Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Who wrote the book? Give a reason for your answer. 2. What are the most popular dates given for its writing? 3. To whom does the word “WORD” refer? 4. Where else in the N. T. is the word “WORD” so used? 5. What John is under consideration in verse 6? 6. Who was the oldest, or ? 7. Explain the meaning of verse 15:

8. How was John to know who was going to baptize with the Holy Spirit? 9. What does the word “” mean? 10. Define the word “Rabbi.” FILL IN THE BLANKS: 11. There are chapters in the of John. 12. Verse 3 teaches that Jesus was the of all things. 13. The was made flesh. 14. The law was given by . 15. John was baptizing in beyond Jordan. 16. Andrew was brother. 17. means a stone. 18. was Philip’s home town. 19. The Israelite in whom there was no guile was . 20. The were to ascend and descend on the Son of Man. MATCH: 21. Was God A. Life 22. In Christ B. Jesus’ home town 23. His own C. No man 24. Grace and truth D. Spirit descended as 25. Seen God E. Word 26. Voice in wilderness F. Not worthy to unloose 27. Takes away sin G. Came by Christ 28. Nazareth H. Received Him not 29. Shoe latchet I. Lamb of God 30. Dove J. John the baptist TRUE / FALSE: 31. John 1:1 and Genesis 1:1 have something in common. 32. John was in the beginning with God. 33. Jesus is the . 34. Those who believe in Jesus became sons of God by faith alone. 35. are mentioned in this chapter. 36. Men can administer Holy Spirit baptism. 37. John tried to keep his disciples for himself. 38. Peter’s father’s name was Jona. 39. “Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” is a phrase found in this chapter. 40. Jesus saw Andrew under a fig tree. Questions on by Aude McKee

TRUE / FALSE: 1. Jesus’ turning water into wine was His first recorded miracle. 2. The water pots were made of glass. 3. Normally the best wine is served first. 4. Jesus went to at the feast of Pentecost. 5. Jesus “cleansed the temple” one other time during His stay on earth. 6. Jesus said He could rebuild Herod’s temple in three days. 7. Herod’s Temple took 64 years to build. 8. Jesus knew all men. 9. Miracles, in the first century, produced faith. 10. Jesus’ mother attended the wedding. FILL IN THE BLANKS: 11. was located in . 12. A “firkin” was equal to gallons. 13. The water pots were filled to the . 14. Jesus went to after He had attended the marriage. 15. Jesus made a and drove out the money changers. 16. He said they had made a house of out of His Father’s house. 17. 69:9 is quoted in this chapter. 18. The Jews were seeking for a . 19. Jesus spoke of His as being a temple. 20. The was instituted by God when His people left Egypt. QUESTIONS: 21. At this time, how many apostles had Jesus chosen? 22. Does the regulate the type of ceremony at a wedding? 23. Who instituted marriage? When? 24. What two things can terminate a marriage? 25. Did Mary look on her son as being an extraordinary person? 26. Did Jesus have any brothers in the flesh? 27. What circumstances called for animal sellers and money changers? 28. What was wrong; what was being done or where it was being done? 29. Verse 19 is a prophecy of what event? 30. What is the meaning of verse 24? MATCH: 31. My hour A. Written miracles produce faith 32. Governor B. Jesus 33. :30-31 C. John 2:18 34. D. Second cleansing 35. Jerusalem E. Not yet come 36. Matthew 13:55-56 F. Located in 37. Matthew 21:12-13 G. 1 Timothy 3:15 38. Man of courage H. Located in 39. Church-God’s house I. Feast 40. 1 Corinthians 1:22 J. Brothers and sisters Questions on by Aude McKee

MATCH: 1. Ruler of the Jews A. Those who do evil 2. Son of man B. Wind 3. Purifying C. Lifted up the serpent 4. God D. A question about it 5. Hate the light E. God 6. John F. 7. Bridegroom G. Ascended to heaven 8. Is true H. So loved the world 9. Can hear the sound I. Baptizing in Aenon 10. Moses J. Possesses the bride UNDERLINE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 11. Nicodemus came to Jesus by (night, day, chariot). 12. (Doctor, Reverend, Rabbi) was the title Nicodemus gave Jesus. 13. That which is born of flesh is (spirit, flesh, mortal). 14. The Son of man must be (lifted up, cast down, sent away). 15. Those who do (light, penance, truth) come to the light. 16. John baptized in Aenon because there was (clean, much, running) water there. 17. John had (disciples, friends, relatives) according to this chapter. 18. John said Jesus would (decrease, increase, remain the same). 19. The Spirit was not given by (measure, appointment, God) to Jesus. 20. John was the (bridegroom, usher, friend of the bridegroom). TRUE / FALSE: 21. Nicodemus was a Sadducee. 22. Nicodemus had some knowledge of Jesus’ miracles. 23. It is possible for a person to be born twice. 24. A man can enter into his mother’s womb the second time. 25. The best known verse in the is in this chapter. 26. Spiritual light and darkness are compatible. 27. Jesus had not yet begun to baptize at this time. 28. Jesus is the only one addressed as “Rabbi” in this chapter. 29. Nicodemus was ashamed to come to Jesus in the day time. 30. John was older than Jesus. QUESTIONS: 31. What two things are said to be involved in the new birth?

