Ith'mantr S. Safeguai Taps,' Cam Irds Russi “To Capcn De Nemsand
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^ 2 , 1 5 / 2 0 0 2 . 5 3 0 6 3 2 — .. )6I-1------- ^'^-799-03_.^ ------ ............. ^ T \ I n M m e TwiiTFalls;lls7iaaKo/97th year,f r N 5 r r a 2 ~ M onday, July 1, 2 0 0 2 G cxjp iviMORNING Wkatheh? R . 1Today: M ostly L o r D k i n t & a tL _ a J . e s u i ^ a n d ‘g a q To^and— , w a rm . H ig h — o ----------- ^--------------- -— x - ' - j8 6 , lo w 5 4. P a g e A 2 ted(Jdybear^ Magic V^a A L L E Y Neww state laws ‘ C h a rg e d w fth adultery:adi ' , J e r o m e C o u n tyy i s p u r s u in g I t a k c: ceffect today a d u lte r y c h a rg; e s a g a in s t a I The Associaoclated Press J e r o m e m a n . P a g e C 4 I ir Court news: Todjbda/s local I longerer be to r e p o r t in c lu d e;s s n e w s hx>m I U ta h , teddy hears C a s s ia a n d IV vi nin F ! a lls c o u n - I have - tie s . • toy of Missi: ................... — P a g e A S I H u n dIreds re d of new laws take withith th e Ju ly 1 start of fis- C ' * * cal yearss in m any states. Tiie laws H h a l t h reflect egi.^latnrs' cvincerri.s' wich the lensome threats <if terror- (ScFASHior3N I in d ^ - i T ........ ............. Idaho laws - A2 ^ g spiked with ---------------------------- I a few iS'weighty m atters. H lawmakers, for 111 timt e to stip u late tli.ii cooking-scli•scliool studetus und< i the legal1 drinkingdr age can iaM<- iinunts of wine during _ — although they will he , ■ H expectedI toto! .spit it out a fter swish- H H und th eir m outh. H H B udgett woe.4 dom inated m any I legislegislative sessions, anil § smokers werewei a preferred targe) Meningitis protec:ectlon: ju st in e ffortsi_i_()_niise to . rnoni rcxouii:,__ __________________________ ------------w h e n c c U e g e fresl■eshmen-to-be .............. As of Mondiimday, the per-pack ciga- LaMar Orton, planning and zoningling director for tbe city of Twin a r e q u e u in g u p' tto o ro ll u p t h e i r rin falls, looks over Auger Fallsalls. The city Is considering buylbuying property In the area to preservepr rctie tax wilwill rise hy -19 cetit.s ■ s le e v e s , th e su pjp p i; ly o f m e n in g i- and use. for public recreation. Vermont,, 46 cents iiijvansas. -10 H tis v a c c in e is s ca a rc n e . cents in IndiIndiana and Illinois, .n H ___________ __cents in Oh — P a g e D l - O h io a n d 12 c e n is ' ^ 1 ' J I 1 Ltniisiiiriit.' ^ky~leade:a r s " h D p e ^“to capcnL i r e c a n y c^ o n t r e a s LIll A measureure raising the per-pack tax l)y 70 ce in Now Sl’OR'I'S , , was awaitinging the .sipiature of (he lulto Pertce we a re now.” - ^ ta n y o nI rimri property lor a trail 1 Protection Agency hasas to makL- „ „ rr, , v,who proposed the ' w-Naws writer_________________ Steele said no oneie has talked system connectingct Auger Fallss sure th e land hus no cmiivironmon. much about changesIS that will be with SI Shoshone by/ tal problems from prcvsvious own- K ansas alsoalsc is increasing inhur- WIN FALLS' - Barely threeee made to the prop- y / ' . TWl December 2003} ers. , , itance, sideslies and business taxes. , i».^wzV:bustUii£.jaiue Lakes;es erty.- j f tlic c ity = r --------- is also pan of f “We want to make absolutelya 1 ,,i,bill aimed at rai^inJ; Boulevlevard is a serene buys it, b ut Ducks “ “f^eofiesay, 'W hydkint'n't\O U the city’s strate- sure rliere is nothingng we will S252niilli<mli<in for th e .state. A Ststretch of the Snake Riverer Unlimited has . :• gic plan. inherit,” Steele siiid. , , , T h o u g h1 te a lre a d y is calledsd A uger Falls features expressed interest f f t the land on the rivuW.