 2. WU.LIA:lt E! PETERs, born July 7, 1909. 284 ISAAC JI!LLAR

IV. HARLEY E.6 PETERS, [Su.san\ .Jacob\ Isaac\ Isaac\ Williarn 1 ilUllar], born February 15, 1882; married September 27, 1911, Grace Osburn.

1. MARY E.1 Pimms, born September 6, 1912. 2. A.,-,.i.:: PETEns, born December 22. 1915. 3. DoROTIIY' Plm!:Rs, born August 3, 1918. 4. RouEJtT' P&n:ns, born September 13, 1923.

V. LEXA )1.6 PETERS, [Susa,n\ Jacob\ Isaac3, Isaruf, Wi1liam1 Ui1lar], born: .August 2, 1884; was married .June 8, 1904 to Frank M. Pontius, employed on Hock­ ing Valley R. R.

1. DALE' Po=s, born July 27, 1906. 2. GERALD' Po:-.--rros, born November 23, 1910.

VI. EoN• .\. P.6 PETERs, [Susan\ Jacob4, Isaac\ baac=, W i1liam 1 lllillar] born August 15, 1886; married September 18, 1910, Earl Sallee.

1. IiAmtn:'r' SALLEE. born August 9, 1913. 2. M.AR.JOBY7 SALLE!!:, born March 28, 1916. 3. M.uuoN' SALLEE, born December 9, 1919. 4. RlcHAl'Jl" S.u.LEE:, born December 10, 1925.

VII. HARRIET .A..0 PETERS, [Susan\ Jacob4, Isaac\ Is­, Wf/,liam,1 .illi1lar], born May 25, 1889; married September 18, 1910, Claude C. Rose.

1. RollEBT C.' RosF~ born October 2, 1911. 2. JE.\N E.1 ROSE. born April 2. 1920.

VIII. GROVER 0.0 PETERS [Susan\ ,Jacob\ Isaac3, Isaac\ William1 111i1lar], born October 24, 1892; married August 10, 1918, Ruth B. Kistler. IX. HELE.." L.0 PETERS. [Susan\ Jacob4, Isaac\ Isaac=, 1 Mi1lar], born November 15, 1896; married November 27, 1917, John Leyshon.

1. Wn.LLUr E.' LETSHON, born July 30, 1921. ISAAC JJILLAR 285

3 2. CLINTON DEWITT l\In..LAR, [Jacob", Isaac , Isaac:, Wil­ limn-1], born .August 3, 1857; married first January 20, 1881, Sarah J. Omen, who died in December of the same year; married second in Franklin County, February 19, 1885, Barbara Catharine Price, who died March 26, 1906, leaving four children with their father near Reynolds­ burg, Ohio. L JACOB WAsso~ MlLw.R [Clinton\ Jacob', Isaac\ Is­ 1 aa

l. lliLutY C.7 l',1lI.r.AB, born December 29, 1912. 2. F.IIA.'ICIS L! l\lILLAR, born April 5, 1915. 3. CABLOS A! l\lILLAR, born August 7, 1917. 4. PAUL C! Mll.r.AR, born .Maren o, 1922. 5. VJRGimA M! Mll.L,Ut, born January 27, 1924.

6 4 3 II. STELLA Mn.LAR'? [CUntonr, , J acob , Isaac , Isaac:, 1 Wi1liam ], born August 2, 1889; married October 17, 1912, John C. Judy.

1. Orru: M! JtmY, born August 28, 1913. %. DWIGJIT M! JUDY, born November 18, 1914. 3. JoB:N E! JtmY, born October 8, 1917. 4. RUSSEI. H! JtmY, born February 16, 1919. 5. Doll'ALD W! JtmY, born March 2, 1924. m. GRACE6 l\fn.LAR, [ Clinton\ J aeob4, Isaac3, Isa~, Wi"lliam,1], born October 1, 1891; married June 7, 1924, Murray Owen. 6 3 IV. JoBX FREDERICK MILLAR, [Clinton\ Jacob', Isaac , 1 Isaac:, William ], born January 5, 1897. 1 3. l\fARy FRA..~CES:;l\fn.LAR, [Jacob",Isaac3,Isw, Wi1liam ] born December 27, 1859; living on her farm near Duvall, Ohio; married January 1, 1880, Joseph .A.uterback Mc­ Cray, who died December 25, 1905. L ARTHUR How.ARD6 McCRAY, born November 14, 1880; married June 21, 1915 and died June 14, 1919. II. FREDERICK6 McCRAY, born February 20, 1882. Died in infancy. 286 IS.:LtC JIILLAR

III. MABEL FLORENCE11 McCRAY [.iJfary\ ,Tacob4, Isaac3, Isaa

1. FLo~CE' S:n-nEK. born March 11, 1906; married October 19, 1921, Henry Wilson. L MARY L." WII.SO!'i', born May 19, 1922. 2. DoROTIIT" WILSON, born October 20, 1924. 2. CLAR.\BELLI': S!'i'YDER. born September 26, 1908. 3. R'll"rll' SNTI>ER, born August 19, 1911. IV. HOMER D.11 l\foCRA.Y, [Mary\ Jacob4, Isaac\ Isaac'\ Wflliam1 .Mfllar], born August 4, 1886; married Sep­ tember 23, 1915, Evelyn Clem. Address: Columbus, Ohio. 6 4 V. PAGE H. McCRAY, [Mary\ Jacob , Isaac3, Isw, Wi7liam1 .Millar], born January 16, 1896; married June 8, 1921 Carrie M. Cordray, Duvall, Ohio.

1. CJIABLES P.' McCRAY, born May 16, 1922. 2. JA.'\IES W.' McCRAY, born May 26, 1924. 3. NORllrA. J.' McCRAY. born June 16, 1927.

VI. PA"UL JoSEPH6 McCRAY [.Mary\ Jacob4, Isaac3, aa

II. JESSE LEWIS6 BAIDI, [Hannah\ Jacob", Isaac\ Is­ aac\ Wi1liam1 .3£,illar], born .April 4, 1884; married October 29, 191:2, Essie L. Sommers.

1. Fn..~,rn: s.• BAUll, born August 27, 1913. 2. Bt."TTIE N.' BAIDI, born August 16, 1915. 3. KATlIII'!.~ I! B.\UM, born April 11, 1917. 4. REllEccA B! BAIDr, born April 16, 1920. 5. JESSIE M! BAUM, born November 11, 1923.

6 3 III. HARRY CECIL BAu:M, [Hannah\ Jacob\ Isaac , Isaalf", Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born .August 30, 1886; mar­ ried January 3, 1912, Myrtle Bulen. IV. ETHEL M. 0 BAmr, [Hannah", Jacob", Isaac3, Isaac\ Wi1liam1 Millar], born November 11, 1888. V. CHRISTIAN6 BAmr, died in infancy. VI. CLARENCE E.0 BAmr [Hannah\ ,litcob", Isaac3, 2 lsaac , Wi1liam,1 .1J1i1lar] born May 1, 1892. Continu­ ing under his own name, his father's business in Duvall, Ohio, where he resides. Re married June 19, 1920, Harriet Grace Valentine, (born .April 23, 1896), daughter of James R. and Priscilla Catharine (Cromley) Valentine.

1. RICJL\RD V ALE.'ITIXE' Mn.r.AR, born April 19, 1925.

VII. Mn.L.IB E.0 BAUM, born June 1, 1897. Died Sep­ tember 7, 1901. 2 1 5. CoRA BELLE:. 1-'DLLAR, [Jacob4, lsaac3, lsaac , William ], born in Pickaway County, October 8, 1864, was married in Canal Winchester by Rev. L. R. Schuh to Seymour R. Smith, a teacher in the schools of Duvall, Ohio. I. ESTA B.0 S:\IITH, born Febmary 14, 1889. II. OREN D.6 S).IITH, born September 16, 1890; mar­ ried ,June 15, 1920, Grace Miller.

1. RUTU E! SlllTII, born December 12, 1921. 2. LoY M.' SltlTII, born April 1. 1924. 3. RALPH E.' SmTH, born December 6, 1925. 288 IS.4.,1C MILL,lR

III. VERA B.0 S:-.nTH., born April 14, 189-:1:; married May 17, 1922, Walter W. :Miller.

1. CoRA L.1 Mn.u:lt, born September 29, 1923. 2. Jon~ N.1 Mu.u:n, born January 27, 19!!5.

1 6. LUCRETIA:. MILLAR, [Jacob\ Isar.ic\ Isaac:, Wi"ll-imn ], born July 9, 1867; married December 8, 1887 to Charles E. Snyder, a farmer, near Duvall, Ohio. I. LEoLA B.0 SNYDER, [Lucretia\ Jacob\ Isaac\ Isaac\ Wi"lliam 1 11-li"llar], born May 20, 1889; married June 12, 1913, Charles W. Morris, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

1. WJLLu.u N.> Mowus, born September 21, 1918. 2. JA.'IUlS E.1 Moruus, born July 25, 1924.

Il. EMIL .Am.ow0 S~"YDER, born January 6. 1898; mar­ ried August 10, 1917, Helen Jones.

1. CJL\JILES R.• S:n'DER, born September 14, 191S. 2. CHARLOTTE A.1 S?."YDER, born January 10, 1921. 3. MARGARET J.> S:n'DER. born October 14, 1927.

Ill. JORN LESLIE6 Sll."YDER, born January 22, 1905; mar­ ried October 9, 1927, Carolyn Swallow. 1 7. JOHN DECKER:; MILLAR [Jacob\ Isaac\ Isaac:, Will-iam ], born in Ohio, October 11, 1871. In business in Altoona, Pa., and though one of the most interested members of the family in all that pertains to its history, has been too engrossed to bring his own rec­ ords to date. He married in Ashville, Ohio, May 24, 1893, Gertrude Florence Rom·. I. LEoN GLE~ 'Mn.LAR, born February 7, 1894. Il. Ln.'N DE WITT6 l\h:LL.IB, born October 16, 1896. m. Vnror, URLIN6 Mn.LAR., born December 8, 1898. IV. JoH~ DALE6 Mn.LAR, born March 16, 1900. V. LEOTA FAY6 l\fILLAR., born February 21, 1903. VI. Kfil.-rm:rH RoHR6 MILLAR, born October 31, 1908. 4 1 4. :Ml:CHAEL }!ILLAR., [Isaac3., Isaac\ William ], born in the IS,LAC JIILLAR 2S9

Isaac 1'Iillar home in Pickaway County, Ohio, 1'farc:h 9. 1820 and died November 8, 1884. He married J anum·y 12, 1844, .Margaret Reid ·of the same county, (born October 18. 1822; died June 24, 1897). They had sh: children. 1 1. l\iELissAi. MILLAR, [.illichael\ Isaac3, J.<;aac'.!., lV.illimn ], born :M£rch 26, 1845; married October 16, 1862, N atban W. Perrill, (born December 15, · 1839), the son of Augustus L. Perrill, who was the son of Nathan and Christiana (Stump) Perrill; the latter a daughter of .James and Catharine (See) Stump of Hampshire County ·west Virginia. I. NED G.0 PERRIT.L, born September 22, 1863, an en­ thusiastic family historian, a plumber by trade, he died unmarried near .Ashville, Ohio, January 25, 1913. II. GERTRUDE A.0 PERRILL, died July 17, 1916. m. :MABEL A.6 PERRILL, address: Ashville, 0. IV. IYAXORA6 PERru:LL, born ,June 30, 1872; married August 5, 1903, Chauncey H. Rohr. Address; Lock­ bourne, Ohio. 2. IsAACi. lv1ILLAR, born November 29, 1846. Died in infancy. 5 3. GEORGE REID l\1ILL.IB, [.illichael\ J ..,aac\ Isaac~, Wil­ Uam1], born July 26, 1848 and died June 25, 1915. He was a farmer near Ashville, Ohio; he had married Octo­ ber 9, 1873, Eleanor R. :Moore, (born ,June 24, 1849; died April 28, 1926). I. FREDDIE L.0 l\1ILL.IB, born August 20, 1874. Died in childhood. II. J OSEPHINE6 l\IILL.IB, [ George R.\ .iJ,[iclwel\ Isaac\ Isaac:, Wi?liam,1], born August 13, 1880; married De­ cember 9, 1908, Howard E. Noecker, a nephew of l\fr. Franklin S. Baum, of Duvall, Ohio. 1 4. .A.LICE .A.i. l\fILL.IB, [Michael\ Isaac\ Isaac:, Wi"lliam ], born 1'fay 24, 1853 in Pickaway County; married there October 22. 1874, Robert B. Perrill, son of Zebulon H. Perrill, and brother of Nathan W. Perrill. He died 290 JSA.,lC JIILLAR December 2, 1905 survived by l\frs. Perrill and five chil­ dren. I. RADIOXD6 PERRILL, [Alice\ Michael\ Isaac\ Isaac::, William1], born January 28, 1876; ma1Tied June 15, 1902, Leone Stillwell. They reside in Col­ umbus, where ~Ir. Perrill is Vice Pres. of .J. H. and F. A. Sells Co. They ha,e three children-Marion, Ronald and Marjorie Perrill. II. BER}.."ICE6 PERRILL, born December 30, 1878, with the State Industrial Commission of Columbus, Ohio. III. ZEBULON H.0 PERRILL, born December 28, 1881 and with his mother and sister resides upon and operates the home farm near Ashville, Ohio. IV. JESSIE l\'!rr..LAR 6 PERRILL, born June 5, 18~5, a teach­ er in Ashville, Ohio. V. RussELL0 PERRILL [Alice\ 1llichael4_. /.<;aac3, Isaac\ Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar], born April 9, 1896; married .Au­ gust 16, 1919. Ruth Sewall, after the World War, where he served with the 332nd. Reg. :Machine Gun Co. in Italy and Austria.

1. ROBERT VINTON' PEBRU.L, born February 17. 1921. 2. RussELL Wr:nu.RT I'EBnILL, born April 16, 1924. 3. GoRDON AUGUSTO'~· I'EBnILL, born April 2, 1927.

2 5. lli.:.'l"NAH CATHAR!Nlt MILLAR, [Michael\ Isaac\ Isaac , 1 Wi"lliam ], born in Pickaway County September 27, 1855, was married October 1, 1873 to .John Williams Decker, son of Vause and Jemima (Williams) Decker, (born March 20, 1849; died July 7, 1921). I. CLIFFORD fuR21<""ESS6 DECKER, [Hannah 0.\ Michael4, Isaad\ Isaac::, Wi1liam1 11'11,"llar ], born August 18, 1874; married February 17, 1897 Mary Florence Duvall.

1. HAROLD VAUSE' DECKER, born March 31, 1899; married February 14. 1925, Beatrice Drake. 2. HELEN Duv.\LL1 DECKER, born March 31, 1899; married January 1, ISAAC JIILL,tR 291

1925, James J. Fagan. 1. JA:\[ES ROBE:BT" FAGAN, born October 16, 1925. 3. DonoTin:7 DEC:KEJ:. born October 6, 1900. Died In infancy. 4. CURTIS WII.LIA.'11'.S1 DECKER, born August 28, 1902. 5. KATIIBYNE Loms&' DEC!.11:B, born April 7, 1904. 6. JOHl~ FRANKLIN' DECKEB, born May 4, 1906. 7. M.UIG.UIET1 DECKER, born April 16, .1909. 8. MARY F'RANCES1 DECXER, born June 12, 1911. II. .A...,11.'IE MILLAR6 DECKER, born September 16, 1877; married February 27, 1902, Harley H. Duvall, Lock­ bourne, Ohio. No children. III. GEORGL.\ W ILLIA.MS6 DECKER, born March, 1880. Died November 25, 1897. IV. M:rcHAEL6 MILLAR DECKER, born March 31, 1885; unmarried. 5 2 1 6. ~!ATTIE E. :MILLAR, [Micliael', Isaac8, Isaac , Wi'lliam ], born November 28, 1863. 1 7. FRA.NKLIN4 MILLAR, [Isaac3, I.

6 3 2 I. IsAAc 1\llLLAB, [Isaac'\ Franklin\ Isaac Isaac , W£Z­ liani1 ], born October 16, 1888; married April 17, 1913, Fannie Riegal

1. MARY EI.lzABErH1 Mir.r.AR. born July 16, 1920.

2. HAxNAH DECKERG l\ULLAR, born March 22, 1858; died November 15, 1893. 3. CHARLES R.AREr' }.,fiLLAR, born August 27, 1860; died De­ cember 25, 1875. 4. l\LIBGARET RA.RE"r l.\fn.r.AR, [FrankUn4, J.r;aac3, J.r;aac'\ lVi1l£a1n1], born December 21, 1862. At home, Duvall, Ohio. 2 1 5. CLARA:; }!:ILL.IB, [FrankUn4, Isaa,~3, Isaac , Wi1Uam ], born July 25, 1864; married April 20, 1893, William H. Rugh. They have a home on another part of the estate; address, Duvall, Ohio. 6. GEORGE FR.A}.""ICLDf l\ULLAR, [Franklin4, Isaac3, Isaa

I. LIZZIE MYRTLE6 HUDSON, [Jane\ Anne E.4, Isaac\ Isaac"\ Wi1liam1 .iJ,fi"llar], born July 18, 1876; mar­ ried August 4, 1898, Benjamin F. Peer, (born Janu­ ary, 1867). lfrs. Peer died January 17, 1907.

1. BEllTllA MAY' PEEB, born January 12. 1899. died in infancy. 2. ALVA Roy• PEEK. born May 6. 1901. 3. Lu-rm:a B.' PEEK. born April 24. 1903. 4. LULA BELL' PEEK. twin to Luther. II. JOHN H.6 HUDSON, born December 21, 1879. m. BENJAMIN D.0 HunsoN, born December 6, 1883. IV. CLARA FLORE..'1"CE6 HUDSON, born March 12, 1887. V. :MARY EDITH6 HUDSON, born January 11, 1890. VI. FRA..."'ffi: G.0 HUDSON, born February 10, 1893. VII. ANNA ETHEL6 HUDSON, born July 20, 1895. VIII. DOLLY l\1A'Y6 HUDSON, born October 8, 1898. 1 2. OLIVER:. MUSSELl\U...'1", [Anne E.4, Isaarf, Isaarf, William ], born April 21, 1861. Carpenter and Contractor; married in1886--j I. CECIL HERBERT6 MUSSELl\U ..'1", born September, 1888; married in 1907 -- ~

1. LUCILE' MUSSELlU..~. born in 1909.

3. ! MuSSEL:\IAN, twin to Oliver: died June 20, 1905. Had married November 23, 1882, Alice Hodge, who a number of years ago lived with her children in Columbus, Ohio. At the time of his death Isaac Mussel­ man was a Stationary Engineer, at Groveport, Ohio. I NELLIE6 MuSSELl\IAN, born September 16, 1883. II. .JESSIE .d.LBERT6 MuSSELl\IAN, born October 3, 188.5. III. GRACE W.6 MuSSELl\IA.:.~, born October 2, 1887. IV. ALICE6 MuSSELl\IAN, born November 6, 1890. V. ·WALTER A.6 Ml7SSELl\IAN, born October 3. 1893. Died in infancy. 4. HANNAH AG"J:..""ESr; MUSSEL~IAN, [Anne E.4, Isaac3, Isaarf, Wi1liam1 Mi"llar], born October 22, 1867; married May, 294 J.'UAC ,l/11,LAll

1882, George Hodge, who with their :five children survive Mrs. Hodge, who died February 9, 1923. I. CARY MAy6 HODGE, born l\fay 30, 1883; died Septem- ber, 1922. II. ELIZABETH6 HODGE, born April 15, 1885. III. EowARD 6 HODGE, born June 10, 1888. IV. GERTRUDE6 HODGE, born May 4, 1891. V. MARra6 HODGE, born April 10, 1898. VI. Doms Ev.u.DIE0 HoDGE, born May 10, 1902. 5. FLORA DELLG MuSSELM.L"'II'; twin to Hannah Agnes, born October 22, 1867; married .Joseph Shannon. I. ALMA AGNES0 SHANNON, born October 22, 1885. 6. MARGARET LUET,LAG .MUSSEL:\IAN, died in infancy. 4 7. SusAN CATKAlUNEG l\{USSELMAN, [Anne E. , Isaac\ Isaac2, Wi"llia1n 1 1lfi"llcir], born .August 14, 1870, was married in 1885 to Elmer Shannon: her home on a farm near Duvall, Ohio, June 5, 1920, survived by her husband and eleven children. I. FLORENCE ELIZABET:a4 SH.L"ll'NON, born April 5, 1886. II. LAURA CATHARINE6 SHANNON, born November 25, 1887. III. .ALBERT MoNROE0 SHA..~NON, born February 25, 1890. IV. HERBERT ABRAH.U.1:6 SHA)."NON, born March 9, 1894. V. .JESSE0 SHANNON, born March 29, 1896. VI. MARTHA .A.~'"ISE6 SHANNON, born June 25, 1898. VII. CLAR-.\ l\lu6 SHANNON, born October 30, 1900. VIII. BERTHA MARIE11 SHANNON, born September 21, 1902. IX. RonERT6 SRANNON, born October 17, 1903. X. .A:LicE6 SHANNON, born February 2, 1906. XI. OLIVER W.0 SHANNON, born November 5, 1907. 8. MARY E.11 MuSSELMA.J."11', [.Anne E.4 Isaac3, Isaac"\ W£lliam 1 'Jif i"llar ], born April 27, 1873; married May 14, 1890, Cal­ vin H. Logsdon, Carpenter, Duvall, Ohio. I. GEORGE L.6 LoosooN, born May 15, 1891. II. GRA);T6 LoGSDON_. born August 11, 1892. IS,t,tC JIJLL.'1.R

III. "\V1LDA'1 LOGSDON, born May 21, 1894. IV. ERNEST RAy6 LOGSDON, born October 4, 1896. V. THOl\IAS HoRTON° LOGSDON, born :March, 189S. VI. 1LrnD E.0 LOGSDON, born December 28, 1899. VII. GLENN ~1ILLA.R6 LOGSDON, born December 14, 1901. VIII. Is,\AC W ALTER6 LOGSDON, born March 24, 190~. IX. CLA.RENCE H.0 LOGSDON, born March 28, 1904. 9. MARTHA .ANmsG MussEL1\IAN, [Anne E.~ Isaac3, Isaac2, Wi1liam1 :J:Hlla·r ], born .August 26, 1879; married October 20, 1897, James Harley Browning. Farming near S1m­ bury, Ohio. I. EDNA FLORENCE6 BROWNING, born .August 15, 1898. II. WILLIAM EDGAR6 BROWNnrn .. born August 21, 1901. Died in infancy. III. RETHA fuZEL6 BROWNING, born October 7, 1903. IV. HA,.'1'NAH ELIZABETH6 BROWNING, born February 21,1907. V. JAMES ISAAC6 BROWNL~G, born March 21, 1910. 0 0 YI. JESSE 0m'E BROWNING, twin to James Isaac •

3 1 6. ELIZABETH Mrr.uR, [Issac\ William ], born in Hampshire County, W. Va., February 4, 1790. Died in Ohio, .A.pril 19, 1832. Through years of intermittent search and inquiry very little has been found about this member of the family; only that she married one James P. Brown and left one child ten years old, whose descendants are ,videly scattered and not given to correspondence. 1. lv1ARTHA4 BROWN [Elizabeth3, Isaac~, William1 11fillar ], born April 25, 1822 in Pickaway County, Ohio and married there December 27, 1843, Joseph Baum, a farmer of the same county. (Born September 7, 1819 and died November 29, 1893). Mrs. Baum died March 2, 1897. To them were born seven children. 296 ISA,10 .lfILLAR

l. JoIIN CJIIW:!TJAN1 BAUAI, born April 28, 1846. 2. JAMES P.1 B,\Ult, born November 25. 1848. 3. WILLIA.'11 LEWJfl1 BAIDI, born June 21, lli5l. 4. JAcorf' BAm.t, born September 17, 1853. 5. GEORGE" BAU~!. born June 24. 1858. Died In childhood. 6. JOSEPH" BAIDI, born June, 1860. 7. SARAH' BAIDl, born November, 1864. Died In childhood.

1. ,JoHN CHRISTIA~ BAm.I_, [,11artha4, Elizabeth\ lsaa~, Will-ia·m 1 ,lf-illa,r ], born April 28, 1846, married in Bourne­ ville, Ross County, Ohio, February 2, 1869, Minnie S. McCracken, (born there July 10, 1852; died September 29, 1915) and to them were born three children. In :March 1881 they moved to Adrian, Bates County, Mo., where on March 31, 1914, Mr. Baum died. 6 5 3 I. MARTHA E. BAUl:I, [John C. Martha4, Elizabeth , Isaac=, Wi'lliani1 lJlz'llar ], born April 4, 1870; married November 4, 1891, Jasper Clark, merchant in Beloit, Kansas.

1. NITA K.' CLARK, born July 19, 1894; married June 7, 1917, Joseph Caughlan. 1. JoSEPn' CAUGELL-., JR., born December 22, 1918. 2. Another" child, born January 6. 1923.

II. OLLIE Jil"F.6 BAuir, [John C.\ Martha", Elizabeth\ Isaac=, Wi'lliam1 Mi'llar ], born December 15, 1873. Address: Bourneville, Ohio. III. JosEPH P.6 BAmr, [John. 0.\ :Martha4, Elizabeth\ Isaac=_. Wi'lliam1, Millar], born December 16, 1877, operating a fruit farm and living near Oakland, Cal­ ifornia. He married January, 1910, Dolly Neal.

1. CArn=E' B.\U:\I, born November 1, 1910.

2. JAMES P.:; BAmI, [1llartha4, Erizabeth\ Isaac=, William1 3[illar], born November 28, 1848; married near Bourne­ ville, Ohio, December 19, 1877, Frances N. Coover. l\fr. Baum died December 31, 1896 leaving eight children. I. ARTHUR J.6 BAUM, [James P.\ Martha4, Elizabeth\ Isaa~. Wi'lliam1 Mi'llar], born November 25, 1878; lS,l,lC JIJI,L,LR :!97

married September 26, 1907, Gertrude Hull, (born in Woodstock, Canada). He is connec.-ted with a manufacturing company in Detroit. They haYe ~"'o children. II. Wn.LIA)I C.0 BAU:.\I [James P.\ Jla,rtha\ Elizabeth\ Isaac\ TVilliam1 Mt?lar], born February 4, 1880, ad­ dress: Petersburg, Ind.; married Myrtle Thompson and they have four children. m. GERTRUDE0 BAUM, born September 15, 1881. IV. LEXA8 B.rnM, born :March 7, 1884. V. J. CLAREXCE0 B.rn:\I, born August 4, 1885. VI. J. FRED0 BAU:}.I, born September 5, 1887. Died .January 7, 1890. VII. ESTHER 1I.0 BAmr. born March 6, 1891. VIII. Ho~IER E.0 BAUM, born June 7, 1893. These are all children of James Baum and his wife Frances (Coover) Baum, from whom no later data seems obtainable. 3. WILLIAM LEWISG BAUM [Martha\ Elizabeth\ Isaac\ William-1 .Mi"llar], born June 21, 1851; married Caroline Traub and they were parents of seven children. l\fr. Baum died August 15, 1913 after having moved to St. Francisville, m No further data could be secured. 4 2 1 4. JACOBG BAuir, [Martha , Elizabeth3, Isaac , William M?'.llar ], born September 17, 1853; married first, Sallie Summers, who died; married second, :Mary Corcoran and on January 8, 1923 he died leaving three child­ ren in Bourneville, Ohio. LAUREXCE°, EDWARD°, and RoBERT0 BAU::\I. 6. JoSEPHG BAuir, [Martha4, Elizabeth3, Isaac~, William1 Mi7.lar], born June 25, 1860 in Bourneville, Ohio where he married January 22, 1885, Mary M. Riehle. Mr. Baum died November 29, 1893 and Mrs. Baum on 1farcb 2, 1897, leaving one son. 1. JOSEPH 0SCAR6 BAUM, born December 25, 1885; and !!98 /S,1,tC JII LI,,tR is said to have a family but no exact data could be secured.

1 7. ADA:.f MILLAR., [Isaa~. ·william ], born in Hamp­ shire County, "\V. Va., March 24, 1792 and died when but a young man, l\Iarch 28, 1824. He had married Rebecca Decker, another daughter of John and Hannah Decker, the latter believed certainly to have been Hannah Harness. To them were born but one child, Isaac Decker4 :Millar, whose portrait shows features of unusual comeliness. 4 3 2 1 1. ISAAC DECKER llfrLLA.R [Adarn , Isaac , W£lliam ], born March 18, 1822 and died October 21, 1867; married February 4 2 22, 1844, his cousin Sarah Ann l\fillar, [William3, Isaac , 1 William ]. 1. .JoHx D.:; MILLAR, born December 6, 1844. Died :March 28, 1860. 2 2. WILLIA.."1.:; }.frr..LA.R, [Isaac D.\ .A.dam3, Isaac , Wi"lliwm,1], born April 28, 1847. A retired farmer living in the home which he inherited from his father near Ashville, Ohio. He has celebrated his eightieth birthday and is interested in the young life about him and expressed his keen inter­ est in seeing completed these records of his family. 2 1 (See also under Sarah Ann\ William\ Is:iac • William ]. He married January 14, 1892, Aphlus O'Day, daughtar of Wesley and Melvina (Scutt) O'Day of the same county. They are the parents of four children. I. SARAH A...~N6 l\fiLLAR, [Wi7,liam\ Isau,c D.4, .tldam3, 2 1 Isaac , William ], born September 27, 1894; married .January 1, 1916, in her parents home, Richard Har­ rison Hedges, son of .Jacob and Etta Hedges, (born .fanuary 7, 1894), farmer and truck gardener.

1. JASPER MILLAR" HEDGES, born November 9. 1916. 2. RICl!ARD A.LL~• HEDGES, born March l, 1918. ISAAC J!ILLAR 2!19

3. GRETcn~ A.~F.' HEDGES, born April 11, 1919. 4. EDGAR WII.LLUt' HEooES, born December 14, 1920.

II. Is.uc O'D.n.o 11ILLAR_. born February 17, 1896; died November 28, 1907. His coming such a glad hope, his untimely going a persistent disappointment and heartache. III. l\.lARY ETT BERNICE6 Mn.u.R [William\ Isaa,c D.\ 1 Adam3, Isaac=, William ], born July 15, 1901; married February 5, 1925, Harry Colwell Speakman, son of George and Jessie Speakman, (born August 2, 1897), now operating the farm of his wife's father, William.I\ J\ifillar in whose home they reside.

1. BEATRICE A'l."NV•.' S?EAlOtA.""I, born February 19, 1926.

IV. HAmu:ETT BEATRICE11 Mn.LAB, twin to Mary Ett Ber­ nice; married. March 14, 1923, Harold Lee Slagle, son of Oscar and Alta Slagle, (born April 28, 1903. A mechanic in Atlantic, Ohio.

1. ELEA.."li'OR LEE:1 SLAGLE. born January 6, 1!124. 2. SoN', died October 4, 1925.

3. l\LIBY REBECCA5 1.llLLAR, [Isaac D.4, .A.da:m?. Isaac=, Wi'l­ liam-1], born in the old Millar home in Harrison twp., Pickaway County, Ohio; married there in October 1870, Thaddeus E. Staige Cromley, a prosperous and promi­ nent man in the affairs of the county and in the esteem of its citizens. A farmer and stock raiser; he died April 17, 1921, he was the son of William and Sara (Staige) Cromley. [For fuller account of Mr. Cromley, see under 1 descendants of Sarah Ann', William\ Isaac=, William ]. They were parents of eight children. 3 I. CRARLES E.c CRo)rLEY_. []faryS, Isaac D.4, .:1dam , Is­ aac=, William,1 Millar], born September 3, 1872; farm­ er and stock raiser; he follows his father as a man of influence in business and civic interests. He married 300 ISAAC MILLAR

February 5, 1895, Blanche Petty, the daughter of James and Priscilla (Hoffhines) Petty.

1. PKmr: GRACE' Cllom.EY, born March 2, 1896; married December 25, 1891, Montrose Marion Hegely, Instructor ot Physical Education In Columbus, Ohio. 1. JAMES C.1 Hl!:OE:LY. 2. PAUL WILLLUt' CROMLE:Y, born November 1, 1897, assists his father In operating the home farm; msrried December 29, 1924, Louise' Millar, daughter or Michael• Seymour and Emma (Peters) Millar, [Michael C.", Adam•, wnuam•. Isaac', William']. 3. THADDEUS E.' Cnom.n. born February 25, 1904, connected with "Mld•West Box Co." of Circleville, Ohio; msrried Francele Bell. 1. Roumr" CnoMLEY. 4. MARY REBECCA' CROllLl!:Y, graduate and registered nurse in Col• umbus, Ohio. 5. HoltF.R' CRO)ILEY, born May s. 1908. 6. ELlzABETB .A:IrNF.' CROltLEY, born September 7, 1911; in school at home. 7. PJuSCILLA' CROlllLEY. born July 9, 1914. Died in Infancy.

6 II. ALVA MILLA.R CRo:MI.EY, [1llary\ Isaac D.\ Adam.3, 2 1 Isaac , Wuliam Mi"llar], born January 5, 1874; mar­ ried July 22, 1903, Helen Butterfield. l\fr. Cromley is a druggist in Columbus. III. 1IETTA l\!AY6 CROl-ILEY, [Mary\ Isaac D.4_. Adam?, Isaac2, Wi'lliam1 Mi1lar], born January 27, 1877; mar­ ried November 29, 1900, Chauncy Jason McCord, farmer. l\frs. McCord died October 28, 1914, leav­ ing one child.

1. HAROLD CR0:1n.r:y• McCORD. born April 12. 1903.

IV. .A..~A G.6 CROMLEY, born October 6, 1878; died ru infancy. V. .A.l\IY LE:E6 CRO:MLEY, [..iJfory\ Isaac D.4, Adam3, Is­ aac2, Wuliam1 ..iJ:f,mar], born April 7, 1880; married November 12, 1908, Glen I. Nickerson, hard\\'are and oil merchant in Circletllle, Ohio.

1. RICIIARD Cao:m.EY' NICJCEBS0:1", born December 24, 1912. 2. ELIZADETB LE&' NICKEIISO~, born March 20, 1921. ISAAC JIILL.-1.R 301

VI. WILLIA:-.r ::\III..LAR° CRo~ILEY, [Mary", Isaac D.\ 2 1 Ada1n3, Isaac , W-illia•m. Mi7la·r], born September 5, 1882. Farmer and stock raiser on part of the Crom­ ley farm place; also bank director in Circleville; mar­ ried Florence Scothorn.

1. Culrrls Mn.l.Aa' Cno:uLEY, born January 26, 1912.

VII. A..~XA :M.-UUE6 CROl\ILEY, [.illary5, Isaac4, Adam3, 2 Isaac , William,1 Millar], born March 1, 1886; mar­ ried August 1, 1911, Dr. Chester J. Rockey, a dentist m Ashville, Ohio.

1. CHESTER J.' ROCKEY, JB., born. January 19, 1919.

VIII. THADDEUS LE RoY6 CROlILEY, [Mary\ Isaac D.4, 1 Adam3, Isaac, Williani Millar], born March 25, 1890. Farmer and stock raiser on part of the Cromley place. Bank director; married December 24, 1915, Elsie Hewitt.

1. HEwrrr LE Roy• Caolu.&Y, born October 7, 1918. 2. ALDA ROBERTA' Cao=, born October 10, 1920.

1 4. LE:ox.ARD:; l'!rLLA.R, [Isaac D.4, Adam3, Isaac\ Wi"'lliam ], born April 1, 1854, a prosperous and intelligent farmer, near Ashville, Ohio; married. on October 10, 1888, Lida Grace Stimmel of Columbus, daughter of Peter and Kathrine Pontius (Halva) Stimmel, (married January 16, 1856). I. EARL WILLIA:u6 lULL..\.R, [Leonard\ Isaac D.4, Adam3, l!;aac2, William-1], born in August, 1889; married No­ vember 29, 1911, Hazel D. Roberts, daughter of Adelbert and Lena (Pomeroy) Roberts.

1. RoBERT R.' Mlu..'\lt, born March 11, 1913. 2. WII.LLU1 EDWAllll' l',fiI.LAB. born February 19, 1914. 3. CATHRY:'I' GRACE' MILLAR. born January 13, 1916. Died in infancy. 4. Vn:o= A.~• Mn.LAB. born January 10. 1918. Died in infancy. 302 ISAAC :MILLAR

II. BEXFORD STI:\-IMEL6 1ULLAR, [Leonard\ Isaac D!, 1 .A.darn?, Isaat?, Williani ], born December 19, 1894; operates the home farm, a half mile from South Bloomfield, Ohio. He married December 29, 1916, Minnie Shipley.

1. GER.\LD SHIPLEY' MILLAR, born January 10, 1918. 2. FRANKLIN DALE' MILLAR, born September 10, 1926.

5 3 2 1 5. ISAAC ].{. Mn.LAR, [Isaac D.4, Adam , Isaac , Wi"lliam ], born March 21, 1857; died in childhood. 6. ADAM P.5 MILLAR, twin to Isaac, died March 19, 1886. 5 3 7. ANNE LENORE }.illLLA.R, [Isaac D.', A.dam , Isaac2, Wi"l­ liam1], born November 2, 1860. Married .April 15,1886, Frank S. Chryst, of Warren Ohio and died March 25, 1901, leaving two daughters and their father, a lawyer and Probate Judge of Trumbull County, Ohio. I. BLA.i.~CHE6 CHRYST, [Anne5, Isaac D.', Adam3, Isaa

l. ADtEE HEss' REnn. born January 17, 1917. 2. MARIE LomsE• RElm. born June 26, 1920.

II. SARA.H6 CHRYST, [Anne\ Isaac D.4, A.dam3, Isaat?, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born .August 21, 1894; married on December 28, 1912. Henry Jerome Stringer, address: Suffolk Road, Baltimore, Md.

l. Amq: MILL.m' STRINGEB, born May 26, 1914. 2. HENRY JEROlra" STJmiGER. J&., born June 13, 1917. CHAPTER V.

REBEKAH l\ifn.L,\R-BRA.i.~SOX "Tradition runs that three Branson brothers landed in New York from the borders of England and Wales, about two hundred years ago, one settling in New Jersey, one in Pennsylvania and the third on the border of• Virginia and North Carolina. Many of their descendants were members of the Society of Friends and some of them preachers. In 1905 one of the best known was David Branson of North Carolina Yearly Meeting. The Branson men, generally have been large of face and figure, often of powerful and commanding appearance, the women have been strong characters, of very good appearance, though not laying claim to beauty. Nearly all the New Jersey branch are Quakers, but in each of the great wars in which the United States has been in­ volved, a few lost their right of membership by reason of en­ gaging therein. Scriptural names predominated among the men, David seems to have been the favorite, with .Amos, Thomas, Nathan frequently in evidence. Constant repetition of these names as of all the more substantial names used through the various generations, while always commanding admiration has worked confusion in the efforts of the compiler of records. The original Bransons in this country were inclined, to stock raising and mechanical pursuits, but were also frequent­ ly in their early lives in the ranks of teachers. General David Branson of New York City said, "I have met fifty Bransons from all over the United States and found none discreditable and many splendid characters" and fur­ ther relates, "In Trinity Church yard, New York City ( the most valuable burying ground on earth) rests the remains of Capt. Ware Branson, who was buried November 1821, at the age of 68, and history states that he was a very good cap­ tain too. REBEKA!! (JIILL,1R) RRANSON

His tombstone has been very carefully preserved by his descendants, who have placed a granite frame around it, and it is one of the most conspicuous objects in the yard, very near the Broadway side walk about seventy feet from the main entrance of the church. The U.S. Naval records show that Ware Branson, Jr. was a sail maker in the U.S. Navy from 1857 to 1859. So it appears the combative spirit in the family was very fre­ quently in conflict with the teachings of George Fox and Wil­ liam Penn. These Ware Bransons were, I understand, from our New Jersey branch and drifted from the Society of Friends dur­ ing the Revolutionary War. Family traditions first place the ancestor of the :Millar­ du Bois Bransons in the Shenandoah Valley in Frederick County, Virginia. Their settlement in the Lost River Valley was doubtless when Lionel Branson married Rebekah Mil­ lar and settled upon the four hundred and twelve acres of land in Hampshire County lying along Lost River, which from her father "William 1fillar she had inherited at his death in 1776. Upon the same spot where lived Lionel and Rebekah (Millar) Branson, lived (1925) James Ward. Wood their great grandson, but in a house built in 1848-49. Both Lionel Branson and his son Jonathan held the office of Sheriff in Hardy County, Va., now Vest Virginia. Lionel Branson was killed by a horse and is buried, as is also his wife Rebekah, in a family burying ground on Lost River. - In Frederick County,_ Virginia stands the old Hopewell Meeting House and in the yard lie many Branson kindred, in 1905 .l\Ir.• James vVard ·wood visited it and describes the graves of each family as arranged in a row instead of a square and that 'it required one hundred and twenty feet of tape line to cover the Bransons.' Each row began with the grave of a pioneer, nex"t came ::\!ILLAR-BnAXSOX LIXE

REBEK.W (.lfILL.4.R) BR.:1.XSO'S :;05

Iris wife, ne~'"t Iris brother and follo,Ying that, Iris ,me-these four were fully marked but the next dozen or so bore no mark. but Christian names and dates, presumably the children of the first four." :Mr. Franklin Branner' Chrisman owned that land upon which Lionel Branson built his second and permanent home on Lost River and for this record, copied from their tomb­ stones the dates herein contained of all the early Branson kindred. :Mr. Chrisman also stated that Lionel and Rebekah= Bran­ son cut the :first wagon road across North Mountain when they came to settle in Hampshire County. Rebekah= l\fillar, the second daughter and fourth child of "\Villiam1 and Catharine ( du Bois) Millar was born in the family home, some times in the community then called '' Stone House", near Front Royal, Virginia, February 19, 1753 and died in her own home in Hampshire County, W. Va., August 25, 1834. She was married to Lionel Branson•11-, who was born February 17, 1753 and died March 21, 1810.