32. What part does the Spirit play? 33. Is water involved in any New Testament command except baptism? 34. What would lead you to believe that the “water” of John 3:3-8 is literal water? 35. Explain verse 8:

36. Do verses 15, 16, 18, and 36 teach that a person is saved by faith alone? 37. Why did John baptize at a place where there was “much” water? 38. Did John ever show any sign of jealousy over Jesus’ success? 39. If Jesus is the bridegroom, who or what is His bride? 40. Upon whom does the wrath of God abide? Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Who did Jesus’ baptizing for Him? 2. Why did Jesus “need to go through ” to get to Galilee from Judea?

3. How many husbands had the Samaritan woman had? 4. Why did the and the Jews have different places to worship?

5. What did Jesus teach was important in worship: the place or attitude of heart? 6. What does “worship in truth” mean? 7. Define the word “worship”:

8. In what two ways is the word “meat” used in this chapter? 9. Why did many people of the city believe on Jesus? 10. Where is a prophet without honor? TRUE / FALSE: 11. John was baptizing more people than Jesus. 12. Jacob’s well was located near Jerusalem. 13. The Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. 14. The water that came out of the well was literal water. 15. The woman that Jesus taught at the well was a good moral person. 16. God is a Spirit. 17. Jesus said the fields were not yet ready to be harvested. 18. Jesus stayed in the city three days. 19. The Samaritans attended the feast of Passover. 20. Jesus performed a miracle in this chapter. MATCH: 21. John 4:2 A. Figurative use 22. Jesus was tired B. Nobleman 23. Living water C. Anointed one 24. Worship in spirit D. Jesus’ birthplace 25. Messiah E. Family 26. Galileans F. 1 Corinthians 1:17 27. Sick man G. Left at 7th hour 28. Fever H. Received Him 29. House I. Sat on the well 30. Judea J. From the heart FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. The sixth hour was o’clock. 32. Jacob gave this parcel of ground. 33. The woman said the well was and Jesus had no . 34. The woman quickly perceived that Jesus was a . 35. In :17, Jesus said, “Thy is truth.” 36. Jesus, in verses 35-38 was saying that were ready to be harvested. 37. Many more believed on Jesus because of His own . 38. Jesus healed the nobleman’s son from a . 39. This was the miracle Jesus performed when He came from Judea. 40. This healing was performed on a person who evidently had no . Questions on by Aude McKee

SUPPLY THE MISSING WORD OR WORDS: 1. City to which Jesus returned. 2. Number of porches at the pool. 3. Number of years the man had been sick. 4. What the Jews tried to do to Jesus. 5. The one to whom the Father committed all judgment. 6. What the dead will do who hear Jesus’ voice. 7. What people are told to search. 8. The person who was accusing the Jews. 9. The man who bore witness to the truth. 10. The one who wrote about Jesus. MATCH: 11. A. Pool 12. On sabbath B. Greater witness than . Unlawful to carry bed C. Jesus and God 14. A burning light D. Troubled the waters 15. Bethesda E. Dead 16. Works Jesus did F. General resurrection 17. Never seen G. On sabbath 18. Verses 28, 29 H. God 19. Equal I. John the baptist 20. Shall hear Jesus’ voice J. Man healed TRUE / FALSE: 21. Jesus went to Jerusalem to keep the feast of Passover. 22. It was necessary to be in the water first to be healed. 23. There is clear indication that the man believed in Jesus before he was healed. 24. Jesus found the healed man, after he was healed, outside the city. 25. Opposition from religious leaders is a clear indication of wrong doing. 26. The “resurrections” of verse 25 and verses 28 and 29 are different. 27. Jesus said, “My father is resting and so I rest.” 28. Those Jews who were ready to kill Jesus also persecuted John the baptist. 29. The “scriptures” of verse 39 were the New Testament scriptures. 30. Those wicked Jews would have received someone coming in their own name. QUESTIONS: 31. Was Bethesda a Greek or Hebrew word? 32. Why had the sick man never gotten into the troubled waters first? 33. Was it a violation of the Law of Moses for the man to carry his bed on the Sabbath? 34. What command did Jesus give the healed man in the temple? 35. What two sins did the Jews accuse Jesus of? 36. Who does a person have to honor in order to honor God? 37. What resurrection is under consideration in verse 25? 38. Does the Bible teach that there will be a thousand years in between the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked? 39. What is the meaning of verse 31? 40. Give one place where Moses wrote about Jesus: Questions on by Aude McKee

FILL IN THE BLANKS: 1. The was sometimes called the sea of . 2. wondered where they could buy food for the multitude to eat. 3. Five loaves and two fishes were provided by a . 4. baskets of leftovers were taken up. 5. The number fed on this occasion was . 6. The people said, “This is of a truth that that should come.” 7. They desired to take Him by force and make Him . 8. During the night, the disciples saw Jesus on the water. 9. Jesus said, “He that cometh to me shall never .” 10. “He that believeth on me hath .” TRUE / FALSE: 11. Jesus questioned the motives of the people who followed Him. 12. Jesus was given the title of “Reverend” by the people in this chapter. 13. Believing on Jesus is a work of God. 14. Peter said, “ the bread of life.” 15. Jesus said, “I came down from heaven to do my own will.” 16. The Jews ate manna in the wilderness and died. 17. The word “quickeneth” in the KJV means to “move rapidly.” 18. This chapter teaches that Jesus had fore-knowledge. 19. Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, in this chapter. 20. A distinction can be made between a disciple and an apostle. QUESTIONS: 21. Explain the meaning of the term “meat” in verse 27. 22. Does verse 29 teach that God puts faith in a person’s heart? 23. Explain why faith is not a work of man? 24. Show the likeness between John 6:34 and John 4:15?

