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World Bank Document E877 Volume 3 Public Disclosure Authorized Hunan Urban Development Project Environmental Management Plan Public Disclosure Authorized February 2004 Public Disclosure Authorized Mott MacDonald Demeter House Station Road Public Disclosure Authorized Cambridge CBI 2RS Tel 01223 463500 Fax 01223 461007 I Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald Development Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission Issue and Revision Record Rev Date Originator Checker Approver Description A February LQ LW First Issue (Draft) This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Mott MacDonald being obtained. Mot MacDonald accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequence of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his agreement to indemnify Mott MacDonald for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Mott MacDonald accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned. Enx ronmental Management Plan 3 DRAFT 206033/05/A/February 2004 Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald Development Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission List of Contents I Summar) 1 1.1 Brief Introduction of Project 1 1.1.1 Project Purpose 1 1.1.2 Construction Scope and Main Technical Index 1 1.1.3 Land Acquisition And Relocation 11 1.1.4 Cost Estimation 13 1.1.5 Construction Plan 14 1.2 Evaluation Standard 15 1.2.1 Project Categorisation 15 1.2.2 EIA Scope 15 1.2.3 EIA Standards 16 1.3 Environmental Evaluation 17 1.3.1 Conclusion of Environmental Influence - Construction Period 17 1.3.2 Conclusion of Environmental Influence - Operation period 24 1.3.3 Project Risks 34 1.4 Assessment Basis 40 1.5 Laws and Regulations 40 1.5.1 Project Documents 41 1.6 HEPRI Environmental Monitoring Plan 43 1.6.1 Institutional Responsibilities 43 1.6.2 Management Institutions: Project Management Office System 43 1.6.3 Supervision Institutions 44 1.6.4 Executive Institutions 45 2 Environmental Protection Management Plan 46 2.1 Environmental Protection Management Plan in the Construction Period 46 2.2 Environmental Management Plan in the Operation Period 58 2.3 Impacts and Costs of Plan 63 Environniental Management Plan I DRAFr 206033/05/A/February 2004 Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald Development Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission 2.3.1 Once-Time Investment On Environmental Protection Facilities 63 2.3.2 Operation Expense of Environmental Protection Facilities 64 2.3.3 Environmental Protection Personnel Training 65 2.3.4 Impacts and Costs of Plan 65 3 Environmental Monitoring Plan 65 3.1 Monitoring Report System 65 Environmental Management Plan ii DRAFT 206033/05/A/February 2004 Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald Development Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission Abbreviations and Acronyms ATI' Ability lo pa! LAR Land acquisition and resettlement AEQR Annual Environmental Quality Report LC Leading consultant BOD Biochemical Ox"ygen Demand LG Leading group CB Coal briquette MOC Minimstry of Construction CDAO Chang%haDrainage Adminoistration 0/lce MOF MiistrY of Finance CEDI Chang,sha Municipal Enginieerinig Design mu Chinese mu ( Iliectare equals 15 mu) Institute CHP Cultural heritage plan NCB National competitive bidding CMDC Changsha Municipal Drainage Comtipanvy NCEDRI Nortlh China Municipal Engineering Design Research/Institute COD Chiemiical oxYgen demnamid NPV Net present value CPUB Changs.ha Public Utilities Bureau NPC National People's Congress CSO Combined sewer, .-'i. ,, NDRC National Development and Reform Commission CZT Ciangshla -Z/iuzhou Xiangtan 0 O M Operation and maintenance CTZ EIO C/iangsvlia-Xiauigtan-Zhuz/iou Economic OD Oxygen demand Integratioi Office CZTILC CZ7 InternationalLogistics Co Ltd PAD Project Appraisal Document (WB) CUDIC C it,. i Urban Development Investment Co., PAP Project affected person Ltd CWM Coal water mixture PC Project component CMG C/iangsha Municipal Government PIP Project implementation plan DO Dissolved oxygen PIU Project implementation unit DRA Design, review & advisory consultant PLG Project leading group DWF Dry weatherflow (sewage) PMO Project management office (Municipal level) DG Domestic garbage PPMO Provincialsproject management office EA Environmeit assessment PPP Projectprocurement plan EIA Environment impact assessment PRC People'sRepublic of China EIO Ecological Integrated Office PS Pumping station EIRR Economic internal rate of return PV Present value EMP Environmental management plan RAP Resettlement action plan ENFI ENFI Beijing Central Engineering & Research RMB Chinese currency (Yuan) Institute