Their children were: l. C~ BRA..-.soN, born July 12, 1785. 2. ELJ:zAm:Tn' BBANsoN. born September 25, 1787. 3. WILI.LUl" BBA.""soN. born June 12, 1789. 4. JoNATBA...... BBA.""SON. born August 25, 1791. 5. REm!:cCA" ~""SON. born December 14, 1793. 6. SABAE" BltA.'iSON, born March 30, 1797.

1. C.ATHARIXE3 Bru.xsox, [Rebekah=, Williani1 Millar], born July 12, 1785, the first child of Lionel and Rebekah (Mil­ lar) Branson; was married September 20, 1804 to Thomas3 _.\J.len, (Abigail=, William1,) (born December 27, 1774), who inherited large tracts of land and upon one part built a large residence about three miles south-west of Front Royal, over-

•Two 11h1ten ot Lton~t Bran9nn we:-~ fln,t n.nd 11e-cond ,,:h·" ot DanJeJ Cloud. who wltneMed th~ wtn of wnuam2 3%11lar. Jn Fr~er1ek Count:r. Ya... In 1790. 306 RETJEJCAJI (.MILLAR) BR,tNRON looking the fertile stretches between it and the Shenandoah River. Their children were:

1. REDEcCA' Au.EN, born June 22, 1805. 2. CATIIABINE Dl1 Bois• AI.I.EN, born September 4, 1807. 3. Ef.IZABIC'l'II WELTON' ALLEN, born February 4, 1810. 4. AaTm:r..lA' ALLEN, born May 16, 1812. 5. SALLY Amir AI.LE.-v, born October 21, 1814. 6. LIONEL BIIANsoN' ALLEN, born July 16, 1817. 7. JA?aS' AI.LEN, born April 13, 1822.

1. REBECCA4 ALLEN [· ;,tharine3, Rebekah\ William1 Mil­ lar], born June 22, 1805; was married to William Botts, a farmer then living in Shenandoah County, Virginia. 1. THOMAS ALLENG BoTTs, [Rebecca4, Catharine3, Rebekah\ Wi"lliam1], born November 30, 1822, farmed in California, near College City; ma.nied October 18, 1860, Mary C. Moore, born in Virginia. No children. 3 2. NANCY F.G BoTTS, [Rebecca4, Catharine , RebekaN, Wi1- liam1], born December 11, 1824; lived in Nebraska City, Neb., where she removed from Virginia in 1871. 2 3. BETTnf BOTTS, [Rebecca\ Catharine}, Rebekah , Wil­ liam1], born April 9, 1826; died 1863. 3 2 4. GEORGt' BOTTS, [Rebecca\ Catharine , Rebek(l,h , Wi1- liam1], born December 9, 1827, lived on a farm near Col­ lege City, California; married April, 1872, Mrs. Buckley, who was Ann Virginia Moore and sister to Mrs. Thomas .Allen Botts. No children. 2. CATHARINE nu BoIS4 ALLEN, [Catharine\ Rebekah\ Wil­ liam1 .Millar], born September 4, 1807 and died July 12, 1862; was married August 3, 1825 to Silas Fristoe, (born July 20, 1802; died April 22, 1870) son of William and Lucy Fristoe, who were born in 1745 and 1780 and died in 1828 and 1855 respectively. Children of above:

1. TBoKAS' FBlsTOE. born September 20, 1826. 2. Mir.TO~ FlwrroE. born January 3, 1828. REBEKAH (JIILLAR) BR..LVSON 307

3. .AJmron" FlwrroE, born January 19, 1830. 4. .Aum:D w.• FlllSTOE, born Jillie 20, 1832. 6. s.uun c.• FRISTOE. born July 14, 1834. 6. Alum>.A. M.• FlllsTOE. born September 10, 1836. 7. .JAXES B.1 FluS'rOE, born JB.UUB.l'Y 3, 1839. S. CKABL1CS B.• FRls'rOE, born July 8, 1844. 9. LAllB.A.1 Fru:STOE, born April 6, 1847. 10. EJou,• FIIISTOE, born April 28, 1850.

1. THOM:.ASG FRISTOE, [Oatharine", Oatharine3, Rebekah?, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar ], born September 2, 1826, and was killed in the battle of "Seven Pines", May 31, 1862. He had married in 1851 Elizabeth Skelton, (born September 24, 1829), who died in the fall of 1867, leav­ ing a family of children to be raised among various kin folk, one of whom believes she has learned all she knows of family history from the writer of these records. How­ ever, the memory of their father's patriotism is a goodly heritage. L Lucy BOTTS6 FRISTOE [Thomas\ Oatharine\ Oatkar rine8, Rebekah!\ W1'.lliam 1 Millar], born October 27, 1850; died in November 1888; was married about 1870 to a Mr. Platt and left two children, address not known.

1. Wn:.u.ut' ~TT. 2. SADIE' PLATT.

6 5 II. JAMES Co:MPTON FRISTOE, [Thomas , Oatharine\ 2 1 Oatharine3, Rebekah , Wi1liam Mi"llar ], born Decem­ ber 1, 1853, living at Shelbina, Mo., (1905), married March 15, 1881, Lillie White :Matthews (born May 19, 1861).

1. l.»A MAY' FRis-roE, born February 20, 1882; was married Febi-uar7 25, 1901, to John Deboard, a farmer living 11ear Shelbina, Mo. 1. LILLIE Bl!:r.r.' DElloAm>, born December 13, 1892. 2. F~ .AmloTT' FRISTOE, born JUlle 12, 1884. 3. IVY DlTZLAK' FRISTOE, born February 13, 1886. 4. Ro~ KEI.LAB7 FIIIsTOE. born :May 26, 1890. 5. L-a-rm:a WESLEY' FRISTOE, born December 30, 1894. 308 REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRANSON

ill. .JoHN MrLTON6 FRISTOE, [Thomas\ Catharine", 2 1 Catharine\ Rebekah , Wi1liam :Jlillar], born March 5, 1856, living at Riverton, Va. ; married. :first Mollie C. Palmer and second Annie Balthis. No children. IV. THOl\IAS WILLIAl\r° FRISTOE, [Thoma.

:L FRISTOE LATlMER1 GROVE, born October 11, 1887. 2. SADIE Er.IzAnE:TH' GaoVE. born December 13, 1890. 3. MAll'DE ELLA' GROVE, born July 11, 1894. 4. WII.LrA.M B! GROVE. Ja., born May 12, 1897.

2 2. MlLTo~ FRISTOE, [Catharine4, Catharine3, Rebekah , Wi1liam1 Mitlar], born January 3, 1828; married August 4, 1856, Sarah E. Stinson. No children. 3. ARTHUR FRISTOE\ [Catharine', Catharinl\ Rebekah}, Wi1liam. 1 Mi1lar], born January 19, 1830; married No­ vember 27, 1851, Lucinda Otz. No children. 2 4. ALFRED W.r. FRISToE, [Catharine', Catharine\ Rebekah , Wi1liam1°llar], Born in Front Royal, Va., June 20, 1832 and died. July 5, 1896. He married Sarah C. Hock­ man, who died March 4, 1894, leaving five sons and three daughters. I. !SABELLA W.6 FRISTOE, born May 29, 1853; was mar­ ried November 4, 1869 to Joseph B. Mauck, living in Bentonville, Virginia.

1. LEE J! MAucx. born December 27, 1870; married March 19, 1902, Amll.e Cullers. l. DANIEL Hll'lffE1t" MAucx. born December, 1903. 2. JACOB H! MAUCK, born May 1, 1873; died June 19, 1874. 3. Et.Mm• MAucx, born December 2, 1874; married December 9, 1896, May Kendall. 4. C'O'STis' MAucx, born March 6. 1S77. 5. EL1ZABETR1 MAUCK. born June 30, 1879. REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRANSON 309

6. STELLA' MAUCK, born September 11, 1881; was married April 10, 1901 to M. J. Foster. Living in Martinsburg, W. Va. 1. IllAIIELLA E.• FosTEB, born August 3, 1903. 7. MINNIE' MAUCK, born C,.;'.ober 11, 1884; died January 19, 1886. 8. EsTERN' MAucx, born July 11, 1886. 9. EooAB' MAUCK, born August 10, 1889. 10. BEBTIIA' MAUCK, born August 6, 1892. 11. GERTRUDE' MAUCK, born November 9, 1896; died December 20, 1903.

II. MARY CATHA.RTh"'E6 FRISTOE, born July 1, 1856, liv­ ing in Bentonville, Va., was married October 7, 1875 to Robert Compton, who died June 4, 1903.

1. ELLA T!orPLI!:' Co11ll'TON, born September 24, 1876, was married July 23, 1894 to Turner Hughes. 1. KAT.KLEEN" HuGm:s, born December 13, 1896. 2. RoBERT Co:-ll'TON' HuGm:s, born November 14, 1897. 3. NAmm: Tll:MPu:" HUGHES, born January 10, 1900; married in New York City, January 9, 1926, Peter Conrad Waldeck. 4. CLYDE HOLLIDAY' HUGHES, born February 12, 1902. 5. liE:LE:.'i VIRGINIA' HUGHES, born March 17, 1904. 2. NANNIE AsBBT' COMPTON, born Octobers. 1879; was married Octo­ ber 7, 1903 to Otto W. Borden, Front Royal, Va. 1. Rommr Osw.ALD' BoBDEN, born October 7, 1904. 2. ELLA GBAcE' BoRDEN, born March :;, l!l07. 3. MARY CATHE:BINE' BoBDEN, born June 8, 1910. 4. ANNA GERTRUDE" BoBDEN, born December 23, 1913.

III. ROBERT ALLEN6 FRISTOE, born May 6, 1859, a mer­ chant in Bentonville, Va., married January 5, 1887, Mattie B. Good, of Page County, Virginia.

L EARL LYNDON' FRISTOE. born December 10, 1887. 2. Ar.LEN GooDi' Fru:STOE, born March 6, 1896.

IV. ASHBY J ACKSON6 FRISTOE, born September 16, 1861. Dr. Fristoe was educated at Richmond College, Cro­ zier Theological Seminary and Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity. He received the ~gree of D. D. from Car­ son and Newman College in Tennessee. He has served terms as pastor in Rappahannock County, Petersburg, Va., Central Church, Chattanooga, Tenn., Fourth Street, Portsmouth, Va. and was called to 310 REBEKAH (MILI,AR) BRAYSOY

Park .A venue Baptist Church, of Norfolk, Va., in January of 1905. He married .August 6, 1885, Bertie Lewis, daugh­ ter of Doctor R. S. Lewis, of Culpepper, Virginia.

1. KATE LEWIS' FRISTOE, born May 28, 1886. 2. RonEBT LEE' F!usTOE, born January 30, 1888. 3. ALFRED DRUlln!OND' FRISTOE, born March 22, 1890. 4. SADIE YOUNG' FmsTOE, born January 11, 1893. 5. H.umY WArr' Fmsro&, born June 29, 1896. 6. MARY EI.lzAnlt'l'n' FlusTo,;, born July 5, 1899. 7. LoUISE DlmLEY' FRISTOE, born September 30, 1901.

V. LUTHER H.6 FRISTOE, born January 12, 1865; mar­ ried January 14, 1884, Ruby Rogers. Living at Ben­ tonville, Va., was County Supervisor h1 1907.

1. BERNAJU> A! FiusTOE, born December 25, 1886. 2. Ml!:RAm: E! FluSTOE. born October 18, 1888; was married April 24, 1907 to Robert F. Emmert, Charlottesville, Va. 3, EBcELu: S! FRlsToE, born November 18, 1890. 4. MlNNm E.' F!wrroz, born June 3, 1894. 5. FBANx L.' FluSTOE, born October 24, 1897. 6. LUTBl!:K HUNTE:R' FluSTOE, born May 22, 1900.

VI. J. LoVELL6 FRISTOE, born October 9, 1867. .A dealer in General Merchandise at Clifton Station, Virginia; married July 2, 1891, Allie L. Vorous, (born Decem­ ber 23. 1866). No children. VII. JACOB .A.6 FRISTOE, born October 12, 1870; died in Decalb, Mo. No descendants. VIII. A.LLAH6 FRISTOE_. born February 17, 1873 and clied June 10, 1906, survived by her husband, Robert N. Weaver of Bentonville, Va., (to whom she was married December 25, 1894) and their five children.

1. BER..-.,CE ESTELLE' WEAVER. born September 29. 1895. 2. ROBEBT BYRON' WEAVER. born June 1, 1897. 3. Fru!:DDIE WAYI.,iJ.-01 WEAVEB, born June 14, 1899. 4. WALTER HEBNDON' WEATED, born March 22, 1901. 5. GLADIS VIOLET' WEAVER. born November s. 1903. 5. SARA:s: C.G FRISTOE, [Oatharine4, Oatharine3, Rebekah\ REBEKAH (J!ILL.AR) BR.4.SSOS 311

W i1liarn,1 .J{z7lar], born in Bentontille, Va., July 14, 183-1: and died January 28, 1890; was married September 29, 1857 to Matthew Hawkins, a cabinet maker, (born in Front Royal, Virginia and died .June 28, 1885.) 6 I. JoHN P. fuWKINS7 born September 16, 1859. A wholesale Pickle Manufacturer in Washington, D. C., married April 12, 18S3, Georgia .A. Herndon, daughter of William P. Herndon and grand daugh­ ter of James W. Herndon of Green County, Va.

1. ALLIE E.7 HAWKINS, born in - 1884; died in - 1885. 2. MoLLm M.7 HAwxms, born in - 1886; died in - 1892. 3. R'CTH A.7 HAWKINS. born in 1893. .

II. WESLEY A.6 H.nvKINs, born December 11, 1860; died August 5, 1893, leavmg only his wife, Sallie S. (Knite) Hawkins, whom he married August 20, 189L 6 III. .A2.r.A..:.'IDA J. HAWKINS 7 born August 10, 1862, was married January 17, 1884 to J.E. Dovell, son of Capt. .J. D. M. Dovell, (Page County; died March 5, 1871). Residence, Kansas City, Kansas.

1. BmrlIA M.7 Do=. born Aui;nst. 3, 1886; died October 30, 1892. 2. JosEPH H.7 DoVELL. born December 20, 1887; Railway Conductor; lived in Arkansas City, Kansas; married May 24, 1909, Nina May Kimlea.r. 3. :MAl!GAill!:l' E.7 DoVELL. born March 24, 1895; died October 2, 1906. 4. WILi.LU{ F.' DoVEtL. born October 25, 1898.

IV. BENJAMIN F.6 HAWKINS, born June 20, 1865; a car builder, living in Baltimore, Md.; married March 6, 1890, Virginia E. Printz, of Leaksville, Va.

1. H.,umy GLENWOOD' HAV.-x:INS. born September 29, 1892.

6 V. EMMA C. HAWKINS7 born October 9, 1866; was mar­ ried January 12, 1888 to H. E. Nichols, a brick and stone mason, lviiddleburg, Va. 312 UEHEKAH (JIILL,1R) BRANSON

1. EL~tER L! Nicnor.11, born November 5, 1888. 2. ERNEST H.' NICHOLS, born April 17, 1892. 3. M.u!nc E! NICHOLS, born May 22, 1894. 4, WIUtER F.' NICIIOLS, born October 4, 1895. 5. FOREST H.' NICHOLS, born February 8, 1898. 6. LILLIAN C.' NICHOLS, born July 30, 1906.

VI. THOMAS6 W. HA WKINs, born .June 18, 1868, Seward., .Alaska. Unmarried. VII. FLORENCE B.0 HAWKL"JS, born April 14, 1870; was married April 26, 1894 to Robert F. Wingfield, who travels (1907) for the "Arkansas Democrat", Little Rock, Ark.

1. JOHN ROBERT' WINOFIF.LD, born July 1, 1895, in Richmond, Va.

VIII. SILAS B.0 fuwKIXs, born December 14, 187~; married May 5, 1898, Ella Blair, Dayton, 0., (1907). IX. Lucy E.6 HAw1~s, born June 18, 1875, was mar­ ried December 24, 1901 to Thomas M. Stickley, who holds a Government position in Washington, D. C. (1907). No children. X. A..~~7:E E.0 HAWKINS, born July 15, 1878, was mar­ ried March 21, 1894 to Benjamin F. Johnson, Jr., Contractor and Builder, Memphis, Tenn.

1. TBEL,cA MAKGUERITE7 JOHNSON, born January 24, 1896. 2. A=Il: CATllARINE7 JO:ENSON, born April 27, 1905.

6. AMA!sDA l\il.r; FRISTOE, [Catharine4, Catharine3, Rebekah=, William,1 .ilfi"llar], born September 10, 1836. Died un­ married July 2, 1862. 7. JAMES B.r; FRISTOE, [ Catharine du B.4, Catharine', Rebek­ ah\ William1 JlHllar], born January 3, 1839 and died June 25, 1901, survived by his wife Mary E. (Hockman) Fris­ toe, whom he married November 11, lS.59., Bentomille, Virginia. I. WILLIA:i\I A.6 FRISTOE, born November 4, 1860, a mil­ ler in Bentonville, Va.; married November 24, 1884, Sylvia Slack. REBEKAH (JIILLAR) BRANSON 313

1. OLIVE M.' FRlSTOt:, born August 19, 1887. 2. Gn..\CE T.1 FRISTOE. born March 10, 1890. 3. GEAN E.1 FIIISTOE. born September 15, 1892.

II. FLORA .A. 6 FRISTOE, born December 5, 1862; was married September 26, 1880 to L. B. Moore, in the Revenue Service.

1. E1Du. L.1 MOORE, born October 7, 1881, 2. HAYWOOD M.' MOORE, born March 3, 1883. 3. OUIDA B.1 MOORE, born August 23, 1884. 4. HAmusoN A.' MOORE, born December 14, 1886. 5. EVEIIE'l'T F.1 Moom;. born August 7, 1888. 6. CLYDE D. L.1 MOOBE, born February 1, 1891. 7. HEiwAN C.1 MOORE, born August 17, 1893. 8. J= E.1 MOORE, born January 12, 1895. 9. BASIL E.' MOORE, born February 6, 1897. 10. EFFIE S.' MooRE, born December 11, 1898. 11. STLVIA 0.1 MOORE, born September 24, 1901. 12. LIGNSFORD D.1 MOORE, born May 19, 1904. m. LEE J.6 FRISTOE, born February 10, 1866, an agent for Life Insurance in Bentonville, Va., married Sep­ tember 26, 1894, Mary Johnson.

1. LEE J.1 FRISTOE. J11., born July 12, 1898. 2. MARY E.1 FlusToE. born October 28, 1903.

IV. KATE E.6 FRISTOE, born August 12, 1868, was mar­ ried June 11, 1890 to W . .A. Baker, a farmer, near Bentonville, Virginia.

L E= E.1 BAKER. born March 4, 1892. 2. JA:\l'.ES BRANSON' BAKER. born July 6, 1895. 3. LLoYD E.', born October 13, 1896. 4. MARY E.' BAKER. born October 14, 1897. 5. Tm:LlrA B.' BAXER. born August 28, 1902.

V. CARRIE G.6 FRISTOE, born August 22, 1870, was mar­ ried December 28, 1893 to S. F. Ludwig, a farmer, near Bentonville, Virginia.

1. SYBIL 0.1 LUDWIG, born October 2, 1S98. 2. Jom-r F." Luomc, born January 28, 1904. 314 REBEKAH U,IILT,AR) BRANSON VI. Emrr,.sT .A.. ° FRISTOE, born November 2, 1872. VII. Alry V.6 FRISTOE, born .July 15, 1875; died ,July 30, 1877. VIII. El\HLY H.6 FRISTOE, born September 9, 1877. IX. BESSIE M.6 FRISTOE, born May 8, 1884. 8. CHARLES FRISTOE [Catharine\ Catharine\ Rebekah\ William1 1l.l'illar], born July 8, 1844 and died .June 26, 1901, survived by bis wife Francis (Hockman) Fris­ toe, Bentonville, Va. I. .A.Nll.TJE L.6 FRISTOE, born March 9, 1867, was married .April 3, 1900 to Frank P. Brumback, a farmer in Frederick County, Va.

l. EB'lJIER F.' BJromlACX, born April 22, 1901. 2. L'OCIAN" BR'OlllllAOK, born February 6, 1904.

II. ~,IrnxIE 0.6 FRISTOE, born July 24, 1869, was mar­ ried .January 19, 1902, to William Guy, a farmer in Warren County, Va. 1. BTnoN F.' G'OT, born February 10, 1903. III. THEODORE P.6 FRISTOE, born March 26, 1872; died October 30, 1897. IV. CHARLES .J.6 FRISTOE, born December 31, 1874. V. VER:t·HE E.6 FRISTOE_. born .August 21, 1877; died No­ vember 11, 1894. VI. Iru. G.6 FRISTOE, born June 3, 1880; married Octo­ ber 23, 1901, Irene Cullers, Warren County, Va.

1. EMORY E.' FRISTOE, born August 30. 1902. 2. E'OSTIS E.' FRISTOE, born August 30, 1904.

VII. CLARENCE E.° FRISTOE, born July 17, 1883. VIII. FANNY ETHEL6 FRISTOE_. born .August 12, 1886; was married June 8, 1904, John Gatewood of Page County. IX. .AUBREY M.° FRISTOE, born December 25, 1888. 9. LAURA:; FRISTOE [Catha·rine4. Catharine\ Rebekah?, William} Mi"llar ], born .April 5, 1847. Living near Ben- REBEKAH (MILL,tR) BR,1NSON 315

tonville, Va., was married November 22, 1870 to James N. Mauck. I. WILLIE B.0 11,,IAucK, born September 1, 1871, a section foreman on the Norfolk and ·western R. R., Benton­ ville, Va.; married October 15, 1902, Zora N. Updike.

1. WENDELL' MAUCK, born July 17, 1903; died March 5, 1904. 2. ALTON P.7 MAUCK. born July !!0, 1904. 3. MADoI.IY G.7 MAUCK, born Apr!! 23, 1907.

II. RicHARD L.0 MA ucx, born December 1, 1872; mar­ ried October 10, 1906, Mabel C. :Morrison, Front Royal, Va.

l. A Sor;• died in infancy, June, 1908.

III. M,IBY M. 0 lIAucx, born December 4, 1874; died September 7, 1893. IV. ADA V.0 l\,L\ucK, born April 3, 1877; was married June 15, 1898 to Robert L. Hockman, farming near Limeton, Warren County, Va.

1. ROBERT L.7 HOCK111AN, born April 19, 1899. 2. RExFoRD1 HoCXMA."'i, born August 19, 1900. 3. LAUJIA V.7 HocJOIAN, born April 5, 1902. 4. GB.ACE T.7 HOCIOUN, born October 9, 1906. 5. JAJl[ES WAU.ACE1 HOCK:\IA..'l, born September 5, 1908.

0 6 V. IDA B. 1\:LrncK, born April 3, 1877, (twin to Ada V. ) was married July 11, 1900 to Edgar J. Hockman, near Bentonville, Va.

l. MILDRED K.7 HoCIOU.N, born March 15, 1902. 2. Vn-IA.'1'1 HoC!OrAN, born December 10, 1904. 3. PHYLLIS M.7 H0CKAIAN. born November 22, 1909.

VI. SILAS S.6 MAUCK, born October 4, 1879; died Oc.1o- ber 6, 1879. · VII. NETTIE G.0 J\'.f.Aucx, born September 28, 1885. VIII. :M:CTNIE M.6 MAucx, born July 31, 1889. 3 2 10. EinrAi; FRISTOE [Catharine4, Catharine , Rebckah _. 316 REBEKAH (lUil,LAR) BRANSON

W£lliam1 .illi"llar], born .April 28, 1850, was married .April 15, 1873 to Jona Mauck, a farmer near Li.meton, Warren County, Va. I. CHARLES H.0 }..uucK, born May 2, 1876; died March 12, 1880. II. WELTON C.6 :MAUCK, born March 21, 1878, clerking in Limeton, Va. ; married December 21, 1898, Lucy V. Rudacile.

1. LESTl:R F.' MAUCK. born March 2, 1900. 2. RAntom> C.' MAUCK, born March 2, 1902. 3. THELMA V.' MAUCK, born August 22, 1903. 4. LEON.Alli) S.' MA.vex, born November 10, 1905. 5. ARClID!: L.' MAUCK, born January 19, 1907. 6. NOIUIA."'l I.' MAUCK. born April 20, 1909.

III. CATHARDfE E.0 MAucK, born September 4, 1881; was married May 27, 1903 to Hubert Bailey, a rail­ road employe, living at Limeton, Va.

1. ROLA."m ALD&."'l' BAILEY, born March 24, 1904. 2. S~!AN E.' BAILEY, born June 16, 1905.

IV. LA URA A. 6 MA ucK, born September 4, 1881; died October 6, 1881. V. BF.SSIE L.6 MAUCK, born July 16, 1883. VI. WILBUR H.0 11AucK, born April 4, 1891. VII. HARRY F.6 :MAUCK, born September 23, 1893. 3. ELIZABETH WELTON4 ALLEN, [Catharine3, Rebekali2, Wi1- liam1111i1lar ], born February 4, 1810; died June 10, 1860, mar­ ried December 21, 1825, William Van Meter4 Henry (Rebecca3, 1 Elizabeth2, William l\fillar), (born in Front Royal, Va., .Aug. 24, 1805; died June 27, 1887). Mr. Henry was an educator.

1. JULIA A."'lli' H!:NuY, born April 19, 1827; died December 3, 1858. 2. WILLIAM H.un>soN" Hl!:Nm:', born August 27. 1828; died January 23, 1829. 3. PAmcx" HENRY, born February 27, 1831; died December 13, 1847. 4. WILLLUI: Au.EN" HENBY, born March 25, 1833; died November 9. 1862. 5. CATJIABmE RElmcCA1 HENRY. born July 30, 1835. 6. CEABLES" HENRY. born February 10, 1838; died July 4, 1863, !rom a wound re­ ceived while charging the enemy at Fairfield, Pa., July 3. 7. AlmD!:LIA1 HENRY, born January 23, 1840. REBEKAH (MILL,tR) BR.AXSON 317

8. MA.BY ELizAm:rn• lhlqny, born July 6, 1842; died 1866. 9. Huon" HENRY, born March 26, 1845; died August 22, 1847. 10. Huon• HENRY, born May 11, 1847. 1L LUCY CooK1 Hli:NRY, born November 4, 1849.

6 1 5. CATHARTh~ REBECCA HEl\"RY, [Elizabeth W: , Catharine\ Rebekah:, Wtlliam1 1.llillar], born July 30, 1835; married August 21, 1855, Thomas H. Wright. Living in Little Rock, Ark., 1910. I. .ALLEN6 WRIGHT; died in infancy. II. WALTON JoHNSTON6 WRIGHT, born October 27, 1869, married in 1893, Clara Proctor.

1. LETAT WRIGHT, born June 14, 1895. 2. CLARA' WIIIGJIT, born February 14, 1897. 3. HAzELT WIIIGRT, born September 1, 1898. 4. ISAIIEI.' WJUGD:T, born September 2, 1889. 5. PBocroa' Wmo:e:-.r, born November 15, 1900. 6. MJI.DRED' WRIG:e:T, born July 7, 1902.

ill. ELIZABETH WELTON6 WRIGHT, born January 25, 1872; married in 1895 to M. E. Trowbridge of Adrian, Missouri.

l. KA~ VIRGINIAT TaoWllRIDOE, born August 22, 1896. 2. FlmDERicx CARLET0:11T T!toWJmD>GE. born November 15, 1898. 3. RALPn NICHOLST T!toWBBIDGE, born March 11, 1902.

IV. MAURICE6 WRIGHT, born April 23, 1874, a traveling auditor of certain railroads. Resides in Little Rock, Ark. ; married in 1903, Elizabeth Wilson. V. VIRGTh""IA.6 WRIGHT.,. born January 4, 1878. 8. ARTRELIAs HE~"RY, [Elizabeth W.', Catharine\ RebekaJ1,2, Wi1liam1 llfi"l,lar], born January 23, 1840; married at her home near Front Royal, Va., March 1, 1872, James Faulk­ ner Cook, a citll engineer, who died April 30, 1883. ~!rs. Cook and their 'h,o daughters live near Little Rock, Ark. I. Lucy C.ABOLINE6 COOK, born May 10, 1877. II. FRA.NCES 0Wlll"Dt6 CooK, born August 1, 1878. m. J.urns VrCK6 CooK, born September 27, 1882; R. R. 326 REBEKAH (:.!ILLAR) BR.:L"iSON

aray and Eliza (McKay) Compton, born in Overall, Page County, Va., December 31, 1847). I. ZACHARY J.uIES6 COMPTON, born ).fay 1, 1874, in Pal­ myra, :Mo. Telegraph operator in Riverton, Va., for Norfolk and Western R. R.; married :Mary Custis Mauck.

1. .JOSEl"II BASWELL' Col'dPTON, born .July 1. 1909.

II. Eu7..A GERTRUDE6 ColIPTON, born .April 13, 1S76, in Palmyra, Mo.; married a Mr. Emmons, of Hagers­ . town, Md.; and died June 15, 1901 leaving one child. L SARAH F.' EMMONS, born .Ja.:iuary 31, 1888. III. LAURA EFFIE6 Co:MPTON, born November 9, 1879. IV. JULIA. IBE1-.TE6 COMPTON, born March 17, 1881; mar­ ried October 26, 1904, .Albert Sydney Henkel, an electrician. 5. GARDNER:; ALLE.:.~, [James"', Catharine\ Rebek­ ah=, Wi1liam1 .Mi1lar], born December 25, 1860; Post Master of Front Royal, Va.; married May 29, 1S84 Liona Estella Essex. I. GATh~ ESSEX.6 ALLEN, born June 22, 1887; died September 28, 1887. II. SA.."\!UEL JosEPR6 ALLEN, born September 10; 1890; died .August 20, 189L ID. LioNA V1cToRIA6 ALLEN, born .April 20, 1894; mar­ ried October 23, 1920, Rayburn Ralph Griffith.

L RA"l"BURN ALLEX' GnIFFITR. born September 1, 1922.

2 1 2. ELIZABETH3 BRANSON, [Rcbekah , Wi1liam Millar], the second daughter of Lionel and Rebekah (Millar) Branson, was born September 25, 1789. "She married fust, probably in 1815, Felix Welton of English extraction and the oldest of six children (Felix, Job, Jesse, Elizabe~ Rachael, Rebecca) the father's name was David." REBEKAH (:JllI,LAR) BR.A,.'\·sox 319 April 6, 1918. Address Keysville, Virginia.

1. MILDRED B'.El'raY' PASS)tOBE. born November 3. 1919.

IV. SABAH ELIZABETH6 HENRY, born July 17, 1881; mar­ ried May 22, 1902 to Joseph Ligon Payne, a whole­ sale tobacco merchant in Drakes Branch, Va.; and died May 18, 1911.

1. EI.1ZAm:TR LIGON' PAYNE, born March 20, 1903, a teacher of music in her home town. 2. MARY DAJn>BIDGE' PAYNE, born February 7, 1905. teacher ht Htgh School at Drakes Branch.

V. MARY CARTER BRAXTON6 HENRY, born April 11, lSSS, graduated with first honor from ''Statesville Female College", N. C., Class of 1908. A kinswoman has said "her graces of heart and mind were as the still waters which run deep." She married October 7, 1920, Tazewell H. Lamb, and died July 30, 1925. :Mr. Lamb resides in Im­ perial, California. IL LuCY Coor HENRY, [Elizabeth W.4, Catharine3, Re­ bekah}, Wi7,liam1 Jfi7,lar], born November 4, 1849; was married in September, 1865, to .James Faulkner Cook, of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Cook died July 31, 1870 leaving an infant son. L EDGAR PmCE6 CooK, born July 31, 1870; who married in 1890, Dora Parrish of Missouri.

1. Ht1GH WELTON' Coox:, born in 1892. No further records.

4. .ARTHELIA4 AILE..~, [Catharine-3, Rebekah\ Wi1liam1 Mi1- lar], born May 16, 1812; married .John McCullock, and died leaving no descendants. 3 1 5. SALLY _A11;·-:N'E' ALLEN, [Catharine , Rebekah:, Wi1liam Mi"llar], born October 21, 1814; married Major Bryan Hamp­ 1 son4 Henry (Rebecca.3, Elizabeth!!, William ) and died, and with her three children, Welton, Emma and Fitzgerald, who 320 REJ!EKAJJ (MII,LMt) BRANSON died in early childhood, lies buried in the Millar burial grotmd, near Front Royal. 6. LIONEL BHANSON4 .ALLEN, [Catlrn,rine3, Rebekah\ WiZliam1 Milla,r], born in "'\Varren County, Va., July 16, 1817. "A tan­ ner by trade, he inherited a large estate on the Shenandoah River, near Front Royal, but misfortune over took him in early married life and he was obliged to pursue various avo­ cations. He lived his later years in Harrisonburg, Va., where he died August 26, 1899". He married June 12, 1845, Cath­ arine Skelton (born in Warren County, Va., October 11, 1821; died March 20, 1902).

1. ELIZAllrm ANN• ALLEN, born August 28, 1846. 2. KATBLIIZN1 ALLEN, born July 28, 1847. 3, FELl:x WELTON" ALLEN, born September 20, 1849. 4. CATHAIIINE REIIECCA1 ALLEN, born June 20, 1852. s. AJmmLIA." ALI.EN, born May 28, 1854. 6. S11:A'l'TA SKELTON. ALLEN, born June 2, 1856. 7. LVCY VmOINIA1 At.LEN, born July 9, 1860. 8. RoBEBT E. LEE" AI.I.EN, born June 4, 1864.

1. ELIZABETH .AN~ ALLE..~, [Lionel B.4, Oatharine3, Rebek­ ah2, Wi1liam1 Millar], born August 28, 1846, living in Alexandria, Virginia; married December 15, 1868, Hugh Leach Kerrick, an architect, (born February 26, 1847; died December 18, 1885). I. HuaR WELTox 0 KERRICK, born September 24, 1869; living in Alexandria; married September 20, 1897, Elzora Foster.

1. NELLIE VIOLA' KE!cru:cK, born February 17, 1901. 2. MAIIGUEIUTE EuzABETn: KERRICK, born October, 1906; died July, 1907.

0 II. WALTER PEncY KERRICK .• born June 3, 1871, ;i. car­ penter. ill. MILTON FRIST0E8 KERru:cK, born March 16, 1873. A Baggage Master on the Southern R. R. IV. ANNA CATRERINE8 KElmlcK_. born July 28, 1875; REREK,lH (Jlll,LAR) JJRANSOY 321

married l\fay 29, 1S92 Mark Bird Few, a stone cut­ ter, living in Alexandria, Va.

1. BESSIE Ln.LuN' FEW. born Mny 11, 1893. 2. SAIIAII CATHAKIN&' FEW, born December 19, 1S95.

V. ELIZABETH BRANSON° KERru:cK, born April 16, 1877; married April 22, 1895 to Robert Norris, a tinner by trade living in Alexandria, Va. VI. Lucy NEALE6 KF...RRicK, born August 29, 1878; mar­ ried October 24, 1903 to J osepb W arr<>n Reeves, a machinist.

l. MARTUA EL17.ARETB1 REEVF.S, born September 28, 1!104.

VII. Ao:NES LEE° KERRICK, born December 13, 1879; married June 18, 1903, Lloyd E. Spittle, a carpenter, Alexandria, Va.

1. HUGH RA.-.noLPn• SPITTLE. born March 4, 1904.

VIII. JOHN WII..LIAM6 KF..RRICK, born January 13, 1882, a glass blower by trade. IX. MARY JA:i-."E0 KERru:cK, born July 23, 1885; married June 10, 1904, Samuel Reed, a machinist, Alexandria, Virginia.

1. PE!r.CY WAR.'IER' RE&D, born February 17, 1905. 2. El\DIA ELI7.ABETB' REED, born September 12. 1906.

2. KATHLEEN" ALLEX, [Lionel B.4, Catharine\ Rebekah:, William1 M-illar], born July 28, 1847; married October 10, 1877, to Edmund :Miller Houston, a harness maker by trade, Winchester, Va. :Mr. Houston served as Hospital Steward for Company A, 143rd N. Y. Volunteers during the Civil War; he was the son of Edward McNeal and .Jane (.Miller) Houston, ( daughter of William Miller and Hannah :McNeal of N. Y. State) . 0 .1.. MINNY BRAxsox HouSTON, born July 29, 1879; mar­ ried firs: September 22~ 1908, ,James W. Taylor, Jr., 3"" REBEKA.H (JIILL,1R) BRA.VSOY a merhant in ·winchester, Va., who died May 27, 1913; married second March 14, 1923, John W. Barr, of Brooklyn, where they now reside.

1. l"..UfF.S W.1 TAYLOR, born J"uly 6, 1911.

II. CARRIE KATHLEEN6 HousTox, born March 10, 1882; married December, 1906 to Robert Pernell Spates, a merchant in Winchester, Va., son of Thomas Per­ nell Spates, of Montgomery County, Maryland.

L EDllU~D Pun.~ELL1 SPATES, born December s. 1907. 2. KA=' SPATES, born J"une 18, 1912.

3. FELIX WELTON5 .ALLEN, [Lionel B.4, Catharine3, Rebekah2, Willia,1n 1 lliillar], born September 20, 1849; both mach­ ist and tanner by trade, engaged in operating an extract mill for the making of bark liquor for tanning hides; situated in Hemlock, N. C. His home has formerly been in Harrisonburg, Va. Mr. .Allen married first November 28, 1870, Sarah Eliza Walter, who died in May, 1880. He married second Lydia Van Pelt, May 3, 1881. L KATHERINE6 ALLEN, born August 18, 1871; married August 23, 1905 to J. W. Robinson, of New Haven, Conn. They moved to Southern California, where 1Irs. Robinson died in May of 1925. II. HARRY GUILFoRD6 ALLEX, born June 1, 1882; book­ keeper and stenographer. 4. CATHARINE REBECCA:. .ALLEN, [Lionel B.4 Catharine\ Re­ bekah2_. William1 Mi"llar ], born in Front Royal, Virginia, June 20, 1852; married January 22, 1878, to William Long (born March 1849), a carpenter in Harrisonburg, Va. She died in May, 1923. I. FLORA VmGTh""IA.6 LONG, born November 2, 1878; Sten­ ographer in Harrisonburg, Va., for Mutual Milling Company. II. WILLIE PATJL6 LONG, born :March 20, 1884; married REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRANSON 323 in 1905, ,James 0. Sullivan, a commercial trav­ eller, living in Harrisonburg, Va.

l. HELEN VmoINL\1 SULLIVAN, born June 16, 1906. 2. ANNIE LYONS' SULLIVAN, born February 28, 1909.