25. How is it possible for us to eat the “true bread from heaven” and drink “living water”? 26. Why did the Jews think Jesus could not be the “bread which came down from heaven”? 27. Does verse 39 teach the doctrine of the impossibility of apostasy? 28. Do verses 44-45 show us how God gives people to Christ? 29. Cite another passage in addition to verse 46 that teaches that no man has seen God? 30. What does Jesus say are “spirit and life”? UNDERLINE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 31. This lesson comes (one, two, three) day(s) after Jesus walked on the water. 32. The people came to (Jerusalem, Capernaum, Antioch) seeking Jesus. 33. The Jews ate (manna, locust, wild honey) in the wilderness. 34. (Moses, Abraham, Jesus) is the bread of God that came down from heaven. 35. The dead will be raised at the (first, last) day. 36. The (disciples, , Sadducees) said, “This is a hard saying, who can hear it.” 37. “The (prophecies, parables, words) that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” 38. (Andrew, Peter, James) said, “To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” 39. Of the twelve, (Judas, Peter, Thomas) was a devil. 40. Jesus speaks of His (flesh, blood, words) as being meat. Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. About how much time is there between John 6 and the feast of Tabernacles? 2. What is the feast of Tabernacles? Discuss it. 3. Were His brethren unbelievers? In what sense? 4. Did the people discuss their views about Jesus openly? Why? 5. What did the people think of Jesus’ ability as a teacher? 6. How could one know whether or not His doctrine was of God? 7. Did the officers of the chief priests and Pharisees arrest Jesus? 8. Did any of the rulers of the Pharisees believe on Jesus? 9. What did the officers say about Jesus? 10. To whom did Jesus say he would go in a little while? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Jesus’ brethren urged Him to go up to the feast. 12. Jesus forbade His brethren to go to the feast. 13. The Jews were expecting Jesus at the feast. 14. The people were united in their views of Jesus. 15. Jesus said the Jews had kept the law of Moses. 16. Jesus knew the Jews sought to kill Him. 17. Jesus compared circumcising a man on the Sabbath to healing on the sabbath. 18. Some first thought that the rulers knew that Jesus was the Christ. 19. Jesus said, “Ye shall seek me, and shall find me: and where I am ye can come.” 20. On the first day of the feast Jesus said, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.” MATCH: 21. “My time” A. Jesus 22. The world hated B. Living waters 23. Pharisees and chief priests C. “Whence he is” 24. “We know” D. “Ye all marvel” 25. Flow E. “Not yet come” 26. “One work” F. In the temple 27. Jesus taught G. Jewry 28. Midst of H. Sought to kill Him 29. Jews I. Sent officers 30. Galilee J. Feast FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Jesus went up to the feast . 32. “The people answered and said, Thou hast a .” 33. “Judge not according to the but judge judgment.” 34. “Then they sought to him: but no man on Him, because His was not yet come.” 35. “ of the people believed on Him.” 36. “When Christ cometh, will he do than these which this hath done?” 37. Some said, “Of a truth this is the . Others said, “This is the .” 38. “The scriptures said, that Christ cometh of the seed of and out of the town of .” 39. defended Jesus before the Pharisees and chief Priests. 40. “Search, and look: for out of ariseth no .” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Did the woman taken in adultery have any witnesses to her sin? 2. Did any testify against the adulterous woman? 3. Did Jesus condemn her? Why? 4. Who bore witness with Jesus of His teaching? 5. Who did Jesus say was of the world? 6. When did Jesus say they would “know that I am he”? 7. Were the Jews in bondage in any way? 8. Who did Jesus say was their father? 9. How did Jesus escape their stoning Him? 10. Were those who believed on Him made free? Why? TRUE / FALSE: 11. The law of Moses commanded an adulteress be put away with a bill of divorce. 12. The Jews were sincere in asking about the law of Moses. 13. Jesus wrote on the ground with a quill. 14. Jesus wrote on the ground twice. 15. Jesus bore record of Himself alone. 16. It was written in their law that the testimony of one man is true. 17. The Jews were conscious of their bondage. 18. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. 19. Jesus challenged the Jews to convict Him of sin. 20. Jesus said, “If a man keep my saying, He shall never see death.” MATCH: 21. Sat down A. Cat at Him 22. Woman B. “Judgeth” 23. Went out C. “And hast a devil” 24. Treasury D. Liar 25. “Whither I go” E. Truth 26. Free F. “Ye cannot come” 27. The devil G. Temple 28. “Thou art a Samaritan” H. One by one 29. “One that seeketh” I. Taken in adultery 30. Took up stones J. Taught them FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Jesus went unto the mount of . 32. Jesus said, “He that is without among you, let him first cast a at her.” 33. Jesus said, “I am the of the world.” 34. Jesus said, “Ye are from : I am from .” 35. “As he spake these words, believed on him.” 36. The Jews claimed Abraham as their . 37. The Jews claimed they were of the seed of . 38. “He that is of God, heareth words.” 39. “ rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.” 40. Jesus said, “If God were your father, ye would me.” Questions on John 9 by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. What did the disciples ask Jesus about the blind man? 2. The healing of the blind man manifested the works of whom? 3. Did the blind man give a clear answer to the people about how he received his sight? 4. What did the unbelieving Jews ask the parents of the man healed? 5. Why did the parents of the man healed fear the Jews? 6. Do you think the parents believed that Jesus was the Christ? 