V ■ ' ^ ' >' ','! TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1964 -------------- SIXTEEN Averua Daily Net Press Boo r rw the Week Badod U s m m d h m m Of U. ■- Aogoot 28. 1854 ■1 1 I T i' ,V., Delta Chapter No. 61, Royal Outing Planned Ornmnlly Sfibk Arch Masons, will hold a regular Nurse Graduates' Second Offender 1 0 ,9 7 8 iFrciiii About Town meeting tomorrow eveniw at 7 :S0 TlUauiilFBiFF IwUFuXUU J ■IghL L ott fSOB. in the Masonic Temple. 1 m i« will Skywatch Schedule HALE'S MeiBbor of tho Aodit aMI a mue womaY. Jailed, Fined $100 By Zipser Club Bomob of ClroBlattoa S(»niBa Lodge No.' 23 Order of be no degree work, but th^ busi­ Mancheiler— A City of ViUage Charm Vas* wdU resume lU monthly ness meeting will be followed by Headquarters meetings Thursday at 8 p.m. at the usual refreshments and socild Frank Naumec, 36, of 9 Dr. G, Wedaeoday, Sept. 1 The Zipser CHub wrill hold its an­ hour. High Priest Walter S. Broad- was fined $100 .and given a 60-day Midnight—2 a. m ....................Volunteers Needed nual outing Sunday, Sept. 5, ati FOR the Orange Hall. All past chair­ VOL. LXX ni, NO. 289 (ClaMflM AivertMng an Paga IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1954 (’TWENTY PAGES) P R IC E F I V * men of the Lodge are urged to at- well would like to welcome a large term in the cotuity Jail last night 2 a. m.—4 a. m. , ............ ...... Volunteeie Needed the Garden Grove.' The commit­ number of members at this first in Ellington Justice Court. tend„aa there will be a review of 4 a. m.—6 a. m. .......... ........... Volunteers Needed tee in charge reporta a good sale «---- all the recommendations to be pre- meeting after the summer recess. Naumec, who entered a plea of 6 a. m.—9 a. m. ...................... Volunteers Needed , -1 not guilty, was fined for operating 9 a. m.—Noon ... ................. Bin Evans, Lucy Burke of tickets and requests all mem­ gented to the Annual District Ralph A. Howard Jr., of 36 X/>dgo meeting, which will be held a motor vehicle while under the Noon—3 p. m. ..................... Katheiine Ruttffers, bers to procure their tickets by Ridge St. and Susan J. Ferguson Infiuence of liquor and given the John Starkweather SatuMay, Tickets can be obtained Sept 24 in New Haven. of 22-A St. James St. filed a mar­ Jail sentence as a second offender. 3 p. m.—8 p. m................................. Mrs. Harold Lord, Olive Chartier ait the clubroonui.' riage license application in the He was arrested Friday night 8 p. m.—8 p. m............................... William Simpson, Barbara Wailett A 8«i was bom Saturday at the Hartford Bureau of Vital Statistics following an accident on Route 63 Weather permitting there will Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. 8 p. m.— 10 p. m. ........................ Mrs. Virginia Liegl, Marion Cullen be a baaeball game and horseshoe yesterday. ,, in Ellington. Naumec was unhurt 10 p. m.—Midnight .......................... Hyatt Sutliffe, (Seorge Ssratn Robert R. Hastings of 336 Center in the one-Car accident, but his pitching. Festivities will start at S t The winter schedule of 11 a. m. automobile received considerable Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Mu­ 10 a.m. services wil begin this Sunday at damage and had to be towed from nicipal Building, Manchester on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- ■ _______________ !____________ .days from 1-5 p. m. Civil Defense Telephone Number 9-0068. The Manchester Duplicate the Talcottville Congregational the scene. .............. Bridge Club announces that the Church. State Policeman Herbert Haber- weekly duplicate bridge tourna­ str(rfi, the investigating officer, said SEE ments will resume on Thursday The Alpiha Society will meet to­ ^ u m e o ’s car was headed south to the ZBA waa opposed at tha to Strant Street realdents that no I f wheq it left the highway, hit a hearing by the McClure Realty repairing waa to be done on tte Clarence H. Aadersen far evening, Sept. 9 at the VFW Home. morrow at 7:30 p. m. at the Sub Rcri9M. Refrigerators The first game will be a master Alpine Club on Bldridge Street.. sign ind continued a short distance Co., represented by Atty. John J. premises when it waa flMt pro­ This will be the first meeting of before if crashed into a utility O’Connor, will do bualneas under posed to build the gasoline sta­ LOANS chm Estimates Range from 300 to 500 point game. W ashers I A I the 1954-56 Season and a good at­ pole, sna p i^ g it off. the name of Art’s Texaco Auto­ tion. on second mortgages and nato- moblles. Also Insnraace; Other Applidflces A daughter was bom at the tendance is hoped for. motive Service, at 381 Main S t Further