Madison Central School District #39-2 Minutes Regular School Board Meeting September 14, 2020
MADISON CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT #39-2 MINUTES REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The regular school board meeting of the Madison Central School District #39-2 was called to order by Board President Tom Farrell at 5:34pm in the school cafeteria. Board members present Richard Avery, Keith Bundy (via Zoom), Tom Farrell, Robert Honomichl, Angi Kappenman, and Lori Schultz. Steve Nelson was absent. Administrators present: Superintendent Joel Jorgenson, Technology Director Jon Forster, and Business Manager Mitchell Brooks. All actions are by unanimous vote unless otherwise noted. Action #26–Motion-Angi Kappenman, Second-Richard Avery to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried. Action #27–Motion-Lori Schultz, Second-Robert Honomichl to approve the August 10 regular meeting minutes, the following warrants, financial reports, and personal actions: Warrants: 2020 Fall School Counselor Virtual Workshop, $80.00, registration fees; Accident Fund, $1,180.00, balance due; American Band Accessories, $122.94, supplies; A-Ox Welding, $474.24, supplies; Area II Superintendents, $100.00, membership; ASCD, $328.00, memberships; ASBSD, $300.00, registration fees; Atco,$144.50, supplies; Automatic Building Controls, $2,040.00, cellular alarm service renewal; Richard Avery, $11.34, mileage; Blick Art Materials, $210.45, supplies; Bob’s Electric, $2,538.56, repairs; Brandon Valley School District, $1,296.50, lobby dues; Brookings Engraving, $153.00, signage; BSN Sports, $163.49, pro chain set; Bud’s Cleanup, $753.93, trash removal; Builders First
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