August, 2020


County Vision

To facilitate social, environmental, economic and equitable transformation of the .

County Mission

A county of socially empowered citizens with equality for all women and men, with opportunities for food, nutritional and water security, good health, education, economic prosperity, living in a peaceful, socially just and culturally-sensitive environment, underpinned by a resilient natural resource base


TABLE OF CONTENTS County Vision...... ii County Mission...... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... iii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...... ix GLOSSARY OF COMMONLY USED TERMS ...... xi MAP OF TURKANA COUNTY ...... xiv FOREWORD ...... xv PREAMBLE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... xvi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... xvii Legal Basis for the preparation of the ADP and the link with CIDP and the Budget ...... xvii CHAPTER ONE ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Overview of the County ...... 1 1.2 Administrative and Political units ...... 2 1.3 Demographic Profile ...... 4 1.4 Annual Development Plan Linkage with CIDP ...... 4 CHAPTER TWO ...... 6 2.0 COUNTY DEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE ...... 6 GOVERNANCE ...... 6 2.1.1 Achievements ...... 6 Table 2.1 : Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for Governance - 2019/2020 7 DEPUTY GOVERNOR ...... 12 2.1.1 Achievements...... 12 Table 2.2: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for Deputy Governance - 2019/2020 ...... 12 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY ...... 13 2.3.1 Achievements ...... 13 Table 2.3: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for County Attorney office - 2019/2020 ...... 13 FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING ...... 15 2.4.1 Achievements ...... 15


Table 2.4: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 16 WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND MINERAL RESOURCES ...... 22 2.5.1 Achievements ...... 22 Table 2.5: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 22 HEALTH SERVICES AND SANITATION ...... 30 2.6.1 Achievements ...... 30 Table 2.6: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 31 TRADE, GENDER AND YOUTH AFFAIRS ...... 38 2.7.1 Achievements ...... 38 Table 2.7: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 39 EDUCATION, SPORTS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION ...... 45 2.8.1 Achievements ...... 45 Table 2.8: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 45 PUBLIC, SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION & DISASTER MANAGEMENT ...... 50 2.9.1 Achievements ...... 50 Table 2.9: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 51 INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT & PUBLIC WORKS ...... 56 2.10.1 Achievements ...... 56 Table 2.10: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 56 AGRICULTURE, PASTORAL ECONOMY & FISHERIES ...... 59 2.11.1 Achievements ...... 59 Table 2.11: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 59 TOURISM, CULTURE & NATURAL RESOURCES ...... 76 2.12.1 Achievements ...... 76 Table 2.12 Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 77 LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING & URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT ...... 83 2.13.1 Achievements ...... 83 2.13: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 83 COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF TURKANA ...... 88 2.14.1: Achievements ...... 88 2.14: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 88 TURKANA COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD...... 90 iv

2.15.1 Achievements ...... 90 2.15: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 90 MUNICIPALITY ...... 93 2.16.1 Achievements ...... 93 2.16: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ...... 93 CHAPTER THREE ...... 98 COUNTY STRATEGIC PRIORITIES, PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS...... 98 INTRODUCTION ...... 98 3.1 GOVERNANCE ...... 98 3.1.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 98 3.1.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 98 3.1.3 Sector Programmes ...... 99 3.1.4 OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR ...... 101 3.1.5 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY ...... 102 3.2 FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING...... 104 3.2.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 104 3.2.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 105 3.2.3 Sector Programmes ...... 105 3.4 WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND MINERAL RESOURCES ...... 111 3.4.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 111 3.4.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 111 3.4.3 Sector Programmes ...... 111 3.5 HEALTH AND SANITATION ...... 119 3.5.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 119 3.5.2 Sector Key Stakeholders ...... 119 3.5.3 Sector Programmes ...... 119 3.6 TRADE, YOUTH AND GENDER ...... 125 3.6.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 125 3.6.2 Description of significant Capital Projects ...... 125 3.6.3 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 125 3.6.4 Sector Programmes ...... 126 3.7 EDUCATION, SPORTS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION ...... 131 v

3.7.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 131 3.7.2 Description of significant Capital Projects ...... 131 3.7.3 Sector Key Stakeholders ...... 132 3.7.4 Sector Programmes ...... 132 3.8 PUBLIC SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT ...... 139 3.8.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 139 3.8.2 Description of significant Capital Projects ...... 139 3.8.3 Sector Key Stakeholders ...... 139 3.8.4 Sector Programmes ...... 139 3.9 INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS ...... 142 3.9.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 142 3.9.2 Description of significant Capital Projects ...... 142 3.9.3 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 142 3.9.4 Sector Programmes ...... 142 3.10 AGRCICULTURE, PASTORAL ECONOMY AND FISHERIES ...... 145 3.10.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 145 3.10.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 145 3.10.3 Sector Programmes ...... 148 3.11 TOURISM, CULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES ...... 158 3.11.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 158 3.11.2 Sector Key Stakeholders ...... 158 3.11.3 Sector Programmes ...... 158 3.12 LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING AND URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT ...... 163 3.13 TURKANA COUNTY ASSEMBLY ...... 167 3.13.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 167 3.13.2 Description of significant Capital Projects ...... 167 3.13.3 Sector Key Stakeholders ...... 167 3.13.4 Sector Programmes ...... 168 3.14 COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD ...... 171 3.14.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector ...... 171 3.14.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities ...... 171 3.14.3 Sector Programmes ...... 171 vi

3.15 Cross-sectoral Implementation Considerations ...... 173 4.1 RESOURCE ALLOCATION ...... 174 4.2. PROPOSED BUDGET BY PROGRAMME ...... 174 4.3 PROPOSED BUDGET BY SECTOR/ SUB-SECTOR ...... 176 4.4 FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT ...... 177 4.4.1County Economic and Fiscal Overview ...... 177 4.4.3 Risks, Assumptions and Mitigation measures ...... 178 Table 4.2: Risks, Assumptions and Mitigation measures ...... 178 CHAPTER FIVE: ...... 180 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...... 180 5.1 INTRODUCTION ...... 180 5.2 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ADOPTED ...... 180 5.3 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK THAT WILL BE ADOPTED TO MONITOR THE PROGRAMMES ...... 182 5.3 .1 Reporting Performance Indicators Matrix ...... 183 ANNEX 1: Performance of Capital Projects for FY 2019/2020...... 217 Governance ...... 217 Deputy Governor ...... 221 Finance and Planning...... 221 Water, Environment and Mineral Resources...... 224 Health and Sanitation Services ...... 226 Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs ...... 229 Education Sports and Social Protection ...... 231 Public Service, Administration and Disaster Management...... 233 Infrastructure, Transport and Public Works...... 233 Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and Fisheries...... 239 Tourism, Culture and Natural Resources...... 250 Lands, Energy, Housing and Urban Areas Management...... 250 County Assembly...... 252 Turkana County Public Service Board...... 253 ANNEX 2: Performance of Non- Capital Projects for previous ADP...... 255




ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome A-in-A Appropriation in Aid ARV Anti-Retroviral ASAL Arid and Semi-Arid Lands BPS Budget Policy Statement CBAHC Community Based Animal Health Care CBOs Community Based Organizations CBROP County Budget Review and Outlook Paper CDPO County Development Planning Officer CEAP County Environment Action Plan CEC County Executive Committee CFSP County Fiscal Strategy Paper CFW Cash for Work CHW Community Health Worker DOL Diocese of Lodwar EMCA Environment Management and Coordination Act FBO Faith Based Organizations FFW Food for Work GAM Global Acute Malnutrition HIV Immuno-Deficiency Virus ICT Information Communication Technology IDC Information and Documentation Centre IDs Identification Cards IGA Income Generating Activities KEMSA Medical Supplies Agency KHIBS Kenya Integrated Households Budget Survey KPHC Kenya Population and Housing Census LAPSSET Port-- Transport M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDGs Millennium Development Goals MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTP Medium-Term Plan NEMA National Environmental Management Authority NGO Non-Governmental Organization OVCs Orphans and Vulnerable Children PM&E Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation


PMC Project Management Committee PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission PPP Program Based Budget PPP Public Private Partnerships PPR Paste Petit Ruminants SACCO Savings and Credit Cooperative Society SWG Sector Working Groups SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis TBAs Traditional Birth Attendants TRP Turkana Rehabilitation Project WRUA Water Resource Users Association



Constituencies of Kenya: Are used to select members of the Kenyan parliament. In accordance with article 89 of the 2010 Constitution of Kenya, there are 290 constituencies, based on a formula where Constituencies are delineated based on population numbers.

Cross-Sectoral Integrated Flagship: For the purpose of this work, an integrated flagship describes an implementation effort requiring joint implementation of three or more government sectors along with diverse stakeholders and partners and intended to positively impact a large part of the population and natural resources in a transformative, adaptive and realistic way.

County: Not to be confused with the defunct county councils of Kenya, the are geographical units envisioned by the 2010 Constitution of Kenya as the units of devolved government.[1] The powers are provided in Articles 191 and 192, and in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya and the County Governments Act of 2012. The counties are also single member constituencies for the election of members of parliament to the [2] and special women members of parliament to the National Assembly of Kenya[3] As of the 2013 general elections, there are 47 counties whose size and boundaries are based on the 47 legally recognized Districts of Kenya. Following the re-organization of Kenya's National administration, Counties were integrated into a new national administration with the National Government posting County Commissioners to represent it at the counties.

County Government: Means the county government provided for under Article 176 of the Constitution.

Disaster Management/Disaster Risk Reduction: Disaster risk reduction is the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and reduce the causal factors of disasters. Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improving preparedness and early warning for adverse events are all examples of disaster risk reduction.

Evidence: Defined in conjunction with the SHARED process includes the integration of raw data constituting numbers, words, images or insights emerging from diverse knowledge systems. These can then be analyzed into relevant visualizations and synthesized information.

Governor: The County Governor is elected in accordance with Article 180 of the Constitution. The County Governor is directly elected by the voters registered in the county at a General Election for a term of 5 years and, if re-elected, can serve for another final term of 5 years.


Institutional Framework: The systems of formal laws, regulations, and procedures, and informal conventions, customs, and norms, that shapes socioeconomic activity and behavior.

Integrated development plan: An Integrated Development Plan is a super plan for an area that gives an overall framework for development. It aims to co-ordinate the work of local and other spheres of government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the people living in an area. It should take into account the existing conditions and problems and resources available for development. The plan should look at economic and social development for the area as a whole. It must set a framework for how land should be used, what infrastructure and services are needed and how the environment should be protected.

Poverty: Is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. Relative poverty is defined contextually as economic inequality in the location or society in which people live.

Programme development: Is an ongoing systematic process that extension professionals follow as they plan, implement and evaluate their educational programmes. The process is not confined to a four-year planning cycle. It can be applied on a small scale to an individual workshop; on a larger scale to a comprehensive community initiative or to a county or statewide programme of action. The scope may be different but the principles of programme development remain the same.

Project management: Is the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies.

Senescence: Refers to those plants that are in the process of aging. In plants, senescence can occur either partially, such as when only leaves die, or entirely, when the whole plant dies.


Socio-Economic development: The process of social and economic development in a society measured with indicators, such as GDP, life expectancy, literacy and levels of employment. Changes in less- tangible factors are also considered, such as personal dignity, freedom of association, personal safety and freedom from fear of physical harm, and the extent of participation in civil society.

Stakeholder Approach to Risk Informed and Evidence Based Decision Making (SHARED): A tailored methodology that builds interaction between people and accessible evidence for decisions that yield sustainable impact at scale. The methodology enhances cross-sectoral and multi- stakeholder approaches to decision making.

Stakeholders: An organization, member or system that affects or can be affected by an organization's actions. Stakeholders those who have a stake in the outcome of an action and can include, for example, community members, women, youth, CBOs, NGOs, government actors, donors, among others.

Youth: The youth are defined as persons resident in Kenya in the age bracket 15 to 35 years. This takes into account the physical, psychological, cultural, social, biological and political definitions of the term.





This is the fourth plan in a series of Annual Development Plans to be implemented during the 2018-2022 plan period. It is a transition plan from the 2013/17 CIDP to the 2018-2022. Priority programmes and projects captured in this plan have therefore been carefully designed to build on the gains made from implementing the first CIDP while focusing ahead, in accordance with Article 220 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya.

The basis for preparation of the Annual Development Plan is particularly provided for under section 126(3) of the PFM Act 2012. The County Executive Committee Member responsible for planning to submit the Annual Development Plan by and not later than 1st September of each year to the County Assembly for approval. These programmes and projects when successfully implemented will feed into the broader agenda of transforming the county economy through infrastructure and socio-economic development”.

The 2021/22 ADP incorporates inputs of various stakeholders operating within the county. It draws its inputs from sectoral plans of the unit departments. This will be enhanced through networking and coordination with key stakeholders and other development partners for the benefit of the citizens.

In conclusion, all programmes and projects captured in this plan are critical in unlocking the economic potential of the county. I therefore thank all players for being part of this transformational agenda.




This Annual Development Plan, 2021/2022 is the fourth in CIDP II which is a five-year development blueprint in which all plans will be drawn from. It is a continuation of the Turkana County Government’s effort to ensure effective linkage between policies, planning and budgeting. The document provides strategic priorities for the medium term that reflects the County Government’s plans and priorities.

Cognizant of the fact that Annual Development Plan is a collective effort, the Department of Economic Planning wishes to acknowledge all County Departments (line sectors and other various government departments and agencies) for their full co-operation in providing critical information that eventually led to the finalization of this document. In this regard, we are grateful to CECs, County Chief Officers, Directors and all technical staff in various County departments for their efforts. A core technical team in the Economic Planning Department did a perfect job in preparing this development plan. Special mention goes to; Victor Lekaram, Francis Lokwar, Gabriel Lodoso, Peter Elman, Samson Lokuruka,Ekutan Vincent Achilla, John Ekaru, and Lokoel Loporon who without their input this work would not have been a success.




Legal Basis for the preparation of the ADP and the link with CIDP and the Budget The Annual Development Plan (ADP), 2021/2022 is prepared in accordance with article 220 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Section 126 (3) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012.

This Annual Development Plan is an extract from Turkana County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2018-2022) detailing development priorities for the financial year and how each sector will strive to achieve these objectives. Chapter one provides overview of the county; the geophysical location, administrative and political sub divisions, socio-economic and infrastructural data that has created an enabling condition towards economic development of the county, annual development plan linkage with CIDP clearly highlighting county broad priorities and implementation strategies in the year. The preparation process of the annual development plan is captured in this section where sources of data are mentioned and how the data is organized to produce the annual development plan. Chapter two highlights milestone made per sector/subsector challenges and lessons learnt in the course of implementation of development priorities in the previous ADP. It states the overall budget in the ADP against the actual expenditure. This information is summarized in tabular form where the strategic priorities of sectors/subsectors, analysis of planned versus allocated budget and key achievements are indicated, variations are identified and accounted for. Analysis of Capital projects of the previous ADP is also done in this chapter. Information on payments done by the county government is also provided. This information is either categorized as grants, benefits or subsidies. The chapter ends with detailed information on challenges experienced in the implementation period, key lessons learnt and recommendations for ADP improvement. Chapter three presents county strategic priorities that envisage green economy by mainstreaming such issues as; climate change, environmental degradation, disaster risk reduction, HIV/AIDs, gender, youth and persons with disability. The programmes are identified and aligned to the strategic objectives. Clear goals and indicators are set against actual outcome. The costing is also clearly spelt out. Chapter four dwells on resource allocation and how the county adjusts to changes in financial and economic environment. A Proposed budget as per programmes and projects identified in chapter three is provided in a simplified tabular format. This chapter further explores the financial and economic constraints experienced by the county; challenges of availing funds for high impact capital projects, effects of drought among others. The chapter goes further to give a review and provide amendments to the legal framework that can go a long way towards unlocking economic potential of the county. Chapter Five: Sets the M&E framework and defines mechanisms and tools for monitoring and evaluation. xvii


INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview of the County Turkana County is the second largest of 47 counties in the Republic of Kenya. It covers an area of 71,597.6km2, accounting for 13.5% of the total land area in Kenya (. It lies between Longitudes 34° 30’E and 36° 40’E and between Latitudes 10° 30’N and 50° 30’N. Turkana is located in the northwest of Kenya and borders to the west, South Sudan and Ethiopia to the north and northeast respectively. Internally, it borders West Pokot and Baringo counties to the south, to the southeast, and County to the east. Turkana County is traversed by the extensive Eastern African Rift System. The topography of Turkana varies between semi-arid and arid landscapes consisting of low-lying plains and isolated hills and mountain ranges. The altitude extends from 369 m at to the highest point at around 900 m near the Ugandan border in the west. Turkana has a hot, dry climate with temperatures ranging between 20ºC and 41ºC and with a mean of 30.5ºC. Rainfall in the area is bimodal and highly variable. The long rains occur between April and July and the short rains between October and November. Annual rainfall is low, ranging between 52 mm and 480 mm with a mean of 200 mm. Rain patterns and distributions are erratic and unreliable. Rain usually comes in brief, violent storms that result in flash floods. The driest periods (akamu) are in January, February and September and the county is highly prone to drought. 80% of the County is categorized as either arid or very arid.


1.2 Administrative and Political units The County is administratively divided into seven sub-counties, 30 wards and 156 sub-locations.

Figure 1: Sub-counties and wards of Turkana County


Table 1: Area and number of registered voters by constituency and county assembly wards Constituency Number of County Assembly Wards Area Number of Sub- registered locations voters Turkana North 34,008 Kaeris 4,082 38 Nakalale 1,867.40 Kibish 5,087 Kaaleng/Kaikor 3,834 Lakezone 1,909 Lapur 3,241 Turkana Central 47,866 Kerio Delta 1,934.80 21 Kanamkemer 287.40 Lodwar Township 544.40 Kang’ototha (Kangatotha) 1,005.00 Kalokol 1,134.90 Loima 29,103 Kotaruk/Lobei 1,138.60 26 Turkwel 3,518.20 Loima 2,119.10 Lokiriama/ Lorengippi 1,000.20 Turkana South 33,422 Kaputir 682.00 17 Katilu 1,143.10 Lobokat 1,002.10 Kalapata 1,984.30 2,899.10 Turkana West 31,416 Kakuma 1,577.00 34 Lopur 1,992.00 Letea 2,909.40 Songot 2,365.10 Kalobeyei 1,599.70 Lokichoggio 1,481.60 Nanam 3,520.00 Turkana East 15,620 /Napeitom 4,215.90 20 Katilia 3,337.80


Lokori/Kochodin 8,185.70 Totals 191,435 30 71,597.6 156

1.3 Demographic Profile The Turkana County has a decreasing dependency ratio, indicating that there are fewer dependents (people under the age of 15 and over 65 years old) that depend on the labour force (15 to 65 years of age). Strategic investments in the population aged under 15, in terms of education and health, will provide a healthy, educated and skilled workforce in the future. The fertility rate, the average number of children each woman will have, currently stands at seven1 in the County. A reduction in fertility levels will further improve the demographic dividend.

1.4 Annual Development Plan Linkage with CIDP The implementation of the CIDP II has been through a step wise process that includes County Annual Development Plans, Departmental Work plans and Sectoral plans. The established priority development initiatives outlined in the CIDP II have emerged from broad consultation and have been intentionally linked in order to contribute to national (Vision 2030, MTP 3 and the Big Four Priorities and Actions, and the EDE CPF 2022), continental (African Agenda 2063) and international goals (SDGs). The proposed priorities are articulated through sectoral plans, public participation outputs, sectoral flagships, and cross-sectoral transformational flagships further underpinned by my 2nd Manifesto. 1.5 Preparation process of the Annual Development Plan

Figure 1: ADP linkages with other plans


The preparation of the FY 2021/2022 ADP was consultative as demonstrated through the participation of all county departments and other stakeholders. The development plan took consideration of the voice of the people of Turkana as documented in the Turkana’s Governor 5point Agenda. These were coupled with desk review and analysis of data collected on public participation for the needs and priorities of the communities in the ending financial year, existing development plans, the Kenya Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The formulation of this Plan was extended to the County Budget and Economic Forum (CBEF) that plays a key role in enhancing consultative meetings at county level before submitting to the County Executive for approval. Further, the drafting of the ADP FY 2021/2022 took into consideration recent data, considerations and policy recommendations from research on trade and investment plan (2016-2020), Turkana County food security master plan, research on the assessment of county technical training institutes and other policy documents available in the county. Recently we have made several strides towards a better service delivery to the grass roots. Considering remaining work at hand we are committing one billion shillings across all the 30 wards and villages objectively contributing towards more direct community development.

The Plan is anchored on the provisions outlined in the Constitution of Kenya (2010), County Government Act (2012) and the Public Finance Management Act (2012).




This chapter presents the performance of the county departments in the period under review FY 2019/20. The chapter outlines the extent to which the objectives of the FY 2019/20 Annual Development Plan were achieved, the departmental performance against the planned targets as well as overview on cross cutting themes.


2.1.1 Achievements i. Conducted regular cabinet meetings.

ii. Enhancement of tracking performance of staffs

iii. Better coordination and synergy of county entities and correspondences

iv. Good relations between County and other organs of government

v. Publicity materials delivered and distributed in time.

vi. Timely production of County Newspaper and Newsletter

vii. Informed opinion and advisory on security matters viii. Improved coordination of the UN/TCG programme

ix. Enhanced internal audit controls for prudent resource utilization

x. Quality assurance reports produced

xi. Improved audit response management

xii. Better coordination and management of peace building initiatives xiii. Improved management of conflicts at grassroots xiv. Resettlement of conflict displaced communities

xv. Improved working environment for the County Executive.


Table 2.1 : Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for Governance - 2019/2020

Programme 1: General Administration and Support Services Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve 100% 90% 10% Cash flow constraints; Administration, effective and on agreed Competing Tasks; Planning and efficient services deliverables. Covid-19 Pandemic Support Services- affected progress Office of the Governor SP1.2.General Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve 100% 95% 5% Cash flow constraints; Administration, effective and on agreed Competing Tasks; Planning and efficient services deliverables. Covid-19 Pandemic Support Services- affected progress Liaison Office SP1.3.General Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve 100% 95% 5% Cash flow constraints; Administration, effective and on agreed Competing Tasks; Planning and efficient services deliverables. Covid-19 Pandemic Support Services- affected progress Office of County Secretary P2 GOVERNMENT COORDINATION Outcome: To strengthen institution and frameworks for government business coordination and performance

Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 2.1 Cabinet Better Number of 12 12 0 Cabinet meetings Affairs coordination of Cabinet Meetings conducted Government Business SP 2.2 Enhanced tracking Number of staff 110 110 0 Performance targets set Performance and of staff Performance but contracts not Efficiency performance contract signed signed

SP 2.3 Better Meetings held 4 4 0 Planned Target Interdepartment coordination and Achieved al Relations synergy of county entities and correspondences SP 2.4 Good relations Payments made 100% 100% 0 Prompt payment of Intergovernment between County statutory obligations al Relation and other organs made of government


SP 2.5 Strategy Development of Strategies 1 0 1 Funds re-allocated for Development, informed developed; Covid-19 Interventions; Review, strategies Review meetings Activity funded in FY Support and Ope held 2020/21 rationalization

P3 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA RELATIONS AND IT SUPPORT Outcome: To improve the County's image and raise its profile Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 3.1 Media Improved image Number of 2 2 0 Media adverts were Advertisement and profile of the adverts and interrupted with Covid- and Placements County newspaper 19. Publicity materials placements delivered and distributed SP 3.2 Developed county Communication 2 2 0 Strategy is available. Documentation, communication policy developed Draft policy awaits communication strategy for public stakeholder policy and engagement consultative forum strategy SP 3.3 Civic Enhanced public Number of 9 0 9 Public sensitization as a Education and participation and sensitization result of covid-19, were Public involvement in meetings held done through 9 radio Sensitization County stations programmes SP 3.4 Increased Number of 1 1 0 500 copies were Production of awareness of County published and County County's Newspaper and distributed. Newspaper and programmes Newsletter Newsletter produced P4 STRATEGY AND DELIVERY Outcome: To enhance development, support and ensure effective delivery of quality services through informed advisory Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 4.1 Economic Informed opinion Number of 12 4 8 Advisories on Resource and Private and advisory on opinion and Allocation in the Sector Advisory economic and advisories context of Big Five Services private sector Priorities delivered; matters Sector Performance; Performance Management and M&E SP 4.2 Political Informed opinion Number of 12 0 12 Advisor not recruited and and advisory on opinion and Intergovernment political and advisories al Advisory intergovernmental Services relations


SP 4.3 Legal Informed opinion Number of 12 4 8 Resources reallocated Advisory Services and advisory on opinion and legal matters advisories SP 4.4 Security Informed opinion Number of 12 12 0 Advisories disseminated and cross border and advisory on opinion and Advisory Services security matters advisories

SP 4.5 Oil And informed opinion Number of 12 0 12 Advisor not recruited Gas Advisory and advisory on oil opinion and Service and gas advisories SP 4.6 Gender Informed opinion Number of 12 2 10 Resources reallocated and Partnership and advisory on opinion and Advisory Services gender and advisories partnerships

SP 4.7 Special informed opinion Number of 12 0 12 Advisor not recruited Interest groups and advisory on opinion and special interest advisories groups SP 4.8 Climate Informed opinion Number of 12 0 12 Advisor not recruited Change advisory and advisory on opinion and services climate change advisories SP 4.9 Education Informed opinion Number of 12 0 12 Advisor not recruited and youth and advisory on opinion and Advisory services education and advisories youth

SP 4.10 Culture, Informed opinion Number of 12 4 8 Resource Constraint Arts and Heritage and advisory on opinion and advisory services culture, arts and advisories heritage P5 PARTNERSHIPS AND INVESTMENTS Objective: To Enhance the county investment levels through Public Private Partnership initiatives. Outcome: Increased resources for development through partnerships and investment augmentation Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 5.1 Joint Improved Coordination 4 4 0 Coordination meetings Program coordination of meetings held conducted Coordination UN/TCG UN/TCG programme SP 5.2 Public Increased Number of PPPs 2 0 2 Resource Re-allocation Private partnership entered Partnerships engagements with private sector


SP 5.3 Donor and Increased Number of 10 4 6 Legal Issues and Partner resources and MoUs Inconsistency with CIDP Coordination grants mobilized and Governor's for development Manifesto hindered signing P6 GOVERNOR'S PRESS SERVICE Objective: Enhance effective and timely communication/dissemination of government policies and programs Outcome: Improved Governor's communication programmes, branding and visibility Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 6.1 Governors Improved Number of 120 110 10 COVID 19 posed a Press support Governor's Governor's press challenge, Hence communication, releases reduced coverage branding, and visibility P7 AUDIT Objective: Enhance effective and timely communication/dissemination of government policies and programs Outcome: Enhanced internal transparency, accountability, and prudent utilization of public resources Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 7.1 Internal Enhanced internal Number of 8 14 -6 6 additional reports Audit audit controls for internal audit were as a result of ad prudent resource reports produced hoc activities utilization SP 7.2 Quality Improved quality Quality assurance 4 5 -1 1 additional due to ad Assurance assurance reports produced hoc activities

SP 7.3 Support to Improved audit Number of Audit 4 6 -2 2 additional due to ad Audit response Committee hoc activities Committees management Meetings/Session s held P8 PEACE BUILDING AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Objective: To promote peace within the county and among neighbouring communities Outcome: Improved Peace and Security in the County Outcome: Peaceful coexistence and stability of our internal and external boundaries enhanced for development Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 8.1 Better Policy Developed 1 1 0 The document is ready Development of coordination and for public participation County Peace management of building and peace building conflict initiatives management policy


SP 8.2 Improved Local structures 6 6 0 Operationalized Peace Operationalizatio management of supporting peace Committees n of peace conflicts at building grassroots structures and institutions SP 8.3 Resettled conflict Number of 19 19 0 all the 13 projects Resettlement displaced resettlements awarded and six (6) are Infrastructural communities done at different levels of Programme completion SP 8.4 Cross Improved peace Programmes 1 6 -5 5 were circumstantially Border peace structures initiated instigated dividends complementing programme peace programmes

P9 UPGRADE OF KEY COUNTY PREMISES Outcome: Physical security and surveillance of government headquarters enhanced Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 9.1 Improved living Residence 100% 50% 50% Consultant withheld Construction of and working completed technical drawings Official environment for Governor’s the Governor Residence (Ongoing) SP 9.2 Equipping Improved working Office Furnished 100% 100% 0% Furniture bought for of County environment for various offices in OOG Headquarters the County Office Block Executive SP 9.3 Upgrading Improved security Security 100% 0% 100% Bid non-responsive and of the Physical and surveillance of apparatus Funds Re-allocated security of the County HQ installed and Headquarters working SP 9.4 Improved living Residence 100% 20% 80% Site identified; BQs Construction of and working identified and done; Contractor Deputy Governor environment for BQs done Mobilized to site; Site Residence the Deputy disputed and Works Governor Suspended; applications for arbitration submitted to IGRTC and decision awaited


DEPUTY GOVERNOR 2.1.1 Achievements. i. Held bilateral meetings with regional governments of Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia to agree and harmonize sharing of cross border pastoral resources.

ii. Operationalized the UN Delivery as One Programme for Turkana County as a model

iii. Produced and Launched the county Magazine as a plat form for sharing county milestones

iv. Conducted Sensitization and civic education of county Government activities

v. Stabilized peace along all the corridors which has enhanced trade and development

vi. Established and supported of peace structures and institutions supporting peace building activities within and along the borders

vii. Developed the county website which has promoted easy access to public information

viii. Efficient utilization of limited resources for mobilization

ix. Signed and operationalized more than thirty MoUs for partnerships with development partners

Table 2.2: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for Deputy Governance - 2019/2020

Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 1.1 General Delivery of Ability to achieve on 100% 100% 0% Administration, quality, effective agreed deliverables. Planning and Support and efficient Services services P2 GOVERNMENT PROGRAMMING Outcome: Enhanced government programming and transformation for effective service delivery and improved efficiency and effectiveness of government programmes. SP 2.1 Government Government No of Government 6 6 0 Targets Programming Programmes programmes/strategy achieved Formulation and formulated reviewed SP 2.2 Community Community No of Community 6 10 4 Engagements Engagement Engagements Engagements and done mostly and Community Outreaches on policies Outreaches and bills and conducted mostly on COVID-19 Pandemic


SP 2.3 Government Stakeholder No of stakeholder 4 16 12 Engaged with Stakeholder Workshops and workshops and FCDC; NOREB; Engagement and Coordination coordination DGs and Coordination meetings meetings Other conducted Stakeholders held SP 2.4 Government Benchmarking, No of Benchmarking, 2 2 0 Benchmarking Transformation Global Standards Global Standards and done in and Best Best Practices Learnt Ethiopia and Practices Learnt and Adopted Niger and Adopted


2.3.1 Achievements i. Successful legal defense of the County Government and public interest in courts for cases against the County i.e. TCPSB case, the employment and labor relations cases involving former employees etc.

ii. Defending public interest through public interest litigation on matters of land and environment

iii. Reviews of government transactions and agreements with partners including national government agencies, NGOs and international development agencies

iv. Reviews of existing laws for amendments e.g. Biashara Fund Act, Cooperative Enterprises Development Act and Youth and Women Fund Regulations.

v. Research and preparation of Legal Advisory briefs to government entities and cabinet, including advisory on compulsory land acquisition in Kenya in the context of community land.

vi. Representation of the County in COG committees (legal affairs and human rights, ASAL committee and Urban development and Lands committee); the County Attorneys Forum and NOREB and FCDC regional bodies.

Table 2.3: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for County Attorney office - 2019/2020

Summary of Sector/ Sub-sector Programmes P1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create an enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery

Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets

SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve on 100% 100% 0% Administration, effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Planning and Support services Services


SP 1.2 Purchase of Delivery of quality, Number of vehicles 1 1 0 The Motor Motor Vehicle effective and efficient purchased Vehicle services Purchased

P2 LEGAL SERVICES Outcome: Enhanced Legislative Capacity; improved Legal Compliance and Reduced Litigation Burden

SP 2.1 Litigation Court Cases Handled Number of court 30 39 9 Prosecuted Matters cases 39 Cases against a target of 30 due to staffing by CPSB SP2.2Government Agreements/Contracts Number of 40 41 1 Reviewed agreements/contracts Reviewed Contracts/Agreements 41 Reviewed contracts against 45 received and a target of 40 P3 RESEARCH AND LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING Outcome: Improved Legislative Quality for Effective Policy Making

SP 3.1 Legislative Bills Drafted Number of Bills 6 32 26 Conducted Drafting and Bills drafted legislative review of 32 bills from 50 bills received against the proposed target 6 SP 3.2 Policy and Policies Reviewed and Number of Policies 6 31 25 Drafted 31 Legal Briefs Legal Briefs Drafted and Legal Briefs Policies, Drafted Bills and Legal Briefs against a target of (6) P4 CAPACITY BUILDING Outcome: Enhanced Legal Knowledge and Improved Legal Compliance


SP 4.1 Training of Staff Trained Number of staff 12 2 -10 The office Legal Counsels trained was able to organize trainings for 2 staff members against the planned 12 members

SP 4.2 Legal Training County Staff and Number of County 300 200 -100 The office and awareness for County Residents Staff and Residents organized County Staff and Trained Trained awareness County Residents and trainings for 1,500 members of the county staff and county residents


2.4.1 Achievements  Improved and secure access of county treasury  Improved efficiency in revenue collection  Passing of the Finance Bill 2018 by the County Assembly on stipulated time  Realistic revenue targets and revenue budgets preparations.  Partners engagement on Resource Mobilization Strategy  Timely production of ADP and submitted to the CA on time.  Improvement in Annual County Performance Assessment Reports.  Improved M & E project and county vision delivery.  Production of vital county statistical abstract done in time  E-mail client Availability Domain and Website up and running  Availability and applications of ICT policies and regulations  CBROP and CFSP documents done on time  Supplementary Budget done in time  Budget Implementation Report done on time  Improved public participation and hearings on Budget.


Table 2.4: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Programme 1: General Administration and Support Services Objective: Create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e SP 1.1 General Finance Delivery of Departmental PC 100% 68% -32% Administration, quality, Score Planning and effective and Support efficient Services - services Finance SP 1.2 General Economic No. of functional Citizen 2 0 -2 Deferred Administration, Planning completed Resource Centre Planning and CRCs Support Services - Economic Planning SP 1.3 County Finance Completed Level of 100% 80% -20% Purchase of Headquarters County completion furniture Offices Headquarters ongoing

SP 1.4 Security Finance Improved and Functional 100% 100% 100% Access secure access Security System Installation of county treasury

SP 1.5 Economic Renovated Level of 100% 0.00% -100% Monies were Renovation of Planning Economic completion reallocated Economic Planning Sub- in Planning County offices supplement Offices ary budget to pay pending bills Programme 2: County Revenue Programme

Objective: Strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of revenue collection systems

Outcome: Surpassed previous year's collection and attainment of 2% fiscal responsibility

Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e (A) (B)

SP2.1 Directorate of Sensitizations No. of people 2,000 1800 200 Awareness and Revenue on importance sensitized Campaigns on of levying Revenue at taxes Ward Level 16

SP2.2 Directorate of Improved Timely delivery of 100% 100% 100 Strengthening Revenue Revenue monthly Revenue collected collection Sources reports. SP 2.3 Directorate of Full Proportion of 80% 100% 20% Automated Revenue automation of Revenue Revenue revenue collection centers Collection collection in automated main revenue collection center. SP 2.4 Revenue Directorate of Finance Bill Passing of the 1 1 0 Bills and Revenue Finance Bill 2018 Policies by the County Assembly on stipulated time SP 2.5 Revenue Directorate of Realistic Revenue budget 1 1 0 Forecast and Revenue revenue with realistic Revenue targets and forecast Budget budgets Preparation SP 2.6 Directorate of Improved Revenue solution 1 1 0 Automated Revenue efficiency in system in place Revenue revenue Solution collection System SP 2.7 Directorate of Completed Level of 85% 0% 85 Completion of Revenue Revenue completion Lokiriama Centre Revenue Centre Programme 3: County Procurement Programme Objective: Offer efficient county procurement services Outcome: Improved timely, efficient and effective service delivery Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e SP 3.1 Support Directorate of Enhance No. of reports 12 8 4 to Procurement Procurement procurement Committees. accountability SP 3.2 Directorate of Enhanced Numbers of 200 184 16 Project/Contrac Procurement contract contracts t Management management managed. SP 3.3 Directorate of Improved Number of open 200 160 40 Procurement Procurement access to tenders Systems procurement Number of 20 4 16 information restricted tenders Number of low 100 20 80 value procurement 17

tenders reserved for AGPO SP 3.4 Supplier Directorate of Supplier Number of 3000 2000 1000 Engagement Procurement engaged suppliers and Awareness Engaged. Programme 4: Resource Mobilization. Objective: To coordinate external sources of funding Outcome: Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e SP 4.1 Resource Resource Resource Number of 20 30 10 Mobilization mobilization Mobilization partners engaged Strategy No of Duplicated 10 0 -10 Limited projects resources eliminated and inadequate staffing proved a challenge Programme 5: Accounting Services Objective: Offer efficient county treasury services Outcome: A transparent and accountable system for the management of public resources. Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e SP 5.1 Financial Treasury Improved Number of 4 4 0 Reporting and Financial Financial Reports Assurance Reporting SP 5.2 5 6 1 Specialized Training SP 5.3 Asset Treasury County Asset Percentage of 50% 30% -20% Management register County Assets and Valuation Registered and Insured SP 5.4 Treasury Projects/Suppli es Verification SP 5.5 Treasury Completed Operational 100% 0 -100% Construction and equipped IFMIS lab and Fitting of IFMIS Lab IFMIS Lab SP 5.6 Treasury Improved % of emergencies 30% 20% -10% Fund Emergency capacity to responded to overwhelme Fund respond to d by emergencies drought, floods and COVID19 Programme 6: County Economic Planning Services 18

Objective: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness for county planning and development. Outcome: : Improved County Economic Planning Services. Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e Planning Co- County Improved ADP Prepared 1 1 0 ordination Economic County and submitted to Services Planning Planning the CA 1 Services framework No. of Sectoral 3 3 0 Health and and Strategic County plans developed. Treasury Sector Plans prepared and Lakezone Ward Developmen t Plan Updated CIDP CIDP status 1 0 - 1 Moved to preparation next FY reviewed report County Policy Number of policy 1 1 0 Economic advisories on Annual Reports Planning CIDP 2018-2022 (Annual Progress Services flagship Report). projects and other development priorities. KDSP Improved No. of 60 165 105 CPSB, county officers/personne Directors government l trained. and performance. Technical (KDSP) officers in Environment , Procuremen t, Audit etc Annual County ACPA Score 70 81 11 Scored 81 Performance points Assessment Reports. Qualifying for Level II Qualified Yes Yes 0 Level II grant County Research and Number of policy 4 5 1 Population Economic Development research papers analysis, Planning and reports Flood Services prepared and assessment, disseminated Economic Analysis of Tobong'u 19

Lore, County Gender Data Sheet, Economic Impact of COVID-19 County Knowledge Enhanced 4 0 -4 Moved to Economic Management performance next FY Planning through a Services purposeful and systematic approach to the creation, development, and application of knowledge (No. of Reports produced) County Economic Sub county 7 0 -7 Deferred. Economic development number of Moved to Planning coordination development co- next FY Services ordination committee's formed County Economic Number of 2 3 1 3 COVID 19 Economic surveys and economic surveys Planning publications surveys reports Services County Improved Number of 7 3 -4 Funds Economic capacity on reports reallocated Planning Social generated from Services Budgeting and SIR real time Social system Intelligence reporting Programme 7: Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation Objective: Ensure collection, collation and updating of data and information for planning purposes Outcome: Enhanced decision making and planning Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e SP 7.1 M&E Improved Submitted 4 4 0 Monitoring and project and Quarterly and Evaluation county vision annual reports delivery M&E Key County Updated County 1 1 0 outcome Indicator indicators handbook tracked and updated


SP 7.2 Research Statistics Production of Annual statistical 1 1 0 and Statistics vital county abstract statistics Programme 8: ICT AND E-GOVERNMENT Objective: To facilitate connectivity and access of government services Outcome: Enhanced government communication and dissemination of information and policies. Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e SP 8.1 Directorate of Well-equipped Number trainings 30 5 -25 Enhancing ICT ICT and E- ICT attended by ICT Capacity Government department staff and number and skilled of non-ICT staff personnel trained capable of supporting other CG departments. SP 8.2 ICT Directorate of All sub- Number of sub 7 0 -7 Infrastructure ICT and E- counties counties Development Government Government networked and and are networked interlinked. Improvement and Internet interlinked. Availability SP 8.3 Directorate of E-mail client website and mail 1000 1000 0 Enhancing ICT and E- Availability. uptime Communication Government Domain and and Access to Website up Information and running SP 8.4 Directorate of ICT policies Availability and 65% 65% 0 ICT Policy at Development ICT and E- and applications of the cabinet and Government regulations ICT policies and level Implementatio regulations n of ICT Policy and Regulations SP 8.5 Directorate of Revenue Number of 3 3 0 Revenue, Acquisition of ICT and E- system, Water computing water and Information Government management devices livestock Systems and system, purchased. systems Equipment livestock Number of already in surveillance specialized use at the system and systems and departments specialized software software acquired Programme 9: BUDGETARY SUPPLY Objective: To produce County annual budget alongside other policy documents within statutory timelines Outcome: A credible budget estimate Sub Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Varianc Remarks Programme (KO) Indicators (KPIs) Targets Targets e 21

SP 9.1 Budget Directorate of Credible Budget Circular 1 1 0 Formulation, Budget Budget CBROP 1 1 0 Co-ordination, Estimates CFSP 1 1 0 and Management Budget Proposals 1 1 0 Budget Estimates 1 1 0 Supplementary 1 1 0 Budget Budget 4 4 0 Implementation Report SP 9.2 Budget Directorate of Improved No of public 32 32 0 Formulation, Budget public Participation Co-ordination, participation forums held and and hearings Management on Budget SP 9.3 County Directorate of Improved No of Public 4 3 -1 Covid-19 Budget and Budget Service economic forum pandemic Economic delivery reports restricted Forum the meetings and slowed down the operations.


2.5.1 Achievements i. Development and utilization of Lodwar (Napuu) Aquifer has increased access to safe and clean drinking water within Lodwar Town and its surroundings. ii. Construction of four mega dams in Kotome, Letea, Kalemungorok and Napeitom is ongoing. iii. Increase in the number of people and institutions with access to clean water through the drilling of boreholes project. iv. Eleven water supply systems have been established and augmented v. Improved capacity of water service providers in areas where training has been held. vi. Domestication of Multi-Lateral Environmental agreements through celebration of world Environment days vi. Greening of Turkana to mitigate against climate change (2000 Trees planted) vii. Training of small-scale miners in Nakalale ward.

Table 2.5: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Programme 1: General Administration and Support services Objective: To ensure an efficient and effective service delivery, working with related sectors in an integrated institutional framework


Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub programme Key output Key performance Target Achieved Varian Remarks indicator ce SP 1.1 General Delivery of Ability to achieve 100% 80% -20% Several targets on PC Administration, quality, effective on agreed and reporting met. Planning and and efficient deliverables. However, absorption Support Services services of funds was at 49% due to delay in procurement. Programme 2: Water Supply Objective: To provide adequate and quality water Outcome: Strengthened sustainable water supply services Sub programme Key output Key performance Target Achieved Varian Remarks indicator ce SP 2.1 Construction of Construction of 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 Construction of Water dams Letea Dam through Dams supplementary budget SP 2.2 Construction and Desilting and 14 8 -6 6 Deferred to FY Construction and Desilting of rehabilitation of 2020/21 through Desilting of Water Pans/Rock water pans and supplementary Water Pans/Rock Catchment rock catchments budget Catchment Pre-feasibility, 14 14 0 Achieved feasibility and appraisal study SP 2.3 Rehabilitation of Extension of water 7 4 -3 Funds not sufficient to Rehabilitation of Water to health facilities complete 7 projects Water Infrastructure and institutions Infrastructure Improvement of 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 Kakuma water through supply supplementary budget. Although WSTF did major rehabilitation and County improvement phase I which had stalled was completed Improvement of 1 1 0 Achieved by extension Lorugum water to hospital supply SP 2.4 Drilling Drilling and Equipping and 1 1 0 On going and Equipping of Equipping of piping of water at Boreholes Boreholes Kaeris Centre Drilling and 1 1 0 Borehole drilled but equipping of dry further hydro Karengatuny geological borehole investigations to be carried out in the area


Drilling, equipping 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 and piping of through water from Lochor supplementary Ekile to budget Lokapelpus Drilling, equipping 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 and piping of through water at Naduat supplementary budget Supply of drilling 1 1 0 Achieved materials Equipping of 30 20 -10 Drilling delayed but boreholes with drilling of 20 more submersible boreholes on going pumps and solar (survey of 43 panels boreholes carried out) SP 2.5 Equipment Equipment of Functional lab for 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 of quality quality analysis analysis through analysis laboratory and supplementary laboratory and reagents budget reagents SP 2.6 : Project Project No of 35 35 0 Projects initiated Coordination and Coordination and coordination and Management Management management meetings held Programme 3: Water and Catchment Protection Objective: To strengthen community participation in water resource management so as to mitigate conflict over the resource Outcome: Optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water resources in the County Sub programme Key output Key performance Target Achieved Varian Remarks indicator ce

SP 3.1 Water Integrated and Number of joint 1 1 0 Achieved Resources inter-sectoral activities in water Management approaches to catchment the management management at of water county catchment areas government and promoted community levels. Riparian and No. of Riparian and 1 1 0 Engagement of degraded degraded community in Land catchment areas catchment areas acquisition before demarcated, demarcated, Fencing began rehabilitated and rehabilitated and protected protected


Enhanced No. of 2 2 0 Achieved Community communities with participation in increased management of knowledge on water resources Management of water resources and catchments Enhanced Number of water 2 2 0 Achieved Community Resource Users participation in Associations management of trained water resources SP 3.2 Drought Drought 0 1 1 Flood mitigation Mitigation mitigation carried out.9 boreholes recovered in Lodwar Town after destruction of floods Programme 4: Water Sector Governance Objective: To strengthen the institutional framework for better coordination and governance of the water sector Outcome: Improved planning coordination and management of the water sector Sub programme Key output Key performance Target Achieved Varian Remarks indicator ce SP4.1 Water Water legal Formation of 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 Governance, instruments transition team through Planning and supplementary Coordination budget Number of Rules 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 and Regulations through drafted and supplementary operationalized budget. The consultancy awarded Capacity building 21 0 -21 Deferred to FY 2020/21 and registration of through Water users supplementary Associations budget Formation of 1 0 -1 Ongoing with County Turkana Water Attorney company Formation of 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 Turkana through Stakeholders supplementary Forum budget Launching of 1 0 -1 Ongoing plan water fund between Oxfam and Kenya Rapid


Real time data Water and water 1 0 -1 Deferred to FY 2020/21 lab and a sector Information and through water Management supplementary information system (WIMS) in budget management place and system operational developed Programme Name: Environmental Governance, Compliance, Conservation Protection and Management Objective: To Enhance environmental quality and foster sustainable development in Turkana County Outcome: Clean and Healthy environment that creates a conducive environment for sustainable development Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Varian Remarks indicators Targets Targets ce SP 5.1 Sustainable No. of 2 2 0 Environmental environmental environmental bills The final draft Governance and governance and policies forwarded to cabinet compliance No. of 2 2 0 environmental Achieved days celebrated No. of staff 5 1 -4 trainings on environmental No funds governance and compliance No. of Regional 4 0 -4 exposure trips for benchmarking for No funds best environmental practices No. of riverine 4 3 -1 No funds inspection No. of inspections 4 4 0 Achieved done on oil fields No. of land uses 12 8 -4 No funds inspected No. of 82 60 -22 Environmental Impact Assessment Inadequate staff (EIA),SEA,SIA and Environmental Audit (EA) reviews No. of site 16 16 0 inspections to ensure Achieved environmental compliance


No. of Laboratory 2 1 -1 Analysis of No funds environmental pollution samples No. of clean-up 4 4 0 Achieved drives No. of noise 30 36 6 permits issued to Target surpassed control air and noise pollution No. disposal sites 6 0 -6 established and No funds protected SP 5.2 To protect and Mapping of 1 0 -1 Environmental conserve the wetlands in the Protection and environment for County conservation the benefit of No funds present and future generation No. of 8 0 -8 No funds rehabilitated sites No. of fragile 4 4 0 ecosystems No funds protected No. of 5 5 0 environmental conservation structures for soil No funds and water conservation SP 5.3 Climate Environmental No. of Policies 1 0 -1 Change and Management related to Climate Adaptation that will address Change and existing and Adaptation policies No funds emerging environmental concerns No. of people 2000 500 -1500 sensitized and educated on No funds climate change mitigation and adaptation No. of household’s 2000 0 -2000 climate proofed to boost resilience to No funds climate change


No. of 150 50 -100 stakeholders engaged in climate No funds change mainstreaming forums No. of farmers 150 120 -30 Mapping and practicing climate documentation smart farming ongoing No. of early 10 0 -10 warning prepared committees No funds formed and trained No of Plastic 1 1 0 collection and re- 30% complete use center in place No. of 14 0 -14 Environmental clubs and groups No funds trained and registered No. of research on 2 0 -2 environmental concerns and No funds management strategies No. of staff trained 6 4 -2 on development of competitive Inadequate funding funding proposals Programme Name: Mineral resource mapping, capacity building and Management of Mining and quarrying activities Objective: To promote mining and quarrying activities in Turkana county Outcome: Mining and quarrying industry that will improve community livelihood and contribute to the economy of Turkana Count Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Varian indicators Targets Targets ce SP 6.1 Capacity Sustainable Artisanal and 2 5 3 building in exploitation of small-scale mining exploitation of minerals groups trained on Mineral resources in the value addition and Resources County and build EHS Target surpassed capacity of Artisanal and small-scale miners


No. of Regional 2 0 -2 and International exposure trips for Funding was benchmarking on redirected after Covid Modern mining pandemic operations No. of Mining 3 3 0 Gold detectors equipment bought purchased for to ease mining Nakalale, Loima (Namorputh) and Lapur ward registered mining groups SP 6.2Mineral Minerals Minerals mapping 1 0 -1 resource distribution and feasibility mapping mapping in the report No funds allocated for County and this program feasibility report No. of community 3 3 0 Met with artisanal meetings engaged miners in Nakalale, in resource Namorputh and Lobei mapping Kotaruk ward SP 6.3 Management of No. of mining bills 1 0 -1 Management of mining and and policies Insufficient funds Mining and quarrying developed allocated quarrying activities activities No. of inspections 3 1 -2 Visited the quarrying done on mining site in Turkana Central and quarrying sites as funding was limited No. of artisanal 3 10 7 and small-scale miners’ groups trained on Received support pollution control, from UNDP train 35 waste artisanal miners Management &E HS and Value addition Programme Name: Petroleum Objective: To ensure compliance to the proposed Petroleum Bill Outcome: Optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water resources in the County Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned Achieved Varian indicators Targets Targets ce SP 7.1 Oil and Establishment of Percentage of 0.3 0 -0.3 Reduction in oil prices Gas County Local locals working and a global pandemic Content with Oil companies resulted in companies Committee across the declaring force corporate ladder majeure with companies cutting jobs 29

Capacity building Number of staff 20 20 0 Partnered with the of county staff trained in the oil national government on oil and gas and gas matters matters Community Number of public 5 1 -4 Insufficient funds Petroleum Issues fora held to allocated towards the Awareness and discuss emerging program Advocacy issues and current issues in the petroleum exploration going on in the county Establishment of No. of parking 1 0 -1 No funds allocated to designated sites established program parking sites for petroleum tanker Establishment of No. of parking 1 0 -1 No funds allocated to designated sites established program parking sites for petroleum tanker S P 7.2 Review of County Petroleum 1 0 -1 Insufficient funds Establishment of County Engagement bill allocated towards this Extractive sector Petroleum and policy in place regulations and Engagement bill strategies and policy Establishment of County Artisanal 1 0 -1 Insufficient funds County artisanal Mining Committee allocated towards this mining bill and in place policy Review of County Extractive 1 0 -1 Insufficient funds County sector strategy in allocated towards this Extractive sector place strategy


2.6.1 Achievements i. Data capture and reporting tools are available in all facilities ii. Quarterly review meeting reports used for evidence-based decision making iii. Achieved 94% NTD treatment success rate, an increase from the previous 60% iv. Reduced the county HIV prevalence rate from 7.6% to the current 3.2% v. Installation of three gene expert machines (Kakuma, LCRH, and Katilu Sub-County Hospital vi. Increased utilization of LLITNs to 40% vii. Achieved 100% investigation and response rate for notifiable diseases viii. Operationalized eye clinics in seven sub-county hospitals, eye theatre in LCRH, refraction and issuance of glasses. ix. Roll out of the Community Health Strategy.


