Class of 1976

From Hanover • March 2014 THIS IS THE YEAR !! It’s Snowing As I Write... It’s looking like the snow may never leave, but I have a vague feeling that I’ve experienced this March dread before. Winter Carnival was better for the snow, and the beastly cold did not seem to deter the undergrads from plunging into the pond. I watched for awhile, trying to understand the draw. Paul (Kim) Windrath, our illustrious Web Master, has been collecting stories from our classmates, learning how they are celebrating their 60th birthdays. It is such a great idea, and he has very kindly passed on many of your stories.

From Tim Caldwell (Lyme, NH): “60. Hmmm. It’s the first birthday since my 20th that is really sinking in. Although last minute, our celebration was really fun: we travelled to Tesero, Italy (Sud Tirol) to watch our youngest (Patrick D ’17) compete in the World Jr. Champi- onships for Cross Country Skiing. He had a couple of great races and it was terrific to be there with him and our eldest, Lucy, who flew down from London where she’s in grad school. To top it off, we travelled home on my birthday, giv- ing me 6 extra hours to savor the day!

Yes, still in the estate planning business. Happy to chat with (Photos by Eli Burak ‘00) you re you parents on general topics—if they live in a state other than NH or VT I couldn’t give you any state specific insights. Finally, yes, still skiing, but not competing. Glad to hear you are still in the mix. Gotta keep moving.”

From Jeff Bolton (Kailua, Hawaii): “Indeed today is my 60th, and the best gift of all is that I am not dead. Perhaps that is a fairly low bar but I have been having some severe health issues so the fact I am looking down on the grass is meaningful.

My wife and I are celebrating tonight by heading into Ho- nolulu for Chinese food, in Chinatown. Chinatown here is pretty much like every Chinatown, a bit dicey but fun and great food. After, we are going to the Lion King, which the Touring company is here, so we are going to enjoy a bit of a Broadway moment.

Medford was a great place to grow up, and maybe a better place to leave. Have to admit, though, salmon and steel- head fishing on the Rogue were among the great moments of my youth, as was stealing pears and peaches from Sabrosa orchards.” [email protected] HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY, CLASS OF 1976

From Anne Katlic (Penfield, NY): down. I would get a phone call or camera across the table to me. Look- email or a text message, simply ing at the photo, I noticed that our “Many thanks for the warm birthday saying, “Four more months” . . . “Two youngest son, a 3rd year cadet out at greeting! I greatly appreciated any more months” . . . “Just three weeks the Air Force Academy in Colorado, and all support to ease the shock of to go.” When the weekend of my was standing right behind me, in his turning 60. How did that happen?!! birthday approached, my wife Betty dress blue uniform. I couldn’t believe You're really kind and generous to took that Friday off, and said she it, and spun around so fast that I undertake this daunting project for wanted to take me to for a almost dropped the camera. all our '76 classmates. long weekend. Sounded good to me. So - all of our children flew in from all I celebrated my birthday with a quiet We drove up to Freeport on Friday, over the country to surprise me, and weekend at my favorite place, Fourth had dinner at The Muddy Rudder. they got me good. I still can’t believe Lake in the Adirondacks, enjoying The next morning we spent three it. They all stayed through the long cross country skiing, a warm fireplace hours at L.L.Bean, then had lunch at Presidents Day Weekend. It had been and the beautiful winter wonder- Linda Bean’s restaurant (wicked good several years since we were all to- land. Pretty low key, which was fine food). Drove down to Portland Satur- gether like that. We had a lot of fun. with me. Later this year, my husband day afternoon, had a huge lobster at Kerry and I will treat ourselves to a DiMillo’s, and returned to Connecti- And that is how I slipped into my European river cruise to celebrate cut the next day. Betty and I are both seventh decade on this planet. Not both of our big 6-0's. Figure we'd originally from Bar Harbor, Maine, bad at all . . . better start enjoying life while we but that is a long drive, and this was You asked about my book, Christo- still can! just perfect; a nice, quiet way to ease pher’s Summer. It has done quite into the beginnings of old age with- Yes, Rochester is a nice area despite well, selling out twice. I am currently out any fanfare. I loved it. the long, snowy winters. For better or trying to figure out how to get it worse, guess I've gotten acclimated The following week, Betty told me published electronically, as that after living here over 30 years. Inter- that my sister, who lives in Stratham, seems to be the wave of the future. esting to hear about your Hartwick had been in touch; We were hoping to move back to swim coach connection-- our sub- my niece had an indoor high school Maine in retirement, but almost five urban high schools, esp. Pittsford, track team meet here in Connecticut years ago I fell off a cliff while hiking Fairport, Penfield, Webster have a that Saturday, and they wanted to with my daughter up in Bar Harbor. tradition of strong swim teams. Will see us. She and Betty had decided I broke several bones and sustained keep my ears open for anyone head- we should meet at a local restau- a severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Was ing your way. Our sons were into rant after the track meet. We drove in a coma for two and a half months. running, one at Union College where to the restaurant, I dropped Betty None of the nine doctors working until recently he helped coach cross at the front door, and went to park on me thought I would survive, but country and occasionally attended the car. When I walked back to the I did. Today I’m full of titanium and meets at Hartwick. It's always nice to lobby of the restaurant, Betty was have a bit of brain damage, so I’m hear about Dartmouth classmates there waiting for me, said that my permanently disabled and had to with connections to upstate NY.” sister and her daughter had already take early retirement. Instead of been seated, and she led me into battling through the long Maine From Seamus (Jim) Hourihan the dining room. We walked into a winters, we have opted to move (Marblehead, MA): side room with a big table, where I into a retirement community here in Thanks for sending the first Happy saw my niece. As I walked through Connecticut, which is a good thing. Birthday wish. For some reason, the the door, I saw my son and his wife My wife still works, and we can drive 60th seems very different than the at one end of the table. On the other up to Maine in the summers. Also, two big priors – 50th, 40th. side of the table were my daughter we are a lot closer to our kids here In any case, I don’t feel very differ- and her husband. As I expressed my in Connecticut, and that is nice, with ent. Next Monday, my wife, Amy, surprise, I felt a hand on my shoulder grandchildren arriving (we have and I start a three week ski trip in the from behind. Turning around, I saw four so far, with another three on Rockies. A week each at Alta, Jackson my other son. I couldn’t believe it, the way). In my retirement, I have Hole and Big Sky.” and gave him a big hug. My daugh- pursued a twenty-year hobby of ter across the table said that she finishing natural pieces of wood in From Jeff Dugan (Bloomfield, CT): wanted to get a picture of us, so we a uniquely beautiful way. In twenty obediently faced the camera. After years, I have never found another “ Thank you for the birthday wishes. taking the photo, she said, “That person who does what I do to wood, As the date (February 9) has ap- came out really well. That’s a nice so that is fun and rewarding.” proached over the past few months, shot; look at it, Dad,” and handed her my kids have had me on a count- [email protected] HOORAY for Mini-Reunions! From Peter Stark (from Missoula, Montana):