III. MATTIE LEE0 LONG, born March 7, 1886, a linotype operator in Harrisonburg, Va. IV. ANNIE M.Aru:A0 LONG, born April 20, 1894. 2 5. ARTHELIAri ALLEN, [Lionel B.4, Catharine3, Rebekak , William1 Mi"llar], born May 28, 1854; married first to Alfred Thompson, a lumber dealer, December 23, 1873. l\ifr. Thompson died July 19, 1881. Mrs. Thompson mar­ ried February 12, 1887, Robert Clinton Bassford, a car­ penter and contractor, (born November 20, 1851; died March 6, 1895). In 1905 Mrs. Bassford removed from Harrisonburg to .Alexandria, Va. I. ALLEN LEWIS6 THOMPSON, born October 19, 1874; employed in the office of Supt. of Telegraph of the Southern Railway at Washington, D. C. II. NELLIE VmoINIA.6 THOMPSON, born July 26, 1876; died August 5, 1892. 6. SEATTA SKELTO~ ALLEN, [Lionel B.4, Catharine3, Rebek­ ah2, Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar], born June 2, 1856; married Sep­ tember 20, 1874, Richard Henry Drowns, Car Inspector for the Southern Railway, .Alexandria, Va. Mrs. Drowns died July 26, 1901. I. TAYLOR KuPSTINE0 DROWNS, born October, 1885. II. ROBERT LEE6 DROWNS, born April 5, 1887. m. JA}:tES EDWARD6 DROWNS, born March 17, 1889. IV. LILY REFA6 DROWNS, born October 3, 1890. V. BESSIE LioNA6 DROWNS, born September 4, 1892. VI. RUTH BRYAN6 DROWNS, born September 4, 1900. 7. LucY VmGINIA.G ALLE...'!\j, [Lionel B.", Catharine3, Rebek­ ah2, William1 Mi"llar], born July 9, 1860; died unmarried October 6, 1902, in Washington, D. C., and is buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery. 324 REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRANSON

3 8. ROBERT E. LEEG ALLEN, [LionelB.4, Catharine , Rebekah?, William, 1 Millar], born June 4, 1864, resides in Harrison­ burg, Va., and follows the trade of his first .Allen ances­ tor in America-that of tanner. He married March 3, 1886, Lizzie Agnes Willis, daughter of William and Sarah J. (Barton) Willis of Berryville and Winchester. I. CHARLF.S BRANSON6 .ALLEN, born August 25, 1887. II. NELLIE M.Am:E0 ALLEN, born January 2, 1889. m. BESSIE KERR:rcK6 ALLEN, born June 11, 1890; died .June 24, 1890. IV. LILLIE CoURTENY' ALLEN, born September 15, 1891; married January 22, 1909, William H. Fisher, an organ builder, in Hagerstown, Md. V. JOHN .A..'\!0s11 .ALLEN, born December 16, 1897. 4 8 2 1 7. JAMF..S ALLEN, [Catharine , Rebekah , Wi1liam Mi1lar], born near Front Royal, Va., April 13, 1822; died December 8, 1886; married in Bentonville, Va., Rebecca Skelton, also born in Front Royal

1. SUSAN BBANSON" .ALLEN, born 1843. 2. J.A.MES M.• ALI.EN, born 1845. 3. HETTIE '.MAnsJt.U.L" .ALLEN, born June 15, 1847. 4. 5.u.LY A.""I/N"/!! AI.LEN, born 1849. 5. S.u.roEL GARDNER" ALLEN. born December 25, 1860.

1. Sus.AN BRANso~ ALLEN, [James", Catharine3, Rebekah2, William1 Malar], born 1843, Bentonville, Va.; married November 14, 1878, Harrison Renica, (born in Page Co., Va.; died in Shenandoah City, Va., 1903). Mrs. Renica died July 29, 1884, leaving an infant daughter. I. Cmu>6, born and lived but two weeks. II. RHEA6 RE}HCA, born August 5, 1884; married first in Winchester, Va., February 20, 1902, E. C. McConnell, who died; married second, Joseph E. Lame, now residing in St. Louis, Mo.

1. NonVELL WADE'McCon."ELL. born August 11, 1904; married May 23, 1926, Mary Katharine Barklay. 1. KA= JEA."rnE" McCoNNELL. born September, 1927. REBEKAH (MILLAR) BR.ANSON 325

2 2. J.urns M.:. .ALL&", [James", Catharine\ Rebek

1. EllClll:A GEBTBUD!!:' Buma:, born July 9. 1897; married October 24, 1917, E. F. Lawson, Marshall, Va. 2. CHABLES HtmERT' BlraxE, born August 30, 1899; mail carrier, Front Royal; married May 27, 1920, .Amla J. Nossette. 3. JAllES W. A! BtmXE, born November S, 1901. 4. THOll:.\S GARLAND' BURKE, born December 3, 1903.

IV. NINA6 Bnowx,. born .April 27, 1877; died July 2, 1900. 2 4. SALLY ANNE:. ALLE..'lll, [James", Catharine3, Rebekah , Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar], born in Bentonville, Va., in 1849; died in her home there July 21, 1907, survived by her husband, Zacharay Compton, to whom she was married in Front Royal, Va., January 31, 1872, and their children. Mr. Compton is a merchant in Bentonville, (son of Dr. Zach- 326 REBEKAH (:.!ILLAR) BR.:L"iSON

aray and Eliza (McKay) Compton, born in Overall, Page County, Va., December 31, 1847). I. ZACHARY J.uIES6 COMPTON, born ).fay 1, 1874, in Pal­ myra, :Mo. Telegraph operator in Riverton, Va., for Norfolk and Western R. R.; married :Mary Custis Mauck.

1. .JOSEl"II BASWELL' Col'dPTON, born .July 1. 1909.

II. Eu7..A GERTRUDE6 ColIPTON, born .April 13, 1S76, in Palmyra, Mo.; married a Mr. Emmons, of Hagers­ . town, Md.; and died June 15, 1901 leaving one child. L SARAH F.' EMMONS, born .Ja.:iuary 31, 1888. III. LAURA EFFIE6 Co:MPTON, born November 9, 1879. IV. JULIA. IBE1-.TE6 COMPTON, born March 17, 1881; mar­ ried October 26, 1904, .Albert Sydney Henkel, an electrician. 5. GARDNER:; ALLE.:.~, [James"', Catharine\ Rebek­ ah=, Wi1liam1 .Mi1lar], born December 25, 1860; Post Master of Front Royal, Va.; married May 29, 1S84 Liona Estella Essex. I. GATh~ ESSEX.6 ALLEN, born June 22, 1887; died September 28, 1887. II. SA.."\!UEL JosEPR6 ALLEN, born September 10; 1890; died .August 20, 189L ID. LioNA V1cToRIA6 ALLEN, born .April 20, 1894; mar­ ried October 23, 1920, Rayburn Ralph Griffith.

L RA"l"BURN ALLEX' GnIFFITR. born September 1, 1922.

2 1 2. ELIZABETH3 BRANSON, [Rcbekah , Wi1liam Millar], the second daughter of Lionel and Rebekah (Millar) Branson, was born September 25, 1789. "She married fust, probably in 1815, Felix Welton of English extraction and the oldest of six children (Felix, Job, Jesse, Elizabe~ Rachael, Rebecca) the father's name was David." REBEK.-l.H (JfILLA.R) BR,LVSQX

:Married second January 20, 1820, Samuel Gardner, whose first wife was Sarah Swan, (a cousin), daughter of Edward and Jane Swan, (born November 17, 1775; died l\farch 19, 1817). There was but one child of the first marriage, none of the second. 1. FELIX BRA...:....._SOX4 WELTOX, [Elizabethu_. Rebekah=, Wi?­ liam1 Millar], born February 1, 1816; died October, 1896. Pre­ pared for the Gospel ministry, but because of a physical dis­ ability of his throat he never preached, "but was a grand good man" a kinswoman adds. He married :first November 5, 1839, Jane Cunningham, daughter of Solomon, (born July 5, 1780; died September 28, 1831), and Catharine, (born March 22, 1786; died October 10, 1872), daughter of Abel and Ann (Van 1feter) Seymour. :Married second .June, 1854, Sallie B. Nelson, of Yorktown, Va., related to the Carters, Bra."dons, Pages; her ancestral home was Cornwallis' Head­ quarters during his occupation of Yorktown; still in good condition. Eight children were born: 1. ELIZABETH Bru..."'Iso~..:; WELTON, [Felix4, Elizabeth3, Re­ bekah2, William1 Millar], born December 11, 1840: died unmarried, February 12, 1924. 2. EuaE~"EG WELTON, died in infancy. 3. FELICIA J A~"E:; WELTON, born December 28, 1845; living since the death of her only sister, in Moorefield, W. Va., a Van Meter cousin living with her. Very capably mind­ ed at eighty-two, but hampered by failing vision. 4. FR.\.NCIS NELSO~ WELTON, born May 15, 1855. A farmer, residing in the old home "Hickory Hill". 5. CLELAXD BURWELL:. WELTON, [Feliz', Elizabeth3, Rebcl:.­ ah:, Williarn1 J.fillar ], born September 6, lS.57; formerl}· Clerk of Courts in :Moorefield, W. Va. Married December 24, 1888, Nannie Augusta Som­ merville, daughter of William and Mary Louise (Abbey) Sommerville. Recently settled (1927) in Richmond, Va. 328 REJJEKAH (MILL,1R) BR.ANSON

I. JANET" WELTON, born November 30, 1889, address: Richmond, Va. II. CounT~~Y S." "\VF..LTON, born :March 2, 1891, an Ar­ chitect in Richmond, Va. ; married Jessie Walraven.

1. Coi.nrr:,;EY Cu:r..um1 WELTON, born January 27, 1918. 2. FRANCIS CoNWAY1 WELTON, born July 22, 1920.

III. FELIX BURWELL11 WELTON, a physician in Rich­ mond, Va. 6. FELIX Co:NWAY" WELTON, [Felix\ Elizabetlt3, Rebekah::, Wi'1liam 1 .Mi1lar], born 1858; married January 20, 1892, Alice Cunningham, daughter of Benjamin and Eunice P. (Fisher) Cunningham. Since the death of his wife, August 3, 1923, he resides with his sister in Moorefield, W.Va. 7. PAGE SATh'DEBSG WELTON, [Felix', Elizabeth\ Rebekah\ Wi1liam,1 Mi1lar], born December 3, 1861; married Octo­ ber 12, 1910, Sarah Heiskell, daughter of Joseph Daniel and .Amanda Vernon (Chambers) Heiskell. Mr. Welton died March 31, 1920, survived by his wife and one daughter in Moorefield. I. SARAH BURWELL PAGE NEISON6 WELTON, [Page S.5, 3 2 1 Felix\ Elizabeth , Rebekah , Wi1liam 11-Hllar], born February, 1912. 8. WILLIA.a."\:I NF..LS01'1..r; WELTON [Feli-x4, Elizabefll, Rebek­ ah\ Wi1lia.m 1 H illar], born June 23, 1863; owns and lives in the old home, "Hickory Hill", nine miles from Moore­ field, W. Va. This is one of but two beautiful old homes in this section now owned by a descendant of the original owner, and came through the mother of lfr. Welton, Jane Cunningham. He married October 18, 1899, Mary Campbell Heiskell, sister of 1\-Irs. Page S. Welton. I. VERNON HE:rsKELL6 WELTON, [Wi1liam N.G, Felix\ Elizabeth\ Rebekah::, Willia,·•.1 Mi1lar], born Novem­ ber 25, 1900; married November 7, 1922, Carl Welton, son of Archibald Alexander and Ellen (Bell) Welton. REBEKAH (MlLL,lR) BR,lNSON 329

1. WILLIA.U NELSON1 WELTON, born July 25, 1923.

3. "\VILLll:\I3 BRANSON, [Rebekah\ William1 Millar]. The oldest son and third child of Lionel and Rebekah (Millar) Branson, was born June 12, 1789. He married .Ann Fravel, daughter of Joseph and grand daughter of Henry Fravel She died September 22, 1861 and he in June of 1863 and both lie buried in Stony Ridge Cemetery on Lost River. They were the parents of eight children.

1. LIONEL' Bll.\.'ISO:',, born September 29, 1814. 2. JOSEPH FR.A.\'EL• BBA..'!BON, born April 1, 1816. 3. E= A.'1~ Bn.-..,;soN, born August 18, 1818. 4. REBECCA' BRANSON, born April 26, 1820. 5. RAclIAl!:L• BBA..'!so;,,, born April 28, 1822. 6. MARY CATHA.JU..~ BBA..'!SON, born May s. 1824. 7. AMA."fflA' BRANSON, born June 10, 1826. 8. WII.LIA.u FR.A.,"EL• BJIA..,;so;,;, born January 2, 1830.

1. Lro::-..."EI.:' BRAxso::-._. [Wi"lliam3, Rebekah\ William1 11Ii1lar], born September 29, 1814, on Lost River; died from apoplexy, .August 23, 1885, at :Moorefield, W. Va. He had married in June of 1844, Catharine Hider, (born May 6, 1823; died February 10, 1891). Mr. Branson was for a long time a merchant, afterwards a farmer. They were the parents of nine children, but comparatively few descendants are living today. 1. Wn..LB.)Ir. BRAXSOX, [Lionel4, Willia·m\ Rebekah\ Wil­ liam1 Jfi'llar], born December, 1845; married a Miss ,vil­ son and went West; had one daughter named Laura0, who married Charles Hawkins. )Ir. Branson died in :May of 1926 in Fairmont, W. Virginia. 2. H,DIPTOX J.:-. BRAXSOX, born .August 20. 1847; died un­ married in 1905. 2 3. ..A...,xm R.:; Bruxsox, [Lionel\ Wi'lliam3, Rebekah , Wi?­ litJ.rn1 Milla.r], born September 29, 1850; married George 330 REBEK,lll (J!Il,L,lR) BI:,1NSO)t

vV. Snider, in 1890 and died February, 1901, leaving one son. I. '\VADE6 SNIDER, born October 15, 1890. 4. LE'\YIS:; BRANSON, born in 1853; died in infancy. 5. GEORGE :M:.:; BRANSON, [Lionel\ William3, Rebekah\ Wil­ liam} ~·Villar], born March 4, 1885; married October 7, 1896, Ada Newham. Farming near Lost City, W. Va. I. HARPER L10:NEL6 BP.ANSON, born September 18, 1897. II. GEORGE HoL'1IES6 BRANSON, born February 4:, 1901. 6. DANIEL:; B~'l'SON [Lionel\ Wi1lia,m3, Rebekah\ Wi1- liam1 Mi1lar ], born May 19, 1857; married December 30, 1894, Annie :Miller, daughter of Oliver Iviiller. I. 21IAnEL CATHARINE6 BRANSON, born .August 15, 1897. II. GUY Hou.rns0 BRANSON, born November, 1899. 3 7. 11IN11.'"IE!i BRAxso::-;-, [Lionel\ William , Rebekah\ Wi7,.. liam 1 .iiiillar], born July 4, 1860; married in 1898, Charles E. Haas, a merchant in Lost City, W. Va. No chilchen. 8. SALLIE D.:i BRANSON, [Lionel\ Wi1liam\ Rebeka]/, Wi7,.. liam,1 M i1lar], born November 5, 1862 ; married in March, 1895, L. S. Halterman, a farmer, near Lost River, W. Va. She died September 1, 1918 leaving one son. I. CLYDE BRANSON6 flALTER)Lrn, born August, 1897. 9. JULL~ E.:. B~'l'SON, [Lionel\ Wi1.liam\ Rebekah::., Wil­ liam1 Ji!i7larJ born .August 27, 1866; married January 1. 1891, L. S. Holmes, a Contractor and Builder in Lost City, W. Va. No children. 2. .JOSEPH FRAVEL4 BRANSON, [William3, Rebehah2, William1 Millar], born .April 1, 1816; died. February 5, 1894; married in 1852, Sophia Haas. One child was born to them, who died at the age of five. 3. ELIZABETH A:~rn4 BRANSON, [Williani3, Rebekah\ W·il­ liam1 Mi1.Zar], born .August 18, 1818; died Janu:iry 4, 1853: had married in the fall of 18-4:4, William C. Baker, (born Jan­ uary 27, 1810; died in 1872). There were five children born. 1. Wn..LIA:-.r BR..\NSO)...:; BAKER [Elizabeth ..4.nn4, lVi"llia-m3, REI:EKAII (.lIILL.1.R) BRA.VSON 331

Rebekah' Wi1liam1, Millar], born November 12, 1845; farmer near Wardensville, \T. Va.; married Febiuary 24, 1875, Sarah Harness Baker, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Snodgrass) Baker. Mrs. Baker died in Octo­ ber, 1917. I. Houms KERR0 BAKER, [William\ Elizabeth ..:l.nn4, William\ Rebekah\ Wi"lliarn 1 Mi"llar ], born December 1, 1875; married June, 1907, Bertha Saylor, address: Vienna, Va.


II. ELIZA.BET:S:6 BAKER, [William\ Elizabeth .t.1.nn4, Wil­ liam\ Rebekah::, William,1 Malar], born ,July 20, 1877. l\Iarried ,January 19, 1895, John Dixon Chipley, son of John J. (born January 31, 1836; died February 19, 1920) and Sally (Harness) Chipley. John .J. Chipley was Capt. of Co. B 62nd. Va. Infantry in the Civil War. Mrs. Elizabeth Baker Chipley died .January 25, 1910, survived by her husband and si"'i: young children; of her, a kinswoman writes, ''I know not how many good traits she may have inherited. from her mother's family, but the best traits of the Bransons shone conspicuously in her."

l. JULIA..'! BAKER' Cllll'u:r, born November 6, 1895. Pharmacist in Moorefield, W. Va., answered the call for World War Service and was at camp Meade two months in Depot Brigade, but discharged because of defective vision. Married April 18, 1918. Emma' Cunningham. daughter o! G. Scott and Annie• (McNeill) Cunningham. 1. JULIA.'! B.uam" CIIIl'L&Y, Jn., born in Baltimore, Md.. Febru­ ary 1, 1919. 2. Jo= DIXON' CllIPLEY. Jn., born October 31, 189i; served in World War from April 1917 to April 1920. Re-enlisted in Regular Army April, 1926. Ft. Sam Houston, Te.:ms, Co. L. 9th Infantry. 3. 111.uIA."<' CIIIPLEY, born May 14, 1900. Died in in!rulcy. 4. JOSEPll BRA."'lSON1 CllIPLEY. born October 21, 1901; married April 25, 1923, Martha Fisher. 1. JOSEPH B.1 CHIPLEY, JR.. born August 6, 1926. 5. AI.m:ET LEE' C:e:IPLEr. born March 30, 1904. REBEKAH (MILLAR) J::R.AXSON

6. Lo~ CRIPLEY, born September 21, 1906. 7. PHYu.Is LBZ1 CHIPLEY, DOrn August 21, 1909.

III. Wn.LIAM6 BAKER, [Wi"lliam\ Elizabeth Ann4, W11- liam3, Rebekah\ Wi'1liam1 Millar], bom .June 14, 1880; married Daisy Kline; address: Wardensville, W. Va.

1. WILi.UM CA1'0N1 BAKER. 2. CtmTis1 BAXEL

2. J.A..'\IES ·wAIIDE~ BAKER [Elizabeth .Ann\ Wi'1liani3, Rebekah:, Wi?Uam. 1 Mi?lar], bom in 1847; married November 28, 1889, Eliza Machir Bal.:er; and died March 14, 1900. No descendants. 3 3. JOSEPH NAILOR:; BAKER [Elizabe'th .Ann", Wi1liam , 2 1 Rebekah , Wi"lliam Mi"llar], born in 1849; operated a Tannery in Giles County and dfod in 1905 at Narrows, W. Va. Unmarried. 4. A:."'-N REBECCA:. BAKER, died in infa.Lcy. 5. BE~ BAKER, died in infancy. 2 1 4. REBECCA" BRA~SON, [William\ Rebekah , Willia>n Mil­ lar], born April 26, 1820; married April 8, 18-, Hamilton G. Miller and had two sons who died. No descendants. 2 1 5. RACHAEL" BRANso~, [Willia-m3, Rebekah , Wi? Mil­ la;·], born April 28, 1822; died March 16, 1889, having survived her husband, William McNeill, (born March 12, 1812; died March 29, 1854) as his second wife; his first having been a Hyder, by whom he had sL"'{ children. He was the son of "old Daniel l\IcN eill," notable among early settlers in the South Branch Valley for his wealth and sagacity; his home "Willow Wall", which he built in 1820 is one of the finest in this section and one of only two which are owned by descendants of the original owner. "Of its thirty-eight rooms, one parlor and the hall are just as completed over a hundred years ago; wood work carved in beautiful designs and the wall paper hand painted. The grounds are surrounded by a stone wall overhung REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRANSON 333 by willows, hence the name.'' Augustus Renick l\ilcN eill, a grandson is the present owner and occupant (1927). Six children were born to William and Rachael Branson :McNeill, only two however attained maturity; Annie\ Bran­ sonG, William\ and J oseph11 died young. 11 3 1. WILBUR C:HARL:ES McN:EIJ.I,, [Rachael\ Wi1liani , Rebek­ ah2, Wi1liam1 .Millar], married in 1874, Susan Williams, daughter of Otho and Susan Byrns (Fisher) Williams, and was last with members of his family in 1907. One daughter was born. I. ~'"NIE VmGINIA6 McNEILL, [Wi1bur 0.5, Rachael\ 3 2 Wi1liam , Rebekah , Wi1liam1, Mi1lar ], was born near Moorefield, W. Va., May 27, 1876; married March 1, 1893, Scott Cunningham, (born in Pendleton County, W. Va., September 18, 1869 and died August 14, 1918), son of Solomon and Emma (Schultz) Cun­ ningham, who built "Hickory Hill". Solomon was of English descent from one of three brothers, who came to .America in an early day. Scott Sunningham was connected with Iron and Steel works.

1. LAtmENE7 CUNNDrGJLUt, [Annie V!, Wilbur C!, Rachael', Wa?iam", Rebekah', Wa?iam' Millar], born in 1895; married November 16, 1920, Jesse William Fisher, who operates large Poultry Farm at Fisher, W. Va. L JESSE w=• FisJIElt, JR-, born May 1, 1922. 2. EMMA7 CUNN:!NGILUI, [Annie V!, Wiibur C!, Rachael', lVa?iam•, Rebekah•, William' Millar], born in Franklin, W. Va., in 1899; married April ·1s. 1918, Julian Baker" Chipley, (Elizabeth•, Wll• Uam", Elizabeth Ann•, William•, Rebekah•, William' Millar), a. druggist in Moorefield, where they reside. 1. J'ULIAN BA.KER" CHIPLEY, born February 1, 1919. In Baltimore, Maryland.

2. SALLIE SEYMOUR11 McNEILL, [Rachael4, William\ Rebek­ ah2, Wi1liam1 M·illar], born after her father's death; mar­ ried L R. Simmons, of Keyser, W. Va., and died in 1916, leaving three children. ltEIIFJKAH (Jllll,l,MO Rlt,lX.'WN

I. WILLIAM CHARLESn SIM:\IONS, of Alaska, W. Va. II. RoY 0 SIMMONS, address : Royal Oak, Mich. III. Mns. CARRIE0 SI'.M:MONS HEAD, Hagerstown, Md. 4 2 6. MARY CA·rHARINE BRANSON, [William\ Rebekah , Wil­ liarn.1 Millar], born in Hardy County, W. Va., May 8, 1824 and died Mar,:1120, 188·1; married ,June 10, 1852, Isaac Chrisman, (born in Hardy County, October 6, 1810; died there June 12, 1884), son of ,J a.cob and Leah (Claypoole) Chrisman. The mother of Jacob Chrisman was a daughter of Joist Hite, one of the earliest settlers in the Valley of Virginia. "The Chrisman family :first settled in what is now Fred­ erick County, Va., at a place called Chrisman Springs, near White Post. When helping to chase away a band of Indians, which had committed depredations on white settlers and were mak­ ing toward. the Ohio river, Jacob Chrisman, from the top of North Mountain, saw the Indians' camp fire r,~r the top of Branch Mountain; the white men surrounded ...,.1:d surprised the Indians, killed three, and liberated their prisoners. Crossing the Lost River Valley, Mr. Chrisman was pleased with its situation and evident fertility of the land and a few years later returned and settled on a tract containing 425 acres, the most of which belongs to the family of Isaac C. Chrisman. Over this same Indian trail, Lionel Branson chopped out the :first wagon road and settled on !l farm adjoining the Chrisman land, bought of an earlier settler." As was the case of many early day homesteads, :fire de­ stroyed the old Isaac Chrisman house in 1856, utterly ob­ literating relics of the past and records, including the Chris­ man family Bible. Four children were born:

1. F'RANxLUI" BRANNER CHRISMAN. born May 24, 1854. 2. BB.ANSON WII.LLUl:1 CmuSMA.'I", born May 24, 1856. 3. IS.UC CABl'EB" C!imISMAN, born June 24, 1861. 4. Am; ELizABlr:TB" Cmusxu, born December 18, 1865. REBEK,\H (.lfll,L,\R) BRANl'ION 335

1. FRANKLIN Bn..,:s-:s-ERr, CHRISl\f:\X, [.ilfory C.4, William3, 2 1 Rebelcah , William 1llillar], born May 24, 1854, in the old Chrisman homestead, one mile south of his own home, built in later years. He married October 16, 1895, Nora Bell Hutton, daughter of Moses Welton and Mary Agnes (Bell) Hutton; and a sister of Mrs. James Ward Wood; no children. By invitation months before, the writer, her hus­ band and Miss Mattie Cloud Wood spent a happy day in this hospitable home on Lost River, and under the Chrismans' sponsoring courtesy called upon the other kindred in the neighborhood, in homes whose situation of historic interest to themselves was intensely so to one committed to the task of gathering records and data for a large clan usually at long range. Mr. Chrisman owned part of the land given to Re­ bekah2 Millar and Lionel Branson and there built his home from which, after a life of quiet courageous living terminated by a year of intermittent suffering, he passed away January 10, 1927; once again causing the writer to summon courage to go on, a little more alone in her undertaking, in which he had been so interested and so helpful. 3 2. BRANSON Wn.LIAM6 CHRISMAN, [Mary C.4, Wi1liam , Re­ bekah2, Wi1liam1 1lli1lar], born May 24, 1856; died in his home in Moorefield, W. Va., April 27, 1914, and lies bur­ ied in Olivet Cemetery, near that place. He married in Moorefield, June 22, 1887, Elizabeth Williams Gamble, daughter of Mortimer Williams and Elizabeth (Cunningham) Gamble, who with their daugh­ ter survives him. I. PATTIE HA1-IILTON8 CHRISMAN, born November 19, 1901. 3. ISAAC CASPER5 CHRIS:MA~. [Mary C.', William\ Rebekah}, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born June 24, 1861; owned a large 336 /tEBEKA.H (JIILLA.R) BR,1..VSO-:.

part of the old Chrisman lands; his home but a short distance from that of his brother Franklin B. Chrisman. Here he died on June 25, 1914 and lies buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, in Hardy County. He is survived by his wife, Lillie Inskeep (Haas) Chrisman daughter of Harrison C. and .Annie R. (Knies­ ley) Haas, whom he married April 9, 1890; and their three children. I. RcJTH6 CHRISMAN, born June 18, 189i; married June 20, 1917, Arthur Alexandert: Wood, (James W.", Su.~ I.4, Jonathan3, Rebekah:\ William1 Milla1·), (born August 24, 1886) ; Supervisor of the Manna­ hala Forest in N. Carolina, living at Franklin, North Carolina.

1. Do:-fALD GRAJIAM' Wooo, born June 27, 1919. 2. J..uu:s J'OL!AN' Wooo, born Janua.rY 1S, 1921. 3. EuoENE CltRlBMA..'I' Wooo. born June 21, 1925.

II. ORPHA ELIZA6 CHRISMAN, born February 24, 1902. m. lsAAC CASPER6 CHRISMAN, born February 19, 1912. 4. .ANN ELIZABET~ CmusMA.:.~, [Mary C.4. Wi1liam3, Re­ bekaJ,,2, Wi1liam1 Mi-Zlar], born December 18, 1865; mar­ ried Joseph :Marion Harper, (born .A.prH 28, 1850; died December 16, 1919), a man of unusual intelligence, a great reader and until affliction and invalidism over­ took him, a successful business man. No children. 7.,'l)A4 BR...\N'SO,.-, [Wi1liam3, Rebekall.2, Wi-Zlia1n1, Mi?,.. lar], born June 10, 1826; married D. A. Dinges. 8. Wn.LIAM FRAVEL4 BR.ANSON, [William,3, Rebeltah2 Wil­ liam1 Mi"Zlar], born January 2, 1830; married December 17, 1847, Elizabeth Helsley and died at his home (given as) 441 Central .A.venue, Anderson Ind.. July 31, 1895, leaving one child. 1. RUB-yll BRANSON, known to have since married, but could not be found. REBEK,LH (,1111,L,tll) BR,l'XSOX 337

4. JoNATHA~..:i BRANSON, [Rebekah\ TV,illiam 1 Millar], born August 25, 1791; died May 7, 1827; married May 10, 1821, Mary Ann Inskeep (born 1797: died 1889). ".:\fr. Branson was an early day surveyor and magistrate. One child was born to them. 3 2 1. SuSA."l' lNSKEEP-s. BRANSON, [Jonathan , Rebekah , ,Wil­ liam1 Mi?lar], born March 2, 1822 and died July 1, 1858; mar­ ried April 17, 1845, Angus Machir Wood, (born 1818; died 1887). Three children were born:

1. JAMES WAJID1 WOOD. born December 26, 1845. 2. BRANSON INSKEEP" WOOD, born June 29, 1847. 3. A1rnruR Dm-AL1 WOOD, born April 25, 1850.

2 1. JAMES WAml Woon, [Susan 1.4, Jonathan3, Rebekah , Wi"lliam1 Mi"llar]. Born December 26, 1845; married August 9, 1885, Margaret .Ann Hutton, (born 1866), daughter of Moses Welton and Mary Agnes (Bell) Hut­ ton; and. a sister of Mrs. Franklin B. Chrisman. They live upon the same spot as did Lionel and Rebekah (Mil­ lar) Branson, but in a large house built in 1848-9. When but eighteen }Ir. Wood entered the Confed­ erate .Army, serving for two years as a member of Co. F. 7th Virginia Cavalry, General Rosser's Brigade. In 1865 he went to Washington College at Lexin!!­ ton, Va.; the Presidency of which General Robert E. Lee had just accepted and for whom later that institu­ tion was jointly named. He was a charter member of the Presbyterian Church at Lost City; president of the County Board of Educa­ tion; three terms in the State Legislature; for many years magistrate of his district, and his decisions were rarely reversed.. On January 7, 1926, l\fr. Wood died in his home, near Lost City and lies buried in the Ivanhoe church­ yard, "an honored citizen gone to his reward." JUWF:KA/1 (!,1/Lf,Ml) IJRANSON To Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward Wood were born nine children:

1. ABTJIUll Ar.EXANn1m• Woon, born August 24, 1886. 2. WELTON OIIAllAM' Woon, born October 27, 1888. 3. MARY INMJ(Ell:P" Woon, born February 28, 1801. 4. ELI7.ADETU Bitr.L' Woon, born November 23, 1893. 6. ANNA RonEIITkON' WOOD, born November 19, 1896. fl. .ToNATJIAN WARD' Wooo, born December 2, 1890. 7. NoBA Horxms• Woon, born March 18, 1902. 8. CJIRI8TlNE BRANSON" Wooo, died 1n Infancy. 9. MABOAIIET Pooul!:" WOOD, born April 24, 1906.

I. ARTHUR ALEXANnER6 Woon. born August 24, 1886; in the service of the U. S. Forest Reserve; now lo­ cated as Supervisor of the Mannahala Forest, at Franklin, N. C. He married June 20, 1917, Ruth8 Chrisman, 2 1 (Isaac c.n, Mary C.4, William.8, Rebekah , William. Millar), (born June 18, 1897).

1. DONALD GRAHAM' Wooo, born June 27, 1919. 2. .TAMES JULIAN' Woon. born January 18, 1921. 3. Eu0KNE CmuSMAN7 Woon, born .Tune 21, 1925.

II. WELTON GRAHA.t"16 Woon, born October 27, 1888; was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in 1917. Now located (1927) at Greenville, W. Va. He married on October 29, 1921, Ruth Blanton.

1. ANN IRWING7 Woon, born April 2, 1923. 2. Rtl'TB KINo• Wooo. born .Tune 18, 1925. 3. MAnT Vmo:t:nA7 Woon, born September, 1926.

m. MARY INSKEEP6 Woon, born February 28, 1891; married July 21, 1920. Courtney Marshall. Reside in Pittsburg, Pa.

1. RonEBT CJIDISMAN' MA'RSHALL, born .January 4, 1926. 2. MAnoA'RET Bli:LL' MABSJIALL, t-orn August 11, 1927.

IV. ELIZBETH BELL6 Woon, born November 23, 1893; REBJ-JKAll (.1/ILLMl) JJRA'SSON 339 married October 9, 1919, Dougald Monroe, a Pres­ byterian minister, located at Vass, N. C. (1927).

1. Dot10ALD M0Dot10AL' MONIIOII:, Jn., born November 19, 1920. 2. MAIIOAIIET McKAY' Moiraoic, born September 5, 1924. 3. JAMES JEnEll801'7 MONIIOIC, born January 1928.

V. .ANNA RoBERTSON6 Wooo, born November 19, 1896; married .April 10, 1928 Graham Rosenberger. VI. JONATHAN WA'B.0° Wooo, born December 2, 1899; owns and operates the old home farm, near Lost City; married .August 23, 1920, Myrtle Webster.

1. HARLEN MAcHm' WooD, born February 4, 1922 . .2. JoNArlUN WAno' WOOD, Jn., born June 30. Died in infancy. 3. JonN WELTON' WOOD, born August 29, 1927. VII. NoRA HoPKINS11 Woon, born March 18, 1902; mar­ ried .August 24, 1927, Rev. John McCarty Duckwall, a Presbyterian clergyman now located at Greenfield, Virginia, formerly pastor of Ivanhoe Presbyterian church at Lost City, W. Va. 2. BRANSON INSKEEP' Wooo, [S1isan I!, Jonathan8, Rebek­ ah2, Wi'lliam1 ]fi'llar ], born June 29, 1847; married Octo­ ber 19, 1871, Mary Elizabeth Hopewell (born in 1851), daughter of John Maehir and .Ann Maria ( Cloud) Hope­ well and a direct descendant of *Catharine du Bois and her :first husband, Joseph Hopewell. In October of 1921, Mr. and Mrs. Wood celebrated their golden wedding anniversary and on that occasion had ample testimony of their place in the hearts of their friends and the life of the community. In the same month of the next year (October 29, 1922) after a few days slight illness, quite suddenly Mr. Wood had a heart attack and passed away. Once again by floral offerings, spoken and printed words of esteem, did kindred, friends and fellow citizens show their ap-

•Catharine du Bole married 1lrat June ::s. 173i". Joseph Hopewell. Two ch11dren were born to them. J'o111eph who marrlttd Atha11a Adams and Sarah who married one James Ktllar. 340 REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRAJ;SON

preciation of his life and sense of loss jn his death. "His generous heart .had bound to him hwidred.s, by thought­ ful kindness and help in time l)f need. Every public charity, every movement to make life easier and people better, found in him a sympathetic approach and gener­ ous help. The many who from· time to time, profited by his friendly counsel or who enjoyed the charm of close association with him, will have compensation for their sorrow in the knowledge that it was their privilege to know him well. There are none who knew him except those who will honor his memory." Mr. Wood was laid to rest on a beautiful autumn day in Olivet Cemetery, where fresh fallen leaves made a carpet of gold to render less drear the way to the "narrow house". To Mr. and Mrs. Wood were born Eight children. I. SuSA.N INSKEEP6 Wooo, [Bransmi I.r., Susan I.", Jor1r 2 1 atharl, Rebekah , Wi"lliam Mi1lar ], born August 26, 1872, at home and with a sister, shares its responsi­ bilities, which otherwise would fall upon their moth­ er, who has already borne "the burden and heat of the day." Fond of good reading and proficient in fine needlework, a gentlewoman's occupations. II. MATTIE CLOUD6 Wooo, [Branson I/', Susan I.4, J

2 1.4, Jonathan3, Rebekah , Wi1liam.1], born August 20, 1877, teacher in the graded schools of Moorefield, and also a teacher of music, that being her especial taste and talent; attended West Virginia University. IV. ALBERT W ARD8 Woon, [Branson 1.\ Susan 1.4, Jon­ 1 a,than3, Rebekah\ William ] born November 26, 1879, a minister of the Presbyterian church; now serving a pastorate at Ocala, Va. A graduate of Hampden­ Sidney College, Va. 1903, and of Union Theological Seminary at Richmond, 1906. Married June 20, 1923, Sarah Hauver Britton.

1. ALBERT WABTJ" WOOD, Ja., born March 23, 1926. 2. MARY KATlIEIWl'E" WOOD, born JUlle 6, 1927.

V. ROBERT CLoun° Woon, [Branson 1.3, Susan 1.". Jon­ athan3, Rebekah?, Wi1Uam1 Mi1Zar], born April 5, 1882; married first May 23, 1913, Belle Parks, who died September 1, 1915; married second: October, 1918, Dessie May Jaco. Reside at Grafton, W. Va.

1. l'4AltY AuCET Woon. born 1922; named for her two grandmothers.

0 5 VI. ~~ous 1\L..cHIR Woon, [Bransm 1. ,, Susan 1.4, 3 2 1 Jonathan , Rebekah , Wi1Ziam Mi?Zar], born Janu­ ary 17, 1885. In broom manufacturing business, lives at home. VII. BRANSOX LEHEW6 Woon, [Branson 1.", Susan 1.', 8 2 1 Jonathan , Rebekah , Wi1Ziam Mi1Zar], born Octo­ ber 31, 1887. Minister of the Presbyterian church; graduated at Washington and Lee University, 1910 and of Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, 1915; present pastorate, High Bridge Church, Buc­ hanan, Virginia. Rev. Mr. Wood married August 5, 1922, Lena May Campbell, daughter of William Price Camp­ bell of Highland County, Va. 342 REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRA.VSON

1. BRANSON LJ':BEW" Woon, JR., born May 5, 1923. 2. VmoINIA C,U[PIIEI.I.' Wooo.

VIII. WALTER HicDIAN6 Woon, [Branso·n I.\ Susan 3 1 I.", J onathan , Rebekah\ Wi'lliam .Mi1Zar] born July 15, 1890; attended for two years Washington and Lee University. Enlisted in Army in May, 1918, served overseas and is now in charge of the farm at home. 3. ARTH1JR DUVAL3 Woon, [Susan 1.4, Jonathan3, Rebekah\ Wi1liam1 Mi"llar], born April 25, 1850. A retired farm­ er, living in Moorefield, W. Va.; married June 3, 1891, Rebecca Hopkins Kuykendall, daughter of James and Rebecca (Harness) Kuykendall. Mr. Wood was given his middle name in honor of a Baptist minister, who was a family friend. 6 5 I. ARTKCra DuvAL Woon, [.Arthur D. , Susan I.", Jon­ 2 1 athan3, Rebekah , William Mi1lar ], born March 9, 1892. In service U.S. A. Unmarried. II. REBECCA HoPxmst! Woon, [Arthur D.\ Susan I.", 8 2 1 J onathan , Rebekah , Wi1liam Millar], born Sep­ tember 9, 1895; married June 1, 1921, Charles Elton Williams, son of Edward and Annie E. (Van Meter) Williams; directly descended from J oost Jan Van Meteren and Roeloff Elting, the Holland immi­ grants. Their home address is Moorefield, W. Va. Mr. Williams is at present in Washington, D. C.

1. EuzAmi:TH HOPKINS7 WILLLU!S, born April 14, 1922. 2. ANNE REm!:cCA7 WILLIAMS. born August 8, 1925. 3. CllillLEs ELTON7 WD:.LIAMs, JR., born July 23, 1928.

3 2 1 5. REBECCA BRANSON [Rebekah , Wtlliam Millar], born December 14, 1793; died January 14, 1853. Married first 3 1 April 4, 1816, Robert Millar Allen (Abigail2, William ); (died May 14, 1819) and second to Hatch Dent Gardner, son of Samuel (born November 1, 1776) and Sarah (born Novem- REBEK.-1.JI CMILL,lR) BIUSSO'S 343 ber 17, 1775) Gardner; who died September 18, 1828. 1. SABAH CATHARINE4 Au.Ex., [Rebecca3, Rebekah\ William 1 M i7lar], born in Front Royal, Va., June 3, 1817 and died April 12, lS.58; married November 29, 1838 to Samuel Buck Gard­ ner, a farmer and grazier on bis estate, near Front Royal, until his death July 29, 1882, in Rockingham County. Five children were born of whom three died young.

1. ANN Ciro=• GAllllna, born July 23, 1842: died May 10, 1861. 2. Rom:irr ALt.1':N' GAJUINER. born September 14, 1844: died in childhood. 3. SAMUEL DENT' GAJUINEn, born January 28, 1849: died April 12. 1867. 4. MAr.Y ROBERTA. GARDNEJ:. born September 7, 1851. 5. REm:c:CA B'BA.."'iSON ~ GARDNER, born January 8, 1854.