Table 2.6: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Name of Sub- Responsible Key Output Key 1st July 2019- 30th June 2020 Program Directorate (KO) Performance Indicators Targets Actual Variance Remarks (KPIs) Achieve ment (s) P 1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 1.1 General Health Delivery of Ability to 100% 85% -15% Due to financial Administration, Administrati quality, achieve on constraints, most Planning and on effective agreed of the deliverables Support and efficient deliverables. were not achieved. Services services Most of the funding was delayed. SP 1.2 Additional Health Increased Number of 9 6 -3 Due to delay in Works/Renovati Administrati access to facilities funds only six of ons of Health on health care renovated, the targeted Facilities fenced. facilities were renovated. P 2 PREVENTIVE AND PROMOTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES Outcome: To promote health and prevent communicable and non-communicable conditions

SP2.1 Family Family Delivery of 4th ANC 61% 66% 5% There has been Health (THS) Health quality, coverage improvement in the effective ANC visits. and efficient Skilled Birth 73% 74% 1% There has been Reproductiv Attendance slight improvement e Maternal coverage in the skilled Newborn deliveries in the Child & county. Adolescent Fully 85% 91% 6% Generally, the health Immunized utilization of services Child immunization Coverage services has improved. Family 19% 18% -1% Family planning is Planning still performing attendance dismally in the Coverage county. SP 2.2 Public Community Community Number of 167 151 -16 Some units lack Health Health Units Community CHEWs to manage Services Reporting Units while others are Functional non-functional due to insecurity issues.


Motivated Number of 1969 1864 -105 The payment was CHVs CHVS paid limited to six Stipend months due to inadequacy of funds , CCHSC not yet operationalised to assist in resource mobilization inspite of the CHS Act having been assented to. WASH Increased Number of 108 151 43 There was an Latrine Use villages Open increase in the Defecation number of ODF. Free (ODF) However, reported limited facilitation in the 3rd and 4th quarter due to inadequacy of funds. Empowered Proportion of 100% 29500 -2500 Most HHs reached vulnerable vulnerable (32000) during households House Holds emergencies. against (HHs) reached wash related with WASH conditions interventions Household s Number of 3280 1509 -1771 Through household empowered households visitations in hygiene reached with and hygiene and sanitation sanitation key messages Food quality Safe food Proportion of 56% 51% -5% Inadequate staff, control and premises food premises transport public health inspected law Approved Proportion of 83% 27% -56% Inadequate staff, enforcemen food food premises transport and t premises in inspected licences use licensed Compliance Proportion of 63% 77% 14% Slight increase with good notices noted on notice food quality complied with compliance. practices Safe Proportion of 82% 23% -59% Lack of certificates handling of food handlers and Covid 19 that food medically resulted in many examined closures Non- Proportion of NR 79% 79% This will lead to compliance non- reduced non- is reduced compliance compliance. prosecuted 32

School Health Proportion of 29% 41% 12% improved school Health school school age age children Services children free children deworming despite from worms dewormed inadequate deformers and staff facilitation. Schools Proportion of 20% 45% 25% Improved status in linked to schools having spite of Inadequate health integrated partnership and services school health facilitation due to services limited staff. Health and Proportion of 59% 57% -2% Slightly reduced safe schools due to Inadequate environment inspected mobility and in school quarterly financial support for staff. Occupationa Better Proportion of 50% 60% 10% Courtesy of COVID l health and health care health 19 safety plus waste facilities with pollution managemen a Trained control t health worker on health care waste management Sustained Proportion of 8% 30% 22% Improved despite and health Inadequate public progressive facilities with health staff health care health care waste waste managemen management t plan developed Health and Proportion of 0% 50% 50% An achievement safety at health noticed, though health facilities that experienced lack of facility have a user friendly tool workplace. conducted hazard and risk assessment SP 2.3 Health Health Surveillance, Weekly 87% 86% -1% Better reporting Promotion and Promotion outbreak epidemic compared to last Diseases and Disease investigation reporting rate year. Control Control and Disease 100% 100% 0% All outbreaks response outbreaks reported were investigated investigated. Health Proportion of 30% 15% -15% Inadequate promotion communities financial support to reached with achieve the target. BCC


Tuberculosis Quarterly Case 2457(48) 2550(50) 93 With an annual elimination identification % % expected rate identification rate of 20%, the achieved 2% leaves a lot to be worked on. HIV testing for 100% 96% -4% HIV tetsing has TB cases been made mandatory for all TB clients. Malaria Proportion of 30% 18% -12% Distribution of elimination target LLITNs has not population been targeting the utilizing all population. LLITNs HIV and Viral 66% 73% 7% With global target AIDS, STI suppression 90% Virla managemen rate suppresion, the t county suppresion has to put a little more effort. Neglected Proportion of 100% 100% 0% All identified TT Tropical target TT patients were Disease surgeries operated. conducted Proportion of 100% (514 514 0 All the identified Kala azar cases) Kalaazar patients cases were put on identified put treatment. on treatment P 3 MEDICAL SERVICES Outcome: To provide curative healthcare services. SP 3.1 Laboratory Improved Proportion of 100% 24% -76% Only 54 health Laboratory Department Laboratory Health facilities offer Services Services facilities comprehensive lab offering services and submit comprehensiv regular monhtly e laboratory reports services. (211 facilities) SP 3.2 Blood Blood Improved Number of 600 85% -15.00% There have been Transfusion Transfusion blood blood pints (100%) 2,256 blood drives Services Department transfusion collected conducted in the services whole year. The last quarter did not see any activity due to the pandemic effect.


SP 3.3 Rehabilitativ Increased Number of 100% 80% -20% Faulty equipments Rehabilitative e Rehabilitativ clients at the department Services Department e services rehabilitated could not allow for full rehabilitation of clients SP 3.4 Referral County Managed Proportion of 70% 65% -5% Logistical support and Emergency Referral referral referral cases hindered delivery. Services systems cases in the managed department county within the county SP 3.5 Radiology Improved Number of 9 3 -6 LCRH, Lopiding and Radiology Department diagnosis facilities Kakuma Mission Services through offering hospitals are the radiology radiology only hospitals services services having x-ray equipment. SP 3.6 Dental Dental Improved Number of 3256 4700 1444 Dental services Services Services dental clients were exceedingly services provided with utilized as seen in dental the number of services individuals seen. SP 3.7 Clinical Clinical Improved Number of 1,200,572 995640 -204,932 Almost 83% of the Services Services clinical clients population in services provided with Turkana accessed clinical the health services services in the FY SP 3.8 Nursing Nursing Improved Number of 1,200,572 995640 -204,932 Almost 83% of the Services Department nursing clients population in services provided with Turkana accessed nursing the health services services in the FY SP 3.9 Rural Medical Increased Number of 150 150 0 All the targeted Health Facilities Services access to health health facilities health care facilities receive funds on through receiving regular basis based increased funds on their budgets. rural facilities operations SP 3.10 Sub- Medical Increased Number of 7 7 0 All the sub county county Services access to health hospitals receive health care facilities funds on regular through receiving basis. increased funds sub-county facilities operations P 4 LODWAR COUNTY AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL Outcome: To provide curative healthcare services.


SP 4.1 LCRH LCRH Delivery of Ability to 100% 80% -20% Due to financial Operations and Directorate quality, achieve on constraints, some Support effective agreed of the deliverables Services and efficient deliverables. were not achieved. services SP 4.2 LCRH LCRH Improved Construction 100% 0% -100% Not done due to Infrastructure Directorate access to of Orthopedic financial Development comprehens theatre constraints. ive health Asbestos 100% 0% -100% No funds were care Disposal allocated for Environmental Impact assessment and for the actual disposal.

P 5 MEDICAL SUPPLIES Outcome: To ensure all health facilities have adequate health commodities SP 5.1 Medical Medical Improved Number of 228 228 0 All the facilities Supplies Supplies managemen health have required Unit t of health facilities health products having commodities. adequate health commodities Number of 228 228 0 All the facilities are health equipped with facilities required equipped equipments. SP 5.2 Health Medical Improved Number of 4 3 -1 There have been Commodity Supplies managemen commodity three commodity Management Unit t of health planning and planning meetings products data review in the first three meeting held quarters of the FY Number of 12 9 -3 The last quarter of commodity the financial year inspections 2019/2020 did not done see any inspections done. P 6 POLICY, PLANNING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION Outcome: To encourage evidence-based decision making SP 6.1 Health HMIS Evidence Number of 228 214(92%) -14 Most of the Information and Department based facilities (100%) facilities report on Management decision reporting timely basis and making timely and submit complete completely reports apart from some few private clinics.


Number of 228 228 0 Although there facilities with (100%) have been reporting challenges with tools tools, all the facilities have had the most basic reporting tools. Quarterly 4 3 -1 There have been review three quarterly meetings review meetings done held in the FY 2019/2020 Quarterly 4 3 -1 There have been planning three quarterly meetings review meetings done held in the FY 2019/2020 Supervision 4 3 -1 There have been done three support supervision done in the quarter. DQAs done. 4 3 -1 There have been three DQAs done in the quarter. SP 6.2 Quality QA Quality Number of 228 228 0 All the facilities Assurance Department services in Health have the basic health facilities standard operaring facilities having procedures. Standard Operating Procedures Number of 200 0 -200 Not done due to Staff trained financial on Quality constraints. assurance, Coaching and Mentorship Client 1 0 -1 Not done due to exit/satisfactio financial n survey constraints. Service 1 0 -1 In the process of Charter for completion for use. health headquarters’ office. SP 6.3 Universal UHC Universal UHC roadmap 1 1 0 The purchase of the Health Care for Department Healthcare and Health three (3) Turkana coverage Financing ambulances in (UHC) Strategy. place of the UHC truck.


Service level 228 228 0 Agreement agreements covered all the with NHIF, operational KEMSA and facilities of the MEDS. county government. Number of 150 106 -44 Working with NHIF Health to accredit all the facilities targeted facilities. accredited Mobile Health 1 0 -1 Replaced with the Facility three ambulances Purchased purchased. UHC Roll-out 5,000 0 -5000 Roll out not yet (Targeting HHs done to implement household) the strategy. P 7 ALCOHOL DRINKS AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE CONTROL Outcome: To reduce the effects of alcohol and substance abuse SP 7.1 Directorate Rehabilitate Number of 60 0 -60 No budget Rehabilitation of Alcohol d drugs patients allocated and Treatment drinks addict rehabilitated control SP 7.2 Public Directorate Number of 8 10 2 Sensitization of bar Education, of Alcohol meeting held owners was done Advocacy and drinks for extensively both Awareness control sensitization physically and through radio shows. SP 7.3 Liquor Number of 400 50 -350 Due to outbreak of licensing alcoholic corona virus outlets pandemic, all the licensed bars were closed to mitigate the spread of the virus. Only wines and spirit were licenced. SP 7.4 Training Number of 6 0 -6 Committee and Capacity committees members not yet Building trained appointed.


2.7.1 Achievements i. Business Development and Training Services

ii. Inspection and verification of Weighing and Measuring Equipment and acquisition of basic standards and tools.

iii. Construction of Market Stalls 38

iv. Community sensitization and mobilization on the value of the cooperative movement

v. Capacity building of members: members’ education and registration.

vi. Revival meetings and election of new officials by cooperatives along River Turkwell in Turkana South.

vii. MARKETS - 14 constructed market stalls across the county to benefit over 600 traders.

viii. Conducted 5 Co-operative revival meetings to key dormant Co-operative Societies namely.

 Lokichoggio Multipurpose Co-operative Society

 Katilu Farmers’ Co-operative Society

 Lomidat Pastoral Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd

 Lokubae Irrigation Farmers’ Co-operative Society

 Turkana Fishermen Co-operative Society

ix. Facilitated AGM for Maendeleo Ya Wanawake

x. Facilitated 16 days of gender activism and international women’s day

xi. Conducted AGPO training for Maendeleo ya wanawake Lodwar chapter

xii. Financial management training for youth and women groups 38. Disbursement of youth and women empowerment fund (220M)

Table 2.7: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 PROGRAMME 1: General Administration and Support Services Objective: create an enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency Outcome: Effective and efficient work force Sub Delivery Key Output Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Programme Unit (KO) Performance Targets Targets (C=A-B) Indicators (KPIs) SP 1.1 General Administrati Timely Percent of 1 0.97 -0.03 Yet to Administration, on operations and ministry submit end Planning and Department submission of implementation of year Support department status and narrative Services reports reports progress submission report PROGRAMME 2: TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION

Objective: Promote trade, broaden the export base and branding of county produced products

Outcome: An expanded trade market with variety of products Sub Delivery Key Output Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Programme Unit (KO) Performance Targets Targets Indicators (KPIs) SP 2.1. Trade Trade County Business No. of County 1 0 -1 Money Licensing, Directory Business diverted to Regulations and Directories covid-19 Control pandemic SP 2.2 Region Trade Established No. of trade 4 4 0 Target met 39

Trade & Export Export markets promotional for county events products conducted SP 2.3 Business Trade Trained MSMEs No. of MSMEs 200 498 298 Target was Training & operators trained over Development achieved Services SP 2.4 Lease Trade Operational No. of MSMEs 1 1 0 Target was and Biashara Centre accessing met Management of business Biashara Centre development & training services SP 2.5 Trade Trade Survey reports No. of trade 1 2 1 Successfully Research & surveys achieved Policy conducted SP 2.6 Business Trade Support grants No. of SMEs 12 41 29 Target was Financing & to SMEs incubated overachieve Incubation of d following MSMEs support from partners SP2.7 Field Weights and Verification and No. of weights 1000 2169 1169 Over metrology Measures stamping of and measures achieved services weighing and and Pumps measuring equipment equipment approved SP2.8 Consumer Weights and Holding of No. of consumer 2 2 0 Target Rights measures Seminars and education achieved Education Trainings at reports successfully Sub-County produced. level to educate the public SP2.9 Training Weights and Trained No. of 4 4 0 Classwork for Weights and Measures Inspectors Inspectors complete Measures trained pending Technical national Professionals Exam SP2.10 Weights and Carry out No. of consumer 200 200 0 Target was Standards and measures Market Surveys rights clinic achieved Anti-Counterfeit on the in- flow notices services of counterfeit conducted goods in the market SP2.11 Market Trade Operational No. of 1 2 1 Target was infrastructure Modernized operationalized achieved Development Markets markets SP2.12 Industrial Trade Developed No. of 2 2 0 Target was development technologies for developed achieved and local industries technologies for Investments local industries and promotional 40

events conducted SP 2.13 Biashara Trade Credit disbursed No. of Traders 360 0 -360 Delayed Fund accessing the release of credit in the funds entire county. SP2.14 Trade Completed Certificate of 1 0 -1 Completion Completion of Biashara centre completion. underway Biashara Centre (Phase 3) SP2.15 North Trade Legal and No. of laws and 3 2 -1 Enactment Rift Economic & regulatory MOUs enacted of laws Frontier frameworks underway Counties available Development Council Blocs (NOREB& FCDC) SP2.16 Purchase Weights and Tendering No. of 1 1 0 Target was of Calibration Measures purchased met Equipment calibration equipment SP2.17 Repair Trade Requisition and # of refurbished 9 0 -9 deferred and Tendering market maintenance of infrastructure existing market infrastructure SP2.18 Trade Attending # of trade fairs, 4 3 -1 Money Participation in fairs, expos & expos and diverted to fairs, expos & investment investment Covid-19 investment conferences conferences pandemic conferences attended PROGRAMME 3: CO-OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING Objective: provide legal and policy framework for cooperatives growth Outcome: A society well informed of the gains of cooperatives Sub Delivery Key Output Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Programme Unit (KO) Performance Targets Targets Indicators (KPIs) SP3.1.1 Co-operative Promotion of No. of 7 10 3 Overachieve Cooperative new certificates of d by three registration cooperative registration and registrations societies societies bylaws available SP3.1.2 Co- Co-operative Improved No. of co- 20 18 -2 Continue operative governance in operatives offering extension and co-operatives accessing advisory advisory advisory services in services services. the next financial year SP3.1.3 Co- Co-operative Availability of No. of Co- 10 16 6 conduct 41

operative Ethics co-operative operative more Co- & Governance inspection inspections operative report carried out inspections next FY. Cooperative Availability of No. of Co- 6 15 9 Target Co-operative operative exceeded impromptu spot impromptu spot checks reports checks carried out SP3.1.4 Co- Co-operative Carrying out 20 # of audited 20 37 17 Target operative Audit co-operative societies’/Accou exceeded Services audits nts SP3.2.1 Co- Co-operative Carry out one # of co-operative 1 1 0 Target was operative co-operative conferences and met Conferences & Conferences exhibitions Exhibitions and Exhibitions programmes Programmes Programmes carried out SP3.2.2 Co- Co-operative Increased No. of new 2 5 3 Target operative productivity, products exceeded Marketing and profitability, developed Value Addition and new Initiatives product development SP3.2.3 Co- Co-operative Carry out one # of co-operative 1 3 2 Target operative Co-operative Surveys carried exceeded Survey Survey out SP3.3.1 Co- Cooperative Committee No. of 3 8 5 Target operative management management exceeded Management, training committee Education days trainings held and Training/semina rs Co-operative Members No. of Education 3 3 0 Target ‘Education Days Days held successfully achieved. SP3.3.2 Ushirika Cooperative Ushirika day Ushirika day 1 1 0 Target Day celebrated Achieved Celebrations SP3.3.3 Co- Cooperative Exchange visits No. of Co- 1 2 1 Target operative operatives exceeded Exchange Visits Exchange Programmes/Visi ts carried out SP3:4.1 Co-operative Revived key No. of key 1 1 0 Target Strengthening dormant co- dormant co- achieved of one key operative operatives dormant co- societies revived. operative SP3.4.2 Co-operative Availability of No. of Co- 1 0 -1 Legal frame Formulation of Turkana County operative work in 42

Co-operative Co-operative development place. Policy and Legal Societies Act policies and legal Framework frameworks formulated and passed PROGRAMME 4: GENDER PROMOTION Objective: promote gender equity and equality Outcome: Gender empowerment Sub Delivery Key Output Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Programme Unit (KO) Performance Targets Targets Indicators (KPIs) SP4.1 Gender Gender 16 Days of # of women- 1 1 0 Successfully empowerment Gender calendared days achieved and advocacy Activism/Sensiti celebrated zation Gender International International 1 1 0 Successfully Women’s Day women day held achieved SP4.2 Gender Gender Development of No. of gender 1 0 -1 To be done Mainstreaming Gender policy policies in FY and developed 2020/2021 coordination SP4.3 Legal Gender Sensitization on No. of gender 1 1 0 Target was compliance and gender sensitization met redress mainstreaming meetings held Gender Support to GBV No. of GBV 1 28 27 Target was victims victims over supported achieved Gender Sensitize GBV No. of GBV 1 1 0 Target was stakeholders on sensitization met cases and the meetings held. referral pathways SP4.4 Gender Economically, No. of gender 1 1 0 Successfully Promotion of socially, and equality achieved gender equality politically awareness and empowered creation empowerment gender meetings held PROGRAMME 5: YOUTH AFFAIRS Objective: Facilitate the promotion of youth and talent development for economic inclusion. Outcome: An empowered youthful population contributing to the growth of the local sectors of the economy. Sub Delivery Key Output Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Programme Unit (KO) Performance Targets Targets Indicators (KPIs) SP5.1 Youth Youth A vibrant and No. of youth 1 0 -1 Monies were coordination Affairs well- council diverted to and coordinated workshops held support representation youth structure, Covid-19 an exposed pandemic youth 43

leadership in terms of processes Youth 1 Benchmarking No. of 1 0 -1 Monies were Affairs exercise/exchan benchmarking diverted to ge visits activities held support Covid-19 pandemic Youth Youth No. of Youth 1 1 0 Target met Affairs seminar/worksh seminars op Celebration conducted of youth week SP5.2 Youth Youth AGPO No. of AGPO 1 1 0 Successfully employment Affairs registered registered achieved scheme youth companies companies Youth Survey on No. of 1 1 0 Successfully Affairs registered sensitization achieved youth meetings held companies and with companies those participating in tendering processes SP5.3 Youth Youth An empowered No. of youths 1 0 -1 Monies rare skills Affairs youth with life sensitized on diverted to and rare skills rare skills and support vocational Covid-19 training pandemic SP5.4 Youth Youth Loan Amount of 133M 0 -133M To be done and Women Affairs applications and Funds disbursed in FY Fund appraisals 2020/2021 Youth Loan awarded No. of groups 1,600 0 -1,600 To be done Affairs to 1600 youth benefitted in FY and women 2020/2021 groups SP 5.5 Youth Youth Capacity No. of youth and 3,800 0 -3,800 To be and Women Affairs building and women groups trained in FY Empowerment trainings on officials 2020/2021 Fund entrepreneurshi trained@3 p official per group



2.8.1 Achievements i. Increased number of instructors from 2 to 35

ii. Increased access to vocational training through the county skills development fund and scholarships

iii. Increased number of vocational training centers from 1 to 7

iv. Regular termly feeding Programme v. Conduct quality assurance and standards termly

v. Participation in co curriculum activities vii. Equipment for the ECDE Centers

vi. Supported Turkana county teams to participate in KYISA (Kenya Inter Counties Sports Association) ball games championships, KENPO, and athletes support.

vii. Organized training and capacity building for coaches/referees in Athletics and football

viii. Supported basketball team (St Augustine) to participate in peace basketball tournament in Mbale, Uganda and in , Kenya.

ix. Supported individual athletes and sports men/women participate in various sports disciplines within and outside Turkana county.

x. Finished construction of sports stadia offices as construction of sports stadia is an ongoing flag ship project.

xi. Establishment of Rescue Centers from 0 to 2 (Lodwar and Kakuma)

xii. Provision of food stuff and school requirements to Street children.

xiii. The promotion of co-operation among public social protection departments, agencies and institutions and other stakeholders in social protection activities and programmes

Table 2.8: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Name of the Delivery Key Output (KO) Key Programme Unit Performanc Target( Actual Variance Remarks e Indicators s) Achievem (KPIs) ent(s) P 1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 1.1 General Administr Delivery of quality, Ability to 100% 90% -10% a number of payments Administration, ation effective and achieve on were not paid by end Planning and efficient services agreed of the FY. Support deliverables. Services SP 1.2 Turkana Administr Number of the amount per Education and ation Students 15,000 37,028 22,028 student was scaled Skill Supported down to cater for all Development with bursary those who applied. Fund SP 1.3 Administr Enhanced service Completion 100% 0.00 -100% land for office Completion of ation delivery rate of construction was not Office Block Office Block available dispute arose 45

on ownership of land that was initially identified for office construction. P 2 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Outcome: To provide education geared towards wholistic development of the child's capability SP 2.1 School ECD Improved child Number of 800 911 111 Support from Mary's Feeding Directorat nutrition and ECD centres Meal International e wellbeing supplied enabled the reach with food beyond the targeted centres Number of 300 300 - Supported by WFP centres trained on food hygiene and storage Number of 2 0 -2 Was not budgeted for Sub County food stores in place Number of 300 240 -60 Changes in WFP centres with budgets Improved Jikos and Utensils SP 2.2 Quality ECD Enhanced capacity Number of 275 475 200 TCPSB employed 200 Improvement Directorat of human trained more trained ECDE e resource ECDE teachers teachers Increased % enrolment, 3 1 -2 Schools were closed enrolment, rates due to covid-19 retention, and pandemic transition rates Enhanced service Number of 3 3 - delivery to annual learners quality assurance exercises conducted Number of 800 350 -450 The remaining will be ECD centres supplied once schools supplied re-open after covid-19 with pandemic instructional materials Number of 60 0 -60 Most ECDE Centres ECD centres have no power supplied connection, and with ICT teachers have not yet 46

materials been trained on the use of digital tools Early identification Number of 800 0 -800 No budget of talents and centres creativity participating in Co- curriculum Activities No of 200 0 -200 Moved forward to centres with next financial year equipment/s tructures for outdoor activities SP 2.3 Improved learning Number of 26 0 -26 Moved forward to the Infrastructure and working Classrooms next financial year Development environment constructed No of 60 0 -60 Moved to the next facilities financial year with playgrounds Staff 60 0 -60 Not budgeted for quarters for ECDE centres P 3 VOCATIONAL TRAINING Outcome: Promotion of tertiary education SP 3.1 Youth VTC Improved learning Number of 3 0 -3 Funds reallocated to Polytechnic Directorat and working Classrooms mitigate effects of Infrastructure e environment constructed COVID-19 VTC Number of 2 0 -2 Funds reallocated to Directorat Computer mitigate effects of e Labs COVID-20 Constructed VTC Number of 3 0 -3 Funds reallocated to Directorat dormitories mitigate effects of e constructed COVID-21 VTC Number of 2 1 -1 One Twin Workshop Directorat twin constructed in e workshops Lokichar VTC. constructed Construction of another Twin Workshop in Ongoing VTC Exhibited Number of 2 1 -1 One showroom Directorat institution show rooms constructed in e products constructed Lokichoggio VTC. Due to insufficient resources the activity could not be 47

implemented fully VTC Improved hygiene Number of 3 1 -2 One Ablution Directorat in institutions Ablution constructed in e Blocks Lokichoggio VTC. Due constructed to insufficient resources the activity could not be implemented fully SP 3.2 Training VTC Enhanced delivery Number of 2 2 0 Target Achieved and Directorat of content and VTC centres Development e mastery of skills supplied with instructional materials VTC Improved Number of 1 1 0 Target Achieved Directorat vocational training annual e from Quality quality Assurance assurance activities exercises conducted VTC Increased Number of 8 1 -7 One enrolment drive in Directorat enrolment rates termly all the seven sub e enrolment counties. drives VTC Enhance mobility Number of 1 0 -1 The activity was not Directorat college budgeted for. e buses operational VTC Improved Number of 1 3 2 The reshuffling of Directorat management of institutions' dormant BOM in e VTCs BOM trained Lorugum and Kalokol and capacity necessitated the built trainings to 3 institutions SP 3.3 Co- VTC Tapped and Number of 5 2 -3 Insufficient resources Cirricular Directorat appreciated Co-Curricular to fund the activities Activities e talents and skills activities conducted annually SP 3.4 Youth VTC Improved Access Number of 4 5 1 Support of Partners Polytechnics- Directorat to Vocational Youth pushed the enrolment Conditional e Training Polytechnics necessitating Constructed construction of additional Polytechnics P 4 SOCIAL PROTECTION Outcome: Promotion of social equity SP 4.1 Children Social Increased access Number of 300 300 0 Target Achieved Welfare, Protectio to education and children trainings, and n basic supported school Directorat requirements with school 48

requirements. e requirement s and trainings SP 4.2 Turkana Social Economic Number of 5000 0 -5000 Target Not Achieved County Persons Protectio empowerment of persons because funds were with Disability n PWDs. supported relocated Development Directorat with e business loans Social Capacity building Number of 5000 0 -5000 Target Not Achieved Protectio of PWDs PWDs because funds were n trained on reallocated Directorat business e developmen t SP 4.3 Social Mapping of the Survey of 1 1 0 Target Achieved Marginalized Protectio Specialized groups Ilimanyang and Minority n community groups support. Directorat group e Social Provision of basic Number of 100 100 0 Target Achieved Protectio utilities people n reached Directorat e SP 4.4 Child Social Social Protection Improve 2 2 0 Target Achieved Rescue Centres Protectio Directorate holding n capacity of Directorat Children e Rescue Centre P 5 PUBLIC RELATIONS Outcome: Access to information by the public SP 5.1 Publicity Public Improved access Number of 10 1 9 Funds was available Relations to information by Publications but it was not financed Directorat the public. made e Public Access to sites Purchase of 1 0 1 It was not factored in Relations and events motor cycle the budget Directorat vehicle e SP 5.2 Research Public Evidenced based Number of 1 1 0 Target Achieved and Relations decision making. Public Sensitization Directorat forums e reports Public Number of 1 1 0 conducted Public Relations Public forums with WFP on Directorat forums held ECDE policy e sensitization forum in Turkana Central, North 49

and South P 6 SPORTS AND TALENT DEVELOPMENT Outcome: Increased competitiveness of the local talents and broadened sources of income SP 6.1 Sports Sports Talent Number of 4 4 0 Target Achieved and Talent Departme development of ball games Development nt athletes supported Sports Talent Number of 4 3 -1 Shortage of resources Departme development of athletics nt athletes championshi ps conducted Sports Talent Number of 2 0 -2 Lack of resources to Departme development of talent initiate nt athletes academies developed. Sports Talent Number of 3 4 1 Inter-directorate Departme development of unique support (Social nt athletes sports Protection and Sports) supported Sports Talent Number of 30 10 -20 Lack of enough Departme development of wards resources to achieve. nt athletes supplied Support from Kenya with sports Academy of Sports equipment. (KAS) enabled us achieve this. SP 6.2 Stadia Sports Talent Construction 1 0 -1 Funds used to procure Departme development of of office consultancy services to nt athletes blocks- provide BoQ and ongoing Designs for the Stadium.


2.9.1 Achievements i. Construction and equipping of thirty (30) ward offices in the county

ii. Construction of Kibish sub County office is underway

iii. Procured and installed 19 HF radios to enhance effective communication

iv. Formulation of the Disaster Response Management Policy is awaiting cabinet approval

v. Procured and commissioned seven emergency vehicles for disaster response

vi. Operationalized the Disaster Response management act 2016

vii. The decentralized administration Bill is awaiting the approval of the County Assembly

viii. The Policy on Decentralized Administration is underway


Table 2.9: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Table 1: Summary of Sector/ Sub-sector Programmes Programme: General Administration, Planning and Support Services Objective: To facilitate and enabling work environment and promote efficient and effective services Outcome: An enhanced institution framework for efficient and effective service delivery Planne Achiev Key Performance d Varian Sub Programme Key Outputs ed Remarks* Indicators Target ce Targets s General Delivery of Quality, -22% Performance Administration - effective and 100% 78% Contract Score Public Service efficient services Programme: Human Resource Management Objective: To enhance efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery Outcome: Improved Service Delivery Planne Achiev Key Performance d Varian Sub Programme Key Outputs ed Remarks* Indicators Target ce Targets s Timely payroll Payroll and record %. of payroll records processing & Achieved management produced improved record 100% 100% 0% Limited resources Human Resource Improved service No. of trainings reduced the Development delivery undertaken 10 5 -5 number of training GHRIS Leave & Improve No. of trainings Performance Module performance in undertaken. No. Achieved Implementation Public Service of UPN requests. 100% 90% -10% Digitization and %. of records Automation of Improve records automated and Funds constraints Human Resource Management mobile racks placed Registry at registry 100% 0% -100% No funds allocated Mainstreaming Public %. of citizens who Employees and after Sector Integrity give feedback on Citizens feedback supplementary Programme government services 100% 50% -50% budget 1 %. of employees Timely engaged on County Performance performance performance Achieved Management contracting contracts and SPAS level 100% 70% -30% No. staff trained on Enhancing integrity matters. Public Service Week transparency and No. of employees Funds re allocated accountability rewarded or honoured 100% 0% -100% Purchase of 2 no. motor vehicles for Improve service No. of vehicles No budget was Chief Officer & HR delivery purchased allocated spot check activities 2 0 -2 51

Programme: Decentralized Services Objective : To enhance effective service delivery at all levels of government Outcome : improved access to government services Planne Achiev Key Performance d Varian Sub Programme Key Outputs ed Remarks* Indicators Target ce Targets s Operationalization of Enhance access to % of sub county sub county service delivery in offices Funds constraints administration offices the devolved units operationalized 100% 45% -55% Operationalization of Enhance access to Number of Ward Ward Administration service delivery in offices Funds constraints offices the devolved units operationalized 100% 40% -60% Number of Village Operationalization of Enhance access to Administrators Village Administration service delivery in Funds constraints offices Offices the devolved units operationalized 100% 56% -44% Delivery of quality, Village Councils Ability to achieve on effective and Funds constraints Support Programme agreed deliverables efficient services 100% 60% -40% Construction of Sub County Enhance access to Administration Office Number of Offices No budget was service delivery in Blocks (Turkana Constructed allocated the devolved units North, Turkana East and Loima 3 0 -3 Completion of Effective delivery No budget was Turkana West, Kibish Number of Offices of public services allocated and Turkana South 3 0 -3 Purchase and Enhance No budget was installation of HF Number of HF radios communication allocated radios 10 0 -10 Purchase of Seven Enhance Service Number of Motor No budget was Field Administrative Delivery Vehicles allocated Motor Vehicles 7 0 -7 Purchase of 156 Enhance Service Number of Motor No budget was MotorCycles for Delivery Cycles allocated Village administrators 156 0 -156 Programme: Governance and Public Participation Objective : To enhance good governance and ensure public participation of the public in governance and development Outcome : Peoples involvement in governance processes Planne Achiev Key Performance d Varian Sub Programme Key Outputs ed Remarks* Indicators Target ce Targets s Number of bills and Public participation Developed policies policies formulated and access to and public Funds constraints and reviewed on information participation public participation 1 0 -1


accountable and Mainstreaming public officers trained on transparent public Funds constraints Sector Integrity integrity service 100% 60% -40% Enhance people’s Civic Education % of public forums awareness on Funds constraints Programme held good governance 100% 40% -60% County Dialogue Knowledge on % of people reached Funds constraints Forums Devolution through forums 100% 60% -40% Dissemination of National Holidays Number of Public Government Funds constraints Support Programme Holidays Agenda 4 3 -1 Policies Design, sensitization and Policies Drafted Number of Policies Funds constraints awareness creation 1 0 -1 Programme: Disaster Risk Management Objective: To prepare for, mitigate against, respond to, and support recovery efforts to disasters and emergencies. Outcome: A more aware community on disaster risks and hazards Planne Achiev Key Performance d Varian Sub Programme Key Outputs ed Remarks* Indicators Target ce Targets s SP 5.1: Disaster Early warning and Weather Advisories, 100% 75% -25% Limited financial Preparedness awareness raising Field Reports, resources reduced Programme information is Drought Early the level of shared Warning Information delivery appropriately with Reports communities and relevant stakeholders. SP 5.2: Disaster Disaster risks are County Emergency 100% 100% 0% Realised as Mitigation alleviated Operation Plans and planned Programme Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) SP 5.3: Stakeholders Harmonised Established County 6 8 2 Achieved all 6 Coordination and Humanitarian and Floods Contingency including two extra Support Programme Developmental Plan; Quarterly KFSSG and Initiatives Coordination Drought Forums assessments for the year. SP 5.4: Humanitarian 50,000 bags of One relief food cycle 120,00 101,528 -18,472 Blanket feeding Relief Food maize, 10,000 bags distributed 0 programme was Assistance of beans and reviewed and 10,000 jerricans of targeted vegetable oil beneficiaries were delivered recorded for future humanitarian programmes.


Launching of the DRM Policy DRM policy 1 0 -1 Cabinet approved, DRM Policy launched awaiting county assembly's further approval before having it printed and final launching. Programme: Inspectorate Services Objective : To establish, equip and enhance effectiveness of the county inspectorate Outcome : Support the enforcement of the county laws and regulation Planne Achiev Key Performance d Varian Sub Programme Key Outputs ed Remarks* Indicators Target ce Targets s Construction of Delivery of Quality, Number of offices 1 0 -1 No budget was Enforcement Training effective and allocated Institute efficient Training administration block, services Modern Gate and abolition Blocks at Nametura (Turkana North. Construction of Delivery of Quality, Ability to achieve on 1 0 -1 No budget was Perimeter fence on effective and agreed allocated 45 Acres of land of efficient services Enforcement Training Institute at Nameturana (Turkana North) Regularization of For effective and % of officers 100% 45% -55% Financial Enforcement officers efficient service regularized Constraints delivery Purchase of two Enhance effective Number of Motor 2 1 -1 No budget was Motor Vehicles for service delivery Vehicles allocated. Inspectorate services for Inspection and spot check activities Purchase of seven Enhance Service Number of 7 0 -7 No. Budget was Field Motor cycles for Delivery and sport Motorcycles allocated the Enforcement Sub- checks. Counties Commanders. Construction of Two Effective delivery Number of 2 0 -2 No budget was classrooms at the of public services Classrooms allocated Enforcement training and capacity Institute building Establish seven effective service Number of offices 7 0 -7 No. Budget was Enforcement set delivery allocated lights offices in seven Sub-Counties


Establish Dispute Effective delivery Number of 1 0 -1 Financial Resolution of public services committees Constraints Committee and dispute resolution Purchase and Enhance Number of VHF 100% 0 No budget was installation of VHF communication radios allocated radios Capacity Building Enhance Skills on % of officers trained 100% 75% -25% Achieved. Enforcement services Construction of Enhance the No. Drilling Squares 1 0 -1 No budget was Enforcement drilling training capacity of constructed allocated Square in Turkana the Enforcement North officers Construction of two Accommodation of No. of dormitories 1 0 -1 No budget was Dormitories at the trainers constructed allocated Institute Coordination and Improve service % of Workshops held 100% 75% -25% Achieved. linkages delivery and coordination with other stakeholders Establishment, Enhance Service Percentage of 100% 65% -35% Achieved. equipping, Kitting Delivery Enforcement and formulation of uniforms Purchased Enforcement Bill,2020



2.10.1 Achievements i. Improved road mapping and road networks inventories made available. ii. Increased modern road design systems and software (working kits) from 5 to 13. iii. Lochor-Ekaal River got protected. All electrical services, building inspectorate and architectural services reports were submitted.

Table 2.10: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 General Administration and Support Services Objective: To Create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Indicators Targets Targets SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve 100% 100% 0% Administration, effective and on agreed Planning and Support efficient services deliverables. Services- Infrastructure and Transport SP 1.2 General Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve 100% 100% 0% Administration, effective and on agreed Planning and Support efficient services deliverables. Services- Public Works Programme 2: ROAD DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME Objective: An efficient and effective road network for social economic development Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Indicators Targets Targets Upgrading to Bitumen Easy accessibility Km of road 3 0 -3 standards (3kms) within town network gravelled centres and graded Roads Maintenance Easy accessibility Km of road 1400 876 -524 Ongoing levy Fund-Subcounty within town network gravelled linking roads, security centres and graded and emergency roads. Annual Road Inventory Turkana Road Availability of Road 1,000.00 1,050 50 and Condition Survey Inventory and network inventory (ARICS) and mapping Quality assurance annually and roads mapped Construction, Functional Lab Equipped and 1 0 -1 Equipping and operational operationalizing of material testing Lab Professional Capacity Enhance No of staff trained 4 6 2 Building professionalism


Modern Road design Enhance No of working kits 5 13 8 Survey systems and software professionalism equipment Programme 3: TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Objective: To provide linkages and have efficient Public transport system Outcome: An efficient and effective road transport network for social economic development Sub Programme Key Output Key Performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* Indicator Targets Targets SP3.2 Purchase of Functional Plants No. of Plants and 100% 0 -100% Delays in plants, machineries, and Machinery Machines procuremen Backup office t generators and specialized tools SP3.4 Heavy Checks & controls No of tracking 100.00% 0 -100.00% Delays in machinery/vehicle/plan systems procuremen ts tracking systems & t accessories SP3.5 Feasibility Study Enhance No. of reports. 4 0 -4 Delays in and Consultancy connectivity procuremen Services on viability of between counties t Ferry Services and countries SP3.6 Capacity Enhance safety No of participants 20 1,000 980 building, road safety campaigns & promotions for transport operators SP3.9 Professional Enhance No of staff trained 4 0 -4 Not paid Capacity Building professionalism Programme 4: PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Outcome: Provision of quality county infrastructure Sub Programme Key Output Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets SP4.4 Protection and No of rivers Rivers protected 2 2 0 Ongoing Gabion Works protected (Locher-Ekaal). Programme 6: STRUCTURAL SERVICES Objective: Outcome: Sub Programme Key Output Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets SP. 6.1 Structural Quality assurance No of reports 4 4 0 Services

Programme 7: ELECTRICAL SERVICES Objective: Outcome: Sub Programme Key Output Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets


SP 7.1: Electrical Quality assurance No. of reports. 4 4 0 Services Programme 8: BUILDING INSPECTORATE SERVICES Objective: Outcome: Sub Programme Key Output Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets SP 8.1 : Building Easy inspection and No of reports 4 4 0 Inspectorate Services reporting Programme 9: ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Objective: Outcome: Sub Programme Key Output Key performance Planned Achieved Variance Remarks* indicators Targets Targets SP 9.1: Architectural Quality assurance No of reports 4 4 0 Services



2.11.1 Achievements i. implementation of soil and water conservation in six sites i.e Naipa, Kibish, Loyaal, Lokichar, Nadunga and Nakukulas.

ii. Awarding of Agricultural Training Centre

iii. Establishment of three horticulture demo plots

iv. Establishment of 6 Agri-nutrition sites in Lorugum, Kibish, Lokori, Nakalei, Lokichar and .

v. Construction of AMS

vi. Food protection at Morulem

vii. Establishment of Lopedru drip Irrigation

viii. Establishment of Kangirisae drip Irrigation

ix. Establishment of Lorengelup surface Irrigation

x. Rehabilitation of Nawepeto, Juluk,Nagis and Elelea schemes

xi. Restocking of 240 Households in Turkana east, Turkana Central and Loima sub counties

xii. Tender Evaluation for construction of 3 sale yards in Kakongu, Kaikor and Lopur, 1 Feed reserve store in Kakuma.

xiii. Construction of breeding and multiplication centre at Kemosogal and holding ground

xiv. completion of holding ground at Napeillim

xv. Trained 4520 pastoralists

xvi. 5% of livestock vaccinated

xvii. 10% of livestock dewormed

xviii. 28 livestock disease surveillance missions conducted

xix. 39454 camels treated against Haemorrhagic septicaemia

xx. Establishment of cold chain in Lokichar

xxi. Training of 931fisherfolk

xxii. Inspection of 58 dry fish stores

xxiii. Constructions of toilets at Nachukui and Namukuse

xxiv. Establishment of concrete fishpond at Turkwel

Table 2.11: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT PROGRAMME Objective: Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Target( Actual Variance Remarks 59

(KO) Performance s) FY Achieve Indicators 2019/20 ment(s) (KPIs) Carry out others Administration No. 4 Availability of 4 4 0 Projects field Monitoring field and Monitoring/Evalu and projects ation/Supervision/ Evaluation reports Backstopping report Countywide; Consolidated Administration No.12 Availability of 17 17 0 departmental monthly, No consolidated Monthly, 4quarterly, 1 monthly Quarterly and Annual report, Annual Reports Reports quarterly and (financial and annual non-financial). financial report Consolidated Administration 4 quarterly Availability of 5 5 0 quarterly and reports, 1 consolidated annual project annual monthly status reports. report, report, quarterly and annual Projects report HR Monthly Administration 12 Monthly Availability of 12 12 0 Reports. reports monthly reports Audit Responses Administration 1 Internal, Availability of 1 1 0 (internal - 1, 1external internal and external - 1). Audit external response response report report Monthly and Administration 4 SMT Availability of 4 4 0 Quarterly minutes Senior managerial Management meetings for Team minutes Leadership Team (LT) - 4 & Senior Management Team (SMT) – 4. Departmental Administration 1 Availability of 1 0 -1 Delayed funding concept notes for Department departmental resource al concept concept notes mobilization notes for for resource drafted and resources mobilization shared with mobilization drafted and partners, donors drafted and shared with or investors. shared with partners partners, donors or 60


Develop Administration Procurement procurement 1 1 0 FY2019/20 plan plan procurement developed developed plan. Develop Administration Annual Annual 1 1 0 FY2020/21 Annual Developmen Development Development t plan Plan Plan (ADP). developed Developed Develop Administration No.1 Developed 1 1 0 FY2020/21 Budget Developed Budget Estimates. Budget Estimate Estimate Update the Asset Administration No.1 Update Updated 100% 100 0 Register. Asset Asset Register Register Conduct Pre- Administration No. 2 Pre- Number of 2 0 -2 Delayed funding feasibility, feasibility pre-feasibility Feasibility and Report reports Appraisal Studies Pay Domestic Administration 100% of 100% of 100% 70 -30 Some projects Payables - from domestic domestic still on-going Previous Financial payables payables paid Years paid Programme 2: Agriculture Programme Objective: To improve food security and strengthen Communities livelihoods Outcome: To Increase agricultural productivity and crop yields to make Turkana food secure Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Target( Actual Variance Remarks (KO) Performance s) FY Achieve Indicators 2019/20 ment(s) (KPIs) SP 2.1 Agriculture Efficiency of % acreage of 30 42 12 Floods Agricultural the farm land ploughed harvesting Mechanization operations is technology Services enhanced. enhanced and climate smart agriculture practice adopted Agriculture Improved No. of bags 10 16.5 6.5 good crop Farm yields per acre husbandry practice


SP 2.2 Agriculture Small holder % increase in 10 8 -2 low linkages of Agricultural producers, volume and farm produce to Market Access small scale value of structured and Linkages and traders and agricultural markets Value Chain processors produce sold development benefit from in the market Agriculture an improved No. of 6,000 10,000 4000 awareness business farmers created environment accessing market SP 2.3 Agriculture No. of 26200 -500 Improvement in Agricultural Knowledgea farmers 26,700. extension, Extension, ble farmers reached with 00 research and Research and on crop extension development Development. production messages due to collaboration with academia institution. SP 2.4 Farm Agriculture Increased No. of 7,000 12,000 5000 TCG and inputs Subsidy crop farmers to be partners seed and Support production supported subsidy support with farm inputs Agriculture farm inputs No. of 3 5 2 demand for are easily stockists farm inputs available and supported to accessible provide input subsidies SP 2.5 Agriculture Crop acreage of 40 60 20 TCG and Horticultural diversificatio land under partners crops n and fruit trees and support diversification farmers vegetables and promotion resilience is program enhanced. SP 2.6 Pest Agriculture Reduced No. of pest 72 80 8 control support Control and pre-harvest surveillance from National Management loss through and control government, disease and missions ACTED, PWJ, pests conducted in FAO the county SP:2.10 County Capacity Number of 3 3 0 Report Agricultural programme Knowledge SIVCAP report complete and Sector secretariat enhancemen prepared development of Development t of existing extended Support service concepts Programme providers on underway (ASDSP) County identified Number of 1 1 0 Activity programme opportunitie County conducted in secretariat s enhance programme december secretariat staff 62

sensitized on ASDSPII

County county gender 3 3 0 done programme and social secretariat inclusion action plan developed and reviewed County Review of 3 3 0 Achieved programme priority value secretariat chains action plans County Training of 1 1 0 was funded by programme Entrepreneu TOT on National office secretariat rial skills for entrepreneurs VCAs hip including Development 1 1 0 Funded by service of National office providers entrepreneurs enhance hip guideline County Environment Number of 3 3 0 Funded by programme al resilience Suitability Nairobi office secretariat for increased maps productivity developed County among Value chain 3 3 0 Funded by programme prioritized resource Nairobi office secretariat value chains maps strengthene developed d County Enhanced Number of 2 2 0 2 structures programme Monitoring coordination formed (CPS), secretariat and structures CASSCOM Evaluation established members (M&E) nominated County system for Value chain 3 3 0 Platform programme improved platform members secretariat programme meetings held sensitized on performance ASDSP II and and achieve briefed on results SIVCAP development County Capacities of Structures 2 1 -1 CPS induction programme the sensitized on done, CASSCOM secretariat established ASDSP II to be done in structures the 4th quarter for consultation and coordination enhance 63

County Enhanced Number of 1 1 0 validated programme Monitoring baseline baseline report secretariat and survey ready and Evaluation conducted shared with (M&E) /carried out stakeholders County system for Number of 1 1 0 Report programme improved Gender and complete secretariat programme social awaiting performance inclusion validation and achieve baseline results survey carried out Quarterly 1 1 0 Follow up visit monitoring to verify status and of VCOs evaluation of programme activities County 3 3 0 Action plans gender and prepared and social awaiting inclusion validation. action plan developed and reviewed Programme 3: Irrigation and Land Reclamation Programme Objective: To reclaim land and enhance its productivity in order to support both human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Outcome: To Increase agricultural productivity and crop yields to make Turkana food secure Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Planne Achieved Variance Remarks (KO) Performance d targets Indicators Targets (KPIs) SP 3.1 Irrigation Lining of Length of 150 0 -150 Project deferred Rehabilitation Elelea canal lined I to next FY since and Expansion of Irrigation funds were existing Irrigation scheme reallocated to Schemes canal settlement of pending bills Irrigation Improvemen % 5 0 -5 Project deferred t of improvement to next FY since Naurienpuu in water funds were irrigation conveyance reallocated to scheme efficiency settlement of pending bills


SP 3.2 Promotion Irrigation Establishmen No. of 0.25 0 -0.25 Project deferred of drip irrigation t of drip hectares to next FY since irrigation installed with funds were technology drip irrigation reallocated to at Lokwaliwa technology settlement of pending bills Irrigation Establishmen No. of 0.25 0 -0.25 Project deferred t of drip hectares to next FY since irrigation installed with funds were technology drip irrigation reallocated to at technology settlement of Lokichoggio pending bills Irrigation Establishmen No. of 0.25 0 -0.25 Project deferred t of drip hectares to next FY since irrigation installed with funds were technology drip irrigation reallocated to at technology settlement of Kapedo/Nap pending bills eitom Irrigation Establishmen No. of 0.25 0 -0.25 Project deferred t of drip hectares to next FY since irrigation installed with funds were technology drip irrigation reallocated to at Tudukae technology settlement of pending bills Irrigation Establishmen No. of 0.25 0 -0.25 Project deferred t of drip hectares to next FY since irrigation installed with funds were technology drip irrigation reallocated to at Lobokat technology settlement of pending bills SP 3.3 Flood Irrigation Rehabilitatio Ha of scheme 5 0 -5 Project deferred Protection of n of Koputiro protected to next FY since irrigation irrigation from floods funds were infrastructure scheme reallocated to settlement of pending bills Irrigation Rehabilitatio Ha of scheme 10 0 -10 Project deferred n of Naremit protected to next FY since irrigation from floods funds were scheme reallocated to settlement of pending bills Irrigation Rehabilitatio Ha of scheme 10 0 -10 Project deferred n of protected to next FY since Nangitony from floods funds were irrigation reallocated to scheme settlement of pending bills


3,4 Utilization of Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 50 0 -50 Funds allocated spate irrigation Reclamation of spate of land under for the project technology. irrigation at spate moved to cater Naro-ebei, irrigation for County Kangatotha system. pending bills; ward. project rescheduled for implementation in F/Y 2020/2021. Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 40 0 -40 Funds allocated Reclamation of spate of land under for the project irrigation at spate moved to cater Nasikilele, irrigation for County Kanamkemer system. pending bills; ward. project rescheduled for implementation in F/Y 2020/2021. Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 40 0 -40 Funds allocated Reclamation of spate of land under for the project irrigation at spate moved to cater Nawountos, irrigation for County Kalobeyei system. pending bills; ward. project rescheduled for implementation in F/Y 2020/2021. Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 40 0 -40 project design Reclamation of spate of land under changed from irrigation at spate spate irrigation Kapelbok, irrigation to surface Kaptir ward. system. irrigation. Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 50 0 -50 Funds allocated Reclamation of spate of land under for the project irrigation at spate moved to cater Nakinomet, irrigation for County Kaikor/Kaale system. pending bills; ng ward. project rescheduled for implementation in F/Y 2020/2021. 3.5 Rehabilitation Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 20 0 -20 Funds allocated of degraded lands Reclamation of in-situ of degraded for the project for agricultural rainwater lands moved to cater and harvesting rehabilitated. for County environmental structures in pending bills; conservation. Kalapata project ward. rescheduled for implementation in F/Y 2020/2021.


Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 20 0 -20 Funds allocated Reclamation of in-situ of degraded for the project rainwater lands moved to cater harvesting rehabilitated. for County structures in pending bills; Natir, Nanam project ward. rescheduled for implementation in F/Y 2020/2021. Land Construction Acreage (Ha) 20 0 -20 Funds allocated Reclamation of in-situ of degraded for the project rainwater lands moved to cater harvesting rehabilitated. for County structures in pending bills; Urum, project Lokiriama/Lo rescheduled for rengippi implementation ward. in F/Y 2020/2021. 3.6 Soil and Water Land Acreage (Ha) 35 0 -35 Funds allocated Conservation. Reclamation Construction of land put for the project of Exsitu Soil under soil and moved to cater and water water for County Conservation conservation pending bills; and Rain technologies. project Water rescheduled for harvesting implementation Structures at in F/Y 2020/2021. Loyaal in Kakuma Land Acreage (Ha) 40 0 -40 Funds allocated Reclamation Construction of land put for the project of Exsitu Soil under soil and moved to cater and water water for County Conservation conservation pending bills; and Rain technologies. project Water rescheduled for harvesting implementation Structures at in F/Y 2020/2021. Kapedo in Kapedo/Nap eitom ward Land Acreage (Ha) 35 0 -35 Funds allocated Reclamation Construction of land put for the project of Exsitu Soil under soil and moved to cater and water water for County Conservation conservation pending bills; and Rain technologies. project Water rescheduled for harvesting implementation Structures at in F/Y 2020/2021. Kalemungor 67

ok in Katilu Ward

Land Acreage (Ha) 40 0 -40 Funds allocated Reclamation Construction of land put for the project of Exsitu Soil under soil and moved to cater and water water for County Conservation conservation pending bills; and technologies. project Rainwater rescheduled for harvesting implementation Structures at in F/Y 2020/2021. Kibish Programme 4: National Agricultural & Rural Inclusive Growth Project- NARIGP Objective: To increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected wards in Turkana County, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response Outcome: Increased agricultural productivity and profitability Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Planne Achieved Variance Remarks (KO) Performance d targets Indicators Targets (KPIs) SP 4.1 NARIGP # of Micro- 50 50 0 Microproject Community Strengthene projects proposal are Driven d community implemented# under Development level disaggregated implementation institutions by windows (Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Value Chain (VC), Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups (VMGs), Livelihood, and Nutrition) SP 4.2 # CIGs and 10 10 0 The target has Strengthening Strengthene VMGs that are been achieved Producer d Producer members of Organizations Organization supported and Value Chain s and Value Pos. Development Chains 68

NARIGP % Increase in 0.05 0 0 PO is under average implementation annual sales turnover of targeted Producer Organizations (POs). NARIGP # Public- 4 0 -4 investments Private identified in Partnerships each VC, 4 Sub- (PPPs) committees established by formea waiting POs (Number) request for proposal to be developed NARIGP # POs with 10 7 3 Target achieved bankable Enterprise Development Plans (EDPs) (Number) SP 4.3 Supporting NARIGP % 0.15 0.15 0 all the 6 multi- County Strengthene Participating community Community Led d capacity of counties investment Development county including projects were government county-level included in the to support project CIDP and CADP community- investments led and development community initiatives micro-projects into their Annual County Development Plans. NARIGP # Agricultural 1 1 0 the milestone and rural for the quarter development has been infrastructure achieved and and natural the project is resource ongoing management (NRM) investments implemented under the project at the county level.


NARIGP # Labor days 5,000 7,565 2,565 The target has completed by been achieved beneficiaries of employment programs supported by the project, of which (%) labor days completed by female beneficiaries. SP 4.4 Project NARIGP Well- % Satisfactory 0.6 0.6 0 Target achieved Coordination and coordinated quarterly Management project project management financial and and monitoring implementati reports on submitted on time (disaggregate d by report) NARIGP % Grievances 0.5 0.5 0 Target achieved registered related to delivery of project benefits that are addressed (Core Sector Indicator) NARIGP % Increase in 0.3 0.3 0 Target achieved project stakeholders accessing information through ICT platforms (disaggregate d by platform) Programme 6: VETERINARY SERVICES Objective: To safeguard Human and Veterinary health and make Turkana a livestock disease free county. Outcome: Improved Livestock Health Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Planne Achieved Variance Remarks (KO) Performance d targets Indicators Targets (KPIs)


SP 6.1 Livestock Veterinary Effective % (800,000 100% 2,109,599 164% work exceded Health disease and target) of (264%) by 168% due to Management vector animals support from (Vet drugs and control vaccinated livestock health Vaccines) and treated partners SP 6.2 Veterinary Veterinary Improved number of 20,000 28,624 8,624 target Public Health control of carcases exceeded due services zoonotic inspected in to increased diseases and the awearness to proper slaughterhous the waste es ( 20,000) community disposal/ 100% on incinerators importance of slaughtering livestock in the designated slaughter houses only. SP 6.3 Livestock Veterinary Improved % (5000 100% 8,854 77% exceed by 77 Disease Control, livestock target) of (177%) % due to PDS and health & Livestock support from Monitoring Extension keepers livestock reached by health veterinary partners staff SP 6.4 Quality Veterinary Improved No. of 30 5 25 The market Enhancement and quality and Licensed Hides for hides and Regulation income of and Skins skins has hides and Traders gone down skins due to challenges with high taxation hence less traders . SP 6.5 Animal Improved animal health to No. of 3 1 -2 2 defered Health increase productivity and Slaughterhous projects to the Infrastructure incomes es next FY but One rehabilitated other ongoing in the sub and it is at 80% counties completion (Nawoitorong slaughter house) No. of 1 0.85 -0.15 ongoing at 85% regional laboratories expanded and improved 71

drug store 1.00 0 -1 defered to next constructed financial year No. of cold 2.00 0.7 -0.3 for Lokitaung, chains work ongoing established in at 70% the sub comlpetion, the counties other for Lokori has been defered to the next financial year. Programme 7: LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION Objective: Improve livestock production and productivity Outcome: Improved household income Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Planne Achieved Variance Remarks (KO) Performance d targets Indicators Targets (KPIs) SP 7.1 Livestock Adequate Tons of feed 300 575.9 264 FAO/VSF G:407 Development and availability of produced and Ton TCG: improvement of feeds stored; Delivered 168.9 livestock feeds storage and supplementar tons conservation y feeds purchased SP 7.2 Livestock Livestock Enhanced %. of 0.2 0.15 -0.05 Practical Action diversification livestock Livestock supported and breed productivity improved Naotin poultry improvement group with poultry house and 400 poultry birds Livestock Enhance RPLRP poultry supported production Poultry group in for food and Kakuma with nutrition 387 improved improvemen indigenous t at house chicks. level Livestock Enhanced TCG procured bee 250 beehives. production WFP supported for income Directorate with and nutrition 650 Langstroth beehives. GIZ supported installation of 80 beehives in Loima Livestock Enhance 72

rabbit production SP 7.3 Livestock Livestock Enhanced No. livestock 0.85 0.85 0 There is enough Risk Management pastoralist surviving natural pasture (Restocking, off- resilience drought; % of with good milk take, response, livestock and meat water trucking, productivity productivity. livestock increase/ Cumulative insurance) decrease supplementary feeds availed is 575.9 tons. SP 7.4 Rangeland Livestock Increased No of acres 2000 660 -1340 Support from management, pasture and under pasture GIZ(20 pasture browse; and fodder ),TUPADO(400), reseeding, seed increased VSF bulking, hay livestock G(200),ApAD(10 production. And weight gain ),Child resource Fund(15)FAO(5), conservation DRSLP(10). Livestock Improved % of mapped 0.2 0 -0.2 grazing wet and dry Managemen grazing areas t zones, migratory routes, and availability of gazettement SP 7.5 Livestock Increased Value of 2 1.5 0.5 NARIGP support Development of food, livestock 3 value chains; Livestock Value incomes and /products; # of poultry, honey Chain, Market skills operational and sheep/goat. Access, Linkages development marketing 14 LMAs and Bench associations; # Supported by marking/ of livestock TCG and Exposure traded; # of Partners. private Proposal for P- stakeholders P-P developed participating for breeding in livestock centre and value chain. holding ground. No. centers of excellence.


SP 7.6 Livestock Improved Holding 3 2 -1 Construction of Productivity Income and grounds, holding ground Infrastructure skills livestock and and enhanced development markets sale Multiplication skills yards, centrePhase II. development multiplication Complete.Prepa centers, ration of BQs pastoralists for Phase III training done. centers, Launch of pasture market saleyard enclosures days. (Pilot ranches), Poultry Hatcheries. SP 7.7 Livestock Sharing of Number of 10000 5524 -4476 Support from Production technical beneficiaries TCG and Extension information of Extension Partners Services between services (WFP,TUPADO, professionals including: NARIGP,FAO,IL in the Farm visits, On RI,Caritas,GIZ,R department farm PLRP,Save the and their Demonstratio Children,SAPCO clients. ns, Field days, NE,DRSLP,LOKA (Livestock Exposure DO, World producers Tours, Pasture Vision,AAHI,Pra and week ctical processors) exhibitions, Action,JICA) County agricultural shows, pastoral Field schools etc. Improved % of counted 0.6 0 0 service livestock delivery in the livestock sector SP 7.8 Research Research Number of 6 3 -3 Honey value and development station research viability study established findings/ by GIZ. Honey studies processing and disseminated marketing study by GIZ . Feasibility studies for Holding ground and breeding centre by LMS. Programme 8: FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT 74

Outcome: Improved fisheries production and productivity Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Planne Achieved Variance Remarks (KO) Performance d targets Indicators Targets (KPIs) S.P8.1 Fisheries Solar Deep Post-harvest 4 4 0 Delivered Development of Freezers losses (%) Fisheries Value procured reduction Chain, Market Access and Linkages S.P 8.2 Fisheries Fisheries Fishers No. of 1000 408 -592 Partners information, Trained fisherfolk facilitated extension Trained trainings services, training facilities and skill development SP 8.3 Fish Fisheries Completion No. of market 1 0 -1 deferred Infrastructure of Kalokol constructed Development fresh fish market in Kalokol Completion No. of dry fish 1 0 -1 deferred of store Lowarengak constructed dry fish store SP 8.4 Fisheries Fisheries Reduced No. of MCS 4 3 -1 Delayed funding Resources undersize patrols Management/Mo tilapia nitoring control trading and surveillance SP 8.5 Fisheries Fisheries Outboard No. of engines 60 0 -60 Tender livelihood support boat engines procured awarded, awaiting delivery SP 8.6 Fish Fisheries Aquaculture No. of ponds 1 0 -1 Tender farming/ production stocked awarded, aquaculture awaiting delivery



2.12.1 Achievements i. A Profiling of Tourism attraction sites, accommodation facilities, tour operators and other auxiliary services County this led to Profiling of new 50 tourism Products and a total of 108 hotels & Lodges with a bed capacity of 1723 with 800 tents. Six Airlines – Skyward Express, Safari link, Fly 540, Fly Sax, Tristar Airline and . This has increased number of flights to Lodwar in Daily basis. 10 Travel and tours companies – Tarach tours and Travel, Turkana Tours, Ibex ventures, Repark, Boroke Travel and Tours agency and Sasseni Tours and Travel.

ii. Mapping of Tourism products in Loima Forest.

iii. Formation of Turkana Hoteliers Association with 41 members, this has led to improved services as the Association is able to attain a bargaining edge as a group

iv. The Department has successfully conducted the annual Tourism & Cultural Festival (Tobong’u Lore) for four years consecutively.

v. The department has also established international Turkana Filming and Photographic Project (Turkwood) through which 3 editions of documentaries dubbed #Tembea Turkana #Welcome Back Home #Lake Excursion have been produced with over 1500 Copies shared nationally and internationally. The same documentaries have been shared online – YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook

vi. Designing and Production of Turkana County Tourist Map and Brochures.

vii. The department has developed water sports by investing in one water sports engine boats to be used by our visitors to access the iconic National Park and also for use in the Lake for visitors viii. Annual Beach cleaning and sensitization exercise in Promoting beautification of Lake Turkana Beaches.

ix. Tourism Product development forum-North Rift cluster in .

x. Operationalization of 29 tree nurseries has been successful with cumulative production and distribution of 333,802, and 108,526 tree seedlings respectively

xi. 22 Community Forest Association formed and registered to aid in the management and conservation of forests

xii. Developed and signed an MOU on how the wildlife resources shall be management at Turkana South Game Reserve between Turkana County Government and Kenya Wildlife Service


xiii. Developed Natural Resources Policy and Bill submitted to cabinet for approval.

xiv. Trained 65 community wildlife ranges, in partnership with Kenya Wildlife Service, at the Kenya Wildlife Service paramilitary training college, Manyani.

xv. Gazettement of Nariokotome site as a National Monument

xvi. Coordinated annual cultural event (Tobong’u Lore) for the years; 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018,2019

xvii. Formation of National Traditional Health Practitioners Association (NATHEPA) Turkana County Committee

xviii. Drafted County Policy on Culture, Heritage and the Arts and a Bill on Management of Ekaales Cultural Centre.

xix. 141 Cultural groups registered with the State Department of Culture.

Table 2.12 Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Name of the Delivery Key Output Key Programme Unit (KO) Performanc Target( Actual Varianc Remarks e Indicators s) Achieveme e (KPIs) nt(s)

Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, PLANNING AND SUPPORT PROGRAMME Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 1.1 General Tourism, Delivery of Ability to 100% 85.53% -14.47% We did not achieve as Administratio Culture and quality, achieve on planned due to delay n, Planning Natural effective and agreed and irregular release of and Support Resources efficient deliverables. funds by the national Services services government

Programme 2: TOURISM PRODUCT &INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENTAND INNOVATION. Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 2.1 Tourism Tourism Improved No of 4 4 0 Achieved Expos, capacity of conferences Incentives, tourism held Conferences stakeholders and in providing Exhibitions quality Programme services (MICE)


SP 2.2 Tourism Community No. of CBT 2 17 15 Additional of 15 CBTEs Community capacity on Trainings groups trained across Based Tourism tourism all the sub counties products opportunities, management and development improved

SP 2.3 Tourism Increased No. Schools 6 21 15 Additional 15 Tourism Formation and knowledge on Tourism Clubs formed across all registration of Tourism and clubs the sub counties Schools career choice formed and Tourism clubs enhancement registered to students.

SP 2.4 Support Tourism Improved No of 4 30 26 Profiled additional 26 to product products Tourism products in all development offering in the Sub Counties. of Tourism destination Products

SP 2.5 Media Tourism Increased Campaign 10 12 2 Additional 2 Media Campaign and visibility of reports campaign done Promotion of Turkana as a Tourism preferred Products and tourist Programmes destination

P 2 TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. Outcome: Developed diverse tourism product across the supply chain focusing on value addition SP 3.1. Tourism Increased bed Eco-Lodges 2 0 -2 Projects Deferred to FY Completion capacity in Place 2020/2021 and Furnishing of Eco-Lodges

SP 3.2 Phase II Tourism Increased Lodwar 1 1 0 Works done complete. of Renovation visibility of Tourism Furnishing and of Tourism Turkana as a Gallery in equipping to be done Infrastructure preferred place in FY 2020/2021 tourist destination P 4 CULTURE, ARTS & HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT, PROMOTION AND PRESERVATION Outcome: Increased Contribution of Culture, Heritage and Arts towards socio-economic development 78

SP 4.1 Culture, Imoroved Number of 240 1400 1160 300 master beaders Ushanga Heritage and modern bead women and trained and 1100 Initiative the Arts designs and youth Women sensitized on products sensitized Ushanga Kenya available in and trained Initiative program, the market on modern exceeding the target of bead 200. The training was designs and done in collaboration products with the national government Ushanga Kenya Initiative programme SP 4.2 Culture Culture, Preserved and Cultural 2 2 0 Participated in Amudat Promotion Heritage and Promoted festival and Kapoeta cultural and the Arts Turkana marked and festivals and Preservation Culture celebrated showcased Turkana culture SP 4.3 Arts Culture, Developed 1 0 -1 The training could not and Creativity Heritage and local arts and happen as the Development the Arts creativity designated funds were redirected to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic

SP 4.4 Culture, Promoted Heritage 2 1 -1 Research and Heritage Heritage and Heritage documented documentation of the Promotion the Arts legend Nayeche story has been done, report has been submitted by the researcher to the Department.

SP 4.5 Annual Culture, Publicized Annual 1 1 0 The festival was Tourism and Heritage and Turkana Tourism and successfully celebrated Cultural the Arts Culture to Cultural in August 2019 Festival attract Local Events Held and International Tourists P 5 CULTURE DEVELOPMENT AND PRESERVATION INFRASTRUCTURE Outcome: Increased Contribution of Culture, Heritage and Arts towards socio-economic development SP 5.1 Culture, Minimized Tobongu 1 0 -1 The Funds was to Equipment Heritage and running costs Lore purchase multimedia and the Arts of Tobong'u Celebrated equipment for use Infrastructure Lore and during Tobong’u Lore Development other County Festival and avoid at Ekalees Festivals future hiring of such Centre equipment, but because of outstanding KICC debt of FY 2015 79

/2016, the funds were then used to pay the debt

SP 5.2 Culture, Enhanced completion 1 0 -1 The project earmarked Completion of Heritage and working of was the construction Culture Office the Arts environment administrati of an exhibition hall at Block (at on block at Ekaales centre could Ekalees Ekalees not be undertaken Centre) Cultural because funds were center reallocated to fight COVID-19 pandemic P 6 FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Outcome: Enhanced Community Livelihood from forestry and Wildlife Resources SP 6.1 Forestry Natural Attainment Licenses 1000 0 -1000 The KFS moratorium Management Resources towards Issued on forestry products, and Department. recommended issuance and licensing Conservation forest cover could not make us achieve SP 6.2 Natural Enhanced No. of 1 0 -1 Not facilitated, Community Resources community wildlife dispatched memo Wildlife Department. engagement conservatio served for facilitation Conservation on wildlife n committee activities formed No. of 3 3 0 Fully facilitated during wildlife the time under review: education, 1. Bench marking on extension wildlife conservation services and by senior ministry and public county assembly awareness 2. Community done engagements in Turkana south County 3. Engagements with community rangers in Turkana south. Number of 1 1 0 Fully completed, final community validated report wildlife presented to the CEC, managemen CO and Directorate t plan Forestry 3 4 1 The CFA certificates Extension have been issued for all Services in the county ecosystems the County to be conserved and (CFAs) protected groups and Forestry Conference


Acreage 80 0 -80 Not facilitated and they {HA} of land are not funded under Prosopis managed) Gazette 1 0 -1 Not funded Notice for Lotikippi National Reserve SP 6.3 Natural Increased tree Developmen 8 6 -2 Supplies for production Greening Resources cover t and in 6 tree nurseries have Turkana Department. Maintenanc been completed. The County e of County Negative variance is Programme - forest because of Lobulono Flagship infrastructur and East not done fully, (Supplies and e (Tree but just some few Management Nursery) structures in place. of Tree Seedling Nurseries) production Tree 300,00 160,192 - 160,192 seedlings Seedlings 0 139,80 because of favourable planted and 8 soil moisture, timely served. facilitation, procurement, financial, though request made timely Urban 1 0 -1 Arboretum was done Forestry almost half way in the Programs previous years, Developmen Ministry used the t (Lodwar recurrent vote head to arboretums, validated the Lodwar park arboretum road side management plan tree developed in FY 2017/18 planting) Funds were moved to Ministry of Lands, Energy and Urban areas management SP 6.4 Forest Natural Diversified Nature 1 1 0 Local seed sources, Nature Based Resources forest returns Based gum Arabica done in Development Department. Enterprises Q2 while Charcoal Developed management plan is on course The gum Arabica training took place and conducted by TCG, KEFRI and private partners


SP 6.5 Natural Increased tree Developed 8 6 -2 Turkwel ward-tree Forestry Resources cover County nursery Loima Sub- Development Department. Forest county; Ablution block Infrastructure infrastructur (completed ) potting (Construction e (Tree shade (completed) of Abolition Nursery) water (still in progress) Block, Potting Seedling Lobulono-tree nursery Shade and production (Kibish) Ablution (Not Water started potting shade Connection in (Not started) piped Eight Tree water (not started) Nurseries) Kakuma-tree nursery- Turkana West;- proposal ablution block, potting shade and water connections fully completed Lokichar-tree nursery - Turkana south;- Ablution.''(Not completed) ,potting shade (Not completed) piped water (not completed) Lokori-tree nursery- Turkana East -Not completed Lapur -tree nursery Turkana north; proposal ablution block, potting shade at Lapur tree nursery and water connections well done Kanamkemer -tree nursery; Fully completed (Ablution block, potting shade, water supply completed fully. Township-tree nursery; - Ablution block (completed) potting shade



2.13.1 Achievements i. Opening of Access roads within Lodwar Town

ii. Completion of Lokori and Kainuk Dumpsite

iii. Group survey in Turkana South and T. West

iv. Construction of public toilets in Lokichar

v. Commissioning of Oropoi Streetlights

vi. Commissioning of Turkana South and T. North standalone solar systems for public institutions

vii. Survey and designs for public institution meant to benefit from standalone solar pv systems Commissioning of Kapedo streetlights

viii. Preparation of an inventory of all county houses

ix. Community sensitization on land survey and planning issues

x. Demarcation of Kalobeyei settlement boundary

2.13: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 ANNUAL PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30th JUNE 2019

LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING AND URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT Name of the Delivery Unit Key Output Key 1ST JULY- 30TH JUNE, 2019 Programme (KO) Performance Target Actual Varian Remarks Indicators (KPIs) (s) Achiev ce ement Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT PROGRAMME Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 1.1 Consolidate and Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 20 20 0 All reports submit departmental housing & quality, achieve on were Monthly, Quarterly and urban areas effective and agreed submitted Annual Reports management efficient deliverables. (Financial & Non- services Financial to the County Chief Officer SP 1.2 Submission of Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 12 12 0 human HR Monthly Reports housing & quality, achieve on resource urban areas effective and agreed reports done management efficient deliverables. services


SP. 1.3 Monthly and Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 16 16 0 All monthly Quarterly managerial housing & quality, achieve on and quarterly meetings for Senior urban areas effective and agreed managerial Management Team management efficient deliverables. meetings (SMT) services done as per the targets SP 1.4 Develop FY Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 1 1 0 2018/2019 2019/2020 housing & quality, achieve on procurement Procurement Plan urban areas effective and agreed plan management efficient deliverables. developed services SP 1.5 Develop Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 1 1 0 Annual FY2019/2020 Annual housing & quality, achieve on development Development Plan urban areas effective and agreed plan for management efficient deliverables. 2019/2020 services developed SP 1.6 Develop FY Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 1 1 0 2019/2020 2019/20 budget housing & quality, achieve on budget estimates urban areas effective and agreed developed management efficient deliverables. services SP 1.7 Update asset Lands, energy, Delivery of Ability to 100% 100% 0 The asset register housing & quality, achieve on register was urban areas effective and agreed fully updated management efficient deliverables. services P2. LAND GOVERNANCE Outcome: Enhanced public participation and inclusiveness on land management SP 2.1 Purchase of the lands Improved Working survey 100% 0 -100% funds were survey equipment and service equipment transferred to software delivery and emergency digitization response and of land have been records committed in the FY 2020/2021 P 3 Physical Planning Services Outcome: SP 3.1 Formulate lands Reduction of Approved land 100% 50% 50% Being finalized County Land land conflict ownership bill in FY Regularization and 2020/2021 Ownership Bill SP. 3.2 Completion of lands Improved Well-furnished 100% 0% -100% funds were Land Registry in service land registry transferred to Lodwar delivery on emergency land matters response and have been committed in the FY



SP. 3.3 Equipping of lands Improved Equipped land 100% 0% -100% funds were Land Registry service registry transferred to delivery on emergency land matters response and have been committed in the FY 2020/2021 P.4 ENERGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Outcome: Improved service delivery in health facilities and improved performance in institutions of learning SP 4.1 Renewable ENERGY Improved Number of 19 0 -19 funds were Energy Development service institutions with diverted to (Installation and delivery in well-maintained emergency routine Maintenance health and working responses. of institutional stand- facilities and stand-alone Procurement alone solar PV improved solar PV systemic systems) performance systems. issues delayed in the process of institutions sourcing of learning service providers. SP 4.2 Urban and Rural ENERGY Improved Number of 6 2 -4 Funds Street Lighting, security, Towns with well- removed (Installation and quality of life lit streets during Routine Maintenance) through supplementar increased y budget for number of emergency hours responses, activities are but the taking place programmes in towns, have been and safety committed for for drivers, the FY riders and 2020/2021 pedestrians SP 4.2.1 County Energy ENERGY Increased Number of 2 0 -2 Funds fund (subsidy for solar Energy households diverted for mini-grids at Naduat & access in the supplied with emergency Kataboi) County reliable and responses affordable electricity


SP 4.3 Energy ENERGY Improved number of 7 7 0 Targets Efficiency and service institutions achieved Conservation ( delivery installed with Provision and owing to well-maintained installation of reduced and working improved cook stoves costs on improved cook to public institutions) firewood stoves and conservation of environment P 5: URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT outcome Cleaning services in Urban Improved No of solid 100% 100% 0% No variance Lodwar, Kakuma, management sanitation dumpsites, litter because Lokichoggio and bins and transfer targets were Lokichar stations, fully achieved cleaning services Procurement of Urban Luck of Improved waste 100% 100% 0% Target fully cleaning gear management healthy collection, litter achieved by complains in place purchase of relating to cleaning gear garbage contact Constitution of Lodwar Urban Improvemen Establishment 1 1 0 The board has municipal board management t of service of a functional been delivery Municipality constituted within board with municipal municipality manager in place Establish street Urban Decongestio Established of 1 0 -1 Funds parking lots in Lodwar management n of the CBD well-organized transferred central business and creation parking Zones during district of parking emergency zones and the project committed in the fy 2020/21 Provision of Litter Bins Urban improved no of solid 100% 0% -100% Funds and transfer station at management sanitation dumpsites, litter transferred Kalokol bins and transfer during stations, emergency cleaning services and the project committed in the fy 2020/21 Construction of Urban improved Well- 100% 0% -100% Funds Modern stalls at management sanitation in coordinated and transferred Lodwar California markets clean markets during Market emergency and the 86

project committed in the fy 2020/21

Purchase of fire Urban Help in quick Operational fire 100% 0% -100% The supplier is engine management response to engine yet to deliver fire the engine, accidents but funds have been committed and once the engine is delivered, payment will be made Kenya Urban Support Urban Decongestio Parking lots and 1 0 -1 The delay in Programme, management n of the CBD solar streetlights implementati (Construction of and creation on due to parking lots and of parking delay in densification of solar zones and disbursement powered street lights) improved of funds from security, world bank. increased Project is number of being hours the implement in activities are the current taking place financial year and money has been disbursed P 6 COUNTY HOUSING PROGRAMME Outcome: A conducive and quality working environment to enhance working spaces SP 6.1.1 Repair, fence, Lands Clean and Well maintained 100% 100% 0 targets roof and establish a improved county staff achieved drainage system for housing houses fourteen civil servants’ standards houses in Lodwar SP 6.1.2 Construction Lands Observation Well maintained 100% 100% 0 targets of 5 pit latrines, of hygiene county staff achieved renovation of 4 main and living houses and the gates and bush standards environment clearing of former UN within the camp in Lokichoggio staff houses



2.14.1: Achievements i. Enacted over 36 acts and 4 policies.

ii. Establishment and operationalization of various County Assembly technical offices.

iii. Partnering with development partners on issues to do with capacity building of members and staff.

iv. Establishment of Assembly website, Email portal and intercom land line phones and internet services. Provision of various insurance services to members and staff.

v. Staff Skills and knowledge Audit vii. Members Gratuity Management and Remittance

2.14: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Key 1ST JULY 2018- 30TH JUNE, 2019 Name of the Key Output Performance Actual Programme (KO) Indicators Target(s) (A) Achievement(s) Variance Remarks (KPIs) (B) Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT PROGRAMME Outcome: 1. An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery, Improved staff work deadlines achieved Outcome:2 To improve service delivery and work methods of members and staff. Delivery of Ability to quality, Members and SP 1.1 Finance and achieve on effective and 100% 100% 0% staff trained and shared services agreed efficient remunerated well deliverables. services Delivery of Ability to quality SP 1.2 Hansard, Produce Quality Hansard Research, and Hansard, and quality Hansard research 100% 100% 0% information research report reports available report and Services and information information services services Effective Delivery of staff functioning of SP 1.3 County quality, rationalization the county Assembly service effective and 100% 100% 0% implemented and assembly, Team Board efficient several policies work highly services drawn exhibited. improved service delivery High SP1.4: and work performance Development 60% 40% -20% budget constraints methods of and quality Projects. members and services staff. Programme 2: LEGISLATION. Outcome: availability of laws necessary for the effective performance of the county.


quality bills and production of acts available, SP 2.1 Legislative quality bills, Informed Public 100% 100% 0% 9 bills enacted services acts and on Government relevant laws, information Delivery of quality quality debates transparent and SP2.2: Speaker's leadership and and transparent quality 100% 100% 0% Office. promotion of Proceedings in deliberations in Quality the House the chamber Debates Programme 3: Oversight Outcome: To improve service delivery and work methods and integrity. Transparent honesty and all House SP 3.1 Committee and Transparency of 100% 100% 0% committees were services Accountable Public officers facilitated Process Proper internal Adherence to financial SP3.2 Audit and M Relevant public management 100% 100% 0% Done & E services. laws and control principles mechanisms in place.



2.15.1 Achievements i. Operationalization of offices in the County Public Service by establishment of Chief officer, County Secretary, Ward and Subcounty administrators’ offices

ii. Recruitment and selection of more than 2000 employees in the Turkana County Public Service

iii. Confirmation of appointment of over 500 officers across county Ministries

iv. Effecting Employee promotion of over 1500 employees across the county Ministries/Departments

v. Absorption of all staff of the defunct County Council of Turkana into the Turkana County Public Service Management of staff seconded from National Government to the Turkana County Public Service in the transition period

vi. Regularization of all appointments in the Office of the County Governor, Deputy Governor

vii. Acquisition of capital assets such as office space, motor vehicles, furniture and equipment viii. Staffing of Secretariat approved positions (CPSB)

ix. Conducted induction training for all CPSB Employees and continuous training for Board members and heads of Departments

x. Created a county Internship policy to operationalize the management of Interns (TCIP)

xi. Compliance in the recruitment of persons to serve the county public service in respect to gender (above 35%), Youth representation (above 60%) and inclusion of persons with disabilities (above 3%)

2.15: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, PLANNING AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: Increased Management and Operational Capacities of the Board Outcome: Sub Programme Key outputs Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks performance Targets Targets indicators

General Administration Conducive Ability to 70% 30% -40% Delayed Planning and Support working perform and payment of Services environment deliver suppliers services to affected the public supplier’s confidence and denied us services, hence affecting the public Programme Name (As per the Programme Based Budget): ICT INFRASTRUCTURE Objective: Improved ICT governance in CPSB and Reduction in Operational Cost 90

Outcome: Improved ICT governance in CPSB and Reduction in Operational Cost Sub Programme Key outputs Key Planned Achieved Variance Remarks performance Targets Targets indicators (%)

Data Centre Improved ICT Compliance 35% 30% -5% Funds were re- /Collocation of Systems governance in to allocated & Change CPSB and constitutional through Management Initiative Reduction in provisions supplementary for ICT Operational and or to pay the Cost requirements pending bills

Systems Research & Improved ICT Compliance 40% 20% -20% Funds were re- Development on ICT governance in to allocated Standard, Guidelines CPSB and constitutional through and Approaches Reduction in provisions supplementary Operational and or to pay the Cost requirements pending bills

Monitoring and Improved ICT Compliance 40% 20% -20% Funds were re- Evaluation for ICT governance in to allocated Programming CPSB and constitutional through Reduction in provisions supplementary Operational and or to pay the Cost requirements pending bills Formulation and Improved ICT Compliance 45% 0% -45% Funds were re- Development of TCPSB governance in to allocated Boardroom ICT CPSB and constitutional through Infrastructure Reduction in provisions supplementary Operational and or to pay the Cost requirements pending bills

Coordinating TCPSB Improved ICT Compliance 40% 0% -40% Funds were re- Website, Systems governance in to allocated Maintenance, Security CPSB and constitutional through Audit, Parching & Reduction in provisions supplementary Upgrade Operational and or to pay the Cost requirements pending bills

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROGRAMMING Objective: Improved Quality of Service, Internally & externally and reduced Operational Cost Outcome: Improved Quality of Service, Internally & externally and reduced Operational Cost Sub Programme Key outputs Key Planned Achieved Remarks performance Targets Targets indicators (%)


Quality Management Improved Compliance 40% 0% -40% Funds were re- Systems Development Quality of to allocated & Establishment Service, constitutional through Internally & provisions supplementary externally and and or to pay the reduced requirements pending bills Operational Cost QMS Audit /Routine Improved Compliance 40% 5% -35% Poor internal Inspection Quality of to processes on Service, constitutional financial Internally & provisions control and externally and and or Mgt afftected reduced requirements requisition of Operational funds Cost Documentation/Record Improved Compliance 45% 0% -45% Funds were re- Management For QMS Quality of to allocated Service, constitutional through Internally & provisions supplementary externally and and or to pay the reduced requirements pending bills Operational Cost Programme Name (As per the Programme Based Budget): COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE Objective: Improved governance in the county public service Outcome: Improved governance in the county public service Sub Programme Key outputs Key Planned Achieved Remarks performance Targets Targets indicators (%)

Management of Dials Improved Compliance 60% 20% -40% Bigger governance in to percentage of the county constitutional funds re- public service provisions allocated to and or facilitate requirements pending bills and programs for the new Board. Launch of Strategic Improved Compliance 50% 5% -45% Bigger Plan governance in to percentage of the county constitutional funds re- public service provisions allocated to and or facilitate requirements pending bills and programs for the new Board. 92

Establishment of Improved Compliance 70% 20% -50% Bigger Structures for governance in to percentage of Stakeholder the county constitutional funds re- Engagement public service provisions allocated to and or facilitate requirements pending bills and programs for the new Board. Sensitization of County Improved Compliance 60% 10% -50% Bigger Employees governance in to percentage of the county constitutional funds re- public service provisions allocated to and or facilitate requirements pending bills and programs for the new Board.


2.16.1 Achievements i. Appointment of the manager, establishment of the board, induction and benchmarking by the Manager. Board and County Project Coordination Team.

ii. Two citizen fora have been conducted in Township and Kanamkemer wards.

iii. Urban Development projects implemented under Kenya Urban Support Programme are installation of 100 Solar powered streetlights, 6 flood lights and planned construction of fire station.

2.16: Summary of Programmes and Projects Performance for 2019/2020 Programme 1: LODWAR MUNICIPALITY Objective: To establish and strengthen urban institutions to deliver improved infrastructure and services Outcome: Established and strengthened Urban services

Sub Programme Key outputs Key Target(s) Actual Variance Remarks performance ( A) Achieve (C=A-B) indicators ment(s) (B)


SP1.1 Municipal General Ability to 100% 0% -100% Activities implemented Administration Administration achieve on were to make the board and Governance Planning and agreed operational supported by Support deliverables KUSP UIG funds since the Services municipality had no allocation in FY 2019/2020. There is a challenge in the performance and monitoring of activities by the municipal technical staff for efficient working Board and Sub- No. of 4 10 6 Committee Board/Sub- meetings Committee meetings held Informed No. of Citizen 4 3 -1 Citizenry Foras Conducted Transfer of Transferred 10 10 0 Municipal services/No. functions and of staff secondment of seconded. staff Capacity No. staff and 20 15 -5 building of Board technical staff members and the Board capacity build. members Purchase of No of vehicle 5 0 -5 motor vehicle, - purchased/mo motor bikes for tor bikes technical staff purchased Purchase of Office 100% 0% -100% office furniture equipment and stationeries/- Furnishing of municipality offices

SP1.2 Municipal Planning

Development Lodwar 1 0 -1 and Municipal Enforcement of Spatial Plan Municipal Plans reviewed and development control


Annual 1 1 0 institutional development Plan Operationalize d County Urban 1 1 0 Institutional Development strategy (CUIDS) Operationaliza 1 1 0 tion of Lodwar Municipality waste management Plan Environment, 1 0 -1 Health and Sanitation plan Development 1 0 -1 of Municipality by-laws

SP 1.3 Municipal Services

Regulation of % of outdoor 20% 30% 10% The municipal management Outdoor advertisement assumed the waste advertising regulated. management functions from the department of Promotion , healthy and safe No. of waste 2 2 0 Urban areas management. regulation and environment solid waste provision of refuse trucks bought. collections and solid waste management services No. of litter 4 0 -4 bins/transfer stations provided. Purchase of 4 0 -4 skip loaders and segregation units No. backhoe 1 0 -1


No of 1 0 -1 standard dumpsite and incinerator Promotion, Enhanced social No. of cultural 1 0 -1 regulation and interaction and activities and provision of promotion of municipal municipal sports talents sports and cultural promoted/reg activities ulated. Promotion, Enhanced No. of animal 50% 0 -50% regulation and animal safety regulation provision of animal enforced. control and welfare. SP 1.4 Municipal Infrastructure Services Construction and Maintained KMs. of Urban 12 0 -12 The successful installation maintenance of Urban roads. roads and ongoing construction urban roads and tarmacked of the fire station is through associated and KUSP funded by world infrastructure maintained. bank. Construction and Improved urban KMs of storm 12 0 -12 maintenance of drainage water drains storm water and system. constructed floods control Construction and Enhanced traffic Km of Non- 1 0 -1 maintenance of safety motorized walkways and walkways other non- motorized transport infrastructure Construction and well planned Complete 1 0 -1 maintenance of public spaces people recreation parks recreational and green spaces parks and green spaces Construction and Enhanced No. of street 245 130 -115 maintenance of security lights street lighting constructed. Construction and Controlled Complete 2 0 -2 maintenance of traffic Bus/taxi traffic control and stands parking facilities constructed. (bus stand and taxi stand.


Construction, Improved No. of 0 maintenance and hygiene functional regulation of abattoirs and municipal markets markets. and abattoirs Installation of No of cameras 10 0 -10 street installed Surveillance cameras Construction and Improved Complete fire 1 0 -1 maintenance of emergency stations fire station, preparedness. provision of firefighting services, emergency preparedness and disaster management




INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a summary of development priorities that will be pursued for implementation in the fiscal year 2021/2022 to facilitate Socio-economic transformation of the Turkana people as aligned in the Turkana CIDP 2018/22.

3.1 GOVERNANCE Vision: The Hallmark of Transformative Governance Mission: To provide effective leadership in the county anchored on the rule of law and democratic participation for efficient service delivery

3.1.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector

1. Government coordination 2. Public communication, Media Relation and IT Support 3. Strategy and Delivery 4. Partnership and investments 5. Governor’s Press service 6. Audit services 7. Peace Building and Conflict management

3.1.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities

Stakeholders for the sector Role of stakeholder National Government Provide resources for development (county allocations) Oversight on implementation & use of the resources Council of Governors Coordinate and strengthen linkages among Counties and with national institutions. The Senate Oversight on county operations and legislations The National Assembly Legislation and oversight Turkana County Public Service Board County Staff recruitment& advisory services

Turkana County Assembly Legislation and oversight at County level Executive Committee Members Implement County legislations, manage and coordinate the functions of County administration and its departments. Donors - UN Agencies in Kenya, European Union, Financial and technical support to the sectors of the USAID(AHADI), DFID, GDC (GIZ) County


Foundations (Lundin, AEGIS Trust); Philanthropist Provide development support specific areas of (TBI), Development Partners – NGOs, INGOs development – Nutrition, HIV, Children and Women, Faith Based Organizations (Diocese of Lodwar) Spiritual development, socio economic development

3.1.3 Sector Programmes

Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance Planned indicators Targets 2021/2022 SP 1.1 General Administration, Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Planning and Support Services- effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Office of the Governor services SP 1.2. General Administration, Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Planning and Support Services- effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Liaison Office services SP 1.3. General Administration, Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Planning and Support Services- effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Office of County Secretary services P2 GOVERNMENT COORDINATION Outcome: To strengthen institution and frameworks for government business coordination and performance SP 2.1 Cabinet Affairs Better coordination of 68 Number of Cabinet 12 Government Business Meetings SP 2.2 Performance and Enhanced tracking of 220 Number of staff 120 Efficiency staff performance Performance contract signed SP 2.3 Interdepartmental Better coordination and 14 Meetings held 4 Relations synergy of county entities and correspondences SP 2.4 Intergovernmental Good relations between 100% No of intergovernmental 16 Relation County and other organs engagements done of government SP 2.5 Strategy Development, Development of informed 0 Strategies developed; 1 Review, Support and strategies Review meetings held Operationalization P3 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA RELATIONS AND IT SUPPORT Outcome: To improve the County's image and raise its profile SP 3.1 Media Advertisement Improved image and 2 No of media 3 and Placements publicity of the County adverts/publicity materials/stakeholder engagements/Media Mapping and Profiling Reports SP 3.2 Documentation, Developed County 1 Copy of communication Publishing communication policy and communication strategy policy and strategy of 1 Policy


strategy for public engagement and Strategy SP 3.3 Civic Education and Enhanced public 13 No. of sensitization 3 Public Sensitization participation and meetings/Media Centre involvement in County Established programmes SP 3.4 Production of County Increased awareness of 11 No. of magazines/copy 1 Newspaper and Newsletter County's programmes P4 STRATEGY AND DELIVERY Outcome: To enhance development, support and ensure effective delivery of quality services through informed advisory SP 4.1 Economic and Private Informed opinion and 17 Number of opinion and 12 Sector Advisory Services advisory on economic and advisories private sector matters SP 4.2 Political and Informed opinion and 0 Number of opinion and 12 Intergovernmental Advisory advisory on political and advisories Services intergovernmental relations SP 4.3 Legal Advisory Services Informed opinion and 10 Number of opinion and 12 advisory on legal matters advisories SP 4.4 Security and cross Informed opinion and 32 Number of opinion and 12 border Advisory Services advisory on security advisories matters SP 4.5 Oil and Gas Advisory informed opinion and 4 Number of opinion and 12 Service advisory on oil and gas advisories SP 4.6 Gender and Partnership Informed opinion and 22 Number of opinion and 12 Advisory Services advisory on gender and advisories partnerships SP 4.7 Special Interest groups informed opinion and 4 Number of opinion and 12 advisory on special advisories interest groups SP 4.8 Climate Change Informed opinion and 25 Number of opinion and 12 advisory services advisory on climate advisories change SP 4.9 Education and youth Informed opinion and 4 Number of opinion and 12 Advisory services advisory on education advisories and youth SP 4.10 Culture, Arts and Informed opinion and 8 Number of opinion and 12 Heritage advisory services advisory on culture, arts advisories and heritage P5 PARTNERSHIPS AND INVESTMENTS Outcome: Increased resources for development through partnerships and investment augmentation SP 5.1 Joint Program Improved coordination of 5 Coordination meetings 6 Coordination UN/TCG the UN/TCG programme held SP 5.2 Public Private Increased partnership 53 Number of PPPs entered 5 Partnerships engagements with private sector SP 5.3 Donor and Partner Increased resources and 14 Number of MoUs 20 Coordination grants mobilized for development 100

P6 GOVERNOR'S PRESS SERVICE Outcome: Improved Governor's communication programmes, branding and visibility SP 6.1 Governors Press Improved Governor's 400 Number of Governor's 15 support communication, branding press releases; No of and visibility Speeches Drafted; No. of Radio Shows done and No. of Magazines produced P7 AUDIT Outcome: Enhanced internal transparency, accountability and prudent utilization of public resources SP 7.1 Internal Audit Enhanced internal audit 14 Number of internal audit 12 controls for prudent reports produced resource utilization SP 7.2 Quality Assurance Improved quality 5 Quality assurance reports 12 assurance produced SP 7.3 Support to Audit Improved audit response 6 Number of Audit 6 Committees management Committee Meetings/Sessions held P8 PEACE BUILDING AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Outcome: Peaceful coexistence and stability of our internal and external boundaries enhanced for development SP 8.1 Development of County Better coordination and 1 Policy developed 9 Peace building and conflict management of peace management policy building initiatives SP 8.2 Operationalization of Improved management 56 Local structures 14 peace building structures and of conflicts at grassroots supporting peace institutions SP 8.3 Resettlement Resettled conflict 25 Number of resettlements 4 Infrastructural Programme displaced communities done SP 8.4 Cross Border peace Improved peace 86 Programmes initiated 10 dividends programme structures complementing peace programmes

3.1.4 OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance indicators Planned Targets 2021/2022 SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on agreed 100% Administration, effective and efficient deliverables. Planning and Support services Services 101

P2 GOVERNMENT PROGRAMMING Outcome: Enhanced government programming and transformation for effective service delivery and improved efficiency and effectiveness of government programmes.

SP 2.1 Government Government Programmes 6 Number of Government 6 Programming Formulation and programmes/strategy reviewed formulated SP 2.2 Community Community Engagements 10 Number of Community 6 Engagement and Community Engagements and Outreaches conducted Outreaches SP 2.3 Government Stakeholder Workshops 16 Number of stakeholder 4 Stakeholder and Coordination workshops and coordination Engagement and meetings conducted meetings Coordination SP 2.4 Government Benchmarking, Global 2 Number of Benchmarking, 2 Transformation Standards and Best Global Standards and Best Practices Learnt and Practices Learnt and Adopted Adopted

3.1.5 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance Planned Targets indicators 2021/2022 SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Administration, effective and agreed deliverables. Planning and efficient services Support Services- Office of County Attorney SP 1.2 Purchase of Delivery of quality, Number of vehicles Motor Vehicle effective and 1 purchased 1 efficient services P2 LEGAL SERVICES Outcome: Enhanced Legislative Capacity; improved Legal Compliance and Reduced Litigation Burden SP 2.1 Litigation Court Cases Handled 39 Number of court cases 30 Matters SP 2.2 Government Agreements/Contrac 41 Number of 40 agreements/contrac ts Reviewed Contracts/Agreements ts Reviewed P3 RESEARCH AND LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING Outcome: Improved Legislative Quality for Effective Policy Making SP 3.1 Legislative Bills Drafted 32 Number of Bills drafted Drafting and Bills 22 SP 3.2 Policy and Policies Reviewed 31 Number of Policies and Legal Briefs and Legal Briefs Legal Briefs Drafted 55 102


P4 CAPACITY BUILDING Outcome: Enhanced Legal Knowledge and Improved Legal Compliance SP 4.1 Training of Staff Trained 2 Number of staff trained Legal Counsels 14 SP 4.2 Legal Training County Staff and 200 Number of County Staff and awareness for County Residents and Residents Trained 1,500 County Staff and Trained County Residents


3.2 FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING. Vision: To be accountable to the public in providing efficient planning and financial services with the aim of promoting growth, development and prosperity to realize the full potential of Turkana County's economy

Mission: To promote sustainable socio-economic development of Turkana County through prudent public Financial Management, control and planning.

Goal : To strengthen Policy formulation, planning, budgeting and implémentation of the CIDP 2018-2022.