7. How did the man healed answer the Jews the second time? 8. In what way did the Jews compare Moses and Jesus? 9. Give the healed man’s answer to this comparison? 10. Whose prayer will God hear? TRUE / FALSE: 11. The blind man had been blind forty years? 12. The man was blind because of the sins of his parents. 13. The blind man anointed his own eyes. 14. The blind man was told to wash in the pool of Bethesda. 15. The blind man promptly obeyed Jesus. 16. Before the blind man was healed, he sat and begged. 17. The blind man was healed on the first day of the week. 18. Some Pharisees accused Jesus of being a sinner. 19. The Jews had heard of such a miracle before. 20. Jesus said, “The night cometh when all men can work.” MATCH: 21. Brought to the Pharisees A. Day 22. “If... not of God” B. “Who did sin” 23. “Dost thou teach us” C. Saw a blind man 24. “Lord, I believe” D. Put out of the 25. For judgment E. “have no sin” 26. If ye were blind F. “I am come” 27. Confess Christ G. And he worshipped him 28. Jesus passed by H. “They cast him out” 29. Master I. “could do nothing” 30. Night J. “Him that aforetime was blind” FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Jesus said, “I work the works of him .” 32. Jesus said, “I must work while it is .” 33. Jesus said, “I am the of the world.” 34. Jesus spat on the ground and made of the spittle. 35. The healing of the blind man caused division among the . 36. Some Pharisees said, “How can a man that is a sinner do such ?” 37. The man healed first said, “Jesus was a .” 38. The Jews “reviled him, and said, Thou art his ; but we are .” 39. “Neither hath this man , nor his .” 40. “ must work the works of him that sent me.” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Do you think verses 1-21 are a continuation of His teaching at the feast of Tabernacles? (cf. 9:39-41; 10:7, 19-21). 2. What is meant by “door” in verses 1, 2? 3. Who is the same as a thief and a robber? 4. Why do the sheep follow the shepherd and not a stranger? 5. Was Jesus both the shepherd and the door? 6. For what reason did Jesus say, “I am come”? 7. When would there be one fold and one shepherd? 8. Who said, “If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly”? 9. Had Jesus told them that he was the Christ? 10. Did the Jews attempt to stone Him at the feast of Dedication? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Jesus laid down his life that He might take it again. 12. Jesus had no choice about laying down His life. 13. There was division again among the Jews. 14. The feast of Dedication came in the summer. 15. Jesus said, “the works that I do bear witness of me.” 16. Any man is able to pluck sheep out of the Father’s hand. 17. The Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy. 18. The law of the Jews called men gods. 19. When Jesus left Jerusalem, after the feast of Dedication, He went away again beyond Jordan. 20. Beyond Jordan many believed on Jesus. MATCH: 21. Saved A. Never perish 22. Have life B. Find pasture 23. C. Solomon’s porch 24. Hireling D. More abundantly 25. Wolf E. Jerusalem 26. Know my sheep F. Giveth his life 27. Other sheep G. Catcheth 28. Feast of Dedication H. Not of this fold 29. Temple I. Known of mine 30. Eternal life J. Fleeth FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “The thief cometh not, but for to , and to , and to .” 32. “All that ever came before me are and .” 33. “I lay down my for the .” 34. “He hath a , and is ; Why hear ye him?” 35. “Can a open the of the blind?” 36. “My sheep hear my , and I know them, and they me?” 37. “I and my Father are .” 38. “... Though ye believe not me, believe the .” 39. When the Jews sought again to take him, he out of their hand. 40. “John did no , but all things that John spake of this man were true.” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Had Jesus visited in the home of Mary and before? 2. Is the Mary of verse 2 the same as the woman of Luke 7:37, 38? 3. When Jesus said, “Let us go into Judea again,” how did the disciples react and why? 4. What lesson did Jesus intend from the figure in verses 9 and 10? 5. Did Martha “make the good confession”? 6. When Mary left the house, where did the Jews who comforted her think she was going? 7. Who reported to the Pharisees the resurrection of Lazarus? 8. What was the dilemma discussed by the Pharisees in their council? 9. What prophecy did make? 10. What attitudes were present when the Jews’ passover was at hand? TRUE / FALSE: 11. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick he abode 4 days more where he was. 12. When Jesus came, Lazarus had been in the grave 2 days. 13. Many Jews from Jerusalem came to comfort Mary and Martha. 14. Mary went to meet Jesus while Martha “sat still in the house.” 15. Jesus said, “In the resurrection thy brother shall rise again.” 16. When Mary learned of the presence of Jesus, she hesitated to come into Him. 17. Mary said, “If thou hadst been her, my brother had not died.” 18. Jesus prayed just before raising Lazarus. 19. Some of the Jews who comforted Mary and Martha believed. 20. When Jesus learned of the plot to put him to death he went into seclusion. MATCH: 21. Lazarus A. 22. Sisters B. Come and see 23. This sickness C. Sent unto him 24. Our friend D. Shall never die 25. I was glad E. For the glory of God 26. Thomas F. God will give it thee 27. Whatsoever thou will ask G. Sleepeth 28. Whosoever... believeth in me H. Didymus 29. Where have you laid him I. For your sakes 30. Loose him J. Let him go FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “Now Jesus Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.” 32. “Jesus said unto them Lazarus is dead.” 33. “Then said Thomas,... Let us go that we may with him.” 34. Bethany was about furlongs from Jerusalem. 35. Martha said; “If thou hadst been here, my had not died.” 36. “Jesus said unto her, I am the and the : he that in me, though he were , yet shall he .” 