3 2 4. MARY RoBERTA:; GARDNER, [Sarah'', Rebecca , Rebekah , Wi1.liam1 Mfllar ], born September 7, 1851; married Octo­ ber 1, 1872 to Samuel E. Macatee, son of Ignatius and Margaret (Johnston) Macatee of Hereford Co., Md. Their home "Druid Hill" beautifully located and surrounded with old forest trees and shrubs was sold to Gen. Granger Adams, after the death of Mrs. Macatee, December 3, 1908. I. l\faRY ROBERTA G.ARD!\"ER6 MACATEE, [Mary R.\ Sar­ 2 1 ah., Rebecca3, Rebekah , Wi1liam i1£i1la·r], born Jan­ ua:ry 17, 1875; married October 23, 1907, John Byrne Earle of Millsdale, Warren County, Va. 1. Au:xA."'iDm Mu.Lm' EA.BLE, born July 22, 1908. II. 1URGARET JoHNSTON6 MAcATEE, [Mary R.r., Sarah", 2 1 Rebecca3, Rebekah , Wi1liam Mi1lar ], born Oct.o­ ber 25, 1880. ID. SABA REBECCA6 MAcATEE, [.Mary R.:;, Sarah\ Re­ 2 1 becca3, Rebekah , Wi1liam 11fi1lar], born November 1, 1882. 5. REBECCA BRAXSON ALLE!\...; G.-UIDXER [Sarnlt o. ◄, Rebec­ 2 1 ca3, Rebekah , Wi1liarn Mi1lar], born January 8, 1854. Of forceful mind and whose goodness of heart shines from eyes one remembers and is glad. to have seen. Mar­ ried ,June 23, 1880 to Nelson Samuel Waller, born at 344 REBEK.4.H (MILLAR) BR.a.,sos "1Vildwood" Spottslyvania County, Va., (May 16, 1850) son of Dr. Nelson Samuel and Mary Hampton (Dejarnette) Waller. Their home is five miles east of Front Royal, "Mountain Home". I. SAMUEL GARDNER6 WALLER, [Rebecca,\ Sarah C.\ Re 3 2 becca , Rebekah , William,2 Mfllar ], bom at "Druid Hill" March 26, 1881, an attorney of Front Royal, Va. :Married first October 3, 1907, Florence Virg:i:nia0 4 2 Millar (Samuel R.\ Samuel R. , Isaac3, William , Wil­ liam.1 Millar); married second June 17, 1919, .Annie Louise Ford. No children. As Capt. 2nd Va. Inf., he was mustered into Service March 25, 1917; transferred to 116th Inf. 29th Div., October 3, 1917; promoted to Major, March, 1918; sailed June, 1918; was Battalion Commander with 29th Dh·. on Alsacian front and Meuse-Argonne offensive; pro­ moted to Lt. Col May, 1919; mustered out of Federal Service October 1919; appointed Major in Ad,.i. Gener­ als Dept. Va. Nat'l G., 1921; promoted Brig. Gen., July, 1922. II. ROBERT ALLEN6 WALLER born at "l\fo1mtain Home" November 23, 1883; died in childhood. m. :MARY RoBERTA6 WALLER, [Rebecca;;. Sarah 0.4, Re­ becca3, Rebekah\ Wi"lliam1 Mfllar], born at "Moun­ tain Home", October 1, 1886; married October 23, 1907, Hon. William Addison Knowles, of Rome, Ga. Living at her home "Mountain Home", Front Royal, Va. 4 2 1 2. ROBERT lllLLAR ALLEN, [Rebecca,\ Rebekah , Wflliam Mi"llar], born in Front Royal, November 14, 1819; died in Boone County, ::\Iissouri, December 7, 1853 of consumption, at the home of his father-in-law, Rev. Thomas Millar4 Allen, (William\ AbigaiI2, William1 Millar), whose daughter, :Mary\ he had married; and who died in 1870, leaving no descendants. Of the second marriage of Rebecca3 Branson- 3. JONATHAN BRANSON DE~'"T4 GARD).""ER [Rebecca3, Rebek- REBEK.:l.H (JIILL,\R) BR.-t.NSON 345 ah\ William I Jfi"llar ], born in Front Ro,yal, N O'\"ember 5, 1827; married N ovemLer 15, 1853, Catharine Hanson Petty. l\Ir. Gardner died .January 29, 1893, having been a farmer and for years Sheriff in Warren County. 1. l\L-\RY H.-L~S0~5 GABD~"ER, born September 10, 1854. Died in infancy. 2. SARAH REBECCA:. GABD~"ER, [Jonathan\ Rebecca3, Rebek­ ah=, William• Mi1lar], born January 21, 1856. Resides in Front Royal, Va. 3 3. ROBERT .ALL~ G.ARD~'"ER, [Jonathan\ Rebecca , Rebel~ all, William1 Mi"llar ], born .April 2, 1858. Died in in­ fancy. 3 4. Jom. BlJRKEl"t' GABDNER, [ Jonathan\ Rebecca , Re­ bekah=, Wi"lliam1 llfillar], born .August 6, 1859; died Oc­ tober 8, 1904 at "Ellerslie" survived by his wife Virginia (Kirby) Gardner, whom he had married December 12, 1889; and their two daughters in Washington, D. C. I. VIRGINIA. CATHABINE6 GABDNER, [John:., Jonathan\ 2 1 Rebecca3, Rebekah , William Millar], born October 13, 1890; married Walter Smith, a lawyer, who ,vith their three sons reside in New Orleans. II. REBECCA W ALI.ER8 GABDNER, [John\ Jonathan\ 8 1 Rebecca , Rebekah\ Wi"lliam Millar], born Septem­ ber 2, 1892; married Will Brooks, cashier of Riggs Bank, Washington, D. C., where they reside with their three children. Two sons and one daughter.

6. S.IBA:a:3 BR.L""l'SON, [Rebekah=, Wi"lliam1 Millar], born on Lost River in Hardy County, W. Va., 1\farch 30, 1797; and died February 20, 1843. She was married .April 24, 1828 to Eli Lehew, a farmer and stock raiser on Lost River; (born at Big Spring, Page County, March 31, 1803 and died there September 16, 1845). He was the son of Moses and Hannah (Branson) Le­ hew; this Hannah was the sister of Lionel Branson, who m,1r­ ried Rebekah= ~Iillar. 346 REBEKAH (MILLAR) BRANSO"S Four children were born to them. 4 3 2 1. .JoYATHAX BRAXSON LEREW, [Sarah , Rebckah , • Wil­ liam1 .Mi"llar ], born .April 31, 1829; served in the War between the States as courier to Gen. Robert E. Lee. Mr. Lehew died unmarried March 2, 1908. 4 3 2 2. .A."11,'N ELIZABETH LEHEW,[ Sarah , Rebekah , Wi-Zliam\ Millar], born March 29, 1832 and died February 15, 1869; married: December, 1852 to Thomas Buck McKay, son of Jacob and Elizabeth (.Antrim) McKay. They were parents of five children.

1. WII.LIAM BucK1 McKAY, born March 14, 1856. 2. CJL\IILEs EoWUI• McKAY, born November 22, 1857. 3. SALLIE BRANSON' McKAY, born December 11, 1858. 4. FRANCIS WESLEY° McK.\Y, born March 1, 1863. 5. OSCAJt CALEB" McKAY, born July 17, 1866.

3 1. Wn.r.IAM Bucx:~ McKAY, [Ann\ Sarah , Rebekah2, Wil­ liam1 Jli-ZlarL born March 14, 1856; a farmer; married February 7, 1883, Ella Hefflebo..-er. I. LEWIS6 McKAY, born November 16, 1883; died in early manhood unmarried. II. JONATHAN To:H:Ew6 McKAY, born March 9, 1885; married his cousin, Nannie Hefflebower, .April 14, 1910.

l. JONATBA..~ WALKEB.7 McKAY. 2. WOISTON Ll!:B:Ew" McKAY. 3. WII.LLU! BoCK7 McKAY. 4. Eu.A LEE' McKAY. 5. KENm!:TB ~ McKAY. 6. Kttrm.EY Wn.soN7 McKAY, twin to Kenneth.

m. BEVERLY BROWNLY6 l\fcKAY, born May 20, 1887; married Frances Burch.

l. JULL\N Bnowny• McKAY. 2. Bl!:vERLY BmlcH7 McKAY. IV. MARY EuzA6 McKAY_. born March 22, 1890; mar­ ried, Marshall Randolph Gore. REJJEK.,t.H (JIILLAR) BRANSON 347

l. llLulsIIALL RANDOLl'IIT GORE, JB. 2. JA.'\1£8 WILLIAMT GoRE. 3. RicllARD McKA:i:T GoRE.

V. lIILDA LEE6 McKAY, born July 15, 1892; married, Andrew Jackson. VI. JosEPR DoRSETT6 McKAY, born May 14, 1896; died June 21, 1898. 2. CHARLES Eownr McKAY, [Ami4, Sarah8, Rebekah?, Wit­ liam1 ilfiilar], born November 22, 1857, a farmer and stock dealer, near Laws, Va.; married October 30, 1884, Etta Sowers. Nine children were born to them. I. 0LABENCE0 McKAY, born November 5, 1886; married Daisy Lee Melton. No children. II. AUBREY LEE6 McKAY, born February 22, 1888; mar­ ried first Christine Melton; second Mrs. Rosetta. m. BESSIE LuCILE6 McKAY, born June 30, 1889; mar­ ried her second cousin, Hubert Francis McKay~ farmer near Cedarville, Va.

l. l\lABY EI.LENT McKAY. 2. LILLIAN MAyT McKAY. 3. l\lILDRED KmTI.EY' McKAY. IV. VmaINIA RUTR6 McKAY, born January 27, 1892. A trained nurse; unmarried. V. HUNTER BRA.NSON6 McKAY, born December 12, 1897, married September 10, 1897, Mlriam Gilbert Lake. VI. DAISY LoVE6 McKAY, born September 6, 1899; mar­ ried Walter Shipp and has three sons. VII. CRA:RLF.S GARLA.ND6 McKAY, born April 18, 1901, unmarried. VIII. LEo6 :McKAY, born December 7, 1903, unmarried. IX. PAULINE6 McK.\Y, born June 1906; married Octo­ ber 16, 1927, Harry Lincoln Golden, a farmer on his own land. 3 3. SALLIE BRANSON5 McKAY, [Ann\ Sarah , Rebekah\ Wil­ liam1 Mitlar], born December 11, 1858; married Novem- 348 REBEK,tH (Jlll,LAR) BRA.VSON

ber 28, 1872, Joseph Caspar :McKay, who died.November, 1888; Mrs. :McKay died January 7, 1903. They were the parents of eight children. I. A..'1",rrcE11 McKAY, born .January, 1874. Died August 27, 1894. II. 1L\RY ELIZABET:S:6 McKAY, born June 5, 1875. Died April 1, 1899. m. DoRoTm:fl ~le.KAY_. born June 3. 1877; married 28, 1904, to Hillary Gibson Burch, Millwood, Virginia.

1. J)oaOTHY BRA.."'1S0:(7 BUBCJI. born Aprtl 1905; married September 1920 Robert Rainey and has two children. 2. ELIZABE'l'll MAmo='r BtrncJI. born November ll. 1906. 3. S.u:An McKAY' BUBCII. born February, 1909. 4. lin.I.ARY MITCIIEI.L" BuaCll. born July 4, 1912.

IV. T:a:oMAs WESLEy6 McKAY_. born 1879; died Decem­ ber, 1902. V. KATHLEE~ LEE6 l\fcKAY, born December 1, 1881; died September 30, 1900. VI. MABTRA LEREW :McKAY, born June 7, 1883; died unmarried. VII. .A.Lv:rx HicKS6 :McKAY_. born October 14, 1886; died unmarried. VIII. .JoSEPHI~"E C.IBEY6 :McKAY, born October 14, 1888 married August 14,. 1907, Joseph Winfield Scott Cranford and died August 17, 1909. 4. FRAXCIS W:ESLEY' :McKAY, [Ann\ Sarah3_. Rebekah:\ Wi1- liam1 11fillar]. born March 1, 1863. Died August 24,.1889. 5 3 2 5. Osc.-\R CALEB McK..\.Y_. [Ann4, Sarah , Rebekah , Wi'.l­ liam1 Millar]_. born :March 1, 1863: died August 24. 1889. 1904 Minnie l\Ierle Parr and died in January of 1906. Their home farm is near Cedarville, Va. I. MERLE ELIZABET:S:6 McK.u. born January 14, 1907; married in December, 1926, .Joseph Keen.

1. Cn.\RLES Eow-A1m" KEEx. born October, 1927. REBEK.:1H (JIILL.1R) BRA..,'SOX 349

II. D~G LEHEw6 McKAY, born l\fay 1, 1910. IlI. MELJSS!. A~"'TBDI6 McKAY, born September, --. 4 3 2 3. CHARLES EoWIX LEREw, [Sarah Bra.nsmi , Rebekalt , William1 .illillar], born July 6, 1834; died :March 3, 1901; mar­ ried November 24, 1870, Annice Buck, daughter of John Gill and Eliza (licKay) Buck (sister of T. B. McKay). Mr. Le­ hew was a member of Co. B. 17th Virginia Infantry and served throughout the Civil War. l\Irs. Lehew died in At­ lanta, Ga., January 15, 1926. 1. SuSA.i.~ BRANSO~ LE:a:Ew, [Charles\ Sarah Branson\ Re­ bekah2, Wi"lliam} illillar], born July 20, 1872; married on November 1, 1905, to John Wellington Dalhouse, of Augusta County, Va. Address: Atlanta, Ga. I. SA~IUEL LEHEW' DALHOUSE, born June, 1907, in col­ lege at Atlanta, Engineering course. II. Jo:H.i.~ Bucx.0 DALHOUSE, born August, 1908; also studying for Electrical Engineering. 2. CHARLFS WJLL:E'r'r LEHEW, [Cha·rles4., Sarah Branson\ 2 1 Rebekah , Wi"lliam Mi"llar], born November 19, 1873; Engraver in the Hydrographical department in Wash­ ington, D. C. Also carries on an engraving business of his own during spare hours and holidays. He married October 12, 1900, Abbie Allen. I. HELEN6 LE:a:Ew, born December 28, 1902; graduated from the .James Wilson Normal School in Washing­ ton; teaching and attending night classes in George Washington University. II. ALL&~ EoWIN° LEHEW, born January, 1908; also a student at George Washington University. 3. SIBYL M.~Y LEHEW, [Charles', Sarah Branson3, Rebek­ ah2, Wi"lliam 1 Millar], born October 5, 1877; married June 19, 1901 to John Earl Kerfoot, who died in Febru­ ary of 1904; married second April 20, 1907, .Jesse Thom­ as, connected with the Georgia News Company, address: Atlanta. L AI.VERDA GRIFFITH6 THOMAS, born July 31, 1908; 350 REBEKAH (JIILL.4.R) BR.:1.XSo~·

graduated from a private school in .Atlanta .Tune, 1926. 4. FRANCIS WESLEY' LEHEW, [Sarah Branson3, Rebekah\ William1 .Mi7.lar], born February 25, 1837. "He with his two brothers, .Tonathan and Charles were soldiers in the Confederate Army in the Civil War. He and Charles belonged. to Co. B 17th Va. Infantry. Francis was several times promoted, reaching the rank of Captain; was wounded at the Battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam as Feder­ al histories give it and was for nine months unfit for active service, at which time he rejoined his company and was with it captured April first, 1865, when he was sent to .Tohnsons Island to prison until .Tune 25 of the same year. After the war he and his brother .Tonathan first rented, then bought the farm of Capt. Samuel B. Gardner, near Ced­ arville, Va.'' Francis Wesley Lehew married at Wardensville, Hardy County, W. Va., May 28, 1868. Sallie M:achir Hopewell, daughter of .Tolm Machir and Ann Maria (Cloud) Hopewell. (She was born in Front Royal, Va., October, 1823 and died February 19, 1918). Sister to }Irs. B. L Wood. Her father's father was .John, son of .Joseph and Athalia (Adams) Hopewell; this .Joseph was the son of .Joseph Hope­ well and Catharine du Bois ( married .Tune 25, 1737), who si.~ years later in the same church in Philadelphia married William.1 Millar, (.July 15, 1743). Mrs. Lehew died February 19, 1918 and her husband December 3, 1918 in their home, near Cedarville, Va., now the home of their only child. 5 3 2 1. VIRGINL\ LEHEW, [Francis\ Sarah Branson , Rebekah , William1 Mi?lar], born in Front Royal, Va., February, 1869; married November 12, 1907. Sam-:iel .Jordan Ca­ bell, (born August 22, 1867 m Stephens City, Va.), son of Henry Lee and Ann Walston (Cabell) Cabell. I. FRANCES LEHd C,\BELL .. born September 9, 1908, REBEKAH (l!ILL.-tR) BR.-l.YSON 351 in her senior year (1927) at State Teachers College, at Harrisonburg, Va. She was gh·en honorable mention by a publi­ cation of Columbia University on a Thesis sub­ mitted in her junior year upon "Modern Methods of Teaching ". CHAPTF..R VI.

ELIZABETH l\1ILLAR-VAX :METER The coming of the Van M:eteren to America was not a haphazard drifting and tempermental unrest typical of the people of certain European Countries, but an intelligent in­ terest in the discovery of tbe country, and the reports of it, as published in London years before. "In 153.'3 *Emanuel Van Meteren was born in Antwerp, of Protestant parents who took him to London in 1550, where he associated himself with his cousin _.\.braham Ortelius, the celebrated geographer, and where from 1583 to his death in 1612, he was Dutch Consul at the Court of St. James. He published in 1599 the first edition of his Dutch His­ tory, which took rank as an authority. In the thirty-first book of the 1611 edition that Van Met­ eren published, was the story of Hudson's third ·rnyage to America, soon after the lattE:r's return to London early in 1610." "Narratives of "-pp. 4 & 5. The Van Meters who settled in America derive their name from Van, "of" and Meteren, a town in the Province of Guelderland, Holland. In legal documents the sons of a Holland Dutch family wrote their whole names, but for ordinary purposes it was deemed unnecessary: hence in the list of passengers of the "Fox", arriving at in 1662, was Jan Joosten (Van l\Ieteren) from Tiederwelt, Holland, with his wife, (named Macyken Hendricksen and 5 children aged 15, 12, 9. 6 and 2½ years: the childrens names, in probable order of birth, were Lisbeth, Catharine, Geertje, J oost J anse and Gysbert Jans; the two sons porn about 1656 and 1660. "He removed to Wyltmck, now Kingston, N. Y., in the summer of 1662". (Documentary History of New York).

•EmaDueL wu the mon of .lacob Va,, ::lletoren of Breda. who printed at Antwerp the Coverdale Bibi•. the !!rot In J::ni;-1!11h and one of the rareart of prlnt•d books, a copy of which waa Bold 1n 1so: b:r th~ APpleton•11 ln Ne"· York !or· Birthplace of Joost Jan Van :\leteren. Province or Guelderland. Holland.

ELIZ.A.BETH (MILL.-1.R) V.-t.V METER 353 On :March 30, 1671, he secured from Governor Lovelace, a deed for a lot in :Marbletown, (N. Y. Land Papers I. p. 37), and a confirmation October 11, 1671 of a 30 acre lot of ground. (ibid p. 42). Settled at Kingston, nothing more is heard of them un­ til the l\finnismk Indians caxne down upon the settlements on the Hudson riYer, burned the Yillages of Hurley and Kingston, carried away captive some of the women and chil­ dren, among them being two children of Jan Joosten. The accounts of the pursuit of the Indians do not give the names of the children, but one of them would seem likely to have been J oost Jans because in his later years he was much associated with them and showed much knowledge of their habits of life. In a list of inhabitants of Ulster County, who in October of 1664 subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance, appears the name of Jan Joosten. After this he comes more and more into prominence in both cinl and religious matters-was appointed referee in a law suit, later to a minor judiciary position (Schepen) and was much in demand as witness or sponsor at baptisms. "Celebrated at .Jan Joostens in the presence of the whole consistory"; this likely due to his sizeable house and the fact he had been elected Deacon in the Reformed Dutch Church at Kingston in 1667; he was still Schepen in 1668. On October 6, 1673, he was selected as one of the four :Magistrates of Hurley and Marbletown, where he possessed property in 1671 . .Another of the four Magistrates was Louis du Bois. On the overthrow of the Dutch government, its possessions coming under English rule, the inhabitants of New Nether­ land were required to swear allegiance to the new Sovereign and here again we :find Jan .Joosten 's name among those who performed this act of fealty in Ulster County on the first of September 1689. Now comes an important part of his career, which re- 354 ELIZABETH (.lIILL.1R} VAX JIETER

lates to the land grants he obtained in the Pronnce of East New .Jersey, a period e~-tending from 1689 to 1706. "By deed from Governor, gi""Ven on 13th of September 1700, several parcels of land were conveyed to .Jane (.Jan) .Joosten, of Marbletown, Ulster County, N. Y. Yeoman." ".Jan .Joosten Van Meteren" is also on record as being in Piscafaway, (now South Amboy) on Se-ptember 13, 1700. (N.• J. Archh-es, 1st Series, Vol. XXL pp. 318,497,517). His actual residence at this time is not 1..-nown but in N~ J. Calendar of Wills p. 480 is found a filing of the inventory of the personal estate of .Jan Joosten of -- d.ated 13 .June 1706 and marked Dutclt. Sworn to by ''.John Van )fator" in Burlington, N .•J. The appraisers were neighbors on the South Brci.nch of the Raritan; some among them, also emmigrants from Kings­ ton. were Thomas and George Haal, Cornelius du Bois, .Ad­ :den l\folenaur and Hendrick Traphagen. Hist. Somerset County, N. J., p. 561 etc.) "In the Will of Jan Joosten Van Meteren dated 16 Dec., 1681, it developes that J oost J anse was the elder son and ac­ cording to the provision therein, received the heir-at-law's double portion." (Taken largely from Van Meter-Duke-Shepherd Geneal­ ogy, by S. Gordon Smyth.) By the usual Dutch custom the father's name was trans­ posed for the oldest son, thus the older son of Jan Joosten Van :Meteren, was .Joost J anse ( or Jansen) Van Meteren, who married December 12, 1682 in Marbletown, N. Y., Sarah, daughter of Louis du Bois, the New Paltz Patentee. Henry, a son of these parents moved to Salem County, N. J. and married in the 1st Presbyterian Church of Phila­ delphia :March 7, 1741, Rebecca du Bois, (born .Aug.14, 1722) where her sister Catharine had married in 1737 Joseph Hope­ well; and in 1743, married second, William. Millar, these last, the founders of the Millar-du Bois Genealogy; both these

ELIZABETH (JIILLAR) V,1N :.IIETER du Bois sisters were the great grand daughters of Louis the Patentee. The Van Meters are legion and ha,e married into every generation of these records, worthy, generally prosperous, many of them great. Always moving onward into new colm­ tries, new worlds to conquer, leaving impress of their energy and sturdy character. Solomon, a son of Henry and Rebecca ( du Bois) Van Meter (born May 12, 17-; died May 17, 1830) was among the early settlers in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and there married March 20, 1781, his cousin Elizabeth, the young­ est child of William and Catharine (du Bois) Millar. They and their families formed part of the old Opekon congregation, near Winchester, the first Presbyterian Church in America west of the Blue Ridge. "Joist Hite, whose colony made the congregation possi­ ble, obtained his grant of the Van Meters in 1732." Elizabeth~ :Millar was born on the Millar plantation Nov­ ember 19, 1755 and died in the same county, January 24, 1809. No picture of her is known to exist but there are cher­ ished by her descendants in Front Royal, Va.• several of her personal belongings, one a ·;finely woven, e...-.::guisitely made linen apron, which by its length indicates a tall wearer and the neatly embroidered. initials upon the waistband speak of one "who looketh well to the ways of her household." Children: l. REBECcA• VAN MEn:B. born June 7, 1782: died Janur:-y 11, 1828. 2. w=• VA.-.; Mll:rER. born April l, 1784: died June t~. 1831. 3. HE.=Y' VAN METER. born December 5, 1785: died May 31, 1843. 4. CA~ v,...._"

The two sons died unmarried. 1. REBECC_A_:: V L~ METER, born June 7, 1782; died Jan­ uary 11, 1828; married July 15, 1800, Daniel Henry, (born November 1, 1777; died 1808), son of Dr. James Henry of Dungiven, Ireland. The mother of Daniel Henry was Ellen 35G ELIZABETH (MILLAR) V .,u,· JIETER Fitzgerald, a niece of Sir Phoelin O'Neil and was married at the Castle. "Daniel Henry is said to have been a very prepossess­ ing gentleman, of elegant manner; a merchant in Front Royal, set up by a ship merchant of Alexandria, for whom he named his first child." 2 1. BRYAN HA.ln>So~..4 HID."'RY, [Rebecca3, Elizabeth , Wi'l­ liam1 .ilfillar], born in 1801; married first .Julia Cox; married second Sally Anne4 Allen (Thomas3, Abigail2, William.1 Millar), who died leaving no descendants, their three child­ ren having died in infancy. ~e married a third wife Paulina B. Wright, but no record could be found beyond the birth of two daughters of this marriage.

L MARY Er.LA" ~. born September 6, 1855. 2. Jm.IA CATJL\llxm:" HENBY. born Sep~i:nber 30, 1859.

2 2. WILLIAM VA..~ },f.ETER' HENRY, [Rebecca3, Elizabeth 1 Wil­ liam1 Mi1larJ, born August 24, 1805; died .June 27, 1887; mar­ ried December 21, 1825, Elizabeth Welton' .A.llen, (Thomas8, Abigail\ William1 Millar), (born February 4, 1810: died .June 10, 1860, in Front Royal, Va.) A descendant of this couple said of Mr. Henry "a man o:f staUI1ch integrity and high intelligence, gentirous to a fault, one of nature's noblemen".

L J'CLU AJ!;N" HENRY, born April 19, 1827: died December 3, 1858. 2. WJLLU."11: HA.Ml'so:N" ~. born August 27, 1828: died in early childhood. 3. PATRICK" HE:mrr, born February 27, 1831: died at sixteen. 4. WII.LIA3t Ar..l:.!31 HENBY, born March 25, 1833: died November 9, 1862. 5. CA= REIIEcCA• H=, born July 30, 1835. 6. CitAllLE8' HE:NJiy, born February 10, 1838: died July 4, 1863 from a wound re- ceived while charging the enemy at Fairfield, Pa., the day before. ,. AlrrlIELIA' HE=mY. born ,ianuary 23, 1840. 8. l'rLmr Er.IzAm:rn" ~. born July 6, 1842: died 1866. 9. H'O'G:a" HF:NRY, born :March 26, 1845: died August 22, 1847. 10. :S:'O'G:a" HENRY, born May 11, 1847. 11. L"O'CY Coor HE:ny, born November 4. 1849: died July 31, 1870.

5. CATHARINE REBECCA5 Hfil:"'RY, [Witliam. Van M.", Rebec- ELIZABETH (MILLAR) V .LV METER 357

ca\ Elizabeth?, Wflliam1 Millar], born July 30, 1S35; married August 21, 1855 Thomas H. Wright, lived in Little Rock, .Ark. L ..A.LI.ID...6 WRIGHT, died in infancy. II. WALTON JoHNST0N6 WRIGHT, born October 27, 1869; married in 1893, Clara Proctor. Their children are:

L LET.a.• WBIGET, born June 14, 1895. 2. CI.AltA' WBIGET, born February 14, 1897. 3. BAzEL' WBIGET, born September 1, 1898. 4. lSAm:L' WBIGBT, born September 2, 1899. 5. PBocroB' WBIGBT, born November 15, 1900. 6. Mnl>BED' Wm:GBT, born July 7, 1902. No further records supplied. IlI. Er,IZABETH WELTON6 WBIOHT, born January 25, 1875; married in 1895, M. E. Trowbridge, of Adrian, Missouri.

L KA.TllAKINE VIRGINIA' TltoWB&IDG11:, born August 22, 1896. 2. F'BEDEl!Icx CAl!Ll!:TON' TltoWBBIDGE. born November 15, 1898. 3. RALPH NICllOL87 TltoWBBIDGE. born March 11, 1902.

IV. MAURICE6 WEIGHT, born April 23, 1874; married in 1903, Elizabeth Wilson. In 1908, Mr. Wright was travelling auditor of railroads. living in Little Rock, Ark. V. VmGTh"1A.6 WRIGHT, born January 4, 1878. No fur­ ther records. 7. ARTRELll:; :ffID."RY, [Witliam Van Jf.4, Rebeccd', Eliza­ betk2_. Wi"lliam-1 Jl{illar].. born January 23, 1840; married in 1872 .James Faulkner Cook of Washington, D. C., who died April 30, 1883. L LUCY CATH.ABD."E6 Coox, born May 10, 1877. II. FRANCIS 0WJ-."'ER6 Coox, born August 1, 1878. III. .J. .\..'1:ES VICK6 Coox, born September 27, 1882; mar­ ried March 10, 1908, Dora Neely, at Benton, Ark., while a rail road Auditor there. 10. Humr HE~"RY, [Wi-Zliam Van M.4 Rebecca\ Elizabeth\ 358 ELIZABETH (JIILL.:1.R) V.-1.Y JIETER

William1 Millar], born :May 11, 1847, in Front Royal, Va. A minister of the Presbyterian Church. :Mr. Henry's early training was obtained in the Front Royal Academy, under the instruction of Capt. R.H. Simpson, and his sister :Miss Mary Simpson-after the interruption caused by the War between the States he pursued studies at Pleasant Grove Academy in Rock­ ingham County, Va., under Gen. *.J.E. Roller; then en­ tered Roanoke College at Salem, Va., in 1867, graduating with third honors in 1871. Beginning. upon his chosen Theological work, he en­ tered that same fall Union Theological Semi.nary, now of Richmond, then of Prince Edward County, Va. Completing the course, :Mr. Henry was licensed by the Montgomery Presbytery sitting in Lynchburg in the Spring of 1874. For a few months he labored for the Gospel :Ministry in tidewater Virginia, then accepted a call to Lebanon Church in Albermarle County, where he was ordained to full work in 1875. Fourteen years were spent practically in the same field in Albermarle, Tabor and Olivet being organized during his ministry. He next spent four years in Campbell County: serv­ ing a group of churches, Hat Creek, Diamond Hill and Rustburg. At the end of this period he was called to Briery Church in Prince Edward County, entering upon its pas­ torate in 1893. ~s is one of the oldest churches in all that section of Virginia, having been organized in 1755. whose first pastor was Re,. Robert Henry, a native Scotchman of .Argylshire, sent by the Presbytery of New York to labor in Virginia 1752. Not known to have been related. This brief sketch was written from notes furnished

•A dellef'ndant ot a dllltlna;ulsb~d Refugee trom Bavaria who wa.s 11 clott trlond or Muhlen­ buri:- and mmil>

1. VAN METER~• HE.~Y, born February 6, 1901; married June 12, 1926 Raymond L. Barker, a tobacconist In Richmond, Va. 2. HUGlI CA!tTElt' HE:iRY, born February 29, 1904; married August 25. 1926 Dorothy Wh:i.len. Automobile mechanic in Washington, D. C.

II. GEORGE SELDEN6 Hfil.""ItY, lived but a few days. III. GEORGINA SELDENc HE::-."ltY [Hugh", Wm. Von M.\ Rebecca\ Elizabeth\ Williani1 Mi1lar ], born March 8, 1879 ; married April 6, 1918, William T. Passmore, 360 El,IZ.-lBETll <.lflLL.IRJ 11,t;\" .VETER a farmer in Charlotte County ; address, KeysYille, Va.

1. MILDRY.D HENRY1 PASS:l,IORE, bol'II November 3, 1919.

IV. SARAH ELIZABETH6 fu}."RY [H-ugl{', Wm,. Van M.4, Rebecca3, Elizabeth?. William1 Mi"llar], born July 17, 1881; married May 22, 1902 to .Joseph Ligon Payne, wholesale tobacco merchant in Drakes Branch, Va., and died :i\fay 18, 1911, leaving two little daughters.

1. ELIZABETH LIGON1 PAYNE. bol'II March 20, 1903. A teacher o! Music In Drakes.Branch. 2. M..-RY DANDRIDGE' PAYNE, born February 7, 1905. Teacher In the High School at Drakes Branch. V. J.fARy CARTER BR..\.."'(Tox0 HEll,"RY, born April 11, 1888, graduated with first honor from Statesville Female College, N. C.; married October 7, 1920, Tazewell H. Lamb, residing in Imperial, California, and died July 30, 1925. 11. LucY CooKr. HEll."'RY [William Van M.4, Rebecca3, Elizabeth?, William1 Mi1lar], born November 4, 1849; married September 1865, James Faulkner Cook, and died July 31, 1870, leaving an infant son. I. EDGAR Pru:CE° CooK [Lucy\ Wm. Van M:'. Rebecca3 Elizabeth?, lVilliam,1 Millar], born July 31, 1870; married in 1890, Dora Parrish.

1. Huou W1a:roN1 Coot.. born In 1892. No further records.

4 2 3. ELIZABETH MILLAR I!Ell."RY, [Rebecca3, Elizabeth , W-il­ liam 1 J[,il,la,r], born in Front Royal, Va., June 3, 1807: died in Fauquier County, July 12, 1882; married July 12, 1831, in Front Royat William nfitchell Robertson, a Physician (born in St. Mary's County, )faryland and died in :Mississippi, July 21, 1850.) Their children were :

1. CHARLES Hm,--rooN' RosEBTSO;o;-. born July 29, 1836: died In Louisville, Ky., In 1849. ELIZ.-1.BETH (JIILLAR) l'A:.\" JIE'i'ER 361

2. Ros& ELLEN" ROBERTSON. born May 1, 1838. 3 • .AF.i VA."'i METER" ROBERTSON, born March 8, 1840: died in Mississippi, July 22. 1850.

2. RosE ELLE..~ RoBERTSOX [Elizabeth J.lf.4, Rcbecca3, Elizabeth\ Willia,m 1 M i7lar].. born :May 1, 1838, in Luray, Va.; married in Front Royal November 1, 1859, John Alfred Gaskins, (born in Fauquier. County in lS.34: died in 1893), son of .Alfred (1807-1871) and Ellen (Daven­ port) Gaskins. :Mrs. Gaskins died in February, 1918. I. CHARLES ALFRED6 GASKINS, born July 29, 1860; died October 12, 1863. II. FRAXK DAVID."'PORT6 GAs:raxs, born November 10, 1862; living in Warrenton, Va. Unmarried. m. LUCY ELLE..~c GASKINS [Rose\ Elizabeth M.\ 3 2 1 Rebecca , Elizabeth , Wi7liam 1lfi7lar ], born March 27, 1866; married September 1891, David S. Duncan, Baltimore, Maryland. ·

1. JOIC\' GAS=s' DuNCA."'i, born March 24. 1895: died 111 lnfancy. 2. EPIA BLACKWELL' DuNcAN, born May 16, 1897. 3. SUSA."i ROBE:RTSON' DUNC.AN, born August 24, 1899. 4. ELLEN Vmomu• IluNCAN, born September 18, 1902. 5. D.a.vm S.' DtiNCA."'i, born June 28, 1905.

rv. ELIZABETH Ml:LLAR6 GASKINS, twin to Lucy Ellen, Warrenton, Va. Unmarried. V. Is.ABEL VA." METER6 GASKINS, born .January 24, 1869; unmarried, Warrenton, Va. VI. SusA~ 1.frrcHELL6 GASKCTS, born October 13, 1873; unmarried, Warrenton, Va.

4. CATHARTh"E3 VA'S METER [Elizabeth?, Willimn1 Millar] born November 7, 1787: died January 22, 1855. The following is copy of a letter written to the author's great grandmother, wife of J obn William.3 Millar, only a year sett]ed in their Ohio home, both of whom were born and reared in Front Royal Va. 362 ELJZABETII (.l11LL.-1R) V.-t.:-.· JIETER

Front Royal. May 28. 1804 Dear Polly I received your letter by llfr. Raynolds which gave me great satisfaction to hear you are well and had not forgotten me. 0, Polly ft is impossible to tell how often I think of you and the many days we have spent together and now to be so far distant from each other. Mr. Raynolds Informed us that you Intend coming In next fall with the boys, do not disappoint us Polly for we are all anxious to see you and the llttle !!tranger you will bring along. I was to see Nelly a few days ago. She was very well and could not come home with me for Mr. Abbott was expected there; tell .Toshua I think his case 1s extremely bad If he catches no ducks without her assistance for Mr. Abbott will bear her otr. Certainly he must fall upon some other plan to get his living beside ducking or he will look worse than he did when he left this country. Miss Hanle talks of going to Bath this summer but I rather suspect It will be !Ike your going to Bethlehem!! Mr. Newman Is paying every possible attention to her and Is expected they will be married. Miss Hickman has just returned from Woodstock where she has been sometime. Miss Gun came with her and is now fn town. Mrs. Brown has left Alexandria and is living with her brother. She has quit the Methodists and is as lively as ever. Mr• .Tohn Cunningham was married last week to the accomplished Miss Lauck. My father is gone to the Branch expect some of the Methodist girls will come do'IV!l with him to the quarterly meeting which is next Saturday and Sunday. Tell Cornelius I see Marian last evening she Is well and as blooming as a rose and could keep him in chat had he been there for she was in fine humour for ft. No more but my love to Cousin .Tohnny and remain Your aftectlonate Cousin Catharine Van Meter.

CATHARD.TE~ V.rn l\'1ETER, married December 29. 1812, William Lane, (born April 14, 1786), son of Thomas Lane. Nine were born to them.

1. ELizAlJETn' LA.""O:. born in Front Royal, .Tanuary 27. 1815: died in Front Royal, January 22, 1905. 2. REnEccA• LA.'-E. born August 5, 1816. 3. THOMAS4 LANE. born November 27, 1817. 4. SoLO~to~ LANE. born October 26, 1819: died young. 5. WILLIA.'\14 LANE. born October 15, 1821. 6. GEORGE w. s.• LA.'-E. born May 30, 1824. 7. HENRT4 LA.-.E. born January 15, 1826. 8. MARTHA c.• LANE. born September 13, 1827. · 9. MART H.\=.. LA.'-E. born September 10, 1829.

1. ELIZAEETH4 LAXE [Catharz'.ne3, EHzabeth~, Wtlliam1 JIi1lar ]_. born in Front Royal, Va., January 27, 1815 : died there January 22, 1905; married November 15, 1839 Giles Cook (born .June 22, 1812: died September 1891), a lawyer ELIZ,llJETH (.UILL.:l.R) Y,t.Y J!ETER 363

of prominence in Front Royal. the son of Giles and Elizabeth (Baker) Cook.

-Eulogy taken from her home town pnper-- "Mrs. Cook = in every respect a noble specimen oC genuine womanhood. Endowed with unusual charms of person, she wa.s in early years a popular leader In the soclal life of her community. After assuming the responsibilities of married life she becnme a model mother and housewife, a recognized authority on all domestic matters. She was glCted with a. wonderful memory for dates and events, never forgetting the marriages, births and deaths among the people of the neighborhood and retained full possession of her faculties to the last. Of her It may truly be said, "Her children rise up and call her blessed". To these her survivors, she leaves a. precious legacy In the memory oC her gracious life. A "Mother in Israel" has passed from our midst, one who as a. chrlstlan wife, mother and neighbor was an exemplar of the truest virtues. Within a week she would have celebrated her n1netfeth birthday and the community in which she lived so long deplore her loss as that oc Its last repre­ sentative of the good old days. Having been the first president of the Warren Co. Memorla.l Association, that organization in recognition of her omce, laid upon her i;rave a beautiful :floral otrering bearing this Inscription:

"For one who :first our counsels led, In caring for the honored dea.d, These flowers a fitting type will be of her own fra1;rant memory.'' Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cook.

L KA=• CooK. born October 6, 1840: died August 22, 1856. 2. LuCY" Coon:, born July 9, 1842: died September 25, 1849. 3. GILES1 Goon:. JI!., born March 28, 1845. 4. GEOBGE WYTHE' CooK. born October 28, 1846. 5. S=• Coo1t. born July 16, 1848: died August 31, 1849. 6. HENRY LAm:" Coon:. born August 22, 1850. 7. MAlmlA REBEcCA" Coon:. born May 11. 1852. 8. MARr" Coon:, born March 3, 1854. 9. PmLLIP" Coox, born August 25, 1856: died August 30, 1857. 10. BEssIE" Coon:. born January 11, 1858: died April 10, 1860.