3.2.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector

1. Construction of County Headquarters 2. Provision of Security and Social Amenities at the County Headquarters (security checks, customer care desk, installation of water and electricity supply system, landscaping and beatification) 3. IFMIS system: IFMIS and Internet Banking (IB), IFMIS Lab. 4. Construction of New Revenue Collection points 5. Construction of Revenue Enforcement Parking bay/courts 6. Acquisition of efficient, improved and effective Ejiji Pay Revenue System 7. Carry out Resource Mobilization 8. Development of ICT centre’s 9. Development of ICT Policy and Bill 10. Policy advisory on CIDP 2018-2022 flagship projects and other development priorities 11. County Planning Services and production of policy documents i.e. ADP, CFSP and CIDP 12. Development of Monitoring and Evaluation System including M&E policy Framework and Bill Public policy research and analysis 13. Development of new County Indicator Handbook 14. Statistical publications and reporting 15. Formulation of the County Annual Budgets and Supplementary Budgets 16. Prepare various county policy documents including the County Budget Review and Outlook Paper Preparation of Quarterly County Budget Implementation Report


3.2.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities Stakeholder Roles/Responsibilities County Government Provide funds ADB Provide funds UNICEF Provide expertise National Treasury IFMIS Ministry of Devolution and Planning Provide expertise County Service Public Board Recruitment CIC Civic Education IEBC Civic Education

3.2.3 Sector Programmes Programme Name: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PLANNING AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: Create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, 70% Ability to achieve on agreed 80% Administration, Planning effective and efficient deliverables. and Support Services - services Finance SP 1.2 General Delivery of quality, 70% Ability to achieve on agreed 80% Administration, Planning effective and efficient deliverables. and Support Services - services Economic Planning Programme Name: COUNTY REVENUE SERVICES Objective: Strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of revenue collection systems Outcome: Surpassed previous year's collection and attainment of 2% fiscal responsibility Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP2.1 Awareness and Sensitizations on 3000 No. of people sensitized 4000 Campaigns on Revenue at importance of levying Ward Level taxes SP2.2 Strengthening Improved Revenue 12 Timely delivery of monthly 12 Revenue Sources collected collection reports. SP 2.3 Automated Full automation of 50% Proportion of Revenue 60% Revenue Collection revenue collection in collection centers automated main revenue collection center. SP 2.4 Revenue Bills and Finance Bill 6 Passing of the Finance Bill 1 Policies 2018 by the County Assembly on stipulated time


SP 2.5 Revenue Forecast Realistic revenue 7 Revenue budget with 1 and Revenue Budget targets and budgets realistic forecast Preparation SP 2.6 Automated Improved efficiency in 1 Revenue solution system in 1 Revenue Solution System revenue collection place Programme Name: COUNTY PROCUREMENT SERVICES Objective: Offer efficient county procurement services Outcome: Surpassed previous year's collection and attainment of 2% fiscal responsibility Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP 3.1 Support to Enhance procurement 70% Average length of 100% procurement committee accountability procurement lead time of stipulated time by law Project Management. 70% % of Projects of projects 80% completed on time and within budget SP 3.2 Project/contracts 100 No of contract 200 management implementation team established and trained Youth, Women and 30% Minimum percentage of 30% PLWDs accessing Government procurement Government opportunities opened to the Procurement youth, women and persons living with disabilities. SP 3.3 Procurement Improved e- 75% % of requisitions procured 100% systems Procurement. through e-Procurement. 80% % of tenders advertised 100% through e-procurement module in the ifmis system 50% % of user department’s 100% capacity built on e- Procurement. SP 3.4 Suppliers Improved asset 1 Updated County Asset 1 sensitization management register Programme Name: RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Objective: To coordinate external sources of funding Outcome: Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP 4.1 Resource Resource Mobilization 30 Number of partners engaged 10 Mobilization Strategy 0 No. of duplicated projects 10 eliminated 5 No. of Concept notes 8 developed 2 No. of engagement meetings 5 held 106

4 No. of reports generated and 4 submitted 0 No. of Resource mobilization 6 officers trained Programme Name: ACCOUNTING SERVICES Objective: Offer efficient county treasury services Outcome: Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP 5.1 Financial Reporting Efficient and Effective 25% % of County payment 100 and Assurance payment system. through IFMIS SP 5.2 Specialized Projects/Supplies 1 Annual Financial Report 1 Training quality Verification Published SP 5.3 Asset Management Social and Financial 10% % of County Assets insured 75 and Valuation security SP 5.4 Projects/Supplies 20% % of County Employees 70 Verification Covered under social security/pension scheme SP 5.5 Construction and Projects/Supplies 60% % of County Goods/services 100 Fitting of IFMIS Lab Verification inspected by I&AC Construction and Nil No of operational sub-county 3 operationalization of treasuries sub-county treasuries SP 5.6 Emergency Fund Improved capacity to 70% % of emergencies responded 80% respond to to emergencies SP 5.7 Covid-19 Fund Improved capacity to 70% 80% tackle Covid-19 Pandemic Programme Name: COUNTY ECONOMIC PLANNING SERVICES Objective: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness for county planning and development. Outcome: Improved County Economic Planning Services. Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance indicators Planned Targets

Planning Co-ordination County Planning 6 ADP Prepared and submitted 1 Services Services Provided to the CA 10 No. of Sectoral and Strategic 13 plans developed. 1 CIDP review 2

Policy advisory on 6 Number of policy Annual 7 CIDP 2018-2022 Reports (Annual Progress flagship projects and Report). other development priorities. Improved county 165 No. of officers/personnel 225 107

government trained. performance. (KDSP) 3 Annual County Performance 4 Assessment Reports. Level II Qualifying for Level II grant Level II Grant 0 Operational and Digital 3 Citizen Resource Centre Research and 0 Number of policy research 2 Development papers and reports prepared and disseminated Economic 0 Sub county number of 7 development development co-ordination coordination committee's formed Economic surveys and 3 Number of economic surveys 5 publications reports Improved capacity on 3 Number of reports 4 Social Budgeting and generated from SIR real time Social Intelligence system reporting Programme Name: STATISTICS, MONITORING AND EVALUATION Objective: Ensure collection, collation and updating of data and information for planning purposes Outcome: Enhanced decision making and planning Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP 7.1 Monitoring and Improved project and 4 Submitted Quarterly and 4 Evaluation county vision delivery annual reports 1 CIDP KPIs Annual Status 1 reports. 0 M&E Bill Public Participation 1 0 M&E Committees formation 7 at the Sub-County Level 2 Staff Capacity Building on 5 M&E SP 7.2 Research and Production of vital 3 Annual statistical abstract 4 Statistics county statistics 0 Departmental Research 1 needs assessment reports SP 7.3 Project Enhanced effective 0 Public Investment 1 Implementation and efficient public Committees Formation Management System investment 0 Project Identification, 100% (PIMS) management. Appraisal, Selection and Implementation

Programme Name: ICT AND E-GOVERNMENT Objective: To facilitate connectivity and access of government services Outcome: Enhanced government communication and dissemination of information and policies. Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance indicators Planned



SP 8.1 Enhancing ICT Trained Skilled ICT 5 Number of Trained ICT 7 Capacity personnel and hands Personnel and Users. on trained Computer / Application Systems users. Integration of ICT in 0 Number of Designed, 1 Teacher Education developed and deployed E- Training and e- Government Digital Platform Learning. for ECD and TVET. Information System 5 Number of Trained ICT 7 Security Training Personnel and Users. SP 8.2 ICT Infrastructure ICT Innovation and 0 Number of functional 1 Development and Incubation Hubs Innovation hubs Improvement (iHubs) in the Wards Network Penetration 0 Report on Pentest done. 1 Testing (Pentest) Internet Service 8 Number of departments 16 Connectivity. connected to the internet

Deploy connectivity 1 No of technologies active nodes 16 (fiber/wireless broadband, wimax, microwave) to the departments Installation of IPBX in 1 number of IP-Phones 10 all county connected departments Construction and 0 Number of Servers Secured 3 equipping of the in the Data Center County Data Center SP 8.3 Enhancing Automation of 1 Report on Automation of e- 1 Communication and Government Functions Government functions across Access to Information (Design, development County Government and deployment of e- Ministries / Departments. Government Applications). Helpdesk Solution (ICT 1 Number of Help Desk 1 Technical Support) Systems Developed decentralization Email Addressing and 100 Number of Staff with active 1000 Communication Official email addresses. Installation, Repair 0 Installation, Repair and 6 and maintenance of maintenance of ICT ICT Equipment in one Equipment in Turkana sub-county Central sub-county


Upgrade / 1 Website Update and 4 Maintenance of maintenance County Government domain and Website content update to facilitate access in the whole County. SP 8.4 Development and Implementation of ICT Policy and Regulations view of the ICT 0 Revised ICT Strategy 1 Strategic plan Review of the 1 ICT Policy 1 formulated ICT Policy. ICT Policy Review Report Adoption of ICT Policy 1 Published ICT Policy and 1 and Regulations. Regulations Booklet; and Report SP 8.5 Acquisition of Upgrade of ICT 100 No. of ICT software licenses 1000 Information Systems and equipment / hardware Equipment and Software.

Programme Name: BUDGETARY SUPPLY Objective: To produce County annual budget alongside other policy documents within statutory timelines Outcome: A credible budget estimate Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance indicators Planned Targets

SP 9.1 Budget Credible Budget 1 Budget Circular 1 Formulation, Co- Estimates 1 CBROP 1 ordination and 1 CFSP 1 Management 1 Budget Proposals 1 1 Budget Estimates 1 2 Supplementary Budget 2 SP 9.2 Public Participation Improved public 2 No. of Public participation 2 in Budgeting participation and forums held hearings on Budget SP 9.3 County Budget and Improved service 4 No. of economic forum 4 Economic Forum delivery reports



Vision: Water secure County with effective governance structures for improved water service delivery and ensure sustainable development in a clean and healthy environment that promotes sustainable exploitation of mineral resources in Turkana County. Mission: Equitable access to adequate quality water for sustainable socio-economic development and preservation of the environment.

3.4.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector

1. Create an enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness. 2. To provide safe and adequate water for domestic and livestock use. 3. Use of water resources optimally, sustainably and equitably. 4. Improve planning, co-ordination and management of water sector. 5. To enhance clean and healthy environment. 6. Enhance exploration and sustainable exploitation of mineral resources. 7. To mainstream climate actions into programmes

3.4.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities

1. Water Resources Management Authority 2. Rift Valley Water Services Board 3. LOWASCO 4. World Bank 5. Tullow Lundin 6. National Government

3.4.3 Sector Programmes Programme 1: General Administration and Support Services Objective: To ensure an efficient and effective service delivery, working with related sectors in an integrated institutional framework Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 indicators Targets General Administration Robust and integrated Ability to achieve on 300 program agreed deliverables Programme 2: Water Supply Objective: To provide adequate and quality water Outcome: Strengthened sustainable water supply services 111

Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 indicators Targets Water Supply and Establishment of Water 4 Number of 3 Storage storage and reticulation Municipality and infrastructure for urban water supply municipality and urban systems designed and water supply established, expanded and rehabilitated (9) 10,000 Number of people 10,000 increased in water supply of Lodwar Town 15 Number of rural water 15 supply systems designed, established, rehabilitated and expanded. (45) Improved access to 1267 Number of successful 90 quantity and quality water boreholes drilled through drilling of Number of high 21 Boreholes yielding boreholes upgraded Drilling equipment 0 Number of 0 terameters, piezometers and borehole cameras procured 2 Number of drilling rigs 1 and test pumping machines procured and functional 1 Number of printers 10 30 No., Laptops 20 No. and accessories procured sub-counties and technical teams Strategic urban water 3 Number of strategic 18 points installed with boreholes installed chlorine hydrants with chlorine hydrants Investment on first moving 50% % Increased in the 80% spare parts for the number of operational maintenance of community and well maintained water points increased. community water points Construction of water lab 1 (60% Completed water lab 1 complete)


Infrastructure for surface 133 No. of surface water 90 water harvesting and harvesting and storage and underground storage and water recharge including underground water sand dams, rock dams recharge ,infiltration galleries, infrastructure shallow wells, sub-surface designed, constructed dams ,and mega water and maintained pans for rural and livestock water supply. Design, development and 10 No. of protected and 7 maintenance of spring’s well maintained protection infrastructure. springs Mobile water troughs 13 Number of Mobile 60 facilities acquired and water troughs strategically located for dry acquired (2 per ward seasons use per year) Water storage facilities 250 Number of storage 210 (collapsible tanks, concrete facilities acquired, tanks) acquired and installed and utilize (7 strategically located in dry Per ward per year) grazing zones. Drought contingency plan 0 Number of 1 and monitoring contingency plans in mechanisms for condition place, reviewed and performance of annually and activated livestock watering points developed Programme 3: Water And Catchment Protection Objective: To strengthen community participation in water resource management so as to mitigate conflict over the resource Outcome: Optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water resources in the County Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 indicators Targets Water Resources Integrated and inter- 0 Number of joint 30 Management sectoral approaches to the activities in water management of water catchment catchment areas promoted. management at county government and community levels. Riparian and degraded 10 No. of Riparian and 4 catchment areas degraded catchment demarcated, rehabilitated areas demarcated, and protected rehabilitated and protected Enhanced Community 10 No. of communities 60 participation in with increased management of water knowledge on resources Management of water resources and catchments 113

10 Number of water 4 Resource Users Associations trained 0 Number of cross 2 boarder water related conflict resolution meetings held (2 per year) Real time borehole and 45 Number of boreholes 50 underground water installed with real monitoring tools procured, time underground installed and functional in water monitoring support to WRA. tools. Programme 4: Water Sector Governance Objective: To strengthen the institutional framework for better coordination and governance of the water sector Outcome: Improved planning coordination and management of the water sector Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 indicators Targets Water Governance, County water sector policy, Draft Number of water 3 Planning and bill and strategic plan policies bill and Coordination finalized and disseminated strategic plans finalized and disseminated County water law as well as Draft Number of county 2 sector rules and water legal regulations enacted and framework enacted operationalized and operationalized Capacity of Water 1 Number of water - companies and Water companies whose Users Associations to capacities have manage and participate in strengthened and water sector programs and actively participating activities strengthened in water sector programming 61 Number of water 5 users associations whose capacities have strengthened and actively participating in water sector programming Capacity of staff in water 10 Number and records 10 programming, innovative of capacity needs technologies and O&M assessment strengthen undertaken and implemented.


5 Number of technical 1 staffs trained on water programming, innovative technologies and Operations and maintenance Private sector participation N/A Number of Private 5 in water and sanitation Public Partnerships mobilized and developed and strengthened operationalized Capacity of staff in water 10 Number of technical 10 programming, innovative staffs trained on technologies and O&M water programming, strengthen innovative technologies and Operations and maintenance Water revenues ring fenced N/A Water fund in placed 1 and guidelines for and operational utilization of such funds developed Real time data lab and a N/A Water lab and water 1 sector water information Information and management system Management system developed (WIMS) in place and operational. Programme 5: Environmental Governance, Compliance, Conservation Protection and Management Objective: To Enhance environmental quality and foster sustainable development in Turkana County. Outcome: Clean and Healthy environment that creates a conducive environment for sustainable development Sub Programme Key outputs BASELINE Key performance Planned indicators Targets SP 5.1 Environmental County Environment policy, 2 No. of environmental 3 Governance and bill and strategic bills and policies compliance plan finalized and disseminated Marking of Environmental 2 No. of environmental 2 Commemorations days celebrated Staff capacity building on 2 No. of staff trainings 10 Environmental compliance on environmental and Governance governance and compliance Environmental Inspections 3 No. of inspections 3 and audits in Oil fields done on oil fields Conduct Environment 108 No. of ESIA and EA 20 Screening/Impact conducted Assessment and Annual Audit for County Major projects


Conduct site inspections to 108 No. of site inspections 60 ensure environmental to ensure compliance environmental compliance Laboratory analysis of 0 No. of Laboratory 2 environmental samples Analysis of (soil and water) environmental samples (soil and water) in pollution prone areas Clean up drives 2 No. of clean-up drives 2 Issuance of noise permits 0 No. of noise permits 10 issued to control air and noise pollution SP 5.2 Environmental Establishment of 0 Number of designated 7 Protection and designated dumpsites in dump sites conservation major towns established Rehabilitation of eroded 0 No. of rehabilitated 3 riverbanks (Gabions and sites (Gabions and dykes) dykes) Environmental monitoring 0 No of monitoring and 2 vehicle compliance vehicle Establishment of waste 0 No. of waste transfer 5 transfer station in Major station established towns Restoration of degraded 0 No. of restored sites 5 sites (quarrying, mining, borrow pits and sand harvesting sites) Designated and establish 0 No. of waste/used oil 1 Lodwar waste/used oil collection station collection station for recycling and re-use SP 5.3 Climate Change County Climate Change 0 No. of Policies related 3 and Adaptation Policy, Bill and Financial to Climate Change and regulation Adaptation policies finalized and disseminated Sensitization on Climate 500 No. of people 1500 Change mitigation and sensitized and adaptation educated on climate change mitigation and adaptation Climate-proofing 0 No. of households 2000 households climate proofed to boost resilience to climate change Climate smart farming 0 No. of farmers 150 practicing climate smart farming


Formation and training of 0 No. of early warning 7 early warning preparedness preparedness committee committees formed and trained Plastic collection and reuse 1 No of Plastic 1 center completion collection and re-use center in place Formation and registration 0 No. of Environmental 14 of Environmental clubs clubs and groups trained and registered Environmental research 0 No. of research on 2 environmental concerns and management strategies Capacity building training 4 No. of staff trained on 10 (concept notes/proposals) development of competitive funding proposals Climate change 50 No. of stakeholders 100 stakeholders’ engagements engaged in climate change mainstreaming forums Programme 6: Mineral resource mapping, capacity building and Management of Mining and quarrying activities Objective: To promote safe extractive operations resulting in improved livelihoods Outcome: Extractive industry that will improve community livelihoods and contribute to the economy of Turkana County. Mineral resource Minerals Distribution map 1 Updated Turkana 2 mapping in the County and feasibility Mineral Resources report Map Updated coordinates of artisanal mining sites in the County Number of registered artisanal mining groups Management of Mining Management of Mining and 0 Report of 1 and quarrying activities quarrying activities rehabilitated, un- rehabilitated and land use after post quarry phase in Loima, Turkana East and Turkana North Capacity building in Sustainable exploitation of 5 No of Artisanal and 8 exploitation of Mineral minerals resources in the small-scale mining Resources County and build capacity groups trained on of Artisanal and small-scale mining legislation, miners environment and value addition 117

0 No. of Regional and 3 International exposure trips for benchmarking on Modern mining operations 0 Number of workshops 2 organized for artisanal miners Extractives engagement Formulation of Turkana 1 Production of Turkana 2 Bills and Policies sand harvesting and County sand quarrying bill harvesting and quarrying policy Artisanal Mining Purchase of equipment to 3 Number of mining 3 Equipment support artisanal mining equipment purchased sector and distributed Petroleum To ensure transparency in 0 Institution of 1 revenue allocations from oil committee to revenue establish socio- economic linkages to the oil and gas sector To ensure knowledge and 0 Establishment of 1 skills transfer in the oil and County local content gas sector committee To establish a competent, 30 Capacity building of 40 informed and motivated county staff on oil and staff that will handle gas matters matters with great efficacy Sensitize the community on 4 Community Petroleum 5 opportunities, their rights Issues Awareness and and responsibilities Advocacy, Oil and Gas (environmental conference held, management, land, community compensation, sensitizations held employment, business with all stakeholders opportunities, capacity building)


3.5 HEALTH AND SANITATION Vision: A healthy and productive County Mission: Offer high quality and sustainable Heath services to Turkana County Residents and promoting an alcohol and drug free environment

3.5.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Eliminate communicable conditions 2. Halt, and reverse the rising burden of non-communicable conditions. 3. Reduce the burden of violence and injuries. 4. Provide essential health care 5. Minimize exposure to health risk factors

3.5.2 Sector Key Stakeholders 1. World Bank 2. KEMSA 3. UNICEF 4. Save the Children 5. National Government 6. Private Sector 7. National Government

3.5.3 Sector Programmes Sub Programme Key outputs(KO) Baseline Key performance Planned indicators(KPIs) Targets P 1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, 89% Ability to achieve on 100% administration, Planning effective and efficient agreed deliverables. and Support Services services Improved Employees' Number of Employees 1 performance Needs Assessments conducted Number of Trainings 4 conducted SP 1.2 Additional Improved health 6 Number of facilities 10 Works/Renovation of infrastructure renovated, fenced. health Facilities P 2 PREVENTIVE AND PROMOTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 2.1 Family health Delivery of quality, 66% 4th ANC coverage 80% effective and efficient 74% Skilled Birth Attendance 80%


Reproductive Maternal coverage Newborn Child & 91% Fully Immunized Child 95% Adolescent health services Coverage 18% Family Planning 25% attendance Coverage SP 2.2 Public Health Enhanced Community 151 Number of Community 167 Health Strategy Units Functional 1864 Number of CHVS paid 1969 Stipend Increased latrine use 151 Number of villages open 200 defecation free (ODF) Empowered vulnerable 92% Proportion of vulnerable 100% households against WASH HH reached with WASH related conditions interventions Households empowered in Proportion of 40000 hygiene and sanitation households reached with hygiene and sanitation key messages Safe food premises 51% Proportion of food 70% premises inspected Compliance with good 77% Proportion of notices 85% food quality practices complied with Approved food premises in 27% Proportion of food 100% use premises inspected licensed Safe handling of food 23% Proportion of food 100% handlers medically examined Non-compliance is 79% Proportion of non- 100% rewarded compliance prosecuted Healthy school children 41% Proportion of school age 60% free from worms children dewormed Schools linked to health 45% Proportion of schools 60% services having integrated school health services Healthy and safe 57% Proportion of schools 60% environment in school inspected quarterly Better health care waste 30% Proportion of health 50% management facilities with a Trained health worker on health care waste management Sustained and progressive 30% Proportion of health 50% health care waste facilities with health care management waste management plan developed Health and safety at health 50% Proportion of health 50% facility work place facilities that have conducted hazard and risk assessment SP 2.3 Health Promotion Surveillance, outbreak 86% Weekly epidemic 90% 120

and Disease Control investigation and response reporting rate 100% Disease outbreaks 100% investigated Health promotion 15% Proportion of community 40% Health Units (CHU) reached with Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Tuberculosis elimination 50% Quarterly Case 70% identification rate 96% HIV testing for TB cases 100% Malaria elimination 18% Proportion of target 40% population utilizing LLITNs HIV and Aids, STI 73% Viral suppression rate 90% management Neglected Tropical Disease 100% Proportion of target 100% Management Trachomatous Trichiasis (TT) surgeries conducted 100% Proportion of Kalaazar 100% cases identified put on treatment P 3 MEDICAL SERVICES Outcome: To provide curative healthcare services. P 3.1 Laboratory Services Improved Laboratory 24% Number of Health 15 Services facilities operating comprehensive laboratory services Number of laboratories 10 conducting External Quality Assurance (EQA) P 3.2 Blood Transfusion Improved blood 2400 Number of blood pints 2000 Services transfusion services collected SP 3.3 Rehabilitative Increased Rehabilitative 8 Number of Community 8 Services services Based Rehabilitative Outreach Services Number of Rehabilative 10000 Facility Sessions conducted Proportion of clients 100% requiring rehabilitation rehabilitated SP 3.4 Referrals and Managed referral cases in 65% Proportion of referral 80% Emergency Services the county cases managed within the county (LCRH) SP 3.5 Radiology Services Improved diagnosis 3 Number of facilities 15 through radiology services offering radiology services SP 3.6 Dental Services Improved dental services 100% Proportion of clients 100% provided with dental 121


SP 3.7 Clinical Services Improved clinical services Number of 4 mentorship/Coaching/On- job training (OJT) sessions offered to clinical staff 100% Proportion of clients 100% provided with clinical services SP 3.8 Nursing Services Improved nursing services Number of mentorship 4 sessions offered to nursing staff 100% Proportion of clients 100% provided with nursing services SP 3.9 Rural Health Increased access to health 150 Number of rural health 150 Facilities Support care through increased facilities receiving funds rural facilities operations SP 3.10 Sub-county Increased access to health 7 Number of sub county 7 Health Facilities care through increased facilities receiving funds sub-county facilities operations P 4 LODWAR COUNTY AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL Outcome: To provide curative healthcare services. SP 4.1 LCRH Operations Delivery of quality, 80% Ability to achieve on 100% and Support effective and efficient agreed deliverables. services Improved safety and Number of staff trained 150 security on infection, prevention and control (IPC) Number of staff trained 150 on fire safety Improved quality nursing Proportion of staff 50% services trained on nursing processes Proportion of staff 50% trained on nursing professionalism, communication (SBAR) and Emergency response SP 4.2 LCRH Improved access to Number of surgical 1 Infrastructure comprehensive health care wings constructed Development (Storey building) Number of psychiatric 1 unit constructed Number of Standard 1 Incinerator Supplied and Installed (Microwave)


Purchase and installation 1 of fire safety equipment Improved access to Number of Leech Pit 8 sanitary facilities latrine constructed with septic P 5 MEDICAL SUPPLIES Outcome: To ensure all health facilities have adequate health commodities SP 5.1 Medical Supplies Improved management of County health 2 essential health products commodity forecasting and quantification workshops 228 Number of health 235 facilities having adequate health commodities 228 Number of health 235 facilities equipped. SP 5.2 Health Commodity Improved management of Sub county commodity 4 Management health products technical working group meetings 4 County commodity 4 planning and data review meetings held 12 Number of commodity 12 inspections done P 6 POLICY, PLANNING MONITORING AND EVALUATION Outcome: To encourage evidence- based decision making SP 6.1 Health Evidence based decision 214 Number of facilities 230 Information and making reporting timely and Management completely 229 Number of facilities with 230 reporting tools 3 Quarterly Review 4 meetings done. 3 Quarterly planning 4 meetings done. 3 Number of Supervision 4 done. 3 DQAs done. 4 SP 6.2 Quality Assurance Quality services in health 228 Proportion of Health 230 facilities facilities having Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 0 Number of Staff trained 300 on Quality assurance, Coaching and Mentorship 0 Client exit/satisfaction 1 survey 0 Service Charters 1


SP 6.3 Universal Universal Healthcare 228 Service level agreement 230 Healthcare for Turkana coverage (UHC) with NHIF KEMSA and MEDS 106 Number of health 200 facilities accredited 0 UHC Roll-out to 5000 Households P 7 ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE CONTROL Outcome: To reduce the effects of alcohol and substance abuse SP 7.1 Rehabilitation and Reduced effects of alcohol 0 Number of 2 treatment and substance abuse Rehabilitation centers constructed 0 Number of alcohol and 120 substance abuse related patients rehabilitated SP 7.2 Public Education, Increased public 10 Number of sensitization 10 Advocacy and awareness on the effects meetings held Awareness of alcohol and substance Turkana County 1 abuse Recovery Day (15 days of activism) SP 7.3 Liquor Licensing Compliance with the laws Number of alcoholic 300 governing the sale and outlets inspected distribution of alcoholic Number of surprise 4 drinks inspection/enforcement conducted 50 Number of alcoholic 300 outlets licensed Stakeholder 4 engagement workshops SP 7.4 Training and Improved understanding 0 Number of committee 6 Capacity Building on laws governing alcohol trainings on laws sale and distribution of governing alcohol and alcoholic drinks alcoholic drinks sale and distribution Number of staff trained 5 on laws governing the sale and distribution of alcohol and alcoholic drinks.


3.6 TRADE, YOUTH AND GENDER Vision: To be a leading agency in promoting trade, investment, industrial and sustainable cooperative sector as well as championing for youth empowerment and gender equitable society Mission: Facilitate the creation of enabling environment for a vibrant, globally competitive and sustainable trade, investment industrial and cooperative sector whilst ensuring an inclusive and equitable society.

3.6.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Disburse Biashara loans to 3,000 traders. 2. Complete construction of a one-stop Business Development Centre at Ekalees Centre. 3. Facilitate issuance of 8,000 Single Business Permits. 4. Incubate 12 MSMEs in partnership with Export Promotion Council’s Product Development Programme. 5. Upscale regional & cross-border trade with Uganda, South Sudan & Ethiopia. 6. Support Co-operatives on Value addition and processing 7. Ushirika Day Celebrations (International Day of Co-operatives) 8. Support key dormant Co-operatives to be operational 9. Formulation of Co-operative Development Policy and Bill 10. Disbursement of loans to qualified Co-operatives 11. Carry out audit inspections and spot Checks 12. Establish one youth business/Exhibition Centre in Lodwar 13. Disburse youth and Women empowerment fund to 1600 groups. 14. Establish Youth Employment Scheme 15. Construct and equip youth computer hub at Lodwar

3.6.2 Description of significant Capital Projects 1. Completion of Biashara Centre 2. Operationalize cooperative societies 3. Construction of computer lab

3.6.3 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities 1. County Livestock Management Committee 2. KNCCI 3. Commercial Banks 4. Kenya Women Finance Trust 5. SACCOs 6. National Government 7. Traders 8. NOREB/FCDC


9. IFC/World Bank

3.6.4 Sector Programmes Programme: General Administration, Planning and Support Services Objective: Create an enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Planned Targets Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 indicators General Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Administration, effective and efficient agreed deliverables Planning and services Support Services Programme: TRADE DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTION Objective: To promote Trade, Broaden Export Base and Markets as well as undertake county branding of products and Provide efficient support service delivery for enterprise development Outcome: Increased contribution of commerce to the Economy and MSMEs to Trade development Planned Target Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 (2020) indicators Trade Promotion Capital Provision 3000 No of MSMEs accessing 3000 and Development through Biashara Credit Fund Access to Credit 0 County Credit scheme in 1 place Access to business 0 No of MSMEs accessing 1 development services business development & training services at Lodwar Biashara Center 0 No of MSMEs accessing 1 business development & training services at Kakuma Biashara Center Trade Licensing, 7300 No of licensed 9000 Regulation & Control businesses updated in County Business Directory Business Financing & 5 No of SMEs incubated 12 Incubation of MSMEs Established Regional 4 No of trade promotional 4 Trade & Export for events conducted county Products Trade Research & 2 No of trade surveys 2 Policy conducted Business Training & 600 No of MSMEs operators 800 Development trained Services Advocacy for the 2 No of Economic Blocs 2 formation of North formed. rift Economic & 126

Frontier counties development council

Construction of 0 No of exhibition booths 150 Exhibition booths & & catering sheds Catering sheds at constructed at Ekalees Ekalees Centre center Establish industrial 0 No of industrial Parks 3 parks for development & investments in Meat/Fish/Aloe Vera Processing, Skins & Hides & Water Bottling Factories with PPP arrangements Industrial sheds for 0 No of industrial sheds 500 Jua Kali sector entrepreneurs Improved market 1 No of Modernized 3 infrastructure for Markets enhanced trade 13 No of Operational 4 volume Market stalls 0 No of Modernized 140 Business Kiosks 2 No of management 2 plans Industrial Technical Graduates 120 No of students trained 0 Development and imparted with Investment specialized industrial skills Developed 2 No of developed 1 technologies for local technologies for local industries through industries R&D Industrial parks and 0 No of industrial parks/ 1 sheds sheds built Established Export 16 No of trade promotional 4 markets for county events conducted products through trade fairs, expos and investments Programme: STANDARDIZATION & METROLOGY SERVICES Objective: To provide standards for consumable products & Support to MSMEs Outcome: Increased Trade fair practices and consumer protection Planned Target Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance 2021/2022 (2020) indicators


Fair Trade Improved compliance 1200 No. of Standards 2000 Practices and and enforcement of Calibrated and Number Consumer fair trade standards of Weighing and Protection measuring Equipment Services Tested and Stamped. 3 No of reports on 5 consumer protection surveys conducted 10 No of counterfeit brand 20 types seized Programme: Cooperative development and marketing Objective: To promote co-operative sector development and improve governance and management of cooperative societies Outcome: Improved cooperative performance, accountability, good governance and enabling environment for cooperative societies Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance Planned Targets (2020) indicators (2021/2022) Co-operative Compliance and good 10 No. of audited accounts 40 development and governance registered Marketing 69 No. of cooperatives 80 registered 10 No. of cooperatives 15 utilizing new value addition technologies 2 No. of new cooperative 7 ventures developed 1 No of policy & bills 4 formulated Improved access to 0 No of cooperative 20 credit societies accessing Credit 12 No of dormant 20 cooperative societies strengthened 870 No of cooperative 1670 members trained Programme: Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment Objective: To contribute towards Gender Equality and protection of vulnerable groups in order to achieve social economic and sustainable development. Outcome: Reduced gender inequalities at all levels of development Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance Planned Targets (2020) indicators (2021/2022) GENDER Promote women 0 No of women accessing 600 EMPOWERMENT access to financial credit & ADVOCACY services and credit 0 No of women trained on 200 financial literacy Gender 0 No of policies 2 mainstreaming in the implemented


county 4 No of gender advocacy 6 and sensitization meetings held 0 No of women trained as 30 agents of change 12 No of women calendar 14 events celebrated 0 No of established one 1 stop SGBV centers supported, no of established safe houses for women and girls supported ,no of cases reported, filed and case concluded 4 No. of HE for SHE 2 campaigns conducted 0 No of women facilitated 7 to participate in both local and international trade fairs 0 No of sex disaggregated 1 data system established 0 No of mentorship clubs 30 established 0 % of programmes 100 mainstreamed with Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Programme: Youth Empowerment and Development Objective: Promotion of Transformative Youth Empowerment with focus on employability and live skills, talent and entrepreneurship development Outcome: Increased capacity of youth in county development Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance Planned Targets (2019) indicators (2020/2021) PROMOTION OF GENDER EQUALITY & EMPOWERMENT Youth Improved Youth 1 No of youth workshops 2 coordination and Council Coordination conducted representation 1 No of Benchmarking 2 forums for youth council members 0 Congress meetings from 2 village level to county level 0 No of youth exchange 1 forums conducted


0 celebration of youth 1 calendared days and youth week Enhanced Youth 0 No of youths mentored 30 participation in socio- and trained on work economic readiness competencies development and linkages 0 No of youths bankable 7 innovative ideas supported 30 No of youths trained on 60 moral values 0 Amount disbursed to 600 youths 0 No of youths trained on 600 entrepreneurial skills 0 No of youths facilitated 10 to market their products 30 No. of youths sensitized 60 on AGPO promotion 83 No of youths companies 30 registered



Vision: To be a County with a nationally competitive quality Education & training with sustainable and equitable socio-cultural and economic empowerment towards county`s sustainable development

Mission: To provide, promote and coordinate quality education, through responsive policies and strategies for sustained and balanced socio-cultural economic development and empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups in the county. Increase access, Retention and transition to all Education Levels.

3.7.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. School feeding Programme 2. Quality assurance and standards for ECDE 3. Recruitment of Teachers 4. Improvement of ECDE Infrastructure 5. Capacity building on Coaches and referees 6. Promote Sports Championships 7. Continuation of Modern Sports Stadia Constructions 8. Equipping of 8 Completed Vocational Training Centres in various trade areas. 9. Construction of new and additional modern Vocational Infrastructure. 10. Provision of Educational Instructional Materials. 11. Participation in Co-Curricular Activities as per the calendar of events. 12. Quality Assurance and standards in all county`s VTCs. 13. Carrying out enrolment drives and career guidance across the county 14. Equipping of social halls. 15. Equipping multi- purpose Centres for PWDs 16. Turkana persons with disability Development Fund 17. Marginalized and minority group support. 18. Child rescue centres 19. Investment case management to support vulnerable children (OVC) in Turkana county

3.7.2 Description of significant Capital Projects 1. Construction of Sports stadia 2. Construction of Dormitories at Rescue Centers 3. Construction of Class rooms, workshops, computer laboratory, Dormitories and libraries


3.7.3 Sector Key Stakeholders 1. Lundin 2. UNICEF 3. KFF 4. KEFORA 5. Public Works 6. National Government 7. WFP 8. Community

3.7.4 Sector Programmes Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Programme: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objectives: Create an enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: Achievement of agreed deliverables General administration Internet connectivity, 90% Delivery of quality, 100% and Support Services electricity supply, water effective and efficient supply, office supplies services Grants and other Enhanced enrollment and 37,028 No of needy students Transfers (Turkana Skill retention rates supported 20,000 Development Funds) No of Bursary Committees in place 30

Programme: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION Objectives: To provide education geared towards holistic development of the child's capability Outcome: Enhanced literacy and quality of early childhood education School Feeding Healthy children 911 Improved child nutrition, well-being 950 and increased enrolment (No. of ECDEs) 240 No. of ECDE Centers Installed with Energy 300 Saving Stoves 240 No. of ECDE Centers Supplied with Cooking 300 Pots and Utensils Increased enrolment, 112,000 County enrolment retention and completion rates 150,000 rate Quality Improvement Improved standards of 3 Number of quality education assurance and 3 standards conducted (Termly) 350 Number of ECD Centers supplied with 600 instructional materials


2 Day Number of trained Induction ECDE teachers trained 600 done for on Competence Based 400 Curriculum teachers Early identification of 0 Number of centers talents and creativity participating in Co- 180 curriculum Activities 0 No of centers with equipment/structures 200 for outdoor activities Infrastructure Secure and conducive Number of centers Development learning environment. renovated and 30 furnished 180 Number of centers equipped with 200 requisite furniture and fitting Implementation of Establish Multi-sectoral 0 High-level multi- Nurturing Care coordination mechanism sectoral coordination 600 Framework mechanism established Current situation assessed Integrate community 0 Community promoters of Nurturing promoters of 900 Care nurturing care strengthened Community groups and leaders involved in planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring activities Train staff on monitoring 0 Trained staff and supervision mentored and 1,200 supervised • Children’s development monitored and, when needed, timely referrals made. Establish routine 0 Indicators for tracking information systems early childhood 1,200 development agreed Routine information systems updated to generate relevant data


Conduct research on 0 Multi-stakeholder established nurturing care collaboration on 100,000 research for nurturing care established Number of ECDE children provided with birth certificate. Support to Pre-Primary Integration of ICT in 1 ICT Equipped room Training Institution teacher education training (10 Computers, 3 1 (DICECE) and learning Laptops, 3 Projectors and 2 Printers) Conducive learning 1 Equipment of the environment Institution with 1 learning and instructional materials 0 Number of facilities renovated (Gate, 10 Classrooms and Toilets) 2 Number of equipped classes (with 3 additional furniture) 120 Number of beds and 140 Beds mattresses 200 mattresses Training Centre Compliant 0 No. of Lecturers with statutory guidelines Trained on CBC 15

Programme: Vocational Training College Objectives: Foster appropriation of the peoples educational capacities with the new social-economic conditions to support self-employment and entrepreneurship Outcome: Promoted tertiary education Youth Polytechnic Enhance delivery of 2 No. of VTC supplied 2 Infrastructure content and mastery of with instructional Skills materials Improved vocational 1 No. of annual quality 1 training from quality assurance exercises assurance activities conducted Improved management of 0 No. of motorbikes 2 VTCs purchased Increased enrolment rates 1 Number of annual 1 enrolment drives Training and Tapped and appreciated 2 No. of institutions 3 Development talents and skills BoM trained and capacity built 0 No. of Refresher 1 Courses for VTC Staff 0 No. of Trainings 1 conducted for VTC Student Body 134

Co-Curriculum Activities Nurturing of talents 1 No of Core curricular 3 activity conducted Youth Polytechnics- Improved Access to 1 Number of Youth 1 Conditional Vocational Training Polytechnics Constructed

Programme: Social Protection Objectives: To promote a system for social inclusivity Outcome: Enhanced social protection development Child Care and Protection Undertake Census of 1 Census Report children living on the 1 streets of Kainuk, Kalokol and Lokichoggio Provision of food, school 300 Number of Children uniforms and school supported with food 450 requirements to vulnerable and school uniform children in rescue centers and requirements in 14 rescue centers in the county. Participation of children for 1 Number of calendar development. (Calendar events and assemblies 3 events and Assemblies. participated Promote alternative family 0 Number of Children care for children in need of supported with 50 care and protection alternative family care Undertake advocacy of 0 Advocacy report on communities through child marriages. 2 dialogue on child marriages Turkana County Persons Participate in Sub County, 1 Number of events with Disability County, Nondo sports in organized and 3 Development and Special Olympics participated in. games Kenya Purchase of assorted 0 Number of PWDs assistive devices issued with assistive 100 devices Capacity building and 1 Number of Trainings training of persons with Held 3 disabilities on entrepreneurship and management skills. Registration of PWDs with 20 Number of PWDs NCPWD. registered with 100 NCPWD Construction of 1 Multipurpose center multipurpose social hall for completed 2 PWD in Turkana Central Acquisition of Land 1 Acquired Land 2 Equipping of multipurpose 0 Number of social halls social halls equipped 1 135

UN-World disability day 1 PWD Day Celebrated 1 Marginalized and Development of Ongoing Number of bills and minority groups marginalized and minority Acts approved. 2 bill and Act Registration of Illimanyang 68 Number of individuals with NCPWD Illimanyang individuals 100 registered with NCPWD Carryout scientific research 0 Research report on Illimanyang skin conducted. 1 infection and measures for treatment Purchase of ILIMANYANG 100 Number of Individuals community specialized targeted 100 equipment and Special food stuffs. Child rescue centers. Construct additional 1 Dormitories dormitory at Kakuma Constructed at 1 Rescue Centre Kakuma Rescue Centre Construct perimeter wall at 0 Perimeter wall at Lodwar Rescue Centre Lodwar rescue center 1 Equipping children rescue 1 Number of Rescue centers. centers Equipped 2 Caregivers at Lodwar 0 Number of caregivers Rescue Centre Supported supported 10 with stipend Family tracing and 0 Number of Children Reintegration of children reintegrated 200 Purchase of a bus for 0 Purchase of a bus Lodwar Rescue Centre 1 Construction of masonry 0 Tank Constructed and tank and Pipe Laying at Pipes laid 1 Lodwar Children Rescue Centre. Construction of septic tank 0 Septic tank and plumping works at constructed 1 Lodwar Rescue Centre. Social Assistance Provision of Medical 0 Number of Vulnerable Programme support to OVCs at Rescue children supported 100 centers through NHIF Card. through NHIF Card Food, CSB(Unimix),Shelter, 0 Number of Vulnerable Clothing, Utilities and Individuals supported 85,951 Household supplies to in the seven sub Special groups-(OVCs, counties Elderly, PWD and Illimanyang group)


Cash Transfer support to 0 Number of orphaned orphaned children and children, severely 35 severely PWD and PWD and Illimanyang Illimanyang supported in the seven sub counties

Programme: Public Communication and Media Relations

Outcome: An informed and participative citizenry Publicity Enhance staff 1 Number of Media understanding of the good Training and 2 relay of information & Communication official communication Courses Conducted skills Public awareness and 2 Quarterly Magazines, timely queries response Pamphlets and 3 Brochures produced Enhance sectorial goals and 2 Citizen charters, objectives billboards and 3 publicity channels explored Research and Enhance Public awareness 1 Number of projects Sensitization on sectorial projects documentary 2 produced

Programme: Sports and Talent Development Objectives: To promote sports and talent development in Turkana county Outcome: Enhanced Sports and Youth Talent Development Sports and Talents Football championships 25 No. of football events 40 Development supported in the entire county Netball support 5 No. of netball events 10 supported in the entire county Volley ball support 10 No. of Volleyball 20 events supported in the entire county Disability sports 4 No. of Disability 5 Sports events supported in the entire county

Athletics championship 7 No. of Athletics 10 events supported in the entire county Boxing support 3 No. of Boxing events 5 supported in the entire county Basketball 7 No. of Basketball 15 events supported in 137

the entire county

Cycling 1 No. of Cycling events 6 supported in the entire county Indoor Games Organized 5 No. of Indoor Games 15 events supported in the entire county Unique sports support 4 No. of Unique Sports 8 events supported in the entire county Construction of a Modern Construction of sports Ongoing Ekalees Sports 1 Sports Stadia stadia Complex completed (Flagship Project) Establishment of Sports 0 No. of Sports 30 Playgrounds Playgrounds Established 0 No. of Sub County 7 Stadia Established Sports Equipment and Procurement of sports 30 No. of Wards 30 Infrastructure goods and equipment at supported with sports Development at the county level goods and equipment Wards and Sub Counties Sports Human Resource Training of Coaches, Sports 5 No. of Trainings 40 Development at the Scouts, Referees and conducted for Wards and Sub Counties Federation Officials referees and coaches Establishment of Sports 0 No. of Sports 7 Academies in the Sub Academies Counties Established



Vision: To be a sector of excellence in the promotion of enabling environment where people of Turkana County enjoy quality service Mission: Establish structures that provide conducive and inclusive environment for high productive workforce, convenient workplaces as well as cross systems for preparedness, mitigation, prevention, reponse and recovery from disaster emergencies.

3.8.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Promote timely, effective and efficient delivery of services to the public 2. Supervise, coordinate and manage the county human resource 3. Coordinate deployment, training and tracking of staff performance 4. Coordinate disaster response and mitigation programs 5. Establish, equip and enhance effectiveness of the county inspectorate

3.8.2 Description of significant Capital Projects 1. Completion and Operationalization of Village, Ward and Sub County administration offices 2. Construction and Equipping of Emergency operation canter 3. Site Identification and Fencing for Inspectorate Training Institute

3.8.3 Sector Key Stakeholders 1. Diocese of Lodwar 2. National Government 3. National Drought Management Authority 4. Red Cross 5. World Vision Kenya

3.8.4 Sector Programmes Sub Programme Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Payroll and record management No. of payroll reports 12 produced Human Resource Development No. of trainings 22 undertaken No. of trainings 11 GHRIS Leave & Performance Module Implementation undertaken. No. of records 3300 automated and mobile racks placed Digitization and Automation of Human Resource Registry at registry Mainstreaming Public Sector Integrity Programme No. of trainings 1 139

conducted County Performance Management No. of employees 110 engaged on performance contracts and SPAS level Public Service Week No. of public service 1 weeks conducted Purchase of 2 no. motor vehicles for Chief Officer & HR spot check No. of vehicles 2 activities purchased Operationalization of sub county administration offices No. of Sub-county 7 offices in operation Operationalization of Ward Administration offices No. of Sub-county 30 offices in operation Operationalization of Village Administration Offices Ability to achieve on 156 agreed deliverables Village Councils Support Programme Number of village 156 Councils supported Construction of Sub County Administration Office Blocks (Turkana Number of Offices 3 North, Turkana East and Loima Completion of Turkana West, Kibish and Turkana South Number of Offices 3 Purchase and installation of HF radios Number of HF radios 4 Purchase of Seven Field Administrative Motor Vehicles Number of Motor 7 Vehicles Purchase of 156 Motor Cycles for Village administrators Number of Motor 156 Cycles Public participation and access to information Number of bills and 1 policies formulated and reviewed on public participation Mainstreaming public Sector Integrity Number of officers 3300 trained on integrity Civic Education Programme Number of public 1 forums County Dialogue Forums Number of Meetings 1 National Holidays Support Programme Number of Public 4 Holidays Policies Design, sensitization and awareness creation Number of Policies 1 SP 5.1: Disaster Preparedness Programme Weather Advisories, 4 Field Reports, Drought Early Warning Information Reports SP 5.2: Disaster Mitigation Programme Number of Trainings 4


SP 5.3: Stakeholders Coordination and Support Programme Established County 6 Floods Contingency Plan; Quarterly Coordination Forums SP 5.4: Humanitarian Relief Food Assistance One relief food cycle 1 distributed Disaster Risk Management Policy DRM policy 1 6.1 Establishment and equipping the inspectorate training institute and 1 No of offices and bill formulation of enforcement bill 6.2 Establish dispute resolution Committee No. of reports 1 Number officers 178 6.3 Regularization of enforcement officers regularized 6.4 Capacity Building No. of officers trained 70 Number of Motor 1 6.5 Purchase of one field enforcement motor vehicle vehicle 6.6 Coordination and linkages of inspectorate services No. of meetings 2 No of uniforms and 150 6.7 Equipping and Kitting of inspectorate services equipment


3.9 INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS Vision: To realize adequate and accessible quality infrastructure and other public works in the County Mission: To facilitate construction and maintenance of quality for sustainable socio-economic development

3.9.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Protection and Gabioning of rivers to enhance accessibility. 2. Develop and enforce road and transport policies and legal frame 3. Management of county wide infrastructure and public works network 4. Maintenance of Plant and machinery to increase revenue and facilitate development process.

3.9.2 Description of significant Capital Projects 1. Upgrading to bitumen standards in Major Town Roads 2. Construction, Equipping and operationalizing of material testing Lab 3. Construction of Drifts 4. Construction of landing jetties 5. Upgrading to Bitumen

3.9.3 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities Stakeholder Role KURA Maintenance of National Roads and Highways KERRA Maintenance of Urban roads

3.9.4 Sector Programmes Name of the Programme Key Output (KO) Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators (KPIs) Targets Programme 1: General Administration, Planning and Support Services Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Administration, Planning effective and efficient agreed deliverables and Support Services - services Infrastructure and Transport SP 1.1 General Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Administration, Planning effective and efficient agreed deliverables and Support Services - services Public Works Programme 2: Roads Development and Maintenance Outcome: An efficient and effective road transport network for social economic development SP2.1 Roads Maintenance Easy accessibility within 1808km Km road network 500 Levy Fund (RMLF)- Sub selected areas tarmacked/graveled county linking roads,


security and emergency roads

SP2.2 Annual Road Turkana Road Inventory 1050km Availability of Road 800 Inventory and Condition and Quality assurance network inventory Survey (ARICS) and annually and roads mapping mapped SP2.3 Construction, Functional Lab 0 Equipped and 1 Equipping and operational operationalizing of material testing Lab SP2.4 Maintenance of Easy accessibility 100km Km road network 150kms rural roads Graded and graveled SP2.5 Modern Road Enhance professionalism 13 No of working kits 1 design systems and software SP2.6 Road safety enhance safe public use of 1 No. of road safety 1 campaigns the roads campaigns Programme 3: Development and Maintenance of Transport Outcome: A conducive and quality working / accommodation environment to enhance efficient and effective service delivery SP3.1 Purchase of plants, No. of Plants and Machines 0 Functional Plants and 1 machineries, Backup Machinery office generators and specialized tools SP3.2 Heavy Checks & controls 3 No of machineries 7 machinery/vehicle/plants tracking systems & accessories SP3.3 road safety Enhance safety 1 No of campaigns 1 campaigns & promotions for transport operators SP3.4 Feasibility study enhanced connectivity 0 No of reports 1 and consultancy services between counties and on viability of ferry countries services SP3.5 Professional Enhance professionalism 4 No of trainings 1 Capacity Building Programme 4: Development and Maintenance of Public Works Outcome: A conducive and quality working / accommodation environment to enhance efficient and effective service delivery SP4.1 Construction of No. of offices 0 Status of completion 1 office Block Programme 5: Mechanical Services Outcome: SP. 5.1 Mechanical Quality assurance 4 No of reports 4 Services Programme 6: Structural Services Outcome: SP. 6.1 Structural Services Quality assurance 4 No of reports 4 143

Programme 7: Electrical Services Outcome: SP 7.1 : Electrical Services Quality assurance 4 No of reports 4 Programme 8: Building Inspectorate Services Outcome: SP 8.1 : Building Easy inspection and 4 No. of reports. 4 Inspectorate Services reporting Programme 9: Architectural Services Outcome: SP 9.1: Architectural Quality assurance 4 No of reports 4 Services


3.10 AGRCICULTURE, PASTORAL ECONOMY AND FISHERIES Vision: To be the leading agent towards the achievement of food security for all, employment creation and income generation and poverty reduction in Turkana County

Mission: To facilitate sustainable development and management of livestock and fisheries resources for food security and socio-economic development and improved livelihood resilience, food and nutrition security through sustainable infrastructure and increased production.

