EthicalMUN IV

Iranian Revolution

Chairs: Ben Greer and Lucas Saidenberg

Crisis Directors: Josh Sacca, Oliver Polksy, and Alex Power

EthicalMUN IV

Hello Delegates,

We are delighted to welcome you to EthicalMUN IV, and we look forward

Iva Knezevic to two full and exciting days of debate. The topic of this committee is the Iranian Co-Secretary General Revolution and we look forward to seeing your innovative solutions and directives

Theo Dassin to solve this crisis. We hope that this topic will stimulate your creativity and make Co-Secretary General for an amazing weekend. We have five experienced chairs and crisis directors who are eagerly anticipating the conference. Please take the time to thoroughly read the Julie Johnson Chief of Staff background guide and conduct research of your own so that you can have the best position papers possible. This background guide is simply a starting point for your Olivia Pollack research, and more research is necessary to prepare for this committee. For those of Chief of Staff you who are new to Model UN, this committee is a crisis committee, meaning that Spencer Sussman there will constantly be new problems (provided by our lovely crisis directors: Josh Chief of Staff Sacca, Alex Power, and Oliver Polsky) that you must solve. We want every delegate to fully represent their positions while working together to come up with a solution

for this Crisis. This committee will start in January of 1978 when tensions began to boil

over and thousands of students took to the streets in against the . Anything before this is set in stone, but anything after is all up to you. Emphasis

will be placed on not copying exactly what occurred in real life, as we want you to come up with interesting and creative solutions on your own. Please do not try to copy what actually occurred in committee, as the wonderful crisis staff will be introducing new crises often, many of which did not historically occur. We are very excited to hear your solutions and ideas on the complicated issues we will be dealing with over this conference. We fully welcome any questions you have, and we look forward to seeing you in May!

Feel free to contact with any queries, Your Chairs Ben Greer ([email protected]) and Lucas Saidenberg ([email protected])

Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

Committee Procedure minute moderated caucus passes, the Like most crisis committees, perpetual moderated caucus will be the parliamentary procedure will be suspended, and the committee will slightly different from General enter the five-minute moderated Assemblies and Specialized caucus. If there are no points or Committees. The parliamentary motions on the floor, the chair will procedure used in this committee is revert to the perpetual moderated optimized for the relatively few caucus.

people in our committee and the quick Relevant Points and Motions: responses needed for crises. • Point of Inquiry

• Point of Information Perpetual Moderated Caucus: • Point of Personal Privilege Unlike GA or Specialized • Point of Order Committees, Crisis Committees will • Motion to Open Debate not have a speakers list, and will • Motion for a Moderated operate under a perpetual moderated Caucus caucus. A perpetual moderated caucus • Motion for an Unmoderated is a never-ending moderated caucus Caucus that runs for the entirety of the • Motion for a Round Table committee with no set topic. For this • Motion to Introduce All Papers committee, the perpetual moderated on the Dais caucus will have a 30 second • Motion to Introduce an speaking time. This perpetual Amendment moderated caucus will be suspended • Motion to divide the Question when a delegate proposes a motion. • Motion to Enter Voting For example, if a motion for a five- Procedure


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

• Motion to Adjourn Debate inform or misinform the public according to the desires of the

Written Papers committee. They will have the same Crisis Notes: Crisis notes are notes sponsor and signatory rules as used to take personal action from a directives. delegate, without the need for committee approval. A character's Like all committees, collaborating portfolio powers, therefore, binds with other delegates is strongly crisis notes. Please ensure to sign your recommended. However, in a crisis character’s name at the end of your committee, it is also encouraged that crisis note and address it to CRISIS one stays in character and acts in on the front of your folded note. accordance with their character’s motivations.

Directives: Like general assemblies

and specialized committees, crisis committees have documents that take committee action concerning the issues at hand. In crisis committees, this document is called a directive.

The number of sponsors and signatories required on directives will depend on the size of the committee.