3. GILES5 Coox, [El£zabeth4, Catharine\ Elizabeth?, W-il­ lia1n1 llf ular], born )farch 28, 1845, a lawyer in Front Royal, Va.; died February 5, 1919; had married January 28, 1875, Alice W oodwa:t-d, daughter of William and Virginia (Burneston) Woodward. 364 ELIZABETH (JtILLAR) VA..V METER

L Vma:rxu WoooWARD6 CooK [Gi1es5, Elizabeth!, Catharine3, Elizabeth2, Wi?liam1 Mi?lar], born Nov­ ember 10, 1875; married November 5, 1902, .A.lfred Jesse McKay.

1. .AullED .JESSE' McKAY. bom September 6, 1903. 2. GILES Coox:• McKAY. bom .January 28, 1906. II. Gn.ES B.6 CooK [Gi?ei', Elizabeth', Cathari'il,e.3, Elizabetl1},, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born February 27, 1877; Physician for Camp Stonewall, the U. S. Re­ mount Depot, near Front Royal, Va.; married April 30, 1918 Ernestine Heber Smith, daughter of Rev. Dr. Heber Smith, of Washington; of English birth and education.

1. GILES Bl:ram:sTO!" Coos:. .Ja., born May 2, 1920. 2. CBAKLEB BAIIBIE' Coox:, born April 19, 1924.

IlL KATHLEEN6 CooK, [Gi1es\ Elizabeth4, Catharine\ Elizabeth}, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born March 8, 1881; married October 12, 1905 Sidnor B. DoWDing.

1. SIDN0II: B.' DoWNING • .Ja., bom .June 30. 1906. 2. Hll:mrr' DOWNING, born .June 7, 1912. 3. GILES CooK' DoWING, born September 13, 1914. 4. VIRGINIA Coox:' Dow1mm. born July 6, 1917. IV. .ALICE WooowARD6 CooK [Gi?d', Elizabeth", Catharine', Elizabeth2, Wi1liarn1 Mi1lar ], born Octo­ ber 4, 1884; married Frank Paxton Evans and has three children; Alice Cook: Elizabeth Jeanette and Frank Pa..'tlon Evans, Jr. V. WILLI...\.:i\I Wooo"WARD6 CooK, born January 19, 1386; married Lelia Witz. No children. 4. GEORGE Wrr~ CooK. [Elizabeth4, Catharine\ Eliza­ beth2, Wi?liam1 Milla.r], born in Front Royal, Va., Octo­ ber 28, 1846; attended Front Royal Academy, took his Medical course at University of Maryland, graduating M. D.1869: was in the 7th Cavalry, C. S. A., Civil War; Jo,-.nt:.\ Sf R.wxor.ns Po1.1.Y Hf :\111.1 •. rn M1L1.,:1:


ELIZABETH (.l!ILLAR) l'.:L'\" J!ETER 365 acting Assistant Surgeon in Spanish American War ( see Who's Who in .America) belongs to Cosmos Club and resides at 3 Thomas Circle, Washington, D. C., (1927). Dr. Cook married October 24, 1877. Rebecca, daugh­ ter of Richard Lloyd of Alexandria County, Va. L RICHARD LLoYD6 CooK, [George W.3, Elizabeth\ Oatharine3, Elizabeth2, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born Nov­ ember 5, 1875; graduated in l\Iedicine at University of Virginia, 1904; served from 1st. Lieut. to Lt. Col. in Medical Corps, U. S . .A., Worlds War; Surgeon U. P. P. H. S.; married .Tune 25, 1903, Helen M. Finlay, daughter of .Tames .T. Finlay.

1. RICHARD FIXLAY1 COOK. born .June 3. 1904. 2 6. ~RY LA}..'°E' CooK, [Elizabeth\ Oatharine3, Elizabetk , Wi1liam1 Mi1lar ], born August 22, 1850 in Front Royal and died there in November, 1918. 7. MARTHA REBECCA:i CooK [Elizabeth4, Oatharine3, Eliza­ beth2, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born May 11, 1852 in Front Royal; married October 5, 1876 Walter Scott Roy, a Physician of that place. On August 31, 1909 Mrs. Roy passed away. Of fra­ gile mould and sensitive spirit; the last four years of her life had laid upon her too heavy a burden of grief and sadness in the loss of her mother, daughter and sis­ ter, since her love of family and kindred :predominated her whole nature. I. ELIZABETH LAXE6 Roy [Marika\ Eliza,be;:h4, Oatha­ rine3, Elizabeth2, Wi1liam1 Mi1lar], born .July 25, 1877; married William Taylor Chapin, engaged in Real Estate and Insurance in Newport News, Va., where Mrs. Chapin died November 11, 1908, leaving three little girls too young to know their loss.

l. ELizAm!:rx Roy' CliAPIN. born February 25, 1902. 2. l\LmTI[& REBEcCA7 CHAPIN, born May 15, 1905. 3. A.-rnE WISE'~. born September 27, 1908. 366 ELIZABETH (MILLAR) VAN 11fETER

IL l\,1ARY C.~x0 RoY, [1llartha\ Elizabeth\ Catha­ rine\ Elizabeth2 Wi"llimn1 Millar], born in Front Royal, Va. Address: Washington, D. C. III. REBECCA LA)."E6 RoY, [Uartha\ Elizabeth", Catha­ 2 1 rine3, Elizabeth , Wi1liam .ilfitlar], born in Froyal, Va. Address: St.a.uton, Va. 3 2 8. MARr CooK, [Elizaocth4, Catharine , Elizabeth , Wil­ liam1 Jl.fillar], born March 3, 1854; married May 3, 1876, Charles A. ~facatee (born October 2, 1847), son of Ignatius and Margaret (.Johnston) Macatee, Hereford County, Md.,. who resides (1927) in San .Juan, Porto Rico; Mrs. Mn ca tee died in their home in Front Royal, Va., April 9, 1909. Nine children were born to them. I. CHARLES A.0 l\iACATEE, JR., [.ilfary5, Elizabeth4, Cath­ 2 1 arine3, Eliza,beth , William lli?lar], born April 14, 1877. :Married May 11, 1905, Martha Charlotte Murphy. 0 4 II. Bfil.""RY CooK l\,L\.cATEE, [ltlary\ Elizabeth , Catha­ rine3, Elfaabeth-2, Witliam1 J,[i"llar], born August 14, 1878. A Physician in W ashintogn, D. C. In World War, Lt. Medical Reserve Corps, U.S. Navy. Active duty at Naval Dispensary; married August 19, 1906, Marianna Pa.~on, of Luray, Va., who died October 17, 1922; married second February 17, 1925, Katharine Seville of Washington. m. ELSIE M.IBGARET6 MACATEE, [11Iar7/, Elizabeth\ 2 1 Catharine3, Elizabeth , Wi1liam Mi?lar], born Octo­ ber 29, 1880; married December 12, 1904, Walter G. Olmstead of Baltimore, Md. (born October 30, 1880). IV. GEORGE6 MACATF.E, [Mary:., Elizabeth\ Catharine3, 2 1 Elizabeth , W11liam. 1lfi1lar], born March 25, 1882. Civil Engineer, Ship Yards at Mobile, Ala., during World War; married in 1912 Anne Le Grand, of Birmingham, Ala. V. ELIZABETH L.L'rn6 l\,!acATEE, [Marz/, ElizalJefh}, ELIZABETH (MILLAR) T'A:\" .VETER 367

Catharine\ Elizabeth\ William1 .Millar]. born Janu­ ary 25, 1884; manied October 1. 1908, Edgar D. Poulton of Front Royal, Va. VI. WALTER R.0 11.\CATEE, [Mary\ Elizabeth'', Catha­ rine\ Elizabeth\ Wi17iam 1 Millar].. born .June 20, 1886. Served as Capt. U.S. Marine Corps overseas; married September 1, 1917 Ethel :Muir Brown of Philadelphia. VII. ~lARY .A.uausTA6 MACATEE, [.Mary\ Elizabeth', 2 1 Catliarine3, Elizabeth , Wi"lliam, l,:li1lar ], born De­ cember 24, 1888; married November 25, 1919, Charles B. Calvert of Washington, D. C. VIII. ROBERT BF..RRY6 MACATEE., [Ma.r1l, Elizabetli4, Catharine\ Elizabeth\ Wi1Uam 1 Mi"llar ]. born July 31, 1891. Was in U. S. Consular Service, S'tate Dept., on Staff of American Delegation at Peace Conference at Paris. Married December 23, 1919, Maude Evelyn Crooks, of Baltimore, Md. IX. EDWARD VAN 11ETER6 MAcATEE [Marn\ Elizabeth♦, 2 1 Catharine\ Elizabeth • Wi1liam Millar].. born April 3, 1894, enlisted in Engineers Corps U. S. Army in 1917, later Lieut, of Infantry U.S. Army, wounded in action at St. Mihiel, France; served with Army of Occupation in Germany; now 1st. Lieut. U.S. Army, married October 4, 1919, Esther Brooks Ford of Front Royal, Va. 4 2 1 2. REBECCA LA~"'E [Ca,tha·rine3, Elizabeth , Wi7,liam Mi"llar] born August 5, 1816: died August 5, 1842 : was married Feb. 16, 1836 to Charles H. Green, merchant and farmer of Front Royat Va., who aftenva:-1 married, second; :Miss Cunning­ ham; third :Miss Eloise Castleman; ( died at La Grange, Prince William County, Va., 1824.) :\fr. Green died Sep­ tember 22, 1862. Two children were born to Charles and Rebecca' Green.


1. L..\UP.A VmGn."IA:. GP.rnx., [Rebecca\ Catharine3 Eliza,­ betll, Wi1liani1 Millar], born December 5, 1836; died Oc­ tober 19, 1890; married first Dec.17, 1856, George Carter .Armistead, (born in Loudon County, 1832; died August 6, 1862) directly descended from Robert Carter of "Shir­ ley" on the James river and .Judith (Armistead) Carter his wife. George Carter .Armistead lies buried, as also an in­ fant daughter, Rebecca, in the Millar Burying Ground, on the old Plantation, near Front Royal, Va. l\,Irs. Laura VirginiaG (Green) Armistead married second, Dr. Jesse Willett Leache (born in Rock-ville, Md., December 10, 1809. 6 1 I. REBECCA AIDnsTEAD [Laura \ Rebecca\ Catharine3, Elizabeth~, W·illiam 1 Mi"llar ], born in 1858. Died in infancy. II. MARY LA)."1>0N8 .AIDasTEAD, [Laura\ Rebecca\ Oath­ arine3, Elizabeth\ Wi"lliam1 1lfi1lar ]. born in Front Royal, October. 8, 1860; married in Washington, D. C., September 17, 1878, Dr. Robert Willett Leache, the son of her stepfather, Dr. Jesse Willett Leaehe, and his first wife, Jane Roberts (Hun:ton) Leaehe. Dr. Leache died--! survived by his wife and three children.

1. EuGENE HUNTON' LE.\CBE, born April 1880; married first Judith Carter. daughter o! A. B. Carter; second Helen Smith and third Maria. Bowyer, daughter o! Otis Bowyer. 1. CARTE& Al>DISO~ Ll:.\CIIE. 2. JEAN• LEAClIE. 3. WILLETT' LEACBE. 4. ARMlsTEAD• LEAcm:. s. BEvEBL'Y" LEACBE. 2. IRENE AR.,ns-run• Lucm:. born May 1881; Gull!ord W. Scott. 1. MARY ELlzAllETR" ScoTr. 2. GtrILFOIUl Wn.u:n" ScoTr. 3. TBOYAS I." Scott. 3. AI.INE WILI.F:rr' Lucm:. born October 1, 1885; married Benjamin Bernard Baldwin. ELIZA.BETH (llILL.iR) "VA."\. l!ETER 369

1. B~.r~n; Alur1ST&AD• B.u.u=. " WILLEIT Fosn:r." BALD~.

III. ELOISEG AK\IISTEAD [Laura\ Rebecca\ Catharine\ Elizalu:tlf, Wt'lliarn 1 Jii?lar], born l\Iarch 3, 1S62, in Front Royal, Va.. and married in ,vasbington. D. C., .June 3, 1876, Arthur W. Sinclair, a lawyer, of :Manassas, Va., the son of .James and .Jane (Wil­ liams) Sinclair. l\fr. Sinclair died in February, 1918. Mr:a:. Sinclair died suddenly of pneumonia in N ovem­ bcr of 1926. survh-ed. by their three children. l\Irs. Sinclair was an early and prompt friend to the gathering of these records.

1. LAU!!,\ WILLIA."187 SU!CLAIR, born August 14, 1877; married Ed­ ward Herbert Nash, a merchant in Manassas, Va. No children. ::. CHARLES AR.\[Ji;TEAJl7 SINCLAIR, [Eloise". Laura.•. Rebecca.•. Catha­ rine". Eli.."'a.bcth•. lVima.m' Jfillar]. born August 3, 1880; Lawyer or Manassas, Va.. where he was his fathers partner from 1902 to 1914. In the latter year his f:i.ther retired from the? active practice and accepted appointment as Post Master at Manassas, and was occupying that position at the time of his death in 1918. l\tr. Charles A. Sinclair has twice served his home town as l\tayor and since 1919 has been a member of the Holll!e of Dele­ gates of Virginia. On February 2. 1905, he married Edmonia Taylor. 1. ClIARLEs AID.!ISTE.\D' Sx:-CLAill, JR.. born January 28, 1907. 2. A.'1-SA BE:\'ERLY" SX:-CLAIR. born May 13, 1909. 3. E= TAYLOR' SX:-CLAIR. born October 3, 1911. 4. A1rrmm WILLIAl1S1 SX:-CLAJR. born October 13. 1913. 3. KATllt.= COOK' SINCLAIR [", ]Aura•, Rebecca',". Elizabeth•. Winia.m' Millar]. born July 26, 1883; married Octo­ ber 22, 1902, Eugene Belt Giddings, son of Charles Glenville and Dorcas {Hetr.pstone) Giddings o! Loudon County, and a pros• perous merchant of :Manassas, Va. 1. ELOI!::

IV. CAT.ER LYTTOXG LEACIIE, [Lanra\ Rebecca\ Catha­ rine\ El£zabeth2, Wi"lliarn1 Millar], born August 4, 1866, near Warrenton, Va.; married in l\

L CARSO:S LYTTON' LEACH, born March 4, 1894. 2. CAKRIE LEAJI' LEACH, born July 15, 1896. 3. JESSE Wn.u::r-r" LEACH, born December 24, 1898. 4. P'mmE:sCE H.utILTO:S' LEAcn, born August 19, 1901. 5. JAMES DAVJDBON' LEACH, born August 26, 1903. 6. EnwAllD H. S:MITn' LEAcn, born December 28, 1905.

V. LEAH LAxt' LEACHE, born .January 8, 1873, an in­ valid in Austin, Texas. 2. WILLL\:\I VAN 1"1ETF..R:. GREEN, [Rebecca4, Catharine\ 2 1 Elizabeth , lVilliam J.1-H1lar], born March 20, 18-:t-2, in Front Royal and was but five months old when his mother died. He later on moved to the home of his step-mother. near Berryville, Va., "Prospect Hill", which after her death and his marriage, he bought and there his children were born e.....:cept the youngest. He married November 16, 1875, Virginia Castle­ man, (born in Berryville, .June 19,1857) the daughter of Charles Henry ( died from a wound in the Civil War), and Maria (Isler) Castleman. . He died as did also his wife in the home of their daugh­ ter, "Walnut Grove", near White Post, Va., he, on Octo­ ber 23, 1902; the mother two years before on .ranuary 4, 1900. I. REBECCA O GREEX, born December 17, 1877; married November 7, 1900, Richard Samuel Bryarly, son of Richard Samuel Bryarly and his wife, Harriet Tay­ lor (McCormick) Bryarly. Their home is the an­ cestral Bryarly homestead, "Walnut Grove", near White Post, Va., in Clarke County. No children. II. WILLIAM VAN METER6 GREEN [Wm. Van. M.5, Rebecca4, Catharinl'. EUzabet7l, lVillia:ni1 Mi1lar ], born January 21. 1881, in Real Estate and Insurance in Newport News, Va.; married first in .r uly, 1911, Edna Bryan of Queensto,vn, Md.; married second Lucile Nickols, of Detroit, Mich.

1. A?fiv BENNETT' GREt:."lf, born October 16, 1912. ELIZ.!BETH (MILLAR) VAX METER 371

Ill. GEORGE REYXOLDS6 GREEN [Wm. Van .1.ll.\ Rebecca', Catharine\ Elizabeth\ William1 .Millar], born March 17, 1886. Farming near 'White Post, Va. ; married in September 1920, Pauline Sowers of Wbite Post. Ya.

1. PAULINE RECTOR' G=, born June 23, 1923.

6 IV. ROBERT CASTLE)L.\N GREEN [W11i. Van 11C, Rebecca◄ , Catharine~ .. Elizabeth?, W17.liam 1 Milla.r], born .July 11, 1887. Dealer in General :Merchandise at Boyce, Va.: married, Susan Dunlap, of Boyce.

1. RoeERT CAs~tA."'I' GRF.:E."'1, Jn.. born October 22, 1922.

V. CHARLES HE~"RY6 GREEN [Wm. Van ill.-:._, Rebecca\ Catharine:!_. Elizabeth?, Wiliia:11/ .M.:ZZ,-;.;·], born Sept. 22, 1890. A merchant in Boyce, Va.; married Ruth Custis, of Eastville, Va.

1. VIRGI~IA CASTLEl[A~' GREF-"'1, born December 25, 1918. 2. Wn.LIAlt VA.-. ME:rl!:R' G=, born October 24, 1920. VI. LANDRU:\I BRENT6 GREEN, born July 29, 1894. Died October 16, 1909. · 3. THOl\1.:c;;4 LANE [Catharine::, Elizabeth\ William1 Millar], born N o,ember 27, 1817; left Front Royal when a young man, went to Iowa and, in 1927, no trace could be fo1md of his early activities or possible descendants. 4. SoLO)roN~ LANE [Catharine\ Elizabeth?, Wi7liam1 Millar], born October 26, 1819. Died in early youth. 5. WrLLLUf.4 LANE [Catharine\ Elizabeth?, W-illiam,1 Jllillar], was also a wanderer~ going later also to Iowa. No data obtainable. 6. GEORGE '\V. S.4 LA::-."E [Ca.tharine3, Elizabeth\ Wi1liam1 Millar], born May 30~ 1824 in Front Royal, Va. Was a tan­ ner by trade. He married .January 1859 Anna Delilah Bassford who was born in Galena, ill. July 4, 1844 and died October 30, 1893. Mr. Lane died November 24, 1888. Four sons were born to them- 372 ELIZABETH (MILLAR) V..U." METER

1. ALLEX VAX l\IETER:; LA..~E [George4, Catharine3, Eliza­ beth?, William} .lfi"llar], born March 2, 1860 in Clere­ mont, Iowa; married in Fredericksburg, Ia., l\Iarch 2, 1887 Etta .A.. Pond. The only questionaire to be answered was when ~Ir. Lane was a druggist on Wabash Ave., Chicago. Nothing could be found at the address given, Jack­ sonville, Fla. of, 2. G. l\L:; LA~"'E [Geor,qe4, Catharine\ Elizabeth!!, Wtlliam,1 1llillar]. 3 3. THO:-.TAS HE~"Rr' L,\.XE [George", Catharine , Elizabeth\ Wi1liam. 1 .Millar], born in Colillilbus, Ky. March 7, ]865; married October 6, 1892 in Chicago Ethel Pond, a sister of his brother's wife. Mr. Lane was a dealer in Teas and Coffees in Chicago at the time this record was sent, but the same address has failed to reach him later on. I. ETHEL :M.uuoxc LA~"'E: born September 7, 1893. II. HAZEL LEONAc LA}."'E, born February 8, 1896. 4. ROBERT LEE5 LAXE [George'\ Catlwrine3, Elizabeth?, Wi"lliam 1 Jf11larJ.. born in Columbus. Ky. January 20, 1869; married December 24, 1892 Maude L. Robinson, daughter of Cyrus l\L and Mary D. (Van Hook) Robin­ son, at Glencoe, North Dakota; near which place :Mr. Lane was farming. I. RALPH _.\LLEX6 LA~"'E [Robert\ Geo)·,qe4, Catharine3, Elizabeth\ William,1 ~1filla,·J.. born July 2, 1894. En­ listed at Bismarck, North Dakota in June of 1917; returned from France in May 1919; having served in an Ambulance Corps. Married December 27, 1920 :Mabel Cora Parsons. Address Aloha, Wash. II. ALICE GERTRUDEc LANE [Robert\ George4, Catlzarine3 Elizabeth\ William1 l1fi7lar], born .July 6, 1910; mar­ ried N o,ember 28, 1927 Theodore S. Knutson. Glen­ coe, North Dakota. 4 2 1 8. l\faRTHA C. LA~ [Catltarine\ Elizabeth , Wi1liam Jlfill"r], born September 13, 1827: died January 17, 1892. EUZ.:1BETH (MILLAR) VA.V METER 3,3 lfarried in 1857 Jesse H. :McKay. One child was born to them. 1. ELIZABETif ~foK..\Y [.Martha\ Catlwri11e'\ Eliza.beth\ lVilliam1 Millar], born June 1858 and married in Octo­ ber of 1880 Charles :Miller. L JESSE \\.,..0 J[ILLER, born August 1, 1881: died in in- fancy. 9. 1L.BY llixEY.; LAXE [Catharine\ Elizabeth\ lVilliam1 Jfillar], born September 10, 1829 in Front Royal, Va. where she was married in 1859 to John Thomas Porter, a merchant (born in Culpepper Co. Ya. February 16, 1833: died Feb. 14, 1873), son of Hem-y and 1\lary (Williams) Porter. Mrs. :Mary H. Lane Porter died July 11, 1878 survived by three sons. 1. WILLIA..'\£ Cunox:. PORTER [.illary\ CathariniS, Eliza­ beth\ Williami 1 Millar], born :May 7, 1861 in Columbus, Ky. and died in Louisville, .June 23, 1907 hamg been a successful Citll Engineer in Columbus, Ky. where his family resided when records were sent, though letters later sent to the same address have not been answered. He married in Rumbolt, Tenn. .June 15, 1888 Fanny 0 Davis Ramsey; four children; Gertrude", William , 0 0 Samuel , and Eugenia Porter. 2 2. P:HILI.J1> H.s PORTER [Mary\ Catharine=, Elizabeth , Wi-Zlia1n 1 Millar], born in Hickman Co., Ky. Civil En­ gineer and Contractor in Clinton, Ky. He married there in June 1902 May Moss. A child died in infancy. 3. Jil!ES A.r. PORTER [.ilfary4, Catharine\ Elizabeth\ William,1 Mi-Zlar ], born also in Hickman Co., Ky. on April 1, 1867. Clerk of Courts and resided in Clinton, Ky. when records were sent. He married .January 10, 1894 Bessie Griffey. L P:HIL1.J1> H.8 PORTER, born October 4, 1894. II. W. RUTH0 PoRTER, born December 23, 1895. IlI. MARTHA Lo1,'ISE0 PORTER, born October 27, 1897. IV. LORENA6 PORTER, born February 27, 1899. V. ELIZABETH0 PoRTER, born :March 5, 1901. VI. LUT.E1'"IA8 PORTER, born July 20, 1904.


The weight of literary authority Is 11.sninst regarding preft.,:es d', de, du La, Le, and Van as integral parts of proper names. Personnl USILge, however, has often placed such as Initial syllables, hence names so beginning will here be found under D, L and V.

!l:AME :-1-UIE Pace Adams, Charles F. ------Allen, Hettie M. _____.76, 325 Adams, Elizabeth ______.., Allen, James ______,....75, 324 Adams, Margaret ______.., Allen, James ______..7s, 325 Adams, Martha ______.. Allen, James M. ____...... 76, 324 Akers. Claude R. ______.., Allen, John Amos _____.75, 324 Akers, Esther M. Allen, Julian c. Akers, Ida May ______.. Allen, Katherine _____.73, 322 Akers, John B. ______.. Allen, Kathleen ______.72, 321 Akers, Lalage M.· ______.., Allen, Laura L. ______.,gs Akers, Winton ______..... Allen, Lewis L. ______.g7 Akins, Charlotte ______... Allen, Lewis M. ______.g2 Akins, George C. ______... Allen, Llllle C. ______.75, 324 Akins, Stuart M. ______.., Allen, Liana V. ______..77, 326 Akins, Thomas T. ______.... Allen, Lionel B. _____.,71, 320 Alcorn, Pearl M. ______Allen, Lucy E. ______..93 Allan, Robert ______.., Allen, Lucy V. _____....,74, 323 Allan, Rev. Wllllam T ...... 187 Allen, Maltl:lnd ______..,g3 Allen, Abbie ______..49 Allen, Mary A. ______...9,0 Allen, Algernon s. 182 Allen, Mary Allee ______..,84 Allen, Anne M. ______..,42, 156 Allen, Mary B. ______._,g7 Allen, Arthelia ______..70, 319 Allen, Mary C. ______..40, 190 Allen, Artbella -···-·········-··--174, 323 Allen, Marla D. ______.,g2 Allen, Arthur H. ----~·82, 189 Allen, Mary E. ____.45, 156, 196 Allen, Arthur H. ______.s2, 189 Allen, Mary T. ______.g9 Allen, Arthur M. ______.,89, 190 Allen, Mllllcent T. -----...... 1.89 Allen. Bessie K. ______.75 Allen, Nellie M. ______..75, 324 Allen, Carlos B. Allen, Rebecca ______.5s, 178, 306 Allen, Catharine Du B. -·-·-158, 306 Allen, Robert ______,....34 Allen, Catharine R. ___..._73, 322 Allen, Robert A. M. ______.g9 Allen, Charles B. _____._75, 324 Allen, Robert E. L. _____.74, 324 Allen, David Hume --·····178, 182, 189 Allen, Robert M. ______._,94, 342 Allen Deborah M. ______,37 Allen, Robert M. ---156, 194, 196, 344 Allen, Edgar ______....,92 Allen, Robert O. ------181, 189 Allen, Edith M. ______..._s2 Allen. Sally A. ______..71, 319 Allen, Edward E. ______._,g9 Allen, Sally Anne ·---··177, 325, 356 Allen, Edward E., Jr. ______._g9 Allen. Samuel G. ____ 177, 326 Allen, Elizabeth A. ___,....71, 320 Allen, Samuel J. _____._77, 326 Allen, Eliza.beth W. ___...... ,67, 316 Allen, Sarah C. ______._94, 343 Allen, Ella F. ______._g5 Allen, Seatta S. _____.._74, 323 Allen, Emma ______....,g7 Allen, Susan B. ----- 175, 324 Allen, Fellx W. _____.._73, 322 Allen, Susie_____ -176, 325 Allen, Frances T. ______..90 Allen, Col. Thomas ______.34 Allen, Gaynell E. _____.77, 326 Allen, Thomas ______..,57, 305 Allen, Goldie ______... 76, 325 Allen, Thomas A. ______.,g9 Allen, Harry G. ______.73, 322 Allen, Thomas G. ------83 Allen, Henry H. ______..._s1 Allen, Thomas G. ______,....83 37G INDEX

S..UIE Pa,:c S..UIE Pace Allen, Thomas M. _____.,45, 156 Baker, Mary E. ------164, 313 Allen, Thom11.11, Will of 35 Baker, Nora L. ------.....:43 Allen. Vlr;;IDia 83 Baker, Sarah H. ______.,.,1 Allen, Wllllam 56 Baker, Thelma B. _____.64, 313 Allen, William H. 45, 156 Baker, William ______.,32 Allen, William T. 86, 189 Baker, William A. ____...... 64, 313 Allyn, Cornella 45, 78, 226 Baker, Wllllam B. _____.....,30 Alnut. J. L. 64 Baker, William C. 330 Alnutt, Cllttord R. 55 Baker, William C. ______3-'t,2 Altekruse, Arthur J. 0 Baldwin, Aurelia E. ______.:.78 Amick, Rev. Douglas C. 71 Baldwin, B. A. ______...-,69 Amick, Douglas M. 71 Baldwin. B. B. ------>68 Andros, Edmund l", 16 Baldwin, Laurin J. _____.....:78 Ansell, Ella B. 71 Baldwin, Willett F. _____..,69 Ballard, M. L. ______36 Appler, Maggie 31 Armistead, Eloise 69 Ballard, Ramona "72 Armistead, George C. 68 Balthls, Annie -----.J.59, 308 Armistead. Mary L. 6S Barch, Lewfs ------286 Arnold, Dr. Matthew 55 Barger, Henry N. ______,...s1 Arnold, Lizzie D. 55 Barker, Raymond L. --169, 318, 359 Arnold, Murin ______..... Barkley, Mary K. ---....J.75, 324 Artola Barnes, A. J. ------212 Ashby, Dorothy F. ______.. Barnes, Bonny M. -44, 77, 224 Ashby, Martha C. ______.. Barnes, Gladys 9 12 Ashby, Merle ______.. Barnes, John ______.1.42, 157 Ashby, R:ilph ______.., Barnes, Louise -----..1.42, 157 Ashby, Virginia D. ______.. Barnes, Nellie W. "12 Atherton, Albert C. _____.._, Barnett, Flora L. Atherton, Donald M. ------'.J. Barr, John W. -----.....1.73, 322 Atherton, Lauraine ______._.. Basey, Fanny ------...1.•48 Atkinson, Kate ______Bassford, Anna D. ______.s71 Auld, Thelml1 Bass!ord, Robert C. ---..1.74, 323 Austin, Annie ______,.... Baum, Arthur J. _____ --296 Austin. Charles Baum, Bettie N. ______..,,87 Austin, Dell Baum, Brownie L. ______56 Aye. Gertrude ______...,, Catharine "96 Aye, Jennie M. ______.... Baum, Clarence E. ., 7 Baum, Edward ______297 B. Baum, Ethel M. 4 87 Bagnall, Herbert ----·44, 77,224 Baum, Esther M. ______297 Bniley, Hubert 67, 316 Baum, Franklin S. <>,si; Bailey, Roland A. 67. 316 Baum, Frank S. ______....:;,87 Bn!Icy, Sherman E. 67, 316 Baum, Gertrude ______z:97 Bake, Mary L. 53 Baum, Harry Cecil _____.-i:;,87 Bake, Oliver M. 53 Baum, Homer E. ______.;:::97 Baker, Branson 1 Baum, Jacob --·-· "97 Baker. Curtis 32 Baum, J. Clarence ______297 'B:i.ker, Elbert E. 64, 313 Baum, J. Fred ______;297 Baker, Elizabeth 31 Baum, James P. 291; Baker, Eliza M. ______...,,,2 Baum, Jesse L. ______..zS7 Baker, Holmes K. ------~i.i3l Baum, Jessie M. ______...g7 Baker, James B. ______..64, 313 Baum, John C. ______.:91; Baker, James W. 332 Baum, Josie F. ______.g1; Baker, Joseph N. 332 J"oseph ______,...95, 297 Baker, Lloyd E. 64, 313 Baum, Joseph c. ______..9g IXDEX

XA::\fE Paa:"" !-:AYE l'IL~flo B:lum, Joseph 0. ------297 Belt, Wllll:i.m J...... "70 Baum, Jose]lh P. ·- ., 6 Bennett. Emm:i. R. ------.276 Baum, Kathryn I. ., 7 Baum, Laurence ______.,,,7 Bennett. F!orence ·-················ .. ··---·· 52 Bennett, Virginia ··-·--··········-········- 38 Baum. Lena --··--·- "97 Bentz. Annie -····-·-· "44 Bnnm. Martha. E. . __, _____ 296 Berlin, Ellen lL ______53 Ba11m. Millar ------.....::i>7 Berry, Katherine ------.149 Baum. Ollie J. ___,_____ 296 Bertram. Lulu M. ····-·-· 1"2 Rebecca B. "87 Bingham, E. &. . ______...,3, 231 Baum. Richard V. _____...... ,87 Bird. Donald ______.,7, 235 Baum. Robert ·-··-,------297 Blrd, Insnbo ----- 87, 235 Baum, Wl!Uam C. -·-----297 Bird, John A. --·-·-········---87. 235 Baum. William L. - ...... -··--··-·...297 Blrd, John T. ------~7, 235 B:lusman. Adelaide ,____ 51 Bird. Lillian ______.S7. 235 Ba."tter. Chester C. ______.88 Bird. Sammoni:J. _____7, 2:15 Ba."tter. J::me B. ------18S Bird, William ______.,7, 235 B:l..'-"tcr. JllIJles _, Black. Ada H. ______54 B:l.:tter, William T. A. ____....,ss Black. Elizabeth H. _____ 54 Bayley. Elizabeth ·-···--·.. --186 Black, Garoner_____ 54 Be:tn, J'ames C. ------...r.40 Black, James P. ______54 Beeker. May ...... - .. --263 Black, .John H. ______54 Beeler. Charles E. 280 Black, Mary R. ,_____ 54 Beeler. Emma L. "79 Black, Mary R. ______54 Beeler, Esten B. "79 Black, Dr. St::mle}" P. -····-··-···-·-- 54 Beeler, Frank Elmo - .. - .. -----279 Blair, Ella. ______163, 312 Beeler, Frederick H. 9 80 Blanchan. Catharine ____ 13 Beeler, Gertrude F. ______79 Blankenship, Minnie ------66 Beeler, Glendora L. ______..r.R Blazzton, Ruth '338 Beeler, Harry E. "79 Blaser, Annie M. ------108 Beeler, Joseph E. _____ ---280 Blaser, ChrlsU::m ______..... 08 Beeler. Norwood B. ____..76, 279 Blaser, James T. ------..08 Beeler, Ray F ... _, ______79 Bocklns, Frederlck G. _____ 38 Beeler, Robert E. - ... _ ...... - . .276, 279 Bockius, Mary M. ------38 Beeler, Samuel C. "80 Bonebrake, Charles E. -----10S Beeler, Samuel F. ______!!78 Borden, Anna ______so, 309 Beeler, Samuel H. _____.__279 Borden, Ella G. ______.60, 309 Belden, Inez C. ______Borden, Mary ------60, 309 B<;Jl, Elizabeth -··-·· 42 Borden, Otto W. ______.60, 309 Br,J!, Fmnccle •-.205, 300 Borden, Robert 0. -----60, 309 Bell, George W. 42 Botts, Bettie ------58, 306 Bell. James D. 41 Botts, George ______.5s, 306 Bell, James W. 41 Botts, Nancy F., 306 Bell, K:i.therlne R. 42 Botts, Thomas A. _____.158, 306 Botts, William ______5s, 306 Bell, :Marion C. --··------42 Br,ll, Mary E. -·····-·- 42 Bowyer. Marfa ------368 Bell, Ruth P. ------42 Boyd. Annie E. ____ 48, 81, 229 Bell, Samuel R. .. ~-·- 41 Boyd, Beth ______49, 81, 229 Bell, William 41 Boyd, Bruce ______o, 82, 229 Bell. William I. 42 Boyd, Franceg _____49,S2,229 Belt, Andrew J. ....270 Boyd, Franklin ______49, 81, 229 Belt, Edwin N. 70 Boyd, Jessie E: ____49. 82, 229 Belt, John J. .. 70 Boyd, John s. _____48, 81, 228 Belt, Richard :M. 70 Boyd, Nellie ______49. 81, 229 Belt, Sara L. .. 70 Boyer, Sallie ______.....,3, 231 378 UWEX

X,\3.S£ Pa.Ke XA~E Pu.a:-a Brown, George W. --····---··-····-·-··292 Boyer, WIiiiam ·······························-··· 69 Brown, James D. ______53 Bradley, David E. ······························- 41 Bradley, Ellz:i.beth ...... 41 Brown, James P. -----····-··-"95 Bradley, Ph1111p H. ·····················-····· 41 Brown, John T. ----·-·.176, 325 Bragg, Dr. H. I. ____ ··-····152 Brown, Laurence B. ____ ·-- 5:: Brown, Lloyd ______..47 Brain. Della ··········-············---- 52 Brown, L. W. ____ .. _ .. 247 Brandes, Clara ··················---- 52 Branson, Amanda .. _. _____.... 3-16 Brown, Martha "95 Branson, Annie R. ··-·······-···-·····-··329 Brown, Mary E. ·-········--··--·-·l76, 325 Branson. Catharine ____.._57, 305 Brown, Nina _____ ...176, 325 Branson, Daniel -···------330 Brown, Rebecca ·············-·---- 53 Branson, David -····------03 Brown, Walter S. .---- 53 Branson, Ellz:i.beth ______326 Brown, Wilbur D. ______53 Branson, Ellz:i.beth A. ____330 Brown, Willie ------176, 325 Branson, George H. ______.,30 Brownfield, Emma ..-·-···---- 66 Branson, George M. _____3-10 Browning, Edna F. ..-················-···-·29ii Branson, Guy H. ---· ____....,30 Browning, Hannah E. -··.. ·-··-··-··.. 295 Branson. Hampton J. _____329 Browning, James I. -·······...... 295 Branson, Harper L. ------30 Browning, James H. ----...... 295 Branson, Jonathan _____....,37 Browning, Jesse 0. ______..95 Branson, Joseph F. _____:t!!o Browning, Retha H ...... _ .....·-······295 Branson. Julia E. ______..30 Bruce, Julia -··------i44 Branson. Laura ______..,29 Brumback, Esther F. -·····-·-165, 314 Branson, Lionel _____...,03. 305 Brumback, Frank P. ----165, 314 Branson. Lionel Brumback, Lucian -----l65, 314 Brnnson, Mabel C. ______Bryan. Edna ______..,70 Branson. Mary C. ______Bryarly, J. E. ______-1,87 Branson. Minnie Bryarly. Marshall Mee. ___....,..87 Branson. Rachael ______..,, Bryarly, William A. ____....,.,87 Branson. Rebecca _____ Bryarly, Richard S. _____..,70 Branson. Rebecca ______.., Buck. Annice ______.,49 Branson, Ruby . ------Bulen, Ethel M. ______Brnnson. Sallie D. ______., Bulen, Myrtle "87 Branson. Sarah Burch, Dorothy B. ______..48 Branson, Susan I. ______.., Burch. Elizabeth M. ·············-····-··348 Brnnson. Ware ______.., Burch. Frances ______--,46 Branson, Wllllam ______.., Burch, Hillary G. ______.,48 Branson, William F. _____..,. Burch. Hillary M. ______348 Breckenridge. Eglantine Burch, Sarah M. ______34s Breckenridge, Ellzabeth Burke, Charles H. ____.76, 325 Breckenridge. Mary A. _____.. Burke, Emma G. _____.76. 325 Breckenridge. Orlando _____.. Burke, James W. ____..1.76, 325 Breckenridge. William T. ·--·---145 Burke, James W. A. ---...J.76, 325 Britton. Sarah H. ______.341 Burke, Thomas G. - ...... _ ...... 176, 325 Brooks, Will ______.,.45 Burget, Sophia ______33 Brown, Andrey ______...47 Burl!ngin, Georgiana ____ 42 Brown, Blanche _____ 53 Battles, Charles W. _____ 281 Brown. Dean H. ______53 Battles, Lucian D. 9 81 Brown. Edward _____.... 76, 325 Buttles, Millar ______281 Brown. Ella ______..16 Buttles, Marie ______...:.82 Brown. Ethel M. ______--,67 Bnttles, Nancy 9 81 Brown. Flora ______--266 Butterfield, Gen. Carlos ____,,90 Brown, Floyd ______...,47 Butterfield, Helen 9 06, 300 IXDEX 3'19

~.,\.)IE l:.. llt,;O C. Chlplt!Y, Julian B. Jr. _...... 331, 333 Cnbell, Frnncefl L. -----··-350 Chipley, Louise ...... - ...... 332 C:lb!!II. Samuel J. ----···········350 Chipley, Phyll!s ...... - ...... 332 Ql.ldwell. Alma .. t)79 Chrisman, Ann E ...... 336 Cnldwell. Frank "79 Chrisman, Bram•on W ...... - ..-335 Caldwell, Harry ... "79 Chrisman, Franklin B...... 305, 335 C1\11lwell, ?.Ussourl "01 Chrisman, Isaac ...... _ ...... __33,1 C:lldwell, Rev. "79 Chrisman, IS!l.ll.e C.. _ ... ____335 C:llmes. Isabella ______Chrisman, Isaac C. Jr...... 336 Cn.mpbell, Cln.ude D. -----~41 Chrisman. Orpha E...... -.336 Campbell, Edward B. ChrlR?Dan, Pattie H. _____335 Cn.mpbell. Edward F. Chrisman, Ruth ______,;j.36, 338 Crunpbcll, Francis "SC Chryst. Blanche ___...... 208, 302 Cn.mpbell. ISll.ll.c A. ----··----140 Chryst, Frank S ...... ___....:07, 302 Campbell. ISll.ll.C A., Jr...... -- .. -140 Chryst, Sarah ...... -...... 208, 302 Campbell, James L. ----··---185 Clark, Amy B ...... - ... 43, 76, 223 Campbell. Ln.ura A. ______.g5 Clark, Elmer E. ____ 42, 76. 223 C:i.mpb

