72 Leicester Secularist.Cdr
Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a The company is known under Islamic Foundation moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. the name of The Markfield Within two weeks of the novel's publicationI n s t i t u t e O f H i g h e r The Islamic Foundation is Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and Education. The firm first Britain’s leading publisher of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its started 7 years ago and was books written by Abdul Ala offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no registered under 06471324 as Mawdudi, the founder of statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the its reg. no.. This registered Jamaat-e-Islami, a violent novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, office of this company is I s l a m i s t m o v e m e n t Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be located in Leicestershire. You responsible for acts of banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the may visit them at Ratby Lane, genocide during Bangladesh’s novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South Markfield. The company is 1971 War of Independence. Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, classified under the NACe L o r d C a r l i l e , i n h i s Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in and SiC code 85422 - Post- g o v e r n m e n t p a p e r o n banning the novel over the next few months.
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