Press Releases: Press releases are committee documents addressed to

the public. They can be used to


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

forcibly secularize the population. His reforms pushed for increased gender Historical Background equality, and the Woman's The seeds of the 1979 Awakening between 1936 and 1941 revolution were sown more than 50 was heavily reinforced by his policies years previously when the Pahlavi of modernization, which pushed to get dynasty came to power in 1925. After rid of traditional customs such as the much instability in the country, Islamic veil and gender segregation. specifically due to Soviet military In response to these policies, Reza presence, the first Shah, Reza “Shah” Shah continued to have bitter relations Pahlavi took power through a coup with the Iranian clergy during his and made an agreement with the reign, with many acts of violence Soviet Union. As part of the perpetrated against Islamic supporters agreement, the Soviets withdrew their who opposed the Shah’s policies. troops, which had threatened to take

over , ’s capital. An remained in power until exception was made in the treaty so 1941 when he was deposed by British that the Soviet Union would be and Soviet invaders after being allowed to reinvade if their national accused of collaborating with the interests ever required them to. Nazis. He was replaced by his son, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who Reza Shah enacted many reigned until his own eventual reforms of modernity and overthrow in 1979. Pahlavi continued secularization and suppressed radical similar policies of modernization and Islamism in favor of . westernization that his father had set Many of his reforms introduced up and continued to have difficult Western law with an attempt to relations with the of Iran.


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

This growing resentment set in place to support the British economy. Due the building blocks for his eventual to growing nationalism and much deposition. However his reign did not resentment to constant flight of capital go uninterrupted, and this is where the (oil profits leaving the country), the United States first became involved in Iranian parliament voted on Iranian nationalizing the industry and elected affairs. Mossadegh right after, who on May 1st, 1951, brought the APIC under state control. Despite the domestic popularity of his actions, they brought outrage to the British, who asked the United States for help in restoring the ownership of the oil fields through a

regime change. Despite much

disinterest from Trumann, newly In 1951, pro-democratic elected Eisenhower was persuaded to was elected assist Britain in overthrowing as prime minister of Iran. He enacted Mossadegh on the pretext that he was many progressive reforms to the an ally of . country, such as social security, and Mossadegh meanwhile was invested in public development. expanding parliamentary powers and However, he was most renowned for reducing that of the Shah’s. The Shah enforcing the nationalization of the oil was not politically active until 1949 industry. Before the after an assassination attempt, in took power, Britain had already set up which he began to expand his power. the Anglo-Persian Oil Company As a result, the balance of power was (APIC), which took much of Iran’s oil 4

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challenged by the two. The dichotomy persuaded the reluctant reigning Shah between the two began to grow to join them, under the warning that despite the Shah’s support of he would be deposed too if he Mossadegh’s initiative in refused. Using a campaign of nationalizing the oil industry. propaganda and paid protesters, they quickly destabilized the country until However, the United Kingdom, the military joined the side of the with international support, Shah and overthrew Mossadegh under implemented trade embargoes and the leadership of General Fazlollah sanctions on Iran and cut off Iran’s Zahedi, who was working with the ability to export its recently-owned CIA. The Shah, who fled during the oil, thus crippling Iran’s economy. coup due to fear of backlash, returned Resentment grew against Mossadegh and restored his powers while Prime as a result, and the British and Minister Mossadegh was replaced by Americans used this opportunity to Zahedi. stage a coup. During this crisis, Mossadegh dissolved parliament and The deposition of Mossadegh increased his own powers, while and reinstatement of Mohammad reducing the Shah’s. Mossadegh lost Pahlavi brought Iran’s oil supply back further support, allied with only the onto international control. However, Tudeh party, who were communists. due to powerful public opinion in Iran, the oil was not brought back to Codenamed Operation Ajax, British control and remained under the recently formed CIA with the help Iranian possession. However, an of the British MI6 began the process agreement allowed for a consortium of overthrowing the elected of oil companies to manage the oil, Mohammed Mossadegh. They promising 50 percent of profits to


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Iran. However, lack of transparency in opposition from many factions in the financial records skewed Iran. During his reign, dissenters were accounting records and helped arrested and using police and the significantly increased the profits for military, political opposition and the oil companies who held a stake in public demonstrators were crushed. the oil industry. He began a series of continued reforms under the name of the “White The inventive for CIA’s Revolution”, which brought further participation in the 1953 coup was westernization and modernization to predominantly the promise of a share Iran. His policies brought women’s in its oil, which it did receive. This suffrage and ended a system of initiated American interest in Iran and feudalism, in which he gave land to its oil industry, and as a result, pushed the peasantry. His reforms were for better relations with a pro-Western intended to help increase his support Iran under the Shah. During the from the peasants and working poor; Shah’s reign, he became more however, they had many unintended authoritative and continued to consequences, which created an implement policies that reflected intense backlash. Westernization. However, his authoritative nature helped spur Despite the economic progress resentment against him. For example, it brought, land reform failed and he set up the American and Israeli many peasants became loose political funded secret police SAVAK, which cannons, with no allegiance to the became notorious for political Shah. His lack of democratic reform oppression. His constant violation of deteriorated the situation, as his white the constitution and increasing revolution simply increased the size corruption also brought further of the working class and the