;.,\:,.11~ l'llS• N.ulb: P~c• Conard, George -························-·-·- 36 Crooks, l\1audc E ...... ·-······367 Conttrd, Isaac ---··---- 36 Cromer, Mary ...... "73 Conard, Le Ro:r W ...... _ 36 cromle:r, Alda R. -···············-·····207, 301 Cona.rd, 1\fary ··-··-·······-·----- 36 Cromley, AlVa ...... --·············206, 300 Conard, Ross ····--···----- 36 Cromley, Am:r Lee ·--···-···-206, 300 Conard, Russell ______36 Cromley, Anna M. "06, 301 Conard, Wilfred -----·-- 36 Cromley, Charles E. ·--············2(}5, 21ltl Conger, Earnest A. ____... -11.i5 Cromley, Curtis M. ____... os, 3<11 Conger. William P. ______,_s5 Cromley. Elizabeth A...... 206, 3<10 Cook, Atlee W. -----·-·--364 Cromle:r. Hewltt L. ··-····... ·.-···:?07, 301 Cook, 13es8le L. ----··.. --- 33 Cromley, Homer _____20G. 300 Cook, Charles B. ·--··.. ···-···-··-··-364 Cromley, Mary R. ____..,,,05, 300 Cook, Edgar P. ---··-··--·170, 319, 360 Cromley, Metta M. -······-······ ... ·.• 206, 300 Cook, Frll.ncee 0. ----68, 317,356 Cromley, Paul W. ··········-·-······20s, 300 Cook, Dr. George Wythe ____..64 Cromley, Pride G. ··-········-·-·····205, 300 cook, Giles ...... _____362 Cromley, Robert -········--············ 205, 300 Cook. GUes, Jr. -·------36-'t Cromley, Thaddeus E ...... 205, 3M Cook, GUes B. ·------""·64 Cromley. Thaddeus E. S ...... 205, 299 Cook, Glles B. Jr. ______.,,64 Cromley, Thaddeus L. --········207, 301 Cook, Henry L. ----··--·-36.i Cromley, William M. --·······-20G, 301 cook, Hugh w. ·---170, 319, 360 Crouch, Allan M. ----·-······256 cook, JD.mes F. -··-·-·168, 170,317,360 Crouch, Dorothy J. ··-····-····--········256 Cook, James v. ··-·--·-··169, 317, 356 Crouch, Louis A. ·----····· --·-··..256 Cook, Josephine E. ------33 Crouch, Martha A. ______256 Cook, Kathleen --·-··------"63 Crowder, Elizabeth ______..70 Cook, Kathleen ______,364 Crowley, Mary L. --··-----laO Cook, Lucy C. ----168, 317, 3S6 Crumrine, J. S. ______..,43 Cook, Martha. R. ______365 Cullers, Annie -----.. 159, 308 Cook. MILTY --··------_,.,66 Cullers. Irene ------165, 314 Cook, Otis --·------33 Culp, Charles "75 Cook, Richard F. ______..,65 Culp, Harvey T. -----··-··-275 Cook, Richard L. ----- .. -365 Culp, Harvey T. Jr. ··-····-·-···-··········275 Cook, Virginia W. ______364 Culp, Cook, William W. ______3,64 Marr L. ----·····-············275 Cummins. Mary I. ······················-······ 33 Cooper, Louisa. -----•47, 79, 227 Cunningham, Alice -----.. 328 Coover, Frances N. ------2116 Cunningham, Enuna. --···---331, 333 Coplen, N. V. -----·44, 77,244 Cunnlnghalll, Jane ·-·-----327 Corcoran, Mary ______297 Cnnnlngham. Laurene ____..,33 Cordray, Carrie M. ______286 Cunningham, Scott ______333 Curd, Diana ______.41 Cox,Cowan. Jnl!n Martha. ______E. ------366 56 Cramer, Ottile ______,:41 Curd. John ····------141 Curd, Mary ------.L41 Crantord, J. W. s. _____...,.43 C:::urrie, Mae ····--··----90, 124, 239 Craig, Clara. ______...,o Curr;-, Anna ______,._3,g Craighead, Jane L. ------33 Curr:r,Martha. ______.... ,39 Crawford, Harriet ______..,14 CTesap, Michael ______213 Curry. Wfillam A. -----139 Creswell, Frank ______86 Cnrt1s, WilllaIII S. ------61 Custis, Ruth ------...i11 Creswell, Harriet -----·-- 36 Creswell, Henry ______36 D. Creswell, Marie ______86 Dalhouse, John B. ______..,49 Crews, Joseph :S:. ______.&1. Dalhouse, John W. 49 Crews, Rhoda. A. ______..61 Dalhouse, Samuel L. 49 Cr01toot, Edith ____47, SO, 227 Davis, Frances L. ------INDEX 381

XAME PRO:• :NA)lE l'ai;• Davison, Laurn A. ------··· 41 Doro., ThomllS B. ____ ...... :?59 Dnvlso~. M:trtle ------­ Dora, Virginia. D...... 269 Dean, Bn.rbara --·------58 Dora, Wllllaln E. ---·-····.. ···..269 Dea.n. Daniel --·------58 Dovel!. Bertha. M...... - ...... 162. 311 Dean, Dudley S ...... - ...... ---~ 68 Dovell, J. E. ______162, 311 Dc11.n, John R. -.... - ...... ---- 68 Dovell, Jo11el)h R. ____.J.62, 311 Dean, Josbuo. R. ______68 Dovell.Mart;ll.ret E ...... 162, 311 Debord, .John _____.... _159, 307 Dovell, William F. -···········..... 162, 311 Debord, Lillie _____...... _59, 307 Downing, Giles C. ______364 Decker, Annie M. ______291 Downing, Henry ______,.364 Decker, Cl!trord H ...... "90 Downing, Sidnor B. -···- 31!4 Decker. Curtis W. "91 Downing, Sldnor B. Jr. 3M Decker, Georgia W. ______..91 Downing, Virginia _____....,;164 Decker, Hannah -----········-·241 Doyle, Joseph P. _____,,2, 240 Decker. Harold V. ---- _!!90 Doyle, Joseph P., Jr..... _ ...... 92, 240 Decker, Helen D. ______.... 90 Doyle, Ray A. ______.,2, 240 Decker, John -----·--....292 Drake, Beu.trice ______...,.90 Decker, John F. Drake, Col. Marston E. ---·.. -· 59 Decker, John W. ---···.. ---··290 Drew, James E. ______,,g, 236 Decker, K."\thryne L ...... ____....91 Drew, John H. -----....08, 236 Decl,er, Marga:rct ---·-·---""91 Drew, Lucy ______,88, 236 Decker, Mary F ...... -... ~91 Drew, Richard ----··--- 88 De<:ker, Michael M. ____....91 Drowns, Be!ll!ie L. ____...1.74, 323 Decker, Rebecca ------98 Drowns, James E. _____,_74, 323 Decker, Su= ______.. ..273 Drowns, Lily R ...... __ .... 174, 323 l)empsey, Andrew• ______69 Dro=is, Rlcha.rd H. ----174, 323 Dempsey, Ellen ...... ------69 Drowns, Robert L. ____.....74, 323 Dempsey, Viola ______69 Drowns, Ruth B. _____....74, 323 DCDser. Millllie -----49, 81, 229 Drowns, Taylor K...... ,-174, 323 de Rome, Albert P. -----...:.18 du Bois, Abro.llatn --····----'-6, 24 de Rome, Albert T. ______..1.8 du Bois, Catharine ------17 de Rome, Blanehe V. -----~18 du Bois, Cretien ______.,3, 15 de Rome, Frances c. _____....1s du Bois, Elizabeth ______17 de Rozne, Louis G. ______..,1s du Bois, Isaac ______.,6, 17 des Co,;:iets, Dr. Hlppolyte __.... _143 du Bois, Leah ------23 des Coi;nets, Estella. _____..._.44 du Bois, Louis, Patentee 4, 12, 13, 16, 24 des Coi;nets, Louis -----..1•43 du Bois, Margaret ------17 des Cagnets, RU!!Sell ______._,44 du Bois, Sarah ------24 des Cognets, Thomas ----.J.•43 du Bois, Rebecca ...... --•·····l7. 351 Deyo, Margaret _____.... 7, 24 du Bois, Solomon _____.,•:, l'l Dickerson, M:unJe ______...49 Duclt'Wall, Rev. John ____.... 339 Dillon, Nara -----·43, 76, 223 Dudley, Edward A.. ---.....1.·42, 157 Dinges. D. A. ------...>36 Dudley, Edward 'l'. ___.,,42, 157 Dixon. Earl ______..,12 Dudley, Elizabeth ____.,_.42, 157 Don::ild, Iva ------87 Dudley, Jeptha ----...J.42, 157 Donov:m, Helen ------59 Dudley, Jci,tha. S. ____.,_42, 157 DonoVlJ.Il, H. w. ------59 Dudley, Thomas -----1.43, 157 Dora. Clarice G., 261 Duncan, David S. ______..,,61 Dora, Luna. L. Duncan, David S. Jr. _____361 Dora. :.4:1.ude M. Duncall, Donald _____44, 'i7, 224 Dora., )tyrtle D. ----...:.59, 261 Duncall, Dom ---- 90, 1.24, 238 Dora. Oscar L. ______,..,9 Duncan, Ellen V. ______..,61 Dora., Paul v. 2s1 Duncall, Epia B. ______..,61 Dora, Ruby R. _____.,_so. 261 Ilunca.n, Gordon J. ······-···--··44, 77, 224 382 IXDEX

SAME P11,:e :-:AlfE Pa,re Duncan, Rosemary ...... 44, 77, 224 Evans, Elizabeth J. ----···-364 Duncan, Susan R. ·-···-·-·······---·-361 Evans, Frank P. -----····-364 Dunlap, Susan ______...,n Evans, Frank P., Jr. 64 Duvall, Harley H. ______..,91 Evans, 64 Duvall, Mary Florence 9 90 Duzlne, The ______12 F. Faber, Margretta ______37 E. Fagan, James J. ______.29t Earle, Alexander M. _____,_95, 343 Fagan, James R. " 1 Earle, John B. ______195, 343 Faherty, Lillian E. ·-···----··253 Easter, Mills ------.J.48 Fairfax. Lord ______,_97 Easter, Mills, Jr. ______.48 Farragut, Admiral ______us Easter, Turner ______..48 Farrand, Rebekah 0. _____ 37 Eastlake, Edith ··-················-······-·-··lSS Farrand, William R. _____ 37 Edict or Nantes ______10 Farrand, William R. _____,,7 Edict or N11.11tes. Revocation or _11, 21 Farrell, Barbara E. ______21t Edmundson. David G. • 40 Ferree, Abraham ______24 Ferree, Daniel ______22 Edmundson, Ruth -··----- 41 Edwards, Barbara M. _____ 34 Ferree, Elizabeth "1, 22. 2S Edwards, Frances ______34 Ferree, Madame ""• 23 Ed"\\'ards, Harold ______34 Ferree, Mary ------··- 24 Edwards, Harold, Jr. _____ 34 Ferree. Phillip ______23 E;:i:;leston, Clitrord R. _____._,55 Ferree. Rachael ______24 Esgleston, Dorothy ______.,54 Ferree, Rebecca ______24 Eggleston, John L. ______._.54 Few, Bessie L. ______172. 321 Eggleston. Robert ______,_,55 Few, llfark B. ______.1.72, 321 E;:gleston. Robert Jr. _____._,55 Few, Sarah C. -·-----'-72. 321 Eitel, W.W. ______..,18 Fielding, Catharine du B. _____.85 Eitel, W. W., Jr. ------18 Fielding, David A. ______._.86 Elting, Elizabeth ------24 Fielding. Laura D. ______..... ss Elton, Cornelius ______24 Fielding, Lawrence ______,_85 Ely, Elisha D. ______39 Fielding, Lawrence F. ____-185 Ely. Lydia B. ··------39 Fielding, Leslie F. ---- 185 Ely. Mary R. ······------39 Fielding, Reginald s. _____185 Ely, Thomas C. ______39 Fielding, Richard H. _____._,85 Emmert, Robert _____,_,61. 310 Finley, Helen M. ______..,,65 Emmons, Frank ______._77, 326 Fisher, Bertha M. ______35 Emmons. Sarah F. ____.77, 326 Fisher. Jesse Wm. ______,333 Englis, Hiram A. "48 Fisher. Jesse Wm., Jr. ____.3.'t3 Englis, Hiram A., Jr. -,.------48 Fisher. Martha ______..,,31 Englis, Maurice ·-·---··------­ Fisher. William H. ____._75, 324 Erwin, Eugene Fisk. Elizabeth S. ______31 Erwin, Eugenia -·------'­ Flonzaley Quartet ______,_,01 Erv.-in. Lucretia C. Flournoy, F. J. ______,,.56 Erwin, Mary W. Fflote. Ida ______34 Erwin. Nettle R. ----·----'-· Forbes, F. l\L "13 Essex. Llona E. ______.77, 326 Forbes. Jessica ______43, 76 Estle. Alice 86. 233 Folger, Miss ______55 Estle. John ----··-···--86, 23!1 Ford, Annie L. -----·J.:95, 344 Estle, Margaret ---···· 6, 23:! Ford. Esther B. ______..j67 Estle, Roy R. 6, 233 Foresman, George P. _____..02 Estle, William 86, 233 Foresman, Katherine V. ----"02 Evans, Allee C. ··--····· 364 Foster, Elzora ...... 171, 320 Evans. Amanda 52 Foster. Isabella ____-.1.60. 309 IXDEX 3S3

:-:A:IIE Paj:~ :-:.utE Plli;e Foster, .Tames C. "82 Fristoe. Laura ------165. 314 Foster. M • .T. ______.,_so. 309 Fristoe, Lee J. -·----164. 313 Fox. George. ______...,04 Fristoe, Lee J~ Jr. ----164. 313 Frank. B. A. ··-··-··----l56, 142 Fristoe. Louise D-----1.61. 310 Frank. Russell ·-········-···-··-·--142. 157 Fristoe. Lucy B. ____...... 5s, 307 Fravel, Ann ______3:?9 Fristoe, Luther -----....J.59, 307 Frederick. Floy "66 Fristoe. Luther H. _____,_s1. 310 Freeland. Deborah ------141 Fristoe, Mary c. ____.,_so. 309 Freeland. Diana ______.41 Fristoe, Mary E. _____..,_s1. 310 Freeland, .Joseph ______.....,_41 Fristoe. Mary E. ----J.64. 313 Freel:l:id. Robert ______.,_41 Fristoe. Merabe -·-----161. 310 Freeland. Thomas _____.....,_41 Fristoe, Milton ----159, 308 Freeland. Zanette ______.47 Fristoe. Minnie C. -----165, 314 Fristoe, Ada M. ------159. 307 Fristoe, Minnie E. ____161. 310 Fristoe. Alfred D. _____.61, 310 Fristoe, Olive M. ················-···164. 313 Fristoe. Alfred W. _____.59, 30S Fristoe, Robert A. 309 Fristoe. Allah _____...... 61, 310 Fristoe. Robert K. _____....J.5:1 Fristoe. Allen G. _____.._so. 309 Fristoe. Robert L. ____.,_so, 310 Fristoe. Amanda M. ---...... 1.63, 312 Fristoe, Sadie Y. ______,_61. 310 Fristoe. Amy V. ____...... _65, 314 Fristoe. Sallie C...... •.... _159, 308 Fristoe. Annie L. _____.55, 314 Fristoe. Sarah C. ··-·---.i62. 310 Fristoe. Arthur _____.... 59, 308 Fristoe. Silas --········-··········-·-158, 306 Fristoe. Rev. Ashby J. ·········--160, 309 Fristoe, Theodore P. ---·--··--165, 314 Fristoe. Aubrey M. _____.65, 314 FrlstOP., Thomas ______...5s. 306 Fristoe, Bernard A. _____,_51, 310 Fristoe, Thomas Wm. ·····-·---··lG9. 308 Fristoe. Bessie M. ____,.165, 314 Fristoe, Vernie E. -·-··-············165. 314 Fristoe, Carrie G. ____..,.64. 313 Fristoe. William A. -··-··········163, 312 Fristoe, Charles B. ____]65, 314 Fucrt. j_ B. ·······-··-············-········--- 65 Fristoe. Charles J. ___...... 65, 314 Fristoe, Clarence E. _____.65, 314 G. Gaine!<, Alice ______264 Fristoe. Earl L. ----.....L60, 309 Fristoe, Emil; H. _____.65, 314 Gain'!$, Hannah M. ------"'64 Fristoe, Emma ______._66, 315 Gaine!I, James R. ______.z64 Fristoe, Emory E. ____.,_65, 314 Gainel!, Marlon L. ------.. 261 Fristoe, Ercelle ----·-·········-··-161, 310 Galne!!. Richard H. L. -···········-·--··264 Fristoe, Ernest A. ____.,_65, 314 Calne11, Richard L. ______.,.54 Fristoe, Eustis E. ____.,.,65, 314 Gaine!I, Robert F. .... "64 Fristoe, Fanny E. _____.,65, 314 Galne11, Thomas R. ______..54 Fristoe, Farley _____.....,.59, 307 Gamble. Elizabeth W. ·····--·-----··335 Fristoe, Flora A. ______.64, 313 Gardner. Ann Chunn -----.. 191 Gardner, Eley ______40 Fristoe, Frank L. ----...... 1.61, 310 Fristoe, Gean E. _____....64, 313 Gardner, Hatch D. ______.,42 Fristoe. Grace T. _____..·64, 313 Gardner, Jonathan B. D. -·-····-344 Fristoe. Harry W. ____.... 61, 310 Gardner, John B ... ______.,45 Fristoe. Ira G. _____....,55, 314 Gardner. Mar; R. _____:;_95, 313 Fristoe. Isabella W. _____.59, 308 Gardner, Myrtle ------.. 121 Fristoe, Ivy D. ______._59, 307 Gardner, Myrtle B. ··--········--·-······210 Fristoe, .Jacob A. ______.61, :no Gardner, Rebecca B. A. ··---•.195, 343 Fristoe. James B. ____..,_.53, 312 Gardner, Rebecca W. ··-··········--····315 Fristoe. James C. ----~58. 307 Gardner. Samuel -----···-··327 Fristoe, J. Lovell ____..... 61, 310 Gardner, Samuel B. ·--•-..194, 343 Fristoe, John 1\1. ____...159, 308 Gardner. Sam:iel D. ______....94 Fristoe. Ka.te E. _____....s4, 313 Gardner. Sarah R. ______..j45 Fristoe, Ka.te L. -----161, 310 Gardner, Virginia C ...... 345 384. l~DEX

SA)fE Pal:~ ~A:.tE Pace Garrard, Sarah L. ······················-··-142 GlbRon, John G. ·······················~·········1"8 Garth, Alice ·······-·····························-··151 Giddings, Eloise A. ··········-----'69 Garth, Arthur G...... 151 Gldcllni;s, Eugene B. _____...,59 Garth, Craig R. ·····-··················-····-151 Giddings, Mary H. ______.,69 Gill, Forest ______369 Garth, Elizabeth ··-·············---..151 Garth, Elizabeth A. _____...._50 Gillett, Lucile ______60 Garth, Ernest D. ------..152 Given, Ada ------41 Garth, Helen ····-··························-··-··150 Golden, Harry L. ______,,47 Gnrth, Helen ------..151 Golly, Susan------62 Garth, Henry H. ______...,51 Good, Mattie B. 309 Garth, Ida C. ______...._51 Goodnow, Howard W. "75 Garth, James J. ______.,51 Goodnow, Joyce E. "75 Garth, James J. ______.51 Goodnow, Lewis 0. ______.,75 Garth, James J. Jr·------151 Goodnow, Lloyd S ..... ______..75 Gnrth, James M. ______._51 Goodnow, Oliver C. ______..75 Garth, Jefferson _ _..__ ...... 48, 149 Gordon, Dr. James ______152 Garth, Jefferson H. ------152 Gore. James W. ______..,47 Garth, John B. ------..1.49 Gore, Marshall ------346 Garth, John R. ______.._4g Gore, Marshall, Jr. ______347 Garth, John S. ------..1.52 Gore, Richard ····------347 Garth, Kate B. ______.._52 Gratt, Elizabeth -·······-·········45, 78, 226 Garth, Kate G. ______._52 Gratt. George ------24 Garth, Kathryne M. _____...._49 Grant, Mary B. ------61 Garth, Lllllt1.n V. ______..._49 Grant, William ------~ls Garth, Lucy ______..._52 Grant, William E. Garth, Mary ______..,_52 Grant, William H. ______,_49 Garth, l\fary Ann ____._49 Gray, Walter ______.....,.47 Garth, Mary P. ______,_50 Green, Ann B. ______.,70 Garth, Mary R. ------..151 Green, Charles H. _____,367, 371 Garth, Mary R. ______.52 Green, Daisy L. "78 Garth, Matilda ····------149 Green, Evelyn J. ------~78 Garth, Maude S. ______..49 Green, George R. ______..,70 Garth, Pauline E. ______,_52 Green, Laura V. ______368 Garth, Roberta ______,_4g Green, Landrum B. _____,.,71 Garth, Samuel A. ------..150 Green, Pauline R. ______..,71 Garth, Squire T. ______..49 Green, Rebecca ______...,70 Garth, Thomas A. ______,_49 Green, Robert C. ______...71 Garth, Turner ------....a.48 Green, Robert C., Jr. _____,,.71 Garth, Walter W. ______.... 52 Green, Virginia C. ______.,71 Garth, Walter W. ______.52 Green, William R. ______..78 Garth, William G. ______,_49 Green, William V. M. _____,370 Garth, William W. -----...a.52 Green, William V. M. -·-·-··-370, 371 Garrison, Mary Rodgers ____ 33 Greening, Georgia E. _____.:.76 Gaskins, Charles A. _____..61 Green-wold, Taylor ______..,53 Gaskins, Elizabeth M. _____.,61 Griffey. Bessie ______373 Gaskins. Frank D. ______,361 Griffin, Doreen _____ Gaskins, Isabel V. M. ----..>61 Griffin, Harvena ______.,, Gaskins, John A. ______..,61 Grlffln,H.L.------" Gaskins, Lucy Ellen _____..61 Griffin. James Ga.skins, Susan M. ______361 Griffin, Mildred Gatewood, John 65, 314 Griffin. Pauline'______,. Geiger, Emma ______3S Griffin, Roberta ______Gibbs, Susan ______..H Griffin, Roy ______., Gibson, Emma ______...... 2s Griffith, Rayburn A. ___..... INDEX 3S5

:-.A)lE I'ai:e NAME PRl:fl Griffith. Rayburn n. ----177, 326 Halterman, L. S. ·····----····-··330 Grove, Fristoe L. ______.59, 308 Hamill, Ava ····················------77 Grove, Maude E. ··············-········159, 308 Hamill. Lloyd ______..,77 Grove, Sadie E .... ______.59, 30S Hamm, Dr. Thomas ...... - ...... -.. --.. 277 Grove. W. B ...... 159, 308 Hanchett, Mary ______38 Grove, William B .• Jr. -·-··-·-··159, 308 Hancock, Carl ______...64 Grurer, Prof. J. s. ______,_oo Hancock, Clyde w. -----..:.64 Guthrie, Charles H. ----- 66 Hancock, Floyd ...... ____..,64 Guthrie, Charles R. ____65, 66 Hancock, Leroy ...... - "64 Guthrie, Elizabeth ------65 Hancock, Lloyd "64 Guthrie, Elizabeth ··········-··················25t Hancock, Lottie H. ··············-·-···... ·2G4 Guthrie, Eva W. ------65 Hancock, WUllam J. ____...... ,63 Guthrie. Louisa ------65 Harlan, Annie D ...... ____...,. Guthrie. Mattie N. _____65, 66 Harlan, Dr. S. G. ______... Harlan, Florence .Guthrie, Nancy ······------65 Harlan, George B. ______... Guthrie, William ------65 Guthrie. William A. ----- 65 Harlan, Kate P. Guy, Byron F. ______.65, 314 Harlan, May G. "48 Guy, William ...... __....,,65, 314 Harlan, Nannie E. "47 Harlan, Orville D. "48 H. Harlan, Rena v. ·-····-----"'47 Haas, Charles E. ______..,30 Harlan, Vina L. ------48 Haas, Lillie I. ______,36 Harmison, Carroll ______...69 Haas, Sophia -··-··········------>30 Harmison, Catharine ______.69 Hall, Bessie ··-····------.-75 Harmison, Chilton ______...69 Hall, Clara B. ------'18 Harmison, David L •.._ ...... ____69 Hall, Clendon I. ------... 57 Harmlson, John D. ______..69 Hall, E. E. ········------··257 Harmison, Lucie B. _____....69 Hall, Elbert J. ______...,18 Harmison, Luther C. _____..69 Hall, E. N. ---·························257 Harmison. Naomi _____...... ,69 Hall, Harold A. ------18 Harmison, Ruth ------..:.69 Hall, Helen T. 9 75 Hamley, Elma L. ______.... 17 Hall, Horace V. M. _____.....,57 Harper, Joseph M. _____,,,36 Hall, Howard M. ______,.57 Harris, Ada ------53 Hall, James L. ····----······-··275 Harrar, Dr. James A. _____...02 Hall, Lewis B. -····-----...... 75 Harrar, Nancy P. ------...:. Hall, Louis A. ------18 Harrar, William H. _____.., Hall, LueJia L. ______...75 Harris, Elizabeth -----­ Rall, Luella -······-····-----218 Harris, Ellen ------­ Hall, Marie R. ______..75 Harris, John ------­ Hall, Myrtle A. ------18 Harvey, Altossa Hall, Mildred M. ------18 Harvey, James Hall, Oliver P. ······------"74 Harvey, James, Jr. ______.., Harvey, Julia ______....., Hall.Hall, OscarRena E.______······-··-----_....76 ... 76 Harvey, Samuel ______., Hall, Sarah R. ··-······----...... ,57 Hatch, Ida M. "64 HalJ, Thomas ------5 Hawkins, Allie E. ___.....,,62, 311 Hall, Thomas A. ______.,.75 Hawkins, Amanda J. ____.62, 311 Hall, William H. ------18 Hawkins, Annie E. ____....,63, 312 Hall, William H. ------18 Hawkins, Benjamin F. -162, 311 Hall, W. H. C. -··-·-·-···-··--··-··...... 276 Hawkins, Capt. Cary A. _____.45 Hall, William L. ----····-..274 Hawkins, Emma C. ---...i.62, 311 Hall, Wynne ············------82 Hawkins, Florence B. ---163, 312 Halterman, Clyde B. _____330 Hawkins, Harry G. ---~62, 311 386 INDEX

N'A)tJo: F•:,i:-:, NA:'>IE Pai:• Hawkins, John P ...... •_162, 311 Henry, Georgina ---~70, 318,359 Hawkins, Lucy E. -··---~63, 312 Henry, Rev. Hugh ·---169, 318, 356 Ha.wk1ns, Matthew ········-··········162, 311 Henry, Dr. Hugh C, --169, 318, 359 Ha.wk1ns, Mollie M. ············-··-162, 311 Henry, Hugh C., Jr...... 170, 318, 359 Hawkins, Ruth A. ----.. 162, 311 Henry, Julia. C. ______..51; Hawkins, Silas B. .. ____.63, 312 Henry, Lucy C. ____.70, 319, 360 Hawkins, Thomas W. ·······-····163, 312 Henry, Mary E. ----67, 316,356 Ha.wkins, Wesley A. ----162, 311 Henry, Mary C. B. -·--170, 319, 360 Ha.ya, Grace F. ··--·-···················-······279 Henry, Pa.trick ----67, 316, 356 Ha.ys, Thoma.s ··-··············----155 Henry, Sa.ruh E ...... 170, 319, 360 Hendley, Polly ······-··························-105 Henry, Susan K. ______.._,95 Hedges, Edga.i- W. ················-··204, 299 Henry, Van Meter A...... -169, 318, 359 Haynie, Eliza.beth V. M. '>16 Henry, William A. -··-··-167, 316, 356 Haynie, George P. ······----··216 Henry, William H. ··--·-167. 316, 356 Hedges, Gretchen A. ...•...... _204, 299. Henry, William V. M. ··---····167, 316 Hedges, Jasper M. ··············-··-204, 298 Hereford, John B. ------~53 Hedges, Richard A. ···········-·····204, 298 Hereford, Lisbeth I. ----···-··153 Hedges, Richard H. ----04, 298 Hereford, Marlon ______153 Hefflebower, Elm. ______..,4G Herndon, Georgia. _____.62, 311 Hefflebower, Nannie -----346 Hess, Clara. ··············------····114 Hegeley, James C. ------05, 300 Hess, J. T. ------~12 Hegeley, Montrose ____,._•05, 300 Hess. Nellie W. ..•. '>12 Heiskell, Mary C. ______..2s Hewitt. Elsie ..... ~•··----07, 301 Heiskell, Sa.rah ______..,2s Hickman, Sarah ______201 Helsley, Elizabeth -----336 Hicks, John F. ______49 Henkle, Albert S. ______._77, 326 Hicks, Raymond D. ______..49 Henning. Abraham P. _____..17 Hicks. Richard G. ______49 Henning. Addison D. ____....,17 Hicks, Roy H ...______..49 Henning, Allen D. ______...17 Hicks, Ruby O. ------~49 Henning, Clai-ence I. ·----·····-217 Hider, Catharine ------······-·-329 Henning, Clinton O. -----M17 Higgins. Minnie L. '>ll Henning. Evelyn W. _____...,17 Hisey, Russell R. ------~75 Henning, Florence L. ____.... 17 Hisle, Florence S. ····------"16 Henning. Frank A. ______.,17 Hite, Joist -·············-····----355 Henning, Franlt H. -··-···- ···-····-217 Hitz. Charlotte A. -····--·····.43, 76, 223 Henning. Hazel F. ______..17 Hitz, Robert C. ----43, 76, 223 Henning, Henry H. ______., Hockman, Edgar J. _____....66, 315 Henning. Hubert V. M. Hockman, Frances L. ---·-165, 314 Henning. Irving Hockman, Grace T. ____.66, 315 Henning, Irving P. Hockman, James W. ···--166, 315 Henning, John A. ______.,. Hockman, Laura. V. ____..66, 315 Henning. John P. ______.. Hockman, Mary E. ____.63, 312 Henning. John T. ______.,. Hockman, Mildred K. ___.....·66, 315 Henning, Marlon D. Hockman, Phyll!s _____.66, 315 Henning, Ma.ry E. ______.,. Hockman, Re."tford ____.66, 315 Henning, Sarah F. Hockman. Robert L. ____.66, 315 Henning, Wflliam A. _____.. Hockman, Robert L., Jr. ---166, 315 Henning. William S. _____.,_ Hockman, Sa.rah C. ---~59, 308 Henry, Artbella _____._ Hockman, Viv'.an ______.66, 315 Henry, Bryan H. ____.71, 319, 356 Hodge, Alice ______..93 Henry, Cat?larine R. -·--168, 317, 356 Hodge, Cary M. ______..94 Henry, Charles, 316, 356 Hodge, Doris E. ------~94 Henry, Daniel ·······-········--··-···--355 Hodge, Edward .. ______..94 Henry, Elizabeth M~---- 360 Hodge, Eliza.beth _____..94 IXDEX 387

XAME PRI<• NAME Pnr Hodge. George 9 93 Howell, Claude "65 Hodge, Gertrude " t Howell, E. B. "65 Hodge. Marie --··-· "9·t Howell. James K. "65 Holloway, William W. . "60 Howell, Nancy R. "00 Holmes. L. S. ______3-"tl) Howell, Roy "65 Hook, G. W. ------49, 82, 230 Howell, Sallie "65 Rook, Jessie ______.,o, 82. 230 Howlett, Roy ______.,s, 2::s Hook, John ______49, 82, 230 Howlett. Roy. Jr. _____.,s, 236 Hook, Mary ---- 50, 82, 230 Hubbard, Hannah ?IL _____ 66 Hook. Ruth _____49, 82, 230 Hubbard. Harry ------66 Hooton, Annie M. ______..,_45 Hubbard. Henry B. _____ 66 Hooton. Enoch ------~46 Hubbard, Mary L. ______74 Hooton, John ______.46 Hudson, Abram ------292 Hooton, Luella ------~46 Hudson, Anna E. ______..93 Hooton, Robert B. ______..45 Hudson, Benjamin D. 9 93 Hooton, William ---··------46 Hudson. Clara F. "93 Hopewell, Joseph ____6, 19, 339 Hudson, Dolly M. "93 Hopewell, Joseph ______Nso Hudson, Frank G. "93 Hopewell, Mary E. 339 Hudson, John H. "93 Hopewell, Sallie :r.t. _____....,50 Hudson, Joseph A. "46 Hopewell, Sarah ______6 Hudson. Lizzie M. ______293 Hopkins, Bushrod W. -----.1.88 Hudson, Lloyd K. ______,,45 Hopkins. Eleanor w. ______,_8s Hudson. Mary E. ______,93 Hopkins, Helen M. _____...,5g Hudson. Velma E. "46 Hopkins, Katherine B. HugginS, B. H. _____..,2, 240 Hopkins, Matthew S. ·-·----.iSi Hughes, Clara M. ______.,.54 Hopkins, Matthew S. Jr___ __.88 Hughes, Clyde -----~60, 309 Hopkins. Pauline _____...... ,5s Hughes, Douglas T. Hopkins, Samuel E. Hughes, Edmund s. ______._so Hopkins, Walter s. .... "58 Hughes, Helen V. -·•-·-•---lG0. 309 Hopper, Mary A. ·------..... S3 Hughes,. Marie K. ____so. 309 Hornback, Garrett ··········-----50 Hughes, Marion ______..6,0 Hornback, Gertrude ____.....,50 Hughes, Nannie T. ____so. 309 Hornback. John ______...,50 Hughes, Robert o. ___.... so. 309 Hornback. Marjorie D. ____..,so Hughes, Thomas R. ------'-64 Hornback, Pauline ··-·------50 Hughes, Turner ----~60, 309 Horner, Chester W. _____ 39 Hughs, Georgia ______..,4s Horner, Lydia E. ______39 Huguenots, The ----···7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Horner, Mary E. ______39 ____....,_2, 16, 23, 24 Hotaling, Joseph -··-······---- 53 Hull, Gertrude 297 Hough, Carl _____49, 81, 229 Humiston, Dr. William H. --202 Hough. Donald ...... _. .49, Sl, 229 Humiston, EvelYtt H. _____03 Hough, Dortha A. ____49, 81, 229 Humiston, Flore1:1ce L. 02 Hough, George ____48, 81, 229 Humiston. Harriet W. 03 Hough, George _____49, 81, 229 Humiston, Jean

:-:A:OfE Pu~ !<:a\ltE Pac• Hurst, John Wm. ·························-····249 Johnson, Pattie ----··--249 Hutton. Margaret A. ···········--·--337 Johnson, Paul ------··-··250 Hutton, Nora B. ····--······---··-··-·--335 Johlll!on, Raymond -·--····-····-·······250 Hyde, Rodney ··-·-···············-···----l32 Johnson. Rosa -----····-····144 Johnson, Russell ·--- "SO I. Johnson, Thelma 11[. ----163, 312 Innes, Charles w. ____._,s4 Johnson, Vivian B. -······------··-··250 Innes. Charles W. -----~54 Johnston, Jeanette ········-···-·--····-··151 Innes, Henry E. 154 Joice, Stuart K -----·--188 Innes, Henry E. ··------54 Jolly, Bert Wm. ----44, 77, 221 Innes, Henry S. -·-·-····---- Jolly, Chas. W. ____...44, 77. 2:?4 Innes. Jane R. -·-·········· 154 Jolly, Daisy A. ____44, 77, 224 Innes. Mary R. 154 Jolly, Elizabeth ------44, 225 Innes. Richardson ····- 54 Jolly, John H. ______,45, 225 Innes. Robert H. --· ....154 Jolly, Joseph _____44, 77. 224 Innes. Webb 154 Jolly, Minnette ______45, 225 Innes. Willie R. 54 Jolly, 'Ralph D. ------·-224 Inskeep, Mary A. 37 Jolly, Roy H. ------224 InslcY, Elmbeth C. 58 Jolly, Sylvia ------··-22~ Irvin. Llllla.D L. 65 Jolly, Wilbur ------224 Irvin, Mary 8 Jones, Al!n A. _____ -280 Isbell, Ada 90 Jones. B. A. ______.55 Isbell, Allen M. 92 Jones, Barton A., Jr. _____,_,55 Isbell, Mary M. 92 Jones. Eliza ..,______35 Isbell, Thomas M. 90 Jones, Florence ------·---155 Ivory, Edith K. 17 Jones, Helen ______.....,ss Jones, Leona ______.... 27 J. Jones, Lillie M. ______.55 Jaccard. Caroline ______,.,,5g Jones, Ltzzie R. ------,56 Jackson, Andrew ------~•47 Jones, Mattie "10 Jackson, Ethel ····-··-·------l3 Jones, Myrtle ------.08,, 23G Jaco, Dessie M. ______,41 .Judy, Dollald W. ______..g5 James. Nancy ______...26 .Judy. Dwtght M. ----- •.. 285 Jaques. Llnd:l. -···-··------<.60 Judy, John C. -··-····----····-···---285 Jetrerson. Thomas ___97. 98. 104. 105 Judy, John E. ______..g5 Jenkins. Audrey Judy, Ottie M. ______..85 Jenkins, Mary L. _____...._29· Judy, Russell H. ______,,g5 Jenks, Georgia Justice, Susan "20 Johnson. Adella 67 Johnson, Annie C. ____.,.63, 312 K. Johnson, B. F. Jr. 63, :tl2 Kales, Margaret ______34 Johnson, Blanche 50 Kalters. Annie --· 87 Johnson, Claudius M. ·- 44 Kauffman, Florentine 83 Johnson, Don '> 1 Kays, Lucille E. Johnson. Edna M. ------09 51 Kea.s!er. Ione Johnson. Grace V. 9 50 Keech, Emma ------Johnson, Henry R. 60 Keeling, Bessie ------' Johnson., Hope .. --250 Keeling. Oto ·-···-·------... Johnson, John 49 Keeling, Walter ______.....,, Johnson, Kate ·--·-· 50 Keeling, Walter, Jr. ______., Johnson, Hendrick 60 Keen, Charles E. ------· Job.nson, Madora 66 Keen, Joseph Johnson, llfarsaret 144 Keleher. Lt. George C. ____ Johnson, Mary 64, 313 Kemp, Abigail M. ______INDEX 3S9

