THE June 2012 wire The Magazine of The Royal Corps of Signals ROYALS SIGNALS RESETTLEMENT OPPORTUNITIES HQ Royal Signals have created a webpage to assist Ex-Corps personnel to find employment opportunities. It is a portal for companies working in the Defence or Communications Industry to advertise their job vacancies with the aim of capitalising on the unique skill sets that Royal Signals soldiers and officers gain during their Service. The page is hosted on the Royal Signals Association website. Use this QR code to go straight to the site. Email
[email protected] for more information. JUNE 2012 Vol. 66 No: 3 The Magazine of the Royal Corps of Signals Established in 1920 Find us on The Wire Published bi-monthly Annual subscription £12.00 plus postage Editor: Mr Keith Pritchard Editor Deputy Editor: Mrs A Petersen Mr Keith Pritchard Tel: 01258 482817 All correspondence and material for publication in The Wire should be addressed to: The Wire, RHQ Royal Signals, Blandford Camp, Deputy Editor Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8RH Email:
[email protected] Mrs Amy Petersen Contributors Tel: 01258 482818 Deadline for The Wire : 15th February for publication in the April. 15th April for publication in the June. 15th June for publication in the August. 15th August for publication in the October. 15th October for publication in the December. Accounts / Subscriptions 10th December for publication in the February. Mrs Jess Lawson To see The Wire on line or to refer to Guidelines for Contributors, go to: Tel: 01258 482087 Subscribers All enquiries regarding subscriptions and changes of address of The Wire should be made to: 01258 482087 or 94371 2087 (mil) or
[email protected].