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intellectuals, who continuously against the Shah and the current criticized the lack of democracy and system that existed. representation. His reforms also brought further inequality as wealth became more unevenly divided due to misguided beliefs of trickled down economics from his support of elites. As a result, a disgruntled populace began to unite against the Shah.

The animosity between the religious clergy and the Shah had always existed but accelerated as a At the same time, leftists, result of the failures of the White nationalists, and Islamists grew revolution. Religious clerks further opposed to the Shah, but many constantly felt threatened by the Islamists remained divided in terms of Shah’s policy of secularization and allegiance. Khomeini, however, feared for the preservation of . A attempted to unite all factions to voice of Islam emerged under the garnish a more organized opposition. White revolution from Ruhollah For a steady period of time in the Khomeini, a Shia cleric. Before the 1970s, political suppression and an revolution, he was exiled for 14 years active SAVAK managed to maintain a but continued to preach anti- calm dissatisfaction in Iran. However Westernism and anti-Shahism from in 1977, the Shah, due to American abroad. Deteriorating economic pressure, liberalized some of his conditions and increasing inequality policies and allowed the right to popularized Khomeini’s messages protest. This brought forth massive


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demonstrations, and as Khomeini best for your positions, whether that called for large , the Shah means war or peace. became more frustrated. The Shah then decided to implement martial Position Powers law, and as a result, many protesters United States Representative were killed on “” on To aid Iran in its struggle to September 8th of 1978. This advance into a more developed committee will start in January of country, the United States gave the 1978, more specifically, January 8, Iranian government $3.5 million. 1978, the day after massive religious Because of the state of the riots broke out in the holy city of during this time period, the United , Iran after the government puts States was opposed to revolutions in out negative propaganda in the form any of its allied countries. Thus, this of a defamatory article against Grand funding was provided under the . People assumption that Mohammed Reza took to the streets in protest of this Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran at that point, article and in support of Khomeini. would improve Iran without the Royal guards killed between six and danger of a revolution. Upon further sixty protestors depending on who is instability in Iran in 1977, the United reporting it. It is up to you all to States planned to send military aid to figure out what to do from here, and quell the talk of uprisings. However, the crisis staff will take steps to assure revolutionaries in Iran see foreign that this committee does not follow involvement from the United States as exactly what happened in history so interference. As this committee you all can come up with creative and begins, the United States has a innovative solutions to this problem. delicate relationship with both Iran’s It is important that you follow what is


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

government and its revolutionaries. how the Iranians decide to run their The delegate representing the United government, new trade opportunities States must choose to cut ties, fight or might arise. The United Kingdom continue to aid Iran in this conflict. must decide which side of the Iranian revolution benefits them best United Kingdom financially, or decide based on The United Kingdom has had a morality. Additionally, they must history with Iran, however more decide how much aid, if any, they through business deals than anything would like to provide to Iran’s else. With Iran’s plentiful oil supply, government or revolutionaries. the United Kingdom created an opportunity to bring those resources France to Western Europe with the Ayatollah Khomeini was exiled foundation of the Anglo-Iranian Oil in 1964 and settled in France under Company in 1908. However, political asylum in 1978. He malcontent over other, Western orchestrated the bulk of the Iranian countries handling Iranian oil caused revolution from his home in the a rift in the relationship between the Parisian suburb of Neauphle-le- English and the Iranians. With the Chateau. Khomeini met with instability leading to the coup of 1953 journalists to campaign for the and the rise of Khomeini, tensions overthrow of the Shah, all while under between the two nations worsened. In the careful watch of the French 1951, Iranian nationalized its oil. Government. While he returned to Despite this, the United Kingdom still Iran in 1979, the French provided trades for oil from surrounding Khomeini with an Air France flight to Persian areas and holds a political Tehran. However, the French did not stance in the conflict; depending on openly support Khomeini’s revolution