37. Martha “called Mary her sister , saying, The Master is come, and calleth for .” 38. Jesus met these sisters when he “was not yet come into .” 39. Jesus “groaned in the and was ;” Also, “Jesus .” 40. The Jews said, “Behold how he Him!” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. On what day did Jesus arrive in Bethany? 2. In what chapters in the Bible do we find parallel accounts of Mary’s anointing? 3. Who made a supper for Jesus? 4. Why did Judas openly criticize Mary? 5. What does Mark 14:8 mean? 6. What reason does John give for the chief priests seeking the death of Jesus? 7. On what day did Jesus make His triumphal entry into Jerusalem? 8. What prophecy did Jesus thereby fulfill? 9. What effect did His triumphal entry have on the Pharisees? 10. What illustration did Jesus use in answering the Greeks? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Mary anointed both the head and feet of Jesus. 12. Mary washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. 13. The odor of the ointment filled the house. 14. Judas was the only disciple who had indignation. 15. Jesus’ disciples immediately understood His triumphal entry as fulfillment of prophecy. 16. When Jesus said, “Father glorify thy name,” there came a voice from heaven. 17. Some thought this voice was thunder. 18. The expression “if I be lifted up” refers to our Lord’s ascension. 19. In this chapter appears what is probably our Lord’s last public message. 20. Because of His miracles, all the Jews believed on Him. MATCH: 21. Bethany A. Did not confess Him 22. Lazarus B. Where Lazarus was 23. Mary C. Blinded their eyes 24. Greeks D. Sat at the table with Him 25. Philip and Andrew E. Draw all men 26. This voice F. Spikenard 27. Prince of this world G. Came to Philip 28. Lifted up H. Cast out 29. Esaias (Isaiah) I. Tell Jesus 30. Many chief rulers believed J. Your sakes FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. The ointment was valued at pence. 32. Jesus said, “Let her alone... she hath wrought a on me.” 33. “For the poor ye have with you; but me ye have not .” 34. Many Jews came to see not only but also . 35. Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on . 36. The people took branches of trees... and cried, “ : Blessed is the of Israel.” 37. Certain among them came up to worship at the feast. 38. “He that hath live shall lose it; and he that his life in this world shall keep it unto .” 39. “If any man hear my words, and believe not, I him not.” 40. “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that him.” Questions on John 13 by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. On what occasion did Jesus wash the disciples feet? 2. Did Jesus continue to show His love to His own? How? 3. What temptation came to Judas during the supper? 4. What does Luke say about the attitude of the disciples at this supper? 5. Can you determine how many were present on this occasion? 6. Who “lifted up his heel against” Jesus? 7. What prophecy did Judas fulfill in betraying Jesus? 8. Why was Jesus troubled in spirit? 9. Which disciple leaned on Jesus’ bosom? 10. What did some think was the reason for Judas leaving the supper? TRUE / FALSE: 11. John is the only N. T. writer who records this incident of foot washing. 12. John tells of the institution of the Lord’s supper in this chapter. 13. Peter said, “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” 14. Jesus knew who should betray Him. 15. In washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them an example. 16. The disciples knew why Judas left the table. 17. It was night when Judas left the table. 18. The beloved John said, “Whither goest thou?” 19. Jesus said, “Thou shalt follow me now, but thou canst not follow me afterward.” 20. “The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me twice.” MATCH: 21. If I wash thee not A. Do quickly 22. Buy those things B. No part with me 23. Whither I go C. Son of Simon 24. And ye are all clean D. Against the feast 25. Lord and Master E. Sop 26. I tell you before F. Ye cannot come 27. Simon Peter G. But not all 28. Dipped H. Beckoned to him 29. I. Have washed your feet 30. That thou doest J. That... ye may believe FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Peter said, “Lord not my only, but also my and my .” 32. “Ye also ought to one another’s .” 33. “The servant is not greater than his .” 34. “Lord, who is it?” was asked by . 35. “He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth ; and he that receiveth receiveth him that sent .” 36. “Now is the Son of man , and God is in him.” 37. “God shall glorify him in , and shall glorify him.” 38. “A new I give unto you, That ye one another; as I have you, that ye also one another.” 39. “By this shall all men know that ye are my .” 40. Peter said, “I will lay down my for thy sake.” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Why were the apostles in need of comfort? 2. For what reason did Jesus “go to prepare a place”? 3. In how many ways may one come unto the Father? How? 4. How did Jesus explain to Philip that he (Philip) had seen the Father? 5. Explain the indwelling of the Father, the Christ, and the disciples? (cf. vs. 11, 20). 6. By whom was the Comforter sent? 7. What “greater works” were the believers to do? 8. What reason did Jesus give for saying, “Ask in my name”? 9. Can the world receive the Spirit of truth? Why? 10. Explain the question of Judas (not Iscariot) and our Lord’s answer. TRUE / FALSE: 11. Peter said, “Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?” 12. Thomas said, “Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.” 13. Jesus said, “Believe me for the very works’ sake.” 14. “The word which ye hear is not the Father’s which sent me, but mine.” 15. The Comforter was to teach them only things to come. 16. Jesus said, “For my Father is greater than I.” 17. Jesus said, “Arise, let us go hence.” 18. The Comforter would bring all things to their remembrance. 