3.10.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Improve land productivity for crop production, agribusiness, mechanization, agri-nutrition and climate smart 2. Promote agricultural market linkages agriculture. 3. Reclaim Land and enhance its productivity in order to support both human and livestock populations. 4. Revitalize existing irrigation schemes while promoting water saving irrigation technologies. 5. Promote sustainable land use practices and environmental conservation 6. To safeguard human and animal health and improve livestock trade. 7. To Improve livestock production and productivity 8. Analysis of planned versus allocated budget

3.10.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities Name of the Area of Responsibilities Target Group NGO/ CBO/FBO operation GIZ – Ambero County – - Livestock sale yard Pastoralists Climate Change Kaakong -Pasture improvement Agro/Pastoralists Napeibero - pasture improvement Kobuin -Climate change Nanyee GIZ – (DRPII) Nakinomet -Pasture Development Pastoralists GFA Kanamkemer -Poultry Development Agro/Pastoralists Koolioro -Food Security Urban and peri-urban community Loodot -Fish post-harvest management Fisher folk Lodwar -e-surveillance CLMC County -Livestock marketing -LMAs - repair of sale yards -pastoralists - coordination of LMA activities Catholic Diocese County - Rangeland rehabilitation - Pastoralists of Lodwar (DoL) -Dairy Goats Agro/Pastoralists - Pasture development -Livestock traders -Capacity building of farmers/Fisher -Fisher folk folk/ Pastoralists -Provision of farm inputs -Funding of food security projects 145

-Fish marketing Catholic Relief Loima -NRM, Pasture development -Pastoralists Services Turkana west -Restocking (Lokangae) Turkana central VSF-German Turkana -Natural Resource Management Pastoralists West -Pasture improvement Groups -Disease and vector control -Disease surveillance

National Countywide -Coordination of County CSG Pastoralists Drought activities Agro/Pastoralists Management Emergency activities: Authority - Early warning bulletin and drought (NDMA) contingency plans -capacity building -Early warning and drought mitigation measures -Food Security projects World vision Turkana West Pasture reseeding – through food Pastoralists Turkana South for assets Agro/Pastoralists Turkana East -Food Security projects -Capacity building of farmers FAO County wide -Livestock Sale yard construction Pastoralists (Kakuma -Poultry improvement Agro/Pastoralists, groups refugee camp -Pasture development and host - Drought disaster interventions community) - Training of PFS TOTs -Capacity building of farmers -Food security Projects -Disease Surveillance and reporting - Provision of drugs and livestock vaccines -locust control -Poultry Production World Church Turkana North -Pasture development Pastoralists Relief (current -Livestock Breed improvement Agro/Pastoralists activities in -Horticultural production Lokitaung & kachoda) National Turkana South Livestock marketing, Pastoralists Government Loima Construction of irrigation schemes. Agro-pastoralists (DRSLP) Construction of water pans and LMAs boreholes Capacity building ILRI/TUPADO (Current Livestock feeds (Pasture) Pastoralists activities in Disease surveillance Kapua. REGAL- AG Kakuma & -Livestock Sale yard Expansions Pastoralists Lodwar towns -Training of Livestock -marketing Agro pastoralists associations 146

JICA Loima,- (Tiya , -Pasture development Pastoralist and agro pastoralists kaitese)Turkana -Agri-nutrition West (Lokore& Lopur) LOKADO Turkana West -NRM, Poultry Pastoralists -Livestock Restocking Agro/Pastoralists -Crop Production -Disease and vector control APAD Loima -Pasture Development Pastoralists -Planning for Livestock insurance LWF Kalobeyei-Old - Livestock Marketing –Trainings for Refugees & Hosts community camp Refugees & Hosts community- -New site Poultry production Kalobeyei -Livestock Disease Control -Disease Surveillance

Welthungerhilfe Turkana west Maternal and infant young child Pastoralists in the border of nutrition livestock production(Goat Uganda. and Poultry) Save the T.central, Loima, Goat and poultry production for Pastoralists children North, Kibish child nutrition. Agro/Pastoralists and T.south. Agri-nutrition GIZ Countywide GIS and Remote sensing training, Pastoralists in the IGAD region IGAD-Livestock movement monitoring. NARIG Project T.central, Loima, -Sorghum, Cowpeas, Honey Pastoralists South, East and Production Agro-pastoralists T.west. -Fish Value Addition Fisher folks RPLRP Loima, Central, -Pasture production Pastoralists west, East, and -Restocking North. -Reseeding -PFS -Livestock markets -Disease and Vector control and Disease surveillance WFP County wide -asset creation for food and Agro/pastoralists nutrition security and resilience Pastoralists building NIB Loima, -Irrigation infrastructure Agro/pastoralists Turkana Central development Turkana South Turkana East KVDA Turkana Central -Water resource development for Agro/Pastoralists Turkana South food security Pastoralists Turkana West -Irrigation Scheme Development AIC HM Turkana West -Food Security and Nutrition -Pastoralists -Agro-Pastoralists NRC Turkana West -Agro-nutrition Refugees/Host Community Child Fund Loima -Food Security Agro/Pastoralist Turkana Central Pastoralists Turkana North 147

Turkana South NCCK Turkana West -Horticultural Production Refugees/Host Community -Poultry Production USADF Turkana Central -Capacity Building Fisher folks Turkana North -Infrastructure KMA Lake Turkana Provision of water safety gadgets Fisher folks Capacity Building KEMFRI Lake Turkana -Research Fisher folk

3.10.3 Sector Programmes


Community facilities 2 equipped with 5 storage facilities

Farmer 5 organizations linked 13 with the market

No. of farmers 8500 9,000 accessing market

Capacity building of 3800 10,000 farmers in marketing

# of farmers reached 26400 with extension 40,050 advice

No different Improved agricultural linkages established extension services 1 between extension 5 reaching farmers; /farmer and research Promotion and 2.3: Agricultural institutions adoption of new Extension, technologies and Research and innovations by No technologies and Development. innovations farmers. Linkage of 3 5 extension service promoted and provider/farmers to adopted research institutions 1 No ATC established 1

No land cruiser 2 vehicles for efficient 2 service delivery


Increased crop Increased quantity 18 bags of 90kgs/Acre production and 14 produced and yield (Maize) and 8 bags of productivity per acre 90kgs (Sorghum)

2.4:Farm inputs 7000 farmers Subsidy and supported; 4 tones # of vulnerable Support certified groundnut improved farm inputs farmers supported seeds; 3tonnes of availability and 7000 with farm inputs; maize; 2 tons of accessibility Tons of inputs sorghum; 1000 sachets supplied to farmers (50gm) of Assorted vegetable seeds. # of pest surveillance SP2.5 Pest Reduced pre- and and control 12 surveillance 10 surveillance 1 control and post-harvest loss due operations exercises and 3 control control operation management to pests conducted in the operations county Number of technologies and Technologies and 3 innovations under 6 innovations promoted urban and peri urban and adopted for agriculture; urban/peri-urban Number of farmers agriculture and capacity build in preservation and food preservation and 250 1,050 2.6: Agri- utilization. utilization of nutrition and different food Urban/Peri -urban groups agriculture.

Number of 600 direct number of Improved access to household accessing household accessing nutrient dense food nutrition dense food 360 nutrients dense food crops at household crops; Number of crops; 10 Agri-nutrition levels Agri-nutrition sites sites. established

2000 Acres of land under smart SP 2.7 Smart Agriculture practices agriculture Acreage under (Lapur,Lakezone,Kaale practices improved soil fertility Acreage under ng/Kaikor,Kaputir,Naka (Innovation and water retention 350 climate smart lale,Kangathosa,Urum technologies to for crop production Agriculture practices u,Loya,Lrengipi,Lokich mitigate effects and environment ogio,Kalobeyei,Katilu,L of climate adaptation obokat,Katilia,Kochodi change) n/lokori,Kalapata and Lokichar) 149

10000 mangoes Promotion and Number of fruit tree seedlings; 5000 establishment of fruit 3500 nursery seedlings oranges; 2000 SP 2.8: tree nurseries produced pawpaw; 1000 banana Horticultural fruit suckers. tree seedlings Increased no of Production Number of farmers farmers accessing 10600 farmers to get 2500 accessing fruit trees improved fruit trees of different fruit varieties of different varieties different varieties SP2.9:Agriculture Sector

Development programme II

Programme 3:Irrigation and Land Reclamation Programme

Objective: To reclaim land and enhance its productivity in order to support both human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation.

Outcome: To Increase agricultural productivity and crop yields to make Turkana food secure

Key performance Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Planned Targets indicators

9 No. Irrigation No. of irrigation schemes schemes 7 rehabilitated and rehabilitated and 3.1: Rehabilitation Irrigation schemes improved expanded and expansion of rehabilitated, existing Irrigation expanded and schemes operationalized Ha. of Irrigated Ha of land land rehabilitated rehabilitated and expanded utilized

No. of irrigation Drip 7 no. drip Increased uptake of Irrigations 3.2: Promotion irrigation projects 13 drip irrigation established and and Established technology and operational and Establishment of increased area under Drip Irrigation Drip Irrigation Ha of land put 65 under Drip Irrigation

Irrigation schemes 4 No. irrigation 3.3: Protection of No. of irrigation infrastructure schemes Irrigation schemes protected 3 protected from flood protected from infrastructure. from flood damage damage flood damage


Ha. of land Ha of Irrigated land protected from protected from flood 779 Floods damage

2 No. Irrigation No. of site utilizing 5 No. Spate irrigation Schemes spate Irrigation schemes to be established Schemes established Spate Technology is adopted as an 114 Ha of land are 3.4: Utilization of alternative Irrigation under spate Spate Irrigation farming technology in irrigation in two Technology project sites Ha of land put under the areas not served 150 Ha of land put namely, Lomidat spate irrigation by the rivers under spate Irrigation and Locher- schemes established Emeyan (66 Ha and 48 Ha respectively)

3. No. sites of No. of sites of degraded lands degraded land 6 No. sites of degraded conserved for rehabilitated for land rehabilitated for agricultural agricultural agricultural production production and production and and environmental 3.5: Rehabilitation environmental environmental conservation of degraded Degraded land is conservation conservation lands for reclaimed and put into agricultural and sustainable use 48 Ha of environmental Ha of degraded land degraded land 120 Ha of degraded conservation. reclaimed for rehabilitated for land rehabilitated for agricultural agricultural agricultural production production and production and and environmental environmental environmental conservation conservation conservation

7 No. Soil and water No. of sites with conservation sites established and Increased crop Soil and Water established using 3.6: Soil and functional institution production through Conservation Existing rain water water rain water harvesting soil and water undertaken in 5 harvesting and conservation and management conservation sites management structures for crop structures for crop production production


Ha of land with 100 Ha of land 245 Ha of land established and conserved using established and functional institution Rain Water functional existing rain rain water harvesting and water harvesting and harvest9ing and management management management structures structures for crop structures for crop (RWHMS) production production

Irrigation and Land 3 No. legal No. of legal 3.7: Irrigation and Reclamation Policy, Bill instruments instruments 5 No. Legal Land Reclamation and regulation developed and developed and instruments developed legislation developed assented assented

Programme 4: National Agricultural & Rural Inclusive Growth Project- NARIGP

Objective: To increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected wards in Turkana County, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response

Outcome: Increased agricultural productivity and profitability

Programme 5:Drought Resilience in Northern Kenya Programme(DRNKP/ KfW)

Programme 6: Veterinary Services

Objective: To safeguard Human and Veterinary health and make Turkana a livestock disease free county.

Outcome: Improved Livestock Health Sub Programme Baseline Key performance Key outputs Planned Targets indicators Mass livestock No. of Livestock vaccination against 50% 75% vaccinated common diseases Mass livestock No. of Livestock deworming, vector 50% dewormed and 75% Livestock Health control, and treated Management supportive treatment (Vet drugs and Control of poultry No. of Programmes Vaccines) diseases through 0 4 conducted vaccination Camel, cattle and sheep and goats herd No. of programmes 1 14 health extension conducted services 152

Livestock disease No. of programmes 1 2 emergencies conducted Participatory Disease Livestock Disease Search(PDS) & e- % livestock keepers Control, PDS and 38% 44% surveillance support reached Monitoring including LEGs training Support to meat inspection services Population control of stray dogs/ cats neuter Veterinary Public Improved human and campaign and 60% 80% Health services animal health vaccination support Antimicrobials testing of meat samples to meet OIE standards Quality Improved quality and No. of Licensed Hides Enhancement income of hides and 5 15 and Skins Traders and Regulation skins Improved animal # of tanneries health to increase 1 expanded and 1 productivity and operationalized incomes # of Slaughter 10 2 Houses established # of rehabilitated 5 slaughter houses # of permanent Animal Health 21 9 Infrastructure crushes established # veterinary mobile 0 1 clinic with Lab unit

# of cold chains 3 established in the 2 sub counties # of response 0 2 vehicles

Programme 7:Livestock Production Services

Objective: To improve livestock production and productivity

Outcome: Improved household income Sub Programme Baseline Key performance Key outputs Planned Targets indicators SP 7.1 Tones of Improved feed Development and 713 supplementary feeds 400 availability improvement of purchased


livestock feeds Number of strategic Strategic livestock 1 livestock feeds 1 feeds store available stores Number of acres Acres under pasture 660 under Pasture 100 /fodder reseeding SP 7.2 Livestock Enhanced Capacity of Number of extension 10,381 5000 pastoralists pastoralists reached services SP 7.3 Livestock diversification Improved diversified % of Livestock 2 3% and breed livestock livelihoods improved improvement SP 7.4 Livestock Number of animals Improved ASAL Risk 0 used to restock 4000 livestock resilience Management households Animals(Sheep/goats) Number of animals 125,000 10,000 insured insured SP 7.5 Development of livestock value chains, Market Number of Sale yards Sale yards constructed 3 2 Access, Linkages constructed and Bench Marking, Exposure

Number of Improve livestock SP 7.6 4 infrastructure 4 breeds Productivity Buildings completed Infrastructure and enhanced Number of skills Improved access to 5 infrastructure 5 development Markets Buildings completed

Research Number of research SP7.7Research findings/studies 3 findings/ studies 9 and Development disseminated disseminated

Programme 8: Fisheries Programmes

Objective: To facilitate for the exploration, exploitation, utilization, management development and conservation of fisheries resources

Outcome: Improved Fisheries Productivity and Production Key performance Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Planned Targets indicators


# of marketing links 0 2 established 24 # of active BMUs 32 Development of 8290MT quantity of fish sold 10,000 Fisheries Value Increased food, Chain, Market incomes and skills # of private Access and development stakeholders Linkages participating in fish 30 40 value chain and modern technology adopted Increased knowledge among fishers/staff on # of fishers and staff 12 36 fish processing and trained quality control # of Fisheries Fisheries 1 4 information, extension vehicles Fisheries data extension # of Fisheries collection and services, training 5 extension 9 information gathering facilities and skill motorbikes enhancement development # of Fisheries 15 45 assistants uniforms Fisher folks and fish number of fisher farmers capacity 10 3500 folks trained building Improved access to No. of fishing net quality and affordable 0 5 cottages established fishing gears Improve fish quality, No of fish landing 0 28 hygiene and safety sites Improved access to no. of boats serviced, quality and affordable 0 3 # of nets fishing gears Fish Infrastructure number of fish Development processing facilities Construction of fish 0 constructed(smoking 3 processing facilities kiln, frying ,salting and drying)

establish an ice plant No. of operational ice and cold storage 0 plants and fish 3 facility to reduce post- storage facilities. harvest losses Fisheries Enhance sustainable # of Monitoring Resources exploitation of the control and 5 40 Management/Mo fisheries resource due surveillance/patrols nitoring control to adherence to rule of done


and surveillance law. FMDA 2016 # of licenses 5000 issued/fishers and 24000 traders licenses Establish fishermen # of operational loan and fish farmers loan 0 3 schemes schemes

Fishermen gear/vessels # of fishermen gears 9000 replacements /vessels replaced

Fisheries number of exchange livelihood Fisher folk exposure 0 visits/exposures 4 support made

No. of new Improved fisher folks 0 technologies 1 Livelihoods adopted Purchase Rescue number of rescue 0 1 Surveillance boat boats procured Fish production Quantity of fish 0 2000 increased harvested in MT construction of number of ponds 1 4 concrete ponds constructed Construct fish cages in the lake, establish a number of cages 0 10 aquaculture breeding established Fish farming/ center aquaculture aqua- Feed and Quantity of feed and 0 10 fertilizers fertilizers bought MT

No. of fish seed Revival of Impressa 0 multiplication center 1 fish farm established Fish seed production # of fish seed/fry 0 12000 increased produced (Pcs) #Frame surveys Frame survey 0 2 conducted #fish catch Fisheries Catch Fisheries and 0 assessments 2 Assessment aquaculture conducted research # Acoustics Hydro-acoustics 0 2 conducted Aquaculture seed and #seed and feed 0 3 feed research research conducted

Fisheries policies # of fisheries policies Fisheries policy 0 3 and regulations established


# of aquaculture Aquaculture policy 0 3 policies established

# of Lake Turkana Lake Turkana Management plan 1 Management plan established


3.11 TOURISM, CULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Vision: To be globally competitive in tourism, culture, heritage and natural resources preservation and protection Mission: To promote and facilitate a sustainable and vibrant environment for tourism, culture, heritage and protection of our diverse natural resources

3.11.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Take a lead role in marketing and promotion of Turkana's tourism products on domestic and international markets 2. Undertake market surveys, tourism research and profiling of all tourist attractions in the County 3. Development of Tourism Products and Infrastructure 4. Follow-up on the implementation of bilateral and multilateral tourism agreements and protocols 5. Maintain linkages with tourism stakeholders 6. Provide technical advice on matters pertaining to tourism 7. Coordinate classification of hotels, restaurants and other tourism establishments 8. Promotion, preservation and development of Culture, Arts & Heritage 9. Increase tree cover and species diversity for sustainable development 10. Up-scale research in tree species and product for social economic development 11. Protection conservation and restorations of forest and wildlife resources. 12. Develop and enforce environmental policies and legal frame for protecting flora and fauna 13. Management of invasive species (Prosopis)

3.11.2 Sector Key Stakeholders 1. Kenya Tourism Board 2. Kenya Wildlife Service 3. KEFRI 4. ICRAF 5. National Government

3.11.3 Sector Programmes Programme 1: General Administration Planning and Support Services Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets General Administration, Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to achieve on 100% Planning and Support effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Services services Programme 2: Tourism Product & Infrastructure Development & Innovation Objective: Promote and encourage the development of diverse tourism product across the supply chain focusing on value addition Outcome: Increased income from diversified tourism products ranging from culture, archaeological and wildlife 158

Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Tourism Product Improved tourism 0 No of entry & border 3 Development and resources' infrastructure to points constructed Diversification enable and increase 0 Signage erected 10 county's competitiveness 0 Turkana Boy 50% form diversified products Monument site developed (%) 65 No of products 7 mapped, profiled & developed 17 No of CBTs 6 established Improved capacity of 0 No of trained 100 tourism stakeholders in stakeholders providing quality services A clear and well outlined 0 Tourism Strategic Plan 1 roadmap for tourism in place development Programme 3: Tourism Marketing and Promotion Objective: Develop, implement and co-ordinate a marketing strategy for promoting Turkana as a preferred destination Outcome: Increased visibility for Turkana and preference as a destination Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Tourism Destination Increased visibility of 12 No of publicity 23 Marketing and Promotion Turkana as Tourism materials designed destination and produced 4 No of tourism 3 marketing events held and attended Community capacity on 5 No of community 2 tourism opportunities, capacity building management and engagements development improved Tourism and Expo 5 No of conferences 5 Promotions and expos held attended/organized Hospitality Stakeholders 0 No of Stakeholders 2 Trainings(Tour guides & Trainings done Ground handlers, Servers, Hoteliers) undertaken Programme 4: Culture, Arts & Heritage Promotion Objective: To Promote Culture, Heritage and the Arts as the driving force behind human, socio-economic development Outcome: Creation of opportunities for poverty reduction through job creation and incomes derived from creative cultural industries Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Culture Products Protected and conserved 0 Number of sites 2 159

Development & cultural sites fenced Promotion Carry out research and 1 Report of research 1 documentation of Turkana findings History Complete the Construction 35% Level of completion of 100% of open air stage, fence, works and toilet at Moru a Nayeche; Drill borehole Annual Turkana Tourism & 1 Festival held 1 Cultural Festival Development of Ekalees 10% Level of completion of 100% Cultural Centre works infrastructure Showcased Turkana 3 Number of Cultural 3 Cultural Heritage festivals held Inter-County Kenya Music 1 Number of inter- 1 & Cultural Festivals county Kenya Music attended and Cultural festivals attended Kenya National 1 Number of 1 Commission on UNESCO Celebrations attended (KNATCOM) Cultural Celebration attended Promotion of Herbal African traditional Medicine 1 Number of African 1 Medicine and Nutrition Day celebrations and traditional Medicine exhibitions Day celebrations attended Arts and Creativity Capacity building of visual 0 Number of cottage 1 Development artists, equipping of industries developed recording studio Programme 5: Heritage Objective: To improve heritage awareness, knowledge appreciation and conservation Outcome: Improved heritage awareness, knowledge appreciation and conservation Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Heritage Development, Turkana Heritage 1 No of creative writers 2 Promotion & preserved and promoted and publishers’ Preservation workshop, and stakeholders’ meetings Documented Ata Nayeche 1 Ata Nayeche Legend 1 Legend and the history of documentary Lokiriama Peace Accord Programme 6: Forestry Development and Management Outcome: Enhance exploitation and sustainable utilization of forestry resources Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Forestry Development. Tree seeding produced and 500,000 No. of tree seedlings 300,000 planted trans-planted and survived 160

Forest lands gazetted and 100HA Hectares of land set 40Ha PDPs aside for forest development Reports on Nature 3 No. of nature-based 4 enterprises formed and enterprises developed developed Degraded sites restored 2 Sites of land put 40Ha under Forestation and rehabilitation of fragile and degraded ecosystem/forest in community lands done. Reports and MoU 8 No. of private public 5 partnership management in County forests. Forest infrastructure in 8 No. of county forest 2 place infrastructure developed and maintained Forestry Management, Well conserved and 4 Amount of revenue 7 Conservation and Public managed forests raised participation 4 No charcoal producer 14 groups No of quarterly 24 reports No of licenses issued 50 Quarterly conflict 2 management reports Updated county 10 forest and farm forestry records Increased community 4 No. of community 60 awareness and sensitization on involvement on forestry forestry reports activities Forestry Protection Protected forests 2 No of policies and bills 2 developed 4 No. of enforcement 10 imitative and cases taken to court Programme 7: Management of invasive species Outcome: To sustainably manage natural forests for social, economic and environmental benefits. Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Prosopis Management Land reclaimed 100HA Hectares of land 40 Ha reclaimed and restored.


Enhanced revenue and 3 No. of products 1 income produced from Prosopis Programme 8: Wildlife Development and Management Outcome: Enhance exploration and sustainable utilization of wildlife resources Sub Programme Key Outputs Baseline Key Performance Planned Indicators Targets Wildlife Conservation, Protected wildlife 1 No. of National 2 Protection and resources Reserves developed Management and managed Improved trans boundary 3 No of Trans boundary 1 wildlife resources wildlife conservation management meeting Community wildlife Improved awareness in 3 No. of community 1 Conservation programme wildlife resources wildlife associations management formed and registration. 8 No. of community 34 Extension services


3.12 LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING AND URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT Vision: Provision of efficient and effective Land and Energy administration that promote security of tenure, equitable accessible to land and energy with sustainable utilization of renewable energy sources Mission: To develop integrated land and energy development for Turkana County that will Identify the development need, priorities and recommend on that the polices, measures and strategies for sustainable development Provide a spatial Framework to guide sustainable développent, and manage land for equitable access and ownership and provision of green sustainable energy.

3.12.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Create enabling environment and institutional efficiency and effectiveness 2. To develop spatial plans that will provide spatial framework to guide, coordinate development activities and management of all urban/ towns within the county 3. To plan for, provide and manage urban infrastructure & services. 4. Provide for land ownership rights/titles for land owners within the county 5. To establish Digital Land registry infrastructure and facilities 6. To Formulate the County’s Land Policies and Regulations for effective land governance. 7. To promote public participation and inclusiveness on Land management & Governance 8. To provide Planning and Survey services 9. To provide low cost houses in all the sub counties 10. To improve energy access within Turkana County 3.12.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities

KPLC Power Distribution KENGEN Power Generation KETRACO Power Transmission REA Rural Electrification ERC Regulation of energy activities Energy Tribunal Energy dispute resolution GDA Geothermal Development Kenya Pipeline Oil transmission Kenya Lands Commission Kenya Surveys of Kenya RCMRD Trainings

3.12.3 Sector Programmes Programme Name: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, PLANNING AND SUPPORT SERVICES.): Objective: Provision of General Administration, Planning and Support Services Outcome: Efficient and Timely Service Delivery 163

Sub Programme Key outputs BASELINE Key performance Planned indicators Targets SP 1.1 Consolidate and Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 20 submit departmental effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Monthly, Quarterly and services Annual Reports ( Financial & Non-Financial to the County Chief Officer SP 1.2 Submission of HR Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 12 Monthly Reports effective and efficient agreed deliverables. services SP. 1.3 Monthly and Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 16 Quarterly managerial effective and efficient agreed deliverables. meetings for Senior services Management Team (SMT) SP 1.4 Develop FY Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 1 2019/2020 Procurement effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Plan services SP 1.5 Develop Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 1 FY2019/2020 Annual effective and efficient agreed deliverables. Development Plan services SP 1.6 Develop FY 2019/20 Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 1 budget estimates effective and efficient agreed deliverables. services SP 1.7 Update asset Delivery of quality, 0 Ability to achieve on 100% register effective and efficient agreed deliverables. services

Programme Name :DEVOLVED LAND GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Objective: Provision of Land Surveys and Registration Services Outcome: An Up-to-date register of Surveyed Land Parcels Sub Programme Key outputs BASELINE Key performance Planned indicators Targets SP 2.1 Purchase of the Improved service delivery 0 Approved Land Policy 100% survey equipment and and digitization of land Document software records

number of land _ disputes resolved 21 Proportion of the 105 population reached Production of survey plans 40% Number of Survey 100% Plans/Maps Equipping and maintenance 40% well-equipped registry 100% of lands registry Purchase & Calibration, 70M A register of all 14M Maintenance and servicing equipment calibrated of survey equipment. and Serviced


Programme Name : PHYSICAL PLANNING SERVICES Objective: To Achieve Orderly and Well-Coordinated Development Outcome: An updated Spatial Plans to guide Developments Sub Programme Key outputs BASELINE Key performance Planned indicators Targets SP 3.1 Formulate County Reduction of land conflict 50% Approved land 100% Land Regularization and ownership bill Ownership Bill SP. 3.2 Completion of Improved service delivery 100% Well-furnished land 100% Land Registry in Lodwar on land matters registry SP. 3.3 Equipping of Land Improved service delivery 100% Equipped land registry 100% Registry on land matters Programme Name : ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Objective: To increase Energy access in the County Outcome: To increase productivity through achieving a 24 hour economy Sub Programme Key outputs BASELINE Key performance Planned indicators Targets SP 4.1 Renewable Energy Improved service delivery 0 No.of public 30 Development( in health facilities and institutions electrified Installation and routine improved performance in Maintenance of institutions of learning institutional stand-alone solar pv systems) SP 4.2 Urban and Rural Improved security, quality 4 Number of towns 12 Street Lighting, ( of life through increased installed with solar Installation and Routine number of hours activities streetlights/Routine Maintenance) are taking place in towns, maintenance and safety for drivers, riders and pedestrians SP 4.2.1 County Energy Increased Energy access in 2 households electricity 10 fund (subsidy for solar the County from solar mini grids mini-grids at Naduat & subsidized by the Kataboi) county SP 4.3 Energy Efficiency Improved service delivery 0 number of institutions 14 and Conservation ( owing to reduced costs on installed with well- Provision and installation firewood and conservation maintained and of improved cook stoves of environment working improved to public institutions) cook stoves SP 4.3.1Formulation Of Controlled and Organized 0 Approved Energy Bill 1 County Energy Bill energy developments in the County Programme Name : URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT Objective: To provide for efficient services and urban infrastructure Outcome: To Promote Sanitation and Productivity in Urban Centers Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned indicators Targets Cleaning services in improved sanitation 0% no of solid dumpsites, 100% Lodwar, Kakuma, litter bins and transfer Lokichoggio and Lokichar stations, cleaning services 165

Procurement of cleaning luck of healthy complains 0% improved waste 100% gear relating to garbage contact collection, litter in place Constitution of Lodwar Improvement of service 0 Establishment of a 1 municipal board delivery within municipality functional Municipality board Establish street parking Decongestion of the CBD 1 Established of well- 1 lots in Lodwar central and creation of parking organized parking business district zones Zones Provision of Litter Bins improved sanitation 100% no of solid dumpsites, 100% and transfer station at litter bins and transfer Kalokol stations, cleaning services Construction of Modern improved sanitation in 100% Well-coordinated and 100% stalls at Lodwar California markets clean markets Market Purchase of fire engine Help in quick response to 100% Operational fire 100% fire accidents engine Kenya Urban Support Decongestion of the CBD 1 Parking lots and solar 1 Programme, ( and creation of parking street lights Construction of parking zones and improved lots and densification of security, increased number solar powered street of hours the activities are lights) taking place Programme Name : HOUSING PROGRAMME Objective: To provide for affordable housing for government staff Outcome: To provide cheaper accommodation for government staff Sub Programme Key outputs Key performance Planned indicators Targets SP 6.1.1 Repair, fence, Clean and improved 0 Well maintained 100% roof and establish a housing standards county staff houses drainage system for fourteen civil servants houses in Lodwar SP 6.1.2 Construction of 5 Observation of hygiene and 0 Well maintained 100% pit latrines, renovation of living standards within the county staff houses 4 main gates and bush staff houses and the environment clearing of former UN camp in Lokichoggio


3.13 TURKANA COUNTY ASSEMBLY Vision: leading legislature of excellence in upholding democratic principles, separation of powers and social justice Mission: TCA strives to ensure effective representation, legislation, oversight and promotion of equity and equality for the people of Turkana Goal:

3.13.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. To create a sustainable working environment for staff and members, 2. To improve service delivery and work methods of members and staff, 3. To set up an efficient, effective and transparent expenditure control system, 4. Digitize operations of the county assembly and automate library services 5. Public involvement in Budget making process.

3.13.2 Description of significant Capital Projects 1. Construction of the new assembly building. 2. Construction of Official Speaker’s Residence. 3. Construction of Ward officers. 4. Renovation of Former Survey Offices. 5. Construction of Ultra-Modern Library and ICT centre.

3.13.3 Sector Key Stakeholders 1. The public. 2. Relevant Constitutional commissions. 3. County Treasury. 4. Auditor General. 5. Development Partners. 6. The Senate.


3.13.4 Sector Programmes Programme 1: General Administration & Support Services Objective: To promote effective and efficient service delivery at the County Assembly Outcome: Smooth operations of the departments and committee services Program/Sub Key outputs BASELINE Key Planned Targets Programme Performance Indicators Sub Programme 1.1: Finance and Shared Services Finance and shared Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to 100% services effective and efficient achieve on agreed deliverables. 60 no. of staff 70 trained 13 no of staff 65 with car loan and mortgage 162 no. of staff 162 and members with medical insurance Sub Programme 1.2:Hansard, Research and Information Supplies Hansard, research and Delivery of quality 0 number of 1 information supplies Hansard & research research report and information undertaken services 1000 quality 3 hanzard reports produced 100% live coverage 100% of the assembly proceedings 0 hansard 1 guideline 0 service 1 chatter 0% modernize 100% chamber 0 ICT 1 technology

Sub Programme 1.3 County Assembly Service Board CASB Delivery of quality, 100% staff 100% effective and efficient rationalization 3 No. of policies 5 30 No. of County 40 Assembly HR Employees to be inducted 168

0 No. of reports 3 produced on policies review 0 No. of 7 promotions/R e-designation to be made Sub-Programme 1.4: Infrastructure Development Construction of ultra- Conducive working 50% Complete 100% modern County environment Ultra-modern Assembly staff and County Leaders offices Assembly building/No. of offices for key departments Construction of Quality, Spacious and 30% Speaker's 100% Speaker's lounge and official accommodation Residence visitors residence Modern library Delivery of quality, 0 Modern 1 effective and efficient Library services constructed Resource center Delivery of quality, 0 Resource 0 effective and efficient centre services constructed Digital chamber Delivery of quality, 0 Digital 1 effective and efficient Chamber services constructed Research institute Delivery of quality, 0 Research 1 effective and efficient institute services constructed Programme 2: LEGISLATION. Outcome: availability of laws necessary for the effective performance of the county. SP 2.1 Legislative Deliver of quality bills and 50 quality bills 60 services acts available, Informed and acts Public on Government available, information production of Informed quality bills, acts and Public on relevant laws, Government information Promotion of public 100% enhance 100% access to assembly public forums and information participation on assembly activities, incorporation of public views in decision making 169

SP2.2: Speaker's Office. Delivery of quality 100% quality 100% leadership and promotion debates and of Quality Debates transparent Proceedings in the House Delivery of quality, 100% Ability to 100% effective and efficient achieve on services (Head of County agreed Assembly Service Board) deliverables Programme 3: Oversight 3.1: Committee Delivery of quality, 100% committee 100% Services effective and efficient sittings 100% committee 100% members training Increased public 74 No. of 760 Participation and sensitization awareness on meetings Government programmes SP3.2 Audit and M & E Adherence to Relevant 100% Proper 100% services. public laws and principles internal financial management control mechanisms in place. Programme 3: Partnerships & Donor Engagement objective: Building partnerships and resource mobilization Outcome: Integrated and coordinated approach to development Public Private Mobilizing resources for 8 No. of 6 Partnership(PPP) accountable governance partnerships and agreements established 5000000 Amount of resources 30,000,000.00 mobilized through partnerships


3.14 COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Vision: To be the lead Public Service Board in the provision of a high performing, dynamic and ethical county public service Mission: To establish and maintain adequate, professional and competent workforce for quality and effective service delivery, realization of County development goals and fostering national unity

3.14.1 Strategic Priorities for the Sector 1. Human resource Development 2. Performance Management 3. Development of Database Filing System

3.14.2 Sector Key Stakeholders and responsibilities 1.0 County Assembly 2.0 County Executives 3.0 Kenya Public service commission 4.0 The general public

3.14.3 Sector Programmes Sub Programme Key outputs Baseline Key performance Planned indicators Targets

General Administration Conducive working Ability to perform and 70% Planning and Support environment deliver services to the Services public Construction of Office Conducive working Ability to perform and 70% Board room environment deliver services to the public Induction of Employees Improved HR staffing levels No. of County HR 550 In County Public Service and service delivery in Employees to be County Departments inducted Recruitment Process improved HR staffing levels No. of County HR 550 and service delivery in Employees to be County Departments recruited & Regularized Enhancing Leadership In Improved HR staffing levels No. of reports to be 6 County Public Service and service delivery in produced by HR County Departments Department Review and Development Improved HR staffing levels No. of reports 5 of HR Policies and service delivery in produced on policies County Departments review by HR Department Human Resource Improved HR staffing levels Certificate of Courses 27 Development/Career and service delivery in to be attended Progression County Departments


Performance Improved HR staffing levels No. of reports on 10 Management Monitoring and service delivery in findings on County Departments departments to be visited Development of Improved HR staffing levels Report on system 5 Database Filing System and service delivery in performance County Departments County Public Service Pre- Improved HR staffing levels Report on 5 Retirement Sensitization and service delivery in Sensitization activity County Departments Evaluation of Different Improved HR staffing levels No. of promotions/Re- 1600 Cadres of Employees and service delivery in designation to be (Promotion, Re- County Departments made Designation) Data Centre /Collocation Improved ICT governance Compliance to 60% of Systems & Change in CPSB and Reduction in constitutional Management Initiative Operational Cost provisions and or for ICT requirements Systems Research & Improved ICT governance Compliance to 70% Development on ICT in CPSB and Reduction in constitutional Standard, Guidelines and Operational Cost provisions and or Approaches requirements Monitoring and Improved ICT governance Compliance to 80% Evaluation for ICT in CPSB and Reduction in constitutional Programming Operational Cost provisions and or requirements Formulation and Improved ICT governance Compliance to 60% Development of TCPSB in CPSB and Reduction in constitutional Boardroom ICT Operational Cost provisions and or Infrastructure requirements Quality Management Improved Quality of Compliance to 65% Systems Development & Service, Internally & constitutional Establishment externally and reduced provisions and or Operational Cost requirements QMS Audit /Routine Improved Quality of Compliance to 60% Inspection Service, Internally & constitutional externally and reduced provisions and or Operational Cost requirements Documentation/Record Improved Quality of Compliance to 70% Management For QMS Service, Internally & constitutional externally and reduced provisions and or Operational Cost requirements Establishment of Improved governance in Compliance to 70% Structures for the county public service constitutional Stakeholder Engagement provisions and or requirements Launch of strategic Plan Improved governance in Compliance to 70% the county public service constitutional provisions and or requirements


Sensitization of County Improved governance in Compliance to 70% Employees the county public service constitutional provisions and or requirements County Public Service Improved governance in Compliance to 90% Ministerial & Department the county public service constitutional Audit provisions and or requirements Public Evaluation on Improved governance in Compliance to 90% County Public Service the county public service constitutional Board Performance provisions and or &Customer Surveys requirements Human Resource Improved governance in Compliance to 90% Conference & Symposium the county public service constitutional provisions and or requirements Exit Meetings Per Improved governance in Compliance to 90% Department the county public service constitutional provisions and or requirements Turkana County Competitive Turkana No. of youths 120 Internship Programme County Youths with graduating from the requisite job experience Programme

3.15 Cross-sectoral Implementation Considerations The County government enhances a cross sectoral approach in the implementation of county projects and programmes. This offers opportunities for sectors and departments to improve coordination and enhance cooperation for efficient service delivery. In terms of cross-sectoral implementation considerations, it is recognized that large programme areas are likely to influence a number of sectors and these should be recognized and articulated based on the multiple sectors involved, synergies for impact, potential adverse impacts and the measure to harness or mitigate the impacts.


CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 BUDGET AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION The chapter presents a summary of the proposed budget by Programme and Sector. It also provides a description of how the County government is responding to changes in the financial and economic environment and further indicates the criteria employed in the allocation of resources per Sector and per Programme.

4.1 RESOURCE ALLOCATION Resources are allocated based on the following criteria. I. Level of responsibility to implement the Five Point Agenda

II. The extent to which it promotes trade through expansion of trade infrastructure and provision of business loans to traders, business groups, youth, and women.

III. Degree to which the programme mitigate the effects of the current challenges including but not limited to the COVID 19 pandemic, locust invasion, effects of previous floods and future unforeseen challenges.

IV. Linkages to create and sustain flagship projects for long term food security and social economic benefits


Table 4.0: Summary of proposed budget by programme

Programme Amount (Ksh.) General Administration And Support Services 7,066,895,070.35 Government Coordination 48,352,833.63 Public Communications, Media Relations And It Support 14,148,955.93 Strategy And Delivery 24,200,000.00 Partnerships And Investments 18,142,727.85 Governor's Press Service 5,515,708.42 Audit 23,706,807.77 Peace Building And Conflict Management 206,994,006.47 Government Programming And Management 18,920,000.00 Legal Services 89,650,000.00 Research And Legislative Drafting 26,400,000.00 County Revenue Program 34,585,251.16 County Procurement Programme 8,349,112.30 Resource Mobilization 7,065,615.54 Accounting Services 152,404,573.13 County Economic Planning Services 82,663,733.20 174




Table 4.1: Summary of Proposed Budget by Sector/ Sub-sector As a percentage Sector/Sub-sector name Amount (Ksh.) (%) of the total budget GOVERNANCE 538,773,244.87 4.12 DEPUTY GOVERNOR 38,032,597.97 0.29 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 136,422,093.83 1.04 FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING 485,863,335.96 3.71 WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND MINERAL RESOURCES 516,176,939.32 3.95 HEALTH SERVICES AND SANITATION 917,785,486.23 7.02 TRADE, GENDER AND YOUTH AFFAIRS 331,643,611.78 2.54 EDUCATION, SPORTS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION 1,299,735,889.87 9.94 PUBLIC SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION & DISASTER MANAGEMENT 5,236,567,347.86 40.03 INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS 593,506,406.56 4.54 176


4.4 FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 4.4.1County Economic and Fiscal Overview The County Annual Development Plan (ADP 2021/2022) is prepared at a time when the country is experiencing Covid-19 global pandemic which has brought a lot of global uncertainties and economic shocks to world economies. Turkana County has had several economic shocks over the years including severe droughts, floods and insecurity. This year the County has experienced unprecedented challenges of COVID 19, floods and locust invasion. In view of this the economy of this county this year will adversely be affected substantially. The County Government in collaboration with development partners and the National Government is currently battling this pandemic. In the last financial year, the county experienced massive flooding which culminated into destruction of livelihoods and infrastructure. The COVID 19 pandemic as you know has distorted and affected livelihoods because of economic shutdowns. The world including Kenya has commenced thinking post COVID 19 recovery plan. As a county we have started internal and external engagements with the National Government and our development partners so that we can come up with an integrated recovery plan. The main objective in view of COVID 19 response and recovery is to increase COVID 19 infrastructure and surveillance through the Turkana County COVID 19 Emergency Response Fund, resuscitate businesses and provide business startups through the Biashara Fund, The Youth & Women Empowerment Fund, the Cooperative Enterprise Development Fund and the Youth Employment Scheme. To create an enabling environment and platforms that spur economic growth and prosperity. The Turkana County Government through the Governor’s 5-point agenda has created an environment and opportunities for businesses to grow and flourish. To supplement revenues from the National Government and from the Local Sources, the Governor has set up a vibrant resource mobilization office that is geared towards mapping out and engaging donors and investors. Through this initiative we have created several partnerships and linkages that have aided implementation of some of our projects directly and indirectly. The county continues heavily undertaking initiatives for businesses to grow and develop. Providing county wide livestock sale yards at strategic locations, building market infrastructure across the county, reviving cooperative societies where people pool resources together for their businesses. We are constructing and developing road networks through the Roads Maintenance Levy Fund. These road networks have opened and connected our county to trade opportunities not only in Kenya but also in the region. 177

The county government in collaboration with development partners will continue offering trainings and support to business groups. We shall continue supporting cross border trade promotions and expose our locally available goods and entrepreneurs to the local and international markets. The County government through the Women & Youth Empowerment Fund, the Biashara Fund and the Cooperative Enterprise Fund will issue entrepreneurial and business loans for micro, small and medium sized enterprises in the county.

A healthy population is key to economic growth. Health is one of the fundamental human rights. One of the big four National Agenda is the attainment of the Universal Health Care for all. The County Government has made several notable strides and milestones in the provision of the Universal Health Care services. Going forward the County Government will enhance the above programmes by allocating the available resources to the strategic priorities while engaging all relevant stakeholders in prioritizing the programmes.

4.4.3 Risks, Assumptions and Mitigation measures

Table 4.2: Risks, Assumptions and Mitigation measures Risk Assumption Mitigation measures Political risk There will be favourable political and physical The County Government will collaborate environment during implementation of activities with the National Government in managing security issues in the County. Maintenance of peace and order Emergence of COVID -19 Limited oversight activities in the County Adherence to Government Protocols and assembly Digitization of assembly Processes Schedule risk The risk that activities will take longer than Holding of regular departmental expected. Slippages in schedule typically meetings, enhanced project supervision, increase costs and, also, delay the receipt of Signing of Performance Contracts and project benefits, with a possible variation in Performance Appraisals, e-Procurement increased planned costs. and IFMIS training Cost risk There is an escalation of project costs due to Include contingency budgets in plans, poor cost estimating accuracy and scope creep. improved project supervision, use of There is delay in Treasury releasing funds to the technical officers to cost projects department Performance risk There’s risk that the project will fail to produce Enhance training and capacity building of results consistent with project specifications. office Legal risks Departments may face litigation from legal and Ensure all contracts and MoU are regulatory obligations against the organization endorsed by the Legal Department, including contract risks. ensure all documents are signed by authorized officers and all documents shall subscribed to existing manuals and policies.


Natural calamities e.g. No extreme changes in climate. Drought Development of climate proof floods, Drought, Pest, and occurrence after every two years and Reduced infrastructure, Promotion and adoption Diseases crop productivity and profitability of climate smart agriculture practises and Control of plant pests/ diseases; Promotion of diseases/pest tolerant crop varieties





Institutional arrangements for coordination, implementation and reporting are fundamental for a functional M&E system. The County Government of Turkana has an established County M&E committee (CoMEC) which is responsible for setting of policy direction and overall oversight of all matters concerning M&E in Turkana County. This Committee is comprised of membership derived from the County Government, the National Government as well as County Development partners. The department of Economic Planning has established an M&E Directorate that is entirely responsible for coordinating the implementation of M&E activities as well as establishing a robust M&E system. County departments need to have M&E units that will be in charge of the Departments’ M&E functions. The development partners too aligned to different departments are required to establish structures for the purpose of undertaking M&E activities and reporting progress on key selected indicators to the County M&E Directorate. The operationalization of M&E activities is also supposed to be undertaken at the devolved units namely sub-county, ward and even village level. Need for efficiency in undertaking M&E activities guides the adoption of any form of institutional structure.

5.2 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ADOPTED Performance Indicators are measures of inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes, and impacts for policies, development projects and programs. Indicators enable managers to track progress, demonstrate results, and take corrective actions to improve service delivery. The M&E tools should capture both output and outcome indicators and hence the emphasis placed on reporting on them. Turkana County is a results-oriented county. In view of this its M&E activities emphasize on reporting performance and achievement of outputs, outcomes and impacts. There is clear direction that the county M&E activities should take in terms of what to monitor and what to evaluate. Monitoring is a continuous function that uses systematic qualitative and quantitative collection of data, for the purpose of keeping activities on track. It being a management instrument, the focus of the County Government with regard to this activity is monitoring of activities specified in departmental work plans contributing to the County Annual Development Plans and monitoring of progress and performance towards project and programme outcomes and CIDP implementation. With regard to monitoring of CIDP proposals the following levels are considered: i) Policy, Project and Programme levels – mainly of implementation processes including the tracking of activities and financial resources, the delivery of outputs, and progress toward outcomes. ii) Annual Development Plans level – Implementation aggregates; i.e., outputs, outcomes, 180

impacts and progress towards the achievement of on-going projects and programmes. iii) CIDP level – This shall be the overall county level monitoring, status of CIDP implementation, benefits, based on independent data gathering and analysis by County M&E Unit and external evaluators. Evaluation is a periodic systematic and impartial assessment of a policy, project, or programme and aims at determining the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability of the interventions and contributions of the involved partners. Evaluation contributes to institutional learning and evidence-based policy-making, accountability, development effectiveness, and organizational effectiveness. In order to determine the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impacts and sustainability of the interventions and investments of the County together with its development partners, the following evaluation considerations are to be observed: i) The evaluation should aim at assessing the outcomes and impact of policies, projects and programmes, to ensure effective service delivery; ii) The evaluation should inform the planning, programming, budgeting, implementation, and reporting cycle in the County; and iii) Aim at improving the departments and unit’s relevance and the achievement of results, optimizing the use of resources, providing Turkana residents satisfaction, and maximizing the impact of the contribution provided by development partners. Within the context of Turkana CIDP, the following evaluations shall be conducted: i) Project Evaluations. Projects under implementation in county departments, shall conduct Baseline Evaluations, Mid-term Evaluations and End-term Evaluations. ii) Programme Evaluations. This is evaluation of a set of interventions to attain sector objectives. These shall include evaluations or studies of CIDP specific strategies, programmatic approaches and county government partner programmes. The County Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (COMEC) shall determine the timing of programme evaluations, with advice from the County M&E Unit. iii) CIDP Evaluations. Mid-term assessment (review) and End-term evaluation of CIDP portfolio of policies, projects and programmes. iv) Impact Evaluations. These are the long-term effects produced by an intervention, intended or unintended, direct or indirect. All projects and programme evaluations shall include impact evaluations. v) Process and Performance Evaluations. These include evaluations of institutional working mechanisms, procedures, and how they affect implementation of policies, projects and programmes. These evaluations shall be mandatory to generate lesson learning and knowledge management. vi) Ad-hoc Reviews. The County M&E Unit, departmental M&E Units or the County Assembly may conduct


ad-hoc reviews of specific interventions. This may be as a request of county committees, departments, etc.

In order to facilitate evaluation activities, County Government emphasizes on the need to have a more reliable coordination between her and the National Government and development partners. This approach as well enhances the resource mobilization endeavors for the realization of the evaluation activities.


Like all functional institution and for an M&E system to work properly, there is need to have a robust institutional arrangement for coordination, implementation and reporting M&E system. The County Government of Turkana considers the following arrangements: a) Establishment of the County M&E Committee (COMEC) that will be responsible for policy direction of all matters concerning M&E in the County. b) The membership of this Committee is derived from the County Government, the National Government in the County and Development Partners. c) The M&E directorate domiciled in the Department of Economic Planning will coordinate the policy implementation and establishment of M&E systems. d) Establishment of M&E Units in each County Department to be in charge of the Department’s M&E functions. e) Development partners aligned to different departments to establish structures for the purpose of undertaking M&E activities and reporting progress on key selected indicators to the County M&E Directorate. f) Operationalizing M&E activities in Sub-Counties, Wards and Villages. Though the form of the structure is subject to review depending on the effectiveness of the structure, M&E institutional structure will consider the format below;


5.3 .1 Reporting Performance Indicators Matrix Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Governance Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness P2 GOVERNMENT COORDINATION Outcome: To strengthen institution and frameworks for government business coordination and performance SP 2.1 Cabinet Affairs No of Cabinet Meetings 64 80 SP 2.2 Performance and No of PCs signed 220 340 Efficiency SP 2.3 Interdepartmental No of meetings held 14 18 Relations SP 2.4 Intergovernmental Payments made 0% 100% Relation SP 2.5 Strategy Development, Strategies developed, reviewed meetings 0 1 Review, held Support and Operationalization P3 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA RELATIONS AND IT SUPPORT Outcome: To improve the County's image and raise its profile SP 3.1 Media Advertisement and No of adverts and newspaper placements 3 7 Placements SP 3.2 Documentation, Communication policy developed 2 3 communication policy and strategy SP 3.3 Civic Education and Public No of sensitization meetings held 11 13 Sensitization SP 3.4 Production of County No of County Newspaper and Newsletter 15 27 Newspaper and Newsletter produced P4 STRATEGY AND DELIVERY Outcome: To enhance development, support and ensure effective delivery of quality services through informed advisory SP 4.1 Economic and Private Number of opinion and advisories 13 25 Sector Advisory Services SP 4.2 Political and Number of opinion and advisories 4 16 Intergovernmental Advisory Services SP 4.3 Legal Advisory Services Number of opinion and advisories 10 22

SP 4.4 Security and cross border Number of opinion and advisories 32 44 Advisory Services SP 4.5 Oil And Gas Advisory Number of opinion and advisories 4 16 Service SP 4.6 Gender and Partnership Number of opinion and advisories 22 34 Advisory Services SP 4.7 Special Interest groups Number of opinion and advisories 4 16


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP 4.8 Climate Change advisory Number of opinion and advisories 25 37 services SP 4.9 Education and youth Number of opinion and advisories 4 16 Advisory services SP 4.10 Culture, Arts and Number of opinion and advisories 8 20 Heritage advisory services P5 PARTNERSHIPS AND INVESTMENTS Outcome: Increased resources for development through partnerships and investment augmentation SP 5.1 Joint Program Co- Coordination meetings held 5 11 ordination UN/TCG SP 5.2 Public Private Number of PPPs entered 53 58 Partnerships SP 5.3 Donor and Partner Number of MoUs 14 34 Coordination P6 GOVERNOR'S PRESS SERVICE Outcome: Improved Governor's communication programmes, branding and visibility SP 6.1 Governors Press support Number of Governor's press releases 475 595

P7 AUDIT Outcome: Enhanced internal transparency, accountability and prudent utilization of public resources SP 7.1 Internal Audit Number of internal audit reports produced 24 36

SP 7.2 Quality Assurance Quality assurance reports produced 10 22

SP 7.3 Support to Audit Number of Audit Committee 12 18 Committees Meetings/Sessions held P8 PEACE BUILDING AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Outcome: Peaceful coexistence and stability of our internal and external boundaries enhanced for development SP 8.1 Development of County Policy developed 0 1 Peace building and conflict management policy SP 8.2 Operationalization of Local structures supporting peace 50 60 peace building structures and institutions SP 8.3 Resettlement Number of resettlements done 12 16 Infrastructural Programme SP 8.4 Cross Border peace Programmes initiated 82 92 dividends programme

Office of the Deputy Governor Programme 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP 1.1 General Administration, Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables. 100% 100% Planning and Support Services P2 GOVERNMENT PROGRAMMING Outcome: Enhanced government programming and transformation for effective service delivery and improved efficiency and effectiveness of government programmes.