“I thought I’d report to the Class Newsletter that we had a ‘76 mini, mini-Reunion last spring here in Missoula, Montana when I ran into Mel Treadway and Inky Ford at a Sussex School fundrais- ing event. Mel was visiting Inky in Missoula, where Inky and I both live and where her son and my two children all graduated from Sussex, a progressive and outdoorsy elementary school. It was amazing to recognize so quickly a classmate (Mel) whom I hadn’t seen in...35? years.

Meanwhile, I’ve just finished a new book titled “Astoria: John Jacob Astor and Thomas Jeffer- son’s Lost Pacific Empire: A Story of Wealth, Ambition, and Survival,” coming out in March with Ecco/HarperCollins. It’s about the expedition that came right after Lewis and Clark, now largely forgotten but very significant at the time, and was sent by Astor and backed by Jefferson to establish the first American colony on the West Coast. It ended in multiple disasters and epic survival stories. (Our own John Ledyard has a cameo role in the book, as he very early told Jef- ferson of the potential of the West Coast.) Besides writing, I’m managing to do a good deal of skiing, soccer and pickup hockey here in Montana. In 2010-11 we spent a year as a family in a small town in Northeastern Brazil, where we had full cultural and language immersion, with daughter Molly, then a high school sophomore and son Skyler, then in 7th grade, puzzling their way through Portuguese and the local school. My wife, Amy Ragsdale, is director of a contemporary dance company, Headwaters Dance, so between writing and dance and travel we have a kind of crazy life, but a good one.”

From Rip and Noreen Fisher (from Stuart, Florida):

The Class of 1976 Mini-Reunion in Florida was held at the beautiful home of Carolyn Kohn 76 and Lee Harris 73 in Palm City on Saturday January 11, 2014. Highlights of the event included 75 degree sunny weather (you don’t see that in Hanover in January), a competitive billiards game in which the women beat the men, a boat cruise on the St Lucie River, a wonderful BBQ and an attempt tp sing Men (We) of Dartmouth with some singing the old words and some signing the new (we need to work on this to do a better job next year). A great time was had by all.

Participating classmates included Carolyn Kohn, Rip Fisher, Noreen Fisher, Kim Blanchard, Steve Askey and Bob Hurst. Also joining us were Lee Harris 73, Joe Brennan 75, Sandy Wood 77, Bambi Wood, Yenni Askey and Cornelia Hurst. Carolyn Kohn is working at Morgan Stanley based out of Palm City. Rip Fisher and Noreen Fisher are corporate and non-profit directors based at Sailfish Point, Stuart, Florida. Kim Blanchard works as a Tax Partner at Weil, Gotshal & Manges in Manhattan and owns a condo in Jensen Beach, Florida. Bob Hurst has retired from a long career as an officer in the US Coast Guard and serves as a volunteer for nautical related activities out of Coral Gables, Florida. Steve Asley met his wife Yenni in Indonesia when he worked there for Schlumberger in the oil services industry, he now lives in Houston and visits his brother in Jupiter, Florida when he participates in our Mini-Reunions.

