GOLF MUSEUM and LIBRARY United States Golf Association

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GOLF MUSEUM and LIBRARY United States Golf Association THE GOLF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY United States Golf Association Donated through the kindness of Charles H. Davis III , ) , d l^v V\\ 'rice 25* i2S2jqXear >fficial Bulletin U.S.GA. MmsKe/l Play the Game For all there is in it Of course Golf is a pastime, but there is a competition side to it just the same, and one likes to win. Your chances are always the best when playing with a Haskell. THE B. F. GOODRICH CO. AKRON, OHIO. New York: CG-68 Reade St. and 1625 Broadway. Chicago: 141 Lake 8t. Detroit: 80 E. Congress St. 8an Francisco: 392 Mission St. Cleveland: 416 Erie St. Buffalo: 731 Main 8t. Philadelphia: 909 Arch 8t. St. Louie, 3926-28 Olive St. Denver: 1444 Curtis St. Boston : 161 Columbus Ave. London : E. C, 7 Snow Hill. ' GRASS SEED For Golf Links Our Seeds and Fertilizers as prescribed and furnished by us have been used on all the finest Links in the country, and have resulted in producing, in every case A PERFECT AND LASTING TURF. We have on hand large stocks of the finest turf-forming grasses and shall be pleased to recom- mend suitable kinds for all conditions of soil, situation or climate. Send for our 1906 Catalogue, the most complete and reliable Seed Annual Published. Free on application. TWO CRA/VT) VRIZ.ES AT THE ST. LO\/fS EJfPOSITIOJV J. M. THORBURN & C•9O Wholesale Seed Grotvers and Merchants 36 Cortlandt Street. New York Ejiablijhed 18O2 TOWNSEND'S MOWERS Horse Lawn Mower This Lever Unisex the Knives. Triple Rolls with Triple Pawls in each. Instant Change of Height of Cut. Instantaneous We Sharpen and Repair Control of Blades Thousands without leaving of Mowers. seat. HAND ROLLER MOWERS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GOLF. ALL OF OUR HAND MOWERS ARE BALL BEARING. SENT ON THEIR MERITS. S. P. TOWNSEND & CO. - Orange, N. J. Mention GOLF wh ELECTRIC LAUNCHES SAFE RELIABLE -V NOISELESS Simply constructed, easily operated, elegantly appointed and economically maintained It is the one form of power boat that leaves nothing to ask for, nothing to be desired We Build Also AUTO-BOATS, GASOLINE LAUNCHES and AUXILIARY SAIL YACHTS 80 minutes from Liberty St., New York ELECTRIC LAUNCH CO. BAYONNE CITY, NEW JERSEY GOliF BOOKS COLF FOR WOMEN By GENEVIEVE HECKER. (Mrs. Charles T. Stout) With a Chapter on American Golf by RHONA K. ADAIR English and Irish Champion. 8vo, with 32 full-page illustrations and many decorations. Net, $2.00; postage, is cents. HIS BOOK, by the leading woman player of the country, not only contains the best 0 Golf instruction, which will be useful to men as well as women, but is also a complett T guide for all details of Golf for women. It includes matters of dress, training and linb for women, and furthermore is so prepared as to be a guide for the beginner and a complett manual of instruction for the more advanced player. Miss Adair's chapter will be found ful of interest to every woman golfer. N. Y. Sun : " Direct and helpful, and her advice that of an expert who should be heeded." N. Y. Post and The Nation.- "No woman player, however skillful, can fail to profit by a carefii study of it." Admirably illustrated." The Header Magazine: " Interesting and instructive, not only to beginners, but to old players as well." GOliF, 48 LUest 27th St., ~ ~ Yo^k City r K Z 0 M c A •; M H i i \ H GOLF BY APPOINTMENT AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "GOLFING," ESTABLISHED 1894 VOL. XVIII. JANUARY, 1906 NO. 1 THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS At the time of writing, owing to the Three clubs applied for the open delay occasioned by referring the se- championship. They were: the En- lection of championship courses to the glewood Golf Club, Philadelphia Executive Committee of the United Cricket Club, and the Onwentsia Club. States Golf Association, it is not pos- There were, at the meeting, only sible to say positively to what particu- two applicants for the women's cham- lar club each event will be given. It pionship, the Country Club of Atlantic would, therefore, be a waste of effort City and the Xassau Country Club. to describe in detail the various Nassau can hardly be said to be in courses whose clubs have made ap- the running as its representative prac- plication for some one or other of the tically withdrew it from consideration, national events. When it is known not wishing to jeopardize the chances which are the three clubs definitely se- of Englewood in obtaining one of the lected then GOLF will have much pleas- national events. ure in giving a detailed description of Of