SP 2.1 Government Programming No of Government programmes/strategy 6 6 formulated SP 2.2 Community Engagement No of Community Engagements and 6 10 Outreaches SP 2.3 Government Stakeholder No of stakeholder workshops and 4 16 Engagement and Coordination coordination meetings SP 2.4 Government No of Benchmarking, Global Standards and 2 2 Transformation Best Practices Learnt and Adopted

County Attorney P1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: An enhanced institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery P2 LEGAL SERVICES Outcome: Enhanced Legislative Capacity; improved Legal Compliance and Reduced Litigation Burden SP 2.1 Litigation Matters Number of court cases 39 69 SP 2.2 Government Number of Contracts/Agreements Reviewed 41 81 agreements/contracts P3 RESEARCH AND LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING Outcome: Improved Legislative Quality for Effective Policy Making SP 3.1 Legislative Drafting and Number of Bills drafted 64 Bills 32 SP 3.2 Policy and Legal Briefs Number of Policies and Legal Briefs Drafted 86 31 P4 CAPACITY BUILDING Outcome: Enhanced Legal Knowledge and Improved Legal Compliance SP 4.1 Training of Legal Counsels Number of staff trained 16 2 SP 4.2 Legal Training and Number of County Staff and Residents 1,700 awareness for County Staff and Trained 200 County Residents

Finance and Economic Planning SP2.1 Awareness and Campaigns No. of people sensitized 3000 4000 on Revenue at Ward Level


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP2.2 Strengthening Revenue Timely delivery of monthly collection reports. 12 12 Sources SP 2.3 Automated Revenue Proportion of Revenue collection centres 50% 60% Collection automated SP 2.4 Revenue Bills and Policies Passing of the Finance Bill 2020 by the County 6 7 Assembly on stipulated time

SP 2.5 Revenue Forecast and Revenue budget with realistic forecast 7 8 Revenue Budget Preparation SP 2.6 Automated Revenue Revenue solution system in place 1 1 Solution System

SP 3.1 Support to procurement Average length of procurement lead time of 70% 100% committee stipulated time by law Percentage of Projects completed on time 70% 80% and within budget

SP 3.2 Project/contracts No of contract implementation teams 100 200 management established and trained Minimum percentage of Government 30% 30% procurement opportunities opened to the youth, women and persons living with disabilities.

SP 3.3 Procurement systems Percentage of requisitions procured through 75% 100% e-Procurement. Percentage of tenders advertised through e- 80% 100% procurement module in the IFMIS system

Percentage of user department’s capacity 50% 100% built on e-Procurement. SP 3.4 Suppliers sensitization Updated County Asset register 1 1

SP 4.1 Resource Mobilization Number of partners engaged 30 40 No. of duplicated projects eliminated 0 10

No. of Concept notes developed 5 8 No. of engagement meetings held 2 5 No. of reports generated and submitted 4 4

No. of Resource mobilization officers trained 0 6


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP 5.1 Financial Reporting and Percentage of County payment through 25% 100% Assurance IFMIS SP 5.2 Specialized Training Annual Financial Report Published 1 1

SP 5.3 Asset Management and Percentage of County Assets insured 10% 75% Valuation SP 5.4 Projects/Supplies Percentage of County Employees Covered 20% 70% Verification under social security/pension scheme

SP 5.5 Construction and Fitting of Percentage of County Goods/services 60% 100% IFMIS Lab inspected by I&AC No of operational sub-county treasuries Nil 3

SP 5.6 Emergency Fund Percentage of emergencies responded to 70% 80% SP 5.7 COVID - 19 Fund 70% 80%

Planning Co-ordination Services ADP Prepared and submitted to the County 6 7 Assembly No. of Sectorial and Strategic plans 10 13 developed. CIDP status preparation reviewed report 2 3

Number of policy Annual Reports (Annual 6 7 Progress Report).

No. of officers/personnel trained. 165 225 Annual County Performance Assessment 3 4 Reports. Qualifying for Level II grant Level II Level II Grant Operational and Digital Citizen Resource 0 2 Centre Number of policy research papers and 0 2 reports prepared and disseminated

Sub county number of development co- 7 7 ordination committee's formed

Number of economic surveys reports 20 24

Number of reports generated from SIR real 3 3 time system

SP 7.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Submitted Quarterly and annual reports 4 4


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target CIDP KPIs Annual Status reports. 1 1

M&E Bill Public Participation 0 1 M&E Committees formation at the Sub- 0 7 County Level Staff Capacity Building on M&E 2 15 SP 7.2 Research and Statistics Annual statistical abstract 3 4 Departmental Research needs assessment 0 1 reports SP 7.3 Project Implementation Public Investment Committees Formation 0 1 Management System (PIMS) Project Identification, Appraisal, Selection 0 100% and Implementation

SP 8.1 Enhancing ICT Capacity Number of Trained ICT Personnel and Users. 5 16

Number of Designed, developed and 0 2 deployed E-Government Digital Platform for ECD and TVET.

Number of Trained ICT Personnel and Users. 20 170

SP 8.2 ICT Infrastructure Number of Innovations developed and 1 30 Development and Improvement deployed; Networked Workstations and Accessories; LAN Infrastructure

Report on Pre-test done. 1 1 Number of wards connected to the internet, 7 30 Number of Ministries connected to the internet

No. of wards interlinked. 1 30 No of active nodes Report on Routine Installation, Repair and 2 30 maintenance of ICT Equipment in all wards.

Report on needs Assessment done, number 1 13 of ministries with Access Controls

number of IP-Phones connected, Report on 1 13 Wards Telecommunication feasibility study


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Number of Servers Secured in the Date 0 13 Center SP 8.3 Enhancing Communication Report on Automation of e-Government 1 1 and Access to Information functions across County Government Ministries / Departments.

Number of Help Desk Systems Developed 1 1 and Deployed to Wards; number of complains / tickets logged in the Help Desk System by ward staff

Number of Staff with active Official email 10 1000 addresses. Report on Routine Installation, Repair and 1 2 maintenance of ICT Equipment in all sub- counties. Quarterly Website Update and maintenance 40% 85% Report including views.

SP 8.4 Development and ICT Policy Report; Availability ICT survey and 95% 100% Implementation of ICT Policy and enforcement Report Regulations Revised ICT Strategy Road Map and Report 10% 80%

ICT Policy 1 2 ICT Policy Review Report Published ICT Policy and Regulations Booklet; 0 1 and Report SP 8.5 Acquisition of Information No. of ICT equipment / hardware and 38% 75% Systems and Equipment software procured, installed and updated in all the county government Ministries / Departments.

SP 9.1 Budget Formulation, Co- Budget Circular 7 8 ordination and Management CBROP 7 8 CFSP 6 7 Budget Proposals 7 8 Budget Estimates 7 8 Supplementary Budget 2 SP 9.2 Public Participation in No. of Public participation forums held 2 2 Budgeting SP 9.3 County Budget and No. of economic forum reports 4 4 Economic Forum 189

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target

Water Services, Environment and Mineral Resources water supply and storage Distance to water point-Urban 0-5km 0-2km water supply and storage Distance to water point-Rural 5km-12km 7km water supply and storage Number of successful protected springs 10 25 water supply and storage Number of successful boreholes drilled 1267 1600

Environmental Governance and No. of environmental bills and policies 0 3 compliance Environmental Governance and No. of environmental days celebrated 2 4 compliance Environmental Governance and No. of staff trainings on environmental 2 12 compliance governance and compliance

Environmental Governance and No. of inspections done on oil fields 3 6 compliance Environmental Governance and No. of ESIA and EA conducted 108 128 compliance Environmental Governance and No. of site inspections to ensure 108 168 compliance environmental compliance Environmental Governance and No. of Laboratory Analysis of environmental 0 2 compliance samples (soil and water ) in pollution prone areas Environmental Governance and No. of clean-up drives 2 4 compliance Environmental Governance and No. of noise permits issued to control air and 0 10 compliance noise pollution Environmental Governance and Number of designated dump sites 0 7 compliance established Environmental Governance and No. of rehabilitated sites(Gabions and dykes) 0 3 compliance Environmental Governance and No of monitoring and compliance vehicle 0 2 compliance Environmental Governance and No. of waste transfer station established 0 5 compliance Environmental Protection and No. of restored sites 0 5 conservation Environmental Protection and No. of waste/used oil collection station 0 1 conservation Environmental Protection and No. of Policies related to Climate Change and 0 3 conservation Adaptation policies


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Environmental Protection and No. of people sensitized and educated on 500 2000 conservation climate change mitigation and adaptation

Climate Change and Adaptation No. of households climate proofed to boost 0 2000 resilience to climate change

Climate Change and Adaptation No. of farmers practicing climate smart 0 150 farming Climate Change and Adaptation No. of early warning preparedness 0 7 committees formed and trained

Climate Change and Adaptation No of Plastic collection and re-use center in 1 2 place Climate Change and Adaptation No. of Environmental clubs and groups 0 14 trained and registered Climate Change and Adaptation No. of research on environmental concerns 0 2 and management strategies

Climate Change and Adaptation No. of staff trained on development of 4 14 competitive funding proposals

Climate Change and Adaptation No. of stakeholders engaged in climate 50 150 change mainstreaming forums

Mineral resource mapping Minerals Distribution map in the County and 1 Part of the 2 feasibility report and assessment of artisanal county for the mining sites previous financial year Management of Mining and Management of Mining and quarrying One for three One for the quarrying activities activities sub counties seven sub counties Extractives engagement Bills and Formulation of Turkana sand harvesting and One Two (2) Policies quarrying bill Artisanal Mining Equipment Purchase of equipment to support artisanal Three Three mining sector Capacity building in exploitation 35 50 of Mineral Resources No. of Artisanal and small scale mining groups trained on value addition and EHS

Petroleum Institution of committee to establish socio- Zero One economic linkages to the oil and gas sector


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Oil and Gas Number of County staff trained on oil and gas 10 20 matters Oil and Gas Number of public fora held to discuss 2 7 emerging issues and current issues in the petroleum exploration going on in the county

Oil and Gas No. of parking sites established 0 0 Establishment of Extractive County Petroleum Engagement bill and policy 1 1 sector regulations and strategies in place Establishment of Extractive County Artisanal Mining Committee in place 0 1 sector regulations and strategies Mineral resource mapping No. of inspections done on mining and 6 9 quarrying sites Mineral resource mapping No. of artisanal and small scale miners groups 3 6 trained on pollution control, waste Management &E HS and Value addition

Oil and Gas Percentage of locals working in Oil 30% 30% companies across the corporate ladder and increased business opportunities

Oil and Gas Establishment of revenue sharing committee 0 1 in place Oil and Gas Number of staff trained in the oil and gas 10 20 matters Oil and Gas Number of public fora held to discuss 2 7 emerging issues and current issues in the petroleum exploration going on in the county

Oil and Gas No. of parking sites established 0 1 Establishment of Extractive County Petroleum Engagement bill and policy 1 1 sector regulations and strategies in place Establishment of Extractive County Artisanal Mining in place 0 1 sector regulations and strategies Establishment of Extractive County Extractive sector strategy in place 0 1 sector regulations and strategies

Health & Sanitation Services P 1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP 1.1 General administration, Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables. 89% 100% Planning and Support Services Number of Employees Needs Assessments 0 1 conducted Number of Trainings conducted 0 4 SP 1.2 Additional Number of facilities renovated, fenced. 6 10 Works/Renovation of health Facilities P 2 PREVENTIVE AND PROMOTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES Outcome: An enhance institutional framework for efficient and effective service delivery SP 2.1 Family health 4th ANC coverage 66% 80% Skilled Birth Attendance coverage 74% 80%

Fully Immunized Child Coverage 91% 95% Family Planning attendance Coverage 18% 25%

SP 2.2 Public Health Number of Community Units Functional 151 167

Number of CHVS paid Stipend 1864 1969 Number of villages open defecation free 151 200 (ODF) Proportion of vulnerable HH reached with 92% 100% WASH interventions

Number of households reached with hygiene 0 40000 and sanitation key messages

Proportion of food premises inspected 51% 70%

Proportion of notices complied with 77% 85%

Proportion of food premises inspected 27% 100% licensed Proportion of food handlers medically 23% 100% examined Proportion of non-compliance prosecuted 79% 100%

Proportion of school age children dewormed 41% 60%

Proportion of schools having integrated 45% 60% school health services Proportion of schools inspected quarterly 57% 60%


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Proportion of health facilities with a Trained 30% 50% health worker on health care waste management Proportion of health facilities with health 30% 50% care waste management plan developed

Proportion of health facilities that have 50% 50% conducted hazard and risk assessment

SP 2.3 Health Promotion and Weekly epidemic reporting rate 86% 90% Disease Control Disease outbreaks investigated 100% 100% Proportion of community Health Units (CHU) 15% 40% reached with Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

Quarterly Case identification rate 50% 70% HIV testing for TB cases 96% 100% Proportion of target population utilizing 18% 40% LLITNs Viral suppression rate 73% 90% Proportion of target Trachomatous Trichiasis 100% 100% (TT) surgeries conducted

Proportion of Kala azar cases identified put 100% 100% on treatment P 3 MEDICAL SERVICES Outcome: To provide curative healthcare services. P 3.1 Laboratory Services Number of Health facilities operating 0 15 comprehensive laboratory services

Number of laboratories conducting External 10 Quality Assurance (EQA)

P 3.2 Blood Transfusion Services Number of blood pints collected 2400 2000 SP 3.3 Rehabilitative Services Number of Community Based Rehabilitative 8 8 Outreach Services Number of Rehabilitative Facility Sessions 10000 conducted Proportion of clients requiring rehabilitation 100% rehabilitated SP 3.4 Referrals and Emergency Proportion of referral cases managed within 65% 80% Services the county (LCRH)


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP 3.5 Radiology Services Number of facilities offering radiology 3 15 services SP 3.6 Dental Services Proportion of clients provided with dental 100% 100% services SP 3.7 Clinical Services Number of mentorship/Coaching/On-job 4 training (OJT) sessions offered to clinical staff

Proportion of clients provided with clinical 100% 100% services SP 3.8 Nursing Services Number of mentorship sessions offered to 4 nursing staff Proportion of clients provided with nursing 100% 100% services SP 3.9 Rural Health Facilities Number of rural health facilities receiving 150 150 Support funds SP 3.10 Sub-county Health Number of sub county facilities receiving 7 7 Facilities funds P 4 LODWAR COUNTY AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL Outcome: To provide curative healthcare services. SP 4.1 LCRH Operations and Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables. 80% 100% Support Number of staff trained on infection, 150 prevention and control (IPC)

Number of staff trained on fire safety 150

Proportion of staff trained on nursing 50% processes Proportion of staff trained on nursing 50% professionalism, communication (SBAR) and Emergency response

SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Number of surgical wings constructed 1 Development (Storey building) Number of psychiatric unit constructed 1

Number of Standard Incinerator Supplied 1 and Installed (Microwave)

Purchase and installation of fire safety 1 equipment Number of Leech Pit latrine constructed with 8 septic 195

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target P 5 MEDICAL SUPPLIES Outcome: To ensure all health facilities have adequate health commodities SP 5.1 Medical Supplies County health commodity forecasting and 2 quantification workshops

Number of health facilities having adequate 228 235 health commodities

Number of health facilities equipped. 228 235

SP 5.2 Health Commodity Sub county commodity technical working 4 4 Management group meetings County commodity planning and data review 4 4 meetings held Number of commodity inspections done 12 12

P 6 POLICY, PLANNING MONITORING AND EVALUATION Outcome: To encourage evidence based decision making SP 6.1 Health Information and Number of facilities reporting timely and 214 230 Management completely Number of facilities with reporting tools 229 230

Quarterly Review meetings done. 3 4 Quarterly planning meetings done. 3 4

Number of Supervision done. 3 4 DQAs done. 3 4 SP 6.2 Quality Assurance Proportion of Health facilities having 228 230 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Number of Staff trained on Quality 0 300 assurance, Coaching and Mentorship

Client exit/satisfaction survey 0 1 Service Charters 0 1 SP 6.3 Universal Healthcare for Service level agreement with NHIF KEMSA 228 230 Turkana and MEDS Number of health facilities accredited 106 200

UHC Roll-out to Households 0 5000 P 7 ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE CONTROL Outcome: To reduce the effects of alcohol and substance abuse SP 7.1 Rehabilitation and Number of Rehabilitation centres 0 2 treatment constructed 196

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Number of alcohol and substance abuse 0 120 related patients rehabilitated

SP 7.2 Public Education, Number of sensitization meetings held 10 10 Advocacy and Awareness Turkana County Recovery Day (15 days of 1 activism) SP 7.3 Liquor Licensing Number of alcoholic outlets inspected 300

Number of surprise inspection/enforcement 4 conducted

Number of alcoholic outlets licensed 50 300

Stakeholder engagement workshops 4

SP 7.4 Training and Capacity Number of committee trainings on laws 0 6 Building governing alcohol and alcoholic drinks sale and distribution

Number of staff trained on laws governing 5 the sale and distribution of alcohol and alcoholic drinks.

Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs Programme: TRADE DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTION Objective: To promote Trade, Broaden Export Base and Markets as well as undertake county branding of products and Provide efficient support service delivery for enterprise development Outcome: Increased contribution of commerce to the Economy and MSMEs to Trade development Trade Promotion and No of MSMEs accessing Credit 0 3000 Development County Credit scheme in place 0 1 No of MSMEs accessing business 0 1 development & training services at Lodwar Biashara Center No of MSMEs accessing business 0 1 development & training services at Kakuma Biashara Center No of licensed businesses updated in County 7300 9000 Business Directory No of SMEs incubated 5 12 No of trade promotional events conducted 4 4 No of trade surveys conducted 2 2 No of MSMEs operators trained 600 800


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target No of Economic Blocs formed. 2 2 No of exhibition booths & catering sheds 0 150 constructed at Ekalees center No of industrial Parks 0 3 No of industrial sheds 0 500 No of Modernized Markets 1 3 No of Operational Market stalls 13 17 No of Modernized Business Kiosks 0 140 No of management plans 2 2 Industrial Development and No of students trained 120 0 Investment No of developed technologies for local 2 3 industries No of industrial parks/ sheds built 0 1 No of trade promotional events conducted 16 20 through trade fairs, expos and investments Programme: STANDARDIZATION & METROLOGY SERVICES Objective: To provide standards for consumable products & Support to MSMEs Outcome: Increased Trade fair practises and consumer protection Fair Trade Practices and No. of Standards Calibrated and Number of 1200 2000 Consumer Protection Services Weighing and measuring Equipment Tested and Stamped. No of reports on consumer protection 3 5 surveys conducted No of counterfeit brand types seized 10 20 Programme: Cooperative development and marketing Objective: To promote co-operative sector development and improve governance and management of cooperative societies Outcome: Improved cooperative performance, accountability, good governance and enabling environment for cooperative societies Co-operative development and No. of audited accounts registered 10 40 Marketing No. of cooperatives registered 69 80 No. of cooperatives utilizing new value 10 15 addition technologies No. of new cooperative ventures developed 2 7 No of policy & bills formulated 1 4 No of cooperative societies accessing Credit 0 20 No of dormant cooperative societies 12 20 strengthened No of cooperative members trained 870 1670 Programme: Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment Objective: To contribute towards Gender Equality and protection of vulnerable groups in order to achieve social economic and sustainable development. Outcome: Reduced gender inequalities at all levels of development GENDER EMPOWERMENT & No of women accessing credit 0 600 ADVOCACY No of women trained on financial literacy 0 200 198

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target No of policies implemented 0 2 No of gender advocacy and sensitization 4 6 meetings held No of women trained as agents of change 0 30 No of women calendar events celebrated 12 14 No of established one stop SGBV centres 0 1 supported, no of established safe houses for women and girls supported ,no of cases reported, filed and case concluded No. of HE for SHE campaigns conducted 4 6 No of women facilitated to participate in 0 7 both local and international trade fairs No of sex disaggregated data system 0 1 established No of mentorship clubs established 0 30 Percentage of programmes mainstreamed 0 100 with Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Programme: Youth Empowerment and Development Objective: Promotion of Transformative Youth Empowerment with focus on employability and live skills, talent and entrepreneurship development Outcome: Increased capacity of youth in county development Sub Programme Key performance indicators Beginning of Proposed End PROMOTION OF GENDER the ADP year of the ADP EQUALITY & EMPOWERMENT situation target Youth coordination and No of youth workshops conducted 1 2 representation No of Benchmarking forums for youth 1 2 council members Congress meetings from village level to 0 2 county level No of youth exchange forums conducted 0 1 celebration of youth calendared days and 0 1 youth week No of youths mentored and trained on work 0 30 readiness competencies and linkages No of youths bankable innovative ideas 0 7 supported No of youths trained on moral values 30 60 Amount disbursed to youths 0 600 No of youths trained on entrepreneurial skills 0 600 No of youths facilitated to market their 0 10 products No. of youths sensitized on AGPO promotion 30 60 No of youths companies registered 83 113


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Education, Sports and Social Protection Programme: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES Objectives: Create an enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness Outcome: Achievement of agreed deliverables General administration and Delivery of quality, effective and efficient 90% 100% Support Services services Grants and other Transfers No of needy students supported 37,028 40,000 (Turkana Skill Development No of Bursary Committees in place 30 30 Funds) Furnishing and Equipping of Level of furnishing and equipment of the 0 100% office block office

Programme: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION Objectives: To provide education geared towards holistic development of the child's capability Outcome: Enhanced literacy and quality of early childhood education School Feeding Improved child nutrition, well-being and 911 950 increased enrolment (No. of ECDEs) No. of ECDE Centres Installed with Energy 240 300 Saving Stoves No. of ECDE Centres Supplied with Cooking 240 300 Pots and Utensils County enrolment rates 112,000 150,000 Quality Improvement Number of quality assurance and standards 3 3 conducted (Termly) Number of ECD centres supplied with 350 600 instructional materials Number of trained ECDE teachers trained on 2 Day 600 Competence Based Curriculum Induction done for 400 teachers Number of centres participating in Co- 0 180 curriculum Activities No of centres with equipment/structures for 0 200 outdoor activities Infrastructure Development Number of centres renovated and furnished 30

Number of centres equiped with requisite 200 furniture and fitting Implementation of Nurturing High-level multi-sectoral coordination 0 600 Care Framework mechanism established Current situation assessed


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Community promoters of nurturing care 0 900 strengthened Community groups and leaders involved in planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring activities

Trained staff mentored and supervised • 0 1,200 Children’s development monitored and, when needed, timely referrals made.

Indicators for tracking early childhood 0 1,200 development agreed Routine information systems updated to generate relevant data Multi-stakeholder collaboration on research 0 100,000 for nurturing care established Number of ECDE children provided with birth cetfificate.

Support to Pre-Primary Training ICT Equipped room (10 Computers, 3 Laptops, 1 Institution (DICECE) 3 Projectors and 2 Printers) 1

Equipment of the Institution with learning 1 1 and instructional materials

Number of facilities renovated (Gate, 0 1 Classrooms and Toilets) Number of equipped classes (with additional 3 furniture) 2 Number of beds and mattresses 120 200 No. of Lecturers Trained on CBC 0 15 Programme: Vocational Training College Objectives: Foster appropriation of the peoples educational capacities with the new social-economic conditions to support self-employment and entrepreneurship Outcome: Promoted tertiary education Youth Polytechnic Infrastructure No. of VTC supplied with instructional 2 2 materials No. of annual quality assurance exercises 1 1 conducted No. of motorbikes purchased 0 2 Number of annual enrolment drives 1 1


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Training and Development No. of institutions BoM trained and capacity 2 3 built No. of Refresher Courses for VTC Staff 0 1

No. of Trainings conducted for VTC Student 0 1 Body Co-Curriculum Activities No of Core curricular activity conducted 1 3

Youth Polytechnics- Conditional Number of Youth Polytechnics Constructed 1 1

Programme: Social Protection Objectives: To promote a system for social inclusivity Outcome: Enhanced social protection development Child care and Protection Census Report 1 1 Number of Children supported with food and 450 school uniform and requirements in 14 rescue 300 Centres in the county.

Number of calendar events and assemblies 1 3 participated Number of Children supported with 0 50 alternative family care Advocacy report on child marriages. 2 0 Turkana County Persons with Number of events organized and participated 3 Disability Development in. 1 Number of PWDs issued with assistive 100 devices 0 Number of Trainings Held 3 1 Number of PWDs registered with NCPWD 100 20 Multipurpose Centre completed 1 1 Acquired Land 1 1 Number of social halls equipped 1 0 PWD Day Celebrated 1 1 Marginalized and minority Number of bills and Acts approved. 2 groups 0


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Number of Illimanyang individuals registered 100 with NCPWD 68

Research report conducted. 1 0 Number of Individuals targeted 100 100 Child rescue centers. Dormitories Constructed at Kakuma Rescue 2 Centre 1 Perimeter wall at Lodwar rescue Centre 1 1 Number of Rescue Centres Equipped 2 1 Number of caregivers supported 10 0 Number of Children reintegrated 200 0 Purchase of a bus 1 0 Tank Constructed and Pipes Laid 1 0 Septic tank constructed 1 0 Social Assistance Programme Number of Vulnerable children supported 100 through NHIF Card 0 Number of Vulnerable Individuals supported 85,951 in the seven sub counties 0

Number of orphaned children, PWD and 35 illimanyang supported in the seven sub 0 counties

Programme: Public Communication and Media Relations

Outcome: An informed and participative citizenry Publicity Number of Media Training and 2 Communication Courses Conducted 0

Quarterly Magazines, Pamphlets and 4 Brochures produced 1 Citizen charters, billboards and publicity 3 channels explored 2 Research and Sensitization Number of projects documentary produced 1 1 203

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target

Programme: Sports and Talent Development Objectives: To promote sports and talent development in Turkana county Outcome: Enhanced Sports and Youth Talent Development Sports and Talents Development No. of football events supported in the entire 25 40 county No. of netball events supported in the entire 5 10 county No. of Volleyball events supported in the 10 20 entire county No. of Disability Sports events supported in 4 5 the entire county No. of Athletics events supported in the 7 10 entire county No. of Boxing events supported in the entire 3 5 county No. of Basketball events supported in the 7 15 entire county No. of Cycling events supported in the entire 1 6 county No. of Indoor Games events supported in the 5 15 entire county No. of Unique Sports events supported in the 4 8 entire county Construction of a Modern Sports Ekaales Sports Complex completed (Flagship Ongoing 1 Stadia Project) No. of Sports Playgrounds Established 0 30

No. of Sub County Stadia Established 0 7

Sports Equipment and No. of Wards supported with sports goods 30 30 Infrastructure Development at and equipment the Wards and Sub Counties Sports Human Resource No. of Trainings conducted for referees and 5 40 Development at the Wards and coaches Sub Counties No. of Sports Academies Established 0 7

Public Service, Administration. & Disaster Management

Payroll and record management No. of payroll records produced 12 24 Human Resource Development No. of trainings undertaken 22 44


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target GHRIS Leave & Performance No. of trainings undertaken. No. of UPN 11 22 Module Implementation requests. Digitization and Automation of No. of records automated and mobile racks 3300 3320 Human Resource Registry placed at registry Mainstreaming Public Sector No. of citizens who give feedback on 1 2 Integrity Programme government services County Performance No. of employees engaged on performance 110 110 Management contracts and SPAS level

Public Service Week No. staff trained on integrity matters. 1 2 No. of employees rewarded or honored

Purchase of 2 no. motor vehicles No. of vehicles purchased 0 2 for Chief Officer & HR spot check activities Operationalization of sub county Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables 4 7 administration offices Operationalization of Ward Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables 70% 100% Administration offices Operationalization of Village Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables 0% 100% Administration Offices Village Councils Support Program Ability to achieve on agreed deliverables 0% 100%

Construction of Sub County Number of Offices 0 3 Administration Office Blocks (Turkana North, Turkana East and Loima Completion of Turkana West, Number of Offices 0 3 Kibish and Turkana South Purchase and installation of HF Number of HF radios 5 10 radios Purchase of Seven Field Number of Motor Vehicles 0 7 Administrative Motor Vehicles Purchase of 156 Motor Cycles for Number of Motor Cycles 0 156 Village administrators Public participation and access to Number of bills and policies formulated and 1 2 information reviewed on public participation

Mainstreaming public Sector Number of officers trained on integrity 100% 100% Integrity Civic Education Programme Number of public forums 5 10 County Dialogue Forums Number of Participants 150 300 National Holidays Support Number of Public Holidays 3 6 Programme 205

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Policies Design, sensitization and Number of Policies 1 2 awareness creation SP 5.1: Disaster Preparedness Weather Advisories, Field Reports, Drought 3 4 Progra Early Warning Information Reports

SP 5.2: Disaster Mitigation County Emergency Operation Plans and 3 4 Programme Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)

SP 5.3: Stakeholders Established County Floods /drought 4 6 Coordination and Support Contingency Plan; Quarterly Coordination Programme Forums SP 5.4: Humanitarian Relief Food One relief food cycle distributed 1 2 Assistance Operationalization and DRM regulations 1 2 implementation Disaster Risk Management Policy Construction of Enforcement Number of offices 0 1 Training Institute administration block,Modern Gate and abolition Blocks at Nameturan (Turkana North. Construction of Perimeter fence Ability to achieve on agreed 0 1 on 45 Acres of land of Enforcement Training Institute at Nameturana (Turkana North) Regularization of Enforcement Number officers regularized 178 250 officers Purchase of two Motor Vehicles Number of Motor Vehicles 1 3 for Inspectorate services for Inspection and spot check activities Purchase of seven Field Motor Number of Motor cycles 0 7 cycles for the Enforcement Sub- Counties Commanders. Construction of Two class rooms Number of Class rooms 0 2 at the Enforcement training Institute Establish seven Enforcement set Number of offices 0 7 lights offices in seven Sub- Counties Establish Dispute Resolution Number of committees 0 1 Committee Purchase and installation of VHF Number of VHF radios 4 9 radios Capacity Building Number of officers trained 70 178


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Construction of Enforcement Size of the drill Square 0 1 drilling Square in Turkana North Construction of two Dormitories Number of dormitories 0 2 at the Institute Coordination and linkages Workshops held 1 2 Establishment, equipping and Purchase of Enforcement uniforms 150 356 Kitting

Infrastructure Transport & Public Works ROAD DEVELOPMENT AND Km road network tarmacked/graveled 100 250 MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME Availability of Road network inventory annually and roads mapped 1050 1850

Km of road network graveled and graded 1808 2308

No of working kits 4 8 No. of road safety campaigns 5 6 TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT Functional Plants and Machinery 0 1 PROGRAM No of machineries 3 7 No of campaigns 1 2 No of reports 4 8 No of trainings 4 8 PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT Status of completion 1 1 PROGRAM MECHANICAL SERVICES No of reports 4 8 STRUCTURAL SERVICES No of reports 4 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICES No of reports 4 8 BUILDIGN INSPECTORATE No of reports 4 8 SERVICES ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES No of reports 4 8

Agriculture, Pastoral Economy & Fisheries Agricultural Mechanization number of acreage ploughed 10500 24500 Services No. of bags per acre 14 18 No of Chissel plough 1 4 No of Disc Harrows 1 4 No of maize sheller 1 6 Groundnut sheller 0 6 Agricultural Market Access and % increase in volume and value of agricultural 10% 15% Linkages and Value Chain produce sold in the market development


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target % reduction of post harvest losses 20% 30%

No of farmers organisations liked to input 5 20 suppliers Community facilities equipped with storage 2 7 facilities Farmer organisations linked with the market 5 18

No. of farmers accessing market 8500 17,500 Capacity building of farmers in marketing 3800 13,800

Agricultural Extension, Research # of farmers reached with extension advice 26400 66,450 and Development. No different linkages established between 1 7 extension /farmer and research institutions

No technologies and innovations promoted 3 8 and adopted

No ATC established 1 1 No Land cruiser vehicles procured for 2 2 efficient service delivery Farm inputs Subsidy and Support Increased quantity produced and yield per 14 18 acre # of vulnerable farmers supported with farm 7000 21000 inputs; Tonnes of inputs supplied to farmers

Pest control and management # of pest surveillance and control operations 10 12 conducted in the county 1 3 Agri-nutrition and Urban/Peri - Number of technologies and innovations 3 8 urban agriculture. under urban and peri-urban agriculture;

Number of farmers capacity build in 250 1250 preservation and utilization of different food groups Number of household accessing nutrition 360 960 dense food crops; Number of Agri-nutrition sites established

Smart agriculture practices Acreage under improved soil fertility and 350 2350 (Innovation technologies to water retention for crop production and mitigate effects of climate environment adaptation change)


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Horticultural fruit tree seedlings Number of fruit tree nursery seedlings 3500 21500 Production produced Number of farmers accessing fruit trees of 2500 12600 different varieties Rehabilitation of dilapidated No. of Irrigation projects rehabilitated, 9 16 Irrigation infrastructure Ha of Irrigated land put under production as a result of rehabilitation and expansion of dilapidated

Establishment of Drip Irrigation No. of Drip Irrigation schemes established 7 13

Ha of land put under drip Irrigation 66 65

Flood protection of Irrigation No. of Irrigation schemes that are climate 4 7 infrastructure. proofed and resilient to floods.

Ha of land of land protected from floods and 1 779 utilized for crop production.

Utilization of Spate Irrigation No. of irrigation schemes utilizing spate 2 5 Technology Irrigation technology Ha of land put under spate irrigation 114 150

Rehabilitation of degraded lands No. sites of degraded lands conserved for 3 6 for agricultural and agricultural production and environmental environmental conservation. conservation

Ha of degraded land reclaimed for 48 120 agricultural production and environmental conservation Soil and water conservation No. of sites put under Soils and water 5 7 conservation Ha of land whose productivity has been 100 245 improved through construction of rain water harvesting and management structures

Irrigation and Land Reclamation No. of irrigation and land reclamation legal 0 5 Legislation documents assented to and operationalized

Livestock Health Management Percentage of livestock vaccinated 30% 40%


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target (Vet drugs and Vaccines) Percentage of livestock treated, dewormed 30% 40% and vector controlled No. of Poultry programs conducted 4 7

No. of programmes conducted during 1 14 emergencies Livestock Disease Control, PDS Percentage of Livestock keepers reached by 38% 50% and Monitoring veterinary staff Veterinary Public Health services Number of carcasses inspected in the 12000 16000 slaughterhouses ( 20,000) 100%

Quality Enhancement and No. of Licensed Hides and Skins Traders 5 15 Regulation Animal Health Infrastructure No. of tanneries expanded and 1 1 operationalized No. of Slaughter Houses 3 5 established/rehabilitated in the sub counties

No. of permanent Crushes established 9 30

No. veterinary mobile clinic with Lab unit 0 1

No. of cold chains established in the sub 2 5 counties No. of response vehicles 0 2 Programme: Livestock Production Development and improvement Tonnes of supplementary feeds purchased 713 400 of livestock feeds Number of strategic livestock feeds stores 1 1

Number of acres under Pasture /fodder 660 100 reseeding Livestock extension services Number of pastoralists reached 10381 5000 Livestock diversification and Percentage of poultry improved 2 3% breed improvement Percentage of bee keeping improved 2 3% Livestock Risk Management Number of animals used to restock 0 4000 households Number of animals(Sheep/goats) insured 125,000 10,000

Development of livestock value Number of Sale yards constructed 3 5 chains, Market Access, Linkages and Bench Marking ,Exposure


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Productivity Infrastructure and Number of infrastructure Buildings 4 4 enhanced skills development completed Number of infrastructure Buildings 5 5 completed Research and Development Number of research findings/ studies 3 9 disseminated Programme: Fisheries Development of Fisheries Value No. of marketing links established 1 3 Chain, Market Access and No. of active BMUs 27 32 Linkages quantity of fish sold 8290 10,000 No. of private stakeholders participating in 2 10 fish value chain and modern technology adopted Fisheries information, extension No. of fishers and staff trained 36 72 services, training facilities and skill development No. of Fisheries extension vehicles 1 4 No. of Fisheries extension motorbikes 8 12

No. of Fisheries assistants uniforms 15 45 number of fisher folks trained 1500 3500 Fisheries infrastructure No. of fishing net cottages established 0 2 development No of fish landing sites developed 24 28

no. of boats serviced, # of nets 0 3 number of fish processing facilities 0 3 constructed(smoking kiln, frying, salting and drying) No. of operational ice plants and fish storage 0 3 facilities No. of operational loan schemes 1 3 No. of fishermen gears /vessels replaced 7000 9000

Fisheries livelihood support number of exchange visits/exposures made 3 groups of 6 fisher folk No. of new technologies adopted 1 2

number of rescue boats procured 2 3 Fish farming/ aquaculture Quantity of fish harvested in MT 0 2000 number of cages established 0 10 Quantity of feed and fertilizers bought MT 0 10

No. of fish seed/fry produced (Pcs) 0 12000 211

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Fisheries and aquaculture No. Frame surveys conducted 0 2 research No. fish catch assessments conducted 0 2

No. Acoustics conducted 0 00 No. seed and feed research conducted 0 3

Fisheries policies and regulations No. of fisheries policies established 0 3

No. of aquaculture policies established 0 3

No. of Lake Turkana Management Authority 0 1 policies established

Tourism, Culture and Natural Resources Tourism No of entry & border points constructed 0 3

Signage erected 0 10 Turkana Boy Monument site developed (%) 0% 50%

No of products mapped, profiled & 65 72 developed No of CBTs established 17 23 No of trained stakeholders 0 100 Tourism Strategic Plan in place 0 1 No of publicity materials designed and 12 23 produced No of tourism marketing events held and 4 7 attended No of community capacity building 5 7 engagements No of conferences and expos held 5 10

No of Stakeholders Trainings done 0 2

Culture ,Arts and Heritage Number of sites fenced 0 2 Report of research findings 1 1 Level of completion of works 35% 100% Festival held 1 2 Level of completion of works 10% 100% Number of Cultural festivals held 5 6 Number of inter-county Kenya Music and 1 2 Cultural festivals attended

Number of Celebrations attended 1 2 212

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Number of African traditional Medicine Day 1 2 celebrations attended

Number of cottage industries developed 0 1

No of creative writers and publishers’ 1 2 workshop, and stakeholders meetings

Ata Nayeche Legend documentary 1 2

Forestry No. of tree seedlings trans-planted and 500000 300,000 survived Hactares of land set aside for forest 100HA 40Ha development No. of nature-based enterprises developed 3 4

Sites of land put under Forestation and 2 40Ha rehabilitation of fragile and degraded ecosystem/forest in community lands done.

No. of private public partnership 8 5 management in County forests. No. of county forest infrastructure developed 8 2 and maintained

Amount of revenue raised 4 7 No charcoal producer groups 4 14 No of quarterly reports 24 No of licenses issued 50 Quarterly conflict management reports 2

Updated county forest and farm forestry 10 records No. of community sensitization on forestry 4 60 reports No of policies and bills developed 2 2

No. of enforcement imitative and cases taken 4 10 to court Hectares of land reclaimed and restored. 100HA 40 Ha

No. of products produced from Prosopis 3 1


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target No. of National Reserves developed and 1 2 managed No of Trans boundary wildlife conservation 3 1 meeting No. of community wildlife associations 3 1 formed and registration.

No. of community Extension services 8 34

Lands, Energy, Housing & Urban Areas Mgt. SP 2.1 Purchase of the survey Working survey equipment 0% 100% equipment and software

SP 3.1 Formulate County Land Approved land ownership bill 50% 100% Regularization and Ownership Bill SP. 3.2 Completion of Land Well-furnished land registry 100% 100% Registry in Lodwar SP. 3.3 Equipping of Land Equipped land registry 100% 100% Registry SP 4.1 Renewable Energy Number of institutions with well-maintained 0 30 Development( Installation and and working stand-alone solar PV systems. routine Maintenance of institutional stand-alone solar PV systems) SP 4.2 Urban and Rural Street Number of Towns with well-lit streets 4 12 Lighting ( Installation and Routine Maintenance) SP 4.2.1 County Energy fund Number of households supplied with reliable 2 10 (subsidy for solar mini-grids at and affordable electricity Naduat & Kataboi) SP 4.3 Energy Efficiency and number of institutions installed with well- 0 14 Conservation (Provision and maintained and working improved cook installation of improved cook stoves stoves to public institutions) Cleaning services in Lodwar, no of solid dumpsites, litter bins and transfer 0 1 Kakuma, Lokichoggio and stations, cleaning services Lokichar Procurement of cleaning gear improved waste collection, litter in place 0% 100%

Constitution of Lodwar municipal Establishment of a functional Municipality 0 1 board board 214

Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target Establish street parking lots in Established of well-organized parking Zones 1 1 Lodwar central business district Provision of Litter Bins and No. of solid dumpsites, litter bins and transfer 100% 100% transfer station at Kalokol stations, cleaning services

Construction of Modern stalls at Well-coordinated and clean markets 100% 100% Lodwar California Market Purchase of fire engine Operational fire engine 100% 100% Kenya Urban Support Parking lots and solar street lights 0 1 Programme, ( Construction of parking lots and densification of solar powered street lights) SP 6.1.1 Repair, fence, roof and Well maintained county staff houses 0 100% establish a drainage system for fourteen civil servants houses in Lodwar SP 6.1.2 Construction of 5 pit Well maintained county staff houses and the 0 100% latrines, renovation of 4 main environment gates and bush clearing of former UN camp in Lokichoggio

County Assembly County Assembly of Turkana Number of bills/ Acts Enacted and policies 60 70 passes Completion of development projects 60% 100%

County Public Service Board General Administration, Planning Ability to perform and deliver services to the 10% 70% & Support Services public Human Resource Programme No. of County HR Employees to be recruited/ 350 1000 promoted Ict Infrastructure Compliance to constitutional provisions and 10% 60% or requirements Quality Management System Compliance to constitutional provisions and 10% 65% Programming or requirements Turkana County Internship No. of youths graduating from the 120 220 Programme Programme County Public Service Compliance to constitutional provisions and 10% 70% Governance & Compliance or requirements COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE EXIT Compliance to constitutional provisions and 20% 90% PROGRAMME or requirements

Lodwar Municipality


Table 8: Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Indicators Matrix Sector/Sub-sector Key Performance Indicator Beginning of Proposed End the ADP year of the ADP situation target SP 4: Municipal infrastructure Installation of solar powered street lights and 115 115 services flood lights Construction of a fire station 0 1 -Installation of 130 solar powered street lights and Parking lots 0 130 Census Report 1 0 Number of calendar events and assemblies 3 participated 0 Number of Children supported with 0 20 alternative family care Advocacy report on child marriages. 0 2 Number of sports events organized and 0 3 participated in. Number of Trainings Held 0 3 Number of PWDs registered with NCPWD 0 40

PWD Day Celebrated 0 1 Number of Vulnerable Individuals supported 0 1,000 in Lodwar Municipality


ANNEX 1: Performance of Capital Projects for FY 2019/2020. Governance Project Objective/Purpose Output Performance Status Planned Cost Actual Cost Source Name/Location Indicators (based on (Ksh.) (Ksh.) of funds the indicators) Naakot To resettle 25 Houses/structures built, 25 60% 12,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households construction displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in ongoing Kraals at Naakot in structures built, materials each Lobokat ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Lorogon To resettle 25 Houses/structures built, 25 80% 12,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households construction displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in ongoing Kraals at Lorogon in structures built, materials the Kaputir ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Locherelim To resettle 25 Houses/structures built, 25 90% 12,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households construction displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in ongoing Kraals at Locherelim structures built, materials the transported to site, design resettlement layout site Kakiteitei To resettle 25 Houses/structures built, 25 80% 12,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households construction displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in ongoing Kraals at Kaiteitei in structures built, materials the Kapedo/Napeitom transported to site, design resettlement ward layout site


Lomaro To resettle 25 Houses/structures built, 25 100% 12,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households construction displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in ready to be Kraals at Ngilukia in structures built, materials each handed over Kapedo/Napeitom transported to site, design resettlement ward layout site Kasarani To resettle 25 Houses/structures built, 25 0% 12,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households Construction displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in hampered Kraals at Kasarani in structures built, materials the due to Kapedo/Napeitom transported to site, design resettlement insecurity ward layout site Nadome To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of over to the Kraals at Nadome in structures built, materials contractor Kapedo/Napeitom transported to site, design ward layout Kaakulit To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Kaakulit in structures built, materials each contractor Lokori/Kochodin ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Kaloporor To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Kaloporor in structures built, materials each contractor Kalapata ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site


Namambu To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Namambu in structures built, materials each contractor Lobokat ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Nadome To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Nadome in structures built, materials each contractor Kaputir ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Moruongor To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 house Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, holds and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Moruongor in structures built, materials each contractor Lobei/ Kotaruk ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Lodwat To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Lodwat in structures built, materials each contractor Lokiriama/ lorengkipi transported to site, design resettlement ward layout site Lokaabuk To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Lokaabuk in structures built, materials each contractor Kalobeyei ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site


Loteteleit To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Loteteleit in structures built, materials each contractor Lokichoggio ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Loruth To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Loruth in structures built, materials each contractor Kaleng/kaikor ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Natodomeri To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Natodomeri structures built, materials each contractor in Kibish ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Liwan To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Liwan in structures built, materials each contractor Lapur ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site Todonyang To resettle 20 Houses/structures built, 20 Awarded 10,000,000.00 0.00 TCG households of contractor awarded contract, households and handed displaced pastoralist reports, photo images of established in over to the Kraals at Todonyang in structures built, materials each contractor Lapur ward transported to site, design resettlement layout site


Deputy Governor Project Objective/Purpose Output Performance Status (based Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of funds Name/Location Indicators on the (Ksh.) (Ksh.) indicators) Construction of Improved living and Complete Residence 20% 20,000,000.00 11,000,000 TCG Deputy working environment Residence Complete Governor's for the Deputy Residence; Governor Lodwar

Finance and Planning.

Project Name/ Objective/ Output Performance Status (based Planned Cost Actual Source of funds Location Purpose Indicators on the (Ksh.) Cost indicators) (Ksh.) Completion of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 70% TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen 8,500,000.00 Centre - Services to the government Resource Centre Loarengak Village level information Completion of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 30% TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen 7,000,000.00 Centre -Kaeris Services to the government Resource Centre Village level information Completion of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 80% 1,500,000.00 TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen Centre - Katilu Services to the government Resource Centre Village level information Completion of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 100% 1,500,000.00 TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen Centre - Kakuma Services to the government Resource Centre Village level information Construction of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 0% TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen 25,000,000.00 Centre - Lopuski Services to the government Resource Centre Village level information 221

Construction of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 0% TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen 24,000,000.00 Centres - kalokol Services to the government Resource Centre Village level information Completion of Provision of Enhanced public Complete and 30% TCG Citizen Resource Government services to Equipped Citizen 4,000,000.00 Centres - Services to the government Resource Centre Kanamkemer Village level information Renovation of Administration and TCG Economic Support Services 2,500,000.00 Planning Offices - Township ICT Infrastructure Administration and TCG Development and Support Services 8,000,000.00 Improvement - Kanamkemer Acquisition of Administration and 4,044,614.00 TCG Information Support Services Systems and Equipment - Headquarters County Administration and TCG Headquarters Support Services 65,000,000.00 Offices - Nawoitorong Security Access Administration and TCG Installation - Support Services 5,000,000.00 Nawoitorong Completion of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Lokiriama collection revenue revenue centres 9,500,000.00 Revenue Centre - leakages Lokiriama Refurbishment of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Kalokol Guest collection revenue revenue centres 3,000,000.00 House - Kalokol leakages


Construction of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Market Stalls - collection revenue revenue centres 5,000,000.00 Lodwar Town leakages Refurbishment of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Cess Points - collection revenue revenue centres 600,000.00 Kalobeyei leakages Refurbishment of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Cess Points - collection revenue revenue centres 600,000.00 Namariat leakages Refurbishment of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Cess Points - collection revenue revenue centres 600,000.00 Naotin leakages Refurbishment of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Cess Points - collection revenue revenue centres 600,000.00 Nakalale leakages Refurbishment of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Cess Points - collection revenue revenue centres 600,000.00 Kalemnorok leakages Construction of Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Parking Lots - collection revenue revenue centres 2,000,000.00 Lodwar Town leakages Construction and Improved revenue Reduction of Operationalization of TCG Fitting of IFMIS collection revenue revenue centres 13,000,000.00 Lab - leakages Nawoitorong


Water, Environment and Mineral Resources.

