Issue 4 -D Dec 2020 Editors LETTER
Issue 4 -D Dec 2020 EDiTORS LETTER SulSul Simmers, Welcome to issue 6 of SimmedUp Magazine. The community magazine, created by Sims fans for Sims fans. This month we bring you yet another jam packed issue, we also celebrate with a few more team members joining us! Not only do we have the Wonderful Machinima creator ‘TheMomCave’ we have Award winning journalist Antoinette Muller joining us, and we are also working with her own website Extra Time Media. We are all so excited to have so many talented members on our team, all of whom dedicate their time for free. It really does go to show when you have the communities best interests at heart, everything else just falls into place. On that note, what have we got coming up, dare I tell you? We have the amazing and super talented Celebrity and Good Witch ‘Patti Negri,’ talking about the paranormal to celebrate The Sims ‘Paranormal pack’ game release, the inspirational XfreezerBunnyX - GameChanger chatting with Ivana, Karen Keren brings you more top TSM tips, we have the all new ‘Simspiration’ with K8Simsley and ‘Building a better life’ with TheMomCave, Antoinette is all in with Maxis Match and we have the ‘Romance’ Mod review with Grace, just too many to name, but yes we have it all and more. February is the ‘Love’ Month, whether you celebrate or not! This issue we hope, has just the right balance for those of you who are loved up, and those of you that are wishing it was March already! But we also have some sad news, the lovely and very talented Karen Keren is leaving us this month, to go off on her own amazing adventures, I am sure you will all join us, in wishing her well and that the future brings her everything she dreams of, and thank you so much for being a part of our team.
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