-^. A 12-memberr One possible problemim could be _ bluB'green-raplds-that-cut-'u t----- in helping. The - t ; - / . citizens commlt- a nuniher of old prfndsIs scattered .PJeSx see LAWS. Page f'2 H . ■ ■ . ' W / , xcrm ivn'l(rii'an\ , — througlugh 540 acres of a sagebrlish-;h- I d _ a _ h _ o __’ lee has rccom-.:____ _ Wrapping It up Infin R u p e rt: T h e ted desertscape. RuKt andid , DepaftrneiVt of mended the city> . predecessorIduho rcoal-colored canyon wallslls Fish and Game explore huyins; Foods - used to dum p |m FireflyR gijter. I 2 0 0 2 I d a h o R e gatta a tt concluded spoudr idng spring water encircle it and the- Idaho T Mlninc Stcicclc, the property. cessing waste. Idaho10 F ro z e n p ‘ Sunday vrith finalslals in fiv e d iv i- qJ]. Department of I? ,11,. *rhe c o m m itte er Foods was a former owr« n c r„ fu io faces c sio n s. i t wwould be a fine place to Enyironmental' T w inI IF JUS has given city' property. s charges ' jH • • FP a g e B l , 4 < w hilee awo ay a sum m er afternoon,I. Quality have also , councilwonOman officials somer LaMar Orton, [he cit City:ty leaders think It would b e• a ' made it known __ i parameters with ning a n d zoning director of sett:tting blaze I ^ fin eppiece i( of property to own. grants are avail- in which to nego- city is interested in esi:stablishing ? O p i n i o n _ • “ Wyhat ^ a legacy to leave to ourBE____ atjig- ___________________ tiate a salsale..Aa.itsking_price,of!______ tree farm s around th e pcpond^iics.--------^Th© Associateilated Press ■ ---------- 1 -------- iren,” CouricUwoman Elaine1C • i would like tot sees it ,pre- ‘ between1 $1.8$ million and S2 mil- Another problem thee icity faces ------------------- Clean up Wall Strei'r e e t : S e ' ly served as pure and na lie said. “People say, ‘Why , la tu ra i as we lion is tooX) im uch, they have said, is getting access to thee p| ro p en y , SH O W LOWLG , A ri/. - A p.irt-. A c c o u n tin g a b u sses e s will doom didn’t ie ‘ can,” Steele said, I’t you get the land on tlie But befoefore the city can buy the ighter looking for work investing if busine:nesses don’t rim?’ V> ut Acquiring the I. Please see CANYOlrON.PageA2 tim e firefighi ’ Well, we w eren’t aw are, but la n d w ith p ro p e r^y, , tth e U.S, Environm ental was chargedged Sunday wiih usin^ I s h a p e u p , to d a y ’ss g u e s t e d ito r- matches tolo s<set dry grass aflam i.',, ; ialsjQTs. starting aI blrblaze that turned iiii<< P a g e A 6 H | | th e w orst willwildfire in Arizona In'- /C S ' ITeonard*d CGregg. 29, worke<l '-A ■ D eec lo b o yy b o u n a o m in g under contraitract C H ds a firefight<Ighter ^ — -M anlpul^lfgr g ™ s b — ~ \ ~ r y ~ ---------- fbrthe BurerLircau ____ c k a f t e rrm a u iiriIcf of' Indiiiid ia n A n e w te c h n o lo g;y y allos w s CD Affairs ana n d .. was one of>f tlth e ■ ^w ords a n d s o n g t:o o ee m e r g e B yN ateJohJohnson g r a n d m o th e r ’.s h o m e first peopi:o p le firom t h e lip s o f p)eople.who e o Tlme»Newsiws writer_______________ Golden Rail trailerr park in ,j , c o u ld n e v e r p o s sib lyl h a v e Burley. A dog crawled underu llic u t t e r e d th e m . .0 - Three weeks after fence .separating a playy :s m ic lu r c I I I T u e sd a y I acked Jose Cuevas, the fro m th e d o g -o w n e r’ss lin. ,uid setting Ih ^ H i D eclo -year-old is back on his dragged the boy hadck I., the ,i„sol,fcoul T he H m e9 s ^ e w 8 :ould I U le to walk a' few steps other ■ dogs, Cassia1 C o u n ty „„on a Leonard Gregg assistance.