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and allied with fellow Western states an activist long before this, as one of to oppose the New Government. the most prominent liberals in Iran, constantly organizing protests against Soviet Union the government of the Shah. He had One of the key aspects of the been imprisoned repeatedly during Iranian Revolution was de- years prior due to his opposition of Westernization, and along with it the Shah, and was the head of the Iran came de- capitalization. The shift Party that emerged during the late provided the Soviet Union with the 1970s. Bakhtiar was chosen to aid in ideal opportunity to ally itself with the creation of a new civilian Iran and decrease the credibility of the government in 1978 and was West, particularly the United States, appointed Prime Minister in the same in the Middle East. While the Soviet year. government in Moscow certainly realized the delicacy and complexity Shah of the situation in Iran in 1979, it had After his father’s abdication in high hopes for a post-revolutionary the early 1940s, Mohammad Reza relationship with Iran that would Pahlavi took over the title of Shah. spread Soviet ideals to the Middle With the introduction of the White East in a more complete manner. Revolution in 1963, Reza Pahlavi

Shahpour Bakhtiar showed his interest in reforming Iran for the future. This included spending Shahpour Bakhtiar was an several trillion Rial (corresponding to Iranian politician who served as Prime billions of modern day dollars) to Minister under Mohammad Reza improve infrastructure such as Shah Pahlavi. He had been working as harvesting of natural resources for


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trade and military. With the rise in the language and , and later in his overall economy however, came a life became an author of many localization of wealth in the upper religious books. He was famously 1%, and criticism of the Reza opposed to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s ability to run the country. Pahlavi and fought for the TIn the 1960’s Shah Pahlavi started a denouement of western culture and controversial program called the ideals and the furtherment of Strict ‘White Revolution’ that promoted Islamic values in Iran. In the 1960’s some modern, progressive values, he became one of the supreme leaders such as increased freedom for women, of the Shi’i community in Iran. He reduced religious education, and was adamantly opposed to the modern populist land policies that upset the policies of the ‘White Revolution’ and aristocracy and religious purists therefore the regime of Shah present in Iran. In order to stay in Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. He was power, Reza Pahlavi must either one of the most outspoken leaders of convince his rivals of his competence, the Resistance to the Shah. The or dominate them in battle. delegate who plays Ruhollah Khomeini will have a major role to Ruhollah Khomeini play in this crisis.

Ruhollah Khomeini was the Gholam Reza Azhari: leader of the Iranian Revolution, and the delegate portraying him will have Gholam Reza Azhari was born a lot of sway over the direction of this in 1912 into a life of military service. committee. He was born in 1902, and He originally worked at the Central very shortly after, his father was Treaty Organization (CENTO) a murdered. He grew up studying combination, a military alliance in the


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

cold war between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Imperial Iranian Armed Forces under Turkey, and the UK. In 1971, he Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1969. became the chief of staff of the Iranian Army. Azhari would later : become the prime minister of the Morteza Motahhari was born in temporary Military Government in 1920 in Fariman, Iran. He had a Iran for a few months starting in strong religious and philosophical November, 1978. education in his upbringing, and he

Gholam Avi Oviessi: was famous in Iran for his wise talks as an Iranian Cleric on Gholam Avi Oviessi was born and government. He worked with in 1918 to a military family in Qom, Ruhollah Khomeini during the Shah’s Iran. He grew up training in military regime and the Iranian Revolution. He academies all over the world, and then, on instruction from Khomeini, became one of the most talented and established and became chairman of popular generals in Iran through the the council of the Iranian Revolution, 1950’s and 1960’s. He moved through which was the group set up to manage the ranks of the Iranian armed forces the Iranian Revolution. (This group and gained notoriety along the way. was established in January 1979, and He became the commander of the therefore does not exist at the start royal military division of imperial date of this committee). Motahhari guards, and a four-star general in the was an important and trusted advisor late 1960’s before finally being of Khomeini and the Iranian promoted to the highest military role Revolution. in Iran, the Chief Commander of the