approval by State au­ -“9 Hartford Hospital Friday to Mr. Mary T. OrfiteUI Couple Observes The McClure Co., which built thorities Will be necessary, aince CONNECTICUT VALLEY and Mrs. Norman Hungerford o f Monday, Sept. 17, is the date ect the station for the Texaco Co. and the ZBA’a approval is for the site Realty and Investment Co. 23 Grant Rd. for the Book of the Month lunch­ Miss Mary Teresa Orfitclll. plans to lease it to Texaco on alone, not an approval of Bouthil- 74 East Center Street th«J!IIKHALCeei W in^^lay Jack-Stratys at Bolton Farm eon at Centinel Hill Hall, spon­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael 40th Anniyersai^ Sept. 1, said their opposition to lier'a qualifications to set up a ga­ Tel. M1-9-468S New Attempt Made Shore Line sored by the Hartford County Bouthlllier waa based on promises rage; YWCA. The hour is 12:30 noon Orfitelli, 27 Warren St., was grad­ ■X Loss May Top and tickets may be obtained local­ uated from the Joseph 1-awrcnie Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slnpamon, ly from Mrs. W. E. Dowty, Jr., 42 School of Nursing, at Lawrcnc-e 47 Boulevard St., West Sp|ing- Russell St. and Memorial Associated Hos­ field. Mass., will keep “open hooge” To Water Censur^^f^^\ pitals. New London, recently, and Saturday. Sept. 4. from 2 to H The Auxiliary of the Disabled waa winner of the Marjorie Mor­ p.' m. and 7 to 10, in celebration of ------ htate Area Americian Veterans. No. 17 will gan WUnship scholarship for fur­ their 40th wedding anniversary. Havoc of 1938 They cordially invite their Man­ Washington, Sept. 1 vV? hold a meeting tomorrow at 8 ther study. WEDNESDAY MORNING points raised by Williams but also chester relatives and friends to call By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS p. m. ykt the VFW Home. Plana A graduate of Mt. St. Joseph's The lawyer for Sen, Mc­ told the lawyer: will he mad4 for a card party in Academy, during her first year of at their convenience during ti>e Carthy launched a new legal Hurricane Carol, whirling above reception periods. ”We ala not out on a wild By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS the near future. Ura. Elisabeth training she had the highest -scho­ i;ooae chase in this Inrulry.” with fury, smashed Connecti­ Caldwell will be in charge of the Mrs. Slnnamon was the former offensive today aimed at The Northeast states surveyed devastation and havoc o f lastic average for the pre-clinical HALE'S X SPECIALS Earlier, Watkins ruled firmly cut’s shoreline and battered Miss ElUzsbeth Noble, and the throwing out some of the cen­ social tomorrow evening. course. In the second year she was that Sen. Johnson (D-Colo) has a Hurricane Carol today as the. death list mounted to 49 and chosen to represent her class at ceremony wss performed on Sept. sure charges against the Wis­ right to sit In on the hearings re­ its Inland areas yesterday, unofficial estimates placed property damage at from 300 to the Cleveland, Ohio, convention of 3. 1914, at the home of her par­ consin Senator. gardless of what he might have leaving today destruction 500 million dollars. nursing. She w-as also secretary of ents by the Rev. Glbeon C. Mosh­ Edward Bennett WlIIlamB said about McCarthy in the pas-.' er, who was pastor of the North which likely will run into the New~Enghind was hardest hit b.v the season’s third hurri­ the graduating class. Summer Schedule Is Oveir — W e . Resume turned to thta after losing; an at­ He said: Police Arrests Methodist Church of Manchestde. millions of dollars. cane which spent itself out in Canada after its fierce whirl 1912-1915. Since her marriage she tempt to ret the special Senate "I can’t see how any legal objec­ At least one death and many in­ committee , ' invesUrratiag 'the tion of any shape or form can be up the Atlantic coast yesterday. has made her home in West juries were attributed to the storm charges to direct its vice chair­ made (to Johnson’s sitting on the which pounded the shore ahead of Carol’s greatest fury was spent along the Rhode Islapd A man first mistakenly identified Springfield. Wednesclay Morning Openings Tomorrow, Sept I men, Sen. Edwin C. Johnson, to committee) that could be main­ as Elmer 'Trigger” Burke, the es­ Engagement high tides. find Massachusetts coast line. Cape Cod beach areas were a clarify his personal stand on Mc­ tained as a matter of law or a mat­ New London Hardest HU capee chained with ahooting Carthy. ter of fact.” shambles of splintered cottages. It was believed damage Specs” O’Keefe, (who w*a ques­ Trade Name Filed Biggest damsge -report so far might be greater than that of the 1938 hurricane.
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