NA.'\tE Pn1t~ NAME 1'111<0 Kemp, Adella _____ 68 Kirkpatrick, Alice ...... 161 Kemp, Alma ············------67 Kistler, Ruth B...... -2S4 Kemp, Cha.rles T. M. ····················-·· 67 Kline, Daisy ...... 332 Kemp, Elsie ______6S Kline, Dr. N. W •..: ...... 122 Kemp, Fannie ·-··········-·-······-·········· 67 Knetzer, John W ...... 246 Kemp, George N. ····-························- 66 Knetzer. Joseph A. . ..•...... •.. !!46 Kemp, George N •...... 67 Knetzer. Walter K •...... 2•16 Knlte, Sallie S ...... 162, 311 Kemp, JamesKa.rl ______N. ----·············· 6769 Knowles. Fannie B. ·····•· .. ·····-··········257 Kemp, Katharine ...... GS Knowles, Mary E. ··········--··-···········-·254 Kemp, Mary A. -----·-- 67 Knutson. Theodore S. ·--···-··-····372 Kemp, Mathilda ------6S Kump, Voluntn ...... -269 Kemp, Rebecca. E. -··-·····-··G9, 84, 232 Kuykendall, Rebecca H. ················-··342 Kemp, Samuel ______67 L. Kemp, Sa.rah A.·······-·----······ 69 Kemp. Thomas W. ····························- GS Laird, Adelaide ·················---- 51 Kendall, May ····························lG0. 30S Laird, Bessie ...... 52 Kendrick, Frances M...... 85, 233 L:llrd, Daisy C. ·-·············---- 51 Kendrick, Lucinda ____,.SG, 234 Laird, Edwin ---- 62 Kendrick, Sarah A. ------"6, 234 Laird, Elizabeth C. ··························-- 51 Kendrick, Susan ______90 Laird, Flora R. ················-················- 51 9 La.ird, Frank C...... --.- 51 Kennard, Eva.-----············ 6 Keuedy, Mildred Laird, Franklin R. ----····- 50 Kerfoot, John E. ______349 Laird. George R. ··-········-····-············ 52 Keegan, Kevin 03 Laird, Jacob M. -·············---- 52 Kerr, Joseph C. ------­ Laird. John -··-···························· .. ···- 50 Kerr, Margaret 85 Laird, John Wm. ·-·······---- 51 Kerrick, Agnes L. ____....1.72. 321 Laird, Leonard 13. ······················-······- 52 Kerrick. Anna C. 72. 320 La.ird, Lois K. ····-··· ...... ____ 52 Kerrick, Elizabeth B. 72, 321 Laird, Madison R. ··············-······--··· 52 Kerrick, Hugh. L. .... 71, 320 Laird, llfargaret E. ······················-······ 52 Kerrick, Hugh. W. 171, 320 La.lrd, Rebecca. H...... _ 50 Kerrick, John W. 72, 321 Lake, Miriam G •...... ___..,.47 Kerrick, Lucy N. 72, 321 Lake, Myrtle ··--·························-····-130 Kerrick, Mary J. 72, 321 Lamb, Tazewell H ...... 170. 319,360 Kerrick, Milton F. 71, 320 Lame. Joseph E. ············---....J.75 Kerrick, Nellie V. .. 71, 320 Landis, Garth ····-··············· ...... 151 Kerrick, Walter P. 71, 320 Landis, John C. -··-·········----J.51 Keyton, Arley M. 10 Landis, John C., Jr.•...... ___...51 Keyton. Eliza.beth 12 Lane, Alice G. ------.172 Keyton, James E. L. 10 Lane, Allen V. M. ------>72 Keyton, James N. 10, 2I2 Lane, Elizabeth -···------462 Lane, Ethel M. ______....,72 Keyton, Jessie D. 12 Keyton, Lydia c. 12 Lane, George W. S. _____....,71 Keyton, Martha 12 Lane, G. M. ··········-----~72 Keyton, Mildred F. 12 Lane, Hazel L. ································-··372 King, Esther 64 Lane, Henry ·····················---_.,62 King, Orlon 01 Lane, Martha C. ··········----72 Lane, Mary H. ______....,.73 Kingsley, Eliza.beth R. 33 Kingsley, Frances J. 33 Lane, Ralph A. ____..72 Kingsley, Sherman C. 33 Lane, Rebecca ------ii67 Kinnear, Nina. M. ' 62, 311 Lane, Robert L. ------...372 Kinsey, Eliza.beth 40 Lane, Solomon ------"71 Lane, ThOIDlLS ______..71 Kirby, Virginia 345 390

NAME PuKfl N.Al!E Pa,:e Lane, ThomD.11 H. ······-----372 Lehr, Henry F. -··------54, William ----··--362, 371 Lehr, Manderson ______S4 Langston, Edith E. -----··-·.273 Lesquereu:x, Henry C. _____ 34 Lester, Mary ______39 Langston, George T. ----····-273 Langston, Jarett E. -···--············-··-272 Lewis, Ada Lee ------21 Langston, Mary E. "73 Lewis, Beatrice E. ____ _.... 221 Langston, Michaela -··-···· "73 Lewis, Bertie B. ______,_61, 310 La Plant. Georgia ____88, 236 Lewis, Caroline ··-- ______._18 Le Plant. Richard _____88, 236 Lewis, Edith ______..21 Lantz, Brownie __. ______....,44 Lewis, Edna F. ---·· 9 21 Lantz, Frank ______.44 Lewis, Edwin H. ······-··· 99J Lantz, Helen ______44 Lewis, James M. ·-----·-·221 Lantz, Joseph ______..44 Lewis, Murray P. ----······-·221 Lantz, Joseph, Jr. ------44 Lewis. Robert H. ·-·-······-·· ""l Lantz, Marcia ______..44 Lewis, W. D. ---·········-····-·- 29 1 Lantz, Marguerite _____.....,44 Leyshon, John ______....,g4 Lantz, Ruth ------·--··244 Leyshon, William E...... "84 Lauderdale, Lords -----··--179 Lille ·--···· ····················-··-·-······ 15 Lawson, E. F. ______..76, 325 Lincoln, Henry C. 9 54 Leache, Aline W. ______..68 Lincoln, Vause ···················-········--·254 Lenche, Armistead ______.368 Link, Avis --·-············--····90, 124, 238 Lenche, Beverly ______368 Lines, Lulu B. ______60 Leachc, Caleb L. ______..,69 Linn. Rebecca. A. C. _____108 Leache, Carson L. ______..70 Lintz. Frankie C. ····················-········217 Leache, Carter A. ______..,68 Lippitt. Armistead S ...... 191 Lenche, Carrie L. ------70 Lippitt. Frances F. ········-····················192 Lcache, Dr. Jesse W. ______,68 Lippitt. Laura A. ------i!l2 Leache, Dr. Robert W. -----68 Lippitt. Montague I. ····················-··l92 Lcache, Edward H. S 3'70 Lloyd, Rebecca ----······-··--··365 Lcache, Eugene H. ______..68 Logsdon, Calvin H. ·······················-·-'94 Leache, Irene A. ______...,68 Logsdon, Clarence H...... _295 Leache, James D. ______70 Logsdon, Ernest R. ----·····-·.295 Lcache, Jean ················----__,68 Logsdon, George L...... 294 Leache, Jesse W. ···-···----70 Logsdon, Glenn M...... •••...... •.• _295 Lcache, Leah L. ····················--·----370 Logsdon, Grant ···•····························-··294 Lcache, Prudence H. ______,,70 Logsdon, Isaac W. ························-··295 Lcache, Thomas ______Logsdon, Maud E...... 295 Leache, Willett ...... _368 Logsdon, Thomas H. ____..... 295 Leatherman. Martha E. ___.....,71 Logsdon, Wilda ----·············.295 Lee, Gen, R. E. ___ "46 Lolseaux. Charles E. ··-···············-··103 Lee, Maude E. 85 Lolseaux, Charles E .• Jr. ·············-·l03 Le Grand. Anne 366 Loiseaux, Elaine ------103 Lehew, Allen E. 349 Loudin, Arnold ...... 2~3 Lehew. Ann E. ______346 Long, Annie M. ______.73, 323 Lehew, Charles E. 46 Long, Coretta ...... 140 Lehew, Charles W. ·--······-··-···-····349 Long, Deborah A. ··········-·············--··139 Lehew, Eli .. _34S Long. Elizabeth -······----....L40 Lehew, Francis W. 350 Long. Fiora V. ______,_73, 322 Lehew. Helen _ ·--···-··-349 Long, F1orence ·-···············-·-·······-···1S9 Lehew, Jonathan B. 46 Long, Frances A. ··········----140 Lehew, Sibyl M. _349 Long, Mary C. ----··---..140 Lehew, Susan B. ·---349 Long, Mattie L. ----....173, 323 Lehew, Virginia ·---.. 350 Long, Maude -----··············--·l40 Lehr, Edgar D...... 54 Long, Ota ····························---·J-'40 INDEX 391

SAl1E Pa,;e N ..'\.llE ~u.lCt- Long, Richard P. ··-·······----...i39 McCray, Paul J •...... ••...... •"86 Long, Robert N. ______..1-10 McCray, Robert P...... 286 Long, Tabitha A. ______.41 McCulloch, Clinton ···-················· 39 Long, Thomas A. ··············-··-······-----141 McCulloch. John ...... 170, 319 Long, William ····-··-·-·········-···173, 322 .Mccurdy, Newton F ••.•...... •_118 Long, Willie P. ·-·-·····················173, 322 McDannold, Alexander ...... •.... 153 Looney, Vlrda ·-·······················•····•-··.!!53 McDannold, Elizabet!, ...... 153 Louthan, Henry ""0 McDannold, Francis 1\1. •••••••••••••• 153 Lowe, Dorothy ----··········- 65 McDannold, Margaret ···········-···-153 Lowe, Le Roy ______o5 l\lcDannold, Marlon ...... •.....•.-153 Lowe. l',Iartin ------····-- 65 McD11.I1Dold, Sarah ...... •.• 153 Lowe, Roy C. ______C5 McDonna.ld, Ella ·····················-·-148 Lowe, Winifred ______65 McGhee, Bessie ·-·········1G9, 318, 359 Lucas, Robert ______..... os l',fcG!nnis, Lucy J •...... •.•..••._211 Lucas, William -·-···----······-141 McGinnis, Jennie •...... 89, 123, 237 Lucas, William, Jr. -··-----141 McGinnis, Pearl ...... •.....•.• 212 Ludwig, John F. --············-··--··165, 313 McGrew, Almira ...... •...... •113 Ludwig, s. F. ------165, 313 McKay, Alfred J ...... :;,;4 Ludwig, s. o. _____1c~. :11:: !llcKay, Alfred J., Jr. ____354 Lyl...-ins, Sarah ------147 McKay, Alvin H •....•....••....••..••.•• 348 l\tcKay, Annice •...... ••....•_348 Mc. !.tcKay, Aubrey L ...... •...•...... 347 McCabe, Lena. M ...... •....•...... 286 l\tcKay, Bessie L ...... •...... ••_347 McCallister, J. Mae •...... •..••• 275 McKay, Beverly B. -·---·····-·-346 Mccann, Susanne -···············--···132 McKay, Beverly B. ·······-·········-34C M:cCarty, Estella ····-----..1.43 .McKay, Charles E ...•...•.....347, 349 McCarty, Rebecca .••.•...... •..••• 209 McKay, Charles G ...... ••...... •.....•.. __ 347 McCarty, Sarah ··----···--·221 1\lcKay, Clarence ...... •...•..•• 347 Mccash, Rev. Levi ••... "20 l\tcKay, Daisy L ...... •...••..•.347 McClellan, Nicholas S. ---- 84 McKay, Dearing L ...... 349 McClelland, Ada ______41 McKay, Dorothy ·····················-·-348 McClelland, Elizabeth ...... 40 McKay, Elizabeth ···················-···373 McClelland, John A. _____ 40 McKay, Ella L. ·······················-···346 !\lcClelland John L. ··················- 40 McKay, Francis W. ·········--348 McClelland, Mary E. ·············-·- 41 McKay, Giles C. ···-·· ___364 McCloud, Cynthia .•...... •. 110 McKay, Hubert F. ·····················-·347 McConnell, E. C...... 175, 324 McKay, Hilda L ...... •...... •..•.•.347 McConnell, Katherine J .....175, 324 McKay, Hunter B .•...... 347 McConnell, Norvell W ••...••••175, 324 McKay, Jesse H •...••..•____ 373 McCord, Chauncy J •.•...... •.•. 206, 300 McKay, Jonathan L. ···············-···346 McCord, Harold C...... •.••.. 206, 300 McKay, Jonathan W. ••.....• -·--346 l\lcCormick, Edith H ...... •...... 182 McKay, Joseph D. ···················-·-347 !\icCormlck, H. H. ······················-182 McKay, Joseph C. ··············-········348 McCormick, H. H., Jr. ·······-·······182 McKay Josephine C .•...... •...•••.•• 348 McCormick, Owen H. ----182 McKay, Julian B ....•...••.•••.••.•.••••• 346 McCracken, Minnie •...... •..•.•.. 296 McKay, Kathleen ...••...... ••••.....• _34S McCray, Arthur H. •..•...••....•.....• 285 McKay, Keithley W. ···············-·-348 McCray, Charles P. McKay, Kenneth T .•..•••••..••.•.•••.• 346 McCray, Clarence B. ____-.;:86 McKay, Leo ···-···· ...•...... •.•. 347 McCray, Homer D. ------86 McKay, Lewis -·····················-···-34G McCray, James W. ·······----286 McKay, Lillian M. ······················-347 McCray, Joseph A. ···-··-·············-285 McKay, Martha L. ··········---348 McCray, Mabel F. ·······-···············286 McKay, Mary E •...•....••••...• 34G, 348 McCray, Norma J. -----286 McKay, Mary E. ···············-······-347 McCray, Page H. ------286 McKay, Melissa A. ______..49 392 IXDEX

::,.:.,UtF. Pa.Cf!' Pnge McKay, ,Merle E. ·····-----348 :I[ McKay. Mildred K •...... •••.•...•...• -347 l\lacatee, Charles A. ·····--·-366 McKay, Oscar- C•...•....•...... •...... 348 Macatee, Charles A .. Jr. ··-·····-·366 JllcKay, Pauline ...... •...... •.. 347 l\lacatee, Ed\\'!Lrd V. l\[. ____367 McKay, Sallie B. ······----·347 Macatee. Elizabeth L. ____36G McKay, Thomas B. ············-····-········346 Macatee, Elsie M. ···-----366 :licKay, Thomas W .....•...••.••.••.• -348 l\1acatee, George ····-----366 McKay, Virginia R. _____347 Macatee, Henry C. ···-----366 l\IeKay, William B. ___346 l'dacatee, Margaret J •.•..•.•.195, 343 McKay, Winston L. -----346 Macatee, Mary A •...••....••••..••.•••••• 367 McLaren, Howard M. ____184 l\1acatee, Mary, R. G. ··-··-··195, 343 McLaren, Maitland ·····----184 Macatee, Robert B. ······----367 :i\IcLaren, Virginia A. ____184 l\Iacatee, Samuel E •...••...•.••195, 343 McLaren, William H. ____184 Macatee, Sara R. ...•...... •..•. 195, 343 · lfcLellan, Florence ··-----22 Macatee, Walter R. -----67, Francis C. ----- 33 MacDonald, Maria ____ s2, 230 Mcl\Iath. Francis C., Jr.···-·-·- 34 l\:achette, Arthur S •.•.•...•...••..••.••139 McMath. Madeline ______33 Machette, Claude ···················-·.. 139, Margaret G. ············-··- 34 Machette, Forest ·····-----139 Machette, Samuel ______.39 :ltclllath, Marian H. ··---- 34 Machette, Susan M. .. ____...,39 McMath, Neil C•.. ------34 Madison, James ______55 Mcllfath, Robert R. ---- 33 1\JcMurtry. J. A. ______..60 l\Ia!tlnnd, Anna ·------79 JlicMurtry, James 0. _____260 Mager, William 0 ...... 92, 240 McMurtry. Lottie M. ____260 l'oiager, Wm. O., Jr•...••...... • 92, 240 J\1clllurtry, Marie 9 60 Magruder, Henry B. ·-·--- 66 Mcl\Iurtry, Nellie _____,.....60 Magruder, Virginia A. ---- GC McMurtry, Sallie ______260 Manderson, Gen. Chas. F. ··-··-- 53 Mannheim -----·-.. 13 Mc.',abb, H. H. -·-----__..36 Marshall, Courtney •.••.•...... - ...... 338 :i.Ic.""

S,\).JE"" :.;~n,: Pn.1:"' llatson, Louisa •...... •...•...... 142, 156 ll!lllnr, Andrew J •...... •...... ••...•..•• 271 llatt;..ews, 1\1. Blanche •..••....•...... 254 Millar, Anna •...... •.....•.....•112 Matthews, Lily W. ········-····159, 307 l\Ullar, Anna E ...... •...... • Mauck. Ada V •...•.....•..•..•.... 166, 315 l\Ullar, Annie ...... 88, :!36 :Oiauck. Alton ...... •...... •...•... 166, 315 Mlllar, Annie E ...... 201 l\11aut'k, Archie L ...... •.... 167, 316 Millar, Anne Lenore ..••.•...... 207, 302 M:i.uek, Bessie ...•..•...... •...... 167, 316 Millar. Anne E. ·······················-···292 l\t:i.uck, Bertha ···············-···160. 309 Millar. Ann H ....••...... •....•.•.•..•.•• 280 !\lauck, Catharine E...... 167, 316 Millar, Ann R •..•.....••...... ••.••..•. 235 Mauck, Charles H .•....•...... 167, 316 Millar, Austin ..•...... 131 Mauck, Custis ••.••••...... 160, 308 :\Iillar, Barbara ...... ••••...... •. 255 Mauck, Daniel H. -··············160, 308 Millar, Benford S .•..•....•....•.. 207, 302 l\Iauck, Edgar .•••..•...... 160, 308 Millar; Bertha M...... 257 Mauck, Elmer ·-----160, 308 l\1illar, Bertha R. ··----·····103 Mauck, Eli:i::i.beth ...•...... •....160, 308 Millar; Blanche •••.••..•...... •.••• 84, 232 l\Iauck, Estern ···············-···160, 309 l\Iillar, Bryan ...... 84, 232 Mauck. Gertrude ...•...... •.... 160, 309 Millar, CatharinP. ·····-----208 Mauck, Harry F ...... •....167, 316 Millar, Catharine R •...•...... •....••.. 95 Mauck, Ida B ...... •..-166, 315 Millar, Carlos A. ··-----285 !\tauck, James N ...... •...•....166, :n5 Millar, Charles ...... 88, 107, 122, 237 l\tnuck, Jona ...•...... 167, 316 Millar, Charles ..•...... 89, 123, 237 Mauck, Joseph B. ____159, 308 Millar, Charles A ...... 271 ;\fauck. Lee J ...... 159, 30S Millar, Charles D. ··················-··256 Mauck, Leonard S ...... 167, 316 Millar, Charles D. ·····-----n Mauck, Lester F. ···········-···167, 316 Millar, Charles E. ·······----259 Mauck, Madolin ----166, 315 :Millar, Charles R...... •...... •...• 292 Mauck, l\tary C•..•••...••.. 166, 177, 326 Millar, Charles Sherrard ·······-··255 Mauck, Mary M•....•..•....•..... 166, 315 Millar, Charles S. ·····-----109 Mauck, Minnie M. •...... •.... 166. 315 Millar, Charles T ...... ••... 69, 84, 232 :r.t:iuck, Nettie G •.•••.•••..•.••.• 166, 315 Millar, Charles W. ____._20, 122 Mauck, Norman I. ____167, 316 Millar, Clara ··············----292 :'.tnuck, Raymond C ...... 167, 316 Millar, Clara ----···········.... 110 Mauck, Richard L...... •. 166, 315 Millar, Clara L ...... •..•.•••201, 205 Mauck, Stella ...... 160, 309 Millar, Clendon V. M. ----258 Mauck. Thelma V •••....•••••.•• 167. 316 Millar, Clendon V. M •• Jr. ···-·······258 l\Iauck, Wilbur H...... 167. 316 MUlar, Clinton D. W. ----285 Mauck. Welton C ...... •·-····167, 316 Millar, Cora Belle ···············---···287 Mauck: Willie B ..•.•...... 166, 315 :i\lillar, Cornelius •... 25, 124, 125, 126 Melton, Christine ···············-··..... 347 l\1illar, Cornelius E. ··········-·····-130 !ltclton, Daisy L •...... •...... ••. 347 Millar, Cornelius E ...... _132 l\11kesell, Henrietta _____.12 Millar, David K. ··········-·······-···-257 Millar. Abigail ...... 134 Millar, David Wm. ·-----110 Millar, Abraham ...... 25, 86. 234 Millar, Dorothy ------122 Millar, Abram F .....91, 107. 119. 121 ?,'.i.illar, Earl W. ············-····207, 201 Millar, Abraham H. _____113 Millar, Edgar ······-----122 Millar, Abraham .• 70, 71, 73, 74, 75 Millar, Edward A ...... •.•.. 88, 237 Millar, Abraham M .•.....••.•.... S4, 232 Millar, Edith K. ···········---··-··-272 !\Ullnr. Adam ____,s5, 200. 233 Mmar, Edith l\I. ···················-···-258 Millar, ···----··257, 298 2\Ullar, Edwin B ...... 89, 123, 238 ¥.mar. Adam L ...... 69, 70 Millar, Edwin K. -----255 Millar, Adam P. _____..07, 302 Millar, Edwin S. ______.,56 Millar, Adam V. ______258 Millar, Edwin V. ------269 Millar, Alice A. ______289 Millar, Elizabeth -----'-8, 352 !.!War, Aileen ------88, 236 Millar, Elizabeth ...... •...•• 256, 295 l\IaJar, Andrew D .•.., _____ 271 Millar, Elizabeth ··----~4, 232 394 INDEX

NAllE l'il-lC• NAltE I•nir• Mlllar, Elizabeth ...... 83, 231 M!llar, Hall!e ...... 112 Millar, Elizabeth ...... 25, 28, 75, 222 MIIJar, Hannah ...... 292 Millar, Elizabeth ...... 200 l\Ullar, Hannah C •...... ••...... 290 M111ar, Elizabeth ...... • 242 MilJar, Hannah D •...... 292 Millar, Elizabeth A ...... •...... 102 Mlllar Hannah D ••..•...•...... •...... 252 Millar, Elizabeth Anni, ...... •. 259 Millar, Hannah R ••...... •...... 286 Millar, Elizabeth Ann ...... 95, 105 Millar, Harold R •....•...... 2:iG Millar, Eliza.beth E ...... •.• 55 Millar, Harriet .•...... •...... 202 M!llar, Eliza.beth E ...... •..•••113 Millar, Harriet B •.•••••••••••.••. 20•1, 299 Millar, Elizabeth E ...... •...• 273 Millar, Harriet L •...... 258 Millar, Elizabeth K ...... 269 MIJJar, Harriet V •...... ••.....•..••...• 202 Millar Elizabeth K ..•...... •• 85, 233 Millar, Harry K ....•...... 256 l\llllar, Elizabeth S••••••••••••••••••••• 119 Millar, Harry K., Jr•...••.••...•...... 256 llllllar, Estella A, ••••..••.•.•.•.•••••••.• 282 Millar, Helen ...... •.....•....•...... 122 Millar, Eugene D •..•...... •.... 271 Millar, Helen ...... 255 M111ar, Eugene P. ···········-···········273 !ar, Henrietta ...... •...... 112 l\lillar, Fannie W ...... :: .•.. •-·······256 Millar, Howard A •..••.•...••...... •.. 131 MIJJar, Florence V ••.••.....••••••••••••• 102 l\1Ular, Inez E ...... G9, 70, 84, 233 Millar, Frances I. ...•..••...... 92, 239 Millar, Irvin ...... 292 Millar, Frances L ...... •..••.•.••• 260 Millar, Isaac ...... 291 Millnr, Francis L. ·····-----285 M1Jlar, Isaac ...... •...... 292 Millar, Frank C ...... •... 89, 124, 238 Millar, Isaac ...... 18, 197 M11lar, Frank D. ···············-·········114 Millar, Isaac •...... •...... •...... 2 5 M11lar, Frank :f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 258 Mlllar, Isaac ...... 93, 94, 95 M11lar, Frank J. _____261 Mlllar, Isaac -----·····82, 230 M!llar, Franklin ____.... 83, 231 Millar, Isaac •.•••...•...... •...... •...... 200 Millar, Franklin ....•.•.•.•••...... ••••. 29 l Mlllar, Isaac Decker ...... •.. 203, 298 Millar, Franklin ....•...•...•..•••.•••••.. 122 Millar, Isaac N .•..•....•..••...... •..... 107 Millar, Franklin _____ 90 Millar, Isaa:: 0 •...•...... 204, 299 Millar, Franklin D. ········-····207, 302 Millar, Isaac .•.•...... •...... 273 Millar, Franklin F •....•.••...••...•...•. 120 Mlllar, Jacob ••..•...... •...... ••... 282 M!JJar, Franklin R. _____132 M!llar, Jacob W •...... •...... 285 MIIJar, Franklin S. _____239 Millar, James C ...... •...... 270 MiIJar, Freddie L. ....•..... 289 Millar, James F •...... •...... 84, 232 Millar, Frederick L .••.•...... ••.....•. 260 Millar, James G •...... 256 Millnr, Gnrret N. ----······-273 Millar, James L •..•...... 90, 124, 239 M11lar, Garret V. M. _____..56 Millar, James T •...... •••.•. 90, 124, 238 Millar, Garret V. M. _____254 Millar, Jane ·······-··················-·····127 MUJar, Garret V. M. _____255 Millar, Jemima H •...... •...... 261 l\lillar, George ..•...•...... 69, 70, 200 l\Iillar, Jennie A •...... •.•...... 256 MUJar, George B .••..•.•...•..••• 120, 122 Millar, Jennie ...... •...... •...... ••...• 122 Millar, George F. ···------92 Millar, Jessie E •...•...... •...... •....•. 132 Millar, George G. ______..go Millar, John ····-······················SS, 237 Millar, George R. ••...... ••.•••.•• 83, 230 :r.tlllar, John Abraham ...... •.. 87, 235 Mlllar, George Reid -----89 Mlllar, John C ..•...... •...... 88, 236 MUJar, George W .•...... •....•...••..••.. 200 Millar, John Dale ...•...•...... •...•...• 288 MUJar, Gerald s•...... 207, 302 Millar, John David .....•...... •...• 256 MiJJar, Gertrude ...... ••.•.• 87, 235 Millar, John Decker ...••.....•....•...• 268 Millnr, Gertrude A. ··----255 l\UJlar; John Decker •...... •...•...... • 270 MlJJar, Gideon ..••...•...... 89, 123, 237 Millar John Decker _____288 Millar, Gladys ····-···-----255 Millar, John Decker •...... 280, 298 Millar, Gladys C. ·------281 Millar, John Decker ·······-······-····267 l\lilJar, Grace .....•.••...... •.•...•.. 114, 285 Millar, John E. _____92, 240 Millar, Greta ------...256 l\lillar. John F ...... •...... 286 Millar, Greville J. ____ss, 237 Millar, John M. ______..73 INDEX 395

XAME Pn,:p N.\.ME Ph,:_. Millar, John Wm ...... 25. 103, 105 M!llar, Melvin 0 .••••••.....•...•.•••..•••• 258 Millar, John Wm ...... S3, 2:11 M!llar, !\'.leUssa ...... •...... 289 Millar, John Wm •...... •..•...... 84, 231 M!llar, Michael ...... 288 Millar, John Wm ...... 110, 122 M!lla-r, Michael ...... •...... 260 Millar, John Wm•...... •...... Mlllar, Michael ••...... •.....•..... 90 1\1:Uar Jose1>hine ...... •..•...... •.. 289 M!llar, Michael ••...... •...... •.••..... 241 MUlar, Julia Ann ······----128 Millar, Michaela .•...... •.. 272 Millar, Julia Ann ...... •••..•..•.•...... 269 Millar, Michael Adam ···---271 Millar, Julian Z •.•...... •..... 255 Millar, Michael C••••••••.•.•••••••••••.•. 200 Millar, Kate ••...•••••...... 131 l\Ullar, l\Ilchael S...... •...... •...... :! 01 Mtllar, Kenneth R •...... •.. 288 Millar, Nancy ...•...... 82, 230 Millar, Larkin V. M ...... •...... 256 Millar, Nancy J •...... •...... 269 Millar, Lavtsa S •....•...... •...... 118 Millar, Nancy M •••••.•••.••..•.•...••.••.• 256 Millar, Laura T ...... •.••..•..•.....••.. 201 l\t!llar, Nannie G •••.•.••..•.•••...••••.•• 269 Millar, Leon G ••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••• 288 Millar, Nellie .•.••..•..•.•..... 89, 121, 237 Mlllar, Leota F ...... 288 Millar, Nellie D.•...•...... 258 M.illar, Leonard ...•...... 207, 301 Millar, Neille G •••••••.••..•..•••.•••••••••• 114 l\11llar Lizzie •...... • 113 M!llar, Olive ..••...•...... 83, 231 Millar, Lloyd G ....••...... •273 Millar, Olive C. ...•...... ••...... 84 :'l!lllar, Louise .....•...... 122 M!llar, Oscar H •...... •.... 90, 124, 238 Millar, Louise ...•...... •...... 205, 300 Millar, Paul C...... ••.... 285 J\t!llar, Lucretia ...... 288 Millar, Paul J ...... •.... 89, 124, 237 l\lillar, Lucy ...... •.... 87, 236 Millar, Polly H •...... •..•.. 89, 123, 237 Millar, Lucian D ••..•..•...... 41, 239 Millar, Polly H .•...... •..•...... ••._115 M111ar, Lucian D., Jr.....•...... 84, 232 Millar, Raymond G ...... •...... •...... 255 Millar, Lucian R ...... •..•. 92, 240 M!llar, Raynolds ...... 85, 233 l\Ullar, Lucian R., Jr..•....•..... 92, 240 Millar Rebecca ..•...... 82, 122, 222 l\Ullar, Lucy C .•...... 87. 235 Millar, Rebecca ...... •.....•...... 88, 237 M!llar, Lucy M ...... •..•...... 83, 231 M!llar Rebecca ························-··274 M!llar, Lynn D. W ...... •.....•..••.•.. 288 Millar, Rebecca F. ···············-··-···128 Millar, Margaret ···········-·············259 l\Illlar, Rebecca P. ______110 Millar, Margaret C ...... 282 M!llar, Rebecca S. ···········-···85, 233 Millar, Margaret F ...... 269 Millar, Rebekah ...... •. 25, 71, 222 l\t!llar, Margaret R ...... 292 :Vllllar, Rebekah ·······•·····•··•···•··•·• 6:l Millar, Maria M .•••.•..•..•.....••.••..••. 119 Millar, Rebekah ··········----305 lllillar, Ma-rietta ...... 271 ,dillar, Richard V ••..••.•.••••.•••••.•.••• 256 Millar, Marion A. ······----281 Millar, Rita ··················----114 Millar, l\1a-ry ...... •...... 200 l\11llar, Robert E. ············-·······-···133 ll~Ular, Mary A. ···············-···········131 Millar, Robert F. ···············-··-···256 :i\iillar, Ma-ry C .....•...... •...... ••.• 285 Millar, Robert F. ·-----2'10 Mllla-r, Mary C •.•...•••••.....••...... •... 255 Millar, Robert K. ·············-····-···257 Millar, Ma-ry D ...... • 267 Millar, Robert R ...... •..•.207, 301 MUla-r, Ma-ry E ...... 292 Mtllar, Roy D ...... 90, 124, 238 M!llar, Mary E. B ...... 204, 299 Millar, Ruby S ...... 92, 240 Millar, Ma-ry F ...•...... •...... 262 Millar, Russell W ...... •.••..•.•.. 257 '.Millar, Ma-ry F ...... 132 Millar, Russell W., J-r ...... •...... 257 Millar, Ma-ry F ...... •...... 285 :M:.llar, Ruth ...... •.•...... •.... 25'7 Millar, Mary J. ··················-········25s Millar, Samuel R...... 95, 9& Millar, Mary Lee ...... •..•. 256 Millar, Samuel Rolfe .•.••.••.... 96, 100 Millar, Mary M ...... 92, 132 M!llar, Samuel Rolfe, Jr•••.....•.•.• 102 Millar, Mary Maude ...••.•..•...• 92, 240 Millar, Sarah ...... _____..63 Millar, Mary R ..••....•...... 205, 299 Millar, Sarah •..••...... ••.•. 69, 70, 84 Millar, Mary W. ------58 Millar, Sarah A. ______,,.72 M!lla-r, Marguerite G ••••••.••.•••••.••. 122 Millar, Sarah Ann ------203 2\I!llar, Mattie E ...... •..•....• 291 Millar, Sarah Ann ...... •..•.•• 204, 298 396 JSDEX

:-,un: l'aa:e S.US.E P,ii;:o Millar, Sara.h C. ···-······-··-·······-201 l!!Uer, Rev. Emory -···-·---115 ?,Ullar, Sarah L ...••••.••.••.••..•...• __270 :-.tiller, Walter W...... "88 Millar, Sarah J. ···········-···········-271 Z'.tilleJ", Willlalll E. ···-----·---1.17 ?,,War, 8ara.h M. __ ··-··-···244, 261 Miller, Wm. E. ----····-············-118 !.1illar, Sarah N. -·--·-·-·-··-··-107 :\l.iller, W!ll!anl E. l:I. ___ 118 Millar, Sarah T. ···-··--·---84, 233 llt!lliken. Kate M. ______245 Millar, Sarah V. M. ···----266 Mills, Catharine "'15 Millar, Sar&h W. ______..70 l\Tiles, GHbert P. -····-·····--·····--215 l\Ulla.r, Scotland ···-··--·-·-······-··272 Mills, James ··---···-----215 Millar, Stella ·······------85 :!I.tills, James H. ···-···------214 l\1illa.r, Susan B. ------~01 ltills, Justinian 9 15 '-!Ular, Susan E. ______2g3 l\Ulls, Lydia J. ·-··-··-··----215 !l.lillar, Taylor ______201 Mills, Mary E. ------215 Millar, Tecumseb. ____201. 'Mills, Rebecca M. "15 Millar, Thomas C. ______270 l\Wls. Sara.h E. "14 ~mar. Thomas G. ·-----270 Mills, William. P. ··-·····----2H lflllar Violet ·--········-·-······--· 84 Minnick, Jennie B. ------256 1\1Ular, Virginia ···-······-·---207 Minnck. Robert A. "56 Mlllar, Virginia _____..273 !\:!tchell, Ann.le S. ____.,7, 235 Millar. Virginia B. ····---- 26 Mitchell, Carl D. ·-----87, 235 Mlllar, Virginia. M. ··---···-285 l'-l:itchener, John N. _____ 82 Millar. Warren G. E .•..• 89, 124, 238 Mockbee, Gida J. -·-·· 9 13 1\i:illar, William -----•. 1, 2, 11 Monroe, Dougald _____339 Millar, William ··-··-18, 21, 26, 27 Monroe, Doui;ald. Jr, ____..,39 Millar, William ··------i99 :.J.onroe, Fanny ··------HO M.:Uar, WU!iam ···--· ··•·-·-·-84, 232 Montgomery, Edward G. ____ 42 !\lillar, William ____203, 298 Moon, Tabltha M. ·----.--43, 75, 223 :U-lllar. William "Sl Moore, .Anl1 V .._ .._____ 15s, 306 Millar, William ______...70 Moore, Basil E. -·--·--·-164, 31.3 Villar, William C. ______271 moore, Charles ····-----140 Millar, William D. -----270 l:>toore, Clyde D. L. --·---164, 313 :.mla.r, William E ••._____ 207, 301 i.\Toore, Ettie S •• ____... 64, 313 lltillar, William E. _____..55 Moore. Eleanor R. ------···289 Mllla.r, William H. ··-····89, 124, 237 :Moore. Emma L. _____164, 313 Millar, William H. _____... 08 lioore, Everett F. ····-········ 164, 313 l\Ullar, Wm. Harris •••.•. -89, 124, 238 :Moore, Harrison A. ·--··-··16i. 313 l\tlllar, Wm. Helll'Y -·--··-··---132 Moore, Haywood M. ··-·---·164, 313 lUllar, William M. _____..1;5 Moore, Herman C. ········-·-·164, 313 1\tlllar, William T. _____133 }.toore. James E. _____,..64, 313 Millar, Vynul U. ····-·· 288 Moore, L.B. -----164, :n:: Miller Annie ···········-·-----330 Moore, Ltgnsfl>rd D ...... •.••164, ?.la M!ller, Besse ______..... 17 Moore, Mary C. ____.• 158, 306 Miller, Catharine du B. --·--118 !11oore, Ouida B. ----164, ?.13 M:ller, Charles ______373 Moore, Sylvia 0. ··-··--·····-·164, 313 Miller Cora L. ···········-·----288 )!oore, William -·-·----140 Miller, Dayton B. -----118 l\tore, ViVien V. ···---······-·····-·--203 Mmer .Dolores L. 255 Morgan, Alexander G. ____144 ?✓.Uler, Emory ------J.18 Morgan, .Alexander G. ____.... 44 Miller, Eva------..J.16 Morgan, Anne A. ------144 Miler, Folie B. ----.--118 Morgan, Charles ______144 Miller, Grace --·-·-- 287 Morgan, Edward -·-·-····-····--·•-144 ll.HUer, Hamilton G •• _,---332 Morgan, L&urte ·-·--·----144 Miller, Jesse W ...... _____373 ?tforgan, Margaret ______144 Miler. John N. ----·····--··2s8 Morgan, Sallie ...... -.-144 Miller, Ma.rY J. 89, 123, 238 Morgan, Thomas R. _____144 INDEX 397

:-:A~lE Pni:c NAXE Pa.,. Morris. Allen ______.52 Mussa.ens, Theodore M. ----184 ::llon1s, Charles W. ·-----288 !, Thomas A ...... - ...... 184 ::llorris. Harry •..•...•.. ·-··---~82 Musselman. Alice ...... 293 '.Morris, .Tames E. "88 Musselman, Cecil H .•...... 29:: ?.lon1s, William N. "88 Musselman, Flora D. "94 Morrison, Mabel C. ····--··166, 315 :illusseltnan, Grace W ....----293 ::ltorrison, Margaret "10 l\Iusseln. ..n, Hannah A. ••••.••..•..•••• 293 '.:\loser, Doras C ...... - ....46, 78. 226 !11.usselman, Isaac ...... 293 Moser. Dnrl W. -·-····47, 78, 226 l\tusselman, Jane A. _____292 :Moser Eddls S. ----46, 78, 226 Musselman. Je,u;e ···------292 llloser, Edwin L...... 46, 7S, 226 Musselman, Jessie A...... _ ...... 293 ::lfoser, Ellsworth ----46. 78, 22G l\t.isselman. Lucile •..••.. "93 :i\Ioser. Elmer E ••.••.•-46. 78. 226 Musselman, Martha A. ----295 Moser, Floyd ----46, 78, 226 l\!ussel111an, MarY E. ----..• 294 Moser. lvia -----46. 78, 226 Musselman, Nellie ______293 :lioser, J'ohn R...... -.-46, 79, 226 Mussellllan, Oliver ·······----293 :Moser. Lonis ..·-----46, 78. 226 l\1usselman, Sus"l.n C. ____294 Moser. ::l!ay F. ----46, 79, 226 Myers, Clara ______260 Moser, Renben ----46, 78, 226 :'\lyers, Lottie ·····························-· 38 Moaer, Reuben A ...... 45, 78, 225 Myers, Hattie ···---..49, 81, 229 !,t()ser, Reuben A...... 46, 78, 226 l\f()ser. Voris -----46, 78, 226 N. :i\f()ser, U. S. -----46, 78, 226 Nabb, Martha. E. ······-----252 Mountain View ______100 Nash, Herbert E. ------.<569 r;ea1, Dolly ______..96 M:uellenaer. J()ost Adriensen ••••••.• 2 Y.11ndy. Lillie -----176. 325 Neathery, Verna E. ·················-··258 llfunkes. Gertrude ______..66 Neely, Dora...... 169, 318, 356 Murphy. Ada. B. ______265 Neff. Zeta. H. "11 Murphy, Bessie L. _____266 Nelson, Ellzn.bcth ·················-···· 64 Murphy, Carlena ------267 Nelson, Matthew ··········---- 64 l'Jurphy, Ca.usbia.n ______266 Nelson, Moses ··········----- 64 Nelson, Rebecca ______64 ::11arphy, Eula ·-······-----266 :Murphy. Frank ...... ____.,:;66 Ne~on,Rev.Thomas _____ 64 Murphy, Frank, Jr. _____266 Nelson, Rhoda ______64 Murphy. Francis ______..63 Nelson, same B. ·····-----327 Murphy. Francis, Jr. ____.•• 263 Nesbitt, Rebecca ...•...... •..•••.••.•••••• 139 !'Jurphy, Genevs...... ____.. 266 Ne"l\"haill, Ada ...... ·-····330 Murphy, Gertrude _____.. ,266 Newman, Minnie M, _ "21 New Paltz ____, ____ 13 :"vturphy, Hazel ------...:.66 Murphy, Howard "66 Ne'\11,'tOn, Myrtle A. ········---.. 278 Jlfurphy, Howard F. ______..67 Nichols, Elmer L ...... 163, 312 Murphy, Ivan ______...,66 Nlchols, Ernest H .•..•..•...... •163, 312 J\turphy, James L· ______..65 Nichols, Forest H. ---..163, 312 Murphy, James V. -----~67 Nichols, H. E. ·····---163, 311 Murphy, J'ohn w. _____....,66 Nlr.hols, Lillian C...... 163, 3U Murphy, Kate ··········------63 Nichols, Mamie E. ········-····163, 312 Murphy, Martha. C. -----366 Nichols, Wilmer F ...... 163, 312 l\1ur.:,hy, Mary E. ..____ _..63 N!ckerson, Elizabeth ...... 206, 300 Murphy. Maxine ...... 266 Nickerson, Glenn I •...•..•...•206. 300 Murphy, Sarah M. ----263 Nickerson, Richard C...... 206, 30U Murphy. Susan M. ______.:;64 ::"