fir Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industries EEB Ecologic and econiomic belt SDPC State Development and Planning Commission FEF Front-endfee SEPA State Environment ProtectionAdministration FIRR Fimiancial internal rate of return SS Suspended solids FSR Feasibility studv report SWDC Solid Waste Disposal Company HIECC Hunan IiternationalEngineering Consulting TA Technical assistance Companv HPPDC Hunami ProvincialPlanning and Development TOR Terms of reference Commission HUDP Hun an Urban Development Project TP Total phosphorous HZCCC HiInan ZhuxLyi Clean Coal Co Ltd TN Total Nitrogen HEPB Ilunan Environmental Protection Bureau VOC Vehicle operationcost HEPRI Hunan Environmental Protection Researcih Township and village industrialenterprise Imistitute TVIE HUEIAC Environmental Impact Assessment Centre of UDIC Urban Development Investment Company Ltd. Hun an Universiry lAs lInplementing agencies UTU Undertaking Unit (si ye dan wei) ICB Imiternational competitive bidding WB World Bank (InternationalBankfor Reconstruction and Development) IDC Interest during construction WSC Water Supply Company IDP Institutional development plan WTP Willingness to pay IDS Interest during construction WW Wastewater Emivronmiiental Managemeni Plan iii DRAFT 206033/05/A/February 2004 Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald Development Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission INS internationialor national shopping WWTP Wastewater treatment plant IST Iln.stitutional strengileninig and traininig ZTTDC 7haoshan Tonursm and Trade Development Corporation ZSA Z7haoshan Scenic Area Environmental Management Plan iv DRAFT 206033/05/A/February 2004 Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald De velopment Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission 1 Summary 1.1 Brief Introduction of Project 1.1.1 Project Purpose Hunan Province has sought World Bank assistance for the Hunan Urban Development Project (HUDP), which will contribute to sustainable urban development in the Changsha-Xiangtan-Zhuzhou (CZT) region through selected investments to address priority needs, capacity building and institutional development. It is currently proposed that the loan application be presented to the Bank Board for approval in June 2004. The HUDP proposed the following priority investments: * PCI - The Corridor Component, to improve flood control measures and develop recreational (scenic) roads on/along the embankment, in four selected sections of the three municipalities. * PC2 - The Changsha Wastewater Component, to increase the percentage of sewage treated in the urban areas of the municipality, and to develop the Changsha Municipal Drainage Company (CMDC) into an autonomous public utility operating on commercial principles. * PC3 - The Zhuzhou Clean Coal Component, to reduce air pollution through the production and sale of low sulphur coal and ensuring its use. * PC4 - The CTZ Logistics Centre Component, to better utilise Zhuzhou's locational advantages as a major transport hub and to create employment opportunities. * PC5 - Xiangtan No. 4 Bridge Component, to provide for a continued smooth flow of traffic across the Xiangjiang River in Xiangtan in the medium term. (The Xiangtanl No.4 Bridge Conmponenlt has been removedfrom the Project) * PC6 - Zhaoshan Scenic Area Component, to conserve and improve the surroundings of eight old temples and historic relics, old trees and plantations, and supporting infrastructure for visitors. Institutional development and capacity building will complement the investment components through the provision of technical assistance. Capacity building and training for the CZT Economic Integration Office is also an important project component. 1.1.2 Construction Scope and Main Technical Index The CEA is based on the FSRs and design details that have been prepared as of January 2004. Some of the component EA reports had been based on earlier designs and have been amended as necessary. Ens ,roiental Management Plan 1 DRAFT 206033/05/A/February 2004 Hunan Urban Mott MacDonald Development Project Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Commission There may be ongoing refinement and optimisation of some of the project features, but these should not affect the results of the EA to any great extent. Any major reconfiguration of the component projects could result in an amended EA and/or addendum report. PCI, CorridorComponent The proposed project aims to greatly strengthen the flood prevention capability of the CZT ecological corridor. and to improve the present eco-environment, to develop the integrated economy and facilitate the development of tourism, and ecologically improve the regional
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