Gothenburg Research Institute GRI-rapport 2018:3 Organizing Integration Organizing Labour Market Integration of Foreign-born Persons in the Gothenburg Metropolitan Area Andreas Diedrich & Hanna Hellgren © Gothenburg Research Institute All rights reserved. No part of this report may be repro- duced without the written permission from the publisher. Gothenburg Research Institute School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg P.O. Box 600 SE-405 30 Göteborg Tel: +46 (0)31 - 786 54 13 Fax: +46 (0)31 - 786 56 19 e-mail:
[email protected] / ISSN 1400-4801 Organizing Labour Market Integration of Foreign-born Persons in the Gothenburg Metropolitan Area Andreas Diedrich Associate Professor of Business Administration, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg Hanna Hellgren PhD. Student, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg Preface This report was compiled by Andreas Diedrich and Hanna Hellgren at the University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg Research Institute & School of Public Administration). The report also includes insights from other members of the “Organizing labour market in- tegration of foreign-born persons – theory and practice” research program: María José Zapata Campos, Vedran Omanovic, Patrik Zapata, Ester Barinaga, Barbara Czarniawska, Nanna Gillberg, Eva-Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff and Henrietta Palmer. It was made possible with funding from FORTE, Stiftelsen för Ekonomiskt Forskning i Västsverige and Mistra Urban Futures (Gothenburg Platform). 3 Contents