the clubs applying for the ama- each hole on these three courses with teur championship Baltimore is prob- such illustrations as will help to con- ably less known to American amateurs vey an idea of what they are like. generally, than the others, but it has Meanwhile it is quite in order t<> say • me unique distinction, it is the only something about each particular as- pirant. Southern club which has ever had a national championship allotted to it. For the amateur championship four This was in 1899, when the open clubs put in an application: the Coun- championship was held there and was try Club df Baltimore; Englewood won by Willie Smith. It has been <i<>li Club; the Apawamis Club, and changed very much, lengthened and Ekwanok Country Club. The c'hi- improved greatly since that time, and cago Golf Club and the Country Club is now a very excellent course. The also were willing In take the event. clubhouse has every possible accom- Copyrisht, 1906, by ARTHUR POTTOW. All rights reserve,/. THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. COUNTRY CLUB OF BALTIMORE, TENTH TEE. CLUB HOUSE AND EIGHTEENTH GREEST, ENGLEWOOD (N. J.) GOLF CLUB. THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. THE PIT HOLE, THE COUNTRY CLUB. BROOKLTNE, MASS GOING TO SEVENTEENTH GREEN. APAWAMI8 (N. Y.) CLOB. 8 THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. modation for players, and the course course has been lengthened and un- is very easily accessible from Haiti- proved and it furnishes a more severe more. test of golf than it did in 1902. The Eriglewood Golf Club, of En- The Apawamis Club, of Rye. N. Y., glewood, N. J., has one of the largest is another club with which metropoli- eighteen-hole courses in the country, tan golfers are well acquainted, and being not less than 6,200 yards in many golfers from other sections of length. It is very well known to Met- the country have paid its links a visit. ropolitan golfers, being near New It is in every way qualified to hold an York and easy of access. Further- amateur championship and without more it was the scene, in 1901, of one doubt would have had the event be- very important event, the New Jersey fore this if it had cared to press its State Championship, which was won claims. Apawamis, with its more than that year by Allan Kennaday. 6,000 yards of rolling country, does The Country Club, Brookline, not furnish easy golf and the man who .Mass., in addition to its claim to dis- wins there has to know the game well. tinction as being the first country club It has one unusually long hole, 600 to be established in America, has also yards, which Findlay S. Douglas, had a national event. In i<;O2, the amongst others, has made in five, and women's championship, won by Mrs. it presents to the golfer a great va- Charles T. Stout, was played there. riety of strokes. In 1901 the Metro- The Massachusetts State Champion- politan Golf Association champion- ship was held there last year when it ship was held there and was won by was won by Arthur G. Lockwood. Findlay S. Douglas, who beat Charles \\ ithin the past twelve months the II. Seely in the final. In 1<)O4, the THE TWELFTH GREEN, CHICAGO GOLF CI/UB. THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. im- 1. •.•>:. Wv. ! had the event I* "^— A cared t .. •KnrWwr^iw.ifflMRiinfl imorefta Hfeg in fee, and : great ft 1 •• CLUB HOUSE, ONWENTSIA CLUB, LAKE FOREST, ILL. • ! Women's Metropolitan Golf Asso- country than any other we have. It ciation, fired with the ambition to play is easier to pick out from the East, over one of the longest and most dif- the West and the South the names of ficult courses in the Metropolitan Dis- golfers of prominence who have not trict, selected it as the scene of ac- been there than of the fine players tion. Upon this occasion Mrs. E. A. who have, for the name of the latter Manice won the championship, Mrs. is legion. For many years Ekwanok M. D. Patterson being the runner-up. has had several tournaments each Many very successful tournaments summer in which such men as Walter have also been held. There is a good J. Travis, Findlay S. Douglas, E. M. club house at Apawamis and the Byers, F. Oden Horstmau, F. J. O. course is within five minutes walk of Alsop, A. L. White, and A. G. Lock- the railroad station. wood, to name only a few who have The Ekwanok Country Club, of taken part. The most famous event Manchester, Vermont, has one of the of which its course was the scene was very best eighteen-hole courses in the the tournament in 1903, in which the country. This is no mere assertion, Oxford and Cambridge Society golf- for the statement will readily be con- ers took part.
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