Project Objective/Purpose Output Performance Status Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of Name/Location Indicators (Ksh.) (Ksh.) funds Proposed Improved access to Drilled boreholes and Number of 80% 45,896,031.00 TCG Improvement quality water equipment boreholes sunk - Of Napuu Water Supply Fy2016/17 Improvement Improved access to Drilled boreholes and Number of 30% 34,700,000.00 TCG Of Kakuma quality water equipment boreholes sunk - Water Supply Fy2016/17 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 80% 902,470.00 TCG Kanamkur quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2015/16 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 60% 4,253,140.41 TCG Kalomesiwa quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2015/16 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 40% 7,236,736.04 TCG Pokotom Water quality water and human pans constructed - Pan Fy2015/16 consumption Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 80% 4,149,421.80 TCG Lokichoggio quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2015/16 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 40% 3,732,614.80 TCG Lomidat Rock quality water and human pans constructed - Catchment consumption Fy2015/16


Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 60% 1,899,560.91 TCG Lopiding Rock quality water and human pans constructed - Catchment consumption Fy2015/16 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 80% 4,249,590.40 TCG Lokichoggio quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2014/15 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 60% 1,352,000.00 TCG Nagulekiring quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2016/17 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 40% 2,860,305.00 TCG Pokotom Water quality water and human pans constructed - Pan Fy2016/17 consumption Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 80% 2,706,144.60 TCG Lokichoggio quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2016/17 Improvement Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 30% 3,654,648.65 TCG Of Lokitaung quality water and human pans constructed - W/S Fy2015/16 consumption Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 80% 7,228,962.37 TCG Nalemsekon quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2015/16 Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 90% 6,779,958.95 TCG Nakebuse quality water and human pans constructed - Water Pan consumption Fy2015/16 Construction Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 80% 1,294,430.00 TCG Works At quality water and human pans constructed - Nalemsekon consumption Construction of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 50% TCG Kaakalel water quality water and human pans constructed - pan consumption 225

Improvement Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 60% 3,834,412.60 TCG Of Kibish W/S quality water and human pans constructed - Fy2015/16 consumption Construction Of Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 90% 4,366,004.44 TCG Kibish Water quality water and human pans constructed - Pan Fy2015/16 consumption Rehabilitation Improved access to Water for livestock Number of water 0% TCG Of Napeitom quality water and human pans constructed - Borehole consumption

Proposed Environment Reuse of Tonnes of plastics 30% 5,000,000 15,000,000 TCG contruction of plastics/Environment recovered/reused plastic conservation collection and reuse centre Purchase of Mineral Resources Sustainable Number of 80% complete 2,000,000 2,000,000 TCG mining exploitation of equipment (awaiting equipment mineral resources purchased distribution)

Health and Sanitation Services.

Sub Programme Project Name Location (Ward) Description of Estimated Source Performance Status (based Activities Cost(Kshs) of Funds Indicators on the indicators) SP 1.2 Additional Additional works at Kakuma Additional works 5,676,982.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of Kakuma health Health Facilities centre SP 1.2 Additional Eye Unit Lokitaung Lokitaung Construction of 5,000,000.00 TCG % of completion Completed Works/Renovations of Hospital Eye unit Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Dispensary Kalokol Construction of 6,832,238.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of Lokatikon facility Health Facilities 226

SP 1.2 Additional Maternity wing and Songot Construction of 15,000,000.00 TCG % of completion Not started Works/Renovations of 2 general wards at facility Health Facilities Aposta Dispensary SP 1.2 Additional Kidewa Dispensary Katillia Construction of 7,481,025.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Katula Dispensary Kangatotha Construction of 7,500,000.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Abaat Dispensary Kalobeyei Construction of 7,676,445.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Kainuk Ichakun Lobokat Construction of 8,000,000.00 TCG % of completion Not Started Works/Renovations of Dispensary facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Kobuin Dispensary Nakalale Construction of 7,960,262.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Nakinomet Kaaleng/kaikor Construction of 7,500,000.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of Dispensary facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Napetao Dispensary Kanamkemer Construction of 8,000,000.00 TCG % of completion Not started Works/Renovations of facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Kalemunyang Lobei/kotaruk Construction of 10,936,770.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of Dispensary facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Nakechichok Kerio Construction of 7,500,000.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of Dispensary facility Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Chibilet Dispensary Kalapata Construction of 7,955,000.00 TCG % of completion On going Works/Renovations of facility Health Facilities PERFORMANCE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR FY2019/2020


SP 1.2 Additional Construction of Turkwel Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Kodopa Dispensary 8,500,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities in Turkwel Ward SP 1.2 Additional Construction Of Kangatotha Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Loyoro Dispensary in 15,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Kangatotha Wards SP 1.2 Additional Construction of Kerio Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Ngimuriae 12,500,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Dispensary SP 1.2 Additional Repair and Kaapedo Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Additional Works in 1,500,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Kaapedo Dispensary SP 1.2 Additional Construction Kapedo/Napeitom Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Dispensary in 10,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Kapedo/Napeitom Ward SP 1.2 Additional Construction Of Katilia Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Naukotlem 10,300,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Dispensary in Katilia Wards SP 1.2 Additional Mortuary Lokori Lokori Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of 12,750,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Construction of staff Kaeris Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Houses in Nadunga 4,500,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities HC SP 1.2 Additional Renovation of Staff Kainuk Renovation TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of houses in Kainuk 1,500,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Hospital SP 1.2 Additional Renovation of Katilu Renovation TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Pharmacy in Katilu 1,500,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Hospital SP 1.2 Additional Theatre Lokichar Lokichar TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of 11,964,968.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities


SP 1.2 Additional Staff houses, Store, Lokichar Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Laundry and Kitchen 10,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Lokichar Hospital SP 1.2 Additional Mortuary at Kakuma Kakuma Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Hospital 18,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Fencing of Kakuma Kakuma Fencing TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Hospital 6,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities SP 1.2 Additional Construction of Letea Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Tulabalany 10,300,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities Dispensary SP 1.2 Additional Completion of Songot Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Works/Renovations of Maternity Lokangae 4,700,000.00 FY2020/2021 Health Facilities SP 4.2 LCRH Orthopedic theatre Lodwar Township Construction TCG % of completion Deferred to Infrastructure in LCRH 5,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Development

SP 4.2 LCRH Asbestos disposal at Lodwar Township TCG % of completion Deferred to Infrastructure LCRH 4,000,000.00 FY2020/2021 Development

Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs.

Project Name/ Objective/Purpose Output Performance Status (based on the Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of Indicators indicators) (Ksh.) (Ksh.) funds Biashara Fund Provide affordable access to number of Money not released - TCG credit/ loans for credit MSMEs 36,000,000.00 MSMEs accessing the fund


Refurbishment of Promote orderly modern complete on going 10,000,000.00 TCG Non-Residential growth of Trade retail and modern market 10,000,000.00 Buildings - fresh infrastructure Modernization of produce Lodwar Fresh market Produce & Retail Market Construction of Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders on going TCG Modern Markets growth of Trade markets using the 19,465,000.00 14,500,000.00 in Lokitaung market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Kalemngorok market Market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Lokori Market market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Kalokol Market market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Nakurio Market market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 2,000,000.00 Kakuma Market market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Turkwel Market market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Katilu Market market Repair & Promote orderly refurbished No of Traders Deferred - TCG Maintenance of growth of Trade markets using the 1,000,000.00 Lowarengak market 230


Purchase of Equip the metrology Equipped Number of purchased TCG calibration lab metrology calibration 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 equipment lab equipment purchased Youth and Women Promotion of Promote No of youth - TCG Fund Transformative Youth youth and women 133,000,000.00 Empowerment with access to accessing credit focus on employability financial and live skills, talent services and entrepreneurship and credit development

Education Sports and Social Protection

Project Name/ Objective/ Output Performance Status (based Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of funds Location Purpose Indicators on the (Ksh.) (Ksh.) indicators) Urum ECDE Centre Provide a Complete Completion rate Works ongoing TCG conducive ECDE Centre of ECDE Centre 7,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 environment for (%) learning Kapel ECDE Centre Provide a Complete Completion rate Works ongoing TCG conducive ECDE Centre of ECDE Centre 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 environment for (%) learning Ekalees Sports To provide Complete Completion rate Works ongoing TCG Complex conducive Sports of the Sports 20,000,000.00 19,000,000.00 environment for Complex Complex sports and talent development among the youth within and outside 231

the county for socioeconomic development

Equipping of To enhance good Improved Equipped centre complete TCG Lodwar Rescue working service with electricity. 7,000,000.00 6,900,000.00 Centre/Electricity environment and delivery and installation improve security of centre the center security. Construction of a additional To improve Completion complete TCG dormitory at dormitory at the holding report 7,000,000.00 6,900,000.00 Kakuma Rescue centre capacity of centre children at the centre Construction of two Additional To improve Completion 60% complete TCG Classrooms at classrooms at the holding report 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Lorugum VTC centre capacity of learners at the centre Construction of Additional To improve Completion 50% complete TCG twin workshop classrooms at the holding report 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 centre capacity of learners at the centre Construction To provide security To improve Completion 10 % complete TCG Perimeter wall at and promote holding report 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Lodwar VTC conducive learning capacity of environment learners at the centre Construction of two Additional To improve Completion 50% complete TCG Classrooms at classrooms at the holding report 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 kATABOI VTC centre capacity of learners at the centre 232

Construction of two Additional To improve Completion 50% complete TCG Classrooms at classrooms at the holding report 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Lokichar VTC centre capacity of learners at the centre

Public Service, Administration and Disaster Management.

Project Name/ Objective/ Output Performance Status (based Planned Cost Actual Source of funds Location Purpose Indicators on the (Ksh.) Cost indicators) (Ksh.) Construction of Effective Number of Ongoing 35,000,000.00 TCG Sub County delivery of Offices Administration public Office Blocks services Turkana West Completion of Effective Number of Ongoing 10,000,000.00 TCG Kibish Sub delivery of Offices County Office public Block services

Infrastructure, Transport and Public Works.

PROJECT NAME OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE OUTPUT PERFORMANCE STATUS(based Planned Actual cost(Ksh) Source of funds) INDICATORS on the cost)Ksh) indicators) ROUTINE road maintenance 4.3km completion 100% 10,130,976 10,130,976 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate BAPTIST CHURCH progress reports NAWOITORONG- LODWAR PRIMARY ROAD


ROUTINE road maintenance 7 km completion 100% 14,128,800 14,128,800 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate NCPB JUNCTION – progress reports NAKWAMEKWI PRIMARY – NAURENPUU ROAD

ROUTINE road maintenance 2.5Km completion 100% 8,472,640 8,472,640 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate PUBLIC WORKS progress reports RESIDENCE-NAPUU IRRIGATION SCHEME

ROUTINE road maintenance 3.5KM completion 100% 7,498,240 7,498,240 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate ROBERT JUNCTION- progress reports KANAM PRIMARY- CANAAN ROAD

ROUTINE road maintenance 50KM completion 100% 7,651,360 7,651,360 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate MAKUTANO A1 progress reports JUNCTION-NGAMOR AKWAAK ROAD


ROUTINE 55KM completion 100% 14,805,080 14,805,080 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate NAMORUPUTH- progress reports KANGIMONGIN ARENGAK ROAD

PROPOSED 50M completion 100% 9,260,530 9,260,530 KRB CONSTRUCTION OF certificate NAYANAE ELIM DRIFT progress reports

ROUTINE 43KM completion 100% 12,215,380 12,215,380 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate NARENGEWOI- progress reports RIOKOMOI KAEKOROPUS ROAD

ROUTINE 20 KM completion 100% 10,521,200 10,521,200 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate KERIO-NGIMURIA- progress reports NAKURIO ROAD

PROPOSED 30M completion 100% 4,488,144.40 4,488,144.40 KRB CONSTRUCTION OF certificate KERIO-NGIMURIA progress reports DRIFT ROUTINE 42KM completion 100% 10,744,210 10,744,210 KRB MAINTENANCE OF certificate LOKORI JUNCTION- progress reports KAARUKO-LOPII ROAD


PROPOSED 40M completion 100% 8,385,552 8,385,552 KRB CONSTRUCTION OF certificate KAARUKO-LOPII progress reports DRIFT ROUTINE 32KM completion 100% 26,031,000 26,031,000 KRB MAINTENACE OF certificate LOMELO-NADOME progress reports ROAD PROPOSED 50M completion 60% 9,810,294 9,810,294 KRB CONSTRUCTION certificate LOMELO-NADOME progress reports DRIFT-1 LOMELO-NADOME 50M completion 60% 9,901,887.60 9,901,887.60 KRB DRIFT 2 certificate progress reports ROUTINE 60KM completion 100% 12,604,560 12,604,560 MANTTAINANCE OF certificate EKALES CENTRE progress reports JUNCTION- LORENGELUP- NAPUSMORU

PROPOSED 40M completion 100% 7,302,664 7,302,664 CONSTRUCTION OF certificate LORENGELUP DRIFT progress reports

ROUTINE 44KM completion 100% 14,578,880 14,578,880 MAINTENANCE OF certificate MORUANAYECHE- progress reports LETEA-KAKUMA ROAD


PROPOSED 50M completion 100% 8,749,230 8,749,230 CONSTRUCTION OF certificate LETEA- progress reports MORUANAYECHE DRIFT PROPOSED 70M completion 100% 11,792,525 11,792,525 CONSTRUCTION OF certificate KAALENG-KAIKOR progress reports DRIFT ROUTINE 21KM completion 100% 19,941,235 19,941,235 MAINTENANCE OF certificate LETEA JUNCTION- progress reports DONGORON ROAD (21KM)

ROUTINE 54KM completion 100% 40,485,160 40,485,160 MAINTENANCE OF certificate DONGORON-LORENG- progress reports NGAMORKIRIONOK- NAKITONGO- KAALALE ROAD

ROUTINE 40KM completion 100% 8,813,680 8,813,680 MAINTENANCE OF certificate KAKUMA JUNCTION- progress reports LOMIL- NAKITOKIRION- KANGATARUK ROAD

ROUTINE 5KM completion 100% 16,535,800 16,535,800 MAINTENANCE OF certificate KAKUMA-NATIR progress reports ROAD


PROPOSED 50M completion 100% 8,700,010 8,700,010 CONSTRUCTION OF certificate LOMIL DRIFT progress reports ROUTINE 25KM completion 100% 9,474,300 9,474,300 MANTAINANCE OF A1 certificate JUNCTION progress reports KALOBEYEI- LOKWAMOR- NAPEIKAR ROAD ROUTINE 3.6KM completion 100% 12,211,088 12,211,088 MAINTENANCE OF certificate LODWAR TOWN progress reports STREET ROADS

ROUTINE 2.7KM completion 100% 9,220,492 9,220,492 MAINTENANCE OF certificate LOBOLO-LONGECH progress reports ROAD ROUTINE 28KM completion 100% 4725840.00 4,725,840 MAINTENANCE certificate KAKELAE-KOKURO progress reports ROAD PROPOSED 600M completion 100% 23657272.00 23,657,272 TCG CONSTRUCTION OF certificate LOKICHAR RIVER progress reports PROTECTION LOT 2 PROPOSED 50M completion 100% 9337385.00 9,337,385 CONSTRUCTION OF certificate KATILU DRIFT progress reports PROPOSED 60M completion 100% 10810399.00 10,810,399 CONSTRUCTION OF certificate LOKINEIMOE DRIFT progress reports


Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and Fisheries. Project Name/ Objective/Purp Output Performance Status (based Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of Location ose Indicators on the (Ksh.) (Ksh.) funds indicators) Purchase of To increase Increased crop Increased quantity 30% of the 30,000,000.00 9,728,568.00 TCG Agricultural crop production production and produced and yield target achieved Materials, Supplies and productivity per acre and Small productivity farm inputs are # of vulnerable Equipment and enhance easily available farmers supported farm inputs and accessible with farm inputs; availability and Tones of inputs accessibility supplied to farmers Acquisition of Land To increase land Improved soil Acreage under 75% of work 7,500,000.00 3,594,058.00 TCG for Smart under smart fertility and climate smart done Agriculture at agriculture water retention Agriculture practices Loperot Kalapata practices to for crop Ward, Turkana mitigate effects production and South. of climate environment change adaptation Establishment of To reclaim land Increased Increased area 0% 13,334,972 13,334,972 TCG Drip Irrigation at and enhance its uptake of drip under irrigation , Lokirieret in productivity in irrigation Improved water use Lokichoggio ward order to technology efficiency and support both Increased area human and under Production livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


Establishment of To reclaim land Increased Increased area 0% 10,000,000 10,000,000 TCG Drip Irrigation at and enhance its uptake of drip under irrigation , Tudukae in Loima productivity in irrigation Improved water use ward order to technology efficiency and support both Increased area human and under Production livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Establishment of To reclaim land Increased Increased area 0% 10,000,000 10,000,000 TCG Drip Irrigation at and enhance its uptake of drip under irrigation , Lobokat in Lobokat productivity in irrigation Improved water use ward order to technology efficiency and support both Increased area human and under Production livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Establishment of To reclaim land Increased Increased area 0% 13,000,000 13,000,000 TCG Drip Irrigation at and enhance its uptake of drip under irrigation , Lokwaliwa in Katilu productivity in irrigation Improved water use ward order to technology efficiency and support both Increased area human and under Production livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


Establishment of To reclaim land Increased Increased area 0% 10,000,000 10,000,000 TCG Drip Irrigation at and enhance its uptake of drip under irrigation , Kapedo in productivity in irrigation Improved water use Kapedo/Napitom order to technology efficiency and ward support both Increased area human and under Production livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Flood protection of To reclaim land Offer protection Increased resilience 0% 35,000,000 35,000,000 TCG Irrigation and enhance its to irrigation to flood damage to infrastructure at productivity in infrastructure irrigation Nangitony surface order to infrastructure. Irrigation scheme in support both Kerio Delta ward human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Flood protection of To reclaim land Offer protection Increased resilience 0% 25,500,000 25,500,000 TCG Irrigation and enhance its to irrigation to flood damage to infrastructure at productivity in infrastructure irrigation Naremit surface order to infrastructure. Irrigation scheme in support both Lobei/Kotaruk ward human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


Flood protection of To reclaim land Offer protection Increased resilience 0% 16,500,000 16,500,000 TCG Irrigation and enhance its to irrigation to flood damage to infrastructure and productivity in infrastructure irrigation improvement of in- order to infrastructure. field infrastructure support both at Koputiro in human and Lobokat/Kainuk livestock ward population as well as environmental conservation. Rehabilitation of To reclaim land Irrigation Increased area 0% 15,000,000 15,000,000 TCG dilapidated and enhance its schemes are under irrigation and Irrigation productivity in rehabilitated and Improved water use infrastructure at order to operationalized efficiency Naurenpuu, in support both Turkwel ward human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Lining of canal To reclaim land Irrigation Increased area 0% 6,000,000 6,000,000 TCG length at Elelea and enhance its schemes are under irrigation and Surface Irrigation productivity in rehabilitated and Improved water use scheme in Katilia order to operationalized efficiency ward support both human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


Establishment of To reclaim land Spate 50 of Ha of land put 0% 12,500,000 12,500,000 TCG spate Irrigation at and enhance its technology is under spate Nakinomet in productivity in adopted as an irrigation Kalen/Kaikor ward order to alternative to support both Irrigation human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Establishment of To reclaim land Spate 40 of Ha of land put 0% 10,000,000 10,000,000 TCG spate Irrigation in and enhance its technology is under spate Nawontos in productivity in adopted as an irrigation Kalobeyei ward order to alternative to support both Irrigation human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Repair of Lomidat To reclaim land Spate 165 of Ha of land put 0% 5,000,000 5,000,000 TCG spate Irrigation and enhance its technology is under spate productivity in adopted as an irrigation order to alternative to support both Irrigation human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


Establishment of To reclaim land Spate 40 of Ha of land put 0% 10,000,000 10,000,000 TCG spate Irrigation at and enhance its Technology is under spate Nasikilele in productivity in adopted as an irrigation Kanamkemer ward order to alternative to support both Irrigation human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Establishment of To reclaim land Spate 50 of Ha of land put 0% 12,500,000 12,500,000 TCG spate Irrigation at and enhance its Technology is under spate Naro-Ebei in productivity in adopted as an irrigation Kangatotha ward order to alternative to support both Irrigation human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Establishment of To reclaim land Spate 40 of Ha of land put 0% 10,000,000 10,000,000 TCG spate Irrigation at and enhance its Technology is under spate Kapelbok in Kaputir productivity in adopted as an irrigation ward order to alternative to support both Irrigation human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


Construction of Ex- To reclaim land Increased crop # of Ha of reclaimed 0% 8,000,000 8,000,000 TCG situ soil and water and enhance its production degraded land under conservation and productivity in through soil and crop production Rain water order to water harvesting and support both conservation management human and structures at Kibish livestock in Kibish ward population as well as environmental conservation. Construction of Ex- To reclaim land Increased crop # of Ha of reclaimed 0% 6,000,000 6,000,000 TCG situ soil and water and enhance its production degraded land under conservation and productivity in through soil and crop production Rain water order to water harvesting and support both conservation management human and structures at livestock Kalemungorok in population as Katilu ward well as environmental conservation. Construction of Ex- To reclaim land Increased crop # of Ha of reclaimed 0% 8,000,000 8,000,000 TCG situ soil and water and enhance its production degraded land under conservation and productivity in through soil and crop production Rain water order to water harvesting and support both conservation management human and structures at livestock Napeitom in population as Kapedo/Napeitom well as ward environmental conservation.


Construction of In- To reclaim land Degraded land is # of Ha of degraded 0% 2,000,000 2,000,000 TCG Situ rain water and enhance its reclaimed and land reclaimed harvesting and productivity in put into Management order to sustainable use structures at Natiir support both in Nanam Ward human and livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Construction of In- To reclaim land Degraded land is # of Ha of degraded 0% 3,000,000 3,000,000 TCG Situ rain water and enhance its reclaimed and land reclaimed harvesting and productivity in put into Management order to sustainable use structures at Urum support both in Lokiriama human and Lorengkipi ward livestock population as well as environmental conservation. Construction of In- To reclaim land Degraded land is # of Ha of degraded 0% 2,000,000 2,000,000 TCG Situ rain water and enhance its reclaimed and land reclaimed harvesting and productivity in put into Management order to sustainable use structures in support both Kalapata in Kalapata human and ward livestock population as well as environmental conservation.


County Veterinary Improvement 1 Lab No. of Laboratories Ongoing at 80% 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 TCG Laboratory of services constructed constructed delivery/ enhanced emergency response on livestock disease prevention and management Non-Residential Improvement 1 Cold Chain No. of cold chain Completed 9,000,000 9,000,000.00 TCG Buildings ( Cold of services Constructed constructed Chain in Lokichar delivery/ ward) enhanced emergency response on livestock disease prevention and management Non-Residential Improvement 1 Cold Chain No. of cold chain completed 9,000,000 9,000,000.00 TCG Buildings (cold chain of services Constructed constructed in Lapur ward) delivery/ enhanced emergency response on livestock disease prevention and management


Non-Residential Safeguard 3 No. of Defered 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 TCG Buildings human health Slaughterhouses slaughterhouse (Renovation of reduced renovated Lagoons renovated slaughter house zoonosis lagoon in Kakuma, Township and Kanamkemer wards) Non-Residential Improvement 1 drug store # of drug store Defered 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 TCG Buildings (drug store of services constructed constructed Nanam ward) delivery/ enhanced emergency response on livestock disease prevention and management Strategic livestock Improvement 14 crushes number of crushes completed 1,050,000 1,050,000 TCG mobile crushes of services procured delivery/ enhanced emergency response on livestock disease prevention and management Lokitaung and Safeguard 2 No. of ongoing 10,000,000 10,000,000.00 TCG Kanamkemer human health slaughterhouses slaughterhouses Slaughter House reduced renovated renovated (Nawoitorong zoonosis Purchase of Adequate 3148 No. of 50Kg bags 3148 Bags 17,000,000 14,500,000 TCG livestock feeds availability of livestock feeds supplied feeds storage purchased and conservation 248

Purchase of one Livestock 2500 No. of Chicks 2500 Chicks not 1,000,000 987,500 TCG month old improved diversification purchased supplied indigenous chicks and poultry breed improvement Purchase of poultry Livestock 150 50Kg Bag Growers Poultry feeds 1,000,000 995,230 TCG equipment and diversification 100 mash ,drinkers, feeds and poultry 200 160 50Kg bag Chick feeders and breed Assorted drugs mash No. drugs were improvement and vaccines of Drinkers supplied No. of Feeders Assorted drugs and vaccines Purchase of bee Livestock 125 125 No. of Lang troth Bee hives and 2,500,000 2,250,000 TCG keeping equipment diversification 71 bee hive No. of honey and bee Kenya Top Bar Hive harvesting kits keeping No. of Harvesting improvement Kits Construction of sale Improved 2 2No.livestock Construction 20,000,000 NIL TCG yard at Nanam and income, market market sale yards works were Nakalale wards. access and deferred to FY linkages 2020/21 Completion of Better quality 9 No. of Buildings Construction 20,543,557 NIL TCG Construction of Non- breeds works were residential buildings including goat deferred to FY at Livestock 2020/21 breeding and multiplication centre at Lomosogol; Kerio ward


Completion of Improved 8 No. of Buildings Construction 25,000,000 NIL TCG Construction of Non- income, market works were residential buildings access and deferred to FY at Livestock holding linkages 2020/21 ground at Napeililim; Turkwel ward

Procure of Fish seed, Alternative Operational fish Quantity of Fish Tender re- 1,400,000.00 -00 TCG feeds and feeders source of pond produced advertised livelihood Procure outboard Improve fishing Outboard No. of our board Tender re- 15,600,000.00 -00 TCG engines for boats. efficiency engines engine advertised (15Hp) distributed Cage culture Diversify Cages Quantity of Fish re-allocated -00 -00 TCG livelihood produced source Fisheries livelihood Improve fish Boats distributed No of wooden boats Tender 26,560,000.00 24,560,000.00 TCG(ongoing) support catch procured awarded Purchase of Solar Reduce post- Quality fresh fish Quantity of fresh supplied 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 TCG freezers harvest losses Fish traded Operationalization Increase trade Quality fresh fish Quantity of fresh deferred 1,000,000.00 -00 TCG of fresh fish market volumes of Fish traded in Kalokol fresh fish Completion of dry Reduce post- Quality dry fish number of dry stores deferred 770,000.00 -00 TCG fish stores harvest losses completed

Tourism, Culture and Natural Resources.

Lands, Energy, Housing and Urban Areas Management. Project Name/ Objective/ Output Performance Status (based on the Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of funds Location Purpose indicators indicators) (Ksh.) (Ksh.)


Completion To bring service closer Improved Well-furnished 60% complete 12.8M 12.8M TCG and equipping to the people and service delivery land registry of Land digitization of land on land matters Registry records County spatial To determine general well planned existence of 0% 100M 0 TCG plan directions and trends and the county for physical coordinated spatial development and development in sectorial development the County in the County Fire station To address fire To reduce the A working fire 1% 55M 55M KUSP-UDG accident incidences level of fire station damages Subsidy to To increase energy Increased Fully % 0% 0 GIZ, Private development access and harness the energy access operational sector-TCG of solar mini renewable forms of in the County solar mini-grids Grids energy readily available in the County Establishment Reduce cost used for Standard and Well-furnished 0 0 0 TCG of county rents well maintained houses affordable houses houses Routine Improved service no. of commissioning 0 88M 88M TCG Maintenance delivery in health institutions reports and and facilities, improved installed with procurement installation of security and improved solar PV documents Solar street learning in schools systems, lighting, Town/market institutional centres standalone installed with solar PV solar street systems and lights, public improved institutions institutional installed with cook stoves cook stoves


County Assembly. Project Objective/purpose Output Performance Status (Based Planned Actual Cost Source of Name/Location. Indicators on indicators) Cost(Ksh) Funds

Ultra-Modern Construction of ultra- Improved service Complete Ultra- 86% 179,736,282 154,028,410.10 County County Assembly - Modern County delivery and Modern Assembly Treasury Lodwar Township Assembly and Offices work methods of Building/ Leaders members and and Department's staff. offices Official Speaker's Construction of improved service Speaker's 61% 75,016,715.68 45,610,187.47 County Residence- official Speaker's delivery and Residence Treasury Kanamkemer ward Residence, Lounge work methods and Visitors Section lodge Construction of New Digital Chamber improved service Digital Chamber 0% 60M 100M County Digital Chamber at delivery and constructed Treasury the Ultra-modern work methods of Assembly in Lodwar members and Township staff. modern Library- New Modern Library enhance Modern Library 0% 30M 60M County Lodwar Township research on Constructed Treasury Assembly Functions and available information Members Resource New Members improved service Resource centre 0% 30M 50M County centre-Lodwar Resource centre delivery and constructed Treasury work methods of members and 252


Research institute - New Research Centre Enhance Research institute 0% 50M 100M County Lodwar research on Constructed Treasury Assembly Functions and available information Construction of New MCA Office in Improved service Ward Office 56.90% 362,717,716.88 206,402,812.52 County Ward offices the Ward delivery and Constructed Treasury work methods of members. Treasury Annex New annex Building enhance Treasury Annex 100.88% 65,000,020.00 65,570,881.20 County research on Constructed Treasury Assembly Functions and available information

Turkana County Public Service Board.

Project Objective/Purpose. Output Performance Indicators Status Planned Actual Cost Source of Name/Location. (based on Cost (Ksh.) funds the (Ksh.) indicators)

Construction of Increased 1 No. constructed Complete and operational 60% 5,850,000 8,679,088.00 TCG Boardroom Management and Board room Board room complete (CPSB OFFICES- Operational LODWAR) Capacities of the Board 253


ANNEX 2: Performance of Non- Capital Projects for previous ADP. GOVERNANCE

FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING Project Name/ Objective/ Status Performance (based on Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of Output Location Purpose indicators the (Ksh.) (Ksh.) funds indicators) ICT Infrastructure Development Administration and TCG and Improvement - Kanamkemer Support Services 8,000,000.00 Acquisition of Information Administration and TCG Systems and Equipment - Support Services 4,044,614.00 Headquarters

WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND MINERAL RESOURCES Performance Planned Cost Actual Cost Source Project Name/Location Objective/Purpose Output Status indicators (Ksh.) (Ksh.) of funds Chemical analysis of Number of Supply of Equipment’s and Water quality water for human quality tests Ongoing 10,492,147.00 10,492,147.00 TCG reagents for water quality tests consumption done Not implemented Better cohesion Number of owing to To bring together the in the community COVID 19 Oil and Gas various stakeholders in implementation 4,000,000 10,000,000 TCG engagements regulation the extractive sector of the sector held that forbid programs public gatherings Sensitize artisanal Capacity building in Environmental miners on Number of TCG & exploitation of Mineral conscious 2 environmental and trainings held UNDP Resources mining occupational


Identification Ten artisanal of the various Number of mining sites Mapping of various challenges artisanal Mineral Resource Mapping visited in 2,000,000 1,970,000 TCG artisanal mining s experienced by mining sites Loima sub- the local visited county artisanal miners

Draft Turkana Extractives Policy, there were Regulation of Number of Development of Turkana insufficient County Extractives bill and extractives bills and AHADI- County Extractives bill funds to regulation sector at policies USAID and Policy facilitate County level implemented formation of bill and public participation of the same.


TRADE, YOUTH AND GENDER. Objective/ Output Performance Status Planned Cost (Ksh.) Actual Cost (Ksh.) Source of funds indicators (based on the indicators) Purpose To enhance institutional Delivery of quality, Ability to achieve 95,506,319.66 TCG framework for efficient and effective and efficient on agreed effective service delivery. services deliverables.


To increase contribution of County Business No of licensed 1,380,438.86 TCG commerce to the economy & Directory businesses increased contribution of MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of Established Export No of trade 967,910.86 TCG commerce to the economy & markets for county promotional increased contribution of products events conducted MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of Trained MSMEs No of MSMEs 1,500,547.81 TCG commerce to the economy & operators operators trained increased contribution of MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of Survey reports No of trade 809,262.57 TCG commerce to the economy & surveys increased contribution of conducted MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of legal and regulatory No of Laws on 6,476,917.33 TCG commerce to the economy & framework for NOREB NOREB enacted increased contribution of MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of Consumer protection No of reports on 1,300,000.00 TCG commerce to the economy & consumer increased contribution of protection serveys MSMEs to trade conducted development. To increase contribution of Trained Inspectors No of Officers 1,758,020.42 TCG commerce to the economy & Accredited increased contribution of MSMEs to trade development.


To increase contribution of Seized Goods/ No of seized 700,000.00 TCG commerce to the economy & commodities goods/ increased contribution of commodities MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of legal and regulatory No of Laws on 675,273.90 TCG commerce to the economy & framework for NOREB NOREB enacted increased contribution of MSMEs to trade development. To increase contribution of Consumer protection No of seized 851,251.99 TCG commerce to the economy & goods/ increased contribution of commodities MSMEs to trade development. To promote cooperative No. of Audit reports No. of Audit 2,340,000.00 TCG sector development and produced and certified reports produced improve governance and management of cooperative societies. No. of AGMs held

To promote cooperative Availability of variety No. of Co- 2,310,000.00 TCG sector development and products and services operative improve governance and offered by co- Conferences and management of cooperative operatives exhibitions societies. participated by co- operative societies


Availability of Co- No. of Co- TCG operative Research operative Report on key research products and services conducted on products and services To promote cooperative Availability of Co- No. of extension 2,688,458.67 TCG sector development and operative and advisory and advisory improve governance and services Report services meeting management of cooperative produced held : and societies. participants

Availability of No. of Co- education and operative trainings/workshop members, reports management, supervisory committees and staff educated and trained

Availability of No. of co- Exchange operatives programmes/Visits participated on Reports Exchange programmes/Visits

Availability of Ushirika No of Ushirika day Day Celebrations Celebrations held Reports


To promote cooperative Availability of No. of 1,000,383.47 TCG sector development and Development Policy Development improve governance and and Acts Policy and Legal management of cooperative framework societies. formulated and passed

To contribute towards gender Women learning and No of women 9,310,000.00 TCG equality and protection of information centres, who accessed vulnerable groups in order to increased women women loans, no achieve socio-economic and access to women of women led sustainable development. fund , increased businesses women groups created, no of participation in learning and international expos, information women registered centres companies , more acquire AGPO certification and participate in tendering. Financial support to no of women led women led enterprises enterprises supported


Increased participation No of women in of women in peace political positions, building process and No of training on economic trainers of development trainees as agents ,celebration of gender of change, no of calendar events calendared events celebrated

To contribute towards gender Promote financial No of women 8,220,657.37 TCG equality and protection of access for agricultural benefiting from vulnerable groups in order to input supply and the agricultural achieve socio-economic and improved market farm inputs sustainable development. access by smallholder farmer, small-scale processor and women groups. To contribute towards gender Adoption of gender No of policies 601,251.99 TCG equality and protection of policies implemented vulnerable groups in order to achieve socio-economic and sustainable development. To contribute towards gender Reduced prevalence of No of gender 2,000,000.00 TCG equality and protection of harmful cultural sensitization vulnerable groups in order to practices, early meetings held achieve socio-economic and marriages, forced sustainable development. marriages, SGBV


Reduced prevalence of No of established TCG gender based violence one stop SGBV ,capacity building and centres advocacy, gender supported, no of responsive budgeting established safe and reporting houses for women and girls supported ,no of cases reported, filed and case concluded

No of HE and SHE TCG campaigns conducted

Promotion of transformative Increased youth No of centres 11,960,876.49 TCG youth empowerment with empowerment centres established focus on employability and established life skills, talent and entrepreneurship development. Youth mentored and No of youths capacity built sensitized on AGPO promotion

Increased number of No of youths youths registered companies companies registered


Improved market No of youths access and linkages, facilitated to youth exchange market their programmes products Promotion of transformative Increased number of New number of 2,550,000.00 TCG youth empowerment with youths on new youths employed focus on employability and employment life skills, talent and entrepreneurship development. Promotion of transformative Youths trained on rare No of youths 1,387,910.86 TCG youth empowerment with skills trained on rare focus on employability and skills life skills, talent and entrepreneurship development. Increased youth No of youths mentorship and mentored and capacity building trained

Increased youths No of youths trainings on ethics and trained on moral moral values values

increased No of youths entrepreneurship trained on trainings entrepreneurial skills



Project Name/ Objective/ Output Performance Status Planned Cost Actual Cost Source Location Purpose indicators (based on (Ksh.) (Ksh.) of the funds indicators) Food and Rations. To provided food and 300 street Food supply, Food 4,000,000 4,000,000 TCG (Provision of food, school school requirements children Delivery and supplied uniforms and school to vulnerable children supported Monitoring requirements to vulnerable in rescue centres reports, LPOs, children in rescue centres.) within the county Delivery notes Disability Sports To Promote inclusive 6 Participation Sport 2,500,000 2,500,000 TCG participation of PWD wheelchair certificates, activity in sport activities. racers reports and attended participated trophies won. during the Nondo desert wheel race. Registration of Illimanyang To access government 100 Registration Registration 365,493.03 365,493.03 TCG group with NCPWD services registered report, NCPWD complete Cards Publicity Conduct Media Number of Communication Media Training Training and 3,500,000.00 3,300,000.00 TCG Communication Courses Conducted Produce Magazines, Quarterly Pamphlets and Magazines, 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 TCG Brochures Pamphlets and Brochures 264


Explore Citizen Citizen Charters, Billboards charters, and Publicity Channels billboards and 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 TCG publicity channels explored Research and Sensitization Produce Project Number of Documentaries projects documentary produced 2,800,000.00 2,800,000.00 TCG Supply of Instructional To improve access to 2 VTCs Number of VTC Materilas to VTCs quality examinations Supplied centres with supplied with Instructional instructional Materials materials TCG Quality Assurance Exercise Improve quality of Quality Number of service delivery Assurance annual quality Report assurance exercises conducted TCG Enrolment Drives To improve access to Enrolment Number of technical skills for self- Drive termly employment Report enrolment drives TCG Training of Colleges BOM To improve quality of Training Number of service delivery in Reports institutions' VTCs and BOM trained accountability and capacity built TCG C0-Curricular Activities To improve quality of Activity Number of Co- service delivery in Reports Curricular VTCs and activities accountability conducted TCG 265


PUBLIC SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT. Project Name/Location Objective/Purpose Output Performance indicators Status Planned Cost Actual Sourc (based on (Ksh.) Cost e of the (Ksh.) funds indicators) Payroll and record Timely payroll No. of payroll reports 10,000,000.00 TCG management processing & improved record Human Resource Improved No. of trainings undertaken 13,000,000.00 TCG Development service delivery


GHRIS Leave & Improve No. of trainings undertaken. 20,000,000.00 TCG Performance Module performance in No. of UPN requests. Implementation Public Service Digitization and Improved No. of records automated and 13,000,000.00 TCG Automation of Human records mobile racks placed at registry Resource Registry Management Mainstreaming Public Employees and No. of citizens who give 10,000,000.00 TCG Sector Integrity Citizens feedback on government Programme feedback services County Performance Timely No. of employees engaged on 10,000,000.00 TCG Management performance performance contracts and SPAS contracting level Public Service Week Enhancing No. staff trained on integrity transparency matters. No. and of employees rewarded or accountability honored Purchase of 2 no. motor Improve service No of motor vehicles 6,000,000.00 TCG vehicles for Chief Officer delivery & HR spot check activities Operationalization of Sub Delivery of Ability to achieve on agreed 35,000,000.00 TCG County Administration Quality, effective deliverables Offices and efficient services


Operationalization of Delivery of Ability to achieve on agreed 62,000,000.00 TCG Ward Administration Quality, effective deliverables Offices and efficient services Operationalization of Delivery of Ability to achieve on agreed 60,000,000.00 TCG Village Administration Quality, effective deliverables Offices and efficient services Village Councils Support Delivery of Ability to achieve on agreed 32,000,000.00 TCG Programme Quality, effective deliverables and efficient services Purchase and Installation Enhance Number of HF radios 6,000,000.00 TCG of HF radios communication

Purchase of Seven Motor Enhance Service Number of Motor Vehicles 56,000,000.00 TCG Vehicles Pick Ups (For Delivery Field Administrative Services) Purchase of 156 Motor Enhance Service Number of Motor Cycles 80,000,000.00 TCG Cycles for Village Delivery administrators Public Participation and Developed Number of bills and policies 12,000,000.00 TCG Access to Information policies and formulated and reviewed on public public participation



Mainstreaming Public accountable and Number of officers trained on 7,500,000.00 TCG Sector Integrity and transparent integrity Anticorruption Strategies public service Civic Education Enhance people Number of public forums 5,000,000.00 TCG Programme awareness on good governance County Dialogue Forums Knowledge on Number of Participants 4,500,000.00 TCG Devolution

National Holidays Support Dissemination of Number of Public Holidays 6,000,000.00 TCG Programme Government Agenda Policies Design, Policies Drafted Number of Policies 3,500,000.00 TCG Sensitization and Awareness Creation


SP 5.1: Disaster Early warning Weather Advisories, Field TCG Preparedness Programme and awareness Reports, Drought Early Warning 7,000,000.00 (Early Warning Info, raising Information Reports Bulletins, Brochures, information is Awareness Raising, shared Vulnerability and Hazard appropriately mapping) with communities and relevant stakeholders. SP 5.2: Disaster Mitigation Disaster risks are County Emergency Operation TCG Programme alleviated Plans and Standard Operation 20,000,000.00 (Assessments, Procedures (SOPs) Sensitizations, Training & Exposures) SP 5.3: Stakeholders Harmonize Established County Floods TCG Coordination and Support Humanitarian Contingency Plan; Quarterly 6,000,000.00 Programme (minimum of and Coordination Forums 6 fora) Developmental Initiatives


SP 5.4: Humanitarian 50,000 bags of One relief food cycle distributed TCG Relief Food Assistance (2 maize, 10,000 600,000,000.00 cycles) bags of beans and 10,000 Jerri cans of vegetable oil delivered SP 5.5: Develop County DRM Policy DRM policy TCG Emergency Operation launched 9,500,000.00 Plan & Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) SP 5.6: Develop a County TCG Floods Contingency Plan 6,000,000.00 SP 5.7: Develop a County TCG Disaster Risks 9,000,000.00 Management Plan Construction of Delivery of Number of offices Enforcement Training Quality, effective Institute administration and efficient block,Modern Gate and Training services abolition Blocks at Nametura (Turkana North.


Construction of Perimeter Delivery of Ability to achieve on agreed fence on 45 Acres of land Quality, effective of Enforcement Training and efficient Institute at Nameturana services (Turkana North) Regularization of For effective and Number officers regularized Enforcement officers efficient service delivery Purchase of two Motor Enhance Number of Motor Vehicles Vehicles for Inspectorate effective service services for Inspection delivery and spot check activities Purchase of seven Field Enhance Service Number of Motor cycles Motor cycles for the Delivery and Enforcement Sub- sport checks. Counties Commanders. Construction of Two class Effective Number of Class rooms rooms at the Enforcement delivery of public training Institute services and capacity building

Establish seven effective service Number of offices Enforcement set lights delivery offices in seven Sub- Counties 272

Establish Dispute Effective Number of committees Resolution Committee delivery of public services and dispute resolution Purchase and installation Enhance Number of VHF radios of VHF radios communication

Capacity Building Enhance Skills Number of officers trained on Enforcement services Construction of Enhance the Size of the drill Square Enforcement drilling training capacity Square in Turkana North of the Enforcement officers Construction of two Accommodation Number of dormitories Dormitories at the of trainers Institute coordination and linkages Improve service Workshops held delivery and coordination with other stakeholders


Establishment, equipping Enhance Service Purchase of Enforcement and Kitting Delivery uniforms


INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS. Project Objective/Purpose Output Performance Status (Based Planned Actual Cost Source of Name/Location Indicators on the Cost (Kshs) (Kshs) Funds Indicators) SP 1.1 General Create enabling Delivery of Ability to achieve on 97.4 27,750,802. TCG Administration, environment and quality, effective agreed deliverables. 92 27,029,282.0 Infrastructure enhance institutional and efficient 4 and Transport efficiency and services effectiveness

SP 1.2 General Create enabling Delivery of Ability to achieve on 97.4 15,180,000. TCG Administration, environment and quality, effective agreed deliverables. 00 14,785,180.00 Public Works enhance institutional and efficient efficiency and services effectiveness

SP2.7 Provision Delivery of quality, Quality assurance No of reports 0 50M O TCG Of Consultancy effective and efficient Services and services project Management for road works SP2.8 Enhance staff capacity Enhance No of staff trained 6 persons 4 persons TCG Professional professionalism Capacity Building


SP2.9 Modern Delivery of quality, Enhance No of working kits 1 Kit 5 Kits TCG Road design effective and efficient professionalism systems and services softwares SP2.91 Human Enhance staff capacity Enhance No of staff trained 2 Staff 10 Staff TCG resource professionalism management SP2.3 Annual Turkana Road Availability of No. of KMs of Road 2000 KMs 1000 KMs Road Inventory Inventory and Quality Road network done and Condition assurance inventory Survey (ARICS) annually and and mapping roads mapped

SP. 3.1 Overhaul of plant and machinery SP. 3.2 Feasibility Study of Lodwar International Airport


SP. 3.3 Development of County Transport and Mechanical Policy, and Bills SP 3.4 Kshs.15M Consultancy Services for Transport SP 3.5 Fleet Management System SP 3.6 Feasibility Study for one Landing jetty at Lake Turkana SP 3.7 Transport safety campaigns Maintainainanc e of six (6)


Airstrips Purchase of software and tools of work for engineers Mapping and Survey of Land for Proposed Construction of two (2) Sub- County Works Offices Professional 20 Persons Capacity Building Workflow Automation and ISO Systems Consultancy Services and Project Management for Public




AGRICULTURE, PASTORAL ECONOMY AND FISHERIES Project Objective/purpose. Output Performance indicators Status Planned Cost Actual Cost Source Name/Location (based on (Ksh.) (Ksh.) of the funds indicators) SP 2.2 : To increase Increased volume and Quantity of farm produce 45% 4,500,000 1647630 TCG Agriculture productivity and value of farm traded in the market and achieved market access profitability of farm products reaching percentage increase in value and linkages and produce market; Enhanced of produce traded value chain integration/linkages development in market; Reduced pre and postharvest losses


SP2.3Agricultural To improve Improved agricultural Number of farmers reached 58% of the 12,500,000 7103286 TCG Extension, extension services extension services with extension advice and target Research and reaching our reaching farmers; messages; Number of achieved Development. farmers. Promotion and technologies and innovations adoption of new adopted by technologies and farmers(Extension/farmer innovations by and research institutions); farmers. Linkage of extension service provider/farmers to research institutions

Livestock Health To safeguard Livestock vaccinated No. of livestock treated and 30% 0f total 47,204,345.13 47,204,345.13 TCG, management, Human and & treated vaccinated livestock county wide Veterinary health achieved and make Turkana a livestock disease free county Veterinary public To safeguard Human & animal # of carcasses inspected 60% TCG health Human and health safeguarded 3,526,369.52 3,526,369.52 Veterinary health and make Turkana a livestock disease free county


Livestock Disease To safeguard Livestock keepers % livestock keepers reached 44% TCG Control, PDS and Human and reached 2,200,000.00 2,200,000.00 Monitoring Veterinary health and make Turkana a livestock disease free county Quality To safeguard Hides and skins No. of hides & skins traders 5 TCG enhancement Human and traders licensed licensed 800,274.00 800,274.00 and regulation Veterinary health and make Turkana a livestock disease free county Training of Sharing of technical 5000 No. of pastoralists trained 5424 1,500,000 3,000,000 TCG pastoralists information Pastoralists between trained professionals in the department and Livestock producers and processors Fisheries Knowledgeable capacity of BMUs No. of BMUs adopting done TCG extension fisher-folks on enhanced modern fishing practices 3,200,000.00 3,200,000.00 services fisheries Fisheries to have Sustainable reduced illegal, No. of MCS patrols Done 3,460,524.40 3,460,524.40 TCG resource exploitation of Lake unreported & management Turkana Fishery unregulated fishing

Fisheries and Improve planning Establishment of a Policy in place Ongoing 2,093,623.01 TCG aquaculture and management Fisheries and 1,900,000.00 policy aquaculture policy



TOURISM, CULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING AND URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT Status Project Name/ Objective/ Performance (based on Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of Output indicators the (Ksh.) (Ksh.) funds Location Purpose indicators)

Provide general Monthly, quarterly, Enhance General administration support and semi-annual and 100% 84,136,687.00 TCG performance 84,136,687.00 administration annual reports

County Assembly.