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

Mehdi Barzagan: cleric in Iran as well as another founding part of the Liberation Mehdi Barzagan was born in Movement of Iran. He was pivotal in 1907 as the son of a religious activist gaining popular support, especially in Tehran. After earning a strong among Iranian youth, for Khomeini’s education and working in politics Iranian Revolution. During the Iranian through the 1940’s and 50’s, he co- Revolution, he was a chair of a secret founded the Liberation Movement of Revolution Council that controlled a Iran in 1961, which was a pro- lot of the Revolution. He was known democracy movement founded by to be more peaceful and moderated Barzagan, Mahmud Taleghani, and encounters between Khomeini and . It was a more other revolution and government religious and radical offshoot of the groups through the entirety of the , the largest Iranian conflict. Pro- Democratic group. This group advocated civil disobedience in the Mohammad Kazem Shariatmadari: form of protests and strikes in order to pressure the Shah to institute a In the years leading up to and democratic government. This group during the Iranian Revolution, wasn’t necessarily anti-shah, but was Mohammad Kazem Shariatmadari, in support of the shah implementing a born 1906, was one of the most democratic government. powerful and influential people in Iran. He was a Grand Ayatollah, a : title often given to a person with the highest level of Shia authority, and Mahmoud Taleghani was born they can make legal decisions within in Iran in 1911 and was a famous Shia the confines of Shia Islamic law.


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

While he was a critic of the Iranian most trusted intelligence and military Revolution and Supreme Leader advisors or Shah Pahlavi. Ruhollah Khomeini, he was mainly in support of the traditional practice : where religious clerics were kept Karim Sanjabi, born in 1904 in separate from government affairs. Iran, grew up studying law and However, Shariatmadari has massive politics in Iran. Sanjabi was famously, influence over much of the religious and historically against the Shah’s Shi’a group present in Iran, and his regime. He was a leader of the Iran actions can sway the thoughts and Party, a nationalist, socialist, and opinions of many in the country. progressive party in the 1950’s that

Nematollah Nassiri: became the backbone of the powerful National Front, the largest pro- Nematollah Nassiri, born in democratic party in Iran. During the 1911, was famously the director of revolution, Sanjabi and the national SAVAK, the secret police, domestic front were always in favor of peaceful security, and intelligence in Iran solutions where the Shah would under Shah Pahlavi and with the help remain in power as the figurehead of the CIA and the Isreali Mossad. leader of a new constitutional Savak, led by Nassiri, turned into monarchy in Iran. They wanted to what many called the "most hated and serve as moderate voices to feared institution" in Iran because Khomeini’s more extremist view. The they tortured and killed thousands of delegate representing Sanjabi has a Iranians who spoke or acted out large amount of power as a main against the Shah. He was one of the figure in the national front, and has an important decision to make about


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis

whether they would prefer to stay • Will you work on a moderate or ally with Khomeini’s moral or economic growing revolution. platform?

• What do you hope to Questions to Consider accomplish as a best-case

• What position does each scenario from this crisis?

important nation hold on this • What are some positions that issue? serve as core values that you

• Furthermore, what do will not budge on? each of those nations stand to gain or lose from the revolution?

• Does your delegation identify in favor of the revolution or the government? Bibliography • Is this stance ideological

or for economic reasons? Afary, Janet. “Iranian • How do you plan on Revolution.” Encyclopædia Britannica, acting on your position? Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 13 Feb.

• Why is Iran an important 2020, economy to stabilize? Revolution. Arzoumanian, Nika. “HSC Background • What resources or Guide.” LinkedIn SlideShare, 8 May 2016, allyship can the nation give your delegation? background-guide. • How do you plan on “History - Historic Figures: Ayatollah convincing others in favor of Khomeini (1900-1989).” BBC, BBC, your position?


Iranian Revolution EthicalMUN IV Crisis The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. meini_ayatollah.shtml. “Ruhollah Khomeini.” Encyclopædia “January 1978, First Sparks of the Iranian Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Revolution - World.” Dunya News, 12 Feb. 2020, 1978-first-sparks-Iranian-revolution. Khomeini. “Liberation Movement of Iran.” Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World,, 7 Mar. 2020, ias-almanacs-transcripts-and- maps/liberation-movement-iran. “National Front, Iran.” Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa,, 7 Mar. 2020, pedias-almanacs-transcripts-and- maps/national-front-iran. Pike, John. “Military.” National Front / Iran Freedom Movement, nf.htm. Press, The Associated. “Key Moments in Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 1 Feb. 2019, 9128cc. “Shah Flees Iran.”, A&E Television Networks, 21 July 2010, flees-iran.