This is our third year for a Class of 1976 Mini-Reunion in Florida, and we hope to have more in the future. Other classmates Other classmates who live in or visit Florida in the winter are welcome to contact us if they would like to participate in or host future events. who live in or visit Florida in the winter are welcome to contact us if they would like to participate in or host future events.

[email protected] From Lancaster, PA, our class Gift Planning Chair, Stefanie Valar, writes: There are many ways to create a legacy at Dartmouth that do not affect you and your family financially during your lifetime. Including a bequest in your will is one way. There are other arrangements which are simpler than a bequest since they do not require you to update your will. One of these is to name Dartmouth College as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. Simply request a form from your human resources department or your plan administrator. Indicate a specific dollar amount or percentage to be distributed to Franklin & Marshall at your death. Use “Trustees of Dart- mouth” as the beneficiary name and include tax ID# 02-0222111. Benefits: • Your ability to take lifetime withdrawals remains the same • Changing the beneficiary of your retirement plan continues to be an option • You avoid the double taxation– income and estate tax – your retirement savings would incur if you designated your heir(s) as beneficiary(ies) Make Dartmouth a beneficiary of your retirement now and know that your legacy will include making an extraordinary Dartmouth experience possible for future generations of promising young people. Your wonderful commitment will be honored and recognized with membership in the Bartlett Tower Society, anonymously if you wish. For additional information, you can contact Laura Alexander in Dartmouth’s Gift Planning Office at 603-646-3799 or [email protected]. I can be reached at 717-291-4272 or [email protected]. In either case, the conversation will be kept in strict confidence.

From our Alumni Councillor, Dana Rowan: Dear Fellow ‘76 Classmates: As a follow up to my email to you several weeks ago, I am report- ing back on the meetings and evening events associated with the fall gathering of the Dartmouth Alumni Council (DAC) held in Hanover from October 24 - 26. This gathering was special for two reasons. It was the first opportunity for President Hanlon to address the DAC since being installed as Dartmouth’s 18th president on September 20, 2013. It also marked the 100th year anniversary of the DAC since it was established by Ernest Martin Hopkins in 1913. The 207th meeting of the DAC took place in crisp, overcast autumn weather that turned out to be a great opportunity for those councilors who stayed a few hours longer to see Dartmouth’s football team defeat Columbia, 56-0. The program schedule was jam-packed and included the highlights (additional detail is below as well) as follows: • The program opened with a festive dinner on Thursday evening featuring 100th anniversary remarks and a slide show of historic photos from that period by Council President Mark Davis ’81, ’84Tu, followed by an impressive student panel on experiential learning opportunities in the Upper Valley region; • Friday morning’s concurrent sessions allowed councilors an opportunity to discuss and engage in the work of their respective committees; • Opening remarks from Council President Davis at Friday morning’s plenary session; • Address by new Dartmouth College President Philip J. Hanlon ’77; • Presentation of market research on alumni by Martha Beattie ’76, vice president for alumni relations, and Jean Romeo, director of market research; • Alumni Council informal luncheon with students; • Presentation by Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson and members of her staff regarding student life at Dart- mouth; • Financial and investment presentations by Richard Mills, chief financial officer, and Pamela Peedin ’89, ’98Tu, chief investment officer; • Meetings of Alumni Awards Committee, Young Alumni Committee, and Honorary Degrees Committee and option- al programs for other councilors; • Friday inaugural Alumni Awards gala dinner, featuring presentation of the Dartmouth Alumni Award to Donald Berlin ’54, Kenneth Johansen ’60, ’62Th , R. Bradford Evans ’64, and Peter Frederick ’65, and the Dartmouth Young Alumni Distinguished Service Award to E. Kristina Brock ’01, ’02Th, and Jethro Rothe-Kushel ’03; • Presentation by Bob Lasher ’88, senior vice president for advancement; • Report by Dartmouth trustees Steve Mandel ’78 and Sherri Oberg ’82, ’86Tu, on board priorities; • Presentation by Roger Woolsey, director of the Center for Professional Development; • Update from Jennifer Avellino ’89, chair of the Nominating and Alumni Trustee Search Committee; • Presentation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion’s final report by cochairs S. Caroline Kerr ’05 and Janine Avner ’80; and • Open forum, including proposed Association of Alumni (AoA) constitutional amendment to eliminate alumni-wide balloting for uncontested elections and council committee reports. THANKS for the NEWS !!!