NAME PKl;'n N.nME Pace Norton, Fern ...... 49, 81, 229 Parsons, Clarence B ...... 213 Norton, Russell ...... •.4!t, 81, 229 Parsons, Clyde W •...... •••...... 211 Nosette, Anna J ...... •176, 325 Parsons, Clyde W., Jr...... 211 =-:ourse, Clinton L ...•...... •...•116 Parsons, Cordelia ...... •...... 212 Nourse, Emory l\! .•...... •..••.•.•...••..•117 Pi.rsons, Daniel R •...... •...... •...... 244 Nourse, Roderick ...... 117 Parsons, David •...... •...•...... •...... • 208 Nye, Margaret F ...... 216 Farsons, David J •...... 212 Parsons, David J •.••....•...•...... 211 o. Parsons, David W .....•...... •.. 211 O'Day, Aphlus ...... 20·1, 298 Parsons, David W ...... •...... •..... 213 Olmstead, Walter G ...... 366 Parsons, Edith E ...... 211 Olop, Stephen ...... 49, 81 Parsons, Edgar P •...... •...... 244 Omen, Sarah J •.•...... 285 Pai-sons, Edna M•...... 213 O'Neill, W. J •...... 132 Persons, Edward McC ...... 210 Ortellus, Abraham ...... •.....•.....•.•.. 352 Parsons, Edward M ...... •...... 210 Osborn, Junita ...... •...... •.. 251 Parsons, Edward ::11 •...•...•..••...•.••. 210 Osborn, Mattie ...... •.•.. 250 Parsons, Edwin ··········-·--··... ·.211 Osborn, Ruby H ...... •.•.. 251 Parsons, Eleant)r L ....•..••...•...... 211 Osborn, Velma R...... ••.....•.•••... 251 Parsons, Elizabeth .....•...•...... 215 Oaborn, Verne ...... •...... •.... 251 Parsons, Elizabeth ...... ••...••... 244 Osburn, Grace ...... 281 Parsons, Elizabeth ···-··············· .. 246 Otz, Lucinda ...... 159, 308 Parsons, Florence ..•...... •..•. 246 Owen Murray, ······------285 Parsons, Francis A. . ...•..••.....••.... 243 Pl!rsons, Frederick W •.•.••••••••.•.•. 210 P. l'arsons, G. W. ·······-·.. ··--·-··212 Page, John A ...... 213 1-arsons, Hallie B. ···-· ___.. 243 Page, John B ...... •...... ••..••. 213 Parsons, Hannah C•...•...... •...•.... 246 Page, Mary C. ···················-·········213 Parsons, Harry H. ···-----213 Page, Ruth E ...... •.. 213 Parsons, Hattie M. ·····----··213 Page, Wm. W •...... ••..•...... 213 Farsons, Helen K •...•...•....•.•••••••... 211 Palmer, Mollie ...... 159, 308 Parsons, Isaac .... ------09 Pancake, Catharine J ...... •••.. 268 Pr.rsons, Isaac ··········--·---.. 209 Pancake, Etta V ••.••••.•..•.•....•••••.• _271 Parsons, Isaac ______210 Pancake, Fred J ...... 270 Parsons, Isaac M. •...... 214 Pancake, Hannah M ...... 268 Parsons, Jacob D. "51 Pancake, John A. ···················-···270 Parsons, James ______..20 Pancake, John A., Jr...... •..•....•.. 271 Parsons, James ______..41 Pancake, John I. ··················-·····267 Parsons, James III•...••...... •... --243 Pancake, Sarah E ...... ••.•.... 268 Parsons, James K. -··············.. ······210 Pancake, William A. •••....••.•••.••.... 268 l'arsons, Jane ...... 221 Pardee, Lois ...... 245, 262 Parsons, John W. _____.. 212 Parker, John ···················-·········231 Parsons, John D. ______245 Parks, Belle ...•...... •..•...... 341 Parsons, Jonathan ···········-···········214 Parr. John ...••..••...... •...... • 208 Parsons, Jonathan _____.. 215 !'arr, Minnie M. ·····-----..,348 !arsons, Joseph ______212 Parrish, Dora ...... 170, 319, 360 Parsons, Josephine M ....••.•• 244, 262 !'arsons, ·Barbara N •...... •....•...... 211 Parsons, Julia A. ___.. 211, 213 P~rsons, Brownie ··-----244 Parsons, Leslie J ...... _____211 Parsons, Caroline E •...•.•.••...... 244 Parsons, Leslie J. B. ···············-··· Parsons, Catharine E. ____214 Parsons, Mabel C. -·····················372 Parsons, Charles A. ··-·····-·········251 Parsons, Marjorie F. _____ 243 Parsons, Charles K. ···-·······211, 214 Parsons, Mary -·-··········.... 212, 220 Parsons, Charles R...... •.••.... 211 Parsons, Mary J. ·····-----221 Parsons, Cbristina M. ____ 243 Parsons, l\lary E. ···············-·...... 211 Parsons, Clarence B ••...... •••.••...... 211 Parsons, Mary L. ______243 INDEX 399

NAME Pn,ra NAl\l~: Pn~• Parsons, l\Iarshall D...... 211 Perrill, Robert V...... 290 Parsons, Marshall D., Jr ...... 211 Perrlll, Ronald ...... 290 Parsons, Michael M...... 214 Perrlll, Russell ...... •...•...... 2911 Parsons, Nancy ...... •.•...... 210 Perrill, Russell W ...... 290 Parsons, Nlcholns C....•...... •...•..... 246 Perrill, Zebulon H ...... 290 Pi.rsons, Parthenia E ...... •....•... 249 !'eters, Alvah L ...... 283 Parsons, Rebecca ...•...•...... •...• 211 Peters, Anita •...... 283 Parsons, Rebecca E ....•...... 211, 213 Peters, Anna ...... • 284 Parsons, Robert D. ····················-213 Peters, Dorothy ...... •...... •...• 284 Parsons, Ruth •...... •...... •••..... 246 Peters, Edna P...... 2S4 Parsons, Sarah A •.•.•••.•.••••.•••••••••• 210 Peters, Edward A •...... •....•••.•.•...• 283 Parsons, Sarah C. ···········-···········244 Peters, Emma ...... • 201 Parsons, Sarah V •••••••••.••••••••••••.•• 249 Peters, Grover C...... 284 Parsons, W. B ...... •...•...•...... 213 Peters, Harley E...... 284 t>r.rsons, William M. ···----·220 I•eters, Harold S•••••...••.•••.•••••••••• 283 Parsons, William M....•...••. 244, 261 Peters, Harriet ...... ___.• 119 Passmore, Mildred H ...170, 319, 360 Peters, Harriet A. -·-···········284 Passmore, William T. 170, 318. 359 Peters, Helen L ...... 284 Patrick, E. M. ···············---210 Peters, Helen W ••.••...•.•.•....•...••.. 282 Patten, Catharine ...... •...••... 35 Peters, Homer H •...... • 282 Pattillo, Genevieve ••.... "76 Peters, Lena M. ·······················-···284 Pattillo, William ······-----276 Peters, Lucille E .•.•...._ ..___ 283 Paxton, Marianna .... · 366 Peters, Mary E. ·······················-···284 Payne, Elizabeth L ....•170, 319, 360 l'eters, Maurice M•.....•••...... •....••. 283 Pr.yne, Joseph L ...... 170, 319, 360 l'eters, Mildred ..•.•...... •...•.•.••.•...•. 283 Payne, Mary D•••..•...... 170, 319, 360 Peters, Robert ·······················-·····284 Pears, Cora. M...... •...•••••.... 127 Peters, William E •...... •...... ••. 283 Feck, Anna B •...... •...... •.••.•.. 276 Peters, Wllllam J ...... 283 Peck, Fletcher I...... 276 Pettit, Daniel ··--································-244 Peck, Kenneth L. ···-----.. 76 !'ettlt, Frank -··························-··243 Peddicord, Caroline ...... 243 Pettit, Nora L. ······------"4:: Peer, Alva R. ······-----~93 Pettit, Sarah ----··------..,44 P6er, B. F •...... ___..,93 Pettit, William ············--·--····243 Pei;r, Lula B ..•.•...•...... •...•••...... •... 293 Pettit, William, .Tr ...... 24:; Peer, Luther B. ·······················-···293 Petty, Adelaide ··············-·-·-l87 Peifer, Mary P •...... •...... ••.•.. 129 Petty, Blanche .•.•...•...•.....•.... 205, 300 Peifer, Patrick H ...... •...... ••...•... 129 r>etty, Catherln-,1 H. ······---··345 Penn, William ...... 23, 304 Phallpps, Charle!! w ...... 189 P.innlngton, Dale ········--·-··12S PhJlllpps, Charles Wm ...... •••...•••..18!; Pennington, Dorothy .. ·········-·······12 8 Piatt, Mary ...... 24& Pennington, H. ------128, Walter ...... •...... •.. 25(1 Pennington, Max ······-----128 Piper, Ella ···························-··-··· 54 Penter, Anna J:. -----······l39 ?lttman, Annie ...... ·-·---··220 I'errlll, Bernice ·······----···290 !•Iatt, Sadie ....•.•...... •...•....•.•. 158, 307 Perrill, Gertrude A. -----289 Pl&.tt, Clay ··························-·······158 Perrill. Gordon A. ···············-·······290 .?latt, William ...... •...•...... 158, 307 Perrill, Ivanora ····················-······289 Fochon, Alfred .•••..... ·········-·······101 Perrill, Jessie M. ···-············-··-···290 I'ochon, Beverly R. ····----···102 rerrlll, Mabel A. ····················-··289 Pochon, Erica. ············----·l02 Perrill, Marlon ···················-··--290 Pochon, Rolfe M. ······----102 Perrill, .Marjorie ··········----290 Pochon, Virginia ______.02 Perrill, Nathan W. ------89 :r:·ond, Ethel ···-·········-·· 372 Perrill, Ned G. ···················-···-··289 Pond, Etta A. ····-······-············.. ····372 ::>crrill, Ra.ymond -----90 Pontius, Dale ···-········-·· 284 Perrill, R<.>bert B. ------89 Pontius, Francis D. ······-···-·· 400 INDEX

s.utE 1....-e NAME: Pai;e r•onttus, Frank M,. ... _____..s4 Ratliff, Louise ·--··-·----­ Fontlus, Gerald ···············-···-·-···284 Rawson, Charles-----·- :::s Porter, Eilzabeth ______373 R;.wson, Mary :O.l. ______38 Porter, JamEis A. ········----373 .Rawson, Richard H. ·----153 l'orter, John T. ______373 Rawson, Russell ______..._53 l'orter, Lorena ··········---- _37:: Ii.aymond, Irene ···················-···-··140 Purter, Lutenla ···········----373 !:aymond, Kate ············---_.40 Porter, Martha ...... •.....•..•..... 373 Haymond, Richard L. ----133 Porter, Phllllp H. ··················-······---373 ru.;rmond, Roy --···------140 Porter, Phillip H., Jr...... •...• 37:l Raynolds, Abraham F ....•50, 82, 230 Porter, W. Ruth ______.,7:: Raynolds, Albert Harris ···--·-·- 60 Porter, William C•.•...... -373 Ra,'Dolds, Albert R. ········47, 80, 227 Poulton, Edgar D. ········----367 I:a)"llOlds, Arms···-···----- 2S Paunds, Lester R. ··················-····210 Raynolds, Bessl'? Seabury ···-······ 34 I•ounds, Maude ···-·····----210 :itaynolds, Betty ______60 Poundo, Robert ...•... _____210 Raynolds, Catha.'ine P ••... 50, 82, 230 Price, Barbara C. . .•••. ____2s~ Raynolds. Charles A. _____ :;s Printz, Virginia E ...... •.162, 311 Raynolds, Charles M. ·-·······47, 79, 227 Proctor, Clara ·····------35'.' Raynolds, Clara E. ___43, 76, 223 Prosser, Abel J. ··------219 Raynolds, Cora C. ______39 Prosser, Adele ______219 Raynolds, Dana L. ----- 60 1-Tosser, Edna ·······•·•·········-·-······220 Raynolds, Dorothy ______57 Presser, John W ...._. ____220 Raynolds, Edward M. ----- 57 Prosser, Josephine _____.•• 220 Raynolds, EdWin S. --···--47, 80, 228 Prosser, Joseph V. M. ____220 Raynolds, Elizabeth ----- 40 Prosser, Joseph IJ. ···············-····-·219 Raynolds, Ellen ______41 Prosser, Mary A. ______219 Raynolds, Ellen ______60 Prosser, Rebecc:i. J. _____ 20 Raynolds, Elmer L. ___43, 76, 223 Prosser, Sarah E. "19 Prosser, Wm. E. ______219 Raynolds, Elton Ann ----- 63 Raynolds, Franklin ----- 54 Pullen, Cora J. -----245, 262 Raynolds, Frederick -·····--47, SO, 227 Pullen, Ernest G. ············-··245, 262 Raynolds, Frederick A. ---- 59 Pullen, Frederick W. ····-····245, 262 Raynolds, Frederick A. ---- 59 Pullen, Glen C ••....•••..•••••..•. 245. 262 Raynolds, Gen. Wm. F. ---- 37 Pullen, Raymond W. ··-·-···-245, 262 '.Pullen, Robert F ....••..••.....•245, 262 Raynolds, Geol!rey ------28 Raynolds, George ------33 !">umphrey, Sarah L .• _____ 36 Raynolds, George E. ____43, 76 R. Raynolds, George Faber ---- 38 Raynolds, George W. ____39, 75, 222 Ralke, Katharin•~ 68 Raynolds, Hallett ______57 Rainey, Robert ______... 34S Ramey, Mary E. 114 Raynolds, Harris ------39 Ramsey, Fannie D ... _____ Raynolds, Harris, Jr. ----- 39 Randleman. Clifford ____ ... 113 Raynolds, Harry L. Raynolds, Helen ___43, 76, 223 Randleman, Clifford, Jr. ··---···113 Randleman, Hubert •. ____114 Raynolds, Henry C. _____47, 80 P.andleman, Ivaa ______114 Raynolds. Herbert F. ----- 58 Raynolds. Isaac !\I. ___47. 79,227 Randleman, Leota. ···-·----113 Randleman, Lloyd .••••.•...•...•.•...... 113 Raynolds. James A. __3s, 47. 79, 227 Randleman, William :Ei. ____113 Raynolds, James M. ______55 Raynolds, James w. ----- 56 Randolph, Peyton ··-···-······-··--· 98 Raynolds. James W. _____ 57 Randolph, Susan B. ----- 96 Randolph, Thomas M. ············96, 97 Raynolds. Jefferson ---- 55 F..arey, Jane .A. ______91 Raynolds, Jefferson ______55 Rasmussen, Olive ______155 Raynolds, John F. -----7, 38 INDEX 401

XA3otE NA.'\I.E Pa,:e Raynolds, John M. ----- 58 Rice, earl "7 Raynolds, John Wm. __42, 44, 75, 222 Rice, Clarence "7 Raynolds, Joshua S. ----- 57 Rice, Daphne H. "47 Raynolds, Kate ------58 Rice, Harlan T. "47 Raynolds, Kate S. ----- 58 Rice, James ______,.. Raynolds, Leroy W. ___43, 76, 223 Rice, John W. ______..., Raynolds, Lewis C. ___43, 76, 223 Rice, Josa P. ______;: Raynolds, Lewis D. ___43, 75, 222 Rice, Juanita ______..,,_ Raynolds, Lewis M. ----- 60 Rice, Katherine ------" Raynolds, Mary Margretta ___ 38 Rice, Layton ______.... Raynolds, Maria E. ----- 33 Rice, Lyle C. ------" Raynolds, Martha ------57 Rice, Melvin ______. Raynolds, Mary E. ---44, 76, 223 Rice, Olive J. ______.. Rice, Ralph ______u Raynolds, Mary F. ---47, 79, 227 Raynolds, Mary H. _____.,8, 39 Rice, Sanford Raynolds, Mary M. ----- 38 Rice, Sherwood R. ------' Raynolds, Pansy S. ----- 59 Rice, Thelma Raynolds, Polly E. -----44, 80, 227 Richardson, Ann H. ------95 Raynolds, Rebecca A. __45, 78, 225 Richardson, Ann R. ----- 95 Raynolds, Rebecca J. __44, 77, 224 Richardson, Williatn ----- 95 Raynolds, Rebekah ----- 35 Richardson, William M. ---- 96 Raynolds, Rebekah ----- 52 Riedel, Bertha ------99 Raynolds, Richard ----- 57 R1egal,FannfeRiley, Bertha A. ______------292 67 Raynolds, Robert ------57 Raynolds, Robert W. __43, 76, 223 Rittenour, C. H. ------"15 Raynolds, Ruth ----43, 76, 223 Robbins, Sarah A. ______.,7 Robinson, J. W. ______..... 73 Raynolds, Ruth ------58 Raynolds, Saramie ----- 58 Rocky, Chester, Dr. J. 206, 301 Raynolds, Sarah S. ---45, 77, 225 Rocky, Chester J., Jr. 206, 301 Raynolds, Scott ____47, 79, 227 Roberts, Gertrude C. ---~7, 236 Raynolds, Semilda E. --48, 80, 228 Roberts, Barry s. _____87, 236 Raynolds, Thomas C. ----- 34 Roberts, Hazel D. _____...07, 301 Raynolds, Thomas M. ----- 57 Robertson, Ann V. llL ---- 361 Raynolds, Viola May __43, 76, 223 Robertson, Charles E. ------1.10 Raynolds, William ------28 Robertson, Charles :a ____..,,so Raynolds, William ____.,,1, 60 Robertson, Rev. John F. ---...110 Raynolds, William F. ---- 37 Robertson, Rose E. ------361 Raynolds, William F. ---- 39 Robertson, Theodora M. _____.10 Raynolds, Wllliam L. --43, 76, 223 Robertson, Dr. Wllllatn M. ___360 Raynolds, William W. ____ 35 Robinson, J. W. ____.....1.73, 322 Rehr, Aimee H. ______..08, 302 Robinson, Maria ------52 Rehr, Mary L. _____....,,08, 302 Robillson, Maud L. _____..,72 Rehr, Victor E. -----08, f02 Rogan, Frances B. _____..,,60 Reed, Emma E. ______.72, 321 Rogers, Robert ______.....,66 Reed, Percy W. ______..72, 321 Rogers, Ruby ______.61, 310 Reed, Samuel -----...a.72, 321 Rogers, w. E. ______.....66 Reenes, Flora ______..... 47 Rohr, Chauncey H. 289 Reeves, Joseph W. _____.72, 321 Rohr, Gertrude F. ______.88 Reeves, Martha E. ____,.72, 321 Reid, Margaret ______.....89 Rotnine, E. E. ------­ Rotnine, Gladya ------" Renica, Harrison ----...175, 324 Rotnine, Lydia ______.,_. Renica, Rhea ______.75, 324 Rotnine, Virginia ______..... Reynolds, Joseph H. ______.40 Romine, Wanda ______.. Rice, Arthur C. ------.u.7 Roofener, Florence ------" 402 INDEX

N ,\.)f E P,u:e NAME Pas• Roofener, M. J...... "66 Russell, Robert T. ______....53 Rose, Alvah ______45, 77, 225 Russell, Sarah ··-- .• --153 Rose, Arnold _____45, 77, 225 Russell, Sarah M. 42, 157 Roee, Claude C. "84 Russell, Tabitha -·--·-139 Rose, Ivan ------45, 77. 225 Russell, Theodora 47 Rose, Jean E...... "84 Russell, Thomas A. 45 Rose, Morris ------45, 77,225 Russell, Thomas A. 47, 156 Rose, Robert C. -···········-----"84 Russell, William H. 46 Rosenberger, Graham _____339 Russell, Zanette 47 Rosetta, Mrs...... 347 Ryder, Sarah E. 17 ROSB, Milton ...... 49, 81, 229 Ross, Milton, Jr. ____49, 82, 229 s. Ross, Robert ··········-············49, 82, 229 Sadler, B. A. ------56 Sadler, Carl W. ______..57 Rowland, Joseph ······-················-······ 69 Rowley, Thos. J. "51 Sadler, Fannie M. ______Roy, Dr. Walter s.-.·-······----365 Sallee, Earl Roy, Elizabeth L. _____...... ,65 Sallee, George A. ______Roy, Mary C. ______366 Sallee, Harriet "84 Roy, Rebecca L. ______366 Sallee, Marlon "84 Rucker, Sarah ------69 Sallee, Marjory ------84 Ruckman, Judith ---42, 75, 222 Sallee, Richard ------84 Rudaclle, Lucy V. "67, 316 Sammons, Carrie ______...,69 Rugh, Wllllam H. ______..92 Samuel, Mary E. ------152 Russell, Abigail M. _____.,,39 Sapp, Herman R. ____...,3, 231 Russell, Anna ______...... ,43 Sapp, Lyman ------3, 231 Russell, Catharine ______.55 Sapp, Ralph L. ------83, 231 Russell. Catharine B. ____...... ,45 Sargent, Algernon M 130 Russell, Clarence ______....4g Sargent. Algernon M. ---129, 130 Russell, Deborah M. ______.45 Sargent. J"oan F. ______,_.30 Russell, Effie ·-···-·-·------'-47 Sargent,· Julia ------30 RuSllell, Egbert F. ______.47 Sargent. Lorena ______...9 Russell, Elizabeth ______.54 Sargent. Mabel ----48, 81, 229 Russell, Elizabeth V. M. ----~41 Sargent. Mary ______30 Russell, Eugene ______...4s Sargent. Rebecca F. -----129 Russell, Gen. Robt. S. ______.37 Sargent. Samnel ______,...28 Russell. George W. ______.4g Sargent. Samuel M. ------30 Russell. Henry ______...... 48 Sargent. Samuel M~ Jr. ______.30 Russell. Henry C. ______.4g Sargent. Virginia ______30 RuS11ell. James M. _____.42, 156 Saylor, Bertha ______331 Rus8ell, Joseph K. ______36 Schley, Admiral----- 22 Russe!!, Josephine D. _____...47 Schley, J"ohn ------70 Russell, Julia ______.47 Schnatterly, Elizabeth C. ----45, 225 Russell, Kate ______.42, 157 Sehnatterly, Harry L. ----45, 225 Russell, Laura V. ______.45 Sehnatterly, Wllllam L. ---45, 225 Russell, Louise _____...._42, 157 Schnelder, George ------50 Russell, Mabel ------142, 156 Schnelder, Helen M. _____.....51 Russell, Margaret T. ---- 144 Schnelder, John G. ------51 Russell, Mary A. l3. ______...48 Schnelder, Ulrich ------51 Russell, Mary E. ______.54 Scothorn,Florence -----06,300 Russell, Mattie ______---147 Scott. Gull!ord W. _____...,68 Russell. Miriam M. ______.55 Scott, Mary E. ------68 Russell, Naney G. ______..45 Scott. Mary Ellen ______68 Russell. Rebecca W. ______.45 Scott, Ruth J". ------3, 231 Russell, Robert S. ____..._52, 156 Scott, Thomas ______..68 UWEX 403

NAME Pn.-o NA!\1~ Png" Scroggin, Sarah :M ••.••••.••.••••••.•••••••••.• 156 Simpson, John !\I. C...... 148 See, Catharine ...•...... 197, 2S!l Simpson, Josephine R ...... 14S See, ChrisUana ...... 19i Simpson, Minor ...... , .•.... HS See, Elizabeth ...... 197 Sinclair, Anna B...... 369 Selden, Mildred C...... 169, 31S, 359 Sinclair. Arthur W ...... •...... 36!) Seville, Katherine ··········----366, Arthur W ...... •...... :169 Sewell, Ruth ------······290 Sinclair, Charles A ...... •...... 369 Seymour, Darwin R ...... 45, 77, 225, Charles A., Jr...... •...... 369 Seymour, Florence E. .... "83 Sinclair, Eliz:i.bcth T ...... 369 Seymour, Gladys ...... 45, iS, 225 Sinclair, Kathleen C...... 369 Seymour, Grace ...... 283 Sinclair, Laura W ...... 36!1 Seymour, Sylvia ...... 45, 77, 225 Skelton. Catharine ...... 171, 320 Shade, Jeremiah ...... 119 Skelton, Eliznbcth ...... 158, 307 Shannon, Albert M...... 9 94 Skelton, Rebecca ...... •..175, 324 Shannon, Alice ···········----_.,,:)4, Sylvia ...... 164, 312 Shannon, Alma A. ______.., Slagle, Eleanor L...... 205, 299 Shannon, Bertha M. ______... Slagle, Harold L ...... 205, 2!l!I Shannon, Clara M.. _____ .... Slusser, Sarah l\t. ···········---- 55 Shannon, Elmer ______. Smith, Annie L ...... 169, 318, 35!1 Shannon, Florence E. _____.. Smith, Carrie ...... ____.. 237 Shannon, Herbert A... ____ _,,_ Smith, Dorothy W. ········---- Shannon, Jesse------" Smith, Edith M...... "72 Shannon, Joseph Smith, Ernest M. "72 Shannon, Laura C. Smith, Ernestine H. ------>64 Shannon, Martha A. _____....., 9 94 ··smith, Esta B. ______...... 87 Shannon, Oliver W. 94 Smith, F. Carter ...... ____ Shannon, Robert 94 Smith, Frazier M. ------Sheetz, Hannie D. 68 Smith, Helen _____.,6S Sheetz. Magdalene 59 Smith, Jessie ______63 Shemwell, Mayme .83, 231 Smith. Lillie ______88, 237 Shemwell, Minor B. S3, 231 Smith, Loy M...... 287 Shemwell, Myrtle .... 83, 231 Smith, Mary S. ______...,.53 Shepherd, Lucius M. 43 Smith, Neva ______... 28 Shepherd, Lucius P. 43 Smith, Oren D. ______...;:78 Shepherd, Nora W. 43 Smith, Orlin H. ------"78 Sherman, Susie ------.J.42 Smith, Paul H...... 272 Shipley, Minnie 07, 302 Smith, Paul H., Jr. ______..72 Shipp, Walter ___ 47 Smith, Ralph E ...... ____.,,.57 Short. Ann M. 7S Smith, Rebecca A. ·········----..78 Short. Edith L. 76 Smith, Ruth E. -----...... 2S7 Short, Elizabeth W ..... _____,,77 Smith, Seymour H. ______,,,g7 Short. Isaac M. ··············------77 Smith, Vera B ..... ______..,88 Short, Jane B. 7S Smith, Virgil D. "72 Short, Lulu ·-.. ··········------76, 279 Smith, Walter .... ______..,45 Short, Stephen A. 76 Smith, William C. ---- Short, Susan M. 74 Smith, Wlllianl H. ---­ Short, William .....·-··· 74 Smyser, Mary E. ------53 Shriver, Rebecca ______70 Snider, George W. ______330 Shultz. Florence ______Snider, Wade ______.,.,,o Sunmons, Carrie s. ______,,34 Snyder, Betty L. ----43, 76, 223 Simmons, LR. ------····-333 Snyder, Charles E. _____...... 88 Sllnmons. Roy 34 Snyder, Charles R. _____...... 88 Simmons, William c. 334 Snyder, Charlotte A...... 25S Sh:npson, Eugene R. . 48 Snyder, Clarabelle ______..86 404 INDEX

NAME Pase 1'!,U(E Page Snydet', Emll Ario ----288 Stump, James P. 68 Snyder, Florence 86 Stump, Sallie B. "68 Snyder, Harry 86 Stump, Samuel L 68 Snyder, Ivan 43, 76, 223 Stump, Sarah L. 67 Snyder, John L. 88 Stump, Susan J. "68 Snyder, Leola. B. 88 Stump, Willia.m 68 Snyder, Margaret J. 88 Suddeth, Ma.ry 99 Snydl!r, Ruth "86 sum=. Annie L. 74, 323 Sommers, Essie L. "87 Sulli=, Helen V. 74, 323 Sommerville, Na.nnle A. 27 Sum=. James O. 74, 323 Sosa.. Lorenza. 9, 123, 237 Summers, Sallie 97 Southworth, Eliznbeth 21 Sunderla.nd. Ann N. 49 Sowers, Etta. -····--- 347 Sunderla.nd, Dean 49 Sowers, Pauline 71 Sunderland, Dean, Jr. 49 Spates, Edmund P. -··-·---...l.73, 322 SwealleY, Sheridan 46 Spa.tea, Kathleen . 73. 322 Swallow, Carolyn 88 Spa.tea, Robert P. 73 Spea.kma.n, Beatrice A. --204, 299 T. Spea.kman., Harry C. 04, 299 Talbott, Alvin 0 Speaks, Ethel 50 Talbott, Alvin, Jr. 0 Speaks, O. S. 50 Talbott. Claude L 0 Spence, Emma. 51 Talbott, LllllB. L 0 Spittle, Hugh R. 72, 321 Talbott. Ray P. 0 Spittle, Lloyd 72, 321 Talley, Cla.ude H. 9 Springer, Douglas G. 48 Talley, Dr. S. W. s Springer, Kathleen G. 48 Talley, Dr. Dyer B. s Springer, L J. 8 Talley, Dyer S. s Springer, Margaret V. 48 TalleY, Gertrude A. 8 Springer, Nellie 48 Talley, Jacqueline D. 8 Springer, Rena M. 48 Talley, John H. 9 Staige, Lucy 01 Talmadge, Edward P. Staley, Preston 84 Talmadge, Ma.ry R. Stea.rn, Helen Talmadge, Ra.ndolph Steenbergen, Rebecca. S. 08 Ta.ylor, Charles M. Stevenson. Ma.ry A. 256 Ta.ylor, Edmonia Stewart, Belle R. 57 Ta.ylor, Francis M. Stickley, Thomas M. 63,312 Taylor, James H. 73, 3Zl Stiles, Clyde 65 Taylor, JB.llles W. 73, 322 Stiles, Ethel F. 65 Taylor, James W. Stiles, Georgia E. 65 Taylor, Sarah Griffin Stiles, Gladys L. 65 Tebbs, Eliza.beth M. 3 Stiles, Ha.rry H. 65 Thomas, Alverda G. 9 Stillwell, Leone 0 Thomas, Birdie B. o. 82,230 Stimmel, Lida Grace 07, 301 Thomas, Cba.rles Z1 Stinson, Sarah 159, 308 Thomas. Harrlet 21 Stratton, Maud 61 Thomas. Jennie Straub, Josephine 283 Thomas. Jesse Stringer, Anne M. 08, 302 Thomas, Marjorie Stringer, Henry J. 2fl8, 302 Thomas. Sallie Stringer, Henry J., Jr. --208, 302 Thomas. William Stuck, Esther A. 78 Thompson, Alfred Stump, Carrie B. 68 Thompson. Allen L. Stump, Christiana 289 Thompson, Anna Louise Stump, Ellen D. 268 Thompson, Margaret E. INDEX 405

:,;.,\Jil.E Pa&re :S.A.l.lE Pace Thompson, Myrtle ______..97 Van Meter, David P. "16 Thompson, Neille V. _____..74, 323 Van Meter, David Pierce "63 Thurman. Helen M. ------"62 Van Meter, David Pierce. Jr. --253 Tidball, Jane S. ------189 Van Meter. D. Milton _ . 54 Tillotson. Harold ______.77 Van Meter, Edwin V. --····-··-~ Tillotson. Howard ______..,.77 Van Meter, H. Decker "54 Tompkins, Mary E. ____.,4_ 232 Van Meter, Henry ______.,54 Torrence, Ione _____45. 78, 225 Van Meter, Henry 355 Torrence, James E. ____45, 78, 225 Van Meter, J'ames W. _____..54 Torrence. Lois _____45, 78, 225 Van Meter, John L ______.i:62 Torrence, Lynn E. ____45, 78, 225 Van Meter, Lucinda _____216 Torrence. Ruth _____45, 78. 22n Van Meter, Mary C. "16 Travis, Minnie M. ______,57 Van Meter, Rebecca A. ____..:.19 Treakle, Maud T. " 8 Van Meter, Reb~ _____.-s55 Triplett Elias ______.,..21 Van Meter, Sarah "51 Troub, Caroline "97 Van Meter, Sara M. "62 Trowbridge, Frederick C. 168, 317. 356 Van Meter, Solomon _____,..s55 Trowbridge, Katharine V. 168, 317. 356 Van Meter, Vlrginla A. ____.. 16 Trowbridge, M. E. _____168, 317, 356 Van Meter, Virginia D. "62 Trowbridge, Ralph N. --168, 317. 356 Van Meter, W. Hopkins ___..:.,53 Van Meter, William ______.s:55 Tulga. Adella ------68 Turner, James B. ______,_07 Van Meter, William C. ____,..,54 Turner, Jane E. ______.07 Van Meteren, Emanuel ____.s52 Turner. John w. M. ______._os Van Meteren, Jan Joosten --..2, 5, 352 Turner, Kate M. ------..i48 Van Meteren, Rebecca _____ 24 Turner, Kathryn ______92 Vu Pelt. Lydia ------..1.73 Turner, Rhoda A. ------..1.51 Vaughn, J'. W. ------263 Tuttle, Daniel S. ______63 Vause, Alice S. ______..z Tuttle, Dr. George W. _____ 62 Vause, Bessie L. Tuttle. :Florence ______60 Vause, Bettle P. ______...... ~ Vause. Clara ______.: Tuttle, Rt. Rev'd -·------··-···- 63 Tuttle. Wallace ______63 Vause, Donald W. 3 Vause, Edwin H. ______...z:,: u. Vause, Edwin W. ------~- Uhlman, Betty L. Vause, Eliza H. 59, 261 Uhlman, Charles Vause, Harry R. 3 Uhlman, Thomas L. ______. Vause. James ______z Ulster County ______Vause. James M. ______,.:, Updike, ZOra N. _____... , Vause. Lena L. 1 Upton, Marietta Vause, Martha H. 3 C. Millar ______., Upton, Vause, Mlldred 4 Upton. Ralph W. ______....,, Vause, Russell W. 3 Upton, R. R. Vause, Sally S. 4 Vause, Wllliam H. 2 V. Vernon. Garth 9 Valentine. Harriet G. -----2c.o89 Vernon. Katharynne ...149 Van Dyke. Melva ___43, 75, 223 Vernon. Robert P. 49 Van Eaton. Mabel 58 Vincent, Hattie A. 10 Van Meter, Abel J. 220 Vorous, Allie 61, 310 Van Meter, Abraham 21 !) Van Meter, Annie P. 53 W. Van Meter, Catharine 61 Waggoner, Lill1an A. _____ 34 · Van Meter, David M. 63 Waldeck. Peter C. 60, 309 Van Meter, David P. 15 Walker, Helen J'. 51 406

:0:A.'1E Pn.,:e :,:.uiE Pqe Walker, Henry W. ______,,51 Weaver, Freddie W. -----162, 310 Walker, Winifred ______,.127 Weaver, Gladis V. 62, 310 Wallace, Cora B. ______36 Weaver, Leonard 88, 236 Wallace, Dr. Perkins 35 Weaver, Robert B. _____.62, 310 Wallace, Ellen 61 Weaver, Robert N. 62, 310 Wallace. Emmeline 36 Weaver, Walter H. 62, 310 Wallace, George H. 35 Weber, Kate C. 277 Wallace, George Y. 60 Webster, Myrtle 9 Wallace, George Y. 62 Webster, Sylvia C. "53 Wallace. George Y •• :Jr. 63 Wells, Dorothy 43, 76, 223 Wallace, Grace D. 62 Wells, Bessie " 3 Wallace, Harmon 35 Wells, Donald "53 Wallace, Harriet 36 Wells, Martha ______.?._5..,:: Wallace. :James 61 Wells, Pierce W. ______.z'>52 Wallace, :James G. 62 Wells, Sanford ____43, 76, 223 Wallace, :James K. 62 Welton. Carl 28 Wallace, :Janet M. 61 Welton, Cleland B. ______..27 Wallace, Maria P. 35 Welton, Courtney C. 28 Wallace, Marie B. 36 Welton, Courtney S. Wallace, Mary R. 62 Welton, Elizabeth B. _____.., Wallace, Raynolds 36 Welton, Felicia :J. Wallace, Ruth 61 Welton, Felix Wallace, Ruth L. 62 Welton, Felix B. Wallace. William 61 Welton, Felix C. Wallace. William 62 Welton. Francis C. ______.,,_ Waller.. Nelson S. 95. 343 Welton, Francis N. ______., Waller. Mary R. 96, 344 Welton, :Janet ______Waller. Samuel G. 95, 343 Welton, Page S. ______Walloon, Louis the 15 Welton, Sarah B. P. N. ----28 Walraven. :Jessie 28 Welton. Vernon H. -········----•328 Walter, Eliza 73, 322 Welton, William N. ____ 329 Ward, :J. R. 40 Welton, William N. _____...,,28 Ware, Sally C. 53 Whalen. Dorothy ______170. 318, 359 Warne, Harry .... 68 White. B. E. ______...62 Warne, :James 68 White, C:irollne ______,_42, 156 Warne. Mary 68 White, Claude E. _____.}J.2. 240 Warne. Richard 68 White. Claude E .• :Jr. ___...,,2, 240 Warne. Thomas 68 White, Edith L. ______..:;62 Warne. W!lllam D. 68 White, Eugene ______.._,50 Warne. William P. 68 White, Helen M. _____ Warrembur, Marie ______22 White, Leslie D. Washington, Bushrod C. ______.87 White, M!llar B. -----: Wnshfngton, Bushrod C. ____1ss White, Robert B. ______.z, Wa..'

N'.=E P:Ll:t, N..UU: Paco Williams, David A. ".!!2 Wood, w ...Tr ....•.....•....339 Williams, Elizabeth H. ____...42 Wood, l\larguret P •...... •...... •.....• 338 Williams, Hannnh "7 ,vood, llary A. -··························341 Wood, Mary .J. ______33g Williams, Rebecca. M. "7 Williams, Sanford ______127 Wood, Mary K. ········-----341 Williams, Sarah ______Wood. l\1ary V. ·······-----3:lS Williams, SllSan 33.'! W<>ld, liattiE' C...... _____340 Wood, Nora H. ______339 Williamson. Phillip D. ----· __178 Wood, Rebecca H. _____... 342 Williamson. Rev. W. W. -·-····--178 Willis, Lizzie A. ____....._75, 324 Wood, Robert C. ········----~41 Wood, Ruth .338 Wilmoth, Caroline _____,_42, 157 K. ..______Wilmoth. Charles _____.42, 157 \Vood, Susan L -······--·----·340 Wilmoth. James T. ____.42, 157 Wood, Virginia H...... -340 Wilson. Anna ______,i39 Wood, Virginia C. ··-----342 Wilson, Daisy _____44, 76, 224 Wood, W:i.!.ter H ...... ----342 Wilson, Dorothy ______, Wood, Welton G...... •...... 338 Wilson. Edward ______.,_39 w·oods, Annie E ...... 149 Woodward, Alice ...... --·····363 Wilson. Elizabeth ----.J.6S, 317 Woody, Mary .R...... ____J.4 l Wilson, Grace A. ____44, 76, 224 \Voody, Owen F ...... 141 Wilson, Hattie C. "1:l Woody, Rev. Samuel ....., ____ 141 Wilson. Henry ., G Wooters, Le:i.thea ...•...... •..• 254 Wilson. Mary E. -----·-··291 Worley, Caleb T. ______....1.50 Wilson, Martha R. _____...... 1.39 Worley, Je1rerson G. ·-----150 Wilson. Mary L. ., G Worley. Mary ______150 Wllsou. Maude L. ____44. 76, 224 Wilson, Miss ______.3:29 Wright, Allen ·············----·168 Wilson. Richard ______i.39 Wright, Clara ••.•...•...... 166, 31";" W.,.ight, Eliza.beth W ...168, 317 356 Wilson, Robert A. -·--·.44, 76, 22•1 Wilson, Tho:mas I. ______.._39 \Vright. Frances ...... 89. 124: 238 Wright. Hazel ·············108, 317, 356 Wingfield. John R. ---.J.63, 312 Wright, Isabel ...... 16S, 317. :156 Wingfield, Robert F. ____,_63, 312 Witz, Lella ______:364 Wright. Leta ··-··-········168, 317, 35ti Wright. Maurice ...... 168, 317, 356 Wolte, Gaylen W. -----07, 235 Wright Mildred ...•..•..... 168, 317, 356 Wood, Albert W. _____.....,.41 Wood, Albert W. Jr. _____..,41 Wright, Paulina B. ···-··········--·-····- Wright. Proctor ...... 168, 317, 356 Wood, Alice "51 Wright, Thomas H .....•. 168, :117. 356 Wood, Angus M. ···-· ____337 Wright, Virginia .....••... 16S, 317, 356 Wood, Angus M. ···-····-·············-341 Wright, Walton J •.•...... 168, 317, 356 Wood, Ann I. -·-----...>38 Wood, Anna R. ------~39 Y. W'ood, Arthur A. ____,336, 338 Wood, Arthur D. ------42 Yaho, David ·························-·······127 Wood, Arthur D •• Jr. ____..,42 111.ho, Noel ...... 128 Wood, Branson I.·-· _____.,39 Young. Kathryn ······--··················155 Wood, Branson L. -----~41 Young, Mamie B. -----J.81 Wood, Branson L., Jr _____,42 Wood, Donald G. ----336 338 z. Wood, Elizabeth B. • 3