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INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE BS 63O CTbe University of Chicago libraries i i SACRED GEOGRAPHY : ;*AND THtf JSE OF ? FAMILIES, BIBLE CLASSES, AND SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS, WITH MAPS. BY MISSIONARY FROM THE BAHAMAS. " Go through the Land and describe it : and the men went through the land, and described it by cities, in a book." Josh. Kviii. 8, 9. LONDON: WARD AND CO. AND W. MICHAEL, WESTBURY. (Aft\* PREFACE, THE communication of useful knowledge is of incalculable importance. He who is instru- mental in cultivating and adorning the under- standing, confers more permanent benefit on society, than if he had raised the destitute to the distinction of rank, or the independence of affluence. To this sentiment revelation affords its sanction, and extends its influence. Amidst the varioiis publications continually teeming from the press, the mind can only be led to the true fountain of light, by an exhibi- tion of truth adapted to allure the attention, excite the interest, inform the judgment, and impress the heart. It is hoped the following pages, intended to promote and extend the benefits of biblical instruction, may in some degree, however humble, belong to this de- scription. The author has long been convinced, that sacred geography, if treated on systematic principles, would render the study of the Scriptures far more inviting and attractive : he lias therefore adopted an arrangement en- tirely new, and avoided quoting from the in- spired volume, that the student may be under the necessity of searching for himself. The information has been collected principally from Home's Introduction, Brown's Dictionary, London Encyclopaedia, Edinburgh Cabinet Li- brary, Jones's Church History, Bagster's Com- prehensive Bible, Barnes' Notes on the Gospel, Dr.
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