THE SIMS 3: PLAYER IMPACT GUIDE Ages 13+ | 2-3 Hours
Household Management THE SIMS 3: PLAYER IMPACT GUIDE Ages 13+ | 2-3 Hours “After people play these Sim games, it tends to change their perception of the world around them, so they see their city, house, or family in a slightly different way after playing.” --Will Wright, creator The Sims 3 allows unique power to explore many of the facets of your Sims’ everyday life, from their relationships with other Sims to their financial choices. You can control and manage the impact and lifestyle your Sims have in the game world, guiding them through their daily meals and after-work hobbies to their whole lives, determining what they spend their money on, what jobs that take, who they marry, how many children they have, what friends they keep, among infinite other choices. Certain expansion packs give further depth to Sim lives, allowing them to have pets, go on vacations, hang out at nightclubs, start up their own businesses, and even go to college. In this guide we challenge and invite you to think about The Sims 3 as an exploration of economic prosperity through HOW TO managing your virtual economy and your chosen career path. As you play, reflect on your experience. In what ways is the game an economic system? In what ways do your Sims’ households reflect your own household in real life? What USE THIS kinds of lessons about economic prosperity and household management can we learn from The Sims 3? GUIDE Answer the questions below and add up your points when you’re finished! Sim households begin a new game with §20,000 Simoleons to spend on a new house and furniture.
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