Thejwhaueo Owv Indochina As Result of Ase-Fire Seen
' . t- . V. -^y: V . ' . t . .. '/, t Jt N. ■ . ‘ ' \ ' {1 . X-. '■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ \- PAGE StXTEEH MONDAY, APRIL 26,^1954 iManrlifatfr’ lEvraing Ifwalii Average Daily Net Prem Ron The Weather F sr thf Wiwk E a M Ferecast of C. 8. Weather Barsaa Aprtl S4, 19M > A son; -Idsrk Edwsrd, their first A surprise farewell party was Oecasloaal sbewere, aeattered child, was born Saturday to Mr. given for Mr. and Mrs,. Roy Knofla, tboadereterms toaigbt aad Wed- About Town and. Mrs. John FamiAllettl, 7708 ^ Harlan St., Saturday night, at X 11,165 their, home, with about 20 guests aeaday. Warmer Wednebday. North Trail, Sarasota, Fla. Mrs. Member ef tlM Andlt some suasbine. Mia. toaigbt abeat Famiglletti is the former Betty present. The hostessen were Mrs. A ion w u bom in Quincy, Mem ., Wesley Smith and M rs.' Robert Buremi *f OIrcalatioM 55. Rlgh tomorrow da-7a. on Aprtl to Mr. «iid Mr«. Jane Lew'is, daughter of Mrs. M anchetter^A City o/ Village Cliarm Cbulcs R. Hol|nan, formerly reel^ Elisabeth Lswis, 596 Woodbiidge Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Knofla. who St. ... ■ / . are moving to Framingham, Mass., dents of this town,. soon, were presented with an allj brass log carrier. VOL. LXXIII.NO. 182 (Classified AdverOsiag ba' Pago 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1954 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS - ■---- ^ ' Sunset Circle, Past Noble Grands, i will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in ' Odd Fellows Hall. Refreshments ! Red Chineee Premier at (geneva Meeting Wonderful Mother's Day will be served by Mrs. AY-celia j •Crawford and her committee. Mrs. i Minnie Krause is in charge of the | entertainment.
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