19. Jesus said, “If a man love me, he will keep my word.” 20. Jesus said, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will not come again.” MATCH: 21. Father’s house A. Of this world 22. Where I am B. Many mansions 23. Whither I go C. Ye would rejoice 24. Ask in my name D. Ye may be also 25. I will pray the Father E. Another Comforter 26. Comforter F. That will I do 27. World seeth me no more G. But ye see me 28. Peace I leave with you H. Spirit of truth 29. If ye loved me I. The way ye know 30. Prince J. Not as the world giveth FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Jesus said, “I am the , the and the .” 32. “If ye had known , ye should have known my Father also:...” 33. “If ye shall ask any thing , I will do it.” 34. “If ye me, keep my .” 35. “I will not leave you : will come to you.” 36. “... because I , ye shall also.” 37. “At day ye shall know that am in my Father, and in me, and in you.” 38. “Let not your heart be , neither let it be .” 39. “And now I have told you it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might rejoice .” 40. “As the Father gave me , even so I .” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Identify the occasion of John 15 and other chapters of John related thereto. 2. The expression “I am the ” is the seventh great “I AM” in the . Identify the others: 3. Were the branches that were taken away and cast into the fire those that were in or out of Christ? 4. Identify the branches. 5. In what were the branches to abide? 6. Do disciples abide in branches? 7. Explain how Christ and the disciples abide in each other. 8. How is the Father glorified? 9. Why did Jesus call the apostles “friends”? 10. Why did Jesus say, “... Now they have no cloke for their sin”? TRUE / FALSE: 11. The Father purgeth every fruit bearing branch. 12. Jesus said, “The branch can bear fruit of itself.” 13. Jesus makes fruit bearing a condition of discipleship. 14. Jesus said that we are to love one another, as He has loved us. 15. Jesus said, “Ye have chosen me, but I have not chosen you.” 16. “The servant is greater than his Lord.” 17. “But all these things will they do unto you for my names’s sake, because they know him that sent me.” 18. Jesus said that the Comforter “shall testify of me.” 19. “And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have not been with me from the beginning.” 20. Jesus said, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” MATCH: 21. Father A. Hated me without a cause 22. Every branch B. Me and my Father 23. Ye are clean C. Hateth my Father also 24. Without me D. Husbandmen 25. If ye were of the world E. In me 26. Persecute me F. Through the word 27. Kept my saying G. Keep yours also 28. He that hateth me H. Persecute you 29. Seen and hated I. Love his own 30. Fulfilled J. Ye can do nothing FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “If ye keep my , ye shall abide in my .” 32. “If a abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is , and men gather them, and cast them into the and they are burned.” 33. We abide in His love, if we keep His . 34. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his .” 35. “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I you.” 36. Jesus said that the world me before it you. 37. “I have chosen you .” 38. “If ye keep my , ye shall abide in my .” 39. “I am the vine.” 40. “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh .” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. What reason did Jesus give for the persecution that was to come against His disciples? 2. Why did Jesus not say “these things” unto the apostles earlier? 3. Why did sorrow fill the hearts of the apostles? 4. Of what three things did Jesus say the Comforter would reprove the world? 5. Whose were the things to be shown to the apostles by the Holy Spirit? 6. To what did Jesus refer when He said “a little while, and ye shall see me”? 7. What illustration did Jesus use with reference to the brevity of their sorrow? 8. What assurance did Jesus give relative to prayer? 9. What did Jesus say about His speaking in proverbs? 10. Did Jesus say that He would be alone when His disciples left Him? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Jesus said it would be expedient for the apostles for Him not to go away. 12. Jesus told the apostles that if He departed, He would send them the Comforter 13. Jesus said the apostles could not bear all things “now” He had to say to them. 14. The Holy Spirit was to guide the apostles into all truth during their lifetime. 15. Jesus taught that the sorrow of the apostles would remain throughout life. 16. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.” 17. According to Jesus, when the Holy Spirit came, He would not speak of Himself. 18. Jesus was speaking of the Father when He said, “He shall glorify me.” 19. Jesus asked the world, “Do ye now believe?” 20. Jesus asked the apostles, “Do ye inquire among yourselves of that I said,... ?” MATCH: 21. These things A. Whither goest thou? 22. Put ye out of B. “Things to come” 23. Killeth you C. Not be offended 24. When the time shall come D. Thou knowest all things 25. None... asketh me E. Synagogue 26. “He will shew you” F. No man taketh 27. Jesus knew G. Doeth God service 28. “Ye shall weep and lament” H. “The world shall rejoice” 29. Your joy I. Ye may remember 30. We are sure J. Desirous to ask Him FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “A little while, and ye shall see me; and again, a... “ 32. “And in that day ye shall ask me .” 33. “Hitherto have ye ask me nothing .” 34. “For the Father himself you.” 35. “Lo, now speakest thou , and speakest no .” 36. “Ye shall be , every man to his own, and shall leave me .” 37. “These things I have spoken... that in me ye might have .” 38. “In the world ye shall have , but be of good .” 39. “Of judgment, because the of this world is judged.” 