County Public Service Board. Status Source of (Based on funds NAME/LOCATIO Actual Objective/Purpose Output Performance Indicator the Planned Cost N Cost Indicators ) TCG GENERAL ADMINISTRATIO Ability to perform and Increased Management and N, PLANNING deliver services to the Operational Capacities of the Board 49,592,609.00 AND SUPPORT public SERVICES

Improved HR staffing levels and No. of County HR TCG HUMAN service delivery in County Departments Employees to be recruited/ 12,914,068.01 RESOURCE promoted PROGRAMME

Compliance to TCG ICT constitutional provisions 4,638,339.99 INFRASTRUCTUR and or requirements E Improved ICT governance in CPSB and Reduction in Operational Cost 284

QUALITY Compliance to TCG MANAGEMENT Improved Quality of Service, Internally constitutional provisions 3,278,395.00 SYSTEM & externally and reduced Operational and or requirements PROGRAMMING Cost TURKANA Improved HR staffing levels and No. of youths graduating TCG COUNTY service delivery in County Departments from the Programme 36,897,246.00 INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME COUNTY PUBLIC Compliance to TCG SERVICE constitutional provisions 4,550,416.00 GOVERNANCE & Improved governance in the county and or requirements COMPLIANCE public service Compliance to TCG COUNTY PUBLIC constitutional provisions 5,772,328.00 SERVICE EXIT and or requirements PROGRAMME


ANNEX 3. Capital Projects for FY 2020/2021. GOVERNANCE Sub Project name Description of Green Estimate Source Time Performan Targets Status Implemen Other Programme Location activities Econom d cost of frame ce ting stakeh (Ward/Sub y (Ksh.) funds indicators Agency olders county/ county conside wide) ration Constructio Construction of Completing the main 250Millio TCG FY Level of 100% On TCG n of Official Governor's Structure, Support n 2019/20 completion going Governor's residence at Structures, Furnishing Residence Kanamkemer & Landscaping ward Upgrading Upgrading of Construction and 25Million TCG 2019/20 security Security ongoin TCG of the the Physical equipping of; security apparatus boost in g Physical security of gate & gate house, installed the security of HQs at pedestrian screening and county HQs Kanamkemer area, visitors holding working HQs area, security lighting, Cabro parking, security office and CCTV and radio room. Equipping Equipping of Equipping of county 10Million TCG 2019/20 equipped county Not TCG of county county Headquarters office and Hqs started Headquarte Headquarters block utilized


rs office office block block constructio construction of Completing the main 20Million TCG 2019/20 Residence Deputy ongoin TCG n of Deputy Deputy Structure. 2. Furnishing identified governor g Governor Governor the office block. 3. and BQs residenc Residence Residence Constructing other done e support structures. 4. Landscaping the Compound

FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING Programme Name: County Economic Planning Services Project name Location Green Sourc Implemen Other Sub Description Estimated Time Performanc Target (Ward/Sub Economy e of status ting stakehold Programme of activities cost (Ksh.) frame e indicators s county/ county consideration funds Agency ers wide) Lorugum social Constructio 60% Solar Lighting No. people Public hall(resource n of Citizen system 2019- accessing Economic works, centre) resource 7,894,232. TCG 100% Developmen installed, 10% 2022 governmen Planning Communit centres and t forest cover t services y Social hall Coordination Kerio social Constructio Solar Lighting No. people 100% 80% Public 2019- Economic hall(resource n of Citizen system 3,641,882. TCG accessing works, 2022 Planning centre) resource installed, 10% governmen Communit


centres and forest cover t services y Social hall

Katilu resource Constructio 100% 80% Public Solar Lighting No. people centre n of Citizen works, system 2019- accessing Economic resource TCG Communit installed, 10% 6,551,893.6 2022 governmen Planning centres and y forest cover t services Social hall Loareng'ak Constructio 100% 70% Public Solar Lighting No. people resource centre n of Citizen works, system 2019- accessing Economic resource TCG Communit installed, 10% 2022 governmen Planning Centres and y forest cover t services Social hall 10,295,973.6 Kanamkemer Constructio 100% 30% Public Solar Lighting No. people youth citizen n of Citizen works, system 2019- accessing Economic resource centre resource TCG Communit installed, 10% 2022 governmen Planning Centres and y forest cover t services Social hall - Kaeris Youth Constructio 100% 30% Solar Lighting No. people resource centre n of Citizen system 2019- accessing Economic resource TCG installed, 10% 2022 governmen Planning centres and 40,000,000.0 forest cover t services Social hall 0


IFMIS Lab Constructio 100% Solar Lighting No. people n of Citizen system 2019- accessing Economic resource TCG installed, 10% 2022 governmen Planning centres and forest cover t services Social hall 24,293,245.48 0% County Constructio 100% Solar Lighting No. people Headquarters n of Citizen system 2019- accessing Economic resource TCG installed, 10% 2022 governmen Planning centres and forest cover t services Social hall 70%


WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND MINERAL RESOURCES Programme Name : WATER SUPPLY Sub Project Description Green Estimat Source Time Performance Targe status Implementi Other Program name of activities Economy ed cost of frame indicators ts ng Agency stakeholde me Location considerati (Ksh. In funds rs (Ward/Sub on M) county/ county wide) Water Municipalit Water Installation 1,350 TCG, 2018- 9 On TCG RVWSB, Supply y and urban storage of solar Partne 2022 going National and water and panels rs Gov’t, Number of Storage supply reticulation WSTF, Municipality systems infrastructu World and urban designed re for Bank and water supply and municipalit other systems established y and urban partners designed and , expanded water established, and supply expanded and rehabilitate designed, rehabilitated d county developed, (9) wide rehabilitate d and expanded Rural water Water Water 2,250 TCG, 2018- 45 On TCG RVWSB, supplies storage storage and Partne 2022 going National developed and reticulation rs Number of Gov., County reticulation infrastructu rural water WSTF, wide infrastructu re for rural supply systems World re for water designed and Bank and municipalit supply established, other y and urban designed, expanded and partners water developed, rehabilitated supply rehabilitate (45) designed, d and developed, expanded 290

rehabilitate d and expanded Proposed Drilling of Installation 300 TCG, 2018- Increase in 1 Ongoin TCG-Water Improveme 5New of solar Partne 2022 access to water g RVWSB, nt Of boreholes, panels rs by residents of National Napuu equipping, Lodwar Town Gov. Water laying of Supply rising main pipelines and constructio n of storage tanks 2No Drilling of Drilling of 750 TCG, 2018- Number of 300 Ongoin TCG-Water boreholes boreholes Partne 2022 successful g RVWSB, county to increase rs boreholes National wide quantity drilled Gov. and access Developme Desalinatio 2,500 TCG, 2018- Increase of 1 On TCG-Water RVWSB, nt of n plants Partne 2022 access to water going National Lotikipi installed rs in major towns Govt., Aquifer and Water from WSTF. storage Lokichoggio to World and Lodwar and Bank and reticulation livestock/irrigati other infrastructu on partners re for mega improvement water supply designed, developed Constructio Survey, 4,000 TCG, 2018- Increase in 5 On TCG-Water RVWSB, n of dams design and Partne 2022 access for both going National county constructio rs domestic, Gov, 291

wide n of dams livestock and WSTF. irrigation water World Bank and other partners Constructio Survey, 3,000 TCG, 2018- Increase in 100 On TCG-Water RVWSB, n of mega design and Partne 2022 access for both going National pans constructio rs domestic, Gov, (40,000- n of mega livestock and WSTF. 60,000 m3) pans irrigation water World county Bank and wide other partners Constructio Survey, 2,000 TCG, 2018- Increase in 200 On TCG-Water RVWSB, n of sand design and Partne 2022 access for both going National dams, rock constructio rs domestic, Gov, dams and n of these livestock and WSTF. infill water irrigation water World harvesting Bank and facilities other partners Upgrading Test 1,680 TCG, 2018- Increase in 300 On TCG-Water RVWSB, of high pumping Partne 2022 access for both going National yielding and design rs domestic, Gov, boreholes of solar livestock and WSTF. to solar systems. irrigation water World Installation Bank and of solar other partners Supply and Procureme Installation 3,150 TCG, 2018- Increase in 1,050 On TCG-Water RVWSB, installation nt and of solar Partne 2022 access for both going National of plastic, installation panels rs domestic, Gov., collapsible of water livestock and WSTF. and tanks at irrigation water World concrete water Bank and water points and other 292

tanks strategic partners routes

Supply Drilling of Installation 140 TCG, 2019-22 Functional 70 On TCG-Water RVWSB, &delivery Borehole of solar Partne water supply going National and and panels rs Gov., installation equipping WSTF. of Gensets World 15-35 KVA Bank and other partners


HEALTH AND SANITATION Sub Programme Project Name Description of Green Estimated Source Timeframe Performance Status Activities Economy Cost(Kshs) of Indicators (based on consideration Funds the Implementing Other indicators) Agency stakeholders

SP 3.4 Referrals and Emergency Services Emergency and Construction and Use of solar TCG 2021 % of New MoH accident units equipping PV system 60,000,000.00 completion (Lokichar, Kakuma) SP 1.2 Additional Works/Renovation of health Facilities Modern Construction and Use of solar 100,000,000.00 TCG 2021 % of New MoH incinerator equipping PV system completion (Lokichar, Kakuma, Lokitaung, LCRH) SP 1.2 Additional Works/Renovation of health Facilities Equipping Equipping Use of solar TCG 2021 % of New MoH completed PV system 300,000,000.00 completion Dispensaries (2 per ward totalling 60) SP 1.2 Additional Works/Renovation of health Facilities Staff houses, Construction Use of solar TCG 2021 % of Not MoH fences and pit PV system 1,200,000,000.00 completion started latrine, placenta pit for dispensaries (2 per ward totalling 60) SP 1.2 Additional Works/Renovation of health Facilities Kokuro health Construction Use of solar 30,000,000.00 TCG 2021 % of New MoH Centre (existing PV system completion facility has been condemned) SP 1.2 Additional Works/Renovation of health Facilities Dental unit and Construction of unit & Use of solar 30,000,000.00 TCG 2021 % of New MoH equipment (T. Purchasing of dental PV system completion South, T. West) chair


SP 3.4 Referrals and Emergency Services Vehicles ( 7 Purchasing of new Use of solar 120,000,000.00 TCG 2021 % of New MoH ambulances for vehicles PV system completion sub-county, 1 motorboat ambulance, 4 utilities for emergency response & close supervision and UHC implementation) SP 7.1 Rehabilitation and treatment Rehabilitation Construction Use of solar TCG 2021 New MoH centres PV system % of (Lodwar) 15,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development LCRH Construction TCG 2021 New MoH Perimeter wall % of 50,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Rainwater Construction of rain TCG 2021 New MoH catchment and gutters and water storm water tank % of control 5,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Waste water Architectural design TCG 2021 New MoH management of hospital drains and tunnels % of 2,300,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Nursing services architectural design of TCG 2021 New MoH hospital drains and tunnels % of 10,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Improving Specialised TCG 2021 New MoH diagnostic and equipment(Endoscopy clinical patient etc) % of care 5,000,000.00 completion


SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Patient hygiene Laundry areas for TCG 2021 New MoH services patients % of 2,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Psychiatric unit Construction of TCG 2021 New MoH psychiatric unit % of 20,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Isolation unit Construction of TCG 2021 New MoH isolation unit % of 20,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Hospital Planting flowers TCG 2021 New MoH Landscaping and % of beautification 5,000,000.00 completion SP 4.2 LCRH Infrastructure Development Hospital Networking and TCG 2021 New MoH Automation patient management systems % of 10,000,000.00 completion SP 2.2 Public Health Standard Purchase of fridges TCG 2021 New MoH Expanded Programme on Immunization Fridges (100 in % of no.) 75,000,000.00 completion SP 2.2 Public Health Construction of Construction and 2021 New MoH Public health lab equipping % of and equipping 50,000,000.00 TCG completion P 3.1 Laboratory Services Histology Construction and 2021 New MoH laboratory equipping % of 65,000,000.00 TCG completion P 3.1 Laboratory Services Katilu Hospital Construction of 2021 New MoH laboratory % of 10,000,000.00 TCG completion SP 5.1 Medical Supplies County Central Equipping 20,000,000.00 TCG 2021 New MoH Medical stores (1 % of no.) completion


SP 5.1 Medical Supplies Sub-county Construction and 45,000,000.00 TCG 2021 New MoH medical stores equipping (Lokori, Lorugum, % of Kakuma) completion


TRADE, YOUTH AND GENDER TRADE DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTION Sub Project name Description of Activities Green Estimated Source Time Perform Targets statu Implementi Other Program Location Econo Cost of frame ance s ng Agency stakeho me (Ward/Sub county/ my funds indicator lders county wide) conside s ration Biashara Fund Administration, Vetting, 100 TCG 20/21 Biashara Disbursement, Recovery Fund Board etc Centre for Business Construction of Biashara 80 TCG 20/21 Department Information Centre at Ekaales Centre of Trade Business Financing Instructive training, 10 TCG 20/21 Department & Incubation of product development, of Trade MSMEs coaching, exhibition etc Modernization of Upgrading of existing 140 TCG 20/21 TRADE Fresh Produce & market structures Retail Markets Market Sheds/ Construction of new 80 TCG 20/21 TRADE Stalls market structures Modern Business Construction of new 120 TCG 20/21 TRADE Kiosks Modern kiosks Development of Call for applications 6 TCG 20/21 TRADE Specialized


Industrial skills at NITA Construction of Construction of an 50 TCG 20/21 TRADE Industrial Park Industrial Park in Lodwar. Programme 4: Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment 1. Construction of one stop 15 TCG 20/21 gender GBV centres

EDUCATION, SPORTS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION Programme Name : SPORTS Sub Project Description of Green Estimate Sourc Time Performan Target statu Implementi Other Programme name activities Economy d cost e of frame ce s s ng Agency stakeholde Location considerati (Ksh.) funds indicators rs (Ward/Sub on county/ county wide) Sports Sports Construction of Increasing 400M TCG 2020/ 1 sport 1 New Sports KFF, stadia - sports Stadia forest cover 21 stadia KEFORA, Lodwar constructe d Sub- Land identification Increasing 5M TCG 2020/ Land 2 New Sports Community county’s Demarcation and forest cover 21 identified stadium development and Land demarcate identificatio d n and demarcatio n

Programme Name : Vocational Education and Training Vocational Lodwar VTC  Modern 20M Complete 1 new 299

training (Township, library library infrastructu Turkana  Workshops 15M 2020/ Complete 1 new re central, Solar 21 workshops Turkana  Girls energy 10M Complete 1 new county) dormitory installation dormitory  Classrooms 12M TCG Complete 3 new Lundin 2020/ classrooms TCG Tullow  Perimeter 50M 21 Complete 1 new wall fence

 Water 5M Functional 1 new borehole borehole

 Modern 20M Complete 1 new conference hall hall

 Institute bus 15M Procured 1 new bus Kalokol VTC  Modern 20M Complete 1 New (Kalokol, library library Turkana  Twin 30M Complete 2 New central, Workshops workshops Turkana Solar county)  Dormitories energy 20M Complete 2 New installation TCG 2020/ dormitories TCG 21 Complete 4 New  Classrooms 16M classrooms Functional 1 New  Water 5M borehole borehole Complete 1 New  Modern 15M computer computer lab lab


Lokori VTC  Modern 20M Complete 1 new (Lokori, library library Turkana  Twin 30M Complete 1 new East, workshop Solar workshops Turkana  Dormitories energy 20M Complete 2 new county) installation dormitories  Classrooms 16M Complete 3 new TCG 2020/ classrooms TCG 21 Functional 1 new  Water 5M borehole borehole Complete  Modern 15M computer 1 new computer lab lab Lokichar  Modern 20M Complete 1 new VTC library library (Lokichar,  Twin 30M Complete 1 new Turkana workshop Solar workshops south,  Dormitories energy 20M Complete 2 new Turkana installation dormitories county)  Classrooms 16M TCG 2020/ Complete 3 new TCG 21 classrooms Functional 1 new  Water 5M borehole borehole Complete 1  Modern 15M computer new computer lab lab Lorugum  Modern 20M Complete 1 new VTC library Solar library (Turkwel,  Twin energy 30M Complete 1 new Loima, workshop installation workshops Turkana  Dormitories 20M county) Complete 2 new  Classrooms 16M TCG 2020/ dormitories TCG 21 Complete 3 new 301

classrooms  Water 5M Functional 1 new borehole borehole  Modern 15M Complete 1 new computer computer lab lab 40M Complete 1 new  Perimeter wall wall Kaaleng  Modern 20M 2020/ Complete 1 new VTC library 21 library (Kaaleng  Twin 30M Complete 1 new /Kaikor, workshop workshops

 Dormitories Solar 20M Complete 2 new energy dormitories installation TCG TCG  Classrooms 16M Complete 3 new classrooms  Water 5M Functional 1 new borehole borehole  Modern 15M Complete computer computer 1 new lab lab

1 new Lokichar  Modern 20M Complete 1 new VTC library library (Lokichar,  Twin 30M Complete 1 new Turkana workshop Solar workshops south, energy Turkana  Dormitories installation 20M Complete 2 new county) dormitories TCG 2020/ TCG  Classrooms 16M 21 Complete 3 new classrooms 302

 Water 5M Functional 1 new borehole borehole  Modern 15M Complete 1 new computer computer lab lab

Kataboi VTC  Modern 20M Complete 1 new (Lakezone, library library Turkana  Twin 30M Complete 1 new north, workshop workshops Turkana  Dormitories Solar 20M Complete 2 new county) energy TCG 2020/ dormitories TCG  Classrooms installation 21 Complete 3 new 16M classrooms Functional 1 new  Water 5M borehole borehole Complete  Modern 15M computer 1 new computer lab lab

Lokichoggi  Modern 20M Complete 1 new o VTC library library (Lokichoggi  Twin 30M Complete 1 new o, Turkana workshop workshops west,  Dormitories Solar 20M Complete 2 new Turkana energy dormitories county)  Classrooms installation 16M TCG 2020/ Complete 3 new TCG 21 classrooms Functional 1 new  Water 5M borehole borehole Complete  Modern 15M computer 1 new computer lab lab


Programme Name : Early Childhood Education Development Sub Project name Description Green Estimated Source Time Performance Targets status Implementing Other Programme Location of activities Economy cost (Ksh.) of frame indicators Agency stakeholders (Ward/Sub consideration funds county/ county wide) Infrastructure 60 ECDE Construction 430,000,000 TCG 2020/21 60 complete 60 NEW TCG- PUBLIC development CENTERS (30 of 2 ECDE centers Education WORKS ,WARDS) centers per ward 120 ENERGY Installation 18,400,000 TCG 2020/21 120 NEW TCG- PUBLIC SAVING of energy Education WORKS STOVES(30 saving WFP wards) stoves to 4 ECDE centers per ward ICT MATERILAS Supply of 42,000,000 TCG 2020/21 60 NEW TCG- ICT (30 WARDS) ICT kits to Education 60 centers Supply of Solar energy 15,000,000 TCG 2020/21 800 NEW TCG- UNICEF BASIC basic installation CENTERS Education WALDORF INSTRUCTIONAL learning MATRIALS materials (30WARDS) and play kits to 800 ECDE centers PLAY Installation Solar energy 60,000,000 TCG 2020/21 30 NEW TCG- UNICEF EQUIPMENT of play installation CENTERS Education FOR 30 ECDE equipment CENTERS to 1 ECDE (30WARDS) center per ward as centers of excellence


PUBLIC SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT Sector/ Sub-sector by programmes for the year 2019/ 2020 Programme Name (As per the Programme Based Budget): Administration Support Services Sub Programme Project Description Green Estimated Source Time Performance Targets status Impleme Other name of activities Economy cost (Ksh.) of fram indicators nting stakeholder Location consideratio funds e Agency s (Ward/Sub n county/ county wide) Operationalizatio Field Offices Facilitating 27,300,000 TCG 2020/ Number of 7 Ongoin Administr n of Sub County office 21 offices g ation administration operations, facilitated offices training and meetings Operationalizatio Field Offices Facilitating 72,600,000 TCG 2020/ Number of 30 Ongoin Administr n of Ward office 21 offices g ation Administration operations, facilitated offices training and meetings Operationalizatio Field Offices Facilitating 62,200,000 TCG 2020/ Number of Administr n of Village office 21 offices ation Administration operations, facilitated


offices training and meetings

Completion of Completion Completion Use of EPS 54,000,000 TCG 2020/ Number of 3 Ongoin Administr Turkana West, of Turkana of the materials in 21 offices g ation Kibish and West, ongoing construction Turkana South Turkana projects Sub County South and Offices Kibish offices Construction of Constructio Constructio Use of EPS 105,000,00 TCG 2020/ Number of 3 New Administr Sub County n of n of the new materials in 0 21 offices ation Administration Turkana projects construction, Office Blocks North, Solar lighting (Turkana North, Turkana and Roof Turkana East and East and catchment Loima) Loima water offices connection Purchase of High Sub Purchase 10,000,000 TCG 2020/ Number of 10 Ongoin Administr 21 Frequency counties and Radios g ation Radios Installation of the HF radios


Construction and Head Site Use of EPS 150,000,00 TCG 2020/ Number of 1 New Disaster 21 Equipping of quarters identificatio materials in 0 centre Manage Emergency n and construction constructed ment operation center construction and equipped Site Identification Turkana Site fencing Use of Eco 5,000,000 TCG 2018- Number of 1 New County and Fencing for North Friendly 2020 sites inspector Inspectorate materials identified ate Training Institute

INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS Programme/Sub- Project name Description of Green Estima Sou Time Performance Targe stat Impleme Other Programme Location activities Econo ted rce frame indicators ts us nting stakehol (Ward/Sub my cost of Agency ders county/ county consi (Ksh.) fund wide) derati s on Upgrading to bitumen Lokichoggio Tarmacking 100 TCG 2020/2 Km road 10km 0% MoI,T & NG 1 standards in Major Town (10Km) network PW Towns Roads 65Km tarmacked Kakuma Town Tarmacking 100 TCG 2020/2 Km road 10km 0% MoI,T & NG 1 (10Km) network PW tarmacked/gra velled


Lodwar (8Km) Tarmacking 100 TCG 2020/2 Km road 8km 0% MoI, T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ Graveled. Lokichar (8Km) Tarmacking 100 TCG 2020/2 Km road 8km 0% MoI, T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ Graveled Kainuk (4Km) Tarmacking 50 TCG 2020/2 Km road 4km 0% MoI, T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ graveled Lokori (12Km) Tarmacking 150 TCG 2020/2 Km road 12km 0% MoI,T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ graveled Katilu (4Km) Tarmacking 50 TCG 2020/2 Km road 4km 0% MoI ,T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ graveled Lokitaung (3Km) Tarmacking 25 TCG 2020/2 Km road 15km 0% MoI,T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ graveled


Kalokol (3Km) Tarmacking 25 TCG 2020/2 Km road 15km 0% MoI,T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ graveled Lorugum (3Km) Tarmacking 25 TCG 2020/2 Km road 3km 0% MoI,T & NG 1 network PW tarmacked/ graveled Roads Maintenance Gold Junction - Light Bush 40 TCG 2020/2 Km road 1400k 0% MoI,T & NG 1 Levy Fund (RMLF)- Sub Lolupe - Clearing, Light network m PW county linking roads, Kanakurudio - grading, tarmacked/ security roads and Kaeris - Kaaleng - gravelling, & graveled emergency roads Kaikor - Kibish drift 20m Lokichoggio - Heavy Bush 30 TCG 2020/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG 1 Nanam - Clearing, Light network PW Lopwarin - grading, tarmacked/ Lokangae Gravelling graveled Lokichoggio- Heavy Bush 40 TCG 2020/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG 1 Lopiding-Nanam- Clearing, Light network PW Napakin-Nadapal grading, tarmacked/ Gravelling graveled Kakuma-Letea- Heavy Bush 40 TCG 2020/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG 1 Urum-Lorengippi Clearing, Light network PW grading, tarmacked/


Gravelling graveled

Lodwar - Turkwel Light Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG - Kalemunyang - Clearing, Light 022 network PW Kotaruk - grading, tarmacked/ Lorogon gravelling, & graveled drift 20m Lodwar - Light Bush 30 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Nabwelekorot - Clearing, Light 022 network PW Kapua grading, tarmacked/ gravelling, & graveled drift 20m Lodwar - Heavy Bush 30 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Kangatotha - Clearing, Light 022 network PW Eliye - Kalokol grading, tarmacked/ Gravelling & graveled drift 20m Loturerei - Heavy Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Lokujaakalale - Clearing, Light 022 network PW Kaptir - Kainuk grading, tarmacked/ (Sopel road) Gravelling & graveled drift 20m


Loturerei - Sopel - Heavy Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Kakalele - Clearing, Light 022 network PW Lotunguna - grading, tarmacked/ Katilu - Kaptir - Gravelling & graveled Kainuk drift 20m Lokichar - L/Bush 30 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Nakaalei Clearing, 022 network PW L/grading, tarmacked/ Gravelling graveled Lokori - Kamuge - L/grading, 40 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Ngilukia - Lomelo Gravelling 022 network PW - Kapedo tarmacked/ graveled Lopii - Karuko - Light Bush 30 TCG 2019/2 Km road 0% MoI,T & NG Lokori Clearing, Light 022 network PW grading, tarmacked/ gravelling, & graveled drift 20m Construction, Equipping Lodwar Office Construction 30 TCG 2019/2 Equipped and 1 0% MoI,T & NG and operationalizing of and Equipping 022 operational PW material testing Lab of Material lab testing lab Construction of 50 Kibish Sub- Construction 60 TCG 2019/2 No of Drifts 1 0% MoI,T & NG Drifts County of Drifts 022 constructed PW


Turkana North Construction TCG 2019/2 1 0% MoI,T & NG Sub-County of Drifts 022 PW Turkana West Construction TCG 2019/2 1 0% MoI,T & NG of Drifts 022 PW Turkana Central Construction TCG 2019/2 1 0% MoI,T & NG of Drifts 022 PW Loima Construction TCG 2019/2 1 0% MoI,T & NG of Drifts 022 PW Turkana South Construction TCG 2019/2 1 0% MoI,T & NG of Drifts 022 PW Turkana East Construction TCG 2019/2 1 0% NG of Drifts 022 Maintenance of rural Todonyang - L/Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 KMs of roads 100% 0% MoI,T & NG roads Lokitaung - Clearing, 022 graded, PW Kaaleng - Kaikor - L/grading, graveled Nasinyono - Gravelling Lokichoggio Lorengippi - L/Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 0% MoI,T & NG Kotaruk - Clearing, 022 PW Nakwamoru - L/grading, Lorogon Gravelling Kainuk - L/Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 0% MoI,T & NG Lochakula - Clearing, 022 PW Lokwamosing L/grading,



Kainuk - L/Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 0% MoI,T & NG Namambu - Clearing, 022 PW Kakongu - L/grading, Lokwamosing Gravelling Ekaales centre - L/Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 0% MoI,T & NG Napusimoru - Clearing, 022 PW Lokichar L/grading, Gravelling Lokichoggio - L/Bush 40 TCG 2019/2 0% MoI,T & NG Nawountos - Clearing, 022 PW Oropoi L/grading, Gravelling Transport Sub - Sector 0% NG Equipping and MoI,T & PW HQs Equipping and 20 TCG 2019/2 Equipped and 1 0% MoI,T & NG Operationalizing of operationaliza 022 operational PW Mechanical Garage tion mechanical garage Purchase of plants, MoI,T & PW HQs Purchase of 40 TCG 2019/2 Functional Assor 0% MoI,T & NG machineries, Backup plant 022 Plants and ted PW office generators and machinery Machinery specialized tools 313

Construction of 5No. Kalokol, Eliye, Construction 60 TCG 2019/2 No of jetties 5 0% MoI,T & NG landing jetties Todonyang, of landing 022 Constructed PW Kerio, jetties Lowarengak Modern Mobile MoI,T & PW HQs Construction 5 TCG 2019/2 No of mobile 1 0% MoI,T & NG workshop Modern 022 workshops PW Mobile workshop Public works Sub - Sector 2019/2 0% NG 022 Construction of 14 To Be identified Construction 300 TCG 2019/2 No. of Bridges 14 0% MoI,T & NG bridges after Inventory of bridges 022 constructed PW

Construction of MoI,T & PW HQs Construction 15 TCG 2019/2 Status of 1 0% MoI,T & NG perimeter wall and gate and Sub-County of perimeter 022 completion PW at Ministry offices and Offices wall and gate sub county offices at Ministry offices and sub county offices Construction of 6No, Lokichar, Lokori, Construction 15 TCG 2019/2 Status of 3 0% MoI,T & NG Sub county offices Kakuma, of Sub county 022 completion PW Lorugum, offices Lokitaung, Kibish


Protection and Kawalathe, Construction 150 TCG 2019/2 Completion 100% 0% MoI,T & NG Gabioning Works Lokichar, Lochor- of Protection 022 Status PW Ekaal and Gabioning Works


AGRICULTURE, PASTORAL ECONOMY AND FISHERIES. Sub Project Description of Green Estimated cost Source Tim Performanc Target status Implement Other Programme name activities Econo (Ksh.) of e e indicators s ing Agency stake Location my funds fra holde (Ward/Sub conside me rs county/ ration county wide) Agricultural Turkana Construction, 20,000,000 TCG 2018 Increased in 1 On Director FAO, training, Central equipping and - number of going Agriculture GIZ, extension, operationaliza 2021 farmers WFP, research and tion of the accessing KARL development training agronomic O, center center practices, DOL innovations/ CFK, technologie DFID s SP 2.2: County Orchard 30,000,000 TCG 2018 No of fruit 300 Ha On Director FAO, Horticultural wide development - trees/veget going Agriculture GIZ, production 2020 ables farms WFP, established KARL O, DOL, NIB,



SP 2.3: Soil and County Construction Vegetat 13,625,424 TCG 2018 480 On Director GIZ, conservation wide of Soil ion - Ha going Agriculture KARL conservation regener 2020 O, infrastructure ation ICRA including cut- F, off drains, FAO, level WFP, retention DOL terraces established for enhanced ground water recharge. SP 2.6: Smart County Establishment 7,500,000 TCG 2018 No. of 5 No. On Director GIZ, agriculture wide of farms to - Farms with Farms going Agriculture KARL practices showcase 2020 SMART O, (Innovations/te SMART agricultural ICRA chnologies to agricultural technology F, mitigate effects technologies established FAO, of climate Continued WFP, change) tech DOL, backstopping WVK, and AAHI, 317

monitoring NRC, LOKA DO, WOR LD RELIE F SP 2.8 3 Sub Strengthening 5,500,000 TCG 2018 No. of value 3 No. On Agriculture ADB Agricultural Counties of 3 value and - chains going , Livestock Sector chains(Fish, Nation 2020 strengthene production Development Sorghum & al d , Support Goat meat) Gover Veterinary Programme nment and (ASDSP) Fisheries, National Governme nt Programme Name : 3: IRRIGATION SP 3.1: Turkana Survey, design 81,075,000 TCG 2018 Centralizati 1 No. On Director Natio Agricultural Central , construction and - on and going Irrigation nal mechanization and equipping Nation 2021 institutional and Land AMS station of an AMS al ization of Reclamatio cente station Gover AMS. n r, NIB nment Improved


access to agricultural Mechanizati on services SP 3.2: County Development 15,000,000 TCG 2018 Increased 65 Ha On Director WFP, Promotion of wide of Drip - area under going Irrigation FAO, drip irrigation Irrigation 2020 irrigation , and Land NIB, systems Improved Reclamatio KVDA water use n , GIZ, efficiency WVK, and KRCS, Increased DOL, area under NRC, Production AAHI, SP 3.4: Flood Turkana Survey, 20,000,000 TCG 2018 Increased 8 No. On Director WFP, damage East, Design and - resilience to going Irrigation NIB, protection to Turkana construction 2020 flood and Land FAO, irrigation South, of climate damage to Reclamatio WVK, infrastructure Loima and proof flood irrigation n KVDA Central, control infrastructu Turkana Infrastructure re. West


SP 3. 8: E- Turkana Construction 4,000,000 TCG 2019 Improved 1 No. New Director ICRA learning and central and Equipping - data Irrigation F, development of an E- 2021 storage and Land KARL center learning and Manageme Reclamatio O, development nt and n WVK, center reporting USAI D, JICA. Programme Name : 4: LAND RECLAMMATION PROGRAMME SP 4.4: County Construction 30,000,000 TCG 2018 Increase in Director GIZ, Utilization of wide of spate - area under Irrigation WFP, spate irrigation Irrigation 2021 flood based and Land NIB, technology. infrastructure Irrigation Reclamatio FAO and clearing for n of command increased area food production SP 4.5: County Development 25,000,000 TCG 2018 Increase in Director WFP, Rehabilitation wide of a multi- - arable land Irrigation GIZ, of degraded technology 2021 put under and Land FAO, lands for land flood based Reclamatio ICRA agricultural and reclamation Irrigation n F environmental and dry land and purposes. farming environmen


model sites. tal conservatio n

SP 4.6: Dry land County Construction 16,000,000 TCG 2018 Increase in Director WFP, farming and wide of prescribed - arable land Irrigation GIZ, land integrated 2021 put under and Land FAO, reclamation land innovative Reclamatio ICRA technologies. reclamation integrated n F and dry land technologie farming s for structures increased food production SP 4.7: County Clearing of 3,500,000 TCG 2018 Increase in 200 Ha On Director WFP, Management wide Prosopis - arable land going Irrigation GIZ, of invasive Juliflora to 2021 for crop and and Land JICA, species. create land pasture Reclamatio LOKA for crop and production n DO pasture production SP 4.9: Asset County Construction 10,000,000 TCG Increased 3000 On Director FAO, Creation wide of soil and and Land under Ha going Irrigation WFP, through soil water Nation production and Land GIZ, and water Conservation al through Reclamatio CFK. 321

Conservation and Rain Gover adoption of n WVK. and Rain Water Water nment new soil DOL, Harvesting and Harvesting and water Acad Management and conservatio emic Management n and Rain Instit structures and water ution innovations, Harvesting s research and technologie adoption of s. new technologies Programme :Veterinary Services Animal Health Turkwel Expansion 20M TCG 2019 # of 1 ongoin Veterinary NDM Infrastructure ward and - tanneries g departmen A,UN operationaliza 2020 expanded t DP tion of and tanneries operationali zed Lokichar Establishment 12M TCG 2019 # of 1 New Veterinary of - Slaughter departmen slaughterhous 2020 Houses t es at the ward established level in the sub counties


Turkana Establishment 4M TCG 2019 # of crushes 2 New Veterinary East and of Crushes - departmen Turkana 2020 t Central Lodwar Improvement 10M TCG 2019 # of 1 New Veterinary of regional - regional departmen laboratories 2020 laboratories t expanded and improved Kakuma Establishment 24M TCG 2019 # of cold 2 New Veterinary and Lokori of Veterinary - chains departmen cold chain 2020 established t facilities at in the sub sub county counties levels Kibish Purchase of 10M TCG 2019 # of 1 New Veterinary programme - response departmen Vehicle 2020 vehicles t Programme 6: Livestock Production Development Lokori, Construction 30M TCG 2019 No. of Feed 3 new Livestock and Lorugum of Strategic - stores Production improvement and Kaikor Livestock 2020 of livestock Feed Stores



Productivity Napeililim Construction 24M TCG 2019 No. of 2 ongoin Livestock RPLR Infrastructure Holding - Holding g Production P and enhanced grounds 2020 grounds skills Kotaruk, Construction 20M TCG 2019 No. of Sale 2 new Livestock development Kaakongu of Livestock - yards Production and markets sale 2020 Lomelo yards Lomosogo Construction 10M TCG 2019 No. of 1 new Livestock l - Kerio of - Multiplicati Production ward Multiplication 2020 on Centers center County Construction 50M TCG 2019 No. of Pilot 1 new Livestock wide of Pasture - Ranches Production enclosures 2020 (Pilot ranches), Lodwar Construction 15M TCG 2019 No. of 1 new Livestock of Poultry - Poultry Production Hatcheries. 2020 hatcheries Livestock Risk County Restocking 50M TCG 2019 No. of 700 new Livestock Management wide - H/Hqs H/H Production


(Restocking, 2020 restocked off-take, County Livestock 100M TCG 2019 No. of 40,00 new Livestock response, wide insurance - livestock 0 TLUs Production livestock 2020 insured insurance) Rangeland County Pasture 20M TCG 2019 No. of 7 new Livestock management, wide reseeding - Pasture pastur Production pasture 2020 Plots e plots reseeding, seed County Seed Bulking 15M TCG 2019 No. of Seed 3 new Livestock bulking , hay wide - bulking Bulkin Production production and 2020 plots g plots resource monitoring and conservation Research and Turkwel Research 6M TCG 2019 No. of acres 100 new Livestock development ward station - of land Production establishment 2020 allocated for research Programme 3: Fisheries Development Fisheries Kalokol, Construction 20M TCG 2019 No. of 3 new Fisheries KEMF infrastructure Kerio and of fishing nets - shades RI development Lowareng and boats 2020 constructed ak cottages


Kerio, Construction 40M TCG 2019 No. of 3 new Fisheries NG,K Kalokol of fish - processing EMFR and processing 2020 facilities I,USA Nachukui facilities ID Along the Improvement 7M TCG 2019 No. of fish 7 New Fisheries Lake of fish landing - landing sites 2020 sites Turkana construction 30M TCG 2019 No. of Ice 1 new Fisheries NG,F Central of ice plants - plants and AO and fish 2020 fish storage storage facilities facilities Fish farming/ Along the Construct of 10M TCG 2019 No. of 10 new Fisheries NG, aquaculture Lake fish cages in - fishing FAO the lake, 2020 Cages establish an aquaculture breeding center Kerio and Construction 2.2M TCG 2019 No. of 2 ongoin Fisheries Turkwel of concrete - Ponds g fish ponds as 2020 part fish farming


promotion in agro pastoral livelihoods zones Fisheries Along the Purchase 16M TCG 2019 No. of 1 New Fisheries GoK, livelihood Lake Rescue - Boats BMU support Surveillance 2020 purchased s boat

TOURISM, CULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Sub Project name Description of Green Economy Estimated Source Time Performance Target Status Implemen Other Programme Location activities Consideration cost of funds frame indicators s ting stakehol (Ward/Sub (Million Agency ders county/ county Ksh.) wide) Tourism Lakezone Construction Solar will be the 24 TCG July 2019 No of curio 40 New TCG - Product Ward, of Curio shops main source of - June shops Tourism Development Kang'atotha, at energy. Eco 2020 constructed and Kalokol, Nariokotome, friendly Diversification Lokiriama and Eliye,Kalokol materials like Letea Wards palm leaves will be used.


Lodwar Construction Solar will be the 10 TCG July 2019 No of entry & 10 New TCG - Township of Entry Point main source of - June border Tourism to the Lake energy. Eco 2020 points Zone friendly constructed materials like palm leaves will be used. County Wide Erecting 22 TCG July 2019 Signages 22 New TCG- Signages in all - June erected Tourism & Tourism 2020 KWS Products sites Lakezone Construction Solar will be the 20 TCG July 2019 Turkana Boy 10 On TCG- Ward of Exhibition main source of - June Monument going Tourism Centre walk energy. Eco 2020 site path, display friendly developed at Turkana materials like (%) Boy palm leaves will Monument, be used. Kalokol, Construction Eco friendly 21 TCG July 2019 No of eco New TCG- Kangatotha of Eco Toilets toilets - June toilets Tourism and Lakezone at the 2020 constructed beaches (Eliye, Imprezza and



County Wide Create various Eco friendly 10 TCG July 2019 No of CBTs 10 New TCG- Community building - June established Tourism,& Based materials to be 2020 Ecotouris Tourism used m society products of Kenta County Wide Develop an 10 TCG July 2019 Integrated 1 New TCG- Integrated - June Tourism Tourism Tourism 2020 Strategic Strategic Plan Plan in place Tourism County Wide Marketing 15 TCG July 2019 No of 10 New TCG Destination Turkana as an - June international Marketing and international 2020 films Promotion filming organization destination s contacted


County Wide Carry out Much of 20 TCG July 2019 No of 23 New TCG- destination publicity - June promotions Tourism. branding & activities will be 2020 and branding Culture, promotion done online. done KTB program Less printing to through; be done. media advertising, use of festivals & tournaments, use of brand ambassadors, Media/Trade FAM Trips, Joint promotions with airlines and corporates, regional conferences


County Wide Identify high 15 TCG July 2019 No of shows 15 On TCG- impact - June and going Tourism & international 2020 exhibitions KTB and national participated tourism trade in shows and exhibitions and participate in priority ones County Wide Hospitality 10 TCG July 2019 No. of 10 New TCG- Stakeholders - June stakeholder Tourism - Trainings 2020 trainings PPP (Tour guides done & Ground handlers, Servers, Hoteliers) County Wide Develop Much of 10 TCG July 2019 Types 4 New TCG- distribution publicity - June Distribution Tourism mechanisms activities will be 2020 mechanisms for Turkana done online. adopted and Tourist Less printing to used products; be done.


Internet, Catalogues, Airlines

County Wide Audit current 5 TCG July 2019 Audit report 1 New TCG- engagement - June produced Tourism, with tour 2020 and Utalii operators and implemented develop and implement an improved system for exploring Turkana County Wide Tourism 5 TCG July 2019 No of events 5 On TCG,KICC, M.I.C.E - June held in going development 2020 Turkana through lobbing with associations and academia to host events in Turkana 332

DIRECTORATE OF CULTURE, HERITAGE AND ARTS Culture Lokori/Kochodi Gazettement 6 TCG July 2019 No of sites 2 New TCG - Development, n and Kalokol of the - June gazetted. Culture Promotion & Wards Namorutung’a 2020 Preservation (Kalokol & Lokori) Lodwar Purchase 5 TCG July 2019 No of books 5000 On TCG - Township books and - June purchased going Culture collection of 2020 books on Turkana Literature, fencing, furniture Lokiriama and Community 15 TCG July 2019 No of 2 On TCG - Letea Wards Cultural - June festivals held going Culture festivals 2020 (Lokiriama, Moru Anayeche) County Wide Inter-County 8 TCG July 2019 No of 5 On TCG - Kenya Music - June cultural going Culture and Cultural 2020 festivals held Festivals and


public holidays

County Wide Kenya 5 TCG July 2019 No of 1 On TCG - National - June celebrations going Culture Commission 2020 attended on UNESCO (KNATCOM) Cultural Celebrations attended Letea Ward Complete the Solar will be the 15 July 2019 Level of 100% On TCG - Construction main source of - June completion going Culture of open air energy. Eco 2020 of works (%) stage, fence, friendly and toilet at materials will be Moru a used. Nayeche; Drill borehole County Wide Annual 25 July 2019 Annual 1 On TCG - Turkana - June Festival held going Culture Tourism & 2020 Cultural Festival 334

Kanamkemer Development Solar will be the 15 July 2019 Level of 100% On TCG - Ward of Ekaales main source of - June completion going Culture Cultural energy. Eco 2020 of works (%) Centre friendly infrastructure materials will be used. DIRECTORATE OF NATURAL RESOURCES Forestry County Wide Tree planting Environmental 22 TCG July 2019 No. of tree 500,00 On MoTC Development. conservation - June seedlings 0 going &NR, KFS, activity 2020 trans-planted KEFRI and survived County Wide Creation of Environmental 14 TCG July 2019 Hectares of 20 Ha On MoTC forest land conservation - June land set going &NR, KFS, activity 2020 aside for KEFRI forest development County Wide Development Environmental 8 TCG July 2019 No. of nature 3 On MoTC of nature conservation - June based going &NR, KFS, based activity 2020 enterprises KEFRI, enterprises developed KARA, KEPHIS, ICRAF, ESHINE


County Wide Forestation Environmental 8 TCG July 2019 Sites of land 2 On MoTC and conservation - June put under going &NR, KFS, rehabilitation activity 2020 Forestation of fragile and and degraded rehabilitation ecosystem/for of fragile and est in degraded community ecosystem/fo lands rest in community lands done. County Wide Public Private Environmental 4 TCG July 2019 No. of 5 New MoTC Partnerships conservation - June private &NR, KFS, management activity 2020 public KEFRI, in County partnership KARA, forests management KEPHIS, in County ICRAF forests. County Wide Development Eco friendly 33 TCG July 2019 No. of 8 On MoTC and materials to be - June county forest going &NR, KFS, maintenance used 2020 infrastructur of forest e developed infrastructure and maintained


Lodwar Development Environmental 2 TCG July 2019 Level of 30% On MoTC Township of Lodwar conservation - June completion going &NR, KFS, Arboretum to activity 2020 of the KEFRI,UN meet the ISO Arboretum DP, standards to meet the URBAN ISO AREAS standards MGT, MoWS,E & MR Forestry County Wide Collection and Sustainability of 5 TCG July 2019 Amount of 5M New MoTC Management, management conservation - June revenue &NR, Conservation of county initiatives 2020 raised MoF & P, and Public forest and KFS, participation farm forestry KEFRI,UN revenue. DP, URBAN AREAS MGT, County Wide Development Environmental 9 TCG July 2019 No of New MoTC of charcoal conservation - June private farms 9 &NR, KFS, industry activity 2020 in charcoal (promotion/us industry e) within county forests


and private farms.

County Wide Provision of Environmental 15 TCG July 2019 No of New MoTC&N forestry conservation - June quarterly 15 R extension activity 2020 reports services in the county County Wide Issuance of Environmental 4 TCG July 2019 No of New MoTC operation protection - June licenses 20 &NR, license within activity 2020 issued MoFP, the private MoLands farms and county forests in community lands County Wide Intra-county Environmental 2 TCG July 2019 Quarterly New MoTC&N conflict protection - June conflict 4 R, GIZ, management activity 2020 management NDMA, on county reports MoDA, forest OOG resources and


farm forestry

County Wide Maintenance Environmental 25 TCG July 2019 Updated New MoTC of county conservation - June county forest 1 &NR, KFS, forest and and protection 2020 and farm farm forestry activity forestry records, records databases and information. County Wide Community Environmental 2 TCG July 2019 No. of On MoTC&N awareness conservation - June community 2 going R,MoDA, creation and protection 2020 sensitization DEPT of activity on forestry Communi reports cation &PP and CFAs


Forestry County Wide Formulation 5 TCG July 2019 By-laws and New MoTC Protection and - June legislations in 2 &NR, KFS, enforcement 2020 place ASSEMBL of county Y, level specific GIZ,UNDP by-laws and , CFAs legislation MoDA,SE NATE KEPHIS,F AN,DIOCE SS OF Lodwar County Wide Development Environmental 5 TCG July 2019 County New MoTC and conservation - June Forest 1 &NR, KFS, implementati and protection 2020 management ASSEMBL on of county activity plan in place Y, forest GIZ,UNDP management , CFAs plans. MoDA, KEPHIS,F AN,DIOCE SS OF Lodwar


County Wide Development Environmental 5 TCG July 2019 No. of On MoTC of forests conservation - June products 3 going &NR, products from and protection 2020 produced KFS,KEFRI invasive activity from ,GIZ, species Prosopis JICA,FAO, (Prosopis CFAs, Agri species etc.) pastoral eco. Prosopis County Wide Identification Environmental 8 TCG July 2019 No. of 1 New MoTC Management and setting a conservation - June National &NR, part of land and protection 2020 Reserves KWS, for National activity developed MoLANDS Reserves , and . development managed and creation of wildlife conservancies Wildlife County Wide Mainstreamin Environmental 14 TCG July 2019 Protection 18 New MoTC Conservation, g and conservation - June units in place &NR, Protection development and protection 2020 KWS and of protection activity Management unit (rangers)


County Wide Formation of Environmental 1 TCG July 2019 Wildlife 1 New MoTC wildlife conservation - June conservation &NR, conservation and protection 2020 committee in KWS committee activity place Community County Wide Support to Environmental 3 TCG July 2019 No of 3 New MoTC wildlife formation and conservation - June associations &NR, Conservation registration of and protection 2020 formed and KWS programme community activity registered wildlife associations

LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING AND URBAN AREAS MANAGEMENT Programme Name (As per the Programme Based Budget): Sub Programme Project Description of Gree Estimated Source Time Performance Target statu Impleme Other name activities n cost of frame indicators s s nting stakeholder Location Econ (Ksh.) funds Agency s (Ward/Sub omy county/ consi county wide) derat ion Street lighting County 100M TCG 2018- No of Facilities 100% 0% MINISTR UN county wide street 2022 electrified Y OF HABITAT lighting/ LANDS county wide


Development of Lodwar To help address 30M TCG 2019- No. of 100% 0% MINISTR KENYA drainage systems storm water environmental 2020 functional Y OF URBAN drainage and problem, to sewerage LANDS SUPPORT sewer better drainage systems in PROGRAM systems/ system in town, place ME County wide to ensure proper liquid waste disposal Establishment of To ensure Establishment of TCG 2019- Establishment NOT MINISTR KENYA County Energy compliance County Energy 2020 of County STAT Y OF URBAN Sector Plan to the Sector Plan Energy Sector ED LANDS SUPPORT proposed Plan PROGRAM Energy Bill ME Energy efficiency Free, Prior and 22M TCG 2019- Number of NOT MINISTR KENYA conservation and Informed 2020 institutions STAR Y OF URBAN stakeholders Consent of installed with TED LANDS SUPPORT Engagement Energy projects institutional PROGRAM and better stoves ME management of installed systems by the respective stakeholders


Renewable Energy Energy Kaeris, Katilia, 138M TCG 2019- No of Facilities 100% 50% MINISTR GIZ,NATION Development renewable Kalapata, 2020 repaired Y OF AL (Stand Alone development Lodwar, Kainuk, LANDS GOVERNME systems for Public systems in all Lorugum, Kerio, NT Institutions and the Kalobeyei, Letea, sites) institutions/C Kokuro, ounty wide Long’ech, Kamuge, Kakuma, Lokiriama, Koyasa, Kalemngorok, Kaputir, Lorengipi, Kataboi, Eliye Springs Establishment of Decongested 240M TCG 2019- Establishment 100% 0% MINISTR Safe Transport towns and 2022 of car parks in Y OF Parking zones Increased urban centers LANDS revenue collection Identification Kanamkemer and TCG 2019- Establishment 100% 0% MINISTR Lodwar Town and Lodwar Town 2023 of 2 modern Y OF Management development 20M cemeteries LANDS


of 2 modern cemeteries ( Kanamkemer and Lodwar Town) Design and Design and TCG 2019- Construction of 100% 0% MINISTR develop two develop two 2024 2 recreational Y OF recreational recreational facilities LANDS facilities facilities (Lodwar township – CBD and Kanamkemer ) All sites are already identified and earmarked for the above. 50M Developmen Development of TCG 2019- Liquid and solid 100% 0% MINISTR t of two solid two solid and 2025 management Y OF and two two liquid waste sites LANDS liquid waste dump site 30M constructed


dump sites (one solid and one liquid in Lodwar Township – Nayanae- angikalalio area, one solid and one liquid in Kanamkemer – Nawoitorong area). All sites identified and earmarked for the above. Bodaboda TCG 2019- Boda boda 100% 0% MINISTR Developmen shades 2026 shades Y OF t of boda 10M constructed LANDS


boda shades.

Physical Napetet and TCG 2019- Nakwamekwi 100% 0% MINISTR Planning and Nakwamekwi 2027 and Napetet Y OF designing of villages designs drawn LANDS Napetet and Nakwamekw i villages 18M Preparation of County Solar 500M TCG 2018- % of County NOT MINISTR UN county spatial spatial powe 2022 Spatial Plan STAT Y OF HABITAT plan plan/County red done ED LANDS wide subm ersibl e pump Implementation of Development 150M TCG 2019- NOT MINISTR KENYA approved control - zoning, 2020 STAT Y OF URBAN integrated opening up of ED LANDS SUPPORT strategic urban access roads, PROGRAM development regularization of ME plans existing plans


Spatial planning Protect our lakes 15M TCG 2019- Spatial NOT MINISTR for fragile areas from pollution, to 2022 planning for STAR Y OF (Lake Turkana improve on fragile areas TED LANDS beach areas and aesthetic value (Lake Turkana grazing lands on our beaches, beach areas to protect and grazing grazing lands lands from human encroachment Waste To ensure 75 TCG 2019- Waste ONG MINISTR Management compliance to 2022 management OING Y OF the Urban areas in Lokori, LANDS management Act Lokichar, Kalokol, Lorugum, Kakuma, Lokichoggio, Lowarengak, Kainuk and Lokitaung Urban Areas To ensure 115M TCG 2019- ONG MINISTR Management compliance to 2022 OING Y OF the Urban areas LANDS management Act


COUNTY ASSEMBLY Programme Name (As per the Programme Based Budget): Sub Programme Project name Description of Green Estim Sou Tim Performance Targets stat Implem Other Location activities Economy ated rce e indicators us enting stakeh (Ward/Sub consideratio cost of fra Agency olders county/ county n (Ksh.) fun me wide) ds Ultra-Modern Ultra-Modern Construction Solar 70M CAS 2019 Complete Ultra- Ultra- ong CASB County Assembly County Assembly- of ultra- Powered, B /20 modern County Modern oing Lodwar township modern Increasing Assembly County County forest cover building/No. of Assembly Assembly and offices for key offices departments Official Speaker's Official Speaker's Construction Solar 20M CAS 2019 Speaker's Speaker's ong CASB residence residence- of the official Powered, B /20 Residence Residenc oing Kanamkemer speaker's Increasing e ward residence forest cover Digital chamber Digital chamber- New Digital Solar 200M CAS 2019 Digital Chamber Digital Ne CASB Lodwar Township Chamber Powered, B /20 constructed Chamber w Increasing forest cover modern Library modern Library- New Modern Solar CAS 2019 Modern Library Modern Ne CASB Lodwar township Library Powered, B /20 constructed Library w


Increasing forest cover

Members Members New Solar CAS 2019 Resource centre Resource Ne CASB Resource centre Resource centre- Members Powered, B /20 constructed centre w Lodwar Resource Increasing Centre forest cover Research Research institute New Research Solar CAS 2019 Research institute Research Ne CASB institute -Lodwar Institute Powered, B /20 constructed institute w Increasing forest cover


COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD. Project Name/ Objective/ Output Performance Status (based Planned Cost Actual Cost Source of funds Location Purpose Indicators on the (Ksh.) (Ksh.) indicators) Construction of Conducive Furnished Complete Office 65% Complete 5,900,000 5,900,000 TCG, as Carry Boardroom Working Office Board room Carry Forward forward Environment for Board from FY 2018- the Board Room with 2019 especially During Offices Meetings