The Inventory of the Rollo G. Silver Collection #457
The Inventory of the Rollo G. Silver Collection #457 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center SILVER, ROLLO COLLECTION Gift of June 1969 Walt Whitman Material Box 1 A) Whitman manuscripts and letters 1) "Old Age's Ship & Crafty Death's". Proof of poem with Whitman's holograph corrections. /", - (2)} 11 Sail Forth O Mystic Yacht". Poem. Holograph, 1 p. i '(3f)11 Notes for Lecture". Holograph, 1 p. 4) "I have had one feeling ... ". Prose piece. Holograph, 1 p. 5) Check. Holograph. "Pay to the order •of George W. Whitman. April 5, 1877." 6) Letters and envelopes: in chronological order: c;)} ALS to John Swinton, Feburary 23, 1863. Holograph envelope laid in. /\ ~)/ ALS to John M. Binckley (Acting Attorney General) re:leave of absence from the Attorney General's Office, Washington, August 31, 1867. Envelope laid in. Signed also by Binckley, granting request. c) Holograph envelope addressed by Whitman to John Swinton, postmarked April 5 which contained Scovel, James M., ALS to John Swinton re: Whitman, April 4, 1876. d) Postal card in holograph to John Swinton, Camden, New Jersey, March 12, ~1878J • '' _(§ ALS ~o Hank, his nephew, Camden, May 5, d-88~1 2 pp. on 1 leaf, Ii ir') 'Mary. - ~) Postal card in holograph to Mrs. CostellDW' (~fj Whitall Smith, later Mrs. Bernard Berenson) Camden U.S. Americaj, July 8, 1887, g) Postal card in holograph to Edward Carpenter, Camden, New Jersey, October 29, 1891, h) Holograph envelope to Charles W. Eldridge. Introducing Walter Godey. page 2 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 i) Holograph envelope addressed to Pete Doyle, rostmarked Philadelphia, August 14.
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