40. “All things that the Father hath are .” Questions on John 17 by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Identify those for whom our Lord prayed in this three-fold intercessory prayer? 2. Is there any indication as to when and where Jesus prayed this prayer? 3. Does the subject matter of this prayer differ from the model prayer (Matt. 6:9-13)? 4. Is the eternal life given to those, who “know” the only true God, conditional? 5. What did Jesus mean by “the hour is come”? 6. How did the Father and Son glorify each other? 7. What did Jesus have with the Father before the world was? 8. Identify those given to Christ in verse 6: 9. Does this prayer of Jesus indicate how believers are made? 10. The unity among believers was to be as the unity between whom? TRUE / FALSE: 11. The apostles did not know that all things given to Christ were of the Father. 12. The apostles did not yet believe that Jesus was sent from God. 13. The son of perdition fell, irrespective of his own will, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. 14. Jesus prayed that His disciples might be taken out of the world. 15. As the Father sent Jesus into the world, so He sent the apostles into the world. 16. According to this prayer, division causes infidelity. 17. Jesus prayed that His disciples might be where He is. 18. Jesus prayed that His disciples might behold His glory in heaven. 19. Jesus said, “And for their sakes I sanctify myself.” 20. Jesus prayed that “we might be made perfect in one.” MATCH: 21. Lifted up His eyes A. And will declare it 22. Power over all flesh B. Fulfilled in themselves 23. I have finished C. To heaven 24. Thou gavest them me D. Give eternal life 25. I am no more in the world E. I have known thee 26. None of them is lost F. The work, thou gavest me 27. They are not of this world G. Even as I am not 28. The world hath not known thee H. Kept thy word 29. I have declared... thy name I. But the Son of perdition 30. My joy J. I came to thee FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “I pray for them: I pray not for .” 32. “And all mine are , and thine are .” 33. “... that they may be , as we are.” 34. “While I was with them in the world, I kept them .” 35. “Sanctify them through thy , thy word is .” 36. “Father... glorify thy , that thy Son also may glorify .” 37. “I have glorified thee on .” 38. “I have manifested unto the men which thou gavest me.” 39. “For I have given unto them the which thou gavest me.” 40. “Father, keep through thine own those whom thou hast given me.” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. What was the name of the garden were Jesus went with His disciples? 2. Who came to the garden seeking Jesus? 3. What was their reaction when He identified Himself to them? 4. Who lost an ear in the events that followed? 5. What was “the cup” Jesus was given by the Father to drink of? 6. What counsel had Caiaphas given to the Jews concerning Jesus? 7. Which one of Jesus’ disciples was known unto the High Priest? 8. Why did Peter stand with the servants and officers? 9. Explain the relationship between and Caiaphas: 10. What custom did Pilate invoke in an attempt to free Jesus? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Jesus was arrested in the garden by Roman soldiers. 12. In an effort to restrain the officers, Peter cut off ’ right ear. 13. Jesus praised Peter for his courage in taking a stand for the truth. 14. The butler at the High Priest’s palace accused Peter of being Jesus’ disciple. 15. Everything Jesus taught during His ministry was open unto all. 16. An officer struck Jesus accusing Him of insolence. 17. The High Priest’s servant, whom Peter had offended, retaliated against Peter. 18. The Jews refused to enter Pilate’s judgment hall because they had eaten the Passover. 19. Jesus admitted that He was a King but that His kingdom was spiritual. 20. Pilate found fault with Jesus being a spiritual king. MATCH: 21. Judas A. Jews resort 22. The high priest’s servant B. Caiaphas 23. Caiaphas C. be King 24. Peter D. robber 25. Synagogue and temple E. Malchus 26. The high priest F. bear witness unto the truth 27. malefactor G. son-in-law to Annas 28. Jesus was born to H. knew the place 29. Jesus came into the world to I. criminal 30. Barabbas J. denied he knew Jesus FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Jesus went to the garden because He ofttimes there with His disciples. 32. The officers came to Jesus with , , and . 33. “Of them which thou gavest me have I .” 34. “Put up thy into the .” 35. “I spake to the world;... in have I said nothing.” 36. “If I have spoken , bear of the evil: but if why thou me?” 37. The Jews “went not into the hall, lest they be .” 38. “My is not of this world.” If it were, “Then would my servants .” 39. “Every one that is of the truth .” 40. The Jews had a that a prisoner be released each year at the . Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Describe the torture and mockery administered to Jesus prior to His crucifixion? 2. This treatment of Jesus was in fulfillment of what particular O. T. prophecy? 3. Concerning Jesus, in what dilemma did Pilate find himself? 4. How many times did Pilate try to evade passing a sentence of guilt upon Jesus? 5. What final charge did the Jews make against Jesus as to why He should die? 6. What statement of Jesus to Pilate likely impressed him most? 7. What cry of the Jews perhaps influenced Pilate above all else? 8. What is meant by the “preparation of the passover”? 9. Why did Pilate’s “title” bring criticism from the chief priests? 10. The actions of the soldiers fulfilled what O. T. prophecies? TRUE / FALSE: 11. About the third hour, Pilate said, “Behold your King.” 12. Pilate said, “Shall I crucify your King?” 13. Pilate yielded to the pressure of the Jews and delivered Jesus to be crucified. 14. The cross on which Jesus was crucified was the last in a row of three. 15. The “title” written by Pilate was in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. 