“My wife Margaret Beaulac (Mary Hitchcock ’75) and I became grandparents in May with the arrival of Maria Margaret Barzun, daughter of Emily Little and Charles Barzun of Charlot- tesville, VA. Our son James started working for Ernst & Young in Boston in September. My latest book is Nature & Culture: The Art of Joel Babb (University Press of New England). I also edited my brother David Little’s first book, Art of Katahdin (Down East Books). I’m in my 13th year at the Maine Community Foundation and about to experience my 24th winter in Maine, with snowshoes close at hand.”

Carl Little Director of Communications & Marketing Maine Community Foundation 245 Main Street, Ellsworth, ME 04605 207-667-9735, ext. 1102 * 1-877-700-6800, ext. 1102 [email protected]

And, from Henry Hart:

“I find myself spending a lot of time in and around Dartmouth these days. My daughter Maria entered Dartmouth in 2012. I’m happy to report that she has been very happy at the college, and I’ve enjoyed returning to old haunts on campus despite the fact that it takes a long 12 hours by car to get from Williamsburg, Virginia, to Hanover. I drove up and back four times over the past year with Maria, and made the trip one more time during the summer to pick up my son from a Dartmouth running camp. He was relieved to able to attend after surgery to remove his cheekbone, which had sprouted a rare vascular tumor, and now he’s planning to apply to Dart- mouth. I’m still teaching English at the College of William and Mary and working on a number of writing projects, including a book about Seamus Heaney and a new biography of Robert Frost. I recently published a poetry book with Orchises Press—Familiar Ghosts. Several poems are set in the Hanover area.”

Thanks, also to Fraser Marcus for news:

“Having moved back to Dallas four years ago after 25 years in London, we are very well settled. My wife Rhonda is busy producing a children’s television show, which with a little luck will air soon, and has a full slate of communal boards, kids sports nad managing her peripatetic husband! My older son Austin graduates this year from Carnegie Mellon. Our younger son Nolan is very happy at the St Mark’s School of Texas as is our daughter Emanuelle at the Hockaday School. I am working hard and still travelling to the Middle East, Europe Asia and Latin America for Southeastern as we seek quality, under-valued businesses in which to invest. I also have a fairly full plate of communal and non-profit engagements which keep me busy.

This summer Rhonda and I were the trial ‘guinea pigs’ for an “alumni boot camp” program with Dartmouth Peak Perfor- mance (DP2) in August. I talked Harry Sheehy and Drew Galbraith into trying this out and as it was so successful the college will institute the program in earnest next summer. In short, we joined in on the strength, conditioning, flex- ibility, nutrition and leadership program DP2 runs year round for all varsity athletes. It was quite daunting to train to keep up with 19 and 20 years olds on the track and in the weight room but we did it and had a blast. We can’t wait for next summer to do it again. I’ve attached a link to the DP2 Magazine which has an article about our experience in it on page 30 along with a pdf of the article.

Fraser E Marcus [email protected] [email protected] These classmates are ARE YOU?!?! [email protected] Was there anyone NOT watching the incredible Mikaela Shiffrin win gold?!

Mikaela Shiffrin (18-year-old daughter of Jeff Shiffrin), proved to be the biggest news of the Olympics. Mikaela, for- merly of Lyme, NH and now living in Eagle-Vail, Colo., won the gold medal in women’s slalom, beating, among others, a trio of legendary European skiers — 29-year-old Maria Hoefl-Riesch of Germany, 30-year-old of and 32-year- old of . Mikaela was the favorite coming into the Olympics, after becoming the top slalom skier on the World Cup circuit in the past year. She won three of six slalom races this season and won a the championship last year in Austria, becoming the youngest woman to win an world title since 1985. I, for one, was just thrilled to see her ski, and so very impressed by her poise during and after the competition. We can look forward to 3-4 more Olympics! CON- GRATULATIONS to Mikaela and the entire Shiffrin Family.

Note from the Editor: This is likely to be my last newsletter, thanks to our wonderful, hard-working, enthusiastic and life-saving Judy Csa- tari!! It turns out to be a pretty big job, and I really hope that you will all send me mail, which I can forward to Judy for her first issue. Thank you to all of you who have sent news and who have provided such wonderful support. In a couple of weeks, we will welcome granddaughter #2. We feel very lucky, indeed. We have had such fun with the older sister, who is nearly 2 1/2 years old.

I want to thank those of you who have sent in mail, and I strongly encourage the rest of you to send news of your- self or others, too. When you turn 60 and hear from Paul Windrath, please send him your stories.

Hope to see you in Hanover! Take good care and HAPPY TRAILS,

Martha Hennessey 4 Webster Terr Hanover, NH 03755 [email protected] [email protected] Dartmouth College BLUNT ALUMNI CENTER HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03755-3590