16. There were four soldiers who crucified Jesus. 17. John mentions three women who stood by the cross. 18. The soldier broke the legs of Jesus while He was on the cross. 19. secretly besought Pilate for Jesus’ body. 20. According to Matthew, Jesus was buried in the sepulchre of a poor disciple. MATCH: 21. “Hail, King of the Jews” A. By night 22. “Take ye him” B. “Smote him with their hands” 23. “By our law” C. Behold thy son 24. When Pilate... heard that saying D. “And crucify him” 25. “He that delivered me” E. I have written 26. Judgment seat F. “He ought to die” 27. The place of a skull G. Golgotha 28. What I have written H. “He was the more afraid” 29. Woman I. Gabbatha 30. Nicodemus J. “Hath the greater sin” FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “Pilate therefore took Jesus, and him.” 32. “When the therefore and saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him.” 33. The chief priests answered, “We have no king but .” 34. “And Pilate wrote a , and put it on the cross.” 35. “Let us not rend it, but for it.” 36. The coat of Jesus was without , woven from the top throughout. 37. “And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own .” 38. “They filled a with , and put it upon , and put it to his mouth.” 39. He said, “It is : and he bowed his head... “ 40. and took the body of Jesus and prepared it for burial. Questions on John 20 by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. Were there other women who came to the tomb with ? 2. According to Matthew, what accounts for the stone being rolled away? 3. To whom did Mary Magdalene immediately report the ? 4. When and where did Mary Magdalene see the two ? 5. What answer did Mary give to the angels’ question, “Why weepest thou?” 6. When Mary first saw Jesus after His resurrection, whom did she suppose he was? 7. What did Mary first think as to why the tomb was empty? 8. Was the appearance of Jesus in verse 19 after sunset? (cf. Mk. 4:35). 9. When Jesus appeared unto the disciples in Jerusalem, what did He show unto them? 10. What primary reason did John give for writing “this book”? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Peter outran John to the tomb. 12. John entered the tomb before Peter. 13. The grave clothes were found carelessly scattered about in the tomb. 14. When Mary first saw Jesus after His resurrection, she did not recognize Him. 15. Mary Magdalene told the disciples that she had seen the Lord. 16. Jesus said, “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” 17. Jesus said, “Whosoever sins ye retain, they are remitted.” 18. Thomas was present in our Lord’s first meeting with the disciples. 19. The other disciples told Thomas, “We have seen the Lord.” 20. All the miracles of Jesus are written in “this book.” MATCH: 21. The first day A. Receive ye the Holy Ghost 22. The napkin B. When it was yet dark 23. And he saw C. “Peace be unto you” 24. Mary stood without D. By itself 25. The gardener E. At evening 26. “Touch me not” F. And believed 27. “My Father, and your Father” G. Weeping 28. The same day H. “My God, and your God” 29. Jesus “saith unto them” I. “Not yet ascended” 30. Breathed on them J. Sir FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. Mary said unto Peter and John, “ know not where they have laid him.” 32. “For as yet they the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.” 33. Jesus said unto Mary, “Why thou? Whom thou.” 34. “ , which is to say, Master.” 35. “The doors were where the disciples were assembled for of the Jews.” 36. “Whose soever sins ye , they are remitted unto them.” 37. “Except I shall see in his the print of the , ... I will not believe.” 38. “And after days” Jesus appeared again, and Thomas was present. 39. Jesus “stood in the .” 40. Thomas exclaimed, “ .” Questions on by Aude McKee

QUESTIONS: 1. How many appearances of Jesus after His resurrection do we find in the Scriptures? 2. Tiberias was also known by what other names? 3. Who went fishing with Peter? 4. What did the disciples see when “they were come to land”? 5. How many fish were in the net? 6. How many times did Peter affirm his love for the Lord? 7. How many times did Peter deny the Lord? (cf. Matt. 26:34ff). 8. What death did the Lord signify Peter should die? 9. Who said, “Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?” 10. Did the brethren misrepresent the Lord? TRUE / FALSE: 11. Jesus said, “Cast the net on the left side of the ship.” 12. Peter said, “It is the Lord.” 13. The net was broken because of so many great fish. 14. After they had dined, Jesus questioned Peter. 15. The Lord made a prophecy concerning Peter. 16. When Peter turned about, he saw John following. 17. Peter said of John, “Lord, and what shall this man do?” 18. Jesus said to Peter, “What is that to thee?” 19. Jesus said that John would never die. 20. John said that if all things which Jesus did were written, it would take the whole world to contain the book. MATCH: 21. “Shewed himself” A. “Leaned on his breast” 22. “That night” B. “At the sea of Tiberias” 23. “He girt his fisher’s coat” C. “Glorify God” 24. Not far from land D. “Caught nothing” 25. Jesus said E. “Whither thou wouldest not” 26. “Lovest thou me?” F. “Cast himself into the sea” 27. “Lord, thou knowest” G. “All things” 28. “Carry thee” H. Two hundred cubits 29. “What death” I. “Come and dine” 30. “Whom Jesus loved” J. “Feed my sheep” FILL IN THE BLANKS: 31. “... Thomas called , and Nathanael of in Galilee.” 32. “But when the was now come, Jesus stood on the shore.” 33. They were not able to draw the net for the of fish. 34. This was the appearance of Jesus “to his disciples” after His resurrection. 35. Peter was because he said unto him the time, “Lovest thou me.” 36. After the prophecy, the Lord said to Peter, “ .” 37. “ that he tarry till I come,... “ 38. “This is the disciple which of these things.” 39. “We know that his testimony is .” 40. “And there were which Jesus did.”